press book - Evenementiel Pro


press book - Evenementiel Pro
The definition of art, according,
to Michael Raivard
Michaël Raivard is unlike any other painter: he sketches magic moments. He constructs the image
– fixed and eternal – in movement, on stage. For several minutes he paints on a canvas with transparent glue, instinctively and almost blindly. Then he reveals the image to the audience at the last
moment by throwing glitter on it. This catches the light and creates a brilliant picture. This is the
show he has invented. It’s Live Gluing.
Michaël Raivard has perfect control over these little grains of light : glitter is part of his life. You
could perhaps imagine Michael Raivard as a superstar, a figure of showbiz. He prefers to make
your eyes shine under the spotlights. An artist who loves glitter but knows how to stay simple.
Strange paradox! And that’s not the only strange thing about him... let’s go further and learn a little
more about the man so as better to understand the artist.
Citizen of the world, he is more attached to people than to places. As for training, he has followed
various curricula. Starting at the Lycée Corvisart, he went on to Art School, then specialized in
photography before finally attending Drama School. But according to him, the training which has
most marked him is his diploma from the “school of the street”. For years he was a portrait artist in
the street. That is where he perfected his showman’s art : the sense of urgency and the need to get
a quick firm hold on the audience led him to work in a fast and eye-catching manner. He has made
interaction with the audience his real trademark. Starting from this principle, he has developed a
first entertainment concept : a performance in the form of a show, featuring painting with glue and
glitter : Live Gluing.
Spotted by show-business head hunters, success came to him very quickly and he enjoyed international media exposure. TV appearances in numerous countries have let him make his name. He has
frequently performed in the art world and at the service of major brands. Live Gluing allows infinite
adaptations : it can stand as a show in its own right, and in this case Michael Raivard gives free
range to his imagination. But the show can also provide an effective means to unveil a logo, pay
homage to a personality and so on.
Easily adaptable, Live Gluing is a real concept and the beginning of a success story. This success
has given Michael confidence to seek out new show concepts. His experiments always take him
further. As we write, he is developing a performance which unites all the artistic disciplines of which
he has mastery : theatre, drawing, painting, scene painting. The objective : to go even further in
the interaction with the public, to propose a really colourful show. At the same time, he continues to
pace the boards of the world’s theatres, to add glitter to our lives, to manipulate fleeting instants and
Geneva - 2012 - Portrait of Marilyn Monroe sold by Simon de Pury CHF 50 000 during the 4th Gala evening Womanity
Dali, Oil painting, 2002
creation, Pastel on paper « La Femme Gantée »
(Women’s gloved), 2005
During drawing
Live Gluing®
Michael Raivard’s most typical show is Live Gluing – a creation which has been broadcast throughout the world. Live Gluing is a concept based on surprise and wonder. For several minutes,
Michael “paints” on a canvas with transparent glue. He does this instinctively and almost blindly
and then at the last moment sprinkles glitter, revealing the picture and making it shine forth as a
luminous image.
Live Gluing can come in many formats and lends itself to all sorts of adaptations. First of all in the
world of entertainment : that after all is the heart of his activity.
Michael Raivard is a true stage professional. This drama school graduate cannot be beaten for
holding even the largest auditorium breathless. His technique is visual and ultra‐efficient.. It lends
itself equally well to television broadcasting. Through his many appearances on major national
programmes worldwide, Michael has quickly become familiar with the constraints of timing and
technique imposed by TV shows.
The Live Gluing technique can equally well be used to showcase a corporate identity, a logo, publicity visuals, a new product, or simply to honour a key personality in a company. True professional
of stage and canvas, Michael Raivard will know how to adapt to every situation, and cast his light
on all your projects.
E lvis Priesley during shows in
the street to promote Porto
Marina in Egypt, july 2009
n the stage of « Wetten, dass… ? », portrait of the famous tv presO
enter Thomas Gottschalk, Augsburg, 19th of march 2011
P ortrait of Sheikh Khalifa Bin
Zayed, Chief of the Arabic
United States
T raining Portrait d’entraînement
in the workshop
Launch of Estée Lauder’s new
fragrance « Sensuous », Dubaï
Portrait of a married couple,
King’s Palace in Udaïpur in India
Public of the Open Air 2010, concert of Hansi
Portrait of Xherdan Shaqiri,
foot- baller Switzerland, during
AWARD 2011, Casino Barrière
of Montreux, november 2011
ermany - 2011 Publication in GQ Magazine of Thomas Gottschalk’s
portrait realized on the stage of the TV show «Wetten, dass...?»
Michaël during a show
Tv press conferences, K11
(Live art in Hong Kong live),
3 days long, november 2010
exhibition of paintings in the
Charity event organised in aid of the association Kinderhilfe Ronald
Mac Donald. Auction of the Portrait of Victoria Swarovski, sold
10 000€
Very private party for the birthday of a Ukrainian billionaire. Performance achieved with the famous Cirque du Soleil on a large turntable…
Photo of the evening prohibited!
Charity Event organised for the
association Womanity, Smiling
Children presented by Rosanna
Arquette the 2nd of february 2012
the portrait of Marilyn has been
sold 50 000 CHF by the famous
auctioneer Simon de Purye
Emission de Jean-Luc Lemoine
sur France 2 « L’Habit ne fait pas
Lemoine », portrait d’Hélène Segara, 1er août 2009
Charity event organised for the association Kinderhilfe Ronald Mac
Donald. Auction of the Portrait of Victoria Swarovski, sold 10 000€
Gallerie online weengle
Glue Painter presented by Talents Agency
France 2 l’habit ne fait pas Lemoine avec hélène ségara
Amazing Painter Like Magic !!!!!
The New Speed Painting: Live Gluing® by Michael Raivard
Purpurinart Pharaon - Michael Raivard Creartys
La soixantiè
en direct de e
A l’occasion
de leur 60e édi
tion, Les Coup
rencontre de
s de Cœurs d’A
leur public po
ur une ém
lain Moriso
ission spécia
Patrick Fiori,
le en direct de d partent à la
Gilbert Montagn
é, Patrick Her
Cathomen, Clai
nandez, The
re Keim ou enc
Rubettes, Les
18 juin procha
ore Michael Raiv
Armaillis de
in sur la scène
ard : une pléi
la Roche, Mar
de l’Espace-G
ade d’artistes
possibilité de
ruyère pour deu
remporter jusq
se sont donnés
u’à CHF 2’50
x heures de mus
0’000.- de gain
ique, de dive
s au total.
rtissement et
Les Sweet Peo
interprétera ens ouvriront les festivités ave
c « On n’attend
uite l’un de ses
plus que toi ».
le public avec
tubes aux son
Le charismatiq
ses incontou
rnables succès
uses avant que
sunlights des
« On va s’aimer
tropiques ».
Gilbert Montagn Patrick Fiori
» puis en sec
é fasse danser
onde partie de
soirée « Sous
Place ensuite
aux artistes helv
Cathomen, la
étiques avec
les 20 chanteu
chanteuse suis
rs des Armaillis
se alémanique
loufoque Cha
de la Roche
et son titre «
suivi de Mariann
Ich bin immer
peintre Michae Ladesou qui présentera l’un
noch da ». Côt
l Raivard exé
des ses sketche
é humour, c’es
cutera ensuite
un portrait à l’aid
s tiré de son
t la
une performanc
dernier one-wo
e uniquement
e surprenante
man-show. Le
de colle et de
en réalisant en
quelques min
La charmante
Claire Keim,
dont c’est la
douceur aux
et au public prés ière apparition aux Coups
la scène avec
de Cœur, app
ton tube plan
ent dans la salle
ortera un peu
étaire « Born
«Sugar baby
. Patrick Hernan
to be alive » .Les
love » et « Ton
ight », complèt
Anglais The Rub dez enflammera pour sa
ent la belle affic
ettes, avec leur
he de cette 60
s célèbres titre
La soirée sera
ponctuée par
la présence de
sur leur billet
cinq heureux
à gratter Cou
ps de Cœur. La
gagnants qui
s’est en effet
ont découvert
célèbre émissio
associée pou
les trois symbole
n de divertiss
r sa 60e édition
ement de la Rad
s TV
à la Loterie Rom
Cœur. Les cinq
io Télévision Suis
ande et à son
chanceux tent
billet à gratter
eront de rempor
spécial Coups
ter chacun en
direct la som
me de CHF 500
’000.- !