August 16, 2015 - St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
August 16, 2015 - St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
PARISH FAMILY OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 16, 2015 PARISH STAFF Father Timothy Whalen, Pastor 2510 Middle Road Glenshaw, PA 15116 Founded 1834 Father Michael Ackerman, Parochial Vicar Mr. Francis Dadowski, Permanent Deacon Mr. James Finn, Pastoral Associate Mr. Robert Kardasz, Dir. of Music Ministries Mr. Michael McGrath, Business Manager Mrs. Judith Riegelnegg, Principal Sister Lois Spinnenweber, CDP, Apostolate Minister Miss Rose Stegman, Dir. of Faith Formation Web Site: E-Mail: Parish Family Administration Office: 412-486-4100 Religious Formation Office - 412-486-5521 Parochial School -412-486-7611 Youth Ministry Office - 412-486-4100 Marian Hall - 412-684-1112 Social Ministry Office - 412-486-4021 Fax: 412-486-4150 SUNDAY LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. DAILY LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday through Friday at 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Saturday at 8:00 a.m. RECONCILIATION Saturday at 11:00 a.m. until final penitent is finished BAPTISM On Sunday twice a month after parental interview ANOINTING OF THE SICK Twice a year in a communal celebration Individually upon request MATRIMONY Saturday weddings at 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. Notification at least 6 months in advance BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday at 12:00 noon Page Two St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Vol. 64 No. 33 SACRAMENTAL SPONSORSHIP FLEA MARKET BARGAINS We remind all those seeking sponsorship for one of the sacraments, especially Baptism and Confirmation, that TWO of the essential elements for the person are (a) the person must be confirmed; and (b) if married, must be married in the sacrament of the Church. These two are the requirements of the UNIVERSAL Church, and we cannot make exceptions for any reason. So, please, when your are inviting someone to be a godparent or a sponsor, make sure that person fulfills these requirements. All parishioners and their friends who are “Flea Market Aficionados” should be alert to our annual gigantic Flea Market that will open at 8:00 a.m. this Friday morning. Check the weekend hours on page six of this bulletin. If you are looking for tremendous bargains on items for your home or work, items for personal use or family needs, or almost any aspect of your life, take a little trip around the tables in Marian Hall filled with more delights than can be counted. We thank those on our Flea Market Team for their long hours of preparation making sure that every item is clearly marked for sale. MARRIED COUPLES TO REGISTER We offer a kind reminder to newly married couples to make sure that they are registered in the Parish Family as a couple, so as to avoid difficulties in the future. If they move away from our Parish Family, we suggest that they call the closest parish to their home and make sure that they register there. FAITH FORMATION CLASSES Our Faith Formation classes will begin with the Saturday session starting September 12th from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Our Monday session will begin on September 14th. from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Our Family program begins on Sunday, September 20 but for this first session there is a change of time and place. All families should come to the Parish Activity Center (PAC) at 9:00 a.m. We will end in time for all to attend the 11:00 a.m. Mass in church when Bishop Zubik will install our new pastor, Father Tim. If you have not registered your child(ren) for classes for the 2015-2016 school year, please call the Faith Formation Office at 412-486-5521. Please pray for all the sick and those recovering from illness. Family and friends have requested prayer for the following: Mary Louise Balsamico, Barbara Barricella, Cindy Benoit, Sandra Bosack, Jennifer Bowser, Tabitha Burkhart, Christopher, Ashlyn Rae Coone, Dorothy Cvetic, Sarah Davis, Fred Dollin, Donna Dorsey, Thomas Ducan, Patrick Duffy, Ed, Anita Fabry, Luke Fabry, Mark Fabry, Rose Ferguson, Sean Ferguson, Leo Forbes, Nick Gambetta, Grady Glies, Lucas Goeller, Jim Gray, Sr., Darlene Hodil, Joyce Hung, Scarlett Surdick-Kelly, Barbara Lagiovane, Leeland, Lynn, Jonathan, Mary Lou, Patricia, Paula, John Kohser, Cathy LaFata, Claire Larkin, Carol Lippert, Mary Ann Mangola, Sandi Maier, Heather Ralph Marcucci, Jack McGrath, Abe Mengel, Jeff Novosel, James O’Connor, Jay Plietz, Sarah Polito, Mary Prouty, Kevin Matchner, Margaret Reiner, Courtney Ryce, Thelma & Victor Saftner, Kathy Stiffy, Florence Stellitan, William, Mike Wozniak, and Brittany Wright, Robert Zeigler. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Those celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year and who informed us, will be receiving an invitation to attend the special Golden Anniversary Mass on Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Paul Cathedral. A reception will follow in the lower hall of the Cathedral. The Cathedral and the hall are both accessible. BULLETIN and LITURGY AID - VIA EMAIL If you or anyone you know would like the bulletin and the Liturgy Aid e-mailed, we are now accepting subscriptions. Please sign up by sending an email with the subject line SUBSCRIBE to St. Mary's will not sell or give out your e-mail address. You also may unsubscribe at anytime - there will be directions with each e-mail. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL Need Help? Do you know someone who needs the help of the St. Vincent de Paul Society? Through no fault of his or her own, someone may have fallen on hard times. They may be having difficulty buying food or paying gas or electric bills or even the rent. Maybe a family has no money to buy a much needed appliance or faces some other need. No one should have to deal with such problems alone. Perhaps we can help. If so, call Sr. Lois Spinnenweber, our Social Minister, at 412-486-4021. AUGUST 16, 2015 Page Three jxx~Äç Tvà|ä|à|xá tà t ZÄtÇvx MARIAN HALL IS CLOSED DUE TO THE SETTING UP OF THE FLEA MARKET Liturgies for the Week Monday 3\ (Marian Hall) 7:00 p.m. - Cemetery Board Meeting (Rectory) 7:00 p.m. - Temporalities Committee Mtg. August 17 Wednesday August 19 Sunday, August 16, 2015 - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Edward Hartmann - Barbara & Daughters Raymond DiPasquale - Wife, Patricia Domenic Cerreto - Toni Ventura Martin Napolitano, Jr. - Rick & Cindy DeFilippo Margaret Kennedy & Bernadette Green Mary Louise Green Monday, August 17, 2015 - Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. John J. Schell - Family 10:00 a.m. Loretta Walter - Mary Ann & Tom Zukowski Friday Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - Weekday in Ordinary Time Saturday 7:00 a.m. Berdena & Homer Canel - Family 10:00 a.m. Anne & August DiPasquale - Family FLEA MARKET 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Marian Hall) August 21 August 22 Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - Saint John Eudes (Marian Hall) Sunday August 23 7:00 a.m. Jerome Ebbert - Bill & Mary Slagel 10:00 a.m. Peter and Mary Moser - Daughter Thursday, August 20, 2015 - Saint Bernard 7:00 a.m. Russell Cvetic - Dorothy Cvetic 10:00 a.m. Russell Mikszan - Frank Brie, Betty McKay, Ken & Elba Malley Friday, August 21, 2015 - Saint Pius x 7:00 a.m. Joe Martonic - The Mitsch Family 10:00 a.m. Richard Avon - Fred A. Ambrose/Tami Saturday, August 22, 2015 - The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 a.m. Concetta Barbieri Febbraro - Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Fusca 4:00 p.m. John E. Hoffarth - Rita & Jim Finn 6:00 p.m. Harry Heinl, Sr. - Harry & Rachele 7:30 a.m. - Respect Life Rosary FLEA MARKET 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Church) FLEA MARKET 8:30 a.m. - 12:00Noon with a Bag Sale (Marian Hall) 2015 PARISH SHARE PROGRAM (As of August 11, 2015 Parish Assessment $176,659.00 Number of Responses 730 Total Pledged $166,718.00 Average Pledge $228.00 Total Paid $150,370.00 Sunday, August 23, 2015 - Twenty Twenty--First Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. The Living & Deceased of Our Parish Family 9:00 a.m. The Jim Cray Family - Toni & Bob Cray 11:00 a.m. Robert A. Deasy III - Family Daily Readings LOVE THEM BOTH We must love them both - those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the search for truth, and both have helped us in the finding of it. ~Thomas Aquinas AUGUST 8/9, 2015 Envelopes Contributions Offertory 534 $16,415.85 Cash/Loose Checks - $601.00 Children’s Offertory 12 $15.00 Parish Needy/St. Vincent de Paul 33 $542.00 Opening of Catholic School 21 $577.00 Assumption Offertory 7 $105.00 Totals 607 $18,255.85 August 17: Jgs 2:11-19; Mt 19:16-2 August 18: Jgs 6:11-24a; Mt 19:23-30 August 19: Jgs 9:6-15; Mt 20:1-16 August 20: Jgs 11:29-39a; Mt 22:1-14 August 21: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Mt 22:34-40 August 22: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Mt 23:1-12 August 23: Jos 24: 1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 AUGUST 16, 2015 SACRAMENTAL LIFE Home with the Lord Remember Lord and welcome into your Kingdom those who have died and have gone before us marked in the sign of faith, especially Carole Hohmann and Stanley Zubik, father of Bishop David A. Zubik. Please remember to pray for the consolation of their loved ones. BANNS OF MARRIAGE II. Kevin Devinney (St. Mary) & Amy Tappe (St. Bonaventure) A VOCATION VIEW Our communion with Jesus unites us with all believers. As you participate in the Eucharist pray that the Church may be strengthened as the Body of Christ. (John 6:51-58) Here I am Lord. Send Me! ~Isaiah 6:8 I am or know of someone who is interested is serving God’s people as a: Priest___ Brother___ Sister___ Deacon___ Name:___________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________________ Please return to St. Mary of the Assumption Rectory. R. C. I. A. Helping others find faith and a home in a faith community is one tremendous way we can help heal our world. Many are searching for belief and have no church to help or guide them. Others are looking for a church whose values they want to live. Still others were baptized into our faith community, then for one reason or another, never moved on in this faith community and did not receive the other sacraments of initiation (Holy Eucharist and Confirmation) There are so many who fall into one of the above categories. YOU can help bring them satisfaction in their lives and healing that is found only in Jesus. YOU can invite them to “come and see” what our Catholic faith community is all about. The RCIA team at St. Mary’s is anxious to welcome you. There is no financial cost and the persons are free to continue or to exit the program any time they want. Live your call to be evangelists. Invite someone to seek answers to their faith questions in the RCIA. Call Jim Finn at the rectory 412-486-4100 to find out more. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE by Bud Ozar In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks of eating His flesh and blood. Parents can identify with this, for they often feel devoured by all the demands of family life. This is unavoidable for children grown in the soil of sacrificial love. Parenting is not part time work. It is a consuming lifetime commitment. Page Four RELIGIOUS FORMATION Faith Sharing for Twentieth Sunday Ordinary Time Jesus talks about “eternal life” in this week’s gospel. “Eternal” means, never ending. If you had a vacation break this summer and enjoyed the time of rest or relaxation, you may have wished it would never end. Could you imagine “eternal life” as the vacation that will never end? OH, it will be even so much better since you will be seeing God face to face. The loving gaze in the presence of Our heavenly Father is what to yearn for. Get a “taste” for Him in the Body and Blood of Jesus at Holy Communion. Sacraments Grow Grow In Faith Together Families of children who will go on to Grade 2, and youth who move on to Grade 8, have a journal page to note the messages that God’s Word will give each Sunday during the summer months. Let Jesus’ word be a guiding message for YOUR life. Faith Formation for Children Who Attend Public Schools Family Program Families, and Families of Children in Monday, Saturday Classes: No more formal sessions until September. Continue to use the booklet Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families weekly as you prepare for and come to Mass. Discover the practical way for Living the Word as suggested on, pages 108-109. Will you share Jesus’ GOOD news about LIFE within? ON-THE-MOVE DID you take your image of “Flat Francis” somewhere this week. Tell others that you meet, the GOOD NEWS of Pope Francis’ up-coming visit to our own STATE in September. Special Days this Week August 16 – Saint Stephen of Hungary, a convert from paganism, led his country as king into Christianity and often walked among the poor, giving them donations. August 18 – Saint Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine is remembered as having found the True Cross, and for beginning the restoration of Holy places in Jerusalem. August 19 – Saint John Eudes gave this advice: “Our chief occupation must be to form Jesus in ourselves, to make His spirit, His affections, His desires live in us.” August 20 - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux spoke so eloquently of God that he is called the “Honey-Tongued Teacher.” His love for Mary also gives him the name as the “Harpist of Mary, Our Lady’s Troubador.” August 21- Saint Pius X was pope at the beginning of the 1900’s and had as his motto “to restore all things in Christ.” He is pictured in the stained glass window as a reminder of his love for Jesus in the Eucharist. August 22 – Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a day to specially honor her as Queen of heaven and earth. She is honored as Queen in one of the colored windows in our church and in the fifth joyful mystery of the rosary. August 23 – Saint Rose of Lima, is best remembered for her understanding of the value of and practice of a life of redemptive suffering, doing penance for love of Jesus and as intercession for others. AUGUST 16, 2015 YOUTH GROUP NEWS YOUTH MINISTRY In today’s second reading, Paul focuses on what not to do. Don’t live foolishly, don’t be ignorant about God’s plan. Then he focuses on what we should do instead. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Join us for youth group activities and Life Teen Lifenights to learn more about yourself and Gods plan for you. LIFE TEEN Life Teen? Youth group? One in the same! A place to belong and have good fun. Join us anytime. FALL SEMESTER IS COMING FAST A schedule will be out for the high school fall semester for the youth at St. Mary’s. Please watch for the schedule in the bulletin and on the youth board. ADULTS If you are looking for a ministry to be involved in at St. Mary’s perhaps you may take a look at the our Teen Ministry. Maybe your place is assisting the teens in their religious journey. Contact Christine Miller at EDGE WILL BE BACK SOON AND WE NEED YOU! Page Five ST. MARY SCHOOL St. Mary School News SCHOOL REGISTRATION If you are looking for a faith-filled, value-centered educational environment for your child, look no further. St. Mary School registration for preschool through 8th grade is now in full swing. Remember that we offer a half-day and full-day kindergarten readiness program for 4 and 5 year-olds. In addition, we also offer a two-day (Tuesday and Thursday) 3 year-old preschool program and a three-day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) 4 year-old preschool program. If you are interested in registering your child or know of someone who would benefit from what we offer, please contact the school office at 412-486-7611 for more information or to arrange a tour. SCRIP OFFICE OPEN THIS SUMMER Please continue to stop and purchase gift cards this summer in the Scrip Office located in the back of the school. We stock over 70 different gift cards including Giant Eagle, Shop ‘N Save, Walmart, Kohls, and many other stores and restaurants. Come in and see what we have to offer! Hours of operation for the summer will be as follows: August – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ST. MARY SCHOOL’S “PARTNERS IN EDUCATION” Please consider supporting the Partners in Education (PIE) Fund here at St. Mary School. Your contribution provides supplemental funding that enriches and expands the spiritual and academic educational experiences of our children. In addition, your gift helps to provide financial assistance to families in need so that their children may receive a faith-filled, academically excellent education. YOU make the difference and we are grateful for your support. Our first day of School will be AUGUST 24, 2015 EDGE is planning for the upcoming season and we’re always looking for faith-filled adults to help minister to our kids! If you love to share your faith and enjoy working with middle schoolers – EDGE is for you! Please contact Lori Zippay for details – or (412) 818-2830. FAITH NIGHT AT PNC PARK – AUGUST 20TH DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR TICKETS! Our tickets have come in! For those of you who indicated that you would like to pick up at the Rectory Office, they are now there and waiting for you. Looking forward to a fun evening! COMMUNITY OUTREACH North Hills Community Outreach is seeking a full-time Food Pantry Coordinator. Logon to: join-the-nhco-team/career-opportunities-at-nhco/ This is where the Food Pantry Coordinator description can be found. MOUNTAIN PLAYHOUSE JENNERSTOWN Join the 55 Social Group on Friday, September 18, 2015, to the Mountain Playhouse in Jennerstown for the show “The Hound of the Baskervilles.” The suspense and terror of a Sherlock Holmes’ mystery is fused with humor. The show and transportation is $55.00 per person. Lunch at the Green Gables Restaurant prior to show in not included. For more information, please contact Jane Fabry at 412-487-3091. Diocese of Pittsburgh Abuse Hotline: 1.888.808.1235 AUGUST 16, 2015 OUR PARISH NEWS PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN WORKSHOP St. Mary of the Assumption Parish will be hosting a Protecting God’s Children Workshop on Tuesday, September 22, 2014, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in Marian Hall. All volunteers in our parish, school and faith formation programs are mandated by the Diocese of Pittsburgh to obtain this clearance. Please register by calling the Rectory Office at 412-486-4100. RETREAT NEWS YOU CAN USE The women of St. Mary’s Annual Fall Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center is scheduled for November 5-6-7, 2015. Any questions please call Elaine Lascher 412-492-7227 or Irene Linkowski 412-487-1779. Watch for future information notices in this bulletin. Page Six Our NEIGHBORHOOD HAPPENINGS ALL MEN AND YOUNG MEN ARE INVITED TO REGISTER FOR THE 10TH ANNUAL GATHERING OF CATHOLIC MEN Keep open Saturday, September 19th for this once a year Gathering. New location this year! We will meet at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Stop in the narthex after Mass for more information or to register. PRE-REGISTRATION GATHERING OF CATHOLIC MEN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 Enclosed is a check made payable to: Catholic Men’s Fellowship ( C.M.F. ) for $______________. $40.00 … Adults $10.00 … High School/College Students Please reserve _______ seats on the bus. Please pre-register the following name and phone number: _______________________________________________ Please return to Rectory Office in c/o Jim Finn prior to September 6, 2015 SUMMER BIBLE Kingdom of the Son Prayer SAFARI THANKS to families who contributed for our mission outreach to Father Josef Philippe’s ministries in Haiti. The money raised was $564.38 to help the children in Fondwa, Haiti. A PRAYER STUDY & SUPPORT GROUP Join us on Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. beginning August 26, in our parish JAM House along Middle Road at the edge of our cemetery. The booklet, Oremus: A Catholic Guide to Prayer will be used by those who wish to participate. If you will like to be included, so that a resource will be ordered for you, please call our Faith Formation Office at 412-486-5521. BIBLE BASICS WORKSHOP Join us on Thursday, August 27, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Marian Hall. Spiritan Father Bill Christy will lead the formative possibilities in God’s Word. Call our Faith Formation Office at 412-486-5521 to register. FIRE - EVANGELIZATION CONFERENCE An evangelization conference will be held on Saturday, October 10, 1:00-5:30 p.m, at the Doubletree Hotel, Monroeville Convention Center. There will be a $10 fee. Speakers include Capuchin Father Scott Seethaler, Prof. Bob Rice, and Bishop Sam Jacobs. Liturgies for Reconciliation, and anticipated Sunday Mass will conclude the event. Register at USHERS NEEDED Are you thinking about becoming an Usher for our Parish Family? We have a need for you! Please contact the Rectory Office to find out more. Looking forward to hearing from you! FLEA MARKET DROP OFF COLLECTION DAYS New and used items in good and clean condition. No clothing, magazines, gym equipment, computers or TV’s. Small items of furniture accepted. Last Drop off Date: August 17 Drop off Times: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Drop off Area: Marian Hall Items are not to be left unattended anywhere on the parish grounds. Any questions, please call Mary Ann Coholich at 412-486-0165. ST. MARY’S FLEA MARKET Location: Marian Hall Friday, August 21 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 22 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday, August 23 8:30 a.m. - 12:00Noon with a Bag Sale For more information: Joan Kramer: 412.486.3994 or Claire Bollinger: 412.486.7582 AUGUST 16, 2015 PASTORAL IMPRESSIONS Page Seven by DEACON FRANCIS DADOWSKI ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION CEMETERY – ASSUMPTION MAUSOLEUM Have you seen our new mausoleum that has been constructed in our cemetery? Isn’t it beautiful? The mausoleum was constructed because of the demand and interest of many of our parishioners. And, in fact, the Diocese of Pittsburgh Catholic Cemetery Association would not give us permission to even put a shovel in the ground until enough of our parishioners had purchased their place of internment, thereby insuring that there would not be any parish funds nor the need for a cemetery loan used in the construction. Our mausoleum has 447 crypts for caskets and 154 niches for cremains. To date, parishioners and others have purchased 177 crypts and 101 niches. So there are still quite a few crypts and niches available. When you purchase a crypt, you are buying the entire cemetery package which includes the space, the vault and the memorialization. This compares to the purchase of an in ground grave. You must buy the space and then have to purchase a vault to be put into the ground. When the casket is placed, you then have to purchase the type of memorialization that will go at the head of the grave which can be as simple as a flat grave marker or an elaborate marker as what can be seen around our cemetery. All in all, there is very little price difference between in ground and mausoleum internment. There are some very nice crypts and niches still available. We offer very affordable pricing. Please call the Rectory Office at 412-486-4100 to make an appointment. WHAT BETTER PLACE TO REST FOR ETERNITY THAN NEXT TO OUR CHURCH WHERE YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED BY ALL ATTENDEES AND DAILY AT MASS. ON THE GROUNDS OF MT. ROYAL MEMORIAL PARK Garry A. Richter, Funeral Director & Supervisor 2702 MT. ROYAL BLVD., GLENSHAW, PA 15116 412-486-9086 • GRASS CUTTING SERVICES Breisinger Lawn Care 30 yrs. Experience Residential / Small Commercial 412-580-8644 10% DISCOUNT Plumbing or Service Repair SIDING Consider Remembering ROOFING Your Parish in Your Will. Ireland Contracting 1-800-NEW-ROOF Fully Insured * FREE Estimates For further information, #PA 026195 please call the Parish Office. SOFFIT/FASCIA GUTTERS Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Call for your FREE estimate: 412-487-5232 3880 Rt. 8, Allison Park 15101 910038 St Mary of the Assumption (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 NANCY TABACJAR WARE Multi-Million $ Producer Top 5% of Realtors Rt. 8 - Gibsonia 724-443-1575 Serving the North Hills Since 1953 Parishioner Office: (412) 487-0500 Ext 224 Cell: (412) 848-1661 FRANCIS DADOWSKI JR. the traveling handyman Andy Rodgers - 412-487-6055 General Home Repairs Free Estimates No job is too small Parishioner Payroll Bookkeeping Taxes 30+ YEARS EXPERIENCE Parishioner 412-782-6336 915 Mt. Royal Blvd. (412) 486-5200 MICHAEL V. JACONSKI, D.M.D. MICHELE M. RICH, D.M.D. Family Dentistry TRI-STATE PLUMBING Corner of Mt. Royal and Duncan Avenue Allison Park (412) 486-6777 FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS 412-670-3140 Tim LeDonne - Owner Registered Master Plumber New Patients Always Welcome NEELY FUNERAL HOME 2208 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw, PA (412) 486-4546 Robert E. Neely Funeral Director SULLIVAN’S DRIVING SCHOOL NIGRO ANKLE & FOOT CARE “A tradition for 47 years” Theory and In-car-lessons Reduce your insurance rates Well educated drivers live longer 412–828–2826 Glenshaw/Natrona Heights 412-486-5100 Parishioners JOSEPH E. HRASON Accepting New Patients 2905 Clearview Rd. Allison Park, PA 15101 412-486-5403 PERSICHETTI & SON Korch Dentistry General Dentistry N.C. 3rd Generation Since 1926 Michael J. Korch, DMD, Parishioner 4456 Mt. Royal Blvd., Allison Park 412-487-2106 For All Types of Photography Cement/Stone Work • Garages Porches • Driveways • Sidewalks Versa-Lok Walls • Omni Stone 486-2349 361-6430 Book Your Next Event Here! RONALD L. DEEDS Wide Variety Menu REALTOR® Commercial/Residential ROBERT J. RUFFNER, M.D., F.A.C.C. (412) 487-0500 EXT. 242 For All Your (Parishioner) 532 S. Aiken Ave. Suite 311 Pittsburgh, PA 15232 (412) 621-1801 (412) 621-5000 (412) 487-4889 HOME (412) 855-2135 MOBILE Families Tastes! 3008 Rt. 8 Allison Park 412-486-0200 - General Invasive & Interventional Cardiology - A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Dr. Frank LeDonne 412.767.4110 $20 Exam & X-Ray with mention of ad 3390 Saxonburg Blvd., Bldg. A Suite 220, Glenshaw, PA 15116 t. 412.767.0200 Corner of Saxonburg Blvd. & Harts Run Rd. 10% OFF ENTIRE BILL Kevin “Diz” Kemmler PAINTING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK EXCLUDING ALCOHOL P.O. Box 233 Glenshaw, PA 15116 Kurt Carrozza 412-841-2338 Kevin Carrozza 412-841-6253 Tree Removal Tree Pruning Stump Grinding, Etc... Fully Insured Free Estimates PA048-464 Certification Number PD-1927A FAMILY DENTAL PRACTICE JOHN M. KILLMEYER, D.M.D. • 30 Years Experience • General Dentistry • Root Canals • Bridges • Crowns • Dentures • Extractions • Modern Sterilization Equipment and Facility 915 Saxonburg Blvd., Suite 205 Shaler Plaza 412-781-1764 BOCK FUNERAL HOME, LTD. Serving the Community Since 1868 Lawrence H. Bock, F.D., Supervisor • Emily E. Bock-Landman, F.D. • R. Dennis Hughes, F.D. • Kenneth L. Rush, F.D. 1500 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw, PA (412) 486-8500 Highest Quality, Reas. Prices Best Service (Int.) (Ext.) JOHN P. DONOVAN & ASSOCIATES Tel. (724) 444-4545 Attorneys at Law Fully Ins. Wills & Estates Serving North Hills 5006 Wm. Flynn Hwy., Gibsonia Parishioners 412-486-8700 412-782-1100 1949 65 2014 $10 Off w/Ad PERMAN FUNERAL HOME ROMEA & SON 412-486-3600 Frank R. Perman, Supervisor, Parishioner Internet and Parishioner Discounts Available 910038 St Mary of the Assumption (A) MATT MERTZ PLUMBING INC. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 412-367-0815 • FULL PLUMBING SERVICES! 24 HOUR SERVICE TRENCHLESS SEWER REPAIR • HOT WATER TANKS • HUMIDIFIERS 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK • AIR CLEANERS • BOILERS RICK ROMEA, OWNER 412-487-8396 NOW ACCEPTING ANY PA # 033519 LOCAL COMPETITORS COUPONS WWW.MATT-MERTZ-PLUMBING.COM MENTION THIS AD FOR $15 OFF *RESTRICTIONS APPLY For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629