December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Where we give glory to God for everything as we become intentional disciples Fourth Sunday of Advent St. Pius X Catholic Church 201 EAST BAYOU PARKWAY P.O. BOX 80489 LAFAYETTE, LA 70598-0489 Office (337) 232-4656 Fax (337)233-9468 Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8 - 4 (lunch12-1) Fri. 8 - 12 PARISH PRIESTS REV. STEVEN C. LEBLANC Pastor REV. TAJ V. GLODD Associate Pastor DEACON DEACON PHILIP LIZOTTE PARISH COUNCIL Kenneth Werther, Pres., Rick Cambre, Vice-Pres., Matt Hebert, Secretary, Sammy Russo, Helen Dauphin, Brad Hamilton, Cheryl David, Angelle Pearce, Glenda Laughlin, Trustee, Jim David, Trustee December 20, 2015 Advent ST. PIUS X PARISH Mission Statement OUR CHURCH AT PRAYER Saturday Mass Sunday Masses 5:00 pm 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am. 5:00, 7:00 pm Weekday Masses 6:20 am First Saturday Mass 7:30 am SACRAMENTS St. Pius X Catholic Church enables all who seek Christ to hear the Gospel and live their faith as good stewards. In living the Good News, centered in the Eucharist, we bring Christ to others so all may live in freedom and grace. Baptism 2nd and 4th Saturday: 2:30 pm Baptismal Preparation Class is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Reconciliation Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm 6:00 to 6:15 am Before weekday Mass . For other times, call the Parish Office Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least SIX months before the tentative marriage date. Anointing of the Sick Call the Parish Office. PARISH OFFICE STAFF AND MINISTERS Mrs. Debbie Hebert, Business Manager/Acct. Mrs. Barbara Abshire, Pastoral Asst. Mr. Ashton Mouton, Jr., Evangelization Minister Mrs. Rose Mary Corman, Secretary Mrs. Judy Hoffmann, Receptionist Mrs. Barbara Boudreaux, Coordinator of Sacramental Programs Mr. Blake Paul Harson, Education Minister Mr. John Ray Perkins III, Youth Minister Mrs. Karen Melancon, Music Minister Mr. Kevin Martin, Organist Deacon Phil Lizotte, R.C.I.A. Director Ms. Schuyler Kleinpeter, Advancement and Stewardship Director Ms. Mallory Wainwright, Sacristan Mr. Edward Baudoin, Maintenance Director Mrs. Angela Fangue, Hospitality Ministry Mrs. Pris Hebert, Homebound, Needy Dr. Catherine Janes, Hospital Ministry Mr. Jesse Gary Nursing Home Ministry Mrs. Ednamae Sahuc, Children’s Sodality Mrs. Jackie Richard, Pro-Life Coordinator Free App St. Pius X ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC CHURCH LAFAYETTE Page 2 S t. Pius gathered Thursday evening December 10 to celebrate the beginning of the Year of Mercy with a Eucharistic Holy Hour. Both the 11:00AM Mass Choir and the 5:00PM Mass music group provided music with an inspirational reflection given by St. Pius’ Youth Minister, John Ray Perkins. St. Pius is not a designated Church for pilgrims, but since going through the Holy Door of Mercy is such a strong part of the Year of Mercy, a door was set up in the mail isle for all to walk through. The first to go through the door was the Eucharistic presence of Christ carried in the monstrance in the opening procession which was then placed on the altar. Later in the evening all gath- ered were invited to walk through the door knowing that Jesus had gone first and was now waiting for them to come to him. As each walked through the door the baptismal font was on the other side where each could “wash” themselves in a desire to return to our baptismal innocence. And having washed, then those coming forwarding were invited to either touch or kiss the base of the monstrance since having heard in the gospel the words of Jesus spoken to the Pharisee, “You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered.” So all were invited to kiss “the feet of Jesus” as it were. The evening ended with Benediction. Parish News & Upcoming Events PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL SELECTION Brad Hamilton and Annette Hebert were elected to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council for four year terms. St. Pius thanks Rick Cambre for his willingness to be of service to his parish in this capacity. BISHOP’S SERVICES APPEAL UPDATE As of November 30, 2015 St. Pius has given $78,117.50 toward the goal of $159,064.35. Thank you to all who have contributed to this year’s BSA in either a pledge payment or a one time donation as St. Pius leads the way. BUILDING PROGRAM UPDATE On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 the revisions to the new church project were presented to the Diocesan Building and Renovation Board for approval and for the project to be rebid according to those specifications in order to keep the project within the budget. Please continue to keep this effort in your prayers as the building program continues to move forward. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The Parish Office will close December 24 and will reopen Monday, December 28, in observance of Christmas. The Parish Office will close December 31 and will reopen Monday, January 4, in observance of the Solemnity of Mary. CATHOLIC CHARITIES COLLECTION ON CHRISTMAS A second collection will be taken for the poor and needy of our parish during the Christmas Masses . Please be generous. Thank you. PSR PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION There is NO PSR Monday, December 21, 2015. PSR will resume on Monday, January 4, 2016. Have a great Christmas break! LITURGICAL MINISTERS AND ALTAR SERVERS Any Eucharistic Minister, Lector, or Altar Server who would like to serve for a Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and/or Solemnity of Mary (or anticipated) Mass can sign up in the church vestibule after all weekend Masses, or email Barbara Abshire at Thanks! HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Ministers are needed at this time to assist in providing the Holy Eucharist to our infirmed parishioners who cannot attend Mass. Interested parishioners can call the Parish Office at 232-4656. St. Pius X Catholic Church is blessed Vocation Chalice Ministry. Today the family of to have a 2 December 20, 2015 St. Pius X Holiday Mass Schedule Edith Hebert will receive the Vocational Chalice at the Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please join them this week in prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. If you would like to have the Vocation Chalice in your home for a week of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, please call the Parish Office. ST. PIUS CHRISTMAS DECORATION MEMORIALS Anyone who wishes to make a Christmas Memorial of flowers and decorations for the sanctuary are asked to call the Parish Office, 232-4656. Memorials will be listed in the Christmas Bulletin. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED on Mon., December 21 from 5:00 o’clock pm to 9:00 o’clock p.m. to sort groceries for the Holiday Food Drive and on Tues., December 22 from 9:00 o’clock am to 12:00 o’clock noon to deliver food baskets. Questions concerning volunteering can be directed to Jamie Wagnon at 288-1562. Just meet us in the Parish Life Center on the dates listed. We’ll be happy to see you! Christmas Thursday, December 24 4:00 p.m. in Church 4:00 p.m. in the School Gym 6:00 p.m. Children’s Mass (children bring a bell, flashlight and one canned good) Friday, December 25 12:00 Midnight Mass 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. No afternoon Masses Solemnity of Mary Thursday, December 31 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Friday, January 1 9:30 a.m. only No afternoon Masses Patriotic Rosary Tuesdays 6:00 pm St. Pius X Church Praying as a community for our families and the United States of America. The Patriotic Rosary is prayed every Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. in church at St. Pius X parish. This rosary is prayed for the healing and conversion of all America. You are invited to join fellow parishioners, and others from surrounding parishes, each week as we prayerfully storm Heaven on behalf of our beloved country. Page 3 Parent Life Night is Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016 in the Meeting Room. Once a month, we have a Life Night for you, our parents, to help you grow in your faith and provide opportunities to have community with other parents. EDGE is our middle school ministry and it is open to anyone in 6th, 7th and 8th graders. It takes place the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Our Camp dates for next Summer are June 13th—June 18th. Registration is open The Life Teen Registration form is now live on our website— The calendar of 20152016 events is also up. Please visit our website to get signed up. Life Teen is our Youth Ministry for high school teenagers (9th-12th grade). It also serves as catechesis for nonCatholic school students (9th-11th) who plan to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The registration form and the 2015-2016 Schedule are on our website. online. Go to our website— If you have questions, please email John Ray. The Bayou House is opened this week. Wednesday, 6:30 pm –8:30 pm for the Gathering. QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Youth Minister: John Ray Perkins III—Phone: 337-232-4656 Perpetual Adoration Testimony Of Favors Granted ”Thank you for watching over my two grandsons and family.” “Thank you for your sign of the Cross.” Perpetual Adoration Repose of the Blessed Sacrament Notice to all committed Adorers participating in Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament “Eucharist” will be reposed in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel from 4:00 pm Wednesday, December 23 until Monday, January 4, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. If you are a committed Adorer during this time you are not obligated to be in the Chapel. Please resume you Committed Adoration schedule starting Monday, January 4, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. If you will be out of town at other times please follow procedure by contacting your Hourly Coordinator and or Division Leader to request a substitute or you may get a copy of the substitute list located in the back of the sign in binder of the Chapel. If you have a prayer partner but do not know their name, call your Division Leader to get their name. If your prayer partner can be present you do not need a substitute. There is also a list of the Hourly Coordinators and Division Leaders with their contact information in the sign in binder. Thank you for being a committed Adorer in the St. Pius X Adoration Chapel. To participate in this ministry, sign up online at then click on Adoration on the left side of the screen or use the Sign up cards that are available at the Chapel entrance or in the church vestibule, call 232-4656 or email Novena to Mary Undoer of Knots E VE RY THURS DAY , BE G I NNI NG J ANUARY 7, 2 016 In Church 5:30 pm January 7 through March 10 While the “knots” novenas currently in circulation are meant to focus on the healing and intentions of the individual praying, this particular novena is intended to redirect our focus away from ourselves. As Pope Francis continues to exhort all Catholics to stop looking to their own needs, but instead to go out into the streets and serve the poor, witness to those who disdain the faith, and in general repent of pride and self centeredness, the need for a deep conversion of one’s mind set and perspective becomes evermore gravely apparent. We will be praying for struggling marriages; for those with addictions; for your pastor; for your local bishop; for the poor; for the unbelieving; for Christians outside the Catholic Church; for the Holy Father; and for your own needs. Please consider joining us on Thursday evenings. All are welcome. Page 5 Prayer & Worship Mass Intentions December 19 - 26, 2015 Saturday 5:00 p.m. Chris & Jonathan Daly; Mildred & Hubert Cortez; Joey Garzotto; M/M Freddie Waguespack; M/M Wallace Waguespack & Family; M/M Felix Robichaux & Family; Brandon Pesson; M/M Theard Bodoin; Michael Dronet; Larry Custer; M/M Fred Stovall; M/M James McGlothlan; Angela King; Susan Bishop; Ernest & Dwight Coleman; Albert & Irma Fangue; Darryl Carte; Romain (Theo) Laborde & Family; Simon & Ella Gilbert; Ron Voison; Theresa Savoie; Evelyn Goudeau; Jimmy Bedore (Birthday); Carl & Mary Meier; Special Intention; Whitfield Family Sunday 8:00 a.m. Samuel Joseph Russo; Kenneth Magnon; M/M George Magnon Jr.; George Magnon Sr.; M/M Elmo Broussard Sr.; Ariel & Elaine Bellemin; Alice Perry; Madison Cohen; Cooper Schwarz; Cleveland & Anne Sellers; Claude & Edna Bellemin; Helen K. Dominick; Kathleen B. Fleming; Betty Alleman; Rufus Alleman; Florena Sonnier; Steven Bergeron; Ada & Hubert Hebert; Joseph & Dorothy Montesano; Curly & Verna Mouton Duhon; Olive Duhon; M/M Fernand Mouton; Billy Joe McFarland; Marie Patin; Charles Webre Family Sunday 9:30 a.m. Henrietta Gutierrez; Al Leonpacher; Russell Harvey; Special Intention; Willa Sellers; Velma Guarino; Herman (Gerald) Olivier Jr.; Donald & Ronald Bush; Sylvan Manuel; Edward & Alicia Smith; Patrick Smith; Jim Moreau; Jeff Moreau; M/M Isaac Venable; Special Intentions (2) Sunday 11:00 a.m. The St. Pius X Parish Family Sunday 5:00 a.m. Jeannine Leblanc; Bella Leblanc; Eunice Bernard & Families; Allen R. Bares; Marilyn Baquet; Antoine & Marguerite Baquet; Frank Tetnowski; Josephine Majerski; Victoria Wojciechowski; Charley Rose Beasley; Terri - Faith Fontenot & Family; Special intentions (2); Elaine Joubert; M/M Freeman Moreau; Special Intention Sunday 7:00 pm. Jelica Buva; Eda Edlefsen; Lars Elfervig Monday 6:20 p.m. Angela King; Joyce Hadley; M/M Arthur Hebert; Hardy Hebert; Perry Hebert; M/M Victor Hummert; Deceased Members of Family Tuesday 6:20 a.m. Noy Huval; M/M John Dore; Ann Hanna; Patrick Joseph Culotta (Anniversary); Joyce Lavergne Ducote & Lavergne Family Wednesday 6:20 a.m. The Holy Souls in Purgatory Thursday 4:00 p.m. Karl Braquet; Letitia & Earl Strickland; Roy Montgomery; Florence & M.O. Reed; Hilton Tacke; Gursey Delahoussaye; M/M Clormare LaPointe; Madres Bourgeois; Elida & Placide Smith; Jeanette Capdepon; Special Intention; Rowe Greene: Harold Green; Special Intention; Wade & Kevin Judice; Ronnie Langlinais; Randy Moore; M/M Clome Viator; Jeffery Viator; Bill & Monie Dronet; Morris (Bob) Belaire; Al Leonpacher; Barbara Mier; Simon Domingue; Marguerite Domingue; Phillip & Eunice Pousson; Elie & Rose Guillory; Jacob Matt; Hermina Pousson; Wilda Epperly; Steven M. Bergeron; Helen K. Dominick; Kathleen B. Fleming; Ada & Hubert Hebert; Dr. Paul & Louella Boriskie; Denis & Bertha Bertrand; Milton & Pauline Barras; Diane Barras Jacobs; Emile & Melba Duchamp; Stephanie Meaux; Sam & Eunice Pullin; Special Intention; Jeanette O’Rourke; Bill Angelle; Keith Borne; Raymus Hebert; Mike O’Pry; Gloria Baudoin; Armond & Eve Dugas Guilbeau; John Oran Guilbeau; Sidney & Dulcide Menard Bodin; Lloyd J. & Joe Hebert Bodin; Henry H. & Hazel Broussard Bodin; John & Irene B. Granger; Fred & Hazel B. Dugas Sr.; Harris J. Bodin; Enoch (Dug) & Bessie S. Dugas; Allen Ray Bares; Dale Touchette; John Borne; George Martin; Adam Dugas; Solange (SueSue) Hernandez; Jeremi Ron Gary; Maurice & Vertalee Comeaux; Leith Alshrouf; Erwin Leonpacher; M/M Felix Landry Jr.; Dr./Mrs. Louis Leonpacher; Weber & Adams Families; Fr. Harry Benefiel; Allen Jeansonne; Levence & Irene Richard Thursday 6:00 p.m. Willard, Glen & Kelly Richard; Alfred & Aurelia H. Vidrine; Special Intentions (2); Arthur, Hardy & Perry Hebert; M/M Victor Hummert & Deceased Members of Family Friday 12:00 a.m. Midnight Norma Jean Miller; Gertie Theriot; Joyce & Peter Bentivegna; Steven M. Bergeron; Jeremy (Jerry) Jude Cormier; Dolores Colbert-Perrot; Josephine Colbert-Williams; M. Craig Leathem Jr.; Michael Leathem Sr.; Lionel Lancon Sr.; John Sullivan; Darrel Landry; Roland & Frances Dugas; Jose’ Luis Flores; Jose’ Flores; Deceased Members of the Tiedemann & Buckley Families; Deceased Members of the Laurent & Bartolo Families; Rev. Robert L. Shreve; Joseph C. Shreve Jr.; Alexander B. Corman Sr. Friday 9:30 a.m. Eddy Williams; Virginia M. Aimone; John Schoelen Family; Dorothy Montesano; Helen K. Dominick; Kathleen B. Fleming; Golden Dufrene; M/M Norah Dufrene; M/M Ellis Esponge; Jeremi Ron Gary; M/M Adam LeBlanc; M/M Adam Gary; Joan Bellefontaine; M/M E.W. Bellefontaine; M/M P.T. Burke; M/M Freddie Miller; Fred Miller; M/M Leo Sibille; Jose’ Luis Flores; Jose’ Flores; Rodney Aucoin Sr.; Ray Thomas; Mazey Thibodeaux; M/M Arthur Hebert; Hardy Hebert; Perry Hebert; M/M Victor Hummert; Deceased Members of Family; Billy Joe McFarland; Marie Patin; Charles Webre Family Friday 11:00 a.m. Gen McGlothlin Bienvenu; Brett Solar; Bob Pastor; Special Intentions (2) Saturday 5:00 p.m. Allen R. Comeaux; Cathy Schexnider; Joseph Spaetgens; Joey Garzotto; M/M Leno Garzotto & Family; M/M Baptista Garzotto & Family; M/M Fernand Andre & Family; John Koury; Larry Custer; M/M Fred Stovall; M/M James McGlothlan; Ernest & Dwight Coleman; Albert & Irma Fangue; Darryl Cart; Romain (Theo) Laborde & Family; Simon & Ella Gilbert; Ron Voison; Theresa Savoie; Evelyn Goudeau; Stephen A. Comeaux; Coach Margo Comeaux; Leith Alshrouf December 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent Readings for Today First Reading — From you, Bethlehem, shall come forth one who is to be ruler in Israel. (Micah 5:1‑4a). Psalm — Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved (Psalm 80). Second Reading — By Christ doing the will of God, we have been consecrated (Hebrews 10:5‑10). Gospel — “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1:39‑45). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:16; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 0:17-22 Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24; Lk 2:41-52 Clergy Weekend Please Pray for Mass Schedule these Priests This Dec. 26-27, 2015 Week Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 12 - 26 Fr. Taj V. Glodd 12 - 27 Fr. Steve LeBlanc Fr. Steve LeBlanc Fr. Steve LeBlanc Fr. Taj V. Glodd Fr. Taj V. Glodd Presider is subject to change. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Rev. Clyde LeBlanc, SJ Rev. Steven C. LeBlanc Rev. Louis Ledoux Rev. Mark Ledoux Rev. Austin Leger Rev. Lambert Lein, SVD Rev. Roland Lesseps, SJ Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of this world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Candle will burn in memory of Herman (Gerald) Olivier Jr. St. Pius X Knights of Columbus STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE The collection for Dec. 5-6 has been reprinted because of an error made in last week’s bulletin. Thanks for understanding. DECEMBER 5 - 6, 2015 DECEMBER 12-13, 2015 Envelopes …(259)………..17,237.00 Loose Checks/Cash.(101)…10,888.00 Online Giving ..(124)….......... 5,757.00 Total ………..….… $33,882.00 Envelopes …(326)………..29,524.00 Loose Checks/Cash.(109)…..8,912.00 Online Giving ..(104)….......... 5,776.00 Total ………..….… $44,212.00 Mission Club: $1,843.00 Immaculate Conception $4,271.00 Retirement for Religious $6,108.00 Capital Campaign Pledges: $6,456,299.09 Pledges Collected: $3,440,603.69 Capital Campaign Pledges: $6,452,499.09 Pledges Collected: $3,412,817.89 St. Pius X Knights of Columbus Council 8901 is sponsoring a 55 passenger bus to the 2016 Louisiana Life March at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge on January 23, 2016. The bus will depart St. Pius X Church at 8:00 a.m. on January 23 and arrive back at Church after the march at 2:30 p.m. Fare is $6 per person and is due at the time of reservation. Reservations may be made at the Church Office, or online at . The online reservation site has full information and payment by credit card is accepted. For questions please contact Gerald Hoffmann at 9930212 or . Join us for this powerful march from the Old State Capitol to the State Capitol, music, prayer, and inspirational presentations. Families Welcome! TMIY THAT MAN IS YOU! The fall session of TMIY concluded December 12, and will resume Saturday, January 16, 2016. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year! DECEMBER ELECTRONIC GIVING We offer electronic giving as an easy way to support our parish. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for the church. You have total control of how much and when you would like to support. Please visit our website at or use the Quick Reader (QR) code to locate the giving page where you can set up both recurring and one-time contributions. Thank you for your generosity! Universal: That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving. Evangelization: That families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope. Page 7 Around the Diocese OPEN HOUSE In observance of the Year of Consecrated Life, Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center in St. Martinville will host an Open House on December 27. For more info. call Fr. Michael Champagne at (337) 394-6550. gress Street, Lafayette. Presented by Very Rev. Msgr. Robie Robichaux, JCL, VJ, Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Lafayette, this workshop will explain what the Church means by a Declaration of Nullity and how to petition for one. All are welcome. For info., contact Mary RING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH A PRAYER Bergeron (337-654-8682 VIGIL FOR CONSECRATED LIFE at the Com- or munity of Jesus Crucified, Mater Dolorosa Chapel, 103 Railroad Ave. in St. Martinville. DIVORCE RECOVERY PROGRAM he Office The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed at of Marriage and Family Life offers a 6-week 9:00 PM January 31, 2015, night prayer will be divorce recovery program for those who have sung, and confessions will be available. Holy suffered from divorce/separation. The Divorce Mass of Mary Mother of God will be celebrated Recovery Program, based on The Catholic's at 11:00 PM to ring in 2016. The adoration and Divorce Survival Guide is facilitated by Michelle Holy Mass will be offered for religious vocations Hernandez, Licensed Professional Counseas the Church continues her observance of the lor. The six week series will meet on Sundays Year of Consecrated Life. A plenary indulfrom 4:00pm-6:00pm, Immaculata Center, 1408 gence can be gained by those who join us for Carmel Drive, starting on January 17, 2016. the praying of night prayer at 9:00 PM. Call Our The cost for the program is $50.00 per person, Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center at (337) 394which covers all six meeting dates and your 6550 for more information. materials. Please visit our website, to register or to EXPERIENCE NEW ORLEANS! Join find out more information. Our Lady Queen of Peace Jan. 8-10, 2016 Join Fr. Hampton Davis on a Pilgrimage to New FINDING GOD IN ALL THINGS: ENCOUNOrleans. The group will visit the St. Louis TERING THE LIVING GOD IN MARRIAGE Cathedral, Jackson Square, River Boat Cruise, Saint Ignatius of Loyola believed that we enShrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Ursuline counter God at every moment of our existence. Convent, Shrine of Blessed Xavier Seelos, St. His Spiritual Exercises provide the means to Joseph’s Seminary and so much more. Don’t help us to become more and more aware of miss out, space is limited. For more info., call this ever-present God. In preparation for Lent, (337)291-1933. join Robin and Easton Hebert as we journey through the Exercises and encounter the living ANNULMENTS: WHAT THEY ARE AND God in ourselves, our spouses and in "all HOW TO GO ABOUT IT Please join us for a things". Included in the retreat will be pockets workshop on “Annulments: What They Are and of silence and ample time for deep personal How To Go About It” on Thursday, January 14, and couple sharing within the context of prayer. 2016, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Edmond Cath- The retreat takes place February 5-7, 2016 at olic Church (Family Center), 4131 West ConSt. Mary of the Pines Retreat Center in Cha- tawa, Mississippi. It begins at 4:00 on Friday and ends after lunch on Sunday. Suggested donation is $340.00 per couple. For reservations: Call Sister Helen Roper at 601-783-0801 or e-mail: For questions: AN EVENING WITH DR. PHILIP MANGO, PH.D. The Office of Marriage and Family Life is sponsoring An Evening with Dr. Philip Mango on March 4, 2016. The doors open at 6:00pm with dinner at 6:30pm and talk at 7:30pm. The evening will be held at Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501. Join us and our speaker Dr. Mango, author of several CD’s, including “The Psychological & Theological Dimensions of Marriage”. The cost for the evening is $50.00 per couple/ $25 singles which includes your dinner. For more information or to register, please visit our website, Click on Marriage Enrichment. A board certified psychotherapist, Dr. Mango is a nationally recognized speaker and has made several appearances on EWTN. Dr. Mango has published many CD’s including The Neurology and Psychology of MaleFemale Differences; Masculinity and Femininity; and The Psychological & Theological Dimensions of Marriage just to name a few. Dr. Philip Mango is a husband, father, and musician that has worked closely with Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta for many years as a mental health consultant. 2016 DIOCESAN MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY MASS The Diocesan Marriage Anniversary Masses are sponsored annually by the Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministry, on behalf of Bishop Michael Jarrell. The celebration is (continued next page) Catholics Returning Home Program The Catholics Returning Home program is designed to invite and welcome non-practicing, inactive Catholics to return “Home to the Catholic Church” and resume the practice of their faith in a warm and accepting atmosphere. “Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you.” Matt 11:28 Catholics Returning Home provides a positive context for inactive Catholics to hear their personal call. Coming home to this personal relationship with God through the Church is a challenging step for most people who have been inactive for any period of years. This program provides a welcoming space for Catholics who have not been connected to a faith community where: · · Personal stories of pain and hurt can be told · Participation in the worshiping Community is made to be very comfortable · Concerns and questions can be met or directed to the appropriate people Acceptance and understanding are modeled after Our Lord Jesus Christ This six-week program begins Monday January 11, 2016 and ends Monday February 22, 2016, and will be held in Conference Room B in the Annex Building, 201 E. Bayou Pkwy, Lafayette. Time: 6:30pm8:00pm. You may just show up, or contact Ashton Mouton at St. Pius X; 232-4656 SPX office; 296-6713 Cell; to register or ask questions. hosted by various church parishes throughout the diocese, typically during the months of February and March. One Mass is designated for the recognition of couples who are celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60, or more years of married life. Pre-registration is required by all couples who wish to be recognized during the Marriage Anniversary Mass. Due to the large volume of participation each year, only couples who are celebrating one of the designated anniversary years may register to be recognized, and the anniversary must fall within that calendar year. No registrations are accepted at the door on the day of the Anniversary Celebration Mass. The bishop will present all registered couples with a certificate in honor of their marriage anniversary, and a special reception will be held immediately following each Mass. Friends and family members are welcome to attend the Mass and reception; however, reserved seating is only available for the couples being honored, while others are asked to be seated behind this reserved section. The Mass will be on February 28, 2016 at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Eunice at 2:00 PM, with Bishop Michael Jarrell presiding. A reception will follow in the parish hall. Go to marriage or call 337-261-5653 to register. IPHONE & ANDROID There's an app for that! The Ragin' Cajun Catholics from Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center proudly announce the release of a new mobile app! Available for both Apple and Android, the free app delivers Catholic life and everything Ragin' Cajun Catholics at your fingertips! To get the app, search Ragin' Cajun Catholics in the app store, or go to Once downloaded, app users can choose to receive push notifications for exclusive updates and reminders. The app is a production of the Parish Solutions Company, and features links to Ragin' Cajun Catholics media, homilies, blog posts, prayers, local events, and much more! Visit for more information. PARISH ACTIVITIES Perpetual Adoration Call Parish Office Bible Study Tuesday 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM Wednesday 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM (Fall & Spring) Charismatic Prayer Group Wednesday 7:00 PM Child Care Sunday 9:30 & 11:00 AM Choir Practice Wednesday 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus ENGAGED COUPLES Spend a weekend 1st & 3rd Thurs.: 6:30 PM away from the cares and distractions of everyNovena to Our Lady of day living. Attend a Catholic Engaged EnPrompt Succor counter Weekend. The weekend is open to Saturday: 4:30 PM any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a Parish Coffee deeper more meaningful life together in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church according to Last Sunday: AM Masses its Church law. Upcoming weekend dates are January 15 St. Elizabeth Seton Ro-17, March 4-6, and April 15-17. For cost of weekends, sary Group Wednesday: 9:30 AM DIOCESAN MARRIAGE PREPARATION PRESENTERS other dates, and to learn more, visit our website Patriotic Rosary NEEDED!!! Married couples who are interested in pre- at or contact Paul & Carolyn Tuesday: 6:00 PM senting material to a group of engaged couples as part of Trahan at (337)254-8947 or (337)898-9257, or Pius Senior Organizatheir marriage preparation are needed. The married cou- cee.trahan@gmailcom. tion (PSO) ple would only have to commit to presenting four times a Find us on Facebook at Lafayette Catholic Engaged EnThird Thursday: 11:00 AM year and the office is willing to pay for babysitting if you counter. Sunday Pre-School need assistance in that area. The marriage prep days are Sept.- May 9:30 AM all on weekends. If interested, please contact the MarEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Diocese of Women’s Guild riage and Family Life office at 261-5653 or email kchapLafayette is currently accepting applications for the posi- Quarterly tion of Data Entry Clerk, Capital Campaign, a part-time job scheduled M-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Contact the ALL NEW RAGIN’ CAJUN CATHOLICS APP FOR Diocese of Lafayette for further information. Called to Serve TIME LECTORS 5:00 PM Pat Colbert-Cormier, Emile Babin Weekend of Dec. 26 - 27 TEAM 4 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS December 26 Nancy Manuel, Paul & Beverly Galantowicz ALTAR SERVERS Steven Perret December 27 8:00 AM Billie & Bob Henry Teresa Margaglio, Bill Bellefontaine, Jennifer & Sammy Russo, Christel Dawkins, David Romagosa Tony and Isabella Russo, Charlie Dronet 9:30 AM Charles Weil, John Stansbury Frances Cordill, Paul Bienvenu, Ann Langlinais, Kenneth Werther, Louis & Marjie Breaux James Way, Matthew Adams, Jacob Breaux 9:30 AM Children’s Church Leader No Children’s Church December 20 or 27 11:00 AM Luther Delcambre, Rick Cambre Brooke Loiseau, Grant Pecoraro, Bernice LaBauve, Allison Hebert, Kayla Raffray, Gerald Barousse Brock & Christian Cambre, Garrett Montgomery, William Spielmann 5:00 PM Bobbie Moriarity, Judy Hoffmann Kathy Kosnosky, Nick Enwright, Jessica Quibodeaux, Madison Guidry, Beth Bakeler, Dean Moriarity Michael Schaub, Gabriel Chiasson, Michael Tracy 7:00 PM Aaron Miller, Barb Swanson Ed Rose, Nanette Cazayoux, Michela Camel Riley Broussard, Collin Finley Dec. 21 -- 23 6:20 a.m. Michael Tracy and Tony Russo Page 9
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