NEWSLETTER - Redcliffs School
NEWSLETTER - Redcliffs School
NEWSLETTER Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere whakamua. Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward. WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2015 TERM THREE, WEEK TEN Coming Events: Friday 25 September Monday 12 October Wednesday 14 October 15, 16 October Tuesday 20 October Monday 26 October 27 Oct – 6 Nov Wednesday 28 October Thursday 29 October Friday 30 October Monday 2 November Tuesday 3 November 4th to 6th November Tuesday 10 November Wednesday 11 November Friday 13 November Monday 16 November Last day of Term 3, final assembly 1.45pm First day of Term 4, Powhiri 9.00am Bays Cluster Speech Competition, 6.00pm, Star of the Sea School Year 4 overnight Camp, Blue Skies Kaiapoi Whole school Athletics Day (pp day 23 October) Labour Day holiday Team Whenua Aquagym swimming lessons Canterbury Triathlon. PTA meeting 7.30pm staffroom Year 6 Choir at Christchurch Music Festival Kiwiana Mufti day Top Team Afternoon PTA Subway Lunch Year 5 Camp Living Springs Zone Athletics Day Bays Cluster Music Festival 6.00pm Show Day holiday School closed for Teacher Only Day. Board meeting 6.00pm You can find and subscribe to all coming events for this term on our website (Calendar) Principal’s Note Dear parents and caregivers What a fabulous Fair day we had! Redcliffs School can still put it on for Christchurch, despite the weather, despite our enduring relocation challenges. The clear and resounding message we gave to the wider community on Sunday is that we are a happy, robust, resilient and welcoming school. And in return the community supported us enormously. When a group of people work together, stay connected and coordinated they become a strong force for good. Redcliffs School whanau demonstrate the truth in that unequivocally! If I begin to thank individuals I will no doubt overlook someone – so I am just going to say that we have an amazing Fair committee who work so hard for all of us, very ably led by Kathy Connolly; thank you so much to Kathy and team, from all of us. We can expect to hear the total of funds raised very soon. In the meantime; our children are ready for a holiday break and I hope everyone has time for a well-deserved rest. Term 4 is shaping up to be a busy one – do get your dairies and calendars updated from the coming events listed above, and even more dates for the whole term are on the calendar on our website. “Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.” Sally Koch Hei konā mai Kim Alexander Principal This term’s value is: Board of Trustee News Minister’s Decision Delayed We have now been informed that the Minister’s interim decision on the future of our school will not be made until Term 4, 2015. Because of this delay the Board asked the Minister to make the decision now that, regardless of her interim decision, closure will not be on the mid-2016 date initially proposed. The Minister, Hon Hekia Parata, has agreed to this request and has now confirmed to us that: “…if my final decision is that Redcliffs School should close, this will not take place before the beginning of 2017.” This good news will help parents plan for schooling in 2016. With this in mind, the best action you can take is to keep your children at Redcliffs School. That will demonstrate to the Minister how strongly the community wants their school. We are starting our planning of programmes and resourcing for 2016, based on a full ‘business as usual’ year of learning at Redcliffs @ van Asch. Nothing needs to change for our children. They can continue to remain settled and thriving. We will still have our small class sizes, highly effective teaching and learning, and the happy learning culture that we have created at van Asch. Finally, we would like to reiterate once again our thanks for your support. It has been a long road to date but we are constantly encouraged by the strength and talent of our community and the desire to get behind us to get the right result. The Board is absolutely committed to returning our school to Redcliffs. With your ongoing support we will continue to show the Minister that our school is the heart of our community. School News and Information Staff News Heidi Key has now finished teaching Room 8 for this year, as she heads off on maternity leave – best wishes Heidi! A warm welcome back to Fiona Carey who has returned part-time for the remainder of this year, to teach in Room 78 along with Jude Campion and Paula Catton. Dental Care over the School Holidays The Community Dental Service operates an emergency service over the school holidays; to provide relief of pain only and not ‘routine’ treatment. The service will be available from 8:30am-12:30pm from the Hillmorton Community Clinic, Sylvan St, Christchurch from Monday 28 September to Friday 2 October and Monday 5 October to Thursday 8 October. This service operates by appointment only, please phone 0800 846 983. If we are unable to see your child, alternative options will be given. If your child has dental pain as a result of an accident please contact your dentist in the first instance. Student Achievement News Values Certificates Congratulations to these children who received values certificates at recent school assemblies: Excellence: Claudia Peck, Jamie Moores, Troy Maddigan, Katana Rimene, James Doherty, Olivia Moss, Luca Paynter-Clarke, Evan Gordon, Ollie Tinkler, Andrew McLauchlan, Hvar Bailey, Luca Rose, Joel Connolly, Joe Matulewicz Manaakitanga: Meila Davys, Anaru Sadlier, Bella Hansen-Ratter, Ruby Ford, Danielle Rimene Responsibility: Annissa Baker, Eddy Stanton, Aneira Salt, Austin Beer, Niko Paynter-Clarke Resilience: Aaron Clark, Sophia Cook Values Awards How marvellous to have three students who have received their Values Award badges. Congratulations to Fin Ocheduszko Brown, Sam Clark and Sam Daeche, who have earned certificates in each of our four values areas. Canterbury Science Fair On Saturday 19 September five Redcliffs students participated in the annual Science and Technology Fair at Riccarton High School. These 5 students gained the highest results in their year group in our school competition. Digby Hollis-Locke, Alex Yallop and Kynan Salt with their exhibits on Static Electricity, Hydro Power and Sport Science. Liam Gordon and Tom Barker with their exhibits on Heat Insulation and Tooth Decay. Well done boys! Learning News World Vision Leadership Day On Friday 18 September four Year 7 students went to a leadership day organised by World Vision, in response to our fantastic fundraising for the 40 hour famine. Emilia Crooks, Jud Bamford, Hannah Parker and Zack Waite took part in a range of games and fun activities with leaders from other primary and intermediate schools, which aimed to raise their awareness of the reality of global poverty. They also learned about what communities like ours can do to help relieve poverty in developing countries. Thanks to Nicoli Fox-Waite for accompanying the students for the day. It was a great experience for them. Willowbank Trip Team Moana had a fantastic morning visiting Willowbank last Tuesday. We had a great Keeper Talk about their kiwi breeding programme. Visiting the Kiwi house was a real highlight, as was feeding the eels. Everyone had a bag of animal food and we walked around looking at all the different animals and learning more about them. Thanks to all our fabulous parents who came with us and helped supervise small groups. Code Club is on Mondays! We are still offering FREE basic software training to children from Year 4 and up. Kids can learn to programme games, animations and skill testers in a fun and challenging way, using Scratch software. Mary Tinkler, a programmer in our parent community, is kindly volunteering to teach children on a Monday from 12.30- 1.30pm. Any queries please contact Jude Campion - Team Moana Speech Final Last Thursday 17 September 13 children took part in the Team Moana speech finals. A great range of entertaining and well researched topics were delivered superbly by the speakers. The standard was very high. Thanks to Ms Alexander for being the judge. Congratulations to everyone who took part. Results were: Year 4: 1st Ollie Irvine; 2nd Scarlett Girvan; 3rd Nico Heather. st nd Year 5: 1 Renee Maddigan; 2 Annissa Baker; Highly Commended Caspar Joseph, Abbie Irvine. st nd rd Year 6: 1 Harvey Willis; 2 Brooklyn Heather; 3 Raffy Bennett; Highly Commended Hamish France, James Hoole, Natasha Lind. Harvey will represent Redcliffs at the Bays Cluster Speech Competition early next term with his speech on “Living a Simpler Life.” Team Rangi Speech Competition Last week Team Rangi held their Speech Competition finals. Competitors spoke on a variety of topics which were enjoyed by their audience. Thank you to Ms Alexander for judging this exciting event. Results are as follows: st nd Year 8: 1 Georgie Coburn; 2 Liam Berryman; Highly commended Fin Ocheduszko Brown; Highly Commended Charlotte Bruin. Year 7: 1st Tom Barker; Highly commended Zack Waite; Highly commended Jud Bamford Georgie will represent Redcliffs at the Bays Cluster Speech Competition early next term with her speech on “Bullying”. Sports News New Sports Coordinator A very warm welcome to Lawrence Babe, who has joined our staff. Lawrence will be the new Bays Cluster Sports coordinator for next term and all of 2016. We are thrilled to have you join us Lawrence. Watch this space as Lawrence hopes to get a couple of sporting events up and running across the cluster for term 4. Koru Games The Koru Intermediate Games three-day tournament was an outstanding experience for many of our year 7 and 8 students. This year we entered three football teams; one girl’s and A boys’ team and B boys’ team. All three teams did remarkably well; they were competing against mainly large Intermediates from around the South Island. The girls’ team and boys’ A team qualified for the finals competition. The A team were knocked out in a penalty shootout but then went on to finish 5th out of 24 teams. The B team put up a great display and finished 17th. The girls, many of whom had not played before, finished 6th. Over the whole experience our students were competitive, fun, supportive and encouraging. They embodied the meaning of team players and represented our school with immense pride. Next year we will look at entering again and who knows what we may try - maybe lawn bowls or table tennis. The students made us very proud, playing with great sportsmanship and commitment, well done to all who took part. Mr Ryan, Miss Williams, Mrs Mac Redcliffs School Summer Starter – join Team Redcliffs! Sunday 29 November The Summer Starter finishes at Redcliffs Park. Let's welcome the rest of Canterbury to our own neighbourhood, and make a real impact. Early bird registrations are $20 for adults, and children are free. The Press has extended the early bird discount for us until 15 September. You can register online at – please select ‘Team Redcliffs’ when you do. Arts and Cultural News Concert and Training Band Performance Tomorrow, Thursday 24 September our Concert band and Training band are performing in the van Asch Gymnasium at 9.45am. Everyone is very welcome to attend. Kapa Haka at the Fair Congratulations to our Kapa Haka students for their fabulous performance to open our 2015 school fair last Sunday. You performed brilliantly, showed excellent self-management and resilience! Talent Quest Well done to all of the talent quest competitors. You did such a good job. A big congratulations to all of the people who got a placing: st nd Juniors – 1 Zoe, Hannah and Saffron, 2 Aneira, Lotta, Amelia and Hvar st nd rd Seniors – 1 Abbie, Renee, Bella and Molly, 2 Luca and Riley, 3 Hari and the year 8 boys st nd Instruments – 1 Aneira, 2 Faya, Ruby and Charlotte Lily D, Georgie C, Charlotte B Fair Fun! Fun! Out of School News Sports Success Congratulations to Kynan Salt (Rm 1) who has been selected to represent Canterbury at National level for both gym and football over the school holidays. During the school holidays Kynan travels to Auckland for Men's Artistic Gymnastics and then to Queenstown with his Canterbury football team. Good luck Kynan! Congratulations to Scarlett Girvan (Rm 6) who achieved first place overall for her grade at the Delta Invitational Rhythmic Competition held at Christchurch Girls’ High School recently. Well done Scarlett! 2015 Term Dates Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September Monday 12 October to Thursday 17 December 2016 Term Dates Monday 1 February to Friday 15 April Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July Monday 25 July to Friday 23 September Monday 10 October to Friday 16 December Ray White Prier Manson Real Estate Ltd supports education at Redcliffs School Phone 331 6757, Community Notices New World Redcliffs opens on 21 October! New World generously supported Redcliffs School Fair .We look forward to them re-joining our community! Cool Kids Kites - Make and fly a kite at Redcliffs Library this school holidays and enjoy some flying stories. Wednesday 7 October from 2-3pm. $5 per family. All donations are going towards the rebuild of the children's section of the library. McMillan's Aquatic Centre (MACs) is located at 54 Wickham St, Bromley and is open for Term 4 bookings. We are a privately owned/ operated swim school. Small groups and personal service provided. Call Louise now on 332 4617, Email or check us our on All New Kickboxing for Fitness Starting 14 September at 10 St Johns Street, Woolston. For Timetable and Prices Ages 7 and older welcome. Email: Facebook Group: Kickboxing 4 Fitness Fuse After School Programme for kids in years 6-8, starts in Term 4 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm-5:30pm. We will provide your kids afternoon tea, do crafts, play games and have lots of fun! Cost is $20 per afternoon. For more information please phone 326 7467 or email Groms After School Programme for kids in years 1-5. It runs from 3-5:30pm on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fridays. Everyday we have afternoon tea, homework time, story time (usually about something Jesus said or did), free time and a planned activity like crafts, baking or games. More details (including enrolment forms) can be found at Or you can contact Lukas on 027 306 1808 or at Mainland Football Outdoors Holiday Programme for 7-14yrs on 28, 29, 30 September from 9am - 3pm at ASB Football Park. $35 per day ($90 for three consecutive days) Mainland Football have an inside facility suitable for inside activities in case of bad weather. Link to register: For more information: Antarctic Adventures Holiday Programme Do your children like adventure and having fun then during the holidays have them join the explorers at the Antarctic Centre. They will discover the Little Blue Penguins, chill out in the snow and ice room, ride the awesome Hagglund, find out how to survive in Antarctica, play games and more! For enquiries and bookings contact the Education Team: October 2015 Holiday Programme Fun Sport Canterbury Active Kids is an exciting structured programme of sport, physical activity and play for primary school aged children. Safe and affordable; there are a number of programme/venue options to suit you and your children’s needs. Visit our website for full details: Grey Goose Wing Archery society Stuck for something to do during the holidays? - try Archery! Age 10 and upwards, adults included! Booking essential, as numbers are limited. Held at: Catholic Cathedral College, off Ferry Road. Cost $20 per 2 hour session. Please contact Maria Tucker on 383 3837 or or Your coach has many years experience and registered to Archery New Zealand. Looking for a creative and safe space for your child to spend the school holidays? SOSCARS is now accepting holiday bookings for the upcoming September/October Holidays. Click this link to view our holiday brochure: If your child has not attended SOSCARS before, contact us at to get more info and enrol your child. Redcliffs Mount Pleasant Bowling Club 9 James Street, Redcliffs. Winter Meal We welcome all club members, friends, neighbours and anyone who would like to join us for a winter meal on Saturday 26 September from 5.306.30pm. The bar will be open. Please RSVP to Margaret, phone 384 1451. 3733 Monthly Quiz Night Tuesday 13 nd October at 7pm, then every 2 Tuesday of the month. Cost is $15.00 per person, bar opens at 6pm. Bring along your friends and neighbours, we can mix and match to the tables of 6. To secure a table, please contact the clubrooms on 3843733 (leave a message) or e-mail Our Community Centre is also available for hire! Great facilities for your next function; meetings, Christmas parties and celebrations. Please contact or phone 384 3733 Redcliffs Playgroup held Mondays 9:30-11:30am during term time at St Andrews Church, 148 Main Rd Redcliffs. $2 per family. Any enquiries please contact Vanessa, phone 384 1815 or 021 0275 1900. Drama Club Redcliffs Playgroup held Mondays 9:30-11:30am during term time at St Andrews Church, 148 Main Rd Redcliffs. $2 per family. Any enquiries please contact Vanessa, phone 384 1815 or 021 0275 1900. Fuse After School Programme for kids in year 6-8 at school, starts in Term 4 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm-5:30pm. We will provide your kids afternoon tea, do crafts, play games and have lots of fun! Cost is $20 per afternoon. For more information please phone 326 7467 or email Drama Club “Break Through Drama” After School fun and games through drama and dance. Helping to develop confidence, creativity and imagination in a fun and safe environment. Run by Michelle Fulford, trained drama facilitator. 4 week course, $40 per student. Wednesday 11, 18 and 25 November and 2 December at the Sumner School Old Hall, Wiggins Street. Yr 1-4; 3.10-4pm, Yr 5-8; 4-4.50pm Please phone 027 610 6895 for further information and/or register by email at
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