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PAH - MasterTrak Home Page
GWRRA Northeast Region B
Chapter PA-H, Mifflinville
November 2012
ATTENTION!!! Our Gatherings are on the third Sunday of each month at the Mifflinville Fire Hall, Market Street, Mifflinville. Breakfast is at 9:00am, Gathering is at 10:00am. Take I-80 Exit 242 to Mifflinville & proceed to the War Memorial
on Main Street. Turn Right onto Market St. and go a little over a block. The Fire Hall is on the left. We hope to see you there!
Can you find the
November 2012
3rd - PA-A Banquet
3rd - Dinner Ride
14th - Team Mtg.
18th - Gathering,
18th - Tree Fest
December 2012
1st - PA-H Christmas Party
1st - PA-D Christmas Party
8th - PA-W Christmas Party
8th - PA-N Christmas Party
8th - PA-T Christmas Party
9th - PA - R Christmas Party
9th - PA-P Christmas Party
15th - PA-B Christmas Party
15th - Blvd. Ride
15th - PA-I Christmas Party
Northeast Region
21423 North 11th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85027 800-843-9460
Directors: Jere & Linda Goodman
E-mail: Director
10-12th - MD WinterThing
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Phone: 570-474-1014
PA District
Chapter PA-H
Dana & Danise Hartle
Gerry & Bonnie VanArt
Phone: 814-938-7136
Phone: 570-759-9304
Asst. Directors
January 2013
Asst. Directors
Larry & Linda Dice
Bill & Charlene Knecht
Phone: 717-369-5131
Phone: 570-759-2186
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
Tis the Season
Tis the season or at least it’s getting very close but today sure didn’t feel like it. Today was a great November
Riding day or any other month. The weather was warmer than normal and the sun was out, so several of us went
for a ride. The day was so nice that when I got Bonnie’s Hot Pants out for the ride she said “I don’t need them”!!!
Imagine my surprise!!! I don’t want anyone to be confused, I am talking about her Heated Suit. If you were
thinking about anything else Shame-On-You!!! We saw many other Bikes on the road today taking advantage of
such a nice day in November. When we stopped for lunch at Skeeter’s BBQ the parking lot was filled with Bikes.
We don’t get many opportunities like this so late in the year.
Now getting back to the season, with all the Holiday activities over the next several weeks, everyone should be
getting into the Holiday Spirit. On Wednesday evening (11/14) we’ll have our Team Meeting at the Buckhorn
Perkins the main topic will be our Christmas activities. Sunday (11/18) we’ll have our Gathering followed by Tree
Fest where we will be decorating the Christmas tree based on our theme for this year: Snowmen, Icicles, and
Snowballs. After we finish decorating the Christmas tree it will be time to kick back and do a little socializing at
one of the local restaurants for a late afternoon meal. This should start the Holiday Season off on a good note, what
could be better than sharing some good food with great friends.
A few days later it will be Thanksgiving with all that great food to share with family and friends. The following
weekend on Saturday (12/1), it’s time for our Christmas Party, that’s always a good time and a great way to kick off
December. This year our Christmas Party is at the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation in Berwick, we
moved since last year but we are having the same great food as last year. Make sure everyone gets their reservation in as soon as possible so we can get an accurate count for the caterer. The next two and a half weeks
should be more than enough to get everyone in the Christmas Spirit. Early December also includes several other
Chapter Christmas Parties and I’m sure we will be visiting several of them.
Congratulations Chapter H the Roll for the Dough results are in and we had a very good year!!! We had a grand
total of 25 points!!! We visited Pa Chapters R, B, L, M, X, K, F, A, S, W, V, T, and NY Chapter Y. We also
attended the following out of state Conventions/Rally’s; Md. Winter Thing, NY/NJ Bi-State, New England, plus
our own Pa. Events All Chapters East, All Chapters West, and the District Convention/Rally. WOW that was
Great!!! I don’t know about everyone else but, Bonnie and I had a lot of fun visiting all the Gatherings and Events
but the best thing was meeting so many great people during the visits. The 2012 Roll for the Dough game ended
last month and the 2013 game started November 1st and we need to get started on another year of visiting with our
GWRRA Friends.
Tis the season “Ready or Not” Christmas is almost upon us and I’m sure it will be a great time to spend with
friends and family. I don’t know how prepared you are for Christmas at your house but I do know, I need to get
ready now so Bonnie can get started!!! Christmas at our house is also Bonnie’s Season so that means I need to
work my way off her Naughty List, or do I??? Next month I’ll let you know how it’s going. See you then.
Wind & Wings
It’s All About the Ride!!!
Gerry & Bonnie VanArt
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
November ACD thoughts
Hello everyone
The cooler weather appears to have returned to Pennsylvania. The leaves are off the trees with the help of the
‘nor-easter’ storm and Hurricane Sandy, there is a chill in the air. As for me and many others from Pennsylvania that means your thoughts move from summer activities to fall activities, which includes watching
football and searching for the elusive whitetail. November is a busy month for me away from home at the
hunting cabin. Nearly half the month is spent in Sullivan county hunting for Turkey, Bear and Deer. While
I’m away, Charlene will be getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I think she is glad for me to get out
of the way.
The bike is not completely put away for the winter as Charlene and I ride whenever the weather cooperates,
but I do put the battery tender on for the winter. If you do continue to ride in the cooler weather make sure
you check your tire pressure before each ride. I have noticed a larger decease in tire pressure due to cold
temperatures and inactivity of only a few weeks.
Since the new year is only two months away, now is a good time to start thinking about where you would like
to go on next year’s chapter rides. I’m sure Gerry will be working on a ride schedule in early January, if not
sooner. All input is helpful. As for me I will have lots of
time to think about that while I sit in the woods.
Friends connected by Wings
Bill and Charlene Knecht
Assistant Chapter Directors
We gathered at Perkins in Buckhorn for our Team Meeting on Oct. 17 th at 5:30 for our meal and meeting. There
were only 10 people in attendance. Tony was not present to give the Treasurer’s report as he and Ann were on a
cycle trip.
Gerry went over the national and regional news. He pointed out that at Winter Thing this year there will be a
Yard Sale. If you have something to sell that is motorcycle- related (parts, etc. – NO NON-MOTORCYCLE
CLOTHING PLEASE), you can bring it to Winter Thing. This FUN event will be held Jan. 10-12 in Ocean
City, MD.
Our District will have its convention at the same place next year. So we will see you in Gettysburg in Sept
2013. Also the district has downsized the ADD’s to 3. Our new ADD’s are Larry and Linda Dice.
The Roll for the Dough has been an exciting addition to most of the chapters. 19 chapters have at least visited
one other chapter. But Chapter W has gone all out. They will be the winner this year. We did very well, nearly
doubling the amount of last year’s visits.
Christmas was our next order of business. Tree Fest will be on Nov. 18 at 1:00 Pm after the gathering. Remember to collect your decorations of Snowman, Icicles, and Snowballs. We decided to make a donation to a local
charity for Christmas this year. We will decide which one next month. We have moved our Christmas Party to
the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation Building. The party will be on Dec 1 st.
The October Gathering was scheduled for Sunday the 21 st of October at the Mifflinville Fire Hall.
Our next Team Meeting will be on Nov. 14th at Perkins in Buckhorn at 5:30 for supper with the meeting after.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Knecht, Secretary
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
We had our gathering on October 21 at the Mifflinville Fire Hall with breakfast at 9 and the gathering at
10am. We had a total of 27 in attendance.
Gerry started off the gathering with the Pledge of Allegiance. A big welcome goes out to our visitors. Chapter H from Maryland came up to visit, all on their cycles. If you do not know, it is a 3 hour plus ride. We also had the District Couple of the Year, Walt and Pat Cole, visiting. We also had a new (to us) member attend
he was from Florida but now resides in Mountain Top. We’re Glad to have Bob Bickham with us.
Health: We do have a few that are not quite up to par. Betty Williams was fighting a bad cold. Shirley Smith
will have a knee replaced on Wednesday. Dee Milbrand is in the Hospital hope she is feeling better. And Arden Strouse had back surgery. Please keep these people in your thoughts.
National News: We all know that Wing Ding will be in Greenville, SC over the Fourth of July week next
year. Some of us already have our reservation for that. There is still time but the closer hotels will probably
be filled.
Regional News: Winter Thing will be held on Jan 10-12, 2013 in Ocean City, MD. I have been watching the
news and the city is back up and running and welcoming tourist again. So make that reservation and enjoy a
relaxing weekend at the shore. The theme for this year is Patriotism.
District News: Our PA District Convention will be in Gettysburg again next year, same hotel but in the new
building. Our ADD’s have been reduced to three instead of four. Our new ADD is Larry and Linda Dice.
Chapter News: Our points for Roll for the Dough were 25, and that is enough to have the district pay our
charter fee for this year. Let’s work on doing it again next year.
Our Christmas party will be held Dec. 1 at the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation Building at the
junction of Routes. 93 and 11 in Berwick. This year we will be making a donation to a local charity for
Christmas. We will decide on which one at our Team Meeting in November.
November has many events to keep us busy. Nov. 3 we have our Dinner Ride which will be held at Sally
Pursel’s between Conyngham and Rock Glen. Team Meeting will be on Nov. 14 at 5:30 pm at Perkins in
Buckhorn for supper with the meeting following. Nov. 18 will be our gathering and it is also Tree Fest. We
will be meeting at 1 at the consistory in Bloomsburg. Please remember your decorations for the tree, Snowmen, Icicles and Snowballs. We will be going for a late lunch after.
Bill Greenly asked questions from the PA Motorcycle Handbook for beginners. You never know how much
you just might have forgotten. But it sounded to me that we all remembered well. Please also if you are riding this time of year remember the leaves may look dry but they can be wet underneath and very slippery.
Also remember to wear warm enough clothes as you ride.
There will be a ride after the gathering Gerry VanArt will lead, Bill Knecht will ride drag.
50 / 50
1. Pete Surecte, MD-H
2. Helen Hoover
3. Bonnie VanArt
Door Prizes
1. Ann Cameron
2. Shirley Smith
3. (MD-H)
4. Jim Williams
Respectfully reported by,
Charlene Knecht, secretary
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
After the gathering, eleven of us got on our cycles for a ride. That made 6 cycles to start the ride. Gerry led us on
a nice ride up into Sullivan County to see if the leaves were still as nice as the week before. Unfortunately the
storm that came through during the week had blown them almost all off, but the ride was still great. We stopped
at the gas station in Dushore for a break and 2 couples needed to leave our group because of prior commitments.
Now, down to 4 cycles, we took off to look for more color in the northern parts of the state. Our travels took us
up through Shunck on our way up to RT. 14 and down to Trout Run for our lunch. Of course, after that it was
more riding time and off for ice cream. We stopped at Weaver’s and all enjoyed our treats. What a nice way to
top off a gathering. We had a good ride, food and friends to share it all with.
Charlene Knecht
Hi Everyone:
We have had a very busy time lately! Shirley had her left knee replaced, and then I got sick. She is doing fine.
Shirley is doing rehab at home. They say she is doing very good. Thanks for the cards and well wishes. We
hope everyone is doing fine. It's almost time to put the bike's into hibernation. After two days of beautiful
weather, fall time will be back. Hope to see everyone at the next gathering.
Bob & Shirley Smith
Your Member Enhancement Coordinators
Remember You Are What GWRRA is all About!!!!!!!
Couple's Corner
Holly and I have talked it over and decided to try our best to visit every Chapter in PA. With your help, we
can combine our goal with the Roll for the Dough. We are starting Saturday, November 3rd, with a visit to
Chapter A. We’re also going to Chapter PA-B’s Christmas Breakfast on Dec. 15th at Shady Maples. We plan
to go in the car most of the time and welcome others. We will email our plans as we make them and can be
called at (570)925-2493 or emailed at
Bob and Holly Gray
Chapter H Couple of the Year
Betty Williams was suffering from a nasty cold as of the October gathering. Hopefully, as of this month, she is
feeling much better.
Danni Fogg was in an auto accident. Her car was hit by another vehicle. At this printing, she’s suffering with
some neck problems. They came on a short Dinner Ride on Sunday, but left for home early. I think she might
appreciate a card or a call.
Dee Milbrand is out of the hospital now. She and Charlie joined us at Sally Pursell’s for our last dinner ride.
Shirley Smith is recuperating from knee surgery. They were planning to attend the dinner ride if she was feeling
better, but were not there. This wish goes out to her from the Chapter that she is feeling better. Hang in there
If you are interested in sending sentiments to any or all, please contact me for further information.
Bonnie VanArt
Phone: 750-764-1280
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
While a few of us were at the Bi-State Convention this summer there were 2 seminars. One was called Antenna covers and the other was called Tie One On. I went to the first one. It was put together by the Lady
Rider group from Chapter D NJ. I was the only PA member. But I had 3 more with me from our chapter to
attend the Tie One On.
This was about making blankets without sewing. Then they are donated to children that are hospitalized.
This got our little group thinking that just maybe we could to something like that. So hopefully we will start
in January.
This is a special interest group that is associated with GWRRA. It is for the women whether you ride or not
is does not matter. It costs nothing to join.
This will be a group for all to do things. The men will not be left out. There are a number of things we can
Have a coffee klatch.
Meet to work on our Christmas decorations for the next Tree Fest.
Have a movie night. This will include the guys.
Learn to make the blankets.
Go on picnics.
Maybe you have a special talent that you could teach us.
These are just a few things that have come to mind, but we must get together to plan. I was hoping that in
January we could have a brain storming session on just what we would like to do. This will give you time
to think and look forward to something-to-do in the winter.
If you have any questions or ideas, please call me. My home phone is 1-570-759-2186. Please leave a message if I can’t get to the phone.
Our chapter has made a lot of progress in its presence on the internet this past year. Earlier in the year
we launched our chapter web site. Although it is very basic, it has been very successful in keeping our
members informed. Over the next few months, you will see some upgrades and improvements to the
site that will make it even more informative and useful to our members and the general public. The
new ideas for the web site are still in the planning stage, but keep logging onto the site for the latest
information and as always, we will announce new features here in the newsletter.
The chapter web site at:
This is a good start, but there is much more to internet communications than a chapter web page. With
that in mind, it is our pleasure to announce that Chapter H now has a page on Facebook. If you are a
Facebook user, just type GWRRA PA-H into the search bar and you will be directed to the sign up
The web site is a work in progress, so please take a look and give me any comments you might have.
One other thing, if you have any pictures, or any interesting information for the web site, please send it
to me.
Bill Greenly, Webmaster
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
Danise and I would like to start out by saying our thoughts and prayers have been with all of
those on the east coast that lost so much. We have been in touch by way of the region to keep tabs on what
was happening with our GW brothers and sisters that were in the path of the storm. As of this writing, it
appears as if most were not horribly impacted but many were affected. If we hear of a need that Pennsylvania can help with, we will let you all know.
November is the month that we work to get the officers appointment paperwork started. For those
chapters who will be changing officers, we need you to begin the work with your ADD’s to get the forms
started. I will be encouraging them to call you to make sure things are moving along.
A theme has been picked for next years “Rally” in Gettysburg. Look elsewhere in this newsletter
for the details. The dates are September 5-7th at the Eisenhower Hotel and Convention Center in Gettysburg so mark your calendars.
We are working on getting the District Raffle Tickets ready for distribution. We have heard that
you would like them early so that people can use them as stocking stuffers. We hope to have them distributed in early December. Your help is vital to the financial health of the district by selling these tickets. It is
also healthy for your chapter’s treasury. The formula used this past year and the one we will use this year
is as follows. We share back 20% ($1.00) for every ticket sold for those chapters who don’t sell all 200
allotted them. The share back is 22% ($1.10) for chapters who sell all 200 tickets. Any ticket over the 200
sold by a chapter is shared back at 24% ($1.20). This is a district fundraiser but it is also a chapter fundraiser. We have 5000 tickets available. Last year there were over 1200 tickets not sold. The key is for the
CD’s to get all their members involved if you wish to add to your ticket sales and ultimately your chapter’s bank account. We appreciate your help by selling the tickets. It is enjoyable to pay out the winners. It
is equally fun to get the checks out to the chapters for their part of the fundraiser .
Updating the Area Report List and Gold Book Information: There are folks in the Gold Book who
no longer wish to take calls but keep themselves listed. It creates problems for people when in need of
help. It is important for our membership to keep this great tool we have relevant by it being accurate. If
you are, or know of someone who is listed in the Gold Book and is no longer participating in GWRRA, or
needs their status in the Gold Book changed, please contact them, giving them this number: 800-8439460. Have them call it and update their status!!! It is also important for everyone to be shown on the Area Report list with valid information. Address, phone numbers, email address, chapter designation are all
important aspects so that the information that they want can be given to them. ONLY THE MEMBERS
can have the information corrected. I can’t do it, CD’s can’t do it, and membership enhancement can’t
do it.
Roll for the Dough Results for 2012: A very (ok very, very) successful chapter/district visitation season
ended October 31st. The exciting part of the program for us was that we had 19 of 21 chapters make at
least one visit to another chapter. That is fantastic! We had 6 chapters hit the 20 point threshold. They are:
PA-C with 20 points
PA-V with 20 points
PA-H with 25 points
PA-I with 26 points
PA-R with 27 points
AND PA-W with 36 points!
We congratulate these 6 chapters for attaining the magic number of 20 and give a standing ovation to PAW’s performance in accumulating 36 points. They had a blast! The new year is up and running. The 2013
Roll for the Dough began on November 1st. Make a plan, take your chapter on a little trip and experience
the laughter and fun of meeting new people. The holiday season is upon us. Consider going to another
chapter’s party and enjoy yourselves! Oh, if you haven’t heard…PA-W has one
point on the new spreadsheet. Let the FUN begin!
Dana and Danise Hartle
PA District Directors
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
From the Region Directors,
Renee and I just hosted the Region meeting on October 27, 2012; where all of our Districts
and teams were represented. In addition to information that the Region team presented, each
District made its own presentation about what was happening in their District and their plans
for 2013. It was great for all of the Districts to hear what has gone on and the future plans of
their peers.
We certainly hope that people have a better understanding that they are not alone in dealing
with issues and are able to reach out to others for assistance.
We stressed the importance of having FUN at the Region Meeting. So much so, that Renee
had all of the Region Team & Districts Teams up and playing a few games to show that even
something as important as this meeting was, there is always time to have FUN in GWRRA.
Don’t be afraid to try something new!
We cannot tell you how important we believe that the Membership Enhancement Program is
to your District and Chapters. The MEP is the glue that holds all of us together! It is the
“FUN” in GWRRA. Any group of people can get together, go for a ride on their motorcycles; but it is the FUN that brings us back and makes us a family.
More Chapters need to get involved in the “Couple of the Year” and “Chapter of the Year”
programs. The Couple of the Year program highlights that special couple that stands out
within your Chapter. Supporting a Chapter Couple produces pride within the Chapter. The
“Chapter of the Year” program is the guidelines to having FUN. If you even take a look at
the paperwork for the CHOY program you would see that by following the program, it has a
way of producing FUN. The guidelines are a blueprint of what makes a Chapter healthy.
The Rider Education program has done real well in 2012. We are looking for this program to
get even better in 2013. With more instructors trained in the Region, we would like to see
more riding classes available in the Districts. If any District or Chapter is interested in training in 2013, this is the time to start planning. By contacting our Region Educator, Tim
Grimes, plans can be made to bring Riding Classes to your area. The Region is prepared to
help in any way possible to help get instructors to each District in support of Rider Education. Let’s make the Northeast number one in riders educated in the skills and training to
become safe motorcyclists.
Wishing Everyone a Happy Thanksgiving;
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Northeast Region B Directors
Ride safe, have fun
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
Our Motto...
"Safety is for Life"
Our Mission...
" To Save Lives Through Quality, World Class Education"
Do You Really Know...
... What's Dangerous About Riding In Fog? (Who'da thunk?)
By: James R. Davis
Have you ever been confronted with the need to drive in the fog? I can remember many many days
of riding between L.A. and San Francisco where I found myself suddenly closed in by a fog bank.
Those were scary times, for several reasons.
If you cannot see two seconds ahead of you, of course, you should get off your bike. That's not an
issue many would argue. What is, however, is the nature of accidents that you can expect if you ride
in reduced visibility environments.
Besides what we all understand as risks (that you will ride into something you didn't see, or that
somebody will ride into you, for the same reason), I suggest that the most serious problem likely to
happen is that you will drop your motorcycle - for apparently no good reason.
It makes sense, actually. With limited visibility you are unable to see the horizon. Passing trees give
you some hint of vertical, but not always reliably. Anyway, if you are in a curve and must stop
quickly, you have no way of knowing if the bike is vertical when you get stopped! Before you know
it you find the bike falling over and you are unable to stop it, all because you could not see the
horizon, (even though you do not consciously look at it in order to gauge vertical.)
Who'da thunk such a thing?
Another interesting phenomena that a reader pointed out to me recently is that studies have shown
that people tend to gradually increase speed while driving in the fog. I didn't know that and cannot
recall that I have had that happen to me, but I certainly understand how it could happen. With any
experience at all we tend to look at our speedometers rarely as we can judge pretty well what our
speed is using the passing scenery for cues. In the fog those cues are unreliable.
(James R. Davis is a recognized expert witness in the fields of Motorcycle Safety/Dynamics.)
Copyright © 1992 - 2012 by The Master Strategy Group, all rights reserved.
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
Let’s Go Chapter H!
We Can Have Some FUN and
Get At Least 20 Points This Year
Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
All Ch W
NE Dist.
All Ch E
Thanks PA-H! We reached our goal! Now let’s keep going!
This chart is a record of the points acquired by Chapter H in our
quest for the Roll for the Dough District challenge game. We get 1
point for visiting another Chapter and 2 points for attending any
District Event in Region B and PA All Chapters East and West. It
takes the attendance of 5 Chapter participants to qualify for points.
I’d like to remind everyone to please submit articles
you have for the newsletter by November 30th for the December newsletter. Remember, this is your newsletter, and it’s only
as good as you make it. Please contribute information to it.
Also, as always, I’m open for any comments, suggestions, or questions. I’m truly grateful to all of you who submit
articles. Without your input there would be no newsletter.
Bonnie VanArt, Editor
PO Box 513
Mifflinville, PA 18631-0513
Phone: (570) 759-9304
2001 Honda Goldwing 1800 (Yellow),
65,000 Mi.,One owner, Clear Title, Garage
Kept, Owner motivated to sell to buy a
CanAm Spyder. Asking $10,900, all reasonable offers considered.
New Corbin custom heated seat,
CB,Intercom,Zumo 550 GPS with mount,
Sp.Ed. V Stream Vented Windshield, Rear
Lighted Spoiler, with Luggage Rack,
Trailer Hitch, Baker Built Air Wings, Gear
Shift Indicator, Progressive Springs,
Chrome Accents, Pass. Volume Control,
Handlebar Risers (Adjustable), Pass. Foot
Boards, Highway Pegs, Service Manual.
Call: (410) 297-6466
Note: “For Sale” items will be displayed
in this newsletter for three consecutive
months unless I am informed otherwise. If
the item is sold, please let me know, so I
can remove the ad. Please send “For Sale”
Information to me at
Why didn't
Noah swat
those two
mosquitoes ?
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
Chicken Potpies
November 14th—Paul Brenner
 2 cups frozen peas and carrots
 1/2 cup chopped onion
 1 can (4 ounces) mushroom pieces, drained
 1/4 cup butter, cubed
 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1/4 teaspoon rubbed sage
 1/8 teaspoon pepper
 2 cups hot water
 3/4 cup milk
 3 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
 3 cups cubed cooked chicken or turkey
 1 jar (2 ounces) diced pimientos, drained
 1/4 cup minced fresh parsley
Pastry for double-crust pie
 Cook frozen vegetables according to package
directions. Drain and set aside. In a large saucepan, saute onion and mushrooms in butter until
tender. Stir in the flour, salt, sage and pepper until
blended. Combine the water, milk and bouillon.
Slowly add to saucepan, stirring constantly.
 Bring to a boil. Cook and stir for 2 minutes or
until thickened and bubbly. Stir in the chicken,
pimientos, parsley and reserved peas and carrots.
Spoon into six individual baking dishes.
Roll and cut pastry into circles 1 in. smaller than
top of casseroles; place one circle on each. Bake at
425° for 12-15 minutes or until crust is lightly
browned. Yield: 6 servings
November 30th—Garry Elliott
December 19th—Don Peters
November 27th
Dale & Jean Derrick
December 23rd
Robert & Shirley Smith
Please!! We need your recipes for cook’s corner,
so put on your thinking caps and see what you
can come up with. What are some of your favorite recipes? Perhaps you could share them with
us! If so, submit them to me, Bonnie VanArt, at:
PO Box 513
Mifflinville, PA 18631
Northeast Region B
Chapter PA H, Mifflinville
November 2012
November 2012
(A) Anniversaries
Dinner Ride
(B) Birthdays
PA-A Banquet
(B) Paul Brenner
Team Mtg.
(A) D&J Derrick
(B) Gary Elliott
December 2012
(A) Anniversaries
(B) Birthdays
Christmas Party
Christmas Party
Christmas Party
Blvd. Ride
(B) Don Peters
(A) B&S Smith
Merry Christmas
Gerry & Bonnie VanArt
7 Squire Lane, PO Box 513
Mifflinville, PA 18631
Phone: (570) 759-9304
Bill & Charlene Knecht
11 Deer Path Drive
Berwick, PA 18603
Phone: (570) 759-2186
Dana & Danise Hartle
123 Apple Street
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Phone: (814) 938-7136
Larry & Linda Dice
1057 Pioneer Drive
St. Thomas, PA 17252
Phone: (717) 369-5131
Doug & Cyndy Motter
28 Holly St
Mount Holly Springs PA 17065
Phone: (717) 226-3153
Diane Heffelfinger
245 Baker Lane
Altoona, PA 16693
Ph: (814) 943-1392
Gerry & Bonnie VanArt
7 Squire Lane, P.O. Box 513
Mifflinville, PA 18631
Phone: (570) 759-9304
Mike & Darlene Ammerman
638 Pikeview Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15239
Phone: (412) 795-6685
Tony Cameron
Bob & Shirley Smith
Charlene Knecht
Bonnie VanArt
Bob & Holly Gray
Gerry VanArt
Connie Keiper
Bob & Shirley Smith
Ann Cameron
Bill Greenly
(570) 788-5655
(570) 864-0160
(570) 759-2186
(570) 759-9304
(570) 925-2493
(570) 759-9304
(570) 822-2294
(570) 864-0160
(570) 788-5655
(570) 204-4944
NORMAL GATHERINGS: Third Sunday of the month …Breakfast at 9:00am; Gathering at 10:00am
Gathering days and times are subject to change throughout the year. Call Chapter Director to verify!
Mifflinville Fire Hall, Market St., Mifflinville 18631
I-80 Exit 242 Mifflinville
Gerry & Bonnie VanArt
PA Chapter H Directors
P.O. Box 513
Mifflinville, PA 18631