Prospectus 2011- 2015
Prospectus 2011- 2015
“the profit of many, that many be saved” Prospectus 2011- 2015 (Year 2) S.O.S. Ministries Our Mission S.O.S. Ministries ventures far and wide to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ Pioneer church planting where no evangelical church or witness to Jesus Christ exists, providing a means to seek after the lost and help transform them into disciples of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the commission Christ gave His church to proclaim the Gospel message of salvation to mankind. 2 Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) Overview S.O.S. Ministries desires to catalyze efforts to usher those without hope into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The acronym “S.O.S.” in its original context (Save Our Souls) states that there is not only a cry for help, but that cry for help needs immediate attention and response. Therefore, S.O.S. is committed to ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of people throughout the world by feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, embracing the orphans, providing education and medical attention to the destitute, and giving hope to the hopeless through the Word of God. S.O.S. Ministries is an incorporated 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt Christian organization based in Clearwater, Florida. Mike Schadt - Founder 3 S.O.S. Ministries Mission and History The Profit of Many We are a pioneer church-planting ministry. Our primary aim and ambition is to fulfill the commission Christ gave His church to bear His witness (both local and abroad - Acts 1:8) in proclaiming the Gospel message of salvation to mankind, ultimately making disciples of them (Matt. 28:18-20). To carry out this mission we serve as church planting pioneers in communities, villages, and cities where no evangelical church or witness exists. We also strive and aspire to minister to the physical needs of man in keeping with Matt. 25: 31-45, “For when I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink…” Our mission is modeled after the many examples provided by Jesus during His time on this earth. For example, in Mark 6:34-44, Jesus encountered a large crowd and had compassion on them because of their helplessness. He began to teach them many things all day (vs. 34). Then, knowing the hour was late and that there was no food, He fed them (vs. 35-44). What Jesus saw with His eyes (He saw their helplessness), affected His heart (moved with compassion), stimulating His mouth to speak truth (taught them many things), and leading His hands to provide for them (giving bread and fish to everyone). 4 Aiding communities with medical assistance The examples provided by Jesus also served as models for the Apostle Paul, who declared that he was not seeking his own profit or gain, but seeking “the profit of many, that they may be saved. Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” (I Cor. 10:33-11:1) Pursuing those who are hopeless so that they may become believers of our Lord has become our vision and passion in following the examples of Christ and Paul. Though the Lord is the one who convicts, draws, and saves, He has called all believers to seek out the lost and bear witness to His message of redemption. As a means of preaching with our mouths, naturally we must go…go with our feet to them. Thus, as echoed in the words of the apostle in Rom. 10:15, we too desire to have “beautiful feet.” Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) The Beginning S.O.S. Ministries was birthed in April 2000. The Lord opened a door for S.O.S. at a college in Clearwater, FL. The original open door and invitation by one of the school’s administrators was to work with international students. We were granted permission to teach these students English as a Second Language (ESL). The teaching was primarily carried out in classrooms on the college campus. To this day, the Lord has not only allowed these early doors to remain open, but He has opened doors at other college campuses as well. In addition to our focus on international students, the Lord has granted us an open door to pioneer into cross-cultural communities (like Islamic and Hispanic communities). As we began teaching English to the international students, permission was granted to use the Bible as part of the curriculum. As a result, we committed to befriend, show hospitality, present the person and work of Jesus, and ultimately make disciples of Christ of the international students in this program. Beyond Borders This early mission delivered fruit in the form of a number of international students who graduated and returned home to their respective countries as indigenous missionaries. These former students subsequently invited S.O.S. to come along side them and help plant churches in their villages and cities where no evangelical church had previously existed. We are currently working in Latin America, West Africa, and Mid-Asia. We not only maintain an active mission presence in each of these countries, we are also considering invitations from international students to go to Nepal and Columbia. Opening doors to Islamic communities For example, we have received invitations to bring the Scriptures into a number of Mosques throughout the U.S. where we are currently ministering to Muslims. Considering the unique opportunity we have to build relationships with Muslims who live in the U.S., our work in these communities is not limited to Mosques but extends into Muslim homes as well. We have the privilege to present to these communities the person and work of Jesus Christ through hospitality, friendship, lectures, and discussions. 5 S.O.S. Ministries Where We Minister Central America A) Guatemala: A ministry has begun and is in the beginning stages (El Salvador and Hondras being the example). Mexico B) El Salvador: A multi-purpose building and Christian fellowship called La Esperanza I, “The Hope” in Spanish, is established and reproducing. C A C) Honduras: A multi-purpose building and Christian fellowship called La Esperanza II is established and reproducing. B Africa - West Africa D) Nigeria: Planting churches and bringing much attention to extremely poor and needy locations like Makoko (a large water village). Did you know: Africa • Nigeria has over 155 million people, half the population of the U.S. • It is the most populated country in Africa and the 8th largest population in the world. • The average income per family is $330 a year (that’s only $28 a month!). • There are 470 spoken languages, but 75% are able to speak English. E) Republic of Benin: This country is primarily made up of Muslims and Animists. Currently, there are many villages and regions with no Christian church. According to the mission book “Operation World”, The Fon and Gbe people group have a population of over 3 million and are considered unreached and unevangelized. F) Ghana: This is our next aim! 6 F E D Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) North America G) USA: • International Student Ministry: We are committed to befriend, show hospitality, present the person and work of Christ, and build relationships with international students who study at colleges and universities. G Muslim Ministry: We are committed to befriend, show hospitality, present the person and work of Christ, and build relationships with Muslims through lectures and discussion during monthly gatherings at homes and in Mosques. • Hope Restoration - Disaster Relief: We desire to come along side those dev- astated by natural and man-made disasters by ministering to their physical and spiritual needs. • H) Mid-Asia We are committed to planting home fellow- ships in Muslim cities to the glory of God. (due to the sensitive nature of this area of the world, S.O.S. refrains from showing specific locations). China 7 S.O.S. Ministries Our Reach “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.” Rom. 15:20 8 Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) International Focus The major activities being carried out overseas include: Pioneer Church Planting: Planting churches where no evangelical witness exists. • • Mission Trip Teams: Utilizing gifted and called people who desire to engage the indigenous people with the Gospel of Christ and bring help, assisting the mission in its endeavors. Medical Attention: Establish medical clinics to help people with their many physical needs. • The baptism of Sanjeev from Nepal All locations we minister in overseas have the same mission, vision, and purpose, differing only with respect to location and level of maturity of the ministry. In each case the ability to successfully carry out our core mission objectives (described below) depends on constructing and operating out of a Community Center, a building that serves many purposes, including a medical clinic, a food/clothing pantry for the poor, living quarters housing for missionaries and mission teams, an outreach/ministry to children, and a physical place of worship. La Esperanza I and II in El Salvador and Honduras...they are providing hope to the hopeless in both the spiritual and physical realms. Orphan and Widow Ministry: Care for or- phans and widows in their distress by providing material necessities, Christ-centered teaching, and ultimately adopting them! • Pastoral Training: Disciple, equip, and appoint indigenous men who are called by God to shep- herd His church. • Education Attention: Come along side the education system by assisting them with school materials, building projects, and a Christian curriculum. • Water Wells: Improving the quality and well being of people by providing fresh, clean water through a well. • Housing Facility: Host mission teams that come to serve and provide housing for our indigenous missionaries. • In Addition To: Children’s Ministry, Ladies Conferences, Youth Retreats, Weddings, Christmas Events, and other such activities. • 119 S.O.S. Ministries S.O.S. in the News S.O.S. has been privileged to have received positive press for its activities in a number of print publications and on mainstream television networks. One of the more rewarding TV highlights grew out of the ministry’s close personal relationship with the Duggar family. The Duggar family has a reality TV show, “19 Kids and Counting”, on the Discovery/TLC network, and as a result of this family’s participation in a number of mission trips, S.O.S. has appeared in a number of episodes. Mainstream Media Helping These airings have focused and highlighted specific countries we serve in, what we are doing, and how people can get involved and help. The relationship between Discovery, the Duggars and S.O.S. Ministries is so healthy that Discovery is planning to track the ministry’s activities in other countries of S.O.S. The head of the Duggar family, Jim Bob Duggar, has been a passionate advocate of S.O.S.’s mission, stating after a recent mission trip with S.O.S.: “Mission trips with S.O.S. is one of the best things we have done for our children and family - It has been life changing! I am encouraged that S.O.S. is on the front lines with the Gospel bringing help and hope to the world. I am glad to be a part of this mission.” 6 10 Jim Bob Duggar of Discovery's “19 Kids and Counting” As another example of exposure in the media, a leading journalist in Nigeria has been tracking our movement since we arrived in the country, and as a result has written a number of articles on our work. These articles, featured in the country’s leading publications like Broad Street Journal (equivalent to Wall Street Journal) and Tell magazine (equivalent to Time), draw attention to the help and hope we are bringing to Africa through medical attention, digging water wells, and bringing education to the uneducated, as well as teaching and proclaiming the truth of the Bible. You can track the exposure we have received (and continue to receive) on TV networks on our YouTube Channel: Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) S.O.S. Ministries featured in a variety of media outlets TELL The Duggar Family commited to the S.O.S. mission 11 S.O.S. Ministries Our Goal “How can they believe…without someone preaching to them? How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News.” Rom. 10:13-15 12 Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) Plan Update (Year 2) The Lord is increasing and expanding the S.O.S. mission, and we continue to seek to respond to this growth in ways that will ensure the greatest possible impact. Central to our continued robust growth is increasing our resource base and continually evaluating and refining our operations so that they are maximally efficient, maximally impactful, and sustainable for all involved. The S.O.S. mission is growing at a healthy pace. For our new mission sites we need to hire personnel and construct Community Centers to provide suitable housing and facilities if we hope to care for the physical and spiritual needs of the people we serve. In addition to personnel and facilities, we have a critical need for more water wells in Africa and reliable transportation (currently vehicles spend more time with the mechanic than serving the mission). Over the last 1.5 years we have brought on five new personnel to do the Lord's work from Africa to Latin America, finished a Community Center in Honduras, put up temporary community structures in Nigeria (villages of Akankan and Otere), installed three water wells in three different villages in Nigeria, purchased three vehicles to support operations in Mid-Asia, Africa, and Latin America, initiated literature/video ministry in Mid-Asia, and covered all operating expenses in both El Salvador and Honduras. We have also pioneered into a new country, Benin (country west of Nigeria), as well as bringing the Gospel to many lost regions in Nigeria and Latin America. Because of this pioneer work, we were able to implement some of the plan as stated above for furthering the work on in this first year and a half. We also initiated new work in Mid-Asia that will have lasting affects as the mission presses on with encouraging the saints and evangelizing the lost in this very difficult and dangerous area of the world. Over the next 3.5 years, we are planning to continue to: • Construct multi-purpose buildings (Community Centers) in Mid-Asia, Nigeria, and Guatemala; install 22 more water wells (Construction Phase). Raise the funds required to meet all monthly overhead expenses for maintenance, utilities, and so on; and purchase one vehicle in each country of service (Operational Expense Phase). • Appoint appropriate indigenous staff for each new Community Center; establish headquarters in Clearwater, FL, location serving as the hub of our mission (Operational Staffing Phase). • Bringing the Gospel to the streets 13 S.O.S. Ministries Projected 5 Year Plan (Currently in year two) By God’s grace, we have raised $200,000 of the $950,000 needed to fulfill our five year campaign. Now we need to raise the remaining $750,000 so that the mission may continue it’s work to accomplish the goals of the campaign. Year 1: Construction Phase Year 2-5: Operational Expenses Year 2-5: Operational Staffing $200k Worth of Completed Work Amount Left to Raise: Mid-Asia: • Nigeria: • Guatemala: • Water Wells: • Maintenance: • Vehicles: • Indigenous Staff/Admin: • Headquarters/Office: • $115,000 $119,000 $61,000 $76,500 $104,000 $45,000 $133,500 $96,000 Amount Raised: $10,000 (for initiating literature/video ministry) $35,000 (for temporary structures and staff) Initial Fund Raising in Progress $11,000 (for three wells) $40,000 (for completed structure and overhead) $45,000 (for three vehicles) $59,000 (for five personnel) Initial Fund Raising in Progress Cost Breakdown for Our 5 Year Plan Construction Phase: Mid-Asia: • Nigeria: • Guatemala: • Water Wells: • $125,000 (for Community Center) $154,000 (for Community Center) $61,000 (for Community Center) $87,500 (25 x $3,500 each) Operational Expenses: Maintenance: • Vehicles: • $144,000 ($500 x 12 months x 5 locations x 4 years) $90,000 ($9,000 average price x 2 x 5 locations) Operational Staffing and Facilities: Indigenous Staff/Admin: $192,500 (salaries for 4 years) • Headquarters/Office: $96,000 ($2,000 x 12 months x 4 years) • 14 $950,000 Total, $200,000 already raised, $750,000 to go! Prospectus 2011-2015 (Year 2) Our Hope “I steadfastly maintain a hope and persuasion that God will revive His work, calling the Christian to advance the Kingdom of Christ in this world.” Jonathan Edwards 15 S.O.S. Ministries PO Box 16712 Clearwater, FL 33766 (727) 726-7717 Copyright S.O.S. Ministries. All Rights Reserved. Photography on cover and pages 2 & 8 by Scott Enlow Design by Andreu Osika -