News - Grocott`s Mail
News - Grocott`s Mail
FriDay Sunday Buffet Lunch R75 pp - Bookings Essential!! Shades of Green Tel: 046-6222 158 071 167 3042 @ Makana Resort INSIDE Matric exams finally end 4 D ecember 2009 page 3 What is art and what is it for? Christmas Day lunch R105 pp Limited Seating - BOOK NOW!!! Old Caravan park South aFrica ’S o lDeSt i nDepenDent newSpaper r4.00 Victoria Primary scores Aesthetics Committee page 4 hits back page 7 big at triathlon page 19 Guilt and tears in court AsAndA nAketi B ongani Paulos (25) of Aliwal North who has been found guilty of the murder of the Anglican priest Clive Newman tearfully apologised to the reverend’s family this week. He told the family it was not his intention to kill Newman and that he “regrets going to Grahamstown on that day.” Paulos made his first appearance in the Grahamstown Magistrate’s Court on Monday where the trial was pushed forward to the city’s High Court. On Tuesday, Paulos pleaded guilty to the murder of Newman and theft of his possessions, including his car. The Honourable Judge Clive Plasket found him guilty on both charges. The 45 year-old reverend and lecturer was clubbed to death in his room at the Anglican College of the Transfiguration on the weekend of 7 November. The cause of death, as stated in the post mortem report, was said to be blunt force with lacerations to the scalp and brain as well as skull fractures. In his plea, Paulos said he was hitchhiking to Aliwal North from Cape Town seeking employment. He said Newman had picked him up in Colchester and driven to Grahamstown, explaining to him that he would be able to hitchhike to Aliwal North via Queenstown. They arrived in Grahamstown late in the day and Newman offered Paulos food and a place to stay. He accepted the offer as he said he “was hungry and had no place to stay”. Newman then explained that “he only had one bed but that he does not mind to share it with me.” Paulos then described how Newman made sexual advances towards him several times throughout the night but “I stopped him every time. I felt repulsed, but I had nowhere to go”. The following morning, Newman took Paulos out of town and dropped him on the road to Fort Beaufort. However, when he failed to get a lift, he returned to Newman’s house. When asked by Malherbe Marais, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions why he went back to Newman’s place, he said that at the time he did not know anyone else in Grahamstown. He also told the court that he thought the situation would change as Newman had been acting “different and friendly at the hiking spot so I thought he wouldn’t do the same things again.” He went on to relate that: “As we got into bed, he again took off his underwear. He started to touch my buttocks again, I pushed him back, he told me to relax. He then moved closer to me in the bed once more... I jumped up and sat on the side of the bed... and I said I don’t like a man to touch me like that.” The following morning, Newman asked Paulos to massage his shoulders to which he agreed. Then Newman asked him to massage “lower down his back”. Paulos said he got very angry when he realised where this was leading to and “went to fetch a knopkierie... and I hit him over the head”. He then wiped the GUILTY... Bongani Paulos appeared in the Grahamstown High Court on charges of murder and robbery on Tuesday and Wednesday. Photo: Stephen Penney kierie and left it inside a cupboard in the room. He took the keys to Newman’s Hyundai Tucson, a laptop with an external hard drive, a cellphone, some cash, binoculars and a box of wine and left. Paulos was arrested in Vanderbijl Park in Vereeniging three weeks after the incident. Newman’s family broke down in court as Paulos – with his head in his hands – gave details of the events that led up to the murder. Paulos was represented by attorney Alan de Jager from the Grahamstown Legal Aid branch. Meanwhile, Newman had previously attacked been by Weekend Specials valid Friday 4 December to Sunday 06 December 2009 only NEED TO REFLECT ON THE PAST YEAR??? Pickled ox tongue CALL IN AND SEE OUR RANGE OF FRAMED AND DECORATIVE MIRRORS a gay couple in his car in Bluewater Bay 18 years ago. His throat was slit and one of his vocal chords was severed, impairing his speech. His testimony helped convict Antonie Wessels (31) and 16-year-old Jean Havenga who were responsible for killings across the country. He was the pair’s fourth and final victim and was the only one who survived. Newman was a businessman in Port Elizabeth at the time. Continued on Page Two per kg 34.99 Bonus gamon per kg 53.95 Bulk pork Pack per kg 25.95 JC le ROUX 750ml (Assorted Sparkling Wine) each 29.99 Prices apply to Pick n Pay Grahamstown. Tel 046 636 1747 Prices advertised are inclusive of VAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders please. E&OE. Every month for the past year. Addcheck (an independent research company) has proven that Pick n Pay gives you more for your money on a representative basket of 1000 items. TIM 082 800 9276 • KEVIN 082 772 0400 046: 622 2950 046- 622 8700 57 Bathurst Street, Grahamstown spar parboiled rice 2kg r16.99 each brookes oros orange, Lemos or Naartjie 2L r16.95 each keLLoggs Corn Flakes 500g r17.99 each spar Creamy Mayonnaise or Low oil salad Dressing 750g/780g r14.99 each 35 African Street, Tel 046 622 4737 Maggi 2 Minute Noodles (all variants) buy 6 for r19.99 OPEN 24 HOURS 2 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 NEWS Guilt and tears in court From Page One When the articulate and multilingual Paulos was asked about his family, he sobbed, telling the court how he and his younger brother were sent to a foster home because his mother was working in Johannesburg. He passed matric in 2002 at Amasango Career School in Aliwal North and went on to do Business Studies for two years at Ikhala Further Education Training College. His mother passed away in December 2002 and he said he had never met his father. Paulos is married with two daughters, who are five and two years old. De Jager described the incident as having a “great similarity with spousal abuse that lead to the death of one partner where the person goes back to the same bedroom, for the same abuse until they snap.” Marais said it is a “rare case where the accused appears in the district court and asks to be transferred to the High Court on his first appearance”. De Jager argued that pleading guilty and “the fact that he is a first offender and that he took full responsibility for the incident makes him an excellent candidate for rehabilitation.” Marais said the accused “professes remorse but it took a trial to extract it” and that there is no evidence that he pleaded guilty to make a “clean breast of it.” De Jager said the case had been presented in such a way that the court would find that “substantial and compelling circumstances... justifies a lesser sentence”. Marais said he expects a sentence in the range of 15 years. Sentencing will be handed down in the Grahamstown High Court on Monday, 7 December at 10am. Police to crack down on wayward drinking establishments KWANELE BUTANA GRAHAMSTOWN police did not know that the by-laws regulating liquor trading hours had been passed and therefore have not been preventing establishments from selling alcohol around the clock. This was revealed during the municipal council’s social services portfolio committee meeting this week when the committee considered minutes of the newly established Liqour Control Consultative Forum. The forum, which is made up of representatives from the police, the municipality and the Liquor Board was formed after the board called a meeting with the different role players last month. The purpose of the meeting was to find a solution to the problems of zoning and noise in liquor pubs, taverns and restaurants. According to the minutes of the meeting, the police explained to the forum that they were not aware that the Liquor Trading hours by-law had been passed by the council. “Superintendent Frank de Vis promised the forum that they will look into that as they were not aware that the bylaws were gazetted yet,” reads the minutes. Since the change in the Eastern Cape Liquor Act a few years EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance:............................ 10177 ago, the board had been experiencing problems with granting liqour licenses. Communities started to complain to the board about taverns opening in their areas without their knowledge. The other complaint was that some establishments operate without adhering to the stipulated requirements. The liquor act compels the councillor of the ward in which a license applicant wishes to trade to hold a meeting with the affected residents and furnish its minutes and attendance register to the board. However, the board’s senior inspector Nceba Ntelwa admitted that the councillors were not calling such meetings. De Vis accused the Liquor Board of delaying the appointments of police liquor inspectors and argued that the inspectors would be effective once they are appointed. Ntelwa said he was busy with the process and promised that it would not take long before he finalised it. Makana Environmental Health and Cleansing manager Johan Esterhuizen explained that the Prevention of Public Nuisance by-law prohibits residents from playing music outside premises. He also suggested that the police should take action against the people who break this by-law. “The [forum] members agreed that they must target a certain area to check compliance within this 14 day period,” reads the minutes. “It was decided that the inspections will commence in Extension 6 and then Extension 4.” The portfolio committee resolved that the councillor of the ward in which a license applicant would like to trade would be invited to the forum’s meeting where all the different departments in the municipality would provide the necessary information to the forum so that the Liquor Board can make informed decisions when issuing liqour licenses. RECOGNITION... Dr Bev Ramstad (right) president of the Grahamstown branch of Soroptimist International hands a certificate to Nomboniso Yini, a volunteer at the local police Victims Support Centre on Wednesday. Ramstad presented the certificate that Selina White, the President of Soroptomists South Africa, brought from the Soroptomists of Great Britain. The prestigious award was for the Best Practice for all Programme Focus objectives in 2009. Yini works at the victims support centre to assist and support people who have survived rape or other sexual molestation. Photo: Steven Lang Aids Helpline:............ 0800 012322 AA Rescue: ................ 0800 111997 Medical Rescue: ........ 0800 033007 Grahamstown Child and Family Welfare: .. 046 636 1355 Electricity: ................ 046 603 6036 a/h 046 603 6000 Eskom:...................... 086 014 0014 Fire Brigade: ............ 046 622 4444 Police: ...................... 046 603 9152 Hi-Tec........................ 046 636 1660 Raphael Centre: ........ 046 622 8831 SPCA: ........................ 046 622 3233 Traffic Services: .........046 603 6067 Water: ........................ 046 603 6136 Hospice: .................... 046 622 9661 Settlers Hospital: ...... 046 622 2215 Day Hospital: ............. 046 622 3033 Fort England Hospital:046 622 7003 Legal Aid Board: ....... 046 622 9350 Locksmith: ................ 082 556 9975 or 046 622 4592 Cloudy with 30% chance of rain. Wind moderate easterly. Temperature: Min 14◦C, Max 19◦C Tides: Low tide: 11.33am and 11.57pm High tide: 5.29am and 5.49pm Partly cloudy with 30% chance of thunderstorms. Wind moderate north easterly. Temperature: Min 12°C, Max 24◦C Tides: Low tide: 12.26pm High tide: 6.18am and 6.40pm Partly cloudy with 30% chance of thunderstorms. Wind moderate north easterly. Temperature: Min 12°C, Max 26°C Tides: Low tide: 12.45am and 1.26pm High tide: 7.13am and 7.35m Partly cloudy with 60% chance of thunderstorms. Wind light north easterly. Temperature: Min 13°C, Max 31◦C Tides: Low tide: 1.36am and 2.37pm High tide: 8.16am and 8.39pm Source: and BRUTAL... Mandla Thomas (23) and Melikhaya Ncaphayi (27) appeared in the Grahamstown High Court on Tuesday in connection with the murder of a Somali family in Queenstown last year. Sahra Omar Farah (46) and her children, Mohamed Isse Osman (19) Ibrahim Isse Osman (14) and their younger sister Asha Isse Osman (12) were killed three weeks after emigrating from Somalia to set up a spaza shop in Tambo village outside Queenstown. They were found lying in a pool of blood when the children went to their shop to buy bread. They sustained multiple wounds with Sahra receiving 113 wounds. In the indictment it was stated that Thomas, Ncaphayi and another person “acted in concert and with a common purpose when they robbed and killed the deceased”. The trial has been postponed to 15 February next year. Photo: Steven Lang Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 3 News Matric exams end today Muni spends thousands on nompumezo maKinana M atric exams officially end today and according to learners and principals they went without a glitch. samuel Wessels, principal at Mary Waters High school said that there were no major hiccups in the exam administration and all the invigilators gave a good report. He said he is happy with how the exams went and they are now just waiting for the results. However, nomaxabiso ntlokwana, a matric learner at the school, said she found the exams very stressful especially Accounting because they did not have an Accounting teacher for most of the year. she said they would have been even more stressful if they did not have the help of rhodes University students. Melanie Lancaster, principal at gadra Matric school MAKANA MUNICIPALITY OFFICIAL PUBLIC STATEMENT ON WATER INTERRUPTIONS AT GRAHAMSTOWN WEST It is with regret to advise that the Municipality has again experienced water interruptions affecting a number of areas in Grahamstown West and East. This is as a result of a pipe burst near Worcester Street on Tuesday evening, the 1st of December 2009. A 300mm bulk line supplying the Western areas burst due to immense pressure demand on it. This resulted in closing the water valves supplying the water to an Intermediate Reservoir which for the price! the water pressure was drawsContact water fromus Waainek andbest consequently reduced and resulted in water interruptions. ”Livestock – buying/selling? Wool Mohair Livestock P Contingency measures have been put in place to draw water from ropertythe following James Kleynhans Dam and in the meantime are “We lead and areas others follow” affected; Hill 60; Cradock Height, Kingswood and surrounding areas.DAVID FORD on 082 655 2326 or 046 636 2669 GARY WILLOWS on 082 497 8234 or 046 684 1487 On behalf of the Municipality, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. OPTION 1 - R163.95 (incl vat) & less 15% discount Ms. N. L. BAART MUNICIPAL MANAGER Grocott’s GAO1163 ”Livestock – buying/selling? Contact us for the best price! DAVID FORD GARY WILLOWS on 082 655 2326 on 082 497 8234 or 046 636 2669 or 046 684 1487 OPTION 2 - R122.95 (incl vat) & less 15% discount thanked the District Department of Education for being very helpful and organised this year. she hopes that her students, some of whom were writing their matric exams for the second time, will do very well. osipho Qwazi, a grade 12 learner from nombulelo High school said that she found the first Maths paper was difficult but that everything else went smoothly. she especially enjoyed the language exams and hopes to study It next year. “some of the questions in the exams were too vague,” said Hannah Kirkaldy, a matric learner from Victoria girls' High school “but generally the exams were not too bad.” she also said the fact that the results come out only next year is a little annoying. “It is frustrating because to plan for next year we obviously need our results,” she said. ntlokwana also said it would be less stressful to have the results this year rather than next year. “this slows down our applications to tertiary institutions,” she said. the 2009 matric results will be released on 7 January 2010 to allow time to verify and check all the results before they are released. Visit for your online fix wind-damaged houses Kwanele Butana strong winds in october which left nine houses without roofs and uprooted trees have cost the municipality more than r4 700 worth of damage. this was revealed in a damage report tabled in front of the Makana council's social services portfolio committee this week. on 26 october a powerful wind blew roofs off houses and nine households were affected. According to Makana fire chief William Welkom, three families whose houses had collapsed completely were relocated to their relatives' houses. the fire services department issued the households with plastic sheeting (known as course sheets) to keep the damp out. the 10 rolls of damp course sheeting was ordered from the municipality's stores department and cost the municipality a total of r4 746.10. the houses which were affected are situated mainly in townships such as Extensions 6 and 8, with three shacks being affected. “several complaints of power outages and broken electrical cables were also received by the control room,” Welkom reported to the committee. “these complaints were reported to the electricity department and Eskom,” he said, adding that three uprooted trees also fell onto the roads. Welkom said the Cacadu District Disaster Centre was notified about the overall damage. "Blankets and food parcels were issued to the affected families whose structures have collapsed," he reported. He told Grocott's Mail that the technical services department is assessing the actual monetary value of the damage inflicted on the houses. “the technical services section is liaising with the housing department for incidents where the houses were completely demolished,” he concluded. Gas.Comm 18 African Street – Registered Gas Installer – Gas supplies & Cadac refills – Sales, repairs, servicing all gas appliances – We deliver Selby Gadd 046 622 2475 / 082 441 1555 JEAN ACHIEVES A HAT TRICK Accommodation starting from R200 per person, per night Accommodation Fully furnished / DStv Cottages Fully Air- Conditioned De-Luxe units Serviced Daily Chalets Caravan/Camping Private Ablutions Electricity Tranquil Surroundings Braai Area Swimming Pool Jungle Gym Conference Seat 120 Delegates Full, State-Of-The-Art Audio-Visual Equipment Fully Air-Conditioned Functions Year End Celebrations Fully Equipped Venue Special Menus Buffet ”Livestock D ave M ullins A uctioneers buying/selling? 09H30 SATURDAY 5 DECEMBER 2009 Shades of Green Restaurant Antique school desks, dining room suite, 5 lounge suites, Antique Oak wardrobe, Oak dressing table,& Imbuia OPTION 3 - Antique R204.95 (incl vat) lessdressing 15% table and headboard, sleeper couch, double beds, single beds, coffee tables, discount occasional tables, stoves, fridges, TVs, microwaves, dining table drop sides, stained glass french doors, vacuum cleaners, compressor, Hi-Fi’s, lawn mowers, 4 bicycles, crockery, cutlery, pots, glassware, curtains and linen, office chairs, mantle piece, 2 kists, Stirling Silver: salt pot, salad spoon, hot water jug, dessert spoons, fish knife, devil, ruler engraved, sugar tongs, Sheffield plate cream jug, small pickle fork, set of Silver plate fruit knives and forks, set of Silver plate fish knives and forks, fluted ornate serving spoon, large glass handled fluted serving spoon, large Sterling Silver fork, large and heavy silver fork, 2 fish knives, 3 EPNS serving dishes, Eastern hand-chased silver tray, 1 small salt pot engraved (Russian), brass oil lamp, Imari: blue saki bottle, blue vase, plate, 2 red and black “Argos” plates, 2 Green picture Porcelain plates, Allen Lowestoft floral porcelain vase, Stone China floral plate with handles, Earthernware floral horse, Crackled glaze hand-painted Japanese ashtray, 2 Porcelain china cups and saucers, small Chinese design saucer, 3 decorative saucers, brass kettle (no lid), white China Drostdy Stonecraft teapot, 4 blue-glass bowls, 4 cut glass bowls. Numerous other items of furniture, appliances and small too numerous too mention. Contact - Dave Mullins - 082 299 7953 Les Mallett - 072 716 3608 A la Carte Restaurant Private Functions Weddings @ Makana Resort at the DRILL HALL, Hill Street Closing date for receiving of goods is 16H00 Wednesday 2 December 2009 Viewing: Fri 4 Dec - 16h00 to 18h00 Registration & Viewing: Sat 5 Dec from 08h30 AUCTION starts PROMTLY at 09H30 Items on and offer include: “We lead others follow Sunday Lunch & Dinner Midweek Buffet Continental and full Table d’hotel Breakfast Weekly Specials Grahamstown Sales Associate takes it to the MAX – AGAIN!! At a Gala function held in Port Elizabeth last week, Jean Rodgerson of RE/MAX Frontier Properties, once again brought home the two (2) top awards. 1st position RE/MAX Agent of the Year Earnings and 1st position RE/MAX agent of the Year Units. Jean has been a Sales Associate in Grahamstown for 5 years and has been amongst the top RE/MAX Agents in South Africa. Jean believes that being part of the “Above the Crowd” brand enables her to perform at the highest levels providing superior service to all her clients. Other awards won by Jean over the past years are: • Hall of Fame (One of Thirty Sales Associates in RE/MAX South Africa) • RE/MAX Chairman’s Club Member 2006/2007/2009 • RE/MAX of Southern Africa Regional quarterly award for Outstanding Customer Service 2005/2006 • ISEA Annual Awards Rookie of the Year 2005, 2nd Runner-Up in the E Cape • ISEA Awards of the year earnings 2007/2008 (Country) 1st position • ISEA Awards of the year most units sold 2006/2007/2008 (Country) 1st position • ISEA Agent of the Year 2007 (Earnings) 3rd position • ISEA Awards of the Year earnings – developments 2008 1st position • ISEA Awards of the Year units sold – developments 2008 1st position ALL AT BEST RATES. EXCELLENCE BY CHOICE!! Grocott’s Mail 40 High Street Grahamstown 6140 Tel: 622 7222 Fax: 622 7282 Matched? Hatched? Despatched? Need a advert in the newspaper? Contact Tamie 4 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 YOUR SAY What is art and what role does it play in our lives? While artists enjoy creating beautiful artworks, some people don’t understand the role that art plays in society. Grocott’s Mail reporter, Maria Sibiya and Kwanele Butana met with various local artists to hear what they have to say about why we love art. Thabo Mahlangu Painter and printmaker Nkululeko Mpongoshe Art councillor and art facilitator Art is a form of designing everything around us including what we see and feel. It’s a style of living as it depends very much on what an individual feels like creating. Art makes a contribution to our lives in terms of design and the interpretation of our environment. For example gardening is a form of design in itself. It’s something we grew up with and something we need. Art can be used for a variety of reasons such as entertaining, raising awareness, creating memories or for beautifying the environment. Leora Jones Fine Art student I don’t think that art has a single role that one can identify it with. It has a different meaning for different people depending on what they would like to associate themselves with. Art is anything that you can create. It depends on ideas and it is a way for people to open up. I believe that art is a visual dialogue. Artists are meant to act as the watchdogs of society. We as artists aim to take people from the past to the future by discovering new ways in expressing ourselves. There are certain things that are difficult to express verbally, so instead of talking about it we express it through art. Nyaniso Lindi, Graphic artist Sally Scott Artist and fibre artist Art is a gift because it is something we are born with. It is a language that we, as artists, use to communicate with people. Through art you can inform people about various events that take place in our society or things that affect us in our everyday lives. The purpose of art is to identify what affects the people concerned. An example is when a person wants to be recognised, they identify themselves through what they wear. Artists create our own way of communicating because we are trying to show people our reality through our artworks. You don’t have to communicate to people verbally but you can use art as a source of communication by maybe drawing a picture to show them what is happening in our society. Art is the voice of the soul and reflects the state of the individual and of society. My own art manifests in three separate but connected ways. My pastel landscapes reflect the physical world around me and my emotional response to it. My fibre art is more abstract in appearance; essentially an inner landscape and references the spiritual and social aspects of self and society. My teaching and creative workshops offer others a chance to explore their artistic potential and provide a vehicle for therapy, healing and the building of self esteem. Xanthe Geye Fine Art student Art is a comment on contemporary society. It’s for people to have a visual experience and for them to be able to associate their own lives with an art work as a means of expressing oneself. Well in my personal experience, art acts as a commentary on the roles which society imposes on individuals and moulds individuals into what they want to be and how they percieve themselves as individuals in a collective enviroment. Art confronts mainstream norms. I think it’s important because it is a way of subverting norms in a safe environment. Our 2010 Diaries are now in stock! A4 Page-a-Day R55.35 A5 Page-a-Day R37.65 Come in to view our selection of Diaries, Organisers, refills and Desk calendars unnyside Garden Centre 5 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 Price Cuts Save R8 this Christmas Bulk Pork Pack Consists of Roast, Chops and Rashers Per kg 2995 Butro Butter Spread 500g Save R6 Rainbow Whole Fresh Chicken Per kg 1999 1699 Save R2 Save R2 15 99 Nescafe Classic 200g SaveR6.79 4889 PnP Full Cream or Low Fat Milk 2 Litre Each 1179 SaveR4.50 1499 1799 Save R2 SaveR1.70 First Choice UHT Milk Assorted 1,5 Litre Each Harvestime Mixed Vegetables 1kg Each 24 PnP Bran Flakes 750g 99 Spekko Rice 2kg SaveR4.96 1649 With us you get it all. Prices valid from 2 December until 6 December 2009 • Customer care Toll free 0800 11 22 88 • Available at Pick n Pay Discount Supermarkets Eastern Cape Region only Including Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Jeffreys Bay, East London, Mdantsane City, King Williams Town, Plettenberg Bay, George, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Queenstown, Mthatha, Aliwal North, Grahamstown, Port Alfred, Beaufort West & Sterkspruit. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders please. E&OE. 1156704 PnP Low Fat Yoghurts Assorted 1kg Each 6 Grocott’s Mail, 4 December 2009 Editorial Write to: The Editor PO Box 103 Grahamstown 6140 Fax to: 046 622 7282 Email: Liberty and Progress Established 1870 Newsmaker of the Year W e are getting to that time of the year when many people, but especially newspaper editors, are beginning to reflect on the year that has flown by. As we in the newsroom look at the front pages of the past year we cannot help thinking about the big stories, big events and most important of all, big people who have defined 2009. So we have decided to choose a Grocott’s Mail Newsmaker of the Year. There are only two qualifications for this title – the person has to have made the news, and has to have resided in Makana for most of the year. We will not present the award to an organisation or team. The Newsmaker award is not like the Citizen of the Year nor is it similar to the Civic Awards; we prefer to model our effort after Time magazine’s Person of the Year. In other words the nominee does not necessarily have to be a virtuous person. The Newsmaker of the Year could easily be someone who is just plain wicked. We would like to invite readers to send in nominations for this award. You can send us an email, an SMS or drop a note at the front desk of our offices. We will also open a voting line on our website at Here is a list with some suggestions: Ismail Mahomed – Director of the National Arts Festival Vumile Lwana – Mayor of Makana Pumelelo Kate – Former Mayor of Makana Ntombi Baart – Municipal Manager Rob Beer – property developer Garth Cambray – environmentalist Michael Whisson – municipal councillor Dr Saleem Badat – Vice-chancellor of Rhodes University Bishop Ebenezer Ntlali and Colonel Sanders – Face of KFC The final selection will be made by the editorial staff of Grocott’s Mail, however, we will be taking votes, nominations or arguments provided by readers into consideration. Please share your thoughts with us. South Africa’s Oldest Independent Newspaper Incorporating The Grahamstown Journal (1831 – 1920) Vol. 140 No. 94 Published by the David Rabkin Project for Experiential Journalism Training (Pty) Ltd, 40 High Street, Grahamstown, 6139. Printed by Paarlcoldset Telephone: 046 622 7222 • Fax: 046 622 7282/3 EmAIL AddrESSES News: Website: Advertising: or Sport: Letters: General manager: EdITOrIAL Editor: Steven Lang News Editor Abongile Mgaqelwa Staff reporters: Kwanele Butana, Maria Sibiya, Asanda Naketi Staff Photographer/reporter: Stephen Penney, New media Editor: Michael Salzwedel General manager: Louise Vale Advertising manager: Ronél Bowles Grocott’s Mail is published by the David Rabkin Project for Experiential Journalism, a company wholly owned by Rhodes University. The contents of this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of either body. HANdOVEr... Hikers handover money to Khanya Creche. Photo: Supplied Oldenburgia hike a roaring success A big “thank you” to the many Grahamstonians who participated in the annual Charity Hike of the Oldenburgia Hiking Club! No fewer than 48 hikers walked on the beautiful farm of Nick James to support the fundraising effort for the Khanya Crèche for children with disabilities at the Andrew Moyake School. A cheque of R1 094 was handed over to the teacher-in-charge of the crèche and the left-over food – tasty hotdogs – was donated to the Shelter for Boys.. Esté Coetzee Our heritage should not be compromised It is amazing the reactions of the general populace when purveyors of crumbed chicken and chips show the middle finger to Grahamstown and its heritage. Those who care about the town and the townscape come in for some very rough treatment, as shown in the opinion and letters page of Grocott’s Mail, 1 December. Prof Dominic Thorburn, one of our most civic minded citizens is subjected to a truly vicious and gratuitous adhominem attack, from a “Concerned Citizen” whose concern has remained cunningly hidden. This ‘concerned citizen’ shows his civic mindedness by advising people to disregard the laws of the land! Another ‘concerned citizen’, “Tafadzwa” wonders why the Aesthetics Committee never commented on the KFC at Market Square Mall, while the Grocott’s Mail editorial raises the hoary old falsehood that heritage conservation is somehow detrimental to economic growth. I sincerely hope that Prof Thorburn takes the snide and nasty comments from whence they come and continues his great work on behalf of Grahamstown and its heritage. His efforts are greatly appreciated. For Tafadzwa’s information, there was a much publicised outcry over the signs that are still ongoing. The editor wrote, It seems inevitable that in order for the economy of Grahamstown to grow, it will necessarily lose some of its traditional charm.” The question from the heritage conservationists is why? Cannot the developers employ architects and planners who have flair and imagination in this regard? For the editor’s information, Dubai cared nothing for their heritage but that did not stop the place from crashing. He further wrote that “progress and old fashioned enchantment cannot co-exist”. He is spot on, but the chicken n chips vendors did not even try, although they knew that they were setting up shop in a sensitive urban environment and that laws exist to protect that environment. Yet they somehow thought that these laws did not apply to them. I sincerely hope that the municipality will show them the errors of their ways by removing those vile signs if the proprietors do not. I will happily volunteer my services and assist the municipal workers in wielding the crowbars and angle grinders. Otherwise, if anybody wants to find me, do not look there. There are several other establishments within walking distance, run by locals who appreciate their heritage and offer a more varied menu at reasonable prices. I’ll probably be supporting one of them. Seriola Lalandi You mislead readers. I wrote “... does not mean that progress and old fashioned enchantment cannot co-exist”. Ed Heartfelt gratitude Brumbies wishes to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following persons and businesses for their contribution and input towards a successful presentation ball/fundraising event held on 21 November. Phoenix Roller Mills, Auto Clinic, Brad’s Electrical, Len’s Auto Repairs Mrs. M Stevens (Oatlands Bakery), Fruit & Veg City, Capitec Bank Albany Sports, Don Chandler (Kowie Brake & Clutch), Andre Mager (Masakhe Engineering), Uthembeka Catering Services and Pick n Pay Brumbies wishes the Brumbies family a happy festive season. Donovan Hector Looking out for each other Only in a small town like Grahamstown can one find people who care or are willing to help their fellow citizens when things go wrong. Terrified by the storm and army manoeuvres last week, while nobody was at home, my small dog Dusty escaped from our yard to find refuge. Two hours later he was found by Sergeant McKenzie who took him to the SPCA. I actually only discovered he was missing when I returned home in the evening and by then he had already been rescued. My searching the area was obviously in vain. The following day my daughter-in-law phoned the SPCA where Dusty was being kept. I was touched to receive phone calls and SMSs from a number of concerned people. I have also been stopped in Pick n Pay by anxious friends. Special thanks to Sgt. McKenzie and for the support from others. Duncan Greaves Simelane not fit for appointment I sincerely and fully support the Democratic Alliance (DA) in their efforts to challenge the decision of the State President Jacob Zuma, to appoint Adv Menzi Simelane as successor to Adv Vusi Pikoli as national Director of Public Prosecution. I agree and admit that Simelane is a graduate of the University of KwaZuluNatal and was educated at the famous Prince Edward school in Zimbabwe. I also agree that the appointment of the head of the National Prosecuting Authority is the prerogative of the President of the country. Jacob Zuma has however acted foolishly, as Simelane is simply not fit and proper to be the National Director of Public Prosecution (NDPP). He lacks the necessary prosecutorial experience and has a track record that casts serious doubt on his ability to act without fear, favours or prejudice. Simelane would only be in that office to defend Zuma on corruption charges, an issue the DA continues to pursue. Earlier this year, Simelane was demoted as the Director General of the Justice Department to the Deputy NDPP as a result of his disgraceful conduct. The demotion occurred in the wake of serious findings concerning Simelane’s compliance and credibility, made by the Ginwala Commission enquiry into the fitness of Adv Pikoli to hold office as the NDPP. Simelane has, unwisely, been catapulted above all other contenders into the most senior and most powerful public service job in our current constitutional dispensation. Sigidla Ndumo Team effort beats criminals Concerned Citizen’s shameful personal attack on Dominic Thorburn (Grocott’s Mail 1 December) is not only in the poorest of taste, it is downright disgusting. Such mud slinging achieves nothing, but fills one with sympathy and support for Prof Thorburn and revulsion at the views of “Concerned Citizen”, whoever he/she may be. An alert neighbour upset two armed burglars who were trying to gain access to my home on Wednesday morning last week causing about R15 000 worth of damage in the process. Her shouts alerted my domestic worker who activated the panic button which both alerted Hi-Tec and scared the two young men off. With the aid of my neighbour as a witness the HiTec guards arrived and succeeded in rapidly apprehending the two not far from my home, all within a matter of minutes of the panic button being pressed. The police responded rapidly as well and arrested the culprits. Not only was one crime solved but two, as a young woman (whose home was also almost burgled by the same men mere minutes before they attempted to burgle mine) was brought to the scene by another team of guards who had responded to her alarm call. She was able to give a positive identification. The heroes are Mpiyane and Sindile Makana. Thanks also to Derrick, Morné Herselmann and the rest of the team who, as a precaution, arrived soon thereafter to test and check the rest of the alarm system protecting my home. We do have a serious problem with crime in Grahamstown but, for a little while, I had an insight into the company and I realised that, as with any organisation worth its salt, it is the people who make the difference – from those who staff the control room to the people at the coalface of its operation – all of whom cared enough to make a difference. Thank you. Clive Whitford Aluta Continua Shameful personal attack Pseudonyms may be used, but all letters must be supported by a name, signature and street address. Preference will be given to letters which are not longer than 400 words and are clearly legible. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject letters/photographs. Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 7 ADVERTISING FEATURE Just to clarify the KFC issue My initial reaction to the letter titled “Beer shouldn’t listen to Aesthetics Committee” in Tuesday’s edition of Grocott’s Mail, was to treat it with the contempt it deserves and ignore it. Unfortunately then the myopia of the lily-livered “Concerned Citizen” (taking personal pot shots while hiding behind a nomde-plume) would remain unchallenged, and the facts hidden. Hypocrisy indeed! Oh, and Mr Beer certainly needs no encouragement to ignore local authority since he has often done so since he first illegally demolished a Settler cottage to start the Pepper Grove Mall and the subsequent rampant block busting. Firstly there is no such thing as “GAC” [Grahamstown Aesthetics Committee] and it is not a “policing body”. The Aesthetics Committee of Makana Municipality is an advisory standing committee of council, who apply existing statutory by-laws, and whose recommendations go before the Mayoral Executive Committee for ratification. The committee is made up of a spectrum of volunteer career professions including representatives of sectors such as business, architecture, heritage, hospitality, and academia. I am not, and have never been, the head of the committee and in fact it is always chaired by a City Councillor. The committee is pro-development and has met with countless business people and arrived at satisfactory and appropriate solutions. There are many national franchises that have successful businesses in Grahamstown and are sensitive to the aesthetic issues and have in fact embraced them profitably – these include Spur, Steers, Dulcé Café, Debonairs Pizza, Nandos and Lewis stores. They have not adopted the bullyboy tactics of KFC. If “Concerned Citizen” applied his/her mind to the real economic issues so glibly bandied about he/she would soon learn that the economics of the Makana district depend principally on historic and cultural tourism. This tourism is dependant on local history, heritage and the built environment. If not preserved and allowed to be prostituted by cavalier business people the economy will suffer directly. Tourists do not visit Grahamstown because it has the ambience of Mthatha or Boksburg! Regarding my house in African Street – I have not lived there for more than three years and the “lurid” colours that it was painted were in fact an authentic match with Victorian colours as used at the time … yes they could be colourful too! Also worth noting is that the new owner has elected to retain the colour scheme … go figure! Lastly “Concerned Citizen” may well consider joining Mr Beer in his ATV for the first drive-through and bucket of KFC, but if succumbing to choking on a bone (as opposed to his words) I certainly will not be exercising the Heimlich manoeuvre. Business card directory People from out of town may look at Grahamstown as a small, boring place. Local businesses would beg to differ. Digital printing Xerox machinery Stationery IT equipment Rob Gornall Director/Sales 133 High Street Grahamstown Tel: 046 - 622 7275 Fax: 046 - 622 7276 Cell: 072 309 3953 E-mail: • Books • Greeting cards • Diaries • Gift bags • Calenders • Large variety of children’s books 99b High Street, Grahamstown Tel: 046 622 4907 • Fax: 086 683 7572 • Greeting cards • 21st birthday gifts • Anniversary gifts • keyholders • Stuffed toys • Star Sign coffee mugs. Dominic Thorburn SMS 082 049 2146 Why does a referree not pitch up 4 a SAFA league regional soccer match? Not good enuf. >>>>>>>>>> Grahamstown aesthetics body, especially Prof Thornburn, wow u people must be bored. It’s actually a joke. I would like to raise a concern about posts and job opportunities in Makana Municipality, why are they always being advertised late? They only advertise them a day or two before the actual closing date, this is actually disgusting.Concerned Shop 12, Pepper Grove Mall Grahamstown, Tel: 046 622 2411 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE • Couches Tracy Mills • Candles • Linen • Lamps Shop 8, Pepper Grove Mall African Street, Grahamstown, 6139 Tel & fax: 046 - 622 8967 Cell: 083 - 449 2830 >>>>>>>>>> These robots r gonna lead 2 road rage they change 2 fast and sum people in front sleeps. the othe day i stopped 4 times before i could cross and then i crossed at yello. pls do something >>>>>>>>>> KFC? Let’s have some 20-storey skyscrapers, streets clogged with fume-filled traffic, queues for everything, no time for anyone - this is what more developed towns than G’town already have. Sounds great, hey? >>>>>>>>>> Bringing a Qualified Goldsmith onto your doorstep at Shop 29 Next to FotoFirst The Peppergrove Mall Tel: 046 6225579 For all your jewellery requirements. Rings Necklaces Watches Bracelets Is your business in our Grocott’s Directory?? Fear not, you can call 046 622 7222 to advertise with us 5 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 2PM – PHONE FOR BOOKINGS – OPEN ON ALL PUBLIC HOLIDAYS – PROGRAMME AND TIMES SUBJECT TO ALTERATION WITHOUT NOTICE Fri December 4 to Thurs December 10 GAMER 2 7 9 6 SUN at 12.30pm, 3pm & 8pm MON at 12.30pm, 3pm & 8pm TUES at 12.30pm, 3pm & 8pm WED at 12.30pm, 3pm & 8pm THUR at 12.30pm, 3pm & 8pm 5 9 6 4 1 2 4 FIREFLIES IN THE GARDEN 13 2 Drama. This semi-autobiographical 8 1 3 story centres around the complexities in a family 4 oftornloveapart 9andbycommitment an unexpected tragedy. PG WHATEVER WORKS Starring Ryan Reynolds and Julia Roberts. 4 5 8 Comedy/romance from Woody Allen. Starring Evan Rachel Wood and Patricia Clarkson. 8 1 Daily at 5.30pm & 8pm 2 4 FRI at 3pm, 5.30pm & 8pm SAT/SUN at 12.30pm, 3pm, 5.30pm & 8pm MON/TUES at 12.30pm, 3pm, 5.30pm & 8pm WED/THURS at 12.30pm, 3pm, 5.30pm & 8pm 5 9 9 2 CONTACT THE CINEMA TO CONFIRM SHOWTIMES AND FOR BOOKINGS PHONE 046 622 3440 9 8 7 videotronic Radio & T V Services For all your electronic requirements ALL ELECTRONIC REPAIRS Puzzle 13 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.46) 3 8 7 8 1 7 2 9 3 6 2 4 6 4 5 7 3 2 7 4 8 5 3 9 2 9 3 1 2 5 14 6 6 7 5 8 5 2 1 8 4 6 9 7 1 4 5 8 87 2 33 1 4 3 9 26 8 7 3 9 5 2 4 6 5 6 7 8 2 3 9 1 8 1 5 9 7 3 6 2 4 9 17 4 42 6 1 28 3 5 3 6 2 4 5 8 1 9 7 8 Puzzle 16 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.52) 9 7 3 4 6 1 2 5 8 1 2 8 7 5 3 4 6 9 6 4 5 8 2 9 1 7 3 4 1 9 2 7 3 5 51 6 9 3 7 6 8 2 154 2 3 7 8 6 9 1 6 1 359 4 7 3 4 5 8 2 8 9 2 6 1 5 3 4 7 3 5 4 8 7 1 6 8 52 79 19 (Medium, rating 0.56) tware/sudokugen/ on Fri Jul 17 10:31:14Puzzle 2009 GMT.difficulty Enjoy! #50 mara, the Cape Town gospel superstar, and Kororo “Kweriez” of Rhymes Squad fame. Their efforts and the production of their music by Siyabonga Hlekani – a Johannesburg composer and producer – have contributed to the popular rap music township flavour with which the group has become synonymous. “We are shooting another music video after Move and we are doing it at home”, Lance said proudly. The shooting of the this video has been delayed due to the heavy assault on band member Kwezi “Bond” Gumse, with the band deciding not to go ahead until “Bond” could participate. He has recently been released from hospital and is now steadily recovering at home. Lance remembers the time when he MMeMeleli NduNgaNe M dantsane music group Manskap is a contemporary hip-hop group who took East London by storm in 2007 with their debut mix album entitled Mdantsane. They released their second, self-titled album Manskap late last year, which sold more than 50 000 copies in the Eastern Cape and throughout South Africa, especially in Johannesburg. The group are now planning their second music video. Manskap consists of Lungelo “Lance” Mampofu , Khwezi “Bond” Gumse, Thulani “Tulz” Phezisa, Phindile “Blu” Magida and Mawethu “DeeBira” Matebese. The group has collaborated with other local music performers such as Lundi Tya- tvGUIDE sabc 2 sabc 1 73 High Street •Tel. 6227119 1 Mdantsane’s formidable music group used to dance his creative routines at Highway Super Centre in Mdantsane in 1992. These routines were the inspiration for his choreographed signature moves, which he shared with up-and-coming acts like Mzembe, S'bu and Sgcebe in the late 90s. “We have to be on local, national and international websites, radio stations and television networks,” Lance said, stressing the importance of private, public and corporate involvement in the arts, especially around “barren areas” in the Eastern Cape music landscape, such as Mdantsane. This self-owned, communitybased and youth-orientated group insist that other local musicians should stop over-analysing their work and celebrate local artists. Times and shows were correct at the time of going to press AGENTS Puzzle 20 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.58) 4 3 A A group of kids must protect Set in a future world where hutheir vacation home from invadmans can control other humans ing aliens. in massscale, multi-player online gaming enviroments, a star player Puzzle 18 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48) FRI at 3pm & 5.30pm from a game called Slayers looks SAT at 12.30pm, 3pm & 5.30pm to regain his independence while SUN at 12.30pm, 3pm & 5.30pm taking down the game's masterMON at 12.30pm, 3pm & 5.30pm mind. Starring Gerard Butler. TUES at 12.30pm, 3pm & 5.30pm WED at 12.30pm, 3pm & 5.30pm FRI at 3pm & 8pm THUR at 12.30pm, 3pm & 5.30pm SAT at 12.30pm, 3pm & 8pm 5 9 ALIENS IN THE ATTIC 16 NEW WAVE... Members of Manskap performing at Sisa Dukashe Stadium in Mdantsane during the Tourism Day Celebrations in September. Photo: Thando Bam 5 4 2 9 6 8 1 3 7 The solution will be published on Tuesday, 8 December 3 9 1 4 2 7 6 8 5 6 7 8 5 3 1 4 2 9 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. No number can be repeated in any row, column or box. 9 8 3 6 7 4 5 1 2 2 5 7 1 8 9 3 6 4 4 1 6 3 5 2 9 7 8 1 2 5 7 9 3 8 4 6 7 6 4 8 1 5 2 9 3 8 3 9 2 4 6 7 5 1 Solution for Tuesday, 1 December friday, 4 december 2009 6 082 049 2146 ....and your message could be published 7.30am Yo.TV Land, 12pm Judge Joe Brown, 1pm Yilungelo Lakho, 2pm Kids Are All Right, 3.30 The Tick, The Mummy, Puzzle4.30pm 14 (Medium, difficulty5pm rating 0.53) YO.TV Wildroom Mega, 4 6 3 2 7 5 1 8 9 5.30pm Siswati/Ndebele 9 News 8 5Headlines, 6 1 6pm 4 Bold, 7 3 2 2 6.30pm 7 1 FIFA 9 World 3 8Cup5 6 4 8 Draw, 1 49pm5 Generations, 9 3 6 2 7 10pm Blade 2. 6 saturday, 5 december 2009 3 SMS your comments to 3 7 1 4 2 sabc 3 5.30am Boots & All, 8am SuperGolf, 10am Nedbank Golf Challenge, 11am Hoodwinked!, 2pm The Beeps, 2.30pm Horseland, 3.30pm Hairy Scary, 4.30pm Dex Hamilton, 5pm All Access, 6pm Binnelanders, 6.30pm EGOLI, 7pm Christmas Wish List, 8pm Lie To Me, 9pm Vaatjie Sien Sy Gat. 6.30am 8 2 Knock 1 6 Knock, Weekend Live, 3 8.30am 4 7 9 5 7am 2 1Which 6 Way!, 8 10.10am House & Home, 10.40am Take A Biscuit, 11am 8 2 9 6 7 The 1 Power 5 3 Within, 4 11.30am Living Land, 12.30pm 5 61pm1Mu-4 8 Top 3 Travel, 7 9 12pm 2 Bold And 90 Plein Street, The Beautiful, 2pm Jamie vhango, 3pm Heartland, Puzzle 18 (Medium, difficulty rating2.30pm 0.48) Oprah, at Home, 4pm Batman, 6pm Nuus, Om, 1 2 8pm 4 7 5 3.30pm 3 6 Om 8 Shanti 9 6.30pm Smallville, Life’s Funniest 3 Moments, 7 8 9 6 6.30pm 4 2 Oceans 5 1 3, 7.30pm Dinosaur, 9pm My House in 9pm Lotto Draw, 9.35pm 5 9 6 8 1 Umbria. 2 3 4 7 Vodacom Thumb Wards. 07:05am Bump, 9.30am Rhythm City, 9.05am Sistahood, 12.30pm e-Shibobo, 1pm Superdance South Africa, 3.50pm Informercials, 4pm WWE, 5pm ECW, 6pm e News, 6.05pm Ripley’s Believe, 7pm e News, 7.30pm The Showbiz Report, 8pm Robots, 9.50pm My Brother's Keeper. 7am Barney & Friends, 7.30am Guess With Jess, 8am K-TV Power Edition, 8.50am KVSK, 9.30am Willa’s Wild Life, 10am Nedbank Golf Challenge, 1pm Standard Bank Odi International, 5pm Gary Player Invitational, 6pm 10 Years Of SuperSport At The NGC, 7pm Legend Of The Seeker. 2.30am Blue Collar, 5.30am 9 7 6 5 Free Spirit, 6am Spike, 1 9 Spike, 2 3 8.30am Free 6.30pm Spirit, 6 5 9.30am 9 2 Isidingo: The Need 5 1Omnibus, 3 8 1.30pm Car Quest, 6pm National 8 4 7 6 Geographic, 7pm News, 8pm Interface, 9pm Best of Special Assignment, 9.30pm Jeff LTD, 10pm Woodstock, 3 Days of Peace and Music. 8.30am Spirit of Praise, 10am Shiz Niz, 12.35am UEFA Magazine, 1.10pm Holes, 3.50pm Informercials, 5pm WWE Raw, 6pm eNews Early Edition, 6.05pm Shield Teens, 7pm eNews Prime Time, 7.30pm My Name Is Earl, 8pm Bad Boys, 10.20pm Duchess And The Dirtwater Fox. 7am Barney & Friends, 7.30am Guess With Jess, 8am Super Why, 10am Nedbank Golf Challenge, 12am Private Practice, 1am CSI: Miami, 2pm Brothers & Sisters, 3.00pm CSI, 4pm All Out Rugby, 5pm Friday Night Lights, 6pm Glee, 7pm Carte Blanche, 8.05pm Eagle Eye, 10pm Mad Men. 5am World Today, 7.30am Snazzy Stories, 10am 7de Laan, 10.30am Generations, 11am Isidingo, 11.30am The View, 1.30pm News Update, 2pm Vibes, 4pm 3 Talk, 6.30pm Isidingo, 7pm News, 7.30pm The Game, 8pm Momma's Boys. 6am Sunrise, 10am 3rd Degree, 10.30am Sunset Beach, 12.30pm Judge Judy, 1pm News Day, 1.30pm WWE, 2.30pm Bump, 6pm e News, 6.30pm Rhythm City, 7.30pm Scandal!, 8pm WWE Superstars. 10am Binelanders, 11am Egoli, 2pm Sea Princesses, 3pm Bakugan Battle, 4.30pm Dinosaur King, 5pm Lie To Me, 6pm Binnelanders, 6.30pm EGOLI, 7pm My Name Is Earl, 7.30pm HawthoRNe, 8.30pm Private Practice, 9.30pm When Did You Last See Your Father? 5 8 4 1 5.57am Op9Pad,77am 4 1 6 5 4 6 1 7 9 8 2 3 8 7am 2 3The Justice 1 5 Gang, 4 7 9 8 4 2 1 5 7 7am The Molo Show, 6 9 2 8 5 6 3 9 6 6am Jakkals8 Jol,19am 2 8am Courage the Cowardly 9 Dog, 5 9am 4 3Gospel 7 Gold, 6 1 8 2 7 10am 9 2 Agape, 8 11am 3 5 Spirit 6 4 1 3 Sundae, 8 5 12pm 4 6Big1Up, 9 2 7 1pm Precious Africa, 2pm 1 4 6 2 9 7 8 3 5 Telkom Splash, 2.30pm African Soccer Show, PuzzleFNB 20 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.58) 3pm Laduma, 6pm Moribo, 9 6.30pm 1 3 Asikhulume, 6 8 2 7 5 4 5 7.30pm 6 7 Zulu 4 News. 9 3 2 1 8 3 7 3 5 2 3 4 Issues Of Faith, 10am Life 4 Eastern 5 6 With Derek,711pm 4 Simcha, 8 3 1 Mosaic, 12pm 12.30pm Dr2 Phil6 1.30pm 7 4 Sport On 2, 3.30pm 7de 9 5 1 2 Laan, 6pm Nuus, 6.30pm Fokus, 7pm Stokvel, 8pm Gospel Time, 9pm Africa Batanai, 10pm NCIS, 11pm Heartland. 6am Morning Live, 8am 6 SABC International, 9am 7 Infomercials, 10am Jakkals 7 2.50pm 9 6 Informercials, 2 4 8 3pm 1 3 5 Jol, 12.30pm Dr. Phil, 1.30pm Days, 2.15pm Judge Mathis, 4pm Hectic 2 Nine -9, 4.30pm Sponge9 bob, 5.30pm News, 6pm When Duty Calls. 1 1 5 3 11am 5 8Gospel 9 Gold, 7 112pm 4 2 1 Yilungelo 2 4 Lakho, 5 3 1pm 6 Shift, 9 8 Ses’khona, 3.30pm Delilah 2 7 9 3 6 5 8 4 and Julius, 4.30pm Kid 4 Paddle, 8 5 6pm 7 Bold, 1 7pm 9 3 6 6 Nomzamo, 3 1 87.30pm 2 4News, 5 7 8pm Generations. M-Net 8am African News, 11am WWE, 12.30pm Judge Judy, 1pm News Day, 1.30pm WWE Smackdown, 2.30pm One Last Flight, 3.55pm Frenzy, 5.10pm Young And Restless, 6.30pm Rhythm City, 7pm News, 7.30pm Style By Jury, 8pm Kickboxer 2, 10pm e News, 10.35pm The Good Shepherd. 9 1 e - TV 8am AM Shopping, 6am Morning Live, 8am 10.30am Generations, 180 Degrees, 9.10am 11.30am The View, Thabang Thabong, 12.10pm 3 Talk with Noleen 11.30pm Ladies First, 1.30pm AfricaNews Update, 12.30pm Puzzle Dr. Phil, 151.30pm (Medium, difficulty rating 0.55) 2pm MTN One Day InternaDays Of Our Lives, 2.15pm 7 9 2 3 6 5 4 8 1 tional Series, 6pm Isidingo, Judge Mathis, 4pm Hectic 4 3 7de8 1 2 96.30pm 6 7News, 5 7pm MTN Nine - 9, 6.30pm Laan, 7.30pm 1 Noot 5 Vir 6 8 4 7One9Day 2International 3 Noot, 8.30pm 6 News, 1 3 2 9 4Series, 8 10.30pm 5 7 Life As A House. 9.30pm Ashifashabba. 5 7am 9 2YO.TV, 7 10:00am 8 6 3 3 Generations 5 9 8 Omnibus, 2 7 4 12.30pm Imizwilili, 1.30pm 4 8 3 6 9 2 7 5 Countdown 2010, 2pm 7 World 2 6of Sports, 4 5 2:00pm 1 8 9 3 World of Sport, 3pm LaPuzzle 17 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.52) duma, 6pm Selimathunzi, 4 6.30pm 6 8 Friends 5 1 Like 3 These, 2 7 9 2 7.30pm 3 1 Xhosa 7 4News, 9 8pm 5 6 8 Luduma, 10.15am Crown 5 7 9 6 2 8 4 1 3 Gospel Music Awards. sunday, 6 december 2009 8 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 EntErtainmEnt monday, 7 december 2009 9 8 8 7 9 3 6 7 3 8 4 1 9 4 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 9 WHAT’S ON What to do, Where to go Keep sending me your weekly listings and I’ll keep you informed on what is happening in and around Grahamstown! If you know of an event that you think Grocott’s Mail readers would be interested in, let us know by faxing us on 046 622 7282, by dropping it off at 40 High Street or email Please ensure that it reaches us by the Tuesday before publication. – Susan Powers FRIDAY, 4 DECEMBER CHRISTMAS MARKET When 11am – 9pm Where NG Church Hall, 57 Hill Street What Everything is handcrafted, and there will be 35 craft and home produce stalls and the popular Black Bean coffee shop. WhO Annelize Bosch on 083 279 7969 SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER OLDENBURGIA HIKING CLUB When 7.30am Where Meet at Pick n Pay What Join us in Cannon Rocks for the last hike of the year consisting of a walk through the dune forest with some wonderful views and then a walk along the beach. Lunch will be at Boknes. From there those who would like to walk to Diaz Cross can do so. Cost: R30 for petrol. Who Penny Tyson, hike leader, on 083 953 7405 or 046 622 9728 CHRISTMAS MARKET When 8am – 4pm (Please see Friday, 4 December for details) FARMERS MARKET When 9am – 1pm Where Old Gaol, Somerset Street What Fresh produce, dairy products, food stalls, essential oils, music, pottery, garden and potted plants, roses, homemade preserves, crafts and many other stalls. Fabulous handmade goodies and gift ideas. Come see, taste and join the festivities! Who Vanessa on 082 754 7172 or Leigh on 071 242 3050. 1820 SETTLERS JOLLY CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON When 12pm (drinks) & 12.30pm (lunch) Where The Highlander, Worcester Street What For Grahamstown members and their friends to celebrate our social event of the year! Book early through The Highlander on 046 622 3564. Who Hilde Slinger on 046 622 2100 ALBANY HORTICULTURAL & LILIUM SOCIETY When 2.30pm Where Leave from Albany Museum in Somerset Street What A visit to the gardens of members who cultivate liliums. The garden with the best display will win the Lou Mullins trophy. Tea will be provided but please bring along your own eats. All welcome Wh0 Sharon Richner on 072 244 3863 MONDAY, 7 DECEMBER SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING When 8pm Where St George’s Hall, High Street What Join us for a fun evening of Scottish country dancing. All are welcome, including beginners. Who Val on 046 622 2308 Forthcoming Attractions GRAHAMSTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY When Saturday, 12 December at 11am Where Depart from outside the Rhodes Fine Art department on the right hand side of Drostdy Arch What Travel to Brackkloof farm for our end of year bring-and-share luncheon. Bring your interesting anecdotes and stories as entertainment! Who 082 832 5839 Grocott’s Mail 40 High Street Grahamstown 6140 Tel: 622 7222 Fax: 622 7282 Matched? Hatched? Despatched? Need a advert in the newspaper? Contact Tamie WEDNESDAY, 9 DECEMBER A MAGICAL EVENING When 7pm for 7.30pm Where Shades of Green restaurant, Makana Resort What Join us for good food and wine accompanied by Evert van Niekerk on violin. Come and be thoroughly entertained. Only R60 per ticket. Limited seats available. This is a fundraiser for Somerset Place Home for the Aged. WhO For bookings please call Norma on 083 330 1594 Woolies 2009 baby ENTRY FROM 1st prize - R1000 clothing voucher • 2nd prize - R500 clothing voucher • 3rd prize - R250 clothing voucher NAME: _________________________ SURNAME: _____________________ AGE: ___________________________ For queries contact: Elmarie 046-622 3423 MAKANA MUNICIPALITY APPLICATION FOR CONSOLIDATION & SUBDIVISION OF ERVEN 2451, 2452 AND 2453, GROCOTT STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN Notice is hereby given in terms of section 24(1) of land use planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that the municipality has received application from MEH Sülter & Son on behalf of Diane Marion Ford for consolidation and subdivision of Erven 2451, 2452 and 2453, Grahamstown. Further particulars regarding this application may be obtained during office hours from the DIRECTORATE: TECHNICAL & INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES, GRAHAMSTOWN. Any person wishing to submit objection, if any must do so in writing to the MUNICIPAL MANAGER, P. O. BOX 176, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6140 on or before 25 December 2009. TALENTED BUNCH... The NV Cewu drama team are (from left) Lindokuhle Mzongwana, Sihle Budaza, Anelisa Gxekwa, Sinovuyo Geelbooi, Thabang Makeba, Nontembiso Memani (co-ordinator), Anelisa Rafa, Nwabisa Nkani and Asemahle Budaza. The club came first in the Makana Drama Festival on the junior level. "We are proud because we have competed with many schools in Grahamstown," says Memani. Photo: Maria Sibiya Ms. N. L. BAART MUNICIPAL MANAGER REFERENCE NUMBER: CS/ 2451, 2452 & 2453 NOTICE NUMBER: 116 /2009 Grocott’s GAO1161 homeFINDER 10 PROPERTY SUPPLEMENT Gill Meyer 082 651 9976 Chris Armitage 084 444 7884 STEWART ARMITAGE ESTATES 81 CHURCH SQUARE TEL. 046 622 4134 E-mail: Chris has had over 30 years experience in the Grahamstown property market. ARIES NEST - R675 000 BRIAR ROSE OVERLOOKS ST ANDREW’S - From R1 350 000 Friday, 4 December 2009 +28a Hill Street (Cnr Hill & Beaufort St) g 046 636 1174 • Fax: 046 636 1186 Jeff 082 940 1418 RESIDENTIAL RENTALS Modern 3 bedroomed lock-up and go apartments overlooking Lower Field. Approximately 106m² KINGSVIEW ESTATE FROM R1 050 000 KINGS MANOR - R850 000 2 Bedroom apartment. Excellent investment with strong returns. McGowan Str bedsitter flat FITZROY PARK - R880 000 Warren Str 3 b/r available in 5 b/r house R1 720/rm R1 330/m (mature female student) SOLE MANDATE SOLE MANDATE Luxury units in secure estate 3 Bedroom spacious apartment let at R6 600p/m for 2010. Excellent return. 3 Bedroomed unit close to Kingswood OATLANDS NORTH - R980 000 COUNTRY RESIDENCE SUMMER PLACE - R750 000 Beaufort St: furnished 4 bedroom house R1 480/rm Shepperson lane: 3 b/r house R5 550/m neg Shepperson lane: 3 b/r house R5 000/m Gowie St: 4 b/r house R6 500/m Hill 60: Cory circle 4 bedroom house R6 000/m Wincanton 3 bedroom house with pool R4 900/m SOLE MANDATE 3 Bedroomed home with magnificent views in secure new complex. 2010 Digslist available E-mail us, ring us, or come see us at our office SOLE MANDATE DUAL MANDATE Just 5 minutes outside Grahamstown. 4 Bedroom home on 4 hectares. Sort-after 2 bedroomed apartment let at R4 800p/m for 2010 SUNNYSIDE LE TE SO ATENDA NDMA MOALE S Tel: 046 622 5546 Fax: 046 622 5548 MULTI AWARD WINNING AGENT FOR INSTITUTE OF ESTATE AGENTS AND IPC 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008 MONIKA GAYBBA 082 855 0015 STONES HILL E OL S SPACIOUS & CHARMING 19TH CENTURY VILLA with sizeable bedrooms, fireplaces, yellowwood floors, bay-window. It’s more than just a home. R2 350 000 L UA D ATE D N MA PRIME POSITION PLOT with flat & garages in an exceptional setting. Close St Andrews Prep. Would suit a designer home. POA LIFESTYLE RESIDENCE WITH GRANDEUR & DISTINCTION. Spacious kitchen, open-plan living area, pool, gazebo, terrace overlooking rolling lawns & spectacular garden. Ideal for entertaining. R4 600 000 KINGSWOOD STONES HILL E OL S ATE ND MA SUNNY NORTH-FACING HOME, 3 bedrooms, living, dining & TV rooms, double garage, secure garden & pool with private deck. Close to schools. A rare find at R1 100 000 A LM A DU ATE D N MAKE YOUR LIVING IN A COUNTRY SETTING! Just minutes from town is this picturesque property with a family home & 5 separate guest units. R2 600 000 INVESTMENT WITH VIEW 2BR units minutes from town centre. Rental potential R4400/month! R675 000 OATLANDS NORTH OATLANDS ATE D N MA CENTRAL EM L SO ATE D AN DOUBLE DEAL. 2 spacious 2 BR units in secure sought-after complex. Rental potential R8800/month. A great investment. R990 000 SMALL HOLDING W NE SE LEA RE OAK TREES & OPEN SPACE Uniquely positioned home with an abundance of space, embraces its surroundings. POA OATLANDS NORTH LE SO ATE ND MA TWO-IN-ONE 3BR family home with SQ, double garage & pool. Large 2nd dwelling. Very good resale area. R1 550 000 WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL REFERRAL NETWORK. CONTACT US IF YOU ARE MOVING OUT OF TOWN. Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 11 HOMEFINDER ABOVE THE CROWD The RE/MAX High Fliers RE/MAX Passion (Grahamstown) ALEXIS BOWKER & LIZA BOTHA RE/MAX Initiative (Grahamstown) GWYNETH TRAFFORD RE/MAX Branding (Grahamstown) CHARMAINE VAN STADEN REACH FOR A DREAM (Grahamstown) MEYRICK BOWKER HIGHLANDS COUNTRY ESTATE From R570 000 A t a gala event held in Port Elizabeth at Elizabeth House, 120 RE/MAX Associates and Support Staff celebrated another successful year as the premier real estate market leader. Our Top Achievers were recognised without whom the RE/MAX dream of being “Above the Crowd” would not be a reality. The RE/MAX family wishes you all a Festive Season. NEW RELEASE 1st position: Top Agent for commission earned & Units Sold (Ght) 1st position: Top agent for commission earned & units sold (E. Cape) JEAN RODGERSON CRADOCK HEIGHTS R1 050 000 KINGSWOOD 3rd position: Agent of the Year units sold (Eastern Cape) 3rd position: Agent of the Year commission earned (Eastern Cape) ALEXIS BOWKER R1 400 000 JOZA R220 000 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE with the primary goal being to create an upmarket and aesethetically pleasing and secure eco estate and secure living environment. ±15km from Grahamstown. Only 15 plots available. All with magnificent views. WEBREF: 300274745 JEAN 082 772 0396 THE GREENS SOLE MANDATE DUAL MANDATE SOLE MANDATE DUAL MANDATE From R525 000 DUAL MANDATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OF • BODY CORPORTATES • HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONS • RENTALS ELEGANT AND SECURE. Delightful family home comprising of 3 bed, 2 bathrooms (mes). Open plan kitchen/diningroom and 1 lounge. Lovely undercover braai area. Single garage. Top security. WEBREF: 300273864 LOADS OF SPACE. Great family home on large grounds. Pool, flat, separate office and more. So much on offer here! WEBREF: 300261336 JEAN 082 772 0396 ALEXIS 083 461 5572 GUARANTEED TO PLEASE AT THIS PRICE. Semi-detached home with spacious rooms perfect for handy husband and hardworking housewife lots of room for improvement NO 1 STUDENT COMPLEX in town. Situated in the heart of town in excellent, secure location, metres walk from Rhodes University and direct access into all shops at Pick n Pay mall. WEBREF: 300263407 WEBREF: 300212139 WENDY 082 863 9483 ALEXIS 083 461 5572 WESTHILL Needing more detail? Contact Gwyneth at Cell no: 076 239 8583 Office hours: 046 622 6061 From R1 380 000 DUAL MANDATE A STEP AWAY FROM ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE MAIN SPORTS FIELD 1 7 Top quality finishes throughout. 3 Bedrooms, open plan living area and kitchen, underfloor heating. Double doors out to patio with magnificent views of St Andrew’s College Lower field. Also included: Lift, washing machine, tumble drier, fridge, oven & hob Jean Rodgerson Sales Associate Manageress Alexis Bowker Sales Associate Wendy King Sales Associate Leon Kruger Farming & Lifestyle Associate 7 S LE OLD FT JEAN 082 772 0396 Meyrick Bowker Farming Associate Dave Mullins Auctioneer Farming Associate Eric Miatsha Sales Associate Charmaine van Staden Rental Associate 12 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 HOMEFINDER “Artfully uniting extraordinary properties with extraordinary lives” CENTRAL - R555 000 CENTRAL - R680 000 CENTRAL - R1 300 000 Web Ref No: 0000 471 891 NEW Sole Mandate CENTRAL - R450 000 SE EA REL Dual Mandate Sole Mandate STUDENT ACCOMODATION OPPORTUNITY This one bedroom flat with balcony and lovely living area is tenanted for 2010. don’t miss out on this excellent investment. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Spacious 2 bedroom flat with large living area on African Street! Tenanted for 2010 with great income! Perfect for Students! CUYLER ST CITY CENTRE 3 x 2 bedded units all in one! Brilliant rental income! Neat and tidy, quiet and peaceful. Brilliant location, close to everything. PARADISE ROW Well built and spacious three bedroom house with space for expansion. SUNNYSIDE - R1 295 000 SUNNYSIDE - R950 000 KINGSWOOD - R895 000 OATLANDS - R1 100 000 Web Ref No: 0000 555 817 Sole Mandate Dual Mandate OATLANDS - R1 800 000 Web Ref No: 0000 565 595 Web Ref No: 0000 259 540 Sole Mandate Sole Mandate Sole Mandate Beautiful secure refurbished home in a tranquil setting. Warm and spacious, 3 bedrooms and wooden floors. Includes a neat spacious flat downstairs. This darling property in sought after Cross Street must be viewed. A CHARMING PIECE OF HISTORY! SPACIOUS, NEAT ATTRACTIVE HOME IS IDEAL “LOCK-UP-AND-GO” Safe and secure with a friendly warm feel. 2 Bedrooms and a separate guest toilet. Attractive spacious lounge and dinningroom with character and charm. GREAT LOCATION GREAT INVESTMENT 5 Man student digs. Lease signed for 2010. Remote access and secure. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION OPPOSITE CHRIST CHURCH Family home with spacious bedrooms. Private and secluded north-facing garden and double garage. OATLANDS - R1 325 000 OATLANDS - R1 250 000 SUNNYSIDE PLOT - R285 000 TINGEL - R999 000 OATLANDS - R2 160 000 Web Ref No: 0000 555 412 Web Ref No: 0000 554 674 Sole Mandate Sole Mandate PERFECT FAMILY LOCK-UP-AND-GO Venita Arguile Joy Miles Marlene Prinsloo Mzoli Luzipo This well-located historical Charmer offers heaps of accommodation. It’s situated in the leafy heart of Oatlands and must be viewed! Sole Mandate HENS TEETH? Sole Mandate PERFECT LOCATION FOR STUDENTS A LEVEL STAND OF 601m² AVAILABLE in Cathcart Street Sunnyside. Don’t delay, this won’t be around too long! This spacious and light townhouse is ideal for student Digs. Calling investors, this kind of opportunity raely comes up! STUNNING VICTORIAN HOME Restored character home, ideally located to Kingswood in the heart of Oatlands. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Postnet Suite 7 Private Bag X1672 Grahamstown OATLANDS NORTH - R1 800 000 OATLANDS NORTH - R2 300 000 fORT eNGLAND - R510 000 S Peppergrove Mall, African Street, Grahamstown. Tel: 046 636 1388 1st Floor Eskom Building 110 High Street Grahamstown STUNNiNG VieWS OVeR TOWN. LOADS Of ROOm WiTH 6 beDROOmS AND 3 bATHROOmS. HUGe GARDeN. call aNDRea 082 550 1937 D L O S Sole Mandate STONE VICTORIAN 072 600 0065 084 320 9238 072 209 6658 078 527 5465 D L O S S S This lovely freehold unit with low levies is spacious with a lovely private garden. D L O D OL D OL mODeRN AND SPACiOUS. TOP LeVeL SeCURiTY. LARGe eNTeRTAiNmeNT AReAS. TWO fLATS fOR eXTRA iNCOme call aNDRea 082 550 1937 KiNGSVieW eSTATe - R1 400 000 Tel/Fax: 046 636 2636 THe bRiAR ROSe - fROm R1 375 000 DUAL mANDATe eXCLUSiVe DeVeLOPmeNT bORDeRiNG COLLeGe’S LOWeR fieLD. 3 beD, 2 bATH APARTmeNTS. LimiTeD NO.Of UNiTS LefT. call leslie 082 652 4158 HiLL SiXTY - R1 300 000 Ingredients: Mint Fruit Salad • 2 pink grapefruit - O/S • 2 large oranges - R6.99 p/kg • 2 nectarines - R19.99 p/kg • 2 kiwi fruits - R3.99 each • 2 tablespoons mint leaves DUAL mANDATe 3 beDROOmS, 1 bATHROOm, HUGe KiTCHeN, LAUNDRY & eNCLOSeD GARDeN. CLOSe TO SHOPS. call NaTalia 072 214 4700 COmmeRCiAL PROPeRTY - R8 miLL WeLL APPOiNTeD OPeN-PLAN SPACiOUS UNiT iN SeCURe COmPLeX WiTH eASY ACCeSS TO COmmUNAL fACiLiTieS. call MaRioN 083 244 6409 LOCK-UP ‘N GO - R700 000 SOLe mANDATe LARGe fAmiLY HOme NeSTLeD iN THe TReeS. GOOD AReA. GReAT VieWS. LOTS Of SPACe LAUNDRY, DbL, GARAGe AND CARPORT. call aNDRea 082 550 1937 - R6.99 • 1 tablespoon sugar business for Sale CeNTRAL TRADiNG STORe R180 000. SOLe mANDATe PRime COmmeRCiAL SiTe. We ALSO HAVe SeVeRAL LUCRATiVe bUSiNeSSeS fOR SALe. call leslie 082 652 4158 immACULATe 2 beDROOm TOWNHOUSe. CLOSe TO GRAeme COLLeGe, GARDeN AND bUiLT-iN bRAAi call NaTalia 072 214 4700 WeLL eSTAbLiSHeD GeNeRAL DeALeR & TAKe AWAY. GOOD ViSibiLiTY. fiNANCiALS AVAiLAbLe. eXPeRieNCeD STAff. SOLD LOCK STOCK & bARReL call MaRioN HeNDRy 083 244 6409 Phone Number: 046 622 3258 Using a sharp paring knife, cut the peel and all white pith away from the outside of the grapefruit and oranges. Working carefully over a serving bowl, slip the knife along the membranes on both sides of each segment to release the segments from the membranes into the bowl. Repeat until you have removed all segments from the citrus fruit. Squeeze the membranes to release any juices into the bowl. Remove the pits from the nectarines and then cut each half into 8 thin slices. Peel the kiwi and cut each into 8 to 10 thin lengthwise slices. Add the mint and sugar and toss gently to combine. Refrigerate for 15 minutes before serving. Toss gently and serve in small chilled bowls Source: ( Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 13 Homefinder GRAHAMSTOWN OFFICE FAX EMAIL 046 622 2778 046 622 7877 AFRICAN STREET R645 000 OATLANDS NORTH R990 000 R150 000 OATLANDS NORTH R810 000 Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1012830 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 1 | Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1012904 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 1 | ELLENOR COURT Ideally situated within walking distance of Rhodes, this ground floor apartment is ideal for student accommodation. SHOWN WITH PRIDE The great room, dining area and kitchen are placed in an energy-efficient cluster. EXTENSION 7 Large house with a spacious front room is the perfect home for a young family needing loads of space. ADORABLE AND AFFORDABLE Sun-drenched bedrooms with French doors flowing onto the large pool and braai area. SATURDAY 05 DECEMBER View from 10am-12pm. Follow pointer boards from African Street. Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 DEVELOPMENT WESTHILL R560 000 FORT ENGLAND R510 000 ALICEDALE R75 000 WEB ACCESS 1GC432511 SHOWHOUSE Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1001255 SUNNYSIDE WEB ACCESS 1GC1000618 KINGS FLATS FROM R1.25 MILLION R3.25 MILLION Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1009163 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GT448619 Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1006186 Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1012648 Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 3 | Garage 2 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1008237 LOCK UP AND GO Centrally situated apartment with brand new kitchen. Ideal student accommodation. Not to be missed. GREAT STARTER HOME Spacious family home close to shopping complex and CBD. ROLLING FAIRWAYS Magnificent Eastern Cape bushveld surrounds this Gary Player-designed golf course. MILNER STREET Perfect lock-up-go apartments for private school parents. This secure development is within walking distance to St Andrew’s. ON ST ANDREW’S DOORSTEP 5-Bedroom home set on large grounds with wooden floors, veranda and pool. The kids can walk to school and sport. Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 OATLANDS CRADOCK HEIGHTS CBD OATLANDS NORTH R4.6 MILLION Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1009036 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 | PEACEFUL ESTATE Set on large grounds in a peaceful cul-de-sac, this home offers reception areas overlooking manicured garden and Albany fields. Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 KINGS HEIGHTS R310 000 R1.295 MILLION WEB ACCESS 1GC1002125 R1.3 MILLION R652 000 R1.075 MILLION Bedrooms 6 | Bathrooms 3 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1011711 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1 | ON TOP OF THE WORLD Modern, newly built home for a family starting out. Open plan living, double garage, and views of Grahamstown. CBD ADDRESS Well situated between High and New Streets, the property boasts 3 x 2-bedroom flats. Perfect for student digs or business premises. SIZE PLUS LOCATION Enjoy the spacious open plan lounge, kitchen and dining room. This unit has a private garden and entertainment area with braai facilities. SPLIT LEVEL HOME On level ground. Top quality finishes throughout. Beautiful views across the valley. The main bedroom opens onto a balcony. Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 KINGSWOOD KINGSWOOD EXTENSION 5 R1.195 MILLION R1.4 MILLION WEB ACCESS 1GC1010431 CRADOCK HEIGHTS R420 000 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2.5 | Garage 2 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1012305 KINGS GARDENS FROM R695 000 Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GT466627 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1011199 Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 3 | Garage 2 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1009012 Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1012130 Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2.5 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1000634 HIGH AND MIGHTY Your opportunity to design and build your dream home in a secure development complex, overlooking the best views of Grahamstown. CUTE AND COMPACT Ideal starter home for newlyweds or firsttime homebuyer. Good area close to schools with security and privacy. SPACE TO RUN Lovely family home with swimming pool, entertainment area and guest suite. Set on large grounds, it is ideal for the busy family. JUST MOVE IN Exceptionally neat and well maintained home in good area, close to schools. Built-in oven and hob, plenty of built-in cupboards. LOCK UP AND GO Ideal as a base in town with superb finishes and appliances. Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 RENTALS HOUSES: 4 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms 6 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms 6 Bedrooms R6 500 R8 000 R10 800 R6 700 R9 000 1 Dec 1 Dec 1 Dec 1 Dec 1 Jan TOWNHOUSES: 2 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms R5 500 R4 400 1 Jan 1 Dec FLATS: 2 Bedrooms R5 000 1 Dec 4 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms Bachelor flat R6 600 R4 800 R4 000 R2 000 1 Dec 1 Dec 1 Dec 1 Dec COTTAGES: 2 Bedrooms + pool R4 000 Industrial units R700 1 Dec Immediately Designed by | 082 454 8242 Contact ooba today. Call us on 0860 00 66 22. 14 INTERFAITH Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 CHURCH SERVICES WHO WANTS A PRESENT?... The learners at Nompumelelo Pre-Primary School put their hands up at the end of the year Christmas function. Their teacher Buki Gqeke proudly directed a concert for the parents of the little ones before handing out Christmas gifts. Photo: Steven Lang Thought for the week Preparing for Christmas! C an you believe it? The year is almost over! I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted! Feels like everything has whizzed by this year! What a rush! I found this quote by actor Robin Williams: “Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves!” So true! I think I am always in hurry in Grahamstown, but what does it feel like living in Jo’burg with all those road alterations for 2010? If I forget something in Grahamstown, I can at least go home and get it – if you forget anything there – too bad! Amidst this silly season comes Christmas! Yes, it will be here in a few weeks time – and yes we will need to rush around and do all the Christmas shopping, attend all the yearend functions and prepare for guests. But before you sigh in disbelief at all the extra energy you will need to do it all, take a moment to think. What is Christmas about really? They say Christmastime is like a magnifying glass of sorts. For some, it reveals the blessings of life they possess and for others it reminds them of the blessings of life still hoped for or lost. For some it projects the light of their dreams, hopes, and wishes and for others it reruns the sad dimness of what could have been, isn’t yet, or is no more. Regardless of what this time exaggerates in your life, I want to encourage you all to use Christmas like a telescope. Gaze into it and discover again the mystery of God’s love given to us before we loved Him. That baby in the manger is the source of everything bright in life and the solution to everything that is dim and dark in this world. May Jesus, the hope of the whole world fill your heart with everything that is noble, true and brings peace to your life. Rev Geoff Probert Trinity Presbyterian Church Celebrating Christmas at Trinity Presbyterian YOU are invited to join Trinity Presbyterian Church to celebrate Christmas through music and the Word. A Christmas Carol Service will be held on Sunday 6 December at 9.30am. Taking part in the service will be local choir Still4Eva, formed by musically-inclined students from Rhodes University whose goals are to develop the musical talent of Grahamstown's youth. Still4Eva have performed at the National Arts Festival's Gospel Africa programme for the last two years. On Sunday, 20 December a combined service with the Dutch Reformed Church will be held at Trinity at 9.30am. This is the fourth year that the two churches have combined to celebrate Christmas. Rev Geoff Probert of Trinity and Ds Strauss de Jager of the NG Kerk invites everyone to join this special celebration of Christian unity. The service will be conducted in English and Afrikaans. Tower of London Choir to visit our Cathedral THE Choir of the Chapel Royal at the Tower of London, one of the finest chapel choirs in the UK, will be visiting Grahamstown in January. Consisting of ten professional singers under the direction of Colum Carey, organist and director of music, the choir will be giving recitals in Cape Town and leading worship at St George’s Cathedral, prior to coming to Grahamstown. On Sunday, 10 January the choir will be leading the singing at a Choral Eucharist at 8.30am in the Cathedral of St Michael and St George. The preacher will be Prof Michael Whisson. At Evensong on the same day the choir will again lead the worship and the preacher will be the Queen’s Chaplain at the Tower of London. AUCTIONS Thursday 10th December 2009 @ 11am Listed Items: A REAL SMORGASBORD OF A SALE 1x suzuki jeep (4x4) 1x 125cc offroad suzuki mbike 2x lister engines with pump comp 1x 3 point cement mixer 2x 3 furrow ploughs 1x disc plough 1x bushcutter 1xmealie/bean planter 1x brick mould maker 1x hammermill 1x lynx cagetrap 1x lister generator 1x river boat with trailor & electric motor 1x bath - ball & claw 1x dover stove fence droppers selection fence wire irrigation pipes In Support of the Manley Flats Hall various items of furniture livestock store lambs fat lambs piglets boergoats heifers fat cattle thin cattle fowls ABUNDANT LIFE WORSHIP CENTRE (Kuyasa School Hall) 10.30am morning service Pastor NC Julius 079 496 4256 APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SA (cnr Ncame and Makana Way, Ext 4, white tent next to Telkom tower) 9am Youth and Sunday School Services 10am morning service ASSEMBLY OF GOD (Blackbeard Street) 10am – erediens, 6nm aanddiens Pastoor B Brown 046 622 4963 AGS/ATMEL SHADDAI (Johnny Burgess Hall, Middle Terrace Road) 10am Erediens 5pm Aanddiens Oud Rolen 073 453 9934 Dieken Ronnie 083 610 2926 Evang Edwin 079 306 7577 CATHEDRAL OF ST MICHAEL & ST GEORGE (High Street) 7.30am: Holy Eucharist (SAPB) 9.30am: Sung Eucharist (AAPB) Preacher: The Revd Claire Nye Hunter NB: No 5pm service 7pm Evening Prayer Preacher: Prof Geoff Antrobus CHRIST CHURCH (Speke Street) 8.30am Holy Eucharist 2nd, 4th Sundays APB 1989, all other Sundays BCP1662 CONQUERORS COVENANT CHURCH (Nombulelo Hall, Joza) Services every Sunday 10am – 12pm Nceba Ngeju 073 653 2655 EMMANUEL ASSEMBLY (12 Paton Place, Vergenoeg) 9am Sunday School, 10.30am morning service 5.30pm evening service Rev L Williams 046 622 4388 (H) FRONTIERS CHURCH INTERNATIONAL (Oatlands School Hall, African Street) 9.30am morning service Dave Koch 084 470 2095 or 046 636 7815 FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD (11 Caldecott Street) 9am Morning service and 9am Promise land (Sunday School) 6.30pm evening service Pastor Neels Prinsloo 046 622 5949 FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD (24 P Street) 10am Kidz Church 11am morning service Pastor TP Dube Ngcayisa 082 355 8860 GRAHAMSTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH (Bathurst Street) 9.30am morning worship and Sunday School Every 1st Sunday Communion 6.30pm evening service Every 3rd Sunday Communion 11.30am Kariega Church 4th Sunday only GRAHAMSTOWN CHRISTIAN CENTRE (Lucas Meyer Ave) 9am Sunday worship Pastor D Hagemann 046 622 3309 HIS PEOPLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (VG High Scool hall) 9am Morning services 6.30pm. Evening service 046 622 3426 JABEZ HOUSE ASSEMBLY (Sun City community creche) 10am morning service 6pm evening Service Pastor T Smit 079 622 9812 MARIYA uMAMA weTHEMBA MONASTERY (Highlands Road) Holy Cross Benedictine Monks 9am Holy Eucharist 046 622 8111 METHODIST CHURCH OF SA Commem 9am T Scheepers Wesley J Headbush (c) Sole Memorial 10am J Headbush (c) Thanksgiving NEDERDUITSE GEREFORMEERDE KERK (38 Market St) 9vm oggenddiens, aand selgemeentes Tuesday 6pm stilworddiens 046 622 4598 NEDERDUITSCH HERVORMDE KERK Every Sunday 9am erediens Port Alfred 2nd and 4th Sundays 11am eredienste Cannon Rocks Prof John Gericke 046 624 9025 PEACE OF CHRIST MINISTRIES AND PRAISE (Samuel Ntlebi Hall) 9am: Kidz Church 9.30am Intercession 10am: Sunday Service Pastor PP Pango 082 662 9422 PINKSTER PROTESTANTE KERK (Brushwood Farm, industrial area, behind Grahamstown Prison) 9am Sondagskool 10am oggenddiens 7pm aanddiens Shawn Warren 082 808 6136 RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) 622 3382 or 622 3076 RIVER OF LIFE (Assembly of God cnr Hill and Huntley St) 8.30am MORNING ALIVE ( Worship service & Kidz Church) 10.30am ( Worship service & Kidz Church) 6.30pm (Dynamic evening service) Pastor John & Debbie Sloane 046 622 3626 ROCK OF AGES CHRISTIAN CHURCH INTERNATIONAL Duna Library - Joza 10am: Sunday Service Past FW Arendse 072 118 9049 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH (next to Pick n Pay) 9.30am Sabbath School (Saturday) 11am worship service ST AUGUSTINE’S CHURCH 9.30 am Sunday service ST BARNABAS (Alicedale) 10am Xhosa service on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month and the English service on the 3rd. J Olckers 042 231 1159 or Rev Cynthia Webbstock 046 636 2090 ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH (Market Street) 9am Eucharist with hymns (APB1989) Fr Eric Kelly 046 622 4552 ST CLEMENT’S CHURCH (top end of High Street, next to Railway Station) 9am – Holy Eucharist ST CYPRIAN’S (Highlands) 10am every second Sunday. Contact R Wilmont 046 622 8841 or Rev Cynthina Webbstock 046 636 2090 ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH (Joza) Mass: 8am ST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH (Albany Road) Sunday Mass 10am Tuesday service 6pm ST PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH (47 Hill Street) 8.30am Sunday Mass. 046 622 2808 ST PETER CLAVER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH (Raglan Road) 11am Mass ST PETER’S (Sidbury) 10am Every 1st Sunday. R Hart 042 235 1250 or Rev Cynthia Webbstock on 046 636 2090 THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF AFRICA (Z Street, Joza) 10am Sunday School, 11am Service Rev KA Ndaleni THE OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN ZION OF SA (behind Benjamin Mahlasela High School) 11am Sunday Service, 6pm Wednesday service Archbishop NT Chrisjan 083 363 1073 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER–DAY SAINTS (6 Bennett Street) 9am Sundays 046 622 5705 TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Hill Street) 9.30am morning worship and Sunday School 7pm evening worship Rev Geoff Probert 046 622 3812 UNION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (Albany Road) 9am Sunday School, 10am morning service 6pm evening service WAY OF GOD MINISTRIES (Ext 6, next to Joza Indoor Sports Centre) 10am Sunday service 6pm evening service Apostle PS Ngqezana 084 824 2363 classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 8. Motoring 9. Legals 10. Extras 15 Friday, 4 December 2009 2. ANOUNCEMENTS Anniversary Notices 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. POTGIETER - Neill & Brenda. Congratulations Mom and Dad on your special anniversary. Wishing you love, laughter and happiness to be shared throughout the years ahead. All my love Cindy-Ann. AA PROTEA GROUP. Antic Hall, 7.30pm Monday nights. 22 Albany Road, next to New Apostolic Church. Cell: John 083 550 4221. Wilfred 073 292 6057 and Antony 082 682 1234. If anyone, anywhere reaches out for help we want the hand of the AA to be there. Health KERSMARK/ XMAS MARKET Fri 4 Dec 11:00 - 21:00 Sat 5 Dec 08:00 - 16:00 NG KERKSAAL 57 Hill Str PHYSIOTHERAPIST Sports, Spinal & General Practice Med aids accepted Mark Anderson BSc(Hons) 079 381 4466 046 603 2314 Health Shop Gift Choices for Christmas and the Holidays • Private Garden: range of soaps, body butters, lotions, foam bath and bath rocks • Inthusiasm: range of natural mineral makeup • Aromatic Apothcany: range of bath and massage oil blends, creams, sprays, vapour essences and bath salts. F&J Motors will be closed from 18 December 2009 and re-opens on 11 January 2009. Jacob and Morné would like to thank all their customers for 2009 and wishes them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Give something different this Christmas. • Life of the Rev H.H Dugmore Poet Preacher 1810 - 1897.Pub 1920. @ R180-00. • Verse by Rev H.H. Dugmore Pub 1920 @ R100-00. • The Tale of a Library (Grahamstown) 1827 - 1948 by C.C. Wiles Pub 1948 @ R50.00. • Grocott & Sherrys Photographic Souvenir Album of Grahamstown Pub 1898 @ R550-00. Available from Ronel @ Grocotts Tel:046-6227222 or 082 857 8166 3. SALES & SERVICES Books & Stationery 129 High St 6223549 In Memoriam BOOKS Joanne to James eldest son of Mark & Katrina Barry of Nelspruit on Saturday 5 December 2009. Welcome to our family James! AND We stock a large variety of books by SA Authors eg. Poetry Children’s Books War Stories Novels Short Stories Plays, etc Education SOCIETY FOR THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED Equipping the physically disabled with skills to become self-employed. Tel / Fax 046 622 5359 Po Box 274 Cottage Furniture Antiques 2nd Hand Furniture Furniture Removals etc. Gardening Davin Farm For Instant laid lawn Gates Vaughan 083 651 7463 046 625 0826 GRASS CUTTING. Once off clean ups. Refuse removal. Tree felling/pruining, hedge trimming and weed spraying. General maintenance. 082 696 6831 or 071 897 6569. Home Maintenance The Sunshine Cleaning Company Cell: 082 820 5598 Tel: 046 622 3937 Personal Supervision • Carpets • Upholstery • Windows • Office Valet • Car Valet • Maid service - supervised Commercial and Domestic We Build It Phone: Niël on 082 771 0013 Fax: 046 636 1686 e-mail: BUILDING ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS RESTORATIONS RENOVATIONS Jewellery Driving School Code 10 - POA Code 8 - POA Mike: 082 430 9855 70 High Street Grahamstown Tel/Fax 046 622 3115 • Engraving • Watch & Jewellery Repairs Finance Can’t pay your accounts? Phone Shirley Robinson @ Alpha Debt Counselling on 082 083 5709 or 046 622 8064. DEBT PROBLEMS? We can reduced your debt repayments!! Have a stress free festive season. For immediate relief call 083 270 8986 or 076 371 6640 12A Oatlands Road, Grahamstown. Classic Blinds 7 Beadle Street, Grahamstown 083 468 0887 046 622 5634 Office Hours After Hours For Professional and Affordable Blinds Venetian Blinds / Vertical Blinds Grass & Bamboo Blinds Repairs to Blinds We render services in and around Grahamstown/Port Alfred/Kenton-on-Sea etc For free quotations contact Bennie B ers & Seller uy bentwoods Select 2nd Hand Furniture nt b iqu es & Collecta 2A Cawood Street •Watches •Jewellery •Trophies •Medals •Gifts •African Curios •Zippo Lighters Pets FAIRBAIRN KENNELS & CATTERY Furniture STATIONERY FOR RHODES UNIVERSITY, SCHOOLS, BUSINESSES & GENERAL PUBLIC The Knock Shop TEL: 622 3473 CELL: 072 399 1678 A David & Jean Rodgerson of Grahamstown proudly announce the marriage of their eldest daughter 87 Beaufort St, Grahamstown 046-622 7042 s Marriage Book Shop Room 15 EPBS Building Cnr of 87 High & Hill Street Peppergrove Mall Phone/Fax: 046 636 1496 SIAS, Dennis. In loving memory of our beloved husband, father & grand father who left us a year ago on 5/12/09. Always in our thoughts & prayers. Your wife, children & grand children. NELM les 1. PERSONAL Tel: 046 622 3527 Cell: 082 552 3829 & Cleaning Services For Well Cared-for, Happy Pets Mobile Auto Valet Service Carpets/Upholstery/Windows Household/Office Cleaning Maid Service 046 636 1214 * 073 217 8258 SPCA 046 622 3233, EMERGENCY: 079 037 3466 ANIMALS FOUND • Cattle and donkeys found on the N2 and town • Dark tabby kittens found in Whiteside Street. ANIMALS FOR ADOPTION • Jack Russell, lovely nature, pretty to look at. • Beautiful Swiss White Shepherd and loving JR X, in need of a loving home. • Several lovely puppies, black and white, tan, fluffy, 2 very sturdy pups, could be a Rottweiler X. • Tan Afrikanis, a handsome fellow, badly needs a home. • We have some really beautiful kittens, dark grey tabby, tabby and white, fluffy dark tabby, ginger and white, ginger calico and many more. • Several adult cats, 2 calico. Ginger and white teenager, lovely fluffy ginger, all good natured and waiting for loving homes. SPCA says a very big thank you to Mark of Graham house for the wonderful donation, to Kingswood Junior thank you so much for collecting such a generous donation. Thank you to the Abrahams for the big bags of dog food. Also to all those other kind people for food, apples and carrots for the donkeys. Summer is here. Please ensure that your pet has a fresh supply of water 24 hours a day and shelter from rain and hot sun. Thank you to Colin Meyer for the donation of bricks. Security East Cape Access Systems “For all your access control and vehicle security needs” Electic gates, burglar bars, pallisade fencing, VESAapproved car alarms/ immobilisers/gearlocks Call 046 622 5668 or visit us in Anglo-African Street for a free quotation Dennis van der Merwe TRELLIDOR AGENT Tel: 082 657 3719 Swimming Pools (Up the road from Village Green) Tel: 046 622 5171 BIRITE 27 Bathurst Street Telephone 622 2983 Buyers & Sellers of • New and Secondhand Furniture Marius Barnard. PlumbVisit ing & renovations. Roof, gutters, watertank, driveway steamcleaning. 24hr service. Cell: 079 968 7299 To advertise here contact Tamie on 046 622 7222 • Pool Installations • Pool Maintenance • Pool Repairs • Pool Equipment • Pool Covers • Solar Heating SERVICING NOW IN GHT 083 236 4663/046 624 2128 16 classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 8. Motoring 9. Legals 10. Extras Friday, 4 December 2009 Miscellaneous Sales 4. EMPLOYMENT Classic Framers Employment Offered Great Gift Ideas Siyazama Pre-School Extension 6 83 High Street, Grahamstown 046 622 5030 * Professional Picture Framing * Blockmounting * We frame and supply mirrors * We have framed prints and new print catalogues * We supply artists’ canvas and stretch canvas We have a selection of new frames to choose from. Good prices and good service Frame your memories for the personalised gift! Photography Services Offered “For Maximum Moving Efficiency” We will transport almost anything even your mother-in-law!!! 24 hour Service Try us for a free quote at very competitive rates. Phone: 084 580 1326 Cleaner-cook needed from 11 January 2010. Catering experience for large groups will be to the applicant's advantage. Hand CV in at school before 10 December 14h00 Interviews of short-listed candidates: 11 December from 10h00 SITUATION VACANT We have a vacancy for a Matriculated person for the following position: COPY SHOP/ SALES ASSISTANT This person must have the following skills: • MUST BE COMPUTER LITERATE • MUST HAVE STRONG PEOPLE SKILLS • MUST BE ENERGETIC AND SHOW INITIATIVE • MUST BE OF SOBER HABITS Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Written applications to: The Manager P O Box 2375 Grahamstown 6140 Emails to: Only short listed applicants will be interviewed. Applications close on 11 December 2009 We are seeking a dynamic young developer to join our team. Working on International Clients you will need experience with ASP.NET, C#, HTML, JavaScript and Microsoft SQL Server. Other programming experience will count in your favour. Any experience with client management / account management will also count in your favour. Send CV’s to workforus@ along with any additional info about yourself you deem relevant. Should you not receive a reply from us before 4th January 2010, consider your application unsuccessful. Personal assistant/office administrator required for land agent and auctioneer. A good understanding and competency in all the normal computer packages is essential. The applicant will be required to maintain the agencies webpage and record data accurately at all manner of auctions along with general filing and administration duties. We operate in and outside Grahamstown Nolte Smit Inc. of Grahamstown has a vacancy for a Litigation Secretary We offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with experience Applications may be addressed to: PO Box 268, Grahamstown, 6140, or 42 Beaufort Street, Grahamstown For repair of wheelchairs, contact the Society for the Physically Disabled, Day Hospital Grounds Tel: 046 622 5359 5. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation Offered Post cv to: APPlicAtions, P o Box 2238, Grahamstown, 6139 JD HAYDOCK ATTORNEY Attorneys for Executrix Eskom Building 110 High Street Grahamstown 6139 ATTRACTIVE Spacious 2BR unit, above average finishes, semifurnished, wireless available from 1 Dec. R4 400. Call 046 622 5546. Grocott’s Mail Christmas Cheer COTTAGES AVAILABLE in open space with beautiful surroundings. 8km from Grahamstown City Centre. Immediate occupation. Preferably mature student. Contact 083 273 5173. Following available to rent as from Dec/Jan 2 bedrooms R5 000 3 bedrooms R4 800 4 bedrooms R6 600 Garden flat R2 400 4 bedrooms R6 500 4 bedrooms R8 000 6 bedrooms R10 800 Please call Daphne on 082 809 4283 YOUR VOLKSIE SPECIALISTS Owners!!! - free listing For your property on Our website 046 622 2978 082 730 1527 083 760 0576 MIKE & GRANT REPAIR & SERVICE ALL MAKES OF CARS FOR SALE... 9. LEGALS Donations can be delivered to: ESTATE LATE Grocott’s Mail, 40 High St, Grahamstown or deposited into our Standard Bank account no. 081 988 303, Branch code: 050917. Queries: 046-622 7222 Commercial, Farms, Residential Tel no: 0860 77 77 55 SUBSCRIPTION Dated at Grahamstown this 23rd November 2009 To Let EMPLOYMENT WANTED phone 046 622 7222 All persons having claims against the above Estate are required to lodge such claims with the Attorney named hereunder within thirty days from date of publication hereof. ERF in Kings Heights Estate. Size 965sqm. Road access from top or bottom of erf. Price: R330 000. Contact Peter on 082 654 9849 Grocott’s Mail ESTATE LATE ILONA MARY GREVILLE HEATHER Identity No. 290814 0100 084 of Brookshaw Home, Beaufort Street, Grahamstown, 6139 who died on the 8th August 2009 ESTATE NO 4781/2009 Property for Sale Employment Wanted I have tourism qualifications and 7 years experience in the hospitality industry, having worked as a housekeeper and an assistant manager at one of the leading Guest Houses in Grahamstown. I am computer literate and can use Pastel Accounting for processing. I have experience in running a GH without supervision. I come highly recommended. Please call me on 0731168558. Felicia Nkatazo. 8. MOTORING Motoring Sales ALL facilities available in serviced rooms. Phone 046 622 4464. HELEN WALLACE ESTATE AGENT. Applicant prerequisites • current driving licence • attention to detail • good telephone manner • strong computer skills • initiative (We specialise in transport of household goods,) Special discounts for students. Stressed? Let down by technology? You could take valium OR You could use the ‘F’ word! Call Fixit! 079 329 6211 and ask for Andy For tasks that other agencies don’t want, or are too slow to respond to, or charge excessively for: Fixit Offers Rapid Response, Reasonable Charges, No-cure, No-pay PC-Fixit, Household Fixit, Vehicle Fixit, Ad Hoc Personal Assistant Fixit Learn more at php or Call Fixit Services (Andy) at 079 329 6211 to request a printed brochure Web Applications Developer LARGE furnished & 1 unfurnished house, both in Oatlands. Rooms available. Professional person, but students welcome. Phone HELEN WALLACE ESTATE AGENT 046 622 4464. TWO bedroom flats with lounge, kitchen, bathroom, enclosed garden, safe parking, includes stove, fridge, cupboards. R3 000 per month. Call John 082 320 2926 Motoring Services PARKHILL MOTORS In the Estate of the late BASIL ELLMORE Identity Number 230414 5021 089 retired businessman of 3 Durban Street, Grahamstown, who was born on 14 April 1923 and who died at Grahamstown on 21 June 2009. No 3652/2009 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the High Court, Grahamstown for a period of three weeks reckoned from the 4th December 2009. WHEELDON, RUSHMERE & COLE Attorneys for Executrix 119 High Street GRAHAMSTOWN (Ref Mr Laing) Visit Make a difference this festive season. Give a donation to our Christmas Cheer Fund All donations to HOME OF JOY ORPHANAGE Grocott’s Mail 40 High Street Grahamstown 6140 Tel: 622 7222 Fax: 622 7282 Matched? Hatched? Despatched? Need a advert in the newspaper? Contact Tamie Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 17 MOTORING IN THE RED... This Coca-Cola truck was parked illegally on the red line outside the entrance to Pick n Pay, although it is prohibited for vehicles to park on a red line. Maybe the truck driver thought the red lines were for red trucks? Photo: Stephen Penney Holiday tips... While on the road this summer, make sure that you buckle up and also make sure that all your passengers do too. Babies, infants and younger children should be strapped into safety seats and/or specially designed seatbelts. GM KENRICH 18 AFRICAN STREET 046 622 7312 USED TRUCKS R 89 900 1998 NISSAN CABSTAR 4 TON TRUCK 2008 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 T3 + HATCHBACK R114 900 2007 OPEL MERIVA 1.4 ESSENTIA R105 000 To advertise here contact our advertising department on 046 622 7222 or fax 046 622 7282 USED LDVS 2009 ISUZU KB300D-TEQ D/CAB 4X2 LX R289 900 2007 ISUZU KB300TDi D/CAB 4X4 R199 900 2006 ISUZU KB250 LE LWB R119 900 2006 MITSUBISHI COLT 2.0 LWB R 69 900 2005 ISUZU KB250 LE LWB R104 900 2005 ISUZU KB250 LE LWB A/C R109 900 2005 ISUZU KB280 DT D/CAB L/X R 96 900 USED CARS 2008 OPEL CORSA 1.4I ESSENTIA R127 900 2008 VW POLO CLASSIC 140I SEDAN R114 900 2008 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 T3 + SEDAN R119 900 24-HR BREAKDOWN SERVICE 082 557 4706 SUMMER SPECIAL The exciting new CHEVROLET CRUZE now in stock. Prices starting at R174 000 Wheel Alignment Check Only R160 Vehicle Airconditioner service Only R350 We make the Dif ference Contact : Dean Kent 082 573 3379 Richard Axe 082 788 2794 WWW.KENRICHMOTORS.CO.ZA JW AUTO - Grahamstown •Lukwe 073 544 9346 •Tel: 046 622 8600 •Fax: 046 622 8601•40 Beaufort Street •Michael 079 490 7027 2009 Ford Bantam 130 F/Lift 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Trend 2009 Ford Ikon 1.4 TDCi A/C 2009 Ford Ranger 2.5 TDi XL LWB 2009 Mazda 3 1.6i A/C 2009 Mazda BT50 D/Cab Full House 2009 Ford Bantam 140 TDCi XLT 2008 Opel Corsa 140 Lite 2008 Hyundai H100 + Canopy 2008 Ford Ranger 3.0 S/Cab 2008 Isuzu KB250D TEQ LE E/CAB R 89 950 R169 950 R139 950 R179 950 R169 950 R299 950 R159 950 R 65 950 R139 950 R219 950 R189 950 2007 Ford Bantam 1.6 XL A/C Canopy R/CD R 89 950 2007 Tata Indica LXI A/C R/CD R 64 950 2007 Nissan Tida 1.6 Visia Sedan A/C R/CD R107 950 2007 Chevrolet Aveo 1.5 LS A/C R/CD R79 950 2007 Dodge Caliber 2.0 CVT SXT A/T R139 950 2007 Ford Bantam 130I + Canopy R/CD R 69 950 2007 Nissan 2.4i SE 4x4 D/Cab R189 950 2006 Mazda 3 1.6i A/C R/CD R105 950 2006 Nissan Almera 1.6 Lux A/C R/CD R 79 950 2005 Mazda 2.5 TDi Drifter 4X4 + Kappie R139 950 2004 Ford Focus 1.8 TDCi Sedan A/C R/CD R 84 950 Lots more to choose from. Give us a call 18 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 News/MotoriNg Locals take up Big Birding challenge HugH Retief F our Grahamstown bird enthusiasts observed an impressive 161 species of birds in the Grahamstown area last Saturday. Locals Hugh Retief and Mark Galpin accompanied by Rhodes University students Daniel Dankwerts and Justin Nicolau took up the Big Birding Day challenge run by the South African Bird Atlasing Project (Sabap) at Volunteer observers do species counts in their choice of pentad – a geographical area demarcated by latitude and longtitude lines – and the data is then entered into a national database. The five-year project to assess how climate change is affecting bird behaviour is run by the Animal Demography Unit of the University of Cape Town, who have some 600 voluntary observers countrywide. “We are very lucky because Grahamstown lies perfectly in the middle of the pentad 3315_2630. Some areas in other pentads are not as easily accessible because of terrain or private owners. We are also lucky because quite a few biomes come together here, so we get some very interesting birds,” said Retief. The volunteers set off early and were in the forest on Mountain Drive at first light, where they recorded over 60 bush and forest species. They then moved to the dam beyond Mayfair sewerage works, where most of the waterfowl and waders were recorded. The Belmont Valley sewerage works and the Burnt Kraal area beyond the golf course were next, by which time they had recorded close to 130 species. They had set a target of 150 so they moved on to the dams and quarries around Rhodes and the Botanical Gardens, where the target was reached. A new goal was set at 160 and a decision made to go back to Belmont Valley. Species which had not been seen were now few and far between and they began to look for specific birds. The bronze mannikin – which had eluded them all day despite being quite a common bird – was found at Jeannie Main’s bird feeder. Having recorded 161 species, the four exhausted, but happy volunteers returned home after a successful day. A number of rare birds were observed, including buffspotted flufftail, redchested flufftail, pygmy kingfisher and African rail. CAUGHT OUT... Officer Terrence Bafo of the Makana Traffic Department set up his speed trap in the industrial area recently, fining motorists who disobeyed the 60km/h law in the area. Photo: Stephen Penney FIGHTING ON... This 1972 Hillman was spotted recently at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth. It is still running on the original engine and has more than 532 000 km on the clock. This distance is the equivalent of going around the earth three times and then driving to the moon! Photo: Steven Lang A fishy situation StRato CopteRoS ARoUND 80 million tons of fish and seafood are caught globally each year, with overfishing and mechanisation creating a crisis of depleted fish stocks through unsustainable fishing methods such as factory vessels and bottom trawling. If we want to keep our oceans from going over the brink, we need to make smarter seafood choices. To help consumers make sustainable choices, a seafood pocket guide has been released by Sassi – the Southern African Sustainable Seafood Initiative – which can be downloaded via the internet on Guide.pdf The pocket guide lists various fish species and categorises them by colour. Green is a sustainable consumer choice from a healthy fish population; orange advises extreme caution because the species is rare from overfishing, severe environmental damage or when the biology of the fish makes it particularly vulnerable to high fishing pressure and red means it is illegal to sell or buy this seafood in South Africa. With this pocket guide, you can now do your bit, without needing to sail the high seas to enforce sustainable fishing. Another interesting seafood fact is that aquaculture or fish farms now provide up to 25% of all the fish we eat. In Greece for example, the slang “fish with a passport” is now commonly used for fish living in the ocean, as opposed to those that are farmed. It’s a relatively common practice elsewhere, yet our government, through impenetrable legislation, makes the development of aquaculture projects extremely difficult, in contrast to other industrial and agricultural projects where the government offers incentives or tax breaks. Discussion about the pros and cons of aquaculture in our country has been minimal. Shouldn’t we at least begin the debate? DEMOS 2009 Toyota Corolla 1.3 Professional R169 900 2009 Toyota Yaris T3 A/C R137 900 2009 Toyota Prius Hybrid R308 000 USED PASSENGER 2008 2008 2008 VW Polo 1.4i A/C Toyota Yaris T3 5DR Toyota Yaris HB T3 Charmaine King 082 496 9081 Warren Henry 083 391 1177 Garry Botha 082 926 6637 R109 900 R119 900 R114 900 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2002 2000 Honda CRV 2.0 A/T Toyota Yaris T3 Toyota Rav 4 2.0P VW Polo 1.4 A/C (Low km’s) VW Jetta Toyota Prado 40 VXP Toyota Tazz 130 Toyota Tazz R236 900 R109 900 R229 900 R 84 900 R 85 900 R299 900 R 49 900 R 44 900 2007 Isuzu KB300 D/C 4X2 R184 900 USED COMMERCIAL Allow us to source any pre-owned vehicle you require SETTLER CITY TOYOTA TEL: 046 622 7017 Grocott’s Mail Friday, 4 December 2009 19 News Victoria Primary wins R5 000 for being a great team Staff RepoRteR L earners from Victoria Primary School enthusiastically supported the sixth event in the 2009 BSG Energade Kids Triathlon Series at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth on Sunday and in the process won a R5 000 incentive prize for the school. As a way to encourage youngsters to take part in triathlons, the organisers of the series award a prize at each race to the school that brings the most participants. Victoria Primary won the prize hands down because 56 learners competed, said the school’s sports coach, Michelle Rafferty after collecting the cheque at the prizegiving ceremony. Joining oodles of other youngsters, Victoria Primary’s would-be triathlon stars embraced this exhilarating multi-sport event enthusiastically – participating both as individuals and as teams. The event encompasses three disciplines, namely swimming, cycling and running. “The kiddies series is all about getting children active, growing the sport of triathlon and giving kids a secure environment in which they can achieve their personal potential, without the pressure of winning. It’s all about having fun, family involvement and also as a training ground for future triathlon stars. We hope that in the future learners from more schools like Victoria Primary will participate,” says Corné Grobler, the series organiser. With youngsters being able to participate in teams with each member playing to their strengths the series is ideal for school participation as children of varying experience and talent can compete alongside one another. The further appeal of the series is that every child is a winner on the day with all participants receiving a medal, t-shirt, energy drink, swimming cap and a goodie bag filled with fun stuff from the series sponsors. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS... The group of Victoria Primary pupils who took part in the BSG Energade Kids Triathlon Series on Sunday. Photo: Steven Lang LAST CURVE... Jordan Fischer of Victoria Primary School during the cycle leg of the race. Photo: Steven Lang IN AND OUT... Tristan Banfield of Graeme College makes his way from the sea swim to the bicycle leg of the triathlon. Photo: Steven Lang Locals tri their best MAKANA MUNICIPALITY Stephen penney ThE sixth race of the 2009 BSG Energade Triathlon Series took place at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth on Sunday. The triathlon, covering a 600m sea swim, 20km cycle and 5km run took place in near perfect racing conditions. The first local home was Kevin Rafferty who finished in a total time of one hour 8 minutes 56 seconds. The first local woman to finish was Kerry Longhurst, finishing tenth in a time of 1:13:59. The overall race winner was Richard Murray of Cape Town winning in a time of 54:07, while the women’s winner was Andrea Steyn of Pretoria who crossed the line in 1:03:52. BSG Energade Triathlon Dear Sir/Madam ALL ROUNDERS... Among the Grahamstown athletes who took part in the BSG Energade Triathlon Series in Port Elizabeth were, from left, Douglas Cockcroft, Kerry Longhurst, Julie Truter and Neil Currie. Photo: Steven Lang Grahamstown individual results: 45. Kevin Rafferty (swim 10:55, cycle 37:34, run 20:27) 1:08:56, 53. Neil Currie (swim 13:44, cycle 36.09, run 21:58) 1:11:51, 69. Kerry Longhurst (swim 13:35, cycle 37:58, run 22:26) 1:13:59, 76. Douglas Crockcroft (swim 12:45, cycle 38:36, run 25:02) 1:16:23, 79. Kevin Barnard (swim – 11:52, cycle 41:37, run 23:13) 1:16:42, 95. Julie Truter (swim 17:04, cycle 41:53, run 20:45) 1:19:42, 97. Keith hoskin (swim 13:34, cycle 42:07, run 24,36) 1:20:17, 105. Natalie Ross (swim 16:53, cycle 43:08, run 21:41) 1:21:42, 193. Katjana hoskin (swim 19:57, cycle 58:25, run 26:26) 1:44:48. Development of a Local Economic Development Strategy for Makana Local Municipality CO-OPERATIVE WORKSHOP INVITATION Some of the greatest challenges facing Makana SMME's and businesses are lack capacity, marketing and funding. Formalising these groups could assist SMME's / businesses to move towards self sustainable and viable enterprises. Cooperatives coul be instrumental in providing the poor women, youth and other marginilized members of the community a purpose and pride as a result of their financial independence and contributions to the economy of the Makana. Their successes can therefore eventually relieve government from budgetary and fiscal pressures regarding human development. It also enables them to form partnerships with government in service delivery and use these organizations for mutual support and information dissemination. The Local Economic Development has therefore find it imperative to assist the communities that need information on formalizing themselves (become legal entities). A workshop is thus being arranged to cover the co-operative concept and its registration process. Information about how to register other legal entities (NPO and closed corporations) will also be covered. Therefore two representatives per group who are interested to become legal entities (Trotters, farmers, hawkers, grass cutters, etc) are invited to attend this event. Date: Venue: Time: 08 December 2009 Council Chamber 09:00 Kindly confirm your availability with Babalwa / Nothando on 046 603 6116/6168 during office hours or email / We look forward to engaging with you at the workshop Grocott’s GAO1162 20 *** 4 D ecember 2009 Church Square • Tel: 046 622 7010 MENS DEPARTMENT CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Wrangler Jeans Colours: Black, Dark Navy and Light Blue R149 Assorted Fancy Ties From R50 Lounge shirts Ideal for gifts Come and browse ! Come and browse ! SPORTS DIARY SATURDAY CRICKET – Grahamstown Cricket Board Twenty20 fixtures: Salem/Willows/ Cuylerville at Salem; Southwell/Makana Sona/ Maley Flats at Southwell; Sidbury/Port Alfred/Swallows at Sidbury. Second league: Port Alfred High School (PAHS) vs Station Hill (at PAHS). Rural cricket league – Eastern Province Grahamstown vs Boland West at Manley Flats. ROAD RUNNING – Aspen PE City Marathon starts from Lorraine Primary School, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth at 5am. The 10km road race starts at 6am. For more information contact Graham on 082 825 3784. Belt-up for yellow, orange, green and purple Staff RepoRteR t he albany Karate academy, Joza Karate academy, Makana Karate academy and rhodes University Karate Club recently held their end-of-year gradings in Grahamstown from 18 to 28 november. the grading panel comprised East Cape shotokanryu Head Instructor Gary Grapentin who was assisted by black belt instructors, Mzwandile Matebese, Zwelakhe sinam, alex Holland and alan Kirkaldy. special guest examiner for the brown belt gradings was sensei Kenny tawse from Port Elizabeth. tawse is the East Coast Provincial style-Head for the south african shotokan Karate academy. the results were as follows: Junior yellow: Dale retief. Yellow: Joshua alison, Kwandi Mbelani, Pilani ngoma, sophie Mullins-Poole. Matthew Griessel, theodore repinz and sian Hodges and siyanda soxujwa. Junior Orange: Zoe Lang. Orange: tshepeho seobi, MAKING MY MOVE... Seen during the recent end-of-year karate gradings were, from left Boitomelo Tamako, Aphiwe Msomi and Pilani Ngoma. Photo: Steven Lang tshepahalo seobi, sashin May, Boitomelo tamako, aphiwe Msomi, Whitney turner, simone Heymans, Xin Ling (David) Li, Xola Joni, Phakamani Joni and nolusindiso Yakeni. Green: Ged Lotter, Dylan Fouche, ayabonga Mani, Jarah Fluxman, Mila Lang, Yashin naidoo, Philip snyman, Maceo toich, Lusanda nqowana and Liyabona nkombisa. Blue: Cam Van aken, Kevin Eastern Cape rugby awards Stephen penney EastErn Province rugby recently held its prizegiving in Port Elizabeth, with some Grahamstown clubs winning a few of the awards. Daphne scheepers of Lily White was named the Most Promising Women’s Player of the Year. In the 1a sevens category, Wander- ers won the south Eastern Districts sub Union (sedru) section, while the women’s sedru section was won by Easterns. In the 1B sevens, Easterns were the runners-up. In the sub-union section – the sedru 1st reserve winners were Lily White. none of the local clubs was able to finish tops in any of the super League sections. aitchison, Bronwen salton and tavonga shoko. Purple 1: Mel ackerman. Purple 2: Ben Kirkaldy, Carla Wilby, nic Mennega. Fourth Kyu Purple: Dana Fluxman. Junior Brown 3: nolan De Maar. Third Kyu Brown: Bongi Mbangeli and theresa Mennega. Second Kyu Brown: anthoni Du Preez. As a matter of fact In the Tuesday, 1 December edition of Grocott’s Mail under the photograph of nolan de Maar on page 15, incorrect information was supplied by Mary Waters Secondary School. De Maar has not been graded for black belt (he will do so in 2010) and he has not been selected to represent the Protea Team in Morocco. The gold and silver medals were won at the nelson Mandela Bay All-Styles karate Championships held in Port Elizabeth on 21 november. – Stephen Penney
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