User Manual`s in English
User Manual`s in English
Poland Government Expenditure Database User’s Manual The World Bank December 2013 1 Contents I. About BOOST ................................................................................................................... 2 II. Poland Budget Structure .................................................................................................. 4 III. Database Organization ..................................................................................................... 6 IV. How to Use BOOST ........................................................................................................ 10 V. Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix. Budget Classification Codes .....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.15 The World Bank 2 I. About BOOST A core function of any government involves collecting and disbursing public funds and maintaining records of such expenditures. Budget execution systems vary greatly in terms of their organization, transparency, accuracy, and level of detail. For researchers, the ability to easily access and analyze public expenditure data is key to providing thorough and timely advice to policymakers and relevant stakeholders. For government officials, rapid access to budget execution data in an easy-to use format is essential for better decision-making and increasing analytical capacity within ministries. The purpose of the BOOST project is to enhance the transparency and efficiency of public spending across the globe by improving access to government expenditure data and linking spending to relevant results. As of December 2013, the BOOST team has collected and processed detailed government expenditure data from more than a dozen countries across the Europe and Central Asia region, creating easy-to-use databases that have been employed by World Bank researchers on a variety of projects. In Poland, the BOOST government expenditure database has been constructed using the data available on Poland’s Ministry of Finance’s website.This manual describes the resulting database and provides the information necessary to analyze Poland’s public expenditures. This document is organized into the following sections: Part II outlines the Polish budget structure; Part III presents the organization of the database; Part IV provides examples of how to use BOOST through the Excel PivotTable interface; The Appendix contains the budget classification codes used in the BOOST. The BOOST team would like to thank the growing BOOST user community of researchers and policymakers who continue to provide useful feedback as this project continues to grow and improve. We hope that this tool is helpful in opening new avenues for analysis and providing answers to important questions about the efficiency, equity, and effectiveness of government spending. For help with issues that are not addressed here, please contact the ECA BOOST team (by email at 3 The Poland BOOST at a Glance Country Poland Period 2004-2012 Coverage Administrative classification Functional classification Economic classification Program 1 Level of government Central and Local Extrabudgetary units/entities and Social security funds Sectors No1 Central Central government institutions Subordinated budget organizations Local COFOG-compatible Provinces (16 units) Counties and cities with county status (379 units) Communes (2489 units) No Subfunctions Available, 1 level GFS-compatible No Subcategories Available, 1 level All No This version, version 1.2, of the Poland BOOST does not include expenditures of extrabudgetary instiutions, which consist of 3 social protection funds, 11 other extra-budgetary funds, a number of independent state agencies, 300 budgetary establishments and 400 ancillary agencies at the central government level. There are also more than 3000 extra-budgetary funds, including separate environmental funds at each level of local government. 4 II. Poland Budget Structure Poland’s national public budget is composed of the following three main parts or sub-sectors, as shown in Figure 1 below: (i) the Central Government Subsector; (ii) the Local Governments Subsector and (iii) the Social Security Subsector. The Central Government Subsector comprises the State Budget and extra-budgetary units/entities at the central government level; the Local Governments Subsector includes the budgets of territorial government units and extrabudgetary units/entities at the local government level. Figure 1: Structure of Poland's National Public Budget General Government Sector Central Government Subsector State Budget Extra-budgetary units/entities Local Governments Subsector Social Security Subsector Budgets of territorial government units Local extra-budgetary units/entities Central government and local governments expenditures are classified according to economic, functional, and administrative classifications listed in the country’s budget classification / Chart of Accounts (CoA). The budget classification contains two levels of economic classification (group of paragraphs and paragraphs) and two levels of functional classification (titles and chapters). Administratively, central government spending units are classified into top-level public authorities (such as ministries) and subordinated institutions; meanwhile, at the local government level, provinces (voivodeship) are further subdivided into counties (powiats), next into municipalities (gminas) and local government institutions. In order to accurately account for all expenditures across levels of government, budget consolidation must be performed by netting out transfers across budgets and budget components. Unfortunately, the publicly available documentation on the budget consolidation rules in Poland is insufficient. The current version of the BOOST database contains a transfer filter that attempts to approximate the official budget consolidation methodology. However, the transfer filter and 5 the respective consolidated budget amounts should be treated with caution. Therefore, it is advised that users analyze central and local government budgets and expenditures separately. In addition, this version of the Poland BOOST does not cover extra-budgetary (neither at the central level, nor at the local level) and Social Security Funds expenditures. 6 III. Database Organization The BOOST government expenditure database was constructed on the basis of raw treasury data that was downloaded from the website of Poland’s Ministry of Finance. Data for Central and Local Government Budgets was exported in XLS and DBF files respectively, covering annual expenditures from 2004-2012. A sample of the raw data from one such file (containing local budget expenditures) can be seen in Table 1 below. Table 1: Raw Data Sample The BOOST database contains variables that correspond to fields in the treasury data that cover different types and levels of Poland’s budget classification. Each variable is labeled with a standard BOOST name that identifies the type of budget classification to which the variable corresponds—e.g., econ1 corresponds to the first (top) level of the country’s economic budget classification, func1 corresponds to the first (top) level of the country’s functional budget classification, and admin4 corresponds to first (top) level of regional administration, the provinces (“voivodeships”). A complete list of BOOST variables and descriptions can be found in Table 2 below. 7 Table 2. List of BOOST Variables BOOST Variable admin1 admin2 admin3 admin4 admin5 admin6 admin7 admin8 Variable Description Administrative Classification Variables Level1: Government Level Level2 (Central): Budgetary Part Lavel3 (Central): Budgetary Subpart Level2 (Local): Voidodeship Level3 (Local): Country/Powiat Level4 (Local): Municipality/Gmina Local Government GUS Code Type of Local Government func1 func2 Functional Classification Variables Level 1: Title Level 2: Chapter econ1 econ2 Economic Classification Variables Level 1: Group of Paragraphs Level 2: Paragraph exp_type year fin_source transfer Other Classification Variables Expenditure Type Budget Year Source of Financing Intrabudgetary Transfers approved adjusted executed Budgetary Amounts Approved Budget (PLN) Adjusted Budget (PLN) Executed Budget (PLN) The Stata version of the database contains eight variables that correspond to different administrative classifications within the Polish budget. The first level of administrative classification, admin1, identifies the government level that incurred the expenditure: “Central” (state budget) and “Local” (local government budgets). The second level of administrative classification, admin2, specifies central government agencies under which the funds were spent; admin3 specifies sub-agency spending. The next 3 variables specify three levels of sub-national government: admin4 specifies spending of voivodships (provinces); admin5 specifies spending of powiats (counties), and admin6 specifies spending of gminas (municipalities). Finally, admin7 contains the official seven-digit code of the municipality used by the National Statistical 8 Office (GUS), and admin8 specifies the type of local government under which funds were spent. A visual representation of the administrative hierarchy can be found in Figure 3 below2. Figure 2. Hierarchy of Administrative Classification Variables admin1: Governmet Level (Central or Local) admin4: Voivodeship admin2: Budgetary Part admin5: Country/Powiat admin3: Budgetary Subpart admin6: Municipality/Gmina admin8: Type of Local Government Additionally, the database contains variables that correspond to the two levels of functional classification (func1 and func2), and two levels of economic classification (econ1 and econ2). The fin_source variable identifies the source of financing for a particular expenditure and correspondes to one of the ten budget components described in Figure 1. The database includes two additional custom variables: exp_type and transfer. The variable exp_type specifies the type of expenditures contained in a particular line of data, corresponding to the following frequently used economic spending categories: “Personnel” costs; “Non2 Because of the limited storage capacity of Excel, detailed expenditures at county and municipality levels are available only in the Stata version of the BOOST. However, aggregate totals at the local level can be still obtained by using the Excel version (v1.2) of the Poland BOOST. 9 personnel recurrent” costs; “Capital” costs and “Other” if applicable. These categories were defined in order to facilitate the common analytical uses of such expenditure breakdowns. The variable transfer when set to “0” excludes intrabudgetary transfers, and when set to “1” shows intrabudgetary transfers between the central government and local governments. This variable is useful because it helps prevent double counting and serves as a filter to quickly perform budget consolidation across levels of government. However, as it was described in the previous section, this variable should be treated as an approximation and used with caution. Finally, the database contains three variables that correspond to budget and expenditure amounts (denominated in nominal zloty, PLN): approved contains the planned/approved budget, adjusted contains the amended budget, and executed contains the actual expenditure (budget execution) associated with each line item. Computing deviations across these variables can provide useful analytical insight on patterns of overspending and underspending in the Polish budget. 10 IV. How to Use BOOST For ease of use, the BOOST team has developed a standard user interface through which to access the BOOST government expenditure database with the help of Excel PivotTables. A PivotTable report is an interactive way to quickly summarize large amounts of data. A PivotTable report can be used to analyze numerical data in detail and to answer unanticipated questions about your data. A PivotTable report is especially designed for: Querying Querying large amounts of data in user-friendly ways. Subtotaling and aggregating numeric data, summarizing data by categories and subcategories, and creating custom calculations and formulas. Expanding and collapsing levels of data to focus your results, and drilling down to details from the summary data for areas of interest to you. Moving rows to columns or columns to rows (or “pivoting”) to see different summaries of the source data. Filtering, sorting, grouping, and conditionally formatting the most useful and interesting subset of data to enable you to focus on the information that you want. Presenting concise, attractive, and annotated online or printed reports.3 PivotTables are straightforward and easy to use and allow for quick, customizable analyses of large amounts of data. This section presents several examples on how to use the BOOST PivotTable interface for general and custom reports.4 3 For more information on Excel PivotTables, please consult the help function in Microsoft Excel or this helpful overview of the Microsoft website: 4 The minimum technical requirements for using the Poland BOOST government expenditure database are as follows: (i) a computer with at least 1 GB of RAM (2 GB preferred); (ii) Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later (or similar database soft ware that allows loading of fi les with at least one million lines of data). 11 Example 1: Time Trend Analysis Figure 3 below presents a simple example of time trend analysis at the macro level. It reports (in nominal terms) government expenditures from 2004 to 2012, broken down by government level and top-level functional classification. To generate this PivotTable, admin1 and func1 are placed in the“Row Labels” box, year in the “Column Labels” box. The values in the body of the table consist of the sum of the executed variable. Figure 3. Examining Central and Local Government Expenditures across Years 12 Example 2: Composition Breakdown Figure 4 below presents a breakdown of 2012 local expenditures by economic category and subcategory for education in Poland. To generate this PivotTable, econ1 and econ2 are placed in the “Row Labels” box, year in the “Column Labels” box, admin1 (“2 Local Government Budgets”), and func1 (“801 Education”) variables are used as filters. The values in the body of the table consist of the sum of the executed variable. Figure 4. Examining the Composition of Expenditures by Sector 13 Example 3: Geographic Variation Figure 5 below presents a breakdown of 2012 provincial education expenditures by voivodeship and expenditure type. To generate this PivotTable, admin4 is placed in the “Row Labels” box, exp_type in the “Column Labels” box, and year (“2012”) and admin1 (“Local Government Budgets”), and func1 (“801 Education”) variables are used as filters. The values in the body of the table consist of the sum of the executed variable. Figure 5. Examining Sector Expenditures by Type and Voivodeships 14 V. Glossary BOOST: A project of the World Bank aimed at enhancing the transparency and efficiency of public spending across the globe by improving access to government expenditure data and linking spending to outcomes through rigorous public expenditure analysis. “BOOST” is not an acronym. CoA: Chart of accounts, a universal budget classification used by all central and local authorities in Poland to report financial information to the State Treasury Service of Poland. The CoA contains classification codes for economic, functional, administrative, and other types of budget classification. MoF: Ministry of Finance of Poland. 15 Appendix. Budget Classification Codes This appendix contains codes and descriptions for all variables in the Poland BOOST database, except admin6 and admin7 (approximately 2,940 unique values), which has been omitted in the interest of brevity. BOOST Code 1 2 admin1 1 Central Government Budget 2 Local Government Budgets BOOST Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 admin2 01 Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland 02 Chancellery of the Sejm 03 Chancellery of the Senate 04 Supreme Court 05 Supreme Administrative Court 06 Constitutional Tribunal 07 Supreme Audit Office 08 Human Rights Advocate 09 National Radio and Television Council 10 Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data 11 National Election Comission 12 National Labour Inspectorate 13 Institute of National Remembrance 14 Children's Rights Advocate 15 General courts 16 Chancellery of the Prime Minister 17 Public administration 18 Construction, land management and housing 19 Budget, public finances and financial institutions 20 Economy 21 Maritime affairs 22 Water management 23 European integration 24 Culture and national heritage 25 Physical culture and sport 26 Communication 27 Computerization 28 Science 29 National defense 30 Education and upbringing 31 Labour 32 Agriculture 33 Rural development 34 Regional development 35 Agricultural markets 36 Treasury 16 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 37 Justice 38 Higher education 39 Transport 40 Tourism 41 Environment 42 Internal affairs 43 Religious, national and ethnic minorities 44 Social security 45 Foreign affairs and Polish membership in the European Union 46 Health 47 Government Center of Strategic Studies 48 Supervisory Commission for Insurance and Pension Funds 49 Public Procurement Office 50 Energy Regulatory Office 51 Civil Service Office 52 National Judicial Council 53 Office of Competition and Consumer Protection 54 Office of Veterans and Victims of Repression 56 Central Anticorruption Bureau 57 Internal Security Agency 58 Central Statistical Office 59 Foreign Intelligence Agency 60 State Mining Authority 61 Polish Patent Office 62 Fisheries 63 Family affairs 64 Central Office of Measures 65 Polish Committee for Standardization 66 Patients' Rights Advocate 67 Polish Academy of Sciences 68 National Atomic Energy Agency 69 Securities and Exchange Commission 70 Financial Supervision Authority 71 Railway Transport Authority 72 Agricultural Social Insurance Fund 73 Social Insurance Institute 74 Attorney General of the Treasury 75 Government Legislative Center 76 Office of Electronic Communications 78 Foreign debt servicing 79 Domestic debt servicing 80 Regional chambers of accounting 81 General reserve 82 General subventions to local government units 83 Provisions 84 Own resources of the European Union 85 Voivodeships 86 Local government appeals boards 88 General prosecutor organizational units 17 BOOST Code 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 admin3 01.00 Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland 02.00 Chancellery of the Sejm 03.00 Chancellery of the Senate 04.00 Supreme Court 05.00 Supreme Administrative Court 06.00 Constitutional Tribunal 07.00 Supreme Audit Office 08.00 Human Rights Advocate 09.00 National Radio and Television Council 10.00 Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data 11.00 National Election Comission 12.00 National Labour Inspectorate 13.00 Institute of National Remembrance 14.00 Children's Rights Advocate 15.01 Ministry of Justice 15.02 The Court of Appeal in Warsaw 15.03 The Court of Appeal in Katowice 15.04 The Court of Appeal in Gdansk 15.05 The Court of Appeal in Poznan 15.06 The Court of Appeal in Krakow 15.07 The Court of Appeal in Wroclaw 15.08 The Court of Appeal in Lodz 15.09 The Court of Appeal in Rzeszów 15.10 The Court of Appeal in Bialystok 15.11 The Court of Appeal in Lublin 15.12 The Court of Appeal in Szczecin 16.00 Chancellery of the Prime Minister 17.00 Public administration 18.00 Construction, land management and housing 19.00 Budget, public finances and financial institutions 20.00 Economy 21.00 Maritime affairs 22.00 Water management 23.00 European integration 24.00 Culture and national heritage 25.00 Physical culture and sport 26.00 Communication 27.00 Computerization 28.00 Science 29.00 National defense 30.00 Education and upbringing 31.00 Labour 32.00 Agriculture 33.00 Rural development 34.00 Regional development 35.00 Agricultural markets 36.00 Treasury 18 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5600 5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8502 8504 37.00 Justice 38.00 Higher education 39.00 Transport 40.00 Tourism 41.00 Environment 42.00 Internal affairs 43.00 Religious, national and ethnic minorities 44.00 Social security 45.00 Foreign affairs and Polish membership in the European Union 46.00 Health 47.00 Government Center of Strategic Studies 48.00 Supervisory Commission for Insurance and Pension Funds 49.00 Public Procurement Office 50.00 Energy Regulatory Office 51.00 Civil Service Office 52.00 National Judicial Council 53.00 Office of Competition and Consumer Protection 54.00 Office of Veterans and Victims of Repression 56.00 Central Anticorruption Bureau 57.00 Internal Security Agency 58.00 Central Statistical Office 59.00 Foreign Intelligence Agency 60.00 State Mining Authority 61.00 Polish Patent Office 62.00 Fisheries 63.00 Family affairs 64.00 Central Office of Measures 65.00 Polish Committee for Standardization 66.00 Patients' Rights Advocate 67.00 Polish Academy of Sciences 68.00 National Atomic Energy Agency 69.00 Securities and Exchange Commission 70.00 Financial Supervision Authority 71.00 Railway Transport Authority 72.00 Agricultural Social Insurance Fund 73.00 Social Insurance Institute 74.00 Attorney General of the Treasury 75.00 Government Legislative Center 76.00 Office of Electronic Communications 78.00 Foreign debt servicing 79.00 Domestic debt servicing 80.00 Regional chambers of accounting 81.00 General reserve 82.00 General subventions to local government units 83.00 Provisions 84.00 Own resources of the European Union 85.02 Voivodeship Dolnoslaskie 85.04 Voivodeship Kujawsko-pomorskie 19 8506 8508 8510 8512 8514 8516 8518 8520 8522 8524 8526 8528 8530 8532 8601 8603 8605 8607 8609 8611 8613 8615 8617 8619 8621 8623 8625 8627 8629 8631 8633 8635 8637 8639 8641 8643 8645 8647 8649 8651 8653 8655 8657 8659 8661 8663 8665 8667 85.06 Voivodeship Lubelskie 85.08 Voivodeship Lubuskie 85.10 Voivodeship Lódzkie 85.12 Voivodeship Malopolskie 85.14 Voivodeship Mazowieckie 85.16 Voivodeship Opolskie 85.18 Voivodeship Podkarpackie 85.20 Voivodeship Podlaskie 85.22 Voivodeship Pomorskie 85.24 Voivodeship Slaskie 85.26 Voivodeship Swietokrzyskie 85.28 Voivodeship Warminsko-mazurskie 85.30 Voivodeship Wielkopolskie 85.32 Voivodeship Zachodniopomorskie 86.01 Local government appeals board in Warsaw 86.03 Local government appeals board in Biala Podlaska 86.05 Local government appeals board in Bialystok 86.07 Local government appeals board in Bielsko-Biala 86.09 Local government appeals board in Bydgoszcz 86.11 Local government appeals board in Chelm 86.13 Local government appeals board in Ciechanów 86.15 Local government appeals board in Czestochowa 86.17 Local government appeals board in Elblag 86.19 Local government appeals board in Gdansk 86.21 Local government appeals board in Gorzow Wielkopolski 86.23 Local government appeals board in Jelenia Gora 86.25 Local government appeals board in New York 86.27 Local government appeals board in Katowice 86.29 Local government appeals board in Kielce 86.31 Local government appeals board in Konin 86.33 Local government appeals board in Koszalin 86.35 Local government appeals board in Krakow 86.37 Local government appeals board in Krosno 86.39 Local government appeals board in Legnica 86.41 Local government appeals board in Leszno 86.43 Local government appeals board in Lublin 86.45 Local government appeals board in Lomza 86.47 Local government appeals board in Lodz 86.49 Local government appeals board in Nowy Sacz 86.51 Local government appeals board in Olsztyn 86.53 Local government appeals board in Opole 86.55 Local government appeals board in Ostroleka 86.57 Local government appeals board in the Pile 86.59 Local government appeals board in Piotrkow Trybunalski 86.61 Local government appeals board in Plock 86.63 Local government appeals board in Poznan 86.65 Local government appeals board in Przemysl 86.67 Local government appeals board in Radom 20 8669 8671 8673 8675 8677 8679 8681 8683 8685 8687 8689 8691 8693 8695 8697 8800 86.69 Local government appeals board in Rzeszów 86.71 Local government appeals board in Siedlce 86.73 Local government appeals board in Sieradz 86.75 Local government appeals board in Skierniewice 86.77 Local government appeals board in Slupsk 86.79 Local government appeals board in Suwalki 86.81 Local government appeals board in Szczecin 86.83 Local government appeals board in Tarnobrzeg 86.85 Local government appeals board in Tarnów 86.87 Local government appeals board in Torun 86.89 Local government appeals board in Walbrzych 86.91 Local government appeals board in Wloclawek 86.93 Local government appeals board in Wroclaw 86.95 Local government appeals board in Zamosc 86.97 Local government appeals board in Zielona Gora 88.00 General prosecutor organizational units BOOST Code 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 admin4 02 Voivodeship Dolnoslaskie 04 Voivodeship Kujawsko-pomorskie 06 Voivodeship Lubelskie 08 Voivodeship Lubuskie 10 Voivodeship Lódzkie 12 Voivodeship Malopolskie 14 Voivodeship Mazowieckie 16 Voivodeship Opolskie 18 Voivodeship Podkarpackie 20 Voivodeship Podlaskie 22 Voivodeship Pomorskie 24 Voivodeship Slaskie 26 Voivodeship Swietokrzyskie 28 Voivodeship Warminsko-mazurskie 30 Voivodeship Wielkopolskie 32 Voivodeship Zachodniopomorskie BOOST Code 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 admin5 02.00 Voivodeship Dolnoslaskie 04.00 Voivodeship Kujawsko-pomorskie 06.00 Voivodeship Lubelskie 08.00 Voivodeship Lubuskie 10.00 Voivodeship Lódzkie 12.00 Voivodeship Malopolskie 14.00 Voivodeship Mazowieckie 16.00 Voivodeship Opolskie 18.00 Voivodeship Podkarpackie 20.00 Voivodeship Podlaskie 22.00 Voivodeship Pomorskie 24.00 Voivodeship Slaskie 21 2600 2800 3000 3200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 261 262 263 264 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 26.00 Voivodeship Swietokrzyskie 28.00 Voivodeship Warminsko-mazurskie 30.00 Voivodeship Wielkopolskie 32.00 Voivodeship Zachodniopomorskie 02.01 County boleslawiecki 02.02 County dzierzoniowski 02.03 County glogowski 02.04 County górowski 02.05 County jaworski 02.06 County jeleniogórski 02.07 County kamiennogórski 02.08 County klodzki 02.09 County legnicki 02.10 County lubanski 02.11 County lubinski 02.12 County lwówecki 02.13 County milicki 02.14 County olesnicki 02.15 County olawski 02.16 County polkowicki 02.17 County strzelinski 02.18 County sredzki 02.19 County swidnicki 02.20 County trzebnicki 02.21 County walbrzyski 02.22 County wolowski 02.23 County wroclawski 02.24 County zabkowicki 02.25 County zgorzelecki 02.26 County zlotoryjski 02.61 City of Jelenia Góra 02.62 City of Legnica 02.63 County Walbrzyski 02.64 City of Wroclaw 04.01 County aleksandrowski 04.02 County brodnicki 04.03 County bydgoski 04.04 County chelminski 04.05 County golubsko-dobrzynski 04.06 County grudziadzki 04.07 County inowroclawski 04.08 County lipnowski 04.09 County mogilenski 04.10 County nakielski 04.11 County radziejowski 04.12 County rypinski 04.13 County sepolenski 04.14 County swiecki 22 415 416 417 418 419 461 462 463 464 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 661 662 663 664 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 861 862 1001 04.15 County torunski 04.16 County tucholski 04.17 County wabrzeski 04.18 County wloclawski 04.19 County zninski 04.61 City of Bydgoszcz 04.62 City of Grudziadz 04.63 City of Torun 04.64 City of Wloclawek 06.01 County bialski 06.02 County bilgorajski 06.03 County chelmski 06.04 County hrubieszowski 06.05 County janowski 06.06 County krasnostawski 06.07 County krasnicki 06.08 County lubartowski 06.09 County lubelski 06.10 County leczynski 06.11 County lukowski 06.12 County opolski 06.13 County parczewski 06.14 County pulawski 06.15 County radzynski 06.16 County rycki 06.17 County swidnicki 06.18 County tomaszowski 06.19 County wlodawski 06.20 County zamojski 06.61 City of Biala Podlaska 06.62 City of Chelm 06.63 City of Lublin 06.64 City of Zamosc 08.01 County gorzowski 08.02 County krosnienski 08.03 County miedzyrzecki 08.04 County nowosolski 08.05 County slubicki 08.06 County strzelecko-drezdenecki 08.07 County sulecinski 08.08 County swiebodzinski 08.09 County zielonogórski 08.10 County zaganski 08.11 County zarski 08.12 County wschowski 08.61 City of Gorzów Wielkopolski 08.62 City of Zielona Góra 10.01 County belchatowski 23 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1061 1062 1063 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1261 1262 1263 1401 1402 1403 1404 10.02 County kutnowski 10.03 County laski 10.04 County leczycki 10.05 County lowicki 10.06 County lódzki wschodni 10.07 County opoczynski 10.08 County pabianicki 10.09 County pajeczanski 10.10 County piotrkowski 10.11 County poddebicki 10.12 County radomszczanski 10.13 County rawski 10.14 County sieradzki 10.15 County skierniewicki 10.16 County tomaszowski 10.17 County wielunski 10.18 County wieruszowski 10.19 County zdunskowolski 10.20 County zgierski 10.21 County brzezinski 10.61 City of Lódz 10.62 City of Piotrków Trybunalski 10.63 City of Skierniewice 12.01 County bochenski 12.02 County brzeski 12.03 County chrzanowski 12.04 County dabrowski 12.05 County gorlicki 12.06 County krakowski 12.07 County limanowski 12.08 County miechowski 12.09 County myslenicki 12.10 County nowosadecki 12.11 County nowotarski 12.12 County olkuski 12.13 County oswiecimski 12.14 County proszowicki 12.15 County suski 12.16 County tarnowski 12.17 County tatrzanski 12.18 County wadowicki 12.19 County wielicki 12.61 City of Kraków 12.62 City of Nowy Sacz 12.63 City of Tarnów 14.01 County bialobrzeski 14.02 County ciechanowski 14.03 County garwolinski 14.04 County gostyninski 24 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1661 1801 1802 1803 14.05 County grodziski 14.06 County grójecki 14.07 County kozienicki 14.08 County legionowski 14.09 County lipski 14.10 County losicki 14.11 County makowski 14.12 County minski 14.13 County mlawski 14.14 County nowodworski 14.15 County ostrolecki 14.16 County ostrowski 14.17 County otwocki 14.18 County piaseczynski 14.19 County plocki 14.20 County plonski 14.21 County pruszkowski 14.22 County przasnyski 14.23 County przysuski 14.24 County pultuski 14.25 County radomski 14.26 County siedlecki 14.27 County sierpecki 14.28 County sochaczewski 14.29 County sokolowski 14.30 County szydlowiecki 14.32 County warszawski zachodni 14.33 County wegrowski 14.34 County wolominski 14.35 County wyszkowski 14.36 County zwolenski 14.37 County zurominski 14.38 County zyrardowski 14.61 City of Ostroleka 14.62 City of Plock 14.63 City of Radom 14.64 City of Siedlce 14.65 City of Warszawa 16.01 County brzeski 16.02 County glubczycki 16.03 County kedzierzynsko-kozielski 16.04 County kluczborski 16.05 County krapkowicki 16.06 County namyslowski 16.07 County nyski 16.08 County oleski 16.09 County opolski 16.10 County prudnicki 16.11 County strzelecki 16.61 City of Opole 18.01 County bieszczadzki 18.02 County brzozowski 18.03 County debicki 25 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1861 1862 1863 1864 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2061 2062 2063 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 18.04 County jaroslawski 18.05 County jasielski 18.06 County kolbuszowski 18.07 County krosnienski 18.08 County lezajski 18.09 County lubaczowski 18.10 County lancucki 18.11 County mielecki 18.12 County nizanski 18.13 County przemyski 18.14 County przeworski 18.15 County ropczycko-sedziszowski 18.16 County rzeszowski 18.17 County sanocki 18.18 County stalowowolski 18.19 County strzyzowski 18.20 County tarnobrzeski 18.21 County leski 18.61 City of Krosno 18.62 City of Przemysl 18.63 City of Rzeszów 18.64 City of Tarnobrzeg 20.01 County augustowski 20.02 County bialostocki 20.03 County bielski 20.04 County grajewski 20.05 County hajnowski 20.06 County kolnenski 20.07 County lomzynski 20.08 County moniecki 20.09 County sejnenski 20.10 County siemiatycki 20.11 County sokólski 20.12 County suwalski 20.13 County wysokomazowiecki 20.14 County zambrowski 20.61 City of Bialystok 20.62 City of Lomza 20.63 City of Suwalki 22.01 County bytowski 22.02 County chojnicki 22.03 County czluchowski 22.04 County gdanski 22.05 County kartuski 22.06 County koscierski 22.07 County kwidzynski 22.08 County leborski 22.09 County malborski 22.10 County nowodworski 22.11 County pucki 22.12 County slupski 22.13 County starogardzki 22.14 County tczewski 26 2215 2216 2261 2262 2263 2264 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 22.15 County wejherowski 22.16 County sztumski 22.61 City of Gdansk 22.62 City of Gdynia 22.63 City of Slupsk 22.64 City of Sopot 24.01 County bedzinski 24.02 County bielski 24.03 County cieszynski 24.04 County czestochowski 24.05 County gliwicki 24.06 County klobucki 24.07 County lubliniecki 24.08 County mikolowski 24.09 County myszkowski 24.10 County pszczynski 24.11 County raciborski 24.12 County rybnicki 24.13 County tarnogórski 24.14 County bierunsko-ledzinski 24.15 County wodzislawski 24.16 County zawiercianski 24.17 County zywiecki 24.61 City of Bielsko-Biala 24.62 City of Bytom 24.63 City of Chorzów 24.64 City of Czestochowa 24.65 City of Dabrowa Górnicza 24.66 City of Gliwice 24.67 City of Jastrzebie-Zdrój 24.68 City of Jaworzno 24.69 City of Katowice 24.70 City of Myslowice 24.71 City of Piekary Slaskie 24.72 City of Ruda Slaska 24.73 City of Rybnik 24.74 City of Siemianowice Slaskie 24.75 City of Sosnowiec 24.76 City of Swietochlowice 24.77 City of Tychy 24.78 City of Zabrze 24.79 City of Zory 26.01 County buski 26.02 County jedrzejowski 26.03 County kazimierski 26.04 County kielecki 26.05 County konecki 26.06 County opatowski 26.07 County ostrowiecki 26.08 County pinczowski 26.09 County sandomierski 26.10 County skarzyski 26.11 County starachowicki 27 2612 2613 2661 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2861 2862 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 26.12 County staszowski 26.13 County wloszczowski 26.61 City of Kielce 28.01 County bartoszycki 28.02 County braniewski 28.03 County dzialdowski 28.04 County elblaski 28.05 County elcki 28.06 County gizycki 28.07 County ilawski 28.08 County ketrzynski 28.09 County lidzbarski 28.10 County mragowski 28.11 County nidzicki 28.12 County nowomiejski 28.13 County olecki 28.14 County olsztynski 28.15 County ostródzki 28.16 County piski 28.17 County szczycienski 28.18 County goldapski 28.19 County wegorzewski 28.61 City of Elblag 28.62 City of Olsztyn 30.01 County chodzieski 30.02 County czarnkowsko-trzcianecki 30.03 County gnieznienski 30.04 County gostynski 30.05 County grodziski 30.06 County jarocinski 30.07 County kaliski 30.08 County kepinski 30.09 County kolski 30.10 County koninski 30.11 County koscianski 30.12 County krotoszynski 30.13 County leszczynski 30.14 County miedzychodzki 30.15 County nowotomyski 30.16 County obornicki 30.17 County ostrowski 30.18 County ostrzeszowski 30.19 County pilski 30.20 County pleszewski 30.21 County poznanski 30.22 County rawicki 30.23 County slupecki 30.24 County szamotulski 30.25 County sredzki 30.26 County sremski 30.27 County turecki 30.28 County wagrowiecki 30.29 County wolsztynski 28 3030 3031 3061 3062 3063 3064 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3261 3262 3263 30.30 County wrzesinski 30.31 County zlotowski 30.61 City of Kalisz 30.62 City of Konin 30.63 City of Leszno 30.64 City of Poznan 32.01 County bialogardzki 32.02 County choszczenski 32.03 County drawski 32.04 County goleniowski 32.05 County gryficki 32.06 County gryfinski 32.07 County kamienski 32.08 County kolobrzeski 32.09 County koszalinski 32.10 County mysliborski 32.11 County policki 32.12 County pyrzycki 32.13 County slawienski 32.14 County stargardzki 32.15 County szczecinecki 32.16 County swidwinski 32.17 County walecki 32.18 County lobeski 32.61 City of Koszalin 32.62 City of Szczecin 32.63 City of Swinoujscie BOOST Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 admin8 1 Voivodeship 2 County 3 City with county status 4 Urban municipality 5 Rural municipality 6 Urban-rural municipality 7 Association of local governments BOOST Code 10 20 50 100 150 400 500 550 600 630 700 710 720 func1 010 Agriculture and hunting 020 Forestry 050 Fishing and fisheries 100 Mining 150 Industrial processing 400 Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water 500 Trade 550 Hotel and restaurant services 600 Transport and communication 630 Tourism services 700 Housing economy 710 Services 720 Information technology 29 730 750 756 757 758 801 803 851 852 853 854 900 921 925 926 730 Science 750 Public administration 751 Offices of supreme bodies of central government, control and protection of law and judiciary 752 National defence 753 Compulsory social security 754 Public safety and fire protection 755 Administration of justice 756 Revenue from legal persons, natural persons and other units without legal personality, and expenses related to its collection 757 Public debt service 758 Various settlements 801 Education 803 Higher education 851 Health care services 852 Welfare 853 Other social policy activities 854 Educational social services 900 Communal economy and environmental protection 921 Culture and protection of national heritage 925 Botanical and zoological gardens and nature sites and reserves 926 Physical education and sports BOOST Code 75069 85346 90097 92606 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1015 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 func2 75069 85346 90097 92606 01001 Advisory Centre for Agriculture 01002 Voivodeship advisory centres for agriculture 01003 Dissemination of agricultural advisory services 01004 Land survey and farmland offices 01005 Land survey and facility work for agriculture 01006 Land improvement and water facilities authorities 01007 Water and land improvement facilities repair maintenance plants 01008 Drainage facilities 01009 Water partnerships 01010 Waterworks and sanitation infrastructure in rural areas 01011 National Chemical and Agricultural Station 01012 Calcium fertilizers 01013 National Research Centre for Cultivar Testing 01015 Biological progress in plant production 01017 Plant protection 01018 Organic farming 01019 National Animal Breeding Centre 01020 Biological progress in animal production 01021 General Veterinary Inspectorate 01022 Control of animal infectious diseases and monitor testing of chemical and biological 751 752 753 754 755 30 residues in tissues of animals and products of animal origin 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1041 1042 1078 1079 1080 1095 1097 2001 2002 2003 2078 2080 2095 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5009 5010 5011 5078 5080 5095 10001 10002 10003 01023 Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection 01024 Quality control of soil, plants, farm produce and food 01025 Monitoring of access of Polish farm produce and food to foreign markets and of import volumes 01026 Subsidies to insurance of crop production and farm animals 01027 Agency of Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture 01028 Farmland Protection Fund 01029 Subsidies to interest on loans for agriculture 01030 Farmers’ chambers 01031 Groups of agricultural producers 01032 Plant Health and Seed Inspection 01033 Voivodeship Veterinary Inspectorates 01034 County Veterinary Inspectorates 01035 Border Veterinary Inspectorates 01036 Restructuring and modernisation of the food sector and development of rural areas 01037 Top-up payments for farmland 01038 Rural development 01039 Other tasks of the Common Agricultural Policy 01041 Rural Development Programme 2007–2013 01042 The exclusion of the agricultural land from the production 01078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 01079 Foreign Aid 01080 Research and development 01095 Other activities 01097 Ancillary enterprises 02001 Forest management 02002 Supervision over forest management 02003 Forest Reproductive Material Office 02078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 02080 Research and development 02095 Other activities 05001 Fishing 05002 Fisheries 05003 National Fishery Guards 05004 Maritime fisheries inspectorates 05005 Purchase of fishing rights for deep see fishing 05006 Stocking of the Polish sea area 05007 Subsidies to interest on loans for fishing purposes 05009 Fishing and fish processing 05010 Other tasks of the Common Fisheries Policy 05011 Operational Programme “Sustainable development of the fisheries sector and coastal fishing areas 2007–2013” 05078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 05080 Research and development 05095 Other activities 10001 Hard coal mining 10002 Brown coal mining 10003 Zinc and lead ore mining 31 10004 10005 10006 10004 Mineral mining for chemical industry and fertiliser production 10005 Salt production 10006 Other mining 10078 10095 15001 15002 15004 15006 15008 15011 15012 15013 15014 10078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 10095 Other activities 15001 Printing shops 15002 Publication of textbooks for schools and higher education institutions 15004 Tasks in the scope of safe use of atomic energy 15006 Steelworks 15008 Repair and maintenance of medical equipment 15011 Enterprise development 15012 Polish Agency for Enterprise Development 15013 Development of human resources for modern economy and enterprise 15014 Financial support of investments 15018 Settlements related to the system of subsidies to interest on loans for financing export contracts with fixed interest rates 15019 Polish export promotion through export credits granted by National Economy Bank 15078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 15080 Research and development 15095 Other activities 15097 Ancillary enterprises 40001 Heat supply 40002 Water supply 40003 Electrical energy supply 40004 Gaseous fuel supply 40078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 40095 Other activities 40097 Ancillary enterprises 50001 Trade Inspectorate 50002 Agricultural Market Agency 50003 Material Reserves Agency 50005 Exports promotion 50095 Other activities 15018 15019 15078 15080 15095 15097 40001 40002 40003 40004 40078 40095 40097 50001 50002 50003 50005 50095 55001 55002 55003 55095 60001 60002 60003 60004 60005 60011 60012 60013 60014 60015 55001 Youth hostels 55002 Camping sites 55003 Meal self-service restaurants 55095 Other activities 60001 Domestic railway passenger transportation 60002 Railway infrastructure 60003 Domestic bus passenger transportation 60004 Local public transportation 60005 Paid motorways 60011 National public roads 60012 General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways 60013 Voivodeship public roads 60014 County public roads 60015 Public roads in county-status towns (this chapter does not include expenditure for communal roads) 32 60016 60017 60031 60041 60042 60043 60044 60046 60047 60052 60053 60055 60056 60059 60060 60061 60078 60095 60097 63001 63002 63003 60016 Communal public roads 60017 Access ways 60031 Border crossing points 60041 Port infrastructure 60042 Inland navigation offices 60043 Sea offices 60044 Sea rescue 60046 Post operators 60047 Office of Electronic Communications 60052 Tasks in the scope of telecommunication 60053 Telecommunication infrastructure 60055 Road Transportation Inspectorate 60056 Civil Aviation Authority 60059 Departmental Centre for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information 60060 Inland Waterway Fund and Reserve Fund 60061 Polish Air Navigation Services Agency 60078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 60095 Other activities 60097 Ancillary enterprises 63001 Tourist information centres 63002 Polish Tourism Organisation 63003 Tasks in the scope of tourism promotion 63078 63095 70001 70004 70005 70012 70013 70015 70016 70017 70019 70020 70021 70022 63078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 63095 Other activities 70001 Housing economy establishments 70004 Various units of housing economy services 70005 Land and real estate management 70012 State Treasury Agricultural Property Agency 70013 Military Housing Agency 70015 Refund of guaranteed bonuses and regular saving bonuses on house deposits 70016 Bonuses for regular saving in house saving accounts 70017 Purchase of interest on house loans 70019 National Housing Fund 70020 Thermomodernisation Fund 70021 Social Building Societies 70022 Financial Aid Fund 70023 Refund to housing associations of costs of work related to property division and register of land and buildings 70078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 70095 Other activities 71001 Design service groups 71002 Investment organisation and superintendence units 71003 Physical planning offices 71004 Physical development plans 71005 Geological (non-investment) works 71012 Land survey and cartographic documentation centres 71013 Land survey and cartographic (non-investment) work 71014 Land survey and cartographic studies 70023 70078 70095 71001 71002 71003 71004 71005 71012 71013 71014 33 71015 71016 71018 71019 71020 71021 71030 71031 71032 71035 71078 71095 71097 72001 72002 72095 73001 73002 73003 73005 73006 73007 73008 73009 73010 73011 73095 75001 75002 75003 75004 75006 75007 75008 75009 75010 75011 75013 75014 75015 75016 75017 75018 75019 75020 75022 75023 75045 71015 Construction superintendence 71016 National Water Management Authority 71018 Regional water management authorities 71019 National hydrological and meteorological services 71020 Fairs and exhibitions organisation 71021 Chief Office for Land Survey and Cartography 71030 Land Survey and Cartographic Resources Management Fund 71031 Public Opinion Poll Centre 71032 Military Property Agency 71035 Cemeteries 71078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 71095 Other activities 71097 Ancillary enterprises 72001 Computation technique units 72002 Other information technology service units 72095 Other activities 73001 Research and earmarked projects in natural sciences 73002 Research and earmarked projects in engineering sciences 73003 Research and earmarked projects in social sciences, humanities and science 73005 Statutory and investment activities of scientific units and academic research 73006 Activities in aid of research 73007 International scientific and scientific-technical co-operation 73008 National Center (Institute) of Research and Development 73009 Nationatl Science Center 73010 Activity of the bodies and corporates of scholars of the Polish Academy of Science 73011 Activity of auxiliary scientific units and other ogranizational units of the Polish Academy of Science 73095 Other activities 75001 Offices of supreme and central bodies of government administration 75002 Polish Committee for Standardisation 75003 State Attorney of the Treasury 75004 Chancellery of the Polish Academy of Sciences 75006 Government Legislative Centre 75007 Local units reporting to supreme and central bodies of government administration 75008 Fiscal chambers 75009 Tax offices 75010 Fiscal control offices 75011 Voivodeship offices 75013 Customs chambers and customs offices 75014 Administrative execution of monetary claims 75015 Regional clearing chambers 75016 Local review collegia 75017 Local voivodeship parliaments 75018 Marshal’s offices 75019 County councils 75020 County starosties 75022 Communal (town and county-status town) councils 75023 Communal (town and county-status town) offices 75045 Drafting commissions 34 75046 75047 75051 75052 75053 75054 75055 75056 75057 75058 75059 75060 75061 75062 75063 75064 75065 75066 75067 75068 75070 75071 75072 75073 75074 75075 75076 75077 75078 75079 75080 75095 75097 75101 75102 75103 75104 75105 75106 75107 75108 75109 75110 75111 75112 75046 Examination commissions 75047 Tax, levy and non-tax fiscal charges collection 75051 Presidential elections in the Republic of Poland 75052 Parliamentary elections to the Sejm and the Senate 75053 Elections to communal councils, county councils and voivodeship parliaments, elections of commune heads, mayors and city presidents, communal, county and voivodeship referenda 75054 Nationwide and constitutional referenda 75055 Elections to the European Parliament 75056 General census and other 75057 Missions abroad 75058 Information and cultural activities conducted abroad 75059 Peace-keeping operations 75060 Foreign aid 75061 Centre for Eastern Studies 75062 Polish Institute for International Affairs 75063 Polish Committee for UNESCO 75064 International scientific and technical co-operation 75065 National School of Public Administration 75066 Scientific committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences 75067 Auxiliary scientific centres and other organisational units of the Polish Academy of Sciences 75068 Refugee Council 75070 Document Personalisation Centre 75071 Human Resources Development Centre 75072 Dialogue Center for Social Partnership 75073 Office for Foreigners 75074 Council for Poles in the East 75075 Promotion of local government bodies 75076 Preparation and administration of the Presidency of the EU Council 75077 Implementing Authority for European Programmes 75078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 75079 Foreign Aid 75080 Research and development 75095 Other activities 75097 Ancillary enterprises 75101 Offices of supreme bodies of government administration, control and protection of law 75102 Supreme judicial bodies 75103 National Security Office 75104 National Judicial Council 75105 Public Interest Spokesman 75106 Government decorations 75107 Presidential elections in the Republic of Poland 75108 Parliamentary elections to the Sejm and the Senate 75109 Elections to communal councils, county councils and voivodeship parliaments, elections of commune heads, mayors and city presidents, communal, county and voivodeship referenda 75110 Nationwide and constitutional referenda 75111 International scientific and technical co-operation 75112 Units reporting to the Institute for National Remembrance – Commission for Prosecution of Crime against the Polish People 35 75113 75178 75195 75197 75201 75202 75203 75204 75205 75206 75207 75113 Elections to the European Parliament 75178 Removal of effects of natural disasters 75195 Other activities 75197 Ancillary enterprises 75201 Ground troops 75202 Air troops 75203 Navy 75204 Central support 75205 NATO liaison teams and command structures 75206 Military Information Services 75207 Military Police 75208 75209 75210 75211 75212 75213 75214 75208 Field Allowance of the Polish Army 75209 Orthodox Allowance of the Polish Army 75210 Evangelical Military Ministry 75211 Other military units 75212 Other defence expenditure 75213 Command and management of The Republic of Poland Armed Forces 75214 Host Nation Support 75215 Tasks related to maintenance of reserve capacity for purposes of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland 75216 Military Peacekeeping Missions 75217 Military Intelligence Service 75218 Military Counterintelligence Service 75219 Special military units 75220 Protection of the army 75221 Research and earmarked projects in defence 75278 Removal of effects of natural disasters 75280 Research and development 75295 Other activities 75297 Ancillary enterprises 75301 Monetary benefits from pension insurance 75302 Pensions of retired prosecutors and family benefits 75303 Social Insurance Fund 75304 Alimony Fund 75305 Pension Fund 75306 Prevention and Rehabilitation Fund 75309 Social security contributions 75310 Bridging Pension Fund 75311 Structural pensions 75312 Pensions of retired judges and family benefits 75313 Benefits financed from the state budget commissioned for payment to the Social Insurance Institution and Agricultural Social Insurance Fund 75395 Other activities 75402 Police Headquarters 75403 Police field units 75215 75216 75217 75218 75219 75220 75221 75278 75280 75295 75297 75301 75302 75303 75304 75305 75306 75309 75310 75311 75312 75313 75395 75402 75403 75404 75405 75406 75404 Police voivodeship headquarters 75405 Police county headquarters 75406 Border Guards 36 75408 75409 75410 75408 Office for Government Protection 75409 Chief headquarters of the National Fire Department 75410 Voivodeship headquarters of the National Fire Department 75411 75411 County headquarters of the National Fire Department 75412 Volunteer fire fighting units 75413 Other fire protection units 75414 Civil defence 75415 Tasks of mountain and water rescue services 75416 City Guards 75417 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 75418 Internal Security Agency 75412 75413 75414 75415 75416 75417 75418 75419 75420 75421 75422 75478 75479 75495 75501 75502 75503 75504 75505 75506 75507 75512 75513 75514 75595 75597 75601 75614 75615 75616 75618 75619 75621 75622 75623 75624 75647 75651 75652 75653 75419 Foreign Intelligence Agency 75420 Central Anticorruption Office 75421 Crisis management 75422 National Bureau of Information and Search of the Polish Red Cross 75478 Removal of effects of natural disasters 75479 Foreign Aid 75495 Other activities 75501 Central administrative units of justice and prosecution 75502 Common judiciary units 75503 Court martial 75504 Sea chambers 75505 General prosecutor’s units 75506 Military organisational units of the prosecutor’s office 75507 Scientific institutes of the justice department 75512 Penitentiaries 75513 Juvenile correction homes 75514 National Training Centre for the Officials of the Common Courts of Law and the Public Prosecutor’s Offices 75595 Other activities 75597 Ancillary enterprises 75601 Receipts from personal income tax 75614 Receipts from gambling 75615 Receipts from land tax, forest tax, tax on civil law transactions, and local taxes and levies on legal persons and other organisational units 75616 Receipts from land tax, forest tax, inheritance and donation tax, tax on civil law transactions and local taxes and levies on natural persons 75618 Receipts from other levies representing revenue of local government units on the basis of statutes 75619 Receipts from various settlements 75621 Communes’ share in taxes representing state budget revenue 75622 Counties’ share in taxes representing state budget revenue 75623 Voivodeships’ share in taxes representing state budget revenue 75624 Dividends 75647 Collection of taxes, levies and non-tax budgetary receivables 75651 Payments from tax on goods and services collected by tax offices as additional tax obligation on the irregularities of taxpayers made in tax settlements (sanctions) 75652 Other payments from tax on goods and services collected by tax offices 75653 Return payments of tax on goods and services settled by tax offices 37 75656 75701 75702 75703 75704 75705 75801 75802 75803 75804 75805 75807 75808 75809 75810 75813 75814 75815 75816 75817 75818 75820 75821 75822 75823 75824 75831 75832 75833 75850 75860 75861 75862 80101 80102 80103 80104 80105 80106 80110 80111 80113 80114 80120 80121 80122 75656 Income tax on natural persons transferred by tax offices to public benefit organisations 75701 Servicing of foreign debt, debtors and other foreign transactions 75702 Servicing of securities, credits and loans of local government units 75703 Servicing of national Treasury securities and other financial instruments on the domestic market 75704 Settlements under sureties and guarantees granted by the State Treasury or a local government unit 75705 Servicing of domestic entities’ credits of other public finance sector units 75801 Education portion of the general subsidy for local government units 75802 Supplement of the general subsidy for local government units 75803 Countervailing portion of the general subsidy for counties 75804 Countervailing portion of the general subsidy for voivodeships 75805 Compensatory portion of the general subsidy for communes 75807 Countervailing portion of the general subsidy for communes 75808 Settlements of receipts from taxes on revenue from business activity in the territory of special economic zones in the part payable to the Zone Fund account 75809 Settlements between local government units 75810 Supplementing of statutory funds of banks and other financial institutions 75813 Settlements under State Treasury’s liability for retail savings deposits 75814 Various financial settlements 75815 Receipts to be clarified 75816 Receipts to be settled 75817 General budgetary reserve of the Council of Ministers 75818 General and earmarked reserves 75820 Privatisation 75821 Financial Supervision Authority 75822 Church Fund 75823 Political parties 75824 Electoral (electors’) committees 75831 Equalising portion of the general subsidy for communes 75832 Equalising portion of the general subsidy for counties 75833 Regional portion of the general subsidy for voivodeships 75850 Settlements with the general budget of the European Union for own funds 75860 Euroregions 75861 Regional Operational Programmes 2007–2013 75862 Operational Programme Human Capital 80101 Primary schools 80102 Special primary schools 80103 Kindergartens at primary schools 80104 Kindergartens 80105 Special kindergartens 80106 Other forms of preschool education 80110 Gymnasia 80111 Special gymnasia 80113 Transportation of pupils to schools 80114 Schools’ economic and administrative teams 80120 General education secondary schools 80121 Special general education secondary schools 80122 Military secondary schools 38 80123 80124 80130 80131 80132 80134 80135 80136 80140 80141 80142 80143 80144 80145 80146 80147 80148 80178 80179 80123 Specialised secondary schools 80124 Special specialised secondary schools 80130 Vocational schools 80131 Social service workers’ colleges 80132 Art schools 80134 Special vocational schools 80135 Polish schooling abroad 80136 School superintendents’ offices 80140 Lifelong and practical education centres and continued vocational training centres 80141 Teacher training units 80142 Training, continued training and staff retraining centres 80143 School auxiliary units 80144 Other forms of education not listed individually 80145 Examination commissions 80146 Teachers’ continued training and retraining 80147 Pedagogical libraries 80148 School cafeterias 80178 Removal of effects of natural disasters 80179 Foreign Aid 80180 80195 80197 80302 80303 80304 80306 80307 80309 80310 80311 80378 80180 Research and development 80195 Other activities 80197 Ancillary enterprises 80302 Military higher education schools 80303 Public service higher education schools 80304 Fire fighting higher education schools 80306 Didactic activities 80307 Auxiliary units of higher education schools 80309 Financial assistance for students and Ph. D. students 80310 Student Credit and Loan Fund 80311 Pro-quality tasks 80378 Removal of effects of natural disasters 80379 80395 85111 85112 85115 85116 85117 85118 85119 85120 85121 85131 85132 85133 85134 85137 85138 80379 Foreign Aid 80395 Other activities 85111 General hospitals 85112 Clinical hospitals 85115 Sanatoria 85116 Preventive health homes 85117 Medical care centres and nursing centres 85118 Sanatorium hospitals 85119 Sanatorium and climate treatment 85120 Psychiatric medical service 85121 Outpatient medical service 85131 Dental medical service 85132 Sanitary Inspectorate 85133 Pharmaceutical Inspectorate 85134 Inspectorate for Chemical Substances and Preparations 85137 Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products 85138 Subsidies to interest on loans to doctors, dentists, nurses and midwives and remission of 39 85141 85142 85143 85147 85148 85149 85151 85152 85153 85154 85156 85157 85158 85178 85179 85180 85195 85197 85201 85202 85203 85204 85205 85206 85212 85213 85214 85215 85216 85217 85218 85219 85220 85226 85228 85231 85232 85233 85278 85295 85297 85305 85306 85307 85311 these loans 85141 Medical rescue services 85142 Health transportation units 85143 Public blood-donor service 85147 Health care methodology teams 85148 Industrial medicine 85149 Health policy programs 85151 Highly-specialized medical procedures 85152 AIDS prevention and fighting 85153 Fighting drug addiction 85154 Fighting alcohol addiction 85156 Contributions to health insurance and benefits for persons not subject to compulsory health insurance 85157 Medical internships and specializations 85158 Detoxification centres 85178 Removal of effects of natural disasters 85179 Foreign Aid 85180 Research and development 85195 Other activities 85197 Ancillary enterprises 85201 Education and care institutions 85202 Welfare homes 85203 Support centres 85204 Adoptive parents 85205 Tasks related to countering domestic violence 85206 Family support 85212 Family benefits, alimony fund benefits and contributions to pension insurance from the social insurance 85213 Health insurance contributions paid on behalf of persons collecting certain welfare benefits, selected family benefits and of persons attending social integration centre classes 85214 Relieves and in-kind assistance and pension contributions 85215 Housing allowances 85216 Permanent benefits 85217 Regional social policy centres 85218 County family assistance centres 85219 Welfare centres 85220 Units of specialized counselling, sheltered dwellings and crisis intervention centres 85226 Adoption and care centres 85228 Care services and specialized care services 85231 Assistance to foreigners 85232 Social integration centres 85233 Teachers’ continued training and retraining 85278 Removal of effects of natural disasters 85295 Other activities 85297 Ancillary enterprises 85305 Infant nurseries 85306 Clubs for children 85307 Day care centres 85311 Vocational and social rehabilitation of disabled persons 40 85321 85322 85323 85324 85325 85329 85330 85332 85333 85334 85335 85336 85347 85378 85395 85397 85401 85402 85403 85404 85406 85407 85410 85411 85412 85413 85415 85416 85417 85418 85419 85420 85421 85446 85478 85495 85497 90001 90002 90003 90004 90005 90006 90007 90008 90010 90011 85321 Teams adjudicating on disability levels 85322 Labour Fund 85323 National Veterans Fund 85324 National Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled 85325 Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund 85329 Specialized training and rehabilitation centres 85330 Care and assistance to Polish expatriates and Poles abroad 85332 Voivodeship job centres 85333 County job centres 85334 Assistance for repatriates 85335 Refund of relieves for war and military veterans under civil liability and physical damage vehicle insurance 85336 Volunteer Labour Corps 85347 Social pension and pre-retirement benefits and allowances 85378 Removal of effects of natural disasters 85395 Other activities 85397 Ancillary enterprises 85401 School day rooms 85402 Special educational centres 85403 Special school-educational centres 85404 Early support of children's development 85406 Psychological counselling centres and other specialized advisory institutions 85407 Extra-school education centres 85410 Boarding schools and pupils’ hostels 85411 Children’s holiday homes 85412 Summer camps and other forms of rest for children and school youth, and of youth training 85413 Summer camps for Polish expatriate youths in Poland 85415 Financial assistance for pupils 85416 Volunteer Work Troops 85417 School hostels 85418 Prevention and limitation of the effects of social pathologies 85419 Rehabilitation and education centres 85420 Youth educational centres 85421 Youth social therapy centres 85446 Teachers’ continued training and retraining 85478 Removal of effects of natural disasters 85495 Other activities 85497 Ancillary enterprises 90001 Wastewater management and water protection 90002 Waste management 90003 Cleaning of towns and rural areas 90004 Landscape maintenance in towns and communes 90005 Protection of atmospheric air and climate 90006 Protection of soil and underground water 90007 Noise and vibration reduction 90008 Protection of biological diversity and landscape 90010 Research and development 90011 Environmental Protection and Water Economy Fund 41 90013 90014 90015 90016 90017 90018 90019 90020 90021 90022 90023 90024 90078 90080 90095 92101 92102 92103 92104 92105 92106 92107 92108 92109 92110 92113 92114 92115 92116 92117 92118 92119 92120 92121 92122 92123 92124 92125 92178 92195 92501 92502 92503 92504 92578 92595 92597 90013 Animal shelters 90014 Environmental Inspectorate 90015 Street, square and road lighting 90016 Communal Development Agency 90017 Communal economy plants 90018 Protection of sea coast 90019 Receipts and expenses related to the collection of money from fees and fines for using the natural environment 90020 Receipts and expenses related to the collection of money from product fees 90021 Communal Investment Development Fund 90022 General Directorate for Environmental Protection 90023 Regional directorates for environmental protection 90024 Revenues and expenses related to the introduction on the market of batteries and accumulators 90078 Removal of effects of natural disasters 90080 Research and development 90095 Other activities 92101 Cinematography institutions 92102 Polish Film Institute 92103 Tasks in cinematography 92104 Radio and TV operations 92105 Other tasks in the scope of culture 92106 Theatres 92107 Musical theatres, operas and operettas 92108 Philharmonics, orchestras, choirs and bands 92109 Culture homes and centres, day rooms and clubs 92110 Galleries and offices for artistic exhibitions 92113 Culture and art centres 92114 Other cultural institutions 92115 Polish Press Agency 92116 Libraries 92117 Archives 92118 Museums 92119 Centres for protection and documentation of historical monuments 92120 Protection and preservation of historical monuments 92121 Voivodeship Historical Monument Preservation Service 92122 Council for Remembrance of Combats and Martyrdom 92123 National Fund for Revaluation of Krakow Historical Monuments 92124 Revaluation Board for Krakow Historical Monuments 92125 Creativity Promotion Fund 92178 Removal of effects of natural disasters 92195 Other activities 92501 National parks 92502 Scenic parks 92503 Nature reserves and monuments 92504 Botanical and zoological gardens 92578 Removal of effects of natural disasters 92595 Other activities 92597 Ancillary enterprises 42 92601 92603 92604 92605 92678 92695 92601 Sports facilities 92603 Commission for Fighting the Use of Anabolic Steroids in Sports 92604 Physical education institutions 92605 Tasks in the scope of physical education and sports 92678 Removal of effects of natural disasters 92695 Other activities BOOST Code 10 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 econ1 10 Financing of projects with EU funds 2 Grants and subsidies 3 Benefits to individuals 4 Current expenditure of budgetary units 6 Capital expenditure 7 Settlements with banks 8 Public debt service 9 EU own funds BOOST Code 295 499 507 603 615 200 econ2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 200 Development subsidies and resources for the financing of Common Agricultural Policy 201 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of current tasks within the scope of government administration and other tasks commissioned to communes (communal associations) under laws 201 202 203 211 212 213 221 222 223 224 202 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for current tasks implemented by a commune under agreements with government administration bodies 203 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of communes’ (communal associations’) own current tasks 211 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for current tasks within the scope of government administration and other tasks commissioned by law and implemented by a county 212 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for current tasks implemented by a county under agreements with government administration bodies 213 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of county’s own current tasks 221 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for current tasks in the scope of government administration and other tasks commissioned by laws and implemented by a voivodeship government 222 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for current tasks implemented by a voivodeship government under agreements with government administration bodies 223 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of voivodeship government’s own current tasks 224 Earmarked grants received from the state budget for a state-owned cultural institution for subsidising current tasks implemented under the state patronage as part of the programmes of the relevant minister for culture and protection of natio 43 226 227 225 Earmarked grants received from the state budget for a state-owned cultural institution for subsidising current tasks implemented under the state patronage as part of the programmes of the relevant minister for culture and protection of natio 226 Grant operators of non-public university budget for the remaining tasks 227 Grant operators of public higher education budget for the remaining tasks 228 228 State budget grants for initial capital needs 225 237 238 239 240 231 Earmarked grants provided to a commune for current tasks implemented under agreements (contracts) between local government units 232 Earmarked grants provided to a county for current tasks implemented under agreements (contracts) between local government units 233 Earmarked grants provided to a voivodeship government for current tasks implemented under agreements (contracts) between local government units 236 Local government grants for financing or co-financing of the tasks implemented by organizations serving the public interest 237 Contribution to the budget from the current assets surplus of a budgetary unit 238 Contribution to the budget from a portion of profits of an ancillary enterprise 239 Payment of income to the budget by the budget economy 240 Contribution to the budget from own revenue or current assets surplus 241 241 A budget grant for a budgetary establishment for current assets formation 242 242 A budget grant for an ancillary enterprise for current assets formation 243 243 Budget grant for the earmarked fund 231 232 233 236 250 251 252 244 Grants provided from earmarked funds for implementation of current tasks to public finance sector units 245 Grants provided from earmarked funds for implementation of current tasks to units not classified within the public finance sector 246 Funds provided by other units classified within the public finance sector for implementation of current tasks for units classified within the public finance sector 247 Funds provided by other units classified within the public finance sector for implementation of current tasks for the units not classified within the public finance sector 248 Entity-specific grant from the budget provided to a local cultural institution 249 Entity-specific grant from the budget to an independent public health care institution established by a government administration unit or a public university 250 Entity-specific grant from the budget to a non-public higher education school 251 Entity-specific grant from the budget to a budgetary establishment 252 Entity-specific grant from the budget to a public higher education school 253 253 Entity-specific grant from the budget to scientific units 254 255 254 Entity-specific grant from the budget to a non-public educational institution 255 Entity-specific grant from the budget to cultural institutions 256 Entity-specific grant from the budget to an independent public health care institution established by a local government unit 257 Entity-specific grant from the budget to other public finance sector units 258 Entity-specific grant from the budget to units not classified in the public finance sector 259 Entity-specific grants from the budget to public educational institutions run by a legal person other than a local government unit or by a natural person 244 245 246 247 248 249 256 257 258 259 44 260 260 Entity-specific grants from the budget to research and development units 262 263 262 Object-specific grant from the budget to other public finance sector units 263 Object-specific grant from the budget to units not classified in the public finance sector 264 264 The earmarked subsidy transferred from the local government unit for local governmentbudgetary establishment of current tasks 265 266 267 268 265 Object-specific grant from the budget to a budgetary establishment 266 Object-specific grant from the budget to an ancillary enterprise 267 Earmarked grant from the budget to units not classified in the public finance sector that implement projects or tasks co-financed with EU budget funds and non-repayable funds from the member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFT 268 Compensation for lost revenue in local taxes and levies 274 269 Funds from the Labour Fund received by the county for financing remuneration and contributions for social insurance of employees of the county job offices 270 Subsidies for political parties 271 Earmarked grant for financial assistance granted between local government units for cofinancing own current tasks 272 Earmarked grants from the budget to units not classified in the public finance sector for the financing and co-financing of renovation and conservation works related to monuments 273 Earmarked grants from the budget to public finance sector units for the financing and cofinancing of renovation and conservation works related to monuments 274 Foreign aid 275 275 Funds to supplement commune revenue 276 276 Funds to supplement county revenue 277 277 Funds to supplement voivodeship revenue 278 278 Funds for investments started before 1 January 1999 279 279 Funds for the maintenance of river ferry crossings and for renovations, maintenance, protection and management of national and voivodeship roads within the limits of countystatus towns 280 280 Earmarked grant from the budget to other units treated as public finance sector units 269 270 271 272 273 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 281 Earmarked grant from the budget to finance or co-finance tasks commissioned for implementation to foundations 282 Earmarked grant from the budget to finance or co-finance tasks commissioned for implementation to associations 283 Earmarked grant from the budget to finance or co-finance tasks commissioned for implementation to other units not classified in the public finance sector 284 Earmarked grant from the budget to finance or co-finance statutory current tasks of other public finance sector units 285 Communes’ contributions of 2% of land tax receipts to agricultural chambers 286 Grant from the budget as a refund of cost of handling benefits ordered for payment to the Social Insurance Institution and Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, and a grant to the Church Fund 287 Grant from the state budget to spa resort municipalities 288 Earmarked grants received by a local government unit from another local government 45 300 unit acting as an Implementing Body for current tasks implemented under agreements (contracts) 290 Donations of municipalities and counties for other local government entities and associations of municipalities or associations of counties to finance current jobs 291 Repayment of grants and payments, including those used for purposes not intended, orused in violation of the procedures referred to in Article. 184 of the Act, taken improperlyor in excessive amounts 292 General subsidies from the state budget 293 Deposits of local governments to the state budget 294 Return to the state budget general subsidy overpaid for previous years 296 Redistribution transfers 297 Various transfers 298 Other settlements with banks 299 Earmarked grants received from special resources for financing for co-financing of commissioned operating tasks. 300 Payments from units to earmarked fund 302 302 Awards and personnel expenditure not included in payroll 303 304 305 307 311 321 323 324 325 326 401 402 303 Various expenditure in favour of natural persons 304 Special rewards not included in remuneration 305 Pension benefits adjudicated 306 State aid for current repairs of private houses and subsidies to heat energy (from own boiler rooms) 307 Personal expenses not included in the salaries paid to soldiers and officers 311 Social benefits 321 Scholarships and student allowances 323 Subsidies to the Student Loan and Credit Fund 324 Scholarships for pupils 325 Various scholarships 326 Other forms of assistance to pupils 401 Personnel salaries 402 Salaries of civil service corps members 403 403 Salaries of judges and prosecutors, assistant judges and legal apprentices 404 405 409 410 411 404 Additional annual salary 405 Salaries of professional soldiers and soldiers in overtime service, and functionaries 406 Other amounts payable to professional soldiers and soldiers in overtime service, and functionaries 407 Additional annual awards for professional soldiers and soldiers in overtime service, and functionaries 408 Salaries and money benefits paid for one year to soldiers and functionaries released from service 409 Fees 410 Agency commission fees 411 Social security contributions 412 412 Contributions to the Employment Fund 413 414 415 413 Health insurance contributions 414 Contributions to the National Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled 415 Additional payments in commercial law companies 290 291 292 293 294 296 297 298 299 306 406 407 408 46 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 416 Coverage of balance sheet losses and liabilities taken over from liquidated or transformed units classified within the public finance sector 417 Non-personnel remuneration 418 Equivalents and money equivalents to soldiers and functionaries 419 Incentive bonuses 420 Operating fund 421 Purchase of materials and equipment 422 Purchase of foodstuffs 423 Purchase of medicines, medical devices and biocidal products 424 Purchase of scientific and didactic aids and books 425 Purchase of equipment and armaments 426 Purchase of energy 427 Purchase of repair services 428 Purchase of health services 429 Purchase of health benefits for persons not covered by the health insurance obligation 430 Purchase of other services 431 Expenditure to finance the cost of issue of Treasury securities and other costs and commissions 432 Expenditure to finance the cost of issue of Treasury securities and other costs and commissions 433 Purchase of services by local government units from other local government units 434 Purchase of renovation and conservation services for historic buildings used by budgetary units 435 Purchase of Internet access services 436 Fees for the purchase of mobile telephony services 437 Fees for the purchase of fixed-line telephony services 438 Purchase of translation/interpreting services 439 Purchase of expert evaluation, analysis and opinion services 440 Fees for the administration and rents for buildings, apartments and garage spaces 441 Domestic business travel 442 Foreign business travel 443 Various fees and contributions 444 Deductions to the company social benefits fund 445 Loans granted to satisfy housing needs of judges and prosecutors 446 Corporate revenue tax 447 Customs duty 448 Real estate tax 449 Other taxes to the state budget 450 Other taxes to the budgets of local government units 451 Levies to the state budget 452 Levies to the budgets of local government units 453 Tax on goods and services (VAT) 454 Contributions to international organisations 455 Training of civil service corps members 456 Interest on grants used contrary to designation or collected in excessive amounts 457 Interest on late payment of taxes and levies 458 458 Other interest 459 459 Penalties and indemnities paid to natural persons 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 47 460 461 470 471 472 474 475 476 477 478 460 Penalties and indemnities paid to legal persons and other organisational units 461 Cost of court and prosecutor’s proceedings 464 Collection expenses incurred in a collection proceeding initiated and held for receivables included in an application of a foreign state, not collected from the debtor 465 Interest on late corporate income tax payments 467 Interest on late real estate tax payments 468 Interest on late goods and services tax (VAT) payments 469 Contributions to international organisations the membership of which is related to the membership in the European Union 470 Training of civil service corps non-member employees 471 Distributive fund 472 Depreciation 474 Purchase of paper for printing and xerox devices 475 Purchase of computer accessories, including applications and licences 476 Salaries of soldiers of the National Reserve Forces 477 Compensation for employers employing soldiers of the National Reserve Force 478 Contributions to Bridging Pension Fund 481 481 Reserves 490 490 Coverage of health care units liabilities 495 495 Exchange rates differences 496 496 Regular advances to be settled, granted to Polish missions abroad 464 465 467 468 469 602 605 606 607 608 609 611 612 613 614 497 Unsettled budgetary resources provided to budgetary units established outside of Poland to finance their expenditure 498 Returns related to the settlements with the European Commission 601 Expenditure for purchase and acquisition of shares and making contributions to commercial law companies and the topping up of statutory funds of state-owned banks and other financial institutions 602 Expenditure for making contributions to cooperatives 605 Investment expenditure of budgetary units 606 Expenditure for investment purchases of budgetary units 607 Investment expenditure of budgetary establishments 608 Expenditure for investment purchases of budgetary establishments 609 Special resources investment expenditure and grants 611 Earmarked funds investment expenditure 612 Earmarked funds expenditure for investment purchases 613 Investment expenditure of other units 614 Expenditure for investment purchases of other units 616 616 Expenditure for co-financing NATO and EU investment programmes 497 498 601 617 618 619 617 Payments from units to earmarked fund for the financing or co-financing of investment tasks 618 Funds for the investments on public county and voivodeship roads and on county, voivodeship and national roads within the limits of county-status towns 619 Local government grants for co-financing of the investments within the tasks implemented by organizations serving the public interest 48 620 621 622 623 620 Development subsidies 621 Earmarked grants from the budget to finance or co-finance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of budgetary establishments 622 Earmarked grants from the budget to finance and co-finance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of other public finance sector units 623 Earmarked grants from the budget to finance and co-finance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of units not classified within the public finance sector 624 624 Grants from the budget for the Communal Investment Development Fund 626 626 Grants received from earmarked funds to finance or co-finance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of public finance sector units 627 627 Grants received from earmarked funds to finance or co-finance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of units not classified within the public finance sector 628 629 630 631 632 633 628 Funds received from other units classified within the public finance sector to finance or co-finance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of the units classified within the public finance sector 629 Funds obtained from other units classified in the public finance sector to finance or cofinance the cost of investment projects and investment purchases of units not classified in the public finance sector 630 Earmarked grants for financial assistance provided between local government units to cofinance own investment tasks and investment purchases 631 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for investment projects and investment purchases in the scope of government administration and other tasks commissioned to communes under laws 632 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for investment projects and investment purchases implemented by a commune under agreements with government administration bodies 633 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of own investment projects and investment purchases of communes (communal associations) 641 641 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for investment projects and investment purchases in the scope of government administration and other tasks commissioned under laws and implemented by a county 642 642 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for investment projects and investment purchases implemented by a county under agreements with government administration bodies 643 643 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of county’s own investment projects and investment purchases 651 651 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for investment projects and investment purchases in the scope of government administration and other tasks commissioned by laws and implemented by voivodeship government 652 652 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for investment projects and investment purchases implemented by a voivodeship government under agreements with government administration bodies 653 654 653 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for implementation of voivodeship government’s own investment projects and investment purchases 654 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for a state-owned cultural institution for subsidising investment tasks implemented under the state patronage as part of the 49 programmes of the relevant minister for culture and protection of na 655 656 657 655 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget for a state-owned cultural institution for subsidising investment tasks implemented under the state patronage as part of the programmes of the relevant minister for culture and protection of na 656 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget to finance or co-finance investment tasks of monuments, implemented by public finance sector units 657 Earmarked grants provided from the state budget to finance or co-finance investment tasks of monuments, implemented by non-public finance sector units 658 658 Investment expenses related to historic buildings used by budgetary units 661 661 Earmarked grants provided to a commune for investment projects and investment purchases implemented under agreements (contracts) between local government units 662 662 Earmarked grants provided to a county for investment projects and investment purchases implemented under agreements (contracts) between local government units 680 663 Earmarked grants provided to a voivodeship government for investment projects and investment purchases implemented under agreements (contracts) between local government units 664 Earmarked grants provided to a local government unit from another local government unit acting as an Implementing Body for investments and investment purchases implemented under agreements (contracts) 665 Contributions of communes and counties to other local government units, and communal and county associations to co-finance investment tasks and investment purchases 666 Refunds of grants and payments, including those used for purposes not intended, orused in violation of the procedures referred to in Article. 184 of the Act, taken improperlyor in excessive amounts, the expenses of property 680 Provisions for investment projects and investment purchases 701 701 Settlements with banks 801 801 Settlements with banks related to public debt service 802 804 808 809 810 802 Payments under sureties and guarantees 804 Payments under other sureties and guarantees 806 Interest and discount on Treasury securities, loans and credits and other financial instruments related to the servicing of foreign debt 807 Interest and discount on Treasury securities, loans and credits and other financial instruments related to the servicing of domestic debt 808 Cost of issue of Treasury securities and other costs and commissions 809 Expenses related to issuing local government bonds, and other fees and charges 810 Discount on local government securities 811 811 Interest on local government securities 812 814 851 812 Interest on loans granted by local government units 814 Expenses related to the financing of the F-16 programme 851 Contribution calculated upon the Gross National Product 852 Contribution calculated in line with the methodology resulting from European Union provisions, based upon the goods and services tax 663 664 665 666 806 807 852 853 853 Payment of the share of customs duties and agricultural payments 50 854 854 Payment of the share of sugar payments 855 855 Various financial settlements 856 856 Payment for the financing of the British rebate 857 857 Payment for the financing of discounted contributions based on the Gross National Product granted to the Netherlands and Sweden in 2007–2013 999 999 Payments relating to the holding of the Treasury in the international financial institutions BOOST Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 fin_source 0 Budget revenues 1 Programmes financing from European Union non-repayable funds 2 Co-financing of programmes implemented with European Union non-repayable funds 3 Financing with foreign loans and credits 4 Co-financing of foreign loans and credits 5 Financing from other non-repayable funds 6 Co-financing from other non-refundable funds 7 Other 8 Financing of programmes and projects from the resources of structural funds, Cohesion Fund, European Fisheries Fund and EU funds that finance the Common Agricultural Policy 9 Co-financing of programmes and projects from the resources of structural funds, Cohesion Fund, European Fisheries Fund and EU funds that finance the Common Agricultural Policy BOOST Code 1 2 3 4 exp_type 1 Personnel 2 Non-personnel recurrent 3 Capital 4 Other 8