March 2009
March 2009
ALL THINGS COUNTRY free • TAKE ONE! Published at Palmer, KY Volume Three, Edition Nine MARCH 2009 Ice Storm Hits Kentucky Although it’s very beautiful to look at, the ice storm that hit Kentucky left millions without power and brought National Guard troops to our state to aid in the cleanup of debris. Photo by Pam Hedge Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Save-A-Lot Food Store in Irvine was the location of a Estill County Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in February. The new store is now open for business in West Irvine. Photo by Dave Severson BRINGING GOOD NEWS TO OUR READERS SINCE 2006 MARCH 2009 February was a month of highs and lows... W hat a wild month February was. It seems like the month just flew by, that’s because of the lack of days in the month. Those missing two or three days can really mess with a person. Or at least, it messes with me. Those of us in the Commonwealth of Kentucky lived through the biggest weather emergency in the history of the state. Ice, snow, rain, wind ... you name it, we’ve had it this month. ALL THINGS COUNTRY We lost power at the farm for about 36 hours during the ice storm. I sat here at my computer that day and watched as the ice got thicker and thicker on the trees, thinking to myself ... “I’ve got candles ready when the power goes out, no problems, right?” Well, I didn’t take into consideration all the other problems that arise with no power. Like charging my cell phone. I knew our phone wouldn’t work with no power, but thought to myself ... heck, I have a cell phone so that’s not a problem. I guess I should have quit ‘thinking to myself’ and got off my behind and did something to prepare. Because even though I had that cell phone, I didn’t think to charge it fully. It lasted about two phone calls before it died! And that spotlight we have, heck why charge it? It was fully charged the last time I used it! Well, if nothing else, I learned something during that ice storm. And the next time one approaches us, I won’t sit here on my behind and think to myself. You can bet I’ll be more prepared. The trees were pretty amazing that night. To go outside in the pitch dark - and boy it gets dark with no power in the country - and listen to those trees snapping off was wild. Not quite as wild as the next morning when we got to witness everything on the ground. Man! Talk about a mess. I keep telling Dave that I guess the ice storm was God’s way of giving me mulch, because we have spent every spare minute putting limbs, branches, etc. into the chipper/shredder and have quite the stockpile of mulch now! ••••••• As for the newspaper, it seems like we spent the month going to meetings and gatherings. Which isn’t altogether a bad thing! Heck, we got to eat out at the Chamber Quarterly Luncheon and that was fun. Glenda Gay Oliver and the staff at Silo Mill were awarded Business of the Quarter, so it was nice to see her receive her plaque. Plus, Yvonne and I were able to talk knitting during lunch! We also attended the Modern Woodman of America dinner at the Cedar Village one night. Another dinner, yum! Those of you that know me, know I don’t do a lot of cooking. Not that I like to eat out a lot, but Dave does most of our cooking. So I guess he was probably more enthused at the dinners out than I was. Less work for him.... although I do the dishes when he cooks and it isn’t always a fair trade-off. ••••••• Dave had a busy month also. He attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Save-ALot store in West Irvine, plus did a lot of running around doing his usual advertising stuff. He was kind enough to work Bingo for me one night, as I had been to the dentist earlier that day and wasn’t too sure I was ready to walk about the Bingo floor for five or six hours. He said he had fun, I’m sure those of you playing Bingo that night got quite the laugh, as he can be quite hilarious. We also attended the Mountain Park Dragway awards banquet in February. Dave has been chomping at the bit to get back to racing season. He received a very nice coat at the banquet and was announced as the new Marketing Director for the drag strip. He’s a busy guy, huh? ••••••• I’ve been anxiously awaiting the end of February. For months, I’ve been anticipating the last day of the month. You see, my sister and her husband are coming out for a visit. And they are bringing Jocelyn with them. You know, the grandbaby. And as happy as I am to see the grandbaby, I’m just as excited to see my sister and her family. I haven’t seem Roben since February of 2007, a very long two years. It just hasn’t jived that we could plan a visit with each other. Either she is too busy or I am. So, our daughter talked Roben into coming out while Jen and her husband are in Las Vegas watching the March Madness tournament. Seems like a great plan huh? And it is, really it is. I’m very excited. I didn’t expect the hitch. And it’s a big hitch. You see, my grandmother passed away in Idaho on February 19th. It was very unexpected, although she has fought health crises several times in the past few years. She always pulled through. But, not this time. She has gone home to see her family that has passed before her. It’s hard to even explain how much my Grandma Alice meant to me. So I won’t even begin to try. I’ll just say that an amazing woman left our lives this past month. 2 • TWO ••••••• So, to end this.... I’ve been extremely rushed getting this edition of All Things Country ready for the printers. At times this weekend, I didn’t think I’d get it done. But I have. If you have submitted a story or poem to us and it is not in this month’s edition, please be patient. I’ve got it saved here on my desk and it will be in our April edition. We appreciate all the contributions that our readers give us and love to publish your good news, whether it be a short story, poem or an event happening in your lives. Keep sending them in. Abby puts up with Sheba, our newest addition. ••••••• The puppy has blended in well with our family. Abby is tolerating her, although they do play well together. Dr. Linda tells us that Sheba is a very intelligent dog and we definitely agree. She knows to go to her box at ‘bedtime’, to go outside when she needs to and to stay down when told. Heck, that’s already about a two-hundred-percent improvement over the Abby dog. ••••••• I guess I’ll end this and get that same behind I sit on all the time ready to get on an airplane in the morning. I’ll be flying back to Idaho for a quick visit before coming back to Kentucky to get ready for my sister’s visit. She is still coming, so I still have that visit to look forward to. I just wish I could have talked her into coming out to help me clean my house before my sister comes to visit....... Have a great month everyone. Be safe ... and lets hope spring arrives soon! Until next month ... Pam “The earth laughs in flowers ...” R.W. Emerson Come have a laugh with us! Fresh Cut Flowers. Blooming Plants. Early Vegetable Plants. Green Plants. And More ... Ravenna Florist & Greenhouse 408 Main St. - Ravenna 723-2175 or 1-866-408-3559 P lans for the 19th annual Mountain Mushroom Festival are being finalized for the festival to be held April 25-26 in Irvine. The committee members have been working this past year to make it an enjoyable weekend of free entertainment and activities for everyone. A continued emphasis this year will be the Kentucky agate for which Estill County is so well known. The Bluegrass Gem and Mineral show at the Central Office gym, 253 Main St., Irvine will have exhibits by Kentucky Rockhounds, information on agates, gems, minerals, and rocks. There will also be a black light display of fluorescent material. Also for the first time there will be a dinosaur exhibit. Activities throughout the weekend include the mushroom market, narrative stage interviews with mushroom hunters, arts and crafts booths, educational booths, food court, the hillbilly choo-choo express, youth games and rides, inflatables, Estill County Historical Society displays, Irvine-Ravenna Woman’s Club art student show, and the Hillbilly Flywheelers antique gasoline engine and tractor show. Souvenir shirts and hats and Carhartt hats with the festival logo will be for sale at the gazebo across from the food court. Some of the many Morel Mushrooms found in Estill County. Pro ShoP 606-723-0580 In the Westgate Shopping Center OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6AM - 8PM Turkey Season Opens Soon! Get your Calls Now & Practice! We also have Decoys & Choke Tubes. Visitors from all over come to Estill County to enjoy the Mushroom Festival. Sunday activities will be a community worship service, craft demonstrations, agate hunter interviews, and motorcycle show. Grandstand entertainment will include the River City Drum Corp, Appalachian Troubadours, and Richard McHargue cloggers. A festival schedule of events is available by contacting Irvine city hall at 606 723-1233 or Entry forms for the arts & crafts booths, Fungus 5k run/walk, Gem & Mineral Show, agate hunts, and parade are available in Irvine city hall. Morel Mushrooms are tasty treats. Straight Shot 403 Richmond Rd., Irvine We invite you to come and celebrate the beauty of spring along the banks of the Kentucky River at the edge of the Daniel Boone National Forest. Be a part of the Fun! Estill County will be hosting the 1st Annual ESTILL COUNTY READING CELEBRATION Friday, May 22, 2009 • 5-8pm Estill Springs Elementary All Types of Fishing Gear ROD & REEl REPAIR AVAIlABlE Handguns & Long Guns Gun Repair - Gun Safes CARRYING CONCEALED DEADLY WEAPONS CLASS Learn how to properly carry and handle your personal firearm. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CAll 606-723-0580 NEW from Mathews.... REEZEN Now Available for $ 699 99 THREE • 3 “The Places You’ll Go With Reading” LIVE & FROZEN BAIT ALL THINGS COUNTRY Saturday only activities will be the parade, morel/shiitake cooking demonstrations, contest for most and largest mushrooms, mushroom cook-off, flint knapper demonstration, forest ranger Fire Wise display, Masonic Lodge pancake breakfast, fungus 5K race/walk, and Twin City Kruzers cruise-in. A new activity at the mushroom market will be a Mushroom Cake Decorating Contest. Grandstand entertainment will include Bluegrass music, country music, and local gymnastic teams. Get what it takes to Shoot Straight at..... MARCH 2009 19th Annual Mountain Mushroom Festival is approaching fast MARCH 2009 Estill County Business of the Quarter .... Tell them you read about it in All Things Country! Huntington’s Disease Society of America Kentucky Chapter 982 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, KY 40217 1-502-637-HDSA or toll free: 1-800-784-3721 email: SHERRY’S ALL THINGS COUNTRY The Offices of Glenda Gay Oliver, CPA and Silo Mill Gift Shop were voted as Business of the Quarter by members of the Estill County Chamber of Commerce. Presenting the award at the Quarterly Luncheon of the Chamber are: left to right, Regina Robertson, Yvonne Harrison, Mike Oliver, Glenda Gay Oliver, Joe Crawford and Jim Mattingly. Photo by Dave Severson CHICKEN SWAP Estill County Fairgrounds 1st Saturday of Each Month Starting March 7 8am until ???? ALL THINGS COUNTRY, INC. Hair Options Salon Wigs & Hair Pieces On Site Certified Hair Colorist and Hair Designer 108 River Drive Irvine, Kentucky 606-723-4300 • 859-358-7159 Custom Stained Glass & Restoration Published Monthly in Palmer, Kentucky Pam S. Hedge -- Clayton C. Hedge u Owners u 1100 Harris Ferry Road, Irvine, KY 40336 606.723.0478 • 606.643.5048 cell • 606.723.8736 fax • email: On the web: Layout & Design: Pam S. Hedge Advertising: David R. Severson PRINTED AT J. FRANK PUBLISHING, LONDON, KENTUCKY 4 • FOUR All Things Country is published monthly. All Things Country is a specialty newspaper and is registered as a business trade name in the State of Kentucky. This paper is furnished FREE to customers at businesses in over twenty Kentucky counties. Articles published in this newspaper which are contributed from an outside source express the opinions of their authors only and may not express the viewpoint(s) of the management or staff of All Things Country. Such articles that are accepted for publication herein may be edited at the sole discretion of the publisher. 400 Beattyville Rd., Ravenna (606)723-2582 Responsibility for products advertised in this newspaper lies with the advertisers themselves. Though All Things Country will not knowingly publish fraudulent materials or fraudulently obtained materials, we are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of products advertised herein. Copyright © 2006-2009. All Things Country, 1100 Harris Ferry Road, Irvine, KY 40336. OPEN MON. - SAT. • 1PM-5PM Stained Glass Studio ViSiT OuR WEBSiTE WWW.glASSgARdEN.ORg The Gathering Place Mama Crowe’s Pizza Madeline’s Greehouse Full Circle Market Dan’s Discount Jewelry Parks Place Framing Irvine Carpet Outlet The Loft JP’s Leather & Tee’s Irvine Flea Market Looking Fancy JD Tees Norean’s Hair Care Rose’s Farm & Supply Riverview Restaurant Elkins Insurance Group Clay City Pottery Sniffables Camargo Pharmacy Yellow House Antiques PM Tax Service Advanced Turf Sherry’s Hair Options Salon Pizza Palace L&W Sewing Basket 82 Sports Shop Railroad Cafe Conrad Motors Meade’s Do-It Center Kathy’s Country Kitchen Red River Hardwoods Parkway Florist Papa’s Pizza Hurst Furniture Heartbreak Ridge Farm Supply Mt. Sterling Cellular Chickweed Healing Salve The Glass Garden RAILROAD CAFE Open 7 Days A Week! Monday - Friday, 8am to 4pm Saturdays, 8am to 2pm Sundays, 8am to 2pm (Breakfast Only) Stop & Check Out Our Daily Specials Discount Tobacco Fauste Oil Services, Inc. Tamara Rice, CPA Honey Bee Daycare Treasure Seekers Flea Market Ravenna Florist Rayburn’s Arts & Crafts Bluegrass Poultry Assn. MinuteMan Press of Central KY Stuff Recyling Unique Creations Commonwealth Ford Littles Resale Bluegrass Craft & Antique Mall Liquidators of Stanton Billings Drugs Estill Development Alliance Straight Shot Archery Dianna’s Crafts, Gifts & More For All Your Lawn & Gardening Needs, Stop and See Us At Meade’s! 218 River Drive - Irvine 606-723-2163 Call 723-6318 for Pick Up or Eat In Open Mon-Fri, 8 to 5:30, Sat, 8 to 5, Sun, 1 to 4 206 MAIN STREET • IRVINE, KY • 606-723-6318 USED OIL DROP-OFF Drop off your used oil at Car Quest or at Fauste Oil Services, Inc. both in Irvine, Kentucky. High Efficiency Industrial Fuels Petroleum Product Sales/Hauling Environmental Services • Used Oil Pickup Completing the cycle.... 65 Fauste Road Irvine, KY 40336 Discounted Cigarettes and Tobacco Products Daily Stop By and Check Them Out!! Full Line of UnCLE CHaRLIE’S MEaTS now available 24 00 ....................... 10 5-lb. bag......................... rk Chops ............. $1500 Center Cut Po .......... 5-lb. box ......................... 50 $ Hot Dogs Uncle Charlie’s..... ........................... 10 5-lb. Pack.............. 50 Hot Wings ...................................... $18 ..... ..... bag 5-lb. Tenderloin ....................... 5-lb. box ......................... Charlie Burger $ 00 $ what is available! This is just a partial list of Upon Request** le **Special Orders Availab WE nOW aCCEpT FOOd STaMpS!! now Selling paInTBaLL SUppLIES! 2000-ct. box paintballs - $35.00 500-ct. bag paintballs - $9.00 C02 Fill: 9-oz. - $2.25 • 12-oz. $2.75 16-oz. - $3.50 • 20-oz. - $4.25 Tippmann painTball Guns 98 Custom Platinum Series - $139 A-5 - $199 • X-7 - $299 DISCOUNT TOBACCO 389 RICHMOND RD. • IRVINE 606-723-1274 Owen J. Barker, Owner HOURS: MOnday-FRIday, 7aM-9pM • SaTURday, 8aM-9pM • SUnday, 10aM-8pM FIVE • 5 1-800-553-5840 606-723-7222 OnE STOp SHOp FOR aLL yOUR TOBaCCO SUppLIES ALL THINGS COUNTRY We Also Serve The Very Best in Desserts! “Where Food and Service is Our Business” FAUSTE OIL SERVICES, INC. Mountain Park Dragway Plaza Pharmacy Animal Clinic of Estill County Hart & Sole Warren F. Toler Funeral Home Silo Mill - Glenda Gay Oliver Estill Clinic Pharmacy Traci Dean, Realtor The Right Place Lewis Funeral Home Rod’s PowerHouse Diesel Birddog’s Cleaning Service Whitaker Bank - Stanton Stanton Nursing Center Peoples Exchange Bank Clark Energy MARCH 2009 THIS PAPER WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING.... MARCH 2009 Who Must File a 2008 Income Tax Return? By Tamara Rice, CPA S trange as it may seem, the IRS doesn’t want everybody to file an income tax return. The reason is simple: Processing tax returns takes time and money. The IRS doesn’t want to use its resources handling returns that weren’t necessary to file in the first place. PIZZA PALACE • Buffet • Salad Bar • • Dine-In • Carry-Out • Delivery Available Who should file a return? The rules for filing 2008 tax returns are straightforward for most people. • Single taxpayers (including those who are divorced or legally separated): If you’re under 65 and had gross income of at least $8,950 in 2008, you must file. If you’re 65 or older, the cutoff is $10,300. • “Head of Household” taxpayers (generally, unmarried people who provide a home to a child or other dependent): If you’re under 65 and had income of at least $11,500, you’ll need to file. If you’re 65 or older, the cutoff is $12,850. • Married taxpayers filing jointly: Filing is required if both spouses are under 65 and income is at least $17,900. If one spouse is 65 or older, the cutoff is $18,950. If both spouses are 65 or older, gross income must be at least $20,000 to require filing. If you were married but not living with your spouse at the end of the year, filing is required if you have income of $3,500 or more, regardless of your age. • Married taxpayers filing separately: If you made at least $3,500, you must file, regardless of your age. Different IRS rules govern filing for certain widows and widowers, dependents, those who owe special taxes (e.g. self-employment tax), children under age 19, and aliens. ALL THINGS COUNTRY It’s worth looking into your filing requirements. This year you may not have to file at all. If you have a refund coming you will want to file regardless of your income level. If you need more information or assistance with tax filing, please call our office at 723-1935. 723-5649 77 RIVER DR. IRVINE, KY Conrad Motors Your Multi-Mile Tire Dealer Come See For Yourself! We have the beSt priCeS in toWn on quality tires. • FREE ROAD HAZARD WARRANTY • FREE ROTATION • Full SERvIcE GARAGE 606-723-2179 740 WINCHESTER RD. IRVINE, KY GOT QUESTIONS ABOUT TAX REBATES? g Fancy Looaikin r & Nails H 369 Richmond Road • Irv 606-723-4222 ine, KY FULL SERVICE SALON Judy Wolfinbarger y p p Ha g! KristianCrd owe Sprin Stylists Ask Us! Made Green line’s Hwy 5 hou Beatty2 W • Ir vin se v e 606-4ille, KentuckRyd. 64 Se Seeds,ed Potatoes -0993 , Gar Oni Large on Sets, Fe den Veget Selectionrtilizer. able P o lants f t ke r a M a e l vine F Ir rniture u F d e s U New & uys B t a e r G f Lots o 6 • SIX HOURS: Sunday thru Thursday, 11am-10pm Friday & Saturday • 11am-11pm 1197 Winch 06-726-9512 ester Rd. • 6 • Irvine, KY Sonya B. Carroll, Amy M. Crowe, Tamara Rice-Rose, Kendra Tyree Individual Income Tax • Business Income Tax Payroll Service • Financial Statements • Tax Planning Estate Taxes • New Business Organization Tamara L. rice, cPa 2214 Richmond Road • Irvine, KY 40336 (606) 723-1935 FREE ELECTRONIC FILING With Paid Tax Preparation Mommie and Me storytime groups will meet every Wednesday at 10 a.m. and every Friday at 10:30 a.m. These groups are for children ages two through five. Bring your child to the library for a story, an art activity, and a snack. Call 723-3030 for more information. Roses’s Cash & Carry Farm & Garden Seed Sale! All Garden Seeds are On Sale. CheCk out the Weekly SpeCialS in the Store 2258 Richmond Rd., Irvine 606-723-0060 R iveRview RestauRant Under the Irvine Bridge! ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET Coming Soon! Dine in • Take OuT Delivery anyTime 606-723-6439 224 Main Street - Irvine, Kentucky OBIT LINE 606-723-8558 TherapeuTic Massage and reflexology A Destination Healing Arts Retreat Center CALL TODAY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR YOURSELF OR TO ORDER A GIFT CERTIFICATE (606)723-9678 or email: Warren F. toler Funeral home Pre-Planning Makes Sense..... Contact us today to find out about pre-planning services. 99 Cedar Grove Drive 606-723-2183 Irvine, KY Obituary line: 606-723-4242 Traci Dean I’m not talking about illegal Mexicans ~ I’m talking about our troops! Doesn’t it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don’t support our troops, and are even threatening to defund them? Whether you are buying or selling, I’m the only REALTOR you need. I offer virtual tours on all my listings. We’re not just local, We’re GLOBAL!! The RighT Place 1041 WinchesTeR Road • iRvine, KenTucKy 606-723-5460 NOW SERVING BREAKFAST - STARTING AT 7:00 A.M. Carryout Items Available at the Window 7Pm for Those On The Go! Sunday-Thursday, 7am-9pm • Friday & Saturday, 7am-10pm DAILY SPECIALS from 11Am to Estill clinic pharmacy Free Delivery • Drive-Thru Open Monday-Friday, 9-5:30 • Sat., 9-1 -- Closed Sundays 275 north court st. irvine, Kentucky 606-723-0044 Fax: 606-723-0054 Animal Clinic of Estill Co. PLLC Linda K. Grimes, DVM Science Diet & Eukanuba Pet Foods • Health Certificates • Medicine & Surgery 606-723-4159 LARGE AND SMALL ANIMALS 1995 Richmond Road Irvine, Kentucky 40336 the offices of Glenda Gay Oliver Certified Public Accountant SILO MILL GIFT SHOP 325 Richmond Road • Irvine • 606-723-7456 SEVEN • 7 (859) 582-9675 Each Office Independently Owned & Operated. * They travel miles in the heat. * They risk their lives crossing a border. * They don’t get paid enough wages. * They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do. * They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language. * They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day ~ every day. ALL THINGS COUNTRY Pre-Need Services Available On the Kentucky River in Estill County DIRECTORY LEWIS FUNERAL HOME HART and SOLE We need to show more sympathy for these people. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Estill County 606-723-2151 Minorities... MARCH 2009 Mommie and Me Storytime at Estill County Library MARCH 2009 ALL THINGS REAL ESTATE..... L&W Sewing Basket Understanding Real Estate Terminology • Fabric • Thread • Quilt Batting • Fat Quarters By Traci Dean, REALTOR, CENTURY 21 Gold Purchasing a home can be a complicated and confusing process, especially for first-time buyers. Throughout the process, first-time home buyers will encounter a variety of unfamiliar real estate terms. There are several key terms associated with purchasing real estate that are helpful to learn. Open Mondays & Tuesdays, 1 to 9pm Thursdays & Fridays, 6 to 9pm Closed Wednesdays & Sundays Open Saturdays By Appointment For example, many buyers confuse the terms broker and salesperson. A broker is a properly licensed individual, or corporation, who serves as a special agent in the purchase and sale of real estate, a salesperson is an individual employed or associated by written agreement by the broker as an independent contractor. The salesperson facilitates the purchase or sale of real estate. Once you decide to purchase, a salesperson will prepare a sales contract to present to the seller along with your earnest money deposit. The sales contract is the document through which the seller agrees to give possession and title of property to the buyer upon full payment of the purchase price and performance of agreed-upon conditions. The earnest money is a buyer’s partial payment, as a show of good faith, to make the contract binding. Often, the earnest money is held in an escrow account. Escrow is the process by which money is held by a disinterested party until the terms of the escrow instructions are fulfilled. ALL THINGS COUNTRY After the buyer and seller have signed the contract, the buyer must obtain a mortgage note by presenting the contract to a mortgage lender. The note is the buyer’s promise to pay the purchase price of the real estate in addition to a stated interest rate over a specified period of time. A mortgage lender places a lien on the property, or mortgage, and this secures the mortgage note. The buyer pays interest money to the lender exchange for the use of money borrowed. Interest is usually referred to as APR or annual percentage rate. Interest is paid on the principle, the capital sum the buyer owes. Interest payments may be disguised in the form of points. Points are an upfront cost which may be paid by either the buyer or seller or both in conventional loans. In general, there are two types of conventional loans that a buyer can obtain. A fixed rate loan has the same rate of interest for the life of the loan, usually 14 to 30 years. An adjustable rate loan or adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) provides a discounted initial rate, which changes after a set period of time. The rate can’t exceed the interest rate cap or ceiling allowed on such loans for any one adjustment period. Some ARM’s have a lifetime cap on interest. The buyer makes the loan and interest payments to the lender through amortization, the systematic payment and retirement of debt over a set period of time. Once the contract has been signed and a mortgage note obtained, the buyer and seller must legally close the real estate transaction. The closing is a meeting where the buyer, seller and their attorneys review, sign and exchange the final documents. At the closing, the buyer receives the appraisal report, an estimate of the property’s value with the appraiser’s signature, certification and sporting documents. The buyer also receives the title and the deed. The title shows evidence of the buyer’s ownership of the property while the deed legally transfers the title from the seller to the buyer. The final document the buyer receives at closing is a title insurance policy, insurance against the loss of the title if it’s found to be imperfect. Buyers should plan on at least four to twelve weeks for a typical real estate transaction. The process is difficult and at times, intimidating. A general understanding of real estate terminology and chronology of the transaction, however, will help any real estate novice to confidently buy his or her first home. SPORTS 82 SHOP, INC. 1185 Barnes Mountain Road • Irvine, KY 40336 606-723-6444 Irvine-Ravenna Kiwanis PANCAKE BREAKFAST Saturday, March 28 7 am to 11 am at Estill Springs Elementary Main Street, Irvine BUY • SELL • TRADE FIREARMS ’S N DDA ISCOUNT PAWN JEWELRY & ton Ave. 102 W. Lexing Winchester, KY 40391 859-737-2274 8 • EIGHT HUNTING and FISHING SUPPLIES & LICENSES OPEN 7 AM TIL 7 PM • 7 DAYS A WEEK scopes mounted • Boresighting • Layaway pLans avaiLaBLe L OFT Cloth in Whol g for the e Fam ily! OPEN T UES. 5193 -SAT. • 11AM-5 PM Richm ond R Irvine d., 606-7 23-48 Leather & Tee’s 134 SPOUT SPRINGS RD. • IRVINE, KY 40336 • 606-723-0615 Firearms • ammunition • Live Bait THE SSORIES E C C A & R HE ” e The Twin BIKER LEAT DRIVE #61 RIVERY IRVINE, K “Besid 23-6853 606-7 43 MARCH 2009 JEWELRY SAFLFE UP TO 50% O ’TS N DDA N U CO IS & PAWN JEWELRY gto n Ave. 102 W. Lexin Winchester, KY 40391 859-737-2274 Carpe 701 Ri v Irvine er Dr. , KY t • Ca b Paint inets IRVINE 606-7 OUTLET 23-47 11 e c a l P s k r Pa Delivery AvAilAble t. 145 Main S Irvine, KY 606-726-0143 Estill County Extension Office Hemlock woolly adelgid spreads further west T he hemlock woolly adelgid has moved farther west and recently was found on trees at Natural Bridge State Park in Powell County and the Big South Fork in McCreary County. University of Kentucky Entomology Professor Lynne Rieske-Kinney is working to monitor, study and control the spread of the insect that can devastate Eastern hemlock trees. UK is trying to learn to manage the hemlock woolly adelgid to preserve the Eastern hemlock because without intervention, this insect could cause the loss of that tree species in Kentucky’s forests. Eastern hemlock is a particularly important tree in the state’s forests. It usually is found along stream banks and is crucial to stream health and water quality. Eastern hemlock trees regulate stream temperatures, control sedimentation and provide a resource for wildlife and stream organisms. If hemlocks were to disappear due to the adelgid, it would change the composition and structure of Kentucky’s forests and irreparably alter watershed characteristics. The hemlock woolly adelgid feeds at the base of a tree’s needles, removing carbohydrates and photosynthates. With their feeding, the trees begin to weaken and can die. About the size of a pinhead, hemlock woolly adelgids are not easily detected until they settle on a host and begin secreting a white, woolly mass. The pest is rapidly spreading and could be distributed throughout the state relatively soon. Rieske-Kinney and UK Forestry Assistant Professor Songlin Fei are using remote sensing technologies to locate hemlocks in the state’s forests and track the spread of the adelgid. The hemlock woolly adelgid spreads most readily by songbirds, and there are a number of songbird species that are hemlock dependent. It can also be transported other ways, including by wind currents or by latching onto other forms of wildlife. Continued on Page 10 Treasure Seekers FLEA MARKET Come In and See What We Have To Offer BOOTHS FOR RENT 606-643-6015 Honey Bee Day Care Center, LLC Now Taking Child Enrollment Ages 6 Weeks thru 13 Years Clean Environment Qualified Staff Hot Meals Like Home Atmosphere 2196 Richmond Road • Irvine, KY 606-723-7891 NINE •9 1009 Winchester Road - Across from PriceLess NOW OPEN!! ALL THINGS COUNTRY AMiNG r F l l A f f 10% O March Only During Eric Baker MARCH 2009 Hemlock woolly adelgid, Continued from Page 9 Since the pest was first discovered in southeastern Kentucky in 2006, hundreds of trees have been treated by a systemic insecticide injection into the root zone. There have also been several releases of biological control agents including two species of predatory beetles. Rieske-Kinney is also evaluating the adelgid’s effects on forest structure and composition and watershed characteristics and exploring what characteristics of the Eastern hemlock make it so susceptible to the pest, with the goal of identifying specific mechanisms of host plant resistance. In collaboration with Entomology Assistant Professor James Harwood, she is also evaluating the role native predators may play in regulating adelgid populations, with the hope that the effectiveness of these native predators might be enhanced through forest management practices. For more information, contact your local UK Cooperative Extension Office. Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. NA/AA meeting every Tuesday and Thursday... Noon until 1 at WestCare, 108 Main Street, Irvine, KY PM Tax Service LLC 307 West Lexington Avenue • Winchester KY 40391 authorized provider E-File Rapid-Refund Appointments - Drop-offs - Walk-Ins Welcome Transcripts • Account Resolution • Offers in Compromise Word Processing 20 years “Specializing in all Tax Matters” experience ALL THINGS COUNTRY Phone: 859-745-0884 Patti McLemore Yellow House Antiques OPEN HOUSE • March 28, 2009 • 9:00am - 4:00pm ADVANCED TURF EQUIPMENT 102 Daytona Dr. • Winchester Collectibles • Furniture • Quilts• Glassware • Coins • Jewelry (Behind Wendy’s) 859-744-6119 BUY • SELL • CONSIGNMENT 1023 W. Lexington Ave. Winchester, KY 40391 859-744-8335 CLOSED on MONDAYS DELIVERY AVAILABLE WE BUY GOLD! ’S N DA T N U ISCO D N JEWELRY & PAW . 102 W. Lexington Ave Winchester, KY 40391 859-737-2274 Advertise Today! 723-047 8 ocal Shop L ! & Save Winter ClearanCe S ale Save Up to 50% Off Storewide! BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Clark County, Kentucky DIRECTORY Advice is Free - ! Call Us! 3495 Winchester Rd. Winchester, KY 859-744-7477 Best Price Guarantee On Parts & service ral Body Care ments • Natu oods le p p u S • s b F er • Vitamins • H Organic, Specialty & Bulk pm • s k o o 1 : B • ay 0am-5 10 • TEN Cell: 859-771-5914 pm • Saturd Center ay: 10am-7 d ri -F y a Colby Ridge d n In • r Mo te es ch Dr., Win 240 Redwing 8 0 859-744-30 Over 25 Years Experience Special Orders! No Shipping Costs Top qualiTY RepaiRs on diesel TRucKs and peRfoRmance vehicles • Performance Parts & Installation • Stacks • Internal Engines • Turbos • Exhaust • Injectors • ATS™ Transmissions • South Bend™ Clutches • Power Adders • NOS Water/Meth • Custom Fabrication • Custom Metal & Aluminum Welding ADVERTISE HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $ 3000 PER MONTH! MARCH 2009 Healing Arts Corner By Sarah Hart Hart & Sole Healing Arts Center Cancer Massage... T reating cancer and cancer pain have come a long way. Unfortunately, some medications and therapies used to treat cancer pain have troublesome side effects. Researchers now believe that massage therapy may be helpful to cancer patients for both its physical and emotional benefits. Physically, massage may decrease swelling, improve circulation, and relax muscle spasms. Psychologically, massage may promote relaxation, cause the release of endorphins (chemicals in the body that help with pain), and help patients take their minds off their pain. Many cancer centers offer massage therapy as part of their approach to managing cancer. While massage therapy does not offer sustained relief for pain, researchers say it does help with short-term pain relief and mood elevation. If you are a cancer patient, talk with your primary care doctor or your oncologist before receiving massage to find out what is safe and if there are any techniques you should avoid or modify. Consider finding a licensed massage therapist who is experienced in treating cancer pa- Powell County Livestock Producers Association members David Neal, Carol Jean Holtients. Massage therapists trained in cancer massage are aware of adaptations needed for cancer lon and June bug Todd put on the Ritz last month during the Healthy Heart Dinner sponsored by the Livestock Producers Association and the Kentucky Cattleman’s Aspatients. Next month’s topic: Reflexology sociation. Useless Knowledge.... John Lennon joined Elton John onstage at Madison Square Garden in 1974 to perform the song they cowrote, “Whatever Gets You Through the Night.” This was to be Lennon’s final live performance. • Bybee Pottery • Amish Foods • Handmade Furniture • Depression Glassware • Pet Items • Soy Candles • Household Items We are open 7 days a week! OVER 90 BOOTHS! B L U E G R ASS CR AFT & ANTIQUE M ALL 125 E. Elkins S tr Located at Exit 22 of eet in Stanton f the Mtn. Parkway 606-663-2337 ELEVEN • 11 BOOTHS AVAILABLE Photo by Mike Reed ALL THINGS COUNTRY If you are a family member or caregiver of someone touched by cancer, you can help, too. By learning very basic massage techniques and simple-touch therapy skills, you can help relieve pain and improve the mood of a loved one. A 3-hour workshop--Basic Massage for Caregivers--will be offered Saturday, March 28, 1-4 p.m., at HART and SOLE—a Destination Healing Arts Retreat Center in Estill County. Contact Sarah Hart, L.M.T., at (606) 723-9678 or sehart@ for more information. You may also call the WaysMeet Healing Arts Center in Berea at (859) 986-0098 to locate a caregiver class. MARCH 2009 Bluegrass Poultry Association Helping Dad feed the cows... Small Animal Swap and Trade Days BUY • SELL • TRADE Frankfort Livestock Complex Lakeview Park, 2456 Georgetown Rd., Frankfort Fourth Saturday of Each Month March 28, April 25, May 23, June 20*, July 25, August 22 and September 26 *June 20 Swap will be held on the 3rd Saturday ALL THINGS COUNTRY Starting at 8am - RAIN OR SHINE FREE TO THE PUBLIC Dealer Set up Fee- $5.00 For Additional information contact Eric Engelsman at 859792-4433 or Lynn Shelburne at 502-477-5453 *No Adult Dogs Please reach 10,000 readers with your ad in ALL THINGS COUNTRY Call today! 606-723-0478 Kathy’s ~ Serving All of Powell County ~ ts if G m to s u C & e u iq Un Brighten Someone’s Day with a Beautiful Spring Bouquet! 12 • TWELVE Miss Abby Napier of Cane Creek Road in Stanton helps her dad Brody feed the cows during the last snow fall of the month. ATC photo by Mike Reed 606-663-4291 • 800-266-0244 NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 4994 Main Street Clay City, Kentucky Carmen Rogers-McKinney and Brian McKinney, Owners Country Kitchen Fresh Pies Daily! For Those Chilly Days..... • Vegetable Soup • • Chili • Beef Stew • • Potato Soup • Served in Bread Bowls Home of the Fresh Fried Green Tomatoes Happy Valentine’s Day!! 606-663-4179 20 Black Creek rd. Clay City, Ky Featured in “Eating Your Way Across Kentucky: 101 Must Places to Eat” by Gary P. West MARCH 2009 Reader Recipe ... Homemade Turkey Salad Sent to us by James P. Shuler of Ravenna, Kentucky 3 pounds ground turkey meat (pre-cooked) 1 medium onion, chopped or ground through sausage mill 1 cup finely chopped celery 2 cups salad dressing Mix all together, use on sandwich bread or buns. Tell them you read about it in All Things Country! Ducks swimming on the pond behind our house the day this month’s paper was ‘put to bed.’ It snowed almost all day, but not enough to accumulate much. Photo by Dave Severson FARM FRESH EGGS C2H2 Farm • Irvine, Kentucky LIQUIDATORS in Stanton ALL THINGS COUNTRY Call 606-723-7895 FURNITURE SALE • FURNITURE SALE All Living Room, Dinette Sets, Bedroom Suites, China Cabinets, Coffee & End Tables LAYAWAY NOW WHILE WAITING FOR YOUR TAX REFUND! 65 W. Pendleton st. Located Behind McDonald’s 606-663-4075 THIRTEEN • 13 Large Dept. Store Shelf Pull Clothing Up To 70% OFF MARCH 2009 all things By Dave Severson March brings a return to the track R Hello race fans. Now, that’s music to my ears. Yes, it’s March and we get to enjoy the sights and sounds of drag racing as Mountain Park Dragway opens their gates for the 2009 racing season. It’s hard to believe that it is that time again. Pam and I attended the end of year banquet on February 21st in Clay City. We drove over to the AmVets Building in the rain and drove home in the snow. It’s kind of hard to envision the racing season with snow on the ground. But March is the month to get the cars, bikes and trucks out and dust them off. Wax ‘em up and make those yearly test runs that will prepare you for the season. But, back to the banquet. As always, the Kennon family handled the 200 plus guests in attendance with lots of door prizes and a great BBQ dinner, catered by Sonny’s BBQ. The food was really delicious. But not even close to the desserts. They are always the best. Mary Helen Kennon prepares them all from scratch, from her own recipes. When you make it to the track this season, make sure you try out the homemade brownies or peanut butter roll. They are the best. ALL THINGS COUNTRY Some track procedures were voted on at the banquet, along with the presentation of awards and trophies to all the winners. If you are a racer and you don’t attend, you miss out on the chance to voice your opinion on how things are run at the track. The overall discussion that is held at the banquet is to allow all racers to voice their opinions and to be heard. So, if you don’t attend, you can’t help in the decisions that make Mountain Park Dragway a great place to race. Another announcement at the banquet was that of my new position as Marketing Director for the track this year. I will be bringing some new sponsors on board, in addition to the fine sponsors that already support the track. I will still be involved in my photography work at the track also. The dragstrip at Clay City brings alot of traffic into the area and we want to bring even more. I’m hoping to do some more promotion of the track and get more spectators to come out for the races. We hope to see you at the first Test and Tune, I hope that we can fill the pits and the stands every weekend this year. There is a schedule of all the races at the track this year, so make sure you save it in a safe place so you don’t miss any of the great action at Mountain Park Dragway. We hope to have a great year, not only for the racers but also for the spectators. Until next time..... Dave JOEY’S MUFFLER SHOP Automotive Exhaust Service Tuesday-Friday, 8 to 5 – Saturday, 6 to 2 231 West College Ave. • Stanton, Kentucky 606-663-5494 A large crowd attended the Year End Banqu for Mountain Park Dragway on February 21 the AmVets Building in Clay City, above. Above right: Track workers were presented wi jackets at the banquet by the management Mountain Park Dragway. Photos by Pam Hed LOOKING FOR A GREAT ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY? 14 • FOURTEEN Reach a large audience! Signs Available Now Call Dave at 606-643-5048 to find out how to advertise your business at Mountain Park Dragway ith of dge estill County Chamber of Commerce Presents the First Annual ALL THINGS COUNTRY uet at MARCH 2009 Racing aTv Trail ride May 2, 2009 Registration from 7am-10am • First Ride begins at 10am SponSorShipS are available Fishers ATV World will be filming the ride on Saturday FIFTEEN • 15 For more information, contact Demmie at or 606.723.2450 Visit our website at MARCH 2009 Mt. Park Dragway 2009 Schedule championship drag racing since 1963 FRIDAY TEST & TUNES ALL THINGS COUNTRY MIDNIGHT MAYHEM DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 First 2009 T&T + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy + MIDNIGHT MAYHEM + Q-8 Qualifying & Memorial Warm Up + 1/4 Mile Trophy June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 + 1/4 Mile Trophy + MIDNIGHT MAYHEM + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy July 10 July 24 July 31 + MIDNIGHT MAYHEM + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy August 7 August 14 August 21 August 28 16 • SIXTEEN September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25 + Street Shootout Warm-Up + Q-8 Qualifying & Outlaw Warm-Up + MIDNIGHT MAYHEM + 1/4 Mile Trophy + Car Wars Warm-Up + 1/4 Mile Trophy + MIDNIGHT MAYHEM + 1/4 Mile Trophy October 2 October 30 + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27 + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy + 1/4 Mile Trophy Friday Test & Tune Times: Gates 5:00, Testing 6:00 thru 11:00 Test & Tune Entry Fees: $20 Car & Driver, $5 Spectator Midnight Mayhem Times: Gates 5:00, Testing 6:00 thru 11:00 Saturday Points/All-Run Times: Gates 1:00, T.T. 3:00, Racing 7:00 Saturday Points & All-Run Spectator Fee: $10, Age 12 & Under: Free Special Event Fees, Times & Classes will be posted on flyers. A/R or All-Run denotes an All-Run open event and may include other special classes as advertised. MPD & Summit Points denotes our 12 race points series with Top, Mop, SS Junior and Bike points kept. POINTS & SPECIAL EVENTS Sat., March 21 Sat., March 28 Test & Tune (Noon-Dusk) Test & Tune (Noon-Dusk) Sat., April 4 A/R Mulligans Chassis Certification April 10 & 11 Sat., April 11 MPD & Summit Points Event April 18-19 Spring Championship Sat., April 25 MPD & Summit Points Event Sat., May 2 Sat., May 9 Sat., May 16 May 22-24 Sat., May 30 A/R UMTR Gear Jammers MPD & Summit Points Event MPD & Summit Points Event Memorial Classic A/R Jacket Night Sat., June 6 Sat., June 13 Sat., June 20 Sat., June 27 Mouth of the South Memorial MPD & Summit Points Event A/R Ironman Classic MPD & Summit Points Event July 2-5 Sat., July 11 July 17-19 July 25-26 Mr. Gasket Pro-Am Tour MPD & Summit Points Event Hillbilly Showdown Sport Bike & V-Twin Weekend Sat., August 1 Sat., August 8 Sat., August 15 Sat., August 22 Sat., August 29 MPD & Summit Points Event A/R Super Street Shootout Outlaw Drag Nationals MPD & Summit Points Event MPD & Summit Points Event Sat., Sept. 5 Sat., Sept. 12 Sat., Sept. 19 Sat., Sept. 26 Car Wars MPD & Summit Points Event King of the Bluegrass MPD & Summit Points Event Oct. 3-4 Oct. 9-11 October 14-18 Oct. 22-25 Sat., Oct. 31 Sat., Nov. 7 Sat., Nov. 14 Nov. 21-22 Sat., Nov. 28 Fall Championship Mopar Southern Classic IHRA Team Finals @ Steele, Alabama Ken Mor Bluegrass Nationals 1/4 Mile Midnight Madness A/R A/R Toys 4 Tots Thanksgiving Classic A/R MARCH 2009 s k c a r T y Abb THE RULES HAVE CHANGED!! Due to the number of phone call entries we re- ceive each month, we are no longer able to accept your entries over the phone. We are sorry for this change, but it’s not the only change! There will be more changes each month to the contest, to make it a bit more challenging. For March, all entries must have a recipe for Easter attached! We will print as many of the recipes that we can in our April edition of All Things Country. THIS MONTH’S PRIZE: Cabin stay at Cabins of Birch Hollow in Slade, Kentucky PaPa’s Real Pizza & Hand-diPPed ice cReam Eat-In Service • Free Delivery in Stanton & Clay City Great for Small Parties or Get Togethers! Large Variety March Madness of Sandwiches SPECIAL New Menu Items Large Pizza Any Toppings and Large Order of Breadsticks for 18 99 13 Flavors of Ice Cream March Flavor of the Month ... Butter Pecan ¢ Scoop 75 Monday Thru Saturday, 11am to 9pm • Sunday, 11am to 5pm Located across from the Flea Market 606-663-6003 Fried Apple Pie Crust Sent to us by Audrey Adams of Ravenna, Kentucky 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup shortening 1 egg 1/4 cup water 1 teaspoon vinegar Combine flour, salt and cut in shortening with fork. Combine egg, water and vinegar. Mix well. Divide into three parts. Roll in wax paper and chill. Work one part at a time. Should make 15 pies. Subscribe Today! (1 Year, 12 issues - $24.00) A subscription to All Things Country will last the whole year long! 12 issues for only $24.00. Send your friends or relatives good news each and every month. Let us know it is a gift and we’ll enclose a card! Name:_ _____________________________ Address:____________________________ City:____________ State:_ ___ Zip:________ Name on Card:_ ______________________ Send check or money order to: All Things Country 1100 Harris Ferry Road, Irvine, KY 40336 SEVENTEEN • 17 $ & Kid’s Menu! Reader Recipe ... ALL THINGS COUNTRY Send your name, address and phone number, plus where you found Abby’s paw print to ATC, 1100 Harris Ferry Road, Irvine, KY 40336 and we will enter you into the drawing. You will be notified if you are our winner! Entries must be received by 20th of each month to be eligible for that month’s drawing. Newborn Pygmy Goats, born February 22nd on the C2H2 Farm in Estill County. There have been twenty-three kids born since the beginning of February. Photo by Dave Severson MARCH 2009 GOT CABIN FEVER ...Visit Dianna’s Large Selection of Flower Arrangements Authorized Candleberry Candle Dealer Like candles, but don’t like the flame? Check out our new Candle Warmers ANTIQUES • BASKETS • PRIMITIVES ALL THINGS COUNTRY QUILTS Huge Selection All Sizes DIANNA’S 18 • EIGHTEEN CRAFTS, GIFTS & MORE LOCATED OFF OF M AT EXIT 43 TN. PARK WAY ONLY 11 MI NATURAL LES FROM BR STATE PA IDGE RK! 777 HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH s y a D Open 7 Campton, Kentucky A Week! 606-668-3589 7,000 SQUARE FOOT SHOP! HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday, 1-5pm ACCEPTED HERE 10% Off Furniture during the month of March! LAYAWAY AVAILABLE Antiques & Used Furniture Glassware & Appliances Clocks & Collectibles Located on Highway 15 between Campton & Bethany Mike Reed Powell County Extension Office What’s that smell in the Yard? F or many of us the first mowing of grass is usually an enjoyable event. It signals the time of year for picnics and fishing in the creek. The first mowing this season may be a little less enjoyable because of a few pesky weeds in the lawn. Most all of us can tell when someone has mowed the yard for the first time this year due to the smell of wild onion. Even the County agent’s yard has them! It seems wild onions are everywhere this year, even in the more manicured lawns. Another weed that has everyone talking this year is the pretty little purple flower which has found its way into our lawns and fields. We tend to call the weed-henbit, but the weed is actually purple deadnettle. Purple deadnettle and henbit are in the same family. I suppose they are distant cousins, but like many of your cousins, they look very similar. This plant is a winter annual plant that comes up in late fall, goes through its short life cycle during the winter then blooms in April. The primary difference between purple deadnettle and henbit is the length and the arrangement of the flowers. Most people want to know what to do with this weed. For the most part, purple deadnettle is on its way out. Once the plant blooms, it’s pretty much over. Spraying with a weed control chemical containing 2-4D will kill the plant, but so will warm weather and bright sunshine. For most of us, just mow over it, pull it up and wait on the fescue underneath the weed. For other pesky weeds (such as the wild onion), which are winter annual broadleaf weeds, chemicals which contain 2-4D can be used to kill them, although this past week, with its’ harsh winds would not have been a good time to apply 2-4D. This chemical will drift easily when you have warm windy days and the chemical you spray on your lawn can easily drift over to your neighbor’s tulips or daffodils. Crabgrass prevention should also begin soon, (by April 10), as this type weed control must be applied before the weed seeds germinate. Time to Plant Rhubarb and Asparagus It has come the time of year when I just have to get outside and plant something. That something might be a new apple tree, a new grape vine or maybe a few strawberry plants. lace The Gathering P ad 15 Southfork Ro Stanton, Kentucky ting? Having a party or mee it? ve ha Need a place to We can help! 25% Off funCtiOns Ch Chur 20 Call Mary at 606-663-00 NEED CASh? SEE D DANANS! D JEW ISCOUN’S EL T 102 W RY & Winc . Lexingto PAWN heste n r, KY Ave. 4039 1 859-7 37-22 74 All little farms and homesteads need a few asparagus and rhubarb plants as well. Both these plants are perennial plants that outlast many of the homes which they were planted near. You will find both rhubarb and asparagus crowns at your local department store-garden centers and farm stores. Both these plants need a well-drained, sunny area in which to reside. Neither of these plants will grow well in wet areas as the crowns will rot. If drainage is a problem in your yard, plant in a raised bed. Keep these plants in an area where the weed eater or lawnmower or rotary tiller will not be tempted to dig them up or mow them over. ALL THINGS COUNTRY Open 7 Days A Week - 9am-4:30pm MARCH 2009 LittLes ResaLe Plant asparagus crowns 8 inches deep, at least 18 inches away from the next asparagus plant. Asparagus plants benefit from good compost or well rotted manure. Feed plants each spring for best results. Harvest asparagus shoots the second year after planting. Rhubarb plantings do well if you prepare some old compost or well rotted manure into the planting hole. Plant here in March and keep rhubarb mulched and weeded. You should be able Continued on Page 20 ELKINS INSURANCE GROUP, LLC Ovie & Josie Hollon, Agents • Lisa R. Mays, Life and Health Agent 40 S. Main Street, Stanton, KY 40380 606-663-0186 Fax 606-663-0400 PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE AGENTS Local Agents Serving Main Street America NINETEEN • 19 Paying too much? Have enough coverage? MARCH 2009 Extension News, Continued from Page 19 to harvest stalks the second year. Mature rhubarb can be harvested for 8-10 weeks during each summer. Nothing is better than rhubarb/strawberry cobbler! Both rhubarb and asparagus may take a little extra care, but they will be around for many years for you and your grand children. BQA meeting and Cattle Phase I program-March 12 Powell County beef producers will want to circle March 12 at 6:30 p.m. here in the Powell County Extension Office Conference room. This meeting will be a BQA meeting (Beef quality assurance ) meeting along with a time set aside to explain the newest Phase I program for Powell County farmers. On March 12 at this meeting applications for the 2009 genetic improvement program and the cattle handling facilities will be made available. We will also discuss the program with its deadlines and program requirements. A light beef meal will be available at this meeting for the cost of $2.00 per person. All beef producers in Powell County are urged to attend. Large Selection of Bulk and Packaged Garden Seed! Livestock Association Meeting The Powell County Livestock Producers Association will have their next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 31, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Powell County Extension Office Conference Room. The Powell County Livestock Association invites all interested persons to attend. For meal reservations call the Extension Office at 663-6405. Beekeepers to meet March 23 ALL THINGS COUNTRY Something has happened to thousands of our bees this past winter and this has many of our gardeners and beekeepers concerned. With this problem in mind, we have scheduled our state Apiarist, Phil Craft from Kentucky State University, Dr. Tom Webster, to speak with us again. Dr. Webster Mr. Craft will be with us on Monday, March 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at the Powell County Extension Office. Refreshments will be served. Help Us Spread Good News! Call 606-723-0478 to Advertise Heartbreak Ridge FARM SUPPLY 1120 Pompeii Road • Clay City • 606-663-9235 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL RED RIVER INC. DIRECTORY HARDWOODS, Laminate Flooring Clay City, Kentucky Birddog’s Cleaning Service Floor Maintenance • Stripping • Buffing Waxing • Janitorial Service • Free Estimates A CLEAN FLOOR IS A CLEAN STORE Rick Willoughby, Owner PO Box 465, Clay City, KY 40312 (606)663-4290 606-481-1169 CLAY CITY POTTERY GIFTS & COLLECTIBLES Specializing in Hand-Crafted Stoneware, Earthenware and Ceramic Products. Made right here in the Heart of Kentucky! 20 • TWENTY H o rs e , C o w, C h i c k e n, G o a t, P i g , R a bb i t, Do g & C a t Fo o d s Looking for a unique, one of a kind gift? We offer personalized mugs and crocks with 3 to 4 week turnaround. Give us a call or email for information & pricing. January through March - Open by Appointment LOCATED 2 MILES FROM CLAY CITY ON HIGHWAY 11 1776 Black Creek Road • Clay City • 606-663-0352 Visit our Webstore ... 99 $ 98 $ 79 2 1 Engineered Flooring Starting at ¢ Available in 3 Colors Prefinished Hardwood Available in Red Oak, Hickory and Maple Now In 2 Locations! 588 Lofty Heights Road 4793 Rockwell Road Clay City, KY 40312 Winchester, KY 40391 (606) 663-0974 (859) 737-0030 Mon.-Fri. 8am - 4:30pm • Sat. 8am - 12 Noon Mon.-Sat. 8am - 5pm Family Owned and Operated Free Delivery to Area Funeral Homes LARGER SELECTION OF CARHARTT THE gOOD nEigHBOr PHArMACY l a c o l r u o y t u o k Chec y c a m r a h P r o b h Good Neig f o n o i t c e l e s e d i w a for Spring Items! LOTS OF GIFT IDEAS...... • Boyd’s Bears • Ty Stuffed Animals • Toys • Willow Tree Angels • Cologne • Silver Jewelry • Crystal Giftware • Candleberry Candles • Hearth & Home Candles • Quilted Purses monday - Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Closed Sundays • Pharmacy Closed Saturdays 163 East College Ave. • Stanton, KY Store - 663-2849 Pharmacy - 663-2848 606-663-1505 Large Selection of Carhartt Now Available At Sniffables in Stanton, Kentucky ~ Family operated ~ Shop hurSt ... Your Hometown Store LANE y l w e N r u ! O e m e o S o r e ENGLANDER w m o o C nded Sh a p x E TOSHIBA WHIRLPOOL soFAs & loveseAts Dinette sets MAjor AppliAnces & televisions lArge selection oF sertA MAttresses Hurst Furniture & AppliAnces 175 Blackburn St. Stanton, KY 606-663-9942 Open Monday thru Saturday, 9-5 FINANCING AVAILABLE TWENTY-ONE • 21 We accept most insurance cards in the Pharmacy! KADEY’S PLACE ALL THINGS COUNTRY We carry Fishing and Hunting Supplies, Ammunition & Camping and Sporting Goods! 369 N. Main St. Stanton, KY MARCH 2009 Billings Drugs Home Spun Materials • Flowers • Primitives Candles • Personalized Pottery VENDOR BOOTHS FOR RENT MARCH 2009 By the Moons STUFF March Moon Phases ...... First Quarter, March 4 at 2:46 a.m. Full Moon, March 10 at 9:38 p.m. Last Quarter, March 18 at 12:47 p.m. New Moon, March 26 at 11:06 a.m. Dates to Work in the Garden and we can’t wait for Spring!! Plant Above Ground Crops ................... March 2, 3, 6, 7, 26, 29, 30 Plant Root Crops......................................March 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Control Plant Pests.............................................March 18, 22, 23 Transplant............................................................. March 6, 7, 26 Plant Flowers......................................................... March 6, 7, 26 For much more useful information, we recommend that everyone utilize a Farmer’s Almanac. Amazing to read, amazing to follow! ALL THINGS COUNTRY BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Stanton, Kentucky DIRECTORY Stay safe ... RECYCLING A BMR LLC. Co. NOW OPEN!! Lexington & Winchester Areas Newest & Best RECYCLING CENTER Stuff Recycling We Buy All MetAls, 6169 Lexington Rd. Autos, AppliAnces, etc. Winchester, KY 859-745-7882 Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm • Saturday, 8am-12Noon Don’t place a portable heater in high traffic areas and keep it clear of curtains, bedding, clothes and furniture. MEMBER 606-663-9500 People Serving People Since 1912 22 • TWENTY-TWO Stanton NURSING CENTER Keisha Charles, BS, NHA –– Administrator 31 Derickson Lane Stanton, KY An Facility 606-663-2846 Whitaker Bank Uniquely Kentucky STANTON 606-663-2283 CLAY CITY 606-663-2276 CAMPTON 606-668-9911 MEMBER MENTION THIS AD FOR 29¢ COLOR COPIES 1 side only, 8-1/2x11 Stop In and See the Handmade Wooden Pens, Darts and Kaleidoscopes New from the Fairy Bowmother: Waterproof Hair Bows & Ponytail Streamers Spring Fragrances from Bridgewater Candle Co. Popcorn Shirts - All Sizes Designer Purses • Jewelry Novelty Print - Pillows - Corn Hole Bags Tobacco STick TreeS, WreaThS & More! RAGE DOLLS - Everyone Needs One of These! BArNWooD FurNIture Expanded Line of Fragrances! 1011 W. Lexington Ave. Winchester, KY 859-744-5694 COMMONWEALTH FORD LI N COLN Merc u r y Parts & Service Specialists Schedule An Appointment Today (859)623-3252 Toll Free (800)633-5574 Now I find as I grow older that I think about them more, Grandpa passed in nineteen-sixty, grandma passed in sixty-four, Those were years I’ll always treasure, and a great part of my past, Forever in my heart and memory, for as long as time will last. From the year of forty-seven, to the year twothousand-nine, Everyone has precious memories, let me tell you about mine. I stayed with my Grandparents, the were really pretty cool, From the year that I turned two till I was old enough for school. In Memory Of Willie and Fanny Hedge They lived up in the hollow, half a mile from mom and dad, Though I was small I still remember all the good times that we had. We had corn meal mush for supper, every night it was the same, And I remember how they used to call me by my middle name. Granny always nagged at grandpa for most anything he’d do And he’d always give her that blank look like he didn’t have a clue. Why do you chew that tobacco and what are you spitting in? Every time she would complain he’d look at me and wink and grin. The way my grandpa moved a snail would have a faster pace, His posture showed the years of hard work spent on that old place. I guess we can’t blame grandma if she got a little mean For my father was her first child, she gave birth at thirteen. Because we care about your hair! Shaklee Vitamins Scruples • Tressa Tanning Bed with New Bulbs! Open M-S, 8am-?pm NOREAN’S HAIR CARE Norean Hatton, Owner/Operator Located at Faith PLaza 3315 D Camargo Road Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 (859) 498-9827 Happryick’s St. PDatay By Bobby Hedge, 2009 Olive Hill, Kentucky Dreaming Of Spring Winter’s been a long cold ride There’s not much one can do outside And being inside’s never been my thing. This afternoon as I reclined In that big Lazy Boy of mine I drifted off to sleep and dreamed of Spring. I dreamed of walking thru green fields Of Redbud blooms and daffodils And beams of Sun that left me feeling warm. I watched spring rabbits run and play And in the hills not far away I hear the rumble of a thunder storm. The kind of sleep that leaves you blessed With scenes of Mother Natures best With leaves of green and skies of baby blue. It seems I hear a blue bird’s song That tells me it wont be too long Until this dream I’m having will come true. By Bobby Hedge, 2009 Olive Hill, Kentucky JD Tees & Jeans g Discount Clothin e iz Regular & Plus S ~ Furniture ~ - SaturDay Open MOnDay 9aM tO 6pM Located at Faith Plaza Camargo, Kentucky 859-497-8557 CLEARANCE ON SCRUbS 699 $ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WHILE YOU WAIT Most Insurance Accepted • Drive Thru Window Camargo PharmaCy 3404 Camargo road, mt. Sterling, Ky (859)497-0009 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:30 • Saturday, 9:00-1:00 TWENTY-THREE • 23 768 Eastern By-Pass Richmond, KY 40474 My First Six Years ALL THINGS COUNTRY Candlemaking Supplies Uncle Bob’s Poetry... MARCH 2009 Unique Creations MARCH 2009 C•L•A•S•S•I•F•I•E•D•S ------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE ------------------------------------------------FOR SALE - Chihuahua Puppies for Sale. CKC, first shots. Call 859-2007482. ------------------------------------------------CHICKENS FOR SALE - Silkies, Bantam Chicks and others. Give us a call and see what’s available. 606-7237895. ------------------------------------------------THE KIDS ARE HERE. Percentage and Full Kids available soon! Call the C2H2 Farm at 606-723-7895. February Winner ------------------------------------------------Reach 10,000 Readers with your ad in All Things Country. Call Today - 723-0478 ------------------------------------------------SERVICES ------------------------------------------------Typesetting Services, logo design, brochures, business flyers. Give us a call! 606-723-0478. ------------------------------------------------- 25 WORDS - $15 Call 723-0478 for More Info. of Abby Tracks Congratulations to Mary Kiser of Olive Hill, KY ALL THINGS COUNTRY Winner of a Diamond Pendant from Dan’s Discount Jewelry Send in your poetry and recipes! Send to: ATC, 1100 Harris Ferry Road, Irvine, KY 40336 or email to: Let us promote your business! ALL THINGS COUNTRY, INC. 606-723-0478 The Abby Track was located on Page 15 in our February edition of All Things Country. Deadline for our APRIL EDITION iS MARCH 20 Thanks to everyone who enters each month, keep trying and don’t give up! CHICKWEED HEALING SALVE $19.95 each or 2 for $29.95 with Free Shipping! House Testimonials: This is amazing stuff. I used it for a rash and it healed up in one week. Nothing else would work. Greg Lynch, Frankfort, KY LIMITED TIME OFFER! Motorola V306 $19.99 Motorola ROKR U9 $29.99 FREE ACTIVATION! It worked better than anything the doctor had prescribed for poison ivy. So far, for us, it has cured two skin cancers, poison ivy and severe rash. - Gary Krehbiel, Kansas 24 • TWENTY-FOUR My one month baby had chronic diaper rash. Several doctors had tried to get it to go away, but nothing worked. She continued to be raw and sore and cried all the time. I tried Chickweed Healing Salve one night and by the next morning she was much better. After using it for two days, she was completely cured. I paid $19.95 for it but gladly would have paid $100. I will always keep it on hand. - Shellie Cooper, Kansas FREE ACTIVATION Motorola W230 FREE FREEAnd PHONE! for 6 months you Certain termscan and conditions talk apply. For one half off… (Certain terms and conditions apply) Barn Testimonials: Very good on milk cows chapped and cut udders. The Chickweed Healing Salve is the best salve I have ever had in the barn. - D.A. My horse’s hock was chipped in three places. The wound was about four inches long. We used Chickweed Healing Salve and it healed real nicely. - S & E, Indiana 1-866-CHICKWEED (866-244-2593) Send your order with check or money order to: Satterfield Naturals 409 Satterfield Lane, Suite 05, Owingsville, KY 40360 Dealer Inquiries Welcome • Credit Cards Accepted Mt. Sterling Sterling Cellular Mt. Cellular 627 North Maysville • Mount Sterling, KY At Greg StoneMain, Signs - Next Etc. Etc. 420 East Mt. toSterling 859-499-2800 • 859-404-3249 859-499-2800 MARCH 2009 A beautiful view of the snow from the Chrisman home in Estill County, above. Dick Chrisman took snapped the picture of the SEAGULLS, yes seagulls, one day in February. Ice covered lights on the Chrisman deck during the ice storm. Photos submitted by Barb Chrisman Brrrr... no more ice! ALL THINGS COUNTRY The ice storm that hit Kentucky did major damage to trees in the area. If the weight of the ice didn’t break the tree, chances are the tree limbs straightened back up, as the above willow tree did on the C2H2 Farm in Estill County. Trees covered the driveway in both directions for a time, before a path was cut to get out. We were without power for about 36 hours, much less than lots of electric customers throughout the state. Photos by Pam Hedge TWENTY-FIVE • 25 MARCH 2009 Life on the Ponderosa…. By Barb Cartwright, Hunters, Washington F 26 • TWENTY-SIX ALL THINGS COUNTRY rom what I understand from our weatherman, Kentucky seems to be looking more and more like the Northwest this winter! I never realized that your beautiful warm state could rival mine for the amount of ice one could accumulate in a 24 hour period. Thankfully we have no ice to report on this winter – and I feel your pain! The beautiful plants and trees that will need to be replanted will help stimulate the economy as you purchase new ones from Ravenna Florist & Greenhouse! I love to go to our local flower shop (an hour drive) to just soak up the spring that will be…..I am just aching to put those little seeds in the soil, but alas I will have to be patient as it is too cold outside to even think of putting anything in our greenhouse. I must admit I have begun to turn our living room into an indoor greenhouse, as I know if those plants don’t get started soon they will not produce anything edible by the time we get frost in the fall. Our outdoor growing season is from late May to very early September! One year we had frost on June 5th and I had to replant everything….no tomatoes that year. Over the years I have learned that it is best to start the seeds by the first of March, try not to plant outdoors in the ‘real’ garden until almost June; except for the cold crops such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and peas, and then watch the news diligently for the first two weeks and run out like a fool with my plastic and blankets (yes blankets) to cover those babies up for the night. It works! We have been enjoying the ‘fruits of our labor’ each winter since we figured this out. From the looks of your weather – some of you may need to turn your living space into a greenhouse soon if it doesn’t straighten up! This is also the time of year that we thoroughly enjoy the winter. My husband and kids’ snow ski and snowboard at 49° North ski hill, which is a short hour drive from our place. I haven’t skied in a few years explaining to the kids that mom can’t get hurt or nothing will get done! They don’t know the real reason is that I LOVE the quiet; when they have all gone, to just sit and sew on my denim quilts, skip lunch and lose myself in a good book. I think if I lived in Irvine I would have to sneak over to Hart and Sole for a nice massage! Barb Cartwright stands with two of her children after a day on the ski hill. Below is the quilt she is working on. Photos courtesy of Barb Cartwright The peace is usually broken with the excited barking coming from our three dogs as they announce the arrival of their favorite humans. We have a ‘mud / snow’ room so all the wet snow clothes get hung around the wood stove to dry for the next trip. I get to hear all the exciting near misses from the day as I make them a cup of cocoa and dinner. We have been very blessed not to have any injuries at the ski hill! Speaking of quilts – I see I missed what looks to be a very fun time at your local quilt show! I love all quilts, however I make mine from old blue jeans; I use the pockets, zippers and ‘butts’ as well as the seams, hammer pockets and any other interesting item I find on them- such as torn up knees. I just find a nice scrap of flannel to sew behind the worn area and it adds a lot of character to the quilt. In the past I would either use batting and fabric for the backing or find a new thin quilt that I would sew on as the back. With the amount of great fleece they have available I use it quite a bit now. I have made denim quilts for many ‘special’ occasions like weddings, birthdays or even death. Whoever I am making the quilt for can usually round up a few pair of ‘old favorites’ that I cut apart and they are on your bed to remember for a life time. Or almost! The first quilt I ever made was for my husband and I the second year we were married which was 28 years ago. It is now so thin it doesn’t keep us warm in the winter….So that is my project to finish, as I think we still have a bit of winter left! Sure hope yours goes away soon or you might just need to start cutting up those old jeans…… ~ Barb Want to see your business, town or special event published in All Things Country? With our publication you get: To Subscribe, Call 606-693-1478 Today! Call us today - 606-723-0478 KY Mountain News is the region’s best source of news, weather, sports and special events you will find anywhere. We are proud to be a member of the KY Press Association and have been recognized as one of the state’s best publications (in our class) for the past 2 years! • One month of coverage in over twenty counties in Kentucky for the price of one ad in your local paper. • Placement in businesses throughout a large distribution area. • Return customers who love our paper and want each issue. • Our paper is free, therefore potential customers don’t have to pay to see your ad. Rayburn Arts & Crafts ALL THINGS COUNTRY READ ALL THINGS COUNTRY EACH MONTH IN KY MOUNTAIN NEWS MARCH 2009 THIS AD SPACE IS RESERVED FOR YOU! Rayburn Arts & Crafts is a country primitive gift shop featuring arts, crafts, antiques, collectibles, and more. To compliment our many gift lines, we create our own original arts and crafts. Many are unique, one-of-a-kind creations. Spring Cash & Carry Sale Saturday, March 28 -- 10am-4pm 2612 St. Hwy. 1662 • Olive Hill, Kentucky 41164 (606) 286-2875 OPEN SATURDAYS, 10am-4pm • Other Times By Appointment Only Directions to Rayburn Arts & Crafts: Located west of Olive Hill and east of Morehead. Only ten minutes from I-64. From I-64 (Exit #156) take Route 2 North and then turn left on Route 59 (toward Vanceburg). Travel approx. 3 miles on Route 59 and then turn left on Hwy. 1662. Travel 3 more miles on Hwy. 1662, Welcome Be! TWENTY-SEVEN • 27 Refreshments Served Specials throughout the Shop MARCH 2009 Drop off your prescription before you shop, pick it up when you are done!! The Science Behind The Art Injected thermoplastic heel counter for consistent stability and rearfoot control. Soft, padded collar and tongue provides cushioned comfort and prevents heel slippage. If you are diabetic and have Medicare, then you qualify for diabetic shoes. AeromaxTM Mesh Upper for optimum breathability. Keeps foot healthy & cool. TPU Structured Logo Design for dynamic support, resilience and structure Anatomically designed toe box for comfort and biomechanical efficiency. ALL THINGS COUNTRY Aetrex Performance Insole – Biomechanically designed, polyurethane insole provides support, cushioning and shock absorption. Highly slip resistant, deep channeled outsole promotes safety and traction. SkyTM Midsole provides soft, long lasting cushioning for maximum comfort. HELPS WITH PAIN & NUMBNESS IN FEET CAUSED FROM DIABETES. PLAZA PHARMACY PRS Midsole incorporates three durometers of SkyTM EVA to unload pressure and cushion the most sensitive areas of the foot. TM 1220 Richmond Rd. Irvine, KY Patented MozaicTM Pressure Relief insole for customized comfort. Ultra abrasion resistant heel plug provides unmatched durability and performance. Medial and lateral flex grooves, biomechanically designed for proper flexion. 606-723-5315 DIABETIC SHOES COVERED BY MEDICARE Try a Coal Miner Milkshake ... The Best in Estill County! 28 • TWENTY-EIGHT WebTM Suspension Footbridge provides ultra light-weight midsole reinforcement and mid-foot support. Medicare and Medicaid pays for Diabetic Shoes. Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor Choose from 25 Different Flavors of Katie’s Corner Premium Ice Cream 10 More Flavors Coming This Summer! • Hand-Dipped Ice Cream • Cones • Floats • Banana Splits • Sundaes • Milk Shakes OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU • CONVENIENT DRIVE THRU We Accept All Major Insurance Cards, Credit and Debit Cards. PLAZA PHARMACY 1220 Richmond Rd. -- Irvine, KY -- 606-723-5315
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