August 14, 2016 - Church of the Gesu
August 14, 2016 - Church of the Gesu
2470 Miramar Boulevard, University Heights, Ohio 44118 Church Website: Pastoral Staff Reverend James E. Von Tobel SJ, Pastor Reverend Michael A. Vincent, SJ – Associate Pastor Reverend Thomas Chillikulam SJ, Associate Pastor Reverend Dr. James K. O’Donnell – Deacon Parish Life Director Sr. Kathleen Flannery, OSU – Parish Life Director and Liturgist Director of Finance and Operations Mark Astorino Development Sara Schoonmaker Outreach Ministry Coordinator Ashley Markiewicz Gesu School Principal Lucy Iemmolo Please contact one of the Gesu Priests at the Parish Office at least six months in advance to arrange the use of the church and register for the marriage preparation program. Joe Gehring – (216-932-0617) Health Concerns and Resources Monday-Friday: 6:45 AM and 8:30 AM Third Wednesday of the Month Mass & Anointing of the Sick: 12:00 Noon Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00, 10:30 & 12:00 Noon Holy Day Mass Schedule: 6:45 AM, 8:30, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Holiday Mass Schedule: 10:00 AM Marriage Dr. Joseph Metzinger (216-932-1626) Mark Ehrbar (216-932-0617) Youth Ministry Mass Schedule – Subject to change – see inside cover. New parishioners are invited to call the Parish Office to make an appointment to register. Current members are asked to notify the Parish Office when they move. Sadie Curtin (Parish Office) Marcia Leous (Parish Office) Music Ministry Directors Parish Office................................................................216-932-0617 Emergency Night Phone Service................................440-942-6499 Parish Office Parish Office Fax.........................................................216-932-0731 School Office...............................................................216-932-0620 School Fax..................................................................216-932-8326 Parish Membership Faith Formation Co-Directors Parish Directory For information, contact the Gesu Parish Office (ext. 26). Sick Calls Please notify the Parish Office when a member of your family is hospitalized or would like a Parish Eucharistic visitor. Reconciliation Schedule: 3:00 P.M. Saturdays or by appt. Baptisms To arrange a Baptism, please contact the Parish Office. Baptism instruction is necessary with the first child. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) We welcome adults wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith and prepare them for becoming members of the Catholic Church. Please inquire at the Parish Office. Mission Statement GESU PARISH, a Catholic community, in the Jesuit tradition, is committed to: Eucharistic living, Lifelong learning, Generous serving “all for the greater glory of God” Eucharistic living: We center our lives in Christ and the celebration of the Eucharist. Lifelong learning: We engage, at all ages, in learning and being formed in the image of Christ. Generous serving: We use our gifts to serve God and others. Church of the Gesu University Heights, Ohio Mass Intentions Mon. 8/15 6:45 am 8:30 am Tues. 8/16 6:45 am 8:30 am Wed. 8/17 6:45 am 8:30 am 12:00 pm Thu. 8/18 6:45 am 8:30 am Fri. 8/19 6:45 am 8:30 am Sat. 8/20 4:30 pm Sun. 8/21 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Prayer Intentions Please pray for the following sick members of our community. Sick persons or family members may phone Ann Marie Zaller at (216) 491-9201 to have a name listed. Names will stay on the list for up to one year unless removal or continuation is requested. Ray Pfordresher Kathleen Santabarbara & Edward B. McNamara Miles Coburn John Chambers James R. Begley, Jr. James Murdoch Concetta Adamcek Mary Jo, Thomas, Bridget Reagan Robert Ketch Elaine Coburn Gregory Cooper Dorothy & Edward Hawkins Thomas John Enright Elaine Coburn Special Intention of Parishioners Henry Trenkamp, Jr. Dawn Feorene Barbara Summers Tim Cansler Richard Trafas Robin Barlok Jackie Friend Nancy Graf John S. Frank C. Gianna C. Jim Feldy Rita O’Connor Jennifer Vilcheck Banns of Marriage III Sarah Scanlon & Matthew Orosz With much gratitude to Jack and Mary Breen, we are delighted to have a statue of the Good Shepherd created by Norbert Koehn in the alcove garden near the McAuley entrance. Come and see! It is a wonderful place to relax and pray! Daniel Thomas Nizialek, son of Gregory and Emily Nizialek Maeve Anne Walton, daughter of Daniel and Jaine Walton Important Changes in Meeting Room Scheduling Gesu Parish is moving toward using an online real time calendar and an electronic form to request meeting spaces. These will be available at very soon. There will no longer be a “Red Book” to sign out meeting rooms. If you would like to schedule a meeting space before the online request form is available, please stop by the Parish Office and complete a Request for Meeting space form. Further information will be provided as we roll out the new procedures. Rest in Peace Thomas Constantine Lois Hopkins, mother of Bill, grandmother of Brian, great-grandmother of Nora, Mitch and Miller Jeanne Ferreri, mother of Margee and Patrick Murphy, grandmother of Michael, Megan and Erin Josephine Giusto, mother of Blaise and Joanne Monday Mass 6:45 & 8:00 am Troop Committee Meeting 7:30-9:00 pm Ignatius Library Tuesday 16 Caregiver Support Group 7:30-9:00 pm Sacred Heart Room SVDP Meeting 7:00-9:00 pm Ignatius Library Wednesday 17 Anointing Mass 12:00 pm Marian Chapel Peter John Ross Barbara Immormino Marianne Frawley Diane Bevack Gina Bevack Bernice Reed Michelle Triska Kathie Recob Irene Rarick Beverly Nicolino Elizabeth Kealy Joan Bauman Welcome to the Good Shepherd! Baptisms 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Noreen Fraser Bill Reale Courtney Conway Jim McMahon Seth George Connally Brad Call Scott Lee Landry Cole Shawn Sexton John Rodman Dorothy Allanson Robert Thursday 18 Eucharistic Adoration 1:00-7:00 pm Marian Chapel Boy Scout Troop 620 Meeting 7:00-8:45 pm Scout Room 2 Friday 19 Saturday 20 Block Party 5:30-9:00 pm Front Lawn Sunday 21 Chesterton Society 2:00-4:30 pm Sacred Heart Room 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 Worship Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Lord, come to my aid!” - Ps 40 The Church celebrates this feast on August 15 each year. Please note that this solemnity is NOT a holy day of obligation this year because it falls on a Monday. We will have our usual morning Masses at 6:45 am and 8:30 am when we will celebrate the feast. Daily Scriptures Mon. 8/15 Tue. 8/16 Wed. 8/17 Thu. 8/18 Fri. 8/19 Sat. 8/20 Sun. 8/21 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rev 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45; 1 Cor 15:20-27a; Luke 1:39-56 St. Stephen of Hungary Ezek 28:1-10; Deut 32; Matt 19:23-30 Ezek 34:1-11; Ps 23; Matt 20:1-16 St. Alberto Hurtado Cruchada Ezek 36:23-28; Ps 51; Matt 22:1-14 St. John Eudes Ezek 37:1-14; Ps 107; Matt 22:34-40 St. Bernard Ezek 43:1-7ab; Ps 85; Matt 23:1-12 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time Isa 66:18-21; Ps 117; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Luke 13:22-30 Consider Joining the Music Ministry Just as school starts to resume, the Music Ministry begins rehearsing for the choral year. As we approach that time, please consider becoming a part of our parish choir. All levels of music backgrounds are welcome and reading music is not necessary; just a love for music and choral singing. The choir rehearses every Wednesday from 7:309:00 pm from September through Pentecost. Members sing at either the 9:00 or 10:30 liturgies on Sunday mornings. In addition to these times, the choir prepares for special liturgies of the Christmas Season, Holy Week and Easter. This year, the choir will also be preparing for the installation liturgy for our new pastor. This is a ministry imperative to the life of our liturgy and continues the long tradition of music in the Catholic Church. Please email Mark Ehrbar at or call (216) 932-0617 if you would like to sign up or discuss this ministry at greater length. Would You Like to be a Sacristan? We are in need of someone (or someones) to serve as sacristan at some of our weekend liturgies. If you, or perhaps your family, would like to assist us, please contact Sister Kathleen at the parish office at (216) 932-0617. It does not take much time before and after Mass, and we give great training! Contact the Worship Commission To learn more, please email or call the Parish Office at (216) 932-0617. Prayers & Devotions This Week Weekly Rosary: Wednesday, August 17 at 7:15 am Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday, August 18 from 1:00-7:00 pm August Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, 4:30 pm: Daria Reed, Linda Elliott, Valerie Rozic Sunday, 7:30 am: Maryanne Lutjen, Diana Beigie Sunday, 9:00 am: Mary Abood, Chris Abood, Ed Resch Sunday, 10:30 am: Kathleen Jung, Lorna Tiu, Fritz Montague, Mark Phillips Sunday, 12:00 pm: Diane Pederson, Joe Bellian, Monique Campbell, Paul Campbell * All devotions are held in the Marian Chapel, unless noted. August Altar Servers. Thanks to all the young ladies and gentlemen who participate in the Mass. 4:30 Saturday 7:30 Sunday Zack Ditzel Ava Ditzel Jack Auletta 9:00 Sunday Nate Price Kate Auletta 3 10:30 Sunday Abby Jones Emily Jones Molly Boyle Maddy Boyle 12:00 Sunday Maggie Campbell Faith Formation PSR Catechists & Aides Needed PSR Registration Are you interested in sharing your time and talents with the Gesu community? Have you considered serving as a Parish School of Religion (PSR) catechist? We are in need of volunteers and aides. If you enjoy children, like to share your Catholic faith and would be willing to serve as a role model, then you are perfect for our PSR program. To learn more or volunteer, call Mary at (216) 932-0617 or email PSR Early Childhood, Grade School and High School registration is now open for 2016-2017. Please find the forms and more information at Registration is due no later than September 6. Classes begin September 11. Information will be coming soon about Special Needs PSR. If you have questions, email Mary vonCarlowitz at Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Legion of Mary If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic and would like any information about the RCIA process at Gesu, please contact Marcia Leous to learn more. Call the parish office at (216) 932-0617 or email Marcia at “When Jesus therefore saw His mother and the disciple standing by whom He loved, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold thy son.” Then He said to the disciple John, “Behold thy Mother,” and from that hour the Disciple took her into his home. The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of Catholic men and women who offer their services for spiritual works in their parish. Membership is open to Catholics over 18 years of age. Gesu Parish is interested in restarting a chapter of the Legion. For more information, please call Carole Kealy at (216) 292-7290 or Christie Okocha at (216) 321-0679. Objectives of the Legion are sanctification of its members, spread of devotion to Mary and performance of apostolic work. Early Childhood Education Please register now for the fall session of the Gesu Early Childhood Programs Happy Together and TOPS (Time Out for Parents). Happy Together is a parent and child class with a playgroup like setting. It offers opportunities in free play, art, music, and early socialization experiences. This class is offered on Monday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am for children ages 16 – 30 months. Minimum class size is five children, maximum is twelve. The tuition is $160 for parishioners of Gesu and St. Dominic and $180 for nonparishioners for the twelve-week session. TOPS (Time Out for Parents) is a two-hour drop-off “pre-preschool” class for children ages two and three. Opportunities for free play, music, movement, art, outside play, and early socialization with peers are offered. Parents are obligated to “parent help” during one class throughout the twelve-week session. This class is offered Tuesday through Friday (choose one or two days) from 8:45-11:15 am. Minimum class size is six children, maximum is twelve. Tuition is $300 for parishioners of Gesu and St. Dominic and $350 for nonparishioners for the twelve-week session. The children do not need to be toilet trained. Both classes take place in our fabulous, toy filled room in the lower level of Gesu School. TOPS is a great introduction to preschool! If you are interested in registering your child for either program, forms are located in the Gesu Rectory and outside the infant/toddler room in the back of Gesu Church. Just pick up a form and send it in with either half or all of the tuition. Classes begin in mid-September and conclude just before Christmas. You will be notified by email and mail as to acceptance. Please call Karen Smith at (440) 446-1967 or email or call Deb Straniero at (216) 297-0420 for further information. See you in September! Contact the Faith Formation Commission To learn more, please email or call the Parish Office at (216) 932-0617. In the Jesuit Tradition The Feast of the Assumption evokes the devotion held for our Blessed Mother by members of the Society of Jesus. A special connection may have taken shape when, while recovering from battle injuries, Ignatius had thoughts he believed were sent from God. One night he is said to have clearly seen an image of Our Lady holding the Child Jesus, confirming his inclination away from secular toward spiritual things. On March 25, 1522, the Annunciation, Ignatius entered the monastery Santa Maria de Montserrat and laid down his sword and military garments at the altar of Mary. On August 15, 1534, Feast of the Assumption, Ignatius and his six companions took solemn vows of their lifelong work. Our Gesu Pastoral Center is named for the patroness of the Society of Jesus, Madonna Della Strada. The title refers to an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is enshrined at the Church of the Gesu in Rome, mother church of the Society of Jesus. 4 Outreach Girl Scout Volunteers Needed USO Cookie Donation Attention all you cookie bakers! Church Women United collects cookies for USO families and we are asking your help this year. We will be distributing them in mid-August. They can be made anytime and dropped off at the parish office. Please clearly mark them for USO. The office staff will know they are coming. They can be frozen if you bake early and will be collected and stored. So please help us donate to deserving families. Cookies can be dropped off anytime during office hours. Happy baking and God bless! University Heights/Cleveland Heights community Girl Scouts are seeking volunteers for the 2016-17 season. Women and men over the age of 18 are encouraged to come join the fun! This is a very rewarding opportunity and a great way to be engaged in our community. Any amount of time that you could commit would be much appreciated. Even just a few hours could go a long way in helping to plan an activity, chair an event, be a helping hand at a meeting, etc. If needed, Girl Scouts corporate will verify volunteer hours. To learn more, please email Jen Daly-Martin at Renewing the Covenant Presentation Contact the Outreach Commission On Sunday, August 28 from 1:15-2:45 pm, a free presentation about Theology of the Body and Natural Family Planning will be held at Church of the Holy Angels Parish (18205 Chillicothe Road, Chagrin Falls) in the St. Michael Room. For more information and to register for this session, call T.J. and Colleen Manion at (440) 552-3187 or email NFP respects God’s design for human sexuality and married love. Two local area couples testify to this in a short video at This website provides online NFP lessons and other advice. Additionally, to access Diocese of Cleveland NFP resources, including a directory of instructors, go to marriage-and-family-ministry/resources. To learn more, please email or call the Parish Office at (216) 932-0617. New Special Needs Ministry Gesu is beginning a new outreach ministry to offer support and encouragement to families with special needs members. Support can include: PSR assistance, prayers and meals, young adult involvement, and special programming. If you know of any families with a special needs member that Gesu can reach out to, please contact Angela Young at Beatitudes for People with Special Needs Blessed are you who take time to listen to difficult speech, for you help us to know that if we persevere we can be understood. Blessed are you who walk with us in public places, and ignore the stares of strangers, for in your friendship we feel good to be ourselves. Blessed are you who never bid us to “hurry up” and, more blessed, you who do not snatch our tasks from our hands to do them for us, for often we need time rather than help. Blessed are you who stand beside us as we enter new and untried ventures, for our unsuredness will be outweighed by the times when we surprise ourselves and you. Blessed are you who ask for our help and realize our giftedness for our greatest need is to be needed. Blessed are you who help us with the graciousness of Christ, for often we need the help we cannot ask for. Blessed are you when, by all things, you assure us that what makes us individuals is not our particular disability or difficulty but our beautiful God-given personhood which no handicapping condition can confine. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for your understanding and love have opened doors for us to enjoy life to its fullest and you have helped us believe in ourselves as valued and gifted people. Respect Life Committee Explore Adoption Meeting Bellfaire JCB will host an Explore Adoption Meeting on Monday, August 29 from 6:30-8:30 pm. They are located at 22001 Fairmont Boulevard in Shaker Heights. The adoption process will be discussed with certified and licensed adoption liaisons. Please RSVP by calling (216) 320-8370. Bellefaire JCB is one of the nation’s largest, longestestablished child placement/adoption agencies. Adoption specialists are degreed, licensed social workers and certified adoption assessors. Each is committed to delivering individualized support and counsel to address the needs of children, adoptive families and birth parents. Respect Life Prayer Almighty God, you came into the world to teach us the dignity of human life by being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Give us the courage to defend all life from conception to natural death. We ask this through the merits of Mary, your Mother, the Mother of the Church, and our Mother. Amen. 5 Community Life Annual Block Party Used Uniforms & School Supply Kits The 2016 Gesu Block Party is next Saturday, August 20. We’ll begin with 4:30 pm Mass on the lawn, followed by food, entertainment and plenty of family activities from 5:30 pm until dark. Please email Joe Gehring at if you’d like to volunteer. The Used Uniform Sale will be held this Sunday, August 14 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 pm in the Family Center. 80% off full price shorts, golf shirts, gym clothes, blouses, oxfords and spirit wear and more. Jumpers are only $8! School supply kits will be available for pick-up at this time. 90th Celebration Update Our 90th Celebration is less than 5 weeks away and we hope you are as excited for this event as we are! 90th celebration tickets are now available for purchase! Invitations have gone out and reservations are underway! Please be advised that with such a large parish, we were only able to send out a limited number of formal invites based on the most current information we had. If you did not receive one, we apologize and please know that all parishioners and their friends and families are welcome! This an event you will not want to miss! To register online, please go to For any further questions, please reach out to Vicki at We hope to see you there! Communion of Saints Amish Trip Communion of Saints Parish is hosting a trip to Amish Country on Tuesday, September 6. All are welcome! Follow in the footsteps of Amish Eli Burkholder touring the Mennonite/ Amish Museum where we will behold the beautiful 278’ x 10’ in the round painting. Then head to Berlin for shopping, Amish crafts and lunch. There will be 2 mini lectures while traveling by Eli and Jim McAuley. $50 total includes coach bus and museum tour. Bring money for lunch and shopping. Pick up at 9:00 am and drop off at 5:00 pm in the parking lot of St. Ann’s church. Email Nell Ginley with questions at Volunteer Athletic Coaches Needed The Gesu Athletic Department is seeking non-parent volunteer coaches for 7th/8th grade girls volleyball and 7th/8th grade boys and girls basketball. All interested candidates can call Athletic Director, Joe D’Amato at (216) 932-0620, ext. 128 or email athleticdirector.gesu@gmail. com. Contact the Community Life Commission To learn more, please email or call the Parish Office at (216) 932-0617. Let’s Play Bridge! Gesu School Scrip Program It’s that time of the year again! Time to sign up for the 2016/2017 Bridge Marathon season. If you haven’t played with us before, please consider joining us for some fun at the bridge table. We welcome all skill levels and we would like to have more players. There is a men’s group, a women’s group and mixed couples group. The way that it works is that you sign up with a partner and each month you and your partner play with another partnership at a time that is convenient to all. The fee for the season is $15 per person per group. Make check payable to “Gesu Women’s Guild.” Send with the name, address, phone and email of you and your partner to Anne Raby at 2419 South Belvoir, University Heights, OH 44118. The deadline is August 31. For questions, please call Jo Ann at (216) 831-4910 or Anne at (216) 382-0326 or email A Gesu School fund raiser, the Great Lakes Scrip Program, is open to the parish! By simply making your regular household purchases through this program (gas, groceries, prescriptions, and any other retail purchases including restaurants, hotels, and movie theaters) you can assist in continuing to provide a successful environment for our students and teachers. Please consider registering your family at The enrollment code is A69EALCL37595. Email Christy Salata ( or Mandee Jones ( with questions. 6 Administration Gesu Job Bank Enroll in Faith Direct Director of Finance & Operations Gesu Parish is in search of a full-time Director of Finance and Operations. This position is responsible for all financial, administrative, personnel and facilities management activities under Diocesan guidelines. The successful candidate will be a hands-on participative manager who will lead and develop an internal team of staff members, as well as volunteers to meet the goals and needs of the parish. The Director of Finance and Operations will play a critical role in partnering with the Pastor, Parish Life Director and other parish and school staff members in strategic decision making and operations of the parish as it continues to fulfill its mission in the community. This position requires a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Finance or Accounting with at least five years business management experience or the equivalent. The candidate must be proficient in Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel, and must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks. The position offers competitive salary and benefits. Send cover letter, salary requirements and résumés to or by mail to Gesu Church, Attn: Director of Finance and Operations Search Committee. For a complete job description, visit the Employment Opportunities page at www.churchofthegesu. org. Accounting & Administration Manager LAND studio advocates for, enhances and connects Cleveland’s public spaces to foster a competitive and welcoming city. This organization is seeking a dynamic, full-time accountant responsible for management and performance of accounting services and benefits and human resource administrative functions. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office Suite as well as the ability to learn and use Abila MIP accounting software. Bachelor’s degree in accounting and 3-5 years nonprofit experience requested. Excellent benefits offered. Please send resume, salary requirements and references to No phone calls accepted. Cook/Cashiers Looking for individuals who are passionate about cooking and would like to turn it into a career. We will train you for full or part-time position in our local Italian Restaurant, Geraci’s. No professional experience necessary, just love cooking. Also looking for part-time cashiers, high school and college students welcome. Call Marti Spoth at (216) 513-1132 if interested. Thank you for being a part of our Gesu Church family. As you prepare for the end of summer and the start of a busy fall, consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so that your gift can reach us even when you cannot. Visit and use our church code OH283. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family! God Bless You, Fr. Von Tobel New Email Addresses The parish office will begin using a new email address. All emails to Gesu Parish Office can now be sent to Bricks and Pavers for Sale for Gesu’s Piazza You can create a lasting impact at Gesu by purchasing a brick or paver to celebrate a loved one’s accomplishments or to honor their memory. Bricks and pavers are installed in the piazza outside the Madonna della Strada Pastoral Center. Bricks are $100 and pavers are $175. For more information, please call the Development Office at (216) 932-0617. Sunday Collections Collected (7/17/16) $11,451 Collected via Faith Direct (7/17/16) $34,616 Collected Fiscal Year to Date (7/1/15-7/17/16) $69,977 Budget Fiscal Year to Date (7/1/15- 7/17/16) $80,000 Annual Fiscal Budget (7/1/16-6/30/17) $1,574,000 Still Needed to Meet Annual Budget (thru 6/30/17)$1,504,023 Gesu Bulletin Editor: Laura Hanna E-mail Address: Publisher: Church of the Gesu (216) 932-0617 Advertising: Dee Printing Inc. (800) 292-9020 Cover Drawing: Hatters Architectural Illustrations Bulletin Submissions All information and materials for the bulletin should be emailed to or typed and placed in the bulletin mailbox at the rectory BY NOON MONDAY (holidays excepted). Emailed submissions are preferred but copy with contributor’s name & number may be submitted for consideration. In the interests of story clarity and proper spelling, handwritten notes are discouraged. Gesu Parish cannot endorse any business that sponsors an ad in the bulletin. To advertise in this bulletin, please call Dee Printing at (800) 292-9020. Gesu Spiritwear Shop Order Gesu Spiritwear directly on the Gesu website, You can have the items sent directly home, alumni’s home, or delivered to school. For questions, call Karen Ruppe at (216) 214-6945.We are looking for 2 volunteers to chair and co-chair the webshop! Go Bulldogs! 7 DR. BRAD RABAL Family Dentistry Remax Traditions Dedicated to help with all your Real Estate Needs Complimentary Professional Staging Service with every listing Parishioner 3609 Park East Dr. Beachwood 216-390-0910 New Patients Welcome VALHALLA Garden Design, Inc. Robert O’Sickey Certified Horticulturist Theodore “Ted” Poucher 9988 Kinsman Road Novelty, Ohio 44072 (216) 593-8000 • Plantscape Gesu Parishioner • Hardscape • Maintenance (216) 321-9260 Serving the Area • PLUMBING Since 1936 • HEATING • PUMPS Pumps • Water Conditioning • Disposals Sewer Cleaning • Boilers • Water Heaters COMPREHENSIVE TREE MANAGEMENT • Landscape Design order online at: more info at: Careful, Reliable & Respectful of your Yard HOME SERVICES COMPANY CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE! General Home Repairs and Maintenance Richard Sizemore, Handyman 216-409-7420 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Parishioner Mention this ad for 20% Off 440-463-7379 ROBIN BAUM, CPA – PARISHIONER MANAGING PARTNER 3201 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 410, Beachwood, OH 44122-4692 (216) 831-0733 FAX (216) 765-7118 E-mail: Web: INVESTMENT BANKING SERVICES South Franklin M&A ADVISORY & PLANNING CAPITAL RAISE ◊ VALUATIONS Remember, O mostTHE gracious Virgin ENJOYING Mary, that never was it known Remember, O most gracious Virginthat Mary, SUN AND THE SAND ENJOYING THE Remember, Omost most gracious Virgin Mary, ENJOYING THE Remember, O gracious Virgin anyone who fled to thy protection, that never was it known that anyoneMary, who that never wasTHE itknown known that anyone who ON AND THE SHORES OF LAKE ERIE SUN AND SAND that never was that anyone whoor SUN THE SAND fled to thy protection, implored thy help, implored thy ithelp, or sought thine fled to thy protection, implored thy help, fled toSHORES thy protection, implored thyunaided. help,or or THE OF LAKE ERIE sought thine intercession was left Circle ON THEON SHORES OF LAKE intercession was left unaided. sought thine intercession was ERIE left unaided. sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired this confidence, Iunto fly unto Inspired by this confidence, fly unto thee,OO Inspired byby this confidence, II fly thee, Inspired by this confidence, Imy flythee unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to do thee, O Virgin of virgins, mother; Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do II Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before II stand, sinful and sorrowcome, before thee stand, sinful and sorrowto thee do Ithee come, before thee I stand, come, before thee stand, sinful anddespise sorrowful. OOMother of Incarnate, despise ful. Mother ofthe theI Word Word Incarnate, sinful and sorrowful. O mother of ful. Mother of the despise not my petitions, but in mercy hear and notO my petitions, butWord in thyIncarnate, mercy hear and the Word Incarnate, despise not my not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answerme. me. answer petitions, answer me. but in thy mercy hear and (440) 247-1300 Bill Fehrenbach, Jean Turcu and Debbie Cirillo, Gesu Parishioners Staybridge Suites – Mayfield Heights CLASS 1 answer me. Amen. Amen. PAVERS Specializing in Residential Driveways, Asphalt, SEE Amen.YOU NEXT WEEK... Brick Work & Concrete A Plus Rating SEE YOU NEXT WEEK... Amen. 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Handyman Free Estimates Phone: Web: Email: Web: 13942 Cedar Rd., Web: Email: Web: Email: University Heights REAL ESTATE Order online at Web: REAL ESTATE THE REAL ESTATE SUSAN DELANEY THE SUSAN DELANEY THE SUSAN DELANEY REAL ESTATE G R O U P THE GR RO O U P G U P REAL ESTATE 216-932-2000 THE REAL ESTATE G R O U P 216~577~8700 SUSAN DELANEY THE SLATE & TILE ROOF REPAIRS FLASHINGS, VALLEYS, GUTTERS, LEAK REPAIRS 40 Years Conscientious Work in Heights Area HOMESTEAD ROOFING CO 216-382-7677 440-461-8987 Scott McNulty Cell: 440-336-5938 SUSAN DELANEY ROOFING SIDING GUTTERS SUSAN DELANEY G R O U P STORM DAMAGE GUTTER CLEANING G R O U P Payment and Financing Options Licensed • Bonded • Insured Bachman Ins and Fin Svcs Inc Lee Bachman, Agent 2245 Warrensville Center Rd University Heights, OH 44118 Bus: 216-321-1422 We offer the following services: Roofing Insulation Ventilation Siding Windows Gutters Gutter Cables Painting Holiday Decorations Remodeling Decks Algae Cleaning Siding Cleaning Gutter Cleaning Please call to discuss any of our services or to answer any questions Sunday 12-9 Mon-Sat 11-10 On the feast of the Assumption On Onthe thefeast feastof of the the Assumption Assumption A Judson Partnership for Smart Living Salon Hours: A BREAK… TAKING The memorare The memorare The memorare A BREAK… TAKING A BREAK… TAKING Carleton McKenna & Co. 216.523.1962 440-564-1433 Fax: 440-564-1436 Please patronize our advertisers. To place an ad, call 1-800-292-9020 Diane Russo Armington TO ADVERTISE HERE, CALL Dee Printing AT 1-800-292-9020 216-773-0757 State Farm, Bloomington, IL 1211999 Patriot Painting & Remodeling • Interior & Exterior Painting • Bathroom Remodeling • Kitchen Remodeling • Finished Basements • Ceramic Tile • Roofing • Plumbing • Electrical 216-322-1800 • • Larry Brown, Owner GESU 2 • Pick-up or delivery • Topsoil • Bedmix • Sweet Peet® • Decorative Stone and Gravel • Brown and Black Hardwood Mulch MM Tell Alex you want the Bulldog Discount! 8/9/16 216.291.1101 Home Window Washing Family Owned & Operated Since 1908 Contact us for a no obligation preplanning consultation. Serving the Heights Area for Over 20 Years 216-382-1628 Kevin Maher, Owner/Gesu Parishioner visit us at Patrick Duffy Plumbing Serving the Heights Lives in the Heights 216-766-8030 $20 Off For New Customers $10 Off For Current Customers (216) 382-4500 4274 Mayfield Rd. at Belvoir Blvd. Brown-Forward Funeral Service Compliments of A Friend FAMILY OWNED WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL 752-1200 2294 Lee Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Robert C. Van Gunten, Inc. PAINTING 321-2488 PAPERING Mccarthy’s auto Body John’s Toy & Rug World 2887 Noble Road • Cleveland Heights 5209 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst 440-646-0312 Please patronize our advertisers. To place an ad, call 1-800-292-9020. Bryan Barrett 216-321-9737 Parishioner • Short Runs • Same Day Turnaround • Low Prices Contact Cal Hunter 216.496.1013 Fix your car for the long run. EST. 1995 LANDSCAPING & DESIGN A PRACTICAL AND CREATIVE APPROACH FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS 440.729.0665 216-382-3200 Fine selection of toys, games & rugs from around the world! Hours: Mon-Fri 10AM-7PM • Sat 10AM-6PM Design, Consulting & Installation Pond & Water Feature Installation and Maintenance Custom Stone Patio, Walks & Walls Outdoor Low Voltage Lighting New Lawns, Hydro-Seeding & Drainage Systems Spring & Fall Clean-ups Lawn Property Maintenance • Large Tree Plantings Snow Plowing & Salting Inquiries to: Chris Truden - Owner J.R. SBROCCO PLUMBING, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 440-278-4151 216-509-8133 • Driveways/Flatwork • Waterproofing • Decorative Stamp Work • Brick Patios & Steps For a Complimentary Estimate, contact Dan at 440-343-2114 ATTORNEYS AT LAW “Tending to all your immigration needs” Highland Heights 440-460-0686 6116 West Creek Road, Independence OH 44131 25 Years Experience Free Estimates Personalized Service & Quality Work Child and Adult Orthodontics Brainard Place Office Building 29001 Cedar Road, Suite 306, Lyndhurst, OH (440) 461-9110 (216) 348-4611 Flite II Travel Gail Cochran 216-464-1762 23611 Chagrin Blvd. ARDMORE TREE SERVICE Complete Tree Service Year-round We Sell and Plant Trees & Shrubs Free Estimates (216) 486-5551 Fully Insured Member National Arborist Association Member American Association of Orthodontics 26 Years experience st. paschal parishioner GESU IN 1 mm 8/9/16 216-371-9300 The UPS Store ® 44 SIGNS SIGNS YOU YOU HAVE HAVE THE THE RIGHT RIGHT REALTOR REALTOR SOLD: SOLD: Your Best Resource for the Design, Print and Mail of Announcements, Invitations & Save the Dates (216) 861-5588 ...1719 ...1719 Sheridan Sheridan Road Road South Euclid... 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Vice President – Investment Officer - Family Immigration - Employment Immigration - Deportation and Criminal - Non-immigrant Visas - EB-5 Investor Visas EST. 1879 CELL: (216) 319-3333 CELL: 319-3333 CELL: (216) (216) 319-3333 OFFICE: (216) 751-8550 OFFICE: (216) 751-8550 OFFICE: (216) 751-8550 Investments – Financial Advice Andrew L. Sikorovsky The Bolton Pratt Company HACKMAN PAINTING P: 216-674-0240 MARY LOU McHENRY MARY LOU McHENRY MARY LOU McHENRY of Wells Fargo Advisors OH LIC. #20997 Painting • ElEctrical • Plumbing • rEPair and morE! Dan & Nicole Sizler II Parishioners TruCare Landscaping, LLC 216-372-4972 • Affordable Pricing for Exceptional Quality Rusty Seech Office: 216.408.5155 Residential and Commercial Bonded and Insured Ohio Certified Nursery/Landscape • Master Gardner Fully Insured Member of BBB • Member of the Ohio Nursery Landscape Association • Member of the Home Builders Association Spring Clean up; Summer Lawn/Landscaping/Fall Leaf Removal Free Consultation, Gesu Parishioner Discount HOME SWEET HOME REPAIR, LLC SOLD: SOLD: For info & photos of ALL my listings: For For info info & & photos photos of of ALL ALL my my listings: listings: SCHULTE & MAHON-MURPHY FUNERAL HOMES Pre-Arrangements • Pre-Planning • Pre-Financing Available SOUTH EUCLID • (216) 381-4000 • LYNDHURST David S. Murphy James P. Murphy Family Owned & Operated • Parish Members Family Owned & Operated A Family Owned and Operated Business Since 1999 COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PLUMBING SERVICE 440-729-9777 Licensed, Bonded, Insured OH Lic. #30104 $20 OFF Service Call with Mention of this Ad 216.973.0101 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 2243 WARRENSVILLE Across from Geraci’s 216-371-3711 440-461-6008 Exceptional periodontal care with your comfort in mind Check our website for the new patient special TM Office: Joe Vaughn GESU PARISHIONERS Pub & Grill $ New Vista Enterprises Landscape Design & Construction P 216.291.1100 W 20 OFF WITH THIS AD The Plumbing Source Greg Faustina, Owner OH Lic. #12582 216.321.0201 $ 2500 Discount with Mention of this Ad. CINGEL Landscape & Design, Inc. • • Mike Supler & • Matthew Supler • specializing in • stone walks, walls, terraces, • water features complete planting and layout 440-951-0330 Plumbing Repairs • Sewer and Drain Cleaning • Water Heaters You will love dealing with us. YOU MADE THE RIGHT CALL • Wallcovering • Wallpaper Removal • Varnishing • Ceiling Texturing • Faux Finishing (based upon 10% discount* – previous quotes excluded) Orthodontics (ONE AD PER CUSTOMER) QUALITY INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING & DECORATING CALL US WHEN YOU’RE REMODELING OR RENOVATING Chris St. John (Gesu Parishioners) – 440-735-1500 enger Offices in Mayfield & Aurora (440) 442-0912 • (330) 995-9944 Hardwood Flooring Specialists 216.316.3400 OFF 216-321-9356 Roof & Restoration, Inc. Generations of Smiles KENWOOD FLOORS, INC. Stone Walks & Patios Shrubs & Trees Perennial & Annual Gardens New Lawns • Spring Cleanup Lawn Care • Holiday Lighting 500 USTON (216) 831-9310 Cell: (216) 513-5202 13962 Cedar Rd. University Hts. Design Service Available Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 9-9; Wed., Fri., Sat.: 9-5:30 Up to 2266 Warrensville Center Road #1 Real Estate Company in PA, OH, WV and NY E-mail: Complete Home Furnishings at Fabulous Prices $ Award-Winning Pizza Dining Room & Take-Out Service 3550 Lander Road, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 34300 SOLON ROAD, SOLON, OHIO 44139 • Exterior Painting • Staining • Stripping • Plaster Repair • Drywall Installations • Interior Painting Appointments: 440-708-1555 Nelson “Bucky” Spoth, Sales Associate 440 248-2424 INTERIORS 1611 S. Green Road Suite 160 South Euclid, OH 44121 (216) 371-5643 RESTAURANT SEDLAK Call For A FREE ESTIMATE Office: 216-297-1593 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE: 216-337-2929 UHMP Gastroenterology Associates University Suburban Health Center 5825 Landerbrook Drive Mayfield Heights Our Family Serving Your Family Since July 2, 1956 • TREE PRUNING • 120 FT. CRANE • TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL • 60 FT. BUCKET TRUCK WOODLAND TREE SERVICES Michael K. Koehler, M.D., F.A.C.G. Jonathan H. Ross DDS, MHS MARTI & GREGORY SPOTH William A. White Managing Funeral Director Parishioner Spring/Fall Clean-Up Lawn Care Programs Trees/Flowers/Mulch Stone/Brick Patios/Walls Landscape Lighting Deliveries Available Insured Licensed (216) 382-1118 One coupon per call. Tear offs, Shingles, Porch & Garages, Chimney Rebuilds and Tuck-Pointing, Gutters and Gutter Guards/Cleaning, Slate & Tile Repairs and Flashings/Copper All Work Guaranteed • Parish Discounts Licensed, Bonded & Insured 216-371-5944 KINKOPF BROS, INC. HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 2000 Lee Rd., Cleveland Hts., OH (216) 321-4004 Ronald J. Kinkopf, Ohio Lic. #20799 Please Patronize Our Advertisers. To Place An Ad, Call 1-800-292-9020 Serving Commercial Properties for 25+ Years South Euclid – Willoughby Hills (216) 291-3530 • Sewer & Drain Cleanout & Repairs • Water & Gas Line Repair & Replacement • Sewer Video Camera Inspection Weinvest invest your your assets We assets wewould would our asaswe ourown. own. MartinJ.J.Burke, Burke Jr., CFA Martin Jr., CFA Principal, Parishioner Parishioner Principal, 216-464-0253 216-464-0253 A Registered Investment Advisor A Registered Investment Advisor THERESE SWEENEY DRAKE, ESQ. Estate Planning & Probate Real Estate Transactions & General Personal & Business Matters 216-321-3654 11 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH (440) 439-2323 For all of your automotive needs See Bill Klonaris or Chris Houdek #78887 JT 4/18/16 ROOF MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SERVICES FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES
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