Rev. Barry Vaughn Scott Douglas - Temple Emanu-El


Rev. Barry Vaughn Scott Douglas - Temple Emanu-El
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El
(205) 933-8037
March 2016
(Adar I-Adar II) 5776
Birmingham, Alabama
Shabbat Service
Special Guest Speaker,
Shabbat Service
Special Guest Speaker,
Rev. Barry Vaughn
Scott Douglas
Friday, March 4, 5:40 p.m.
Friday, March 11, 5:40 p.m.
A native of Blount
County, J. Barry
Vaughn has served
as rector of Christ
Church Episcopal,
Las Vegas, Nevada,
since 2013.
Barry has also
served congregations in Alabama,
Pennsylvania, and
California. A 1974
graduate of the
Alabama School
of Fine Arts,
he received his
education at Harvard, his Master of Divinity from
Yale, and his Ph.D. from Scotland's University of
St. Andrews. Many of Barry's sermons have been
published in such journals as Preaching, Pulpit
Digest, and The Clergy Journal, and he is the
author of Bishops, Bourbons, and Big Mules:
A History of the Episcopal Church in Alabama
(University of Alabama Press, 2013).
In his free time, Barry enjoys reading,
working out at the gym, playing the piano,
and going to concerts and movies.
"Enough Justice, Enough Land,
Enough Bread, Enough Peace”
Scott Douglas, III, a
native of Nashville, TN,
attended the University of
Tennessee in Knoxville
where he co-founded
the UT’s Black Student
Union in 1967. After
serving as the first
Environmental Justice
Organizer for the Sierra
Club, Scott became
Executive Director of
Greater Birmingham Ministries. GBM is a multi-faith,
multi-racial organization providing emergency
assistance to families in economic crisis while
working with congregations and low-income residents
to seek positive change through community organizing
strategies involving inclusive, participatory and
accountable civic engagement.
Scott is a former board member of the Birmingham
Civil Rights Institute and currently serves on the
boards of the Equal Justice Initiative and America’s
Voice. Scott has written articles on social and racial
justice for Southern Exposure, Howard Law Journal,
and the National Newspaper Publishers Association.
Scott is an alumnus of leadership programs including,
Leadership Birmingham and Leadership Alabama.
Our mission: Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer,
study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness to our congregational family and the community at large.
Our Services
Friday, 3/11
Friday, 3/18
Friday, 3/25
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Guest Speaker
Scott Douglas
of Greater
Birmingham Ministries
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Anniversary Blessing
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Friday, 3/4
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Guest Speaker
Rev. Barry Vaughn
Birthday Blessing
Oneg will follow
Saturday, 3/5
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Oneg will follow
Saturday, 3/12
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Exodus 35:1-38:20
Torah Portion:
Exodus 38:21-40:38
Haftarah Portion:
II Kings 12:5-16
Haftarah Portion:
I Kings 7:40-50
Oneg will follow
FTF (Food Theme Friday)
Dinner following
Saturday, 3/26
Saturday, 3/19
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 6:1-8:36
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 1:1-5:26
Haftarah Portion:
Jeremiah 7:21-8:3 and
Jeremiah 9:22-23
Haftarah Portion:
I Samuel 15:1-34
The hearing aid loop devices
are now located on
the tallit rack near
the elevator on the
sanctuary level.
All services are
webcast at
Babysitting during
services available
upon request
Saturday, March 5, 7:30 p.m.
I Never Saw
Another Butterfly
Poems from the Terezin
children’s concentration camp
Kristin Kenning & Erin Moore,
Daniel Szasz, violin
Lester Seigel, piano
Directed by Jane Seigel
For a Look or a Touch
The Pink Triangle:
persecution by the Nazis
with Drew Tombrello
& Daniel Seigel,
Lester Seigel, piano
Directed by Dane Peterson
Tickets $25
Call (205) 216-3118 or
A production benefitting
USPS Identification
Publication Title: Our Temple
Issue Date: March 2016
Issue Number: 82
Statement of Frequency:
Published monthly
except for June/July issue
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205 4002
Temple Emanu-El
Our Clergy
Song does not explain, it expresses; it gives witness to the
trans-literal . . . Song is one of two ways (silence is the other)
of giving witness to the transcendent. — Eugene Peterson In an interview, Terry Riley, a contemporary
minimalist composer said, “If there is no
seduction, there is no music.” To seduce means
to persuade someone to do something; to entice;
to lure. Music has the ability to entice, distract
and lure people to something else, something
different than what they’ve been doing. It is
immediate, affecting the full range of human
emotion. The combinations of pitches, rhythms,
timbres, durations and dynamics can, in the
words of musicologist Nicholas Cook, “unlock
Cantor Jessica Roskin
the most hidden contents of [one's] spiritual
Temple Emanu-El
and emotional being.”
That moment — that emotional transformation — is what
cantors aspire to, with one major caveat. We create that emotional
transformation and move it into the sacred - into a religious experience.
We have to entice, lure, and yes, seduce people towards holiness, to
elevate spirits and emotions; emulate and recall that moment when
Jacob said, “Achein yeish Adonai bamakom hazeh, v’anochi lo yadati.”
“Truly God is in this place, but I did not know it.”
Even when people don’t resonate with the message of a prayer,
or are distracted from worship by worldly concerns, music can disarm
the rational mind and embrace the sacred moment. We can intensify
it by connecting to the text. Past president of the URJ, Eric Yoffie
wrote, “Our mission in worship is to sanctify the ordinary and uplift
the everyday.” This vision cannot be achieved only by the music on
the page. It is essential that we on the pulpit make the music a part of
ourselves; become absorbed in it, conveying the deeper meaning of
the text and the sacred passion of the music.
Music reaches deep into our psyche; music symbolizes.
Sacred music performs a sacred function - not because of what it is,
but because of what it does. Sacred music seeks elevation, both from
the text it sets and the musical plan with which it realizes that setting.
Music helps us connect to the text. Years ago my colleague, Cantor
William Sharlin said, “The sacred itself is not wholly independent; it is
the end result of the transformation of the ordinary into an elevated
state.” The content is not as important as the attitude imposed upon it.
As your cantor, it is my challenge to bring you to an emotional
place that is different from where you were before you walked into the
sanctuary. I hope the music takes you to that elevated state, when
you are able to forget, for even a little while, the distractions in your
daily life. That is what Shabbat is all about.
Thank you to all of our
congregants who volunteered
their time so generously in
February to take on various
duties like preparing our
bulletin for mailing,
answering doors and
phones, filing, and various
special projects.
Lynne Cohen
Chu-Chi Fierman
Marilyn Haver
Ilene Johnson
Fred Kanter
Leah Leaf
Joe Lichtenstein
Loretta Newfield
Suzy Ovson
David Reese
Gail Rubin
Ina Russakoff
Renee Schulman
If you would like to volunteer,
we would welcome you!
Contact Robin Gotlieb at
(205) 933-8037, ext. 238.
Around Our Temple
Special March
Earmarked by multiples of
5 years to 90 years old!
David Aarons
Sam Dillard
Rebecca Dorsky
Carole Epstein
Barbara Evans
Ava Fleisig
Brad Friedman
Georgiana Goldsmith-Sanders
Bruce Gordon
Samuel Green
Donald Herman
Mackie Horowitz
Sherm Horowitz
Dana Kahn
Heather Lebensburger
Debbie Lipsitz
Max Michael, III
Jason Mollengarden
Mark Petrofsky
Mark Rosenfeld
Eben Rosenthal
Alyssa Routman
Gail Rubin
Amy Saag
Leigh Schniper
Sadie Wisotsky
Women's Passover Seder
Sunday, April 10 at 5:00 p.m.
By now you should have received a Save the
Date for this wonderful annual event. Join us as
we celebrate the holiday, learn more about the role of women in our
history, and enjoy a traditional Passover dinner.
Open to the entire community (women
ages 12 and over). Reservations are
currently being taken by Rhonda
Weinberg. To reserve your place at
the seder table, please contact Rhonda
$25 per person or $36 for sponsorship.
Thanks (as always) for
our organizers and
workers who made our
recent events so special.
Tikkun Olam event - January 24th
Thank you to Heather Lebensberger and
Leigh Anne Nomberg for coordinating
this great event. Over 60 people came
and made fleece hats and get well
cards for the kids in the chemo room
at Children's Hospital. What a mitzvah!
And thank you to the Hermione & Edward
Friend Community Fund of the Grafman
Endowment Fund for providing supplies.
Sisterhood and Brotherhood
Shabbat - February 5th
Thank you to Mackie Horowitz, Andi Berger,
Denise Lewis, Cheryl Collat, Neil Roth,
Brian McMillan, and the clergy and staff
for a touching service and delicious dinner.
What a lovely evening!
Around Our Temple
Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood
will be holding a Matzah Ball
Drive for Passover!!
Take some of the hassle
out of your Passover seder
by allowing us to take care
of your matzah ball soup.
There will soon be a link
on the temple website to
purchase and have ready for pickup on one of two dates. Cost will be
$10 per quart with 2 very generous matzah balls per quart.
Proceeds benefit our Temple Brotherhood and Local Men’s Health
Programs. Pickup will be at our Sisterhood’s Women’s Seder on
Sunday April 10, with an alternate pickup date of Sunday, April 17
from 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Any questions or to place an order outside of the website please email or call Brian McMillan at (205) 601-7257.
Mazel Tov To....
Benjamin Alan Leaf on his recent promotion from First Lieutenant
to Captain in the United States Air Force. Benjamin is the son of
Kim and Steven Leaf, sister of Danielle Leaf, grandson of
Barbara Mason and Leah Leaf.
Lauren & Harris Abrams of Atlanta, GA on the birth of their son,
Rafael Harry Abrams on Tuesday, January 12, 2016. GA.
Grandparents are Amy & Neal Labovitz, Pam & Barry Abrams and
great-grandparents Sandra & Alan Berman, Ester S. Labovitz
and the late Harry Labovitz.
Sarah & Abe Kunin on the birth of their son, Andrew Isaak Kunin on
Monday, January 25, 2016. Grandparents are Louise & Jim Abroms
and Natasha & Boris Kunin of Huntsville, AL. Great-grandparents
are Judy & Hal Abroms.
Kate and Josh Lourie on the birth of their son, Chandler Evan Lourie,
on Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Big sister Elle Lourie; grandparents,
Cathy and Paul Friedman, grandfather Frank Lourie, greatgrandmother Janis Friedman, aunt Julie Fleisig and cousins,
Talia, Ava and Lila Fleisig.
Al Cohn on being named temple Brotherhood's Mensch of the year.
Happy Anniversary
Caleigh & David Alevy
Marissa & Harold Apolinsky
Robin & Hilton Berger
Emily & Sam Friedman
Joye & Phillip Madden
Amy & Eric Morrison
Jenna Mullendore &
Michael Tucker
Jennifer & Richard Rosenthal
Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Around Our Temple
March 20, 2016
9:30 a.m.
in the
Purim Spiel,
and games
for the
Wednesday, March 2
Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 6
Religious School 9:30 a.m. – Noon
Parents Bar Mitzvah Class
10:00 a.m. – Noon
Bar Mitzvah Lottery
Wednesday, March 9
Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 10
Shalom Baby 11:30 a.m.
Sunday, March 13
Religious School 9:30 a.m. – Noon
Wednesday, March 16
Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
TEEN’s 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Friday, March 18
Shabatot Celebration
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, March 20
Religious School 9:30 a.m. – Noon
Purim Carnival
Simcha Sunday
Wednesday, March 23
Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 26
Prague Trip with
Confirmation Class Departs
Sunday, March 27
Wednesday, March 30
Around Our Temple
Livin’ on a Prayer
Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group
Join Rabbi Laila Haas as we explore the language, meaning, power and presence of prayer in our lives.
Sometimes the language of prayer comes easily to our lips and other times we are trying to understand
what it all means. Join us for interesting discussion and an in depth look at prayer through a Jewish lens.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Please RSVP to
Anita Winslett and let us
know which sessions you
are able to attend!
Each session will take place at someone’s home,
we will send those locations soon! Thank you!
Community Announcement
Contact Information:
Around Our Temple
National Council of
Jewish Women
Hannah Lazarus Sewing Guild
Join the fun by volunteering with the Sewing Guild!
No sewing experience needed!
Meeting time is Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Come help by sewing adorable stuffed animals and tote bags for
sick children and cancer patients.
Please consider joining us on Wednesdays or donating to the Sewing Guild
Fund. For more information, please contact Alise Erdberg at (205) 967-7175.
Each month,
Temple Emanu-El
chooses a specific
recipient for our
Tzedakah Box
Our March
recipient is:
Pictured above: Lydia Johnson,
Rhonda Weinberg, Alise
Erdberg, Zena Schulman
and Shirley Hasson.
Pathways is a United
Way agency that serves
homeless women and
children. They provide a
safe place to stay, clean
clothes, and hot meals.
They also supply training
and educational programs
to help both women and
children transition back into
the community. In short,
Pathways is A Woman’s
Way Home. In addition to
providing both short-term
and long-term transitional
housing for women and
children, Pathways also
provides permanent housing
for chronically homeless
women with mental illness.
Pathways’ mission is
“to end homelessness
for women and children
through hospitality, housing
and hope.” Last year, with
help from people just like
you, they were able to serve
more than 1,200 homeless
women and children.
To learn more, please visit
Around Our Temple
The family of John Joseph Coughlin who passed away on Thursday, January 14, 2016. He is survived by
his daughters Cindi (Michael) Routman, Ginger (William) Miller, Linda Donaldson, and Donna (William)
Huggins as well as many grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The family of Phyllis Sherman Bass of Birmingham, AL who passed away on Sunday, January 17, 2016.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Bass. She is survived by her daughter,
Jodi Beth Glaude of Lodi, CA.
The family of I. Jay Aarons of Austin, TX who passed away on Monday, January 18, 2016.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Mitzi and Punch Aarons, and sister Joanie Aarons Sokol.
I. Jay is survived by his wife, Barbara Gibson, sons Stephen (Ashley) and Oliver, granddaughter Emily,
brothers Michael (Carol) Aarons and David (Janet) Aarons and many nieces, nephews, cousins
and other extended family and friends.
The family of Julie Monsky Metzger of Savannah, GA who passed away on Tuesday, January 19th, 2016.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Leroy and Maurine Monsky. Julie is survived by her husband,
Buddy Metzger; sons, Tag and Meghan Garson and Michael Garson; brother Leroy Monsky and sister
Merry and Richard Bodzner. She is also niece of Janis Friedman, cousin of Paul (Cathy) Friedman,
Mark Friedman, and Sandy Friedman.
The family of Rabbi Eugene Borowitz of Samford, CT who passed away on Friday, January 22nd, 2016.
He was preceded in death by his loving wife, Estelle Borowitz. He is survived by his children Lisa Borowitz,
Drucy Borowitz (Philip Glick) and Nan (Andy) Langowitz; his grandchildren Zoey Glick (Matthew Swerdlin),
Zack Glick, Noah (Monikah) Langowitz, Emily Langowitz and Joshua Langowitz; as well as his
great grandson Lewis Swerdlin.
The family of Ralph Kahn of Atlanta, GA who passed away on Saturday, January 23rd, 2016. He is survived
by wife, Rhalda; sons, Michael (Susan), Richard (Kelly), Philip (Fredricka), and Brian (Alicia) Kahn;
grandchildren Leah & Brian Smith and Rachel, David, Elise, Erin, Jared, Jenna, Dana and Lindsay Kahn;
and in-laws, Larry and Edie Cohen and Leslie and Nermine Rubin.
The family of Jane Marx Levy who passed away on Sunday, February 7th, 2016. She was predeceased by
her husband, Nathan Meyer Levy. Jane is survived by her daughter, Marion Levy Lapidus (Bradley);
brother Edgar Bertram Marx Sr. (Margot), her granddaughters, Zoey Nicole Lapidus, Allyson Rose Lapidus.
Nephew Edgar Marx Jr. (Marion) and niece Katherine Marx.
Our Yahrzeits
March 4-5
Ralph Aland
Harry Bernow
Abraham Bresler
Rose Bresler
Aubrey Elton Buchalter
Isaac Capilouto
Judge Marvin Cherner
Victor Cohen
Isadore Davis
Nathan Epsman
Gladys Epstein
David Geskin
Mort Gilbert
Mae Goldberg
Nathan Goldstein
Victor Hanan
Michael Hirsch
Jacqueline Jaspan
Jack Kaden
Nathan Kraselsky
Isaac Kronenberg
Jacob Levine, Sr.
Abe London
Joseph Loveman
Ella Mack
Beatrice Mazer
David Mitnick
Julie Moore
Sol Rittenbaum
Ben Saag
Louis Silberman
David Sperling
Harvey Spielholz
Milton Turner
Rosalyn Weil
March 11-12
Edith Perman Allen
Ida Bornstein
Louis Bresler
Arnold Cotton
Helen Damsker
May the beauty of their lives shine forever,
and may we always bring honor to their memory.
Martha (Marti) Dillard
William Epstein
Lena Feidelson
Morris Feldman
Celia Gamburg
Dave Goldberg
Minnie Goldner
Hyman Goldstein
Malvin Goldstein
Lillian Goldstein
Edward Goldstone
Robert Gordon
Herman Gotlieb
Dr. Edward Sidney Hyman
Mary Karnofsky
Carrie Lazarus
Rebecca Leader
Harry Licht
Duke Marlowe
Barbara Marx
Lee Randal McDonald
Lill Ostand
Linda Pliner
Annie Ripps
Annie Rittenbaum
Rick Ruby
Irving Russell
Tobey Safris
Bernice Schulwolf
Sidney Sigman
Mikhail Sorkin
Myer Staff
Burghard Steiner
Isadore Weill
March 18-19
J. Theodore “Ted” Abrams
Henry Aizenman
Jack Joel Altmark
Gene Baim
Reita Jean Barasch
Samuel Bornstein
Alice Bredosky
Reva Bry
Mary Champion
Capt. Alan Clark
Arnold Cogan
Samuel Cohn
Thelma Cook
Robert Dyer-Smith
Calman Estrach
Ralph Ethridge
Louis Fox
Esther Goldblatt
Samuel Goldstein
Irving Harris
Joseph Hirsch
Jerald Jacobson
Jacob Kaufman
Clara Kaufman
Robert Kernan
Matthew Kernan
Harry Kolber
Lillian Pirer Lapidus
Mollie Levin
Elizabeth Mancin
Charles Monheit
Leonard Petrofsky
Isadore Pizitz
Robert Roobin
Hannah Schulman
Jerry K. Seton
Samuel Shapiro
Rose Simkin
Freida Spivak
Mimi Swid
Sam Vitemb
Jeanette Weinberg
Florence Wolf
Martha Wolf
June Wolin
March 25-26
Tallie Barre
Dorothy Beck
Harvey Benjamin
Adolph Berger
Alice Wilzin Blach
Elizabeth “Liz”
Wideman Bleiberg
Richard Bransdorf
Leona Roth Cherner
Lucille Zeldin Cotton
Olga Dyer-Smith
Gloria Alexander Ethridge
Michael David Fetter
Mimi Fiordalisi
Dave Fischer
Suzanne Gaines
Laura Beth Gill
Lawrence Goldman
Pinya Golger
Ruthie Gornek
Seymour Green
Jean Hartselle
Edwin Hiller, Jr.
Sara Klafter
Elaine Markstein
Shannon Hope
Cogen McInerney
Lauren Moran
Sara Newberger
Anna Odrezin
Jerome Oppenheimer
Pearl Perling
Sylvia Raflo
Hattie Reese
Thelma Renaud
Abe Rich
Ann Rosenberg
Benjamin Schultz
Max Sokol
Harry Spiegelman
Max Stern, Jr.
Henry Swedlaw
Dorothy Thompson
Samuel Ullman
Max Weinstein
Murray Weinstein
Elaine Weissman
Marian Wertheimer
Abraham Zaslofsky
Our Tributes
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our congregation by remembering and honoring their friends and
loved ones through their generous contributions. Thank you for the following gifts received through February 5, 2016:
General & Unrestricted Funds
Donations to our General Temple and Endowment Funds, and the Unrestricted Named Endowment Funds
provide the greatest Flexibility to respond to our congregation’s changing needs.
In Memory Of:
I. Jay Aarons, brother of David Aarons
by Judy & Hal Abroms
by Susan & Rodney Barstein
by Joan Becker
by Candy & Stephen Berman
by Donna Berry & Mike Fowler
by Lynn & Bert Bloomston
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Linda Cohn
by Shari & Marty Consky
by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli
by Damsky Paper Company
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Barbara & Larry Fine
by Mark Friedman
by Amy & Scott Garber
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Bill Goldman
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Gail & Charles Herman
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Mackie & Sherm Horowitz
by Gloria & Bernard Jaffe
by Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer
by Sheree & David Kanter
by Ricki & Lanny Kline
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Gayle Leitman
by Faye & Robert Levin
by Dale Marcus
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Judy & Gerson May
by Loretta Newfield
by Babs Perlman
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Amy & Evan Robinson
by Joy & Neal Rosen
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Bobbye & Michael Seligman
by Carleton & Bruce Sokol
by Sam Tenenbaum
Marylyn Athey, sister of Babs Perlman
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Ashley & Jon Lewis
by Carole Simpson
Phyllis Bass
by Mark Friedman
Bo Blach, son of Harold Blach
by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin
Rabbi Eugene Borowitz, grandfather
of Zoey Glick
by Julie & Howard Koch
Brian Cohen, brother-in-law of Kevin Sokol
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Babs Perlman
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
I. M. Davis
by Jane & Melvin Davis
Vernon Gibson, father of Stephanie Sklar
by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin
Heidi Goldie
by Cissy & Leonard Held
David Goldstein
by Carole Simpson
Donald Goldstein
by Frances Cypress
by Janis Friedman
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Manny Goldstein
by Joan Becker
Nancy Goldstein
by Ashley & Jon Lewis
Keith Hewell
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
Basil Hirschowitz
by Barbara Hirschowitz
Sy Hoffman
by Jackie Hoffman
Rosalie Hurvich
by Marie Rich
Betty Ann Jacobson, mother-in-law
of Edward Goldberg
by Carole Simpson
Donald Kahn
by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin
by Amy & Michael Saag
Ralph Kahn, father of Brian Kahn
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Linda Cohn
by Susan & Jeff Cutler
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Robin Royal Kirby
by Susan & Rodney Barstein
by Joan Becker
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Linda Cohn
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Amy & Scott Garber
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Babs Perlman
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
David Koplon
by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin
Mildred Lapidus
by Jerry Lapidus
V. Hugo Marx
by Lisa Marx
Julie Monsky Metzger
by Harry Bayer
by Joan Becker
by Mitzi Goldstein
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Sam Tenenbaum
Anita Miller, mother of Rabbi Jonathan Miller
by Sharon & Ed Bromberg
by Linda Cohn
by Susan & Jeff Cutler
by Sally & Richard Friedman
by Elise & Hank Frohsin
by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Ilene & Ken Johnson
by Gayle Leitman
by Annette Markley
by Babs Perlman
by Bobbie & Don Siegal
by Sandra & Larry Shulman
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
by Amy & Ronnie Strickland
Paul Miller
by Susan & Michael Stein
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Gilbert Routman
by Frances Cypress
Elaine Saag, mother of Michael Saag
by Joan Becker
by Cissy & Leonard Held
Bernie Schulman
by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin
Corine Schwartz
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Beatrice Solomon
by Jane & Melvin Davis
Sarah Staff, mother of Michael Staff
by Carol & Hank Teller
Jack Stevens
by Rosalyn Bloomston
Alvin Wolin, father of Mackie Horowitz
by Helene Elkus
Mina Zayechik
by Svetlana Prudnikova &
Alexsandr Zaychik
Our Tributes
Wishing Good Health To:
Rick Clay
by Mackie & Sherm Horowitz
Jeff Cutler
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
Beth Gerwin
by Sharon & Ed Bromberg
Barbara Gotlieb
by Joan Becker
by Sharon & Ed Bromberg
Lois Harris
by Mitzi Goldstein
Howard Roskin
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
Irvin Siegal
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
In Honor Of:
Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Birnbaum,
son of Lynne & Larry Birnbaum and
grandson of Carol Solomon
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Joyce Helzberg
Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Raymond,
grandson of Irene Raymond
by Cissy & Leonard Held
Birth of Rafael Harry Abrams,
great-grandson of Sandra & Alan Berman
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Birth of Rafi Vincent Bernstein,
grandson of Ellen & Terry Bernstein
by Regina & Neil Sigman
Birth of Goldie Hudson Blair, daughter of
Alyssa & Brad Blair and granddaughter
of Rhonda & Harry Weinberg
by Susan & Jeff Cutler
by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli
by Phoebe Cotton
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Birth of Magnolia Jean Brasovan, daughter
of Shannon & Peter Brasovan, granddaughter
of Nancy & David Denney and greatgranddaughter of Sara & Marvin Lazarus
by Susan & Jeff Cutler
Birth of Andrew Isaak Kunin, son of Sarah &
Abe Kunin, grandson of Louise & Jim Abroms
and great-grandson of Judy & Hal Abroms
by Janet & David Aarons
by Linda & Doug Friedman
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Margo & Michael Pitt
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Regina & Neil Sigman
Birth of Chandler Evan Lourie, son of Kate
& Josh Lourie, grandson of Cathy & Paul
Friedman, great-grandson of Janis Friedman
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Karen & Joel Piassick
Special Anniversary of Joyce &
Joe Lichtenstein
by Carol & Donald Herman
Special Birthday of Joan Becker
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Special Birthday of Faye Bernstein
by Loretta Newfield
Special Birthday of Penny Gordon
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Special Birthday of Bob Marcus
by Sandra & Alan Berman
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Beth & Louis Guttman
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Mackie & Sherm Horowitz
by Loretta Newfield
by Babs Perlman
by Lana & Steve Royal
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
by Renee Schulman
by Sandra & Larry Shulman
by Carole Simpson
by David Warren
Special Birthday of Carrie Pizitz
by Babs Perlman
Special Birthday of Steve Royal
by Cissy & Leonard Held
Special Birthday of Dodie Sokol
by Joan Becker
by Letty & Bob Marcus
Special Birthday of Phyllis Weinstein
by Gail & Charles Herman
Engagement of Allison Davis, daughter of
Jeri Davis and Alan Davis, to Brandon Fried
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Engagement of Brett Koretzky, son of
Susan & Barry Koretzky, to Sara Zonder
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Graduation of Scott Godchaux, son of Fran
& Lee Godchaux, from Auburn University
by Mackie & Sherm Horowitz
Fran Godchaux for being named President
of the Collat Jewish Family Services
by Mackie & Sherm Horowitz
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Our Endowment Funds At Work
We greatly appreciate the enhancements provided by the following funds of the
Grafman Endowment Fund enriching our congregation over the past few months:
Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund and the Ziff Cultural Arts Fund for underwriting the wonderful
“Worship Band” and equipment for performances at our monthly “Food Theme Friday”
Shabbat services in January and February.
Gail & Jeffrey Bayer Family Fund for Religious Education and the Ives Family Religious School Fund
for enabling Rabbi Haas and one of our lead Discovery School teachers to attend the intensive Reggio Training
Conference in Italy during the first week in March along with 50 educators who teach in Jewish preschools.
“OurTemple” Worship Anywhere Fund for covering the annual services fees to support our webcast of
Shabbat services and special events. This is a wonderful service to connect those spiritually to
our congregation, even if they are not able to be physically in attendance.
Hermione & Edward Friend Community Fund for providing the materials for our Sisterhood’s
Tikkun Olam event – helping volunteers make fleece hats, activity kits and get well cards for
children receiving treatment at Children’s of Alabama.
Our Tributes
Designated Endowment Funds
Contributions to these “perpetual” funds help provide permanent
sources of income for special programming and enhancements for
our temple today, as well as for future generations.
In Honor Of:
Special Birthday of Bob Marcus
by Carol Solomon
In Memory Of:
I. Jay Aarons, Robin Royal Kirby and
Stephen Wolneck
by Lois & David Cohen
In Honor Of:
Special Birthday of Bob Marcus
by Janet & Morton Goldfarb
In Memory Of:
Julie Monsky Metzger
by David Reese
In Memory Of:
I. Jay Aarons
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
In Memory Of:
Rabbi Eugene Borowitz and Robin Royal Kirby
by Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Designated Temple Funds
Gifts to these “immediate use” funds fulfill special needs beyond
the scope of what dues and tuition fees are able to provide.
In Memory Of:
Paul Miller
by Amy & Ronnie Strickland
In Honor Of:
Birth of Eliana Rose Miller
by Carole & Michael Pizitz
Katy Brakefield for her kindness
and helpfulness
by Suzanne Graham Fritz
In Memory Of:
Phyllis Bass
by David Reese
In Memory Of:
Janet Cypress and Marcia Kramer
by Ilene & Kenneth Johnson
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of Talia Fleisig, daughter
of Julie Fleisig
by Ilene & Ken Johnson
In Memory Of:
Genady Bronshteyn, Anya Golger, Frieda
Kishinevsky and Isaak Kishinevsky
by Mila & Igor Kishinevsky
Phyllis Bass
by David Reese
Wishing Good Health To:
Cantor Jessica Roskin
by Leigh Ann & Bert Young
Howard Roskin
by Letty & Bob Marcus
In Honor Of:
Special Birthday of Lucien Hagedorn
by Jeanne, Leah & Rebekah Hagedorn
Special Birthday of Bob Marcus
by Ingrid & Howard Roskin
Cantor Jessica Roskin for being named a
“Woman Who Inspires” by Girls on
the Run International
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
In Memory Of:
Paul Miller
by Alicia Lepke
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
by Cheryl Palmer
In Memory Of:
I. Jay Aarons and Robin Royal Kirby
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
In Honor Of:
Special Birthday of Steve Royal
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
In Memory Of:
Robin Royal Kirby
by Kit & Rick Roth
Anita Miller, David Reagler, and
Berrnie Schulman
by Nancy & Harold Blach
Wishing Good Health To:
Joan Becker, Mitzi Goldstein,
Jerry Lapidus and Jane Levy
by Nancy & Harold Blach
In Honor Of:
Birth of Chandler Evan Lourie
by Kit & Rick Roth
In Memory Of:
Barbara Ream
by Barbara Evans
In Memory Of:
Sarah Erdberg, Donald Goldstein,
Eileen Johnson, and Aaron Rosenfeld
by Ilene & Ken Johnson
Your contributions through
our “Temple Tributes” help
to support Temple Emanu-El’s
annual operations and activities,
and further build our Grafman
Endowment Fund to enrich our
congregation…now and forever.
To make a Tribute Gift to either
a temple or an endowment fund,
please contact the Endowment
Office at 933-8397 or
A list of all our funds is available
on the back of the calendar insert
in this bulletin, and on our website
Our Sponsors
Buggy Bucks: The Perfect Gift!
Please give Buggy Bucks gift cards to your friends,
family, and employees for any celebration or occasion.
It works like this: You purchase the Buggy Bucks gift cards for Publix or Piggly Wiggly. They work just
like any gift card, but these stores give us a discount on the total amount and those proceeds go directly to the temple General Fund.
We take cash, checks, and can even transfer money directly from your bank! We can mail the Buggy Bucks directly to you or we can mail them directly to the recipient with your personalized card.
Now, what could be easier than that? Contact Loretta Newfield at 205-933-8037,
to order yours today!
Temple Emanu-El Advertising | Information for Our Temple Bulletin
Black & white ads are sold on an annual basis only and will run for 11 consecutive months.
Available ad sizes include small, medium, large, and full page (when available).
(Sorry, color ads are not available.)
Why advertise with us?
• Businesses get an Automatic Trust Factor when Monthly payments are available.
advertising in faith-based newsletters.
• Your advertising will be in both over 600 monthly For pricing and other information, please contact:
circulated print editions and also in the digital
edition on our website, which is visited by not Marianne Pitts
only our members, but also many non-members.
Temple Emanu-El
• Your business is viewed in a positive light as a (205) 933-8037, ext. 239
Community Supporter.
• Every potential customer lives in your community!
Majestic Nails Spa
(205) 266-2077
4274 Cahaba Heights Ct Ste #110 Vestavia
(205) 271-2125
Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome
Organic Products & LEDgel only, Non-UV
Mon - Fri 9:30am - 7pm
Sat 9:30am - 5pm • Sun 1pm - 5pm
Jose Katz
Nathan Marcus
(205) 824-8001
3900 Montclair Rd, Suite 320
Crestline Post Office Bldg
(205) 871-1008
© 2011 Allstate Insurance Company.
Monday-Friday: 10am-5pm
Our Sponsors
(205) 967-2511
FAX: (205) 967-2652
Giani, Marco & Giovanni, Owners
721 Broadway St. Homewood, 35209
Devinci’s Pizza
2707 18th Street S. 35209
Open 7days a week
Mon-Sun 10am-10pm
Lunch & Dinner
Special Breakfast Hours
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Temple Emanu-El Gift
Come see our beautiful new tallit selection from Israel.
For the month of March all tallit’s are 30% off.
Register for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
It’s a great way to let everyone know how to honor them!
March 2016 Hours
Tuesday and Thursday Friday Sunday
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
2:00-5:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
or by appointment contact Loretta Newfield at 933-8037.
Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
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This issue of OurTemple bulletin is made possible through the support of the Temple Brotherhood for Temple Emanu-El.
Our Temple
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 933-8037 | FAX (205) 933-8099
Founded in 1882 and affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Cantor Jessica Roskin, Engel Cantorial Chair
Rabbi Laila Haas
Senior Team
Robin G. Gotlieb, Executive Director
Jann Blitz, Endowment Fund Executive Director
Sunday March 20, 2016
9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary
Purim Spiel, carnival and games
for the whole family!
Board of Directors
Dr. Michael Koslin, President
Ben Weil, President Elect
Dr. Al Cohn, Vice President
Robert Berman, Vice President
Lisa Bebenek, Secretary
Scott Goldberg, Treasurer
Stephen Royal, Immediate Past President
Andi Berger, Presidential Appointment
Dr. Mark Cohen, Presidential Appointment
Debbie Barstein
Charles Collat, Jr.
Anna Slive Harwood
Edgar Marx, Jr.
David Reese
Julie Stein
In the event of a family emergency after hours,
please contact us:
Rabbi Jonathan Miller: (205) 223-0916
Cantor Jessica Roskin: (205) 266-6549
Rabbi Laila Haas: (205) 777-8804
Remember Temple’s Endowment Fund in your estate plans, and please let us know when you do.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• • ••• • • • • • • • •• ••• • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Temple Emanu-El Events Calendar
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:30pm TEEN's
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
1O:OOam 6th Grade
Parents Bar Mitzvah Class
5:00pm Beginners'
Hebrew Class
II :30aqm Shalom Baby
5:00pm Beginners'
Hebrew Class
5:30pm Rosh Chodesh
Women's Grouo
5:40pm Shabbat Service, Guest
Speaker Rev. Bany Vaughn
Birthday Blessing,
oneg will follow
5:40pm Shabbat Service
Guest Speaker Scott Douglas
oneg will follow
9:00am Torah Study
I 0:30am Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Exodus 35:1-38:20
9:00am Torah Study
I0:30am Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Exodus 38:21-40:38
I O:OOam Shabatot
9:00am Torah Study
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:00pm Beginners'
5:45pm Temple Board of
9:30am Religious School
5:40pm Shabbat Service
I 0:30am Shabbat Service
Hebrew Class
5:30pm TEEN's
!O:OOam Sisterhood Board
Anniversary Blessing,
Torah Portion:
5:30pm Rosh Chodesh
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal
FTF (Food Theme
Women's Group
Leviticus 1:1-5:26
9:00am Torah Study
9:30am Religious School/
5:00pm Beginners'
3:30pm Hebrew School
I 0:30am Shabbat Service •
5:40pm Shabbat Service
Hebrew Class
Purim Spiel & Carnival
5:30pm TEEN's
Torah Portion:
oneg will follow
5:30pm Rosh Chodesh
Simcha Sunday
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal
Women's Group
Leviticus 6:1-8:36
Our Tzedaka ~~ Box Charity ••
for the, nonth is:
5:00pm Beginners'
NO Religious School
NO Hebrew School
Hebrew Class
PatJ ways
NO Chorale Rehearsal
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:30pm TEEN's
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal
Over For a List of Temple Funds
Designated & Unrestricted Funds
benefiting Temple Emanu-El
We greatly appreciate the tributes and contributions made to Temple Emanu-El to
honor friends and family, commemorate significant events and remember loved ones.
Your contributions to the Temple's "immediate use" funds help support our
annual operations and fulfill special needs beyond the scope of what dues and
tuition fees are able to provide - and gifts to our Endowment Funds help further
build our Grafman Endowment Fund to provide perpetual I permanent sources of
income to enrich our congregation ... now and for generations to come.
Temple General Fund
Endowment General Fund
Rabbi Miller Discretionary Fund
Cantor Raskin Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Haas Discrelionary Fund
Music Fund
Chorale Fund
Art Fund
Library Fund
Archives Fund
Prayerbock Replacement Fund
Endowed Funds:
Muncy Harris Abroms CulluraiArls Fund
Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund
Rulh & Marvin Engel Canlorial Chair
& High Holy Day Choir Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Archives Fund
Joan & Millon Jacobson Cultural Arts Fund
Canlor Brian Miller Cultural Arts Fund
Odess Family Fund
Ruth & J.D. Rosenberger Music Fund
Barrye &Jay Ziff Cultural Arts Fund
AbromsiWeil Hall Repair & Replacement Fund
Capitallmprovemenls Fund
Reserve Fund
Jasper Cemetery Oversight Fund
Endowed Funds:
Abroms Ha!l Preservation Fund
Mollie & Herman Gotlieb Sancluary Preservation Fund
Hess Chapel Fund
Gloria Goldstein Howton Building Fund
Jasper Temple Fund
Rabbi Morris Newfield Fund
Cemetery Care Fund
Gadsden Cemetery Fund
Disasler Relief Fund
Tikkun Olam Fund
Caring Committee Fund
Giving Tree I Financial Assistance Fund
Celebration I Financial Assistance Fund
Endowed Funds:
Leona & Marvin Cherner Caring Community Fund
Edward & Hermione Friend Communily Fund
Richard Goldner Community Service Fund
Ritual & Worship Fund
Adult Educalion Fund
Leadership Development Fund
Endowed Funds:
Honan Family Torah Study Fund
Religious School Fund
Discovery School Fund
BIRTY Youth Group Fund
TEENS Programming Fund
Jacobs Camp Scholarship Fund
Ms. Lois Scholarship Fund
Endowed Funds:
Gail & Jeffrey Bayer Fund for Religious Education
lves Family Religious School Fund
Robert Loeb Education Fund
Lee & Stanley Elsas TEENS Fund
Leah Marks Young Adult Library Fund
Leah's Teen Trip Fund
Barbara Abrams & Julian Aland Scholarship Fund
Betty A. Goldstein Camp Jacobs Scholarship Fund
Figtree Scholarship Fund
Max Friedman B'nai Mitzvah Fund
Lewy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Diana & Sidney Patterson Scholarship Fund
Lesler Seigel Scholarship Fund
I.E. Simon Memorial Scholarship Fund
January 2016
To make a Temple Tribute to either an "immediate use" fund or an endowment fund,
contact the Endowment Office at 933-8397
Membership Fund
Young Adulll Next Generalion Fund
Sewing Guild Fund
Technology Fund
Endowed Funds:
Andrew Abrams Flower Fund
Beih Family Fund
Nina &Norman Cohen Next Generation Fund
Faye &Norris Friedman Social Enrichment Fund
Sherron &Allan Goldstein Break-lhe-Fast Fund
Hannah &Hyman Goldstein Volunteer Fund
"OurTemple"WorshipAnywhere Fund
Reese Family Fund
Sieiner lnterfailh Fund
Blach Family Fund
Deborah Chargois Fund
Palsy & Charles Collar Fund
Ethel Aland Fleisher Family Fund
Janis &Paul Friedman Fund
Rochelle & Michael Koslin Fund
Carole & Michael Pizilz Family Fund
Bunny & Joel Rolenstreich Family Fund
Kim & Neil Roth Family Fund
Jean & Jerry Sklar Fund
NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS for unrestricted purposes:
Aarons Family Fund
Leah & Ronnie Leaf Family Fund
Judy Todd Abrams &Ted Abrams Fund
Gayle& Eddie Leilman Fund
Barbara &Jack Aland Family Fund
Levene/Silverstein Fund
Leon Aland Fund
Ralph Z. Levene Memorial Fund
Susan & Rodney Barstein Family Fund
Roslyn T. Levene Fund
Sandra &Alan Berman Family Fund
Faye & Robert Levin Family Fund
Gail & Harry Bayer Family Fund
Ted Levite Memorial Fund
Flossie & Ira Bayer Family Fund
Levilt Family Fund
Becker Family Fund
Nathan Wayne Lewis Memorial Fund
Bluestein Family Fund
Lelty & Bob Marcus Fund
Buchalter Family Fund
Judy & Gerson May Fund
Ida M. Cohen Memorial Fund
Gertrude &A.R. Mazer Family Fund
Marion & Oscar Cohen Fund
Candy & Ed Meyerson Fund
Roselyn & Vernon Cohen Family Fund
N.E. Miles Fund
Mildred & Samuel Cohn Fund
Marvin & Marilyn Lichtenstein Nelson Fund
Frances & Conrad S. Cypress Fund
Lorelta & Mayer Newfield Fund
Dannis Family Fund
Dolly & Jerry Newmark Fund
Elmets Family Fund
Karen & Joel Piassick Fund
Gladys &Alex Epstein Family Fund
Betsy & Peter Prinlz Fund
Florine Capper Ettinger Fund
Loris & David Rich Memorial Fund
Alvin V. Filer, Jr. Memorial Fund
Suan &Andy Rolenslreich Family Fund
Barbara & Larry Fine Fund
Judy & James Rotenslreich Fund
Sian ley Dean Friedman Family Fund
Rose & Nathan Rotenslreich Fund
Dr. Harry & Bessie Goldner Fund
Elise & Irving Rubel Fund
Adele & Malvin Goldstein Fund
RussakoffFamily Fund
Edward Goodman Memorial Fund
Amy & Michael Saag Family Fund
Mimi & Seaburt Goodman Fund
Betty & Coleman Sachs Fund
Rebecca &Adam Gordon Fund
Dena &Aaron Sachs Memorial Fund
Belle &Ike Gotlieb Memorial Fund
Margaret & Maurice Salloway Fund
Rosalie &Raymond Gollieb Fund
Perry Schwartz Memorial Fund
Carol & Robert Gross Family Fund
Ida W. Seigel Fund
Evelyn & Jack Held Fund
Anne Copeland Silberman Memorial Fund
Ginger & Jerry Held Fund
Joseph H. Sirote Memorial Fund
Cissy & Leonard Held Fund
Morris K. Sirote Memorial Fund
Carol &Donald Herman Fund
Stephanie & Brad Sklar Family Fund
Hirschowilz Family Fund
Slive Family Fund
Will Holloway Memorial Fund
Carleton & Bruce Sokol Fund
Hurowilz Family Fund
James Sokol Family Fund
Donald R. Kahn Legacy Fund
Marion & Dave Solomon Fund
Doris & Fred Kanter Family Fund
Norma & Buddy Warren Memorial Fund
Rhoda& Abe Kaplan Fund
Pat& Leonard Weil Fund
Miriam & Jack Kartus Fund
Weiner Family Fund
Michael Koslin Family Fund
Weinman/ Fierman Family Fund
Julie & Howard Koch Family Fund
Joe, Jean &Roberta Weinsleinl JablowFund
Susan & Barry Koretzky Family Fund
Janel & Leonard Wertheimer Fund