2015 Annual Report - Ronald McDonald House
2015 Annual Report - Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House charities ® Newfoundland & Labrador 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Keeping families close TABLE OF CONTENTS MISSION STATEMENT 4 Board of Directors/Committees Message from Board Chair & Executive Director 5 6 FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS 7 WHOM WE HAVE SERVED 8 PULLING TOGETHER FOR FAMILIES 9 Volunteer Support Strength In Numbers Volunteer Gathering Helping Hand Awards Community Events RMHC Hearts & Hands Award Adopt-a-Room Program McHappy Day Miss Achievement 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 OUR SIGNATURE EVENTS 18 Spare Some Love Bowling Event Red Shoe Crew-Walk for Families “FORE” the Families Golf Classic Sock It For Sick Kids & Their Families Lights of Love Tree Campaign 19 20 22 23 24 DONOR RECOGNITION Third Birthday 26 28 MESSAGE FROM TREASURER 29 Financial Report 30 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador is to provide sick children and their families with a comfortable home-away-from-home, in close proximity to the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre, where they can stay together in an atmosphere of caring, compassion, and support. MEET IZAIH AND HIS FAMILY FROM PILLEY’S ISLAND In 2010, at the young age of three, Izaih Whalen was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He went through rigorous rounds of chemotherapy, requiring several blood and platelet transfusions. His family found it very expensive and stressful relocating to St. John’s, more than 500 kilometers from home with no place to stay. In December 2013, Izaih took his last chemotherapy treatment, or at least, that’s what the family hoped. Fourteen months later, during a routine checkup, they were told his cancer had relapsed. The Payne-Whelan Family had to relocate to St. John’s again. His parents were scared. Scared for many reasons; that their family would be torn apart; at the thought of the financial burdens; but most of all that they could not make the cancer go away. Often Izaih’s Dad, Nanny and Poppy and little brother, Spencer, would visit Amanda and Izaih at the Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald house truly, became their “home away from home”. “ Thankfully, unlike Izaih’s first experience with cancer treatments, the new Ronald McDonald House in St. John’s was open and available to us to live, learn, and heal together. But most importantly, it was a place for our family to be together to help Izaih fight this cancer. Ronald McDonald House is a place where our family could be together, a place where I could make late night lunches with new friends going through the same struggles. ” – Amanda Payne, Izaih’s mother 4 COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Gerry Beresford (Chair) Bill Budgell Theresa Rahal Blair Rogers • 3 Year Strategic Planning initiated in 2015 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Blair Rogers (Chair) Gerry Beresford Theresa Rahal • Conflict of Interest Policy • Board Expectations Letter BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gerry Beresford Chair of Board Theresa Rahal Vice-Chair Blair Rogers Director, Chair of Governance Committee Bill Budgell Director, Treasurer and Chair of Finance Committee Dr. Lynette Bowes Director, Chair of Operating Committee Rod Legge Director, Chair of Development & Communications Committee Paul Rogers Director Neil Sullivan Director Dawn Dalley Director Sterling peyton Director Rick Tiller Director, Chair of Facilities Committee DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Rod Legge (Chair) Dawn Dalley Neil Sullivan Paul Rogers Stephen Noseworthy Annette Godsell Christine Morgan • Successful execution of the Integrated Development & Communications Plan • Development of 2016 Development & Communications Plan FINANCE COMMITTEE Bill Budgell (Chair) Gerry Beresford Annette Godsell Christine Morgan • Develop annual expense budget • Review and approve annual development goals OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Dr. Lynette Bowes (Chair) Rod Legge Theresa Rahal Annette Godsell Bonnie Birmingham • Full Operations Policy Review FACILITIES COMMITTEE Rick Tiller (Chair) Jesse McCaw Shawn Williams John Poole Dana Penney Annette Godsell Bonnie Birmingham • Office Space modifications to increase efficiency • Energy efficient upgrades to exterior and internal lighting • Proactively monitoring efficiency of HVAC system • Study of Parking availability initiated • Reviewed, approved an uninterrupted Power Source which is currently in progress of installation 5 MESSAGE FROM BOARD CHAIR & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A s we look back on 2015, we are excited by the accomplishments that the volunteers, donors and supporters of Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador have helped us achieve. From our unwavering commitment to providing comfort and support to families, to the recognition we received from the global RMHC community, 2015 is a year to remember! Our House. These included a review of several House policies, the successful execution of development and communications plans, to building a multi-year strategic plan which sets the future direction of Our House. In August we were honoured when Ronald McDonald House Charities recognized Our House at its “Strength in Numbers Volunteer Gathering” with a coveted RMHC Hearts & Hands Every day, the courage and strength of the children and families Award and a $10,000 grant during the Charity’s biennial that stay at Ronald McDonald House are constant reminders international conference held in Chicago, Illinois. Through this of the importance of our mission. We are also encouraged by award, Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador the outstanding support we receive from donors, individuals, was one of only five Chapters recognized in the category of businesses, groups, McDonald’s, and our large volunteer Strengthening Networks. In doing so, RMHC recognized Our network throughout our great province. House for its impactful programs and best practices developed in response to the critical needs of our children and families. Ronald McDonald House is more than just a comfortable bed to sleep in. We have received exceedingly favourable Since the opening of Our House , parents have shared with comments from our families regarding all of our family support us in their own words how Ronald McDonald House has programs. With the introduction of additional opportunities, impacted their lives. Now, published research underscores the we are excited to extend the Home for Dinner and Just Like role the Charity plays in keeping families together during times Nan’s Programs into 2016. As a result, families will enjoy even of medical crises. more time together without taking the time needed to prepare a meal following a long and emotional day at the hospital. This A global team of researchers, drawn from leading universities, is a wonderful gift to our families, and we are thankful to all have collaborated with RMHC to evaluate the impact of those that continue to make it a reality. the Ronald McDonald House program. While somewhat expected, the results of this research is gratifying. – the Ronald During 2015, there were 385 family visits to Our House. McDonald House program affords families opportunities to Though we would have liked to accommodate all of the interact more meaningfully with their child’s care team. families who need us, during this past year another 232 families (up from 208 families in 2014) were sent to nearby With all we’ve accomplished - finalizing a strategic plan, hotels, because Our House was full. This has prompted a implementing best practice with governance policies, more focused review of our wait list, as we endeavour to meet continuing regional volunteer development, and strengthening the needs of our families. and expanding programs that focus on supporting sick children and their families – it is hard to imagine what to expect next. The Board of Directors has continued to demonstrate its commitment and dedication to Ronald McDonald House. With your support, we look forward, with great anticipation Each of the Directors worked diligently on one or more Board and energy, to playing an ongoing role in extending our reach committees and provided oversight for the implementation and bettering the lives of sick children and their families. of a wide variety of initiatives that support the mission of Gerry Beresford Chair, Board of Directors Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador 6 Annette Godsell Executive Director Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS HOME FOR DINNER PROGRAM With the help of corporate and community groups, we offer families home-cooked meals at Our House two-to-four times per week. JUST LIKE NAN’S BAKED GOODS PROGRAM Nothing feels like home more than the smell of fresh baked goods. Groups and individuals ensure Our House is always stocked with special treats fresh from the oven, just like at Nan’s house. COMFORT QUILT PROGRAM Each child who visits Our House has an opportunity to choose one quilt from a collection of beautiful handmade quilts that they can keep and take home. These quilts have been generously provided by individuals and groups. KEEPING FAMILIES CONNECTED PROGRAM Being away from loved ones for an extended period of time can be very difficult and create added stress. To help keep families connected to home while staying at Our House, families will have access to a Home Office, wireless internet, email, and community newspapers. MAGIC ROOM This room is a very special place the children staying at Our House get to visit when they have a successful surgery, get to go home, or are celebrating a special event while staying in Our House. The kids get to enter the Magic Room and leave with a brand new gift and a very big smile! SPECIAL DAY CELEBRATIONS PROGRAM Just like home, preparations are made to ensure, birthdays are celebrated, everyone gets treats at Hallowe’en and visitors like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny arrive on schedule. HOUSE PANTRY With the help of our generous donors, families have access to a fully stocked House pantry, House refrigerator and freezer which is available free of charge. RECREATION PROGRAM Our House has its own playground for children to play outside and is also conveniently located next to an integrated walkway system, The Grand Concourse. Our families also benefit from time to time with donations to Ronald McDonald House of tickets or passes to sporting events, local fitness centers, movies, special events or concerts. 7 WHOM WE HAVE SERVED ROOM OCCUPANCY HEALTH REGION Number of Check-Ins Number of Check-Outs Number of Adults (who checked in) Number of Children (who checked in) Number of Nights Available to Families Number of Nights Provided to Families Number of Repeat Families 387 385 677 396 5,467 4,827 189 Average Length of Stay (based on departure) Eastern Health 83 Central Health 120 13 Western Health 107 WAITLIST WAITLIST Labrador-Grenfell 66 Families we could not accommodate at all Number of nights we could not accommodate Number of families who had to be waitlisted for a time Number of nights they were waitlisted Total number of nights we could not accommodate 232 537 73 145 709 Out of Province 2 Out of Country 7 ILLNESS 385 Total 83 79 60 64 42 11 18 3 9 sk h ig Number of Tickets/Events to Recreation Programs 314 166 Home for Dinner 243 396 8 H 94 Quilts given away to children Visits to the Magic Room Ri al en t M C PROGRAMS Pr eg ea lth ry H ol ar di In ju og y e in ed ic M ro lo gy b N eu N Re ha U IC og y nc ol O Su rg er y . 16 50 Just Like Nan’s Baked Goods Number of Special Celebrations/Other events 1,263 Total Programs Pulling together for families 9 THE DEDICATED VOLUNTEERS Staying at Ronald McDonald House means seeing a volunteer’s familiar smile to welcome them. Our valued volunteers are essential to the continuing operation of Our House. We cannot do it without them. Volunteers work behind the scenes in many different capacities within the House and within the community to fully support the families during this critical time in their lives. Community Volunteers 180 House Operations Volunteers 112 House Operations Number of hours 7,350 Number of visits 3,200 Volunteers-Programs Number of hours - Home for Dinner 2,808 Number of hours - Just Like Nan’s 2,357 Number of hours for Special Events 234 Total Hours by House Operations volunteers 12,749 10 STRENGTH IN NUMBERS VOLUNTEER GATHERING At Ronald McDonald House Charities Newfoundland and Labrador, we find strength in numbers and that through our efforts, children and families also find strength in numbers. This strength comes from working sideby-side with staff, volunteers, medical professionals, donors, and advocates creating a far-reaching network of support for children and families facing some of life’s greatest challenges. On April 17 & 18, 2015 we celebrated the strength we have as a provincial family, by inviting volunteers to join us at the Strength In Numbers Volunteer Training Conference in St. John’s. At this conference we united our provincial network and rallied around a common mission of providing a home-away-from-home for sick or injured children and their families. We believe, that together, we will continue to find strength in our numbers and effectively increase our impact in Newfoundland and Labrador. Volunteer Gathering included: • Annual General Meeting • Volunteer Fun Night – Lip Sync Contest • Education Sessions • Organizational History • House Operations • Fundraising & Communications • Guided tour of Ronald McDonald House • Volunteer Recognition and Awards Gala 11 HELPING HAND AWARDS Dr. Jack Hand 1966 – 2012 E ach time the original committee and then the Board of Directors of Ronald McDonald House met, Dr. Jack Hand would ask the same question. “When will the House be opened?” Jack had a unique understanding of the overwhelming need for Ronald McDonald House in Newfoundland and Labrador. Each and every day in his practice he would meet families who needed Our House to be opened. He continually reminded the Board of Directors that they must work hard and ensure no time was wasted in finishing the House and bringing it to the people who need it. Jack was passionate about the project. He offered himself up to carry out any task required. He participated in fund raising activities, travelled to Labrador on two occasions to raise awareness, offered sound and frequent advice about what people needed who would stay at the House and he even went on Open Line. He never wavered in his commitment to make the House a reality. Ronald McDonald House opened in September of 2012. It opened with the lasting memory that the Campaign Team could not have succeeded without Jack’s contribution, without his knowledge and absolute commitment to his patients and their families who need this House during very difficult times. Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador is grateful to the time and energy Dr. Jack Hand gave to making our House a reality. In honor of Jack’s contribution Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador has implemented the Helping “HAND” Awards. 2015 Winners Leadership Volunteer Melissa Thomas House Operations Volunteer Alex Gibson House Programs Subsea7 Community Engagement Volunteer Camille Bryan 12 Outstanding Philanthropist Belfor Community Events Adult Female Recreation Hockey Twin Rinks Andy Dunn Memorial Race Day Atlantic Convenience Store Association Golf Tournament Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada - Retire your Ride Avalon Industries Toy Drive Blair Mitchell Memorial Hockey Tournament Box Run Charitable Foundation Canadian Jewellery Group Cargill Value Added Meats Canada Chatters Mount Pearl Curling IBEW Tournament Elizabeth Burry Jewelry Enchanted Family Fun Event Heather’s Hearts Labrador Jeep Owners - “Go Topless” Event Mild Hogs Miss Achievement Nape - Local 7701 - Regatta Booth Newfoundland Liquor Corporation - Jeans Day North Atlantic Refining Ltd. - Walking Club Point Leamington Gospel Concert Race for Reason RCMP Golf Tournament Red Shoe Tely 10 Team Republic Eyewear Royal St. John’s Regatta Booth St. Anne’s School TFI Food Equipment The Dub Show The Signature Salon - Bella Moda Trinity Conception Square - Merchant’s Association Triton Fire Rescue White Scorpion Tattoo Pull Tab Program 2015 We recycled 2,863,812 pull tabs which provided 1 week of togetherness for families. 13 RMHC HEARTS & HANDS AWARD Ronald McDonald House Charities® recognized Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador® and its “Strength In Numbers Volunteer Gathering” with an RMHC Hearts & Hands Award and a $10,000 grant during the Charity’s biennial International Conference held in Chicago, IL in August. Through this Award, the family-centered charity recognizes the most impactful programs and best practices developed by local Chapters in response to the critical needs of children in their communities. RMHC awarded several grants to Chapters that achieved exceptional results in the delivery of vital services, care and compassion to children and their families. Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador was one of only five Chapters recognized in the category of Strengthening Networks. 14 ADOPT-A-ROOM PROGRAM The Adopt-a-Room program is an opportunity for individuals to help families who are going through the most traumatic event in their lives – an illness or injury of their child – by adopting a room in the house. The Adopt-a-Room Program ensures that the rooms at Ronald McDonald House are beautifully kept, operated and maintained for families who need a comfortable place to stay while in St. John’s seeking medical attention for their child. Adoption of a room for one or three years helps cover the costs associated with maintenance and upkeep of the room, ensuring it is always available for the families that stay with us each night. This program supports hundreds of families each year, making sure rooms will always have necessities like comfort, clean linens and repairs. Rooms require updating at times and this support helps that make happen. 2/21 adoptions complete in 2015 2015 Adoptions: • Kinsmen Coop 50/50 Lewisporte • Egg Farmers of Newfoundland and Labrador Recognition of support is placed on the bedroom door or one of the common areas in Our House as well as in printed pieces and media channels. 15 MCHAPPY DAY 22nd McHappy Day event in Canada, was celebrated on Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 in McDonald’s® restaurants across Canada! On McHappy Day, McDonald’s donated $1 from every Big Mac® sandwich, Happy Meal® and hot McCafé® beverage sold in its restaurants to Ronald McDonald Houses and other children’s charities across the country. Also in 2015, from April 14th until May 5th, McDonald’s donated 25 cents from every McFlurry® purchased in NL to Our House!! By celebrating this event, our province provides tremendous help to us in supporting families with a sick or injured child. 16 McHappy Day is also an opportunity to celebrate the giving that McDonald’s Owner/Operators and Restaurant teams provide all year to Ronald McDonald House, from 10 cent Happy Meal, coin box, volunteering and additional donations. Special thanks is extended to the McDonald’s Owners/ Operators in Newfoundland and Labrador: Trevor Morris, Doug Bennett, Ken & Loretta Scott, Keith Roberts/ Genny McCarthy, Chris & Debbie McCarthy, Penny & Rob McDonald, Barry & Mary MacKinnion, Paul & Paula Rogers, Gestion J. Longpre, and Patrick Rioux. MISS ACHIEVEMENT Miss Achievement Newfoundland & Labrador Scholarship Program is the province's largest program for young women, which awards individuals for academics, promotion of healthy living, public speaking, community service, volunteer work, environmental awareness and performance-related talents. Among the long list of scholarships provided to deserving contestants entering this program is the Isabella Ashley Spirit of Giving Award. This award is presented to the participant who raises the most money for Ronald McDonald House Charities Newfoundland and Labrador. Isabella Ashley was the Honorary Patron of the Miss Achievement Newfoundland and Labrador Scholarship Program, but sadly passed away on December 7, 2012 at the age of 91. Crowned the first ever Miss Newfoundland in 1936, Mrs. Ashley was a woman with a genuine spirit of giving and compassion and we are delighted to be the beneficiary of this award in her memory. Contestants entered in the Miss Achievement Newfoundland and Labrador Scholarship Program were encouraged to begin their fundraising efforts upon acceptance. During the crowning Gala held at Holy Heart Theater on Sunday November 15, 2015, a presentation was made to Ronald McDonald House representatives on behalf of the contestants who collectively raised an outstanding $21,119.65. That’s a three year total of more than $85,000! The 2015 Winner of the Isabella Ashley Spirit of Giving Award was Jamie Lynn Drake of St. Lawrence, NL. Listing of contestants that contributed towards the $21,119.65 cheque presentation. NameHometown Cassidy Rich Brianna Meadus Alicia Penton Rachel Winsor Rebecca Smith Stephanie Roberts Keshia Noseworthy Jamie Lynn Drake Anika Walsh Lindsee Clark Alison Patey Rebecca Martin Bethany Michelin Courtney Russell Siobhan Lacey Victoria Moulton Rebecca Bishop Kylie Jackson Jennifer Brown Lewisporte Harbour Grace Joe Batt’s Arm, Fogo Island Little St. Lawrence Labrador City St. John’s Bell Island St. Lawrence Grand Falls-Windsor St. John’s Corner Brook Bishop’s Falls Labrador City Clarenville St. John’s Clarenville St. John’s South Dildo St. John’s 17 Our Signature Events 18 SPARE SOME LOVE BOWLING EVENT Spare Some Love Bowling Event, introduced in 2013, is one of our annual signature fundraising events for Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador. Bowlers of all skill levels come together for fun, networking, giveaways and ultimately to celebrate families. Event is hosted at Plaza Bowl in St. John’s. 55 Teams Presenting Sponsor Tucker Window Film Lane Sponsors Big Erics Canduit Electric Inc. Coca-Cola Cougar Engineering Delta St. John’s Hotel and Conference Center Emera Newfoundland and Labrador Imprint Specialty Promotions Ltd. In the Box Media Promotions Joe Fleming Royal LePage Vision Realty Pennecon Roebothan McKay Marshall Royal LePage Royal LePage Atlantic Homestead Ltd. Strategic Directions Inc. TeleLink Event Total $29,378.15 19 RED SHOE CREW - WALK FOR FAMILIES The annual Red Shoe Crew - Walk for Families helps raise awareness and funds to provide a home-away-from-home for sick children and their families when they need it most. This event is hosted by volunteers and held in September in communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. This event coincides with the anniversary of the opening of Our House. Participants register for pledge sheets, fundraise and come together to walk or run for fun, prizes and ultimately to celebrate families and their strength in healing a sick child. Presenting Sponsor Newfoundland Labrador Hydro Red Sneaker Sponsors Belfor Big Land Labrador’s FM Coca-Cola Cossette McDonald’s VOCM Red High Heel Sponsors WestJet In the Box Media Promotions 20 event total $267,299.14 LOCATION CREW LEADER Badger Baie Verte Bay Roberts Bishop’s Falls/HYDRO Burin Carbonear Carmanville Chance Cove Churchill Falls Clarenville Conception Bay South Corner Brook Eastport Fortune Gander Glovertown Goose Bay Grand Falls-Windsor Hearts Content Jackson’s Arm La Scie Labrador City L’Anse Au Loup Lewisporte Meadows Milltown/Bay D’Espoir Mount Pearl New Harbour New-Wes-Valley Paradise Pasadena Pilley’s Island Placentia Rocky Harbour Springdale St. Anthony St. John’s Stephenville Terra Nova Torbay Tri-Town Area (Port Saunders) Victoria Myrtle Crann Andrew Burton Kerilynn Mercer Susan Lynn Hancock Jennifer Francis Krista Hogan Charlene Goodyear Shirley Clarke Diane Shears Mary Felkar Dominic Ryan Jeremy Cleveland Valetta Crewe Cheryl Burt Sherry Higdon-Adams Michelle Saunders Leanne Lambert & Amanda Combden Chad Haggett Brian Pitcher & Corinne Lahey Adrienna Osmond Debbie Burton & Krista Andrews Tina Harris Janine Ryland Diane Perry Cindy Wells Cheryl George Emily Sullivan Annette & Chris Higdon Beverly March Caroline Watton Amanda Squires Betty Jean (BJ) Osmond Tammy Flynn Laura Stratton Nadaine Bath Gloria Richards Stephen Patten Darrell & Stephanie MacNeil Annette & Chris Higdon Danielle Broomfield & Lorna King Camille Bryan Lynn Evely 42 Communities 2,000+ Participants 21 “FORE” THE FAMILIES GOLF CLASSIC “FORE” the Families Golf Classic is an important initiative to help raise awareness and funds. Golfers of all skill levels came together for fun, networking, giveaways and ultimately to celebrate families. Event is hosted at The Wilds Golf Course. Presenting Sponsor Event Total $58,473.50 Coca-Cola CelebratION Luncheon Sponsor McCain Foods Canada Registration Sponsor Grant Thornton Ronald’s Putting Challenge Sponsor McDonald’s Night before pre-tournament mixer Belfor Hole in one sponsors Capital Subaru Mile One Harley Davidson Coca-Cola Hole Sponsors WestJet Grant Thornton Michael C. Kidney, Certified Financial Planner Belfor Tucker Electronics Janes Noseworthy Chapman Cougar Engineering & Construction Ltd. Redwood Construction Limited 22 KPMG Roebothan McKay Marshall Bold Signs Cal LeGrow Capital Subaru Kool Rite Limited Prime Creative Capital Precast Nu-Quest Distribution sock it for sick kids & their families Ronald McDonald House Charities® Newfoundland and Labrador might be among one of the newest houses in the world but did you know that the first Ronald McDonald House opened its doors to families in Philadelphia on October 15, 1974? On October 15th we called on everyone to SOCK IT for sick kids and their families at Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador. The public were invited to purchase official signature striped socks and wear them on October 15th to show their love and support for Ronald McDonald House and the families we serve. With each pair of striped socks, companies, individuals, schools and organizations were raising awareness and helping families stay together when it matters most. On October 15th, hundreds of pictures were shared on social media with #sockitforsickkids @OurHouseNL. 23 LIGHTS OF LOVE TREE CAMPAIGN Christmas is an important time for families. At Ronald McDonald House it is a priority to celebrate special times of the year with the families staying at Our House, especially during Christmas. The Lights of Love Tree Fundraising Campaign is a means for individuals, businesses and communities to celebrate the strength of families in healing a sick child. Special tree lighting ceremonies kicked off each campaign. Trees were initially lit with white bulbs. Those who made donations were able to honor or remember a special person, or that hard to shop for individual on their Christmas list. Donors were given an opportunity to change a bulb on the tree from white to red or hang a red decoration, depending on location. They then received a campaign acknowledgment card to notify that special person of the gift. The goal was to see each Lights of Love Tree turn red with love during the month of December. Event Total $18,368.50 In 2015, there were 6 Lights of Love Trees 6 Trees in 5 Communities St. John’s 24 Trinity Bay North Peterview Change Islands Fairfield Inn & Suites Stephenville thank you, from our family to yours. 25 DONOR RECOGNITION MONETARY AND/OR IN KIND $100,000+ Ronald McDonald House Charities® Canada $20,000+ Barry MacKinnon Restaurant Inc. Coca-Cola McDonald’s - Coinbox Revenues Miss Achievement NL Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Ronald McDonald House Charities®, Inc. Scott Family Restaurants VOCM $10,000 - $19,999 Freedom Foods Andy Dunn Memorial Race Day Belfor McDonald’s® Resturants of Canada Ltd. Nalcor Employee Giving Program PLR Enterprises Inc. Ryan Murphy – Race for Reason Thirty-One Gifts Judy Pelley (Quilts in memory Holly Goudie) $5,000 - $9,999 Adams Construction (1975) Ltd. Adult Female Recreation Hockey Twin Rinks Capital Subaru Cargill Value Added Meats Canada Chatters Kelsey Cossette Egg Farmers of Newfoundland and Labrador Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott In The Box Media Promotions Iron Ore Company of Canada Kinsmen Club Notre Dame Lewisporte O’Connor 50+ Club Provincial Airlines RCMP Charity Golf Event Royal Bank of Canada Corporate Citizenship Tucker Electronics Limited United Foods Inc. WestJet Colin Baxter Beverly Critch Linda Penney Gill Ricketts & Taedy O’Rourke 26 $2,500 - $4,999 Anglican Church Women St. James Church Atlantic Convenience Store Association Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada Avalon Industries Box Run Charitable Foundation Buddy with the Plow C&D Family Restaurants Inc. Co-operators Crown Cabinets ExxonMobil Fort Pepperrell Life Members Club Gestion J. Longpre Inc. Grant Thornton Happy Valley-Goose Bay Quilters Club HB Group Insurance Management Ltd. Holy Spirit Church Lions Club Clarenville Lions Club Gander McCain Foods McRoberts Enterprises Inc. MUN Medical Students Nalcor Energy North Atlantic Refining Ltd. - Walking Club Powell’s Supermarket Limited PVA Hari Inc. Republic Eyeware Restaurant P.H.R. Inc. Scotiabank Suns Bakery (Bagos Bun Bakery Ltd) TFI Food Equipment Transcontinental XXIX Venture Limited Florence Brawley Donna Fowler Wanda Kirby Margot Nash Clayton Reid $1,000 - $2,499 241 Pizza Abby’s Owls Acreman Elementary ACW Port Rexton Parish Anglican Church - Rose Blanche Atlas Sign & Awning Avalon Inc. Bell Aliant Pioneers Playday Lottery Fund Bennett Restaurants Canada Bread Canadian Jewelery Group Canus Chatters Mount Pearl Ltd. Ches’s Fish & Chips College of the North Atlantic Cougar Engineering & Construction Limited Dr. G. B. Memorial Hospital Engineering Class 2012 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2228 J. B. Hand & Sons Ltd. Kinsmen Club Botwood Kitchen Party Kiwanis Club of Grand Falls-Windsor Kruger Products Labrador Jeep Owners Lions Club Mount Pearl Memorial University School of Pharmacy Metro Self-Storage Mike’s Miracles Nape - Local 7701 Nav Canada Newfoundland Hydro - Churchill Falls Newfoundland Liquor Corporation NLCU Charitable Foundation Corporation North East Minor Hockey Association Northgate Arinso Employee Account Penney Mazda Point Leamington Gospel Concert Re/Max Realty Specialists Ltd. Roebothan McKay Marshall Rotary Club of Avalon North East Rotary Club of St. John’s Northwest Salvation Army St. John’s Citadel Corps Sea Hawks Women’s Soccer Team Seadrill Canada Ltd. Short Atlantic Inc. Sou’West Arm Recreation Committee St. Anne’s School St. Barnabas ACW St. George’s Anglican Church Quilting Ministry St. John’s Firefighters Charitable - Local 1075 St. Michaels and All Angels St. Michael’s Quilting Group Stantec Teck Resources Limited. - Duck Pond Telus Tideway Trinity Conception Square - Merchants’s Association Triton Fire Rescue Triware Technologies Inc. White Scorpion Tattoo Barb Bradley Sheila Coffin Jane Evans Ada Ford Delores Foster Annette Godsell Dorothy Greeley Wilma Hennebury Aimee Igloliorte Heather Jesso Stephanie Kettlewell Marilyn Kinden Beth Legge Helena Lomond Dwayne Maher Rebecca Martin Leonard Martin Terri Lynn Meadus Brianna Meadus Geraldine Morey Trevor Morris Wanda O’Keefe Dorothy Parker Peggy Ruby Diane Shears Patrick Squires Madeline Stone Irene Sutton Sheena Tarrant Alice Tobin Marion Wiseman Thank you to our generous donors 27 THIRD BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION September 17, 2015 The past 3 years have been incredible. In fact, since opening, Our House has provided more than 14,000 nights of comfort and care during more than 1000 family visits, saving families with a sick or injured child more than $2.1M in accommodation costs alone! Now, that’s worth celebrating! Our celebration included a birthday party at Ronald McDonald House, and was attended by hundreds of families, volunteers and supporters of Our House. Guests enjoyed tours, children’s activities, a barbeque, a celebration cake and our very special guest, Ronald McDonald. We would like to thank the following for helping make this celebration such a success: Canada Bread, Ches’s Famous Fish and Chips, Coca-Cola, Cossette, Morgan’s Music, Ronald McDonald, Magician Mark Bailey,Rotary Club of St. John’s Northwest, Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo, GE Oil & Gas and especially, our many volunteers!! 28 MESSAGE FROM TREASURER R onald McDonald House of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc. (“RMHNL”) continues to enjoy a strong financial position and financial operating results due to the continuing generosity and support that our charity receives from thousands of donors, including individuals, community groups, service organizations, businesses, charities and government. Through financial contributions, in-kind contributions of goods and services, participation in a wide variety of fundraising events and countless volunteer hours, the community continues to embrace the charity and the families that it serves. At the end of 2015, RMHNL has combined net assets of $6,887,000. This includes the balance invested in capital assets of $5,107,000; an operating fund reserve of $800,000; a property replacement reserve of $143,000; and unrestricted net assets of $837,000. Based on this stable financial position the Board recently approved a 2016 project to install a generator to provide uninterrupted power to the House to ensure we are able to continue to accommodate our families in the event of a power outage. The charity had an excess of revenue over expenditures for 2015 of more than $81,000. While there was a decline in total revenues in 2015, this decline was anticipated, as the capital campaign pledge revenue declined by more than $146,000 as these commitments by our donors are being concluded. In terms of the majority of our ongoing revenue sources, the level of donations and fundraising revenue realized for the year has exceeded the amounts budgeted and the amounts realized from these sources in the prior year. The Charity continues to develop exceptional signature fundraising events and our staff and volunteers demonstrate a strong commitment to these fundraising activities in support of the work of the Charity. In terms of expenditures, the cash cost of operating the charity increased by approximately $39,000 during the year, which represents a relatively modest increase. The majority of expense categories were within budget and consistent with the prior year. The areas of increased costs arose as a result of deliberate decisions of the Board to invest in our software systems; upgrade the Charity’s website, and add staff capacity to enhance the level of service and stewardship we provide. As Treasurer of RMHNL I would like to express my thanks to the dedicated Board of Directors and the management and staff for their support throughout this formative time in establishment of the Charity. The financial information provided in this annual report is in a condensed format; however complete audited financial statements of the organization are available on request at the charity office. William Budgell Treasurer Ronald McDonald House Newfoundland and Labrador 29 FINANCIAL REPORT Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenditures and Changes in Net Assets 2015 Year ended December 31 Revenue $579,537 Donations 147,905 Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada Donated goods and services 373,203 Signature events 387,055 4,279 Merchandise sales 25,244 Miscellaneous and investment revenue 1,517,223 Expenditures 417,468 Wages and contract services 373,203 Donated goods and services 257,591 Amortization 117,621 Other expenses 96,494 House general expenses Signature event expenses 101,655 71,266 Utilities 1,435,298 Excess of Revenue over Expenditures for the year 81,925 Net Assets beginning of year 6,805,938 Net Assets, end of year $6,887,863 Condensed Statement of Financial Position 2015 At December 31 Assets $1,817,217 Cash and cash equivalents 14,074 Accounts receivable 21,392 Prepaid expenses 5,107,557 Capital assets $6,960,240 2014 $742,356 137,905 395,808 357,390 5,354 22,012 1,660,825 391,781 395,808 276,787 104,255 99,065 91,605 78,752 1,438,053 222,772 6,583,166 $6,805,938 2014 $1,528,059 15,082 10,358 5,323,953 $6,877,452 Liabilities $72,377 Payables and accruals Net Assets 5,107,557 Investment in tangible capital assets 143,124 Internally restricted - Property replacement reserve fund Internally restricted - Operating reserve fund 800,000 837,182 Unrestricted net assets 5,323,953 70,295 800,000 611,690 6,887,863 6,805,938 $6,960,240 $6,877,452 30 $71,514 keeping families close, thanks to you. 31 OURHOUSENL.CA P.O. Box 28091 150 Clinch Crescent, St John’s, NL A1B 1X0 info@rmhnl.ca 1-855-955-HOME (4663) (709) 738-0000 Charitable Registration Number: 85050 2865 RR0001
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