Adar-Nissan, 5775 - Temple Emanu-El


Adar-Nissan, 5775 - Temple Emanu-El
March 2015
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El (Adar-Nissan, 5775)
(205) 933-8037
Birmingham, Alabama
Our mission: Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer,
study, fellowship and acts of loving kindness to our congregational family and the community-at-large
Our Services
Evolution(of(Israeli( Music;((
Birthday Blessing
Cantor Roskin & Alan Davis
Cantor Roskin & Alan Davis
Saturday, 3/7(
Anniversary)Blessing) !
Friday,(3/27( 5:40!
Julie and Charles Stein
Cantor Roskin & Alan Davis
Vayikra) Leviticus!
(3/21( 10:30!a.m.!
Saturday,(3/28( 10:30!
Our YearTorah!Portion:!
to Celebrate Israel Continues
20th , 5:40 pm
Shabbat service with guest speaker Ezra Ravins from
The Jewish National Fund
Ezra Ravins joined the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in
November 2013 as the JNF-KKL Israel Emissary to the
Southeast Region. He has an interesting perspective
and story to tell touching on modern Zionism and
accomplishments in the Negev desert coming from the
background of a farmer and leader in the Central Arava.
Ezra’s message touches on vision, environment,
agriculture, water and technology in extreme desert
((((((((((((combined!June/July!issue! !
3 Our Services
Celebrate Passover with Our Temple Family
Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood's
Women's Seder
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Sunday April 12th‡…†Š
Please join us for Temple Emanu-El’s
Annual Candy Seder!
Hess Chapel for Good Morning
Sunshine Service
Abroms Hall for the Candy Seder
Hebrew & Judaics
Join us for a special evening where we
will celebrate and learn about women's
role in our history.
Our own Rabbi Laila Haas and
Cantor Jessica Roskin
will lead this special seder.
Dinner and traditional Passover foods
will be provided. We will read from a
Haggadah created especially for women,
highlighting women's role in
the Exodus story.
Feel free to bring a friend...
ladies over 13 only please!
$25 per person or be a sponsor for $36.
RSVPs are required and space is based on availability
RSVP and pay online
or mail check to
Rhonda Weinberg, 3804 Ansley Road Birmingham, AL 35243
New this year, please indicate whether
you would like Chicken or Vegetarian meal!
Doors open at 4:30 & the Seder begins promptly at 5:00 In keeping with our tradition of Tikkun Olam,
please bring toiletries to donate to women in need. First Night
Passover Seder
Friday, April 3, 2015
6:00 - 9:00p.m.
Abroms Hall in the Collat Congregational Center
$25 per person & Children 12 and under $10
Please bring a bottle of wine or grape juice.
Please RSVP by Monday, March 30th
Childcare will be provided for a portion of
the seder for ages 15 months to 5 years old.
Please sign up on the Temple website
and click babysitting.
If you have a question call
Fran Marlow, 933-8037 ext. 244
Our Clergy and Leadership
Summer Camp
Rates (per session):
Half-Day Rates (per session):
15 Month Old Class: $875.00
2 Year Old Class: $875.00
3 Year Old Class: $840.00
Pre-Kindergarten Class: $840.00
2 Half Days a week: $275.00
3 Half Days a week: $340.00
4 Half Days a week: $425.00
5 Half Days a week: $500.00
Reserve your spot today!
Please fill out the
registration for online by
visiting our website!
For more information
please call 205-933-5907
or email:
Our Members
!!Minutes from the Board Meeting: January, 2015
• Rabbi(Miller(
• Cantor(Roskin(
• Finance(Report(–(Larry(Goldberg
• Personnel(Committee(Update(–(Ben(Weil
• Sisterhood(Report(–(Alison(Berman
• Brotherhood(Report!–!David!Reese
• President(Report!–!Mike!Koslin
• Annual(Commitment(Thank(You(Letters(for(Increases(–(Mike!thanked!the!Grafman!endowment
• The!symphony!wants!to!do!a!performance!of!a!sacred!service!in!Hebrew!and!they!will!open!it!up!to
6 Our Members
Bat Mitzvah
Jamie Grace Perlman
Saturday, March 14
Jamie Grace Perlman is a 7th Grader at Mountain
Brook Jr. High School. She is the daughter of Marc
Perlman and Lauren Perlman and granddaughter of
Bernice Perlman and Judy and Morris Kriger of
Memphis, TN. Jamie is excited to share her simcha
with her brothers, Seth and Alex, and friends and
family from near and far.
Bat Mitzvah
Gabrielle Joyce Oser
Saturday, March 28
Gabi is currently a junior at Indian Springs School.
Her parents are Dr. Rachel Oser and Dr. Allen Oser.
Her grandparents are Naomi and Edwin Fineberg
and David Oser, all from Birmingham, Alabama.
She will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah with her
brothers Alex and Isaac, step brother Austin, step
mother Brooke, extended family, and friends.
Each month,
Temple Emanu-El chooses a specific cause for our
Tzedakah Box.
Our March cause is: PATHWAYS
This organization works to end homelessness for women and children through hospitality, housing, and hope. Pathways Home provides emergency services, transitional housing, employment readiness and children’s programs. Mazel Tov To..
Evan U. Lichter, son of Lee & Steve Lichter, on his engagement to Annette Pollack, daughter of the late
Hedy & Max Pollack of Nashville,TN. A June 2015 wedding is planned in Atlanta.
Andrea & Kent Haines on the birth of their daughter Hadassah “Haddie” Rosalyn Haines On Tuesday, January 27,
2015. Celebrating her arrival are brother, Joel and grandparents, Lisa & Alan Engel, Becky Haines, and Nancy &
Charlie Haines. Also celebrating are aunts and uncles, Marci Engel, Ilana Engel. Lillian Haines, Charles Haines and
Davis Haines.
Brittany & Andy Saag on the birth of their daughter Emery “Emmy” Weil Saag On Saturday, February 7, 2015.
Celebrating her arrival are grandparents, Amy & Michael Saag, Kim & Dean Benamy of Atlanta, GA, and greatgrandparents, Pat Weil, Elaine Saag of Louisville, KY, Joan & Franklin Benamy of Boca Raton, FL, Carol & Willy
White of Huntersville,
NC and Jere & Joe Sewell of Dunwoody, GA. Also celebrating are uncle, Harry Saag, of New
York City, NY and “uncle to be “ Andrew Pizitz of Atlanta, GA and aunts, Heather Benamy and Julie Saag of Atlanta,
Our Members
Condolences To…
The family of Felice H. Cohen of Montgomery, AL, who passed away on Saturday, January 17, 2015.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Isaac Cohen. She is survived by her daughter, Alise
(Joe) Erdberg; son, Elliot (Mae) Cohen; grandchildren, Mark (Jaime) Erdberg and Jill (Paul)
Rothstein; great grandchildren, Anna Erdberg and Kacy and Bo Rothstein; and brother, Richard
Family of Mollie Scott Isbell of Huntsville, AL who passed away on Saturday, January 17, 2015. She
was preceded in death by her husband, Bill "Billy" Spencer Isbell. She is survived by her daughters,
Margie Higginbotham (a member of our Temple's Endowment Fund staff), Leslie Coughlin of
Carmel, IN, and Christa Burridge and Elizabeth Hornbuckle, both of Huntsville, AL; son, Spencer
Isbell, also of Huntsville, AL; and several grandchildren.
The family of Elizabeth A. Guercio of Birmingham, AL who passed away on Monday, January 19,
2015. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Guercio. She is survived by her sons,
Jake (Brenda) Guercio and Donny (Rob) Guercio; daughters, Diane Henderson, Charlene Leon,
and Joanne (Chris) Simmons; 14 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren.
The family of Dorothy Pedersen Stuart of Birmingham, AL who passed away on Wednesday,
January 21, 2015. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dan Riley Stuart. She is survived by
her daughter, Anne Stuart (David) Ovson; son, Duncan James Stuart of Baltimore, MD; and
grandchildren, Riley Ovson, Sunny Ovson, and Justin Ovson of Alpharetta, GA.
Family of Daniel Mark Blitz of Montgomery, AL who passed away on Thursday, January 22, 2015. He
was preceded in death by his parents, Roslyn & Sam Blitz. He is survived by his wife, Rhonda Wise
Blitz; son, Sam Blitz; brothers, Jeff (Robin) Blitz of Montgomery, AL and Russ (Jann) Blitz of
Birmingham, AL; brother-in-law, Gary (Michelle) Wise of Montgomery, AL; and numerous nieces and
Family of Patsy Weil Collat who passed away on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. She is survived
by her husband, Charles A. Collat, Sr, her children, Nancy (Glenn) Goedecke, Caki (Larry)
Mendel, Susie Weil Collat, Charlie (Cheryl) Collat, sister-in-law, Pat Weil,10 grandchildren, a
great-granddaughter and numerous nieces and nephews.
Family of Dr. Bobby J. Bell of Lexington, MS who passed away on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. He
is the father of Dr. Emily Bell Casey and husband, Matt Casey, and grandfather to their two
children, Belle and Brenna, of Indian Springs. Dr. Bell is also survived by his son, Bobby Bell, Jr.
of Birmingham, and Brooke Bell, Blake Bell, and Breann Bell of Lexington.
The family of Bette Ann Pearl Blumenthal who passed away on Thursday, February 5.2015. She is
survived by her husband, Donald Blumenthal, a son Michael Blumenthal a brother, George
(Claudia) Pearl and nephew, Ryan Pearl all of Atlanta, GA
Our Members
Thanks to Everyone
who helped create a beautiful Sisterhood/Brotherhood Shabbat with sweet music, sweet treats and sweet offers of
help. I apologize if I have missed any names - please know you are greatly appreciated!!
Rabbi Haas
Cantor Roskin
David Askenazi
Lisa Bebenek
Andi Berger
Robin Berger
Alison Berman
Lacey Epstein Bill
Goldman Carol
Marilyn Haver
Susan Koretsky
Denise Lewis
Aaron Nelson
Loretta Newfield
David Nomberg
David Reese
Kim Roth
Ben Smith
With special thanks to the Discovery School students for making our Shabbat dinner centerpieces!
Honorable Menschens Thank you to all of our congregants who volunteered their time so generously in December to
take on various duties like preparing our bulletin for mailing, answering doors and phones,
filing, greeting on Friday evenings, and various special projects.
Barbara Aland, Andi Berger, Sandra Berman, Nancy Christopherson, Harriet Cogen, Phoebe
Cotton, Carole Epstein, Lacey Epstein, Richard Epstein, Chu‐Chi Fierman, Larry Goldberg,
Richard Goldstein, Marilyn Haver, Ilene Johnson, Fred Kanter, Susan Koretzky, Leah Leaf,
Ashley & Jon Lewis, Joe Lichtenstein, Betty Loeb, Bob Marcus, Loretta Newfield, David
Reese, Cantor Jessica Roskin, Gail Rubin, Ina Russakoff, and Irvin Siegal.
If you would like to volunteer, we would welcome you! Contact Bob Gross at (205) 933‐8037,
ext. 238.
Around the Temple
Thank You to Our AWESOME Emanu-Elves
Champions! Share the Spirit:
Family to Family 2014
Wow! 2014 was the SEVENTH year our congregation
pitched in to help some low-income families really
celebrate Christmas. Despite the limited scope of the
program, with assistance from the Cohn Early Learning
Center, along with friends in both Birmingham and
Tuscaloosa, Temple Emanu-El provided gifts for over
400 people, thanks to the overwhelming generosity of
our congregants.
Partnering with First Teachers @ Home (an initiative founded at TEE), Champions were
anonymously paired with participating families in Jefferson, Tuscaloosa and Black Belt
Counties. First Teachers @ Home, a Game-Changing program with astonishing outcomes,
starts at the very beginning: Pre-Kindergarten education - taught by parents - in the home.
First Teachers @ Home levels the playground for low-income children by focusing on the
primary cause of their underachievement - their underachieving families. FT@H transforms
those families so that even the most fragile of parents can effectively prepare their children
for success in school. By validating and reinforcing the adults' own abilities, as well as
teaching them consistent and positive parenting skills, the outcomes for FT@H are
Parents and grandparents overwhelmingly echoed the same refrain: Bless you! Our favorite
this year was a shy mother, with a gentle manner, who asked if it would be okay for her to
say thank to the people who bought gifts for her children, and even for her elderly, rather
frail grandmother. Her grandmother, she said, “yelled jus‛ like she was in church that God
had gotten them for the family”. The mom leaned in to confide that she knew it was just
good people doing God‛s work. “ I know that ain‛t exactly true, but maybe it is. I just know
that they did good”.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the staggering work of our astonishing
chief shopper Judy Rutstein, and the clergy who are pillars of this program. First Teachers
@ Home deeply appreciates the funding from the Temple Emanu-El Tzadakah High Holidays
Campaign, which helps sustain our program. Here is a list of our congregants and friends who
participated in 2014:
Thank You to Our AWESOME Emanu-Elves Champions!
Share the Spirit:Family to Family 2014
Around the Temple
Here is a list of our congregants and friends who participated in 2014:
Caleigh and David Alevy
Emily and Matt Arnold
Erin, Sadie, Anais and John Arnold
Gail and Jeffrey Bayer
Sandra and Alan Berman
Alison and Robert Berman
Brett, Chase, Elliott and Oliver Bloomston
Karen, Joshua, Sophie, Lena and Kenneth Bluestein
Mary Johnson and Chuck Butterworth
Diane Clark
Lynn and Mark Cohen
Tracy, Morgan, Abby, Lexi and Al Cohn
Linda and Richard Cohn
Linda Cohn
Staff and Families of the Cohn Early Learning Center
Tuscaloosa Community Service Programs
Amber, Stephanie and Rick Cosby
Cantor Jessica Roskin and Alan Davis
Lisa Singer and Emma, Will and Tim Davis
Helene Elkus
Lisa and Alan Engel
Jacqueline, Lee and Sara Feldman
Chu Chi and Bobby Fierman
Suzy Lowery Finley
Marie Fritzinger
Carolyn and Henry Frohsin
Hillary, Harris, Ansley, Schuyler and Scott Gewant
Toby Gewant
Cinda and Larry Goldberg
Rebecca, Ben, Leah and Adam Gordon
Brenda Bell-Guercio, Bobby, C.J., Emily and Jake Guercio
Rabbi Laila Haas
Nancy, Tillman and Barry Hamric
Rona & Frank Harper
Anna and Judd Harwood
Cissy and Leonard Held
Ronne and Donald Hess Foundation
Ilene and Ken Johnson
Bari, Alex and Jose Katz
Susan and Barry Koretzsky
Susan Lapidus
Emily, Violet, Zoe and Bob Levine
Jon, Alec, Leigh and Zachary Lewis
Lee and Stephen Lichter
Lonnie Malone
Dale Marcus
Marion McGahey and Edgar Marx Jr.
Leslie, Lillian, Preston and Craig McClure
Rabbi Jonathan and Judi Miller
Lauren Montgomery
Christina, Coby, Anna and Derrick Nawrocki
Christy, Alice, Jennie Ruth and David Nelson
Elisa, Reed, Alexa, Morgan and Aaron Nelson
Jamie, Daniel and Greg Odrezin
Pinnacle Optical
Anne, Riley and David Ovson
Carolyn and Will Ratliff
Judy Borisky and Robert Metzger
Kim and Neil Roth
Judy and Bob Rutstein
Marc Rutstein
Renee and Bernie Schulman
Lori, Sam, Isabelle, Maxwell and Lyle Shroyer
Jennifer, Micah, Joel and Benjamin Smith
Julie, Bradley and Charles Stein
Amy, Hannah, Andrew, Ellie and Ron Strickland
Restricted Fund of Temple Emanu-El
Sam Todd
Julie, Lydia, Levi Watson
Lori, Brandon, Alex and Jimmy Weil
Julie, Anna and Charles Welden
Wide Orbiters
Michele, Caroline, David, Marshall and Michael Wilensky
Leigh Ann and Bert Young
Susan Swartz and Barry Zern
11 Our Tributes
Our Tributes Our Yahrzeits
March Yahrzeits May the beauty of their lives shine forever, and may we always bring honor to their memory.
March 6-7
Ralph Aland
Edith Perman Allen
Herbert Baum
Mena Beck
Harry Bernow
Sam Blitz
Abraham Bresler
Rose Bresler
Aubrey Elton Buchalter
Herbert Cain
Isaac Capilouto
Bradley Chesler
Sylvia Cooley
Bessie Cooley
Neliah Einstein
Gladys Epstein
Ben Ezekiel
Morris Feldman
Alex Friedman
Evelyn Geismar
Mort Gilbert
Freida Glickman
Mae Goldberg
Nathan Goldstein
Hyman Goldstein
Edward Goldstone
Herman Gotlieb
Jeanette Grossman
Frummie Harris
Michael Hirsch
Jacqueline Jaspan
Jacob "Jack" Kaden
Mary Karnofsky
Istvan Kertesz
Jack Kohara
Nathan Kraselsky
Lena Krentzman
Isaac Kronenberg
Carrie Lazarus
Rebecca Leader
Ida Leland
Syd Lerner, Jr.
Jacob Levine, Sr.
Alice Levitt
Abe London
Sally Loveman
Duke Marlowe
Barbara Marx
Beatrice Mazer
Harry Miller
David Mitnick
Julie Moore
Harry Moore
Lena Myer
Lucille Oster
Abraham Perley
Annie Ripps
Sol Rittenbaum
Joseph Rosenberger, Sr.
Ben Saag
Joseph Sachs
Louis Silberman
Florence Silverberg
Harvey Spielholz
Bessie Steinberg
Milton Turner
Edward Wald
Rosalyn Weil
Rose Weil
Oscar Weinstein
Sara Weinstein
Sayde Yeargin
Sol Zalmon
Goldie Ziff
March 13-14
J. Theodore "Ted" Abrams
Bernice Aland
Gene Baim
Simon Blach
Ida Bornstein
Samuel Bornstein
Alice Bredosky
Louis Bresler
Norman J. Cohen
Victor Cohen
Samuel Cohn
Arnold Cotton
Helen Damsker
Isadore Davis
David Engel
Nathan Epsman
William Epstein
Lena Feidelson
George Feldman
Celia Gamburg
David Geskin
Bessie Gold
Dave Goldberg
Esther Goldblatt
Albert Goldman
Minnie Goldner
Florence Goldstein
Malvin Goldstein
Lillian Goldstein
Robert Gordon
Joseph Hirsch
Minna Holzer
Dr. Edward Sidney Hyman
Jerald Jacobson
Jacob Kaufman
Robert Kernan
Flora Klotman
Jacob Klotman
Tessa Levenson
Harry Licht
Vera Lowi
Elizabeth Mancin
Norman Mendelsohn
Lill Ostand
Alan Pines
Linda Pliner
Annie Rittenbaum
Rose Roobin
Hyman Rosenberg
Edward Rosenfeld
Ida Rosenthal I
rving Russell
Tobey Safris
Edward Schoen
Bernice Schulwolf
Rose Simkin
Lawrence Simpson
Dave Solomon
Myer Staff
Julius Stein
Ethel Steinberg
Burghard Steiner
Mimi Swid
Helene Tuholske
Ida Van Baalen
Leo Wald
Marcus Weil
Isadore Weill
Annabelle Weinstein
Lesley Whitson
March 20-21
Henry Aizenman
Reita Jean Barasch
Harvey Benjamin
Dorothy Bonfield
Reva Bry
Mary Champion
Aline Chapman
Leona Roth Cherner
Capt. Alan Clark
Arnold Cogan
Thelma Cook
Robert Dyer-Smith
Calman Estrach
Ralph Ethridge
Mimi Fiordalisi
Dave Fischer
Louis Fox
Jonathan Freedman
Samuel Goldstein
Pinya Golger
Ruthie Gornek
Dorothy Gottner
Victor Hanan
Irving Harris
Sam Hartman
Edwin Hiller, Jr.
Clara Kaufman
Matthew Kernan
Harry Kolber
Lillian Pirer Lapidus
Mollie Levin
Charles Monheit
Celia Oppenheim
Jerome Oppenheimer
Leonard Petrofsky
Isadore Pizitz
Rose Ripps
Robert Roobin
Rick Ruby
Emma Schoen
Hannah Schulman
Benjamin Schultz
Jerry K. Seton
Samuel Shapiro
Sidney Sigman
Cheri Silverman
Lewis Smith
Mikhail Sorkin
Harry Spiegelman
Freida Spivak
Anna Stamler
Max Stern, Jr.
Henry Swedlaw
Samuel Ullman
Bettie Urdong
Sam Vitemb
Jeanette Weinberg
Elaine Weissman
Florence Wolf
Martha Wolf
Joseph Wortsman, Sr.
March Yahrzeits Our Yahrzeits
May the beauty of their lives shine forever,
and may we always bring honor to their memory. March 27-28
Mitzi Aarons
Gerry Allon
Tallie Barre
Dorothy Beck
Vladimir Belotserkovskaya
Adolph Berger
Vellye Berman
Alice Wilzin Blach
Elizabeth "Liz" Wideman Bleiberg
Richard Bransdorf
Blanche Brasch
Louis Clein
Marvin Cohn
Lucille Zeldin Cotton
Olga Dyer-Smith
Suzanne Gaines
Laura Beth Gill
Jane Glick
Lawrence Goldman
Richard Goldner
Emelia Goldsmith
Seymour Green
Jean Hartselle
Milton Jacobson
Sara Klafter
Sidney Kronenberg
Bernard Kronenberg
Max Levitt
Chris Lewis
Pearl Marcuse
Beverly Marks Elaine Markstein
Shannon "Hope" Cogen McInerney
Lauren Moran
Sara Newberger
Mose Newberger
Anna Odrezin
Pearl Perling
David Petrofsky
Lena Phillips
Sylvia Raflo
Hattie Reese
Thelma Renaud
Abe Rich
Earl Roman
Ann Rosenberg
Mary Roth
Rose Seton
Mrs. S. A. Shapiro
Bertha Shapiro
Max Sokol
Adria Spielberger
Stella Strauss
Dorothy Thompson
Adolph Weil
Arthur Weinberg
Murray Weinstein
Max Weinstein
Marian Wertheimer
Wendy Whisenhunt
Abraham Zaslofsky
Our Tributes 13
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our congregation by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones
through their generous contributions. Thank you for the following gifts received through February 5, 2015:
General & Unrestricted Funds
Donations to our General Temple and Endowment Funds, and the Unrestricted Named Endowment Funds
provide the greatest Flexibility to respond to our congregation’s changing needs.
In M emory Of:
Arlene Sachs Berger, mother of Roy Berger
by Dian Diamond
Brett Berman, brother of Allison Weil
by Bernice Barstein
by Joan Becker
by Barbara & David Betten
by Karen & Kenneth Bluestein
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Linda Cohn
by Dian Diamond
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Mitzi & Donald Goldstein
by Ginger & Jerry Held
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Judy & Gerson May
by Herbie Miller
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Pete Roth
by Sandra & Larry Shulman
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Dan Blitz, brother of Russ Blitz
by Janet & David Aarons
by Bernice Barstein
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Cheryl & Charlie Collat
by Julie Levinson-Gabis & Bernard Gabis
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Rochelle & Michael Koslin
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Margot & Edgar Marx and
Katherine Marx
by Marion & Edgar Marx, Jr.
by Judy & Gerson May
by Judy Ladden McDonald
by Candy & Ed Meyerson
by Herbie Miller
by Loretta Newfield
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
by Margo & Michael Pitt
by Betsy & Peter Printz
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Amy & Michael Saag
by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
Dorothy Cook, sister of Sara Lazarus
by Irene Tracy
Patsy Collat
by Bernice Barstein
by Susan & Rodney Barstein
by Joan Becker
by Nancy & David Denney
by Dian Diamond
by Beverly & Stanley Erdreich
by Julie Levinson-Gabis & Bernard Gabis
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Joyce Helzberg
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Rhoda Kaplan
by Shirley & Jerry Leader
by Faye & Robert Levin
by Margot & Edgar Marx and
Katherine Marx
by Marion & Edgar Marx, Jr.
by Candy & Ed Meyerson
by Margo & Michael Pitt
by Betsy & Peter Printz
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Pete Roth
by Lana & Steve Royal
by Rachel Rosenthal- Selber & Mandy Selber
by Sandra & Larry Shulman
by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
by Carleton & Bruce Sokol
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
by Barbara Zaslofsky
Gertrude Davis, mother of Alan Davis
by Bernice Barstein
by Joan Becker
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Dian Diamond
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Ginger & Jerry Held
by Ricky Koslin & Lyons Heyman
by Ferne Seigel
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Selma Farrago, aunt of Rabbi Jonathan Miller
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Richard Gotlieb
by Dian Diamond
by Margot & Edgar Marx
by Rachel Rosenthal-Selber & Mandy Selber
James Douglas Hewell,brother of Jamie Odrezin
by Dian Diamond
by Margo & Michael Pitt
by Amy & Michael Saag
Basil Hirschowitz
by Barbara Hirschowitz
Mollie Scott Isbell, mother of
Margie Higginbotham
by Margo & Michael Pitt
Joyce Jacobson
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Rona & Frank Harper
Mildred Lapidus
by Jerry Lapidus
Hyman Leader
by Shirley & Jerry Leader
Edna Kamenshine Levine, mother of
Ilene Wilensky
by Janet & David Aarons
by Bernice Barstein
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Malcolm Lindy
by Betsy & Peter Printz
Anita Marcus
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Howard Max
by Harry Bayer
Frank McCay, father of Jennifer Rosenthal
by Susan & Rodney Barstein
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
William Rich
by Marie Rich
Nathan Schaeffer
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Robert Schulman
by Rosalyn Bloomston
Helen Silverman, mother of Lana Royal
by Bernice Barstein
by Margaret & Steve Biller
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Marilyn & Tom Zemboch
Bella Steinberg
by Sandra & Alan Berman
Our Tributes In M emory Of, continued
Dorothy Stuart
by Janet & David Aarons
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
Norma Warren
by David Warren
Audrey Weil
by John Jones
W ishing Good Health To:
Bernice Barstein
by Evelyn & Jack Held
Michael Blonder
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Charles Collat, Sr.
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Evelyn & Jack Held
Morton Goldfarb
by Donna & Howard Goldberg
Betty Goldstein
by Joan & Don Weisberg
David Koplon
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Jonathan Levine
by Ferne Seigel
Jane Levy
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Gerson May
by Donna & Howard Goldberg
Felice Cohen, mother of Alise Erdberg
by Wanda & Ross Cohen
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Letty & Bob Marcus
Carole Simpson
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Jean Sklar
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Murray Tanner
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Gail & Charles Herman
by Shirley & Jerry Leader
In Honor Of:
Bar Mitzvah of Charles Collat, Sr.
by Dian Diamond
by Sandra & Larry Shulman
Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Weil, Son of Allison &Ben Weil
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
Bat Mitzvah of Molly Frohsin, daughter of Elise & Hank
Frohsin, granddaughter of Carol & Henry Frohsin and
Judy & Gerson May, and great- granddaughter of
Dorothy Shiland
by Joyce Helzberg
by Ricki & Lanning Kline
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Karen & Joel Piassick
Birth of William “Billy” Cotton Hayes, grandson of
Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
by Amy & Michael Saag
Birth of Brendan Zane Goldberg, grandson of
Donna & Howard Goldberg
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Birth of Hadassah “Haddie” Rosalyn Haines,
daughter of Andrea & Kent Haines and
granddaughter of Lisa & Alan Engel
by Linda & Doug Friedman
Birth of Emma Jade Levin, granddaughter of
Faye & Robert Levin
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
by Amy & Michael Saag
Designated Endowment Funds
Contributions to these “perpetual” funds help provide permanent
sources of income for special programming and enhancements for
our temple today, as well as for future generations.
Muncy Abroms Cultural
Blach Family Fund for Dues
Arts Fund
In Memory Of: Patsy Collat and Edna Kamenshine
by Carole Solomon
In Memory Of:
Dan Blitz
by Nancy & Harold Blach
In Honor Of:
Birth of Madeline Eden Levin
by Kit & Rick Roth
W ishing Good Health:
David Koplon and Murray Tanner
by Nancy & Harold Blach
David Koplon
by Kit & Rick Roth
Birth of Madeline Eden Levin,
granddaughter of Faye & Robert Levin
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Margo & Michael Pitt
by Amy & Michael Saag
Special Anniversary of Shirley & Jerry Leader
by Bernice Barstein
Special Birthday of Judy Abroms
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Joyce Helzberg
by Ferne Seigel
Special Birthdays of Judy & Hal Abroms
by Carol & Bob Gross
Special Birthday of Bobby Fierman
by Doris & Fred Kanter
Special Birthday of Lucien Hagedorn
by Merlin Newton
Special Birthday of Jerry Lapidus
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Special Birthday of Dick Pizitz
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Special Birthday of Sandra Russell
by Harry Bayer
Special Birthday of Buddy Schulhafer
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
Special Birthday of Jerry Seigel
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Special Birthday of Estelle Silverstein
by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Special Birthday of Marcia Unger
by Nancy & David Denney
by Donna & Howard Goldberg
Support Our Live Webcast Live webcasting of all our Temple Emanu-­‐El services made possible in part through “Our Temple” Worship Anywhere Fund If you are watching our webcast online, it is now easy to just click to make a donation to this fund to help us continue to provide webcasting and enhance this service. Our Tributes 15
Nina & Norman Cohen Next
Generation Fund
In M emory Of:
Mollie & Herman Gotlieb
Sanctuary Preservation Fund
In M emory Of:
Dan Blitz and Patsy Collat
by Lois & David Cohen
Patsy Collat, Gertrude Davis, Erica Green, Edna
Kamenshine Levine and Helen Silverman
by Marcia Unger
Richard Gotlieb
by Michigan Turkey Producers
Betty A. Goldstein Camp
Jacobs Scholarship Fund
In M emory Of:
Brett Berman
by Elise & Hank Frohsin
Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Break-The-Fast Fund
In M emory Of:
Brett Berman, Dan Blitz and Patsy Collat
by Sherron & Allan Goldstein
In Honor Of:
Special Anniversary of Judy & Gerson May;
Birth of Brandon Zane Goldberg;
Marriage of Ashley Bullen to Jon Lewis
by Marcia Unger
“OurTemple” Worship anywhere
In M emory Of:
Patsy Collat
by Jane & Craig Aronoff
by Ruth Engel and Bill Engel
by Carol & Mark Entman
by Ginger & Jerry Held
Brett Berman
by Barbara & Henry Helzberg
by Fran Marlow
by Henry Sharpe Lynn
Brett Berman, Dan Blitz, Patsy Collat and
by Judy Ladden McDonald
James Hewell
by Karen & Joel Piassick and Diane Kuhr
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
by Amy & Michael Saag and family
Erica Green
by Ferne Seigel
by Lisa & Marc Michelson
by Eleanor Balloff Seline & Richard Seline
In Honor Of:
by Joyce Stein
Special Birthday of Marcia Unger;
by Arnold Steiner
Engagement of Carlie Gotlieb to Alex Cohen
by Joan & Don Weisberg
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Hannah & Hyman Goldstein
Volunteer Fund
In M emory Of:
Reese Family Fund In M emory Of:
Nathan Schaeffer and Carolyn Sloss
by David Reese
In Honor Of:
Special Birthday of Jamie Gardner
by David Reese
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Fund for Dues Endowment
In M emory Of:
Dan Blitz, Patsy Collat and Dorothy Stuart
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
W ishing Good Health:
Jeffrey Bayer
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Rabbi Morris Newfield Fund
In M emory Of:
Patsy Collat and Edna Kamenshine Levine
by Janet & Morton Goldfarb
Edna Kamenshine Levine
by Carol & BG Minisman
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of Molly Frohsin
by Carol & BG Minisman
Designated Temple Funds
Gifts to these “immediate use” funds fulfill special needs beyond
the scope of what dues and tuition fees are able to provide.
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Discretionary Fund
In M emory Of:
Genady Bronshteyn
by Mila & Igor Kishinevsky
Gertrude Davis, mother of Alan Davis
by Sandra & Alan Berman
by Barbara & Stuart Capper
by Linda Cohn
by Lisa & Alan Engel
by Jacqueline Feldman
by Bill Goldman
by Susan & Steve Greene
by Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer
by Ricki & Lanning Kline
by Jon Lewis
by Lynette & J.B. Mazer
by Judy & Gerson May
by Jane Miles
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
by Lynn & Arie Raviv
by Amy & Michael Saag
by Gail & Abe Schuster
by Dorothy Shiland
by Julie & Charles Stein
by Margaret & Max Stern
by Robert Studin
Freida Kishinevsky
by Mila & Igor Kishinevsky
Isaak Kishinevsky
by Mila & Igor Kishinevsky
In Honor Of:
Cantor Jessica Roskin
by Margie Higgenbotham
Bar Mitzvah of our son, Eric Cordover
by Jennifer & Andrew Cordover
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter,
Lauren Sklar
by Stephanie & Brad Sklar
ReJewvenation Class
by Tandy Graves
Beautiful Yom Kippur cemetery service
and Endowment Legacy Luncheon
by Linda Cohn
Our Tributes Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Discretionary Fund
In M emory Of:
Patsy Collat
by Wendy & Warren Martin
Selma Farrago
by Jon Lewis
Audrey Irma Hopp Weil
by Sharon & Steven Weil
In Honor Of:
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
by Margie Higgenbotham
ReJewvenation Class
by Michele & Michael Wilensky
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Lauren Sklar
by Stephanie & Brad Sklar
Isaak Kishinevsky
by Mila & Igor Kishinevsky
Rabbi Laila Haas
Discretionary Fund
I n Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Lauren Sklar
by Stephanie & Brad Sklar
Rabbi Laila Haas
by Margie Higgenbotham
Discovery School Fund
I n M emory Of:
Elizabeth Guercio
by Melissa & Melvin Zivitz
Sewing Guild Fund
In Memory Of: Jenny Cohen
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
Little-Known Facts About our
Annual Endowment Gift Program •
Last year, nearly 300 of our members participated in this program
to help build our Endowment Fund assets. It is also a great way not only to
send tributes for special occasions or in memory of loved ones
Gifts of all sizes are welcome – minimum gifts are $25, and may be
paid in installments through June 30. Our goal is for as many congregants to
participate as possible.
Special Benefits -- we offer the opportunity to those making a gift of
$100+ to receive the convenience of being able to simply phone in or e-mail
their acknowledgement information for ten(10) complimentary contributions.
Those making gifts of $250 or more also receive these benefits and include
thirty (30) complimentary acknowledgments (begins with receipt of gift
through September 30, 2015).
Reply Now – there’s still time to participate! Payments are not due
until June 30th. Just contact the Endowment Fund Office at 933-8397 or with questions or to make arrangements for your
A list of those who have already let us know of their participation is included
as an insert in next month’s bulletin. At the conclusion of our campaign this
summer, a complete list of donors will be displayed in the Sanctuary foyer
and included in our Annual Report.
Your contributions through our “ Temple Tributes” help to support Temple Emanu-­‐El’s annual operations and activities, and further build our Grafman Endowment Fund to enrich our congregation… and forever. To make a tribute gift to either a temple or endowment fund, please contact The Endowment Office at 933-­‐8397 or A list of all our Temple and Endowment Funds is available on the back of the Calendar Insert in this bulletin, and on our website at Our Sponsors
Buggy Bucks: The Perfect Gift!
Please give Buggy Bucks gift cards to your friends, family, and employees for any celebration or occasion.
It works like this: you purchase the Buggy Bucks gift cards for Publix or Piggly Wiggly. They work just like any gift
card, but these stores give us a discount on the total amount and those proceeds go directly to the Temple General
Fund. We take cash, checks, and can even transfer money directly from your bank!
We can mail the Buggy Bucks directly to you or we can mail them directly to the recipient with your personalized card.
Now, what could be easier than that?
Call Loretta Newfield at (205) 933-8037 or to order.
Temple Emanu‐El Advertising Information for OurTemple Bulletin Black & white ads are sold on an annual basis only and will run for 11 consecutive months. Available ad sizes include small, medium, large, and full page (when available). (Sorry, color ads are not available.) Why advertise with us? •
Businesses get an Automatic Trust Factor when advertising in faith‐based newsletters.
Your advertising will be in both over 600 monthly circulated print editions and also in the digital edition on our
website, which is visited by not only our members, but also many non‐members.
Your business is viewed in a positive light as a Community Supporter.
Every potential customer lives in your community!
Monthly payments are available. For pricing and other information, please contact: Marianne Pitts Temple Emanu‐El (205) 933‐8037, ext. 239 ur Sponsor
Our Sponsors
Now accepting students
full-day, year-round,
15 months — 5 years:
For more information,
please contact us at
(205) 933-5907 or
Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material.
Please deliver immediately.
Address Service Requested
Are you moving? Do we have your correct address?
Please let us know by e-mail:
This issue of OurTemple bulletin is made possible through the support of the Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund.
The monthly bulletin for
Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
(205) 933-8037
(205) 933-8099 FAX
Founded in 1882 and affiliated with the union for
Reform Judaism.
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Rabbi Laila Haas
Please join us for our upcoming Legacy Luncheon:
“Every Picture Tells A Story:
The Storytelling of Norman Rockwell”
featuring master storyteller, Dolores Hydock
Norman Rockwell didn’t just paint pictures;
every picture told a story.
Storyteller Dolores Hydock will share with us the surprising
stories from Rockwell’s
life and career, and provide a behind-the-scenes look at how
Rockwell created his
one-image stories -- becoming “America’s painter” and a
storyteller on canvas.
Thursday, March 5 at 11:30 a.m.
Program in Hess Chapel and luncheon following in
Weil Hall in the Collat Congregational Center
Reservations Required- Please reply by monday March 2 to the
Endowment office at 933-8037, ext 233
An $8 per person donation at the door for lunch would be greatly appreciated.
Sponsored by the Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund
Senior Staff
Bob Gross, Executive Director
Jann Blitz, Endowment Fund Executive Director
Board of Directors
Dr. Michael Koslin, President
Ben Weil, President Elect
Dr. Mark Cohen, Vice President
Sherron Goldstein, Vice President
Julie Stein, Secretary
Larry Goldberg, Treasurer
Stephen Royal, Immediate Past President
Hal Abroms
Brian Held
Debbie Barnstein
Edgar Marx, Jr
Andi Berger
Joel Piassick
Robert Berman
David Reese
Paul Blutter
Brittany Saag
Charles Collat, Jr. Michael Tucker
Anna Slive Harwood
In the event of family emergency after hours, please contact us: Rabbi Jonathan Miller: (205)223-­‐0916 Cantor Jessica Roskin: (205)266-­‐6549 Rabbi Laila Haas: (205)777-­‐8804
Remember Temple’s Endowment Fund in your estate plans, and please let us know when you do. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Temple Emanu-El Events Calendar
9:00am Torah Study
5:40pm Evolution of Israeli Music
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service, March Birthday
Torah Portion:
Blessing. Oneg following service
11:30am Grafman
• 9:30am Purim Spiel &
sponsored by CanJar Raskin &
NO Hebrew School,
Endowment Luncheon
TEEN's or 0
9:30am Religious School
!O:OOam Sisterhood Board
12:00pm Lunch & Learn
with Cantor Raskin
5:45pm Temple Board of
nir.. ;,tnr< M;:Ptin<>
9:30am Religious School/
Mitzvah Day at Glen Iris
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal Alan Davis
Exodus 30:11-34:35
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:30pm TEEN's &
5:40pm Shabbat Service
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal pneg following service sponsored bJ
5:30nm Rosh Chodesh
lrmllar Raskin & Alm1 Davis
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:30pm TEEN's &
5:40pm Shabbat Service
with Guest Speaker Ezra
Ravins. Oneg following
service sponsored by Cmllar
Raskin ..1'· Alnn Dm1's
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:30pm TEEN's &
:30pm Chorale Rehearsal
:30nm Rosh Chodesh
5:40pm Shabbat Service
Oneg following service sponsored b
rrn,tnr Rn.lrin
9:00am Torah Study
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 1:1-5:26
A/rn, n~,;•
9:00am Torah Study with
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Gabi Oser
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 7:19-30
Our Tzed rt.kah Box Cht rity
fort ~e month is:
.J. ~athways
NO Hebrew School,
TEEN's or Confirmation
9:30am Religious School
!O:OOam 4-6 Grade Parent
5:00pm Womens Seder
5:30pm Chorale Rehearsal
5:30pm Rosh Chodesh
149:00am Torah Study
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of
Jamie Perlman
Torah Portion:
Vayakhel/P 'kudei
Exodus 35:1-12
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •
NO Religious School
Over For a List of Temple Funds
Designated & Unrestricted Funds
benefiting Temple Emanu-El
We greatly appreciate the tributes and contributions made to Temple Emanu-El to
honor friends and family, commemorate significant events and remember loved ones.
Your contributions to the Temple's "immediate use" funds help support our
annual operations and fulfill special needs beyond the scope of what dues and
tuition fees are able to provide- and gifts to our Endowment Funds help further
build our Grafman Endowment Fund to provide perpetual I permanent sources of
income to enrich our congregation ... now and for generations to come.
Temple General Fund
Endowment General Fund
Rabbi Miller Discretionary Fund
Cantor Raskin Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Haas Discretionary Fund
Music Fund
Chorale Fund
Art Fund
Library Fund
Archives Fund
Prayerbook Replacement Fund
Endowed Funds:
Muncy Harris Abrams Cultural Arts Fund
Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Cantorial
& High Holy Day Choir Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Archives Fund
Joan & Milton Jacobson Cultural Arts Fund
Cantor Brian Miller Cultural Arts Fund
Odess Family Fund
Ruth &J.D. Rosenberger Music Fund
Barrye &Jay Ziff Cultural Arts Fund
Abrams/Wei! Hall Repair & Replacement Fund
Capital Improvements Fund
Reserve Fund
Jasper Cemetery Oversight Fund
Endowed Funds:
Abrams Hall Preservation Fund
Mollie &Herman Gotiieb Sanctuary Preservation Fund
Hess Chapel Fund
Gloria Goldstein Howton Building Fund
Jasper Temple Fund
Rabbi Morris Newfield Fund
Cemetery Care Fund
Gadsden Cemetery Fund
Disaster Relief Fund
Tikkun Olam Fund
Caring Committee Fund
Giving Tree/ Financial Assistance Fund
Celebration I Financial Assistance Fund
Endowed Funds:
Leona & Marvin Cherner Caring Community Fund
Edward & Hermione Friend Community Fund
Richard Goldner Community Service Fund
Ritual &Worship Fund
Adult Education Fund
Leadership Development Fund
Endowed Funds:
Honan Family Torah Study Fund
Religious School Fund
Discovery School Fund
BIRTY Youth Group Fund
TEENS Programming Fund
Jacobs Camp Scholarship Fund
Ms. Lois Scholarship Fund
Endowed Funds:
Gail &Jeffrey Bayer Fund for Religious Education
lves Family Religious School Fund
Robert Loeb Education Fund
Lee & Stanley Elsas TEENS Fund
Leah Marks Young Adult Library Fund
Leah's Teen Trip Fund
Barbara Abrams &Julian Aland Scholarship Fund
Betty A. Goldstein Camp Jacobs Scholarship Fund
Figtree Scholarship Fund
Max Friedman B'nai Mitzvah Fund
Lewy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Diana &Sidney Patterson Scholarship Fund
Lester Seigel Scholarship Fund
I.E. Simon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Februaty 2015
To make a Temple Tribute to either an "immediate use" fund or an endowmentfund,
contact the Endowment Office at 933-8397 or
Membership Fund
Young Adult/ Next Generation Fund
Sewing Guild Fund
Technology Fund
Endowed Funds:
Andrew Abrams Flower Fund
Beth Family Fund
Nina & Norman Cohen Next Generation Fund
Faye & Norris Friedman Social Enrichment Fund
Sherron &Allan Goldstein Break-the-Fast Fund
Hannah & Hyman Goldstein Volunteer Fund
"OurTemple"WorshipAnywhere Fund
Reese Family Fund
Steiner Interfaith Fund
Blach Family Fund
Deborah Chargois Fund
Patsy & Charles Colla! Fund
Ethel Aland Fleisher Family Fund
Janis & Paul Friedman Fund
Rochelle & Michael Koslin Fund
Carole & Michael Pizitz Family Fund
Bunny &Joel Rotenstreich Family Fund
Jean &Jerry Sklar Fund
NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS for unrestricted purposes:
Aarons Family Fund
Gayle & Eddie Leitman Fund
JudyToddAbrams &Ted Abrams Fund
Ralph Z. Levene Memorial Fund
Barbara &Jack Aland Family Fund
Roslyn T. Levene Fund
Leon Aland Fund
Faye & Robert Levin Family Fund
Susan & Rodney Barstein Family Fund
Ted Levite Memorial Fund
Sandra &Alan Berman Family Fund
Levitt Family Fund
Gail & Harry Bayer Family Fund
Nathan Wayne Lewis Memorial Fund
Flossie & Ira Bayer Family Fund
Letty & Bob Marcus Fund
Becker Family Fund
Judy & Gerson May Fund
Bluestein Family Fund
Gertrude &A.R. Mazer Family Fund
Buchalter Family Fund
Candy & Ed Meyerson Fund
Ida M. Cohen Memorial Fund
N.E. Miles Fund
Marion & Oscar Cohen Fund
Marvin & Marilyn Lichtenstein Nelson Fund
Roselyn & Vernon Cohen Family Fund
Loretta & Mayer Newfield Fund
Mildred & Samuel Cohn Fund
Dolly & Jerry Newmark Fund
Frances & Conrad S. Cypress Fund
Karen &Joel Piassick Fund
Dannis Family Fund
Betsy & Peter Printz Fund
Elrnets Family Fund
Loris & David Rich Memorial Fund
Gladys &Alex Epstein Family Fund
Judy & James Rotenstreich Fund
Florine Capper Ettinger Fund
Rose & Nathan Rotenstreich Fund
Alvin V. Filer, Jr. Memorial Fund
Adam Roth Fund
Barbara & Larry Fine Fund
Elise & Irving Rubel Fund
Stanley Dean Friedman Family Fund
Russakoff Family Fund
Dr. Harry & Bessie Goldner Fund
Amy & Michael Saag Family Fund
Adele & Malvin Goldstein Fund
Betty & Coleman Sachs Fund
Edward Goodman Memorial Fund
Dena &Aaron Sachs Memorial Fund
Mimi & Sea burt Goodman Fund
Margaret & Maurice Salloway Fund
Rebecca &Adam Gordon Fund
Perry Schwartz Memorial Fund
Belle & Ike Gotlieb Memorial Fund
Ida W. Seigel Fund
Rosalie & Raymond Gotlieb Fund
Anne Copeland Silberman Memorial Fund
Carol & Robert Gross Family Fund
Joseph H. Sirote Memorial Fund
Evelyn & Jack Held Fund
Morris K. Sirote Memorial Fund
Ginger & Jerry Held Fund
Stephanie & Brad Sklar Family Fund
Cissy & Leonard Held Fund
Slive Family Fund
Carol &Donald Herman Fund
Carleton &Bruce Sokol Fund
Hirschowitz Family Fund
James Sokol Family Fund
Will Holloway Memorial Fund
Marion & Dave Solomon Fund
Hurowitz Family Fund
Norma & Buddy Warren Memorial Fund
Rhoda&Abe Kaplan Fund
Pat & Leonard Wei I Fund
Miriam &Jack Kartus Fund
Weiner Family Fund
Michael Koslin Family Fund
Weinman/ Fierman Family Fund
Julie & Howard Koch Family Fund
Joe, Jean & Roberta Weinstein/ Jablow Fund
Leah & Ronnie Leaf Family Fund
Janet &Leonard Wertheimer Fund