2015 state packet - Kentucky Festival Pageant


2015 state packet - Kentucky Festival Pageant
Date Received:_________
Photo Received:_______
Cont #______________
Age Divisions
20th (session 1)
21st (session 2)
21st (session 3)
22nd (session 4)
22nd (session 5)
(you must compete as your age on Nov 20, 2015)
Girls 3yr, 4yr, 5yr, 6yr, 7yr Little Miss (Friday night)
Girls 0-11 mo, 12-23 mo, 2 years + Boys 0-18mo, 19 mo– 3, 4-7 yr, 8-11 yr Mister & Wee Miss (sat AM)
Girls 8yr, 9yr, 10yr, 11yr, 12yr PrePre-Teen (sat PM)
Girls 13yr, 14yr, 15yr
Teen (Sunday)
Girls 16yr, 17yr, 18yr, 19yr, 20-21yr, 22-23yr MS 24+ with or without children, Mrs. Anyone married up to45yrs Miss (Sun)
Contestant Name:__________________________________________________________
City:_____________________________ ST__________ Zip______________________
Phone:____________________________ Birthdate______________________________
Age: (on pageant day) _____________________________________________Age Division:___________________________
Email: _____________________________@_____________________.______________
Favorite Movie____________________________________________________________
Future Ambition___________________________________________________________
One interesting fact about yourself:____________________________________________
The most exciting thing to ever happen to you:___________________________________
School:_________________________________ Grade___________________________
Sponsored By:____________________________________________________________
Festival You Are Representing________________________________________________
(the first prelim you won is the pageant you represent)
_____ Date______________________________________
Parent or Legal Guardian (or contestant 18+) ___________________________________________________________________________________
You must complete the above entry form in full, and submit your required deposit, and picture
for the program by October 31 postmark. You must use this entry form—
form—any submissions on separate
papers will not be accepted. Everyone will have the same opportunity to tell about themselves.
We suggest keeping a copy for your records.
In signing this entry form I understand the entire contents of this packet and agree with all rules and regulations of the pagea
nts system. I understand there are no refunds. Kentucky Festival Pageants,
nsible for injuries during, traveling to, or from the event. As well as lost or
Facilities Held, Judges, Staff, or other parties affiliated with Kentucky Festival Pageant Association / AmeriFest are NOT respo
stolen items at the pageant, hotel area, traveling to or from the event. We reserve the right to decline any advertising we see not suitable for our audience or our association. We reserve the right to
combine age divisions with 2 or less contestants. If there are less than 25 boys competing the bond may be reduced for Grand Supreme.
Supreme. We reserve the right to substitute any gifts or prizes for those of
equal or greater value. I agree that any photos submitted or taken during the event may be used for advertising purposes on the website, print, or social media. I agree that if a Teen or Miss winner becomes pregnant during her reign , the next highest score / title will take over. I agree that if I acquire a title that prohibits me from representing Kentucky Festivals to the fullest, my title and duties will
be passed down to the next highest score/title winner. If winning Grand Supreme I am required to attend functions and the following year to crown my new predecessor. I certify all information listed is
correct and accurate.
Registration Fee $100
FREE if form received by Oct. 31
All entries received after Oct. 31 MUST pay
This fee in addition to the required supreme package below. You
must have won a qualifying preliminary to attend state finals.
Entries postmarked after Oct 31 may be refused, please contact
us ASAP if needing an extension. Text 859 626 8882
_____ Top Model Contest $10 (Must wear black or white in photo– Photo to be mailed by 11/1)
_____ Mom of the Year $10 (essay contest written or dictated by the contestant to nominate their
mom, Winner in each session
_____ Extra Photogenic Entries $10 ea. (one photo included free, you may bring up to
6 additional photos to pageant for photogenic category. One winner per age group)
_____ FREE A.L.I.C.E. Community Service Send in a two page service
resume—give 3 min. speech at the pageant (13 & up) little miss & preteen resume only.
Supreme Package $195 (Mandatory)
FREE with 2 ad pages or 195 chances !
Includes Grand Supreme & ALL side awards !
(Most Beautiful/ Handsome, best dressed, prettiest hair, prettiest
eyes, rising star, personality, & photogenic)
Above are the only REQUIRED categories that you must enter—
enter—all other
categories are optional or just for fun!
________ Door Passes (Please Pre-Reserve. You can pay on pageant day)
Adult ____@ $10 Child 66-12 yrs____ @ $5 (under 5 FREE ) = Total $_____
* The above reserved door passes will be added to your total below, you may adjust them at
registration if needed, but reserving now will make sure you have a ticket for pageant)
Everyone 6 and older MUST have armband to enter the ballroom that isn’t a contestant
________ Centerfold Contest
(full body shot)
_______ Inside Program Cover Contest
_______ Themed Photo Contest
$20 (Headshot)
$20 (ANY THEME or product)
________ All 3 For $50
(or earn it through ad sales free!)
Photos due by 10/31 postmark
__________ Extra Supreme Titles ( All 4—
Mini Supreme, Novice Supreme, Beauty Supreme, & Personality
Supreme and Photo Supreme given in each of the 5 sessions!! You
can also earned free through ad sales.
Credit Card Authorization
Name on card:_________________________________________
Credit Card #________________________________________
Billing Zip Code___________________ Security Code_________
Amount to be charged $______________ Expiration Date________
Signature to authorize____________________________________
_____ State Program Book @ $15.00 _____ = $____
You must reserve them now! They are printed by reservation only. You may pay balance @
door. If you reserve the book the order can not be canceled. If you have one earned free
through ads, you still need to mark it above. Separate book for each session.
_____State Pageant DVD
$25 Each Session X____=$____
(Video cameras are NOT permitted into pageant ballroom/ You may pay balance @ pageant)
____State Pageant Theme TT-Shirt(s)
(see separate T-shirt order forms include total of all items ordered)
Total Entering
Deposits (at least half by 10/31 or all ads)
Balance Due @ Pageant
All categories both columns including passes, etc)
No Checks accepted after 10/31—money order or credit card only after 10/31
Total Ad Pages Sold_____ = $_____
Total Chances Sold _____ = $______
You do NOT have to pay for programs, shirts, passes, or dvd’s until the pageant.
Your deposit should consist of 1/2 of categories entered or ALL ads sold by 10/31
If you have questions please email kyfestivals@hotmail.com or text 859 626 8882
November 20th
Session One 6:00 pm
Registration 4:45-5:45 Patterson Ballroom
Divisions: 3yr, 4yr, 5yr, 6yr, 7yr.
Contestants compete in formal only— All competition
and crowning for 3-7 Years is during this
session, after crowning contestants are free to leave.
There will be a pajama party both FRIDAY & SAT.
night so all girls can participate :)
Division winners and Supreme Winners Crowned PLUS
Your new Little Miss Kentucky Festivals
November 21
Saturday AM Session
Session Two 10:00 am
November 21 & 22
Session Four Saturday and Sunday
Divisions: 13 years, 14 years, 15 years
Registration Saturday 10:3010:30-11:15 am
Interviews Saturday 3:00 pm
Orientation Saturday 9:00 pm
Opening Number/Evening Gown Sunday 10 am
Crowning to follow 1:00 pm
Registration & Interview will be in a different ballroom—
specific rooms will be given after deadlines. If participating in
the ALICE community service competition, will be right after
interview. Evening gown & orientation will be in the main
Patterson ballroom. Each girl is to bring a small gift for
exchange at orientation $20 limit, in gift bag. Contestants
compete interview (state t-shirt & black pants), Evening Gown
Competition & On Stage Question, Opening Number in any short
BLACK party dress of your choice. Use your choice of shoes/
accessories. Division winners and Supreme Winners Crowned
PLUS New Miss Kentucky Teen crowned
Register @ 8:45 –9:45 a.m. in Patterson Ballroom
Girls Divisions 0-11 mo, 12-17 mo, 18-23 mo, 2 yr
Boys Divisions 0-18 mo, 19mo—3yr, 4-7 yr, 8-11 yr
Contestants compete in formal only— All competition
and crowning for 0-2 girls and ALL boys during this
session, after crowning contestants are free to leave.
Stage is open for practice during registration only.
(pajama party will be Saturday night @ 9pm)
Division winners and Supreme Winners Crowned PLUS
Your new Wee Miss & Mister Kentucky
November 21
Saturday PM Session
Session Three 4:30 pm
Registration: 3:00 –4:15 pm Patterson Ballroom
Divisions 8yr, 9yr, 10yr, 11yr, 12yr
Contestants compete in formal & on stage question
only— All competition and crowning for 8-12 is during
this session, after crowning contestants are free to
leave. (pajama party will be Saturday night)
Division winners and Supreme Winners Crowned PLUS
Your new PrePre-Teen Kentucky Festivals
November 21 & 22
Session Five Saturday & Sunday
Divisions: 16yr, 17yr, 18yr, 19yr, 20-21, 22-23
And MS & MRS.
Registration Saturday 5:00 — 6:00 pm
Orientation Saturday 9:00 pm
Interviews Sunday
9:00 am
Opening Number /Evening Gown Sunday 4:00 pm
Crowning to follow
7:30 pm
Registration & Interview will be in a different ballroom—specific
rooms will be given after deadlines. If participating in the ALICE
community service competition, will be right after interview.
Evening gown & orientation will be in the main Patterson ballroom. Each girl is to bring a small gift for exchange at orientation $20 limit, in gift bag Contestants compete interview (state
t-shirt & black pants), Evening Gown Competition & On Stage
Question, Opening Number in any short party dress of your
choice. Use your choice of shoes/accessories. Division winners
and Supreme Winners Crowned
PLUS New Miss/Ms Kentucky Festivals
Queen or King: One winner in each age division will win an official state trophy, custom state
monogrammed sash, state tote bag, custom state crown or scepter, & special toy or jewelry gift PLUS
qualify for Ameri-Fest National’s July 2016 in Nashville, Tennessee !
Princess or Prince AND Duchess or Duke :One winner in each age division will win an official state
trophy, customized sash, state tote bag, custom state crown or scepter, & special toy or jewelry gift
PLUS qualify for Ameri-Fest National’s July 2016 in Nashville, Tennessee !
Side Awards: Winners in each age division for personality, most beautiful/handsome, prettiest hair,
prettiest eyes, rising star, & photogenic will win an official state trophy, plaque, or medal.
Grand Supreme: One lucky winner from each session in 0-2 girls, Boys, 3-7yr, 8-12yr, 13-15yr, 16 + yr
will win $1,000 savings bond!, awesome custom crown (valued over $150), $200-$250 certificate for
new gown for nationals, Photo session & autograph cards from Cook Designer Portraits or Kendra’s
Kreations, Custom jewelry from Klaters Jewelrs, (boys and 0-2 will receive toy equivalent), supreme trophy,
rhinestone scepter, rhinestone lined custom sash, satin royalty robe, PLUS other surprise gifts and
sponsorship donations, appearance opportunities , All will represent your title at various events
throughout the year, Return for 2016 State finals to crown, PLUS qualify for Ameri-Fest US Nationals in July 2016!
Mini, Novice, Beauty, & Personality Supreme:One
lucky winner from each session in 0-2 girls, Boys,
3-7yr, 8-12yr, 13-15yr, 16 + yr for each of these 4 supremes will be official STATE SUPREME royalty
and win a huge custom trophy, monogrammed custom sash, beautiful custom round crown, tote bag,
gift certificates, gorgeous jewelry gift ( or age appropriate toy), Other sponsor gifts and certificates—PLUS
qualify for the Ameri-Fest US National Pageant July 2016 in Nashville, TN!
Centerfold, Inside Cover Contest, Photo Supreme, Theme Contest: Winners in each session will appear
in the program book and win a state plaque & gift PLUS qualify for nationals! Must submit by 10/31
Top Model & Parent Child Photo Contests: Photo contest winners in each session will win an
official state plaque and gift ! Photos must be submitted by 10/31. Top model will be in anything
white or black no larger than 8x10—parent child would be contestant and a parent photo.
Humanitarian Award: The person collecting the most toys, pet supplies, food pantry items, or stuffed
animals for children in Kentucky will win a $50 savings bond, beautiful round crown, silver tray, &
qualify for Nationals ! The Humanitarian slip is on the website under State Pageant link. The slips
ONLY is to be brought to the pageant, filled out by the organization receiving the donations &
dated—NOT the actual items to the pageant. Think local toy drives, churches, Children’s Advocacy
Centers accept stuffed animals or blankets, fire departments often host toy drives as well. This is a great
cause and annually Kentucky Pageant contestants donated over 5,000 items ! This award is given in
each session. The donation slip or official letterhead from the organization must be presented to be
considered. Winners also qualify for Nationals.
ALICE Community Service Award: Cash scholarships awarded for this new service based award. Available for Teen
and Miss contestants and FREE to enter. Times will be given a few weeks before state for the competition. It will be with
NON—panel judges that you will not be judged by any other part of the weekend. Must be in the Teen, Miss, MS or Mrs
category to be eligible. Attire is a non embellished black dress with shoes & accessories of your choice. You must submit
by deadline a resume of your community service (2 page limit) and give a 3 minute speech (no longer) in a closed room
with the service award judges of what your service means to you. The winning speech will be showcased during the crowning ceremony when you will receive your cash scholarship and silver tray award. Little Miss & Preteen can enter with resume only—
only—no speech for preteen & little miss. Cash scholarships are available for teen or miss winners.
A Life In Community service Empowers!
We ask that ALL contestants bring at least one Bible to the pageant for Kentucky Kids Bible Mission. We’re also
accepting at the pageant donations for adult size gloves, scarf, hats for Brown Cancer Center. Your donations are so greatly
appreciated ! Most donations each session sill be the Charity Supreme winner and advance to Nationals !
Selling Ads FYI
Ads must be postmarked by 11/1
Program Size is 8.5x11
Ads will be printed b&w, but
you can submit color
We do not accept emailed ads
Program books are sold by
reservation only be sure to reserve yours on your entry form
You may ad art work, photos,
or anything decorative
What you send is exactly how it
will appear in the book.
There are no refunds on ads
Ads must be ready to scan.
Sell 2 pages = Supreme Package Free OR
Sell 200 Wal-Mart chances = Supreme Pkg Free!
A fun way to earn your fees paid and lots of awesome
prizes is to sell good luck pages for the program. The pages
(or ads) may be sold to family members,
Businesses or anyone who wants to sponsor you! They
may be advertisings or pages to say “good luck”.
You set the ad up the way you want it to appear or the
business will give you an ad–We do not accept email ads!
We can use business cards, letterheads, coupons, or make
ads on your computer of photo kiosks from Wal-Mart,
CVS, etc. If you have questions please email us
This is NOT required, but a great way to
earn all your fees paid & great prizes !
State Advertising Rates
Full Page: $100
Half Page: $50
(takes 2 = 1 page credit)
1/4 Page: $30
(takes 4= 1 page credit)
Business Card: $20
(takes 6 = 1 page credit / we can scan for you)
All ads must be paid for before they are
printed. There is a 4% charge on all ads paid
with credit card. You may also use check or
money order when paying by 11/1.
Wal-Mart Chances
You may sell raffle chances on a $100 Walmart
gift card that we draw for at the pageant.
Tickets are $1 each and all money goes toward
your fees it’s that simple! Want to win the prizes
below too—OK ! Sell 200 chances you get the
gifts for 2 pages, and so on ! Bring chances to
the pageant cut up and ready to turn in.
Sell 2 pages: Supreme package is free (Includes Grand & All Side Awards)
Sell 3 pages: All of the above PLUS extra supreme titles & photo contests
Sell 4 pages: All of the above PLUS 2 door passes & one program book
Sell 5 pages: All of the above PLUS rhinestone tiara, state sponsor trophy, & $50 Gas Card !
Sell 6 pages: All of the above PLUS beautiful gold jewelry !
Sell 7 pages: All of the above PLUS rhinestone crown pin & 2 additional door passes
Sell 8 pages: All of the above PLUS custom pageant teddy bear with crown (boys remote control car)
Sell 9 pages: All of the above PLUS Kentucky Festivals rhinestone t-shirt & tote bag !
Sell 10 pages: Pageant Ambassador Award : Everyone who sells 10 pages will win these prizes PLUS qualify for Nationals–
Supreme package FREE,
FREE extra supreme titles FREE,
FREE 4 door passes, 1 program book, rhinestone crown or boys crown, official state trophy 4
foot tall with name on it, $50 gas card, gold or silver jewelry, rhinestone crown pin and monogrammed Ambassador custom sash, $100
savings bond, 1 complimentary night at the Hyatt Regency, photo on back cover of program, PLUS Automatically Qualify For AmeriFest
US National Pageant! Your choice of one of the following—Must
Must specify which gift on entry form or jewelry will be given. Choose
Between: DVD Movie Collection, New Bicycle, Diamond accent jewelry, FitBit, Digital Camera, Michael Kors Purse, or Family Game Night
Basket (This is an earned title and in no way affects any area of competition at the pageant)
You must go ahead and make your room reservations in your name and notify us of the name and night you’re staying—
the room & tax will be transferred to our bill through the sales office)
Ambassador Supreme Award: The person selling the most ads for the weekend will win an amazing prize package. To be
considered for this award simply sell a minimum of 12 pages, have all ads and payment postmarked by 11/1.. The ONE contestant with
with the
Steakhouse,, 8x10
most ad pages/sponsor amount will win Pageant Ambassador, PLUS a certificate for dinner for 4 at the famous Malone’s Steakhouse
photo from pageant photographer with your family, Rhinestone Bling Tote Bag, rhinestone bling pageant shirt, Custom KY Festivals crown
valued at $150, Embroidered supreme sash, PLUS genuine Tiffany & Co. jewelry in the little blue box with white ribbon or you may choose
a battery powered ride on toy or Michael Kors Purse instead of Tiffany jewelry! And qualify for National pageant summer of 2015 !
Cash _______ Check #__________ Money Order____________ Credit Card _________ ( add 4% for credit cards)
For Credit Card Use
Name on card_____________________________________________________________
Credit Card # _____________________________________________________________
Address for Card__________________________________________Zip______________
Expiration Date___________________ V Code_______ Phone______________________
Amount Charged _______________ Signature____________________________________
All ads will be placed in the program book , ad will be seen on pageant day only. The ads are printed in black and white but may be submitted in color. Ads
are not returned and become the property of KFPA. What you send is what will be printed. We reserve the right to deny any advertising. Emailed ads will
not be accepted without prior arrangements . ALL ads must have a copy of this receipt—no exceptions. You may cut the receipt here if desired.
Contestants Name__________________________ Age_____________
Phone________________________ Email___________________________
T Shirts are custom made and cannot be canceled once ordered. T-shirt orders will be added to your balance and
a deposit of half the total is required. Balances can be paid at registration when t-shirts are picked up.
#1 State Sparkle Tee
#2 Pageant Dad
This is the REQUIRED T shirt for interview for the 13
& older girls. Also available for anyone to order. This
shirt will be worn for interview with Black pants and
your choice of shoes / accessories. Tee will be RED
2015 Design for all the proud pageant
Daddy’s! Full color design will be screen
printed on a grey high quality tee.
“Fans” #5—Circle
or write which design in
the appropriate size—RED shirts with clear stone
#4 Its More Than
Full color logo on grey
shirt—screen printed
unisex design / Perfect for
anyone !
Just Bling
#6 Its More w/ Hands
Bling Tee
Pink stones—very blingy :)
Black tee
Child X Child
Price Small Small
State Sparkle Tee
Pageant Dad Tee
KENTUCKY Screenprint tee $20
It’s More Than Just
Circle: Mom, Aunt, Gma Nana
It’s More w/ Hands logo
If the crown fits
AmeriFest LOVE Tee
Bling tee on Turq. shirt.
“Its More Than Just”
#7 If The Crown Fits
Sparkle Tee
Rhinestone logo on black shirt
#3 State Logo
Child Adult
Large Small
#8 Stroke Awareness T
A Simple clean design with our
national platform logo. Full color
logo will be on a white shirt. Show
your support for stroke awareness
Adult Adult
Adult Adult X 2X
Large Large Large Large

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