Legal Aspect
Legal Aspect
KARNATAKA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD HAZARDOUS WASTE (MANAGEMENT, HANDLING & TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT) Rules, 2008 Website: http:// Karnataka State Location Karnataka State Pollution Control Board Hazardous Waste Management Rule 2: These rules shall not apply to the following a) Water Act 1974, Air Act 1981 b) Merchant Shipping Act 1958 c) Atomic Energy Act 1962 d) Bio-medical Waste Rules 1998 e) Municipal Solid Waste Rules 2000 Rule 3(l): “Hazardous Waste” means any waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or Corrosive characteristics causes danger or is likely to cause danger to health or environment, whether alone or when in contact with other wastes or substances. (Which Includes Schedule I,II,III) Hazardous waste is generated during the processing of chemicals, metals, drugs, paints, electroplating, used/waste oil, automobile garages etc. This waste is non biodegradable and hazardous in nature if it is not disposed scientifically. There are three types of hazardous wastes generated by the industries 1. 2. 3. Landfillable waste Reprocessible/Recyclable waste and Incinerable waste 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Petrochemical Industry. Cleaning, emptying and maintenance of petroleum oil storage tanks including ships. Petroleum industry. Industrial operations using mineral/synthetic oil as lubricant in hydraulic systems or other applications. Production of Zinc, Lead, Copper, Cadmium, Arsenic & Aluminium. Electroplating industry. Production of Iron & Steel industry. Production of asbestos or asbestos containing materials. Production of caustic soda and chlorine. Production of mineral acids. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Fertilizer industry. Paint manufacturing industry. Cement industry. Textile industry. Dyes, dye-intermediates & pigment industry. Pharmaceuticals industry. Pesticide industry. Leather tanneries. Pulp & Paper industry. CETP (Common Effluent Treatment Plant). Incinerators. Hazardous waste recyclers, such as automobile garages, used/waste oil, battery recyclers etc. Hazardous waste is a problem due to following characteristics: Explosive Flammable Liquids Flammable Solids Substances or wastes liable to spontaneous combustion Substances or wastes which, in contact with water emit flammable gases Non biodegradable Contd. Oxidising Organic Peroxides Poisonous (Acute) Corrosives Liberation of toxic gases in contact with air or water Toxic (Delayed or chronic) Eco toxic 1. The generator is responsible for safe and environmentally sound handling of hazardous waste in their establishment. 2. He is responsible for disposing hazardous waste to Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) authorized & Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) registered, recycler or re - processor or re user only or to Treatment Storage & Disposal Facility (TSDF). 3. He is responsible to transport the hazardous waste in accordance with provision of this rules. 4. He shall take all adequate steps while handling hazardous wastes to: a) contain contaminants and prevent accidents and limit their consequences on human beings and the environment; and b) provide person workings on the site with the training, equipment and the information necessary to ensure their safety. 5. He shall maintain the records in Form-3 and submit the Form-4, annually to the Board for handling hazardous waste. 6. He shall obtain the authorization for handling of hazardous waste by applying in Form-1. 7. He shall not store hazardous waste for a period not exceeding ninety days and maintain the records. Board is issuing authorization in Form-2 to the units engaged in generation, processing, treatment, package, storage, transportation, use, collection, conversion, offering for sale, transfer of hazardous waste. Board, may in if in its opinion if the holder of the authorization fails to comply with any of the conditions of the authorization or with any provisions of the Act or these Rules, after giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after recording reasons therefore in writing cancel or suspend the authorization issued under rule 5(5) & 6 for such period as it considers necessary in the public interest, Board, may issue directions to the persons whose authorization has suspended or cancelled for the safe storage of the hazardous Board has created an enforcing cell to inspect and verify the compliance to the authorization and consent conditions, in addition to regional office. a) b) c) d) e) Consents and authorization is renewed by the Board only after obtaining the following details. Industries are submitting returns like Form-13 after disposal of hazardous waste as per authorization conditions, Form-4 once in a year (April-March) and Form-6 those who recycle hazardous waste once in a year. After verifying the CPCB/SPCB registration for those who recycles hazardous waste as per Schedule-1V. After disposal of all the hazardous waste to TSDF/ incinerator /reprocessor. Board is issuing authorization to the above industries accordingly authorise them to dispose the hazardous waste to authorised 1) Incinerator 2) Re-processor 3) Co-incineration in cement kiln & 4) Common disposal facility. Board is issuing notification in leading news paper about the Hazardous Waste Rules, 2008 and appeal to the Industrialist to comply the rules. Board is issuing closer order under section 5 of Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 for those industries not complying to the rules. Hon’ble Supreme Court in its order No. SLP No. 657/95 dated: 14/10/2003 issued directions to all State Pollution Control Boards to develop TSDF for disposal of Hazardous waste generated in their State Jurisdiction in the interest of public health and environment. Follow up Action taken by State Government (DFEE): The Department of Ecology and Environment and the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board in collaboration with the German Technical Co-operation (GTZ) have established a table site at Dabaspet, Nelamangala, Bangalore Rural dist. Scientific study on site suitability: The Dabaspet site has been established after scientific survey like soil investigation, geo technical analysis, hydro geological investigations and other site specific studies. Intensive public awareness programs were conducted within 5Km of radius of site for nearly 8 months. Public Hearing was also conducted on 20-02-2009.Then GOK notified the site on 21/02/2003.The important stake holders are as follows. a) Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB). b) Department of Ecology & Environment (DFEE). c) Private Operator (OP) i.e. M/s Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd., d) Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB). Landfill Design Details: The Environment Impact Assessment report includes composite liners for the proposed landfill in the TSDF. This ensures prevention of pollution of ground water and soil. The design of the landfill facility is carried out by German Technical experts under GTZ activities. The landfill system contains liner system with drainage for the leachate collection inside the landfill, the leachate so generated will be sent to solar evaporation ponds. No waste in the form liquid or solid will be disposed outside the site. Also the system provided with rain water harvesting and hence no flow outside the premises is ensured. Steering Committee: The Steering committee was constituted on February 2002 to review the progress made on TSDF development. The Steering Committee constituted for the project with the Principle Secretary, Department of Ecology, Environment and Forests as its Chairman The TSDF site is located about 45kms from Bangalore on Bangalore - Pune Highway (NH-4). The total land area acquired 93.18 acres. The site was notified by the Government of Karnataka on 21.2.2003. Preliminary investigations and REIA were completed in January 2004 by GTZ, Germany, under HAWA Project. The State Government accorded approval as required under Rule 8 of Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2003 vide Government Order No. FEE 293 ECO 2002, Bangalore dated 21st April 2004. The conceptual design drawings and collection systems relating to TSDF including the final DPR was prepared in June 2004 by GTZ. State Cabinet clearance has been obtained for the project in the month of June 2005 The state government signed the agreement for construction of TSDF with Private Operator on 01/12/2006. The KSPCB issued consents to TSDF activity on 19 June 2008. The Operator started TSDF operation on 21/6/2008 and started collection of the waste under sheds. The operator started land filling activity on 28/01/2009. As on 31/12/2011 total hazardous waste disposed into the landfill is about 72,200 MT. The landfillable hazardous waste samples were collected & analysed for different parameters in their own laboratory by M/s. Ramky Enviro engineers. By knowing the composition of hazardous waste it is treated by adding lime, cement, fly ash etc., then the treated hazardous waste is disposed to landfill site. It is proposed to construct 24 cells of each capacity of 44,000 MT, the details of the Common disposal facility i.e., Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF). 444 industries have become the member of TSDF In Bangalore URBAN & RURAL (1939 Units), Other Districts (1183 Units) industries are identified as hazardous waste generating industries. These industries generate Landfillable, Recyclable and Incinerable hazardous waste. The annual estimated quantity is as follows: CATEGORY of Hazardous Waste URBAN & RURAL Districts OTHER Districts Landfillable in MT/A 16,564.0 30,482.7 Recyclable in MT/A 44,108.7 50,743.6 Incinerable in MT/A 19,133.6 17,877.7 TOTAL in MT/A 79,806.3 99,104.0 The Landfillable Hazardous Waste is collected from each industry by M/s. Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd. by their own special vehicle and transported to the TSDF site, Dabaspet. Both the generator and receiver submit the acknowledgement in the Form-13 to the Board. The Incinerable Hazardous Waste is also transported by respective incinerator and incinerated in double chamber incinerator having Air Pollution Control equipment at 800oC & o 1000 C respectively. There are 3 incinerators in Bangalore, and 1 in Tumkur, for which Board has issued authorization to incinerate hazardous waste. a) M/s. Gomti Incinco, Kumbalgodu, Bangalore of capacity 900 MT/A. b) M/s. Century Refineries Pvt.Ltd., Hoskote, of capacity 2400 MT/A. c) M/s. Haat Incinerators India Pvt.Ltd., Anekal of capacity 1800 MT/A. d) M/s. Bangalore Incinerator Pvt. Ltd., Kunigal of capacity 1000 MT/A Board also authorized industries to co-incinerate the Hazardous Waste in cement Kiln M/s. ACC Wadi, Gulbarga. (2) M/s. UltraTech (Rajashree) Cement, Gulbarga. (3) M/s. Vasavadatta Cement, Gulbarga. The Recyclable Hazardous Waste such as Used Oil, waste oil, spent solvent, spent Etchants are reprocessed by the authorized Recycler. There are 132 authorized recyclers. The Board is constantly monitoring the Hazardous Waste generation and its disposal in scientific way. (1) Types and Quantity of Hazardous Waste Generated by Automobile sectors Waste Scooter Car Truck 500 ml 5 Liters 15 Liters 50 grams 1 kg 4 kg Nil 5 Liters 20 Liters 1 No. 3 No’s 3 No’s Paint Waste 25 grams 100 grams 1.5 kg Wash Water 100 liters 500 liters 800 liters Used Oil Oily Wipes Radiator Coolants Filters Oily/ Air Aluminium Re-processors (2 ) Copper Re-processors (3) Discarded Container Washing Units (19) Etchant Re-processors (17) Lead Re-processors (21) Non-Ferrous Metals (2) PCB Sludge (1) Spent Catalyst Re-processors (2) Spent Solvent Distillation units (20) Used Oil Recycling units (18) Waste oil Re-processor (6) Zinc Ash / Dross Recycling units (5) E-Waste Recyclers (19) THANK YOU Thank you Chesapeake Light sunset