SIRCH Annual Report 2011- 2012


SIRCH Annual Report 2011- 2012
Annual Report
April 2011 - March 2012
Mission, Vision, and Philosophy
Our mission at SIRCH is to provide innovative and accountable
services and resources that support individuals, families, and
communities through:
Community services
Consulting and training
Resource development
Research and evaluation
Social planning
Our vision is to have a community where every member is healthy, happy,
able to live up to his or her potential, contribute back to the community,
and live and die with dignity. Community involvement is critical to achieving
this vision and SIRCH seeks win-win solutions through strong partnerships
with all parts of the community, government, and other stakeholders
Our philosophy, which underpins everything we do, is one of focusing
on strengths and competencies. We believe that the unique viewpoints
contributed by individuals are what makes us strong and vital. We look
for options and solutions that help everyone grow and thrive
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Our thanks to the Directors and Officers during this period:
Georgiena Boyle
Vice Chair/Treasurer
Garry Swagerman
Lisa Stoughton
Sheila Redpath
Wendy Ladurantaye
Janis Parker
Sue Robinson
Executive Director
Gena Robertson
Left to right: Gena Robertson, Diane Johnson, Jennifer Bergman, Marilyn Rydberg
Sarah Grozelle, Lynn Higgs Thompson, Jenna Burnett,
Nancy Brownsberger, Maureen Brewer
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Report from the
Executive Director and President
SIRCH’s mission is to provide “innovative and accountable services that encourage and support individuals, families
and communities.” Through the years we have found and filled many community service gaps in Haliburton County.
And even though our mission statement was formed almost 23 years ago, it still guides us in all that we do.
Innovative, accountable, encourage and support are words that speak to the ability to find solutions that are non-traditional and
leading-edge, while being true to our vision and philosophy. The vision of SIRCH is to have a community where every
member is healthy, happy, able to live up to his or her potential, contribute back to the community, and live and die
with dignity. Our philosophy is one of focusing on strengths and competencies. We look for options and solutions
that help everyone grow and thrive.
The past year is one of the best examples of SIRCH living up to its mission. Here are just 3 examples:
Together with Haliburton Highlands Health Services, we started a model of rural residential hospice that has
never been tried before. Teams of volunteers, trained and supported by SIRCH Hospice Services, are available
round the clock to provide support to patients in the palliative bed at Haliburton hospital. The partnership has
been very successful and the model will give hope to other rural communities.
Last year SIRCH served as an incubator for the Volunteer Dental Outreach for Haliburton County, a program
that provides free dental service to low income families. With SIRCH assisting during the formative stages, the
dental clinic volunteers were able to organize the clinic and open the doors in May of 2011. In one year, volunteer
dentists, dental assistants and dental hygienists provided over $271,000 worth of dental services in this community.
The dental clinic became more independent in February, 2012 and will be divested as soon as it receives its own
charitable status.
SIRCH depends on donations and fundraising and because SIRCH is always changing and evolving, people often
have difficulty conceptualizing what the organization does. So SIRCH developed a print and online catalogue
called Gifts from the Heart. The ethical gifts depicted in the pages of the catalogue show some of the specific
ways we assist our neighbours in Haliburton County. The gift catalogue was an instant success raising $13,000
in just 8 weeks.
As in other years, we could not do what we do without the guidance of the board, the efforts of over 100 dedicated
volunteers, the staff who think outside the box and bring their passion to their jobs, the many people who support our
organization. We couldn’t do what we do without the businesses, agencies, service clubs, individuals and organizations
who help us out in so many ways. You will see in the Auditor’s Report that in the last fiscal year volunteers donated
11,824 hours (programs, fundraising, board work etc) which is the equivalent of 6.5 full time staff! Volunteers drove
44,362 km. In fact in the past year, SIRCH leveraged over $630,000 worth of volunteer time, mileage, goods and
services!! That is truly amazing!
Our heartfelt thanks to all. And yes, we do have some innovative initiatives up our sleeves for the upcoming year!
Gena Robertson
Executive Director
Georgiena Boyle
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
“I’m very grateful for all the programs SIRCH has to offer.”
Resident of Haliburton County
In the past year, SIRCH has delivered a number of programs, and, as part of its core services, also helped start a
new community service. Here are the highlights for last year.
Pre and Post Natal
The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) focuses on assisting pre and post natal women to have healthy
birth outcomes. SIRCH is the sponsor agency for CPNP programs throughout City of Kawartha Lakes,
Northumberland County and Haliburton County. SIRCH contracts with the Ontario Early Years Centre
Haliburton Victoria Brock and Northumberland Child Development Centre to deliver services in the other
counties. The CPNP program provided support to 150 expectant and breastfeeding women last year.
In Haliburton County, pregnant women and new moms met weekly as a group in the village of Haliburton. They
talked, listened to guest speakers, and were provided with up-to-date information, education and lots of support
around pregnancy, birth and parenting. A nutritious meal was provided, and group members were able to
access free milk, fresh vegetables, additional food and prenatal vitamins. Child care was provided for young
The CPNP group was co-facilitated by the Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit. The Ontario
Early Years Centre donated space. Many other organizations provided their expertise and support. Funding
came from Public Health Agency of Canada, and through fundraising.
“As a first time mom I learned everything I
needed to know that I didn’t know.”
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
Families With Young Children
The Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) was also provided in the counties of Haliburton, City of
Kawartha Lakes and Northumberland. CAPC provided family supports, education and resources to 834 parents,
caregivers and children age 6 and under.
In Haliburton County parents met weekly. The group provided peer support and parenting skills. Parents
received information on a variety of topics, learned to cook nutritious food, and were linked with other
agencies and supports that could assist them. Children’s programming provided young children with stimulating
activities designed to increase their developmental and social skills.
“I learned things that really made a difference to me/my kids and the take home
food/milk is such a big help to me.”
The group was co-facilitated by Point in Time Centre for Children, Youth and Parents. Many other organizations
and businesses provided expertise, donations and support. The Municipality of Dysart donated space at the
community centre. Funding came from the Public Health Agency of Canada, fundraising and donations, including
donations of food, and a donation from the Haliburton Rotary Club to buy crock pots, cook books and kitchen
utensils for every family.
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
School Readiness
Last summer, 32 children, ages 3 to 5 years of age, attended School’s Cool, a 72 hour play-based program. The
programs were held in the kindergarten classrooms of the Cardiff and Haliburton elementary schools. The children
increased their language, math, self-help, psychological and social skills on average by 50 weeks over the 6 week
Six trained instructors provided a low teacher-to-student ratio so all children received quality time. Because
instructors focused on each child’s strengths, it was a positive experience for the children who enthusiastically
awaited the start of school in the fall. Funding was provided by Public Health Agency of Canada and fundraising.
“I am so happy J was able to be part of the program. I think transitioning to school will be fine
for him now. It would have been a very different story if he hadn’t attended School’s Cool. I
don’t think he would have been ready. Thank you for all of your time, effort and for accommodating
J’s individual needs.”
Mother of Student
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
Food Security
Twice a month, Community Kitchen volunteers gathered at the Haliburton United Church. Over the past year
the 23 volunteers made 720 nutritious, tasty meals from food largely donated by local businesses and farmers.
Those meals were provided to low-income families, seniors and others in the community who could not afford
to eat healthy or sufficient food. At special times of the year, volunteers created hampers or holiday dinners.
In the spring, the moms at the CAPC group started coming to the Community Kitchen once a month to help
make meals. They cooked, talked, had fun and felt they were giving back. They made over 80 meals in one
3 hour session.
Community Kitchen depended on donations of food and money and on fundraising. The Haliburton Rotary Club
committed annual funding of $3,000. The Haliburton United Church donated space and hydro for the 3 freezers
needed to store food. In the coming fiscal year, we hope to expand the Community Kitchen to another area of
Haliburton County and expect the number of meals to more than double!
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
Hospice Services
In the past year 81 clients with a life-threatening or serious illness and 187 family members/ caregivers received
one-to-one volunteer or group support. Over 50 caring, trained Hospice volunteers gave caregivers a break
from the rigors of caretaking, provided support to the individual with the illness, and provided family members
with helpful information. Many families also took advantage of other services such as the “Living With Cancer”
support group, bereavement support, educational events or the lending library.
SIRCH has provided in-home volunteer support since 1994. This past year, SIRCH expanded its services to
provide “residential” Hospice service. Partnering with Haliburton Highlands Health Services, (HHHS) this new
model of service, a prototype in Ontario, used a “care team” approach to support patients in the palliative bed at
the Haliburton Hospital. Teams of 4-5 volunteers provided family and patient with the level of service needed to
best support the family during this difficult time.
Volunteers are now part of the palliative care team and hospital staff recognize the added value volunteers bring
to the dying experience for the client and the family. SIRCH and HHHS presented this model of service at the
Ontario Hospice Palliative Care Conference this spring to wide acclaim.
Since the beginning of this program in November 2011 our volunteer teams have given support to 12 clients.
“We would like to thank you and your team for the support you gave our family. Please pass on a thank you to B. She
did an exceptional job of getting volunteers at short notice to spend time with our Dad. And P who stayed with him all
night was an angel for dropping everything to spend time with a stranger. What you do is a wonderful thing in a sad and
difficult time for families. We can’t thank you enough.”
Family Member of Palliative Care Patient
Palliative Care
Room at HHHS
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
In and Out of the Incubator
SIRCH is a well established charity, with a track record of developing innovative programs and services from
the ground up. Through the years, SIRCH has acted as an incubator, a safe and protected place that creates the
kinds of conditions that give ‘new life’ the best chance to grow strong and succeed.
Volunteer Dental Outreach
Last year SIRCH served as an incubator for the Volunteer Dental Outreach for Haliburton County (VDO). In
early 2011, a group of volunteers wanting to start a free, urgent dental clinic for county residents approached
SIRCH to help them set up the clinic. The VDO organizers raised funds, renovated space and opened for
business in May 2011. During the incubator period, SIRCH screened potential clients, developed protocols,
signed legal agreements, accepted charitable donations, and paid the bills (with donations designated for the VDO).
This past March, the Dental Outreach “graduated” from SIRCH. Now incorporated, the VDO board of
directors assumed responsibility for all aspects of the Haliburton clinic although SIRCH will continue to accept
donations on behalf of the VDO until it receives its charitable status, at which point it will be divested completely
from SIRCH. Last year, funded only by donations and fundraising, the Dental Outreach provided over $270,000
worth of free dental services. All dental staff volunteered their time except for one part-time employee.
“When the dentist said “I can save your teeth,” tears
were rolling down my face.”
VDO Client
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Programs and Services
In and Out of the Incubator
Sew Resourceful
In 2010, SIRCH Community Services launched a Pilot Project entitled Sew Resourceful to help under employed
or unemployed individuals develop sustainable technical, life and business skills. An integral part of the curriculum
focused on the development of a social network, and training by business, arts and vocational volunteers.
Another key factor in its success was mentoring of the participants by business mentors in the community.
The program completed in June 2011. One participant subsequently took Fleming College’s Textile Arts Program,
and is operating a successful home based textile business. Another graduate was accepted into the Haliburton
Business Incubator Program and operates a successful alterations, custom sewing and design business. All
participants reported an increase in income and employment through involvement with this program. However
the narrow focus made recruitment difficult.
After evaluating the program, SIRCH is taking the best practices and hopes to apply them in a different model
of training and business expansion.
Respite Program
As part of the Service Providers’ Network, SIRCH was aware of the huge need for caregiver respite in the
county. In collaboration with other organizations, SIRCH applied to Haliburton County Development
Corporation and received a grant to explore the potential of an innovative model for respite services. If the
model seems viable, funding will be sought to pilot the program over a two-year period.
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Our Volunteers
Volunteers are the lifeblood of SIRCH, whether fundraising, providing support in programs, or acting in an
advisory/oversight role. This year SIRCH volunteers donated over 11,800 hours of their time and they drove
over 44,000 km. That is truly awe-inspiring!!
Currently SIRCH has over 100 volunteers. Some of our volunteers are helping by:
Being on the board of directors (big picture oversight, strategic planning)
Helping on the Fundraising Committee (organizing an annual plan to meet needs)
Helping with fundraising events, raffles, sales etc (project-based; on-site)
Being an Ambassador for SIRCH: speaking, making presentations, representing the organization at events
or with the media
Being a Hospice volunteer with individuals living at home, who have a serious/life-threatening illness
• Giving one-to-one support to the individual and family
• Providing respite for the caregivers
• Being part of the Hospice Team providing on-site support at Haliburton Hospital in the Palliative Suite
Helping train new volunteers
Being a Community Kitchen volunteer
• Helping prepare meals for families and individuals who don’t have enough food
• Teaching new moms to cook
• Helping with other food initiatives in the community
Providing child/baby care or children’s programming
Being a guest speaker – to parents, children, volunteers, community, staff, board members or community
We couldn’t do it without you!
Paul Irwin (Volunteer)
Winner of the
June Callwood Award
Jane VanNood (Volunteer)
Community Kitchen
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Community Connections
Community Connections
SIRCH is very proud of being presented, in 2012, with the Not-for Profit of the Year Award from the
Haliburton Highlands Chamber of Commerce.
At SIRCH, our connections are many and varied. We connect locally, regionally,
provincially and nationally. These are some of the boards, networks and committees to
which the executive director or other SIRCH staff bring their expertise and
National Network of CAPC & CPNP Projects (Executive)
Management Board of Ontario CAPC & CPNP Projects (Executive)
Central East Palliative and Bereavement Care Coalition
Rural Residential Hospice Project
Central East Community Hospice Network
Haliburton Highlands Bereavement Network (Haliburton County)
Central East LHIN Integration Planning Team (Haliburton County)
Service Providers of Haliburton County
FoodNet (Haliburton County)
Poverty Reduction Strategy Committee (City of Kawartha Lakes/Haliburton)
Haliburton Highlands Chamber of Commerce
Other Notable Achievements:
SIRCH was the producer of Sharing Matters/Entre Nous, a newsletter of the Ontario Coalition of CAPC &
CPNP Projects, distributed in print provincially, and online nationally. The June 2012 edition was the last
edition; SIRCH has been writing, editing and producing the newsletter since 2002.
A BIG thanks to our funders and corporate donors for 2011/12:
Public Health Agency of Canada
Central East LHIN
City of Kawartha Lakes - Haliburton Social Services
Haliburton County Development Corporation
Ontario Ministry of Health
Service Canada
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Corporate Donors
Haliburton & District Lions Club Inc.
Heat-Line Corporation
Limnion Corporation
RBC Foundation Attn: Annette Dukszta
Royal Bank of Canada
Haliburton Rotary Club
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Report of the Independent
Auditor on the Summary Financial
To the Members of SIRCH Inc.
The accompanying summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as
at March 31, 2012 and the summary statement of operations for the year then ended, are derived from the audited
financial statements of SIRCH Inc. for the same period. We expressed a qualified audit opinion with respect to the
completeness of revenues other than grants on those financial statements in our report dated June 7, 2012. The
summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted
accounting principles applied in the preparation of the audited financial statements.
Management's Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements in accordance
with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Auditor's Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which
were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard.
In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of SIRCH Inc. for
the year ended March 31, 2012 are a fair summary of those financial statements, based upon Canadian generally
accepted accounting principles. However, the summary financial statements are incomplete to the equivalent
extent as the audited financial statements of SIRCH Inc. for the year ended March 31, 2012.
Collins Barrow Kawarthas LLP
Chartered Accountants
Licensed Public Accountants
Lindsay, Ontario
June 7, 2012
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Financial Report
Summary Financials Statements
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
March 31, 2012
and Changes in Fund Balances
For the year ended March 31, 2012
Government grants
Volunteer dental outreach
Accounts receivable
Fee income
Note receivable
Donations and fundraising
Rental income
Expenses recovered
Administration fees
Capital Assets
Amortization of deferred
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Salaries and benefits
Current portion of long term debt
Volunteer dental clinic
Supplies and other
Building occupancy
Amortization of capital assets
Deferred contributions
Investment in capital assets
FUND BALANCE - beginning of year
FUND BALANCE - end of year
See accompanying summary financial statement auditors’ report
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Dr Natalie Abbott
Pat Adamson
Sonja Addison
Dave Allen
Barbara Allman-White
Sandy Ambridge
John Amon
Elaine Anderson
Glenn & Debi Anderson
David Anderson
Keith Anderson
Terry Anderson
Dona Appleby
Brad Archer
Janice Armstrong
Heather Arnone
Henri & Margaret Aube
Alain Aubry
Bobby & Noreen Auld
Eva Babbs
Marian Bache
Susan Bain
Gerald Bain
Debbie & Ron Bain
Barbara Bain
Christine Baker
Gail & Dennis Baldwin
Nancy Ballentyne
Ron Barr
Brian Barr
Shirley Barr
Grace Barrach
Lisa Barry
Case Bassie
Cheryl Bathe
Frank Baumhour
June & John Beadle
David Beadle
Mary Ellen Beamish
John & Mary Beaton
Connie Beattie
Mike Beedell
June Beeney
Gay Bell
Elaine Bell & Jack Bush
N G Bellchamber
Ann Bennett
Dr. R.A. Benoit
Veronica Bergs
Bob Billings
Noreen Bishop
John Blackwell
Sharon Blair
Jim Blake
Dagmar Boettcher
Brian Bogle
Norm Bottum
Myrtle Bouthoom
Carol Bowker
Michael & Judith Bowker
Laurie Bowker
Don Box
Georgiene Boyle
Christine Brady
Roger Brain
Debbie Brassard
Holly Brayannis
Nicki Brazier-Hagarty
Pat Brezina
Ralph Brinston
David Brisbin
Sharon Briscoe
Gary & Dawn Brohman
Carol Browne
Ricarda & David
Patty Brydon
Ross Brygadyr
Dale Bull
John & Lynne Bullick
Alex Bullick
Sarah Bullick
Doreen Bullied
Debbie Bunn
Bill & Christine Bunn
Bill Burden
Jim & Glenda Burk
Helen Burk
Garry Burk
Bryan Burwash
John Burwash
Wanda Byers
Debbie Calvert
Joan Cameron
Brian Campbell
Iain Campbell
Bruce Caplan
Leona Carter
Marjorie Cartwright
Roxanne Casey
Margaret Cassils
Mary Cerre
Terry Cerretti
Heather Chambers
Maureen Chandler
Dr. Lorne A. Chapnick
Keesook Cho
Edna Clark
Kent Clark
Bob Clark
Hilda Clark
Lynnette or Ronald Clegg
Lindsay Coates
Bill Cole
Judy & Bob Cole
Scott Coles
Patricia Collins
Sharon Colquhoun
Dianne & Greg Colquhoun
Lynne Colquhoun
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
George Colquhoun
Lori Compton
Hiedi Cook
Charlene Cooper
Andrew Cooper
Mae Cooper
Eleanor Cooper
Steve Coppin
Rosalie Cowan
Carole Craigmyle
Kevin & Anne Crawford
Risa Crofts
Karen Crofts
Brian Cunliffe
Murray Dalgarno
Sandre & Brian Daoust
Betty D'arcy
Cathy Darlington
Joy Davey
Gary & Nancy Davis
Robyn Defoe
Al & Doreen Degraves
Al Demetrick
Mark Dennys
Robert Deremo
Marg & Rick Despard
George, Molly & Ursula
Janet Divell
Ken Dixon
Saundra Dobroski
Lloyd Dobson
Brenda Doiron
David & Diane Dollo
Celia Donnelly
Michelle Douglas
Valerie & John
Du Manoir
Vince Duchene
Sylvia Dummermuth
Mary Ann Dunham
Don Dunsmore
Ruth Durward
Alison Durward
Olive Dyer
Adrianus Dykstra
Brenda Ellis
Rhonda Elstone
Heather & Spencer Elvins
Ed Emmerson
Donna Enright
Gladys & Bill Erz
Rachel Fearrey
Joe Ferracuti
Steve Ferracuti
Michael & Jane Foley
Frank Foote
Elizabeth Foote
Gordon Forbes
Rick Forget
Peter & Laraine Forgrave
Karen Franke
Barb Fraser
Patricia & Douglas Fraser
Don Gage
Marie Gage
Kristy Gammon
Tom Gardner
Thomas Gardner
Lee Gauthier
Brigitte Gebauer
Carrie Gill
John & Luba Glachan
Jack Glenn
Bill Gliddon
S Goodyear
Marilyn & William Gordon
Adrienne Gostock
Julie Gray
Chuck Guy
Dianne Hagerman
Ruth Hamilton
Terry Hanson
Doris Harporte
Pat Hartley
Karl Hartwick
Dr. Michael Hartwick
Dave Hawley
Joan Hawley
Linda Heeps
Paul Heffer
Dick Henderson
Marilyn Hewitt
Harry Heyes
Dr. Robert & Jane Heyes
M. L. Hichcock
Mavis Hicks & Ian Parker
Bruce Hicks
Lynn Higgs Thompson
Rob Hilkers
Anje Hilkers
Keith and Mildred Hill
Shirley Hill
Barbara Hipwell
Geraldine Hogaboam
Larry Holden
Nancy Holden
Audrey Holden
Sylvia Holland
Shirley Holmes
Eleanor Holmes
Brian Horner
Jennifer Horsley
Shelley Houser
Marjorie Howard
Ruth Hunt
Betty Hutton
Kim Idiens
Norma Isaacs
Mike Isles
Diane & John Jackson
Chris Jackson
Diane Jackson
Karen Jagoe
Valerie Jarvis
Mildred Jeffrey
Beth Johns
Laurie Johnson
Diane Johnson
Jane Johnston
S. Johnston
Bob Johnston
Gord Jones
Phil Jung
Rosie Kadwell
Greg Karaguesian
Dr. Minaz Karim
Colleen Karir
Reta Kelly
Ruth Kelly
Bill & Lisa Kerr
Gord Kidd
Wendy Kidd
Karen Kimber
Susan Kirkpatrick
Linda Kitagawa
Isabel Knap
Graham & Ann Knight
Ron Kozak
Bill Kulas
Nancy Kursbatt
David Kyle
Ritva Laaksonen
Brian & Wendy
Cathy Lancia
Donald Lange
Emily LaRue
Tammy LaRue
Mary Lawr
Janice L. Legg
Barbara Lester
John Lindsay
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Heather Lindsay
Paul Longo
Tracey Lopez
Bruce Lowther
Chris Lynd
Kathy Mabe
Gary MacDonald
Willie MacDonald
Paul & Susan MacInness
Lee Maclean
Amanda Maclean
Catherine MacRae
Scott Macwilliam
Jim & Eleanor Malcomson
John Mallon
Rosemary Malott
Brad & Dana Manning
Graham Mason
Shae Lynn Mathers
Dianne Mathes
Anne Maxwell
Sue & Barrie Maxwell
Ron May
Linda May Powers
Gayle McAskill
Bruce & Carol McClennan
Joan McDonald
Janet McGrath
Jeff McIlmurray
Tammy Mckelvey
Carol & Ron McKenzie
McLean Family
Jan McMaster
Douglas McWhirter
Marilyn Mighton
David & Betty Mills
Ralph Mintz
Jim Mitchell
Doug Mitchell
Drew Mitchell
Gary Moffatt
Brian & Carol Monaghan
Paul & Sharon Morissette
Lee Morrison
Perry Morrison
Scotty Morrison
Kay Morrison
Elizabeth & John Mosher
Cathy Moss
Danny Motkaluk
Joy Mous
Bev Muir
Barb Nash
Judy Neimann
Fred Nimigon
R.E. & N.L. Nobles
K. Nolan
A. Lynn Noseworthy
Brenda Nutter
William Obee
Tom & Joyce Orchard
Margaret O'Shaughnessy
Cathy Outram
Ronald & Dorothy Owens
Janis Parker
John Parrish
Gary & Mary Jane
Carole Peeling
Johanna & Robert Penfold
Kevin Penney
Gewn Pennylegion
K. Perrott
Sue Pethick
Amy Pettit
Don Popple
Wilma Powers
Guy Pritchard
Roger & Linda Purdie
Michael Rahme
Tyler Raleigh
Tammy Rea
Jim & Beth Redner
Elaine Redpath
Sheila Redpath
B. Reed
Tom Regina
Dan Read & Aoife Conway
Toos Reid
Sarah Reid
Bruce & Korine Reilly
Shona Reilly
Sue Reimer
Susan Relecom
Pat Reynolds
David Reynolds
Paul Ricci
Noreen Richardson
Kevin Richardson
Noni Richardson
Heinz & Margaret Rieger
Susanne Ripey
Margaret Risk
Debbie Robertson
Helen Robertson
Gena Robertson
Shannon Robertson
Greg Roe
Shirley Rogers
Fraser Rogers
BJ Romans
Patricia Romans
Sylvia Rose
Paul Rosebush
Cindy Rowden
Dr John and Nancy Ruedy
Cheryle Russell
Tom Russell
Keesha Ruyter
Aimee Rydbeg
Erik Rydberg
Marilyn Rydberg
Sarha Salizzoni
Amy Salvator
Linda Salvatori
Don Sanderson
Bruce Sawyer
Adria Scarano
Jim Scheffee
Hans Scheme
Beanice Scott
Ron & Audrey Sedley
Ray Selbie
Lynda Shadbolt
David A.P. Shapiera
Peggy Sharp
Elizabeth Sharpe
Rhonda Shaw
Glenn Sheehey
Kevin & Terry Sicard
Charles & Evelyn Simon
Laurie Simpson
Margo Sisson
Dan Skelding
John & Judith Skinner
Fran & Norman Smith
Dayle Smith
Barbara Smith
Diane Smith
Robert Smith
Duncan Smyth
Patricia Smyth
Suzanne Sovereign
Kim Stamp
Maarten Steinkamp
Joyce Stephen
Christina Stephenson
Debbie Stinson
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Gary & Joan Stoner
Joan Stoner
Kathy Stouffer
John Stouffer
Garry Swagerman
Shirley Tarleton
Lynne Tate
Farah Tayabali
Susan Taylor
Gloria & Gerald Taylor
Angel Taylor
Janet Tedford
Dan Thivierge
Frank Thom
Wilma Thompson
Lyn Thompson
Leonard Thornett
Morley & Fern Timbers
Ralph Timpson
Margaret Ann Toppings
Aggie Tose
Suzanne Totty
Walter Tracy
Bill Truax
Loraine Trucotte
M. Turner
C. Tyler
Juliane VanLieshout
Shelley VanLieshout
Barb Veale
Dr Doris Vengjen
Jan Vernon
Tammy Villamere
Stella Voisin
John Wagenaar
Mary Lou Waggett
William & Glenda Wakely
Gail Wallace
William Wallace
E. Wark
Wilma Warne
Barbara Warren
John Warren
Brenda Watson
George Weatherhill
Marilyn Weatherhill
Lois Welch
Elli Welch
Kathy Wesselman
Cathy Whittaker
Joan Willhelm
Pat & Jim Wilson
Barbara Wood
Phyliss Woodcock
R. Woodley
Karen Wyatt
Dave Young
Sheila Ziman
Ingoldsby United Church
Lakeside Baptist Church
Minden United Church
St. George's Anglican
Zion United Church
Businesses & Other
1799961 Ontario Inc.
Abbott Dental Centre
Akers Auto Glass
Arbonne Products
Assoc of Municipalities of
Bishop & Rogers
Blair Sand & Gravel
Bowes & Cocks Limited
Burtch Construction
Campbell's Flowers
Canada Helps
Canoe FM
Century 21
CFUW- Haliburton
Chuck O'Neil Bent
Offerings Studio
Churko Electric
Cordell Carpets
Country Rose
Dollo's Foodland
Dr. Carol Waldman
Dr. Christopher Tom
Dr. Edward Smolen
Eagle Lake Women's
Five Counties Children's
Floyd Hall Limited
Fort Irwin Resident Assoc
Friends of Ron Dickenson
Friendship Force Haliburton
Friendship Force New
George's Auto Body
Grant Johnston & Assoc
Halco Electronics
Haliburton & District
Lions Club
Haliburton Family Medical
Haliburton Highlands
Women’s Golf League
Haliburton Home
Haliburton U.C.W.
Haliburton Veterinary
Maple Syrup Producers
Hawke River
Heat-Line Corporation
Highland Appliances
No 230 Order of the
Eastern Star
Highland Glass
Home Pro Central ON
Ian Milligan Glassworks
K.Gammon & S.Ferracuti
Karl Hartwick Medicine
Kernohan Construction
Kitchens Etcetera
Kosy Korner Restaurant
Lakeview Motel
Limnion Corporation
Maple Moon
McMahon Feed
Michael Armstrong
Mike Johnson
Minden Fruit Market
Minden Home Hardware
Minden Pharmasave
NAPA Auto Parts
Newbatt's Appliances &
Norm Bottum Medicine
Parker Pad Printing Ltd
Praxair Canada Inc.
R M Carpentry
RBC Foundation
Robert Austin Fuels
SIRCH Community Services Annual Report 2011 - 2012
Roberts Marina
Rodco Interprises
Rotary Club of Haliburton
Royal Bank of Canada
Scott Coles Medicine
Sharpley Source for Sports
Stedmans Dept. Store
The Coaster Club
The Co-Operator
The Cottage Angels
The Eagle Lake Women's
The Grooming Studio
The Magic Touch
The Millpond Restaurant
The Mitchell Partnership
The Photo Shop
The Township of Minden
Travel Plus
United Way of York
Varty's Jewellry & Gifts
West Guilford Auto Ctr
West Guilford Shopping
Zechariah 4:6 Ministrires
4663 County Road 21 P.O. Box 687
Haliburton ON K0M 1S0
T: (705) 457-1742
F: (705) 457-5352
SIRCH relies on donations to fund the many programs and
services that benefit the Haliburton Highlands. To make a
donation visit our website:
and place an order from Gifts from the Heart Catalogue
(also available in print)