St. Peter Claver Parish


St. Peter Claver Parish
St. Peter Claver Parish
Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets
Parish Mission Statement
Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza
Associate Pastor: Rev. Adrian M. San Juan
Permanent Deacons:
Rev. Mr. Jim Carper, Rev. Mr. Brian Clements,
and Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora
Auxiliary Priest: Rev. John Gouldrick, C.M.
Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español)
Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm
Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before;
Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm
Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday)
DEVOTIONS: Perpetual Help Novena, Wednesdays, 7pm, Mass on first Wednesdays, 7pm;
Adoration every Friday, 7pm
3 - 4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day
& Thursday before first Friday, 4 - 4:45pm
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm;
4th Sunday - Spanish Baptism
Second Monday of each month, 7pm
notification needed
We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver,
are a Catholic faith community within the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the
Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the
example of our patron, we proclaim the
kingdom of God to embrace everyone in
love without discrimination of any kind.
We are devoted to worship, to witness,
and joyful service in the Spirit.
Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525
Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday)
9am-12noon, & 1-5pm
Phone: (805) 526-6499
Fax: (805) 526-7233
Web Site:
Bulletin e-mail:
Pre-School & Kindergarten:
Katelyn Colvin, Principal
(805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225
Office of Faith Formation:
Bianca Langlois, Director
(805) 526-0680
Jon Teague, Coordinator
Middle School Youth Ministry
Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office:
Andrew Gafvert, Director
(805) 526-7975
Parish Information
Safeguard the Children Committee:
Chito Coronel, Chair
Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499
Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742
Becoming Catholic (Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults):
Office of Faith Formation, 526-0680
Parish Vocation Animator: Ken Ward, 526-6499
Annulment Assistance:
Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499
Lector Coordinator: Jim Small, (805) 390-7260
Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466
Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home:
Joni Egan, 527-2444
Bereavement Ministry:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, 526-6499
Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109
Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member:
Chuck Gebert, 908-2000
Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617
Couples for Christ:
Chito & Beth Coronel, 285-7453
Filipino Catholic Comm. Group:
Joseph Redublo, 581-0932
Hispanic Catholic Community Group:
Dcn. Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090
Las Guadalupanas: Pilar Osorio, (310) 597-9548
Isabel Zamora, (805) 285-8652
Knights of Columbus: Rick Lepore, (805) 218-5703
Parish Library: Sue Marron, (805) 584-5620
BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781
St. Peter Claver Preschool & Kindergarten
2015 Annual Fundraiser
Dinner• Cocktails • Casino Games • Raffles • Live & Silent Auctions
Join the top players in our community!
Winners receive a cash visa card!
(Register in advance – limited space available)
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Doors open at 6:00PM in the Parish Hall
Tickets on sale now!
For more information visit or call (805) 526-2244
Page Three
Dear friends,
In presenting the teaching Mass on October 18, at the 5pm
Mass I included this information:
The Mass follows a “fundamental structure which has been
preserved throughout the centuries down to our own
day” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1346). Though
the Mass is one unified act of worship, it consists of many
parts, each with its own purpose and meaning.
Introductory Rites: “The rites that precede the Liturgy of
the Word, namely, the Entrance, the Greeting, the
Penitential Act, the Kyrie, the Gloria in excelsis (Glory to
God in the highest) and Collect, have the character of a
beginning, an introduction, and a preparation. Their
purpose is to ensure that the faithful, who come together as
one, establish communion and dispose themselves
properly to listen to the word of God and to celebrate the
Eucharist worthily”
(General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], no. 46).
Collect: “The opening prayer . . . through which the
character of the celebration finds expression” (GIRM, no.
54). This prayer literally “collects” the prayers of all who are
gathered into one prayer led by the priest celebrant.
Liturgy of the Word: “The main part of the Liturgy of the
Word is made up of the readings from Sacred Scripture
together with the chants occurring between them. As for
the Homily, the Profession of Faith, and the Universal
Prayer, they develop and conclude it” (GIRM, no. 55).
Creed: A brief, normative summary statement or
profession of Christian faith. The Nicene Creed, which is
recited at Mass, comes from the Councils of Nicea (AD
325) and Constantinople (AD 381).
Canon of the Mass: The central part of the Mass, also
known as the Eucharistic Prayer, which is the prayer of
thanksgiving and consecration. It begins with the Preface
Dialogue (i.e., “The Lord be with you. . . . Lift up your hearts.
. . . Let us give thanks to the Lord our God”) and concludes
with a final Doxology (“through him, and with him, and in
him”) and Amen.
Epiclesis: The prayer petitioning the Father to send the
Holy Spirit to sanctify offerings of bread and wine so that
they may become the Body and Blood of Christ.
Consecration: The consecration is that part of the
Eucharistic Prayer during which the priest prays the Lord’s
words of institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.
Through this prayer the bread and wine become the risen
Body and Blood of Jesus.
November 8, 2015
Anamnesis: From the Greek, meaning “remembrance.”
We remember Jesus’ historical saving deeds in the
liturgical action of the Church, which inspires thanksgiving
and praise. Every Eucharistic Prayer contains an
anamnesis or memorial in which the Church calls to mind
the Passion, Resurrection, and glorious return of Christ
Doxology: A Christian prayer that gives praise and glory to
God often in a special way to the three divine Persons of
the Trinity. Liturgical prayers, including the Eucharistic
Prayer, traditionally conclude with the Doxology “to the
Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit.”
Communion Rite: The preparatory rites, consisting of the
Lord’s Prayer, the Rite of Peace, and the Fraction, lead the
faithful to Holy Communion (see GIRM, no. 80). The
Prayer after Communion expresses the Church’s gratitude
for the mysteries celebrated and received.
Rite of Peace: The rite “by which the Church entreats
peace and unity for herself and for the whole human family,
and the faithful express to each other their ecclesial
communion and mutual charity before communicating in
the Sacrament” (GIRM, no. 82).
Fraction: “The Priest breaks the Eucharistic Bread. . . .
the gesture of breaking bread done by Christ at the Last
Supper . . . in apostolic times gave the entire Eucharistic
Action its name” (GIRM, no. 83).
Communion: Holy Communion, the reception of the Body
and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus really present;
body, soul, and divinity!
Concluding Rites: “To the Concluding Rites belong the
following: brief announcements . . . ; the Priest’s Greeting
and Blessing . . . ; the Dismissal of the people by the
Deacon or the Priest, so that each may go back to doing
good works, praising and blessing God; the kissing of the
altar by the Priest and the Deacon, followed by a profound
bow to the altar by the Priest, the Deacon, and the other
ministers” (GIRM, no. 90). (Gratis permission is hereby granted
to reproduce these materials for nonprofit educational use, when
accompanied by the following acknowledgment: “Copyright © 2010
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C.
Used with permission. All rights reserved.”)
I know that by our understanding better the meaning of the
different parts of the Mass, we will appreciate more the
liturgy (the work of the church) we do together on Sundays.
We will talk more about the Sunday Mass next bulletin
Fr. Riz
Page Four
St. Peter Claver
Offer this day to the Lord
Parish Activities This Week
Monday, November 9th
7:00 pm Cub Scout Tiger Den Meeting (PC)
7:00 pm Baptism Class (C)
7:00 pm Hispanic Community Council Meeting (PC)
7:00 pm Safeguard the Children Committee Mtg. (O)
7:00 pm Hombres Misioneros de Cristo Rey (PC)
Tuesday, November 10th
6:00 pm OLG Play Rehearsal (H)
7:00 pm Claver Coffeehouse (PC)
7:00 pm K of C General Meeting (PC)
7:00 pm Yr. II Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC)
7:00 pm Hispanic Comm. Prayer Group (PC)
7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C)
8:00 pm Las Guadalupanas Rosary (C)
Wednesday, November 11th - Veterans Day
Parish Office Closed
Faith Formation Office Closed
7:00 pm Yr. I Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC)
7:00 pm Adult Women’s Bible Study (PC)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H)
7:00 pm Perpetual Help Novena (C)
7:00 pm Hispanic Community Posada Rehearsal (PC)
7:00 pm Catholic Mothers in Prayer (S)
Thursday, November 12th
6:00 pm Children’s Christmas Choir (C)
6:30 pm BINGO
7:00 pm Noon Choir (C)
7:00 pm Yr. I Confirmation Retreat Eval. Meeting (YC)
7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR)
Friday, November 13th
6:00 pm Hispanic Community Usher Formation (H)
6:30 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (C)
7:00 pm Hispanic Couples for Christ (PC)
7:00 pm Hispanic Community Choir (PC)
7:00 pm Holy Hour (C)
Saturday, November 14th
9:00 am Advent Morning Retreat With Fr. Jim Clarke (H)
9:00 am Christmas Choir Rehearsal (C)
1:30 pm Get On The Bus Volunteer Training (PC)
3:00 pm Confessions (C)
4:15 pm Choir Practice (C)
6:00 pm Shepherd’s Field Olive Wood Handcrafts (P)
6:00 pm Offering Envelope Pickup (P)
6:00 pm Casino Night Ticket Sales (P)
6:00 pm YM See’s Candy Orders and Poinsettia Sales (P)
8:00 pm Shepherd’s Field Olive Wood Hand Crafts (P)
8:00 pm Offering Envelope Pickup (P)
8:00 pm Casino Night Ticket Sales (P)
8:00 pm YM See’s Candy Orders and Poinsettia Sales (P)
8:00 pm Las Guadalupanas Refreshments (P)
Lending Library after all Masses
Baptisms, 1:30pm
Youth Choir, 4:15pm
MSYM Planning Meeting, 6:00pm
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, November 9th
7:30 am Ray Wargo, Jr. (RIP)
Lucio Jimenez (RIP)
Agueda Calasanz Garde (RIP)
Tuesday, November 10th
7:30 am Evelyn Q. (Nolasco) Sisante (RIP)
Oscar Nolasco (RIP)
Agueda Calasanz Garde (RIP)
Wednesday, November 11th
7:30 am Vu Family RIP)
Sitler Family (RIP)
Agueda Calasanz Garde (RIP)
Thursday, November 12th
7:30 am Agueda Calasanz Garde (RIP)
Joseph Schiro (RIP)
Joseph Petersam (RIP)
Friday, November 13th
7:30am Agueda Calasanz Garde (RIP)
Julian Primberger (RIP)
Alfonso and Angela Sanchez (RIP)
Thank you for your donations on
Sunday, November 1st: $17,545.00.
Page Five
St. Peter Claver
The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday - Thursday, 1-5pm and 6-8pm.
Gospel Reading: Mark 12:41-44, Jesus notices the poor widow's offering and commends her great
sacrifice. Jesus asks us to share whatever we have and to trust that even if we give our last dime to help
someone else, we will be all right, because Jesus will take care of us.
 3-5 CLUB is collecting new white men's socks for Apostle's Kitchen and the Samaritan Center. A box is at
the back of the church. Thank you!
 All Adults, 18 and older, are invited to “Preparing to Receive the Mercy of the Lord” Advent Retreat
with Fr. Jim Clarke, Saturday, November 14th from 9am-1pm in the West Hall. Please contact the Office
of Faith Formation and let us know you are attending. Bring your friends!
 Mystery of God series by Bishop Barron will be presented over four Mondays, beginning November 16th
in the West Hall.
 Faith Formation meets Sunday, November 15th! Save yourself some stress by parking in the Simi High
 Our next Edge Night will be on Monday, November 15th at 7pm in the Youth Center! We will be
talking about the Saints and why we should strive to live like them!
 Friday-Sunday, November 6th-8th: Yr. 1 Confirmation Candidate Weekend Retreat
Please keep all those attending and leading our Yr. 1 Confirmation Retreat this weekend in your
thoughts and prayers as we seek to grow as disciples of Jesus.
 Saturday-Sunday, November 14th-15th: Remembrance Poinsettia & See’s Candies Sales
Next weekend is your first chance to place orders for See’s Candies and Christmas Remembrance
Poinsettias. You’ll find us outside on the plaza taking orders after every Mass. All proceeds support
youth ministry. See next Sunday’s bulletin for more information.
 Sunday, November 15th:
Yr. 1 Confirmation Parent & Candidate Session (6-8:30pm, West Hall)
Youth First Communion Preparation Session (6-8:30pm, Parish Hall)
Page Six
St. Peter Claver
The LORD keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed,
gives food to the hungry. ~Psalm 146:7
November 14th, 2015 marks the 19th annual “Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry,” an event which recognizes the contributions that
young adults make to the life of our local faith communities. This year our parish has chosen to honor Jomarie Marquez,
Sarah Miller, Monique Tapia, and Lilia C. Trevino-Gonzalez. The “Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry” Recognition Mass
is scheduled for Saturday, November 14th, 2015 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. The celebration begins
promptly at 5:30pm. Archbishop José H. Gomez will preside at the Eucharistic Celebration. All are welcome to attend.
Each quarter, 1650 sets of offering envelopes are sent out to individuals and families at St. Peter Claver.
Of that 1650, approximately 577 families are using their envelopes during the month. It costs $1900 per quarter for the shipping
and printing of these envelopes. In an effort to reduce expenses, we would like to confirm those who wish to continue receiving
them. We will be on the Plaza after all Masses on the weekends of November 14th/15th and 21st/22nd with your offering
envelopes for the next quarter. Please stop by the tables and pick up your envelopes if you wish to continue receiving them,
or let us know if you no longer want to receive them. Likewise, if you do not currently receive envelopes and would like to,
you may let us know at that time.
Please pray for the health of…
Don and Fran Tomasulo; Craig Turner; Bill Payne;
Rich Reilly; Bill Ganger; Carl Walinski; Nancy King;
David Hornbeck; Hernan Gonzales; Don Karl; Jean
DC-Ubi; Doreen Spencer; Bernita Centeno; Robert
Valenton; Lauren Reyes; Jim Krebs; Al McKinley;
child Wade Cooper Strickland; John Lampignano;
Collin Dion; Gregg Cassity; Miles Go; Alice Ridge;
Lupe Pina; Joe Ortega; Dan Zengierski; Donald
Cashion; Virginia Dalcoe; Joel Hicks; Vera Barker;
Baby Cooper; Chris Bordeleau; Darlene
Baumgartner; Bruce Vandelinder; Frank Cesario;
Susan Womack; Ray Broderick; Helene ParlmsJackson; Shirley Zengierski; Maria Lozano; Theresa
Guardino; Carolyn Currie; Ginger Trematore;
Catherine Capaldi; Chelsea White; Pat Cain;
Barbara Nespor; Mary Smart; Mimi McGilvray; Rick
Schuler; Elaine Swieca; Isabel Oliva; Bill Waters;
Marge Porterfield; Aaron Byron; Bob Bower;
Jacqueline Sylvestre; Kittie Fidermutz; Martina
Peters; Dillon Tunney; Barbara Pogorzelski; Martha
Weatherall; Troy Weatherall; Heidi Frie; Sherry
Estrella; Arlene Parker; Chase Dobson; (child) Tyler
Evans; Loretta Payne; Barbara Knight; Thuong
Tran; Suzanne Shaefer.
Families and individuals are needed to light the
Advent wreath during Mass on November 28th and
29th, December 5th and 6th, 12th and 13th,
and 19th and 20th. To volunteer, call Debbie
at the parish office at 526-6499 or email This is a wonderful
opportunity for everyone to participate at Mass!
Please pray for the souls of…
Lorraine Allegro, 11/3/15; Edward Basham, 11/2/15;
Jesus Juarez, 10/30/15; Luis Villagomez, 10/30/15;
George Stefani, 10/29/15; John Merritt, 10/23/15;
Pete Felipe, 10/23/15; Nohora Aduen, 11/14/14;
Patricia Livezey, 11/13/12; Marilyn Markert, 11/8/12;
Gary D'Anna, 11/11/10; Nancy Talbert, 11/11/10;
Mary Pietras, 11/12/09; Mary Walsh, 11/10/09;
Imogene Dunn, 11/14/08; John Volpe, 11/14/08;
Mary Le Grow, 11/14/06; Elizabeth Kozovich,
11/12/06; Marietta Fullner, 11/10/06; Charles Weiss,
11/14/04; Virginia Gutierrez, 11/10/04; Livia Buser,
11/9/04; Carl Hansen, 11/10/00; Joseph Trapasso,
11/10/99; Douglas Demaret, 11/13/98; Ruth
Montford, 11/9/98; Dorothy Cole, 11/11/94;
Alexander Muenzer, 11/9/94; Irene Roslan, 11/14/93;
Nora O'Laughlin, 11/12/93; Marta Pinero, 11/8/92;
Mary Williams, 11/12/85; Paula Barnard, 11/8/81.
Page Seven
St. Peter Claver
A group from the Holy Land (Bethlehem and Jerusalem) will be selling religious articles after Masses next weekend,
November 14th/15th, to support Catholic Christian minorities in Bethlehem. As a tradition, many of the Catholic families in the Holy
Land work in small workshops to produce religious articles from olive wood. These articles represent the Christian art of the Holy
Land. In the past, they used to sell their artwork to pilgrims who visit the Holy Land; however, these days they are facing an economic
hardship as very few tourists visit there due to security issues. Many of the Catholic families immigrated and left - the percentage of
Christians in the Holy Land has dropped to less than 2%. Therefore, if this hardship continues as it is now, we believe that in a few
years, there will be no Catholics in Bethlehem or Jerusalem. The struggle to preserve the Catholic identity of the birthplace of our
Savior, Jesus Christ, is a serious concern for Catholics around the world. Sales will be used to help and support the Catholics
in the Holy Land and encourage them not to immigrate.
It’s not too late to join the expanded St. Peter Claver children’s Christmas Eve Mass Choir!
Our choir will now include 1st – 12th grade - to increase the number of students who can participate – including those who have
wanted to be in the choir but became “too old” for it. Rehearsals are held Thursdays from 6-7pm in the church. PLEASE JOIN US in
making this another great year for the Children/Youth Combined Christmas Choir! ~Gregg and Teddi Cassity, co-directors
Doors open at 4:30pm - Games begin at 6:30pm
All games always pay $250
Visa and MasterCard accepted
Phone: (805) 526-2781
Claver Coffeehouse is an
evening for non-Catholics to ask
ques ons, share stories, and
explore the faith that the
Catholic Church offers. Bring
your curiosity and an open heart to learn more about
living a life in Christ. Contact the Office of Faith
Forma on for info: (805) 526-0680 or
Tuesday, November 10th ♦ Parish Center, 7pm
See’s Candies and Christmas Remembrance Poinsettia orders will
be taken on the plaza after all Masses the weekends of November
14th/15th and 28th/29th. Candy orders will be available for pick up
after all Masses the weekend of December 12th/13th. All
proceeds support youth ministry. See next Sunday’s bulletin for
more information. Thank you in advance for your support.
The Totus Tuus Home School Group is looking to expand! We are
a group of Catholic families devoted to providing a strong Catholic
education but for various reasons, a traditional school setting is not
ideal for our families. Student ages range from kindergarten to high
school. We gather occasionally for group field trips and special
events such as our annual Christmas Poetry Recital. Please
contact Rhonda Freeson at or (818) 4031617 if you are interested in joining or would like more information.
It’s not too late to join our annual Christmas Combined
Choir! We are rehearsing on Saturdays from 9-11am in the
church. All singers are invited to join us! Please contact
Jim Leslie at (818) 324-2109 for more information.
All Adults, 18 and older, are invited to
“Preparing to Receive the Mercy of the Lord”
Advent Retreat with Fr. Jim Clarke, on
Saturday, November 14th from 9am-1pm
in the West Hall. Please contact the Office of
Faith Formation and let us know
you are attending. Bring your friends!
Archdiocese offers program to empower children - Abuse prevention includes empowering children by
teaching them body safety rules and steps they can take to ensure their own safety. The Archdiocese of Los
Angeles currently offers age-appropriate prevention programs for children by VIRTUS®. All of the programs
encourage parent involvement in reinforcing what their children learn by providing parent information and
materials so that parents may fulfill their role as the “primary educators” of their children. For information
Page Eight
St. Peter Claver
Many seniors and families live at or below the poverty level. We are inviting the parish community to help
these families enjoy both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Your food donations can help us do this!
We will be collecting donations from November 14th through November 22nd. All donations need to be
brought to the parish kitchen before each weekend Mass or to the Parish Office between the hours of 9am-12
(noon) or 1-5pm, Tuesday-Friday. Find the initial of your last name below and bring those items suggested in
your name group. (Example: If your last name is Smith we would like you to bring in items from “S thru Z”.)
A thru C
D thru I
Please bring
J thru N
Please bring
Please bring
1 Can Cranberries
2 Cans Vegetables
2 Cans/Packages of Gravy
1 Jar Peanut Butter
2 Cans Tuna/Chicken
2 Cans Soup
1 Cake Mix and Frosting
1 Can Black Olives
2 Cans Chicken Broth
2 Cans Tuna/Chicken
2 Boxes Instant Mashed Potatoes
O thru R
S thru Z
Please bring
Please bring
1 Box Turkey Stuffing
2 Cans Chicken Broth
1 Can Black Olives
2 Cans Fruit
2 Jars Peanut Butter
2 Cans Soup
2 Cans Vegetables
2 Cans/Packages of Gravy
1 Can Cranberries
1 20 oz. Can Yams
2 Boxes Instant Mashed Potatoes
2 Cans Fruit
2 Boxes Turkey Stuffing
1 Package Pasta
1 Cake Mix and Frosting
1 Jar Spaghetti Sauce
1 20 oz. Can Yams
Peanut Butter
Pork and Beans
We also need turkeys! Bring in any size frozen turkey, or you can contribute cash or Grocery Store Gift Cards. Put
your contribution in an envelope, write TURKEY on the envelope and drop in collection basket or drop off at the
Parish Office. For further information call Richard at 581-2742, Chris at 526-0215 or the Parish Office at 526-6499.
La Arquidiócesis ofrece programas para dar poder a los niños - Para prevenir el abuso sexual de
menores, es necesario que los niños aprendan algunas reglas para la protección de su cuerpo así como otras
medidas para protegerse a sí mismos. La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles ofrece a los niños programas de
prevención, apropiados según su edad por VIRTUS®. Los programas alientan la participación de los padres
de familia para reforzar lo que sus hijos aprenden, dándoles información y materiales para que así puedan
llevar a cabo su misión de ser los principales educadores de sus hijos. Para más información llame al (213)
637-7460 o visite
Page Nine
St. Peter Claver
St. Peter Claver Adult Faith Formation presents:
The Mystery of God: Who God is
and Why God Matters
on the Core Belief of Catholic Faith and Life
By Bishop Robert Barron and Word on Fire Ministries
Questions about God confront us daily:
Who is God in a universe of immense time and space?
How can believers respond to the challenges of contemporary atheism?
How does faith in God enrich humanity and human living?
Where is God in the midst of human suffering?
Join us in this inspiring, uplifting, visually compelling and interactive series
of video presentations by our new regional Bishop Robert Barron.
Monday, November 16: Introduction to the Series
Part 1, Atheism and What We Mean by God
Part 2, St. Thomas Aquinas and the Paths to God
Monday, November 23: Part 3, The Divine Attributes
Part 4, God’s Providence and the Problem of Evil
Monday, November 30: Part 5, Exploring the Trinity
Monday, December 7: Part 6, The God Who is Love
Mondays, Nov. 16th, 23rd, 30th and Dec. 7th, 2015, 7-8:30pm
SPC Parish Center, West Hall. Video presentations and live discussion.
Refreshments and free-will offering
For additional information, or to help with refreshments,
Call the Office of Faith Formation, (805) 526-0680.
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