THE PULSE - Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital


THE PULSE - Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
December 16, 2015
Volume 6, Issue 4
Getting to Know You
Inside this issue:
Getting to Know You
Notes from Stacia
Message from Crystal
Seasons Greetings
Christmas Raffle
Word Scramble
Gift Shop
HAAO Report
Coffee Corner
New Volunteers
Christmas Tags
Your Volunteer
Coming Events
New Years Resolutions
January 2016
Volunteer Service
Awards—March 2016
Marathon Dessert
Bridge—May 11, 2016
Temptations IV
May 12, 2016
This is a special belated"
Birthday Wish" to Esther
Parkhill who has reached
"99" years young. Esther
has been a volunteer at
TDMH since 1950, and
now can be found at the
Information Desk. She
works from 8:00 am to
12:00 pm, 5 days a week'
and she clocks about
1000 hours per year.
Throughout the years,
Esther has received several awards which include:
1. 1987 - Life Member,
Auxiliary TDMH
2. 1988 - Life Member,
Auxiliary Association of
3. 1992 - Volunteer
Recognition Award of
4. 2012 - Queen's Silver
Jubilee Medal
Esther's other voluntary
interests include - St.
Paul's Church, Jean
Brumpton Women's Institute, Eastern Star lodge,
Charter Member of Tillsonburg District Curling
Club. Her dearest inter-
ests involve her family
events, which take up the
rest of her time.
Esther enjoys reading,
puzzles, keeping a family
diary, following baseball
and curling, and the list
goes on. She is fondly
called "The Paper Granny" for helping her
grandchildren deliver the
Globe and Mail and
"PARKY" by her family,
since a grandchild was
not able to say grandmother.
Esther: The TDMH Volunteer Association thanks you
for all you have done at the
hospital, and will continue
to do so as a volunteer!
Contributed by Maddy Csanyi
Page 2
Notes from Stacia
The attendance at Volunteer Orientations this Fall was 13 adults
and 14 teens. Currently, I have 3
adults who are working on their
paperwork. Thank you to all our
volunteers who helped train
these new recruits.
The Hospital Recognition Committee has hosted two volunteer
recognition events. On October
27, we honoured our Flower &
Plant Care volunteers, our Emergency volunteers and our Gift
Shop volunteers. On November
25, we honoured our volunteer
porters—our Physio porters and
our Floating porters, our Palliative Care volunteers and our
Perioperative volunteers. Please
refer to the bulletin board by the
monitor for details concerning the next Volunteer
Recognition event.
TDMH has hosted flu immunization clincs. If you need a flu
shot, please contact the office. If
you have had your immunization
elsewhere, please bring in documentation stating that you received it.
The volunteer education package
was available early December.
Hope you picked up your package! Thank you for your cooperation with this initiative.
Thank you to each and everyone
of you for the time and dedication you so generously give to
our patients here at TDMH! We
appreciate your support.
Wishing you all the best during
the upcoming Holiday Season
and health and happiness for
Stacia Hanson, Volunteer
Message from Crystal and TDMH Board
ways. You put a smile on the
faces of our patients with
your kindness and compasRecently, TDMH and AHI
sion. You help make TDMH
came together to conduct
strategic planning for the de- a truly caring hospital. Thank
livery of top quality health
you for your generosity in
care for our communities for sharing your time.
the long-term future. A key
component of that planning Merry Christmas to all.
was the valuable role that our Enjoy every moment with
volunteers play. Your work your family and friends.
helps keep us functioning
TDMH Board of Directors:
smoothly in a multitude of
Dear Valued Volunteers:
Larry Phillips, Board Chair;
Mel Getty, Vice Chair;
Cheryl Buchner, Treasurer;
Dr. Mohamed Abdalla, Chief
of Staff; Dr. Dan Dockx,
President Medical Staff; Scot
Bolton, Director, Cliff
Evanitski, Director; Tim
Rice, VP and Chief Nursing
Executive; Ruby Withington,
Director and
Crystal Houze, Integrated
President and CEO
Page 3
Prep: 30 min.
Ready In: 30 min.
24 green grapes
1 large banana, cut into
24 slices or as needed
24 miniature marshmallows
24 hulled strawberries,
tips removed
24 toothpicks
Thread 1 grape, 1 banana slice, 1 strawberry (narrow end facing
up) and 1
onto 1 toothpick to resemble the
Grinch’s head
in his red hat.
Repeat with
grapes, banana slices,
and marshmallows Note;
I use seedless grapes.
Happy Holidays
For Santa Hat Brownies
1 pan of your favorite brownies,
and cut into rounds
12 – 16 small strawberries,
washed and hulled
1 batch vanilla mascarpone
(butter cream recipe follows below)
For Vanilla
½ cup (1 stick
unsalted butter, room
8 oz. mascarpone cheese,
room temp
2 ½ - 3 cups
powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt
Using a stand mixer w/ a paddle
attachment, beat butter and mascarpone cheese until light and
creamy, about 2 min. Add vanilla
and salt. Add 2 ½ cups sugar, half
a cup at a time and continue beat-
ing until smooth. Add more sugar if
needed to reach desired consistency
and sweetness.
To assemble, pipe a ring of vanilla
buttercream on top of each brownie.
Cut off the base of each of the strawberries so it is flat and place it upside
down on each brownie, pushing
slightly to
secure in
place. Top
the tip of
each strawberry with a
dot of buttercream to
finish the
Santa hat.
Page 4
Seasons Greetings from the VA Board
Christmas Raffle 2015
Congratulations to the
winners of our
Christmas Raffle!
1 prize –Henrietta
Breman—Gift Shop
2nd prize –Dianne Butler—
Gift Shop
3rd prize –Dawn Copeland
Tomlinson—Diabetic Clinic
who donated items for our
basket, to all those who
bought tickets and to the individuals who donated our
2nd and 3rd prizes:
by Wendy and Chris
Last but not least, we’d like
to thank the Gift Shop and
Coffee Corner convenors and
volunteers for taking care of
and selling the tickets.
2nd prize, an “Arbonne”
Pampermint Foot Care Kit
donated by Susan Saelens,
Thank you and Merry Christmas,
3rd prize consisting of a
$25.00 Gift Certificate from
Karen Pritoula and Ann
Thank you to Cathy Krebs for Tillsonburg Garden Gate and
Beaudoin, raffle conveners
helping us organize and dec- a pail of “Our Sugar Bush”
Maple Products was donated
orate the basket, to those
Page 5
Christmas Word Scramble
1. lelbs
2. Isentpiota
3. cleand
4. gigabrndeer
5. tewhar
6. scralo
7. edinerer
8. gostinck
9. esokoci
10. gngego
11. gliseh
12. leves
13. tenessrp
14. dranlag
15, sottlemie
16. fitg
17. yalohid
18. legan
19. leno
20. stranemon
21. credembe
22. womanns
23. dancy enca
24. sliten
25. eylu
1 - bells2 – pointesettia 3 – candle4 – gingerbread5 –
wreath6 – carols7 – reindeer8 – stocking9 – cookies
10 – eggnog11 – sleigh12 – elves13 – presents14 –
garland15 – mistletoe16 – gift17 – holiday18 – angel19 –
noel20 – ornaments 21– December22 – snowman23 –
The sultry, slower days of summer are coming to a close and the Gift Shop is gearing up for the
Fall and Christmas season. The Gift Shop Buyers spent 2 days recently at the Canadian Gift
Show in Toronto and bought so many unique and wonderful things, that will be coming into the
gift shop over the next few weeks. You can do all your christmas shopping in the Gift Shop and
We thank the team members for their continued support
Gift Shop Convenor Carol Beselaere
Page 6
HAAO Annual Convention
book “I Must Say” and his past experiences from his stellar career. Martin
shared his personal connection to health
care and cancer in particular.
In the afternoon we attended the Annual
General Meeting. We were introduced to
Upon arriving in Toronto by train on
the Executive and discussed financial
Sunday afternoon, we then headed to the statements and budget. Following the
Intercontinental Toronto Centre Hotel to AGM we had the opportunity to visit the
check in. After securing ourselves in our Exhibit Hall and Resource Centre. We
room we then proceeded to the registra- enjoyed the Health Achievement exhibits
tion and Information Booth to pick up
and did some bidding on the items in the
our packages.
Returning to our room Silent Auction , where the item donated
we checked our packages and made our- by our Gift Shop ( went for $45.00, final
selves familiar with the program for the
bid) The HAAO had an area where Auxnext couple of days.
iliary Associations placed their “logos”
Monday morning we joined 3000 deleon a large poster/ banner, ours shone on
gates of the Health Achievement Confer- the top right hand side of the poster, we
ence in the Constitution Hall. Welcomed were proud.
by opening remarks and listened to the
Monday night we walked over to the
guest speaker Martin Short, “A Conver- Royal York Hotel, and enjoyed the
sation with Martin Short”. Yes, he is a
round-table discussions with members of
celebrated comedian and actor and has
other Auxiliaries It was eye-opening ,
won fans and accolade in TV, film and
and many issues arose after watching the
theatre and of course Saturday Night
HAAO Board act out the scenarios of an
Live. Martin shared stories from his new organization struggling with “Founders
Donna Scanlan and Orio Fishleigh recently attended the annual HAAO Convention in Toronto and enjoyed a very
informative few days.
Coffee Corner
17th Anniversary Celebration
On October 19th, the Coffee Corner
Celebrated 17 years of operation!
Free Coffee and goodies
were provided to patients, staff,
volunteers and visitors all day.
Pictured at the right are Coffee Corner
Convenor Betty Vanthuyne and Volunteer
Association President Donna Scanlan.
Syndrome”. Lead by Rick Wark, HAAO,
Director of Communications and Chair of
the Sault Area Hospital Volunteer Association. We were treated to very fancy
and delicious cupcakes, tea or coffee with
compliments from the Royal York Hotel.
Tuesday morning we were up for the
7:30 am Rise and Shine/Meet and Greet.
From here we attended different Workshops: (1) Volunteers as Leaders; Cared
For and Caring, (2) Engaging Today’s
Volunteers/Non-Traditional Approaches,
(3) President’s Forum for Smaller Health
Care Centre, (4) Risks Associated with
Hosting Special Events, (5) Making The
Most of Your Gift Shop For Greater
These few days were very worthwhile
and we certainly enjoyed ourselves. My
husband picked up two very tired ladies
from the train on Tuesday night.
We appreciate and thank our Hospital for
this experience.
Donna Scanlan - President
Orio Fishleigh – 2nd Vice President
Page 7
New Volunteers
Sharlene Klassen
Physio Porter
Symone NewellMcCreight
Neddi Bartsch
Emma Fody
Natalia Groeneweg
Mealtime Assistance
Brooklyn MacDonald
Coffee Shop
Hugh McElhone
Mealtime Assistance
Adam Mendler
Nina Phan
Sandra Rohrer
Floating Porter
Alicia Sandham
Gift Shop Volunteen
Bonita Vero
Audrey Weber
Mealtime Assistance
Kara Woodburn
Mealtime Assistance
April Hiemstra
Emergency Volunteen
Marie Miller
Mealtime Assistance
Andee Scholten
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Good for one coffee or tea
Complements of VA President
Donna Scanlan
Good for one coffee or tea
Complements of VA President
Donna Scanlan
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
167 Rolph Street
Tillsonburg, Ontario
N4G 3Y9
The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
Volunteer Association
Mission Statement
On the Web:
We are Volunteers who enhance patient services and are active
EDITOR: Orio Fishleigh
Phone: 519-709-6746
in fundraising for the Hospital.
Our vision is to continue to be integral members of the
healthcare team enabling TDMH to provide exceptional
healthcare services in our community.
In all we do, we support the TDMH hospital values by being Dedicated, Committed, Compassionate, Cooperative ,
Progressive and Informed.
Volunteer Association Board of Directors and Convenors
Board of Directors
President—Donna Scanlan
1st Vice President—vacant
2nd Vice President—Orio Fishleigh
Past President—Ann Beaudoin
Coffee Shop—Betty Vanthuyne
Decorating Committee—Monique Booth
Diagnostics—Brenda Bleakley
Dialysis & Mealtime Assistance—Sharon Hagell
Emergency—Bev Crocker/Lenora Hilliker
Secretary—Vanya Lang
Flowers & Plant Care—Monique Booth
Director —Carole Beselaere
Director —Betty Vanthuyne
Director —Maddy Csanyi
Gift Shop—Carole Beselaere
HELPP Tickets—Maddy Csanyi
Historian—Maddy Csanyi
Information Desk—Pat Irwin
Director —Sue Saelens
Marathon Bridge—Ruth McSpadden
Director —Karen Pritoula
Portering—Lori McLaughlin
The Board meets on the second Wednesday of every
month (except July and August)
Open to all volunteers
Volunteen Program—Barb Howison