NEWS - Grocott`s Mail
NEWS - Grocott`s Mail
Tuesday Tel: 046 636 1173 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY INSIDE 18 M ay 2010 South Africa ’s O ldest I ndependent Newspaper Muni spends thousands Scrap VAT on textbooks, RU builds green says DA page 5 residences page 3 on dodgy equipment page 11 R5.00 Bumper women’s golf open page 16 Absolutely awesome APPLAUSE ALL AROUND... Conductor Juan Muñoz applauds the three soloists (from left to right) Zikhona Gqamana, tenor Sibu Mkhize and soprano Liesl de Jager at the end of Friday night's performance of Carmina Burana. Ismail Mahomed reviews the show on Page 10. Photo: Steven Lang Market Day Specials valid Wednesday 19th May 2010 only V fantastic specials Valid from Wed 12th May till Sat 15th May 2010 only n Potatoes 10kg n Green mielies n Avos n Gooseberry punnet n Ass 500g imported pasta n Pears R29.99 2 for 5.00 3 for 10.00 R9.99 R8.99 R9.99 Pkg and get 1kg free n Paw paw R9.99 WEDNESDAY ONLY Wacky Wednesday: Buy 1 pocket oranges R14.99 Get 1 crown pumkin for free 19 Hill Street Grahamstown 046 622 3258 Cream Buns 6’s Savoury Loaves Pork Bangers Vrystaat Boerewors 9.99 9.99 24.99 32.99 each each per kg per kg Prices apply to Pick n Pay Grahamstown. Tel 046 636 1747 Prices advertised are inclusive of VAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders please. E&OE. Every month for the past year. Addcheck (an independent research company) has proven that Pick n Pay gives you more for your money on a representative basket of 1000 items. 2 NEWS News in brief Local caught with child pornography A local man accused of being in possession of child pornography was granted bail at the Grahamstown Magistrate's Court on Friday. The man was arrested on his farm after police found pornographic photographs of boys on his cellphone and computers. The provincial head office of the SAPF was alerted by police in Durban after a man who had been chatting with the accused received pornographic pictures of boys from a local man. Warrant Officer Sherolene Williams said: “The Grahamstown police received a permit to search his house. Pornographic pictures were found in his computer and cellphone.” The accused’s cellphone was confiscated for further investigation. He was released on R2 000 bail and will appear in court on June 23. Man murdered in Joza A man was found dead in Joza during the early hours of Saturday morning. WO Williams said: “It is alleged that the deceased had come from a local tavern and was stabbed to death. No arrests have been made.” Any person with more information can contact the Grahamstown detectives on 046 603 9200. Compiled by Abongile Mqaqelwa Send your comments via SMS to 082 049 2146 and we may publish them Court move ‘a Grahamstown issue’ A MEGGAN MCCARTHY ttorney Brin Brody called a press conference on behalf of the Grahamstown High Court Action Committee last week Thursday in which he encouraged Grahamstown residents to take action against moving the seat of the High Court to Bhisho. Brody said: “The message I want to convey on behalf of the committee is that it has done what it can. It is now up to the residents of Grahamstown to take this further, everybody knows what is at stake.” He said moving the court is now a “Grahamstown issue” and called for “opposition from the roots up” which includes opposition from unions, all local political parties and Rhodes students. Brody confirmed that the committee has dispatched about 50 letters and memoranda opposing the move to recipients such as President Jacob Zuma, Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe, heads of court and various ministers. The committee has also circulated the letter to 150 businesses and government organisations in Grahamstown, many of which have addressed letters which oppose the move to Justice Minister Jeff Radebe. The current version of the Superior Courts Bill leaves it up to the minister to decide where the seat of the High Court will be situated and the area of jurisdiction. The bill has been approved by Cabinet and will be tabled before Parliament. A parliamentary portfolio committee will then hear the submissions. Brody said, “Previously, the bill was indefinitely postponed. Now the minister wants the bill through this year, so there’s not a lot of time.” He confirmed that if the Superior Courts Bill is approved by Par- liament, East London will no longer have a High Court as there is no provision for it in the bill. The only court will be in Bhisho, meaning that East Londoners will have to travel 50km to litigate in court there. Brody said if any members of the public wanted to air their views, that they should address a letter to the minister. Residents can send letters to Radebe at the following address: Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development: Mr JP Radebe Private Bag X276 Pretoria 0001 Lolwana from the situation and delivered him into police custody. When he was released two days later he went to the complainant’s home, approached her mother, and threatened her with a knife, claiming that he would kill and rape her and her children if they did not drop the charge laid against him. However, the complainant's mother ignored the threat and Lolwana was further charged with assault after this incident. During the trial, the young complainant gave compelling evidence. Giving her testimony via camera from a room adjacent to the court she was asked, in a play-like scenario, to show the court what the accused had done to her. Without hesitation she used the anatomically correct dolls provided to re-enact her own rape. Members of the gallery exclaimed with shock at the graphic nature of her evidence. After a full hour of testimony the court adjourned to allow the complainant to rest. During cross-examination by Lolwana's defence the young complainant also remained resolute, saying “he's lying” repeatedly when told Lolwana's version of events. However she became more and more upset as Lolwana's claims were relayed to her. The court adjourned briefly to allow the complainant some time to calm down, during which defence attorney Mziwanele Solani apologised to the prosecution for having to cross-examine the young complainant, but added that he was compelled to challenge her account. The complainant's testimony was concluded when she was asked to enter the court with a social worker for a form of identity parade. Out of the approximately 20 people in court, including police officers, court officials and the public gallery, the complainant twice, clearly and forcefully, pointed to Lolwana when asked to identify the man who raped her. The prosecution then called Doctor Makubalo of Fort Beaufort Provincial Hospital to the stand. She testified that the complainant’s hymen had been completely eradicated and that, after nine days, a sexually transmitted infection was clearly present in her body. The defence did not contest that the com- plainant had been raped. During the cross-examination of Lolwana, state prosecutor Nicky Turner grew increasingly frustrated with him, at one point calling him an “outrageous, outright liar”. The accused, who left school in Grade 5 and has several prior convictions for housebreaking, changed his testimony from question to question, often ignoring the questions entirely. Makuala found Lolwana guilty of rape, but said that the state failed to prove that he had assaulted the complainant's mother. After sentencing the state called on clinical psychologist Karen Andrews to testify in aggravation of the sentence. She testified that the complainant had experienced the profound threat of annihilation and a total loss of control during her rape. Andrews said that the complainant was severely traumatised, living in such fear that she is unable to function, which will impede her intellectual, social and emotional growth. The defence asked that the judge consider that this was Lolwana's first violent offence. Sentencing will take place on 21 May. Man convicted of raping 8-year-old STACY MORELAND A 24-YEAR-OLD man from Tyoksville, Fort Beaufort, has been convicted of the rape of an eight-year-old girl. The incident occurred on 22 September last year when the accused, Matshawe Lolwana, found the complainant playing behind a local house. He gagged her, bound her hands, and raped her. Approached by a passer-by who shouted at him, Lolwana fled the scene. Lolwana, who was armed with a knife, threatened the complainant; saying that he would stab her if she told her mother about her rape. The complainant freed herself and, on her way home, encountered her younger brother who asked her why she was crying. She told him what had happened. However, the complainant was reluctant to inform her mother but, after she told her uncle, the matter was reported to the police nine days later. Upon hearing about the incident the community approached Lolwana and threatened him with violence. The complainant’s uncle removed Police investigating illegal abortion clinics MEGGAN MCCARTHY POLICE are aware of four illegal abortion clinics in Grahamstown and will inform the health department about new posters which have been put up around town, advertising “same day 100% safe abortions”. Warrant Officer Sherolene Williams said, “The police will inform the Department of Health about the posters. It is then the department’s responsibility to investigate if the organisation is illegal. If this is the case, the police will investigate further.” When a Grocott’s Mail reporter EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance:............................ 10177 Aids Helpline:............ 0800 012322 AA Rescue: ................ 0800 111997 Medical Rescue: ........ 0800 033007 Grahamstown Child and Family Welfare: .. 046 636 1355 Electricity: ................ 046 603 6036 a/h 046 603 6000 Eskom:...................... 086 003 7566 Fire Brigade: ............ 046 622 4444 Police: ...................... 046 603 9152 Hi-Tec........................ 046 636 1660 Raphael Centre: ........ 046 622 8831 SPCA: ........................ 046 622 3233 Partly cloudy. Wind light easterly. Partly cloudy. Wind light Cloudy with 60% showers. Wind northeasterly. erly to north-easterly. Temperature: Min 8◦C, Max 26°C Temperature: Tides: Low tide 12.58am and 1.19pm High tide 7.16am and 7.49pm Tides: Tides: Low tide 2.07am and 2.23pm High tide 8.23am and 9.05pm Low tide 3.34am and 3.44pm High tide 9.43am and 10.28pm Min 7 C, Max 25°C ◦ Temperature: Min 6◦C, Max 17◦C Traffic Services: .........046 603 6067 Water: ........................ 046 603 6136 Hospice: .................... 046 622 9661 Settlers Hospital: ...... 046 622 2215 Day Hospital: ............. 046 622 3033 Fort England Hospital: 046 622 7003 Legal Aid Board: ....... 046 622 9350 Locksmith: ................ 082 556 9975 or 046 622 4592 Licencing:.................. 046 622 6087 Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 Source: & phoned the number on the poster and asked whether the business was registered with the Department of Health, the woman who answered the phone said she would get back to the reporter “next month”. She refused to comment further. Settler’s Hospital manager, Bongiwe Moyake, said they do have women who come in with what the hospital calls “miscarriages” but that Settler’s does not ask questions about the causes as it is not their territory. She said they have not seen an increase of women coming in with so-called “miscarriages”. Senior manager of health programmes, Nkau Kgasana, said, “Abortion clinics have to apply to the MEC for health who will then send officials to go and look whether it complies with health regulations and the Health Act. They will then give this report to the MEC who will decide to give the clinic a permit or not.” ILLEGAL... New posters have recently been put up advertising “safe” abortions. Photo: Candice Cupido Rainfall at Grant Street for week 10 May to 16 May = 1.5mm. Rainfall at Darling Street for week Mon 10 May to Sun 16 May = Mon 0 mm, Tues 0 mm, Wed 0 mm, Thurs 0 mm, Fri 2.9 mm, Sat 0 mm, Sun 0 mm. Total for week = 2.9 mm Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 3 NEWS Frederick Van Zyl Slabbert – a personal memoire MICHAEL WHISSON TAX FREE... Rhodes Democratic Alliance Student Organisation were positioned outside the Rhodes Bantu Steve Biko Building asking students to sign their petitions in support of zero VAT on textbooks, declaring education as an essential service. Photo: Prudence Mini DA calls for tax free textbooks PRUDENCE MINI T he Rhodes Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO) held a picket last week Friday in a motion to have VAT scrapped on all textbooks. This national campaign ran during the course of last week in 17 universities across the country in support of Democratic Alliance (DA) Member of Parliament, Dion George’s proposal for zero VAT on textbooks. According to the campaign’s briefing sheet, all books are subject to the 14% rate of value added tax (VAT) under the current South African legislation. “South Africa lags behind the rest of the world in our tax policy on books. In numerous countries such as Ghana, Kenya, Philippines and Australia, no tax is charged on books at all. Comparative research has also shown quite clearly that reducing the cost of books, by reducing VAT charged on them, has a powerful effect on the purchase of books and readership,” the briefing read. The DA believes that taxing books is a tax on learning, knowledge and literacy. In efforts to prioritise measures to promote literacy and education, they believe that zerorating on books would be a cost-effective measure to contribute towards this. DA Constituency Operations Manager, Francois As a matter of fact Greyling said that the initiative is looking at creating awareness of this issue as well as gathering support from the public. He said if books were zero-rated, a library making a purchase order of 3 000 new books could purchase roughly 400 additional books which would have a positive knockon effect for those South Africans relying on libraries as a source of knowledge. “We are fighting for it to be passed as a Bill in Parliament, not only for students but the average man on the street and disadvantaged communities,” he added. He said that this campaign runs together with another ongoing programme to declare education as an essential service, which would prevent teachers from striking. “To look at a student’s perspective, money is an issue and textbooks change every year, so this may seem like a small thing but every bit helps,” said Rhodes DASO branch leader, Frederik Kirsten in referring to the importance of the campaign. “We are also trying to get pressure off the students so they can focus on more important things,” he added. He said that there has been a positive response from the students for this initiative with many signing the petition to show their support. Rhodes student, Chipo Chakungu said that she signed the petition as books are so expensive and she finds it even more difficult to buy books as she is not South African. Another student, Sandile Dube liked the idea of the campaign as cheaper books would mean saving more money. WITH the rugged looks of Harrison Ford, the former First XV No 8 and Hall Warden, Van Zyl looked to be the perfect Stellenbosch product when we met in about 1973. He was teaching Sociology at the University of Stellenbosch. I was teaching Anthropology at UCT and HW van der Merwe, a newcomer from Rhodes to UCT, was trying to bring the social scientists in the Western Cape together. Discussions were robust – the Maties suggesting that they could turn the government round from within, the Ikeys that opposition had to be principled and open. Van Zyl, having spent time at Rhodes, seemed open to both views – and became active in the Study Project on Christianity in Apartheid Society (SPROCAS), an initiative of the Christian Institute to plan for a society after apartheid, which included some more open-minded Nationalists and intellectual revolutionaries like Ric Turner, whom the state was to assassinate. I was visited by one of the Maties who explained to me that he was not an Afrikaner, but German (implying a mediatory role). “They Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert: 1940-2010 feel you are a boerehater,” he confided. “No,” I replied, “Not a boerehater but a papbroekehater, perhaps. They all kowtow to the old prof even when they know he’s lying. The only one who doesn’t is Slabbert.” “Ah,” said the mediator, “Slabbert. You know, he is an orphan. He was not brought up by his own parents.” We next met when, following ex-Rhodian Ben Dekker’s pompous pricking campaign against “Div” Graaf in Rondebosch in 1971, Van Zyl captured the seat for the seat for the Progressive Party, bring- ing support to end Helen Suzman’s lonely vigil as the only principled opponent of the Nationalists in Parliament. He recruited, among others, Errol Moorcroft – farmer, Rhodian, Rhodes scholar, and rugby star – who became the first Progressive to win a rural seat in Albany. They were not like other politicians – they only spoke the truth, even when not to their electoral advantage. Like Helen Suzman, they were not for sale, regardless of the size of the bid. Moorcroft spent most of his time working for people who could not vote for him, jeopardising his support from among those who could. Slabbert’s departure, along with Alex Boraine, from formal politics, to establish the institute for Democracy in Africa (Idasa) and to work quietly with HW van der Merwe and the exiles to build channels of communication, was a cruel blow to his party, but it freed him to make a special contribution to our astonishingly peaceful transition from apartheid to democracy. He remained, as my German colleague had told me, “an orphan”: not tied to the traditions and prejudices of his ancestors, but wholly, remarkably and honorably, his own man. PRONTO Driving School - Bestuurskool Fast & Effective Training !POP A BALLOON! Book your free evaluation lessons at the Arch and win fantastic prizes. • LEARNERS TRAINING FREE Every Mon 17:00 Frontier Hotel Jan Strydom 072 938 5579 everyone wins everytime Report back for the week… Your favourite coach 15 yrs Experience Attempted Break-ins: 1 Attempted theft of motor vehicles: 1 Mugging: 1 Arrests: 1 Crime Tip ST ANDREW’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL presents If you are hiring a house sitter, make sure they know how to work your alarm system and inform Hi-tec of the contact person you have. KINGSWOOD COLLEGE BABONGILE ZULU AND SANDHIRA CHETTY The property which houses the historical Phoenix Roller Mills was sold on Friday to Bud Hare from Grahamstown, who did not wish to disclose the amount. “It was a good deal. I got a good deal and Bonsor got a good deal,” he said. The mill itself was not sold for R55 000, as stated in Friday’s edition of Grocott’s Mail, but in fact for R80 000. Dave Mullins from Dave Mullins Auctioneers says he is satisfied with the outcome of the auction. Kingswood Junior School invites all Grannnies and Grandpas to Grandparents’ Day Friday 28 May 2010 Pre-Primary 08h30 Junior School 09h30 (For more information Tel 046 6036650) presented by the Grade 7 Class of St Andrew’s Prep School Date: 27th and 28th May 2010 Time: 19h00 Venue: Memory Hall Cost: R30 per adult and R15 per scholar Bookings essential - Angela (046) 603 2401 by Wednesday 19 May 2010 We look forward to seeing you at our show 4 Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 Editorial Liberty and Progress Warm greetings from the USA Rhodes student and VG old girl Thandolwethu Zono, who is studying in America on a hockey scholarship, is a woman of her word. Before she left Grahamstown, she promised Grocott’s Mail she would keep in touch with her hometown Established 1870 T he two performances of Carmina Burana at the Guy Butler Theatre on Thursday and Friday last week left audiences with a sensation of stunned awe, admiration and immense pride. Did we do this? Did this happen in our town? Surely you have to go to the big cities or maybe even Europe to see performances of this calibre? It was incredible to have on stage such an amazing wealth of musical talent. Grahamstown has high expectations for a small town in the Eastern Cape because we are accustomed to seeing shows of the highest quality. The Grahamstown Music Society has regular concerts, local schools have more than their fair share of musical talent and of course we host the National Arts Festival which appears to be getting better every year. However, having all these talented musicians and singers would be of little value if they all operated independently. What made the Carmina Burana performances so spectacular was having so many people on one stage all working in unison to provide a powerful, yet harmonious treat for Grahamstown audiences. It was the experience of having such a diverse group of people, all doing different things at the same time that made the event so memorable. There were various choirs represented from TEM Mrwetyana to Kingswood College, singers from a variety of cultural groups and musicians from just about all ages. The performances were a wonderful example of what can be achieved through unity. The musical talents of Grahamstown got together and produced something way above the ordinary. Last week, there was another remarkable show of unity when a group of community leaders got together to protest against plans to move the High Court out of Grahamstown. We don’t know if this unprecedented stand will ultimately be successful, but at least we can say that we united for a common cause and we gave it our best shot – something like the performers of Carmina Burana. Text us your opinions and we might publish them here. Send an SMS to 082 049 2146 Normal rates apply. South Africa’s Oldest Independent Newspaper Incorporating The Grahamstown Journal (1831 – 1920) Vol. 141 No. 36 Published by the David Rabkin Project for Experiential Journalism Training (Pty) Ltd, 40 High Street, Grahamstown, 6139 Printed by Paarlcoldset Telephone: 046 622 7222 • Fax: 046 622 7282/3 Website: E-mail Addresses News: Website: Advertising: or ronel@grocotts. Sport: Letters: General Manager: Editorial Editor: Steven Lang News Editor: Abongile Mgaqelwa New Media Editor: Michael Salzwedel Staff Reporters: Prudence Mini, Andile Nayika Staff Photographer/Reporter: Stephen Penney General Manager: Louise Vale Advertising Manager: Ronél Bowles Grocott’s Mail is published by the David Rabkin Project for Experiential Journalism, a company wholly owned by Rhodes University. The contents of this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of either body. I TUESDAY the UMass athletics website (www. have been in Amherst for almost These past four months now, and it seems Tel: 046 636 1173 GO GREEN four months were tough and hard. It like just yesterday I was all set felt like a complete shock to my sysand packed, filled with such emotion 19 J 2010 S A ’ O I N R4.00 tem, I never knew I had certain musand boarding a plane to come here. Joza octogenarian Getting fat can New wing opens 7% salary increase harm your health PAGE 8 celebrates birthday PAGE 10 cles. I was contemplating making for councillors The University of Massachusetts PAGE 5 PAGE 3 at Settlers some excuse so I’d have to go home (UMASS) has really blown me away. again. We have just been training The hockey programme is unlike and not playing many matches, exanything I have done before. The way cept for a few practice ones and fun everything is run, one would think tournaments. we are a professional team. Playing R Our team looks promising, hockey here is a fulltime job. Being having three foreign players repa part of this programme has taught resenting Australia, England and me a great deal of teamwork, comSouth Africa respectively. And I mitment and hard work. must add that the coaching staff is Firstly, waking up at six in the phenomenal. morning to walk in the freezing On Fridays, wearing my Bafana snowy weather to head to practice Bafana t-shirt draws a lot of attenwas not one of my favourite motion. The Americans are excited for ments at all. But now that it is nicer the World Cup too and a number of out, it is a pleasure being out on the my friends and people I know are turf and playing. They most certainly coming down for the tournament, do not work on African time at all. which is fantastic. Punctuality is something the coachI plan on doing some recruiting es really enforce. for UMASS when I come back home. UMASS is MASSive and has a So there is an opportunity for the wonderful campus. When you are V young talent in the Eastern Cape doing new things, and seeing places and hoping on a campus with just over 26 000 Summer in meet up with my American friends who were at and South Africa to have the experience that I’m students, you’d tend to feel lost and alone but to Rhodes as exchange students. It will be wonderthe people are incredibly friendly and thewelcomMarket Day Specials valid Wednesday 20th January having. 2010 only fresher food store City! the The decision to come here was a great one to see familiar faces. ing. This is a diverse university with a popular in- ful Footlong/ fantastic specials Banana Farmstyle Swiss Cocktail Valid from Wed 20 January till Sat 23 January 2010 only and I certainly do not regret it, smiles all round. Academic subjects weren’t that easy, but ternational and national exchange programme. Loaves Boerewors Potatoes 10kg R29.99 Cheesegrillers Rolls was definitely more challenging. I am I have become well adjusted and accustomed When I say that I am meeting people from every- Rhodes Large Crown Pumpkin R 9.99ea .99Economics.95 .99with to.99 the American way of life… but isn’t the whole currently a Resource Major and where, I literally mean everywhere. Green grape, peaches, plums R 7.99p/kg setup of the academic year I will be world doing that already? My other consolation is that I come frompocket the different Gem squash R 9.99 classified year student September a student town, and Amherst is just that, plus apply to Pick n Payin Grahamstown. Tel 046 636 1747 Lastly, I definitely miss my family a lot and Butternut pocket R19.99 as a thirdPrices 19 Hill Street Grahamstown 046 622 3258 my mom’s food, no doubt about it. When home2010 academic year begins. College is college… I couldn’t go wrong with that. when our The hockey season only begins in August, sickness manages to creep in, my faith helps to We have just finished the academic year and are on summer break. So university only com- which will be exciting. I am really looking for- strengthen me and I have built a great support mences again in the first week of September. I’m ward to it. You can catch our home games live on system here so I’m well taken care of. ANUARY OUTH INSIDE Muchas gracias, Juan FRICA S LDEST NDEPENDENT EWSPAPER Flying high ASANDA NAKETI hodes University student Thandolwethu Zono, who recently received a sport scholarship to the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), has arrived safely in the USA and will soon begin training. In an interview with Grocott’s Mail last week, Zono said she couldn’t believe the reality of the opportunity. “When I sit down and think of how I got the scholarship, I realise it is God’s work as I couldn’t have done it on my own,” she says. Zono, who matriculated from Victoria Girls’ High School (VGHS) and who is currently in her second year of studying a Bcomm Accounting at Rhodes University, said she first heard about the hockey scholarship when a hockey coach from James Madison University visited South Africa looking for high school learners to fit the criteria of the scholarship. “My name somehow got on the list of people to be considered for the scholarship.” Zono first started playing hockey as a nine-year-old and was captain of the VGHS 1st hockey team. She currently plays for Rhodes 1st XI. In 2008 she was a member of the U19 national side that played against Australia. Zono says she prefers playing centre link, but “can play any of the positions effectively, it just depends on the strength of the team.” Her parents are ecstatic about their daughter’s achievement. Zono’s mother Boniwe said “I am very proud of her and this is a lifetime opportunity for her.” Zono’s father, Maboy added “She is committed to what she does and it was her choice to follow hockey as she had participated in different sporting codes.” Although she will be away from home for some time, Zono says she has every intention of remaining close to her roots. “Yes, I am going to the States but I am a Rhodent. My blood is purple [for Rhodes] and green for VGHS.” OVERJOYED... Thandolwethu Zono with her father, Maboy and her mother Boniwe, before heading for the United States. Photos: Steven Lang 48 per kg 38 per kg 9 each 9 each Prices advertised are inclusive of VAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders please. E&OE. Every month for the past year. Addcheck (an independent research company) has proven that Pick n Pay gives you more for your money on a representative basket of 1000 items. Write to: The Editor, Fax to: 046 622 7282 An excellent performance If ever proof were needed of how special Grahamstown is, it was provided last Thursday and Friday at the Guy Butler Theatre when the Rhodes Orchestra and massed choirs of several local schools staged a resounding performance of Carl Orff ’s wonderful Carmina Burana. I was fortunate to be part of the audience in a packed auditorium on Friday to be royally and magnificently entertained by the talents of more than 300 mainly young musicians under the baton of the inspirational Juan Muñoz. I thank them all, as well as the army of others whose organisational and supporting efforts helped to make this such a rich and satisfying evening. The standing ovation at the end was thoroughly deserved. Harry Owen humans who allow animals to breed and then do not care for them or feed them. Or they get fancy breeds they know absolutely nothing about and when the dogs start behaving according to their nature, the people do not know how to respond and generally a lot of chaos is let loose on the community before the dogs invariably meet a sticky end. However, cats continue to be killed by dogs on Rhodes campus and elsewhere and I have never before had so many reports of killings or of missing cats. If nothing is being done to stop them, I would like to appeal to everyone who cares to look after their own small animals, although I would imagine that many are being killed that no one is even aware of. I found the tortured, disembowelled remains of a young campus cat yesterday among a colony I am working with at present and it was a very sad sight that will haunt me for a long time. Lorna Grant Dogs still on the loose Thank the Curves Cats are still being killed by marauding dogs around town and on campus but it appears the authorities aren’t doing anything to stop them. I do not want the dogs to suffer unduly, but their killing spree must come to an end and there is only one way that will happen, unfortunately, since there is obviously no one taking responsibility for them. I have an unconfirmed report that the killer huskies of George Street were shot after they attacked a man. This really saddens me because this is not what any of these dogs deserve and all of these problems stem from irresponsible The Rotary Annes of Grahamstown would like to thank the members of Curves for their generous donation of two trolley loads of groceries. These have been distributed to the Khanya Care Unit which looks after twelve special needs children, a destitute family identified by Famsa and the Grahamstown Health Development Forum run from the Presbyterian Church which assists families that are affected by HIV/Aids. S Fletcher Grahamstown Rotary Anns PO Box 103 Grahamstown 6140 Email: SMS 082 049 2146 The abortion and DJ posters wallpapered all over town are a disgrace to the town. Why does Makana not prosecute these vandals of our historic city?! >>>>>>>>>> Does Makana traffic dept not protect children? I often drive pass the corner of Hodges & Spring Str where a white woman sits on her pavement doorstep at 5 Hodges Str, smoking, while her small son commits hare kiri with passing traffic on his plastic bike. He has repeatedly shot in front of my car, risking his life. >>>>>>>>>> G'town should have a 3rd Degree team Pseudonyms may be used, but all letters must be supported by a name, signature and street address. Preference will be given to letters which are not longer than 400 words and are clearly legible. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject letters/photographs. Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 5 Makana Matters The nitty gritty of wind power Stacy Moreland T he possible introduction of nine or ten 90-metrehigh wind turbines, each equipped with three 45-metrelong blades, to the Waainek landscape has upset many of the potential neighbours. Each turbine costs approximately R35-million to build and has a life span of 30 years. Noise, and the introduction of industrial structures to an area where many businesses, basing their appeal on a calming environment – as in the case of the Mariya uMama weThemba Monastery – or on the illusion of untamed wilderness (in the case of several surrounding hunting lodges and game reserves), are considered major disincentives. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) presented by Coastal Environmental Services (CES) and the project manager of Innowind, Kevin Minkoff earlier this month became an opportunity for concerned residents to air a variety of grievances and worries. Privately owned and French funded, Innowind has undertaken to identify and assess the environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations to mitigate negative impacts – but a critical minority who attended a recent meeting expressed dissatisfaction with the many uncertain variables raised by the proposed wind farm, and a lack of guarantees. Why Waainek? The process of “scoping” the Grahamstown area was completed by the end of November last year. Two other sites, on either side of the N2 to East London were considered but Waainek was considered the best due to accessibility, excellent wind resources and proximity to the municipal power grid. Innowind is currently using the nearby MTN cellphone mast (which is 18 metres high) to assess wind quality and consistency. They would like to erect a 60-metre mast to measure the wind in conditions similar to those experienced by the turbines. Expected benefits A stable power supply for Grahamstown, particularly in winter, and the 26% share held by the Makana Winds of Change Educational Trust will be the major benefits of the wind farm. The trust will be administered by members of civil society, “unpaid, from different bodies, with different interests” said wind farm lobbyist Dr Garth Cambray. Impact on the environment The heritage assessment found that impact would be low; there are no archaeological sites in the area and the sandstone surrounding the sites was unlikely to yield palaeontological remains. Noise assessment found that there were “sensitive receptors” (such as homes) within audible range of the turbines. However, tests for sound and infrasound found that impacts were minimal and the turbines are positioned outside an internationally established 500-metre buffer zone. The EIA found that the area was not a “pristine terrestrial habitat”. However, four species and a genus of flora of “special concern” grow EXposED... This manhole has been without a cover since 2007. Photo: Babongile Zulu Open manhole poses a threat in Extension 6 Sandhira Chetty A one-year-old child almost fell into an open manhole in Extension 6 last Wednesday while playing outside. The manhole has been without a cover since 2007. “The municipality knows about this manhole because I have complained about this before,” said Extension 6 resident, Yoliswa Dube. She says she informed the City Engineers Department of the problem again last week, but has still not received any response. However, Phakama Booi from the department denies being told about the open manhole. “I don’t know anything about this, but if it has been open for three years then this is an old project which means it is still in progress,” she said. Makana Media and Communication Officer Thandy Matebese was also not aware of the problem. “As soon as we find out exactly where the manhole is, we will be able to do something about it. People need to report these matters so we are aware of what to do,” he said. Dube was at her mother’s house when she heard the neighbour’s baby scream. “The child was playing near the manhole. I heard the baby scream a few minutes later, but luckily we got there before any harm was done,” she said. “We eventually covered the hole with a mat and placed stones on the mat to keep it down.” Dube is also concerned about the health risk the manhole poses. “It even overflowed once, this manhole is the main manhole for all the surrounding houses in this area. This can be a problem because children like play- ing where it is dirty.” Matebese has since taken down Dube’s details and will be dealing with the open manhole as soon as he receives more information. nearby. Only one turbine falls within a sensitive area. According to the EIA fifteen species of bat occupy the area and relatively high fatalities are expected, but these fatalities can be reduced by 50% with the reduction of the cut-in time of the turbines. This can be done with a minimal loss to power generated. Generally one bird is killed annually by a turbine in a wind farm. To put this in perspective: 57 million birds are killed by cars in the US annually. Eleven vulnerable species of raptor frequent the thermals surrounding Waainek, nine of which are near-threatened. It is expected that these species may experience some displacement and loss of habitat. The visual impact assessment considered the “full range of visual, aesthetic, cultural and spiritual aspects of the environment that contribute to the area’s sense of place”. Impact was found to be relatively low. However, CES acknowledged that this is a generalised verdict for the whole adjacent area and impacts on, for instance, the monastery are higher – the 12 turbines originally proposed were reduced for this reason. Criticisms On several occasions the process of feasibility assessment was criticised for “putting the cart before the horse”. Nick Stavrakis, a concerned local and geologist, raised the “obvious slumping” occurring below the N2 bypass as evidence of how local underlying rock strata, (made of illite) liquefy under pressure and vibration. Stavrakis added that although the proposed site appears to be a consistent ridge it could contain four to five different soil types. These factors would make the site inappropriate for structures such as the turbines, he said. Minkoff said that while geological assessment would be part of pre-emptive studies they would not be undertaken yet, while public approval is still being sought, as they are very costly and the project must be given the go-ahead first. Russell Field, from Cold Spring Farm, where he runs a buffalo breeding programme and hunting lodge, raised numerous concerns. Among them was the likely decrease in property values surrounding such obtrusive structures. He also said that he expected a loss of business due to the destruction of the “wild experience” at his lodge. These sentiments were echoed by representatives from Amakhala and Shamwari game reserves. Ecotourism accounts for 65% of their business and they already have difficulty marketing the Eastern Cape as a wild area, difficulties which will increase once the wind farm is built, whether it is directly visible from guests’ accommodation or not. Dr Ted Avis of CES assured those concerned that they are “obliged by law to take cognisance of resident’s issues”. “There is a need for compromise,” he concluded, “there will always be issues that are hard to resolve; what’s important is the willingness to resolve them”. Prudence Mini and new defects were picked up on the second day. “The purchase and installation of this equipment took place during the project phase, of which all was done by the service provider,” said Matebese. The purchase was processed in the midst of some identified concerns such as there being no local agent for the Tamco Breakers, no spare parts are available in South Africa and if training of staff is required then it has to be done in Malaysia. Matebese said that the concerns raised by council officials after the factory test visit are being addressed before the project is handed over to the municipality. During the committee meeting DA Councillor Michael Whisson expressed his confusion as to why this equipment was purchased despite the outlined concerns. “It’s a wonderful piece of equipment, but it does not work. We should cut our ties with this,” said Whisson. Technical Services Deputy Director Johnson Steto said that the council officials informed him of the failed demonstration. He explained that he tried to stop the process of the equipment being purchased but without any success. LHID portfolio committee chairperson and ANC councillor, Zamuxolo Peter, said that a full report explaining what occurred should be written and that the manufacturers should reimburse them in full. He added that something went wrong somewhere and if the fault lies with the technical services team then someone should be held accountable. “Make sure it does not hamper service delivery. “We have the Fifa World Cup and the Festival just around the corner. If it’s going to affect electricity in Makana, it has to be addressed as soon as possible,” said Peter. Muni equipment purchase proves problematic The 11Kv Tamco Vacuum circuit breakers, purchased amid some concerns, drove a heated discussion at the Land, Housing, Infrastructural Development and Disaster Management (LHID) Portfolio Committee meeting last week. According to Makana Municipality’s spokesperson, Thandy Matebese, the Tamco Vacuum circuit breakers, which are switches used to make or break high voltages, were purchased at a cost of R250 000. Before the purchase was made, four council officials were selected to go, at the manufacturer’s expense to Johannesburg in March this year to witness the factory testing of the equipment. The Technical and Infrastructural directorate report stated that the defects which were noted on the first day of the visit were partly repaired REWARD Enjoy a taste of the Levant! carinus art school banquet Now, Friday 21, at the Art School! Only 10 tickets left to this amazing experience. R140. Own bar. 6.30 for 7pm. Phone 6224543 A reward of R100,00 per person will be paid for the positive identification of the persons in the above photograph. CALL 0834320013 All information will be treated in the strictest confidence. art works by well known locals and students on auction 6 News Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 Last week’s poll question: What’s your reaction to Rhodes possibly pulling out of the Inter-Varsity sports tournament? This week’s poll question: Do you use Facebook and/or Twitter? • I use Facebook and Twitter • I use Facebook, but not Twitter • I use Twitter, but not Facebook • I use neither Most popular stories last week: • Hubbly bubbly- toil and trouble? • High Court move to weaken local economy • Mandela-Rhodes scholars meet Madiba • Muni puzzled over Green Drop report • Friar Tucks bar fight case heard in PE Hot comment: Shut up about ‘climate change’ “The only good thing about [the proposed wind farm project] is that it will, hopefully, make Grahamstown independent of Eskom and its perpetual price rises and increasing ineffiency. I wish the proponents of this project would stress that point instead of the very discredited notion of ‘climate change’. Since when, once the atmosphere around the Earth was first formed, has the climate not been changing? Since when can the climate be controlled? Global warming has been observed on other planetary bodies in the last 20 years, notably Mars and Triton, and there are no carbon producers there. The earth has been cooling for the last eleven years. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant nor is it a poisonous gas, indeed it is absolutely essential to all life of earth so why is it suddenly being demonised as something dangerous?” - Seriola Lalandi New photo gallery: St Andrew’s vs Graeme FNB Classic Clash SMS ALERTS Now you can get the latest Grocott’s Mail headlines on your phone every Tuesday and Friday morning - for FREE! We’ll also notify you every now and then of any major breaking news, and of fantastic special offers in the Grahamstown area. To sign up, SMS “alertme” to 082 049 2146 (you’ll be charged for one regular SMS), or go to TESTING THE TESTERS... Settlers Hospital staff took time out of their busy schedules to get themselves tested for HIV, diabetes, TB and high blood pressure. Photos: Twiggy Matiwana Hospital workers check their own health Twiggy Matiwana F ollowing the launch of the national HIV Counselling and Testing campaign by Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, Settlers Hospital is encouraging its employees to get tested for various illnesses, including HIV. Hospital staff members came in droves on Tuesday last week to get tested for diabetes, HIV, high blood pressure, tuberculosis (TB) and weight readings so that they can know their health status. Moyake said: “Today has been a good day for everyone, the nurses were very positive about the campaign and were willing to volunteer for TB screenings and the distribution of condoms,” she explained. This wellness programme for employees is called the Employee Assistant Programme (EAP) and was rolled out at the hospital last week. According to the hospital manager Bongiwe Moyake, the programme has been prescribed for all government departments by the national government so that employees can be supported spiritually, socially, psychologically and physically. “This has been a very successful event, I am very happy about the staff ’s response as we all know that this is an ongoing programme.” Moyake added that social workers had been giving some of their services to the hospital staff. Assistant nurse Phakama Sithole said: “We also have female condoms because our boyfriends tend to forget to put on their condoms, so once we put on ours we are safe from diseases such as HIV and STDs [Sexually Transmitted Diseases] .” Twiggy Matiwana is an independent citizen journalist for Grocott’s Mail. DO IT YOURSELF... Nurse Assistant Phakama Sithole demonstrates how to use a female condom. Photos: Twiggy Matiwana Health department targets Makana Twiggy Matiwana The Department of Health’s HIV/Aids Counselling and Testing campaign which started this month aims to have 47% of the Makana and Ndlambe population tested by the end of June 2011. While the national target is, reportedly, to have 15 million people tested by the end of June 2011, the Makana sub-district expects to test 44 152 people. The department’s subdistrict covers areas in both Ndlambe and Makana municipalities. The campaign was introduced by Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi as a pre- vention strategy to curb the spread of HIV in the country. Makana Health Promotion Manager Gladys Mtimkulu said: “The Health Minister emphasises that everybody must go for testing, even our President Jacob Zuma has tested and the Eastern Cape MEC has tested, plus our healthcare workers are trying to destigmatise HIV/Aids so that the public can see that this campaign is for everybody.” During this period, free counselling and testing will be offered at all clinics, Settler’s Day Hospital, Settlers Hospital and Rhodes University’s sanatorium as well as at local NGOs such as Raphael Centre, Africare and Jabez Health Centre. “We have also mobilised religious leaders to assist in spreading the word in their churches as there are people who are affected by and infected with the virus out there,” she added. The purpose of the campaign is to mobilise people to know their status, encourage those who are negative to remain so and encourage people to take full responsibility for their lives (even if they are infected with HIV) as well as to provide life skills programmes for learners. Twiggy Matiwana is an independent citizen journalist for Grocott’s Mail. POP QUIZ Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 EDUCATION FOCUS UKUFUNDA v. to read; to learn Becoming a reader POP QUIZ with Zanele Yantolo Contribute to the Ukufunda Learning to read opens the door to a lifetime of learning and pleasure. Reading develops your imagination and empathy for others. It’s the best way to develop your vocabulary and general knowledge. It’s not surprising therefore that regular reading improves verbal intelligence. To become readers, children need interesting books at the right level. It’s important to get an early start. For some children, their first encounter with books is on their parent’s knee, sharing a story. Reading to young children develops their vocabulary and, unconsciously, they learn a lot about books. With this head start, children make progress when learning to read at school. They build confidence in themselves as readers and choose to read. The more they read, the more children’s vocabulary, fluency and comprehension improves and their confidence as readers grows. It is this virtuous circle that turns children into readers and puts them on the journey of a lifetime! In this issue of Ukufunda, we interview a local teacher, Zanele Yantolo, to find out how she became a reader and how she encourages her learners to become readers. Zanele also shares with us a book she has just read. We also find out about a new provincial association set up for English teachers like Zanele. Sarah Murray, Ukufunda editorial committee, 082 9251008 page, published in Grocott’s Mail every Tuesday. Letters, notices, appeals, useful news and information, book reviews, questions, opinion pieces, non-profit classified ads and pictures are all most welcome. They can be sent to, or for consideration. Subscribe to the Ukufunda mailing list. Visit mailman/listinfo/ukufunda and follow the instructions. The mailing list aims to raise awareness about educational initiatives in the city and create a platform for all people interested in literacy and education to share information, debate issues and find support. Bold new body for English educators L CATHY GUSH ast month saw the historic formation of a professional association of English teachers in the Eastern Cape, the first one of its kind in the country. The Eastern Cape English Educators Association (ECEEA), which was preceded by two years of planning, was launched at the Networking conference hosted by the Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA) at Rhodes University. The conference brought together some 150 current and past students from the Institute’s ACE (ELT) and BEd programmes, as well as district managers, subject advisors and librarians to consider current challenges to effective English teaching and how best to surmount them. English is known to be a critical subject area, because of the widespread dependence of other subjects on good language performance in English. This is one of the reasons why it was decided to form a discipline-based association at provincial level – the aim is to enhance educational performance in a specific subject area. The guideline followed in conceptualising the association has been to put in place something NOTICES • The Eastern Cape English Educators Association was established to enhance the professional standing of English teachers, offer ongoing access to cutting edge educational research, and provide a forum in which discipline-specific challenges can be confronted and solutions shared. To join or find out more contact Monica Hendricks on 046 603 8565 or • The Professional Development Centre at Rhodes is looking for donations of good quality children’s books (preprimary, primary and senior school age) and magazines, for distribution to schools. Items can be dropped at the PDC, 19 Somerset Street (old CSD offices). Enquiries MJ Jackson or Natasha de Souza on 046 603 7263. that will make a positive and sustainable difference in Eastern Cape classrooms. The ECEEA is not a political organisation nor is it intended to fluff the professional self-esteem of teachers, but is wholly dedicated to improving the quality of English language teaching. While the focus is currently on English, the association is open to all language educators and it is hoped that the scope of the association may broaden to cover the full field of language education in the long run. The ECEEA has been launched in partnership with the provincial education authorities. To be successful in transforming classroom practice and bringing it into the mainstream of education, such a partnership is critical. It ensures that there is systemic and ongoing buy-in from all concerned parties. In the words of Prof Laurence Wright, head of the ISEA, “Educational renovation comes from the hard work of committed professionals working in classrooms, supporting each other intellectually and emotionally, and from the efforts of those ancillary professionals who can in turn support them in intelligent and reliable ways.” The Eastern Cape and Grahamstown can be proud of taking the lead in this regard. RESOURCE PACK NO. 2 PARENTING • Join Susan Powers’s Grahamstown Parents’ Network, which provides free informationsharing newsletters to parents in Grahamstown. New subscribers to the network also receive a welcome letter and a Parents’ Directory listing child-friendly service providers in Grahamstown. Subscribe by emailing Susan Powers: powers@ • The Parent Centre was established in Cape Town in 1983 as a non-profit organisation. It provides education and training workshops, home visiting programmes, community talks, support groups as well as parental counselling. For more information, visit their website at Friends of the Library: Coming soon to Hill Street Library... 1001 Books you must read before you die Peter Boxall The Lacuna Barbara Kingsolver Unweaving the rainbow Richard Dawkins 7 ‘n Vurk in die pad and A fork in the road Andre Brink Makana Friends of the Library started 10 years ago to fundraise for the libraries of Grahamstown. If you would like to join the Friends please contact the subscriptions manager, Kate Marx ( or fill out a membership form at the Public Library in Hill Street. Zanele Yantolo is a Grade 11 and 12 English teacher at TEM Mrwetyana High School. She is an avid reader and has her own library at home. She has a BEd and BEd (Hons) from Rhodes University and is currently doing her Masters. Rod Amner was the quizmaster. Q: How did you come to be a reader? A: I’m not entirely sure! But, when I was doing Standard 8 (Grade 10) in King William’s Town during the the time of school boycotts I started reading because there was nothing else to do! I accidentally came across a book by James Hadley Chase called There’s a Hippie on the Highway. I read it and enjoyed it and I wanted to read more of the author. I have a substantial collection of James Hadley Chase books at home! And I am a regular at Fables book shop. Q: How did your training at Rhodes help you incorporate reading into your teaching practice? A: Reading is a problem in our schools. The timetable is very tight – and reading is not regarded as the most important aspect of learning. When I was at Rhodes I was introduced to publisher-sponsors who supply reading books for pleasure. And then we were also trained to start reading programmes in our schools. I started a reading programme. At first, because of the shortage of reading resources, I was using newspapers and magazines – anything I could lay my hands on. But, then I started writing to organisations like Biblionef and READ and they donated books. I reported back to them on the success of the programme and I have received about five batches of books from them. The purpose of the programme is to instil a culture of learning in the children, and to develop their language, writing and reading skills. Q: How successful has the reading programme been? A: There are somehow many challenges. It is a problem when it is regarded as the sole responsibility of the language teachers to get learners to read in class. I make sure that during my classes – especially classes specifically reserved for reading – the learners do read. Another problem is the shortage of books, especially the isiXhosa books. It seems the publishers are no longer publishing books in isiXhosa, especially books that learners could read for pleasure. Even magazines – there is a shortage of isiXhosa magazines. There is just not enough reading material available. Another thing is that learners either steal the books or tear the pages – at the moment that is the greatest challenge. If you leave the learners in the class unattended, you can be sure that three or four books will go missing. On the other hand, a number of my children are now reading for pleasure. Q: Apart from your own classroom library is there a library at TEM Mrwetyana? A: We have a building for the school library, but there are only old textbooks in it. There are no books for pleasure. That why I have to ensure that the books I received from READ and Biblionef are looked after. Also, I took them on a tour of the nearby Duna Library and I asked them to join the library. They are taking books out of Duna – and I make sure they read these books by requiring them to do book reviews, both in writing and orally. Also, because they like magazines, I collect magazines and get them to take just one article and tell me in class what they have read. That’s how I make sure they read! Q: How did you learn to write book reviews? I was taught how to do a book review for my Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE). Every day during our course we were given 15 minutes reading time. We were required to read at least 10 books for the year and produce book reviews for each book we read. So it was part of my training. Q: Tell us how you came about the book you reviewed for us (see Zanele’s review of The Uncertainty of Hope below): A: I am doing a Masters at Rhodes and Sarah Murray brought a whole lot of books into class. She noticed that I was an avid reader and asked if I would like to review The Uncertainty of Hope to see if it would be an appropriate read for student teachers. I took the book home and my 18-year-old daughter was the one who started to read the book because I was busy. She told me, ‘You must read the book mum, it is interesting.’ So I read it! It is good and deals with a lot of issues. Q: We seem to be living in an age when most people – both young and old – do not read books for pleasure. How do you explain the fact that your daughter reads? A: I think it’s first and foremost because she can see that I like to read. When she was a child, I would read to her. Also, she was at Victoria Girls, so she would get books every day to take home. At home it’s our culture! We like to read. Sometimes we don’t even watch the TV. Book Review The Uncertainty of Hope by Valerie Tagwira clearance programme – displacing millions of people and leaving them destitute. Review: Zanele Yantolo THE Uncertainty of Hope is the debut novel of Although the novel focuses on the Valerie Tagwira, a Zimbabwean medical doctor disadvantaged side of Zimbabwe, it also currently working in London. The story is set shows how people with money and influential in Mbare, a densely-populated suburb outside positions in society are not as badly affected by Harare and revolves around the lives of Onai the economic situation. The book shows how Moyo, a Zimbabwean mother the lives of well-off characters like of three and market vendor, Tom Sibanda, a young businessman and her best friend Katy Nguni, and farmer, Faith a law student, and a mother of one, vendor, and Emily a doctor are intricately woven black market currency dealer. together with the lives of the poor. The novel focuses on the trials Ultimately the rich better the lives of and tribulations faced by Onai the poor, as can be seen in the case and Katy, including poverty, of Onai and Mawaya, a beggar. domestic abuse, homelessness I would recommend this book and vulnerability to HIV/Aids, to people because it is not only which Onai faces because of an enjoyable read, but it teaches her husband Gari. one valuable life lessons like the Valerie Tagwira The novel also focuses on importance of true friendship and how government corruption hope, surviving through difficult has worsened the situation for poor times and to be grateful for the things one Zimbabweans. Home affairs officials demand has in life. sexual favours in return for aiding people In addition the novel is also a good read in desperate situations. Police officers buy for South Africans especially those who are foreign currency on the black market and xenophobic, as it can open their eyes to the execute Operation Murambatsvina – the living conditions of foreign people, therefore government’s controversial urban slum make them more empathetic. 8 Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 Turn write for Bedford 9 Turn write for Bedford Renowned writer brings the magic of storytelling to Bedford Rhodes journalism students working in the Grocott's Mail newsroom packed up their notebooks recently and headed for a Story Jamboree in Bedford. The weekend focused on “the writer’s voice” in four workshops led by writer Dorian Haarhoff with creativity and encouragement. At Friday evening's Rekindling the Fire, participants were served soup and introduced to Dorian. He told a series of short stories to get the creative juices flowing, and participants interacted to relate these to their life experiences. On Saturday morning participants gathered at a farm for a feast of words. Writing Yourself Alive focused on writing as a conversation with yourself and others. Dorian believes that writing is not a talent but a skill drawn from attention and openness which anyone can master with enough practice. Underneath shady trees, participants scrawled across paper hoping to access their inner writer. They shared their stories and were encouraged to make their writing more alive through the imagination. That evening, in Bosman and Boerekos, Dorian told Herman Charles Bosman stories between three courses of a traditional Afrikaans meal. On the last day of the Jamboree, writers gathered under a beloved oak tree for The Great Metaphor Hunt. The workshop encouraged participants to look to nature for inspiration and self-reflection. A life full of colours Babongile Zulu Jan Lister and her son Matthew came to the Eastern Cape from Johannesburg in 2008. Jan had read about Bedford and decided to drive through the town. She came to a house with a ‘for sale’ sign and was immediately interested. “I was devastated when the estate agent said someone had put in an offer that morning. I said to myself: ‘what are you thinking? You came to Bedford just to have a look and now you’re looking at property!’” Jan was still interested in looking at the house so she was given a tour. Ten days later, Jan was back in Bedford because the potential buyer had not paid the deposit on the house on time. This time, Jan noticed a tile in the dining room with a picture of a bird she dreamt of 25 years ago. She recalls feeling a sense of fullness and being where she was meant to be. The rest is history. She set up a café called Kaleidoscope Kafe, and is also involved in the arts project Kaggaberg Kraft Centre. “I feel so blessed and privileged to have found where my connections lie,” she said. Having organised the Story Jamboree, she plans to make it an annual affair. From one writer to another Bosman and boerekos Lynn Berggren Stacy Moreland Mentor, writer and story-teller, Dorian Haarhoff, spent time with the Rhodes fourth year writing class answering questions about life, writing and books. Donning a floppy hat and slukking repeatedly from a bottle of Old Brown, Dorian reincarnated Oom Schalk Lourens, the figure who traverses many of Herman Charles Bosman’s short stories. The legendary South African story teller sat before us atop a makeshift stage, a North African wooden bed, and cleared his throat. As the light flickered over the disintegrating lion skin on the stone walls of the Bedford Gaol, gloom became a cosy realm of fiction. Oom Schalk’s adventures in the Groot Marico entertained us between courses of hearty boerekos. The Old Gaol, its high walls intimidating visitors, made me pity any prisoner who was once held in this impenetrable and inescapable fortress. But the Gaol’s refurbished interior tells a different story; its high ceilings and monstrous fireplace, flanked by the lengthiest leather couch I’ve ever seen, are more reminiscent of Dracula’s castle. A well tamed English garden weaves its way through labyrinth-like courtyards. Recently bought by Johannesburg businessman Derek White, the Old Gaol is to be converted into a luxurious bed and breakfast – the plush beds and fine dining a far cry from its penitential past. What would you be if not a writer? Some sort of a homegrown philosopher. I have a need to communicate with people. Maybe I'd be a travelling monk. Or a pilgrim like in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. When do you know you have a final draft of a story? Sometimes after the seventh or eighth version, I go back to the one I’m happiest with. I also test my drafts with writer friends who will be honest. Has your writing changed over the years? I hope it has got more simple. I like to think each work is like a cloudy glass. After time, it settles. When did you write your first story? When I was eleven, my father died. I wrote a poem to try to hold my grief. Then I began to trust words. Where do you get the stories that you tell? A lot of people send me stories, or I often read them in books. Every culture has stories, and you begin to notice them everywhere. Every fiction is someone's life story. FEELING AT HOME... Jan Lister, organiser of the Beford Story Jamboree, working on a collage about her life. Photo: Gillian Rennie A place of picnics and metaphors Who is your favourite poet? Gerald Hopkins's use of language and enthusiasm inspired my writing. Also Robert Frost and Geoffery Chaucer, who talk of the long road to crafting one’s writing. Laea Medley We imagined ourselves being drawn into the Old Oak Tree – Bedford’s traditional picnic spot. Led by Dorian's words, we became part of the tree, our feet transforming into the twisty roots, and our arms morphing into the sturdy branches. This was the opening of Dorian's “metaphor hunt” on Sunday morning. DJ Comyn, who lives next door to the majestic tree, related its history. “My mother’s side of the family arrived here in the 1820s on a ship called the Wymeth. “When boarding the ship in Portsmouth, the captain informed them that they had to wait for the tide to come in, and since they would be on board for three months, he suggested they spend some time on land while waiting.” “There were oak trees forming acorns in the area, and the little boys were playing with them. So when they boarded the boat again, they had pockets full of acorns. That’s why oak trees in the Eastern Cape are different from ones in the Western Cape. “I don’t think this oak tree is originally from one of those acorns, but probably from an acorn of an acorn,” he said. “You get these kinds of trees all over the Eastern Cape.” INSPIRING... Writer and story-teller Dorian Haarhoff talks about the magic pf metaphors under the Old Oak Tree in Bedford. Photo: Gillian Rennie Keep space for dessert Annetjie van Wynegaard HUNTING FOR METAPHORS… Dorian Haarhoff delivers a writing workshop on metaphors under Bedford’s traditional picnic spot, the Old Oak Tree. Photo: Laea Medley Exceeding our expectations Daniella Potter Following the lights of the bakkie through the dust, a fellow student said with a shaking voice, “We’re going to be made into pies!” Pulling into the narrow driveway, it appeared that some creatures were mounted on walls, but we humans did not have to fear. We were staying on a hunting farm just outside Bedford called Robert’s Kraal. Zebra, kudu and wildebeest heads loomed over us. Their skins lay as mats on the floor for when we tumbled out of bed. There were two lodges, one of which had a long table dressed in African print. Each room had beds with clean sheets and blankets that kept us snug during the chilly nights. The showers were the size of walk-in cupboards and the baths were comfortable for the tallest people. As dawn broke on Saturday morning, the sun sparkled on the white walls and made halos around the trees. A fireplace stood between the two lodges where we bonded on Saturday afternoon. As we closed the doors for the final time, we locked away not only our safe haven, but memories of our time at the farm, connecting among the freedom of Africa’s Karoo, instead of over coffee in the Grocott’s Mail newsroom. Mealtime in Bedford was a pomegranate pip moment. Creative juices not only flowed on the page, but also in the Karoo kitchens of Kim van Niekerk and Janice Lister. Jan and her son, Matthew, prepared scrumptious boerekos on Saturday at the Bosman and Boerekos evening at the Bedford Old Gaol, from boontjiesop, cocktail roosterbrood with powdered biltong, to pampoenbredie, bobotie, melktert and bread and butter pudding. With our bellies full we enjoyed the entertaining Herman Charles Bosman tales told in character by Dorian Haarhoff, Old Brown Sherry included. Saturday lunch was an explosion of fresh tastes prepared by local estate agent Kim van Niekerk. Most of the ingredients she used, like aubergine, spinach, radish tops and curly kale, are organically grown in her garden. The highlight was Kim’s Moroccan inspired pomegranate pudding. The dessert, like Marcel Proust’s madeleines, reminded Dorian of his search this year for “pomegranate pip moments”. Dorian made a collage at the start of this year to plan the year ahead. In his collage he stuck a pomegranate where a man's heart was missing, which sparked his quest to live romantically. Dorian believes each person is a pip of potential that can inspire “heart moments of connection”. EAT YOUR HEART OUT... This Moroccan inspired pomegranate pudding was the highlight of Saturday's lunch in Bedford during a weekend of creative writing led by acclaimed writer and Rhodes alumni, Dorian Haarhoff. Photo: Gillian Rennie FORTRESS... Writer Dorian Haarhoff explores Bedford's Old Gaol, now a local entertainment venue and soon to be a luxurious bed and breakfast. Photo: Anthea Garman Sharing our life stories Workshop inspires future authors Megan Jackson Sandhira Chetty and Meggan McCarthy The aim of Dorian's workshops was to improve our writing skills and to coax out our inner writer. We participated in the ‘Writing Yourself Alive’ workshop, connecting with our own life story and sharing it with others. It is this openness and honesty that frees us from the confines of our self-made prisons, and enables us to find the words to tell our stories. Unfortunately, being only 22 years old meant that most of us did not yet have a life story to unpack, and this workshop was enjoyed more by older participants, most of whom had a cache of subject matter to work with. The Great Metaphor Hunt on Sunday was more suited to us Journalism students, and did not involve having to delve into our inner psyche. We acted out metaphors and hunted for organic materials to create characters. It was a treat to work with such an esteemed writer like Dorian, but I would have liked to have written more, and to receive feedback from him. In any case, we left with the comforting knowledge that writing is a skill, and that each of us has the potential to be great writers with a lot of perseverance and crafting. Grocott's Mail reporters asked participants whether Dorian's wise words inspired their inner best-selling author. English teacher Ricky Woods said, “Dorian has already done two workshops, and at our annual conference he said something which I will never forget: ‘Stories stick to me like burrs to a rug.’ When I heard he was going to Bedford, I jumped at the opportunity. This weekend has shown me we all have a voice, whatever we have to say has value, and to continue writing!” Alison Immelman, another English teacher, also found the workshops valuable. “It has been so uplifting. I have obtained such rich history and diversity from being with different people. Everyone has a story to tell. These workshops have provided me with deep rest.” Bedford resident Rita Oosthuysen said the workshops showed her how she could improve her own writing. “I’ve had an interesting and eventful life. My therapist suggested I write my life story, not only because it would be healing but because it could be a good read. I’ve learnt valuable skills such as to show, not tell the reader.” Oosthuysen believes Bedford was an ideal place to hold the Jamboree: “It’s close-knit but we are welcoming towards strangers.” 10 Review Musical investment in city’s social capital Peppergrove Mall, Grahamstown Tel: (046) 622 3440, Fax: (046) 622 8368 MAY 14 TO MAY 20 SPREAD (16LNS) DATE NIGHT (13LVS) In New York city, a case of mistaken identity turns a bored married couple's attempt at a glamorous and romantic evening into something far more thrilling and dangerous. Starring Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. Fri. @ 3pm,8pm, Sat. @ 12:30pm,3pm,8pm, Sun. @ 12:30pm,3pm, Mon./Tues. @ 3pm,8pm, Wed./Thurs. @ 3pm FROM PARIS WITH LOVE (16) In Paris, a young employee in the office of the US Ambassador hooks up with an American spy looking to stop a terrorist attack in the city. Starring John Travolta, Jonathan Rhys Myers. Fri. @ 8pm, Sat. @ 5:30pm, 8pm, Sun. @ 12:30,5:30pm, Mon./Tues. @ 8pm, Wed./Thurs.@ 8pm NANNY McPHEE AND THE BIG BANG (PG) Family movie. Nanny McPhee arrives to help a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war. She uses her magic to teach the children and their two spoiled cousins five new lessons. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Ewan McGregor and Emma Thompson Fri. @ 3pm,5:30pm, Sat. @ 12:30,3pm, Sun. @ 3pm, Mon./Tues./Wed./Thurs. @ 3pm,5:30pm TOOTH FAIRY (PG) Family movie. A bad deed on the part of a tough minor-league hockey player results in an unusual sentence. He must serve one week as a real life tooth fairy. Starring Dwayne Johnson Fri. @ 3pm, Sat. @ 12:30, Sun. @ 3pm, Mon./Tues. @ 3pm, Wed./Thurs. @ 3pm, 5.30pm CRAZY HEART (13) "Redemptive story about about a failed country singer bouncing back." Mail & Guardian. Starring Jeff Bridges, Anna Felix Fri./Sat. @ 5:30pm, Sun./Mon @ 5:30pm Tues./Wed./Thurs. @ 5.30pm, 8pm Radio & T V Services For all your electronic requirements DSTV decoders and installations SABC 1 4 8 1 6 1 7 4 6 Puzzle 1 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.82) 9 6 6 9 6 7 3 8 4 2 5 1 8 2 5 8 7 1 6 9 3 4 1 4 3 9 2 5 2 4 8 9 1 7 7 3 6 85 3 4 2 5 2 1 8 6 3 5 8 6 87 1 7 8 76 5 41 6 2 9 8 9 3 4 7 4 6 5 1 8 2 9 2 4 7 3 6 1 1 5 9 8 22 39 5 6 4 7 13 Puzzle 4 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.85) #83 9 1 2 8 6 4 7 5 3 The solution will be published on Friday, 21 May 5 8 3 7 1 2 6 9 4 4 7 6 5 3 9 8 1 2 3 2 5 9 7 1 4 6 8 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in 1 4 7 2 8 6 9 3 5 the grid so that every 8 6 9 3 4 5 2 7 1 row, every column and every 3x3 box contains 6 3 4 1 2 7 5 8 9 the digits 1 through 9. No 2 9 1 6 5 8 3 4 7 number can be repeated 7 5 8 4 9 3 1 2 6 in any row, column or difficulty rating 0.77) Puzzle 7 (Very hard, Solution for Friday 14, May box. Puzzle 7 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.77) 5 4 6 6 8 8 2 1 4 9 2 7 6 3 2 7 3 8 5 1 4 3 9 4 1 6 5 2 6 1 5 8 7 17 6.30am Takalani, 12pm Judge Joe Brown, 1pm Shift, 1.50pm Infomercials, 2pm Matrix Uploaded, 3pm Jam Alley, 3.30pm Samurai Jack, 4pm YO.TV, 5.30pm News Headlines, 6pm Bold And The Beautiful, 6.30pm Puzzle 2 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.77) HHP Respect, 7pm Jika 5 8Majika, 3 8pm 1 Generations, 7 4 6 2 9 8.30pm Love 2 1 4 5 6Stories. 9 9pm 7 8 3 Khumbul’ekhaya. 7.30am AM Shopping, 10am 5.57am Op Pad, 6am Generations, 11am Tyra Morning Live, 9.10am Banks, 12pm Knight Rider, Thabang Thabong, 2pm Knock Knock, 2.30pm 10am Takalani Sesame, Power Rangers, 3pm All My 12.30pm Dr. Phil, 1.30pm Children, 3.50pm 3 Talk, Days Of Our Lives, 4.45pm Days, 5.35pm 3.30pm Muvhango, The Oprah Winfrey Show, 4.30pm Iketsetse, 6pm Puzzle 3 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.88) 6.30pm Isidingo: The Need, Kwela Express, 6.30pm 9 7 2 47pm5 News, 1 7.30pm 6 Rules 7de Laan, 3 7pm8Nuus, of Engagement, 7.30pm Pasella, 8.30pm 1 2 5 6 8 9 7 4 3 8pm Life’s a Journey. News, 9pm Muvhango. 9am Rhythm City, 10am 3rd Degree, 12.10pm Planet Parent, 12.30pm Backstage, 1.30pm WWE Afterburn, 3pm Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?, 5.30pm Medical Detectives, 6pm e News, 6.30pm Rhythm City, 7pm e News, 7.30pm Scandal!, 8pm AXN-TV, 8.30pm Smackdown, 9.30pm Playa. 7am MiWay MTB, 10am Binnelanders, 11am Pasengers, 1pm Infomercials, 2.30pm Naturally Sadie, 3.00pm Pearlie, 4pm Bon Jovi: Live in Chicago, 5pm Ugly Betty, 6pm Binnelanders, 7pm The Middle, 8.30pm The Mentalist, 9.30pm The Pacific, 23.00pm Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. 7.30am YOTV Land, 4 5 7 8 3 1 9 6 2 10am HHP Respect, 3 612pm 9 Judge 4 Joe 2 Brown, 5 8 1 7 8 21pm1Tshwaraganang, 6 9 7 5 3 4 1.30pm Live It, 2pm Matrix 7 9 8 3 1 6 2 4 5 Uploaded, 3pm Jika Majika, 6 34.30pm 5 7Casper’s 4 2Scare1 9 8 1 4School, 2 5.30pm 9 5 News, 8 36pm7 6 Bold, 8pm Generations, Whendifficulty we wererating 0.89) Puzzle 8.30pm 5 (Very hard, Black, 9.30pm Cutting 6 9 8 3 4 5 1 7 2 Edge. 8am AM Shopping, 10am 6am Morning Live, 9.30am 7 5 4 8 9 3 1 6 2 Generations, 10.30am Woody Woodpecker, 10am 8 9 1Dr. 5 6 2Isidingo, 4 311am 7 The Tyra Takalani, 12.30pm Phil, 1.30pm 6 Days 3 Of 2 Our 4 7 1Banks 8 Show, 9 51.30pm Africa News, 2pm Which way!, Lives, 3.30pm Muvhango, 5 7 6 9 1 8 3 2 4 2.30pm Get Ed, 3.50pm 3 4pm Hectic Nine -9, 5pm 4 Leihlo 8 3 5 6Talk9with7Noeleen, 1 5.35pm Dragonball,2 6pm La Sechaba, 9 6.30pm 1 3 7de 2 4 7Oprah 6 Winfrey 5 8 Show, 6.30pm Isidingo, 7pm News, 7.30pm Laan, 8.30pm News, 9pm Top Billing, 10.15pm Law Muvhango, 9.30pm Thehard, difficulty Puzzle 6 (Very rating 0.88) & Order, 11.15pm Knight Mating Game. 2 9 6 8 7 5 3 4 1 Rider. 6am Sunrise, 10am Playa–2010 Soccer, 12pm Showbiz Report, 1pm News Day, 1.30pm WWE Raw, 4pm Chucklewood Critters, 4.30pm Infomercials, 4.40pm The Young And The Restless, 6pm e News, 6.30pm Rhythm City, 7pm eNews, 8pm After the Sunset, 11.30pm The Steve Wilkos Show. 5am Guess with Jess, 6am Barney & Friends, 10am Binnelanders, 11am Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia, 2.30pm Horseland, 3.30pm Hotwheels, 4pm Prankz, 4.30pm The Middle, 5pm League of Glory, 7pm Carte Blanche, 8.30pm American Idol, 9.30pm Fringe, 10.30pm FlashForward, 11.30pm The Mentalist. 6am Sunrise, 10am Showbiz Report, 10.30am Playa, 11.00am WWE, 12.30pm Backstage, 1pm News Day, 1.30pm Bartok the Magnificent, 6.30pm Rhythm City, 7.30pm Style by Jury, 8pm Stealth Fighter, 10.30pm Enemy Mine. 9am Rapid Motion Classic, 12pm Sopersport, 2.30pm The Latest Buzz, 3pm Dinosaur King, 3.30pm Dream Kix, 4pm Carte Blanche, 5pm Alex Stobbs, 6pm Binnelanders, 7pm Garry Unmarried, 7.30pm All Access, 8.30pm Wipeout, 9.30pm Sex Drive. Puzzle 6 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.88) 9 5 8 9 7 6 2 8 3 1 4 2 7 4 5 2 9 5 2 8 5 9 1 4 7 5 7 9 1 2 6 1 8 7.30am YO.TV Land, 12pm 4 1Joe7Brown, 8 2pm 6 3 9 Judge Matrix 1 2 Uploaded, 5 9 3.30pm 7 4 3 The Tick, 5.30pm News, 7 4 6 3 1 9 2 6pm Bold, 6.30pm Jam 3 67pm8My 2Wife4and5 1 Alley, Kids, 6 57.30pm 2 7News, 3 8pm 8 4 Generations, 8.30pm When 2 9 1 6 8 7 5 we were Black, 10pm Above 8 Rim. 3 4 5 9 2 6 the 4 5 6 8 7 9 3 1 3 2 8 5 6 7 1 4 36 5 7 3 63 1 5 2 6 2 7 9 3 5 9 5 7 3 6 1 8 2 9 7 2 1 9 3 5 4 6 8 1 6 5 8 4 2 7 3 1 2 4 7 9 9 8 3 9 3 1 7 9 6am Morning Live, 8am 4 8 3 Parliament,5 9.05am Thabang Thabong, 6 3 10am 1 4 Takalani Sesame, 11am 9 8 2 7 Mind the Gap, 12.30pm 7 5 Judge 4 2 Dr. Phil, 2.15pm Mathis, 4pm 1 Hectic 2 3Nine-9, 6 5pm ACSA, 6.30pm 7de 4 7 9 5 Laan, 7.30pm Supersterre, 8 6by Blow. 5 1 10.00pm Blow Puzzle 8 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.76) 8 8 4 2 1 5 6 8 9 3 4 4 8 6 5 2 7 9 3 5am World Today, 7.30am 6AM Shopping, 9 7 210am GenIsidingo, 9erations, 2 810.30am 7 11am The Tyra Banks Show, 1 5 3 4 1.30pm News Update, 2pm 3Trompie, 6 16.30pm 9 Isidingo: 7The 4Need, 5 7pm 8 News, 7.30pm Hearts in Atlantis, 89.30pm 1 2Innocent 6 Voices. Puzzle 8 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.76) 4 4 4 9 93 1 6 4 3 5 8 8 8 M-Net 5.15am Chuggington, 7am Formula One, 10am Binneland: Sub Judice, 11am Chocolat, 2.30pm Spliced, 5pm Grey’s Anatomy, 6pm Binneland: Sub Judice, 7pm Prankz, 7.30pm Ugly Betty, 8.30pm Flash Forward, 9.30pm Damages, 10.30pm Californication, 11pm Guns. TUESDAY, 18 MAY 2010 9 e - TV 8am African Language News, 9am Rhythm City, 12.30pm Backstage, 1pm News Day, 1.30pm WWE Superstars, 2.30pm Crawford’s Corner, 3.30pm Frenzy, 4.40pm The Young and theRestless, 5.30pm Medical Detectives, 6.30pm Rhythm City, 7.30pm Scandal!, 8pm WWE Afterburn. WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 2010 9 SABC 3 6am Morning Live, 8am Parliament , 9.30am Woody the Woodpecker, 11.30am Talk SA, 12pm Motswako, 12.30pm Dr. Phil, 1.30pm Days, 2.15pm Judge Mathis, 4pm Hectic Nine - 9, 6.30pm 7de Laan, 7.30pm Erfsondes, 8.30pm News, 9pm Muvhango, 10pm Afro Cafe. 7.30am YOTV Land, 12pm Judge Joe Brown, 1pm Shift, 2pm Matrix Uploaded, 3.30 Teen Titans, 4.30pm Tom & Jerry Tales, 5.30pm News, 6pm Bold And The Beautiful, 6.30pm Wina Manje, 7pm ba Kae, 7.30pm News, 8pm Generations, 8.30pm Shakespeare, 9pm Fame from Faith. THURSDAY, 20 MAY 2010 3 4 SABC 2 7.30am AM Shopping, 10.30am Isidingo: The Need, 1.30pm Africa News Update, 3pm All My Children, 3.50pm 3 Talk With Noeleen, 4.45pm Days, 6.30pm Isidingo, 6.30pm News, 7.00pm News, 8pm Interface, 10.15pm Law & Order, 11.15pm The Philanthropist. FRIDAY, 21 MAY 2010 8 MASTERFUL MUSICIANS... Kingswood College staff and pupils who joined the Rhodes University Orchestra in the performance of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana at the Guy Butler Auditorium are, from left: Boris Mohr (French horn), Njaveva Bingana (trumpet), Dario Broccardo (timpani), Jenny Brand (clarinet), Adam Campbell (flute), Tessa Campbell (violin) and Joshua Smuts (trombone). Photo: Supplied Times and shows were correct at the time of going to press 73 High Street •Tel. 6227119 Puzzle 5 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.89) 9 T he presentation of Carl Orff ’s Carmina Burana at the Guy Butler Theatre in Grahamstown is a proud moment. It was more than just an orchestral and choral performance. It was about celebrating Grahamstown’s social capital. From the very first moment when the conductor Juan Muñoz stood on the conductor’s podium and raised his hand to command his choir and orchestra for O Fortuna in the opening, it was certain that the wheel of fortune was going to spin in his favour. Both Muñoz and his pianist wife Muriel Illusorio are well known in Grahamstown for their passionate commitment to music education. It must be certain that Muñoz’s passion and commitment to Carmina Burana can only be inspired by Carl Orff who, like Muñoz, also had a parallel career teaching music to children. Presented by Graeme College and the Rhodes University Orchestra, the Guy Butler auditorium was an explosion of colour, harmony and excitement when more than 300 children drawn from Grahamstown’s DSG, Kingswood College, Mary Waters School, PJ Olivier High School, St Andrew’s College, TEM Mrwetyana School and Victoria Girls’ High School delighted an tvGUIDE videotronic AGENTS enthusiastic audience with a repertoire that is no easy task to perform. Sung in Latin and old German, Carmina Burana drifts between combined choral adult male voices, children’s voices, an orchestra and the three solo voices. The strength of any performance of Carmina Burana rests in the conductor’s ability to harmonise the experienced voices of adults in the production with that of its youth performers. This is where Muñoz’s experience as a musician and a teacher was so pivotal for creating a production that will always be cherished by its 400 strong cast and by its appreciative audience. Being part of an audience that swiftly rose to its feet on the Thursday night performance was an absolute blast. This was a standing ovation for more than just performance. It was an accolade and a moving tribute paid to the adult musicians and choristers and to the teachers from all the participating schools in Grahamstown who came together with so many young people to celebrate diversity through the arts. Carmina Burana is after all about so many different people. It is about so much variety. It is about different textures. When so much of that was found and assembled on one stage just how does one resist not calling for an encore? Bravo to the full company. ISMAIL MAHOMED Ashton Kutcher stars as the pretty young guy who has expert and enthusiastic sex with older women. "Kutcher is a credible and potent leading man with an easy address to the camera. He carries off the movie with some style." Mail & Gaurdian Fri. @ 5:30pm, 8pm, Sat. @ 3pm, 5:30pm, 8pm, Sun. @ 12:30pm, 5:30pm Mon./Tues. @ 5:30pm, 8pm, Wed./Thurs. @ 8pm 6 Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 ENTERTAINMENT Puzzle 9 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.77) 7 1 5 2 3 7 4 2 6 8 5 3 9 6 3 4 9 7 2 8 1 8 9 5 1 3 4 7 6 1 7 4 9 6 2 9 85 3 48 Pop Quiz Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 11 News Amakhala partners with International Labour Cathy Gush UNDER CONSTRUCTION...The three new residences currently being built at Rhodes University should be ready by the end of the year. Photo: Sandhira Chetty New residences to go green Sandhira Chetty T hree residences currently under construction at Rhodes University will be the first to go green. The new houses will have an alternative water system installed in an initiative undertaken by the university to become more environmentally friendly. “Instead of the boilers which current residences are using, these new ones will have heat pumps,” said the director of the Residential Operations Division, Dr Iain L’Ange. Drawing from the technology of air conditioners, the heat pumps use hot air to heat water. “In the long run this would result in a saving of up to 80% for the university,” said L’Ange. The heat pumps were the second option in the plan to go green. “We also looked at solar paneling, but with further analysis we found that the heat pumps would deliver a better result. The topography of the land was not suitable for solar panelling.” The costs of the air conditioning technology had to be considered as well. “Green technology costs are very expensive. The Green Fund was established to deal with projects such as this one.” This organisation was proposed by the environmental science student projects to support initiatives that could contribute to Rhodes University reducing its carbon emissions and becoming a more environment-friendly institution. Although it is still new, the Green Fund is a fundraising initiative which will help implement green initiatives across campus. In addition to the heat pumps, 5 000 litre rainwater tanks will become standard at all residences as a watersaving tactic. There will also be a change in the landscaping. “The plan is to make the vegetation far more indigenous so that we stay away from water-hungry plants; just to keep a lawn green means an enormous amount of water is consumed.” FESTIVAL SUPPLEMENT 22 June 2010 Deadline: Monday 14 June For SPECIAL advertising rates contact Sivuyile or Bongani on 046-622 7222 E-mail: Existing residences will also become more environmentally friendly according to L’Ange. “As the boilers of the old houses age, we will replace them with the heat pumps. We are still experimenting with these new residences.” “Going green is a must,” said L’Ange. “We need to be more aware of our landscaping, it’s beautiful to have these plants, but we need to save water, especially in light of the water crisis in Grahamstown.” Construction is expected to be complete by December this year. Amakhala Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape has signed a groundbreaking partnership agreement with the International Labour Organisation (ILO). They are one of only two game reserves in South Africa that have been selected as a pilot project for the industry. The pilot project will involve developing and demonstrating good conservation and workplace management practices within a game lodge environment. This will then serve as a model to be rolled out more generally once the pilot phase has been completed. Amakhala and Madikwe Game Reserves were selected in terms of the ILO criteria that looked for viable game lodge operations located in a rural setting and linked to vulnerable communities. The three main focus areas are: • The development of sustainable small businesses within the local community that will develop skills, create employment and provide products to lodges. • Development of a workable conservation management plan that facilitates the synergy between a commercial operation and sustainable conservation and energy practices; • Human Resource and workplace management issues; • Empowering staff to understand and increase the efficiency of the processes involved in running a game lodge. The ILO is funding the project for two years. The first year is largely taken up by the research and preparatory phase, while the second year is for implementation. Experts from the ILO will be working hand in hand with owners, management and staff at Amakhala to address the relevant issues. Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 12 Send your Applause pictures to the editor, or hand deliver them to Grocott’s Mail, 40 High Street. HAPPY STARS... Shooting Stars Playschool recently launched their new school t-shirts to tie in with the Hospice Go-Yellow day. Pictured here are, from top left: Nicholas McKeown, Mika Davies, Mairi Reardon, Jonathan Pretorius, Vuyokazi Tata (assistant). From bottom left: Zara Benn, Devon Britz, Lana Pretorius (teacher), Zoë Halse, and Olivia Barker. Photo: Supplied GOING STRONG... Jeff Grocott, staff and friends celebrate the 140th anniversary of Grocott’s Mail. The first edition hit the streets on 11 May 1870. Photo: Stephen Penney SLEEP TIGHT... Kingswood recently raised R5 000 for the Nompumelelo Pre-School to buy mattresses for the children. Photo: Supplied HOCKEY STARS... Vuyo Zondani and Mary Roji from Victoria Primary School were selected to represent the Albany U13 hockey team. Photo: Supplied TOP AGENT... Monika Gaybba of Independent Property Consults recently was named top agent out of all their franchises and branches and was awarded a diamond for her brooch. Photo: Supplied ECO-CONSCIOUS... DSG has become part of the Eco-Schools Programme which began in South Africa in 2003. The mission of the Eco-Schools Programme is to promote public participation in caring for the Earth. Here Shelley Frayne (headmistress of DSG) and Brittany Barrowcliffe are seen with the Eco-School flag. Photo: Supplied WEDDING BELLS... Braden King and Monika van Duuren got married at Hoërskool PJ Olivier recently. Monika is a Maths Literacy and physical science teacher at PJ Oliver and Braden is a lecturer at East Cape Midlands College as well as a web designer. Photo: Supplied WELL DONE... Siyabonga Faxa has completed his Microsoft excel 2007 Level 1 Course which he did with Creative Minds. Photo: Supplied Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 13 News TICK TOCK… Volunteers wait in the queue, anxious to donate. Photo: Candice Cupido LOOK AWAY… Nurse Elsabe Potgieter finds the vein in David Kenyon’s arm. Photo: Candice Cupido Giving life, giving blood HERE IT COMES… A nurse sterilises a volunteer’s arm before inserting the needle. Photo: Lynn Berggren On Wednesday Grahamstown residents and students gathered in Eden Grove to give life by giving blood. A nerve-wracking experience for some, there were many pained faces and gritted teeth. Despite the apprehension, around 200 people allowed their arms to be pierced for a good cause. According to Msimelelo Lose, a donor educator at the testing center, the blood is collected into one bag and then divided into the different components: red cells, platelets and plasma. It is then sent to Durban for safety testing and distributed to areas in need. Lynn Berggren and Peta Daniel show us what happened OUCH! Photo: Lynn Berggren HAPPY TO GIVE… Farrah Hayes grins and bears it as she gives blood for the ninth time. Photo: Candice Cupido DRAINING AWAY… The bag of precious fluid hanging from a volunteer’s arm. Almost a full unit. Photo: Peta Daniel RELIEF… Akapene Abidiwa is glad it’s over. Photo: Candice Cupido A PRECIOUS GIFT… 480 ml of blood. Photo: Candice Cupido 14 classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 8. Motoring 9. Legals Tuesday, 18 May 2010 For Hire Dave Mullins Auctioneers 5 TON Truck with dropsides for Hire. Contact 073 143 4642 OUTSTANDING AUCTION Furniture OF HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS On behalf of Mr and Mrs A Sheilds Born: 15 June 1929 Died: 12 May 2010 Service Will be held at Lesley Methodist Church at 10.00am. May her soul rest in peace. Found BLACK Telefunken Hi-Fi System found in Hill Street area in March 2010. In Memoriam WATSON Paul (Pud) Memorial Service/Wake will be held Friday 21 May 2010 at 3pm at Blaauwkrantz Tennis Club 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS Notices AA PROTEA GROUP. Antic Hall, 7.30pm Monday nights. 22 Albany Road, next to New Apostolic Church. Cell: John 083 550 4221. Wilfred 073 292 6057 and Antony 082 682 1234. If anyone, anywhere reaches out for help we want the hand of the AA to be there. THE FRIENDS OF BROOKSHAW HOME BROOKSHAW HOME Notice is hereby given of the holding of the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Brookshaw Home on Tuesday 22 June 2010 at 3pm in the diningroom of Brookshaw Home. Agenda: 1) Consideration of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting June 2009. 2) Matters arising there from. 3) Receipt of the Chairman of Council’s annual report. 4) Presentation of the financial 2009-2010. 5) Election of new council 2010-2011 6) Appointment of auditors for 2010-2011 7) General To advertise here contact Sivuyile on 046 622 7222 AUCTION starts PROMPTLY AT 09H30 Many items of Furniture and Smalls too numerous to mention. For further information please contact: Dave Mullins - 082 299 7953 Les Mallett - 072 716 3608 bentwoods Select 2nd Hand Furniture nt A THENJIWE REGINA NELO At: 31 PRINCES STREET, PORT ALFRED Viewing: Fri 21 May –16h00 to 18h00 Registration & Viewing: Sat 22 May from: 08h30 B ers & Seller uy s 09H30 SATURDAY 22 MAY 2010 Miscellaneous Wanted les 1. PERSONAL Death b iqu es & Collecta 2A Cawood Street (Up the road from Village Green) Tel: 046 622 5171 KNOWLES AUCTIONS Gardening Duly instructed by the executors of the estate late Miss NPC Mathie we shall submit by public auction at 2 Ayliff Street,Grahamstown on Wednesday 19 May 2010 at 10: am GRASS CUTTING. Once-off cuts, Refuse removal, Tree felling/Pruning, Hedge trimmimg, Painting and water tank installations. 082 696 6831/ 071 896 6569. Items for sale : 1996 Toyota corolla 1.6 GL, Assorted costume jewellery, two dining room suites (oak), one desk, assorted old chairs, exercise machine, Imbuia ball & claw display cabinet, wing-back lounge suite, occasional tables, TV and video machine, barley-twist standard lamp, fire-screens, set of cluster tables, carpets, old radiogram, 4 plastic chairs, oak bedroom suite, old towel racks, heater, stool/ ladder, oregon tables, corner stand, 2 wall-units, hot-tray, leaded window bookcase, oak chest of drawers, magazine stands, electric organ, compactum, chest of drawers, oak book case, hospital bed, folding bed, old linen cupboard, grass table, washing machine, oak dressing table, old wooden kitchen table. Sundries too numerous to mention Auctioneer’s Note : there are a fair amount of collectables amongst sundries and all furniture is in good condition Viewing : Tuesday 18 May between 2 & 4pm or morning of sale Enquiries : Mike on 073 2648 845 or 046 636 1137 Home Maintenance Telefax: 046 622 4121 2 Cobden Street (next to Metro Cash & carry FENCING All types of fencing requirements including Palisade fencing. AUTOMATIVE ENGINEERING 1. Cylinder head tune-up 2. Skimming include manifolds 3. Pressure testing GENERAL ENGINEERING 1. Repair to farm implements 2. Steel structures 3. Sliding gates - burglar bars BUILDING WORKS 1. Boundary walls with fixture 2. Painting 3. Plumbing 4. Paving Driving Schools ALBANY DRIVING SCHOOL. 133 High Street, Grahamstown. Telefax 046 622 3211 for professional driving lessons. Mike 082 430 9855 Room 15 EPBS Building Cnr of 87 High & Hill Street Puppy Socialisation AND Basic Obedience Classes With a qualified trainer and behaviourist Starting 22 May 2010 For more information phone: Trainer: Leigh-Ann (CO4; COAPE) 083-3521936 Behaviourist: Henriette (Ethol. Cons.) 082-7814281 FAIRBAIRN KENNELS & CATTERY For Well Cared-for, Happy Pets SPCA Tel: 046 622 3233, 072 191 2173 Emergency: 079 037 3466 ANIMALS FOUND • Several head of unclaimed cattle and donkeys found around Grahamstown. • X Breed terrier black and white found Milner Street. • X Breed tan and white dog found Cross Street. ANIMALS FOR ADOPTION • Collie-type, black, good nature, easy to train. • A young and vibrant black male Collie. • Afrikana, tan, male, good condition, found and never claimed. • 2 cross breed puppies, a male and a female, very playful and health. • Small brindle dog, docked tail, very living and quick to learn. • Afrikana male, very handsome. • Bobby, X Breed, well behaved, young, longing for a family. • Dark chocolate brown adult small dog, found and never claimed, very lovable. • We have a few pretty and playful kittens, all colours. • We also have several lovely adult cats, all colours and friendly. SPCA says a big thank you to those wonderful donations of food that keep rolling in, also thank you to DSG, Wendy Jacobs, Larissa and all the volunteers that give up their time to help out at the SPCA, walking, grooming, socializing our dogs and cats. Security WIN A CORSA BAKKIE! Are your debts giving you sleepless nights? Phone Shirley Robinson @ Alpha Debt Counselling on 082 083 5709 or 046 622 8064. DOGS.ETC FRONTIER AMALGAMATED BROKERS is assisting the SPCA with winter looming. Blankets and food can be dropped off at our offices (7 Somerset Street) until the end of May. Driving School Finance Pets Tel: 046 622 3527 Cell: 082 552 3829 3. SALES & SERVICES (24 hrs) Hospice would be grateful for any donations of clothing and linen. We can collect! Contact: 046 -622 9661 or Deliver to 15 Milner Street Visit for your online fix East Cape Access Systems “For all your access control and vehicle security needs” Electic gates, burglar bars, pallisade fencing, VESAapproved car alarms/ immobilisers/gearlocks Call 046 622 5668 or visit us in Anglo-African Street for a free quotation 4. EMPLOYMENT Employment Offered Opportunity for full-time, qualified beauty therapist, with managerial abilities, at health hydro. The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic, selfdriven person with own transportation. Email / Fax CV by 31 May: 086 218 4507 5. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation Offered ALL facilities available in serviced rooms. Phone 046 622 4464. HELEN WALLACE ESTATE AGENT. To Let PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES TO LET: 3 Bdr Hse: R8800/month Incl. 2 bathrooms, garden flat 3 Bdr Hse: R 8500/month incl. 3 bathrooms, secure village, under floor heating, stove, double garage 3 Bdr Hse: R 6500/month Incl. Hi Tec, water and garden service 2 Bdr Hse: R6000/month Incl. 2 en-suite bathrooms, garden cottage, Hi-Tec 3 Bdr flat: R5500/month Incl. 1½ bathrooms and stove 2 Bdr flat: R5000/month Incl. Off-str parking, stove & fridge 2 Bdr flat: R4800/month Incl. Off-str parking, stove & fridge 1 Rm: R 2500/month Incl. Hi Tec, garden service, shared W & E 1 Rm : R 1870/month Incl. Hi Tec, shared W & E Contact: Adrian Frost 046 622 2778 or 083 556 7481 8. MOTORING Motoring Sales 1998 Silver Volvo S70 for sale, very good condition R49 500. Contact 082 343 7556. Grocott’s Mail 40 High Street Grahamstown Need an advert in the newspaper? Contact Sivuyile 046 622 7222 Three days of fun in the Sundays River Valley STACY MORELAND S unday’s River Valley, in the Addo area outside Port Elizabeth, expects 40 000 visitors to the Absa Kirkwood Wildlife Festival this June. “This year visitors will find more to tempt their tastebuds than ever,” says festival director Jenni Honsbein. “We will have a selection of gourmet foods, wonderful cheeses, the province’s biggest wine festival, mampoer, seafood delicacies, the Lemon and Lime bar – you will even be able to munch on a famous Nanaga pie.” Annelisa Weiland, who plays the part of Hilda in 7de Laan will be assisting with cooking demos and Prime Circle, Juanita Du Plessis, Amore Vittone, Kurt Darren, Dozi, Nianell, and the Soweto String Quartet will provide free entertainment. Kids can enjoy the funfair rides, clowns and the Walk on the Wildside tent filled with creepy crawlies and snakes, while sports fans can watch live matches on a big screen in the beer tent. The wildlife auction will also be offering prize animals. “We are expecting white rhino from the Kruger National Park and 26 disease-free buffalo,” says auction organiser Johan Swart. The 2010 Festival is stepping up its green approach. “Our goal is to make Kirkwood Wildlife Festival a carbon neutral festival within the next five years,” says Honsbein. “We hope to undertake a green audit on the festival this year to use as a benchmark, and we will strive to improve on that every year.” In partnership with Sappi’s War on Waste the festival will recycle all its refuse and a prize will also be awarded to the most environmentally friendly exhibitor. The Festival takes place from 4 to 6 June in Kirkwood in the Sunday’s River Valley. Drive down the N2 towards Port Elizabeth, take the N10 and then the R366 past Addo. For information call Jenni Honsbein on 042 230 0066. Visit for your online fix Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 18 May 2010 Rhodes personality nominee Saskia Kuiper T his week’s PG Glass Rhodes Sports Personality nominee is Donovan Kennedy. Kennedy has been a paddler for seven years and joined the Rhodes Canoe Club in 2009, where he immediately made his mark. He is both a river canoeist and a surf ski paddler on the ocean. Kennedy says, “I love the sport because it takes me places where not many people have been before. I have paddled down rivers where there is no civilization for days. I’ve paddled out at sea where I’ve been a few metres away from whales.” He has competed in a number of races and has been placed highly including being placed third in the U18 Surf Ski World Cup in 2007, third in 2008 and second in 2009. He was also placed second in the U16 Dusi Canoe Marathon in 2007, first in the U18 SA river champs in 2008 and third in the SA Marathon champs in 2008. He is entering six of the Discovery Men’s Health Winter Series races this coming vacation and hopes to perform well. Kennedy is always ready to help new paddlers: “I paddled on the Fish River with a 102kg novice in a K2 this past week end. It was tough but I enjoy helping out beginners, I know how hard it is to get started, I was a beginner too.” Top three placing for SAC rowers Staff Reporter The St Andrew’s College 1st four rowing side were selected to represent the Eastern Cape at the South African National Selection Trials which took place at Roodeplaat Dam in Pretoria recently. The purpose of the trials was to select crews to represent South Africa at the Junior World Championships in the Czech Republic in August. The four St Andrew’s pupils raced in four events, placing second in three and third once, with only a strong heavyweight composite crew from Gauteng proving themselves stronger on Saturday and Sunday. These performances put the St Andrew’s first four in contention to be one of the crews to race at the World Championships in August. Being the only crew at the national trials having all rowers from the same school, the St Andrew’s pupils produced some outstanding racing, including a six minute 36 second time in their second race over 2 000 metres on the Saturday, three seconds faster than the six minutes 39 second time which won them the SA Schools Championship title in February this year. CANOE KING... Donovan Kennedy makes his way down a fall called 6B on the Bivane River. Kennedy has been nominated by the Rhodes University Canoe Club for the PG Glass Rhodes Sports Personality. Photo: Supplied The Grahamstown Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club held a highly successful, inaugural Junior Tennis Tournament on Sunday 10 May. Encouraging junior tennis in the district and to expose juniors to the concept of competition was the aim of the tournament. Tournament co-ordinators, Morny Le Roux and Sonja Were, were delighted with the total entry of 92 children who elected to play and this certainly augers well for the future of tennis in the region. Morny, Sonja and their team are to be congratulated for the initiative in taking on an event of this nature and for making it a resounding success. It is clear from feedback from parents and children who participated that the day was well received and Rod Walker, president of the club, has indicated that they would like to make this an annual event. The event was played at the Grahamstown club courts, Wyvern and at the Diocesan School for Girls Courts and the club would like to thank Cherie Biggs, Sheryl Emslie, Shirley Robinson and Ant Kitson for their assistance with co-ordinating play at each venue and the following for assisting them: Delia Duxbury, Kirsty Still, Milo Mills, Chris and Liezl Nel, Christelle and Andrew Hutchison, Carol and Glen Cuthbert. The winners persevered in strong winds to come through victorious. The results in each section were: U8: 1st - James Mullins/Dale Brody, 2nd - Tom Mills/Ross Mullins; U10 Girls: 1st Jade Basson/Keisha Still, 2nd Amy Mills/Bonga Mbanda; U10 Boys: 1st Darin Holman/Scott Cuthbert, 2nd James Davies/Daniel Davies, U12 Girls: 1st Judy Lee Harvey/Kelsey Purdon, 2nd Paula Duxbury/Kriston Sandy’s Thomas, U12 Boys: 1st Nicholas Zimmerman/Regardt Kitching, 2nd Cobus van Zyl/Bryan Geyer; U14 Boys: 1st Jayden Pienaar/Daniel Scholtz, 2nd Clifford Loock/Lloyd Turner. In addition the club would like to thank Danber Feed Services CC, United Cash and Carry (Tony Naidoo), Re-Max (Jean Rodgerson and Alexis Bowker), Pick n Pay, Pam Golding (Kim Webber), UPB (Irene Ellis), Sothebys (Steve Birt), King Pie (Anton Strooberg), Steers High Street (Pierre Pienaar), Shu In (Alan and Sandy Thomas), Dulce Café, KFC - Eastern Cape, Roxbury Cinemas (Johnny Kluivers), Spur Grahamstown, Calabash and Scott’spot (Peter Reppinz), Rat and Parrot and Wimpy for their generous sponsorship and donations to the event. Golden oldies keep fit The Golden Oldies Athletics Club is a club for senior citizens who would like to keep fit while having tremendous amounts of fun at the same time. The programme entertains all people that are 60 years and older and includes fun activities such as the duck walk, the dress-up-race, passing the ball, and for those who are wheel chair bound there is West Bank junior golf champs A group of five St Andrew’s College golfers competed in the West Bank Junior Championships in East London recently. Conditions were perfect and a number of good scores were recorded, the best being a level par 72 by Dylan Thompson. Dylan went on to win the B division with Bryce Bosman in third with a good second round score of 74. Bryce was placed first on the day in the Best Nett competition. After the prizegiving the Border U16 team was announced for the upcoming Inter-provincial tournament to be held in Aliwal North during the holidays. Jason Baggott was selected to represent this team. Results from the latest Run/Walk For Life time trial, held at Graeme College Junor Fields from 5.30pm, held every Thursday. 4km: Rikhotso Rooi 15.11, Mlamli Klaas 15.32, Kevin Rafferty 15.50, Stephen Penney 16.09, Terri-Lynn Penney 16.16, Frith van der Merwe 16.45, John Galela 17.39, Deon Boshoff 18.54, Peter du Toit 22.09. Rooi and Galela both ran personal best times. Staff Reporter FAB FOUR... The St Andrew’s College 1st Four who were selected to represent Eastern Cape at the National Selection Trails are, from front to back: William Cahill, Michael Blunden, Graham Pringle, Daniel Still and Cameron Gardner (coxswain). Photo: Supplied Sport in brief Run Walk For Life time trial Junior tennis tournament a smashing success Megan Jackson 15 Sport pegging the washing. Some of the more serious events include the 100m, 400m, 500m brisk walk and the 800m jog/run. For the more adventurous, other activities include rugby-ball throw (throwing a rugby ball at a target), goal shooting (a hockey activity), pass the ball (a soccer activity). The club has various events happening in the third quarter (July to September) which include zonals, and a district event where teams from the different zones come to take part. A Cacadu team will then be selected to take part at the provincials, where an Eastern Cape team will be selected to take part at the Golden Games Nationals. Anyone interested in joining the club can contact Hilton Adonis at the Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture for more information. Time trials Rhodes Universioty Athletics Club time trial results: 4km: Jenny Coppinger 16:48 (personal best), Steve Robarts 18:03, Dave Goble 19:18, Bronywn Mathopo 19:27 (pb), Madeleine Du Toit 19:29, Caroline Ross 19:41 (pb), Steve Baines 20:31 (pb), Cynthia Ngwenya 20:36 (pb). Well done Coppinger, Mathopo, Ross, Baines and Ngwenya for running personal bests on the course, and to Steve Robarts for winning the R50 Pick n Pay voucher, his guessed time was the closest to his actual time. Last Wednesday was the last time trial for the semester. The next Rhodes time trial will be the first Wednesday of next term. DSG sport DSG hockey vs Victoria Girls’ High School 1st team DSG won 2-0, 2nd team DSG won 5-0, 3rd team DSG won 7-0, U16A DSG won 5-0, U16B DSG won 5-0. DSG hockey vs Union High School 1st team DSG won 3-0, 2nd team DSG won 1-0, U16A drew 3-3, U16B drew 0-0. Various hockey U14A vs Collegiate DSG won 2-0, U14A vs Alex Rd DSG Lost 0-1. Netball vs Victoria Girls’ High School 1st team DSG won 3014, 2nd team DSG lost 8-15, U16A drew 14-14, U16B DSG won 13-5, U14A DSG won 13-4, U14B DSH won 11-6. Netball vs Kutliso Daniels 1st team DSG won 31-5, U16A DSG won 34-4, U14A DSG won 13-0. Junior hockey – EP Trials The following DSG pupils were selected for the Eastern Province U13B: Lalage Nuttall, Megan Viljoen, Megan Meyer. Kingswood College results Rugby Kingswood 1st 15 Hudson Park 5, Kingswood 2nd 17 Hudson Park 12, Kingswood 2nd 17 Alexandria 1st 10, Kingswood 3rd 0 Hudson 22, Kingswood 4th 0 Hudson 49, Kingswood 5th 0 Hudson 31, Kingswood U15A 15 Hudson 14, Kingswood U15B 17 Hudson 46, Kingswood U14A 29 Hudson 24, Kingswood U14B 0 Hudson 56, Kingswood U13A 48 Moregrove 12, Kingswood U11A 26 Moregrove 5, Kingswood U9A 14 Moregrove 19. Girls hockey Kingswood 1st 0 Hudson 5, Kingswood 2nd 1 Hudson 2, Kingswood 3rd 0 Hudson 3, Kingswood 4th 2 DSG 1, Kingswood 5th 0 DSG 0, Kingswood 16A 0 Hudson 1, Kingswood 16B 1 Hudson 1, Kingswood 16C 1 Hudson 0, Kingswood 16D 2 Hudson 0, Kingswood 16E 0 DSG 2, Kingswood 14A 1 Hudson 4, Kingswood 14B 3 Hudson 0, Kingswood 14C 2 Hudson 0. Boys hockey 1st XI Hockey Result vs Hudson Park Kingswood were probably a little out-gunned by a good Hudson Park team on Wednesday, as they lost 0-1. They managed to hang in during the first half, until conceding a goal with a minute left on the clock. Hudson had most of the chances in the half, where the two sides seemed to put each other under pressure, especially with regard to turn-over of possession by defence and midfield. Kingswood strikers struggled to win 50/50 balls against tight marking, and therefore limited opportunities entering the D. There was a spirited come-back in the second half from Kingswood, where they seemed to control things a lot more. Nigel Namuyamba made some great saves to keep Kingswood in with a chance. Kingswood 1st 0 Hudson 1, Kingswood 2nd 5 Hudson 2, Kingswood 3rd 1 Port Alfred 1st 2, Kingswood 4th 2 SAC 16C 2, Kingswood 16A 1 Hudson 1, Kingswood 16B 6 Hudson 0, Kingswood 16C 0 SAC 16D 3, Kingswood 15A 3 Graeme 3rds 0, Kingswood 14A 3 Hudson 2, Kingswood 13C 3 SAP 13D 0, Kingswood 13D 1 SAP 13E 0, Netball Kingswood 14A 3 Hudson 22, Kingswood 16A 4 Hudson 11, Kingswood 16B 3 Hudson 6, Kingswood 3rd 3 Hudson 16, Kingswood 2nd 8 Hudson 17, Kingswood 1st 9 Hudson 35. Squash KC1st 10 SAC1sts 7, KC2nd 0 DSG Club 12, KC3rd 14 DSG1st 8, KC4th 12 Graeme2nd 5, KC5th 13 SAC5th 7, KC6th 10 SAC6yh 8, KC7th 6 DSG Junior 14. 16 18 M ay 2010 Bumper entries at golf open *** Stephen Penney T WIDE SWING... Jean Austin tees off during the Grahamstown Golf club’s women’s open on Saturday. Austin and her partner Jane Bladen finished third. Photo: Stephen Penney he women of the Grahamstown Golf Club held their biggest event ever on the Grahamstown calendar on Saturday. The Grahamston women’s open attracted 46 entries from Port Elizabeth, Port Alfred, Bedford, Joubertina, East London and even one from Cape Town, with 32 entries from out of town. “We had a fantastic open today with good weather for golf,” said Jenny Kroon of the women’s golf club on Saturday, adding that various clubs from across the country were sent invitations for their women members to attend the open. Esmé Basola, manager of the Grahamstown Golf Club, provided lunch for the golfers. The mother and daughter twosome of Nonnie and Nanette Strydom from Walmer Country Club in Port Elizabeth were crowned the open champs as they went on to win with 47 points. Grahamstown Golf club members Rose Gunton and Wilma Pellissier took second spot, while their clubmates Jane Bladen and Jean Austin finished third. On a lighter note, one of the club’s male members, Judge Frank Kroon acted as a marker as there was a two ball cover. He went on to win the nearest-the-pin prize. Meanwhile, any woman interested in taking up the game of golf are welcome to attend the Tuesday women’s day’s which are held at the Grahamstown Golf Club from 12.30pm. For more information on the women’s club contact Jenny on 082 974 2595. GENTLY DOES IT... Daphne Bowker makes a successful put during the women’s golf open at the Grahamstown Golf Club on Saturday. Photo: Stephen Penney Nombulelo comes out tops Collegiate fails to beat DSG Stephen Penney Nombulelo Secondary School are the current log leaders in the Grahamstown High Schools U17 Football League. Nombulelo and Kutliso Daniels both ended round one with eight points, but with Nombulelo’s better goal difference, they are top of the log. In third spot is Mary Waters with five points, followed by TEM Mrwetyana also on five points. In fifth position is Samuel Ntsika. The competitions top goal scorer is Lelethu Makile (Nombulelo) with eight goals, with Siyabonga Lwisani (Mary Waters) the next top goal scorer with three goals. The second round of the Grahamstown High Schools U17 Football League fixtures starts on 28 July. All the results after round one: Nombulelo (5) vs Mrwetyana (0) Mawas (2) vs Ntsika (2) Nombulelo (1) vs Mawas (1) Nombulelo (5) vs Ntsika (1) Khutliso (0) vs Mrwetyana (0) Khutliso (2) vs Ntsika (0) Mawas (0) vs Mrwetyana (0) Ntsika (0) vs Mrwetyana (3) Nombulelo (0) Khutliso (0) Khutliso (2) vs Mawas (0) Stephen Penney The DSG U13A hockey side had a successful outing at the Collegiate Junior’s hockey festival as they were unbeaten in all their five matches. In DSG’s first match against Westering, DSG won 2-0, and beat the hosts, Collegiate, also 2-0. They then beat Priory 1-0 and drew 0-0 to Lorraine, before beating Erica 5-0. The festival, which took place on Saturday, was aimed to create an exciting atmosphere, encouraging fun and fellowship among the players, and therefore there were no overall winners. This was the third annual hockey festival hosted by Collegiate with a total of 13 teams taking part. Meanwhile, the DSG U13A side beat a St George’s Prep U13A side 5-0 last Friday. Another fine win for St Andrew’s Staff Reporter The St Andrew’s College 1st rugby side were not able to deliver a technically good performance in their game against Queen’s College on Saturday, but still managed a 21-6 win. With a number of players taking part in the Eastern Province Craven Week trials on Friday afternoon the energy levels were a bit low and the usual spark was missing. The team however dug deep and used the supportive and vocal home crowd to inspire them to play with passion and commitment against a defensively organised and spirited Queen’s team. The first half was a stop/start affair with a number of penalties and reset scrums, and so both teams never developed any rhythm or flow and the first half ended with St Andrew’s leading 5–3. The second half carried on in much the same manner as what had happened in the first half. St Andrew’s were however able to use their territorial advantage better in this half and score more often from visits to the opponents half. The end score was a comfortable but hard fought 21–6 victory to St Andrew’s. Ryan Black scored one try for St Andrew’s, while Dane van der Westhuizen scored one try and put over three penalties and one conversion. Rhodes in first loss of season Stephen Penney The Rhodes University Soccer Club men’s first team suffered their first defeat in the Port Elizabeth Football Association Promotion League over the weekend. Before the weekend’s two matches, Rhodes were in perfect form, as they had won all of their first five matches. Among the latest of their first five victims were Westville United and Motherwell Academy whom they beat 2-1 and 2-0 respectively. The students then had a double over the past weekend as they travelled to Komatsu Young Tigers at Kemsley Park on Saturday, and then visited Forresters on Sunday at the Eastern Province Command. Young Tigers are the newcomers in the league and were unable to deal with Rhodes’ assault as Rhodes went on to win 4-0. On Sunday Rhodes played against Forresters at the Eastern Province Command, with Rhodes fielding a weaker side due to students preparing for exams. Rhodes lost the match 3-1 their first defeat of the season. This is also the first time Forresters have beaten Rhodes in four years. GO BABAS!... The Raglan Road Multi-Purpose Centre held a fun sports day for Grahamstown pre-schools. Nomphelo Belwana of the Multi-Purpose Centre said 19 schools took part in the sports day. Among the activities were 50m dash, egg and spoon race and a beanbag race. The sports day was organised to network with other pre-schools and for the children to meet with children from other schools. The Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture helped with the various events as well as with the sporting equipment. Seen here is one of the 50m dash events. Photo: Stephen Penney
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