May - Florida Whips
May - Florida Whips
VIEW FROM BEHIND THE DASH Newsletter of The Florida Whips Promoting all aspects of equine harness driving, by encouraging good will and emphasizing safety and education MAY 2014 Charlotte Trentleman Navigating the Hazards at Spring Fling View From Behind the Dash DIRECTORY View From Behind the Dash, OFFICERS NEWSLETTER President .......................Mary de Greef PO. Box 183 ~ Parrish FL 34219 941-776-1638 - home, 941-704-2128 - cell Editor ···························· Deby Stewart 17701 SW 58 Street SW Ranches FL 33331 Vice President ..................... Dona Love 1550 SE 120th Ave ~ Morriston FL 32668 352-486-2829 Advertising ··················· Harriet Jones 15950 NE 55th Street Williston FL 32696 352-562-6401 Secretary .................Mary Beth Miklos 10115 S Arabian Ave ~ Floral City FL 34436 352-228-0273 Treasurer .......................... Nelie Boehle PO Box 183 ~ Parrish FL 34219 941-518-4828 WEBSITE MAGICIAN Yvonne Griffiths 12551 SE 16th Lane Morriston FL 32668 352-486-4870 Membership ................. Linda Bennett 12215 Spottswood Dr ~ Riverview FL 33579 813-671-2859 Newsletter of The Florida Whips, is published in print August through September. June & July issues online only. Submissions are encouraged! They may be edited for length and clarity and will be used according to space availability. Articles, letters, and photos must be sent via email as electronic files to both the Newsletter Editor and Website Magician and should adhere to submission guidelines. Please identify all people, animals and the photographer. Send permission for use of any copyrighted photos. See submission requirements located elsewhere in this issue before sending. Advertising copy and payment should be sent to the Advertising Manager. Ads run from September through the following August. Deadline for articles, letters, photographs, and advertising is the 15th day of each month preceding month of issue. Newsletters will be posted online on the first day of the month and print issues should be received after the 10th. REGION DIRECTORS REGION ALT DIRECTORS Panhandle .................Cynthia Perkins Panhandle ·············Lauchlin Waldoch ADVERTISERS’ RATES Business rates Northern ......................... Linda Evans ...... 352-486-3197 Northern ·················· Connie Thoreson ····· 352-528-5646 Southeast.................... Eloise R. Nelson Southeast ······························ Jan Petri Annual Business Card ···················· $70 Full Page (per issue) ······················ $40 Half Page (per issue) ······················ $25 Quarter Page (per issue) ················ $15 Back Cover (per issue, 1/2pg) ········· $40 Southwest ......................... Wendy Ying ........... 540-454-1994 Southwest ························· John Porter Members’ rates Sponsored by FL Whips - No Charge Other Events - 1/2 Business Rate Classified Ads Florida Whips Members: First ad up to 50 words free for 3 months, additional ads $10 (text only); photos free on web page. Non-Member price ······· $10 per issue Advertising payment must be received before printing. Make checks payable to: Cover photo by Mary DeGreef Florida Whips, Inc. Send Ad Copy (digital format only) & Check To: Harriet Jones PO Box 967, Williston FL 32696 MAY 2014 2 Inside the MAY 2014 Issue ... Editor’s Notes ... Before I forget, I want to remind everyone that the newsletter will be Online Only for next 2 months. President’s Corner ................................................... 3 Editor’s Notes ........................................................... 3 Things have pretty much died down in the state and everyone is preparing for our usual long hot summer punctuated by rain and winds. I hope everyone has a safe and restful few months. Upcoming Events at a Glance ................................. 4 Region Reports ......................................................... 5 Events & News: Suzy Stafford Wins @ Live Oak ...................... 6 Please try to attend your Regional Planning meetings and the General Meeting if you can. It’s always so much fun getting together with the wonderful people who make up our FL Whips family. Spring Fling Photos............................................ 7 Driving Radio Show Episode Info ................... 8 More Spring Fling Photos ................................ 9 Since the newsletter will be online now is the time to send in your stories and photos. I have as much room as I need and would love to be able to share news from your family and your barn. So send in the wedding photos, baby pics and other fun stuff. Yours could be the next cover photo! Classified Ads ......................................................... 11 Keep drivin’ :) PS - Please join our Facebook page @ “FL Whips” President’s Cor ner … It has certainly been a fast four years. Being the Whip's president was far outside my comfort zone but I can honestly say I enjoyed it more often than not. There are so many fine people in this club who enjoy each other and have a special zest for life. I don't know if driving horses and ponies makes that so or if other forces are at work, but it is so. I hope I never tire of learning and simply watching the impressive talent of our members and the lovely animals they partner with. Also a special shout out to Nelie Boehle and Linda Bennett, two ladies who always helped me when I needed it and listened whether I was worth hearing or not. Trot-On everyone. Mary de Greef President, FL Whips 3 MAY 2014 View From Behind the Dash * area numbers are only approximate locations 2014 Calendar of Driving Events Entry Forms & More Info for all Whips’ Events Are on Website ~ ~ Date May 17 Location All Regions FL Whips Events Annual Meeting & Elections@ Grand Oaks, contact Mary DeGreef # 13 May 24-25 SW Region Cypress Keep Schooling HDT - John/Erika Calendar ~ Other Events Apr 6 MAY 2014 STRIDE contact 4 7 View From Behind the Dash ..................... Southeast Region Report SE Region had its planning meeting on the 19th of April, and Eloise Nelson was elected our new Regional Director. Jan Petri will continue on as alternate. About 20 members were in attendance, and we reviewed our budget, inventory, put together a tentative calendar, welcomed some new members and enjoyed a nice lunch at the Jupiter Park Pavilion. Many of our members have volunteered to host or organize an event, and Eloise will present these to the Board on May 17th at the Annual Planning Meeting. Much of what will be on the schedule are smaller fun drives, some clinics and one or two shows. We have also formed a 5-member Education Committee whose goal it will be to put together clinics that will benefit beginners, preliminary and intermediate drivers, and also consider making a contribution to the USET Foundation for the advanced and FEI education effort. It has been a pleasure working with Whips Board and our membership in producing some really wonderful driving events. Thank you to everyone who lent a helping hand. Have a great summer. Bettina Scherer Southeast Region Director Kathleen o’grady’s card 5 MAY 2014 View From Behind the Dash Suzy Stafford Takes the Win at Live Oak International CDE Ocala, FL (March 31, 2014) –“I strive for personal best each and every time I enter the arena,” says driving competitor Suzy Stafford. At the Live Oak International CDE competition on March 19-23 2014, Stafford showed that her personal best is winning first place. She and her mare PVF Peace Of Mind (who Stafford calls “Hunny”) won the FEI Single Horse division despite tough competition. division. Stafford joked “How boring would it have been if I won by 6 points. I wanted to add intrigue and nail biting suspense for the spectators…” On a more serious note, she added “I was not impressed with my cones round. Luckily it was enough to keep the others at bay.” Overall, Stafford was happy with the performance she and Hunny gave. “This mare is truly one of a kind. It was like she was built specifically for this sport. Athletic, powerful, beautiful mover, and a super working attitude.” She complemented her seven-year-old Morgan. What’s next for Stafford? “My plan is to make Suzy Stafford of Wilmington, Delaware is no stranger the World Singles Team held in Hungary at the end of to success in driving competitions. She won at last September. Next up is Southern Pines, the Single year’s Live Oak International CDE, and placed second Horse National Championship.” by less than a full point this February in the Advanced Single Horse division of the Kingdom of the Sun For more information about Suzy Stafford and Hunny CDE. Stafford and Hunny won the title of USEF Mor- and her other horses, call (302) 540 5162 or visit gan National Carriage Champion in 2013, and . ford was recently named to her tenth USEF Long List since 2000. Stafford was not always solely devoted to driving; she was very involved with dressage and combined training until a leg injury prevented her from being able to ride again. Not to be deterred, Stafford transferred her love of competing with horses to the sport of driving. As she showed at Live Oak this month, driving proved to be a perfect match for her. The Live Oak International CDE took off to a good start for Stafford— winning the driving dressage portion of the competition. Stafford commented “Hunny is strongest in the dressage phase. She is such a wonderful mover and loves the center stage. I have owned her since she was three, and have brought her along carefully to ensure good training would showcase her natural ability." Suzy Stafford Takes the Win at Live Oak International CDE The driving dressage put Stafford in first place in her division (the FEI Single Horse division) by three points, and the marathon class added another three points to her lead although the pair placed second in the class. “Marathon is still a work in progress for us. I was not as clean and smooth as I was hoping for. This mare has such a huge stride sometimes it is hard to manage in the tight obstacles. This will be our homework for the next few months.” Stafford determined. View Your Newletter In COLOR Visit: & Catch Us On Facebook @ “FL Whips” The final round was cones, where with a ball down and a few time penalties Stafford came close to placing second overall. With a .67 point lead though, she claimed the title of champion in the FEI Single Horse MAY 2014 6 View From Behind the Dash 1. 2. 3. 4. Spring Fling Photos by Mary DeGreef: 1. Judy Fryer & Meghan 2. Bob Giles 3. Barbara Murphy driving her gypsy Vanner 4. Bettina Scherer, Sali Petri & Banjo 5. Dona Love & Rocketman 5. 7 MAY 2014 View From Behind the Dash DRIVING RADIO SHOW Episode 147 – Revisiting Lisa Marie Kelly and John Henry This week we revisit some terrific interviews from the past including Ice Road Trucker Lisa Marie Kelly and Kathleen Conklin on the legendary mule John Henry. Listen in…. Episode 146 – Equestrian Legend Gloria Austin In the world of carriage driving and carriage collecting and in the world of horses, Gloria Austin is considered one of its “Grande Dames”. She rose to that distinction by hard work, dedication and a vision of that has helped better the world’s understanding of the horse. She is one of very few women to have driven the number of coaches, four-in-hands and vehicles she has in countries all over the world. She is also one of the most knowledgeable scholars on the history of horses and horse drawn vehicles in the world. Listen in to the story of her life…. 1. Episode 145 – Chuckwagon Racing, Learning Drafts & Southern Pines From Chuckwagon Racing to learning to drive draft teams to a recap of the Southern Pines CDE, this episode has it all! Listen in…. 2. Episode 144 – Gloria Austin Visit & Bitless Driving Hear all about our driving adventures with Gloria Austin and David Saunders. Plus, Karri Nadazdy from Australia speaks about bitless driving and the controversy around it and Dr. Ying on Pneumoacupuncture. Listen in…. More Spring Fling Photos by Mary DeGreef: 1. Nancy Ziegler 2. Lynda Jowers Episode 143 – Driving in the Alps to the Mountains of Vermont We drive the Alps with Andreas Nemitz of “Coaching in Bavaria” and then off to Vermont with John Killacky of Vermont Public Radio and his Shetland, Raindrop. Plus, Susie from the ADS on the new rules. Listen in… Episode 142 – Suzy Stafford on Her Win, Live Oak Wrap & Pleasure Days Suzy Stafford joins us on her win at Live Oak, Ann Pringle on the latest Driving Digest, a Live Oak wrap and the upcoming the Southern Pines CDE. Plus, the Pleasure Days at the Florida Horse Park and Todd Frey on Glenn’s bright Sprint Cart. Listen in… MAY 2014 8 View From Behind the Dash NEWS & PHOTOS NEEDED! If you have exciting / interesting / fun news and / or photos of a new job, a new horse, a new carriage or news from a driving show or event that you're involved with, that you'd like to share with your fellow Whips members, please send it to deby(at) so that we can share it with your friends in the Whips. TO SUBMIT: PLEASE DO NOT send articles as hard copy or PDF’s or place photos into a Word doc or a PDF! Send text for articles ONLY as plain text in the body of an email (no special formatting needed) and attach individual photo files directly to your email message. REMEMBER do not send printed or handwritten hard copy - only articles in digital format will be accepted! Please be sure to put "Member News" in the subject line or your email. 1. Articles are always very much appreciated but due to space limitation they may be edited or used only if space permits. Unused articles may be kept for use in later issues. 2. I 3. And Even More Spring Fling Photos by Nelie Boehle: 1. Kacy Tipton-Fashik & Rainey 2. Diane Simmons & Reilly 3. Mary de Greef & Poppy FL WHIPS 9 MAY 2014 View From Behind the Dash MAY 2014 10 View From Behind the Dash Classified Ads ... FOR SALE: "Demi-Mer" 2008 15.2h Reg. American Warmblood gelding. "Duo" is a pleasure in the barn with wonderful manners & a kind personality, 3 lovely gaits with a solid start in harness. He will start his show career in 2014 & is suitable for an amateur. Duo would excell in Pleasure shows, recreation or CDE's. Located in Ocala FL For more info, photos & price visit or Suzy Stafford 302-540-5162 FOR SALE: Nice burgandy Meadowbrook for sale. Horse size with flexi-shafts for wonderful ride. Bedford cord split seat. Located in Weirsdale, Fl $1,000 352259-1142 FOR SALE: Imported 2001 Friesian Mare FHANA Wonderful temperment, 6 generations Ster Lines 15.1 Hands. Expertise is pleasure driving, trained by Bob Giles. Awesome trail horse. Butterscotch Roberts Carriage (one in red is in Wisconsin). Leather horse harness Pkg $25,000.00 OBO. Carol Schoeneck 715-493-0290 / FOR SALE: 9 year old registered Shetland (Robo), rides & drives, great in HDT's, pleasure & trail driving. Will go anywhere & do anything. Great ground manners, clips, loads, stands for farrier or vet. In great health & up to date on all shots & coggins. Ready to go & win at your next show for only $2500. Includes his Smuckers harness. Judy Martin / 352-638-8398 FOR SALE: Hackney pony for sale. 13.1 HH, gelding, ridden by 10 year old child, drives, dressage, cones, marathon. All round Perfect manners. Video and pics available. Lowered to $2800 with terms available. Located in Ocala FL Call 352-6299105 or email: ing Carriage; equipped for single/double; Beta/Yonie training harness; blankets. Contact: Williston FL Current Trainer/ Representative: Fred Merriam or call 352-6205222. APR ‘14 FOR SALE: 6 YO Registered Trottingbred Gelding "Jet" aka Rookie. He is a pass gaited and long strided trotter with a big heart. Trottingbreds began as pony with Standardbred cross. Rookie stands 13.2 hands.He is sound and raced by a man with zero experience in the sport prior to owning him. He is willing to please with good energy and demonstrates a strong desire to trot. Rookie also has an exceptional personality and will surely be missed. Price is $750 Negotiable. Needs good home - call John in Dade City at 813-372-3427 FOR SALE: Lovely Pavlik Built Oak Easy Entry Cart for smaller type Horse or large pony.All the bells and whistles. Great for show or trail.$500. Also Smuckers Deluxe Biothane Cobb size harness.$1500. OBO. Both are in very good condition. Call Bob or Marilyn. Monticello area 850-997-3360 FOR SALE: Antique, c.1880 Farm To Market Wagon/Sleigh, made in Upstate NY. Single horse, or large pony, buckboard style, seats Four people. Undercarriage, wheels, and runners in great condition. . Box needs restoration. Originally built for an active farm family going to town for needed supplies. Wagon has drop down tailgate to accommodate long lengths of lumber. See photos on Florida Whips website. Something not seen in the Weirsdale Carriage Museum. Offered at $2,200.00. Contact Dennis Kruegler, Dunnellon FL 518-573-5296. FOR SALE: TWO WONDERFUL DRIVING geldings for sale. Both ride and drive. One Arab cross 15h. One Friesian cross is 16.3h.Also have beautiful single horse presentation carriage for large horse and a WCC marathon carriage. Reproduction gooch used only several times. Contact Marjas FEB ‘14 FOR SALE: Antique, c.1880 Farm To Market Wagon/Sleigh, made in Upstate NY. Single horse, or large pony, buckboard style, seats Four people. Undercarriage, wheels, and runners in great condition. Box needs restoration. Originally built for an active farm family going to town for needed supplies. Wagon has drop down tailgate to accommodate long lengths of lumber. See photos on Florida Whips website. Something not seen in the Weirsdale Carriage Museum. Offered at $2,200.00. Contact Dennis Kruegler, Dunnellon FL 518-573-5296. FOR SALE: “Mr. Darcy”/Gypsy Vanner. “Mr. Darcy” is an excellent “Driving Pony” eager to please! He enjoys leisurely drives through canopy trails and performs well in training level events. Mr. Darcy is a “Gentle Giant” with a Positive Temperament! He is sturdy and strong, rising to the occasion when asked to do so! His photo, along with owner, Pamela Grey, is on the April ‘14 Whips Calendar! Price: $16,500 Includes: Eagle Driv- Russ Hardwick 11 MAY 2014 MAY122014
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