Gresco - Université de Poitiers
Gresco - Université de Poitiers
GRESCO GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SOCIOLOGIQUES SUR LES SOCIÉTÉS CONTEMPORAINES EA 3815 LEARNING PROCESSES AND SOCIAL INEQUALITIES GENDER SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE ARTS AND CULTURES COLLECTIVE SOLIDARITY WORK AND EMPLOYMENT TERRITORIES SOCIAL CONTROL CATEGORIES OF THOUGHT, CATEGORIE OF ACTION GRESCO is a research centre attached to the Universities of Poitiers and Limoges. Founded in 2008, the research centre is currently headed by Choukri Ben Ayed (Limoges) and Gilles Moreau (Poitiers). The GRESCO team works in three research fields : “Development and certifications : sociology of learning” This first research thematic focuses on learning processes, mechanisms and systems within structures (schools, training centres, businesses, etc.), which validate and certify learning and, on a wider level, within traditional spheres of socialization (families, districts, community groups, businesses, jobs, etc.). In other words, this thematic field comprises the analysis of trajectories of development that the phases of any learning process impose on individuals and groups to which an individual belongs. “Professionalization, expertise and reforms : sociology of categories and classifications” The study of categories and classifications is a fundamental approach of sociology , which clearly falls within the Durkheimian approach (categories and classifications as institutions). It tackles naturalized categories by questioning, on the one hand, the conditions of their invention and their institutionalization and by reflecting, on the other hand, on cognitive and political representations of work and their ability to form social groups and to generate social issues. “Cultures, territories and inequalities: sociology of social spaces” The core issue of this third research field lies at the point where cultures, territories and inequalities meet. The idea of culture is addressed here in its polysemy: it refers just as much to issues on cultural practices, appropriation and identification, as to the analysis of cultural policies. The idea of territory is also envisaged here in a wider sense. Territory is in particular viewed in terms of demographic changes, which affect its social composition, its activities, its development and its representations. Key words Learning; Higher Education; Socialization; sustainable development; Professionalization; Reforms; Specialists; Rurality; Public Utilities; Culture; Heritage. Faculty & Staff 34 Main members 13 Associate members 33 PhD Students 13 Doctoral thesis 5 HDR (accreditation to direct PhD) International research projects 2014-2018 Project on “New forms of work mobilizations in globalization” funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada) and led by Martine d’Amours (Laval University, Québec) – Comparative (Québec, France and Mexico) and multidisciplinary research (sociology, economy, management, industrial relations) – Team: 10 researchers, 2 PhD candidates and 2 post-doctorate researchers: - Martine d’Amours, Laval University - Frédéric Hanin, Laval University - Guy Bellemare, University of Québec - Louise Briand, University of Québec - Alex Covarrubias, Colegio de Sonora - Leticia Pogliaghi,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Christian Imdorf, University of Basel - Nadia Lamamra, IFFP of Lausanne - Regula Leemann, HEP of Zurich - Mona Granato, BIBB of Bonn Main collaborations The team working on the project «The Effects of Marketization on Societies (TEMS)» is led by Prof. Ian Greer (University of Greenwich), and includes Dr Lefteris Kretsos, Dr Charles Umney, and Ms Maria Mantynen. Main partners, members of the CR32 group of the International Association of French-speaking Sociologists : - Jean-François Orianne, University of Liège; - Marc Perrenoud, University of Lausanne; - Grazia Scarfo, Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics of Casablanca; - Romina Deriu, University of Sassari. International PhD supervision DUMAINE Jean Nickolas (since October 2011): “Public action and non-standard jobs’ quality: comparative analysis of impact of the institutional frame on temporary employment in France and Québec”, supervisors: Christian Papinot (Prof. in Sociology, University of Poitiers) and Martine d’Amours (Prof. in Sociology, Laval University). PhD funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada) GROUPE DE RECHERCHES SOCIOLOGIQUES SUR LES SOCIÉTÉS CONTEMPORAINES EA 3815 UNIVERSITÉ DE POITIERS 8 rue René Descartes Bat E14 - TSA 81118 - 86073 Poitiers cedex 09 UNIVERSITÉ DE LIMOGES 39E, Rue Camille-Guérin – 87036 Limoges