punarjot guldasta magazine of december
punarjot guldasta magazine of december
DECEMBER 2014 VOL.-1, ISSUE-10 punarjot guldasta punrjoq guldsqw iqujtksr xqynLrk S GI V E ES EY SI G H T DO NA PUNARJOT TE DARK NE SS TO HT LIG Journalism of Humanity LASIK TIPS Obesity and Cancer Mission-1000 inSkwm mnu`KI syvw dw pWDI s. rCpwl isMG FINfsw inSkwm mnu`KI syvw dw AlMbrdwr bwbw siqnwm isMG BASKET OF SORROW : CANCER pIVW dw prwgw: kYNsr HOLLYWOOD ACTRESS ANGELINA'S BOLD STEP TO PREVENT CANCER Dr. Ramesh, Sh. Ashok Mehra and Vijay Kumar honouring the Blood Donors at Blood Donation & Eye Camp at Goraya Dr. Ramesh using tele ophthalmology technology during free eye operation camp organised by Chairman of United Sikh Mission U.S.A. S. Rashpal Singh and Amit Gosain, BJP Leader with his friends. PUNARJOT GULDASTA - Trilanguage Monthly Magazine Registered with Registrar of Newspaper for India Under No. PUNMUL/2013/56306 19-01-2013 December, 2014 Volume 1 Issue 10 Dr. Ramesh Chand M.D. (Eye Specialist), State Awardee Sub-Editor Dr. Kuldip Singh Ph.D. (Hindi Section) Jatinder Singh Pamal Ex. DPRO Ranjit Jhaner Owner, Printer, Publisher & Editor Dr. Ramesh Chand Printed at: FOIL Printers 2051, Gobind Nagar, Ludhiana Registered Office 65-A, Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana Address for sending the matter: ‘punarjot GULDASTA’ 65-A, Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana Contact: 0161-2464999, 98143-31433 Fax : 0161-2463999 Website : www.punarjot.com E-mail: rameshpunarjot@yahoo.com 250/500/1000/- kImq 20/- rupey Rs. 20/- punrjoq guldsqw v`D rhy kYNsr bwry ivcwrW Aqy swfw Xogdwn: fw. rmyS2 pIVW dw prwgw: kYNsr - ivCoVy dw in`jI AnuBv - fw. rmyS3-7 ivSv brYst kYNsr jwgrUkqw mhIny ƒ smripq cYk A`p 8 qy sYmInwr AwXoijq - jiqMdr isMG pmwl, sih sMpwdk kYNsr nw hI nwmurwd Aqy nw hI lw-ielwj ibmwrI hY Editor mYNbriSp PIs: ie`k swl do swl ivdyS ie`k swl q`qkrw 9-10 - jiqMdr isMG pmwl, sih sMpwdk Angelina Jolie (Story) - Dr. Ramesh, M.D. 11 CwqIAW bwry svY-igAwn (BSA) 11 Roko Cancer's success story and the building of the 12 MKC Trust Tips to Help You Prevent Breast Cancer 13 Foods that reduce Breast Cancer Risk 14-15 czsLV dSalj&¼Lru dSalj½&dqN rF; tks vkidh tkudkjh ds fy, t:jh gSA 16-17 inSkwm mnu`KI syvw dw AlMbrdwr - bwbw sqnwm isMG 18-19 inSkwm mnu`KI syvw dy sPr dw pWDI s. rCpwl isMG FINfsw - fw. rmyS 20-21 Mission-1000 - Ashok Mehra 22-23 Eye Donation in October - November 201424-25 Eye Donation Information - Dr. Ramesh, M.D.26-27 us=nku egknku & latho tSu27 Factors to choosing eyeglass frames28-29 Lasik - Freedom from glasses - Dr. Ramesh, M.D.30 srdIAW dy mOsm iv`c ishq sMBwl - fw. PkIr cMd Suklw 31-32 bynqI lyKkW dIAW rcnwvW nwl sMpwdk dw sihmq hoxw zrUrI nhI, ieh lyKkW dy injI ivcwr ho skdy hn[ punrjoq ƒ hr Gr dw ih`sw bnwaux leI pwTkW Aqy lyKkW ƒ bynqI hY ik auh A`KW dwn dI muihMm ƒ hor ibhqr bnwaux leI Awpxy suJwA Aqy rcnwvW Byjx[ - sMpwdk For more Information and our Magazines please visit our official web site/facebook pages. https://www.facebook.com/ramesh077ludhiana?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/RameshPunarjot?fref=ts our website : www.rameshvision.com 1 dsMbr 2014 v`D rhy kYNsr bwry ivcwrW Aqy swfw Xogdwn: fw. rmyS krnw hY[ mwVy hwlwqW ivc mYnUM hI sB k`uJ Bu`gqxw pvygw[ jy kr iDAwn rKWgy qW mYN hI KuSIAW Aqy AnMd mwnx dw h`k hwsl krnw hY iksy hor ny nhIN[ so AsIN ieh nW Aws r`KIey ky koeI hor Aw ky m`dd krygw qW hI SurUAwq krnI hY[ so fw. rmyS AYm.fI. Awp qoN SurU krky AsIN dUsirAW dI vI m`dd krn leI h`Q A`gy vDwauxy hn[ ies jwgrukqw dI muihMm ivc svY syvI smwijk j`QybMdIAW, Dwrimk sMsQwvW, mIfIAw Aqy srkwr dy Aihm rol Aqy AwpsI qwlmyl dI AiqAMq zrUrq hY[ ipCly smyN qo ieMglYNf dI kYNsr rooko nW dI sMsQw pMjwb ivc v`K-v`K ipMfW ivc kYNsr pRqI cYkA`p kYNp lgw ky vDIAw kMm kr rhI hY jo ik SlwGw Xog kMm hY[ swfw vI &rz bxdw hY AsIN ies dw &wiedw auTw ky hr hIly nwl ies sMsQw dw Awm jnqw q`k rwvqw vDwaux ivc sihXog deIey[ swfy fwktrI BweI cwry nUM bynqI hY AsIN Awpxw bxdw Xogdwn pw ky inroey smwj nMU isrjx ivc shweI bxIey[ ijhVIAW vI sKSIAqW Aqy jQybMdIAw ies nw murwd ibmwrI kYNsr dy pRqI lVweI ivc Swml hn, aunWH nUM swnUM h`lw SyrI Aqy smpUrn sihXog dyxw cwhIdw hY qW jo hor byhqr auprwly kIqy jw skx[ jdNo ienswn DrqI au`qy AwauNdw hY aus dw bVy cwvW nwl sm`ucy pirvwr Aqy smwj v`lo suAwgq kIqw jWdw hY[kudrq nvy jMmy b`cy nMU iblkul qMdrusq rUp ivc ies sMswr iv`c ByjdI hY[ aus vloN Aksr koeI kmI nhI huMdI, lyikn swfI rihxI bihxI, Kurwk, AwdqW, vwqwvrn, ruJyvyN Aqy hor bhuq swry kwrn hn, ijs nwl AsIN Kud hI ibmwrI dy iSkwr huMdy jWdy hW Aqy gMBIr ibmwr hox qy pCqwvw mihsUs krdy hW[ vYsy qW kudrq ny inXm bxwieAw hY ies swfy srIr dy hr AMg dI dyKBwl krdI rihMdI hY[ swfy srIr dy AMgW dy sYl bxdy Aqy ^qm huMdy rihNMdy hn Aqy ieh pRqIikirAw cldI hI rihMdI hY, jdoN auprokq kwrnW krky AsIN Kud kudrq nwl iKlvwV krdy hW qW swfy srIr ivc hOlI hOlI glq bdlwA SurU ho jWdy hn, ijnWH dw kyNdr SurUAwqI dOr iv`c hI pqw lg jwvy qW AsIN Kqrnwk Alwmq, kYNsr qo b`c skdy hW[ ieh ibmwrI ipCly kuJ swlW iv`c kw&I mwqrw ivc vDI hY[ vYsy qW swfy dyS nwloN AgWh v`DU dySW iv`c ieh nw murwd ibmwrI kYNsr vI ijAwdw mwqrw iv`c hY lyikn auQy jwgrUkqw, ielwj ibhqr hox krky swfy dyS nwloN jwnI nukswn G`t huMdw hY[ so ieQy icMqw dI loV hY AsIN vI ivcwr krIey ik ies dy mu`Fly kwrn kI hn, ies dy bcwA kI hn Aqy ielwj kI hY Aqy swnUM smucy qOr qy kI aupwA krny cwhIdy hn qW jo Awaux vwly smyN ivc ies nw murwd ibmwrI qy kwbU kr skIey[ v`fy p`Dr qy ivcwr goStIAW, ivcwrW Aqy aupwA dyy qrIky lBxy cwhIdy hn, qW jo vDIAw ivaNuqbMDI bxweI jw sky[ srkwr v`lo kIqy jw rhy kMm vI SlwGwXog hn[ ies vyly loV hY AsI swirAW nUM ies pRqI jwgruk hox dI Aqy AwpsI qwlmyl krky AsIN ienWH Gwqk ibmwrIAW qoN b`c skIey[ ijQy ijsmwnI nukswn ho rhy hn auQy pYsy dw vI nukswn ho irhw hY Aqy swfy dyS dI qr`kI ivc vI AiV`kw pY irhw hY[ so, ieh iek qrW dI v`fI sm`isAw hY ijs bwry swnUM bhuq gOr krn dI loV hY Aqy ieh iksy iek`ly dI sm`isAw nhI[ so, AwE AsIN Ajy vI jwg jweIey, kmr ks leIey ik hux AsIN jwgrUkqw dw pihrw dy ky Awaux vwly smyN ivc ies ibmwrI nUM n`Q pwauxI hY Aqy kul mwilk vloN bKSI ies v`fmu`lI ienswnI izMdgI dw iDAwn rKdy hoey, sB nUM suMdr sMswr ivc ijaux dw h`k hY[ AwE punrjoq is`hq isiKAw AiBAwn ivc Swiml ho ky kYNsr vrgIAW nwmurwd ibmwrIAW qoN bcwA dy auprwly krIey[ sB qo pihlW jwgrukqw dy qihq swnUM AwpxI rihxI bihxI iv`c, Kurwk, kIt nwSk dvweIAW dI kuvrqoN qMbwkU Aqy Srwb dw syvn, srIrk susqI dI Awdq, mutwpw, kYNsr ibmwrI dw pirvwr ivc hoxw, aus dw hor mYNbrW v`loN smyN isr cYkA`p nw krvwauxw Aqy iDAwn nw dyxw Awid mu`K kwrn hn[ ijnWH iv`c SurUAwqI dOr qy cYkA`p Aqy jWc rwhIN AsI bcwA vwlI siQqI ’c Aw skdy hW[ AsIN socdy hW swfy kol smW nhIN hY AsI AwpxI ishq vwsqy ku`J smW jW ku`J pYsw nhIN Krc kr skdy cwhy AsIN hor PzUl kMmW Aqy Swno SOkq qy AYvyN hI pwxI vWgUM pYsw vhw idMdy hW, lykn Awpxw slwnw fwktrI cYkA`p Aqy muFly tYst krwaux qoN kMnI kqrw jWdy hW ies ivc koeI isAwxp nhIN hY[ swfw Prz swfy qoN hI SurU hoxw hY, mYN Kud Awpxy Awp dw iKAwl r`Kxw hY, mYN, Kud izMmyvwr hW[ mYN hI swrw kuJ punrjoq guldsqw 2 dsMbr 2014 pIVW dw prwgw: kYNsr ivCoVy dw in`jI AnuBv hY[ iek dm smJ nhIN AwieAw ieh kI sux rhy hW[ ietlI jwx leI vIjw vwsqy AplweI kIqw bhuq hI K`jl KvwrI qoN bwAd fw. rmyS AYm.fI. jd vIjw imilAw[ BwbI jI ies nwSvwn sMswr ƒ sdIvI ivCoVw dy gey sn ijhVw swfy smUMh pirvwr, njdIkI irSqydwrW Aqy s`jxw leI AiqAMq du`K dw kwrn bx igAw[ qkrIbn 54 swl dI aumr ivc jdoN pirvwrk ijMmyvwrIAW vI A`jy purI qrHW inBweIAW geIAW nw hox, b`icAW dy cwA vI ADUry rih gey hox[ ies qrHW jwpdw hY du`KW dw phwV tu`t ipAw hovy[ du`K Bry smyN iv`c ietlI AYmbYsI vloN AYmrjYNsI vIjy leI hoeI Kj`l KuAwrI qoN bwAd Awpxy siqkwrXog v`fy BweI swihb rwm ikSn dy du`K dI GVI ivc Awpxy bxdy ie`k Brw dy Drm ƒ inBwaux leI aus kol Awauxw ipAw[ mwey nI mYN ikƒ AwKW drd ivCoVy dw hwl nI du`KW dI rotI sUlw dw swln AwhyN dw bwlx bwl nI mwey nI mYN ikƒ AwKW mW dy sdIvI ivCoVy qy, du`KW ƒ zwihr krdw hoieAw, pMjwbI swih`q dy mhwn kvI Swh husYn ny ijs vyly ieh ilKy hoxgy, A`j vI kdI koeI ies ƒ suxdw hY qW auh AwpxI ivCVI ipAwrI mW ƒ aunW hI Xwd krdw hY ijnW Swh husYn ny Awpxy jzbwqW ƒ klm ivc auqwrn vyly mihsUs kIqy hoxgy[ bVy ieq&wk dI g`l ieh sI jdoN AsIN bVy hI du`K Bry mhOl iv`c myrI v`fI siqkwrXog BwbI, imisj rxjIq kOr jo ies sMswr qoN sdIvI ivCoVw dy gey sn aunW dy AMiqm drSn krn leI, imRqk dyh sMBwl sYNtr ivKy jwn leI g`fI iv`c bYTy Aqy g`fI ƒ myrw BqIjw, AnuBv 22 swlw clw irhw sI, g`fI ivc myry v`fy BweI swihb rwm ikSn, myrI v`fI BYx imisj proimlw, myrI DrmpqnI fw. imisj prvyS AsIN cup-cwp g`fI iv`c bYTy hoey sI Aqy ieq&wkn auprokq Swh husYn dI mW dI rcnw, g`fI dy stIrIE ivc cl rhI sI ienW lweInW dw kI Asl mqlb huMdw hY[ aus vyly mihsUs ho irhw sI[ srIr Aqy rUh ƒ iJMjoV ky r`K id`qw sI[ ietlI dw Sihr pwiecYNsW swfy vwsqy mwqm Aqy sMunswn hI nzr AwauNdw sI[ Acwnk hoey sdIvI ivCoVy dy du`KW Aqy ivcwrW dI r&qwr swfI cl rhI g`fI nwloN bhuq qyj sI, QoVy smyN bwAd AsIN swry hspqwl nwl l`gdy imRqk dyh sMBwl sYNtr ivKy phuMc gey[ jdoN AsIN auQy phuMcy qW au~Qy pihlW hI BwbI jI dy pyky pirvwr vloN BYx-Brw, BrjweIAW Aqy siqkwrXog mwqw jI auQy phuMcy hoey sI[ du`K dI GVI ivc mulwkwqW vI du`KW vwlIAW hI huMdIAW hn ijs ivc bolx leI G`t Sbd huMdy hn, hMJU Aqy SWq ichry hI du`KW dw pRgtwvw krdy hn[ auh mhOl ku`J v`Krw hI huMdw hY[ b`cy dI BrI jvwnI ivc jdoN mW dy ipAwr Aqy is`iKAw dI loV huMdI hY mW dw sdIvI ivCoVw ho jwvy qW idlo idmwg qy jo gujrdI hY Aqy Kud ƒ jo mihsUs huMdw hY, auh ienswn ibAwn vI nhIN kr skdw[ pMjwbI siBAwcwr qW Pyr vI Ku`l idlw Aqy mnu`KI kdrW kImqW dI sMsikRqI qy ADwirq hY AsIN du`K dy smyN ie`kTy ho ky duK ƒ G`t mihsUs hox dw hI auprwlw krdy hW[ auQy kuJ hor s`jx (ietwilAn) vI Awpxy ivCVy hoey im`qr ipAwry dy AMiqm drSn leI Awey hoey sn[ imRqk dyh swƒ vI jdoN BweI swihb dw Pon AwieAw ik BwbI jI bhuq s^q bImwr hn Acwnk AijhI g`l sux ky qW pYrw Q`loN zmIn inkl jWdI hY[ v`fI BwbI dw ruqbw pirvwr ivc mW dy brwbr huMdw punrjoq guldsqw 3 dsMbr 2014 hW ik Swied kuJ h`d q`k AijhIAw AlwmqW qoN bicAw jw skdw hY jW bhuq hI G`t kIqw jw skdw hY isrP loV hY s`cweI ƒ smJ ky aus auqy Asl krky sm`ucy sMswr ƒ AsIN bhwdr bx ky iejhIAW sm`isAwvW ƒ ivsQwr nwl ivcwrIey Aqy jwgrukqw pYdw krIey qW jo ies suMdr sMswr dIAW hr koeI KuSIAW mwx sky[ ƒ nhw ky suMdr k`pVy pw ky lkV dy kiPn iv`c bMd krvw ky AMiqm rsm leI im`Qy hoey sMskwr Gr jW kbirsqwn ivc imRqk dyh ƒ spYSl g`fI ivc Byjdy hn qW jo A`glI rsm Adw kIqI jwvy[ auQy KVy s`jx iblkul iqAwr ho ky Awey hoey jwpdy sn Aqy keIAW ny Pu`lW dy guldsqy vI PVy hoey sn[ ijvyN AsIN gmgIn mwhOl ivc fu`by hoey sI mYN vyK irhw sI ik Swied ieh lok Awpxy im`qr ipAwry dy iv`CVx qy ieMny duKI nhI sI g`l sWJI kr irhw hW[ lyikn mYN Awpxy lyK ivc du`KW dI hI g`l krdw irhw hW[ mYƒ kuJ AjIb ijhw l`g irhw sI ik ieh AMgryj Awpxy ivC`Vx vwly dw du`K dw pRgtwvw hI nhIN krdy AYvyN hI auQy KVy hn, ivc ivcwrW dI lVI l`gI hoeI sI[ swƒ swirAW ƒ ie`k Kws bxy vyitMg rUm ivc bYTx leI ikhw igAw AsI cup cwp auQy bYT ky ieMqzwr kr rhy sI[ swhmxy bYTI iek qkrIbn 32 swlw ietwlIAn bIbI Awpxy lYptop qy kuJ kMm kr rhI sI[ Swied auh vI swfy vWgU ieMqjwr kr rhy irSqydwrW vWgU auQy hwzr sI[ jdoN QoVw iDAwn nwl vyiKAw qW jdoN auh lYptop clw rhI sI qW kdI kdI aus dIAW A`KW ivc hMJU if`g rhy sI[ Swied auh vI iksy Awpxy im`qr ipAwr dy ivCoVy dy du`K ivc sI[ Swied &rk AYnw hI sI AsIN pMjwbI qW Awps iv`c g`lW sWJIAW krky du`K ƒ brdwSq krn ƒ G`t krn dI koiSS kr rhy sI[ auh AMgryj bIbI ie`klI hI A`j dy dOr dy sMcwr dy swDn kMipaUtr rwhIN Swied Awpxy dUr bYTy irSqydwrW dw s`jxW dy sunyhy dy Awdwn pRdwn nwl hI du`K ƒ G`t krn dI koiSS ivc sI[ ienswn qW ienswn hI hY du`K dI AYsI GVI ivc sB iek ho jWdy hn[ pIVw dy Bry hoey prwgy ƒ qW du`KW dI B`TI ivc pwauxw hI pYNdw hY[ ieh qW kudrq dw dsqUr hY[ mnu`KI BwvnwvW ƒ smwijk, pirvwrk jW in`jI qOr qy ienswn iks qrW pRgt kr skdw hY[ ieh vI hr ienswn dy kudrqI suBwA qy hI inrBr huMdw hY pr du`K qW du`K hI huMdw hY[ ieQy pIVW dy prwgy ƒ Awpxy ipAwry pwTkW nwl ies leI sWJw krx dI koiSS kr irhw punrjoq guldsqw QoVy ieMqzwr qoN bwAd BwbI jI dI imRqk dyh ƒ iqAwr krky, ietlI dy irvwj muqwibk koiPn jo ik l`kV dw Awdm kd bksw, ivc AMiqm drSnW leI ie`k ivSyS kmry ivc r`iKAw igAw ijs kmry dy bwhr BwbI jI dw nW iliKAw sI qW jo auQy Awaux vwly irSqydwrW ƒ pqw cl sky ik ies kmry ivc iks dy AMiqm drSnw leI dyh r`KI geI hY[ auQy qkrIbn 6-7 kmry sn hr kmry ivc iksy nw iksy pirvwr dy mYNbr Awpxy ivCVy hoey mYNbr dy AMiqm dIdwr krn leI Awey hoey sn[ Swied ietlI dyS dy lokW dw iehI irvwz huMdw hovygw[ AMiqm drSn krn qoN bwAd koiPn ƒ bMd kr id`qw jWdw hY Aqy sskwr dI rsm pUrw krn vwlI pRweIvyt eyjYNsI koiPn ƒ sMskwr vwlI jgwh jW kbirsqwn qy ie`k idn pihlW hI ivSyS imRqk dyh g`fI ivc lY jWdIAW hn Aqy Agly idn Pyr irSqydwr muk`rr jgw Aqy smyN qy iek`Ty hoky sskwr dI AMiqm rsm ƒ pUrw krdy hn[ jdoN AsIN AMiqm drSn leI gey qW auh smW bhuq hI Bwvuk sI jo Swied A`KrW iv`c ibAwn krn dI hoNd qoN pry sI[ iek ienswn ivc smu`cI izMdgI dw AKIrly pVwA dw rUp sI[ At`l scweI sI ijs dw AsIN Aksr ijAwdw izkr nhIN krdy jw nzr AMdwz hI kr dyNdy hW[ ilKxw jW pVHxw qW bhuq dUr dI g`l hY lyikn myrw ivSw, pIVW dy prwgy dw ie`k AinKVvW ih`sw hY ikauNik du`KI BwvnwvW qy AsIN jykr kuJ hwisl krky, kuJ is`K ky, kuJ jwgrUk ho ky, jykr AsIN smwj iv`c koeI auswrU Xogdwn pw skIey qW swƒ jrUr ihMmq krnI cwhIdI hY[ aus mOky qy, ie`k ihMmqI, bhwdr, AgWh vDU, hrmn ipAwrI Aqy 4 dsMbr 2014 sMgq dy rUp ivc AsIN swry, sky sbMDI gurbwxI dy Sbd srbn krky ivCVI hoeI rUh ƒ kul mwilk Awpxy crnW ivc invws dyvy iesy aumId nwl SWq meI mwhOl bxweI r`Kx dI koiSS kr rhy sI lyikn ies Acwnk hoey Gwty dI pUrqI dw koeI hl njr nhIN sI Aw irhw[ Swied kudrq dw iehI AsUl Asl jwp irhw sI ik jo ienswn ies DrqI qy AwieAw hY auhny iek idn ieQoN qur jwxw hY iehI mwlk dw isDWq hY[ Awpxy pirvwr dw nW au~cw krx vwlI sKSIAq ijsny Ajy AwpxI izMdgI dy isrP pMj dhwky hI hMFwey sn Aqy bhuq kuJ krn dI idlW ivc mnSw sI lyikn A`j smwj ivc v`D rhy nw murwd kYNsr vrgIAW bImwrIAW nwl jUJdI kurbwn ho geI sI[ soc SurU ho jWdI hY ik Swied kYNsr vrgIAW AlwmqW qoN bicAw jw skdw hY jw roikAw jw skdw hY[ ies qy ivcwrW dIAW lVIAW cwlU rihxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ ieh koeI isr& iksy dI AMiqm ivdwiegI dI rsm dw ih`sw nhIN bxnIAW cwhIdIAW? ieh iek lgwqwr hox vwly sMGrS dw ih`sw, hr iek dy kMmW dw ih`sw bxwauxw cwhIdw hY qW jo koeI hor G`t aumr ivc, AwpxI izMdgI qoN vWJw ho ky Awpxy pirvwr vwsqy pIVW dw prwgw nw bxy[ aus AMiqm drSnW dy mOky qy bytw AnuBv Aqy bytI, is`mI ie`k ipAwrI mW dI bu`kl, AwpxI mW dI lwflI kuVI, ijsƒ ipAwr nwl DMnW nwauN nwl AwKdI ausdI mW, vIr, cMnw Aqy kwlw, AwpxI BYx ijsny hr rKVI qy cwvW nwl r`KVIAW bnvweIAW sn aunW dy mnW dI kI AvsQw hovygI[ ieh qW aunHW dw hI mn ds skdw hovygw[ CotI BYx, Cotw jvweI p`pI, ijnW ƒ v`fI BYx ny Awpxw v`fI BYx dw &rj inBwauNdy hoey izMdgI dy SurUAwqI dOr ivc suc`jI rihnumweI krdy hoey, A`j iek sPl sKSIAq hox dw mwn id`qw hY[ aunHW dy mnW ivc ies sdIvI ivCoVy dw, v`fI BYx dy pRqI iknW du`K mihsUs ho irhw sI auh vI lPjW qoN bwhr sI[ auQy hr sKS ies byv`kqI AweI phwV ij`fI musIbq Aqy kdI nw pUry hox vwly Gwty qoN burI qrHW pRBwivq sI[ AMiqm Ardws qoN bwAd koiPn dw F`kx bMd kr id`qw igAw Aqy swirAW v`loN smUihk qOr qy spYSl g`fI ivc r`K id`qw igAw Aqy hMJUAW BrI ivdwiegI id`qI geI[ Gr vwips Aw ky bhuq hI SWq Aqy ZmgIn mwhOl sI[ mYN jdoN bytw AnuBv ƒ j`PI pw ky QoVw hOslw dyx dI koiSS kIqI[ auh isrP ienW hI boilAw mMmW ƒ koiPn ivc pw Awey hW[ ies qoN v`D kuJ nhIN[ Bly hI auh aus vyly iblkul SWq sI lyikn aus dy lPjW ivc ikMnW mmqw BirAw ipAwr, duK Aqy ivCoVy dw Zm, aunW lPjW dy kihx dy lihjy ivc Swiml sI auh vI ibAwn qoN bwhr sI[ iek byty dy rih gey mW pRqI cwvW dI iek lMbI ADUrI khwxI rih geI sI, Swied ijsƒ kdI purw nhIN kIqw jw skdw hY[ BweI swihb dy in`jI dosq hrbMs nwl Aqy smSyr isMG sivtzrlYNf qoN Awey hoey sn[ aunW vI ies du`K dI GVI ivc BrwvW vWgU Awpxw Prj inBwaux dI AwpxI ijMmyvwrI inBweI[ Awpxy jIvn swQI dy AMiqm drSnW dy smyN, iek AwdrS pqI, myrw v`fw vIr, rwm ikSn dy idl ivc kI ArmwnW,ivcwrW socw Aqy ivdwiegI dy du`KW dIAW lihrW dy auqwr cVwh au~T rhy sn ieh qW Swied ibAwn qoN bwhr sI lyikn iek ijMmyvwr sKSIAq hox dy nwqy auh aus swry hwlwq dy dOrwn iblkul SWq sKSIAq nwl, ijMmyvwrI inBw rhy sn, sgoN hornW ƒ hOslw dy rhy sn[ ies mOky qy kul mwilk ƒ Xwd krdy hoey smUMh punrjoq guldsqw Agly idn svyry muk`rr smyN qy Sihr pweycoNsw qoN kuJ dUr Sihr bryiSAw ivKy AMiqm sMskwr leI AsIN rvwnw hoey[ bytw AnuBv hI g`fI clw irhw sI qkrIbn 45 imMt dy sPr nwl AsI auQy phuMcy[ jI pI AYs isstm qy ibnW smyN isr bwhrly dyS ivc phuMcxw bhuq AOKw hY ikauNik auQy cONkW jW rsqy ivc iksy ƒ bwrbwr g`fI rok qy pu`C nhIN skdy[ ienHW dySW ivc 5 dsMbr 2014 qW jo koeI mjbUr ienswn Aqy pirvwrW nMU Aijhy d`uK dw swhmxw nw krnw pvy[ izMdgI dI rPqwr ieMnI qyz hY ik AsIN jykr aunW Anuswr nhIN cldy qW qusIN auQy rih hI nhIN skdy[ Aijhy moky qy auh rMgIn Sihr vI swfy leI aujwV, bIAwbwn Aqy KuSk hI njr Awaudw sI[ AsIN isrP do idn hI AMiqm sMskwr qoN bwAd rhy[ mn ivc audwsI Aqy d`uK sI[ BweI swihb dw mn kuJ hor ho jwvy, AsI rijMdr mYhrw, rvI kumwr dy Gr gey Aqy Pyr ausqo bwAd soKw ausdw Brw l`kI Aqy ausdw Brw Aqy s`mucy pirvwr nMU imlx gey Aqy aunWH nwl ivcwr SwJy kIqy Aqy imhnq krky ietlI ivKy Awpxy pYrW qy KVy ho ky pirvwr Aqy Awpxy dyS dw nwm aucw kr rhy hn, jwx ky A`Cw ligAw[ Agly idn Bry mn nwl AsIN sirAW qo ivdwiegI lYNdy hoey rvwngI leI[ vwpsI vyly mn ivc AwieAw ik kul mwilk dI ikrpw nwl Awpxy pirvwr dI rihnumweI Aqy imhnq sdkw mYN iek fwktr bixAW hW mYN iek fwktr dI smwijk ijMmyvwrI inBwauNdw hoieAw smwj iv`c ieh ishq isiKAw qihq Awpxy smwj ivc kYNsr vrgIAW nw murwd bImwrIAW bwry jwgrukqw dI muihMm clwaux dI ijMmyvwrI inBwvW[ BweI swihb dy smwijk srkl dIAW sKSIAqW, Xwr dosq, im`qr ipAwry, Awpxy nwl kMm kr rhy swQI, BwbI jI nwl kMm krdIAW ietwlIAn bIbIAW, Aqy suhry pirvwr vloN smu`cy irSqydwr swihbwn ie`kTy ho rhy sn[ sBnW dw isr& ieko hI, suAwl sI ieh Bwxw iks qrHW vwpr igAw[ BwbI jI dI izMdgI nwl sbMiDq cMgIAW AwdqW Aqy aunHW nwl ibqwey suinhrI plW ƒ Xwd krky APsos dI gihrweI ƒ mwpx dI koiSS kr rhy sn[ lyikn isrP iek dUjy nwl du`K sWJw krx qoN ibnW koeI hoeI cwrw njr nhIN sI Aw irhw[ AwiKr kul mwilk dy Bwxw mMnx qoN hI sbr nzr Aw irhw sI[ gurduAwrw swihb Awey BweI swihb jI ny AMiqm Ardws kIqI Aqy smUh sMgq ny BwviBMnI ivdwiegI dy rUp ivc sMskwr dI rsm Adw kIqI[ Aqy nyVly ielwky ivc gurduAwrw swihb ivc Ardws vwsqy phuMc gey[ muV Gr vwips Aw ky BweI swihb jI dy swlw swihb crnjIq isMG jo ik ausy Sihr ivc hI Awpxy pirvwr smyq rihMdy hn[ aunWH dy Gr sWJy pirvwrk APsos leI gey[ aunWH dy bwkI dy pirvwr vwly mYNbr swihbwn vI auQy pihlW mojUd sn[ sWJy rUp ivc ivCVI hoeI rUh bwry lMmy smyN qk duK sWJw kIqw Aqy Bry mn nwl ivdwiegI leI[ ipCly 22 swlW qo A`KW dwn dI piv`qr muihMm smwijk sihXog nwl jmInI p`Dr qy clw ky inSkwm m`nuKI syvw qihq idRStIhIxqw dy Kyqr ivc punrjoq A`K bYNk nUM smu`cy sMswr ivc ivl`Kx pihcwx bxweI hY[ ies muihMm ivc Awm lok ivSvws krdy hn Aqy vihmW BrmW qoN Aqy AigAwnqw qo aupr auT ky, jwgruk ho ky AiqAMq du`K vyly, mOq smyN A`KW dwn krky loVvMd idRStIhIx ienswnW nUM dubwrw rOSnI dy ky puMn dy AiDkwrI bx rhy hn[ Gr vwips Aw ky BweI swihb dy dosq, hrbMs lwl Aqy SmSyr isMG, v`fI BYx imisj proimlw Aqy swry bYT ky BwbI jI nwl ibqweI ijMdgI dIAW ABu`l XwdW sWJIAW kIqIAW[ BwbI jI dIAW dlyrwxw ihMmq, loVvMdW dI hmySw m`dd leI q`qprqw Aqy AgWh vDU soc bwry ivcwrW hUMdIAW rhIAW[ byvkq hoey Gwty bwry Awaux vwly smyN ivc smwj ivc ikvy cyqnqw ilAWdI jwvy ies qo vI gMBIrqw nwl ivcwr vtWdrw hoieAw punrjoq guldsqw pMjwbIAW ny hux q`k imhnq krky hrI kRWqI ilAwdI, smUcy Bwrq dyS nUM Kurwk iv`c Awqm inrBr bxwieAw auQy hux pMjwb dy vwsI A`KW dwn dI syvw dI kRWqI ilAw ky smu`cy Bwrq nUM punrjoq A`KW dwn muihMm rwhIN rOSnI dw qohPw dy rhy hn[ 6 dsMbr 2014 punrjoq brWc, PgvwVw dy iencwrj ASok mihrw jI ny kYNsr sMsQw XU. ky. v`lo A`KW dwn dI muihMm nwl kYNsr dy rokQwm leI Xogdwn pwauxw SurU kIqw Aqy swfI sMsQw vwloN hr sMBv m`dd Aqy h`lw SyrI id`qI geI qW jo v`D qo v`D smwj nUM jwgruk kIqw jwvy Aqy auhnw nUM ienWH duKW dw swhmxw krnw nw pvy[ ietlI vrgy AgWhvDU dyS ijhVw ienW ku jwgruk hY Aqy vDIAw fwktrI ielwj Aqy pRbMDW dw mwilk, auQy vI kYNsr vrgy rogW nwl byvkq ienswnW dw jwnI nukswn ho jwxw, duKW dw kwrn bxdw hY[ swfw smwj ibmwrIAw pRqI eynw jwgruk nhI Aqy mihMgy ielwj jo Awm jnqw dI phuMc qoN bwhr hY auQy AijhIAW AlwmqW Awpxy m`kV jwl ivc BolI BwlI jnqw nMU jkV ky mOq dy mUMh v`l D`k rhIAW hn[ siqkwrXog mW vrgI sKSIAq sRImqI rxjIq kor BwbI jI dy sdIvI ivCoVy dw smUcy pirvwr nMU du`K lgw Aqy AsIN swry kuJ vI nhI kr sky[ pIVW dy prwgy nUM B`ulx leI mjbUr hoey Aqy duKW dy bwlx ny rihMdI dunIAw qk bldy rihxw hY[ ienswn dw Gwtw kdI pUrw nhI huMdw iehI ivcwrW dy jvwr Bwty, mn ivc auqwr cVwHA krdy rhy[ jdoN vwpsI vyly jhwj ivc bYTy ietlI qo ieMfIAw vl Aw rhy sI, mn ivc inScw kIqw ijQy punrjoq is`hq isiKAw AiBAwn qihq Awpxy smwj ivc jw ky kYNsr qoN bcwE dI jwgrukqw dw AlK jrUr jgwauxw hY[ smu`cy smwj nUM nwl lYky iksy hor dy pIVW dw prwgw pYdw nhI hox dyxw[ mn ivc ivcwr AwieAw ijQy A`KW dy muPq kYNp lgwaudy hW auQy kYNsr jwgrukqw pRdrSnI, sYmInwr Aqy cYkA`p kYNp jrUr lgwvwgy[ Awpxy v`fy vIr rwm ikSn, BwbI lyt rxjIq kor ijnWH dw myrI fwktrI pVHweI ivc Aihm Xogdwn irhw hY[ ies Xogdwn dI Awpxy v`fy smwj rUpI v`fy pirvwr nMU jrUr irtrn qohPy dy rUp ivc kuJ nw kuJ vwpsI krnI cwhIdI hY[ ies leI Prz smJdy hoey Awpxy pyNfU hspqwl, fw. rmyS A`KW dw hspqwl Sihjwd nyVy joDW mnsUrW, rweykot Aqy kpUrQly Sihr ivKy Awpxy mYfIkl kwlj dy sihpwTI, fw. divMdr isMG sMDU fI. AYm. AonkolojI dI m`dd nwl sqn kYNsr qy sYmInwr Aqy cYkA`p dy iqMn kYp lgwey[ bVI hYrwnI Aqy d`uK hoieAw bhuq hI loVvMd bIbIAW ienWH kYpW ivc AweIAw Aqy syvw dw lwhw ilAW[ pYrw mYfIkl stwP Aqy lyfI pMc Aqy srpMc swihbwnW nUM kYNsr bwry m`uFlI jwckwrI id`qI, ieh isrP surUAwq hoeI[ punrjoq guldsqw mY Awpxy sUJvwn ipAwry pwTkW nUM bynqI krdw hW , bySk ieh myrw in`jI duK sI, siqkwrXog ivCVI hoeI iek bhwdr, in`fr, dlyr, AgWhvDU hOslw dyx vwlI, kmzorW dI mddgwr, b`icAW nUM ipAwr krn vwlI, iek sPl DI, hrmn ipAwrI BYx, byhqrIn rihnmweI vwlI byty leI mW, AdwrS pqnI, irSqydwrW Aqy sky sbMDIAw leI vDIAw sKSIAq lyt bIbI rxjIq kOr myry lyK pIVW dy prwgy dw mu`K kyNdr hY[ lyikn myrI ieh idlI ieCw hY ik iksy hor pirvwr nUM ienWH siQqIAW Aqy du`KW ivcoN nw lMGxw pvy[ aunWH nUM vI mwnisk, Bwvnqwmk, AwriQk, srIrk, nukswn, pIVW dy prwgy dy rUp ivc iek`Tw nw krxw pvy, Aqy lMby smyN q`k ies dw sMqwp nw Bogxw pvy[ AwE AsI A`j pRx krIey ky AsI Awpxy smwj ijs dw AsIN iek ijMmyvwr ih`sw hW, ies ibmwrI nUM gihrweI q`k smJIey, kbuqr vWg AwpxIAW A`KW bMd nw r`KIey, swrw kuJ r`b dy Bwxy qy nw C`f ky AsIN jwgruk hoeIey[ KurwkW, v`D rhy kIt nwSkW dI vrqo, smyN isr fwktrI jWc nw krvwayuxw Awid ies dw mu`K kwrn hn[ swnUM duinAW nUM suDwrn dI loV nhIN isrP Awp suDrx dI loV hY, jykr dunIAW dw hr ienswn Awp K`ud Awpxw iKAwl r`Kxw SurU kr dyvygw qW swrw sMswr hI Awpxy Awp suDr jwvygw, iehI sMswr suMdr sMswr bx jwvygw Aqy iksy nUM ies qrW pIVW dy prwgy vWgMU du`K Bugqx dI loV nhI pvygI[ AwE punrjoq is`hq isiKAw AiBAwn ivc swfw swQ dyvo Aqy inroey smwj dy isrjx leI nINh p`Qr r`Kx dw auprwlw krIey[ 7 dsMbr 2014 ivSv brYst kYNsr jwgrUkqw mhIny nUM smripq cY~k A`p kYNp Aqy sYmInwr AwXoijq punrjoq AweI bYNk suswietI v`loN ivSv brYst jwgrUkqw mhIny nUM smripq ivSyS cY~k A`p Aqy sYmInwr dw AwXojn 28 AkqUbr nUM fw: rmyS mltIspYiSltI hspqwl bKqVI Pwrm Sihjwd ivKy kIqw igAw[ ies sYmInwr dI pRDwngI ngr ingm luiDAwxw dy myAr dI DrmpqnI sRI mqI puSvMq kOr gohlvVIAw ny kIqI[ sYmInwr nUM sMboDn kridAW kYNsr dy mwihr fw: divMdr isMG sMDU ny d`isAw ik kYNsr dy rogIAW ivc 90% mrIz niSAW Aqy qMbwkU pdwrQW dy syvn qoN pRBwivq huMdy hn[ jykr kYNsr rogI v`loN jwgrUkqw vrqI jwvy qW ies qoN bicAw jw skdw hY[aunWH ikhw ik jdoN vI iksy AOrq nUM CwqI dI koeI qklIP huMdI hY qW SIGr fwktr dI slwh lYxI cwhIdI hY[ ies mOky qy fw: divMdr isMG sMDU dI AgvweI hyT aunWH dI tIm ny 32 mihlwvW jo CwqI dy rogW qoN pIVq sn dw muPq cYNk A`p kIqw[ sYmInwr nUM sMboDn kridAW fw: rmyS ny d`isAw ik punrjoq AweI bYNk suswietI v`loN A`KW dy ielwvw ishq is`iKAw pRogrwm ADIn hor ibmwrIAw bwry vI jwgrUkqw kYNp lgwey jWdy hn[ sRImqI blivMdr kOr hYlQ suprvweIzr ny CwqI dy rogW sbMDI mihlwvW nUM jwgrUk kIqw[ imqI 30 AkqUbr nUM fw: rmyS suprspYiSltI AweI kyAr Aqy lyisk sYNtr brWc rweykot hspqwl ivKy vI ivSys CwqI kYNsr bwry sYmInwr Aqy cY`k A`p kYNp dw AwXojn kIqw igAw[ kYNp dI pRDwngI au`Gy pRvwsI BwrqI sRI ky. AYs. jvMdw ny kIqI[ kYNsr rogW dy mwihr fw: divMdr isMG sMDU ny sYmInwr nUM sMboDn kridAw d`isAw ik inpl qbdIlI, inpl qoN rIswv, cmVI ivc bdlwv, lwlI, fUMG, JurVIAW dw pYxw Aqy igltIAW jW motwpn AwdI CwqI dy kYNsr dIAw inSwnIAw hn ijnWH bwry hr AOrq nUM sucyq rihxw cwhIdw hY Aqy smyN smyN qy fwktr qoN cY~k A`p krvwauxw cwhIdw hY[ aunWH kYNsr rogW dy kwrnW, ausdy l`Cxw Aqy ielwj bwry vfm`ulI jwxkwrI id`qI[ ies mOky 55 mrIjW dI jWc kIqI geI[ sYmInwr nUM fw: rmyS ny vI sMboDn kIqw[ CwqI kYNsr sbMDI jwgrUkqw sYmInwr AfvWs luiDAwxw AweI hspqwl kpUrQlw ivKy 31 AkqUbr nUM AwXoijq kIqw igAw ijs ivc kYNsr rogW dy mwihr fw: divMdr isMG sMDU dI tIm dy mYbrW ivkws Srmw, jspRIq kOr Aqy mnjIq kOr ny 25 mihlwvW dw cY`k A`p kIqw [ jiqMdr isMG, sih sMpwdk fw. rmyS, AYm.fI. brYst kYNsr jwgrUkqw kYNp, rweykot ƒ sMboDn krdy hoey[ punrjoq guldsqw fw. divMdr isMG sMDU, kYNsr dy mwihr, kYNsr jwgrUkqw sYmInwr Sihjwd ivKy joq jgw ky kYNp dw audGwtn krdy hoey[ 8 dsMbr 2014 kYNsr nw hI nwmurwd Aqy nw hI lw-ielwj ibmwrI hY ienswn ieh sux ky rwzI krn qoN bwAd kYNsr dI ibmwrI qy Pqih pwaux nhIN ik ausƒ kYNsr hY[ jo vI vwlw jyqU Xuvrwj isMG inaUzIlYNf dy ivru`D 20- koeI irSqydwr ies ibmwrI vwly 20 mYc KyifAw[ ausny kYNsr qoN pIVq ibmwrI rogI ƒ imlx jWdw hY qW auh dy mrIzW leI iek imswl kwiem kIqI[ aus ƒ hOslw dyx dI bjwey ieh mnISw kih ky ausdw idl qoV idMdw hY KUbsUrq Adwkwrw mnISw ik hYN qYƒ kYNsr hY[ swƒ ies koierwlw ijs AwpxI ibmwrI dw f`t ky Aqy hOsly nwl mukwblw krnw ivl`Kx muskrwht Aqy cwhIdw hY[ Dmwkydwr AdwkwrI rwhIN koierwlw:ny kYNsr nwl pIVq swfy dyS dIAW mhwn isnymw Kyqr ivc lokW dy idl ij`qy[ aus ƒ sKSIAqW ny ies ibmwrI nwl j`do jihd kIqI 42 swl dI aumr ivc kYNsr ho igAw[ ausny idl nhIN FwihAw Aqy ies vyly auh KuShwl inaUXwrk dy hspqwl ivc bhwdrI nwl ies ijMdgI jI rhy hn[ aunHW ny kYNsr dI nwmurwd ibmwrI dw twkrw kIqw[ auh ibmwrI kwrn hoey ibmwrI qoN Cu`tkwrw pwky swƒ jwgrUk kIqw hY sweIf ie&Ykt kwrn Awpxy Ko cu`ky vwlW krky Aqy Aws dI ikrn pYdw kIqI hY[ iPlmW ivc kMm krn qoN rqw nhIN SrmweI[ Xuvrwj isMG:- jdoN pqw ausny AwSwvwdI rveIey nwl ibmwrI dy dOrwn l`igAw rwaUNfr fwktrW ƒ iPlmW leI SUitMg krn dI bynqI ikRkytr stwr v`KrI iksm kIqI[ ausny ies nwmurwd ibmwrI leI Awpxw dI nwmurwd ibmwrI kYNsr sMGrS jwrI r`iKAw Aqy lokW ivc ies ibmwrI qoN pIVq hY qw Bwrq vwsI nwl lVn dw hONslw Aqy aumId pYdw kIqI[ ik Awl ies Kbr ƒ brdwSq nw kr sky[ pirvwr dy lIzw mYNbrW, dosqW Aqy ausdy chyiqAW dIAW duAwvW Adwkwrw lIzw ryA ny ieh sdkw idl Aqy PyPVy ivckwr bxy itaUmr qoN d`sky dyS ƒ hYrwnI ivc pw Xuvrwj ny dlyrI nwl nzwq pweI[ Xuvrwj isMG id`qw ik ausƒ kYNsr hY[ ny AwpxI ikqwb “The Test of My Life” iv`c lIzw ny p`qrkwrW qoN dUr rih kYNsr nwl kIqI j`do jihd bwry Awpxy qjrby ky AwpxI kYNsr ivru`D lVweI klm bMd kIqy hn[ Arjunw Avwrf pRwpq jwrI r`KI[ aus ny 2010 ivc bhwdrI nwl punrjoq guldsqw 9 ryA:- KUbsUrq dsMbr 2014 GoSnw kIqI ik auh kYNsr dI ibmwrI qoN nwjwq ny XUnIglob ieMtrtynmYNts fwkUmYNtrI “1 a pw cu`kI hY[ kYNsr dy ielwj bwry jwgrUkqw pYdw Minute’ ivc aunHW AMqrrwStrI AdwkwrW nwl krn Aqy Awpxy ikqy ivc kMm kridAW ausny rol kIqw ijhVy kYNsr dI ibmwrI nwl lVy, kYlIPornIAW dI nwpwvYlI dy mYnyjmYNt slwhkwr Pqih hwsl kIqI Aqy vDIAw izMdgI jIA rhy jysn idhwnI nwl ivAwh krky dunIAW ƒ ieh hn[ swbq kr id`qw ik kYNsr ausdy rwh ivc koeI Anurwg bwsU:- bhuq swry rukwvt nhIN hY Aqy ausny ies ibmwrI qoN lok Anurwg bwsU ƒ brPI s&lqw pUrvk ij`q pRwpq kIqI[ iPlm dy inrdySk krky gujrwl:- jwxdy hn[ bhuq lokW ƒ nmrqw isMG gujrwl BwrqI pqw nhIN ik 2004 iv`c aus AmrIkn Adwkwrw hY jo ƒ bl`f kYNsr ho igAw iesy swl ausdI pihlI is`K hox ivc P^r mihsUs b`cI ieSwnw pYdw hoeI[ “qumsw nhIN dyKw” krdI hY[ 2008 ivc ies iPlm dy dOrwn fwktrW ny ausƒ do mhIny jIvq 32 swlw nOjvwn mihlw ƒ rihx bwry d`isAw[ ies Kbr ny ies dlyr pqw l`gw ik ausƒ CwqI dw kYNsr hY[ cMgy BwgW idl vwly ienswn qy koeI pRBwv nw pwieAw Aqy ƒ pihlI styj qy hI kYNsr ƒ vDx qoN rok ilAw auh hspqwl ivc ibsqry qy ipAw hI hdwieqW igAw ijs ny ies Gwqk ibmwrI nwl lVn dw idMdw irhw[ aus ny ies smyN dOrwn “Life in a ausƒ &wiedw phuMcwieAw[ Metro” Aqy gYNgstr iPlmW dy KrVy vI ilKy[ nmrqw isMG jgq iqMn swl dy ielwj Aqy mYfItySn qoN bwAd bwsU dI ipAwrI Aqy KUbsUrq ny hor keI iPlmW bxweIAW jo bwks Awi&s qy Adwkwrw mumqwz ny Awpxy s&l rhIAW[ CwqI dy kYNsr dw ft ky mumqwz:- isnmw swfy dyS dIAW aupRokq mhwn sKSIAqW mukwblw kIqw Aqy ies ibmwrI qoN Cutkwrw ny ies AdBu`q ibmwrI leI jMg lVI Aqy ij`q pwieAw, ijs dw ausƒ 54 swl dI aumr iv`c pRwpq krky dyS vwsIAW ivc jwgrUkqw pYdw pqw l`gw[ ausny ies ibmwrI nwl pYx vwly kIqI Aqy swƒ ies ibmwrI qoN frn dI bjwey hor srIrk pRBwvW nwl jMg lVI Aqy 11 swl ies dw hONsly nwl mukwblw krn dI pRyrnw bwAd vI ausny sivimMg, ijMm Aqy ishqmMd id`qI[ Kurwk sdkw AwpxI suMdrqw Aqy AkrSnqw jiqMdr isMG ƒ kwiem r`iKAw[ swl 2010 ivc mumqwj punrjoq guldsqw sih-sMpwdk 10 dsMbr 2014 Angelina Jolie 14th May, 2013 is a day people won’t forget easily. Angelina Jolie, considered to be one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, revealed that she has undergone double mastectomy as a preventive measure against breast and ovarian cancer. Angelina took the bold step when she found out that she has 87% chances of having breast cancer, a disease that took her mother’s life as well. Her decision tells us two things- first that breast cancer can be detected early on and second health is her priority. This bold statement by Angelina is truly an inspiration to all women. Let have lesson from Hollywood actress and think about our annual breast check up after Age of 40. Dr. Ramesh M.D. CwqIAW bwry svY-igAwn (BSA) punrjoq guldsqw 11 dsMbr 2014 Roko Cancer’s success story and the building of the MKC Trust benefit from Roko Cancer’s mission. So the buses will travel to the most remote villages in India’s rural and semi-rural villages. And such is the sheer need that people will queue from dawn once word gets around. Himachel Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and other areas that mainstream institutions are unable to visit. Roko Cancer of the MKC Trust has become for cancer compassion, care and hope. The charity is proof of triumph over adversity as it was borne from the tragic death of a young mother – APS Chawala’s first wife – who died on 1989 from breast cancer. Her symptoms, presented late, were to advanced to save her. Driven by grief and a pledge that no other family would suffer in the same way, APS Chawla worked hard to build Roko Cancer. His passion and conviction persuaded many to back him and although the road was long, the journey proved fruitful for in 2001, the charity was formally launched in the house of commons and then in 2005, APS Chawla watched proudly as the first Roko Cancer bus presented to the Indian people as a symbol of hope. Powered by success The Cancer Camps are by Roko Cancer’s dedicated team based in Punjab who offer everything from screening for breast, prostate, oral and cervical ECGs, diabetes testing, blood pressure monitoring, health advice and doing away with stigmas. And all for free. Nobody pays a peny for the service and no-one is ever turned away. This was one of the key aims of APS Chawla. The other was to do away with harmful “old tales” which continues to cause so much anxiety and fear when discussing cancer. Driven by hope Since then, the Roko cancer buses have become a familiar sight throughout Punjab. APS Chawla was determined that the very poor, the elderly and most vulnerable would Ashok Mehra sensitise about cancer Phagwara. APS Chawla also sitting. Complied by Ashok Mehra at Roko Cancer Vehicle at Camp To find out more about details Roko Cancer Visit www.rokocancer.org punrjoq guldsqw 12 dsMbr 2014 Tips to Help You Prevent Breast Cancer Breast cancer is one of the leading forms of cancer and has become a cause for concern in millions around the world. Here are some tips that can help you avoid breast cancer naturally. increases the accumulation of fatty tissue which is the leading cause of breast cancer. Unhealthy fats should be replaced with healthy monounsaturated fats like those in nuts. Be breast aware Consider aspirin Studies show more than 85% cases of breast cancer are detected by victims. Regular self-examination can help you avoid the problem by detecting it early. Do not daily examine your breasts as it can make you overly anxious, try once a month. Look for unusual things and notify your doctor immediately. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for breast cancer, aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which reduces production of estrogen and reduces risk of breast cancer. Consult your doctor before starting this medicine. Stay active Recent experiments show frequent exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals is linked with breast cancer. These chemicals may be present in rat poisons and mosquito-repellent coils. Try to stay away from such chemicals for reduced breast cancer risk. Avoid pesticides exposure Various studies prove that 45-50 minutes of exercise 3-4 times a week can reduce the risk of breast cancer by more than 30%. Doing things that increase your heartbeat and leave you sweaty is ideal for reducing this risk. It’s not necessary to hit the gym, a simple brisk walk or dancing around the house qualifies as moderate exercise. Control hormone therapy Prolonged hormone therapy between 3-5 years can increase risk of breast cancer. If you are on hormone therapy because of menopausal symptoms talk to your doctor about replacing it with natural therapies. If unavoidable use the lowest possible dosage that works for you. Maintain healthy weight One study found that post-menopausal weight gain in women is directly related to breast cancer, a small gain of even 5 kilograms can increase risk of breast cancer. Gaining weight increases estrogen production which results in accumulation of fat tissue responsible for most breast cancers. Don’t smoke Statistics suggest that smoking is responsible for more than 30% of cancer deaths including breast cancer. Not smoking is the biggest favor you can do for your body. Breast-feed your babies Research has established a link between breastfeeding babies and breast cancer, the reason why exactly is unknown at this time. Researchers also believe that if a young mother breast-feeds her baby for an extended period she tends to have better breast health. Breast-feeding reduces the estrogen hormone levels and reduces the risk of breast cancer. Check your family history If someone in your family has ever had breast cancer you should be extra cautious. Around 10% of all breast cancer cases are genetically caused. Talk to your family members and include your doctor in discussions so that preventive measures can be taken. Check your alcohol intake Excess alcohol can increase the likelihood of getting breast cancer, even moderate consumption can be dangerous for breasts, safe quantities are still disputed. Some experts believe that drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week is bad for overall health. Don’t ignore lumps Sometimes we ignore lumps hoping they will go away and don’t report them to our doctor. This is a big mistake which can make breast cancer uncontrollable due to late identification. Don’t ignore lumps, visit your doctor immediately so that they can be thoroughly checked out. Avoid fat Consumption of unhealthy fats are responsible for increasing risk of breast cancer. Fat consumption punrjoq guldsqw 13 dsMbr 2014 Foods That Reduce Breast Cancer Risk adolescence were 72 percent less likely to develop breast cancer as adults than those who only ate about one and a half servings per week,” The same study found that adult women can also reap the benefits of this food’s anti-carcinogenic compounds, which include glucosinolates and myrosinase enzymes, so adding it to your diet at any age can be helpful. Recommended dosage: Aim for a cup of raw or a half cup of lightlycooked cabbage at least four times per week. The statistics can seem scary when it comes to breast cancer. Not only is it the second most common cancer among women, but it’s also the second leading cause of female deaths attributed to cancer. Despite those frightening figures, you have the power to beat the odds and reduce your breast cancer risk. In addition to exercising and maintaining a healthy weight, research shows that incorporating certain foods into your diet decrease your risk of developing breast cancer. top 10 cancer-busting foods, along with how much and how often you should eat them. Carrot Much more than just a colorful addition to salads, carrots are loaded with beta carotene, an antioxidant that gives these veggies their orange color and also helps lower breast cancer risk. “There has been a lot of research showing foods that are rich in beta carotene, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, seem to protect against cancer,” Recommended dosage: Eat a cup of raw or a half cup of cooked carrots at least three times per week. Try another orange option instead. “Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and even summer squash are all really great sources of beta carotene,” Broccoli "Research shows that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, can stop the growth of breast cancer cells. “That specific compound has actually been shown to help inhibit cancer cells from multiplying and might be able to kill off cancer cells,” Recommended dosage: Incorporate a cup of broccoli into your diet at least three times per week to get the full benefit of their cancer-fighting properties. Cabbage Tomato Regular servings of this leafy vegetable can greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer. “There’s a really interesting study that found that young women who ate four or more servings of cabbage per week during punrjoq guldsqw “The biggest benefit of the tomato is the lycopene which has been found to inhibit tumor growth and help neutralize the free radicals that can damage and mutate 14 dsMbr 2014 cells,” Recommended dosage: Incorporate tomatoes into your meals at least three times a week by slicing them up and adding them to salads or sauce or even ketchup. Choose your condiments and sauces wisely, though, as you want the fewest preservatives possible. “When you’re looking at cancer prevention the more natural you can go the better.” damaged the breast cancer cells, but didn’t harm normal cells, so they were actually able to prevent the cancer from growing,” explains Palinski-Wade. Recommended dosage: Eat a peach or a plum at least two times per week. Walnut Boasting a winning combination of Omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterols, the walnut has been shown to significantly slow the growth of breast cancer tumors. While the Omega-3s reduce inflammation in the body, the phytosterols also provide a valuable function. “They actually bind to the estrogen receptors which can help slow the growth of breast cancer,” Recommended dosage: Eat an ounce of walnuts at least three times a week. Garlic Recommended dosage: Use a quarter to a half teaspoon of fresh garlic to flavor your food at least twice a week. “In order to really maximize the beneficial compounds in the garlic, you want to chop it and then let it sit for 10 minutes before you cook with it.” Blueberry “The anthocyanins that are found in blueberries and other purplish/bluish fruits really help boost the immune system and fend off those free radicals that can damage cells and cause mutations,” Research shows that the potent phytochemicals found in blueberries can prevent both the occurrence and reoccurrence of breast cancer. Recommended dosage: For maximum protection, eat one cup of blueberries at least three times per White Button Mushroom The white button mushroom has been shown to successfully block out breast cancer. “There’s actually a fatty acid in the mushrooms that suppresses estrogen formation, which can help stop the spread of the breast cancer cells,” Recommended dosage: Incorporate a cup of raw or half a cup of cooked mushrooms into your diet at least twice a week. Even if you can’t fit every food on this list into your menu on a regular basis, strive for a lean protein diet that mixes in lots of fruits and vegetables, “Really aim for that five servings of fruits and vegetables every day as protection against all cancers, including breast cancer.” Peach Recent research shows that the phytonutrients found in the peach and its close relative the plum can help inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. “The antioxidant compounds in those fruits punrjoq guldsqw 15 dsMbr 2014 czsLV dSalj&¼Lru dSalj½&dqN rF; tks vkidh tkudkjh ds fy, t:jh gSA ;g ekuk tkrk gS fd QsQM+ksa ds dSalj ds vykok ,d vkSj Hk;kou jksx gS tks ,d gn ls T;knk c<+ tkus ds ckn vkSjrksa ds fy, tkuysok Hkh gks ldrk gS of gS Lru dk dSaljA ¼gkykafd ;g enks± dks Hkh viuk f'kdkj cuk ldrk gS½ ysfdu vxj vki cp Hkh x, rks Hkh bldh dher vkidks pqdkuh iM+ ldrh gS vkSj og gS dSalj ls xzLr Lru dh cfy nsdjA ftlls fd vkids vkd"kZd O;fDrRo ij vlj iM+ ldrk gSA Lru dk dSalj D;k gksrk gS\ tc Lru ds fdlh ,d nk;js esa dks'kk.kq dh vfu;af=r c<+ksrjh gksrh gS rks mldk urhtk gksrk gS Lru dk dSaljA vkirkSj ls vkidk 'kjhj ,d jkstekZ dh fnup;kZ ds fglkc ls dk;Z djrk gS ftlls fd lqUu iM+s vkSj iqjkus dks'kk.kqvksa dks vyx djds vkSj u"V djds u, dks'kk.kqvksa dks tUe nsrk gS rkfd vkidk 'kjhj lqpk: :i ls pyrk jgsA ysfdu gkykafd dSalj ds jksfx;ksa ds 'kjhj esa u, dks'kk.kqvksa dks tUe nsus dh {kerk rks gksrh gS] ysfdu iqjkuh dks'kk.kqvksa dks u"V djus dh 'kfDr ckdh ugha jgrhA vkSj dks'kk.kqvksa dk bl rjg vlk/kkj.k :i ls c<+us ls ml xzLr nk;js esa ,d lwtu ;k QksM+s dh jpuk gksrh gSA bls V~;wej Hkh dgrs gSaA vkSj ,d O;fDr ds vUnj ;g vlk/kkj.k vkSjv fu;af=r c<+ksrjh ds cbZ dkj.k gks ldrs gSa] tsls fd dqN thal esa cnyko gksuk ;k fQj 'kjhj esa fdlh vlkekU; ifjorZu dk gksukA D;k Lru dSalj ?kkrd gks ldrk gS\ ;g ,d xyr /kkj.k gS dh Lru dk dSl a j tkuysok ugha gks ldrk gSA ;g cs'kd tkuysok gksrk gS vxj lgh le; ij bls igpkudj bldk bykt ugha fd;k x;k ;k fQj dSalj;qDr dks'kk.kqvksa dks vlhfer :i ls c<+us ls jksdk ugha x;kA izkjafHkd voLFkk esa QksM+k ;kuh fd V~;wej dkQh lhek rd lkSE; ;kuh fd chukbu gksrk gS eryc fd gkfu igq¡pkus okyk ugha gksrkA lp iwNk tk, rks ;g dSalj;qDr Hkh ugha gksrkA ,sls QksM+s ;kfu fd V~;wej gkfu jfgr fn[krs gSa vkSj dkQh /kheh xfr ls c<+rs gSa vkSj viuh c<+ksrjh mlh nk;js rd lhfer j[krs gSa tgk¡ ls ;g izkjaHk gq, Fks] eryc fd ;g QSyrs punrjoq guldsqw ugha gSa ftlls fd budk bykt djuk vklku gksrk gSA dqN QksM+s ;kfu fd V~;wej] vlk/;;kfu fd cykbZusUV lkfcr gksrs gSa eryc dh ,sls QksM+s tks vkids 'kjhj ds fy, gkfudkjd lkfcr gksrs gSa vkSj dSalj;qDr Hkh gksrs gSaA ,sls QksM+s ;kfu fd V~;wej nzqrxfr ls c<+rs gSa vkSj buds vUnj 'kjhj esa QSyus dh izcy {kerk gksrh gSA tc dSalj vius izkjafHkd ;kfu fd ekSfyd nk;js ls nwj 'kjhj ds vU; fgLlksa QSyus yxrs gSa rks mls esaVkfLVd czsLV dSalj dgrs gSaA vxj bldk lgh le; ij lgh bykt ugha fd;k x;k rks ;g tkuysok lkfcr gks ldrk gS] oukZ ,sls Hkh dbZ yksx gSa tks blds uqDlku ls cp x, gSaA Lru dSalj gksus ds dkj.k ysfdu tSlk fd igys crk;k x;k gS fd u flQZ vkSjrsa cfYd enZ Hkh Lru dSalj dk f'kdkj gks ldrs gSa] ysfdu ,sls mngkj.k ;k dsll dqN T;knk ut+j ugha vkrsA ;g dSalj T+;knkrj vkSjrksa esa gh ik;k tkrk gS vksj blh otg ls vkidh ySafxdrk bl et+Z dk eq[; dkj.k gksrh gSA vkSj fQj mez Hkh ,d otg gksrh gS bl chekjh dh c<rh mez ds lkFk lkFk bl dSalj ds gksus dk [krjk Hkh c<+ tkrk gSA blds vykok vxj vkids ekfld /keZ ;kuh fd fifjvM~l le; ls igys gh 'kq: gks x, Fks] ;k nsjh ls can gq, Fks rks Hkh vkiesa bl jksx ds gkus dk [krjk dqN gn rd c<+ tkrk gSA vkSj ;g Hkh ns[kk x;k gS fd vkidh thal Hkh bl dSalj ds gkus dh vge~ otg cu ldrs gSaA tks yksx E;wVs'ku vkWQ vhvkjlh,s 1 vkSj chvkjlh,s 2 thal ds cnyko ds jksx ls xzflr gksr gSa musa bl dSalj ds gkus dk [krjk 80 izfr'kr c<+ tkrk gSA ,slk Hkh ekuk tkrk gS fd Lru dk dSalj ikjaifjd ;kfu fd gsjsfMVjh Hkh gksrk gS] ;kuh fd vxj vkids fdlh fj'rsnkj dks Lru dSalj gS ;k dHkh gqvk gS] rks laHkor vki Hkh blds f'kdkj cu ldrs gSaA vkSj ;g Hkh ekuk tkrk gS fd vxj vkidk ,d Lru bl jksx xzflr jg pqdk gS rks laHkkouk gS fd ;g vkids nwljs Lru dks Hkh viuh fxjQr esa ys ldrk gSA ,sls yksx ftudk 16 dsMbr 2014 lgk;d fl) gks ldrk gS vkSj ftruh tYnh bls igpkuk tk;s vkSj bldk bykt d;k tk, mruk gh vkids fy, vPNk gksrk gSA dSalj dks tYn <w¡<us vkSj igpkuus ds fy, vkidk MkWDVj vkidks ck;ksIlh] ,e~ vkj vkbZ vkSj vYVªklkmaM dh Hkh lykg ns ldrk gSA Lru ds dSalj ds izdkj nDVy dkjfluksek ,d vke izdkj dk Lru dSalj gS tks fd 80 izfr'kr efgyk;ksa esa ik;k tkrk gSA ;s dSalj mu ufydkvksa esa 'kq: gksrk gS tks fd ek¡ ds nw/k dks nw/k iSnk djus okyh xzafFk;ksa ls ek¡ ds LRu; ;kfu fd fuIiYl dh rjQ ys tkrs gSaA bldk vkxs dk foHkktu bdVy dkflZuksek bu lhrw esa gksrk gS] eryc fd ;g dSalj ;k rks ufydkvksa rd gh lhfer jgrk gS ;k fQj vkØked Hkh gks ldrk gS ftlls fd dSalj 'kjhj ds vU; fgLlksa esa Q+Sy tkrk gSA yksC;wyj dkjfluksek nwljk vke rjg dk dSalj gksrk gS tks fd mu ykscsl ;kuh fd ijfydkvksa esa tUe ysrk gS tgk¡ ek¡ dk nw/k curk gSA ;s dSalj Lru dSalj ls ihfM+r 10 izfr'kr efgyk;ksa esa ik;k tkrk gSA bldk vkxs Hkh foHkktu gksrk gS yksC;wyj dkjfluksek bu lhrw es tgk¡ ,slk dSalj mu yksCl ;kfu fd ijfydkvksa rd gh flfer jgrk gSA vly esa bu lhrw voLFkk dSalj ls iwoZ dh izkjfEHkd voLFkk gksrh gS ftldh le; ij igpku vkSj fpfdRlk gksus ls bl jksx ls xzflr jksxh ds cpus ds la;ksx cgqr T;knk gksrs gSaA buosflo yksC;wyj dkjfluksek nwljh rjg dk yksC;wyj dkjfluksek gksrk gS ftlesa dSalj yksC;wYl ls ijs vklikl ds <kapksa vkSj vaxksa dks izHkkfor djrk gSA buQySesVjh czLV dSalj dqN vU; fojys fd+Le ds Lru ds dSalj gksrs gSa] vkSj ;s cgqr gh vkØked fdLe dk dSalj gksrk gS tks fd nzqrxfr ls 'kjhj ds vU; fgLlksa esa QSyrk gSA bl izdkj ds dSalj esa QksM+s ;kfu fd V~;wej oxSjg tsls vke y{k.k ugha ut+j vkrs] cfYd Ropk 'kq"d] yky] tkM+h vkSj iiMhnkj t+:j gks tkrh gSA iSxsV fMt+ht+ vkWQ+ fuIiy ,d vkSj fdLe dk Lru dSalj gS ftles Ropk 'kq"d ;kfu fd [kqtyhokyh gks tkrh gSA bl jksx dh le; ij igpku vkSj le; ij fpfdRlk vkidk thou cpk ldrk gSA ot+u t+#jr ls T;knk c<+ x;k gS ;k cgqr T;knk eksVs gks x, gSa oks yksx Hkh bl dSalj dk f'kdkj cgqr vklkuh ls cu ldrs gSaA vkSj vxj dksbZ O;fDr] fdlh Hkh dkj.ko'k vius o{k ds nk;js esa fofdj.k fpfdRlk ;kfu fd jsMh,'ku djok pqdk gS] rks ,sls O;fDr es Hkh Lru ds dSalj gksus dk [krjk c<+ tkrk gSA vktdy ds vk/kqfud e'khuh ;qx esa efgykvksa dks Hkh dke ij tkuk iM+rk gS vkSj iSls dekus iM+rs gSA bl otg ls ;k dk vkSj dkj.kksa ls dbZ ;qofr;ka „‰&…Œ ds ckn 'kknh djrh gSaA dqN yksx rks ,slk 'kksad ls djrh gSa ysfdu dbZ yksx foo'krko'k nsj ls fookg djrh gSaA 'kknh nsj ls gksus ls cPpk Hkh …Œ dh mez ds ckn iSnk gksrk gSA ,slk ekuk tkrk gS dh tks ;qofr;ka nsj ls 'kknh djrh gSa ,oa nsj ls cPps dks Lruiku djokrh gSa mUgsa Lru dSalj gksus dk [krjk T;knk jgrk gSA tks efgyk,a vius cPpksa dks Lruiku fcydqy ugha djokrh mUgsa Lru dSalj gksus dk [krjk cgqr T;knk c<+ tkrk gSA dqN efgyk,a vius lkSan;Z ds fcxM+us ds Mj ls vius cPps dks Lruiku djkus ls fgpfdpkrh gSaA vkSj ;s lkjs dkj.k vvkids vUnj Lru ds dSalj gksus ds dkj.k dbZ xq.kk c<+k nsrs gSaA vU; dkj.kksa esa ls tks vge~ dkj.k gSa oks gSa 'kjhfjd xfrfof/k;ksa dh deh] efnjkiku oxSjg tks fdlh O;fDr dks Lru ds dSalj dks dSls igpkusA Lru dSalj ds dqN izeq[k y{k.k gSa Lru esa ,d lwtu ;kfu fd lump dk mifLFkr gksuk] Lru vkSj Lrukxz ;kfufd fuIiYl ds vkdkj esa cnyko gksuk [kkldj fd fxj oks mYVs vkSj dqN gn rd yky gks x, gks] Lru dh Ropk eksVh vkSj 'kq"d yxus yx jgh gks] ;k fQj Lru ds fuIiy es ls fdlh vlkekU; nzo ;k jDr dk cgko gkus yxk gks oxSjgA dbZ mik;ksa esa ls ,d mik; ;g gS fd fu;fer :i ls vki vius Lru dk fujh{k.k ifj{k.k djsa rkfd vki bl dSalj dks vklkuh ls igpku ldsaA vkSj vxj vkidks vius Lru esa ,sls fdlh y{k.k ds mifLFkr gksus dk lansg ut+j vk;s vki rqjar vius MkWDVj dh lykg ysa vkSj ,d ckr 40 dh mez ds ckn fu;fer :i ls eSeksxzke ;kfu fd Lru ,Dl&js dks viuh ft+Unxh dk ,d vge~ fgLlk cuk ysaA Lru dk fpfdRlh; fujh{k.k ifj{k.k Hkh bl dSalj dks tYn igpkuus esa dkQh punrjoq guldsqw 17 dsMbr 2014 inSkwm mnu`KI syvw dw AlMbrdwr - bwbw sqnwm isMG bwbw sqnwm isMG jI, fw. rmyS nwl idKweI dy rhy hn imSn punrjoq, loVvMdW ƒ rOSnI dw qoh&w muV vwips dyx dI muihMm ivc Aihm Xogdwn pwaux vwlI buzrg SKsIAq bwbw sqnwm isMG dw izkr syvw dy ieiqhws iv`c sunihrI A`KrW iv`c Swiml hY[ luiDAwxw Sihr dy nOjvwn ijhVy Aiq mihMgIAW lgzrI g`fIAW ƒ qyz r&qwr nwl clw ky Awpxw SOk jW styts isMbl smJdy hoxgy, lyikn Swied swfI ies nvIN pIVI ƒ ieh nhIN pqw hovygw ik luiDAwxw Sihr AzwdI dy mgroN snAq dy Kyqr iv`c mu`Fly dOr iv`c ies Sihr ny Kud muSikl iv`coN lMG ky ieh mukwm hwisl kIqw hY[ 82 swlw, SWq, dwnI, mnmohxI, hmySw KuS Aqy kul mwilk iv`c At`l Brosw r`Kx vwlI SKsIAq bwbw sqnwm isMG ip`Cly 22 swlW qoN swfI syvw nwl juVy hoey sn[ grIb Aqy loVvMd A`KW dy mrIzW dy AwpRySn jW ielwz krvw ky auhnW ƒ jo qs`lI Aqy KuSI mihsUs huMdI sI, auhnW dy ichry qoN sw&-sw& pVHI jw skdI sI[ hux hoey bzurgW ny AwpxIAW Br jvwnIAW ies AgWhvDU Sihr ƒ isrjx ivc kurbwn kIqIAW hoxgIAW[ jd jIvn ijaux dIAW mu`FlIAW shUlqW nwh dy brwbr sn, AwmdnI dy bhuq swDn nhIN sn, bs ijsmwnI imhnq hI imhnqI mnu`K dI qr`kI dw hiQAwr sI[ jdoN AwpxI AwpxI rozI rotI kmwaux dI peI hoeI sI aus smyN vI kuJ gurU dy ipAwry Aijhy sn jo vMf ky Ckx Aqy srbq dw Blw locx vwly sn[ ijnHW Kud imhnq krky Awpw qW sMBwilAw sgoN lukweI dw Blw krn dI koiSS kIqI[ punrjoq guldsqw Awp sMswrI s&r pUrw krky Akwl purK dy crnW iv`c jw ibrwjy[ syvw dy puMj bwbw sqnwm isMG jI dw syvw dy Kyqr dI rihnumweI dw siqgur pRqwp isMG cONk dy ielwky ƒ Gwtw qW ipAw hI hY lyikn auhnW duAwrw clweI hoeI, smripq nOjvwn tIm, auhnW v`loN ArMBy kwrj ƒ auny hI iS`dq nwl inBwauxw Awpxw pihlw Drm smJdy 18 dsMbr 2014 lweIn iv`c hI mrIz dw cY~k A`p krvwvWgy[” ie`Qy mYN ieh izkr jrUr krWgw ik keI vwr AsIN ikqy jWdy hW jykr swƒ QoVw ieMqzwr krnw pvy qW Swied AsIN Asihj mihsUs krdy hW[ Xu`gpurS dy hr guxW nwl BrpUr, au~c kotI dI SKsIAq nwl lbw lb BrI hoeI inmrqw Aqy m`q nIvIN r`Kx vwlI SKsIAq dy mwilk sn bwbw sqnwm isMG, ijnHW qoN swƒ is`iKAw lYxI cwhIdI hY Aqy Kws krky smwj syvw nwl juVIAW jW smwj SurU krn vwlIAW jigAwsU Aqy is`iKAwrqI SKsIAqW ƒ pRyrnw lYxI cwhIdI hY ik syvw ƒ ikvyN inrmqw, inSkwm Bwvnw Aqy ibnw iksy dy lwB ƒ mu`K r`Kdy hoey kul mwilk dI bxweI hoeI lukweI ƒ KuS krn vwsqy krnI cwhIdI hY[ hn[ cwhy auh auhnW dI sdIvI ivCoVy dI ie`k Gwt mihsUs krdy hn lyikn ies syvw dy kwrj dI lVI ƒ lgwqwr jwrI r`K ky bwbw sqnwm isMG jI dI SKsIAq qy syvw dy Pu`l Arpx krky ielwky dy hor loVvMd ienswnW dI guAwcI hoeI rOSnI ƒ dubwrw ilAw ky bwbw sqnwm isMG dI inSkwm syvw dI soc dI AlK ƒ jgweI r`Kxw cwhuMdy hn[ auhnW dI in`GI Xwd iv`c lgwey jw rhy syvw dy kuMB A`KW dy muPq AwpRySn kYNp iv`c kIqI geI ikrqIAW v`loN imhnq nwl luiDAwxw Sihr dI qr`kI, mwVy hwlwqW iv`coN lMGdy hoey vI srb`q dy Bly dy qihq lukweI dy BlweI kwrjW dw inrMqr jwrI r`Kxw Aqy hux dy nOjvwnW dw ies Kyqr iv`c qn, mn Aqy Dn nwl Swiml hoxw ie`k in`gr Aqy AwSwvwdI sumyl hY jo ik Ajoky smyN iv`c ie`k lwswnI imswl hY[ syvw ƒ smripq SKsIAq dI Xwd ƒ ies qrHW smUihk qOr qy swry smwj v`loN Xwd krky puMn dw kMm cwlU r`Kxw swfy smwj vwsqy bhuq hI vDIAw Aqy nroeI inSwnI hY[ SwbwsI dy h`kdwr ƒ auhnW v`loN auqSwihq kIqI geI tIm, jo auhnW v`loN ArMBy gey kwrj ƒ isry cVwaux leI A`j vI smripq hn[ AwE AsIN punrjoq imSn dy isDWqW qy c`lx vwlIAW mhwn SKsIAqW dy jIvn Aqy soc dy hr pihlU ƒ smJ ky swƒ mwnvqw dI BlweI iv`c juV ky kul mwilk dIAW KuSIAW hwisl krnIAW cwhIdIAW hn Aqy Awpxw jIvn s&l krnw cwhIdw hY[ myrI nOjvwn vrg ƒ zrUr bynqI hY ik ies A`j dI ckwcONd qyz r&qwr izMdgI dw AnMd Sihd dI m`KI, jo iknwry qy bYT ky Sihd dw AnMd mwxdI hY Aqy suky prW nwl au~f vI jWdI hY, aus qrHW AsIN sMswr iv`c Awey hW[ AsIN Awpxw jIvn vI ibhqr jIvIey, iksy dy kMm vI AweIey[ dunIAW aus dwnI SKsIAq ƒ mgroN Xwd vI r`Ky Aijhy kMm kr jweIey[ ijvyN kbIr swihb ny syD id`qI hY: kbIrw jb qum Awey, qum roey jg hsw, jb qum gey, qum hsy AOr jg roey[ bwbw sqnwm isMG jI loVvMdW ƒ lY ky vYsy vI dws dy hspqwl Aksr Aw jwieAw krdy sn[ h`Q iv`c shwry vwsqy sotI pkVI hoxI, motIAW motIAW AYnkW Aqy swdy ilbws iv`c Arwm nwl mrIzW nwl cu`p-cwp, SWq bYTy hoxw[ mYN auhnW ƒ kihxw bwbw jI qusIN pihlW Aw ky d`s idAw kro Aqy mihmwnW vwly kmry iv`c Aw ky bYT jwieAw kro[ im`TI jhI hwsI nwl hr bwr iehI kihxw, “nhIN fwktr swihb AsIN AnuswSn nhIN BMnxw fw. rmyS, sMpwdk For more Information and our Magazines please visit our official web site/facebook pages. Our web site www.rameshvision.com https://www.facebook.com/RameshPunarjot?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/ramesh077ludhiana?fref=ts punrjoq guldsqw 19 dsMbr 2014 "nwnk nwm cVdI klw qyry Bwxy srb`q dw Blw" s. rCpwl isMG FINfsw, XUnweIitf is`K imSn XU.AYs.ey. inSkwm mnu`KI syvw dy sPr dw pWDI fw. rmyS, s. rCpwl isMG FINfsw nwl g`lbwq krdy hoey ny swƒ is`iKAw id`qI hY[ ikrq kro, vMf Cko, srbq dw Blw kro[ AsIN aunW dy AsQwn dy drSn dIdwry krn jw rhy hW Aqy Swied kul mwilk ny Awpxy jIv ijs ƒ ies aumry loV hY A`KW dI roSnI vwips imlx dI[ ausƒ loV hY koeI ausdI buFwpy dI sotI PV sky, aus kul mwilk ny dws ƒ ieSwrw kIqw, ik rCpwl isMG loVvMd ienswn dI syvw vI kul mwilk dI syvw dy brwbr hY Aqy ikauNik hr ienswn Aqy ies isRStI dy kx kx ivc aus vwihgurU dw vws hY[ AsIN hr swl bwhrly mulkW qoN Aw ky ieMifAw ivc GuMm iPr ky jW in`jI kMm krky cly jWdy hW, ikauN nw ijQy ku`l mwilk dy loVvMd ienswnW ƒ bwbw jI vrgy ijnHW ƒ swfw smwj v`fI aumr iv`c hr pwisE nkwr idMdw hY Aqy bjurg TokrW Kwx qy mzbUr ho jwdy hn[ jdoN ik ijMdgI dy AKIrly dhwikAW ivc loV huMdI qMdrusq ishq, sMBwl Aqy ipAwr dI, auQy aunW ƒ Gr ivcoN vwDU mihmwn vWgMU smJ ky nzr AMdwz kr id`qw jWdw hY[ myrI aus swrI qIrQ Xwqrw vyly, vwr vwr mn ivc iKAwl AwauNdw irhw, hy vwihgurU Awpxy h`Q iv`c fMfw PVI Awpxy jIvn dy cOQy pVwA iv`c phuMc cuky XwnI qkrIbn 80 ku swl dy iek`ly bzurg ny keI vwr koiSS kIqI ik auh sVk pwr kr lvy[ pr koeI vI ausƒ pwr nhIN lMGw irhw sI[ AsIN bs ivc bYTy ieMqjwr kr rhy sI pwiksqwn ivKy sRI krqwrpur swihb sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy AsQwn dy drSn leI jwx leI[ ieh sIn sI ieMfIAw bwrfr dw keI swl pihlW dw[ myry mn iv`c AwieAw ik mYN bzurg ƒ sVk pwr krvwvW[ mYN J`t auqirAw Aqy bVy ipAwr nwl ausƒ sVk pwr krvweI[ mYN aus bwbw jI ƒ pu`iCAw kI Awp jI ƒ G`t idKweI idMdw hY[ ausny ikhw, hW mYN bwrfr dy ies ipMf dw vsnIk hW, ies aumry, ikhVw koeI iksy dw iDAwn r`Kdw hY[ Tyfy KWdw iPrdw hW[ mYƒ donW A`KW ivc moiqAw ibMd hY, muMfy vI hn koeI ielwj hI nhIN krvwauNdw[ mYN bwbw jI ƒ sVk qW pwr krvw id`qI lyikn myry mn ƒ s`t l`gI[ swfy gurU swihbwnW punrjoq guldsqw 20 dsMbr 2014 b`cy qy ikrpw kr mYN qyrI bxweI hoeI kwienwq dy kuJ kMm Aw skw[ mYN vwips jw ky Awpxy pirvwr, irsqydwrW Aqy s`jxW im`qrW nwl muPq A`KW dy kYNp pMjwb dy ipMfW ivc lgwaux bwry ie`Cw jwihr kIqI[ s`B qoN pihlW, 2003 ivc AsIN Awpxy j`dI ibAws ipMf ijlw jlMDr ivKy kYNp lgwieAw[ ku`l mwilk dI ikrpw nwl kYNp bhuq hI vDIAw l`igAw Aqy ies qrHW swfI syvw dI kVI dI surUAwq hoeI Aqy A`j AsIN mwx nwl ies g`l dI sWJ krdy hW ik qkrIbn hr swl smu`cy pMjwb iv`c 35 q`k muPq A`KW dy AwprySn kYNp Alg-Alg dUr durwfy ielwikAW ivc lgwey jWdy hn[ ieh ivcwr sn rCpwl isMG FINfsw, jo AmrIkw dy p`ky vsnIk hn AwpxI mu`FlI skUlI pVweI ibAws ipMf dy srkwrI skUl qoN krn qoN bwAd iv`c AmrIkw cly gey[ s^q imhnq, lgn, nwl lMmy smyN dy sMGrS qoN bwAd ku`l mwilk ny eynI ku Apwr ikrpw kIqI hY ik rCpwl isMG dy mn iv`c srbq dy Bly ƒ muK rKdy hoey ieMifAw Aw ky AwpxI DrqI mW (pMjwb), AwpxI im`tI dy moh dw eynHW ipAwr hY ik auh hr swl idn igx ky swl purw krdy hn ik ieh kdoN idn pury hoxgy[ mYN pMjwb jw ky ipMfW SihrW ivc vsdy bzurgW dI syvw A`KW dy muPq AwpRySn kYNp lgw ky aunW dI guAwcI hoeI rOSnI dubwrw dyx iv`c ie`k inmwxw ijhw dws dI koeI ifautI inBw sky[ AsIN XunweIitf is`K imSn nW dI ie`k svY syvI smwijk jQybMdI bxweI[ ijs ivc swfy pirvwr, nzdIkI irsqydwr Aqy s`jxW im`qrW dw Aihm rol hY jo ies kwrj ivc sMpUrn Xogdwn idMdy hn[ syvw dIAW ivcwrW sWJIAW krdy hoey aunHW dy cyhry qoN kiSS, rOxk Aqy inSkwm mnu`KI syvw inBwaux dI lwlsw dI iK`c AwswnI nwl pVI jw skdI sI[ punrjoq guldsqw vIr rCpwl isMG ƒ iml ky, syvw krdy hoey Aqy Awpxy tIm mYbrW ƒ syvw leI auqSwihq krdy hoey vyK ky aunHW dy ichry qoN kwPI kuJ ibnW boly hI suixAw Aqy piVAw jw skdw hY[ A`KW dy muPq kYNpW qoN ielwvw, AwriQk p`Ko kmjor GrW dIAW DIAW dy ivAwhW dy SuB kwrj leI jykr koeI sMprk krdw hY qW rCpwl mihsUs krdw hY Aqy aus ivc vI Xogdwn pwaux dw, qW jo iksy loVvMd dw Gr v`s sky, qW mYN KuS nsIb hovWgw[ rCpwl isMG ƒ syvw dy kwrj SurU krn ivc keI AiVky pey, keI vwr nwl dy s`jxW im`qrW ny mnHw vI kIqw qUM ieh ikhVy kMm ivc ipAw hoieAw ieh duinAW iksy dI nhIN bxdI[ lyikn mYN iblkul nhIN foilHAw sgoN gurU nwnk pwqSwh dI is`iKAw qy cldy hoey srb`q dy Bly dy isDWq qy ijnI syvw dy smrQ hY ku`l mwilk dw Et Awsrw lY ky krn dI koiSS krdy hW bl auhI bKSdw hY kwmXwbI auhI idMdw hY[ BweI swihb dI soc, jzbw, lgn, inmrqw Aqy inSkwm mnu`KI syvw pRqI bcnb`Dqw vyK swƒ vI sbk lYxw cwhIdw hY ik AsIN vI iksy loVvMd dy kMm Aw ky Awpxw jIvn sPl krn dI koiSS krIey[ Awpxw Awpw svwrnw, pyt pwlxw, sMqwn dI dyK Bwl qW jwnvr swfy nwloN vDIAw kr lYNdy hn lyikn dUijAW dy inrsvwrQ kMm Awauxw isrP ienswn hI kr skdw hY swƒ loV hY s. rCpwl isMG FINfsw vrgIAW sKSIAqW qoN is`Kx dI[ swfw Prj bxdw hY AsIN AYn Awr AweI vIrW Aqy pirvwrW dw bxdw mwx siqkwr Aqy ipAwr krdy hoey aunW dI soc qy Pul cqHwky Aqy aunW dy inSkwm mnu`KI imSn ƒ isry cVHw ky ku`l mwilk dIAW KuSIAW pRwpq krIey[ fw. rmyS, AYm.fI. (styt AvwrfI) 21 dsMbr 2014 Mission-1000 6. hux q`k ikMny lokW ƒ AsIN A`KW dy cu`ky hW? punrjoq bRWc PgvwVw vloN A`KW dwn krn dy 1000 pRx p`qr Brn dw swl 2014 iv`c tIcw 7. kI A`KW lYx vyly koeI Krcw hovygw[ r`iKAw igAw sI[ ieh swfy leI ie`k bhuq v`fw 8. iks aumr dIAW A`KW iks ƒ pY skdIAW hn? SurUAwq cYlMj sI[ punrjoq bRWc PgvwVw dy 9. kI koeI G`t ingwh vwlw A`KW dwn kr izAwdwqr mYNbr nOjvwn, muitAwrW Aqy b`cy hn[ skdw hY? auhnW swirAW ny bhuq hI imhnq krdy hoey keI 10. kI A`KW lYx qoN bwAd koeI jKm jW KUn nwl kiTnweIAW dw swhmxw krdy hoey ieh imSn pUrw ichrw Krwb qW nhIN hovygw? kIqw[ ies imSn ƒ pUrw krn leI punrjoq tIm ny kul 40 sYmInwr kIqy[ ieh sYmInwr gurdvwrw swihb, mMidrW, Dwrimk fyirAW, kb`fI mYcW iv`c dy id`qIAW geIAW qW Agly jnm ivc ikvyN dOrwn, skUlW ivc pyrYNt mIitMg dOrwn, myilAW, vyKWgy? mYfIkl kYNpW, A`KW dy kYNpW, KUndwn kYNpW, Xogw kYNp, 26 jnvrI, 15 Agsq, dIvwlI Aqy rYlIAW pr lokW dIAW BwvnwvW Aqy Dwrimk ivcwrW ƒ muK r`Kdy hoey swfI tIm ny auhnW ƒ bhuq dOrwn kIqy gey[ jdoN swry lok iehnW iqauhwrW hI skwrwqmk qrIky nwl smJwauNdy hoey jwgrUk qy Aqy Cu`tI vwly idn isnmW vgYrw dyKx jWdy kIqw[ bhuqy lokW ƒ ies bwry kuJ vI pqw nhIN hn Aqy Awpxy b`icAw nwl AnMd mwxdy hn qW Aqy kuJ lokW ƒ QoVI bhuq jwxkwrI sI[ punrjoq dI tIm dy b`cy Aqy nOjvwn Awpxw ieh bhuqw smW lokW ƒ A`KW dwn pRqI jwgrUk krn AsIN kuJ Aijhy hyT ilKy vwikAW ƒ pwTkW nwl sWJw krnw cwhuMdy hW ijQy swfI tIm ƒ ivc juty rihMdy hn[ ies kwrj ƒ pUrw krn leI bhuq hI mwx mihsUs hoieAw ik jo syvw mwilk bhuq muSklW vI AweIAW ijvyN lokW dw Bwrq ivc ny auhnW dy zuMmy lweI hoeI hY ausdw ikMnw mh`qv AMD ivSvws ivc ruJwn hox kwrn Aqy swfIAW hY Aqy ies jwgrUkqw Aqy pRx p`qr Brn dI sMsQwvW Aqy lokW qy Brosw nw hox kwrn bhuq ikMnI smwj ƒ loV hY[ ie`k Dwrimk pRogrwm pRSn pu`Cy gey ijvyN:- dOrwn jdoN ieh sUcnw id`qI geI ky jy iksy ny 1. kI qusIN mrn qoN bwAd leIAW A`KW vycogy A`KW dwn krn dy pRx p`qr Brny hn qW auh qW nhIN? A`j ipCy l`gy fYsk qy Br skdw hY[ iek AwdmI 2. qusIN ieh ikauN kr rhy ho? quhwfw ies ivc qurMq AwieAw qy Awpxw Pwrm Brn dI bynqI kI &wiedw hY? kIqI[ aus ny d`isAW ik auh ip`Cly 6 swl 3. swfIAW A`Kw leI iksƒ cuixAw jwvygw? qoN koiSS kr irhw sI ik A`KW dwn dw &wrm 4. A`KW ikMnW icr bwAd leIAW jwxgIAW[ BrW pr ausƒ keI srkwrI Aqy ZYr srkwrI 5. hux q`k punrjoq kol ikMnIAW A`KW AweIAw AdwirAW qy c`kr mwrn qoN bwAd vI &wrm nhIN hn[ punrjoq guldsqw Aijhy bhuq swry pRSn ijvyN: jykr A`KW dwn sI imilAw[ jdoN AsIN ausdw &wrm BirAw qW 22 dsMbr 2014 swrI tIm ny P^r mihsUs kIqw ik AsIN aus jwx qoN bwAd swfy irSqydwr swfIAW A`KW dwn idn 5000 &wrm Aqy ID Card Cpvwey[ iek krvw dyx qW ieh lok dyK skdy hn[ Bwrq ivc punrjoq bRWc PgvwVw dw sQweI dPqr London A`KW dwn krn dI dr bhuq G`t hY[ 15,000- Salon isvl hspqwl rof, cwhl ngr PgvwVw 20,000 dy krIb hI A`KW mrn auprMq dwn iv`c KoilHAw[ auQy A`KW dwn dI swrI jwxkwrI dw kIqIAW jWdIAW hn zrUrq nwloN ikDry G`t[ swihq Aqy jwxkwrI dw pRbMD kIqw[ hux punrjoq sRIlMkw Cotw ijhw dyS hY pr 2 l`K A`K bwhrly bRWc PgvwVw dy ierd igrd bMgw, nvWSihr, mulkW ƒ dwn kr cu`kw hY[ AwE AsIN vI Bwrq jlMDr, gurwieAw, jMifAwlw, nkodr, i&lOr, dy 125 kroV lokW ivc auprwlw krIey qW jo nw kyvl Bwrq iv`c AMDkwr imtweIey sgoN bwhrly dysW dy lokW dI syvw vI krIey[ huiSAwrpur, krqwrpur, kpUrQlw, mwihlpur q`k AKbwrW rwhIN, mIfIAw rwhIN, postrW rwhIN ASok mihrw Aqy sYmInwrW dy zrIey lokW ƒ jwgrUk kr rhI Co-ordinator of Punarjot Branch Phagwara C/o London Salon 11, Civil Hospital Road, Chahal Nagar, Phagwara. Mobile : 97817-05750 hY[ A`j vI qIh l`K dy krIb lok Bwrq ivc kOrnIAW (puqlIAW) dI bImwrI kwrn idRStIhIx hn[ jykr AsIN Awpxw pRx p`qr BrIey Aqy swfy punrjoq guldsqw 23 dsMbr 2014 punrjoq muihMm dy swfy siqkwr Xog A`K dwnI ijnWH mjbUr idRStIhIx ienswnW nUM muV rOSnI id`qI EYE DONATION IN OCT. – NOV. 2014 SR. NO NAME & ADDRESS AGE/SEX DATE 1 KARNAIL SINGH S/O DALER SINGH, ST. NO 3 RAHON ROAD, AMARJEET COLONY, LUDHIANA 55/M 06/10/2014 2 BIMLA DEVI W/O RAJ KUMAR, W. NO – 16, BUDHLADA, DIST. MANSA 55/F 12/10/2014 3 SHANTI DEVI LADIA W/O JAGDISH PARSAD LADIA, H.NO- 76/G, BRS NAGAR, LUDHIANA 85/F 14/10/2014 4 JASWANT SINGH S/O KARTAR SINGH, 3278, GURDEV NAGAR, LUDHIANA 78/M 16/10/2014 5 BANNI LAL JI S/O GOPI CHAND, 5771, ST NO-10, NEW SHVAJI NAGAR, LUDHIANA 77/M 16/10/2014 6 BUDH RAM GUPTA S/O LAXMI CHAND, 797/39-A, OLD MADHO PURI, LUDHIANA 85/M 17/10/2014 7 GIAN CHAND GUPTA S/O SURAJ BHAN , H. NO-12, SECTOR-22/A, CHANDER LOK, MANDI GOBINDGARH, DIST FATHEGARH SAHIB 72/M 18/10/2014 8 SURINDER KAUR W/O BIKAR SINGH, VILL SARDOOLGARH, MANSA 50/F 20/10/2014 9 GURCHARAN SINGH S/O PURAN SINGH, 2059, ST NO-33, JANTA NAGAR, LUDHIANA 70/M 22/10/2014 10 SANTOSH RANI W/O JANAK RAJ SACHDEVA, 1916/116, 2 ½ MORLA COLONY, ST NO – 4, NEAR SDP COLLAGE, SHIVPURA, LUDHIANA 70/F 26/10/2014 11 GURMUKH SINGH S/O MANSA SINGH, VILL BHANOHAR, DIST LUDHIANA 55/M 26/10/2014 12 SH. AMAR NATH S/O HARNAM DASS, H. NO-519, GULCHAMAN STREET, LUDHIANA 69/M 26/10/2014 13 VINOD KUMAR S/O LALA NATHU RAM, H.NO-142, W.NO-7, PATHASHALLA ROAD, DHURI, SANGRUR 56/M 27/10/2014 14 ROSHAN LAL S/O BHAJAN DASS, 424/6, HOUSE FED COOMPLEX, SBS NAGAR, E- BLOCK, PAKHOWAL ROAD, LUDHIANA 72/M 28/10/2014 15 ANANT RAM S/O RAM CHAND, 3132, NEW TAGORE NAGAR, HAIBOWAL KALAN, LUDHIANA 87/M 29/10/2014 16 DHANTI DEVI W/O SOHAN SINGH, R-DERA BEAS, AMRITSAR 78/M 31/10/2014 17 KRISHAN LAL S/O DEVI DITTA MAL, H.NO B-1 ,679, PREM NAGAR, CIVIL LINES, LUDHIANA 83/M 5/11/2014 18 NANT RAM YADAV S/O SHER SINGH, DERA BEAS, AMRITSAR 88/M 11/11/2014 19 GURMEET KAUR W/O GURJEET SINGH, 229-A, SHASHTARI NAGAR, NAMDEV COLONY, NEAR GTB, HOSPITAL, LUDHIANA 56/M 11/11/2014 punrjoq guldsqw 24 dsMbr 2014 20 KULDEEP SINGH S/O DAYAL SINGH, GALI JAMMU WALI, NIMIK MANDI, AMRITSAR 70/M 11/11/2014 21 KRISHAN LAL S/O HANS RAJ, H.NO-4784/1,ST NO – 1, SUNDER NAGAR, LUDHIANA 80/M 11/11/2014 22 SWARNA RANI W/O HAZARI LAL DUGAL, KANIYAN MOHALLA, NAWAN SHAHER, SBS NAGAR 75/F 11/11/2014 23 AMRO DEVI W/O CHOTTE LAL, NEAR DHILWAN FATAK, TAPPA MANDI, DISTT BARNALA 65/F 13/11/2014 24 SHANTI DEVI W/O MUNSHI RAM, B-138, DERA BABA JAIMAL SINGH BEAS, AMRITSAR 82/F 13/11/2014 25 HARBANS LAL S/O MUNSHI LAL, R-258, BAL SARAI KHURD, DISTT. AMRITSAR 71/M 15/11/2014 26 ASHOK KUMAR SONI S/O RAJ KUMAR SONI, H. NO-12, DEFENCE COLONY, BRS NAGAR, LUDHIANA 63/M 16/11/2014 27 PUSHPA W/O MANGAT RAI SINGH, VILL LASARA, P.O. NIZAMPUR, PAYAL, LUDHIANA 62/F 18/11/2014 28 DEVKI DEVI W/O MOHAR CHAND, ST. NO-5, TAPPA MANDI, DIST- BARNALA 62/F 18/11/201 29 SHADI RAM S/O KRISHAN LAL, SHOP NO- 61-62, PATIALA MANDI, RAMPURA PHUL DIST- BATHINDA 55/M 20/11/2014 30 MANOHAR SINGH S/O KESAR SINGH, 160/2, HARGOBIMDPURA, JAGRAON, DIST LUDHIANA 86/M 20/11/2014 31 MADAN LAL S/O SH DEV RAJ , VPO MAKSUDRA, PYAL, Ludhiana 45/M 20/11/2014 32 RAM CHANDER S/O SH. JEEVAN DASS, H.NO – 132, BAJWA NAGAR, NEAR RAVIDASS GURUDWARA SAHIB, LUDHIANA 65/M 20/11/2014 33 SHIMLA DEVI W/O JAGDISH RAI, SUKHA NAND BASTI, TAPPA MANDI, DIST BARNALA 60/F 22/11/2014 34 JARNAIL KAUR W/O BALWINDER SINGH, NEAR SHADI RAM STREETS, RAMPURAPHUL, DIST . BATHINDA 56/F 23/11/2014 35 MANMOHAN KAPOOR S/O HARBANS LAL , 42/A, JOSH COLONY, MALL ROAD, AMRITSAR 69//M 23/11/2014 36 NAND SINGH S/O GAJAN SINGH , VILL LEHRA DHURKOT, TEHSIL RAMPURAPHUL, DIST. BATHINDA 58/M 24/11/2014 37 JAI LAL S/O SOHAN LAL, GANDHI NAGAR, ST. NO RAMPURAPHUL, DIST. BATHINDA - 5, 65/M 25/11/2014 38 DES RAJ S/O BHAGU RAM, AGGARWAL STREET, LEHRA BAZZAR, RAMPURAPHUL, DIST. BATHINDA 66/M 27/11/2014 39 SANJEEV KUMAR S/O JANAK RAJ, 35 MIG FLAT, AMRITSAR. 44/M 27/11/2014 40 BHAGAT RAM S/O GIAN CHAND, 1/5 AKHARA KALU, GATE BHAGTANWALA, AMRITSAR 60/M 29/11/2014 41 TEJ KAUR W/O HARNAM MOHALLA,LUDHIANA 80/F 29/11/2014 SINGH, B-II/706, CHHAUNI Free Work Done Report By Punarjot Eye Bank Year Free Surgery (IOL & Simple) Free Corneal Transplant Surgery Cornea Procurement 2003 to 2014 18889 4493 5683 punrjoq guldsqw 25 dsMbr 2014 Let Come forward from Darkness to Light Eye Donation Information There is no upper age limit. People who wear spectacles, who have undergone cataract surgery, diabetics and those who have hypertension can donate their eyes. People blind from retinal or optic nerve disease can also donate their eyes. The ultimate decision about usage for transplantation will be made after evaluation. There are currently an estimated 15 million blind people in India. 6.8 million of these suffer from corneal blindness with vision less than 6/60 in at least one eye, and of these, about 1 million have bilateral corneal blindness. If the present trend continues, it is expected that the number of corneally blind individuals in India will increase to 8.4 million in 2010 and 10.6 million by 2020. Of these at least 3 million can be benefited by corneal transplantation. Thus, to effectively meet the ever growing demand, we need around 150,000 corneal transplants to be performed every year. Can the next-of-kin consent to a donation if the deceased family member hasn’t signed a pledge form? Yes. How can I be of help on the death of a close relative or friend? EYE DONATIONS - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What is Cornea? Motivate the next of kin of the deceased person to donate their eyes. Eyes need to be collected within 6 hours of death so call your nearest eye bank at the earliest. You are authorized to donate the eyes of your beloved relatives at the time of their death, even if a pledge for donation has not been made earlier by the deceased. The cornea is the clear, transparent layer in front of the “black portion” of the eye. It is also the main focusing surface, which converges light rays as they enter the eye to focus on the retina. It is, therefore, the most important part of the optical apparatus of the eye. Loss of transparency directly results in loss of vision. What should I do till the Eye Donation team arrives? Keep the eyes of the deceased closed and cover it with moist cotton. Switch off the overhead fan. Raise the head end of the body by about 6 inches, if possible - to decrease the incidence of bleeding during the removal of the eyes. If possible, instill antibiotic eye drops periodically What is Corneal Transplantation? A Corneal transplant is a surgery through which the opaque cornea is replaced with a clear cornea obtained from a human donor eye. Before Surgery After Surgery How does a cornea become opaque? Infection Injuries Malnutrition Congenital/Hereditary Who cannot be a donor? Death from unknown cause. Death due to infectious caused viz. Rabies, syphilis, infectious hepatitis, septicemia, and AIDS. Any frank ocular infection, previous refractive surgery. Who can be an eye donor? Practically anybody from the age of 1 year. punrjoq guldsqw 26 dsMbr 2014 Can the whole eye be transplanted? us=nku egknku No. Only the cornea and sclera can be transplanted. However, the entire eyeball is enucleated, to enable the corneo-scleral disc to be fashioned surgically in a sterile environment. ftudh nqfu;k vU/ksjh gS] ge [kqf'k;ksa ls Hkj nsa us= nku rks egknku gS] ge egknku dj nsaA Can a living person donate his/her eyes? rkjs dSls fVe fVe djrs pk¡n ls dSls feyrs gSa] frryh dSlh fn[krh gS] Qwy d¡gk ls f[kyrs gSa uUgsa cPps ftí djrs gSa ek¡ gedks crykvks uk] lwjt dSlk gksrk gS vkSj ckny dSls mMrs gSaA No Can the recipients be told who donated the eyes? No. The gift of sight is made anonymously. Hkksys cPpksa ds iz'uksa dk ge funku dj nsaA us= nku rks egknku gS] ge egknku dj nsaA Any specials phone no. for eye bank and eye donation? ekSdk feyk vxj bu dks viuk gquj fn[kk ik;saxs] i<+ fy[k dj ;s lc Hkh tx dks jkg erk ik;saxs] dqnjr us rks lcdks gh thus dk vf/kdkj fn;k gS] vxj u;u esa T;ksrh gksxh] vkleku ij Nk tk;sx a As Yes, a dedicated special phone 09780015715, 9814331433 Do you know... There are approximately 1.2 crore blind people in India. Of these around 20 lakh corneally blind are in need of corneal transplantation. As against an annual requirement of 75,000 to 1,00,000 corneas, only 37,103 corneas are donated in India at present. tks oafpr gS vf/kdkjksa ls ge lEeku dj nsa] usr~j nku rks egknku gS ge egknku dj nsaA eklweks ij tqYe gqvk dksbZ U;k; fnyk ugha ik;k] dqnjr us tks vk¡[k cuk;h ekuo cuk ugha ik;k] thou ds vU/ksjksa esa ge lc nhi tyk ldrs gSa] foKku Hkh vc rd dksbZ i;kZ; lq>k ugha ik;kA Our appeal Take a pledge to donate your eyes Motivate and educate others about eye donation. In case any death incidents; motivate the next of kin of the deceased person to donate their eyes. Call eye bank. For emergencies, more details and making your eye donation pledge, please contact: vkvks ge dksf'k'k djds jkg vklku dj nsa us= nku rks egknku gS] lc egknku dj nsaA u;uks dh nqfu;k dks Hkh ,d fnu rks feV tkuk gS] tks vk;k gS bl nqfu;k esa ,d fnu fuf'pr tkuk gS] bu u;uksa dh T;ksfr ls dksbZ nqfu;k ds ns[k ldsxk] ekVh dk iqryk gS ekuo ekVh esa fey tkuk gSa Dr Ramesh Medical Director Punarjot Eye Bank Society H/o Dr Ramesh Super Speciality Eye and Lasik Centre 65A Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana. For more Information and our Magazines please visit our official web site/facebook pages. https://www.facebook.com/ramesh077ludhiana?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/RameshPunarjot?fref=ts our web site www.rameshvision.com punrjoq guldsqw ekuo gSa ge ekuork dk dksbZ dke dj nsa us= nku rks egknku gS] lc egknku dj nsaA latho tSu Qslcqd ek/;e ls ekuork ds dY;k.k gsrq latho tSu th dk migkj 27 dsMbr 2014 Spectacle Corner - Part-2 Factors to Choosing Eyeglass Frames You don’t need to be a fashion expert to find eyeglass frames that look great on you. Use the following four tips to find the frames that work best for your style. Face Shape Diamond Face: Is your face round, oval, square, diamond or heart-shaped? The shape of your facewill help you determine which frames enhance your look. Play up a narrow forehead and chin with eyeglass frames what sweep up or are wider than the cheekbones, such as cat eye glasses and oval frames. These frames will accentuate your cheekbones and delicate features. Round Face: Eyeglass frames that are square or rectangular tend to be wider than a round face. This quality can enhance your face by making it appear slimmer and longer, adding balance to your round features. Frames to Avoid: Boxy and narrow frames will accentuate the width of your cheeks, drawing attention to your narrow features rather than enhancing them. Frames to Avoid: Rimless frames, round frames and small frames will accentuate the roundness, making your round face look even rounder. Heart-Shaped Face: Frames that balance the width of the forehead with the narrowness of the chin are ideal. Eyeglasses with low-set temples and bottom heavy frame lines will add width to that narrower part of your face. Round eyeglasses or square eyeglasses with curved edges will help draw attention away from a broad, high forehead. Oval Face: Frames that suit an oval face have a strong bridge, are wider than the broadest part of the face and are geometric in shape. Frames to Avoid: Eyeglasses that are overlarge and cover up more than half of your face will throw off the natural balance and symmetry of the oval face. Frames to Avoid: Steer clear of any style or color of frames that draws attention to the forehead. This includes frames with decorative temples or embellished tops. The key to finding the right frames is to remember that opposites attract. Select eyeglasses that contrast from your facial contours and bring symmetry and balance to your prominent features. Square Face: Eyeglasses that soften the angularity and sit high on the bridge of the nose look best on square faces. Oval or round eyeglasses will balance and add a thinner appearance to the angles of a square face. Frames to Avoid: Angular and boxy eyeglass frames will sharpen and draw attention to your angular features, making a square face appear bulky. punrjoq guldsqw Consider Colors That Match Your Skin Tone Just as the shape of your face helps determine which frames look best, so does 28 dsMbr 2014 your skin tone. More important than hair color and more decisive than eye color, skin tone sets the tone for high fashion frames. Select a shade closest to your skin tone: life! Think about the activities you will do while wearing your eyeglasses. Need gaming glasses? Gamers can choose from a wide selection of stylish frames that enhance the gaming experience. When impressing the big wigs at the office, you can accessorize your business savvy with sensible style. Warm Skin Tone If you have a yellow, bronze or golden cast to your skin, you have a warm complexion. Stay away from contrasting colors such as pastels. White and black frames are not flattering either. Instead, the best frame colors for you are light tortoise, browns shades, gold or honey, beige, and olive green. Fit Frames to Your Personality? The frames you wear can say a lot about your personality. You can have a pair of glasses that showcase your fun loving side on the weekends and a pair that emphasizes your get down to business tone during the week. Adorn your face with your favorite color (as long as it doesn’t clash with your skin tone) or detailed embellishments and flare. Choose either one style of frames to express your personality or have a small collection of frames on hand to easily alter your appearance to suit your mood. Cool Skin Tone If your skin has pink or blue undertones, you have a cool complexion. Avoid colors that wash you out and instead reach for frames that are silver, black, dark tortoise, pink, purple, blue, mauve and gray. What’s Your Lifestyle? There are eyeglass frames for every way of Dr. Ramesh Superspecialty Eye & Lasik Centre 65 - A, B.R.S. Nagar, Ferozpur Road, Ludhiana. Ph.: 0161-2464999, 9780015715, 9814331433 Email ID : rameshpunarjot@yahoo.com, www.punarjot.com, www.rameshvision.com punrjoq guldsqw 29 dsMbr 2014 LASIK - Freedom from glasses. • You must have healthy eyes — no glaucoma, infection, cataracts, severe dry eye or any other condition that would affect postoperative healing. • You must be an adult: age 18 or older (with some exceptions). • Your vision must be stable for at least a year before surgery. • If you’re pregnant or nursing, your hormonal levels can affect the shape of your eye. You’ll need to wait until your hormones are back to normal levels. • You cannot have a degenerative or autoimmune disease, since this would affect healing. • Can I go back to work right away? Most people who have LASIK return to work within few days. • Are there any side effects? Some people experience dry eye after LASIK, which usually is relieved with eye drops and disappears over time. Others may experience starbursts or halos around lights, especially at night. Usually this effect lessens or disappears over time, too. The absolute best source of information about LASIK is your LASIK surgeon, and most provide free consultations. All you have to do is make an appointment. • What is laser vision correction? It is a surgical procedure that uses a cool (non-thermal) beam of light to gently reshape the cornea — the surface of the eye — to improve vision. The laser removes microscopic bits of tissue to flatten the cornea (to correct nearsightedness), steepen the cornea (to correct farsightedness) and/or smooth out corneal irregularities (to correct astigmatism). The goal of laser eye surgery is to change the shape the cornea so it does a better job of focusing images onto the retina for sharper vision. LASIK and PRK are two types of laser vision correction. • Are LASIK safe? The FDA recognizes LASIK as proven, safe and effective. Laser vision correction uses a cool (nonthermal) beam of light that is computer controlled. The surgeon turns the laser on and is able to turn it off at any moment. Many safeguards are in place to reduce the risk of error. However, risks are associated with any surgical procedure. Although no one knows the exact number of complications, studies suggest that the incidence of minor difficulties such as dry eyes and night time glare is around 3 percent to 5 percent, while the risk of serious incidents such as lost vision is thought to be less than 1 percent. There are no known cases of blindness from LASIK or PRK. Again, outcomes generally are very good. • Does laser vision correction hurt? You won’t feel pain during LASIK, because lasik surgeon will place anesthetic eye drops in your eye first. Afterward, doctor prescribe pain medication if necessary. Many LASIK patients report no more than mild discomfort for a day or so after surgery. • How long does LASIK take? The laser treatment itself usually takes less than a minute, while the entire procedure takes approximately 15 minutes per eye. • How do I know if I’m eligible for laser vision correction? Your lasik surgeon can help you decide, but here are some general guidelines: punrjoq guldsqw Dr Ramesh MD Lasik surgeon Dr Ramesh superspeciality eye and Lasik centre 65 A Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana M- 9814331433 WEB Site- www.rameshvision.com 30 dsMbr 2014 srdIAW dy mOsm iv`c ishq sMBwl fw. PkIr cMd Suklw auNj qW swfy dyS ivc keI qrHW dy mOsmW nwl swfw vwh-vwsqw pYNdw hY pr isrP srdIAW dw mOsm hI ie`ko ie`k Aijhw mOsm hY ijs ivc AsIN AwpxI ishq ivc suDwr ilAw skdy hW[ ies mOsm ivc swƒ qrHW-qrHW dIAw sbzIAW, Kws skrky hry p`qy vwlIAW, Aqy Pl coKI mwqrw ivc iml jWdy hn ijnHW dI vrqoN nwl srIr leI loVINdy pOSitk q`q ijvyN ik pRotIn, kwrboj, kYlSIAm, PwsPors Aqy lohy vrgy Kixj pdwrQW qoN ielwvw ivtwmn ey, ivtwmn sI Aqy bI-vrg dy ivtwmn pRwpq ho jWdy hn[ ies mOsm ivc ienHW pdwrQW dI Brmwr hox krky kImq vI izAwdw nhIN huMdI[ pr nwlo nwl ivigAwnI ieh cyqwvnI vI idMdy hn ik ies mOsm ivc jy AsIN shI qrIky nwl nhIN KWdy jW byihswbI Aqy byloVw KWdy hW qW ieh mOsm ishq ƒ nukswn vI phuMcw skdw hY Aqy keI qrHW dy rog swfy srIr ƒ icMbV jwxgy[ hux mYN ies bwry jrw ivsQwr iv`c g`l krdw hW[ srHoN dw swg srdIAW dy TMFy mOsm ivc m`kI dI rotI Aqy srHoN dy swg dw iDAwn AwauNidAW swr hI mUMh ivc pwxI Aw jWdw hY[ swfy pMjwbIAW dw hrmn ipAwrI ifS srHoN dw swg Aqy m`kI dI rotI Gr-Gr dIAW rsoeIAW ivc Awpxw AiDkwr jmw lYNdI hY[ srHoN dy swg dI vrqoN nwl SrIr ƒ coKI mwqrw ivc ivtwmn ey (bItw kYrotIn), Kixj pdwrQ lohw Aqy kYlSIAm iml jWdy hn[ srHoN dy swg dy 100 gRwm p`iqAW qoN swƒ 4 gRwm pRotIn, 155 imlIgRwm kYlSIAm, 16.3 imlIgRwm lohw, 34 imlIgRwm PwsPors Aqy 2622 mweIkrogRwm bItw kYrotIn pRwpq ho jWdy hn[ ienHW qoN ielwvw swg dI vrqoN nwl srIr rySw XwnI PweIbr vI imldw hY[ rySw pyt ƒ sw& r`Kx ivc m`dd krdw hY Aqy bMdy kbz nhIN hox idMdw[ pr swfy ’coN bhuq hI G`t pirvwr ieho jhy hoxgy ijhVy sroHN dy swg dI suc`jI vrqoN krdy hoxgy[ swƒ pMjwbIAW ƒ iek bVI BYVI Awdq hY iGE Aqy m`Kx dI db`l ky vrqoN krn dI[ swg ivc kVCIAW Br-Br ky dysI iGE dy quVky lWdy punrjoq guldsqw rihMdy hn jW m`Kx pweI jwxgy[ mYN iek g`l spSt kr dyvW ik qMdrusq rihx leI swƒ hr roz 5-6 c`mc qoN v`D iGE iesqymwl nhIN krnw cwhIdw[ BwvyN AsIN dysI iGE iesqymwl krIey jW irPwieMf qyl jW koeI hor qyl[ srIr leI ies qoN v`D mwqrw ivc qyl jW iGE dI vrqoN hwnIkwrk huMdI hY[ iek qW srdIAW ivc idn Coty hox krky Aqy TMF hox krky srIrk qorw-Pyrw Aqy vrijS auNj hI Gt jWdI hY ...qy Pyr ies qrHW AYnI izAwdw iGE dI vrqoN Aqy suAwd-suAwd ivc byloVw Kwxw SrIr ƒ keI ibmwrIAW nwl glvkVI pwaux leI mzbUr kr idMdw hY[ srIrk Bwr vD jwxW qW Awm jhI g`l hY ...qy AsIN swry jwxdy vI hW ik motwpy ƒ sO ibmwrIAW dI jV ikhw jWdw hY[ swfI iek hor BYVI Awdq hY ik AsIN ie`ko vwrI Qok dy ihswb nwl swg irMn lYNdy hW qy Pyr keI keI idn vwr-vwr quVky lw ky KWdy rihMdy hW[ ies qrHW vwr-vwr grm krn Aqy quVky lwx nwl swg dy pOSitk q`qW ƒ qW nukswn phuMcdw hI hY, nwl dI nwl iGE Aqy mswilAW dI vrqoN nwl hwzmW vI ivgV jWdw hY[ srIr dy Bwr ivc vwDw qW zrUr hovygw hI[ ies leI iek vwrI ivc AYnw hI swg bxwauxw cwhIdw ijMnw ik iek do fMg Kwx nwl hI Kqm ho jwvy[ gwjrW Aqy gjrylw gwjrW ivwimn ey dw BMfwr hn[ rMgdwr sbzIAW Aqy &lW ivc bItw kYrotIn huMdI hY ijhVI srIr ivc jw ky ivtwimn ey ivc bdl jWdI hY[ swƒ hr roz 750 mweIkrogRwm ivtwmn ey jW 3000 mweIkrogRwm bItw kYrotIn dI loV huMdI hY[ ivtwmn ey nzr leI bhuq zrUrI hY Aqy srIr ƒ rogW qoN bcwauNdw hY[ ivtwmn ey dI Gwt nwl nzr kmzor ho jWdI hY Aqy izAwdw Gwt hox krky bMdw AMnHw vI ho jWdw hY[ 100 gRwm gwjrW qoN 1890 mweIkrogRwm bItw kYrotIn, 2.2 imlIgRwm lohw, 80 imlIgRwm kYlSIAm, 530 imlIgwm PwsPors Awid pOSitk q`q iml jWdy hn[ swƒ gwjrW ƒ iC`l ky sw& pwxI nwl Do ky k`cIAW vI KwxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ slwd dy qOr qy 31 dsMbr 2014 vI ies ƒ vrq skdy ho, pr slwd leI gwjrW dy moty moty tukVy k`txy cwhIdy hn[ bhuq Coty b`icAW Aqy bzurgW ƒ gwjrW k`dUkS krky dy skdy ho qW jo auh vI ies ƒ AswnI nwl Kw skx[ gwjrW qoN gjrylw Awm qOr qy bxwieAw jWdw hY[ pr ies ivc byloVI mwqrw ivc frweI PrUt, KoAw Aqy dysI iGE pw ky ies ƒ ishq leI nukswn dyh bxw lYNdy hW[ isrP jIB dw suAwd hI nw vyKo[ jIB qy ijMnw kMtrol r`Kogy, jIvn ivc auny hI suKI rhogy[ swƒ Awpxy Awp ƒ inrog r`Kx leI Kwxw cwhIdw hY nwik Awpxy leI ibmwrIAW shyVx leI[ gwjrW dy p`qy vI bhuq guxkwrI hn[ gwjrW dy 100 gRwm p`iqAW qoN 5700 mweIkrogRwm bItw kYrotIn, 8.8 imlIgRwm lohw, 340 imlIgRwm kYlSIAm, 110 imlIgRwm PwsPors vrgy pOSitk q`q iml jWdy hn[ ies leI ienHW p`iqAW ƒ kUVy dy Fyr qy su`tx dI bjwey swP pwxI nwl Do ky ienHW ƒ slwd dy qOr qy iesqymwl kr skdy ho[ Awty ivc imlw ky rotI bxw skdy ho Aqy hornW p`iqAw vwlIAW sbzIAW nwl imks krky sbzI bxw skdy ho[ myQI dy p`qy myQI dy p`qy kudrq v`loN iksy vrdwn qoN G`t nhIN[ hwjmw drusq r`Kx leI myQI bhuq guxkwrI hY[ myQI dy p`iqAW dI sbzI bxw ky KwxI cwhIdI hY[ pr sbzI bnwaux vyly AwlU bhuqy nhIN pwxy cwhIdy[ myQI vwlI rotI vI bxweI jw skdI hY[ pr ienHW rotIAW ƒ nw qW qvy qy iGE nwl gV`c krky qlnw hY Aqy nw hI ienHW qy bhuq izAwdw m`Kx r`K ky Kwxw cwhIdw hY[ myQI dy 100 gRwm p`iqAW qoN swƒ 16.5 imlIgRwm lohw, 395 imlIgRwm kYlSIAwm, 51 imlIgRwm PwsPors Aqy 2340 mweIkrogRwm bItw kYrotIn vrgy q`q iml jWdy hn[ Koey dI ipMnIAW srdIAW ivc BWq-BWq dIAW ipMnIAW bnwaux Aqy KwxIAW Awm ijhI g`l hY Aqy AsIN byhswbI kYlorIAW Awpxy srIr AMdr quMnI jWdy hW ijs nwl srIr dw Bwr vD jwxw suBwvk hY[ ies leI ienHW dI vrqoN sMjm nwl krnI cwhIdI hY[ izAwdw pRotIn Aqy icknweI vwlIAW cIzW Kwx nwl srIr ivc XUirk AYisf vI vD skdw hY Aqy joVW ’c drd dI iSkwieq ho skdI hY[ cwh Aqy kOPI TMF ivc cwh kOPI dI vrqoN Aksr vD jWdI hY Aqy bMdw iek idn ’c cwh dy keI keI k`p pI punrjoq guldsqw jWdw hY ijs nwl Bu`K vI mr jWdI hY, AYisftI vI ho jWdI hY[ pwxI ivc p`qI pw ky ijMnI izAwdw dyr aubwlogy, EnI hI cwh quhwƒ nukswn phuMcwaugI[ bhuq dyr q`k aubwlx nwl cwh ivc tYinn dI mwqrw vD jWdI hY ijs krky Kurwk rwhIN imlx vwlw Kixj pdwrQ lohw srIr ƒ nhIN iml pwauNdw Aqy ies qrHW bMdy dy srIr ivc KUn dI Gwt ho skdI hY Aqy aus ƒ AnImIAw ho skdw hY[ cwh ivc dUjw pRmu`K q`q kYPIn huMdw hY ijhVw swƒ cwh pIx dw gulwm bxwauNdw hY[ ies leI aubldy pwxI ivc cwh dI p`qI pwky iek imMt qoN v`D nhIN aubwlxw cwhIdw[ jy qusIN aubldy pwxI ivc cwh dI p`qI ƒ qsIhy dyvogy qW auh quhwƒ ikvyN bKS dyvygI! swry idn ‘c do-iqMn k`p qoN izAwdw cwh nhIN pIxI cwhIdI[ cwh nwloN qW kosw pwxI pIxw izAwdw PwiedymMd hY[ ieho hwl kOPI pIx nwl huMdw hY[ sbzIAW dw sUp srdIAW dy mOsm ivc sbzIAW dI Brmwr huMdI hY[ sbzIAW k`cIAW jW pkw ky Kwx qoN ielwvw ienHW dw sUp bxw ky pIxw cwhIdw hY[ mtr, pwlk, tmwtr, gwjr, myQI vrgIAW kuJ sbzIAW ƒ QoVw pwxI pw ky ku`kr ivc iek do sItI Awaux mgroN imksI ’c pwky blYNf kr lE[ hux ies ivc QoVI mwqrw ivc kwlw lUx Aqy kwlI imrc pw ky pIx nwl srIr ƒ keI pOSitk q`q iml jWdy hn[ pr ies sUp ƒ nW qW kpVy ’coN Aqy nw hI CwnxI ’coN punxw cwhIdw hY[ ies ivc bhuq izAwdw m`Kx vI nhIN pwxw cwhIdw[ ies mOsm ivc AWvly vI imldy hn[ hr roj iek jW do AWvly zrUr Kwxy cwhIdy hn[ iesy qrHW hr roj dhI dI vrqoN vI zrUr krnI cwhIdI hY[ pwxI dI vrqoN srdIAW dy idnW ivc pwxI dI vrqoN bhuq Gt jWdI hY[ pr ishq leI pwxI pIxw bhuq zrUrI hY[ srdIAW ivc vI hr roz s`q-A`T glws pwxI zrUr pIxw cwhIdw hY[ qusIN pwxI ƒ kosw krky vI pI skdy ho[ ienHW swirAW qoN ielwvw srIrk qOr qy vI cusq drusq hoxw cwhIdw hY[ TMF krky bwhr nhIN jw skdy qW Gr ivc hI QoVw qurnw cwhIdw hY[ aumId krdw hW qusIN AwpxI ishq pRqI jwgrUk ho ky shI qrIky nwl Kurwk dI vrqoN krky srdIAW dy ies mOsm ivc ishq ƒ inrog r`Kx leI hMBlw mwrogy[ 32 dsMbr 2014 Dr. Ramesh honoured Rashpal Singh Dhindsa, United Sikh Mission, USA at Jain Mandir Phagwara No One Can Stop Cancer Awareness, when our ladies will come forward Smt. Ajit Kaur Gill from U.K. chief guest standing along with the organiser of Free Eye Operation Camp at Siar Lakhwinder Singh Aulakh & Balbir Singh Kaler along with his family of Canada at free eye operation camp at Amargarh Kaleran Mr. Ashok Mehra, Bagicha Singh (Canada) YMCA and Mr. Bains (UK) doing seminar on ROKO CANCER and eye donation together Sh. Ashok Mehra, co-ordinator Punarjot Branch Phagwara addressing the public during Roko Cancer Seminar Meet Stars of Cancer Awareness Campaign www.foilprintersludhiana.com GLIMPSES OF ACTIVITIES OF PUNARJOT FOR CANCER AWARENESS HELD IN PUNJAB Issue in Interest of Public Health Awareness Dr. Ramesh Superspecialty Eye & Lasik Centre 65 - A, B.R.S. Nagar, Ferozpur Road, Ludhiana. Ph.: 0161-2464999, 9780015715, 9814331433 Email ID : rameshpunarjot@yahoo.com, www.punarjot.com, www.rameshvision.com Lasik Helpline 84279-45983 https://www.facebook.com/RameshPunarjot?fref=ts
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