June 26, 2016 - Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption


June 26, 2016 - Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption
506 Fourth Street
ftrlarietta, Oh]o 45750
740-373-3643, www.stmarysmaretta.org
SUNDAY MASSES - Saturday 5:30 PM; Sunday 8:00 AM, 10;00 AM, 12:00 PM
CONFESSIoNS " Saturday 3:30.5:00 PM (or anytime by appointment)
. Contact Parish office
WEDDINGS - Contact Parish Office s,x monfhs in advance
Rector - Rev. Msgr. Jolnr MichaelCmpbell (falheimike@gnail.com)
- Rev. Fr. Thomas Nelson
Perochial Vicar
Permanent Deacon
Llispanic/Latino Minislry
Pasloral Associate/DRE
Music Director
St. Mary School
School Principal
Parish Council Chainnan
K olC Grand Knight
CWC President
Prayer Line
Pregnancy Assistance
Heal$ Ministry
Daily Bread Kitchcn
St. Vincent De Paul
Thirteenth S
in Ordinary Time
Speak Lord, your servant is listening; you
have the words of everlasting life.
PM- Richard A. Brown
AM- Livldec'd of the Ed & Rose
Schoeppner Family
Is 66:10-14c; Gal 6:14- 18; Lk 10:1-12,17-20.
AM- People ofthe Parish
PM- Richard Pottmeyer
AM- Geffy Enoch
PM- Karen Offenberger
7:45 PM- Special Intention
12r05 PM- Jerry Gruber,276 Anniversary
AM- Anita
PM- Livldec'd ofthe Francis Strahler
7:45 AM- Roger Bradley
l2:05 PM- Jeanne Offenberger, l,Anniversary
AM- Dale Muntz
PM- Vera Schafer
9:00 AM- Liv/dec'd ofthe Josephine
& Nelson
Medley Family
PM- Liv/dec'd ofthe Francis & Alice
Miller Family
8:00 AM10:00
- Rev. Mr. Lce Wciscnd
- Sr. FraDcisca AgLrill6n, RGS (7,10-434,7709)
- Mr. Joseph SchDridt (basilicadre@gmail.com)
- Mr. Johrl Ontko (740-350-4224, ontkolb@suddenlink.ner)
- 320 Marion St, 740-374-8181 (www.stmaryscatholic.org)
- Mrs. Susan Rauch(740-37,1-8181)nssm srauch@scovcc.org
- Debra Lazorik (740-896-2526)
- Mr. Terry Welch (740-374-5235)
- Robin Cleveland (740-568-8932)
- Mr. Patrick Kelly, VP (?40-374-0538)
- Mrs. Shelly Medley (?40-525-6360)
- Women's Care Centet ('7 40-3'7 4-1123)
- Mrs. Janet Jaeger (740-3?4-6768)
- Mrs. Carol Flenshaw (740-885-1181)
- Help Linc (740-3?6-1334)
Jslm L4ulphy
AM- Liv/dec'd ofthe Paul & Jeanne
Offenberger Family
Elias Augustin Spencer.
Tl.ris weekend, the flowers for the altar and the roses
lor Mary are
honor of Harry & Joan Fitzgerald's 58'l'Wedding Anniversary. If
you would like to request flowers for a particular weekend, ir.r
memory ofor in honor of someone, please callthe Basilica offices
to reserye tlre date. You may contact the florist ofyour choice to
arrange for them to be delivered,
Our annual parish picnic is scheduled for Sunday, August 21't at
Tomlinson Park in Williamstown, from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM. We
will be eating at 4:30 PM. Please bring a covered dish to share;
meat and beverages will be provided.
l2:00 PM- People ofthe padsh
VISITORS WELCOME! We welcome any visitors who are joining us for Mass this weekend. We hope your
stay in Marietta is enjoyable. Any new parishioners at the Basilica are asked to please register with the parish office.
6:15 PM
8:15 AM
7:00 PM
8:15 AM
7:00 PM
Our Lady ofPelpetual Help Devotions. See announcement.
7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel ofthe English Martyrs. See announcelnent.
Bingo at the Parish Center.
7:00 PM - Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel ofthe English Martyls. See announcement.
Bingo at the Parish Center.
The Lord Will Never Be Outdone
In Generosity!
Total collection last
Sunday: $ 11,135.00
Amount needed each week to meet
the parish
God b/ess those who support our Basilica Parish!
We pral, for all of the young men and women who
are currently serving our country in the military.
We especially remember those from our own
parish and relatives and friends of our parishioners
who are in the service. May God watch over them
and continue to keep them sale.
The Anr-rua1 Peter's Pence Collection will be taken
up at all Masses this weekend. Your donations
will support the Holy Father as he reaches out to
those suffering the effects of war and violence,
natural disasters, and religious persecution. Please
be generous. Envelopes were provided with your
monthly packet and should be put in the regular
Bulletin announcements should be in by
Wednesday morning in order to be included in the
following Sunday's bulletin. Announcements
should be in writing. We do not accept bulletin
announcements by phone.
The Basilica offices are closed until 1 :00 PM every
Thank You! The St. Mary School Boosters
Organization wishes to say "Thanl< You" to
Elizabeth and Alan Ruth for spearheading the Irish
Basketball Camp that was attended by over 70
campers. Thank you to the volunteers and others
who made the camp so successflil!
Save the Date! Saint Mary Catholic School will
celebrate 120 years of Catholic Education with the
2016-2017 Academic Year. We will be hosting an
Open House to honor and celebrate this incredible
milestone on Sunday, August 21't from 1:00 PM4:00 PM in the Monsignor Kakascik Parish Center.
Stay tuned for MUCH more on our 12011
Anniversary Celebration! Our School Mass to
celebrate the beginning of the Anniversary School
Year will be on Wednesday, September 711'
Blood donors are needed. Our Basilica will host an
American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, July
25tl' from 1 - 6:00 PM. Help assure that life-saving
blood will be available when needed. All blood
provided by local hospitals comes fi'om the American
Red Cross. Call Suzanne Baker at 740-373-031 I for
information or to reserve a time and date.
Please check with the Basilica offices before
scheduling a meeting in the Social Hall, Conference
Room or using the Basilica kitchen. Ifyou change
the time or date of a meeting, please be sure the nelv
time and date are available. All meetings and events
must be put in the master book in the Basilica office.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you or
a member of your
family is in the hospital
or shut-in and unable to attend Mass, please notify
the Rectory. Father Tom and Father Mike will visit
all ofthese parishioners and many times we are not
aware of the circumstances.
(For the complete schedule and other resources go to www.stmarysdre.info)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Evelyn Potter (CAPT)
Gregg Black (HOST)
Sheri Black (HOST)
Cathy Harper (CHALICE)
Jennifer Schenkel (CHALICE)
Jim Hartlage (CAPT)
Sharon Loken (HOST)
Suzanne Baker (HOST)
Connie Schwendeman (CHALICE)
David Baker (CHALICE)
Deacon Lee Weisend*
Gary Pitt (CAPT)
Joel Erb (HOST)
Cathy Rauch (CHALICE)
Sara Bonnette (CHALICE)
Joyce Huck (CAPT)
Stephanie Horne (HOST)
Christina McN4ahon (HOST)
Gerald Cooke (CHALICE)
Altar Servers
Tina Thomas
Natalie Tomasch
Ellie Zide
Don Murray
Mary Emge
Joyce laderosa
Mike laderosa
Kenny Offenberger
Jeanne Tasse
Brandon Humphrey
Victorja Humphrey
Ben Pfeiffer
Laura Rauch
Marie Rauch
Laurel DesMarteau
Gabriela Martinez
Cassidy Wilson
Stan Vanlandingham
'Deacans arc actually atdinary Minislers of Holy Cannunion. He is listecl wilh lhe Extraordinary Ministers far sinplicity ofscheduling.
The Week of Jun
Saturday, Jul 2, 9:00 AM
Thursday. June 30: Team 9: Maryann Grose,
Gary Pitt, Barb Brooker, June Stengel, Marianne
McFarland, Jean Albrecht, Tina Allphin, Angela
Bennett, Louis Brooker, Jeanette Flowers, Patti
Grosel, Theresa Hushion, Bonnie Martinez, Karen
Riggs, Dick Taylor, Kathy Wagner.
Saturday Binqo Workers. July 2 - Team 5:
Steve & Kim Baumgard, Fred & Tricia Becker,
Brandon & Tori Burnworlh, Mike & Marie Crum,
Chris & Christie Earley, Thomas & Traci Pery,
Eric Pritchett, Kasandra Ruscitto, Cody & Kylie
Reuterskiold, John & Crystal Spencer, Lindsay
Stehly. Gary & Jonquil Tucker.
PCHS is accepting applications for a full time
Social Studies Teacher. Applicants must hold a
valid teaching certificate for grades 7 -12. Apply by
sending a resume to Mrs. Karen Robinson at
krobinson@pphqLgqm. PCHS is also accepting
applications for an Assistant Varsity Volleyball
Coach. Forward resumes to Parkersburg Catholic
High School, attention Danny Tennant, 3201
Fairview Ave. Parkersburg, WV 26104.
A $500 check will
be given to two students to be
used for college or post secondary education
expenses. The purpose is to encourage higher
learning and achievement ofpast St. Mary School
Alumni - awarding students of exemplary
character. Deadline for applications is July 15,
Award criteria: Applicant must be a past alumni
of St. Mary Catholic School, attending at least 2
years and be an 8th grade graduate alum. ( Note: It
is not required the applicant had participated in an
athletic sporl or activity).They must be at least a
sophomore or higher based on the institution's
standard credit hours for sophomore status.
Applicant must show a proven record of attendance
at a post-secondary school of learning and have a
minimum, cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0
scale. They or their parents must have assisted with
Booster or school fundraising in the past. Previous
recipients are not eligible to reapply. Past
applicants are encouraged to reapply.
Applications are available at the St. Mary School
ISSUES, sponsored by the Culture of Life Ministry,
is prayed each Thursday after the 12:05 PM Mass.
If you are unable to join us, perhaps you would like
to say a rosary at home for this intention.
Several months ago Father Mike and Father Tom
sent a letter to Archbishop George Ganswein,
Prefect ofthe Pontifrcal Household and Personal
secretary of His Holiness Pope emeritus Benedict
XVI, requesting
Recent studies link regular family meals with the
kinds of behaviors that parents want for their
children: higher grade-point averages, resilience
and self-esteem. Additionally, family meals are
linked to lower rates of substance abuse, teen
pregnancy, eating disorders and depression. Learn
more at www.thefamil)zdinnerproj ect.org.
refers to a system of fertility awareness utilized by
manied couples to achieve pregnancy, or in a time
of discernment to postpone it. Learn more by
contacting Dan and Melissa Corcoran at740-703-
"Zucchetto" wom by His
Holiness Pope em. Benedict XVI and one worn by
His Holiness Pope Francis.
Pope Benedict's zucchetto arrived a cor-rple of
weeks ago and Pope Francis' zucchetto arrived
this past week. They are on display in the historical
case in the Basilica Undercroft.
The request to have our parish church named a
Basilica was sent to Rome prior to the resignation
ofPope Benedict, and was granted by Pope Francis.
We are forever grateful to these two men for the
honor bestowed upon our parish, our Diocese, and
on the Church in the United States-
7249 or corcoranO5@suddenlink.net.
woux rut
1pp*-3" your faith. Listen to 105.3
FM, the Catholic Voice of the Mid Ohio Valley. iro
contribute to keep this ministry going, serd your donations to
PCSF-WOUX, PO Box 4303, Parkersburg, WV 26104)
Father Tom Nelson is leading a Pilgrimage to ltaly,
Monday, 2 January -Friday, 13 Jantary 2017 .
Overnights in Rome, Assisi, and Florence, with day
stops in between. Cost is $4,289 when paying by
caslVcheck, based on double occupancy. Full tour
itinerary can be found at
http ://catholicfaithj oumeys.com/ and on the basilica
website, http ://www. stmarysmarietta.org/
Join Father Tom on this life changing opportunity
and deepen your faith in the process! Contact
Maggie McDaniel for more information, Phone:
4 1,9 -290-8'7 82 or Email :
maggie@catholicfaithj ourneys. com
It is time to register for Vacation Bible School
(VBS). This year's program (Mercy Is Falling: A
Year of Mercy Jungle Adventure) will take place
August 1-4,2016 at St. Mary Catholic School. The
VBS program is for children Age 4 (as of
September 1) through 5th grade.
Students in grades 6 - 12 are invited to be VBS
Teen Volunteers. Registration Forms are available
at the side entances and on the Religious Education
Website (www.stmarysdre.info). REGISTRATION
FEE: BEFORE, July 18 - $5.00 per student, and
AFTER July 18 - $10.00 per student. SPACE IS
Open registration will begin after June 5 as space
permits. Al1 participants MUST be registered by
July 18 to ensure the reception of a free t-shir1!
Contact Joe Schmidt (basilicadre@gmail.com or
Thirteenth Sunday - Ordinary Time
|une 26,201,6
Notes on the Gospel
Jesus fixed His face to travel to Jerusalem.
The Hebraism, "to fix (one's)
face" meant "to firmly resolve." The term "face" referred to the person of
Jesus. It can be loosely translated as a reflexive pronoun "himself." Jesus set
himself toward Jerusalem. He sent envoys before himself, And he himself
was traveling toward Jerusalem.
The Samaritans did not receive Jesus because they did not accept the status of
Jerusalem as the
worship center for the God of Israel and they hated Jews, Samaritans had their own worship site on
Mt. Gerizim and considered Jews as heretics. Luke set the scene with a decision of
Jesus. His
ministry in Galilee was finished. And he was firm in his decision to go to
Jerusalem so he could
fulfill his destiny. In order to prepare his way, Jesus sent envoys, but they were rebuffed in a
samaritan village. James and John, the same disciples who asked to sit at
Jesus,s right and left,
wanted to call divine wrath on the village. Not only did the disciples want to partake in God,s power.
They wanted to exercise divine judgement.
James and John equated Jesus' minishy with their misconception about the Messianic mission.
They thought the Messiah would enter Jerusalem to earthly power and glory. They wanted to shame
Jesus into action. No wonder Jesus turned around to put them in their place! They didn't understand
the true meaning of discipleship.
invited others along the way to follow Him. "Allow me to bury my father first.,' Whether the
man's father was dead or not was not the point. The man wanted to place the obligation of family
before discipleship. Jesus clarified the obligation of the Christian to leave family inct go preach as
]esus preached; proclaim the Kingdom of God."
"No one having put his hand on the plow and looking back . . . " This agricultural analogy
to the person of two minds. Guiding a plow demanded concentration to make straight furrows
maximize land usage. Someone who looked behind would plough crooked (and wastefully). He
might even run into something and ruin the plow. Likewise, the person of two minds was unfocused,
wasteful, and {oolhardy. As such, he might bring shame on those who proclaimed the Kingdom.
In these exchanges, Jesus seemed to speak directly to Luke's audience. He began with the phrase
"along the way," a reference not only to the travels of
Jesus, but to the Christian lifestyle, known
among early Christians as "the Way.',
Jesus emphasized the uncertainty, the
priority, and the resolute nature of the Christian discipleship.
Christian life required a commitment higher than that of family. Discipleship, then, required
a clear
understanding of role and of commitment. The disciples served. And the disciple made his or her
trust in the Lord the highest priority. No matter who. No matter what.
M RIL]TTA OH 45750.740.3?3
lune 26, 2O16
Dear Parishioners.
vacation time has arrived. we aII need some tirne to rest and it is important
to do so. Even
God rested. "on the seventh day God compreted the work he had been
doing; he rested on the
seventh day from all the work he had undertaken. God blessed the
seventh tl'ay and made it holy,
because on it He rested from all the work he had done in creation ,, (Gen
2:.2 _S). As we enter the
summer progresses, we should take some time to reflect on the value
God gave ,,resting,, since the
foundation of the world.
To rest means to be in a state of peace, The seventh day of creation
was a day of peace, all was in
communion with God. No conflict separated creation from its Maker.
All was under His loving
gaze' God rested not in His success, but in His love for His
work. God was pleased with creation,
because it is His. we are His. we are the object of the rest
of God. The history of salvation is
about man's journey to enter this rest. However, it was only until Christ,
as mary after his passion
the doors to enter God's rest were opened. During the three days
between the passion and
Resurrection, man for the first time entered into the rest of
God. Redemption is a new work of
creation - to live the same life that Christ lived. To enter His rest
and toiind His peace is to Iive
according to the new creation,
For most of us, our plan this summer is to get away from
our work, our studies, our conflicts,
and anything else that seems to get in the way of ourresting.
The fact is
that our life is full of
struggles and it seems like the summer months are the best time
to run from them, But this is the
wrong attitude to have as we begin vacation. Christ tells us, ,,Come
to me, alr you who rabor and
are burdened' I will give you rest." Christ invites us to rest
in Him. This doesn,t mean that we
have to spend vacation in church or on our knees. To enter
the rest of Christ, we need to enter His
work of Redemption; we need to live as He did.
In conclusion, God rested by loving His creatiory and continued
to love His people until death
on the Cross. This summer, live under God's roving gaze, and
ret His gaze shine tirougtr you.
In Christ.
AZ/z--'Rev. Msgr. John M. Campbell
Pope Francis has officially recognized ll5 Catholics
who were killed during the Spanish Civil War out of
hatred ofthe faith. The newest mart5rrs are Servants of
God Jos6 Alvarez Benavides y de la iorre, Spanish dean
of the Cathedral Chapter of Almeria, and his 114
companions. They were killed between 1936 and 193g
during Spain's brutal civil war.
The June 14 recognition means that they are
considered o'Blesseds', in the eyes of the Church, one
grade below saints' The decree came from the Congregation for the Causes
of Saints. In addition,
Pope Francis also recognized the heroic virtues of seven Catholics who will now
be known by the
title "Venerable.no Thousands of Catholics were killed during Spainns civil war, and hundreds have
been recognized as marfyrs.
[n2007, Pope Benedict XVI beatified nearly 500 victims of religious persecution who were killed
before and during spain's civ war. These included two bishops,24 prfosts,462 members
religious orders, a deacon, a sub-deacon, a seminarian, and seven lay Cathoiics.
Collectively their
ages ranged from 16 to 71. It was one ofthe largest mass beatifications in
Litureical & Ministrv Schedule for the Week:
Tune 27
am. Mass
8:45 am. Comrnunion calls
12:05 am, Mass
pm. Perpetual Help Devotions
Tuesday -June 28, 7:45 am. Mass
10:30 am. Hospital visit
12:05 pm. Mass
Wednesday - Tune 29. 7:45 am. Mass
8:20 am. Adoration o{ the Blessed Sacrament
12:05 pm. Mass
7:00 pm. Reposition of the Eucharist
Thursdav - Tune 30, 7:45 am. Mass
9:00 am. Communion Calls
10:00 am. Hospital visit
Fridav - Iulv 1- 7:45 am. Mass
8:20 am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
12:05 pm. Mass
1:00 pm. Communion Calls
7:00 pm. Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturdav-Iulv2-9:00 am. Mass
3:30 pm. Confessions
5:30 pm. Mass
Sundav - IuIv 3- 8:00 am. Mass
10:00 am. Mass
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions will be offered on Monday evening at 6:15 pm.
Parishioners are encouraged to attend this beautiful ancient devotion to our Blessed
Mother. Through these Devotions, we ask for the intercession of our Blessed Mother on our Basilica
parish and on each one of us. We ask that during the Holy Year of God's Mercy, many blessings will
come to us through the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
September 8,
September 9,
September 18,
September 17,
September 18,
October 9, '
October 76, -
Spanish Mass & Picnic River
Vacation Bible School
Mass and Presentation by Sister Luke. 5:00 pm.
Parish Picnic (4 - 7:00 pm. - dinner - 4:30)
Tour - Pilgrimage - Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Diocesan Child Protection Training (6:30 - 8:00 pm.)
Ohio Open Doors Event - 1 - 3 pm.
Ohio Open Doors Event - 2- 4pm.
Diocesan Marriage Enrichment Day (Bishop)
CWC Deanery Meeting.
Diocesan Women Religious celebration - Noon Mass (Bishop)
Diocesan Youth Rally & Procession
The Eucharist is the focal point of the Catholic faith. In the Eucharist,
Jesus fulfills His
promise: "Behold I am with you always, even to the end of the world." Eucharistic adoration is
the most powerful means that we have to transform our lives and the life of our parish.
Adoration provides the opportunity to spend time in the presence of the very Son of God. In this
"Holy Year of M ercy" , we experience that gift in the presence of the Blessed. Sacrament. Adoration of
the Most Blessed sacrament takes place on each wednesday and Friday of the week.
on Tuesday , we remernber the 20th anniversary of the death of Msgr. Francis Baudo, on
Wednesday, we remember the 52"d anniversary of the death of Fr. Kenneth Harris and the 25rh
anniversary of the death of Fr. George Kramer. on Friday, we remember the 44rh anniversary of
the death of Fr. Joseph Finan. These priests served the Universal Church and the Diocese of
Steubenville to the best of their ability. We thank them for their service and devotion to the Church.
May each of them rest in peace.
A teenage Christian girl in Pakistan was reportedly killed by her own brother this week in
a so-called "honor killing" over her plans to marry. When will the world change?
'l\ v/r
A-S\\l{-i. ,-.
Orir.Q fft\t {t
The 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass is televised on our web site. Anyone can now view Masses and other
celebrations by turning on your computer and going to our parish website. This has been done
especially for the convenience of those who are home-bound.
Cyril defended Mary as "God-bearer" at the Council of Ephesus in 431 against the Nestorians. He
was a spokesman for orthodoxy and supported the growth of Egyptian Monasticism.
Itenaeus was a disciple of St. Polycarp. He was Bishop of Lyons {or twenty-five years. He wrote
against the Gnostic heresy. He died in the year 202.
Saint Peter was crucified in Rome in 54 under Nero. He became the first Pope - the ,,Prince of the
Apostles". Two epistles are ascribed to him, Paul was martyred in Rome in G7. He was a pharisee
who became the" Apostle of the Gentiles. His letters may be dated from 50-55. Both o{ these saints
are the principal patrons of Rome.
Those many Christians who were tortured crucified and buried alive in 65 by Nero,s garden
Vatican Hill.
Junipero Serra died in 1784. He was a Spanish missionary who established nine of the California
Missions. He baptized over 5,000 native people, and is recognized as a builder of California.
Pa al Intentions for Jul
Indieenous peoptes
That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due
Latin America and the Caribbean
That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent,
may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.
We all need a break for rest and relaxation during the summer. Remember to
include Mass in your plans!
On June 29 Benedict XVI will celebrate the
55th anniversary of his ordination to the
priesthood - a milestone he will commemorate
in a special ceremony with Pope Francis inside
the Vatican's apostolic palace. The ceremony
will take place at the Clementine Hall of the
Apostolic Palace June 28, the eve of the
anniversary. Both Pope Francis and Benedict
XVI, who rarely appears outside of the
monastery where he lives inside Vatican City,
will be present.
Benedict, the Pope Emeritus, will be given a
book on the priesthood created specifically for the occasion of the anniversary of his priestly ordination.
foseph Aloisius Ratzinger, now known as Benedict XVI, was ordained a priest June 29, 1951 - the feast
of Saints Peter and Paul - in the cathedral of Freising by the then-Cardinal Archbishop of Munich,
Michael von Faulhaber. His older btother Georg, who is still alive today, was ordained with him.
"It was a splendid summer day, which remains unforgettable, as the most important day of my life,"
Benedick wrote, explaining that there were more than 40 candidates for ordination, and "when we were
called we responded'Here I am."' Benedict recounts how when the elderly archbishop laid his hands on
the future Pope's head, "a small bird - perhaps a lark - rose up from the high altar of the cathedral and
sang a joyful little song. For me it was as if a voice from on high were telling me: it's okay, you're on the
right path. At the laying on of hands, when Cardinal Faulhaber proclaimed to us: 'Iam non dico vos
servos, sed amicos' - 'I do not call you servants, but friends'; at that moment, I experienced my priestly
ordination as an initiation into the community of Jesus' friends, called to be with him and to proclaim
his message."
The priesthood, he said, is not "simply an office, but a sacrament God makes use of a poor man in
order to be, through him, present for men and to act in their favo{,
er Teresat
e 6Gr
f India
An Indian prelate has described Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who will be canonized by Pope Francis Sept.
4,2015, as the "best missionary of the millennium." The Bishop said that Hindus are also convinced
that she was a saint. He said: "Some Hindus wonder why the Church needs to go through a canonization
process. They say, 'Mother Teresa was a saint anyway. But if the Church needs these formalities, then
so be it"" Hindus also understand, Bishop Lobo added, that "service to the poor is service to God."
Bishop Lobo described his first impression of her as that o{ a "transformative saint" who ,,emanated the
personification of Christ." "she taught the world a lesson: fesus lives in the hearts of the poor.
Po e horrified b deadl attack
in Orlando
Pope Francis offered his prayers and compassion for those
affected by Saturday night's shooting at a nightclub in
Orlando. The Holy See press officer, said the "terrible
massacre," which has left a "dreadfully high number of
innocent victims, has caused in Pope Francis, and in all
of us, the deepest feelings of horror and condemnation,
of pain and turmoil before this new manifestation of
homicidal folly and senseless hatred."
"Pope Francis joins the families of the victims and all of the injured in prayer and in
compassion," the statement reads. "Sharing in their indescribable suffering he entrusts them
to the Lord so they may find comfort. we all hope that ways may be found, as soon as possible,
to effectively identify and contrast the causes of such terrible and absurd violence which so
deeply upsets the desire for peace of the American people and of the whole of humanity."
Pope: Disabled persons should be loved, not hidden from sociefy
Last Sunday, Pope Ftancis denounced the increasingly prevalent mentality which claims that sick
and disabled persons cannot be happy, and should be kept out of sight from society. In reality, he said,
true happiness is achieved by our capacity to love.
"In an age when care for one's body has become an obsession and a big business, anything
imperfect has to be hidden away, since it threatens the happiness and serenity of the privileged few and
endangers the dominant model," the Pope said during his June 12 homily for Mass in St. Peter's Square.
speaking at the Mass, the pontiff decried the belief that such persons "cannot be happy, since they
cannot live the lifestyle held up by the culture of pleasure and entertainment.,,
some cases/ we are even told that it is better to eliminate them as soon as possible, because they
become an unacceptable economic burden in time of crisis," he said. This mentality suggests that the
sick and disabled should be kept apart from society in "enclosures" or on "'islands' of pietism or social
welfare, so that they do not hold back the pace of a false well-being." people who ,,shut their eyes in
the face of sickness and disability," he sai4 "fail to understand the real meaning of life, which also has
to do with accepting suffering and limitations," he said.
In reality, happiness can only be achieved"ifwe are capable of loving," the pontiff said.
"How many disabled and suffering persons open their hearts to life again as soon as they realize they
are loved! How much love can well up in a heart simply with a srnile! Then our frailness itself can
become a source of consolation and support in our solitude.,,
In addition to physical suffering, the pontiff spoke also of spiritual suffering, which he described as
"one of today's most frequent pathologies. It is a su{fering of the hear! it causes sadness for lack of
love," he said. "When we experience disappointment or betrayal in important relationships, we come to
realize how vulnerable and defenseless we are.,,
New adult stem cell thera
toms of MS
A risly adult stem cell clinical trial in Canada has proven
effective in stopping and even reversing the symptoms in patients
with severe cases of multiple sclerosis, u p.og."siin" disease of
the immune system that is often untreatable.
The stem cell therapy was performed on 24 adult patients
who were expected to be confined to a wheelchair wittrin l0
years, After the treatment, most patients saw no further
progress in their symptoms, and were even
to regain
tl-"ji".t. that had been taken away by the disease, such as iheir vision, balance, orable
ability to walk, the
Guardian reports.
The treatment performed by doctors in Canada is still considered highly risky,
as it required the
destruction and rebooting of each person's immune system, causing tne Oeattr
ofone of the 24 trial
patients. However, the other patients, who were followed for up to13 years after
the treatment, all
experienced no further progression of the diseaseo which typicaily *o.r..r, over time.
Many of these
patients were able to go back to work and resume their other normal activities,
Multiple sclerosis is a potentially disabling disease of the immune system, which attacks
protective sheath (myelin) that covers ner-ve fibers and causes communication problems
between the
brain and the rest ofthe body. Eventually, the disease can cause the nerves themselves to
or become permanently damaged.
During the trial therapy, doctors first administered a drug to each patient that caused
the stem cells
.in their
bone marrow to move
out into their bloodstream. Doctors thei extracted these stem cells, and
processedthem in a lab to purify them ofthe cells that cause MS. The patientwas
then given a drug
that completely destroyed their immune system. Finally, the newly p.,.ifi.d stem
cells were re-injected
into the patient's bloodstream, where they were able to make their way back into
the bone marrow
and slowly rebuild the immune system, free of the MS-causing cells.
While the Catholic Church does not support embryonic stem cell research
that creates and destroys
embryos for the sake of harvesting their cells, the Church does support ethical
stem cell research and
treatments such as those using umbilical cord stem cells or adult si". ."S-tiil
t1ilnes used in the
MS trial. "Clearly, the Church favors ethically acceptable stem cell ."r"u..h.
rtopfoses destroying
some human lives now, on the pretext that this may possibly help other
lives in the firture. We must
respect Iife at all times, especially when our goal is to save lives,,; the United
States Conference of
Catholic Bishops explains on their website.
"The Catholic Church has Iong supported research using stem cells from adult tissue ancl umbilical
cord blood, which poses no moral problem. Catholic institutions at times
have taken the Iead in
promoting such constructive research, which is already providing
cures and treatments lbr suffering
patients," their website reads.
While the results of the MS study are promising, the treatment is still limited in
its availability due
to its high risk and specialized nature. Because ofihe risky nature of the stem
cell transplant, only
about 5-10 percent of MS patients would be eligible for the treatment. It would
be considered too risky
for those with milder forms of MS whose ry-pio.s can largely be controlled by
other medications.