January, February, March, 2015
January, February, March, 2015
FRIENDS OF METRO PARKS FriendsTALK LORAIN COUNTY news 2015 Board of Trustees, Support Staff & Leaders 2015 Trustees Cheryl June-President Barb Fieger-Vice President Fred Bartin Pamela Pastor Char Kline Bob Goard Rita Harned Paul Rothacker Pamela Amann Vannesa Klesta-Park Liaison Elaine Clark- Recording Secretary Ruth Horvath- Treasurer FRIENDSTALK Volunteer Staff: Designer: Spotted Banana Creative Studio/Karleigh Potemry Photographer: Roger Brownson Coordinator: Rita Harned 12882 Diagonal Rd., L aGrange , O H 4405 0 Corps Leaders Donna Lauffer-Train Corps CVC Charlotte Herstek-Lakeview Corps Judy Sako-Wellington Corps -Public Information Corps Pam Pastor-Raptor Corps Maxine Miller- Mill Hollow Ruth HorvathWildlife Observation Area Char Kline-Columbia Station Corps & Miller Nature Preserve-Desk Corps Darlene Falco-Fedor-Miller Nature Preserve-Garden/Host Corps Donna Azok-Schoepfle Gardens Melody Penfound- French Creek/ True North Support Staff Dotty Moseley-Membership Secretary Patti Czipa & Pam Pastor- Hours Secretaries Donna Wolf-Friends Volunteer Coordinator Bobby Vaughn-Miller Nature Preserve Nook Ruth Horvath-WOA Nature Nook Karen Smith-Splash Zone Teen Corps Leaders Cheryl June, Dave Smith, Elaine Clark, Pam Pastor, Shane Clark & Paul Rothacker y, r a u r b e January, F 15 0 2 ch r a M Contact: friends_talk_2007@yahoo.com for news related ideas... d n e i r F ks in Lorain County, r a P o r t e Inc. s of M Do you shop at GFS? If you regularly shop at GFS, then you are familiar with the phrase when you check out “is this for a specific organization?” Did you know that Friends of the Metro Parks is registered with GFS and for every purchase that is made with us as the designee, then we earn a rebate from GFS which is paid out twice a year. So the next time you go to GFS, during your check out process when the cashier asks “is this for a specific organization” please answer, “yes, this is for Friends of the Metro Parks”. Your purchase will then be added to our other purchases and allow us to earn a larger rebate which in turn allows us to support the Lorain County Metro Parks even more! We appreciate your support! Annual Garage Sale Do you have cabin fever? Are you looking for something to do after the holidays? We will have our garage sale on Saturday, January 31st from 8 am – 4 pm. There will be many assorted items available for sale as well as Nature Nook inventory. We will also have available food and drinks. This is a cash and carry, and we will accept cash and credit cards, NO checks please! Have stuff you don’t want? We are gearing up for our annual garage sale and we want your stuff. As you pack up your holiday items and look to the new year and decide you want to “clean out”, please keep us in mind as we would like to have your donations for our garage sale. The drop off dates are Saturday, January 24, 2015 from 8 am–2pm and on Tuesday, January 27th and Wednesday, January 28th from 5:30 pm–7:30 pm at the Carlisle Visitors Center. We are looking for Holiday decorations, cookbooks, arts and craft items, DVDs/CDs, books, unwanted gifts, kitchen items, home décor, jewelry and family/board games. Please NO shoes, clothes, electronics or broken items. We will gladly write you a tax deductible receipt for your generous donation. Letter from the President: Hello Friends Hope you all had a Wonderful Holiday Season! As with every year, it has been a busy time for LCMP and Friends volunteers. Halloween fair was an average year but it did see a RECORD BREAKING NIGHT! I am unable to find my notes but remember a 6400 attendance night. Wow! The trail attendance was 21,767 for the 6 nights with 9698 riding the Choo. This year I was able to actually see the trail thanks to my friend Elaine. What an awesome sight. It takes a lot of work for the staff to put this together and a tremendous amount of volunteer hours and hard work to run the stations and up top jobs. A HUGE thank you to all of you that spent your Friday and Saturdays at the park volunteering! As I write this Holiday Lights is near the end. By the numbers I have seen, we have had great attendance and VERY busy nights inside. I am sure the weather has had a lot to do with this. In case you did not know, the Choo has a car for the disabled. What a great addition and it has been used. Well, I will have numbers for you in the next newsletter and at the annual dinner. Just in case you had not heard – the park Levy passed. A big thank you to all for your support of LCMP. It was an interesting experience to be involved with this levy. The last levy I put a sign in my yard but this one I was fortunate enough to be able to help in a small way. I look forward to the plans for the next ten years with Cascade being one of them. Don’t forget the 2nd Annual Garage Sale will be in January. There is an article in the newsletter and watch the papers. It was a HUGH success last year and helped to fund the Raptor Center cages donated by Friends. We hope this one will do as well. Keep sending in the Chip A Grams! We have had four winners, Josie Laugh, Louise Bartlow, Jim Sexton and a park staff person: Jim Mueller. Those of you that frequent Carlisle will have seen Jim. He is an avid supporter of Friends and is always helpful and friendly. He truly goes above and beyond. Thank you for recognizing these volunteers – they do go Above and Beyond! I must say though that ALL of the Park Staff deserve recognition for the job they do and the support they give Friends. Remember them the next time you visit the park! They keep you safe, maintain the buildings and park areas, put on programs and all the behind the scenes jobs that keep the parks running. Thank you! One other thing before I close, as previously discussed, we are trying to update the membership system. In doing so, I have a volunteer computer programmer that has stepped up with some ideas. However, he asked if we have any other programmers out there that could help. He figures it would take a couple of you to work up what he has in mind. Well, time to close! So I give you ALL special Recognition for the jobs you do! Thank you! Friends would not exist without all of you – my most humble appreciation for all that you do….. Cheryl June, President of Friends Maple Sugaring Breakfast I know its hard to believe, but Maple sugaring time in the parks begins the end of February! Once again Friends will be hosting Pancake Breakfasts both Saturday and Sunday during Maple Sugaring. The first weekend of the 2/28 and 3/1 we will share the weekend with Midview. But the other weekends will be hosted by Friends. Please mark your calendars. Donna will be emailing and calling to fill the spots! So: March 1st, March 7th and 8th and March 14th and 15th. Thank you for helping out! Hope to see you then! 2 A Thank you to the Friends Volunteers that submitted names for recognition. Each month a name will be drawn from the current submissions received and the winner will receive a $10 gift card for the Nature Nook. We urge all the volunteers and staff to be on the lookout for Friends volunteers that go ABOVE AND BEYOND! And a big thank you to all the volunteers recognized this time. The Board of Friends wants to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication to Lorain County Metro Parks. Friends of Metro Parks is here to support Lorain County Metro Parks with volunteer services and financial assistance. It takes the efforts of all of you to meet our goals. Our latest list of winners: Josie, Lough, Louise Bartow, Jim Sexton, and Jim Mueller (park staff) A big THANK YOU to our submitters: Char Kline and Marjian Mitchell An impressive list of volunteers. Thank you all. Please keep the nominations coming. Recognize a volunteer that goes above and beyond! Fill out the CHIP A GRAM and submit before the third Monday of each month and one of the volunteers will win a $10 gift certificate for the Nature Nooks. Columbia Station Murder Mystery Auditions Thanks to the volunteers who helped at the Santa Lunch. The kids enjoyed the pizza, crafts, games, and seeing Santa. Thanks to all those volunteers who help with leading hikes. It won’t be long before we’ll be preparing for the Easter Bunny, so get your ears on. Char Kline Columbia Station Corps Leader 3 Auditions for “you know the old slaying” will be Tuesday, January 6 at 7pm at the Carlisle visitors center. Auditions are a cold reading from the script. Show dates are Fridays and Saturdays May 1. 2, 8, 9 with seating at 6:30 and dinner at 7:00 Tickets are $30 per individual, $58 per couple. Group rates available. FRIDAY, May 1 ONLY - Friends members may purchase tickets for this performance only for $25 each. Reservations for the murder mystery will be taken beginning February 15. Please call 216-544-3865 for reservations or more information. Volunteer Hours Adkins, Eirene 104.00 Adkins, Gay 108.00 Amann, Pamela 63.00 Bailey, Michael 35.50 Baldwin, Don 16.00 Bankovich, Christine 21.00 Barker, Jane 50.15 Barlik, Charlotte G 53.25 Barlik, Robert C 126.00 Barnes, Patrick 7.00 Bartholomew, Phyllis 18.00 Bartin, Connie 12.50 Bartin, Fred 92.00 Bartow, Louise 58.25 Bates, Paula 68.75 Bayless, Maureen L. 31.50 Beam, Linda 24.00 21.00 Belcastro, Patricia Biddle, Susan 22.00 Bodnar, Dawn 51.50 Bofinger, William 34.50 Braat, Susan 5.00 Breda, Cindy 40.50 Breen, Elaine 4.00 Bridge, Steven 27.00 Brownson, Roger 31.00 Buchanan, Ann H. 37.00 Burns, Bonnie 24.00 Cerullo, Joyce 3.25 Cestaro, Ginny 27.50 Clark, Elaine 71.00 Clark, Shane 49.00 Cox, Catherine 4.00 Cunningham, Carol 2.50 Czipa, Patti Ann 141.00 Daniels, Caroline 7.00 Dillon, Eileen 13.00 Dowdell, Deborah 161.00 Driver, Brenda 84.00 Dunn, Jeremy 1.50 Dzoba, Elizabeth 19.75 Eging, James 22.00 Ester, Robin 56.00 Falco-Fedor, Darlene 45.00 Farmer, Karen 3.00 Farrell, Cathy 76.00 Farrell, Vince 5.00 Ferris, Linda 124.00 Fide, Lisa 39.00 Foldes, Nick 42.00 Foy, Dan 39.00 Fravel, Phyllis 16.00 Friedel, Dave 31.50 Fryberger, Jill 3.50 Galvin, Barb 47.50 Gelenius, Deb 21.50 George, Heather 48.50 Gerhan, Sandi 2.50 Gerhardinger, Marilyn 27.00 Gilbert, Debbie 167.00 Gildenmeister, Cheryl 245.00 Gordon, Bev 8.00 Grasmehr, William 91.00 Greiner, Sharon 16.00 Griffiths, David 39.00 Habenicht, Tara 39.50 Hamilton, Pam 38.00 Hank, Mary 51.75 Hank, Ron 28.25 Harbeck, Evelyn 8.00 Harned, Rita 87.00 Hawkey, Eugene 25.00 Hemminger, Doc 27.00 Hemminger, Judy 13.50 Herrmann, Harry 42.75 Herrmann, Jane 55.25 Hildebrandt, Alison 134.50 Hille, Ken 26.00 Hille, Laurel 45.00 Holland, Bob 48.75 Holland, Marge 52.50 Hunter, Gil 11.50 Huntley, Gary 15.00 Jalowiec, Jonathan (Bud) 7.00 Jenkins, Chuck 29.00 Jenkins, Sandy 40.50 Jones, Gail 24.00 Jordan, Pat 20.00 Joviak, David 85.00 Joviak, Nancy 75.00 June, April A. 15.00 June, Cheryl 184.00 Kapur, Jan 16.50 Kasick, Nadine 51.50 Kasubinski, Joanna 18.00 Kazay, Marcie 90.00 Kline, Charlotte 369.00 Klingshirn, Nancy 24.50 Knechtges, Darlene 21.00 Knowlton, Emma 8.00 Kocsis, Sandra 26.00 Koontz, Norma 70.75 Koury, Maxine R. 24.00 Kovatch, Kathy 26.00 Kratt, Sharon 16.00 Krutowskis, Pat 16.00 Kuznar, Patricia 15.75 Lapp, Monica 59.75 Lauffer, Donna 150.00 Lauffer, Jeff 51.00 Lauffer, Lori 82.00 Lauffer, Ron 64.50 Layton, Jo 61.00 Le Scoezec, Jeannine 48.00 Lee, Dick 48.00 Lough, Josie 16.00 Lynch, Jennifer 30.25 MacIntyre, Dot 40.00 Magdos, Shelley Maines, Douglas Masica, Bill Masica, Ethel (Tudy) Meyer, Olivia Miles, Betsy A Miller, Maxine 120.00 Miller, Nancy K. Mitchell, Marjean Moorman, Fran Moseley, Dotty 93.50 Mueller, Barbara Mueller, Paul Murray, Judith 4.50 Nash, Patsy Novinger, Jim O’Hara, Beverly Pabin, Theresa 111.50 Painter, Shirley 131.00 Pastor, Pamela 237.00 Penfound, Melody Perkins, Janis Platt, Vincent Resar, Margaret 7.25 Roessler, Gretchen Romot, Elsie Rothacker, Paul 94.00 Roule, Terri Sako, Alyssa Sako, Charlie Sako, Judy Sauer, Alexandra Schoen, Mary Sexton, Jim Singleton, Jan Smith, Dave Smith, Karen Solderitsch, Albert Solderitsch, Joyce Spencer, Nancy Swanson, Carl Tessman, Joe Thompson, Martin Timms, Clara Torres, Marilyn Traylor, Julie Urban, Jeff Weber, Eva Weber, Tom Weil, Charles Welsh, Eugene Welsh, Patricia Wenger, Daniel G. West, Amy-Jo West, Anthony Wickman, Pauline Wiech, M. Snow Zimmerman, Pat 25.00 29.00 55.50 93.75 7.00 42.25 56.00 25.00 21.25 5.00 5.00 28.50 15.25 25.00 11.00 30.25 17.00 76.25 62.00 26.00 24.75 28.75 89.00 3030.00 11.00 232.50 7.00 118.50 85.00 11.50 11.50 56.50 73.00 32.00 47.00 9.00 4.00 16.00 110.25 71.25 68.75 104.00 1.25 1.25 36.50 14.50 14.00 160.00 14.00 7.50 A Membership SystemHelp Needed As we have mentioned prior, we are looking to upgrade our membership system. It is not working correctly and is causing many issues. We have contacted EMERGE, and they have given us some quotes. We have also looked into other packages, the one that would work is $325 per month which is WAY out of our budget. Recently I have met with a computer programmer who is willing to put in volunteer hours to work on a new idea for our membership system. However, he is asking if there are any other computer programmers out there that would be willing to work with him on this new idea. He feels one or two others might get the job done. By the way, it appears the new idea would be cloud based and would not have a monthly cost to it. Chip E Munk and Friends Thank You for your spectacular volunteer efforts! VOLUNTEER TIME CARD Don’t Forget... to Mail Your Time Card! Please fill out and return to: Friends of the Metro Parks 12882 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange, OH 44050 Attn.: HOURS Or Email Hours To: Friendsofmetroparks@hotmail.com VOLUNTEER TIME CARD Please fill out and return to: Friends of the Metro Parks • 12882 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange, OH 44050 • Attn.: HOURS Or Email Hours To: Friendsofmetroparks@hotmail.com ADDRESS:_______________________________________ NAME:__________________________________________ PHONE:_________________________________________ NAME: ______________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________ EMAIL:__________________________________________ PHONE _____________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________ Please in hours on a monthly basis Please turn in turn hours on a monthly basis Hours for Month___________________________ Hours for Month ____________ Corps or Corps or Event Event Activity or Activity or Reservation Reservation Hours Hours Curious about what the Board does? Ever wonder how all the amazing events are put together and organized? Maybe you already have a good idea of what they do and how it’s done but want to know more details... Good news! This is where you can find answers to fulfill your curiosity and simmer that wondering mind! Keep a lookout in the next several issues for more Board member stories. Pam Amann I grew up in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, the land of Mr. Rogers, and while we may have had Mr. McFeely, King Friday the XIII, and Daniel the Tiger growing up, we never had a Metropark system. So when moving to Lorain County twenty years ago, I didn’t quite know what to make of the Metroparks, but I knew I wanted to be a part of what they had to offer! So upon my retirement, I realized that I now had time to give to our community through volunteerism and that one of the first places to volunteer was as a Friend of Lorain County Metroparks. After having been a Friend for several years, the opportunity presented itself for me to do even more for the Metroparks by becoming a Board Member. As a board member I have been a Nightly Leader for Holiday Lights and a Leader for the concessions during the Halloween Walk. Presently I’m learning the ins and outs of the Breakfast with Santa program and am looking forward to participating in as many activities as possible as a Board Member. The Lorain County Metroparks system is a wonderful addition to Lorain County and I’m very excited about playing a part in promoting this county-wide resource. Cheryl June Job of the President Well, the editor has asked all the Board members to write up a description of what we do on the Board. So let’s see, job description….. Board President – leads the monthly Board meetings; liaison with park staff; responsible for the Annual Dinner. Sounds simple? My monthly responsibilities can include meeting with Corps leaders and volunteers to help resolve any issues that arise. Working through issues that come up between Volunteers and Park staff and meeting with Park staff when necessary. Answering emails…. One of the greatest joys I have is meeting and getting to know all you Volunteers! Although I am terrible with names and always have been, I do recognize your faces! (psst.. name tags!) And of course it goes without saying – The president’s job would be very difficult if it wasn’t for the Board Members. Each and every one of the Board members brings a different perspective to the position. It takes the whole Board to keep the Friends organization running as smoothly as possible. 6 Maple Sugaring at Carlisle Reservation Warm fires, sap cooking down into syrup, watching the rest of winter melt away. Sugar Shack friendships with a dose of learning too! All these things and more await you at Carlisle Reservation during the Maple Sugaring season starting mid-February. LCMP’s Maple Sugaring Program is designed to provide park visitors with the opportunity to learn about the history, geography, science and economic importance of one of Ohio’s oldest agricultural process through first-hand interpretation and hands-on, personal experiences. Our objectives through providing Maple Sugaring programming are to provide FACTUAL, RELEVANT information in a PROFESSIONAL and sensible manner, to provide HANDS-ON, unique EXPERIENCE OPPORTUNITIES to promote LEARNING and of course to provide an opportunity to have FUN! Here is the basic schedule of our Maple Sugaring month, with more information on the requested programs to come as we get closer to February. If you are interested in helping, please let Mary Ewers, Senior Naturalist at Carlisle Reservation, know by phone (440-458-5121 x232) or email (mewers@metroparks.cc). We love to see new faces around the Sugar Shack! The more the merrier. Setup: Sunday February 22, 2015, 9:30am-3:30pm 9:30am–12 pm Bucket, spile, etc. washing OR Tree Tapping. When signing up be sure to let us know which activity you’re interested in. 12pm-1pm Potluck 1pm-3:30pm Cleaning out Sugar Shack, etc OR Stacking Wood in Piles, inside and out. When signing up be sure to let us know which activity you’re interested in. Public Program Days: Feb 28, March 1, March 7&8, 14&15 11:30-3:30 pm daily. All volunteer positions available (see descriptions below) Requested Program Days: Monday through Friday March 2-20th. Evaporator Pan Attendant and Shackhand volunteer positions available (see descriptions below) If you have any availability during the week, please consider signing up for these shifts. Although we tend to only think of the weekends as the Maple Sugaring program, this program runs 7 days a week for three weeks! Any assistance you can offer will be greatly appreciated! If you’re not sure what each of the volunteer jobs entail, look to the descriptions at the bottom of this article. We hope to see you at the Sugar Shack this year! Cleanup: Saturday March 21, 2015, 9am-noon (with a hot dog/leftover lunch from 12-1pm) Bucket, spile, etc. washing OR Cleaning Out Sugar Shack, putting away equipment AVAILABLE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY POSITIONS: Program/Sugar Bush Assistant Assisting the Naturalist Staff with both requested programming and weekend public programming by leading hikes to tap trees in the Sugar Bush. Will only be necessary during actual program times. Evaporator Pan Attendant (AM/PM) Watching the evaporator pan, refilling the pan with sap, filling the arch with firewood, and also following the daily pan setup/shutdown procedures. Responsible for keeping the daily Sugar Shack logs. When necessary, this person will also fill jars with the finished product. More information on this position will be given during a later orientation. This person will also be in charge of counting and recording the number of visitors to the Sugar Shack. Shackhand Behind the scenes maintenance – Behind the scenes maintenance - shoveling snow on walkway and salting close to sugar shack, sweeping inside sugar shack, refilling wood racks inside the Sugar Shack, and restacking wood outside as necessary. Will also assist the Evaporator Pan Attendant with setup /shutdown, and also canning the syrup when necessary. Morning shackhand will also assist with sap collection at 11am. Evening shackhand will be responsible for checking the donation bucket, and turning in any donation money to the Nat staff. Sap Collector Daily at 11am, two to three individuals are needed to assist with the collecting of sap from the trees in the Sugar Bush and taking it back to the Sugar Shack. This will include operating a motorized vehicle on potentially icy trails, and possibly operating a sump pump to transport sap to the large holding tank in the Sugar Shack. This is also weather dependent; if the sap is not running on a particular day sap collection will be cancelled by 10am. Sugar Shack Interpreter Presenting interpretive information about the Maple Sugaring process inside the Sugar Shack during weekend program days. Also assisting to direct visitors to other program offerings inside the building and loading people in the Choo as needed. Historical Interpreters Presenting historical information about Maple Sugaring in an informative way outside the Sugar Shack during weekend program days. Little Green Choo Engineer A member of the Train Corps that will drive the Choo during the weekend program days, weather permitting. This person is also responsible for the startup and shutdown of the Little Green Choo, along with recording the number of riders Saturdays and Sundays during the program. Floating Volunteer To assist the other volunteer positions as needed, particularly loading the Choo passengers, sugar shack interpretive information, as well as sap collection from the Sugar Bush. FriendsTALK 12882 Diagonal Road LaGrange, OH 44050 news July, August, September 2014 Miller Nature Preserve Thanks to everyone who helped with the “Candyland” display. It couldn’t have been done without you!! If you haven’t stopped by to see it, try to before it is taken down. Also, thanks to those who helped with the Santa Breakfast. I know the kids had an enjoyable time. Those who attended the thank you “picnic” at Miller had a good meal and a fun evening. Sorry more volunteers were not able to make it. As always, I appreciate all your help and the dedication you give to the Lorain County Metro Parks. If anyone is interested in volunteering at Miller that is not already in the corps, just give me a call and I will get you started. Char Kline Miller Corps Leader 440-315-7192 10,000 Rides in 2015 - can you help us with a few? There is so much more at Schoepfle Garden than just gardening. Most of our volunteers never get their hands dirty, unless they want to. With the children’s garden and the carousel, tram and programming, there is almost never a day during the growing season where something is not going on at the Garden. The SG Corps runs a gift shop and provides information to visitors in our visitor center, where guests can view a video on the history of the garden, get a drink or snack or admire the Vermilion River valley from the deck. The corps members also drive our tram sharing the story of the garden with visitors at least two days a week. We have produced a new tram guide so even if you can’t identify an oak from a pine tree, you can share the garden using our helpful guide. The carousel runs three days a week with some extra days during the summer for our visitors. Operating the carousel is not that hard (it’s like turning on and off a light switch) and you will be the most popular person in the children’s garden that afternoon. This year our goal is 10,000 rides at the garden between the carousel and tram so we hope to be busy all season long. And if you would like to get your hands dirty, we can have you help care for some of the plants throughout the garden. Weekdays, weekends and an occasional evening, there are plenty of opportunities for every member of Friends to find a way to share the fun at Schoepfle. Join us Wednesday February 11th at 10am or Saturday February 14th at 10am to find out more about volunteering at the garden, sign up for shifts and learn how to be a tram driver or carousel operator. Questions? Give Matt a call at the garden at 440-965-7237. Know someone who might like to help us and needs to join Friends? Have them sign up to attend the Friends orientation meeting on Sunday F ebruary 15th at 2pm here at Schoepfle Garden.