shaping the future... one step at a time


shaping the future... one step at a time
Delta Research and Educational Foundation promotes
research which identifies and fashions solutions to issues
affecting African American women and their families,
nationally and globally, through funding and support of
public service programs of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
and collaborative organizations.
Delta Research and Educational Foundation — 2010–2011 Board of Directors . . . . . . 2
Message from the President
. . . . . . . ....................................................... . . . . .
Fund Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Community-Based Grantmaking and Program Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Charitable Giving Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Research and Public Dialogue on Socioeconomic Policy Issues
................... . . . .
2010–2011 Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Donor Roll-Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Alison J. Harmon, Ed.D., President
Gloria Hardiman-Tobin, Esq., Vice President
Venida Y. Hamilton, Secretary
Larry P. Suarez, Treasurer
Cynthia M. A. Butler-McIntyre
National President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Constance E. Clayton, Ed.D.
Margot James Copeland
Fernando Daniels lll, MD, FACEP
Thelma James Day, Ed.D.
Deborah Elam
Teresa Harman, CPA, CISA
Michele Fantt Harris, J.D., SPHR
Anthony F. Holt
Deborah A. Jones-Buggs
Carolyn E. Lewis
Jerry Malone, Esq.
Xavier R. Richardson
Elizabeth Seja Min
Mia S. Smith
Deborah C. Thomas, Ed.D.
S. Jenell Trigg, Esq.
Ex Officio Members
Roseline McKinney
Executive Director
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Madeliene H. Dobbins, Esq.
Director and Chief Administrative Officer
Madeliene H. Dobbins, Esq. Director and Chief Administrative Officer
Deborah Peaks Coleman, Program Officer
Antonette Bruno, Development Associate
Shalieda Marquez, Administrative Assistant
Cheryl M. Thomas, Financial Consultant
Message from the President
and gratefully thank
you. Our passionate
work of “Shaping the
Future…One Step at a
Time,” might not have
been as successful, or
indeed possible, if you
were not sharing and
supporting our vision.
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am once again proud to share with you how The
Delta Foundation makes a difference. Not a day goes
by that I do not pause and reflect on how we, together
with our partners, supporters and friends, have opened
doors of opportunity that changed the lives of African
American women and their families.
This fiscal year stands firm in the Foundation’s
tradition. Your contributions enabled us to help shape
the destinies of countless girls and young women.
Community programs we funded taught young
men, through the EMBODI initiative, how to develop
independent, rewarding lives. Scholarships awarded
bridged the gap between entering college or facing
the disappointment of a dream deferred. The premier
edition of PHILLIS, The Center’s scholarly journal
re-named in honor of Phillis Wheatley, compellingly
sheds light on the devastating effects of trauma on
the African American woman. Poignant personal
perspectives, coupled with research shared by noted
African American female scholars, opened the eyes
of readers to the many insidious ways that traumatic
experiences shape life choices.
In closing, please take a moment to read our 20102011 Annual Report. I encourage you to share it
with your colleagues and a friend so they, too, may
choose to become supporters of an organization that
effectively creates possibilities and improves lives.
Alison J. Harmon, Ed.D.
The Delta Foundation
I remain deeply touched by the continued
commitment of The Foundation’s donors. One at a
time, each of you has contributed to our mission of
supporting public service. On behalf of The Delta
Foundation’s Board and our dedicated staff, I humbly
The Delta Foundation’s donors share our vision of enabling, empowering and
transforming the lives of African American women. With their partnership and support,
we continue to create possibilities.
Dr. Louise A. Rice
23rd National President
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
sure my spirit of giving was
influenced by her spirit of
generosity.” After completing
her undergraduate education at Tuskegee Institute and
beginning her first employment, Dr. Rice started on her
own path of contributing and sharing her resources
which she continues today.
The accomplishments of Dr. Louise A. Rice can fill a
volume. Her vision, her practice, and ability to lead are
all testimony to a life spent encouraging and engaging
others to give their best, do their best, and expect
the best without reward. During the four years Dr.
Rice served as National President, the people of the
Gulf Coast suffered an unimaginable tragedy — the
loss of life, property and general disruption caused
by hurricanes Rita and Katrina. Rather than sit on the
sidelines, Dr. Rice mobilized the Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. network, along with all of its resources
to provide aid, comfort, strength of the sisterhood,
and funds to begin the long road to recovery and
“I am committed to the principle of tithing and to
annual giving to selective organizations and institutions
on a tier-level basis. The Delta Foundation is among
my annual top tier groups to which I contribute,”
she remarks. Considering the many giving options
available to Dr. Rice, when asked why the Foundation
she responds, “I made the decision on the basis of my
being a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and my
recognizing the necessity and importance of the work
the Foundation does in improving lives.”
Sharing and giving have been central points of
focus throughout Dr. Rice’s life. An early role model
was her mother, whom she credits and says, “I am
Deborah A. Elam
Corporate Executive, and Member
The Delta Foundation Board of Directors
Serving others comes naturally to Deborah Elam,
currently Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
at the global corporate giant, GE. Deborah has been
“hands on and involved with service” ever since she
donned her first Brownie cap. She continued as a
full-fledged Girl Scout earning badges for her
community service. Taking her high school’s motto,
“I Will Serve” to heart, she gave back to the New
Orleans community where she was raised. It comes as
no surprise that as a college student, Deborah chose
to join the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to continue
her charitable giving and to devote meaningful
time to serving an expanded
community’s interests and
Her compassion, coupled with her solid understanding
of how to make a difference in the lives of African
Americans in general and women in particular,
spurred her to be a change agent who embraced
philanthropy as an avenue to make social change. She
understood that matching workplace gifts increased
an organization’s ability to carry out its mission.
In her adult life, Deborah learned the value and
meaning of a nonprofit’s 501(c)(3) Federal tax
designation — value not only to the charitable group,
but also to the donor. Elam believes that nonprofit
organizations like The Delta Foundation could realize
more and larger individual donations if the tax
benefits were more clearly understood. “Younger
[Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.] members may not
understand what philanthropy is and what it means,”
Deborah remarks, and considers a workshop on
philanthropy a worthwhile effort for the Foundation
to undertake.
When asked how and why she contributes, Elam
responds, “I give to those activities that are of interest
to me, because they strike a chord.” Clearly, her service
on the Foundation’s Board of Directors and her annual
financial contributions strike some resonating notes.
Michele Fantt Harris, J.D., SPHR
Corporate Executive, and Member
The Delta Foundation Board of Directors
Paying it forward fittingly describes how Michele Fantt
Harris views her deep commitment to education and
helping to shape futures for African American women.
In her current position as Managing Director, Human
Resources for NCB, Michele knows the importance
of a solid education and being prepared for career
The Delta Foundation meets
both of her contribution
criteria. As an active and
involved board member, Michele serves along with
her board colleagues to ensure not only that the
Foundation abides by its founding mission, but also that
the organization’s finances can withstand scrutiny. She
knows every contribution counts and believes the board
and staff stewardship makes every spending decision
efficient and effective. Fantt Harris remarks, “No amount
[is] too small or too large…your dollars are leveraged.”
Michele’s passion for giving rests in her fond
remembrances of an aunt. “Every pay period she gave
to charity.” She inspired me… My aunt would say, ‘You
can always give a little something.’” And into her 90s,
Fantt Harris recalls that her aunt continued to give.
“She always gave something.” Honoring her aunt’s
tradition, Michele has constructed a dual philanthropic
mission — to support African American women and
life-changing empowerment opportunities gained
through education. “I owe it to her…to give a little
something,” Fantt Harris says.
When asked why she supports the Foundation with her
time, talents, and contributions, she confidently states,
“The Foundation helps to broaden the lives of African
American women…one at a time.” As a Member-AtLarge of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., she encourages
all other Members-At-Large “to get involved…here’s
your opportunity,” to give back and pay it forward.
Deborah Jones-Buggs
Chair, National Finance Committee, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Member, The Delta Foundation, Board of Directors
serves on the Women’s
Board of Chicago’s famed
DuSable Museum of African
American History, along with her valued membership
on The Delta Foundation’s Board of Directors. Giving
back to the community balances her work life as an
experienced Supervisory Special Agent for the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
If you ask the very busy Deborah Jones-Buggs why
she is contributor of her time and money, she will give
you a very grounded, yet inspiring response. “I believe
service is the rent we pay for having the privilege to
live on earth.” Her belief takes living form. JonesBuggs is an active member of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. chairing the National Finance Committee,
Deborah Jones-Buggs’ nearly four years spent on the
Foundation’s board gives her, as she says, “a front
row seat to [see] the hard work and dedication that
makes the Foundation the awesome organization that
it is today.” Adding, “it motivates me to continue to
advocate for the organization and the programs they
current and primary focus is to enlighten members
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority about the Foundation
because she says, “it is our Foundation and if we
don’t provide support, who will?” With the energy,
vision, and development skills that Deborah JonesBuggs brings to the Foundation, there leaves little
doubt that far more Delta members will populate the
Foundation’s Donor Roll.
Her active advocacy on behalf of The Delta Foundation
adds strength and purpose to her board service. Her
IDA: A Sword Among Lions Offers Fundraising Opportunity
During its opening meeting, held on September 11,
2010, for the 2010-2011 program year, the Greater
Cleveland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority welcomed the Sister Scholars Advisory
Council of The Delta Foundation’s Center for Research
on African American Women.
groups well into the 2010-2011 year. At the Greater
Cleveland event, it was reported that more than
100 of Giddings’ books were presented to Chapter
members who made donations that day to The Delta
Noted author and Sister Scholar, Paula J. Giddings,
was the featured presenter and spoke about her
award-winning book, IDA: A Sword Among Lions, the
remarkable biography of anti-lynching crusader Ida B.
The book, in 2009, was the inaugural selection for The
Center’s National Reading Circle. The overwhelming
popularity among Foundation supporters and Reading
Circle participants prompted The Center to extend
the book’s promotion among National Reading Circle
Author Paula J. Giddings signs her
book for contributor.
DST Greater Cleveland Alumnae
members welcome Sister Scholars to
opening meeting. Pictured (L-R) on
front row beginning with third person
from left: Dr. Cynthia NeverdonMorton, Dr. Alison J. Harmon,
Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, and
Paula J. Giddings.
The Delta Foundation manages funds on behalf of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc.’s local chapters as well as the following
“named” scholarships.
Lillian Pierce Benbow
Bertha Pitts Campbell
Hortense Golden Canady
Walter Connor and Alpearl
Sadberry Connor
Oleta L. Crain
Greenidge School Fund
Grace L. Hewell
Alice and John Johnson
Stephanie Tubbs Jones
Pearlie Lee Robinson
Eula Dean Roby
Juanita Kidd Stout
Vivian A. Ware (Fellowship)
C. M. White
Academic achievement deserves reward. The generosity of our donors helps the
Foundation turn academic excellence into life success.
Eula Dean Roby Scholarships Awarded
Eula Dean Roby, a 99-year old retired
educator in the Los Angeles School
System, and member of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc. for more than 73
years, personally funded the scholarship
named in her honor. For more than a
Eula Dean Roby
decade, Eula Dean Roby contributed
funds to The Delta Foundation, which totaled more
than $87,000 in the 2009–2010 fiscal year when the
scholarship was announced. Her life-long commitment
to education now provides financial aid to students
majoring in elementary education. Each student must
maintain at least a “B” average, and have participated
in the Dr. Betty Shabazz Academy.
attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and
has Inclusive Elementary Education as a major. Maci
Craig, the second scholarship awardee and a New
Orleans, LA native, is an incoming Tuskegee University
(AL) freshman majoring in Elementary Education.
Both students embody the spirit in which Ms. Roby
established the scholarship. In her own words, Ms.
Roby explains, “…to help someone go to school—
because someone helped me.”
Parents of Roby
Scholarship recipients
stand proudly with
their daughters. (L
to R) Rhonda Fraizer,
daughter Rhaniece
Choice, Maci Craig
and her mom Alida
The first Eula Dean Roby Scholarship awards were
presented to Rhaniece Choice and Maci Craig during
the Farwest Regional Conference held in Las Vegas,
NV. Rhaniece, a native of Omaha, NE is a sophomore,
Detroit Alumnae Chapter Honors 15th National President
with Named Scholarship
The Detroit Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. proudly established a scholarship at The
Delta Foundation in honor of Lillian Pierce Benbow,
14th Chapter President and the 15th National
President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
and Dr. Jeanne L. Noble. As conceived,
the Commission was purposed with
promoting positive, non-stereotypical
portrayals of African Americans in mass
media and art genres, and promoting
quality work by and about African
American women.
In announcing the educational award in 2010, Mardi
Woods, Detroit’s Chapter President stated, “Creativity,
artistic expression was her passion and we desire her
legacy to endure.”
Lillian Pierce Benbow
Graduate students pursuing a Master of Arts
degree can apply for The Benbow Scholarship.
“This scholarship will assist graduate students with
mastering their various art forms,” Chapter President
Woods stated, reflecting the former National
President’s passion for the arts. The graduate award is
to be presented in 2013 in conjunction with the Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority’s centennial anniversary.
Lillian Pierce Benbow was a writer of poetry, an
eloquent orator, and a strong advocate for the arts.
During her term as National President (1971–1975),
she established the National Commission on Arts
and Letters (CAL) which included such luminaries as
Leontyne Price, Lena Horne, Ruby Dee, Roberta Flack,
Working together with our partners, we see lives changed, futures re-directed, and
community fabric strengthened.
Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Program Grant: “School Daze…Wake Up!”
2011 College Tour Program
The heady decisions surrounding how to prepare
for life after high school often play second fiddle
to students’ daily schedules of balancing home
responsibilities, studies and homework, social and
sporting events, weekend schedules, and part-time
jobs. The members of the Stone Mountain-Lithonia
Alumnae Chapter, however, had different and lifechanging ideas for the interested ninth through
twelfth graders enrolled in the Chapter’s “School
Daze…Wake Up!” program. The members knew that
the young people had to wake up from their daily
routines and spend time focused on their futures and
career choices.
At each stop, the students participated in interactive
sessions designed to hear first-hand from students,
counselors, admission officers, and other university
personnel about life on campus, expectations,
curriculum, and educational costs. The goal, the
Chapter anticipated, was that each student gained
sufficient exposure to make an informed decision
about college selection, and an expanded view of
career choices.
Judging by the students’ comments and the Chapter’s
program evaluation, 51 more students are now awake
to new possibilities.
The 2011 College Tour Program engaged 51 Atlanta,
Georgia area college bound youth in a 5-part
workshop series covering the college application
process, career choices, work choices, and financial aid
options, which was also open for the students’ parents.
Following the mandatory workshops, students and
chaperones boarded a bus which took them on an
experiential, eye-opening, and informative tour of
seven institutions of higher learning including Virginia
Tech, Hampton University, Old Dominion, Norfolk State
University, University of Virginia, Howard University
and Georgetown University.
Students capturing details of their college tour experience.
THE 2010-2011 GRANTEES:
Shaping the Future…One Step at a Time!
Young Delta Academy Program
Participant — The C.L.A.S.S. –
Leadership Development
Montgomery (AL)Alumnae Chapter
Teens attending day-long Girls
Summit 2011
Hosted by Chattanooga (TN)
Alumnae Chapter
Young men attending EMBODI
program closing event
Prince George’s County (MD)
Alumnae Chapter
High school students gather before boarding the bus on their college tour experience sponsored by the Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter.
$50,000 Grant Supports IMPACT Day of Service
The Foundation for the Mid South awarded The
Delta Foundation a $50,000 grant to support several
nonprofit organizations benefiting from the IMPACT
Day of Service initiated by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Inc. held during the organization’s 50th National
Convention in New Orleans, LA. Delta members
attending the national convention performed
volunteer service and contributed funds to “impact”
local communities and organizations devastated by
Hurricane Katrina.
program; Efforts of Grace, a provider of educational
development for youth through arts and cultural
programming; Leona Tate Foundation that tutors and
prepares students to take standardized tests; Desire
Street Ministries, conducts after-school programs
for youth, and the Louisiana Oystermen’s Association
which provides help to fishermen with claims
processing and contracting opportunities.
The Foundation for the Mid South is a regional
foundation whose mission it is to invest in people and
strategies that build philanthropy and promote racial,
social, and economic equity in Arkansas, Louisiana,
and Mississippi. The grant was presented in the form
of a challenge award designed to foster matching
contributions from Delta chapters and their members.
Local organizations benefitting from hands-on
assistance and with financial awards included:
Roots of Music for music education; Armstrong
Family Services, a provider of transitional housing
and assistance to homeless families; The Forest
Organization, a community action and empowerment
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. National President, Cynthia Butler-McIntyre (2nd
row, 2nd left), congratulates representatives of IMPACT Day of Service grantees.
Delta members work with local residents to help restore and clear
New Orleans, LA community areas.
2010–11 Grantee Partners
Delta San Francisco-Peninsula Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Amount: $750
“Reaching Financial Security,” a session held to
educate and empower youngsters through seniors
about budgeting, saving, and investing; retirement
planning and planned giving; and entrepreneurship.
Franklin Tri-County Alumnae Chapter
Courtland, VA
Amount: $1,000
Personal Care Aide Program offered 40-hour training
course for individuals seeking employment in the
Home Health Care field.
LACE: LaMarque Alumnae Charitable and
Educational Foundation
LaMarque, TX
Amount: $1,000
“My Future Reality Store,” a financial literacy program
for young women between the ages of 14 and 19.
Making it to the Finish Line
Detroit, MI
Amount: $1,000
“New You—Employment Readiness,” an eight-week
employment preparation program offered to African
American women that focused on the basic skills to
obtain and retain employment.
Zeta Epsilon Chapter, Coppin State University
Baltimore, MD
Amount: $1,000
“Financial Fortitude: Backpack to Briefcase,” a
financial literacy program for students enrolled at
HBCU Coppin State University.
African Continuum Theatre Company
Washington, DC
Amount: $1,000
Off the Circuit Performance Ensemble offered
a variety of performing arts opportunities to the
residents of Delta Towers, a senior housing complex.
Residents participated in pre-performance workshops,
viewed live performances and participated in postperformance discussions.
Ames Alumnae Chapter
Ames, IA
Amount: $500
Delta Academy/Delta GEMS Program engaged
girls 11-18 years old in educational and mentoring
activities; program focused on science and technology,
African American history, and leadership.
Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter
Baltimore, MD
Amount: $750
Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy engaged girls 11-14
years old in monthly Saturday educational enrichment
and leadership development activities.
100 Black Men of Central Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Amount: $1,000
EMBODI Conference, a one-day EMBODI conference
convened for Charlottesville area young men in grades
7-12. Sessions focused on educational development,
social skills, and emotional and mental health wellness
as keys to achieve success and independence.
Burlington Alumnae Chapter
Burlington, NC
Amount: $1,000
Chapter presented an EMBODI Summit that offered
workshops on health, relationships, and professional
development for young African American men.
Central Arkansas Alumnae
Little Rock, AR
Amount: $1,000
Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy and Delta GEMS,
offered a five-session preparation course for girls
taking the ACT, SAT, and PSAT standardized tests.
Course content focused on academic tutoring in
mathematics, science, and essay writing.
14 Charlottesville Alumnae Chapter
Charlottesville, VA
Amount: $1,000
direct services or referral services. Chapter sponsored
a Community Day event where school supplies were
dispensed, and partnered with Ward 8 community
organizations to support personal development and
civic engagement.
Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy: Catching the
Dreams of Tomorrow, Preparing Young Women
for the 21st Century and Dr. Jeanne L. Noble
GEMS Institute: Growing and Empowering Myself
Successfully, conducted monthly interactive lessons,
workshops, and service learning projects for girls
11-14 years old and high school-aged girls 14-18;
program emphasized excelling in science, math,
reading, technology, personal development and civic
Girls, Inc. of Greater Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
Amount: $1,000
Our Good Choices/Life Skills Initiative, an initiative
that presented girls with the knowledge, skills and
attitudes to make positive choices for future success.
The program worked to reduce the risk of girls
becoming drug dependent, engaging in criminal and
delinquent behavior, pregnancy, and to discourage
unhealthy lifestyles.
Chattanooga Alumnae Chapter
Chattanooga, TN
Amount: $1,000
Girls Summit 2011, a one-day conference for girls
in grades 6 through 12 that focused on personal
development, health and wellness, education, and
relationships. Parents were invited to attend the free
Hayward Tri-City Alumnae Chapter
Hayward, CA
Amount: $1,000
Technology Training Program, a four-part program
offered to girls between 13 and 19 years old focusing
on training in media (cable-TV production), computer
design, medical device development, and technology.
Delta Fortitude Foundation
Pontiac, MI
Amount: $750
Marietta-Roswell Alumnae Chapter
Marietta, GA
Amount: $1,000
Salute to Young Heroes/EMBODI, an eight-month
program to assist young men with transitioning
from teen years to young adulthood emphasizing
enrichment workshops, community service projects,
mentorship, cultural activities, leadership development
and self improvement.
Delta GEMS and Delta Academy, The Chapter’s
monthly programs engaged 100 girls, ages 11 through
18, in educational activities, personal development
workshops, and cultural enrichment.
Denver Delta, Inc.
Denver, CO
Amount: $1,000
The Memphis Challenge
Memphis, TN
Amount: $750
ACT Preparation, a workshop series conducted to
prepare high school students to achieve success on the
standardized ACT test.
The Dinner Dialogues, a literature immersion program
designed to expose students of color to contemporary
works of non-fiction, foster scholastic achievement,
and increase social awareness. The Dinner Dialogues
will occur bimonthly over an eight-month period
with scholarly discussions, moderated by a literary
professional at various dining establishments.
Federal City Alumnae Chapter
Washington, D.C.
Amount: $1,000
EMBODI program linked young men and their
mothers with community partners to address issues
affecting their development including mentorship,
Montgomery Alumnae Chapter
Montgomery, AL
Amount: $1,000
Community Day. Students were introduced to the
University’s science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) academic courses and related
career choices.
The CLASS (Creating Leaders Aspiring in Scholarship
and Service) Success Leadership Program, a
monthly leadership development initiative for youth
in underserved communities emphasized character
building, problem solving, personal and career
development, confidence enhancement and creating
vision/goals. The program concluded with a leadership
Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae
Stone Mountain, GA
Amount: $1,000
College Tour 2011 “School Daze—Wake Up,” offered
workshops on applying to college and included tours
of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and
other universities in Alabama and Tennessee.
North Dallas Suburban Foundation for Life
Development & Community Involvement
Dallas, TX
Amount: $750
Zeta Eta Chapter, University of North Texas
Denton, TX
Amount: $1,000
Read-Ins at the Ella Goode Johnson Library, program
included monthly read-in sessions held for the entire
family to promote the fundamental value of reading.
Delta Academy and Delta GEMS, a community
outreach initiative that engaged 30 to 35 middle and
high school girls in cultural, social, and academic
experiences while preparing them for community
leadership roles.
One Delta Plaza Education Center
Houston, TX
Amount: $1,000
Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Amount: $1,000
College Prep and Delta Institute, more than
160 students and their families participated in a
program that focused on enhancing leadership skills,
educational development, and improved standardized
test scores of students in the Houston metropolitan
The Phythias A. Jones and Virginia I. Jones African
American Community Forum on Memory Loss drew
more than 250 participants who received information
about memory loss, community services, and
promising research. The Forum’s goal was to provide
information and support to African American family
caregivers of loved ones with dementia.
Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter
Prince George’s County, MD
Amount: $1,000
Charles A. Walburg Multi-Service Organization
New York, NY
EMBODI curriculum included offering monthly
workshops to young men, focusing on topics pertinent
to achieving independence, personal development, and
Walburg Meals on Wheels, a homebound meal
delivery program, served seniors in the Central Harlem,
Washington Heights and Inwood sections of Upper
Manhattan, New York City.
Slidell Alumnae Chapter
Slidell, LA
Amount: $1,000
Christian Community Health Center
Chicago, IL
Amount: $1,000
College Tour to Jackson State University’s High
School/Community Day, 40 participants from the
Delta GEMS (girls age 11–18) traveled to Mississippi
for the Jackson State University High School
CCHC Discount Prescription Drug Program, is a
component of the pharmacy program that provides
Lambda Alpha Chapter
Whitewater, WI
Amount: $1,000
deeply discounted prescription drugs to patients
in need. The CCHC is a community health center
providing primary care, regardless of ability to pay,
to predominately low-income, African Americans on
Chicago’s south side and south suburbs.
AIDS Awareness Week, held a week-long series
of seminars and prevention activities (viewing
films, getting tested, etc.) for the students and
campus community at the University of Wisconsin
(Whitewater) to decrease the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Community Advocates for Family & Youth
Capitol Heights, MD
Amount: $1,000
Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae Chapter
Dallas, TX
Amount: $1,000
Victim Services Collaborative provides diverse services
to victims of violent crimes to reduce trauma, provide
stability, and ongoing support from the pre- through
post-trial period.
Safe Dates/Violence Prevention and Awareness
Program aimed to reduce and prevent dating abuse
problems among youth and improve peer relations.
Glodine Kennedy Foundation
Cerritos, CA
Amount: $1,000
North Harris County Alumnae Chapter
Cypress, Texas
Amount: $750
Total Health: Mind, Body and Spirit Health Fair, is
an annual community health fair held in South
Central Los Angeles to offer free health screenings
and seminars for an ethnically diverse and
medically underserved population. Event focused on
cardiovascular disease, mental health, diabetes, obesity
management, hearing, vision, HIV/AIDS and other
health concerns.
“Loving Me,” a half-day workshop on self-love and
bullying; emphasis on building self-esteem as the
foundation for a teen’s success.
Saginaw Alumnae Chapter
Saginaw, MI
Amount: $1,000
Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter
Lawrenceville, GA
Amount: $1,000
Power Play Saturday, a day devoted to educating and
encouraging African American families to embrace
healthy lifestyles—incorporating regular exercise and
proper nutrition into daily lives with an emphasis on
achieving heart health.
Taboo Tea, an annual event where women gather
for tea to discuss health-related topics including
mental illness, depression, domestic violence, sexual
dysfunctions and other health conditions and
behaviors considered “taboo.”
Shelby County Alumnae Chapter
Shelby County, TN
Amount: $1,000
Inglewood Alumnae Chapter
Inglewood, CA
Amount: $1,000
Ida B. Wells Commemorative Weekend was designed
to empower, nurture and expose women and girls
to the rich heritage and legacy of activist and social
change agent, Ida B. Wells that included a series
of educational, social action, and art and letters
Healthy Cooking for Girls, Classes for girls enrolled
in the chapter’s Delta Academy and Delta GEMS
programs on how to prepare nutritious meals and
make healthy food choices to decrease childhood
obesity. Classes integrated math, science and language
art skills.
The Foundation’s services support Delta chapters’ charitable and educational
Financial Summit Draws Buffalo, NY Tweens, Teens, and Adults
Learning how to financially survive and thrive in
these challenging times was the subject of a financial
literacy summit hosted by the Buffalo Alumnae
Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Held
under the umbrella of the Sorority’s national Financial
Fortitude initiative, the free-of-charge event drew an
age-diverse audience including tweens, teens, adults
and seniors.
Workshops for “Tweens and Teens” focused on steps
to pay for college, managing money, and establishing
credit. “Generation X’ers and Y’ers” heard speakers
present information on buying a first home, financing
retirement and how to become debt-free. “Baby
Boomers” attended sessions on topics including steps
to manage an estate, planning for retirement, and
The day’s keynote speaker was the award-winning
Washington Post newspaper’s syndicated columnist,
and personal finance expert Michelle Singletary. Her
to-the-point, yet plain spoken presentation about
money management topped the day’s objectives to
help Buffalo residents navigate through financial
uncertainties. Ms. Singletary shared information that
can regularly be accessed in her widely read column,
“The Color of Money,” now carried by over 100
newspapers, which includes The Buffalo News, and
brought her message to life for the audience.
The Delta Foundation’s Charitable Giving Service
assisted the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter by serving as
the non-profit vehicle that received the charitable
donations and sponsorship support for the financial
Financial expert, journalist, and author Michele Singletary (center)
welcomed by Buffalo Alumnae Chapter leadership Robyn Tate, Chapter
President (left) and Thomasina R. Stenhouse, Chairperson of the
Financial Fortitude Summit (right).
The Foundation’s Center for Research on African American Women (The Center)
steadily and purposefully moved forward to carry out its founding mission to serve as a
research and educational institute.
PHILLIS: The Journal for
Research on African American
“Generations of Black Women and Activism” was
addressed by a professionally diverse panel of speakers.
Presenters included Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s
14th National President Frankie M. Freeman, civil
rights attorney; Zinga A. Fraser, 2009–2010 Vivian A.
Ware Fellow and doctoral candidate at Northwestern
University; and Sister Scholars Advisory Council
members Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Professor at
Spelman College, Paula J. Giddings, Professor at Smith
College; and Dr. Alison J. Harmon, Delta Foundation
President. Capturing the Forum’s essence, Dr. Harmon
stated, “In order to forge ahead to create progressive
change for the betterment of our families and
communities, we must know what and how the
women before us made a difference in our lives.”
The Center proudly unveiled the inaugural issue of its
annual and newly-named scholarly journal, PHILLIS:
The Journal for Research on African American Women.
The Center’s Sister Scholars Advisory Council
unanimously decided that the Journal would be
named in honor of Phillis Wheatley, the first African
American to publish a book in the United States. Two
Sister Scholars served as co-guest editors: Dr. Darlene
Clark Hine, Professor of African American Studies
and History at Northwestern University and Paula J.
Giddings, Professor of Afro-American Studies at Smith
College. The premiere issue’s focus was on “trauma
and the African American woman.” The first half of
the Journal included scholarly essays on the topic
and the second half featured personal narratives in a
special section entitled “Voices: Sisters of the Diaspora
Speak.” African American and South African women
shared personal stories about enduring adversity and
traumatic experiences in the “Voices” segment edited
by Sister Scholars Advisory Council member, Dr. Ramla
Bandele, Associate Professor at Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).
National Reading Circle
For the second time, the collaboration between The
Center and the National Commission on Arts and
Letters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. yielded
the book selection for National Reading Circle
participants, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration
in the Age of Color Blindness. Authored by Michelle
Alexander, Associate Professor at The Ohio State
University, Moritz School of Law, the criticallyacclaimed book boldly takes readers on a journey
through “our modern caste system, and what must
be done to eliminate it,” as stated by Benjamin Todd
Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP. National
Reading Circle groups were encouraged to read the
book, share their insights, and support the literary
efforts of African American women writers.
DELTA DAYS in the Nation’s
The 22nd Annual Delta Days in the Nation’s Capital
served as the inaugural forum of the Stephanie Tubbs
Jones Institute for Social Justice where the topic,
2010–2011 FINANCIAL
JUNE 30, 2011
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Other Assets
Total Liabilities
Grants 13%
In-kind Contributions 4%
Interest and Dividends 5%
Net Unrealized Gain 12%
Contributions 66%
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$4,721, 111
Management & General 9%
Fundraising 5%
Program Services 86%
Visionary Donor
$100,000 and Above
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Torch Bearer $25,000$99,999
Hagans Family Fund
Swann Galleries, Inc.
Change Agent
Eastern Region
Deborah A. Elam
IBM Employee Giving
Xavier R. Richardson
Larry P. Suarez
Catalyst $1,000$2,499
Madeliene H. Dobbins
Venida Young Hamilton
Gloria Hardiman-Tobin
Teresa D. Harman
Alison J. Harmon
Michele Fantt Harris
Jerry L. Malone
Elizabeth Seja Min
Louise A. Rice
Stephanie D. Smith
The McGraw-Hill Companies
S. Jenell Trigg
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Elsie Cooke-Holmes
Doreen A. Dixon
Suzzanne Douglas-Cobb
Fred Dowell, Jr.
Nina Kenney Dunn
Sheila M. Eley
Theljewa Garrett
Linda Hunt
Robin M. Jacobs
Ernestine Jones Jolivet
Journey Corp
Arthenia L. Joyner
Maria A. Kersey
Shirley Malone
Charlotte R. Miller
Marcia Fields Milton
Joe Ann Oatis
Diane M. Ridley-White
Pamela Ross
Ernie J. Satterwhite
Essie Slaughter
Deborah C. Thomas
TraShawn Thornton-Davis
Harrietta Wallace
Valerie D. White
Regina Milteer-Rock
Mabel L. Murray
Mattie Jewel Peterson
Patricia M. Reed-Cunningham
Thelma Maniece Robinson
Elisa R. Rucker
Cynthia Staton
Pearlie G. Thomas
Debbie W. Tijani
United Way of Tampa Bay
Demetriah L. Webster
Sandra N. Whetstone
Joanne L. Williams
Oscar Faye Williams
Wanda Adams
Glenda W. Adkins
Karen Ambeau
LaVonia Anderson
Rhonda Andrew
Doris Antley-Chisolm
Eugenia C. Atkinson
Inger C. Baker
T. Missy Balmir
Monique Banks
Ruth E. Banks-Crowder
Gertrude Beatrice Batiste
Barbara M. Bennett
Lucretia Billups
Tamara Birts
Bernadine Black
Sylvia S. Black
Antrece Boggett
Arlease S. Brady
Toni A. Brewton
Shinese Bridgeforth
Laura Brooks
Irene Byrd Brooks
Viola W. Brooks
Denice F. Brown
Joan D. Brown
Lynda V. Browne-Kidd
Trudy Bullard
Debra A. Bunkley
Joycelyn Caesar
ADC Foundation
C. Gloria Akers
Patricia Anthony
Miranda Askew-Brown
Leyonna M. Barba
B.A. Battiste
Angela Billings
BP Fabric of America Fund
Carla D. Brown
Joyce J. Burton
Flossie Marian Byrd
Gloria M. Cardwell
Central Florida YMCA
Josephine Chisom
Lisa Crutchfield-Diggs
Shari Curtis
Jennifer Francis
Maria C. Gay
Paula J. Giddings
Jere Glover
Carolyn D. Jackson
Constance Kendall
Law Offices of Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
Rae C. Martel
Christine Martin
Barbara A. Cager
Demeka Y. Campbell
Merle M. Capello
Musette S. Castle
Sharika Chambers
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Delta
Foundation, Inc.
Crystal Chatman-Brown
Eleanor Clark-Thomas
Olivia M. Cloud
Shirley A. Coaston
Dionne M. Colbert
Bobbye Booker Coleman
Deborah Peaks Coleman
Elaine Coleman
Faye L. Coleman
Conari Consulting LLC
Marva Cook
Leah Cooper
Terrilyn D. Copeland
Christine Corcos
Pamela Covington
Rhonda M. Craig
Valerie L. Crawford
Lynda D. Crayton
Gladys Crittendon
Francetta Cross
Barbara Ann Darby
Andrea Knight Dawson
Bonita Dawson-Edwards
Lorraine Day
Bernadette Derr
E. Diane
Lisa A. Dixon
Phoebe B. Dixon
Sheree J. Dixon
Margaret Dodson-Hatcher
Alona Welch Donerson
Regina Drake
Melba A. Dudley
Jacqueline Dupont-Walker
Marquerite H. Elias-Rice
Ralnah Elliott
Jacqueline A. Ellis
Patricia Evans
Linda Everett
Mae Everett
Patricia Faulkner
Linda Felton-Smith
Ellen A. Fizer
Dayna M. Fleming
Valerie R. Fleming-Goings
Latosha Flowers
Andrea Fogg
Barbara A. Forbes
Rosa L. Foster
Catherine Jones Frederick
Sylvia F. Fuller
Barbara Covington Gardner
Pamela Gibson
Gloria Gibson-Hamilton
Delphenia Gilbert
Gladys Lambert
Delilah T. Gomes
Sandra Gould
Nicole Govan Bard
Gwendolyn K. Grant
Juanita N. Green
Pamela Green
Marcia Griffin
Therese A. Griffin
Patricia H. Hall
Ruthie M. Hall
Helen T. Hamilton
Jan Hamlin
Joyce Brown Harris
Jowava Morrow Harrison
Emma S. Harrison
Norma J. Hatot
Jacqueline Hayes
Heart of Florida United Way,
Florence Henderson
Catherine D. Hepburn
Barnelle R. Herring
Philip L. Hillman
Donna L. Hines
Cordella A. Hinnant
Alice B. Holloway
Wendell D. Howard
Geraldine West Hudley
Mary L. Hudson
Annie L. Huguley
Alma Yvonne Hunter
Cherie Brown Jackson
Mona B. Jackson
Vera Jackson
Bevereley C. James
Sharon Jeffers James
Felicia Brown Jamison
Evelyn C. Johns
Alice W. Johnson
Alma J. Johnson
Liesa Johnson
Syble R. Johnson
Michaelle B. Jones
Deborah A. Jones-Buggs
Sherrie B. Joseph
Ella L. Kelley
Christina Kelly
Sinthea Myrick Kelly
Candice King
Vivian M. Lawyer
Cheryl Lear
Lula W. Lee
Veronica Lewis-Smith
Johnnie M. Lowery
Dora B. Lucas
Beverly Duvall Lyles
Catherine M. Lyons
Donata Russell Major
Mal-Jonal Production
Cheryl Malloy
Gloria J. Marrow
Judy L. Marshall
Janis Robin Massey
Carolyn Y. Matthews
Debra C. McAllister
Delores L. McClain
Merline D. McCloud
Bernice M. McDaniels
Erica McGowan
Launell McGuine
Vashti Murphy McKenzie
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Patricia A. Middleton
Glenda A. Miles
Lucinda Mills
Joylette Mills-Ransome
Marcia Milton
Linda Mims
Barbara M. Mitchell
Emily Moore
Vickie Moore
Johnetta Wade Morrison
Tracy Morton
Minnie D. Mott
Camay Murphy
Mary Starks Neal
Patricia Lucile Newland
Elaine Nichols
Joaniteka Nixon
Northeasterner, Inc.
Laura J. Odem
Angel Y. Okrah
Vanessa M. Parker
Violet R. Parker
Patrice A. Patin
Cynthia E. Patton-Johnson
Tracey K. Peatross
Suzanne Brown Peters
Carline Phillips
Dinah L. Phillips
Maida L. Piggee
Darleen M. Pope
Melinda M. Pope
Jean S. Porter
Joan Prince Price
Terri N. Reaves
Darlene V. Richards
Ruth B. Richardson
Clara W. Robinson
Racquel Robinson
Renee Robinson
Yvette G. Robinson
Charisse Rodgers
Rogercarole Rogers
Lutheria Rountree
Cynthia R. Roy
Eula J. Rutledge
Deneen Sanders
Ellen Adlonia Sandidge
Jennifer Agnew Scott
Shirron L. Scott
Nettie H. Seabrooks
Joyce H. Shambley
Esther M. Shields-Jones
Rita Simpkins-Smith
Donna L. Smith
Elease Fogle Smith
Fontella Y. Smith
Pamela E. Smith
Rose L. Smith
Zelma Smith
Dorothy E. Sojourner
Karen C. Somerville
Martha W. Spencer
State of Louisiana
Robin R. Steele
Evelyn Storrs
Wanda Stringfield
Rondalyn Strother-Graham
Linnea E. Stuart
Tanisha M. Sullivan
Janice Taylor
Louise Taylor
The Coca-Cola Foundation
The GE Foundation
Paulette Thomas
Cheryl M. Thomas
Vera H. Thompson
Cheryl W. Turner
Johnnie R. Turner
Veronica Tutt
United Way of Tampa Bay
Raven C. Viltz
Paulette C. Walker
Lasaundra Watson
Angela Watson-McClarty
Easter Weathers
Carol A. Weir
Barbara Wellons
Pamela M. Weston
Ella Weymon
Jessica Whitaker
Joeann English White
Christina Whitehurst
Karen D. Wiggins
Anita L. Williams
Dorothy M. Williams
Ernest Williams
Karen Patricia Williams
Martha Williams
Tycely Williams
Barbara W. Wilson
Clara V. Wilson
Irma B. Wise
Kandis Wyatt
Carrie C. Young
Synovia Youngblood
Sharon Younger
Brittany Zaehringer
$99 and Below
Gilda Abney
Patricia A. Ackerman
Misty R. Ackles-Dumas
Debra Aikens
Michele Aikens
Ola Alexander
Margaret K. Alexander
Allstate Giving Campaign
Emma L. Amacker
Ramona C. Anderson
Mildred R. Anderson
Tracey L. Anderson
Kim Denise Anthony
Patricia M. Anthony
June Sallee Antoine
Mary E. Armstrong
LaMichelle A. Arnold
Tamara M. Ashton
Tara V. Askew
Tracy M. Autry
Antrece Baggett
Gloria F. Bailey
Dorothy T. Baker
Felecia Baker
Onita Baker
Valeria F. Baker
Shannon B. Baldwin
Vicki Ballou-Watts
Erica Banks
Mildred Barden
Andrea Barefield
Patricia M. Barker
Sheila H. Barker
Dior Barry
Felicia Barwell
Betty M. Bates
Susan Baxter
Chassity Beads
Selece Beasley
Lynn Houston Bell
Myrtle W. Bell
Frieda R. Bennett
Lillian Bennett
Carolyn Bentley
Jacqueline A. Berrien
Belinda Berry
Bridgett T. Berry
Nya Berry
Roberta Berry
Lorna M. Best
L. Peggy Bethel
Doris B. M. Bey
Darcel T. Bigelow
Dena D. Bilbrew
Marion Binion
Cynthia C. Birks
Jane A. Bishop
Jessie Bishop
Sharon Y. Black
Sherry L. Blakeney
Maxine Lloyd Blanks
Angela Blidore
Eva C. Blount
Anna Sumter Boulware
Alice Bowman-Cropper
Ann Barrow Boyd
Shirley C. Boyd
Lois G. Boykin
Myesha Braden
Marva Bradford
Mary Bradley
Lou E. Bradley-Turner
Bertha M. Brady
Lucille M. Brewer
Wannetta Bridges
Pamela Bridgett
Sharon Briggs
Rhonda E. Britton
Mary E. Brock
Jackie Brooks
Marsha A. Brooks
Michelle A. Brooks
Sheila Brooks-LeFridge
Alma G. Brown
C. Evette Brown
Candice Brown
Denise Brown
Jesselyn M. Brown
Monica L. Brown
Betty L. Brown-Chappell
Sheree Bruinton
Antonette E. Bruno
JoAnne Brunson
Julia Wright Brunson
Andrea P. Bryant
Nuntiata Buck
Patricia G. Buckner
Virgie Bullie
Gladys Bullock
Doris Burns
Velma Burrs
Lisa M. Butler
Carlene P. Byrd
Yolanda P. Caldwell
Georgia Cambell
Kathryn L. Campbell
Barzella Canady
Sandra D. Cannon
Carolyn K. Dunnell
Rekyta Carr
Emily T. Carroll
Gwendolyn L. Carroll
Gerthia G. Carter
Phyllis H. Carter
Renee T. Cavor
Judith A. Chapman
Audrey B. Chase
Aisha Childs
Yolanda Childs
Doris Chisolm
Choice Photography
Betty Clark
Beverly S. Clark
Carolyn Clark
Lael Clark
Anne-Marie Clarke
Asiah Clendinen
Avis L. Clinton
Rhonda Quash Coates
Donna D. Coleman
Larry G. Coleman
M. E. Coleman
Shalonda Coleman
Eva Coley
Deloris C. Collins
Ronnie H. Collins
Kerri Collymore
Frances Colston
Gwendolyn Combs
Manoushka L. Constant
Angela Maria Cook
Janet White Cook
Olinda Cook
Barbara E. Cooper
Eyvonda Cooper
Henri E. Cooper
Stephanie M. Cooper
Deborah F. Copeland
Roniesha L. Copeland
Aldrienne Crawford
Tais V. Crawford-Thomas
Barbara Crawley
Cheena Credit
Renee M. Crews
Daria L. Cross
Janice Crowley
Margaret L. Dancy
Heidi L. Daniels
Mona Y. Davenport
Alice J. Davis
Barbara Davis
Cheryl Davis
Delrita Davis
Dorothy J. Davis
Emma Davis
Joyce Davis
Kimberly Davis
Mary Lee Davis
Megan Davis
Shirley J. Davis
Bernice Hill Dawson
Emma W. Dawson
Martha C. Day
Helen B. Dean
Carla J. Debnam
Jewell Debnam
Janeen Dednam-Wright
Gloria Alexander Dennard
Doris E. DeVore
Barbara J. Diamond
Vernetta Y. Dickerson
Vurnella Dickerson
Esmerelda N. Dickson
Chantay Walker Dillard
Deborah Dixon
Shaunte D. Dixon
Barbara W. Dobbins
Andrea Dockery
Geraldine Dockery
Walta Sue Dodd
Diana Donaldson
Erica Donerson
Florence Doss
Gloria Thorpe Doyle
Karen Gunn Dozier
Delores Johnson Drakes
Sharon D. Drew
Katherine Drexler
Kathleen E. Driver
Lawanda DuBoise
Bonita R. Durand
Bene’ L. Durant
Gloria Durham
Karen Elise Eady-Williams
Dolores B. Ealy-O’Neal
Regina G. Echols
Faith Edgar
Alma B. Edwards
Dorothy Edwards
Patricia A. Edwards
Evelyn Elliott
Crystal Ellis-Abdullah
Gussie Johnson Ervin
Lorie A. Evans
Arlinda Fair
Lisa Farmer
Dana Faulkner-West
Marilyn Favors
Betty T. Ferguson
Jericka Fernandez
Doris Ferree
Andrea L. Fields
Ethel B. Fields
Pearlie M. Fields
Sylvia Y. Fields
Calesta Carroll L. Fitzhugh
Anita P. Fleming
Dayna M. Fleming
Gabrielle Floyd
Myra Forbes
Pearl K. Ford
Trewery L. Ford
Robin Foust
Bettye Fowler
Jennifer Franklin
Viola Franklin
Nedra D. Friday
Maxine M. Fuller
Ponzella Penny Fuller
Candace C. Gaddy
Vallery B. Gaines
Dorothy F. Galberth
Dana Gardner
Y. Garner
Lydia Maria Garnier
Terri L. Gaston
Jane K. Gates
Valarie A. Gatlin
Linda J. Gay
Trika Gerard
Juanita German
Karin I. Gibson
S. R. Gibson
Lois J. Gilder
Juliet Gilliam
Lynn Martin Gilmore
Eleanor R. Gittens
Cynthia Glenn-Cotton
Jahnara Glover
Vilma Gobourne
Wilhelmina D. Goff
Carol Goins
Phenie D. Golatt
Celestine B. Gomes
Paula G. Gomes
Peggy T. Goods
Sheree S. Gordon
Hermione C. Graham
Yvette C. Graham
Felita Y. Granby
Ivory V. Grant
Micki Grant
Norma L. Grant
Leslie T. Graves
Lyndia C. Gray
Lynn Ward Gray
Amissa G. Green
Angela K. Green
Marcia Butler Holt
Dominique Marie Hopkins
Lillian R. Horne
Kathy L. Horton
Tanya Horton
Valerie Houser
Leslie Howard
Michelle Howard
Natasha Howard
Villetta Jones Howard
Linda H. Howard-Curtis
Adrienne L. Hubbard
Cheryl Y. Hudson
Stephanie Hughes
Annie L. Huguley
Sharon Hummer
Shawn M. Humphries
Virginia Hundley
Angela Hunt
Danielle N. Hunt
Gen Hunter
Nikisha Hunter
Portia-Klhotele V. Hunter
Patricia Hutcherson
Blanche L. Jackson
Cherie Jackson
Cherie Brown Jackson
Cheryl A. Jackson
Gloria W. Jackson
Meta Jackson
Robin Jackson
Nettie Jackson-Singleton
Carrie W. James
Barbara I. Jefferies
Frances E. Jefferson
Denise W. Jenkins
June Jenkins
Norma J. Jenkins
Crystal Jeter
Sabine M. Jeudy
Sheila Jewell
Kendra Jiles
Christine D. Johnson
Deborah Haynes Johnson
Lillie Jean Johnson
Marion B. Johnson
Mattie J. Johnson
Meryl Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Shaquira Johnson
Marian Johnson-Thompson
Darlene D. Smith Jones
Edna A. Jones
Anita Green
Darlene Green
Ouida Y. Green
Vivian Green
Jacqueline Green-Deckard
Charlene E. Greene
Gwendolyn Greene
Krystal Greene
Lena M. Greene
Betty Griffin
Cynthia Lee Grimes
Chakeia Guyton
Katherine Hainey
Barbara C. Hamilton
Rita Hanes
Princess Harper
Regina Harper
Angela Harris
Gladys Harris
Vonda Harris
LaReese Harrison
Rita J. Hart
Carole A. Harvey
Angela C. Hatton
Chelsea C. Hayes
Michelle A. Heard
Minyon L. Heard
Renata Henderson
Sybil S. Henderson
Iris M. Hernandez
Anne Herriott
Hewlett-Packard Company
Colleen C. Higgs
Barbara Hightower
Candace Hill
Cheryl M. Hill
Frankie Hill
Glynis M. Hill
Ernestine Hill-Warren
Kimberly Hixon
Karen A. Hodge
Anjanette Hogan
Regina N. Holder
Deborah Holland
Deborah J. Hollis
Sylvea Hollis
Crystal M. Holloman-Bullock
Angela B. Holmes
Deborah Holmes
Wilma Holmes
Deborah C. Holston
Annie Mae Holt
Emma L. Jones
Evelyn T. Jones
Gale F. Jones
Geraldine C. Jones
Janice L. Jones
Jesola Jones
Jessie M. Jones
Lesley Diann Jones
Lynette T. Jones
Mary C. Jones
Thelma Jones
Nancy Jordan
Bernadine Jordan-Howard
Jillian Joseph
Bessie M. Jowers
JP Morgan
Cheryl Judson
Cheryl B. Kates
Ester G. Kearney
June Kellum
Andrea M. Kelly
Jacqueline K. Kelly
Angela H. Kennebrew
Felicia L. Kennedy
Dora Kennison
Karen Key-Turner
Kidzone Childcare and
Enrichment Center
Gwendolyn Kingsberry
Glenda A. Kirkland
Latoya Kittrell
Evelyn Oliver Knight
Celestine Knox
Arnetta Koger
Tiffany K. Labrie
Saundra E. Lamb
Esther Jones Langston
Lassiter & Associates
Lori M. Lataillade
Catrina Latten
Patricia W. Lattimore
Sylvia H. Law
Mitzi J. Lawrence
Jacqueline B. Lawson
Katie L. Lawson
Wanda M. Lawson
Melvetta A. Leach-Peck
Gloria J. Lebby
Joyce W. Lee
Maya A. Lee
Cynthia H. Lewis
Ruth Lewis
Josie M. Lindsay
Pamela Lipscomb
Roena Littlejohn
Carol A. Littles
Jeannette M. Lloyd
Amanda Logan
Jane F. Long
Jennifer Long
Jean M. Loomis
Glenda H. Lottier
Ruth M. Lowe
Janet Luallen
Robert Lubran
Jacqueline Lucas
Sandra F. Mack
Sharon White Mackel
Janice Madison
O’dy Maduka
Amina B. Malcom
Sheila E. Manley
Shalieda D. Marquez
Angela Marshall
Beverly A. Marshall
Loretta D. Martin
Tracie Martin
Aisha Fraser Mason
Cheryl Mason
Anne D. Massenburg
Antoinette N. Massey
Ardelle Matthews
Eleanor P. Matthews
Theresa D. Mattison
Lynette A. May
Cheryl McCadney
Demetria McCain
Paulette M. McClure
Sandra McCrary-Marshall
Betty McCray
Sandra B. McCreary
Cecelia McFadden
Yolanda C. McFadden
Leslie Norris McFarland
Shonquella A. McGhee
Doris J. McGilberry
Evelyn McIntosh
Shanda A. Mcknight
Stacye McLarty
Frances Mclver
Jeannette J. McNeal
Chantay McNeil-Rigby
Shirlyon J. McWhorter
Erica Melbourne
Rita Mickie
Brenda Middleton
Cheryl Lynn Middleton-Jones
Sandra Y. Miles
Elizabeth P. Miller
Chandra B. Mincey
Charlene J. Mitchell
Dannette Y. Mitchell
Mary B. Mitchell
Lisa Mitts
Anita Mobley
Jean C. Monroe
Gertrude L. Montgomery
Wyteria J. Montgomery
Jacqueline E. Moody
Brenda Joyce Moore
Hazel S. Moore
Verona L. Morgan
Delores Morris
Bobbie Morrow
Simone W. Morton
Shawnica Pollard Moss
Twila Mouttet
Alicia Mullice
Rose Mullice
Shirley A. Murphy
Carolyn Murray
Barbara R. Myers
Shawna Nate Myles
National Pan Hellenic Council
Francesca V. Navarro
Judith T. Ned
Kendra C. Neely-Martin
Shelia Neely-Norman
Tiffany K. Nesbit
Cynthia Neverdon-Morton
Patsy J. Newborn
Gilda Smith Newman
Marvolene Nicholson
Tonia C. Nixon
Brenda G. Norman
Valerie W. Norton
Octeon C. Tellis
Joyelle K. Ogilvie
Ann-Marie Ogletree
Odessa Onooyhomwan
Anitta Y. Orr
Debbie Owens
Patricia Parker
Anna L. Parker
Levonia Parker
Lauren Parker
Mary Jean Parker
Patricia Parker
Duchess E. Parker-Mitchell
Karen Parsons
Katrina W. Paster
Toni V. Paster-DuPree
Willie Pauls
Frenchettia C. Payne
Alean Peek-Tate
Lucia B. Peele
Andrea J. Pelt-Thornton
Charisse Penalver
R. Beverly Peters
Ruby J. Peters
Barbara J. Peterson, Jr.
D. Denise Peterson
Belinda Pettiford
Elicia Phillips
Deborah R. Pickens
Erica C. Piper
Sherrell M. Pippen
Marcia R. Pledger
Patricia L. Plummer
Sheila Plummer
Nichelle Poe
Josie C. Porter
Madge Potts-Williams
Raquel Powell
Angela R. Powell
Marsanda Powell
Raquel T. Powell
Princess Powell-McEvilley
Anita R. Powers
Kimberly A. Pratt
Brenda J. Preston
Pamela Prevo
Joan Prince
Angela E. Prioleau
Kevin D. Purnell
Ruth Price Queen
Reather Quinn
Bernhild E. Quintero
Barbara G. Rackley
Christine Rahmings
Mary Cecilia Randall
Carolyn Ray
Mary D. Redd
John Reddish
Laurie C. Reid
Phyllis R. Reid
Gloria J. Reno
Elaine C. Rice
Penny Brenda Richardson
Bobbie J. Richardson
Charlie Ann Richardson
Tracy Richardson
Julia A. Richardson-Pate
Tammy L. Rigsby
Bernadine A. Rivers
Florena E. Roach
Rhonda Robertson
Charice M. Robinson
Beverly Rodgers
Cynthia Rodgers
Carol A. Rogers
Donna M. Rogers
JoHonda F. Rogers
Wanda Jones Rogers
Gale R. Rollins
Patricia D. Ross
Kathleen L. Royal
Dorothy Rush
Yashica Rushin
Judy Samuels
Arlene Story Sanders
Teresa D. Sands
Vernell Savage
Cassandra Savoy
LaShon Sawyer
Certisteen M. Scott
Hattie Olivia Scott
Chiquita Sear
Patricia A. Selby
Renee N. Shackelford
Caren T. Sharpe
Irene White Sharpe
Lori Shaw
Joan F. Shaw
Patricia Shepard
Jade Shepherd-Dabney
Theodosia T. Shields
Annie Sifford
Donna Simmons
Elaine S. Simmons
Michelle R. Simmons
P. Angelicia Simmons
Earnestine W. Simpson
Adrienne Simpson-Brown
Yvonne Nichols Sims
Norma B. Singleton
Claudia D. Skelton
Quantie Skinner
Vickie L. Slaughter
Wanda J. Sloan
Betty L. Smalls
Anne Marie Smith
Beverly E. Smith
Catina Smith
Fontella Y. Smith
Gwendolyn Smith
LaShon Smith
Mariama A. Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Rosetta Smith
Wanda Smith
Glenell S. Smoot
Carolyn S. Snipes
Jennifer R. Soles
Carolyn White Speed
Roslin Spigner
Donna Springs
Beatrice Squire
Maureen L. Stafford
K. F. Stapleton
Nedra Starling
Mari-Lynn Staton
Deborah Stennett
Sheri K. Stevens-Parker
Robin Y. Stewart
C. Rayne Stewart
Nadirah S. Stills
Tamra M. Stokes
Michelle L. Story-Stewart
Judith R. Stovall
Linnea E. Stuart
Patricia Sutherland-Cohen
Natalie Sykes
Delores Talley
Harold P. Tanner
Anita G. Tapp
Robyn Tate
Grace D. Tatem
Diana Lee Taylor
Emilee J. Taylor
Regina Taylor
Arisa Downs Teasley
Cherlyn Terrell
Elsabett Tesfaye
The Bank of New York Mellon
Community Partnership
Cheryl M. Thomas
Cynthia O. Thomas
Elizabeth H. Thomas
Jacqueline H. Thomas
Bonita Thompson
Fannie B. Thompson
Jacqueline E. Thompson
Karen Jacocks Thompson
Leonora Thompson
Audrey E.S. Thurman
Audrey R. Tidmore
Taliva A. Tillman
Keita Todd
Teresa Todd
Leola I. Tolen
Tameko Toliver
Emogene Toms
Carrell L. Townes
Doris T. Trammel
Aurora L. Trigg
Carolyn W. Trimble
Marles Sandra Truett
Lady S. Tucker
Bridget Turner
Cheryl W. Turner
Felicia C. Turner
Karen Roberts Turner
Ruby L. Turner
Michele D. Vaughn
Yvonnecris Smith Veal
Diane Venable
Phyllis E. Venable
Altarine Campbell Vernon
Gloria Vickers-Warren
Tanika Vincent
Patricia M. Waddy
Margaret Bing Wade
Veronica Wade
Phyllis M. Wadley
Lexcine M. Wall
Betsy Morrow Walpool
Doreen M. Ward
Lillie D. Ward
Martha Washington
Millie E. Washington
Ollie Washington
Susan Washington
Alice H. Washington
Erica Washington
Eleanor H. Washington
Patricia M. Washington
Felicia Wasson
Cherly G. Watkins
James Watkins
Avis C. Watts
Phyllis Way
Sandra M. Webb-Booker
Cassandra H. Webster
Janice Wells
Mary Wells
Nanette Wells-Brooks
Monica L. Wharton
Cheryl M. Whisonant
Dorothy C. White
Jacqueline R. White
Marilyn M. White
Monica N. White
Shinikequa T. White
Trudy M. White
Jo Ann Whitehurst
Debra Whiting
Margaret Whitley
Sadie H. Wiggins-Bell
Miriam Greta Wiggins-Lewis
Deborah C. Wilder
Louise T. Wilkerson
Janessa L. Williams
Keina M. Williams
Leekeetria Williams
Lori A. Williams
Marcia L. Williams
Margaret Williams
Oedies Williams
Phyllis V. Williams
Regina C. Williams
Robin H. Williams
Rosa O. Williams
S. J. Williams
Seleria J. Williams
Sheilah S. Williams
Bennie J. Williams-Roper
Peggy V. Wills
Gender Wilson
James H. Wilson III
Linda R. Wilson
Rheba Wilson
Valencia L. Wilson
Wendy M. Wilson
Yardina L. Wilson
Kenyetta Winston
Ryann Winters
Lorna Wisham
Angelique Witherspoon
Arlene A. Wongus
Eula S. Woodberry
Rosa Woodley-Richard
Stephanie Woods
Charlotte Woody
Edith O. Wright
Julia R. Wright
Maudie Wright
Ruby I. Wright
Kimberly C. Wright-Lyles
Helen J. Wyatt
Barbara Yates
Franciea Young
Arlene H. Young
New Orleans Alumnae
Change Agent
Georgetown (SC) Alumnae
Greater Cleveland Alumnae
Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter
Memphis Alumnae Chapter
Miami Alumnae Chapter
Prince George’s County
Alpha Xi Chapter
Bronx Alumnae Chapter
Charleston Alumnae Chapter
Collin County Alumnae
Corpus Christi Alumnae
Eta Delta Chapter
North Arundel County
Alumnae Chapter
North Dallas Suburban
Alumnae Chapter
Port Arthur Alumnae Chapter
Southfield Alumnae Chapter
Sumter Alumnae Chapter
Vallejo Alumnae Chapter
Waycross Alumnae Chapter
Arlington (TX) Alumnae
Bay Area Houston Alumnae
Brazosport Area Alumnae
Cambridge (MD) Alumnae
Dallas Alumnae Chapter
Dayton Alumnae Chapter
Franklin Tri-County Alumnae
Gamma Chi Chapter
Hampton Alumnae Chapter
Huntsville Alumnae Chapter
Jacksonville (NC) Alumnae
Laurinburg Alumnae Chapter
Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter
Nashville Alumnae Chapter
New Bern Alumnae Chapter
Nu Theta Chapter
Omicron Beta Chapter
Texarkana Alumnae Chapter
Virginia Northern Neck
Alumnae Chapter
Albuquerque Alumnae
Beaumont Alumnae Chapter
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Delta
Foundation, Inc.
Chester Alumnae Chapter
Detroit Alumnae Chapter
Dillon-Marion County
Dyersburg Alumnae Chapter
Eastern Panhandle Alumnae
Fairfield County Alumnae
Farmville Alumnae Chapter
Fayetteville Alumnae Chapter
Federal City Alumnae Chapter
Greene County Alumnae
Houston Metropolitan
Alumnae Chapter
La Grange Alumnae Chapter
La Marque Alumnae Chapter
Lawrenceville Alumnae
Mobile Alumnae Chapter
Petersburg Alumnae Chapter
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
Saginaw Alumnae Chapter
San Antonio Alumnae Chapter
Savannah Alumnae Chapter
Smithfield Alumnae Chapter
Suburban Houston-Fort Bend
Alumnae Chapter
Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter
Tuskegee Alumnae Chapter
Dorethas R. Bracey
Kimberly D. Brothers
Tiffany Brown
Andrea M. Brown
Pamela A. Butler
Nioka J. Carey
LaSondra Chavers
Alisha L. Clardy
Rosalyn Cole
Annette Conerly
Michael E. Conley
Sharon D. Cook
Leomia Craddock-Hampton
Kimberly D. Craig
Veronica R. Crutches
Katherine Cunningham
Charael D. Davis
James Dawkins
Felicia D. Deloatch
Rosalind Dennis
Deborah Dent
Sandra Deshields
Shiroshell Dingle
Terry F. Dodson
Kira Donaldson
Felita Donnell
Gwendolyn Dunlap
Marcy J. Dunlap
Larry Edwards
Batisa S. Edwards
Chinyere O. Ekechi
Nikeiba S. Estelle
Latisha C. Falana
Melanie R. Favors
Linda Finch
Aneesah Flagg
Briggette A. Fletcher
Jennifer R. Franks
Cathryn S. Gant
Vernita Gilliam
Jayne C. Gold
Evelyn D. Golden
Mattie Goode
Chiquita Goodloe-Suggs
Maria J. Goodman
Felecia Green
Quovadis Green
Kia S. Green
Elizabeth L. Gunn
Meghan A. Hall
Dorotha L. Hall
Andrea M. Harper
Jennifer C. Harris
$99 and Below
Albany (GA) Alumnae Chapter
Baton Rouge Delta Alumnae
Brunswick Alumnae Chapter
Buffalo Alumnae Chapter
Clay County Alumnae Chapter
Dillon-Marion County
Flint Alumnae Chapter
Fort Knox Alumnae Chapter
Griffin Area Alumnae Chapter
Gwinnett County Alumnae
High Desert Alumnae Chapter
Southfield Alumnae Chapter
Youngstown Alumnae Chapter
Combined Federal
Leslie J. Abrams
Pamela Adams
Tamika S. Ali
Keisha M. Atwood
Valtessia Austin
Toyia L. Austin
Veronica Avery
Sandra W. Baez
Latease J Bailey
Tracey D. Baker
Claudette Barber
Jameelah Bashir
Sharon D. Beard
Rosalyn Bell
Jacinta Berry
Stephanie R. Berry
Kathy Best
Suzette Betsil
Charmaine E. Betty-Singleton
Carlene A. Blanding
Jannie T. Bonner
Yulanda R. Bowman
Donna C. Bowman
Arma W. Boyd
Carina R. Harrison
Juanita E. Harvin
Locola D. Hayes
Rosemary S. Hickman
Terrian P. Hicks
Ireathea J. Hill
Keyrunta Houston
Leslie Howard
Brenda S. Howard
Rovelma A. Hudson
Sybil B. Imani
Stephanie Jackson
Gracieta Jackson
Margaret Jackson
Lisa Jackson
Keith F. Jackson
Thomas McNeal James
Andria M. Jeffries
Kimalyn Jennings
Nicole Johnson
Regina G. Johnson
Phyllis Jones
Martina Jones
Arthur Jones
Vanessa Jones
Arthur D. Jones
Synthia S. Jones
Andrea O. Jones
Sabrina King
Tandylyn Knighton
Amivie Kudolo
Anthony R. Landfair
Michele T. Laws
Rockea P. Lawson
Tara R. Lee
Sakeeta Lewis
Carolyn E. Lewis
Elizabeth J. Lloyd
Ellouise Love
Carlynn S. Lucas
Joanne S. Mack
Kimberly M. Manassa
Edith D. Manns
Brandi N. Martin
Gabriella M. McKinney
Karen Miller
Essye Miller
Michelle G. Mooney
Shirley A. Moore
Margaret A. Moore-Jackson
Stephanie K. Morales
Bobbie Morrow
Linda E. Moye
Charael D. Munn
Christine Munroe
Charlesetta Murray
Kristan Muttay
Colliar A. Myers
Marietta D. Newman
Katrina Nichols
Deborah L. Nious
Yemi Odutola
Barbretta H. Olanrewaju
Claudette C. Owens
Erin Owens
Crystal R. Penn
Amanda Penn
Channel Peoples
LaPrayshia O. Peoples
Shawn R. Peyton
Kimberly J. Pope
Alberta L. Presberry
Marquita Priester
Antonya P. Rakestraw
Jacquelyn J. Rantin
Kanianica C. Ray
Claudia L. Rhen
Annie Rice
Karlotta A. Richards
Cheryl L. Richardson
Marcia Riley
Erin E. Rivas
Karen N. Roberts
Naomi C. Robinson
Jacqueline A. Russ
Gina L. Sammons
Karen M. Scarlett-Adams
Erica M. Scavella
Tamara A. Scott
Harriett C. Scott
Nancy Session
Chrystal Session
Arthurine Shackleford
Patricia D. Shorter
Carla D. Smith
Kim Smith
Theresa M. Smith
Tangela Spencer
Sharon Sterling
Joann H. Strange
Dia C. Taylor
Nicole Thomas
Jocelyn Travis
Karen F. Triplett
Pattie Tucker
Russell D. Turner
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. James
& Anita Jenkins
Delois T. Leapheart
In honor of The Leadership
Doreen A. Dixon
In honor of Verna Lee
Maya A. Lee
In honor of Rose Smith Lowe
Rosetta Smith
In honor of LaShandra Little
National Pan Hellenic
In honor of Macon Alumnae
Charlotte Woody
In honor of Bishop Vashti
Murphy McKenzie
Nu Theta Chapter
In honor of Metropolitan
Dallas Alumnae Chapter
Collin County Alumnae
In honor of Dorothy M.
Peterson and Dr. Bertha M.
D. Denise Peterson
In honor of Brenda Rayford
Marcia Griffin
In honor of Sandra Reid
Ruth Lewis
In honor of Joan F. Shaw
Franciea Young
In honor of Lou Taylor
Cynthia Hamlin
In honor of Cluster III Texas
Houston Metropolitan
Alumnae Chapter
In honor of Paulette C.
Joan Prince
In honor of Izora Bateman
Lynn Ward Gray
In honor of Jean Watkins
Gladys Crittendon
In honor of Marrietta
Laura J. Burton Odem
Linda M. Turner
Willie D. Turner
Renaye Tyce
Vernita R. Walker
Barbara B. Walker
Teresa Walker-Mason
Adrienne M. Walls
Acosta C. Ward
Yvette L. Warren
Dorsal Watson
Arian White
Evelyn White
Giselle Whitfield
Rochelle Wilder
Vivian R. Williams
Trudy A. Williams
Mildred M. Williams-Johnson
Rosalyn Wilson
Audrey Wilson
Carmela Wilson-Styles
Kevin A. Woodhouse
Tamia S. Young
In Honor of...
In honor of the 22 Founders
of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc.
Monique Banks
In honor of the Children
of Greenfield Township,
South Africa
Lael Clark
In honor of Jeanne Acree
Debra Whiting
In honor of Madeliene H.
Prince George’s County
Delta Alumnae Foundation
Elsabett Tesfaye
In honor of Suzzanne
Bronx Alumnae Chapter
In honor of Marcia L. Fudge
Sharon Hummer
Darlene D. Smith
In honor of Florence Hall
Susan Washington
In honor of Mardese Holmes
Nicole Govan Bard
In honor of Angela Jackson
Maida L. Piggee
In Memory of...
In memory of Jewell G. Bibb
Pearlie G. Thomas
In memory of Lucy M. Burns
Latosha Flowers
In memory of Hortense
Golden Canady
Benetta E. Hicks
Jean S. Porter
Karen Patricia Williams
In memory of Tamsa Reyna
Bazan vda de Del Carpio
Linnea E. Stuart
In memory of Melvene Coney
Linda Mims
In memory of Milton Earl
Bernice Hill Dawson
In memory of Bernadine
Anitta Y. Orr
In memory of Ed Dudley and
Martha Simpson
Melba A. Smith Dudley
In memory of Eddie W.
Alma B. Edwards
In memory of Zola Ernest
Jesola E. Jones
In memory of Dorothy
Myrtle W. Bell
In memory of Pearlie T.
Pearlie G. Thomas
In memory of Odell Gray
Rosemary R. Jackson
In memory of Dorothy P.
Eastern Region
Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter
In memory of Idalee Harris
Angela Harris
In memory of Dorothy Irene
Sheree Bruinton
Carolyn D. Jackson
Geraldine C. Jones
Anita G. Tapp
Lady S. Tucker
Dorothy C. White
In memory of Theola Hudson
Marva Cook
In memory of Lois M.
Madeliene H. Dobbins
In memory of Katherine
Pinkney Jones
Carolyn Burris
Thelma James Day
Madeliene H. Dobbins
Alona A. Donerson
Erica Donerson
Deborah A. Elam
Billie Fair
Audrey Benford Gillian
Sandra Gilmore
Cynthia Glover
Forest Harris
Gloria Hardiman-Tobin
Chelsea C. Hayes
Deborah A. Jones-Buggs
Jones Family of Indiana
Milton and Darla Jackson
Sherrie B. Joseph
Kathryn Towe Littleton
Nora and Lee Martin
Pontiac Alumnae Chapter
Delores Janice Jennings
Larry P. Suarez
Ardenia Jones Terry
Janis V. Thomas
Ricardo Thomas
Ora L. Thompson
S. Jenell Trigg
Sheryl and Edgar Tufts, Jr.
Virginia Rosemary Winters
Youngstown Alumnae
In memory of Allen F. Lee
Lula W. Lee
In memory of Alyce P. Little
and Alice Thorne Soloman
Carol Goins
In memory of Betty Jean
Lisa Mitts
In memory of V. Essie
Naomi Bryson
In memory of Marian
Stacye McLarty
In memory of Elinor Louise
G. Murphy
Robert Lubran
Marva Bradford
Maxine M. Fuller
Camay Murphy
Bernhild E. Quintero
John Reddish
In memory of Thelma D.
Erica Washington
In memory of Margaret
Johnson Piper
Deborah F. Copeland
Northeasterner, Inc.
Nettie H. Seabrooks
In memory of Adrian E. Poole
Antonette E. Bruno
In memory of Leroy
Rahmings, Jr.
Christine Rahmings
In memory of Agnes Rodgers
Beverly Rogers
In memory of Beulah
Virgie Bullie
In memory of Susie Sharp
Ouida Y. Green
In memory of Mamie Shelby
Amanda Logan
In memory of SimpkinsSmith Families
Rita Simpkins Smith
In memory of Joseph
Alexander Stuart
Linnea E. Stuart
In memory of Adelaide
Maxwell Thomas
Deborah C. Thomas
In memory of Vera H.
Antrece Baggett
In memory of Sylvia Julian
Gloria J. Marrow
In memory of Mary Morrow
Esther M. Shields-Jones
In memory of Olivia Woods
Shawn M. Humphries
Torch Bearer
KeyBank Foundation
Foundation of the Mid South
Entergy Corporation
Baltimore County, Maryland
Wal*Mart Stores, Inc.
Harrah’s Operating Company
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Andrew J. Young Foundation
Best Buy Purchasing LLC
Coca Cola Company
Liberty Bank & Trust
LMDST Committee
Robotics Management
Learning Systems
Eula Dean Roby
Alberta K. Wilson
Change Agent
American Cancer Society
Associated Black Charities
Davenport’s Company Inc.
Elaine L. Carlisle
General Dynamics
Koniag Services Inc.
Lee Marva L. Lacy
Carolyn D. Sanford
The Raymond John Wean
Tyson Foods Inc.
Alberta K. Wilson
A to Z Accounting
Rosetta A. Armour-Lightner
Avant Garde Management
Phyllis Bellamy
Bettye Jean Bryant
Trudy Bullard
Carol Carter
Clearwater Police Department
Annette B. Cummings
Maxine D. Dixon
Lynda P. Gill
Golden Eagle Financial LLP
Regina Harper
Rubye H. Howard
Hunting Bank
Kaiser Permanente
Dara M. Kendall
Leonard Surgical Care
Gregory E. Light
Louisiana Weekly Publishing
Lisa M. Lowery
Mal-Jonal Productions, Inc.
Martin’s Painting &
S. P. Musco
Pentagon Federal Credit
Barbara A. Redditt
Yvonne Richardson
Gordon and Shirley Rock
Victoria E. Romero
Southwestern Urban
State of Maryland
Trenton Alumnae Fortitude
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Alicia Williams
Camille S. Zeigler
Leah Alexander
Art Hamilton Group
Cynthia Ashby
Monroe Bellamy
Tracy L. Bradley
Alice Brower
William C. Brown
Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed
Crestwood Tower Services
Mary N. Davis
Disney Worldwide Services
Eastern Region
Lisa Elliott
EMC Corporation
Jennell Ferguson
Georgia Beverage Association
Charlene Gillam
Vanessa Greene
Barbara Hamilton
Harvard Vanguard Medical
Marian Farris Hatch
Andriana Jackson
Darlene Y. Jackson
Gladys E. Jennings
Claudia M. Johnson
Catherine L.
Kendra L. Liddell
Laura Louden
Angela N. Mason
MassBay Community College
Adrienne H. Moore
Dorothy W. Moreland
Laurie J. Nichols
Nina Harding Estate
Orlando Rehabilitation Group
Barbara D. Parks
Nettie Perry
Patricia A. Pulliam
RAI Entertainment
Benita Ransom
Jerilynn Reid
William J. Richardson
Donna Simmons
Edna Smith
Theresa B. Smith
Gayla L. Smith-Mitchell
South Atlantic Region
Jacqueline V. Stephens
Linda Sweatt-Freeman
Karen M. Upshaw
Tamika Ussery-Freeman
Eric L. Walker
Edwina A. Watkins
Elouise B. Wilson
Women Physicians of
Northern Virginia, PC
Lois K. Adams
Agape Adoption Agency
Constance A. Altobelli
Jacqueline Amato
Schyuler Barbour
Sheila C. Bennett
Best Consulting
George D. Bovell
Barbara L. Brown
Paula L. Brown
C. Jones
Caroline Children’s Dentistry
Deborah Clanton
Deborah Peaks Coleman
Ramona P. Collins
Frances Cooper-Berry
Olivia Curbeam-Newby
Sherrie M. Dail
LaVerne G. Davis
Lee Dorothy Edmond
Betty P. Elias
Dawn T. Ellis
Beverlyn Fowler
Delma Fuller
Fullerton Engineering
Brandy M. Gallien
Georgia Optometric
Global View Communications
Beverly A. Gray
Joyce E. Green
Mary G. Hackett
Chonita J. Hargrave
Elizabeth Henley
Cheryl M. Hill
Jo Ann Hunigan
Infinity Medical Systems
International Longshoreman’s
Association Local 1248
Debora Jackson
Tiffany B. James
Gwendolyn L. Johnson
Michaelle B. Jones
Samuel E. Jones
Linda J. Jordan
JP Morgan
Abraham A. Katz
Lake Oconee Partners in
Health, LLC
Delois T. Leapheart
LMH Tax Services
Lockheed Martin
Helen R. Louis
June T. Martin
Paula H. Martin
Roslyn Matthews
Cherie May
Dianna J. McCoy
Anne W. Meadows
Kendall T. Moore
Nubia R. Murray
New Birth Community Church
Orlando Health
Lois S. Owens
LaTasha J. Peele
Macadda J. Peoples
Andy Pignataro
Elizah Pointer
Princess Powell-McEvilley
Providence Bank
Carolyn V. Pyburn
Paulette Quickley
Kristi N. Rea
Marva L. Riley
Audrey R. Roberson
Gary B. Robinson
RX Catering of Washington
Safety Plus LLC
Mary Burwell Scott
Jothany Sharpe
Victoria Simmons
Skysaiah, Inc.
Pamela Taylor
Melvin R. Taylor
The Community Foundation
The L E A D Foundation
Bill Thompson
Carolyn W. Thompson
V.I.P Security and Detective
Services, Inc.
Janet N. Vaughn
Susan R. Wallace
Carlisa Y. Washington
Linda J. Washington-Robinson
Darlean Cager Williams
Sandra P. Williams
Elouise B. Wilson
Sharene D. Wilson
Emmaline Turner Woodson
Yin McDonald’s
Young-Jones Dental Center
Bessie Young-Mielcarek
Leah Abrams
Gerald G. Abrams
AGA Consultants
Agee’z Hair Center
Cordelia R. Alexander
Kim Allen
Judith Allen-Shaw
Marie B. Allocca
Beverly H. Anderson
Leon Andrews
Joan V. Antone
Lisa M. Aubrey
High Avalon
Sherrie Robinson Bailey
Paulette Baines
Kimberly Baldwin
Pamela D. Banks
Vera Banks
Joyce E. Barber
Sharon Baskerville
Christina A. Bass
Jimmie Bass
Gwendolyn B. Bates
Terence K. Battle
Wihelmen R. Battle
Ruth J. Baxter
Chiquitt K. Bazemore
Lawrence L. Beale
Anita M. Beckett
Carolyn Bell
Elinor P. Bell
Irene Belle
Barbara Benford
Shirletha Binion
Christie J. Blackmon
Blackwell Law Offices PLLC
Keisha N. Blair
Kristin R. Body
Lewis B. Boone
Boston Medical
Shameza L. Boyd
Glenda F. Boykins
La Shonda Bracey
Linda Bradley
Lou E. Bradley-Turner
Janelle Bradshaw
Belinda Brewer
Ronald M. Bridges
Rosalyn Britt
Rilene A. Brookins
Brookins Funeral Home
Bernest Brooks
Izetta L. Broom
Debra E. Brown
M. Brown
Milan Brown
Mozella A. Brown
Paula L. Brown
Gladys L. Bryant
Lori Crenshaw Bryant
Virgie Bullie
Shirley M. Burgess
Anthony W. Bush
Carrie L. Caldwell
Charmeka L. Calhoun
Deborah Calhoun
Janice B. Campbell
Hortense Golden Canady
Peggy Capehart
Tammy Card
Caressence Massage
Angela L. Carey
Roshawndra L. Carnes
Geraldine A. Carter
Mary R. Cason
Center for Multicultural
Central Texas Coral &
Maxillofacial Clinic
Monique E. Cephas
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Delta
Foundation, Inc.
Jylian Charles
Chinn Dental
LaQuita Clark
Laurice A. Clark
William J. Clarke
Classic Five Travel
Commerce Bank
Ronald A. Connor
Robert Williams Cooke
Joanne G. Coppock-Scott
Cordele Family Medicine PC
Shirley P. Cornelious
Cornerstone Insurance &
Financial Service Inc.
Rhonda E. Corprew
Shane P. Cox
Lynda D. Crayton
Eunice R. Crocker
Sheri Crosby
Lenworth Daley
Suffearria Daniels-Ellison
Steve D. Darden
Sheilah A. Davenport
Blondear Y. Davis
Lucinda Davis
Cecelia M.Dawe-Gillis
Janice Dawson-Threat
Paralee Day
Kristal M. Delph
DJ Enterprises
Sharon D. Douglass
Peggie C. Drain
Brenda A. Duncan
Christopher A. Eason
Deidre C. Eason
Cashawn N. Easter
Tonette M. Echols
Patricia A. Edge
Mavis J. Edwards
Elite Presentations
Donna Graham Elliott
George Ellis
Blanche B. English
Stephanie F. Ennels
Entertainment Industries
Council Inc.
Eurasian Service Center
Peggy N. Evans
Everlast Transportation
Cynthia L. Faulcon
First Baptist Church of
Helene L. Fisher
Fisher Chiropractic Wellness
Sharon-Rose D. Fitch
Roderick W. Flakes
Flavor Restaurant
Gail T. Footman
Cheryl D. Footman-Banks
Shaquala Ford
Barbara S. Foster
Howard Franklin
Almarie G. Frasier
Joi Freemont
Minnette K. Gamble
Gap Foundation
Dominga P. Gardner
Juan A. Garedo
Lynn G. Garner
Mary Garnett
Camille Garrett
Wanda F. Garrett
Lynda P. Gill
Patti K. Gill
Gwen Gillespie
Gail Glover
Marchelle Goens
Marsha B. Goerss
Goodson Paving
A. M. Gordon
Simon Gordon
M. Scott Gore
Dawn A. Gouch
Grace Fellowship Worship
Jill Williams Graham
Bethany J. Green
Joyce E. Green
Jacqueline F. Greene
Vernandi R. Greene
Vernell T. Gregg
Barbra G. Griffin
GSBS Community
Development Corporation
Mary G. Hackett
Titus C. Hall
F. M. Hamilton
Hampton & Hampton
Management & Leasing,
Sylvia T. Hanna
Happy Holliday’s All Occasion
Gloria Hardiman-Tobin
Thelma A. Hardy
Harker Heights Community
Sophia B. Harrell
Annie H. Harris
Charleen Harris
Crystal Harris
Emmanuel D. Harris
Lethia L. Harris
Melanie L. Harris
Yolanda P. Harris
Harris Aesthetics, LLC
Dorothy H. Harrison
Ann Hart
Nusirat Hassan
Nancie Hawke
Shannon Hawkins
Health Care Plus, LLC
Herbal Market
Merrily R. Herring
Edwina Hester
Benetta E. Hicks
Philip L. Hillman
Hills Chapel Cumberland and
Presbyterian Church in
Historic Carver Heights
Neighborhood Association
Evangeline Holloway-Carter
Patricia Thomas Holmes
Kris A. Horman
Sandra T. Howze
Amy R. Hudspeth
Doretha L. Hudspeth
Hyatt Regency
Ices Marketing LLC
Imaging Technologies
Rhea V. Ingram
Karla S. Jackson
Rosemary R. Jackson
Wayne J. Jackson
JASSAC Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Celeste A. Jaynes
Betty Jean Jenkins
Vernyce M. Jenrette
Evelyn C. Johns
Julius F. Johnson
Lartharee Johnson
Mattie J. Johnson
Ruth G. Johnson
Sharron L. Johnson
Johnston Family Denistry
David A. Jones
Gloria B. Jones
Janeen D. Jones
Louis W. Jones
Sherral C. Jones
Renata S. Jones-Glenn
Joyce M. Dixon Trust
Lornece Joyner
Kamp Pendleton Personal
Jacqueline A. Kane
Dianne Kelly
Thelma Kennedy
Khocolate Keepsakes
Joyce Kirby
Ronnie A. Kitchens
Linda Knowles-Franklin
Roseana S. Kurtz
Carole La Bonte
Cereesa L. Lacey
Esther Jones Langston
Larry Joe’s New England Pit
Law Offices of Rosalyn Dunlap
Pamela F. Lawrence
Betty R. Levett
Rhonda B. Lewis
Orlando B. Lightfood
Mandy W. Lilly
LNS Technology
Tammy Lockett-Benjamin
Marie B. Lockhart
LW Vision
M. L. B. Transportation
Macedonia Missionary Baptist
Renee C. Malbranche
Melanie Malvin
John Marshall
Patricia O. Marshall
Marshel’s Wright-Donaldson
Home for Funerals, Inc.
W.E. Martin
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Celebration Committee
Linda Mason
Regina Maston
Octavia G. Matthews
Porsha N. Maynard
Veleter Mazyck
Lesa McBride
Charles McDade
Michael McGee
Jennifer McIntosh
David L. McLendon
Arthur R. McNeil
Patrick C. Menzies
Anena R. Metoyer
MiBella Gynecology, LLC
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Margie Miles
Wiley Miller
Joni Mills
Regina Milteer-Rock
Gloria Mitchell
Joan E. Mitchell
W. Oscar Mobley
Vanetta Molson-Turner
Christopher Moore
Danita M. Moore
Gwenda Motley
Orian P. Motley
Veronica Jean Motley
Mount Olive Baptist Church
Paulette Mpouma
La Shonia Murphy
Tessa R. Murphy
Jacqueline Betts Murray
National Fuel Gas Distribution
Mary Neal
Monica D. Neeley
A. Y. Nelems
Angela Nelson
Susan Norwood
NVA Sports LLC
Oakwood Transportation, Inc.
Angel Y. Okrah
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Onslow R. James
Open Technology Group Inc.
Parks & Crump, LLC
Kyleah A. Parson
Yolonda L. Paschall
Lisa S. Patrick
John Patterson
Donella D. Pearson
Valerie R. Perkins
Wendy Perry
Juan P. Peterson
Tennille Petitt
Pinnacle Professional
Education, LLC
Barbara T. Pitts
Alisa V. Plaza
Plitnick Inc.
Audra Pointer
Janice Pointer
Louise F. Pollard
Laculia J. Pope
Paula Pope
Clarice L. Posey
Ruth J. Pratt
Robin E. Quarles
Anna Quiller
Judith W. Ramsey
Daylashunta L. Randolph
Karen Randolph
Felita Rascoe
Theodore R. Rells
Tonique Reynolds
Sandra Rhue
Valerie Rice
Gladys T. Rice
Linda Rice
Rkadia LLC
Andrea R. Robinson
Delores A. Robinson
Keitha N. Robinson
Kenyata Robinson
Beverly C. Rodgers
Rodney Brown & Company
Rogercarole Rogers
JoHonda F. Rogers
Pamela Lou Ross
Rowcol Strategies, Inc.
Debra Rucker
Novella W. Sadberry
Rickie Sadberry
Jessica Saint Paul
Maureen Saint-Cyr
Chanda Samuels
Mary E. Sanders
Rodney Sanford
Sharon F. Sawyer
Shirron L. Scott
Royce D. Sharp
Rosalind Short
Carol E. Skaggs
Roger L. Small
Tonya Smalls
Seeds of Change, LLC
Ryan Seufert
Shea Essentials
Eva G. Simmons
Lenior Simmons
Madeline M. Simms
Robert Glen Sinclair
Carol E. Skaggs
Angelean V. Smith
Ella M. Smith
Kathleen Smith
Louis M. Smith
Tara R. Smith
Tyler Smith
Leticia D. Stallworth
Frederick B. Stanley
Shirleen Stephens
Mabel A. Steward
Donna B. Stoddard
Tanisha M. Sullivan
Suntrust Bank
Mallory Sutton
Evelyn M. Sutton
Sutton Ford Lincoln Mercury
Chalissa Taylor
Taylor-Made Systems
Renee Taylor-Reeves
Krissandra Taylor-Walker
The Emmaus Community
The Learning Corner Inc.
The Releford Group
Andrea N. Thweatt
Trinity Protection Services,
Christa L.Tucker
Emmaline Turner
Kim Turner
Geraldine E. Tyler
Gloria J. Valentine
Lorna Valentine-Manigault
Venus J. Vaughn
Walter J. Venerable
Village of Matteson
Angela Wade
Jennifer Wade-Jones
Bryce O. Walker
Diane Walker
Lisa D. Walker
Peggy N. Walton
Irene Walton
JoAnn C. Ward
Susie Wasdin
Gregory G. Washington
Karen L. Watkins
Well-Written Words
Vicki H. West
Sheila M. Whorton
Jacqueline C. Wilder
Arnee Love Williams
Boo Williams
Collen Sterling Williams
Grace M. Williams
H. Yvonne Williams
Hattie W. Williams
Linda G. Williams
Mary L. Williams
Susan E. Williams
Vivian R. Williams
Yvonne G. Williams
Samira C. Willis
June A. Wilson
Leola Wilson
Sheila Starkes Wilson
Margie Wimberly
S. Davilla Wooten
Helen J. Wyatt
Priscilla A. Wyatt
Shirley Wynn
Donna M. Young
Ruth S. Young
YWCA Central Alabama
YWCA National Capital Area
ZAMA Investments, LLC
Partners $99
and Below
Beverly H. Abbott
Derrick Adams
Shirley Adams
Traci Adams-Parish
Uliase L. Addison
Addison’s Restaurant
Doris W. Adkins
AGEE Holding
Latonia Reynolds Aigbogun
C. Gloria Akers
Courtney Alexander
Lois P. Alexander
Mathilda H. Alexander
Sandra K. Alexander
Ame E. Allen
Elizabeth Allen
Jaclyn M. Allen
Darlene Allen-Richmond
Mary T. Anastas
Barbara E. Anders
Lorene R. Andrew
Eric T. Andrews
Angarai International Inc.
D. L. Anguiano
Milele C. Anona
Braden C. Armstrong
Elaine P. Armstrong
Christy F. Arnold
Marjorie A. Arrington
Michelle L. Arrington
Angela M. Artis
Lois W. Ashley
Nicole Ashton
Miranda Askew-Brown
Jacqueline T. Atkins
Pamelia Atkins-Girouard
Debra Bell Austin
Toni D. Bailey
Gloria M. Bailey-Lyons
Sheila L. Baker
Simcha Baker
Danita R. Ball
June B. Banks
Linda F. Banks
Renae Banks-Rowser
Patricia Baptiste
Lisamarie Barbosa
Yolanda Barbour
Karen Barbour-Walker
Cynthia Barnes
Angela Y. Barnes-Hargress
Clifford D. Barnett
Danielle G. Barney
Kimberly D. Barney
John Barravecchio
Judy Barrett
Sharyl Baskfield
Patricia E. Basque
Tami V. Bass
Brynez M. Baxter
Stacey Beale-Bivins
Sabrina F. Beamon
K.P. Beard
Celestia Bell
Jenelsia L. Belt
Pamela F. Bennett
Sally M. Bennett
Avonny C. Bennett-Hankins
Marcia Bentley-Pinkston
Betty J. Berg
Belinda Berry
Cheryl Berthau
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Geraldine Beutin
Harry B. Beverly
Richelle L. Beverly
Marion Binion
Ruby M. Bishop
Anita Bishop
Bessie S. Black
Alda M. Blakeney
Delores D. Blake-Richardson
Tanya M. Blue-Duplessis
Ronald R. Bobay
Felica Parker Bobbitt
Mary Bobbitt
Elexis Bond
Merrel D. Booker
Flossie A. Bostwick
Clarice C. Boswell
Joanne L. Bosworth
Wendolyn Norris Bouie
Gwendolyn Bowen
J. L. Bowie
Jacqueline D. Bowser
Priscilla C. Boyd
Kathryn R. Boyens
Camille Boykins
Ladawn Bradley
Sheri L. Bradshaw
Lynn S. Brice
Gwendolyn Bronson
Debbie Brooks
Virginia J. Brooks
Tammi M. Broughton
Asia Brown
Christie D. Brown
Delores J. Brown
Edna A. Brown
Katie L. Brown
Marena D. Brown
Monique McIntyre Brown
Nicole E. Brown
Ralph R. Brown, Jr.
Rhonda K. Brown
Roslyn A. Brown
Stacey D. Brown
Valisa R. Brown
Kathleen D. Brunson
Michelle C. Bryson
Naomi Bryson
Virgie Bullie
Nicole R. Bullock
Damon Buren
Arlene Y. Burke
John B. Burns, III
Rhonda Burrell
Alene E. Burroughs
Candace Bush
Beatrice A. Butler
Latasha Butler
Laura P. Byrd
C & C Properties
Bettie J. Cain
Charlette Cain
John R. Calabro
Kristin P. Calaff
Carrie L. Caldwell
Robert E. Caldwell
Callahan’s Special Care
Vanessa J. Calloway
M. Cameron
Phyllis Pinkett Campbell
Khanh T. Cao
Natalie Carithers
Sallie M. Carpenter
Joyce A. Carter
Jennifer J. Cassel
Musette S. Castle
Gisela I. Castro
Tracy Causey-Bryant
Laverne B. Cawthorne
Central City Realty, Inc.
Century 21 Specialists
John E. Chana
Debra J. Chandler
Barbara A.P. Chandler
Cassandra B. Chandler
Chanique’s Hair Salon
Agnes Chappell
Chirospaaah Wellness Center
Debra J. Clarkson
Classic Five Friends, Inc.
Lauren I. Cleckley
Regina Lynn Clement
Sylvia Coffey
Greta H. Cofield
Jimmie Cole
Tracy L. Coleman
Veronica A. Coleman
Joi D. Walker Coleman
Helen E. Coleman
Margaret B. Collier
Phyllis Collins
Andrea Combs
Mattie Peterson Compton
Michael A. Coney
Dejon Conley
Bessie Conn
Lynn M. Connley
Wendy Connors
Geraldine C. Cooper
Mildred Cooper
Carol S. Copeland
Lisa B. Corbin
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Cosby
Reva Cosby
Brenda A. Costen
Richard T. Counselman
Couture Consigner LLC
Stephanie Cox
Rolland C. Craig
Linda Crawford
Cheryl L. Crawford
Barbara Crawley
Linda Cunningham
Charity S. Curtis
Olivia Dabney
Joyce J. Daniels
Earlie Daughtry-Simmons
Mona Y. Davenport
Carolyn M. Davidson-Taylor
Charmaine A. Davis
Chandra L. Davis
Darrell T. Davis
Erma Gray Davis
Kimberly Davis
Myrah Davis
Patricia M. Davis
William Davis
Ida D. Deloatch
Deloise Enterprise
Joanne DeMars
Vernetta Y. Dickerson
Yolanda Dickerson
Herbert Diggs
Natalie F. Diggs
Chimelle Dillard
Adriane E. Dixon
Shawna M. Dixon
Delores Dodd
Gwendolyn Y. Donald
Candis Donegan
Ellen M. Donnelly
Meghan S. Dorgan
Marilyn M. Dorris
Charlotte R. Dorsey
Etta W. Dotson
Charlotte Downing
Janet Sheehan Drummey
Joan Dudley
R.L. Dudley-Cowans
Tammy M. Duff
Vanessa Duffin
Melonie D. Dulaney
Brenda A. Duncan
Rebecca Dunn-Lawrence
Gladys Durant
Lateef Durosinmi
Tracy Ann Dyer
Dynasty Sales Consulting
Lillian Easter
Eastern Bank Foundation
Felicia R. Edwards
Cynthia Edwards
Rosa Edwards-Ellis
EFG, Inc.
M. Joycelyn Elders
Eleven 6 Events
Joan Elia
Lloyd Elliott
Clarence G. Ellison
Jacqueline Elrod
Armond Michael Enos
Elvira Etheridge
Lillian Etheridge
Sherida Evans
Sherrie Kober Evans
Evergreen Printing
Bobbie J. Ewing
Anthony G. Farr
Elaine Carol Ferguson
Fernaundra Ferguson
Jamesetta Ferguson
Mary Fernandes
Demetrius A. Few
Lavania L. Fitzpatrick
Lisa Florence
Jo Ann Flournoy
Geraldine Floyd
Juanita E. Floyd
Sharon Floyd
Targie V. Folds
Arlene J. Fontanares
Alicia J. Foster
Amie R. Foster
Charlotte A. Foster
Tramaine Foster
Jewel C. Foy
Frances Flowers
Edward J. Franklin
Jennifer Franklin
Linda K. Franklin
Tina Franklin
Wanda Franklin
Almarie G. Frasier
Catherine Jones Frederick
Pearlie B. Freeman
Edythe Hayden Friley
Monica D. Fugua
Carroll Fuller
Phyllis Y. Fuqua
Kay A. Futrell
Roshelle H. Gaines
Trisha S. Gaitor-Smith
Buffie Galmore
Robin D. Garcia
Courtney Garner
Lyda L. Garvin
Alice N. Gatling
Astrid L. Gatling
Blyde J. Geiger
Melissa Ghafoor
Carolyn B. Gibson
Tai L. Gibson
Naomia M. Gilbert
Shey Gilmore
Sheril L. Gipson
Sandra Givens
Sonya R. Givens
Renetta S. Glenn
Jessie Goins
Harvey S.Gokey
Odessa L. Goodman
Dana Goodwill
Mary Gordon
Paulette Graham
Richard Graham
Ossie D. Graham
Revonna Graham-Mitchell
Nacie E. Graves
Constance L. Gray
Eileen L. Gray
Susan Gray
Ioma Gray
Unique Greek
Mae D. Green
Cynthia B. Greenwood
Pamela Greer
Darleshia A. Griffith
Linda L. Griffith
Ralph Grimes
Scott A. Grimes
Guaranty Bank
Ruby B. Gudger
Bonita L. Guerrant
Linda Lee Gulley
Lalonni Dubose Hagerman
Kathleen Hailey
Mary G. Hairston
Carolyn M. Hall
Janis M. Hall
Tiffany Hall
Elizabeth F. Hamlett
Cynthia Hamlin
Margaret Hansen
Wanda D. Harden
Carolyn E. Harrington
Holli B. Harrington
Carolyn E. Harris
Christley A. Harris
Deboraha J. Harris
Helen B. Harris
Jeri Harris
Tanesheha T. Harris
Allie B. Harrison
Donna R. Hart
Alicia Hatchett
Angela S. Haugabrook
Judith E. Hayes
Kathy Haywood
Health Links Inc.
Connie Heard
Geraline L. Heard
Rhonda Hearns
Heights Dental Center PLLC
Tara J. Henderson-Thompson
Wilbur C. Hendricks
LaShaun Henley
Carol Henry
Pamela M. Henry
Herman Jones Herman
Gloria A. Herndon
Sharon A. Hester
Crystal F. Hicks
Charles Higgins
High Maintenance Salon
Charley Hill
Cheryl D. Hill
Helen M. Hill
Shevella K. Hill
Danita Hines
Jacqueline D. Hines
Barbara J. Hodge
Marraco Hodges
Sylvia C. Hoffler
Cassandra Holder-Ballard
Barbara A. Holland
Rosebud Holland
Mary M. Hollis
Bavan Holloway
Sharon Holloway
Janet Holly
Larry C. Holmes
Roslyn Honesty
Doris J. Horton
E. M. Horton
Bonita Y. Houseworth
Diedre R. Houston
Edith B. Houston
Cynthia B. Howard
Mary Howard-Hamilton
Lembhard G. Howell
Deverne Howell
Cheryl Y. Hudson
Gregory Hughes
Stanley R. C. Humphreys
Gail G. Hunt
Valerie Hunt
Gina Hunter
Maxine G. Hurley
Ava R. Hurt
Constance A. Hutchinson
Johnnie Huston
Linda Hutson
Tovis Y. Ingram
Rodney R. Isaacs
Andrea M. Jackson
Cheryl A. Jackson
Cynthia A. Jackson
Sheila K. Jackson
Sylvia J. Jackson
Teresa Hicks Jackson
Roslyn Jamerson-Armour
Marsha W. James
Palma L. James
Syidah Sabur James
Verda M. Jarmon
Jefferson Security Bank
Diedre Jenkins
Porchia V. Jenkins
Sheila B. Jenkins
Anna B. Johnson
Barbara J. Johnson
Darleen D. Johnson
Dorothy Johnson
Eunice G. Johnson
Jacqueline B. Johnson
Marilyn G. Johnson
Marjorie D. Johnson
Maxine A. Johnson
Ronald C. Johnson
Tiffanie R. Johnson
Undra Johnson
Kimberly Johnson-Redder
B. K. Johnston
Annie Jones
Damar K. Jones
Donald L. Jones
Jerry C. Jones
Kathy Oliver Jones
Lynette T. Jones
Margaret C. Jones
Mary E. Jones
Ronald G. Jones
Tamarra I. Jones
Vanessa L. Jones
Vera Jones-Wilkins
Brischelle M. Joyner
Sharonda Kali
Ida Keith
Keith Cephus Photography,
Gwendolyn Keitt
June R. Keller
Janice W. Kelsey
Sondra L. Kendrick
Deborah Kent
Tenicka C. Kidd
Hong K. Kim
Morris K. Kimani
Miriam S. Kimball
Kings Pizza of Shepherdstown
Kingston Avenue Associate
G. V. Kirkland
Sybil N. Knight
Knights Law Group
Konikoff Dental Association
Andrea Kurtzman
Mary T. Lacy
Nicole K. Lambert
Theata Lambert-Tennon
Fannie Lampley
Leah Bailey Langston
Norma B. Lawrence
Mary C. Lawton
Anna W. Lee
Pamela D. Lee
Brian L. Lehman
Tina M. Leighton
Princie W. Lemons
Shonda Lemons-Smith
Mitchell Leverette
Betty L. Leverson
Tanya Levy-Odom
Ben Lewis
Carol B. Hill Lewis
Gloria Lewis
Jill Lewis
Lewis Moragne & Associates
Mandy W. Lilly
Gwendolyn A. Lindsay
Mona L. Lipscomb
J. Anthony Lloyd
Marilyn G. Lockhart
Genevieve C. Lomax
Darcel V. Lopes
Laura Louden
Corene Love
Teck H. Low
Tameka Loyd
Susette M. Lunceford
Maryetta G. Lundy
Michael J. Lyons
Constance L. Mack
Sylvia Maddox
Khalilah L. Majied
Francene C. Mangham
Gloria J. Mann
Lynn S. Mansfield
Kelly Marks
Beverly A. Marshall
Sylvia Henson Marshall
Tracy Marshall
Craig Martin
Paulette E. Martin
William L. Martin
Doris J. Mason
Gloria G. Mason
Gloria J. Mason
Natalie Mason
Charlotte Mathews
Cortnie L. Matthews
Dionna M. Mathews
Joyce E. McCain
Lillie W. McCain
Rosylan N. McCants
Suletta M. McCaskill
Natasha McClure
Myron S. McCoo
Tracy L. McCorkle
Robert L. McCormack
Estell McCray
Steven L. McCullough
Satoria McDonald
Linda McGhee
Shonquella A. McGhee
Erica McGowan
Brenda T. McKinley
Kimberly A. McKinney
Ivey McLain
Phaedra E. McLaurin
Jacquelyn P. McMichael
Dannay McMillian
Meryl S. McNeal
Tara Y. McNeal
Safiya D. McNeese
Patricia McNeil
Ron McQueen
Marilyn M. McVay
Mae L. Medina-Natal
Joan Melanson
Adelle Merritt
Angela Merritt
Glenda A. Miles
Vivian Miller
Yasmond A. Miller
Rita F. Millhouse
D. Waymon Mills
Gloria J. Mills
Jamie Milne
Crystal R. Mitchell
Revonna Mitchell
Kimberly Mitchell-Jones
Ayaji H. Monell
Shannon Montgomery
Heather Moore
Janis Johnson Moore
Mechelle Moore
Mimi J. Moorer
Devin Moran
Robert L. Morgan
Gwendolyn Morris
Marion H. Morrison-Vinson
Chiara Morrow
Marcia A. Morton
Wendell Mosby
April R. Moss
Crystal E. Mullen-Johnson
Katherine A. Munden
DeShonn Myles
National Consulting Programs
National Youth Council
Shirley B. Nell
Katrina Nelson
Sheila R. Nelson
Sherral L. Nelson
Charles L. Neville
Newport Medical Association,
James E. Newton, Jr.
Elizabeth Cyd Nichols
Helen M. Norris
Kenny & Cynthia O’Banner
Elizabeth O’Dell
Timijanel Odom
Sheila Ginyard Ogilvie
Katherine Ogletree
Brenda Lane Oliver
Murrieal Orendorff
Barbara G. Ormond
Dolores Owens
Virginia Owens
Sheila Armstead Paige
Terri Parker
Pamela J. Parker
Denesia Parris
Kiatha K. Pass
Tonya M. Pass
Doris T. Patin
E. Renae Patrick
Shelia Fay Patterson
Martha A. Patton
Linda G. Pelton
Valerie R. Perkins
Jenorice Perry
Vickie D. Perry
Brenda B. Peters
Suzanne Brown Peters
Phase One 01/10
B. Janelle Phifer
Deborah R. Pickens
Valerese Poole
Jennifer Pope
Latrice M. Pope
Crystal D. Porter
Della R. Porter
Donna Porter
Stephania G. Porter
Lloyd M. Powell
Sharon T. Powell
Aleta L. Preer
Pride of Tallahassee Court
No. 61
Harold Prisdon
Kimberly Prosser
Dalila Pugh
Vaughn A. Quash
Margaree Orr Raiford
Helen Randall
Carole C. Redwine
Lisa E. Reed
Sheena Reed
Carol Reedus
Raven Reeves
Euphazine Reid-Kendall
Shirlene Respress
Casandra Reynolds
Joyce Rhodes
Marion L. Rice
Sabra J. Richard
Annie L. Richardson
Valerie Richardson
Angela M. Richardson-Woods
Dianne E. Riley Klavins
Miriam A. Rivera
Barbara Robbins
Mary A. Robbins
Roselle L.Robbins
Leandre Roberson
Annie C. Roberts
Barbara Roberts
Tchicaya Ellis Robertson
Christine M. Robinson
Ronald C. Robinson
Shawn R. Robinson
Telesha M. Robinson
Yolanda D. Robinson
Lisa R. Rogers
Maria L .Rosado
Heidi B. Ross
Joyce J. Rouse
Glenda F. Rowe
Corrine R. Rowlette
Darlene Roy
Cynthia Rush
Tina M. Russell-Brown
Alleen C. Rutherford
Mia N. Ryder
Shagufta Saeed
Judy Samuels
Dean O. Sanders
Demica Sanders
Dorothy K. Sanders
Hazel M. Sanders
Maxine Sanders-Snowden
Shelley Dos Santos
Nathan Schaffer
Inza Faye Scott
Tiwanna Scott-Williams
Beverly C. Sealey
Olena Sexton
Marguerite E. Shaw
Anne W. Shea
Angela Joy Sheffey
Orena Sheffey
Vickie Shell
Deanna W. Shelton
Mariea L. Shelton
Karen Shepard
Tiffany Viet Shipp
Rosalind Short
Veronica P. Shuford
Carol A. Shuman
Carolyn A. Simmons
Theodore R. Simmons
Tracy Simmons
Joan Ellis Simpson
Lisa B. Sims
Stacey L. Sims
Valerie Sims-Rucker
Yvonne Singley
Brenda P. Skinner
Willie K. Skinner
Sakina M. Skipwith
Linda Small-Willis
Phillip J. Smedley
Barbara Smith
David G. Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Kawana D. Smith
Mona E. Smith
Tanya Nikole Smith
Yolanda L. Smith
Gloria Snowden
Joyce L. Snowden
Jennifer R. Soles
Lynn Southerland
Nikkisha M. Spencer
Martha G. Spratt
Stephanie W. Spruill
Christine F. Sprung
Terrance L. Stacker
Hubert Stalling
Natalie Y. Stallworth
Evangeline L. Stanford
Shaneka L. Stanley
Katrina L. Stephens
Ivory Steward
Martha L. Stewart
Ruth M. Stewart
Rebecca Stinson
Vickie M. Stovall
Zachary W. Stowell
Bessie H. Straham
Polly R. Street
Paris A. Streeter
Frederick D. Strickland
Tanya P. Stringer
Maggie Sullivan
Connie Sumpter
Karen M. Sumpter
Mary B. Sutton
Tamar Q. P. Swain
Rose Marie Swanson
Sylvia L. Syphax
Swan Talley
Harold P. Tanner
Byron J. Taylor
Janice Y. Taylor
Marcia J. Taylor
Pamela Taylor
Kimberly Taylor-Johnson
Marilyn Tero
Patricia A.Terrangi
Terrill T. Terrill
Mary Terry
Tammy J. Texeria
The Bank of New York Mellon
Community Partnership
The Designer’s Rack, Inc.
Danette Thomas
Elaine N. Thomas
Jameka S. Thomas
Julienne Thomas
Willie F. Thomas
Julia S. Thompson
Paula C. Thompson
Desirae V.Thorpe
Fran Tibbs
Kaye K. Tice
Taliva A. Tillman
Titilayo T. Sode
Carolyn Togans
Tom Maiden’s Insurance
Madalina C. Tonciu
Town Center Pediatrics
Aleya Townsend
Sharifa D.Townsend
Tuesday Few
Betty Turner
Celia M.Turner
Frances R. Turner
Shelly M.Turner
Geraldine E. Tyler
Malinda Tyson
Carolyn J. Vaughan
Elaine P. Vaughan
Robin Vaughan
Theresa B. Vaughan
Sheyresse Vincent
Paula J. Vogel
Patricia M. Waddy
Carol A. Wade
Kyle Waggoner
Anthony M. Walker
Lovera Walker
Sarah R. Walker
Sylvia L. Walker
Toi Jesay Walker
C. Walker-Jones
Doreen M. Ward
Lynnette Ward
George H. Warren
Judith Y. Warren
Jillonda Washington
Joy J. Washington
Kevin C. Washington
Lisa Washington
Nicole R. Washington
Ashley Watkins
Joann B. Watson
Margaret Wilder Watson
Vickie L. Watson
Dewanda Watt
Reneda Jamison Watts
Terri R. Weaver
Sandra M. Webb-Booker
Sharon T. Wells
Janice B. West
Joy B. West
Joan L. Wharton
Linda L. Wheeler
Margie Wheeler
Elouise White
Jean A. Whitlow
Carolyn Widmyer
Ericka Wiggins
M. C. Wilder, Jr.
Marie C.Wiley
Chana S. Wilkerson
Lakay B. Wilkerson
Rhonda D. Wilkins
Alice W. Williams
Angela M. Williams
Anjanette Renee Williams
Barbara S. Williams
Candy E. Williams
Chandra T. Williams
Cherryce Williams
Cheryl Williams
Ingrid Williams
Jacqueline Hawkins Williams
Joan L. Williams
Kimberly Williams
Loel D. Williams
Margaret E. Williams
Mary E. Williams
Michael Williams
Oedies V. Williams
Pennye Williams
Persis Oneeka Williams
Phyllis Jean Williams
Robert & Tammy Williams
Rhonda R. Williams
S. Williams
Sheila L. Williams
Shondra M. Williams
Terri Williams
Timothy D. Williams
Toni L. Williams
Vera A. Williams
Wansa G. Williams
Williams Fish Farm Trust
Deborah Williams-Roberts
Peggy W. Wilmoth
Barbara B. Wilson
Cheryl Jenise Wilson
Edna C. Wilson
Ernestine G. Wilson
Leola Wilson
Linda R. Wilson
Sharene D. Wilson
Doris Winslow
Deloris A. Woodward
Sybil E. Woodward
Audrey S. Wrenn
Carlita Wright
Diana Wright
Donna L. Wright
Kendra Wright
F. Dianne Wyche
Melville Q. Wyche,Jr.
Leigh Yancey
Dana M. Yarbrough
Dorothy C. Yellock
Yesterday Jazz Barber Shop,
Arlene H. Young
Annette Young
Zak’s Corporation
Alice Zeigler
Contra Costa Alumnae
Jackson (TN) Alumnae Chapter
Jefferson County Alumnae
La Marque Alumnae Chapter
Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter
Los Angeles South Bay
Alumnae Chapter
Mississippi Gulf Coast
Alumnae Chapter
New Jersey Garden City
Alumnae Chapter
Oakland East Bay Alumnae
Ogden Alumnae Chapter
Palm Coast/Flagler County
Alumnae Chapter
Pasadena Alumnae Chapter
Phoenix Metropolitan
Alumnae Chapter
Pomona Valley Alumnae
Queens Alumnae Chapter
Republic of Korea Alumnae
Rolling Hills/Palos Verdes
Alumnae Chapter
San Bernardino Riverside Area
Alumnae Chapter
San Jose Alumnae Chapter
Savannah Alumnae Chapter
Stockton Alumnae Chapter
Tampa Metropolitan Alumnae
Vallejo Alumnae Chapter
Ventura Alumnae Chapter
Greensboro Alumnae Chapter
Change Agent
Columbia (MO) Alumnae
Detroit Alumnae Chapter
Eastern Panhandle Alumnae
Fairfield County Alumnae
Foothill Alumnae Chapter
Iowa City-Cedar Rapids
Alumnae Chapter
Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter
Louisville Alumnae Chapter
Monmouth County Alumnae
Orange County (FL) Alumnae
Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter
Rancocas Valley Alumnae
Saint Thomas Alumnae
Alaska Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Chapter
Collin County Alumnae
Fort Valley Alumnae Chapter
Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter
Greenville (MS) Alumnae
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae
Mu Mu Chapter
New Iberia Alumnae Chapter
Pike County Alumnae Chapter
San Joaquin Valley Alumnae
Birmingham Alumnae Chapter
Century City Alumnae
Southfield Alumnae Chapter
St. Petersburg Alumnae
West Palm Beach Alumnae
Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter
Anniston Alumnae Chapter
Atlanta Suburban Alumnae
Bellevue Alumnae Chapter
Berkeley Bay Area Alumnae
Boston Alumnae Chapter
Broward County Alumnae
Chicago Alumnae Chapter
Compton Alumnae Chapter
Flint Alumnae Chapter
Fort Washington (MD)
Alumnae Chapter
Georgetown (SC) Alumnae
Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae
Greenville-Manchester Area
Alumnae Chapter
Hattiesburg Alumnae Chapter
High Desert Alumnae Chapter
Kalamazoo Alumnae Chapter
Laurel Alumnae Chapter
Melbourne/Palm Bay Alumnae
Meridian Alumnae Chapter
Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae
Newport News Alumnae
North Arundel Alumnae
Ocala Alumnae Chapter
Pickens County Alumnae
Princess Anne Alumnae
Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter
Saint Louis Alumnae Chapter
Salisbury Alumnae Chapter
San Antonio Alumnae Chapter
Shelby County (TN) Alumnae
South Middlesex Alumnae
South Suburban Chicago
Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter
Tempe Alumnae Chapter
Tuscaloosa Alumnae Chapter
Warner Robins Alumnae
West Memphis Alumnae
Partners $99 and
Austin Alumnae Chapter
Baltimore Alumnae Chapter
Baltimore County Alumnae
Battle Creek Alumnae Chapter
Cambridge Alumnae Chapter
Iota Lambda Chapter
Dillon-Marion County
Alumnae Chapter
Gadsden County Alumnae
Kappa Upsilon Chapter
Lambda Xi Chapter
Omicron Beta Chapter
Panama City Alumnae Chapter
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our Donor Roll. If your
name or gift has been misspelled, omitted or misrepresented, please accept
our apologies. Visit the “Contact Us” page at and
we will correct our records. We very much appreciate your generosity and we
look forward to having you included on the Donor Roll in the future.
1703 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009
T 202.347.1337
F 202.347.5091