- STP Consulting, Inc.
- STP Consulting, Inc.
45 TIPS for the Busy + SAP MANAGER by Synod Phahla QUICK REFERENCE 45 TIPS for the Busy + SAP MANAGER by Synod Phahla INTRODUCTiON You probably need this booklet if you are busy with management and have had few reasons to recently touch the SAP screen. This is true even if you are an SAP manager who was once an ABAP developer or a Configurator. It is important to stay current with the latest SAP trends and technologies. This booklet helps you do that. Imagine getting a Friday afternoon call from the helpdesk that a batch program failed in production and your helpdesk or operators cannot reach your on-call developer or configurator. You have to diagnose the problem yourself. One tip from this booklet could help solve or identify where the problem is. That alone would give you a worry-free weekend and the satisfaction of realizing you are the person with vital solutions. It’s the small detail you know that can easily be quick wins for that moment. That’s what these tips are about. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Synod Phahla is an SAP consultant. He is Founder and CEO of STP Consulting, Inc. His SAP R/3 experience since the mid-1990’s includes working on more than 20 projects. These range from mini SAP projects taking 3 months, to full implementation and upgrades of 6 months to 2 years. Synod has worked for companies like Unilever, Accenture, and BrightStar. STP Consulting, Inc., founded in 1997, helps companies by providing high quality, experienced SAP consultants. Some of the clients that STP Consulting has served are Allergan, 3Com, Abbott Vascular, Merisel, Pacific Gas & Electric, Respironics, and MCR Safety. STP Consulting, Inc. is developing a new SAP tool called MYSNAPSHOTS. NEW TECHNOLOGiES aND SAP TRENDS 1 Smartforms. Use smartforms as the standard for developing output documents like invoices, delivery notes, and customer order confirmation. They have not yet completely replaced sapscript (layout set). Smartforms are powerful enough to create a web form and easier to use for development. While this is a good tool for your developers to use, the value of converting all sapscript to smartforms versus the benefits might not be quickly realized. 2 Adobe Forms. Build electronic PDF forms that use enterprise data like HR info (from SAP) and require electronic signature. Adobe forms came from SAP and Adobe. This allows users to work with interactive forms that can reach users without SAP access. It is ideal for complex government forms. You no longer have to print and enter data from your enterprise system. SAP Netweaver ERP 2005 has 900 print forms and 60 interactive forms available. 3 Document Management System (DMS). Store all documents relating to master data in your SAP system in a DMS. You can revise and re-link new documents very easily, allowing everyone in your organization to print accurate information each time. Examples: You sell hazardous material requiring a material data sheet accompanying the sale to warn the user. This document can be stored in SAP and linked to that material. For more information about this tool, our other services, and bulk and customized purchases of this booklet, please use the most convenient contact method below. STP Consulting, Inc. 27475 Ynez Road, #378, Temecula, CA 92591 1-866-787-2661 (Pacific time zone) mysnapshots@stpconsulting.com synod@stpconsulting.com www.stpconsulting.com © 2008, Synod Phahla Your team needs instructions to follow when receiving material from a vendor. These can be printed on the goods receipt. 4 VIRSA. Use this security and compliance solution to reduce costs associated with Sarbanes Oxley regulatory act (SOX). VIRSA allows companies to have adequate and simplified internal controls in place for segregation of duties. This is particularly important if your organization is a public company, spending an alarming amount for compliance. 5 Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Advanced Planning Optimizer (APO) Modules. Consider Supply Chain Management toward the top of your future projects list. SCM and APO modules are becoming increasingly important. Many businesses want to collaborate with vendors to ensure product demands meet suppliers’ on-time delivery ability. Generating letters of credit can be a lengthy process if you have suppliers across national borders. An efficient process saves time and money. 6 ECC6.0 Upgrade. Schedule this project soon. Early adopters and those implementing SAP for the first time are already working on this version. The upgrade makes running applications outside SAP seamless with ABAP and Java applications now sitting on one platform. A tighter integration reduces costs of supporting interfaces and enables you to link SAP to those non-SAP applications you previously could not. SAP enterprise support ends December 2008. 7 SAP R/3 Enterprise Upgrade. Plan your upgrade, knowing that the extended maintenance starts from April 1, 2009 until the end of March 2012. The first 12 months includes an additional fee of 2% on top of the mainstream maintenance fee of 17%. The next 24 months brings an additional fee of 4%. to the Web by allowing your customers to enter contact data directly via the Internet. SAP has encoded the Unicode standard in SAP ERP (ECC5.0 and ECC6.0). 10 DUET. Integrate Microsoft and SAP applications with DUET if most of your forms applications are better developed using Microsoft and must still interface with SAP. DUET also works for integrating Excel based solutions with SAP. 11 SAP Inbox. Use the SAP inbox to send messages to one person or an entire distribution list. Messages can be a link executing a transaction or attaching a DMS document to review and approve. The SAP inbox can also be used to route messages and approvals if you have workflow processes. 12 RFID. Discover RFID as a better solution than bar coding in tracking your product. It leaves borders and tells where it ends up. One of the companies already engaged in an RFID project is McKesson. They presented at SAPPIRE 2007, an SAP AG sponsored annual conference where decision makers from businesses large and small, from more than 25 industries worldwide, came together to discover how to take advantage of the right IT solutions to run their business at the speed of change. NAMInG COnVEnTIOnS In SAP 8 13 9 14 SAP R/3 4.6C Upgrade. Work with the schedule of extended maintenance from January 1, 2007 until the end of December 2009. There is an additional fee of 2% on top of the mainstream maintenance fee of 17% during 2007. This goes to an addition 4% fee in 2008 and 2009. Unicode Conversion. Support multiple local language characters if you are managing global master data or if you open your system Table Descriptions. Add a “T” at the end of the table name if you do table descriptions 90% of the time. Example: T005 country table would have it’s descriptions (or country full names) in the table T005T. Custom Names. Use Y* and Z* in transaction SE38 to find the custom programs. SAP standard reports usually start with R. Most Customer objects start with Y* or Z*. Customers use Z in most projects. This also applies to other objects throughout the SAP e.g. tables. GENERaL TipS COMMONLY USED TOOLS/AppLiCaTiONS USED BY CUSTOMERS WHO OWN SAP 15 Remedy. Get this helpdesk system to control change requests. SAP is developing a Solution Manager to handle change requests. 19 Reporting Options Available in SAP. Check the Standard Reports before creating a custom report. Then develop a report using custom tools such as: Query, Report Writer, and Flexible Analysis (LIS). Create a custom report using ABAP if no report meets your needs and you cannot get the users to be flexible. 20 IXOS – Explore this document management and archiving product. It is used for archiving output e.g. customer invoices. Standard SAP Reports. Look in Information Systems->General Reports for Standard Reports. You may also find Standard Reports in the specific application e.g. SAP Menu->Logistics->Sales & Distribution->Sales->Information System->Orders-List of Sales Orders 17 21 16 Snag IT – Consider this for capturing, editing, and sharing screenshots of your PC. The company needs to create user training and is having trouble with cutting and pasting, and showing icons to click. It is a common software used by numerous companies 18 Quick Keys /h—Turn on the debugger to see what the program is doing by pressing /h where your program starts. This helps you see what is happening. /o—Open a new transaction in a new session (window) by simply typing /oXXXX where XXXX is the transaction you want to go to. /BEND—End a BDC session that you are currently running ALV (ABAP List Viewer). Ask your developers to create an ALV report if you need to create a report. ALV is the tool of choice for custom reports in SAP R/3. Bringing as many fields to an ALV report reduces the need to keep changing the report and makes simplifies the job of changing the report. ALV provides an Excel download. ALV can be a much more powerful report development tool when used due to its flexibility. Developers should use the class/object based ALV instead of the function module based ALV. 22 LSMW (Legacy System Migration Work Bench). Get your developers to exhaust all possibilities with LSMW before building a conversion program from scratch. LSMW can save a lot of development time. Your configurators can also build their own quick conversion program using LSMW. 23 SAP Component Version/Hotpack. Check what SAP version your component is on. E.g. SAP BASIS 620 or SAP APP 4.70. Click System->Status. Look next to the field component version. Click the magnifying glass on the right corner. 24 Barcodes. Use smartforms from this point on to have the latest technology with barcodes. You don’t have to configure character sets from transaction SPAD to make sure the output device is setup. You also don’t need external software to design labels you want to print. Smartforms takes away that headache. For Example: Printing Zebra Labels. 25 Converting Material Master. Make life easier and increase your chances of success when dealing with large amounts of data by ensuring your conversion programs have the following functionality;(a) Be sure the conversion programs can handle loading subsets of data. (b) Understand that creating delta load functionality in your program is essential if you are loading data over a number of days. (c) Ensure that there are subtotals for records to make reconciliation easier if there are dollar amounts in your data. 26 Development and Naming Standards. Review the standards with every new version or upgrade. Example: Program Names were 8 characters in length prior to 4.5b. They are now longer 30 characters. Select specifying fields should include fewer fields. SAP introduces new improved ABAP statements which may be an improvement to old programs. 27 Peer Review Steps. Make this painless and acceptable for developers by using the following process: (a) Have a meeting where a developer presents one tip on improvement or best practice in coding to the ABAP team. This eliminates all developers making the same error. (b) Have each developer pick their own buddy to review their code. (c) Create a checklist for peer review that every buddy must use minimally. This list is updated as more tips are added. 28 Developing reports. Revisit your reports to reduce as many as possible to one page. It was common in years past to produce a report showing all the information, sometimes generating a 30-page report. This was done to produce the same report used in the legacy system. Much of that report was never used. More companies manage by exception, making one-page reports acceptable. All you need to do is build intelligence and indicators (green, yellow, red) to flag items needing attention. 29 Transporting Objects to QAS to PRD. Move transports to the QA system and Production either manually or automated. Some companies automate moving the objects to QA on every hour. Other companies have created ZSTMS_COPY, which is a clone of STMS with tight controls. This still allows programmers and configurators to move their objects to the Quality System. These methods can save much time. There’ll be less work for your BASIS team. The tech team on different time zones and those working after hours can move objects to QAS without the need to call BASIS to move transport. 30 Data Clean Up. Do a data cleanup in the old system when needing to move from legacy to SAP. It is a necessary step to avoid moving bad data across which might make your project fail. 31 New Tools. Wait for a non-critical project to introduce new and unproven software tools if at all possible. It can be easy to get excited with a new tool and forget that project and business success are a higher priority. The role of IS/ IT is to support business functions and improve productivity rather than build to impress your peers in the other team. 32 SAP MOD or SAP Standard Modification. Use SAP MOD if you need to make a change specific to your company when there are no user exits or customer enhancements, or a solution in BADI. A developer can make a SAP MOD by registering the object/program. The system will then allow them to change the SAP standard. Since 4.5B, SAP provides a modification assistant during upgrade to re-apply any modifications made. With versions prior to 4.5B, SAP would not always support you when a program failed if a SAP MOD was involved, even if your developer’s change was not the cause. This made many companies nervous. 33 Test, Test and Test. When dealing with large teams or large consulting firms you can be overwhelmed with the amount of documentation they produce. While documentation is important, realize: (a) The product must be working. Sit with the person that developed/configured the product. Let them take you through the process screen by screen, with good test data. (b) You can never test enough. Test, test, test. String Test and do End to End Testing. Test for one. Test for many. Test exactly how the process will be executed in production. Run it in batch If the program will be run in batch. Make sure the output gets printed to that exact/similar printer if you will produce output on a specific printer during go live. Don’t be content with seeing output on the screen. (c) If anything fails, you must schedule another walk through when bugs have been fixed. PROJECT aND TEaM TipS 34 Business Users/Super Users. Have users test drive an incomplete product to make sure it’s on the right track with their expectation. Involvement and participation of the business users is crucial to the success of the project or any kind of development. It is common for users to say, “I know this is what I asked for, but that’s not what I want.” IT also sometimes wants to impress the users by only showing them the finished product. You run the risk of ending up with the perfect but wrong solution unless you are an external software company selling an outof-the-box solution. 35 Hiring Consultants. Stick with the best and most experienced people even if it means paying extra money per hour. It’s tempting to shop for the rate to meet your budget numbers when getting consultants. You can explain away cost overrun. You cannot explain away a failed project, especially when it comes to complex systems requiring the consultant to interact with your customers. Experienced consultants are, overall, less expensive and can save you major embarrassment or headaches. 36 Keeping Good Consultants. Find as much work as you can to keep good consultants busy. They do not like to be bored or have too slow a pace. This is a win/win. They know there are acceptable slow times in project phases. You run the risk of losing them when they feel their skills or marketability are threatened by slow pace or very little work, no matter how much you pay them. 37 Productivity. Search for the best knowledge worker talent you can find. Studies suggest that with knowledge workers the difference in productivity between a top performer and an average or below average performer is 10 11 100%. In assembly line workers it’s 20%. Since there are more knowledge workers today, better talent in these positions creates more value. By Ed Michaels Former Director of McKinsey & Company (from The War For Talent Study) 38 Knowledge Transfer. Plan for knowledge transfer. Consultants often need to temporarily support various aspects of projects. The best person to take over needs to be aware of the scope of the project very early on. Companies release and rehire without considering how to retain the knowledge in-house or motivate an internal team to pick up as much knowledge as possible. 39 Measuring the Success of Each Project. Decide what defines success before starting the project. This includes identifying specific productivity improvements. It is more than everyone merely being happy with the project success and then moving to the next project. IT needs to work with the business to determine if the project was done the way the business wanted it and if the actual results can be quantified. Doing this can make it easier to create a business case for a new projects. 40 Project Post Mortem. Plan a project post mortem and lesson-learned exercise. This might seem like a waste of time. Chances are that such a meeting may reveal errors to avoid in the future, especially if your team believes in continuous learning and continuous improvement. Schedule this within a month of the first go live. Do it whether a project was a success or not. mistakes. You can then retain the knowledge on shore. 42 Errors and Omissions. Create an environment where your team can admit errors and omissions without fear. This will allow members of your team to come to you very early if something was missed. The benefit is that you’ll know about all problems early enough to fix them rather than on a go live weekend. 43 Big Picture. Make sure the team can see the big picture or the vision for the entire project. Everyone can get busy with their own carved-out piece and lose focus of the big picture. They need to know why this project is important to the organization and where it fits. 44 FRICE—Forms, Report, Interfaces, Conversion and Enhancements. Use this to indicate areas where ABAP is needed. Adding W (FRICEW) at the end means workflow. 45 SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). Employ this latest buzz word for a standard of coding program units so they are reusable by different applications, irrespective of programming language and operating systems. Example: You create functionality to enter customer name and address information. It is as easy as submitting a request to this functionality to capture the information the same way. This is true whether it’s SAP or non-SAP when you have multiple applications needing the customer to enter this information. 41 Outsourcing. Realize that off-shore outsourcing is here to stay. Use it wisely. It can reverse the savings you expect when used as a sole IT strategy. Outsourcing can allow you to save when it comes to tedious yet repetitive work. Complex development requiring a developer who typically questions every assumption and has a lot of experience can save you big 12 13 Module Specific Displays in SAP System SAP Transactions to Know (popular user transactions SD, MM, FI/CO) Sales Order Transaction VA03 or Logistics->Sales & Distribution->Sales->Display Sales Order. Primary technical table is VBAK (header info) and VBAP (detail info). Delivery Transaction VL03N or Logistics->Sales & Distribution->Delivery->Display Delivery. Primary technical table is LIKP (header info) and LIPS (detail info). Invoice Transaction VF03 or Logistics->Sales & Distribution->Delivery->Display Delivery. Primary technical table is VBUK (header info) and VBUP (detail info). Customer Transaction VD03 or Logistics->Sales & Distribution->Master Data->Display Sold-to. Primary technical table is KNA1 (header info) and KNVV (detail info). Material Product Transaction MM03 or Logistics->Logistics General->Material Master. Primary technical table is MARA (basic material data) and MARC (plant specific material info). Purchase Order Transaction ME23N or Logistics->Materials Management->Purchasing->Purchase Order Display. Primary technical table is EKKO (header info) and EKPO (detail info). Goods Movement Document Transaction MB51 These documents are in tables MSEG (detail info) and MKPF (header info). Accounting Document Transaction FB03 or Accounting->Financial Accounting->General Ledger->Document>Display. Primary technical table is BKPF (header info) and BSEG (detail info). General Ledger Account Transaction FB03 or Accounting->Financial Accounting->General Ledger->Master Records-> G\L Accounts-> Individual Processing->Centrally. Primary technical tables are SKA1 and SKB1. Cost Center Transaction KS00 or Accounting->Controlling->Cost Center Accounting->Master Data-> Cost Center-> Individual Processing>Display. Primary technical table is CSKS. Maintenance Work Order Transaction IW33 or Plant Maintenance>Maintenance Processing->Order->Display. Primary technical tables are AFIH (work order header) and AFPO (work order item). Maintenance Notification Transaction IW33 or Plant Maintenance>Maintenance Processing->Notification>Display. Primary technical tables are QMIH (work order header) and QMEL (work order item). 14 SM04 Kills your SAP session when the report is running too long. Or Click the little SAP icon on the top left corner of the screen. When a menu comes down, select stop transaction or login again. Select terminate all other sessions that are still logged on. SPRO Takes you to the configuration area to locate any configuration setting by functional area. SP01 Finds and checks if a report you printed did actually go to the printer. SM37 Checks if a job you ran or scheduled is still running or has finished. SE16 Checks the contents of a table in SAP. E.g. VBAK SNOTE Pulls a SAP note, which is SAP code that fixes a system bug. SEARCH_ SAP_ MENU Finds the menu path that allows you to navigate to the transaction someone gave you. SU3 Views and changes your user defaults, like currency settings, your default printer, the date format, etc. SU01D Displays the name and info on the user-id in SAP. Some companies do not setup SAP id’s as an abbreviation of a person’s name. Example: Say someone left his/her PC while changing a sales order in VA02 and his/her id is QC142616. You can check their actual name so you can tell them to release the order. SM31 Finds where configuration settings are set for a table that you just discovered. Enter the table name and click customizing, prompting a pop-up. Click continue without specifying a project. A list of possible locations where the table is maintained appears. Example: if you enter table T014 you end up in SPRO under Enterprise Structure->Definition>Financial Accounting->Define Credit Control Area. SHD0 Transaction Variant to personalize the SAP screens. Sometime SAP standard screens have fields and screens that are not relevant to your business process and cause confusion to users. You can personalize the screen using Transaction variants, simplify transaction flow by: (a) Inserting default values in fields (b) Changing the ready for input status of fields (c) Hiding various screen elements and menu functions, or even entire screens (d) Adjusting table control settings. 15 Important SAP Websites 43 TIPS for the Busy help.sap.com Online SAP documentation for self training and researching, and for keeping up to date on what’s in SAP. + service.sap.com Wealth of information on SAP’s portal to help sap users. www.asug.com American SAP Users Group—Customers get together to discuss issues that influence new functionality SAP brings up. SAP MANAGER www.sapfans.com SAP consultants and technical users post technical problems and help each other get solutions. by Synod Phahla 16