GOD`s Confident Woman Conference


GOD`s Confident Woman Conference
Confident Woman Conference
March 2015
and Achieving Your Dreams”
Friday, March 6th at 7 pm and Saturday, March 7th at 9 am
Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport
9000 Bartram Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19153
Beloved Daughters of the MOST HIGH,
My name is Joi Hayward. I am the Vice President of DJH Ministries,
the author of Confidence in HIM, and a devotion writer for Cfaith,
providing word of faith articles worldwide. I want to personally invite
you to fellowship with us at our 1st Annual God’s Confident Woman
Conference. Our theme for this year is “Unleashing and Achieving
Your Dreams.”
PG 3
PG 4
PG 5
PG 7
PG 8-9
The purpose of this conference is to guide women from a position of
defeat to a position of confidence in God. Our mission is to pour the
Word of God into women of all walks of life. We will host three
general sessions, several workshops and a live stage play Life Line.
Women will leave empowered and equipped to achieve ALL God has
placed on the inside of them.
We want to see you there. God’s Word tells us when we operate on
one accord and in one place, nothing is impossible for us. We are
sending notice to the enemy right now! We are sisters and there is no
division among us.
We are looking forward to connecting to you and your ministry.
If you have questions or concerns, please email us at
Godsconfidentwoman@gmail.com and visit us on the web at
PG 10-11
PG 12-13
PG 14-15
PG 16
Joi L. Hayward
Vice President, DJH Ministries Inc.
Author, Confidence in HIM
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask
anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He
hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we
have asked of Him.
1 John 5:14-15
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 2
God’s Confident Woman Conference
“Unleashing and Achieving Y our Dreams”
GOD'S Confident Woman
Host: Minister Joi Hayward
Special Music Guests
Vicki Yohe
Marquita Harris
3 Shades of Blue
I AM God's Confident Woman.
Guest Speakers
Minister Carrie Beliles
Pastor Sharon Walker
Minister Denise Harris
Minister Fruedeline St. Jean
Workshop Facilitators
Pastor Joelle Meristal
Minister Cenise Ellison
Evangelist Carolyn S. Jones
Lady Penda James
Lady Charice Manor
Elder Malkia Eaton
Dates and Times
Friday, March 6th at 7 pm
Saturday, March 7th at 9 am
Conference Registration $50.00 per person
To Register, visit www.Godsconfidentwoman.com
Conference Registration includes:
Friday evening general session
Choice of two morning workshops
Lunch and Saturday General Session
50% off of ticket for stage play, Life Line by John Frisby
Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport
9000 Bartram Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19153
Rooms are discounted at $119.00 plus taxes
To reserve a room, call 215-365-4500 or 800-EMBASSY.
Use Group Name: God’s Confident Woman Conference
All guestroom accommodations will be held until 2/4/2015
Discounted parking available at $5.00 per day
Check-in time is 4:00PM.
Make your reservations NOW.
There will be FOUR events at this location during March 6th weekend.
I am made in the image and likeness of
The Almighty God. I am fearfully and
wonderfully made. I am the apple of my
Father's eye. God loves me and I love
I am a virtuous woman: beautiful,
equipped, wise, fruitful, and abundantly
blessed. My body is the Lord's temple.
Holy Spirit is always welcomed here.
My mind, will, and emotions belong to
Him. My spirit is renewed daily by the
living Word of God.
I boldly decree the end from the
beginning. Health and wholeness
belong to me; peace and love are mine;
and wealth and riches are in my house. I
receive every precious promise from
God right now!
I am the prompt, diligent, dedicated,
sold out, tithing, offering bring, vision
embracing, sober disciple of God.
For this is the confidence I have in
Him, if I ask anything according to His
will, He hears me. Therefore, whatever
I ask, I know that I have already
I AM God's Confident Woman.
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 3
Host Minister
Joi L. Hayward
Joi was born to Pastors John and Vanessa Frisby of
The House of the Good Shepherd, Philadelphia, PA.
She is the third eldest of five children. Joi is the wife of
Elder Dartanion Hayward. They have been married for
11 years and share three children.
Joi has served in a multiple ministering capacities in
every church she has attended. She has served in
church administration, dance ministries, choirs,
planning support, event coordination, and evangelical
outreach ministries. Joi is the author of Confidence in
HIM and a devotion writer for Cfaith, providing Word
of Faith articles worldwide.
As a fulltime Daughter of the Most High God, wife,
mother, theological student, Department of Defense
employee and member of the Body of Christ, Joi
knows and believes in the importance of balance. She
is focused on living a life pleasing to God, serving and
supporting her husband, being the best mother to her
children, accomplishing multiple levels of education,
and exceeding the expectation of work assignments as
an example to other working wives, mothers, and
3 Shades of Blue is a Christian rock band from
Philadelphia, PA. They are 3 brothers Jeffery (20),
Jesse (20), Austin (18) and their best friend Dane
(20). They are known for their unique blend of Pop/
Rock and solid lyrics of hope. Their energy and
hearts for music have gained the attention of leaders
in the industry and many fans along the East Coast.
They have performed with national and
international bands like Skillet, Switchfoot, Tenth
Avenue North, Family Force Five, Plumb, Mikeschair,
Josh Wilson, Reilly, Stellar Kart, The Advice, Lightswitch, Superhero and many more. 3SB has played at
festivals around the east including: Creation, Alive, and The Columbia Freedom Festival. By invitation,
they recorded their EP, Love Will Sing Out, at Michael Card’s studio in Franklin, TN, working with
producer Keith Compton. They also just came out with their self produced album "Try to Fly." They are
currently touring and always looking for new churches, festivals, and groups to work with! For booking
contact them at booking@3shadesofblue.org or jaallem11@gmail.com.
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 4
Vicki Yohe
Vicki Yohe is a well-known, highly sought after, anointed
gospel recording artist and minister of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. She has ministered in song alongside some of
today’s well known pastors and evangelists, such as Bill
Winston, Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland,
Creflo Dollar, Darlene Bishop, and Paula White. She was
also afforded the opportunity to minister in song as the
keynote speaker at Prayer Breakfast at the Pentagon. Her
own ministry brings a powerful message through song and
the word to thousands of people around the world, during
her over 150 ministry opportunities and numerous
television appearances every year. Vicki Yohe Ministries
has opened New Destiny for Children, an orphanage in
Jinja, Uganda for children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.
Today’s Christian music is helping to make the knowledge
of Christ accessible to a whole new generation, and Vicki
feels blessed that God has allowed her to be one of His
Psalmist Marquita Harris
Psalmist Marquita Harris is a wife, mother, sister, and
friend. She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Robert for 8 years and together they share three
children. Marquita was called into ministry at a young
age while attending Bible Revival Deliverance
church, headed by her father, Pastor Rodney Harris.
Her parents, Rodney and Yvonne discovered her soul
filled voice at an early age and encouraged her to sing
to the glory of God. Marquita believes if you raise a
child in the way they should go, when they are old,
they will not depart from that training. Hence
Marquita has continued to sing for to the glory of God
ministering at her local church and from city to city.5
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 5
Since the earliest days that I can remember in my life, I have always been fascinated with
television and film. As a child my family use to say and refer to me as a ‘T.V. addict’
because they never had to look any further than in front of the T.V. set if they were trying
to find me. I believe as early as eight years old I knew without a shadow of doubt what I
wanted to do with my life.
Although, I do believe that when you come from where I came from, the hardest step to
chasing your dream is the initial one. Growing up and trying to be successful in other
occupations outside of ‘MY DREAM’ always left me feeling like something was missing.
In January of 2009, I decided if I didn’t GO HARD for what I wanted, that I would never
feel complete, so I audited a few acting classes and wound up at the Walnut St. Theatre.
My time there confirmed what I had felt in my heart that this is what I’m supposed to be
doing for as long as I am able to do it!
Since my time there I have been in 20+ films, I’ve made appearances in T.V. shows such as Law & Order SVU, Outlaw, Blue
Bloods, The Good Wife, HBO’s Bored To Death, & Showtime’s Nurse Jackie. I have also been in music videos,
documentaries, commercials, industrials, web series, and print work. I have been in numerous stage plays and I’m so happy
that I’ve been blessed to work with some AMAZING cast members, on some INCREDIBLE productions.
John Frisby is…
The Author of the highly acclaimed poetry book entitled
‘TEARS OF A GHETTO CHILD’ Not my stor y…Our
story. Check out www.JohnFrisby.com for purchasing
details. The Creator and Director of The Web Series,
soon-to-be Sitcom: WHAT’S GOOD?
This is the 1st STAGE PLAY that he has CREATED,
LINE’ (A stor y of Love, Lost, Recover y, & The
Ultimate Discovery!) and is
very grateful for all who has
shared in this venture!
John Frisby’s quote…
I’m busy, busy, busy because
I am blessed, and I’m bound
to be a household name
because I know where my
strength comes from & who
my Father is. We have a deal
– I get the Victory and God
gets ALL the Glory! Dig Me
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 6
Lady Sharon Walker is the Executive Pastor
and Founder of Faith Christian Center
International. Her husband of 25 years, Pastor
David Walker is the Senior Pastor. She and her
husband have two wonderful children, Melissa
and Stephen.
Minister Freudeline St. Jean, or Fushy as
she is lovingly called, is the founder of Women
of Many Hats Ministry. This ministry is
designed to empower women in many
different areas including finances, career,
parenting, and single living. Freudeline is also
the leader of the intercessory department at
Rhema Ministries and often volunteers at local
shelters. For the past twenty years, Fushy has been blessed to be an
acclaimed hair stylist with her work being featured in magazines and
fashion shows. However, despite all of these accomplishments, her
greatest reward is raising three God fearing children, Keishawn,Kasiana,
and Saunji.
Minister Denise Harris is a native of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is the
loving wife of 26 years to Trustee Aaron
Harris. Minister Harris is the mother of
two, Yolaine Stephens and Danica Harris,
she has fostered five children, and is the
grandmother of five: Kianna, Damari,
Tyreik, Danae, and Donovan, Jr.
Minister Harris served as an Usher, Deaconess, and Sunday
School Teacher prior to accepting her call into the ministry. She
was licensed on June 11, 2000 by the late Reverend James Nelson
Walker of the Resurrection Baptist Church in Philadelphia PA.
Minister Harris currently serves as the Associate Minister of The
House of The Good Shepherd Church in Philadelphia under the
leadership of Elder John W. Frisby III, Pastor. Her ministries
include Youth Sunday School Instructor, New Members Class
Instructor, and Overseer of the Senior and Youth Usher’s
Lady Sharon was born in Missouri and graduated
from Harvest Bible Institute (HBI) International
in Kansas City. She was licensed as a Minister at Harvest Church in 1999.
She was ordained in the ministry in 2008 by Faith Christian Center
International. She is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood
development. In 2014, Lady Sharon authored two books titled, What Are
You Afraid Of? and Single Parenting: What No One Else Will Tell You.
Lady Sharon has 29 years of service as a professional contracting officer
for the Department of Commerce. She has received several awards for
outstanding service. Pastor Sharon is faithful in all areas of ministry,
with much experience with the youth. Lady Sharon is a strong supporter
of her husband and their congregation. Her passion is to see women
restored in all areas of their lives and walking in victory.
Minister Carrie Beliles is the wife of
Major Benjamin A Beliles and the mother
of five children. a member of Hope
Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland.
She is a juris doctor and teaches at
Calvary Christian School.
Carrie was a Division I soccer player at
Western Illinois University. She went on
to be Fulbright Fellow in South Korea, where she learned
Korean. Carrie worked in Seoul and completed law school at
Handong International Law School in Pohang, South Korea.
She has worked as a clerk for the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of Guam, advocated for the Human Trafficking Task
Force in Guam and served as the director of the Ramstein Crisis
Pregnancy Center in Germany. She still enjoys working with
pregnancy help centers around the globe.
She was licensed as a minister of the Gospel by Bishop John
Alan Neal of Agape Christian Faith Center in Ramstein,
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 7
Www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 7
Lady Charice Manor, Lebanon, IL
You will be able
to choose 2 of 6
workshops on
morning from
10 am until
12 pm.
New Life in Christ Interdenominational Church
The Hole in our Heart:
How to Keep Toxic Emotions from Stifling our Dreams
Examine Our Heart Condition
Pushing Through Our Shortcomings
Detoxing Our Hearts
Accepting Ourselves for our Past and Future
Evangelist Carolyn S. Jones, Columbia, MD
Spirit of Faith Christian Center
Now is Your Time
Resurrect dormant dreams and visions
Pursue your dreams
Support the dreams of others
Receive tools to expedite the manifestation of your dreams
Minister Cenise Ellison, Fort Meade, MD
Horizon Christian Church,
The Total Woman Concept
How to enhance a woman’s image: spirit, soul, and body
Practical exercise for enhancing beauty and fitness tips to implement in a
daily routine
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 8
God’s Crown Jewels
You are wonderful and beautiful in God’s eyes. There are no flaws, blemishes, or mistakes, just a perfect design. If you
find anything indifferent about yourself, be confident in whatever it may be. God gave it to you specifically.
Zechariah said that the Lord’s people will “sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown”. What is the source of your beauty?
Is it your personality, your smile, your patience, your kindness, your love, your grace and style? Like Diamonds, we
have no inherent light source. But diamonds have the ability to disperse light of many different colors. Look to Jesus. He
is our Light and let your colors shine bright like a diamond. Your beauty will be seen as you reflect the magnificent glory
of God!
On that day the Lord their God will rescue his people. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown.
How wonderful and beautiful they will be! – Zechariah 9:16-17 AMP
The Lord their God will save them in that day, as the flock of His people. For they shall be like the jewels of a crown, lifted
like a banner over His land. For how great is His
goodness and how great His beauty! Grain shall make the young men
thrive, and new wine the young women. – Zechariah 9:16-17 NKJV
Jewell Bond
God’s Confident Woman
Lady Penda James, Pittsburgh, PA
Mount Ararat Baptist Church
Dandelioness Courage
Defining “Unpluckable Faith”
Writing a statement of faith for your dreams
Begin the journey of walking out your dreams
Elder Malkia Eaton, Randallstown, MD
The House of Judah Ministries
Still Waters Run Deep
Developing confidence from living a righteous life
How to posses every good thing through confidence and trust in God
Keep calm while warring in the spirit
Pastor Joelle Meristal, Vorhees, NJ
Rhema Life Changing International Ministries
Called, Consecrated, and Chosen but It’s Still a Challenge
Learn the necessary tools to have for a successful, effective, and long-lasting
Identify the enemy’s strategic traps for female ministers.
Topics include Preserving your Reputation, Watch out for the Traps, Your
Entourage does Matter, Preaching Protocols, The Woman behind the Pulpit, and
much more.
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 9
Volume 1, Issue 1
June 1, 2015
by Michele Sumter
Do you really need to get organized? Well,
here are some tips that might help you slay
the dragon of chaos and arm yourself with
great ideas for spiritual, home and professional organization.
Let's start with being spiritually organized.
God certainly wants the first fruits of your
time. You should do your devotion in the
morning, as soon as you wake up. This will set
the tone for your day and put those negative
spiritual forces in check. If you have young
children or work obligations at that time, find
a suitable time that works for you. When I am
unable to read my Word in the morning, I play
worship music or listen to my Bible reading
app. Also, be sure to involve yourself in a Bible
study. There are many church, neighborhood,
and online
studies you can pursue. Become
a member of a local church body and commit
to serve in that church. Accountability can
cause organization.
Home organization is very important. I have
two mottos: #1 “Everything in its place” and #2
“Keep your home ‘guest-ready’”. There are
three simple strategies for home organization.
The first one is to declutter. The main reason
why people avoid decluttering is because it
seems overwhelming. They have a hard time
getting rid of things they don't need. To
combat that you can start by getting a small
trash bag, entering the room that has the least
amount of clutter, and spending 10 minutes
filling the bag. Be careful not to take the
unproductive stroll down memory lane. Set a
timer and remain focused. Once the bag is
full, put it in the trunk of your car to donate or
throw away. It’s important not to leave it in
the house, because you may be tempted to go
back through it.
Next, you must establish a chore routine. I will
share our household routine. In the morning
we put out the trash, gather all the dirty
laundry, put one load in the washing machine,
and we unload the dishwasher. In the afternoon, when we get home from work and
school, we put that load of clothes into the
dryer, fold it when it is dry, clear the dinner
table after dinner, and load the dishwasher. At
bedtime everyone takes five minutes to put
everything back in its place and we load the
dishwasher with all the extras and turn it on.
Find a chore routine that works for you and
your family.
Here’s a clever trick for making your home
“guest-ready” in minutes. Place a laundry
basket in the closet that's closest to the front
door. That basket should contain Clorox wipes
and your favorite household spray. Right
before the guest arrives, grab the basket and
walk through the areas that your guest will
see. Put everything that's out of place into that
basket and wipe the surfaces down. Lay the
wipe on top of the trash because that fresh
scent will permeate the air. Finally, spray the
areas and put that basket out of sight. I’ve got
a friend that places dirty dishes (if the
dishwasher is loaded) in a rubber dish tub and
puts it in the oven until the company is gone.
If you employ these little tricks, be sure to
leave yourself a note to go back and clear out
the basket and take the dishes out of the oven!
As for becoming professionally organized,
these tips have worked well for me. I’m a
career-driven Army wife and mother living a
very transient lifestyle. So, when I enter a new
city, I locate the bulletin boards at the
libraries, local churches, community centers,
local colleges and the Chamber of Commerce.
I jot down or use my smartphone to take
pictures of flyers for fun classes or camps, job
listings, and live music or art outings. You
would be surprised at all of the free classes for
computer skills, public speaking, and writing
where you could earn college credit. I always
peruse the city’s Facebook page for the upcoming calendar of events.
Another great tip is to update your resume
before you leave a job. That way you won’t
forget your duties and achievements. Your
cover letter should always be specific to the
position for which you are currently applying.
I always contact my references before leaving
to go to a new location or each time I apply for
a new position. I draft a letter for my each of
my references and send it to them for their
approval and signature. Once they make any
changes, I ask them to sign it in blue ink and
scan a copy back to me. That eliminates the
frustration of them having to write current
reference letters with each move that I make.
To keep my family organized and aware, we
use Google Calendar. The app is saved on our
phones. We place everything from meetings
and doctor appointments to date nights and
sports registrations on it. I am the
administrator for the master calendar, so I
share it with all of our cell phone-connected
email addresses. As we enter various
appointments, every item appears on our
smartphones. This keeps everyone in “the
Remember these are only tips. Getting
organized is easy for a few and difficult for
most. Take baby steps. Set one goal at time.
You must do what works best for you. And if
you want to make something a routine, you
should do it for four weeks. Happy organizing!
Www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 10
Q: How can I prevent my past from making me feel like I can not move
A: When we say the prayer of salvation Romans 10:9 That if you shall
confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart
that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. with a
sincere heart we are saved and we start our relationship with Jesus
Christ. When we are in relationship with Jesus Christ we can accept
everything His Word says about us, He tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are
passed away; behold, all things are become new. One of the
definitions of new is not existing before. You are creating a brand new
present and future every day you walk with Christ. Do not use your
past to condemn yourself, because Jesus doesn’t. Use your past to
help others and to deter them from any wrong decisions that you
made that bought about undesirable consequences in your life. Only
use your past to let people know they don’t have to stay there. Let
them know they can accept Jesus Christ and be delivered just as you
have. I would like to leave you with this verse: Philippians 2:13 For it is
God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Provocative and revealing attire is a serious issue in the church. And
it's probably the easiest fix. We have gone from the long skirts and no
makeup to the right to choose pants, makeup, spaghetti straps or no
straps at all. Unfortunately, without the proper teaching followed by
the proper decision making, we will continue to see women exploit
themselves rather than preserve themselves.
By: Joi Hayward
Women are conscious of their physical appearance. They were
conscious when they went to the club or party to reveal certain parts
of the body and are conscious of what should be covered as they
come to church, work, or any other place.
We often talk about babes in Christ and how they have to come as
they are but there is a responsibility to develop spiritually, mentally,
and physically. As they develop they will make better choices.
Women who continuously dress provocatively and revealing have an
insecurity. I believe this is a confidence issue. The confident woman
is confident from the inside out and is governed by her complete
trusting in reliance on God. There is little room for error in the
decision she makes each day from the very major decisions to the
minuscule decisions including attire.
Confident Women make sure you ask The Lord what you should
wear each day. Work hard to resemble The Lord on the inside and
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 11
Evangelist Vanessa Frisby is the
wife of 38 years to Reverend John W.
Frisby, III, and Pastor of The House of the
Good Shepherd. She is the mother of five,
loving and supportive mother-in-law, the
grandmother of sixteen, and God-mom to
four. She attended Deliverance Evangelistic
Institute School of Evangelism and
Villanova University where she received
her PHR certification in Human Resources
and is a student of Pierce College where she is pursuing her
B.A. She currently works for A. Pomerantz and Company, owned
by former Phillies player, Garry Maddox, as Human Resource
Manager. She has served as church announcer, recording
secretary, financial secretary, choir member, and initiator of
Women’s Outreach Ministry. Vanessa is the recipient of several
Community, Congressional, Mayoral, State and Christian Service
Awards. Vanessa’s soul desire is to serve God, to work each day
in the building of God’s Kingdom, spreading the Good News.
January M. Frisby was born in
Philadelphia, Pa, but raised in Bronx, NY.
January is the wife of John W. Frisby IV of
fifteen years, and the mother of three; John,
Jade and Justin. She is a member of The
House of The Good Shepherd, under
Pastor John W. Frisby III. January is the
church treasurer, a choir member,
participates in the monthly food drive and is
an active member of the Women’s Outreach
Ministry. Since Starting her relationship
with Christ there has been a lot of hard lessons learned, wonderful
blessings, plenty of painful pruning and a lot of victories won, and
she knows there is more to come. January’s passion is Kingdom
Building. January thanks God for being passionate about the plan
and purpose he has for her life.
Jewell Bond is married to Shaa and
from this union they have two children;
Aniyah and Azaa. She is an active member
of Canaan Baptist Church in New Castle,
DE under the leadership of Reverend Dr.
Christopher Alan Bullock, Senior Pastor.
Jewell Bond is a Financial Analyst for
JPMorgan Chase Bank. In January 2014,
she received a Master’s Degree in Business
Administration from Wilmington
University. Jewell has committed many
hours to helping others meet their financial goals. From 2005-2010
she volunteered as a tax preparer for a non-profit organization
based out of Philadelphia, offering free tax preparation to low
income families. She has served on many church ministries
including youth mentoring leadership and development, dance,
choir and the usher board. Her public service mission is to
continue to offer support within the community, by volunteering
services that will help improve schools, support youth
development, comfort sick and shut in, and feed the less fortunate.
Jewell currently resides in New Castle, Delaware.
Stephanie Hart is a believer of the one
true God, a devoted military wife, and a
mother of two beautiful daughters. She is
committed to a life of service in the body of
Christ and in her home, employment, and
community. Stephanie is a member of
Covenant Love Church in Fayetteville, NC
and proudly serves in the Children’s
Ministry. Stephanie holds the position of
secretary on the governing board of DJH
Ministries. Stephanie earned her Master’s
Degree in Social Work in a joint program at the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro and NC A&T State University. Mrs.
Hart currently works with the Partnership for Children of
Cumberland County and facilitates foster and adoptive parent
training sessions for a private adoption agency. Stephanie is
passionate about lost souls receiving salvation and is certain that
no matter your past struggles or experience, ALL things are
possible with GOD!
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 12
Confident Women
Tamika Williams is the founder of
Esentric. Esentric is a women’s clothing brand
that offers women a unique and engaging way
to express themselves through the clothing they
wear. She seeks to uplift and inspire women
through clothing to produce garments with clear
messages to raise self-esteem and motivate
women to do and be better. In addition, she
raises awareness and partners with local
non-profit organizations to uplift and motivate
change in various areas of our local community.
Esentric strives to be a triple bottom line sustainable company;
including Environmental, Social, & Financial Sustainability.
Monique Levy is a partner of Spirit of Faith
Christian Center, under the leadership of Pastors
Mike and Dr. Dee Dee Freeman. Monique has
been a faithful servant in numerous ministries
focused on youth, dance, evangelism, and
marriage. She currently co-directs a Women’s
Community Bible Study. She is pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science from the
University of Maryland University College.
Monique has an emerging non-profit
organization whose mission is to “Embrace True
Independence through Self-Development”. Monique is committed
to bringing light to dark places, being a daily example of a believer,
and sharing the gospel with others. Monique is married to Karl
Levy and the mother of Chloe.
Jennifer T. Frisby is a sold out young
woman who accepted Jesus as savior when she
was thirteen. She is determined to live a pure life,
holy, and acceptable before God and all people.
Jennifer is the founder of a young women's
ministry called Sisters with a Purpose (SWAP).
SWAP's purpose is to remind young ladies of
their worth and to remain holy. Jennifer’s desire
is to teach young ladies that their worth is far
above rubies and to equip them with the
knowledge of what a virtuous woman entails.
Cenise Ellison is an army officer, mother,
and spiritual leader in her community. Her desire
to assist women and young girls with
discovering their inner and outer beauty has been
the catalyst for the development and
implementation of The Total Woman Concept.
The Total Woman Concept is a program
developed to enhance a woman’s image
beginning with her spiritual and emotional
wellbeing then ends with enhancing her outward
appearance. This process has a particular order,
first the born again spirit, then the renewed mind, ending with the
body. Throughout her military, ministry and personal life she has
been a role model, mentor, and motivational speaker.
Ieisha K. Hall is a strong Woman of God, the wife of Elder Charles E. Hall, and the mother
to four men in training. Their current covenant connection in ministry is under Pastors David
and Sharon Walker at Faith Christian Center International in Kansas. Having traveled all over
the world as a military dependent and wife, she has managed to maintain Faith in God and joy
through life’s adversities. She is the author of the children’s book, “Sprinkles”, and is a willing
vessel for the Master’s use. Ieisha has a heart for the young women. By sowing words of
affirmation, her goal is to confirm they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and they are
beautiful from the inside out! Ieisha also serves on the governing board of DJH Ministries, Inc.
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 13
DJH (Dartanion & Joi Hayward) Ministries is dedicated to making disciples, focusing on family, individual and marriage
development according to the Word of God. Our focus is on the family, individual and marital responsibilities and the character of each unit; the
father, mother, children, husband, wife, spiritual family and extended family and how they relate to and are defined by Our Heavenly Father.
Our Foundational Scripture:
Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the
end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
Our MISSION is to teach individuals how to live life according to Jesus Christ. Living life according to Jesus Christ empowers every believer to
operate successfully as a Christian family, individually, in marriage and ultimately in the Body of Christ. This ministry is shared through various
forms of media, primarily Internet-based, because we are a military family and assigned to different locations. Please take a moment to view our
family’s ministry web site.
On our site you will find VOD Cast, short video teachings; Wake-up with the Word,
an inspirational daily blog; and teleconference dates and times, studies via
telephone centered on empowering you to be the best you! All are welcomed to
dial in. We are also dedicated to prayer and would like to get in agreement with
you. We have prayer request drop down tab for your use. Submit your requests
on line along with any other comments, questions and praise reports.
Please subscribe to the web site, www.djhm.org, and follow us on FaceBook and
Twitter @AccordingtoJC. As a subscriber, will receive Wake-up with the Word
daily blog, and ministry updates sharing the awesome and mighty works DJH
Ministries accomplishes. Thank you in advance for your participation, prayers,
love and support. Be Blessed, fruitful, multiplying, replenished, and have
Dartanion & Joi
www.Godsconfidentwoman.com 16
“ Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord…
Husbands, love your wives,
just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,”
Ephesians 5:22,25
When many people see the role of the wife as
submitting they automatically associate the word
submit to something negative. The Merriam-Webster
dictionary has multiple definitions for submit to include,
to yield to governance or authority, to yield oneself to
the authority or will of another, and to defer to or
consent to abide by the opinion or authority of
another. These definitions are okay to read, but may
make someone interpret the person who is submitting to be weaker.
When we look at this from a biblical perspective, take into consideration, Jesus
submitted to the Father. We can identify in multiple scriptures the oneness of
God the Father and God the Son. John recorded in John 10 and John 17 Jesus
saying that He and the Father are one. There was, and still is, one vision and goal.
The purpose of Jesus submitting His will to the Father’s will was to avoid there
ever being a means for division to occur. When Jesus submitted His will to the
Father’s will, it was like they lined up so perfectly we could only see One. Jesus
said, “but so that the world may know that I love the Father, I do exactly as the
Father commanded Me.”
There was never any division when it came to will. The only time Jesus ever
questioned was when it came time to become sin and even then He said, “My
Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”
When a person does not submit to the will of another, but wants their will to be
done, they want their dreams and visions to come
to pass, it gives room for separation.
Oneness is made possible through the submission
and it does not make us weaker. It allows for the
flow of one vision and unity. Wives, when you
submit to your husband, the same way Jesus
submitted to our Father, it aligns you to receive
anointing flowing from the head down and increases
your ability to accomplish one vision
Looking at the role of husband and wife in marriage, we observe the word submit
which does not place a person in a position of weakness, but it positions them
for success. Submission allows for there to be one will and aligns the participants
in agreement with one another and no division. When the Apostle Paul is writing
to the church at Ephesus, he writes about the role of wives and husbands from
verses 22-33 in chapter 5. There are three verses focused on the wives and seven
verses focused on the husband, great completion numbers. There are also two
verses where he brings the role of husband and wife full circle into the oneness
of two individuals submitting, loving and serving each other.
The direction for a husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church speaks
volumes. This means a wife submitting to this kind of husband is submitting to
someone who loves her above all except God. To love this way goes beyond
emotion. To love the way Christ loved the church, the body of Christ, is to serve
with compassion and give to the point of death. Over and over we see how
Christ had compassion for people; a husband must have compassion for his wife.
Jesus forgave Peter, who denied Him three times in one night, telling him, “when
you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen and build up the faith of
your brothers.”
A husband must speak life into his wife and be forgiving. Jesus is submitted to the
Father; therefore, having access to full power and authority, but He washed His
disciple’s feet. A husband, who submits to God, should serve his wife and honor
her just as Christ did His disciples. When a Godly husband loves and serves his
wife, who is a member of the Body of Christ, it is like him loving and serving his
own body.
The husband, who is also a member of the Body of Christ, should desire the best
for Christ’s Body. As the husband and the wife submit to God they should submit,
love and serve each other. In closing, reflect on Ephesians 5:33, where we see
both husband and wife addressed. “However, let each man of you [without
exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife
see that she respects and reverences her husband [that she notices him, regards
him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to
him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].” Husband, if you love
your wife like Jesus loved the church, than your wife will not have any issues
submitting. It will be like, who can love who more.
Dartanion & Joi Hayward Ministries
5040 Jericho Rd
Columbia, MD 21044
Be a Guest Speaker at God’s Confident Woman Conference!
We accept speaker proposals for God’s Confident Woman Conference. For consideration, please submit your
proposal by September 1, 2015. Proposals will be evaluated by a panel and may require an interview.
The proposal must include:
Biography and headshot
Name of church and Pastor
Topic and overview of presentation
Two professional references (preferably a pastoral reference)
Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
Final selections will be notified no later than October 1, 2015.
Speaker proposals or questions should be submitted to: