16 April 2014 Press Clippings (Source – ICMP)


16 April 2014 Press Clippings (Source – ICMP)
48 die in Togo bus crash, 15 injured
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48 die in Togo bus crash, 15 injured
By Erick Kaglan , for CNN
April 16, 2014 -- Updated 1232 GMT (2032 HKT)
Lome, Togo (CNN) -- Forty-eight people, including 15 Burkina Faso nationals and a
Nigerian, died Tuesday after a bus crash in Togo, officials in the West African nation
said. Fifteen others were severely injured.
The accident happened before dawn 108 miles (175 kilometers) north of Lome as a bus
carrying passengers to Lome collided with a truck, according to a government statement
read on state TV Tuesday evening. A minibus was also involved in the crash.
Survivors said the driver of the full-size bus mistook the truck for a motorbike because
the truck had only one headlight.
Togo President Faure Gnassingbe expressed his compassion to the families of the
bereaved and dispatched a couple of ministers to the scene.
About 300 people have died in road accidents in Togo since January, officials said. More
than 3,000 people lost their lives and more than 37,000 were injured on the West African
nation's roads in the past four years, with a record 753 people killed in 2012.
Causes include the bad state of roads, vehicles that have mostly secondhand engines,
speed, failure to use seat belts or wear helmets, and driving without license.
Road accidents have become a major cause of disabilities in Togo in the past two
decades, health officials say.
Bus crash kills 36 in Mexico
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Benghazi mayoral candidate survives assassination attempt in 24 hours of violence tha... Page 1 of 1
Local News
Benghazi mayoral candidate survives assassination attempt in 24 hours of violence that leaves
two dead
By Noora Ibrahim.
Benghazi, 15 April 2014:
One of the candidates standing for major in the forthcoming Benghazi elections survived an assassination attempt today, in 24 hours of violence in the city
that left two dead and two injured.
Abdul-Moneri Al-Arerfi was wounded in the shoulder and eye after gunmen opened fire as he closed the pharmacy he runs in the city. The perpetrators
sped away from the scene. According to medical sources, Arerfi was rushed to the intensive care unit of a local hospital, where he underwent surgery. He is
said to be in a stable condition.
In a separate incident today, another Benghazi resident, Abdel-Salam Ramel, was killed today in a drive-by shooting, for which the motives remain unclear.
His body was taken to Benghazi Medical Centre (BMC).
Elsewhere in the city, a member of Libya Shield survived an assassination attempt. The man, who has not been named for security reasons, suffered three
head-wounds after being targeted by gunmen. He is reported to be in a stable condition.
Last night, a member of Ansar Al-Sharia was shot dead in the Al-Salmani district of Benghazi. Mohamed Mahlaz Shawaihdy died from a bullet-wound to
the head after gunmen opened fire on him, reportedly shooting from a black Jeep. A source at the BMC told the Libya Herald that a large number of
members of Ansar Al-Sharia visited the hospital after Shawaihdy’s body arrived there.
More from Libya Herald..
Former local education head shot dead in Benghazi By Noora Ibrahim. Benghazi, 8 April 2014: A former head of education for one of the districts of Benghazi has been shot
dead . . .
Interior Minister Mazig reveals that 30 percent of city security cameras are installed By Sami Zaptia. Tripoli, 10 April 2014: Interior Minister Salah Mazig revealed that
about 30 percent of CCTV security cameras have been installed in Libya’s major cities. The revelatio…
Staff protest over violence closes Benghazi hospital By Maha Ellawati. Benghazi, 13 July 2013: A violent outbreak between two feuding families in Benghazi’s Al-Jalah hospital
has sparked an angry protest . . .
Americans file murder charges in Chris Stevens’ killing Tripoli, 7 August 2013: The US authorities have filed criminal charges in the case of the attack on the US diplomatic
compound . . .
Two killed in separate Benghazi shootings By Noora Ibrahim. Benghazi, 21 January 2014: An army officer and a civilian were killed today in two separate incidents in Benghazi.
The body . . .
Two victims of assassination attempts die in hospital By Noora Ibrahim. Benghazi, 1 February 2014: Two men who were targeted in separate assassination attempts in Benghazi
have died in hospital. Retired police . . .
http://www.libyaherald.com/2014/04/15/benghazi-mayoral-candidate-survives-assassin... 4/16/2014
Abdulah, žrtva masakra u Ahmićima: Preživio sam strijeljanje, ali su mi ubili cijelu porodicu - Klix.ba
16.04.2014. u 07:50
Abdulah, žrtva masakra u Ahmićima:
Preživio sam strijeljanje, ali su mi ubili
cijelu porodicu
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Pedesetogodišnji Abdulah Ahmić iz Ahmića svaki 16. april dočekuje s bolnim sjećanjima na kobno jutro 1993. godine
kada je napadnuto bošnjačko stanovništvo u selu Ahmići.
Piše: E. Mehić
Ahmići opraštaju, ali ne
zaboravljaju dan kad se iz
svake bošnjačke kuće
čuju jecaji
Mještani Ahmića i danas
žive u paklu: "Sina su mi
ubili pred mojim
očima" (http://www.klix.ba/vijesti/bih/mjestani
Obilježeno 20 godina od
masakra u Ahmićima
20 godina od ubistava u
Ahmićima i Trusini
Ahmić pokazuje mjesto gdje su ubijeni njegovi najmiliji (Foto: Elmedin Mehić/Klix.ba)
Tagovi: Ahmići (/tagovi/ahmici/1902)
Abdulaha su pripadnici Hrvatskog vijeća obrane (HVO) tog 16.
aprila izveli na strijeljanje, zajedno sa članovima njegove najbliže
porodice. Jedini je ostao živ. Da govori istinu. Kako se godišnjica
masakra približava, tako mu naviru bolna sjećanja.
"Teško se toga prisjećati ponovo. Sve se dogodilo u dvorištu gdje
se nalazimo. Čim je svanulo, začule su se eksplozije i pucnjava
koja je probudila oca, majku, tri sestre i mene, a brat je spavao u
podrumu. Primijetili smo već da neke kuće gore, a onda smo čuli
detonaciju i lupanje na ulazna vrata. Otac i ja smo kazali da ne
lupaju i ne pucaju, da ćemo otvoriti. I otvorili smo", govori Abdulah
dok lomi ruke ispred ulaznih vrata kuće.
Nakon što je otvorio vrata vojnici su ih pitali da li imaju oružje.
Odgovorili su da nemaju. Zatim ih je jedan mlađi vojnik izveo
ispred kuće, dok je stariji pretraživao prostorije. Detonacija koju su
čuli prije nego što su izvedeni iz kuće došla je iz podruma, gdje je
spavao Abdulahov brat Muris.
Abdulah, žrtva masakra u Ahmićima: Preživio sam strijeljanje, ali su mi ubili cijelu porodicu - Klix.ba
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(Foto: Elmedin Mehić/Klix.ba)
"Držali su nas u dvorištu dok je stariji vojnik pretraživao
unutrašnjost kuće.Upitao sam mlađeg vojnika šta ovo znači, a on je
odgovario da je ovo osveta za ono što su naši uradili u Dusini i
Nezerovićima. Upitah ga još da se napijem vode na koritu. Nije mi
dao", pisjetio se Abdulah.
U tom trenutku su, sjeća se, ulicom prolazili UNPROFOR-ovi
kamioni, ali "mirovnjaci" nisu reagovali.
"Kada je stariji vojnik izašao iz kuće, rekao je mlađem da 'postupi
po naređenju'. Na to je on odgovorio da ne želi ili ne može. Zatim
je naredbu ponovio još tri puta, ali je mlađi vojnik uporno odbijao.
Rekao je tada da će on izvršiti naređenje. Kada su mene i oca izveli
iza kuće vidio sama brata kako mrtav leži i shvatio da je ubijen
netom prije", dodaje naš sagovornik.
Nakon što su ih postrojili, Abdulahovom ocu je naređeno da istupi.
Ubijen je jednim metkom u sljepoočnicu pred očima vlastitog sina,
a zatim su pucali i Abdulaha.
"Rekli su nam da iskoračimo i u oca su pucali sa metar razdaljine i
ubili ga. Spasio sam se tako što sam, nakon što su mi stavili cijev
na sljepoočnicu i pucali, trznuo i digao glavu tako da mi je metak
prošao kroz obraze. Okrenuli su se i otišli, a ja sam pobjegao do
ceste, gdje sam mislio da ću zaustaviti kamione i izvući se. No,
nisam uspio i sakrio sam se u kanal s vodom gdje sam proveo cijeli
dan. Navečer, oko 22 sata, izašao sam iz kanala u potpunosti
mokar", prisjeća se Abdulah.
Abdulah, žrtva masakra u Ahmićima: Preživio sam strijeljanje, ali su mi ubili cijelu porodicu - Klix.ba
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(Foto: Elmedin Mehić/Klix.ba)
Tek narednog jutra saznao je šta se desilo s majkom i sestrama.
Rečeno mu je da su noć provele u nekoj hrvatskoj kući, nakon
čega su sprovedene u Gornje Ahmiće, gdje su ubijene i spaljene u
podrumu kuće.
"Tri sestre, djevojke...", s tugom govori Abdulah kojemu je još jedan
brat, koji nije bio u kući 16. aprila 1993. godine, poginuo u borbama
u Vitezu.
Tijela brata i oca je pronašao nedaleko od mjesta gdje su ubijeni.
Zakopani su ispod jabuke. Tu informaciju na samrti mu je kazao
komšija, Hrvat.
Danas, 21 godinu poslije kobnog 16. aprila, Abdulah sa svojom
suprugom živi u kući gdje su mu ubijeni svi najmiliji.
"Bilo nas je osmero, a ja sam jedini ostao. Obolio sam i na dijalizu
idem već petu godinu. Ni žena mi nije dobrog zdravlja, ali nekako
se živi sa tom patnjom", kazao nam je on.
Abdulah je u programu Otvorene mreže prikupio oko 55.000 KM, a
za transplantaciju bubrega u Francuskoj potrebno mu je 80.000
"Nadam se da će mi taj bubreg olakšati život i želio bih da
apelujem na sve, koji mogu, da mi pomognu"
Abdulah je 10. i 11. juna 1999. godine svjedočio pred sudom u
Haagu u slučaju protiv Daria Kordića i Maria Čerkeza, gdje je
ispričao svoju priču.
Abdulah, žrtva masakra u Ahmićima: Preživio sam strijeljanje, ali su mi ubili cijelu porodicu - Klix.ba
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(Foto: Elmedin Mehić/Klix.ba)
Dario Kordić, bivši potpredsjednik Herceg-Bosne i Mario Čerkez,
zapovjednik Viteške brigade HVO-a, u decembru 2004. godine
osuđeni su na ukupno 31 godinu zatvora. Kordić je osuđen na 25
godina zatvora za kršenje zakona i običaja ratovanja, teške
povrede Ženevske konvencije i zločina protiv čovječnosti. Između
ostalog utvrđeno je da je bio jedan od vođa koji su bili "ovlašteni"
za napad na Ahmiće 16. aprila 1993. godine u kojemu je poginulo
najmanje 100 civila, uključujući jedanaestero djece i 32 žene.
Čerkez je osuđen na šest godina zatvora zbog zločina protiv
čovječnosti i progon, nezakonito zatvaranje bosanskih muslimana
na području općine Vitez. Oslobođen je optužbi vezanih za pokolj
u Ahmićima, jer je Pretresno vijeće zaključilo da njegovi vojnici nisu
sudjelovali u početnom napadu i pokolju u Ahmićima.
NAPOMENA: Komentari odražavaju stavove njihovih autora, a ne nužno i stavove internet portala Klix.ba. Molimo korisnike
da se suzdrže od vrijeđanja, psovanja i vulgarnog izražavanja. Portal Klix.ba zadržava pravo da obriše komentar bez najave i
objašnjenja. Zbog velikog broja komentara Klix.ba nije dužan obrisati sve komentare koji krše pravila. Kao čitalac također
prihvatate mogućnost da među komentarima mogu biti pronađeni sadržaji koji mogu biti u suprotnosti sa vašim vjerskim,
moralnim i drugim načelima i uvjerenjima.
Da biste mogli komentarisati ovaj članak, potrebno je da budete registrovani član Klix.ba portala.
Ukoliko ste već registrovani na našem forumu, možete koristiti iste pristupne podatke.
16.04.2014. u 07:58
Bošnje moje, nikada ne zaboravite dželate koji nas poklaše na pravdi Boga i to im nije bio
prvi put u historiji!
Pamti, opominji!
16.04.2014. u 08:17
Vidim tebe su dobro zaklali :P
16.04.2014. u 08:23
Navršila se 21 godina od zločina: Hrvati iz Trusine još čekaju pravdu - Klix.ba
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16.04.2014. u 07:48
Navršila se 21 godina od zločina:
Hrvati iz Trusine još čekaju pravdu
U selu Trusina danas će biti obilježena 21. godišnjica od ubistva 22 Hrvata. Tužilaštvo BiH je za zločin u Trusini
optužilo Mensura Memića, Dževada Salčina, Senada Hakalovića, Nedžada Hodžića, Nihada Bojadžića i Zulfikara
Na današnji dan 1993. godine u
napadu pripadnika Armije BiH na
selo Trusina, u kućama i na
ulicama ubijeno je 19 civila, a
četvero ranjeno, od kojih dvoje
djece. Ubijena su i tri vojnika HVO
Popović osuđen na pet
godina zatvora, a Minić i
Foto: Ilustracija
Rodić oslobođeni optužbi
Na početak suđenja se čekalo gotovo 17 godina, a Tužilaštvo BiH
je prošle godine u martu okončalo dokazni postupak na suđenju
šestorici bivših pripadnika Armije BiH (ARBiH) koji su optuženi za
ratni zločin počinjen 16. aprila 1993 u ovom selu nedaleko od
Bojadžić: Uoči ubistava u
trusini bio sam na
Ališpaginoj svadbi
U Francuskoj uhapšen
Radomir Šušnjar,
osumnjičen za ratni zločin
u Višegradu
Vijeće Suda BiH je u martu ove godine postupak protiv Zulfikara
Ališpage razdvojilo u odnosu na Mensura Memića, Senada
Hakalovića, Dževada Salčina i Nihada Bojadžića. Odluka je
uslijedila nakon što je Sud BiH zaprimio dopis iz Opće bolnice
"Prof. dr. Abdulah Nakaš" u Sarajevu, u kojem se navodi da je
Ališpago imao tešku operaciju, te da je nepredvidivo kada bi se
mogao ponovo pojaviti u sudnici.
Prema optužnici, Ališpago je kao komandant odreda "Zulfikar" pri
ARBiH, znao za napad koji su njemu podređeni pripadnici izveli na
Soldat, Đurić i Babić
proglašeni krivim za
Trusinu, a nije poduzeo potrebne mjere da kazni počinitelje
zločine protiv čovječnosti
Tagovi: ratni zločini (/tagovi/ratni-zlocini/908)
Trusina (/tagovi/trusina/1903)
Zulfikar Ališpago (/tagovi/zulfikar-alispago/13714)
Nikola Marić, optužen za
zločin protiv čovječnosti,
izjasnio se da nije kriv
NAPOMENA: Komentari odražavaju stavove njihovih autora, a ne nužno i stavove internet portala Klix.ba. Molimo korisnike
da se suzdrže od vrijeđanja, psovanja i vulgarnog izražavanja. Portal Klix.ba zadržava pravo da obriše komentar bez najave i
objašnjenja. Zbog velikog broja komentara Klix.ba nije dužan obrisati sve komentare koji krše pravila. Kao čitalac također
http://www.klix.ba/vijesti/bih/navrsila-se-21-godina-od-zlocina-hrvati-iz-trusine-jos-cekaju-punu-pravd... 4/16/2014
Daily e-newspaper • N° 3258 • Sarajevo, April 16, 2014
Police Terrorize Genocide Survivors
Bosniaks in Republika Srpska are subjected to institutional repression and discrimination, unlike
other citizens of the entity, said Municipal Mayor of Srebrenica Camil Durakovic
ayor Durakovic reacted following
news about the members of Srebrenica Mothers group being interviewed by the
local police for trespassing on the Agricultural Cooperative in Kravica, on July 13,
2013, when they tried to commemorate the
site of a mass execution of Srebrenica genocide victims in 1995.
The president of Srebrenica Mothers,
Hatidza Mehmedovic, and a group member
Aisa Omerovic were summoned to the
police station in Srebrenica for an interview
on the incident.
"We live in a system, the entity of Republika Srpska, where there is daily institutional
repression, even when we prove with arguments that the human rights are violated
here, that there is discrimination against
Bosniaks. Bosniaks are continuously persecuted here even for actions like these mothers visiting the murder sites, the sites
where their sons were killed", Mayor
Durakovic told FENA.
He emphasized that the RS interior ministry
was "explicitly defined as one of the institutions that committed genocide in Srebrenica
in 1995, because part of the RS police separated men from women".
"Now that same police is responsible for
repression against living women who do not
Bozidar Matic, BiH Academy of Science
and Art: The Academy made several
studies, paid by UNESCO and other
organizations, for example the study of
scientific-technological development in
BiH. None of the government levels in
BiH wanted to take a look at the study
Hatidza Mehmedovic
have right to visit the sites where their sons
were killed", said Durakovic.
He said he was disappointed because he is
the mayor of a municipality where criminals
keep artillery in their basements, referring to
a recent discovery of an anti-aircraft gun in
the home of a genocide suspect released
from prison on technicality, and the mothers
who want to pray at the sites where their
children were killed are prosecuted.
He said that the RS IM "acts upon systemic
Nusreta Kepes, professor: By 2050, the
number of persons over sixty will double.
The numbers indicate that BiH will by
then be the third country in the world
with the highest percentage of elderly
persons in the population, and it will be
the "oldest" country in the region
instructions since Bosniaks returned to RS",
and tries to stage "actions every year in July
to distract from the real subject".
"Genocide was committed, we know
against who and by whom", said Durakovic.
He added "this situation is not good", especially because the 19th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica is near.
"Dodik's police will not terrorize the survivors of genocide. I say that firmly, they
definitely will not," said mayor Durakovic.
Zoran Perkovic, assistant foreign minister: BiH's current visa regime with
Kosovo is by far stricter than Serbia's.
We will analyze the solutions that Serbia
applies when it comes to their citizens
traveling to Kosovo and see whether we
could copy some of those solutions
Hague Tribunal Rejects Mladic’s Acquittal Plea :: Justice Report
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Justice Report
In this article
15 April 2014
Hague Tribunal
Rejects Mladic’s
Acquittal Plea
Denis Dzidic BIRN BiH Sarajevo
Mladić Ratko
The international court turned down former
Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic’s
request to quash the genocide and war
crime charges against him midway through his trial.
Judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on Tuesday
rejected Mladic’s demand for acquittal, saying that the prosecution had presented
enough evidence so far to suggest that the wartime general could be found guilty of the
charges in all 11 counts of his indictment.
Presiding judge Alphons Orie said that the evidence presented by the prosecution could
lead to the conclusion that Mladic was an active participant in a joint criminal enterprise
during the 1992-95 conflict.
"The chamber considers that there is evidence upon which, if accepted, a reasonable
trier of fact could be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that there existed a joint criminal
enterprise of members of the Bosnian Serb leadership and military, including the
accused Mladic and [former political leader] Radovan Karadzic, the purpose of which
was to permanently remove non-Serbs from Serb territories through the commission of
crimes,” said the judge.
Judge Orie also said that the prosecution witnesses, experts and material evidence was
of sufficient quality and quantity that it could lead to the conclusion that Mladic was guilty
of genocide in seven Bosnian municipalities in 1992 and in Srebrenica in 1995.
He read out quotes from witness statements about mass killings in Prijedor, Foca and
Vlasenica as well as Srebrenica, along with excerpts from Mladic’s wartime diary, saying
that they could also lead to the conclusion that Mladic was aware of the crimes
committed by his subordinates from 1992 to 1995.
The judge specifically highlighted the testimonies of former Bosnian Serb troops Drazen
Erdemovic and Momir Nikolic, who have been convicted of taking part in the Srebrenica
killings and testified against Mladic.
“Nikolic testified that in the afternoon of July 13, 1995 he met Mladic on the crossroads
in Konjevic Polje where there were Bosniak prisoners. Mladic approached them and said
they should not worry. Returning to the vehicle, Nikolic asked Mladic what would really
happen to them, to which Mladic responded by smiling and making a sweeping gesture
at the middle of his body, from which witness Nikolic concluded they would be killed,”
explained Orie.
Referring to evidence relating to the torture and sexual violence charges against Mladic,
Orie said that witnesses had made it clear that they suffered “cruel and inhumane
treatment” while held at Serb-run detention camps.
He quoted one witness who told the UN-backed court: “They knew that a raped woman
can never be healed. They wanted to destroy us.”
The judge added that the court had carefully examined the evidence relating to the
Hague Tribunal Rejects Mladic’s Acquittal Plea :: Justice Report
Page 2 of 2
charges accusing Mladic of terrorising civilians in Sarajevo and taking UN peacekeepers
hostage, and concluded that “there is sufficient evidence for these counts to stand”.
Mladic’s lawyers had argued that there was no evidence that Mladic had genocidal intent
or ordered the execution of about 7,000 Bosniaks from Srebrenica in July 1995, and
insisted that the prosecution had failed to prove that Mladic participated in a joint criminal
enterprise which aimed to exterminate and expel the Bosniak population.
The former Bosnian Serb military chief’s trial started in 2012, after he spent more than a
decade on the run. His lawyers will begin presenting his defence next month.
Raped Women Kept Silent In
Bosnia Hospital
Koricanske stijene: “Men in Blue
Uniforms” Standing at Edge of …
— The same Alija
who asks for sex services in return
for getting job in hospital …
Six-hour Shooting on Branjevo
— Erdemovic himself
carrying a Muslim name, what a
Justice Report
— I noticed
him when they came to Trnopolje
detention camp to collect us. …
Meron: Oslobađajuće presude dio
— pa niko ne tvrdi da svaka
presuda treba biti osudjujuca, ali
presude organizatorima koji su …
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Croatia Vows to Aid Wartime Sex Abuse Victims :: Balkan Insight
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15 Apr 14
Croatia Vows to Aid Wartime Sex Abuse Victims
The Croatian authorities have launched new draft legislation aimed at providing financial and psychological help for people
who were raped or sexually abused during the 1991-95 war.
Josip Ivanovic BIRN Zagreb
Government officials and UN representatives launched the draft legislation at a round-table
discussion in Zagreb on Monday, saying that victims of sexual attacks during the 1990s
conflict had already waited too long for support.
“We want to encourage the victims to speak about their trauma and to provide adequate
medical and psychological care, education [about their legal rights] and decent financial
compensation,” said Croatian war veterans minister Predrag Matic.
“It is a 23-year-old issue and no one in Croatia has done anything to address it,” Matic
Launch of the draft legislation in Zagreb.
Photo: Croatian War Veterans Ministry.
The Draft Law on the Rights of Sexual Violence Victims from the Homeland War (the
Croatian term for the 1991-95 conflict) aims to provide support to victims of sexual crimes
committed between August 5, 1990 and June 30, 1996, even in cases when the perpetrators
were unidentified.
The majority of wartime sexual offenders have never been prosecuted, said Davor Derencinovic, a professor of criminal law at Zagreb
“There is a terribly vague ratio of 1 to 15 or even 1 to 40, of reported and [legally] processed crimes compared to those that occurred,”
Derencinovic said.
Vesna Terselic, from the Zagreb-based NGO Documenta – Centre for Dealing With the Past, said that she hoped that the legislation would be
“a first step” towards broader rights for victims.
“According to our research on the status of civilian victims, less than 10 per cent of them have ever had access to medical and psychological
care,” Terselic said.
Louisa Vinton, the United Nations Development Programme’s representative in Croatia, said that financial and legal issues still needed to be
addressed before the law reaches the statute books.
“In approving the law it is clear that legislators will have to weigh different options: the need to strike a balance between the imperative of
compensating victims for the injustice they have suffered and the state budget, and second, the need for a process that will afford the status of
victim in situations where there’s insufficient evidence to reach a court verdict,” Vinton said.
The new law is due to come into force on January 1, 2015.
BBC News - South Korea ferry: Scores missing as ship sinks
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16 April 2014 Last updated at 06:56 GMT
South Korea ferry: Scores missing as ship sinks
Several hundred people remain unaccounted for after a ferry carrying 476 people capsized and sank off South Korea.
The ferry, carrying mainly school students, was travelling from the port of Incheon, in the north-west, to the southern resort island
of Jeju.
A major rescue effort is under way, using dozens of ships and helicopters.
Several hours after the disaster, at least 290 people remained missing, local media said.
South Korean officials had earlier said that 368 people had been plucked to safety, but later said there had been a counting error.
They have now revised down the number rescued to about 180, Yonhap news agency reported.
Two people are known to have died and at least 13 others have been injured, reports say.
Images showed the ferry listing at a severe angle and then later almost completely submerged, with only a small part of its hull
Cause unclear
Pictures showed rescue teams balanced on the sinking hull pulling teenagers from cabin windows. Some of their classmates
jumped into the sea as the ship went down.
Reports suggest some of those rescued were picked up by nearby commercial vessels.
Navy divers were now searching the scene for those unaccounted for, officials said.
One body, of a female crew member, had been recovered from the ship, the coastguard said. Another person is reported to have
died after being rescued.
One student told local media her friends became trapped.
"Currently, I am in the middle of being rescued. At the time, the ship was turning on its side, and none of us were moving as we
were told not to move as it was dangerous," the unnamed student said.
"So, I am not well aware of the situation, but I am told that my friends and other friends could not escape as the passage was
blocked. It seems that there are many students who could not get out as the passage was blocked by water."
It is not yet clear what caused the incident, but witnesses described hearing an impact, before the ship listed and quickly sank.
One passenger told the YTN news channel: "We heard a big thumping sound and the boat stopped.
"The boat is tilting and we have to hold on to something to stay seated," the passenger said.
Another passenger said the ship was "shaking and tilting", with people tripping and bumping into each other.
BBC News - South Korea ferry: Scores missing as ship sinks
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Weather conditions were described as fine.
News agencies said the ferry had sent out a distress signal about 20km (12 miles) off the island of Byungpoong at about 09:00
local time (00:00 GMT).
Angry parents have gathered at the school in Incheon to demand answers, reports the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Seoul.
Earlier reports put the number of passengers on the ferry at about 350. The vessel is reported to have a capacity of up to 900
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