newsletter - Little Bethel Baptist Association
newsletter - Little Bethel Baptist Association
1 September 2016 Little Bethel Baptist Association - 47 Churches in Fellowship, on Mission. September Calendar 5. 6. In This Issue Labor Day—LBBA office will be closed Executive Board Meeting at Corinth BC 6:45p devotion, 7p business (Tues. No Meal) 10. Crusade Youth Day, Ballard Center 11a-3p, Worship Rally and band 3p 11-13 Good News Crusade 2016, Ballard Center 7p 11-18 Season of Prayer & Study for State Missions, Eliza Broadus Offering 17. Wayne Nelson Golf Tournament, Providence Golf Club, 8a 22 & 29 Beth Moore Bible Study for Women, “Entrusted” 6-8p (6 weeks) Every Thursday at LBBA building 30. ACP Deadline Page 1 September Calendar Church News Fair Booth Bible Winner Page 2 Bill’s Corner (Jonah 1:1-2) “GOOD NEWS” Crusade info (attached flyer) Page 3 Birthday & Anniversaries list Annual Meeting of LBBA info ACP deadline Sept. 30th LBBA Parking lot needs HELP! Louisiana Flood Relief project New Mexico “Pellet Stove” project Page 4 Fall Golf Tournament (attached flyer & roster) Beth Moore Woman’s Bible Study (attached bulletin insert) Congratulations to Audrey Russell of Mortons Gap, KY who won the Dr. David Jerimiah Study Bible in our fair booth drawing on July 30th. Immanuel Baptist Church The church cordially invites everyone to attend the ordination service for Brother Mark Eddings on Sunday, September 18th. All ordained men are encouraged to be at the church at 1:30 pm to participate in the ordination council. The service will begin as soon as the council has finished meeting. Manitou Baptist Church Homecoming at Manitou Baptist Church on September 25th at 11:00a. Worship will be followed by a potluck meal, Second Baptist Mortons Gap The church is looking for a part-time music & choir leader. Pay package will be discussed. Send resumes to Mortons Gap Second, PO Box 138. Attn. Jon Riggs, pastor Salem Baptist Church Salem is celebrating 175 years Sunday Sept. 11. Starts at 10:00a with Music Worship, 11:00a Historical Church presentation; Morning Worship – Bro. Jerry Brewer. Speaker, Catered meal following service. First Baptist Providence Dan Carr has resigned as interim pastor. Harmony Baptist Ellis Payne has resigned as pastor and the church has called Kerry Smith as their new pastor. He will begin Sunday, September 4th. 2 The Announcement of God (Jonah 1:1-2) “Leave at once for the important city, Nineveh. Announce to the people that I no longer overlook the wicked things they have done.” God had his chosen man. God had his message. The people of Nineveh had a need. It is no different for Hopkins and Webster Counties today. We have a need. We have wicked things we are doing that God will no longer overlook. He is looking for the man or men to make this announcement. The moment of repentance is now. Forty-seven churches have God’s man in the pulpit on Sunday Our association has called Bro. Harrell Riley to preach a crusade September 10-13. God is sending an announcement. We can respond to or reject the announcement. The announcement includes God’s Word. The people of Nineveh were called to repentance. Turn from your wicked ways and turn to God. This translates in this generation to give up your dependence on the things of this world and place your dependence on Jesus Christ only. (This might even mean laying our cell phones aside.) The prophets called for repentance. Jesus called for repentance (Mark 1:15). Peter called for repentance (Acts 1:38). Turning to God and changing our actions and thoughts can only be done through genuine repentance. We must place our faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). “GOOD NEWS” CRUSADE SEPTEMBER 10-13, 2016 Can you Help? Prizes are needed for the games for the Saturday, Sept. 10th “youth fun day.” Suggestions are... Fishing gear Hunting apparel T-Shirts Gift Cards, Walmart, etc. Car Wash certificates Gasoline cards Mary K (or similar for women Stuffed animals Skate boards Bike Seasonal - wreaths, fall decorations Wind Chimes Gifts Baskets—food, UK, etc. Bibles Stores sometimes make donations when asked. They usually want it in writing on letterhead. If you are willing to ask around to some of our local stores contact LBBA to get a letter of request for a donation from your favorite stores. Its good advertisement for them. PRINT OFF THE CRUSADE PROMOTION FLYER THAT IS ATTACHED TO THIS EMAIL AND TAKE IT TO YOUR PLACE OF WORK, POST IT IN YOUR CHURCH. HELP GET THE WORD OUT. OUR COMMUNITY NEEDS TO HEAR THE “GOOD NEWS.” The announcement also included the called man to deliver it. We need men of this generation who seek humility before wisdom, who walk with integrity, and men who pray. I once knew a pastor who at least once a week put on his jeans and helped the janitor of the church. He was a wise man. The greatest thing that can be said of a pastor by his members is this, “He is the same on Monday as he is on Sunday, Genuine.” George Muller in the 18th century prayed the Psalms so he could stay focused as he prayed. He founded orphanages all through England and trusted God for every penny to run them. God’s announcement requires God’s man. The announcement included the pronouncement of Nineveh’s need. They were wicked or we would say lost. We have great needs in our area. 82% of our both counties are unchurched; 94% of our students in Kentucky have no claim to any church affiliation. The North American Mission Board believes that at the current rate of evangelism it would take 1,943 years to evangelize Indianapolis. There is a great need in our association, state and region. May God bless you as you continue to respond to God’s call to make his announcement to people in need. Thank you—it takes all of us. Attention all Crusade workers Saturday -Sept 10th—arrival time 7 AM Workers to set up food booths and games for outside activities need to arrive at the fairgrounds. 9 AM Workers to set up the chairs, stage and sound equipment for inside the Ballard Center should arrive. Sunday—Tuesday—Sept 11-13th—Arrival time 6 PM All counselors, prayer warriors, preachers, parking attendants, ushers, musicians, etc. need to arrive at the Ballard Center each night prior to the meeting that begins at 7p. 6 PM—All Choir members are to arrive for practice each evening. It’s not too late…. If you have a willing heart and hands you can still be a part of this association-wide crusade and help get the “GOOD NEWS” out to our community. The Choir still needs YOU. Come to LBBA bldg. Thursday, September 8th for practice 6-8p. There will also be practice each night prior to the crusade at 6p. Youth fun day still needs workers to help setup, food booths and games. Counselors, preachers, parking attendants, ushers , etc., are still needed Sunday—Tuesday evenings. Most of all, we need PRAYER WARRIORS! 3 Associational Pastors, Paid Staff and Spouses SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Debbie Rhye, Nebo ........................................................... 1 Sam Beeny, Sr., Manitou .................................................. 3 Debra Daugherty, Liberty ................................................... 6 Dean Herron, LBBA ........................................................... 9 Dennis Mayfield, Dalton ................................................... 13 Anthony Dyer, Pleasant Valley ........................................ 22 Tara Kolodey, Pleasant Grove ........................................ 23 Peggy Tippett, Hanson .................................................... 25 Christi Brooks, Suthards .................................................. 30 SEPTEMBER CHURCH ANNIVERSARIES Dan Hutchens, Hanson ...................................................... 1 Len Young, Park Avenue ................................................... 1 Thurmon Harris, Lafayette ................................................. 2 Doug Mings, LBBA ........................................................... 23 SEPTEMBER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Chris & Lori Pendley, Silent Run ....................................... 2 Andrew & April Sexton, Slaughters ................................... 4 George & Christi Brooks, Suthards ................................... 7 Tom & Gail McKim, Prospect .......................................... 19 Thomas & Brenda Townsend, Corinth............................ 12 Louisiana Flood Relief Project A collection of items are being taken for the Louisiana flood victims. Towels Pillows Blankets Linens Dust masks First Aid Kits Cleaning Supplies Buckets Non-Perishable Foods (low-priority) Donations of cash will be taken for purchasing building supplies (dry wall, plaster, tape and lumber) to put on the truck just before it pulls out. Jody Hughes, pastor of Lakeview Baptist Church is in contact with Pastor Dick Metz, Cornerstone Fellowship, 9611 Blackwater Rd. Baker, LA 70714. Arrangements for a tractor trailer truck and driver to take the donations to Louisiana are being made. At this time the date and drop off point is TBA. If your mission group, class or church is interested in this project contact LBBA office or Jody Hughes at Cell: 270- 519-9180 Little Bethel Baptist Association 180th Annual Meeting This year’s annual meeting will take place on October 17th and 18th. Session one will be held at Richland Baptist Church. The pre-session concert will take place at 6:45 PM and business will begin at 7:00 PM. Session two will take place at Grapevine Church. There will be a fellowship meal at 5:30 PM, a pre-session concert at 6:15 PM, and business will begin at 7:00 PM. Annual Fellowship Meal Grapevine BC Fellowship room Tuesday, October 18th, 5:30p The meal will be catered by Country Cupboard Restaurant this year. The menu will be… Pulled roast beef with gravy Baked turkey & dressing Mashed Potatoes & gravy Carrots, Fried apples, & Cole Slaw Peach Cobbler & Chocolate Éclair Rolls, coffee & tea The cost per person will be $9.00. Meal tickets will be available at LBBA office. Attention ACP Contacts/Clerks ACP packets or KBC uploads to the Workspace website are due on SEPTEMBER 30th. If your church does the upload we still need your extra form that lists your minute book, calendar and associational meal order by this date. Help, Help, Help! On September 24th, 8a we are in need of about 10 workers to volunteer to help spread driveway sealer on the associational parking lot. The years have taken their toll and it is in great need of sealing before it deteriorates completely. Call 270 339-4885 (Eugene Burden) and let him know if you can help with this project. NEW MEXICO Y.E.S. MISSIONS FALL PROJECT The church plant at Church Rock, Gallup, New Mexico needs a source of heat this winter in their building. I am proposing that anyone that feels led to give to this project donate to our Gallup, New Mexico fund at the associational office. We will help them buy a Pellet Stove which I understand is a good source of heat and can be transferred if they move to a larger building. Rob McIntosh is the pastor of the Navajo congregation at Church Rock and our New Mexico team in July were blessed to have a VBS for them. I was impressed with Rob’s spirit and his plans moving forward. May God bless Little Bethel Baptist Association as we continue to keep our eyes on the harvest fields. Brother Bill 4 UNDERGROUND CHURCH CHAPTER 9 “KEYS TO THE KINGDOM” OCTOBER 15th @ 6 PM CEDAR GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 5940 STATE ROUTE 70 WEST CENTRAL CITY, KY 42330 The game is based of the fact that government has outlawed any and all Christian worship. Your goal is to reach the safe house and eventually the secret location of the worship meeting. (see attached promo flyer for more information) Contact Info: Bro. Cody Crowell 270.754.4354 Stu Wilcox Contact Us Little Bethel Baptist Assn. 445 Thompson Avenue Madisonville, KY 42431-1293 Office 270.821.6400 Fax 270.825.8440 Our Staff Rev. Bill Egbert Director of Missions By Email Mrs. Alisa Beeny Administrative Ministry Assistant By Email Mrs. Fran Morrison Baptist Counseling Center Assistant By Email Visit us on the web at Published by LBBA Editor: Alisa Beeny A bulletin insert for this event is attached to this email (or in your church packet). Please print, cut and insert into your church bulletin Sunday LITTLE BETHEL WAYNE NELSON MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday, September 17, 2016, 8:00 AM Providence Golf & Country Club 2300 Westerfield Drive, Providence, KY 42450-2263 270 667-5027 The cost at the golf course will be $30.00 per player. This includes green fee, cart, & lunch. Make checks out to Little Bethel Association. The prize fee of $10.00 plus your golf course fee must be turned into the Little Bethel office by Thursday, September 15, along with your list of players. Promotion flyer and roster are attached to this email or if you receive a newsletter packet one was included in the mailing.