June 5, 2016 - Our Lady of Victory
June 5, 2016 - Our Lady of Victory
First Holy Communion We wish to welcome to the table of the Lord the following children who celebrated First Eucharist during the month of May. It is our prayer that these children and their families continue to grow in their understanding of Jesus' presence in the Eucharist and give thanks to God for the many blessings that come from Him. Aubrey Andreolli Alison Aschi Nolan Bagley Paige Bishoff Juliana Bohlen Giorgia Bordignon Abigail Bores Jacob Borgia Jenna Buchan Katherine Byers Charlotte Bysouth Jack Canty Nola Ceccoli Joseph Corriveau Violet Culp Finn Denari Ryan Donnelly Isabella Drummond Alexa Dueweke Ava Eliya Grace Eliya Avery Faut Lila Filary Brandon Fox Gabriella Fox Theresa Fras Samantha Gale Jillian Gibbs Chase Gilbertson Nicolas Gomez Ryker Gorman Averie Graves Lauren Griffin Addison Gubing Macy Gugala Mary Gugala Alexa Guss Sarah Gutowsky Madelyn Hale Colin Hall Savannah Hoover Isabella Hoye Jon Hutto Jozef Ivezaj Mitchell Jones Emaline Kara Anthony Kasabasic Yorg Kattukaran Brooklyn Lanzon Grant Lark Megan Lauster Becka Lethorn Diego Libreros Austin Lorraine Claire Magowan Logan Makowski Anna Malloure Connor Manhart Meredith Martin Matthew Mazur Matthew McLoughlin ZacharyMentzer Ava Merlo Vittorio Miksitz Diana Molinari Eloise Morante Shayla Mulleady Luke Naberhaus Matthew Naida Carson Nay Alexander Oleksinski Colin Oleksinski Zachary Osbourne Fiona Palmer Roman Palmer Adrian Palushaj Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Mallory Parr Morgan Payne Carly Pelon Ireland Perttunen Dominic Pietrandrea Jamerson Prouty Grace Quinn Benjamin Riemer Madeline Rivera Graham Ryba Dominic Said Maximus Samhat Donovan Sarafa Isabella Schimizzi Ryan Schuckel Drew Sepanski Robert Shields Bernard Siddall Dominic Silvestri Katelyn Smith Pippa Smith ✚ June 5, 2016 Zachary Sobczak Lily Solensky Lauren St. Charles Colin Stankovic Ty Stankovic Fiona Straight Ashlyn Swart Grant Tallieu Nicholas Tanari Evan Tappy Anthony Testani Dominic Testani Olivia Tetro Addison Thakady Ellie Thomas Nessia Thomas Patrick Thomas Noah Thompson Rowen Tindell Nolan Toomey Kailyn Tosto Matthew Tuer Olivia Vance Caitlyn Vissotski Shane Walter Aubrey Wegienka Nicholas Wessner Peyton West Samantha Wheeler Tyler Whitens Summer Whitmire Patrick Wisniewski Matthew Wright Jayla Zayti OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 2 OURLADYOFVICTORYCATHOLICCHURCH 133OrchardDrive✚ Northville,Michigan✚48167 Phone:(248)349-2621✚ Fax:(248)349-7329✚ www.olvnorthville.org OFFICEHOURS:Monday-Friday:8:30a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00p.m. MASSSCHEDULE:Saturday-5:00p.m.,Sunday-7:30,9:30&11:30a.m. Monday-7:00p.m.,Wednesday-Friday:8:30a.m. RECONCILIATIONSCHEDULE:Saturday,3:30p.m. MISSIONSTATEMENT “AsDisciplesofJesusChrist,weareagiving,growingCatholicfamily.Throughtheintercessionof Mary,wepray,weworship,weserveandweeducateinFaith.” NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN COLLABORATIONPARTNERPARISHES HolyFamily,24505MeadowbrookRd.,Novi,48375 (248)349-8847,www.holyfamilynovi.org St.James,46325W.10MileRd.,Novi,48374 (248)347-7778,www.sjnovi.net St.Joseph,830S.LafayeUeSt.,SouthLyon,48178 (248)446-8700,www.saintjosephsouthlyon.org PARISH STAFF & MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION CLERGY Rev. Denis B. Theroux, olvfather@olvnorthville.net Ext. 255 Weekend Clergy Associate: Rev. Dennis Kauffman Deacon: Ken Fry Ext. 479 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COORDINATOR Nancy Tolkacz, olvchristiansvc@olvnorthville.net Tina Bak, tbak@olvnorthville.net PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Kathryn Ling, olvkathryn@olvnorthville.net Ext. 254 MUSIC MINISTRY Kathy Sanderson, olvmusic@olvnorthville.net Activities Committee Cheryl Bauman, cbauman4@aol.com Cathy McCann, c2mccann@gmail.com (248) 219-2018 (248) 344-9959 Ext. 261 Funeral Lunch Ministry Contact Parish Office (248) 349-2621 Gospel of Life Merri Cullen, mcullen1@wowway.com (248) 790-8068 Knights of Columbus Rick Bennett, rickbennett@peoplepc.com (248) 348-9214 PARISH OFFICE Secretary Janet Baker, olvoffice@olvnorthville.net Administrative Assistant Colleen Bonadeo, cbonadeo@olvnorthville.net Parish Administrator Julie Lupo, jlupo@olvnorthville.net Parish Accountant Ellen McElroy, emcelroy@olvnorthville.net Ext. 250 Ext. 292 Meal Ministry Karen Martin, karenmartin48167@comcast.net Jennifer Mullan, jennifermullan9@yahoo.com Prison Ministry June Clark Ext. 257 Ext. 259 Communications Coordinator Michelle Gawne, olvbulletin@olvnorthville.net Maintenance Coordinator Bob Larson, olvmaint@olvnorthville.net Maintenance Rocky Tarrow Rick Tarrow Ed Isabell Technology Director Ken Ling, olvtech@olvnorthville.net Ext. 266 Sewing Ministry Beth Ajlouni, ajlouni@comcast.net Andrea Murdock, amurdock@comcast.net (248) 797-3888 (248) 860-8309 (734) 354-9427 (248) 349-4382 St. Vincent de Paul Conference #437 (248) 305-8984 (734) 327-4641 St. Leo’s Outreach Tony Albanese, mialbanese@yahoo.com (248) 349-4664 FAITH FORMATION (248) 349-2559 Fax: (248) 773-5024 Director Mary Ellen Skene, mskene@olvnorthville.net Ext. 112 Secretary Ellen O’Neil, eoneil@olvnorthville.net Ext. 116 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL, parishcouncil@olvnorthville.net Tim Cencer Tracy DeCrescentis Eric Fox, Vice Chairperson (586) 255-6603 Ann Gage (248) 982-9880 Bob Langan Karen Martin (248) 797-3888 Lisa Militello Kathryn Piotrowski, Chairperson (248) 891-5238 Catherine Rabahy Vince Stempien, Secretary (248) 939-3600 (734) 432-0212 Ext. 478 Special Needs Outreach Pat Romzek, promzek@yahoo.com Karen Schmid, kschmid8@yahoo.co.uk Ext. 251 Youth Ministry Coordinator Sean Tehoke PARISH CREDIT UNION Catholic Vantage Financial Ext. 258 Ext. 277 EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE Laura Droze, olvevangelization@olvnorthville.net HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY Molly Griffin, mollygriffin@pobox.com MOMS IN TOUCH PRAYER GROUP Carolyn Spencer, Csspencer7@aol.com (248) 921-8876 STEPHEN MINISTRY Confidential Ministry of Support OLV SCHOOL (248) 349-3610 Ext. 482 Fax: (248) 380-7247 Principal Administrative Assistant Lisa Daigneau, ldaigneau@olvnorthville.net Secretary Mary Lopus, mlopus@olvnorthville.net School Counselor Nadine Langley, nlangley@olvnorthville.net SCRIP, olvscrip@yahoo.com Ext. 110 Ext. 108 Ext. 115 Ext. 119 Ext. 477 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 JUNE 5, 2016 Around the Table Rev. Denis B. Theroux, Pastor The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time DearFriends, Whenthetragedyofdeathstrikesus,thereisacut-offandcoldfeelingthatwecanexperienceintensely. Perhaps,itis seeing that person who was once so alive, warm and loving now suddenly is before us in a physically cold, death form. All this heightensoursenseofremoved,hardenedisolationthatisrelatedtodeath. Earlierpeoples,theGreeksforexample,feltthiswayaboutGod,too. TheyfeltthatGodwasremoteandunmoved. God wasunconcernedwiththehumanperson’ssituationanddestiny. So,whiletheyrecognizedGodastheforcebehindtheuniverse, theysawGodaswithoutanyhumanpityorunderstanding. Forus,particularlywhenfacedwiththecoldnessofdeath,thissense andfeelingofGod’sremovalcanwellupprimitivelyandinitiallyinsideofus,too. Today’sGospel,though,remindsusofsomethingthatismostreassuringaboutGod.WhenGodcameonearth,astheGodman,JesusChrist,weknowthatoneofhisconcernswastoteachusabouttheFather. SoJesusgaveus,forexample,thatmost precious of all prayers, the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus gave us the Parable of the Prodigal Son, and similar images of a warm, loving, compassionate,forgivingFather. Furthermore,today,inthefaceoftragicdeath,andthegriefofamother,Jesusisdeeplytouchedbyheragonyandreaches outtoherinhersorrow. AsSt.Luketellsus,“WhentheLordsawher,hewasmovedwithpityforherandsaidtoher,‘Donot weep.’” This is certainly a long way from an image of a remote and uncaring God. It is, rather, such a compassionate, human response,thatallofuscanunderstand. Wehaveallhadtheexperienceofputtingourarmaroundsomeoneandsaying,“Don’t cry.”Bythiswetrytoexpresssomethingofoursharingintheirdeepsuffering. We are saddened by their loss; but we are also saddened by their seemingly endless tears. We might imagine that this womanhadbeenweepingformany,manyhoursandpeoplewereworriedabouther.SoitwasspontaneousforJesusunderthose imaginarybutpossiblyrealcircumstances,tohavesaidinaveryhumanwaytoher,“Donotweep.” Infaith,weacceptwhatevercomestousasknowingthatourGod,aGodofcompassionandlove,journeyswithus. For me,today’sGospel,isyetanotherexampleofJesusrevealingtothosewhogatheredaroundhim,thegentlenessofGodtheFather. Jesus’responsetothemother,wasagenuineexampleofGod’ssympathyforeachofusinoursuffering.Whenwearecaughtupin atragedy,feelingoverwhelmedandalone,allowyourselftohearthevoiceofJesusspeaktoyousaying,“Donotweep,you’renot alone,Iamherewithyou.” TrustingalwaysincompassionofJesus,FatherDenis Welcome OLV’s New Youth Ministry Coordinator Please extend a warm welcome to OLV’s new Coordinator of Youth Ministr y, Sean Tehoke. Sean comes to us from Christ the King Catholic Church in Des Moines, Iowa, where he was Director of Youth Ministry. Sean holds a bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from the University of Iowa and has worked in youth ministry for more than ten years. As he states, “Youth Ministry is a vocation and I am called to it.” Sean believes in meeting the youth “where they are” both in their faith journey and in their daily life. He encourages them to be active in their faith through church ministries, retreats, social concerns, catechesis and a daily prayer life. He has coordinated numerous mission trips, retreats, fundraisers, auctions and youth conferences throughout the years and also enjoys working with confirmation candidates. Sean, his wife Rachel and four young daughters recently relocated to Michigan to be closer to family and friends and are ecstatic to be joining the OLV community. Be sure to stay tuned for all the exciting OLV Youth Group News! Our Lady of Victory School Students in Second Grade Celebrate Mary! On Wednesday, May 25, the students at OLV honored Mary at their weekly all school Mass. Each of the First Communion students presented Mary with a rose at the altar. They were dressed in their First Communion dresses and suits. Congratulations to all students who celebrated their First Communion last month! OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 4 Kathryn’s Konnection Kathryn Ling, Pastoral Associate Eucharistic Minister Training Remember that we will be training new Eucharistic Ministers on Sunday, June 12, after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. We are especially looking for people who usually come to Sunday’s 11:30 a.m. Mass. This is the Mass that we often do not have enough people to serve in this very important ministry. However, ALL are welcome to come for the training. If you have ever even considered being a Eucharistic Minister or felt like you were being called to share in this ministry, please come to the training session. We will make sure you feel comfortable in your new ministry. If you have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and you have experienced the power of the Eucharist in your own life, please come and join us. NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN In singing “Lord of All Hopefulness,” we are asking God to be with us throughout our day, morning, noon, evening and bedtime; and to watch over us and guide us as our day progresses. Joyce Anstruther wrote the text for this hymn as a request for a hymnal Songs of Praise in 1931 and was the first person to address God as “you” in hymns. It is written that this hymn “has a warm human touch and a spiritual tone.” Anstruther was the pen name for Joyce Torrens-Graham, an English poetess, essayist, and author who is known for her popular book, “Mrs. Miniver” which was made into a movie in 1940. The hymn was first published to the tune SLANE, an Irish folk tune that first appeared in 1909, but became a hymn tune in 1927 when it was set to “Be Thou My Vision.” Each day should begin with a simple prayer thanking God for the day and asking him to be with us throughout the day. Kathy Sanderson, Music Director Our Lady of Victory School News Farewell Kindergarten Students! Stephen Ministry What Exactly Is This Stephen Ministry? We have often been taught to be strong, self-sufficient, independent people. We tend to think that if we ask for help, it is a sign of weakness. So, we try to keep our struggles hidden, stuffed deep inside. However, that is not God's plan. God wants us to care for others....and allow others to care for us in our time of need. Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry active within our parish. Stephen Ministers are not counselors or therapists; rather, they are caring Christian friends who can offer a listening ear to help others through the tough times in life. Who will know about my problem if I talk to a Stephen Minister? Many people ask this question. Confidentiality is the cornerstone of Stephen Ministry. No one will find out what you discuss with your Stephen Minister. If you have a burden you need to share, perhaps a Stephen Minister can help. If you have would like to hear more, please call (248) 349-2621, Ext. 482 or check out the video under the Stephen Ministry tab on the OLV Parish website (www.olvnorthville.org). RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS ● ● ● ● Have you wondered how one would become Catholic? Have you ever thought you would like to know what the process for becoming Catholic is like? Are you a baptized Catholic who did not have the opportunity to learn much about the Catholic faith? Are you, or is someone you know, searching for God and spirituality in your life? If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, RCIA might be just what you are looking for. For information, please contact Kathryn Ling, at (248) 349-2621, Ext. 254 or olvkathryn@olvnorthville.net. On Thursday, May 26 the Kindergarten t e a c h e r s s a i d a fin a l f a r e w e l l t o t h e i r Kindergarten students—now off to First Grade! After graduation, the students gathered together at Ford Field for food and fun!. Have a great summer! WanttoAdvertiseyourBusinessinthe ParishBulletin? Brian Morano, a representative from our bulletin publisher, Diocesan Publications, will be seeking new and renewingpresentparishbulletinads. Ifyouareinterestedin advertising, he is tentatively scheduled to work in the parish officeduringofficehours,theweeksofJune6,13and20. This is an excellent opportunity for local business to increase their visibility in the community. Advertising in the bulletinallowsOurLadyofVictorytohavethebulletinprinted each week at no cost to the parish. Thank you for your support! TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 OLV St. Vincent de Paul Society Christian Service Conference #437 In today’s Gospel, we see how Jesus was moved with pity and said to the widow, “Do not cry,” and the people knew that “God had visited his people.” When you hear the cries of those in need and reach out to help them, deep in their hearts those who received our help know that “God has visited them.” Since October 2015, as a result of your generous gifts, the OLV Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference was able to bring the love of God to approximately 60 family members by providing short term financial assistance for utility bills, housing (rent/mortgage/taxes), medical bills, clothing and transportation; as well as information on other area assistance programs. Thank You! JUNE 5, 2016 by Nancy Tolkacz Special Homebound Senior Luncheon Thursday, June 23, Noon—OLV School Cafeteria WewouldliketoextendaspecialinvitaYontoallofourOLVparishioners who are home-bound. We miss you and the community needs you. On Thursday,June23,atNoon,pleasegatherwithusintheOLVSchoolCafeteria. The room is lovely and there are no stairs to navigate! We need lots of helping hands to serveandassist. Ifyouwouldliketotakepartinthiswonderfula]ernoon,pleasecontact TinaBak,at(248)349-2621,ext.277ortbak@olvnorthville.net. Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, June 14, at 7 p.m. Martha Mary Room FirstCommunionBlessings ThankyoutoallthosewhodonatedaneworgentlyusedFirstCommunion Dressorsuitduringour2016LentenCollecYon. MaureenNorthrup,theChrisYan ServiceCoordinatoratChristTheKingParishinDetroit,sharedthispicturewithus. As you can see, your generosity provided these beauYful children with lasYng memoriesofthismostHolyDay! Civic Concern Food Drive Our targeted items for the month of JUNE include: laundry soap (64 oz or less), bars of soap, suntan loOon (SPF 30 or higher), cereal, and tuna. Remember Michigan Bridge cards will not cover the purchases of paper products so toilet paper, paper towel, and kleenexboxesareconstantlyindemand. If you wish to donate fresh fruits and vegetables,pleasecontactCivic Concernat(248)344-1033. Faith Communities Coalition on Foster Care Monthly Spotlight Save the Date! OLV St. Vincent de Paul Society 1st Annual Auction & Dinner Saturday, October 8, 2016 Our St. Vincent de Paul conference will be hosYngitsfirstannualaucYonanddinner. Ticketsgo on sale in September! More details will be forthcoming. Every month, we will be introducing foster children who are looking for “Forever Families” from within our community. Please check out their profiles from the bulleYn board in the Gathering Space and remember to pray for these children who wouldlovetobeadopted. IsGodnudgingyoutofindoutmore about foster parenYng, adopYng, mentoring or giving respite care? Talk with experienced fosterandadopYveparentswhocanprovideanswers. ContacttheFosterCareNavigatorProgramat(855)MICHKIDSorwww.fcnp.orgor the AdopYon Navigators at (800) 589-6273. For more informaYon, please contact the MichiganAdopYonResourceExchangeat(734)528-2070orwww.mare.org. Thenumbersaresobering. Seventypercentofteenswhoemancipatefromfoster carereportthattheywanttoaUendcollege,butfewerthantenpercentwhograduatefrom high school enroll in college, and of those less than one percent graduate from college. Approximately13,000childrenareintheMichiganfostercaresystematanygivenYme. A growingnumberofMichiganyoutharereachingadultagewhileinfostercareandhaveno resourcestoaUendcollegewhentheyageoutofthesystem.StaYsYcsforYouthLeavingthe FosterCareSystemareTragic: ● 1in5ormorewillbecomehomelessa]erage18. ● ● ● ● 7of10womenwillbepregnantbytheir21stbirthday. Justhalfwillbeemployedat24. Fewerthan3%willearnacollegedegreeby25. 1in4willbeincarceratedwithintwoyearsofleavingfostercare. FormoreinformaYonortomakeadonaYon,pleasevisitwww.fosteringfutures-mi.com. OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 6 WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG They have come to the Table 2 0 1 6 C at h o l i c s e rv i c e S a p p e a l The 2016 CSA pledge and prayer cards, have been mailed to you. Please contact the parish office at (248) 349-2621, if you have not received your card. This year the Archdiocese of Detroit has set our quota at $245,846. Our goal is for each OLV family to contribute $550 towards our target either, in a one time payment or in the form of a pledge. Thank you for your support! CSA Pledges to date: 278 CSA Pledged Amount: $110,560 MINUTE Sacred Heart Major Seminary Archbishop Allen Vigneron ordained five men to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Detroit last month. Congratulations to Fathers Paul Graney, Dominic Macioce, Kevin Roelant, David Tomaszycki, and Timothy Wezner! Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support men discerning vocations to the priesthood through the assistance of the Office of Priestly Vocations. CSA gifts also help fund the education and formation of men preparing for the priesthood at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, which is the Archdiocese’s college and graduate seminary. Additionally, Sacred Heart’s student body includes lay men in the permanent diaconate program, and lay women and men earning graduate and undergraduate degrees and diplomas in religious studies through the Institute for Ministry. The CSA supports these vocations, too. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. OLV’sHolyDoorBusTour Tuesday,August2,8:30a.m.-3:30p.m.,$25perperson TheparishstaffistakingatriptogothroughtheHolyDoor, celebrateMasspresidedbyFr.Denis,andattendadocentguidedtour oftheSolanusCaseyCenter. Ifyouwouldliketojoinusforthetour, bus trip and boxed lunch, please RSVP by calling the Parish Office at (248)349-2621.Seatingislimited.Pleasecalltoday! Last weekend, we saw our final group of children come to the table of the Lord by receiving their First Eucharist. We have many p e o p l e t o t h a n k n o t o n l y f o r t h e Fi r s t Communion Masses but also for their faith modeling and teaching which brought our children to this day. We wish to send our appreciation first to Fr. Denis for his leadership and for setting a tone at our celebrations with his wonderful story telling during the homily and the singing of the Eucharistic prayer. We must also note our Music Director, Kathy Sanderson and the cantors who make every celebration beautiful as they lead us in song, Deacon Ken and Kathryn Ling who were also present and assisted in the liturgy. Thanks to our youth who lectured, the young people who served, our Eucharistic Ministers, the catechist and teachers who worked with our young people all year to bring them and their families to their special day, and the parishioners of Our Lady of Victory Parish who have prayed this past year that our children would come to recognize the great gift they have been given in Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. May God bless all of our children and may their parents continue to lead them to faith as they come to join us at the Table of the Lord time and time again. Registration for the ASFF Program and Christ the Good Shepherd Preschool Program Registration for next fall’s program will begin in June! Families involved in last year’s program will receive an email with registration materials for next fall. Completed forms may be emailed to faithformation2@olvnorthville.net, or dropped off, mailed or faxed to the Faith Formation Office at (248) 773-5024). If you have not been in our program before and would like to register please call us at (248) 349-2559 or download a form from the parish website. Look for Forms on the home page banner. The program sessions are on Mondays (either 4:45-6:00 p.m. or 6:30-7:45 p.m.) or Tuesdays (at 4:45-6:00 p.m.) for children in grades one through eight. New this year will be a session on Monday at 4:45-6:00 p.m. for four and five year olds interested in the Christ the Good Shepherd Preschool program. We encourage families to register early so that we can reserve your place! Scripture Reflection for the Family This weekend’s gospel highlights the compassion and concern we as Christians should have for each other. Jesus’ response to the widow who has lost her only son demonstrates his ability to feel the sorrow of others and to understand the loss this woman felt in a country that would leave her with no means of support. We as his followers are asked to do this as well. Family life provides fertile ground in which to teach concern and compassion for others. It begins with the care and concern family members display towards each other and is modeled primarily by parents. Talk together as a family as to how the virtues of respect, care, mercy, and concern are made visible in your life together. As you talk gage as to how readily you are able to think of examples. If you cannot think of that many perhaps it is a sign that busy lives while seemingly productive can also dull one to the meaning of events and the experiences of those it is shared with. Make a promise to each other to spend more time examining your day together so that the signs and moments when support is needed will become more evident. Be Christ to each other and then go out and share his love with the world! Mary Ellen Skene, Director TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 2016-2017 OLV CYO Fall Sports Registration Ends June 30! All OLV parishioners and OLV school students are eligible to participate in OLV’s CYO sports program. Open registration is for Football, Cross Country, Cheer, Volleyball and Spring and Fall Flag Football. To see the age specifications for each sport and to register, please visit the registration tab at www.OLVAthletics.com. Registration ends June 30, 2016. If you are interested in coaching any of these sports, please read the Coaches Information requirements on the left menu at www.OLVAthletics.com and apply online under the Player-Coach Registration. Coaching positions are assigned on an annual basis. Go COUGARS! - Office of the OLV Athletics GiganticGirlScoutandHistoricalSociety GARAGESALE Monday,June6-Friday,10,2016 TheGirlScouts,inconjunctionwiththeNorthville HistoricalSocietyarehavingtheirannualgaragesaleon MondayJune6-Friday,June10.TheScoutswillbeusing their proceeds to fund their trip to the the Mackinac IslandHonorScoutsWeekend.TheHistoricalSocietywillusetheirshareat Mill Race Historic Village and a portion will go toward the Dr. Karl StockhausenMedicalScholarshipFund. Weappreciatealldonationsandwouldbewillingtogiveyouatax receipt.YoumaydropoffyourdonationsatanytimestartingSunday,June 5, at 218 W. Dunlap (or at Mill Race Village before that on Tuesday mornings). Ifyouhavequestions,pleasecontactCaroleJeanStockhausenat (248)349-2833.Weareespeciallyinneedoffurnitureandwouldbewilling topickupanypiecestheearlypartoftheweekofthesale,ifyoucan’tget ittous.Thanks! OLV Baccalaureate Mass Sunday, June 12, 9:30 a.m. Allhighschoolandcollegeseniorsandtheirfamilies are invited to aUend Our Lady of Victory’s Baccalaureate Mass on June 12, at 9:30 a.m. We would like to honor our graduates and to wish them wellintheirfutureendeavors.AlightrecepYoninthe FatherErnieCenterwillfollow.Graduatesarewelcometoweartheircapsand gowns or their Sunday best for the Mass. We would also like to create a displayboardwithpicturesofallourgraduateswhetherornottheyareable toaUendtheMassandrecepYon. Pleasehelpushonorthestudentsandtokeeptheminourprayers thissummerbysubmiXngaseniorpicture. Picturesshouldbeplacedinan envelope and can be either dropped off or mailed to the parish office. PicturesneedtobeinbyMonday,June6,andwillnotbereturned. Please alsomakesuretolabelthebackofthepicture. CongratulaOonsGraduates!Wewishyouwell!Inwhateverpathyou follow,mayGodconYnuetoblessyouandchallengeyoutobethebestperson youcanbe. JUNE 5, 2016 OLVHEALTH&WELLNESSMINISTRY SkinCancer References:www.cdc.gov/cancertopics/.J.J.Keller& Associates,Inc.,May,2016. Skincanceristhemostcommonformofcancerin the United States. More than 2 million people will be diagnosed with this cancer (including 68,000 melanomas) andabout12,000willdie.Everyoneisatrisk. Therearethreetypesofskincancer: • Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas—are highly curable,butcanbedisfiguringandcostly. • Melanoma, the third most common skin cancer, is moredangerousandcausesthemostdeaths. Ultraviolet(UV)Light MostskincanceriscausedbyoverexposuretoUV radiaYon. UltravioletraysareaninvisiblekindofradiaYon thatcomesfromthesun,tanningbedsandsunlamps. UV rayscanpenetrateandchangeskincells.DamagingUVrays fallintotwocategories,Ultraviolet(UVA),andUltravioletB (UVB): • UVA: These long-wave rays penetrate beyond the top layer of skin and play a major part in skin aging and wrinkling. They are equally intense during daylight hoursallyearlongandcanpenetratecloudsandglass. • UVB:Theseshort-waverayspenetratelessdeeplyinto theskinandarethemaincauseofskinreddeningand sunburn. They are most plenYful between 10 a.m.-4 p.m., from April to October. They can cause skin damage year-round, parYcularly at high alYtudes or reflectedoffsnoworice. FactorsInfluencingYourRiskofSkinCancer: • Excessive, unprotected exposure to UV light, such as sunlightandtanningbeds. • Fairskin;blondorredhair;blue,greenorgreyeyes. • History of working with coal tar, pitch creosote, arseniccompoundsorradium;outdoorworkers. • Personalorfamilyhistory;oneormoresunburnsasa child. • Abnormal or more than 100 moles as an adult, 50 if undertheageof20. • Certain prescripYon or over-the-counter drugs, such as, anYbioYcs, painkillers, acne medicaYons and diureYcs. Symptoms: • Changeinthenumber,size,colororsurfaceofamole. • PigmentaYonthatspreadspasttheedgeofamole. • Moleswithitchiness,tendernessorpain. PrevenOon: • Full-bodyskinexamyearly,andmonthlyself-exams. • Avoidsunatitsstrongestbetween10a.m.and4p.m. WearprotecYveclothingandUVblockingsunglasses. • Use sunscreen with (SPF) of 30. Apply 30 minutes beforegoingoutside,reapplyevery2hours. • Avoidsunlamps,tanningbedsandsunburns. Health&WellnessMinistryNextMeeOng Tuesday,June7,7p.m.,MarthaMary AllWelcome! OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 8 NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Readings of the Week: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Week at a Glance Monday, June 6 Mass, 7 p.m., Church AA Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Fr. Ernie Tuesday, June 7 School Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Bible Study, 10 a.m., McAuley Card Group, 1 p.m., Martha Mary Northville Strings, 6 p.m., St. Cecilia Health & Wellness Mtg, 7 p.m., Mary Wednesday, June 8 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Monday SaintNorbert,Bishop 1Kgs17:1-6;Ps121:1bc-2,3-4,5-6,7-8;Mt5:1-12 Tuesday Wednesday 1Kgs17:7-16;Ps4:2-3,4-5,7b-8;Mt5:13-16 1Kgs18:20-39;Ps16:1b-2ab,4,5ab,and8,11;Mt5:17-19 Thursday Friday SaintEphrem,DeaconandDoctoroftheChurch 1Kgs18:41-46;Ps65:10,11,12-13;Mt5:20-26 1Kgs19:9a,11-16;Ps27:7-8a,8b-9abc,13-14;Mt5:27-32 Saturday Sunday SaintBarnabas,Apostle Acts11:21b-26;13:1-3;Ps98:1,2-3ab,3cd-4,5-6;Mt5:33-37 EleventhSundayinOrdinaryTime 2Sm12:7-10,13;Ps32:1-2,5,7,11;Gal2:16,19-21;Lk7:36—8:3 or7:36-50 Lost a little “spring” in your step? Thursday, June 9 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Gospel Reflections, 9:15 a.m., St. John NA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Fr. Ernie Parish Council Meeting, 7 p.m., Solanus It happens to all of us on occasion. Sometimes, that bounce comes back after being able to share concerns with a caring person. No magical ingredients...just the listening, prayers and fellowship given by a Stephen Minister. Let us explain more about our program. Please call our confidential line at (248) 349-2621, ext. 482. There is no cost! Friday, June 10 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m., Church Eucharistic Adoration, 9:30 a.m., CH Adoration Closing, 11:30 a.m., CH Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament New Summer Schedule Saturday, June 11 Starting last Friday, June 3, the scheduled hours for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is 9:30-11:30 a.m. This schedule will continue through the summer months. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 10 a.m., McAuley Reconciliation, 3:30 p.m. Mass, 5:00 p.m., Church Sunday, June 12 May Baptisms Liam Ryan Atkinson Son of Jake Atkinson and Megan Kelly Logan Alexander Baldas Son of Christopher Michael Baldas and Amanda Kay Ostrowski Faith Willow Courtney Daughter of James Courtney and Jodie Binroth Mass, 7:30 a.m., Church Baccalaureate Mass, 9:30 a.m., Church Mass, 11:30 a.m., Church EME Training, 12:30 p.m., Church Baptisms, 1:00 p.m., Church Catherine Ainsley Darrow Daughter of Christopher Darrow and Jamie Tottan Giuliana DePietro Daughter of Rocco DePietro and Stacie Salas Top Hat Collection After All Masses Truman Anthony Harnish Son of Jeremy Harnish and Jessica Corte Welcome New OLV Parishioners! Preston James Kelly Son of Michael Kelly and Melissa Allen CindyStieber Grace Marie Linsell and Olivia Anne Linsell Daughters of Daniel Linsell and Susan Syrjamaki JeffandMaryRoseBorg ArthurandBerniceVargas TheVanecekFamily Timothy,Anglea,NolanandConnelly Stella Marie Uptergrove Daughter of Ron Uptergrove and Theresa Black Benjamin Campbell Vincent Son of Brian Vincent and Maureen McFawn TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Those who need our prayers... Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health once more. Please remember to keep in prayer… Steve Allen Fr. Joseph Begay Alice Boyd Donald Boyd Gina Buchan Barbara Burbo Pat Bynum Mary Cameron Judy Chiodo Sue Coseo Paul Coleman Bob Crawford Cindy Dicosola Flora DiPardo Jeff Dueweke Jane Folino Patrick Fries Keith Geisler Betty Hardy Rosemary Hella Michelle Hirsh Mary Hoffman John Jerome Jeff Jorissen Michael Karpac Margo Kramar Robert Kramar Jennifer Kuphal Toni Lachowicz Lucy LaRosa Eileen Longsworth Mildred Madigan James Maisano Sue McCann Maggie McQuillan-Key Nora Miller Richard Mitera Mary Namath Tom Nieto Tom O’Meara Jr. Daniel Cutwater Patricia Outwater Walleye Poteau Ken Rogale Joseph Scott Connie Sheldon Dennis Sinks Darlene Sullivan Patricia Thomas Shelley Trainor Christina Wheeler Names are kept on the list for four weeks. If you wish to add or remove a name, please call the Parish Office at (248) 349-2621.Thankyou! In Memoriam We remember and pray for the loved ones from our parish family who have entered eternal life: Greg Paul Groves Lillian Roller PAGE 9 JUNE 5, 2016 Pray For Those Who Serve in Our Military Do you know someone who is serving in the military? Please call the Parish Office to add your loved one’s name. Continue to pray for peace and for a lasting and peaceful solution to the world’s conflicts. USN Patrick Antio CPT Barton Blackorby Sgt Jamie Bushman 2LT Daniel Courtney LT Michael Cullen SPC Tyler DeBozy MAJ David Faulk Daniel Giraud Sr. Airman Brian Hada LT John J Hamann CPT Jay Heide LTC Barbara Krause LT Daniel Kuriluk CPT Matthew Kuriluk USMC LCPL William Litzinger PFC Ben Maday MAJ Shawn Magowan Sgt Mark McGlynn Sgt Alexandra McGlynn Cpl James McGlynn PFC Shawn M McHale Chap. Tim Meier, SJ Sgt. Steven Miller SPC Lauren Moloney WO1 Lincoln Moloney CPT Michael Morrissey DC3 SW Jeremy Nemeth 2LT Garrett Quick Capt. Mark Saurer Cpl USMC Gabriel Smith SFC William Smith PFC Nathan Swiger LTC Christopher Wagner MAJ Phillip Wiktor LCpl Dittrick Williams LTJG Adam Williams Mass Intentions Monday, June 6 8:30 a.m. Spec. Int. Joanne Ratkewicz req. by M/M Denise Patterson Gloria Dunnett req. by Francine Holinoty Tuesday, June 7: Last School Mass 8:30 a.m. Grace Cooley req. by Family Wednesday, June 8 8:30 a.m. Michael McCallum req. by the Volpe Family Timothy Dannemiller req. by Diane Gurgold Thursday, June 9 8:30 a.m. Owen O’Callaghan req. by Tim O’Callaghan Patty Feerst req. by the Widzinski Family David Widzinski req. by the Widzinski Family Friday, June 10 8:30 a.m. Richard Witkowski req. by Family Margaret Layne req. by M/M David Gawlowski Saturday, June 11 5:00 p.m. Margaret Richardson req. by Family Frank Smejkal req. by the Oleksinski Family Mason Oleksinski req. by the Oleksinski Family Sunday, June 12 7:30 a.m. Mary Jane and Art Adams req. by Angie & Jim White Judy Carr req. by Jana & Terry Cordon Mark Domenick req. by M/M Joe Breitenbeck 9:30 a.m. Joseph Herdell req. by Merry Herdell Adele Fifelski req. by Ray & Eva Reame Robert Marcantonio req. by Family 11:30 a.m. Helen Klenczar req. by Phyllis Ely Al and Betty Atkinson req. by the Sue Misiulis Hilarion McLeod req. by Tom & Marilynn Murphy Ministry Schedule Saturday, June 11 Sunday, June 12 5:00 p.m. 7: 30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Clergy: Fr. John Wheeler Fr. Dennis Kauffman Fr. Dennis Kauffman Fr. Dennis Kauffman Lectors: Eric Fox Frank O’Connell Grace Kueber Patrick Romzek Haley Clafton Bob Dorigo-Jones Karen Marcum Mike Nader Altar Servers There is no schedule for the summer months. Please stop by the sacristy, if you are available to serve. Thank you! OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 10 WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG Monthly Offering Archdioceses of Detroit Phone Numbers of Interest Catholic Charities of SE Michigan: (855) 882-2736 Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry: (888) 722-4355 GIVING BACK TO THE LORD May 2016 Actual Budget Sunday Offering: $109,625 eGiving: $ 18,650 National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233 Detroit Retrouvaille: (800) 470-2230 Catholic Bookstore: (313) 962-4490 Report sexual abuse of a minor contact: Wayne County Child Protective Services: (800) 716-2234 Prosecutor: (313) 224-5777 Oakland County Child Protective Services: (800) 975-5010 Prosecutor: (248) 858-0656 Report Sexual Abuse of a minor involving clergy or church personnel: Ms. Margaret Hubbard, (866) 343-8055, Victim Assistance Coordinator Variance: $ 128,275 $110,000 $ 18,275 Special Collections YTD St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen Christian Service St. Vincent de Paul Easter (May only) Catholic Relief Services Respect Life $ 18,182 $ 4,928 $ 11,359 $ 145 $ 3,841 $ 6,288
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