The HOOT - Folger McKinsey


The HOOT - Folger McKinsey
JUNE, 2014
Folger McKinsey Elementary School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As required by the AACPS Department of Health and Physical Education,
elementary physical educators countywide are required to measure and record the
heights and weights of all students who are enrolled in grades 4 and 5 as part of the
annual Fitnessgram assessment.
The primary objective of the Fitnessgram assessment is to measure each individual
student’s progress towards achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as it
relates to body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and muscular
strength and endurance. Provided below is a listing of the assessments that are
used in addition to the health related fitness components that they measure:
Assessment Used:
Related Fitness Component:
Height/Weight Calculations
Sit and Reach
Body Composition
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Muscular Strength and Endurance
On behalf of the Staff and
Faculty, we would like to
thank our volunteers for all
the contribution of time to the
school. None of our events
could have been a success
without the help of the many
volunteers who donated their
Once again, FOLGER thanks
you for your efforts and
contribution as a Guest
Reader, Chaperone,
Classroom Helper, Green
School Committee member
and helper...!
From the Media Center ....... 2
Meal Prices .......................... 2
Here at Folger, protecting sensitive student information is a high priority and
proactive measures have been taken in order to ensure that figures related to
student weights are kept confidential. Mr. Smith will be meeting with each
individual student privately in order to record all height and weight scores.
Counselor’s Corner.............. 3
If any of you as parents have any questions related to our efforts in measuring the
heights and weights of individual students, please feel free to contact me by email at If you would like to speak to me over the phone, please call
the Main Office at (410) 222-6560 and I will be glad to address any of your concerns
during my non-instructional hours. Thank you very much for your time and
PE News .............................. 5
STEM News ......................... 3
MUSIC News ....................... 4
ART News ............................ 4
Health Room News ............. 6
Anne Arundel County Public Schools NON-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE The Anne Arundel County Public School System does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or familial status in matters of affecting employment or in providing access to programs.
The Hoot
JUNE 2014
Tu We Th
4 5
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28
June 5
Gr. 1 Hoot Tea 2:30 pm
June 6
 Dragon & Dreams 9:30
 Gr. 2 Hoot Tea 2:30 pm
June 9
Gr. 3 Hoot Tea 2:30 pm
June 10
 Gr. K Hoot Tea 1:30 pm
 Gr. 4 Hoot Tea 2:00 pm
June 11
Gr. 5 Hoot Tea 2:00 pm
June 13, 16-18
Two-hour early dismissal
June 13
 Volunteer Appreciation
Luncheon 11:15 am
 Field Day Gr. K-1-2 9:30 am
June 16
 Field Day Gr. 3-4-5 9:30 am
June 18
 Last day for students
 Grade 5 Promotion 9:3010:30 am
Page 2
From the Media Center
The Book Fair was another HUGE success! I
would like to thank all of the parents and staff
who volunteered their time to make it the
success that it was. A book fair is a great way to
raise money for our school as well as to
encourage reading for pleasure outside of
school. Hopefully less parents will hear, “I’m
bored!” this summer.
Please encourage your children to read over the
summer. A great way to inspire them is to get
involved with The Anne Arundel County Public library summer reading
program. Stop in to the Severna Park Branch for information. Allow your
children to read about any topic they’re interested in- cooking, gardening,
building, gaming, etc. They will be more likely to read if the topic is something
they want to find out more about.
All library materials are due June 6th. Students are requested to return current
materials as well as anything that may be outstanding from earlier in the year.
The price of lost items is always available to students by request or to parents
by contacting the media center. ( ̦ Jamie Caisse
Mark your calendar!
Volunteer Luncheon June 13th
Meal Prices 2014-2015
Lunch, Elementary
Milk-1/2 pint, A La Carte $0.55
Students who wish to receive free or
reduced price meals must submit a new
Meal Benefit Application for approval next
For students who have lunch money
leftover on their pre-paid lunch accounts
after June 14, the following procedures apply:
Grades K-5: The money will roll over on their lunch card for the next school year (2014
-2015). Please contact Mrs. Williams, the cafeteria manager if you have any questions
or call the main office at 410-222-6560.
The Hoot
Page 3
After 21 years as Folger McKinsey’s school counselor, I would like to announce that
I am retiring.
I could not leave without telling all of you what a pleasure it has been working with
all of your children. I have had the opportunity to work with children in the
classrooms, in small groups, and individually. I have loved working with you, the
parents, and have enjoyed helping you help the children.
In my humble opinion, I sincerely believe Folger McKinsey is the best school on
the planet, and I am privileged to have been a part of the Folger community.
I look forward to my upcoming summer trip to Cancun followed by a fall trip to
South Africa. I am anxious to spend more time with Max and Barney, my two Shih
It will be exciting for me to continue to see you out in the neighborhood! Have a
wonderful summer!
•••Beth Edelstein, School Counselor
Fifth grade Promotion
Ceremony: June 18th at 9:30am
STEM class
Spotlight on Grade One
While the rest of the grades have been
gearing up for their final STEM projects of
the year, first grade has been engaged in
scientific thinking using "Zula's
Exploration Mission Modules". They are
learning about plants, animals, life cycles &
habitats and currently have a tadpole along
with mealworms to observe as they go
through metamorphosis. Additionally, the
students are watching ants as they build a habitat. To integrate Language
Arts in science, the students have been reading nonfiction books about
animal habitats, life cycles, and insects to make connections and enhance
studies in Science. ̦ Penny Alberti
Starting July 9 and ending August
12, School buildings and central
offices will operate on a four-day
work schedule. The school office
will be closed on Fridays:
This means that during these weeks,
programs that use schools such as
summer school and will operate on
four-day schedules.
During this seven-week period, our
school’s office hours will be:
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
If you have any questions about
hours of operation, please call the
school office.
Please have your child retrieve any
lost items before leaving for the
Report cards for the fourth marking
period will be sent by mail again this
year. Please make sure the Office
has an updated address if any
changes occurred during the school
The Hoot
Page 4
Music News
Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all our parents who have supported the
music programs this year. Your support has made it possible for students to attend the
Baltimore and Annapolis Symphony concerts, the Annapolis Symphony Arts Van
Presentation, Kings Dominion Choral Festival, the Anne Arundel County Severna Park
feeder system strings festival , the Bowie Baysox game, holiday trade fair, holiday sing
a long at Park Plaza and our annual winter and spring concerts. We simply could not
do these activities without your support.
As we reach the end of the school year I wish to bid a fond farewell to the students in
grade 5. Good luck and we hope that you will be happy and musical at your next
school! Looking forward to hearing you sing one last time at promotion!
Finally, we encourage you to seek out all the free musical offerings that are available to
you during the summer season. Remember there are wonderful concerts at Downs and
Quiet Waters parks. These venues have every kind of music presented. We are also
very fortunate to have 2 excellent military bands that also have concerts at both the city
dock in Annapolis and at Ft Meade. Also, the Baltimore Symphony has a wonderful outdoor concert series at
Oregon Ridge Park in Hunt Valley. All these venues offer an opportunity for you to enjoy fine music and give
you the chance to create some wonderful family memories. Happy summer—see you in the fall.
Mrs. Sunday, Mr. Yakaitis and Mr. Metzler
Art News
It has been a very “ARTFUL” month. We had the Annapolis Mall County Art Show on
May 1-15 and the Cultural Arts Gathering at Folger on May 13.
We want to extend our congratulations to all of our students who's artwork was chosen
for the many exciting exhibits during the year. You can preview all the Artworks from
the different Exhibits on Have a safe and wonderful Summer! ̦ Ms. Cook
- Ms. Degenhard
The Hoot
Page 5
Mr. Timothy Smith, PE Teacher
Ms. Amberly German, PT Teacher
PE News: Field Day
I hope this message finds that everyone is anticipating
a wonderful summer season as yet another school year
begins to wind down! Now that we’re less than three
weeks away from field day, the time has come to
assemble our team of parent volunteers to lead our
circuit of fun-filled, wild, and crazy stations. As all of
you know, it certainly takes an army to make an event
like this possible and all help is greatly appreciated.
Field Day Dates and Times:
Grades K-2: Friday, June 13th - 9:30-11:00 (90 minutes)
Grades 3-5: Grades 3-5: Monday, June 16th - 9:30 - 11:30 (120 minutes)
Inclement Weather:
In the event that we have inclement weather due to excessive heat, rain, or other
circumstances, plans have been prepared to host the event indoors. In other words, field
day will happen on the scheduled days, rain or shine.
Volunteer Opportunities:
If you are interested in volunteering your time during field day, please send Mr. Smith an
email at stating which day/time you would like to help. We
especially need help from our parents who have students in Kindergarten as a series of
stations have been planned, solely for their participation.
Proper Apparel and Necessary Preparations:
Please make sure that your child(ren) arrives to school wearing tennis shoes and
comfortable clothing (t-shirt and shorts). Disposable cups and water will be available,
but it is recommended that children bring their own water bottles. It is also highly
recommended that all children arrive to school wearing sunscreen, as students may be
outside in the sun for at least an hour at a time. – HAVE FUN!!!
2 0 1 4
June News from the Health Room
Kim Carson, R.N.
Jenny Buch , H.A.
Medication Pick Up
Any questions please call the Health room
Attention Parents
Beginning with the 2014-15 school year, there
are new vaccines required for children
entering kindergarten and seventh grade.
• All students entering kindergarten
must have had two varicella
(chickenpox) vaccinations.
• All students, after their 11th birthday,
entering seventh grade must have had
one Tdap vaccination and one
meningococcal vaccination.
These new vaccinations are in addition to the
current school vaccine requirements. See
attached letter
According to Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Medication Guidelines, all medication must be picked up
by the parents at the end of the school year or it will be
discarded in an appropriate manner. If medication is not
picked up by Dismissal on Wednesday June 18, it will be
discarded according to the guidelines.
If you anticipate that your child will require medication
next school year, we would like to encourage you to
contact your physician and have the PARENT REQUEST
completed. This form is available on the school’s
If you would like us to send a copy of the form home to
you, please call 410-222-0902 to let us know. Please
return the completed form by the first day of school.
Remember that NO medication can be given by the
school staff until this form is completed and signed by
the physician and the parent.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter as we
work together to meet your child’s needs.
March 7, 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Beginning with the 2014-15 school year, there are new vaccines required for children entering
kindergarten and seventh grade.
All students entering kindergarten must have had two varicella (chickenpox) vaccinations.
All students, after their 11th birthday, entering seventh grade must have had one Tdap
vaccination and one meningococcal vaccination.
These new vaccinations are in addition to the current school vaccine requirements.
Students must be vaccinated according to the Maryland Vaccine Requirements for Children to be
allowed in school. You should work with your child’s health care provider to get his/her vaccination
record and the vaccinations that are missing. Parents/guardians have up to 20 days (30 days for military
families) from the start of school to provide written proof that their child has an appointment for
vaccinations with a health care provider or local health department.
If you are unable to get a vaccination appointment with your child’s health care provider, please call
Anne Arundel County Department of Health’s Immunization Services at 410-222-4896.
If you have questions about vaccines that are required for school, please call your child’s health care
provider or the school nurse. When your child receives the above vaccinations, please provide a copy of
the current vaccination record to the school nurse. If your child has already received the newly required
vaccinations, please provide a copy of your child’s current vaccination record to the school nurse as
soon as possible this school year. Thank you.
Karen Siska, R.N., M.S.N.
Bureau Director, School Health and Support
Anne Arundel County Department of Health
Sarah S. Pelham
Assistant Superintendent for Student Support Services
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
June 2014
From the PTO President
June 1
• Folger@5k &
Family Fun Run
at 8am
The 2013/2014 school year is quickly coming to a close and our students are
looking forward to their fun-filled summers. The PTO would like to thank all of
the parents and volunteers who through their involvement and support make
Folger such a great place for our students. Our many programs and activities
would not be possible without your hard work, time and dedication – thank
you very much!!
June 3
• Ledo’s Night
5pm – Closing
June 13
• Volunteer
• Field Day
For Grades K-2
June 16
• Field Day
For Grades 3-5
The PTO still has several positions open on the 2014/2015 Board, including
President, VP of Finance, VP of Administration, VP of Programs and
Secretary. Please contact any of the current board members for more
information – our names and email addresses are on the PTO page of the
Folger website. It is a very rewarding experience to work so closely with the
Folger staff to make a difference for our students. Please consider one of
these positions – it is through the dedication of our parents that the PTO
continues to support Folger and our students.
The PTO would like to thank:
* Jennifer Kessler, Nancy Kules and all of the volunteers who made our staff
and teachers feel so special during Staff Appreciation Week;
* Kerry Fairweather, Terri Harger, Alison Warner and the talent show
volunteers for another great Hootenanny Show;
* The 5K committee who are hard at work getting ready for the 5K at Folger
and Hoot Scoot Fun Run on June 1st;
* Carolyn Benz for her tireless dedication to the various Fundraising Lite
spirit nights and the Amazon Smile program;
* Jay Grattan and Jennifer Fortier for their hard work with the Spelling Bee;
* Mr. Takemori who is finishing up his final year of serving Folger through
the aluminum can recycling program;
* Charlotte Souder, Brandi Norris and the many yearbook volunteers for
their diligent work on the yearbook throughout the entire school year;
* Monique Norton for organizing volunteers for Picture Day and Vision &
Hearing Screening Day;
* Wendy Myers, Brandy Curran, Carolyn Benz, the classroom coordinators
and the many volunteers working on Hoot Books;
* Chris Myers for another outstanding year of the OC Club and for
organizing the Folger activities at Earth Day;
Continued on next page
For more information please visit the PTO webpage at
Thank you to
everyone for their
participation in
fundraising lite. So
far this year we
raised $1,700 with a
couple checks
waiting to be
Remember Target
and Amazon Smile
will run through the
summer so get your
Target Red Card and
Amazon account
designated to Folger
* Christine Riganati for the Folger Blast each week and Julie Butler for the
PTO Newsletter each month – both of whom do a phenomenal job on each
of these informative publications;
* All of the Fifth Grade students and their parents who volunteered at the
Owl’s Outlet;
* All of the spring club leaders and organizers – Hero Boys Running Club,
Girls on the Run, Hoot Times Newspaper, Art, Science and Karate – thank
you for making these extracurricular activities possible for our students;
* As always any volunteers that I may have overlooked.
We wish everyone a wonderful summer!! The PTO looks forward to seeing
you all again in the Fall. Please consider helping out in the Fall by joining
the PTO, attending an occasional PTO meeting, or volunteering for a
committee – it is through your involvement and support that our school and
the PTO can continue to make Folger a great place to learn!
Kim Naus
PTO President
Final Chance to Register for 5K@Folger 2014
Race Day: Sunday June 1st, 2014 8AM
You can register the morning of the race at Folger McKinsey.
Participation in last year's 6th annual event was approximately 425
people, the largest ever !! We challenge you break our record attendance
and please join us again this year for a great morning in and around the
neighborhood with your family and friends in either the 1 Mile Hoot Scoot
Fun Run or the full 5K (or both !!). Each event is separated by 1/2 hour,
allowing for participation on both if desired.
Your support is much
appreciated by the
PTO and teachers at
What to expect:
• Music
• Post-Race Snacks and Refreshments
• Raffles
• Silent Auction
• Great Memories
What's new this year?
• All Youth Hoot Scoot Fun Run and 5K finishers will receive
a Custom Finisher's Ribbon
• Custom 5K@Folger Medals for the overall Male & Female Top 3 5K
• Optional upgrade to a performance material athletic shirt to
commemorate your run, as well as to wear on future runs
Don’t forget to continue to use Amazon Smile and your Target REDcard all summer long!