Fall Festival 2015 - St. Mary Magdalene
Fall Festival 2015 - St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, TX 77338 Office: (281) 446-8211 Fax: (281) 446-8213 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 A.M. — 4:30 P.M. Website: www.st-mm.com Weekend Mass English: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 A.M.; 5:00 P.M. (Youth) Español: Sábado (Misa de Víspera): 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 1:00 P.M. Weekday Mass Monday--Friday: 8:30 A.M. (English) Martes: 7:00 P.M. (Misa en Español) 1st Friday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. 1st Saturday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. Reconciliation (Confession) Tuesday: 6:00 P.M.—6:45 P.M. Saturday: 3:30 P.M.—5:00 P.M. Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration 9:00 A.M.—9:00 P.M. (Mon.—Fri.) Sacrament of Baptism: Parents requesting baptism for their child must call the parish office two months prior to the desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent. Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples interested in marriage at St. Mary Magdalene must contact the office at least six months prior to their desired wedding date. Please contact the office for more information. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office if you or a loved one wish to receive sacramental anointing of the sick. Sacramento del Bautismo: Padres que quieran bautizar a sus hijos deben de llamar a la oficina por lo menos 2 meses antes de la fecha del bautismo. No hay bautizos durante la Cuaresma o el tiempo de Adviento. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas interesadas en casarse en Santa María Magdalena deben contactar a la oficina por lo menos seis meses antes de su fecha preferida de matrimonio. Por favor llamen a la oficina para mayor información. Unción de los Enfermos: Por favor llame la oficina si usted o algún ser querido desea ser ungido. Pastor: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, M.S.P. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Anthony Udoh, M.S.P. Deacons: Nick Caruso & James Meshell Weekly Message Big Thank You to All Parishioners: It was a fun day at St. Mary Magdalene last Sunday despite the rain! I witnessed the community spirit that our parish is known for as parishioners and our friends came out to enjoy the day. I know the weather tried to dissuade us from enjoying the day, but we did not allow that to happen. A very big THANK YOU to the festival chair and co-chair and all the chairpersons of the various booths and games. My sincere appreciation to all the volunteers who worked tirelessly and all who were involved with the set up and take down. You were all amazing, and I feel blessed to be part of this community. Fr. Jude and I enjoyed the day, and so did Fr. Tony and Fr. Emmanuel who were witnessing our parish festival for the first time. I would like to express a word of appreciation to all our sponsors and donors for supporting our festival. You were all amazing, and I thank God for you all. May God bless everyone! Solemnity of All Saints: We celebrate All Saints this Sunday when the Church honors all those who were faithful to Christ and now share in his glory in heaven. In the early days of the Church, there was so much persecution that caused many Christians to be witnesses to their faith through death. (The Greek word for “witness” is “martyr.”) The Feast of All Saints historically began as the Feast of All Martyrs in the 4th century. In the 8th century, it became the Feast of All Saints, not just martyrs. Many saints have their feast days celebrated on specific days of the year in the Church’s liturgical calendar. There are, however, many others that the Church does not formally recognize through canonization. I see the Feast of All Saints as being more for these non-canonized saints. The question then is, “Who is a saint?” A saint, in Christian understanding, is someone who is in Christ Jesus, who lives a life of holiness and is exemplary. WE are all called to be saints; we are all called to holiness in the specific states of our lives. Our lives as saints begin here on earth and follow us into eternity with God. The Church, therefore, does not make saints or create saints; rather, it recognizes saints (in the sense of canonization). We profess the “communion of saints” in the creed, meaning that the Church is a communion of saints. We are saints in process (Church militant, those of us living here and now and making efforts to be holy), saints in reality (Church triumphant, already in the presence of God in heaven) and saints undergoing purification (Church in purification in Purgatory). Together, we all make up the Church, the communion of saints. On All Saints Day, we celebrate the lives of all the great heroes of our faith. We rejoice in their victory and ask for their intercession that we, too, may be victorious. We emulate their faith and strive to follow Christ as they did. We do this by living a life of Beatitudes, as outlined in our gospel reading today, changing our attitudes to conform to the teachings of Christ. May all the saints pray for us! Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: From November 4th to the 12th, I will be making my first pilgrimage to the Holy Land along with some parishioners. We will walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Cana, Gethsemani, the Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross), and many more. Pray for our safety. We will pray for the needs of every parishioner. —Fr. Felix Prayer for Consecrated Persons God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. —1 John 3:1 P. 2 Time & Talent Ministries Are you new to our parish or have been coming for a while but are not yet registered? We offer you a warm welcome to St. Mary Magdalene parish. Becoming an active parishioner begins when you are counted as a parishioner. Please talk to one of the Ministers of Hospitality after Mass about how to register. You can also come by the church office during the week to register. MASS / LITURGY ART & ENVIRONMENT Jean Johnson - (281) 358-3416 June Domengeaux - (281) 852-2555 ORGANIZATIONS KEENAGERS (60+) Barbara Walker - (281) 852-4103 ALTAR GUILD Shirley Jones - (281) 852-0670 YOUNG AT HEART (50+) SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 ALTAR SERVERS Vickie VanGordon - (832) 496-9876 Jimena Farfán (Esp.) - (832) 513-0812 RED HAT SOCIETY Loretta Schermock - (832) 640-9357 Jo Smith - (281) 381-9892 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Freda Monk - (281) 852-7257 Horacio Garcia (Esp.) - (281) 808-1647 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 6878 Greg Forestieri - (281) 441-2711 INSTITUTED ACOLYTE Ron Cecil - (281) 590-7528 MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 Nelly Fernandez (Esp.) - (832) 405-2735 LECTORS Denise Ruffino - (281) 300-8534 Francisco Saldaña (Esp.) - (832) 875-3116 CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD Ben Bates - (281) 454-7575 Ericka Gonzalez (Esp.) - (281) 731-6050 MUSIC MINISTRY Perci Cacanindin - (281) 446-8211 Yvette Rodriguez - (281) 548-1674 DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Gilbert & Linda Alfaro (281) 852-4573 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - 4TH Phil Ardoin - (281) 852-8773 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES Chief Counselor Alejandro Aramburu - (713) 966-0547 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Virginia R. Eckert - (713) 823-8951 MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO Julio & Cristina Romero - (832) 488-3367 FAITH FORMATION ADULT FAITH FORMATION, BECOMING CATHOLIC (RCIA), INFANT BAPTISM, ADULT CONFIRMATION, RETREATS Ivana Meshell - (281) 446-8211 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Geneva Green - (832) 758-6475 Kay Huggins - (409) 656-6587 YOUTH MINISTRIES Mike Smith - (281) 446-8211 DIVINE MERCY Terry Mares - (832) 790-0837 JÓVENES EN ACCIÓN POR CRISTO Ana Maria Ortega - (713) 405-0652 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Rivera (Eng.) - (281) 913-9631 Maribel Subias (Esp.) - (832) 444-7211 SCHOOL MINISTRIES SCHOOL BOARD Joshua Raab - (281) 446-8535 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Eduardo Farfán - (708) 945-2579 Sub-Coord.: German Pereira - (281) 703-2418 HEARTS AFIRE Cynthia Meneses - (832) 492-1742 STEWARDSHIP Tom Kleypas - (281) 852-7937 MINISTERIO HISPANO FORMACIÓN DE FE PARA ADULTOS, SACRAMENTOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN Y COMUNIÓN, EL PROCESO DE RICA, PATROCINADORES DE MATRIMONIO, BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS DE 0-6 AÑOS, QUINCEAÑERAS Vickie Cortez - (281) 446-2933 OUTREACH MINISTRIES SOCIAL SERVICES Wanda Conley - (281) 540-1907 PRISON MINISTRY Mary Hernandez - (713) 299-8493 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Margarita Rodriguez - (832) 445-6318 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Marvin Corbitt - (281) 852-3111 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Teresa O’Brien - (919) 623-5343 (TeresaRespectLife@gmail.com) BLOOD DRIVE Loretta Schermock - (832) 640-9357 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Madeline Graham - (281) 446-8044 NURSING HOME MINISTRY Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home Monica Fontenot - (281) 913-5221 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE Darril B. - (281) 852-4230 Wayne B. - (281) 777-9217 Florentino V. - (832) 605-1881 Susan G. - (281) 813-0575 PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY Ron & Ann McCuen - (281) 852-4743 (smprayers@gmail.com) PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY Jean Chebret - (281) 441-7365 HELPING HANDS MINISTRY Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 HOME AGAIN MINISTRY (FURNITURE BANK/HOUSEHOLD ITEMS) Carolyn Wise - (713) 898-6611 Lori Scherr - (281) 360-9112 Tammy Broussard - (832) 777-1878 OTHERS NURSERY Wanda Conley - (281) 446-8211 FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 Neha Delphin - (713) 927-8239 PASTORAL COUNCIL Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 FINANCE COUNCIL Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 SECURITY TEAM P.3 John Garza - (832) 875-1377 CHURCH STAFF Wanda Conley, Business Manager Rick Swanson, Facilities Manager Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician Jorge Acosta, Maintenance Technician Susie Zamarrón, Parish Secretary Vernon D. Walker, Bookkeeper Perci Cacanindin, Director of Music and Liturgy Vickie Cortez, Director of Hispanic Ministry Ivana Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation Ginger Herrington, Adult Faith Formation Assistant Michael Smith, Director of Faith Formation-Children/Youth Diana Mendoza, Faith Formation Secretary Carissa Bull, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Alex Croffie, Youth Ministry Assistant Madelyn Cañas, Bulletin Editor Estela Treviño, Receptionist Ryan Rivera, Receptionist Lupe Gonzales, Receptionist NURSERY STAFF ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 530 Ferguson St. Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 446-8535 Fax: (281) 446-8527 www.smmcs.org Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department Joshua Raab, Principal Trish Duhon, Director of Admissions Tom Walsh, Athletic Director Cathy Brown, Director of Before & After School Program Carol Poston, Director of Development April Dandridge, Director of Marketing and Alumni Laura Valladares, Counselor Christy Keeling, Academic Coach Laura Rocha, Administrative Assistant Kelli Pitt, Bookkeeper Donna Mohrman, Nurse Sam McKinney, Secretary BULLETIN DEADLINES November 8th, 2015 November 15th, 2015 November 22nd, 2015 November 29th, 2015 December 6th, 2015 Offertory for October 24 & 25, 2015 — $19,901.00 Online Giving (As of 10/26/2015) — $1,783.00 Mail-in Offertory — $412.00 Total — $22,096.00 DSF Update (As of 10/26/2015) 2015 DSF Goal — $160,220.00 Contribution to Date — $141,583.91 Amount Pledged to Date — $157,314.15 Number of Participants — 485 Another easy way to manage your church giving is with our new Online Giving App for your Apple or Android device. You can manage your giving or give a one-time gift right from your phone. Search the App Store or Google Play for Online Giving or go to OLGapp.com and register with our church ID of 1814. Wanda Conley, Nursery Coordinator Ofelia Cruz, Nursery Attendant Patricia De Los Santos, Nursery Attendant Isabel Gonzalez, Nursery Attendant Emily Mendoza, Nursery Attendant Jenna Meza, Nursery Attendant Rachel Meza, Nursery Attendant Samantha Meza, Nursery Attendant ISSUE Stewardship Offering DUE BY November 2nd, 2015 November 9th, 2015 November 13th, 2015 November 18th, 2015 November 30th, 2015 Please e-mail bulletin articles or announcements to mcanas@st-mm.com. Second Collection for November 8th, 2015 Next weekend’s second collection is for St. Mary Magdalene Social Services. Your generous donations help those in need of food, clothing and other assistance in the Humble area. Please indicate Social Services on your check if you do not have an envelope. Thank you for your generosity. ANNUAL TRAINING FOR CURRENT EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Our annual refresher training/update for current Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) will be held on Saturday, November 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 am in the church. At this session we will review current guidelines and procedures and introduce some new procedures. Some EMHCs have served for a long time and others are fairly new, but regardless of experience all current EMHCs are encouraged to attend in order to stay current on our procedures, especially new procedures that will be implemented soon, and to share your experiences and questions with other EMHCs. No need to register in advance, but we will ask attendees to sign in so we will know who attended. P.4 This Week in the Parish Sunday November 1 Monday November 2 Tuesday November 3 Wednesday November 4 Thursday November 5 Friday November 6 Saturday November 7 Sunday November 8 6:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. FLC - KC Breakfast SPC - CCE Elementary and Youth CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet CP - Novena for Souls in Purgatory YR - HS Youth Night Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday Oct. 31 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Fred Wilder † Animas del Purgatorio Sunday Nov. 1 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Nicholas Burns Sidney † & Effie Thibodeaux † Kenny Buning † Miriam Arenales † People of STMM 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. CP - Novena for Souls in Purgatory Lib - Legión de María (Esp.) SJH - Junta Coord. Grupo Oración SMH - Prayer Quilt Ministry Mtg. CH - Mass (Bilingual) Monday Nov. 2 8:30 am 7:00 pm Frankie Armenta † Christopher Duran (SPI) Tuesday 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. CH - Confessions SPC - CCE Elementary and Youth 207 - Formación Adultos SMH - Helping Hands FLC - Grupo de Oración SJH - Mtg. “A” Marriage Prep. 214-216, MGH - Adult RCIA 101 - Legion of Mary (Eng.) CH - Coro Abba Padre Nov. 3 8:30 am 7:00 pm Flora Bascos † Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary † Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Nov. 4 8:30 am Dominic Van Tran † Nov. 5 8:30 am Eunice Fontenot † Nov. 6 8:30 am James † & Gertrude Cosprin † Nov. 7 8:30 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Merry Howard (SPI) Eugenia Guanella † Duc Van Nguyen † 10:00 a.m. SJH - Talleres de Oración y Vida 6:00 p.m. SPC - CCE Elementary 6:30 p.m. MGH - KC Officers Meeting 7:00 p.m. 101 - Ensayo de Alabanza 7:00 p.m. CH - Second Power Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. SJH - Talleres de Oración y Vida 7:00 p.m. SF - Jóvenes en Acción por Cristo 7:30 p.m. SMH - Divine Mercy Sunday Nov. 8 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Mable Melancon † Dr. C.A. Younts † Angela Alfaro-Onxley † Animas del Purgatorio Eleanor † & Justine Gordon † 9:30 a.m. 215, 216 - Bible Study 10:00 a.m. SJH - Stress-Busting Program 5:30 p.m. CH - Children’s Choir Rehearsal 6:00 p.m. Lib - Legión de María Rosa Mística 6:00 p.m. YR - MS Youth Night 7:00 p.m. 215, 216 - Bible Study 7:00 p.m. SMH - Confirm. Team Mtg. #3 7:00 p.m. 207 - RICA (Español) 7:00 p.m. CH - Choir (Adult) 7:30 p.m. MGH - Columbian Squires Mtg. READINGS & SAINTS FOR THE WEEK 6:30 p.m. CH - Coro en español 7:00 p.m. SMH - Crecimiento II 8:30 a.m. CP - First Saturday Mass 8:45 a.m. SMH - Clase para Bautizos 11:30 a.m. CH - Lectors Training 3:30 p.m. CH - Confessions 8:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. FLC - CDA Holiday Market SMH - Comisión Hispana CH - Bautizos (Esp.) SPC - CCE Elementary and Youth CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet YR - HS Youth Night To reserve a Mass, please stop by the Parish office and reserve your date and time for the intention. Monday: (All Souls’ Day) Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Tuesday: (St. Martin de Porres) Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: (St. Charles Borromeo) Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 (Blessed Virgin Mary) Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] Word of Life “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” —Genesis 1:6-27 P. 5 Weekly Announcements All Souls’ Day Masses Monday, November 2nd, 2015 Fall 8:30 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Bilingual) Upcoming K of C Breakfasts Thanks for all your patronage of our breakfasts. All net proceeds of these breakfasts go to support The Gold Envelope for St Mary Magdalene parish debt reduction, Humble Area Assistance Ministries, the K of C Wheelchair Mission, and many other great causes in concert with Church teachings. ALL events in the Family Life Center. Nov 1st - A Team Country Breakfast Nov 15th - C Team Mexican Breakfast Nov 22nd – B Team Country Breakfast th Nov 29 – Squires Breakfast (our 10-18-year-olds make breakfast for you) Festival 2015 This was certainly a festival to remember. We unfortunately did not have good weather like last year, but we were truly blessed that we were still able to make the necessary adjustments to have the festival, despite the weather conditions. We would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard work, and of course all of our parishioners and community friends who supported and enjoyed the festival. We are all blessed to be parishioners of this loving and caring church. Thanks again for your support! Tony Butera, Chair Neha Delphin, Co-Chair Knights of Columbus Council 6878 St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Flower Bouquets for the Sanctuary A wonderful way to remember a deceased loved one, or to celebrate a special occasion such as an anniversary, birthday, or special intentions, is to place a bouquet of flowers in the sanctuary for Sunday Masses. Your name and the name of the person you are honoring will be published in the Sunday bulletin. A donation of $75 will help defray the cost of the flowers. Requests and donations can be made at the office. Please allow two weeks before your special dates so they will make the bulletin deadline. NO REQUESTS DURING ADVENT. Blood Drive — November 15th, 2015 Start building up your blood for our next blood drive, Sunday, November 15th, 2015 in the Family Life Center from 8:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. Donating blood is an excellent work of mercy that costs you nothing but a pint of blood and less than one hour of your time. Plus, you can feel good about saving up to 3 lives with your 1 donation. Make an appointment at the back of the church after Mass, or sign up online at giveblood.org. If it is more convenient for you, call Loretta Schermock at (832) 640-9357 to make an appointment. All blood types are needed. Grand Prize ($10,000.00 Visa Card): Roy Jones Second Prize ($5,000.00 Visa Card): Tracy Bradshaw Third Prize ($3,000.00 Visa Card): Amy Van Dyke Fourth Prize ($2,000.00 Visa Card): Evette Pegram Fifth Prize ($1,000.00 Visa Card): Martha Crossland Sixth Prize (Alspaugh Ace Hardware Gas Grill): Tim Wojtasiewicz Seventh Prize ($500.00 Visa Card): Denise “Spud” Henderson Eighth Prize ($500.00 Visa Card): Santa S. Gonzales Weekly Announcements All Souls’ Day Services at Rosewood Mausoleum Monday, November 2nd, 2015 10:00 A.M. Rosewood Funeral Home and Cemetery 2602 S. Houston Ave. Humble, TX 77396 Share Your Blessings is a Christmas gift program, operated by the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, that provides toys and other gifts for children ages 0-17. Last year, we provided Christmas presents for more than 971 children, but we couldn’t do it without your help! For many of these children, this will be the only gift they receive this Christmas. We want to serve both the children and their parents so they don’t have to make a choice between Christmas presents or other necessities this holiday season. Starting the weekend of November 7th, 2015, you may choose an angel from the tree in the narthex, purchase a gift for that child, and bring the unwrapped gift by December 7th, 2015. You may drop off your gift before Mass under the tree in the Narthex or at the parish office Monday thru Friday. Please join Rosewood Funeral Home for their annual All Souls Day service at their mausoleum. Fr. Felix will be the celebrant for this service. VIRTUS Training The next “Protecting God’s Children” VIRTUS class here at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church will be held on Thursday, November 19th, 2015 from 6-9 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. The Archdiocesan Office of Safe Environment requires that all volunteers and employees of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church attend VIRTUS Training. If you took the Protecting God’s Children class before 2010, you MUST take a Keeping the Promise Alive refresher class to maintain your VIRTUS status. If you do not complete the refresher, you CANNOT participate in anything involving minors. Please make every effort to maintain your VIRTUS status. Visit www.virtus.org for registration. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Enloe at (281) 389-1820 or e-mail Linda at l.domec@yahoo.com. P. 7 Weekly Announcements Forming the complete child through Faith, Reason, & Virtue 530 Ferguson St. Humble, TX 77338 * 281-446-8535 * www.smmcs.org • • • • • • Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department and a member of the National Catholic Education Association Advanced Curriculum Based on National & Archdiocesan Standards Formal Academic Enrichment Programs beginning in Pre-K-3 Certified Teachers Middle School Electives include: Yearbook, Service, Music, Multi-Media, Band, Art, French, Stock Market, Technology I/ Technology II ( Robotics), Spanish I/ Beginner, Spanish II/Advanced, & Debate Middle School AP Classes: English, Literature, Math, & Science You are invited to Serra Club Northeast of Houston’s Monthly Dinner and Meeting Serra Clubs foster and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life; encourage and affirm vocations to the consecrated life and nurture the spiritual growth and formation of its lay members. Membership is open to all Catholics. Monsignor Borski, our Club’s Chaplain, will open the meeting in prayer. Please join us: Monday, November 23rd 6:30 pm Social 7:00 to 8:30 pm Dinner and Program Italiano’s Restaurant 217 FM 1960 at Bypass Road East in Humble, Texas The cost for dinner is $15.00 per person Father Richard Goodin from Holy Family Parish of Galveston and Bolivar, will speak to us about; “Helping people become aware of their calling.” RSVP: Diddy Muck muck@kingwoodcable.net 281-615-2015 • • • • • Pre-K-3 through 5th grade specials: Spanish, Music, Art, P.E., Technology, & Library Daily Religion Classes, including weekly Mass Before & After School Program Affordable Tuition with Assistance Programs Available Extracurricular Activities: Chess Club, Spirit Club, Cheerleading, Soccer (Intramural/ GHCAA), Football, Track, Basketball, Anime Club, National Junior Honor Society, Volleyball, Cub/Girl Scouts, & Safety Patrol Live Again: Reclaiming Our Lives, Remembering Our Love A St. Laurence Catholic Church Bereavement Mini-Retreat Saturday, November 7, 2015 9:00 A.M. — 1:00 P.M. St. Laurence School Dining Hall 3100 Sweetwater Blvd. Sugar Land, TX 77479 The facilitator will be David Joseph, a music minister, worship leader, recording artist, and certified spiritual director whose passion is to walk with others on their spiritual journey as they move towards peace, health, and wholeness in their lives. If you are grieving the death of a loved one, recent or many years past, please join us for this retreat. To register, please contact Anne Marie Daniel at adaniel@stlaurence.org or (281) 265-5774. You can also contact Agnes Fernandes at agnesffernandes@gmail.com or (281) 933-3721. NORTHEAST CATHOLIC SINGLES, A MINISTRY FOR SINGLES AGES 40+, gathers on Wednesday, November 4, at 7:00 P.M. at Schlotzsky’s Deli, 9781 FM 1960 Bypass West in Humble. On Saturday, November 7, join us for 5:30 pm Mass at St. Martha’s in Kingwood, 4301 Woodridge Pkwy.; meal afterwards at Los Cucos Mexican Café at 23730 Hwy. 59 in Kingwood. Meet in the narthex at 5:15 pm. For more info, contact Elizabeth Schields (281441-2552 or elizabeths2@peoplepc.com) or subscribe to us on Flocknote at St. Mary Magdalene’s website. P. 8 Youth Ministry News Formation Classes / Late Registrations: Hopefully, everyone sets their clocks on Saturday and remembers to “fall back” one hour! Week #6 of our CCE classes resumes this week on Sunday, November 1st at 3:00pm // Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:00pm // Wednesday, November 4th at 6:00pm in the St. Paul Center. As we enter “cold and flu” season, parents are reminded that ALL students who are ill MUST be symptom-free for a full 24 hours before sending them to CCE (just like school)… We want to keep the catechists and students safe. This is why we allow for up to six (6) absences from CCE! We do still have limited space for students who are not yet registered for CCE / Formation classes; parents should contact the Formation Office immediately to check on session / grade-level availability. “Youth Nights”: There are two “Youth Nights” per week… one for middle school and one for high school. The next high school youth event will be on Sunday, November 1st from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. The next middle school youth event is on for Thursday, November 5th from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (please note the shorter time). Both of these events are held in the Youth Room. All our youth events are open to all youth (Catholic or not)… bring a friend, or come make a new one, and get to know Carissa Bull, our new Coordinator of Youth Ministry. The Youth Room is located in the St. Paul Center – at the corner of Isaacks Rd. and Ferguson St. 2016 Confirmation Team Meeting: Our third planning meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 5th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm in St. Mary’s Hall. If you are an adult, young adult, or confirmed high school youth looking for a powerful and rewarding ministry, then the Confirmation Team may be for you. This is the group that plans and implements the youth Confirmation program here in the parish. First Reconciliation Meeting: Our second Reconciliation session is coming on Monday, November 9th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. It is required that a parent and the student attend all remaining sacrament sessions! Parents should take their child(ren) to the 2-story Education Building and find their grade-level class… After that, proceed to either the Church {parent meeting in English} or the Family Life Center {parent meeting in Spanish}. THE STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE PARENT MEETING they go to grade-level classes in the Education Building. Please make sure Chapters 1, 2, and 3 are complete and that your child is learning the required prayers. If you have not yet purchased the blue sacrament book for each child, please come by our offices to do that as soon as possible. The sacrament book is $25 per book (cash or check, payable to SMM). Home-Based Catechesis: Our next youth HBC meeting” (grades 6 – 12) is scheduled for Wednesday, December 9th from 6:15pm - 7:00pm in room 309 of the St. Paul Center. If you missed our previous meetings, please come pick up your CCE materials; if you attended the other meetings, please bring your student book so we can check your progress. Text Message Reminders: We are pleased to offer text message reminders which can be sent straight to your cellphone / mobile device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our programs… 2016 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2016 2016 Confirmation TEAM (plans and runs the program): @smmconteam 2017 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2017 2015 – 2016 Reconciliation / Eucharist preparation: @sacprep Middle school / High school “YOUTH JAM”: @youthjam Mike Smith, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth msmith@st-mm.com Carissa Bull, Coordinator of Youth Ministry cbull@st-mm.com Youth Office: (281) 446-1241 CCE Office: (281) 446-2933 P.9 Children’s News 2015 - 2016 CCE / Formation Classes Week #6 of our Formation classes are coming up on Sunday, November 1st at 3:00pm // Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:00pm // Wednesday, November 4th at 6:00pm in the St. Paul Center. Parents are reminded that any students who are sick with a cold or flu MUST be symptom-free for 24 hours before being sent to CCE… We want to keep all our students and catechists safe—and this is why we allow up to six (6) absences. Thanks for helping us keep everyone well! If you have not yet registered their child(ren) for CCE / Formation classes, please contact the Formation Office immediately to verify session / grade-level availability… Space is very limited, but we do have space! Sacrament Orientation Meeting: Please make note of our second Reconciliation session, which is coming up next Monday, November 9th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. It is required that a parent and the student attend all remaining sacrament sessions! Parents should complete Chapters 1, 2 and 3, plus have their child begin memorization of the required prayers for our November meeting. Each student should bring the blue sacrament book to each session; if you need to purchase one, please stop by the CCE Office with $25 per book (cash or check, payable to SMM). Children’s Live Nativity: Parents of students - grades 1 through 5 - who would like their children to participate in the “Live Nativity” on Christmas Eve should make note of the first Nativity rehearsal on Wednesday, December 16th from 6:45pm - 7:30pm in the church. The children will present the live nativity story during the 4:00pm “Children’s Mass” on December 24th. Costumes are provided! Adult Faith Formation CATECHESIS AND EVANGELIZATION OF ADULTS Ivana T. Meshell, M.A., Director, imeshell@st-mm.com Assisted by Ginger Herrington, gingerh@st-mm.com BASIC TEACHINGS FOR ALL ADULTS in conjunction with RCIA. Guests and Visitors are Welcome! Held most Tuesdays beginning with prayer in the new parish hall facing Isaacks Road (McGivney Hall) at 7:00 P.M., followed by a snack and presentation. You can attend just one session or several. Anyone can join us at any time. If you need to receive sacraments or join the Catholic Church, contact us. Our Heroes: Mary and the Saints Tuesday, November 3 The Last Things: Death, Purgatory, Heaven, & Hell Tuesday, November 10 Popular Piety, Sacramentals, and Devotions SPECIAL EVENT! YOU ARE INVITED TO BRING YOUR OWN FAVORITE STATUE, PICTURE, OR OTHER RELIGIOUS OBJECT TO “SHOW AND TELL.” Tuesday, November 17 FINAL BAPTISM RETREAT FOR THIS YEAR Parents planning infant baptism: Our retreat is Sunday, November 15 from 12:15-5:00 pm. Pick up a Baptism Welcome Packet at the parish office. It contains everything you need to know to register and get ready. Parents who are expecting a child are encouraged to participate before the baby is born so as to avoid delaying baptism. Godparents are not required to attend. Next infant baptism preparation retreats for parents in English is in January. For Spanish baptism, inquire at the parish office. Five-Minute Prayer What if we all prayed five minutes a week for each other? This week’s five-minute prayer focus: Please pray for everyone in our parish, especially those who sad, lonely, or who have given up hope, that God will send people to comfort them and remind them of his love. That would be 500 hours of prayer P.10 Becoming Saints—The Best Version of Ourselves Ivana T. Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation What is a saint? In a general sense, a saint is anyone who has lived a holy life and now is in the presence of God in heaven. Saints enjoy Beatific Vision (that is, the face-to-face experience of the presence of God). St. Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians (13:12) that at present, we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present, I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. This is the purpose for which we were created: to share fully in the life of God. Sainthood is not a special privilege for a few; it is the baptismal call of all who believe in God. We were created to become nothing less than saints, and it’s not impossible. It’s definitely within our reach if we desire it. In a strict sense, a saint is someone who is officially recognized by the Church as having lived a holy life and has been deemed worthy of public veneration. These officially-recognized saints are canonized. In addition, anyone who has lived a life of love, self-giving and goodness may be presumed to be with God in heaven and therefore may be considered a saint. St. Paul used the term “saint” to refer to all the Christian faithful (II Cor. 13:12, Eph. 1:1--the New American Bible translates it as “all the holy ones”). For those who are still on our pilgrim journey in this life, we might best call ourselves “saints in the making” or “saints in progress!” It is our goal to become holy; the saints who are in God’s direct presence now offer us examples to imitate, and they offer us hope that we, too, can become holy as they became holy. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity. All are called to holiness: “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48).* Perfection is attained not by being God, but in being the best human persons we can be, the people God intended us to be. Matthew Kelly, in his book The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, describes it as becoming “The best version of ourselves”—which is very accessible to ordinary people! In this way, we become perfect Christians. Again, St. Paul says, “We know that in everything, God works for good with those who love him” (Romans 8:28-30). Vatican Council II, 1962-1965 writes: In order to reach this perfection, the faithful should use the strength dealt out to them by Christ’s gift, so that...doing the will of the Father in everything, they may wholeheartedly devote themselves to the glory of God and to the service of their neighbor. This the holiness of the People of God will grow in fruitful abundance, as is clearly shown in the history of the Church through the lives of so many saints. The primary characteristics of a saint are holiness of life and heroic virtue; miracles and wonders worked may be, but are not necessarily, signs of saintliness. The saints themselves do not give us one model of holiness but many. The variety of canonized saints shows that there are many ways to live the Christian life and many ways to attain holiness. Saints come from all walks of life and provide many examples of following Christ based on their different responses to the various challenges in their lives. The saints are examples of what the grace of God can do when we turn our life over to God and let him be Lord of our life. As Catholics, our devotion to the saints flows out of our belief in what we call the “Communion of Saints.” When we pray the Apostles’ Creed, which expresses our basic Christian beliefs, we express our belief in this “Communion of Saints” (here the term “saints” is used in its more general sense). This means we believe that death does not break the bonds that tie us to one another. We believe that “love is stronger than death” (Song of Songs 8:6). A spiritual union exists between us--those still here in this life and those who have been received into union with God or soon will be in union with God. Vatican II redefined the relationship between saints and us who are living as one of “communion and solidarity” rather than “supplicant and benefactor”. Saints, the Council said, offer an “example in their way of life, fellowship in their communion, and aid by their intercession.” The Church encourages us to think of saints as one with us in seeking and fulfilling God’s will. It is precisely the element of human weakness that makes sainthood so powerful. In giving frail humans the crown of holiness, the Church affirms that grace is a reality, and that there is hope for us all. Without saints, sanctity could be viewed as a mere abstraction, something too lofty for mere mortals to attain. The training ground of heroism, as in the lives of saints, is the practice of simple virtues in everyday life. What virtue can you practice in your daily life this week? Remember what you were made for. Strive for nothing less. P.11 Especialmente para nuestra Comunidad Hispana Muchísimas gracias a todos los parroquianos: ¡El domingo pasado fue un día muy divertido aquí en Santa María Magdalena a pesar de toda la lluvia! Fui testigo del espíritu de comunidad por el cual nuestra parroquia es reconocida, ya que nuestros parroquianos y amigos vinieron a disfrutar del día. Yo sé que el clima trató de desviarnos de disfrutar el día, pero no permitimos que eso pasara. Quiero darle un gran GRACIAS al presidente y co-presidente del comité del festival, al igual que todos los presidentes de los varios puestos y juegos. Expreso mi sincero aprecio a todos los voluntarios que trabajaron muy duro y también a todos los que tomaron parte en acomodar todo antes del festival y ayudar a quitar todo después de que se acabó. Todos ustedes fueron increíbles, y me siento muy bendecido de ser parte de esta comunidad. Yo y el Padre Jude disfrutamos del día, al igual que el Padre Tony y el Padre Emanuel que estaban experimentando nuestro festival por primera vez. Yo quisiera expresar mi aprecio a todos nuestros patrocinadores y donantes por apoyar nuestro festival. Todos ustedes fueron maravillosos y le agradezco a Dios por todos ustedes. ¡Que Dios los bendiga a todos! La Solemnidad de Todos los Santos: Celebramos a todos los santos este domingo, ya que la Iglesia honora a todos los que fueron fieles a Cristo y ahora comparten en su gloria en el cielo. En los primeros días de la Iglesia, había tanta persecución que causó a muchos cristianos a ser testigos de su fe a través de la muerte. (La palabra griega para “testigo” es “mártir”.) La Fiesta de Todos los Santos comenzó, históricamente, como la Fiesta de Todos los Mártires en el siglo cuatro. En el siglo ocho, se convirtió en la Fiesta de Todos los Santos, no solamente de los mártires. Muchos santos tienen su día de fiesta en ciertos días del año en el calendario litúrgico de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, hay muchos otros santos que la Iglesia no reconoce formalmente a través de la canonización. Yo veo a la Fiesta de Todos los Santos como una fiesta para estos santos no-canonizados. Ahora, la pregunta es, ¿Quién es un santo? Como cristianos, entendemos que un santo es alguien que está en Cristo Jesús, que vive una vida de santidad y es ejemplar. Todos nosotros somos llamados a ser santos. Todos somos llamados a la santidad en los varios estados de nuestras vidas. Nuestras vidas como santos comienzan aquí en la tierra y siguen hasta la eternidad con Dios. Por lo tanto, la Iglesia no hace santos; más bien, reconoce a santos (en el sentido de la canonización). Nosotros profesamos la “comunión de los santos” en el credo, lo que quiere decir que la Iglesia es una comunión de santos. Somos santos en proceso (la Iglesia activista, nosotros que estamos viviendo en el aquí y ahora y esforzándonos a ser santos), santos en realidad (la Iglesia triunfante, aquellos que ya están en la presencia de Dios en el cielo), y santos sometidos en purificación (la Iglesia en purificación en el purgatorio). Juntos somos la Iglesia, la comunión de los santos. En el Día de Todos los Santos, celebramos las vidas de todos los grandes héroes de nuestra fe. Regocijamos en su victoria y les pedimos su intercesión para que nosotros también podamos ser victoriosos. Seguimos su fe y luchamos a seguir a Cristo tal como ellos lo hicieron. Hacemos esto al vivir una vida de las bienaventuranzas, como están escritas en el evangelio de hoy, cambiando nuestras actitudes para conformarnos a las enseñanzas de Cristo. ¡Que todos los santos oren por nosotros! Peregrinaje a la Tierra Santa: Del 4 al 12 de noviembre estaré haciendo mi primer peregrinaje a la Tierra Santa junto con algunos parroquianos. Caminaremos en los pasos de Jesucristo en Belén, Nazaret, Cafarnaúm, Getsemaní, la Vía Dolorosa (el Viacrucis) y mucho más. Oren por nuestra seguridad. Nosotros estaremos orando por las necesidades de cada parroquiano. —Padre Felix P.12 Ofrenda Semanal Ofrenda del 24 y 25 de octubre 2015 — $19,901.00 Ofrenda enviada por Internet — $1,783.00 Ofrenda enviada por correo — $412.00 Total — $22,096.00 Informe del DSF (A partir de 10/26/2015) Meta del DSF 2015 — $160,220.00 Contribución a la fecha — $141,583.91 Monto comprometido a la fecha — $157,314.15 Numero de participantes — 485 Segunda Colecta para el 8 de noviembre 2015 La segunda colecta del próximo fin de semana es para los Servicios Sociales de Santa María Magdalena. Sus donaciones generosas ayudan a las personas que necesitan comida, ropa y otros tipos de ayuda en el área de Humble. Favor de indicar Servicios Sociales en su cheque si no tiene un sobre. Muchas gracias por su generosidad. Festival de Otoño 2015 Este fue un festival muy memorable. Lamentablemente no tuvimos buen clima como el año pasado pero de cualquier forma fuimos bendecidos con poder hacer los ajustes necesarios para seguir con el festival, a pesar del mal clima. Quisiéramos agradecer a todos los voluntarios por todo su trabajo y por supuesto a todos nuestros parroquianos y amigos de la comunidad que apoyaron y disfrutaron del festival. Todos somos muy bendecidos de ser parte de esta iglesia tan amorosa. Nuevamente, ¡muchísimas gracias por su apoyo! Tony Butera, Presidente del Comité del Festival Neha Delphin, Co-Presidente del Comité del Festival Misas para el Día de los Fieles Difuntos Lunes, 2 de noviembre 2015 8:30 A.M. (Ingles) 7:00 P.M. (Bilingüe) Palabra de Vida Arreglos Flores para el Altar “Dios creó al hombre a su imagen; A imagen de Dios lo creó; Hombre y mujer los creó.” Una forma maravillosa de recordar un ser querido difunto o para celebrar una ocasión especial, como un aniversario, cumpleaños o intenciones especiales, es poner un arreglo floral en el altar para las misas del domingo. Su nombre y el nombre de la persona que estará honorando serán publicados en el boletín. Una donación de $75 ayudará con el costo de las flores. Peticiones y donaciones se pueden hacer en la oficina. Por favor hagan sus peticiones con por lo menos dos semanas de anticipo para que se puedan publicar en el boletín. NO SE ACEPTARÁN PETICIONES DURANTE EL TIEMPO DE ADVIENTO. —Génesis 1:6-27 AVISO IMPORTANTE SOBRE LOS BAUTIZOS Las próximas preparaciones bautismales serán el sábado, 9 de enero y sábado, 6 de febrero del 2016. Los próximos bautizos serán el domingo, 17 de enero y domingo 7 de febrero del 2016. Si desea bautizar a su niño(a), favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia para hacer una cita para una entrevista personal. Recuerden de traer a la entrevista la acta de nacimiento (original) y nombre, teléfono y dirección de los padrinos en completa comunión con la Iglesia. Vickie Cortez: 281-446-8211 Campaña de Donación de Sangre Domingo, 15 de noviembre 2015 Preparen su sangre para nuestra próxima campaña de donación de sangre, el domingo, 15 de noviembre en el Centro Familiar desde las 8:30 A.M. hasta las 2:30 P.M. Donar su sangre es una excelente obra de misericordia que no le cuesta nada excepto medio litro de sangre y menos de una hora de su tiempo. Además, se puede sentir bien de poder salvar hasta 3 vidas con una sola donación. Hagan una cita después de misa en la mesa de la campaña de donación de sangre o por Internet en la página giveblood.org. Se necesitan todos tipos de sangre. 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Do, M.D. Ave Maria NOYOLA’S Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-7:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM $3 OFF $15 or More Expiration Date 11/24/13 Order W/Ad Open 7 Days Parishioner Open for B’Fast F-Sun 8AM… SPACE AVAILABLE Michael S. Bogenschutz Attorney at Law Board Certified - Family Law To Advertise Here... Texas Board of Legal Contact ALLEN BICKHAM today at (800) 833-5941 bickhama@jspaluch.com 540-2200 Specialization CERTIFIED MEDICAL EXAMINER * DOT/CDL Physical exam $60. CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS Neck, low back or Joints Pain Soft tissue injury, Headache LOP accepted for Motor Vehicle Accident Injured @ Work (Worker’s Comp) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! MGZ ASSOCIATES Schmidt Counseling Associates William Schmidt PhD Licensed Professional Counselor Consultation to Medicine, Law, Religion, Education Bookkeeping and Tax Services Mark Zylker – Owner 281-235-5436 514 East First Street 6565 W. Loop S. Humble, TX 77338 Suite 600 281-359-8998 Houston, TX 77401 Fax 281 446 7774 wjschmidt2000@yahoo.com www.drjennyle.com Dr. Jenny Le, D.C. 713-862-0035 440 Benmar, Suite 1020 Houston, TX 77060 Associates Northeast II 2019 FM 1960 East DOLORES AGUIRRE Humble, TX 77338 Est. 1985 Realtor Hablo Español Bus. 832-445-3234 Cell. 713-501-6878 281-446-3000 CALVARY HILL FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY 21723 Aldine Westfield Rd. Humble, TX 77338 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (C) 281-443-3340 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Humble Carpet & Tile, Inc. Dale Guidry, Jr., Agent Carpet • Vinyl • Wood Ceramic Tile Abbey Carpet & Floor 281-446-0783 1390 E. FM 1960 Bypass 9142 Will Clayton Parkway Bus 281-852-7967 Fax 281-446-2420 dale.guidry.tfr6@statefarm.com WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap CLINICA MEDICA COMUNIDAD LATINA HORARIO: LUNES A VIERNES 9 AM-7 PM SÁBADOS 9 AM-2 PM 212 CHARLES ST. HUMBLE, TX VISITA POR TAN SOLO 281-973-9510 SERVIMOS A TODA LA COMUNIDAD $30 Retirement Plans IRA’s Rollovers Mutual Funds Stocks • Bonds CONSULTA SOLAMENTE PREGNANCY HELP 1502 FIRST STREET SUITE F HUMBLE, TX 77338 281-540-1123 puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup Member SIPC MATT PRUCHA CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor 1710 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. #190 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. DIANA VANHORN CFP® Finincial Advisor 20121 W. Lake Houston 281-312-1345 WHY IS IT? 281-812-7593 Chris D. Csengery, D.D.S. Alan Carriere 19211 W. Lake Houston Pkwy. (in HEB Center) Atascocita Owner 1805 1st St E Humble, TX 77338 Email: alanscarcare1@yahoo.com 281-852-3561 Parishioners of St. Martha Office: 281-570-6228 Fax: 281-990-2241 Jesus A to Z BRUCE D. WISE CFP®, TGPC Retirement Specialist “ASSISTING Clients with Social Security and RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS” Make THE WISE CHOICE! FRIDAY / SATURDAY • 11AM-9PM SUNDAY 11AM-6PM FISH AND SHRIMP PLATES CATERING AVAILABLE 22532 LOOP 494 77339 832-776-7494 SELF STORAGE 3700 Atascocita Rd Humble, TX 77396 (281) 540-1985 [o] atascocita@moveitstorage.com Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and 281-360-9473 families! Includes a glossary of questions www.williamsfinancial-kingwood.com Securities offered through WFG Investments, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC Investment Advisory Services through WFG, Advisors, LP to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... I TA L I A N O ’ S $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Danny Sullivan 24 Hrs 281.359.3598 I-Car Certified Techician Fax 281.359.1985 Owner 22500 Loop 494 Kingwood, Texas 77339 515133 St Mary Magdalene Church (B) ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.jspaluch.com Pizza-Pasta-Vino Al & Susie 832-971-8400 Catering Rehearsal Dinners Anniversary Parties Private Parties All Occasions 217 FM 1960 East Bypass For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Everything Plumbing $30 Discount w/Ad 281-360-4114 407 E. 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Humbel, TX by Deanna Light & Paul Tate Spoken and musical reflections to accompany your faith journey. Ideal for times of grief, struggle or longing. CD with mini journal $14.95. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications A & P ELECTRIC LAW OFFICES OF LYNETTE A. MARTINEZ IMMIGRATION • DIVORCE • CRIMINAL Lynette A. Martinez Attorney • Abogada 601 First St., Humble,TX www.jspaluch.com 281-447-1355 7556 FM 1960 East @ W. Lake Houston Pkwy. (281) 852-2332 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941