2015_annual_report_bilingual - Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island
2015_annual_report_bilingual - Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island
Ceci pourrait mener à quelque chose de Grand Rapport annuel 2014-2015 Annual Report 2014-2015 This could be the start of Something Big Notre Mission / Our Mission…………………………………………..3 Notre Vision / Our Vision………………………………………………3 Message de notre président Message from our President ………………………..…………..……4-5 Membres du conseil et personnel/ Board of Directors and Staff…………………………………………..6 Les Programmes / Programs………………………………………….7-13 Le Processus / The Process…………………………………….........14 Accréditation / Accreditation…………………..………………………15 Années de Service / Years of service……………………………………..16 Votre Soutien a fait une différence / Your Support made a Difference…17-19 GFGS Offre du Soutien / BBBS Offers Support......................................20-21 GFGS redonne à la communauté / BBBS Gives Back to the community………………………………………..22 GFGS événements de financement / BBBS Fundraising Events (BFKS, Gala)……………………………...23 Merci à nos supporteurs / Thank you to our Supporters …………….24-25 Photos / Pictures…………………………………………………………26-27 Vos Contributions / Your Contributions………………………………..28-29 2 Info pour nous joindre/ Contact info……………………………………30 Notre Mission C’est d’offrir aux enfants des mentorats qui peuvent changer leur vie, les inspirer et les aider à atteindre leur plein potentiel. Nous recrutons, entraînons et assortissons des bénévoles et des enfants afin d’aider ces derniers à améliorer leur estime d’eux-mêmes, leurs habiletés sociales et leurs habitudes de vie. Notre Vision En permettant aux enfants de développer leur plein potentiel, ils peuvent ainsi créer un avenir où tout est possible. S'assurer que chaque enfant de notre communauté qui a besoin d'un mentor en obtienne un. Our Mission Our mission is to provide life changing relationships to children through quality mentoring programs that inspire and empower them to reach their full potential. We recruit, train and match volunteers with children to enhance their self-esteem, social skills and lifestyle habits. Our Vision Unlocking a child’s true potential creates a future where anything is possible. To ensure that every child in our community who needs a mentor has a mentor. These are the questions that PSOC asked me in January and they said that the answers or topics should appear in our Annual Report: Quelle est la place occupée par des membres de l'organisme au sein de tables de concertation et /ou comités de travail? L'organisme travaille t-il avec d'autres organismes /instances? Lesquels? 3 Combien de membres l'organisme compte t-il? Combien de fois le CA s'est-il rencontré en 2013-2014? . Welcome to the Big Brothers Big Sisters West Island Annual General Meeting, thank you for joining us. 2013-2014 has been a busy and rewarding year for the organization. Having gone through staffing changes, creating new fundraising events, and improving our services to the community, Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island, through our dedicated staff, has continued to focus on its mission; to provide life changing relationships to children through quality mentoring programs that inspire and empower them to reach their full potential. We recruit, train and match volunteers with children to enhance their self-esteem, social skills and lifestyle habits. The team of executive director, Francesca Corso; administrator Cathy Kudzman; caseworkers Chrissy Weber, Meagan Cichanowicz and Caitlin Cuggy; and marketing coordinator Martha Beltran have done an amazing job of meeting these goals. This dynamic and talented team put on many great events, including our annual bowl-a-thon, Valentine’s Day breakfast, monthly activities for the children, our very first rappelling event, and our third annual gala dinner, held just recently. Our caseworkers have worked tirelessly to attract new volunteers and have enthusiastically supported the children in our programs! We’ve had the good fortune of adding a new board member this year, Wendy Blue and she has even taken on the position of board secretary. The board, having developed a comprehensive strategic plan, setting the roadmap for the future, is now focused on implementing these ideas. This provides the organization with definitive goals and objectives that will be undoubtedly be met and surpassed. Furthermore, it helps define the responsibilities of the board and staff, helping to focus the board committees with the goal of improving our events, increasing the number of children we serve, raising more funds to succeed at these endeavors, and preparing us for our upcoming national accreditation. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the West Island has continued to use social media this year, with an emphasis on increasing our online reach and focusing more on our online donation capabilities. Having celebrated our centennial year, we look to the future, as an organization dedicated to helping our community. I invite you to join or rejoin the team and take a moment to make a difference. Whether participating as a mentor, volunteer, staff member, board member or donor, please take this opportunity to make a positive difference in a child’s life. Please extend the invitation to potential board members and volunteers as we always want to booster our talent pool and reach out further into the community. 4 It is important to always remember, unlocking a child's true potential creates a future where anything is possible, and we are all a part of that vision! Thank you, Sudeep Mathew President MEMBRES DU CONSEIL / BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRÉSIDENT / PRESIDENT Sudeep Mathew - membre de la communauté Board Meetings Every month : Sept-June 10 meetings per year MEMBRES et leur provenance / MEMBERS and their provenance Camille Fauteux - utilisateur David Poirier – membre de la communauté Ludmila Pergat – membre de la communauté Kirby Coussa- membre de la communauté Randy Johnstone – secteur privé Rhonda Massad - membre de la communauté Simon-Benjamin LaRivière – utilisateur Tim Thompson - membre de la communauté Wendy Blue - membre de la communauté STAFF DIRECTICE GÉNÉRALE / EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Francesca Corso ASSISTANTE ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Cathy Kudzman COORDONNATRICE DE MARKETING MARKETING COORDINATOR Martha Beltran 5 CONSEILLÈRES / SERVICE DELIVERY Meagan Cichanowicz Coordonnatrice des programmes Program Coordinator Caitlin Cuggy Programme traditionnel Traditional Program Emilie David Programme traditionnel Traditional Program PROGRAMME TRADITIONNEL GRAND FRÈRES GRANDE SŒURS En 2013, 78 enfants ont été jumeles avec un mentor dans ce programme. *2012 – 85 jumelages. Notre programme de jumelage « traditionnel » considère les intérêts, les personnalités, les besoins individuels ainsi que les lieux de résidence des Grands et Petits. Les jumelages durent au moins un an mais plus souvent qu'autrement, pendant plusieurs années et même parfois pour la vie. Un « Grand » est un adulte qui passe quelques heures par semaine ou toutes les deux semaines en tête-à-tête avec son « Petit ». Un « Petit » est un enfant âgé de 6 à 16 ans qui a besoin de soutien, d’aide et d’influence positive. Ils sont recommandés par leur parent mais l’enfant est excité et heureux d’avoir un Grand Frère ou une Grande Sœur. Le Grand et le Petit profiteront du temps passé ensemble pour aller marcher, pratiquer un sport, apprendre une nouvelle habileté, ou simplement pour parler; les possibilités sont sans fin. *2013 : 44 enfants en attente *2012 : 38 enfants en attente TRADITIONAL BIG BROTHER BIG SISTER PROGRAM In 2013, 78 children and youth were matched with a mentor in this program. *2012 - 85 matches. Our traditional “Core” program matches a “Big” with a “Little” according to interests, personalities, needs and also location. Matches last for a minimum of one year but more often last for several years and sometimes even a lifetime. A “Big” is an adult who spends a few hours per week or every other week with their “Little” on a one-to-one basis. A “Little” is a child between the ages of 6 and 16, who needs support, guidance and a positive influence. Referred to us by their parents, these children are excited and on board to have a Big Brother or Big Sister. The Big and Little spend their time together sharing activities which may include going for a walk, playing a sport, learning a new skill, or just plain talking; the possibilities are endless. *2013: 44 children waiting *2012: 38 children waiting 6 I was matched with a delightfully bright and precocious girl in grade 2. We've really only been together since the end of the winter, but I am already so impressed by her progress and maturity. When bright kids have no guidance or support at home, it becomes nearly impossible for them to better themselves in life, but with a little support and love, she can do anything: we've already made and sewed linens for a doll-sized canopy bed, done science experiments like creating electric and convection currents, studied condensation and made a cloud, learned to play the first phrase of "Fur Elise" on the piano, jammed on a drum set, and learned how to properly play hop-scotch. Seeing a ball of energy take on so many tasks and become so focused in doing them is almost as rewarding as parenting my own son. I hope she grows up to be a strong, resilient and confident young woman someday! Because she can.... Thanks, In-School Mentor The in-school mentoring program has allowed me to develop a meaningful relationship with my mentee, who has inspired me to view the world in a different, more positive light. In-School Mentor I am in the in-school mentoring program. Here are my words: I feel very fortunate to be part of the program. As I work with this little boy who needs company, not only I felt a sense of joy for providing the company, but also I got to experience a bit how it was like to be a teacher or parent. Most important of all, I learned that spoiling a child is not loving him. This program has benefited me a lot in personal growth especially because I grew up lacking of company as well. I treasure my time in the program. Thanks, In-School Mentor I really love the program. I was not sure what to expect out of it but I have ended up with a lifelong friend and ended up learning a lot about myself. The BBBS program is always there for help, support and free activities that reduce the pressure on the Big's to come up with something new to do every week/month! I am a traditional Big Brother. …..my son found a real friend. Fady became his brother – a person he looks up to. Thanks to Fady Michael wants to be a big brother in the future to bring as much joy to somebody in need as Fady brought to Michael. Fady introduced Michael to his family, took him to several events and all was so thoughtful of him. Even now they are still in touch and we couldn't have imagine have a better person as a big brother to anybody. For the time they were a match Michal was very lucky person. My words are very chaotic by we are very grateful to you to pair Michael with Fady, regardless of the 7 length. He was able to change not only Michael's life but 3 of us by believing in good people. BBBS brought me a second family, the chance to have the younger brother I always wanted but never had. It was a great opportunity to learn more about myself (I'd be lying if I said this didn't help me for future fatherhood) and to help a kid that might've gone through a rough time. I have been a Big Sister for already 5 years, seems like it just started yesterday. Since the start of our match "K and I" have had nothing but fun - we laugh, we sing, we play and create together. My "little" is now 12 years old, our relationship has morphed, we now have discussions on everyday issues. This relationship is so rewarding on both fronts, I love being a Big! My son and his Big Brother, Eric, have been together for more than 8 years. Eric first came via my son's school and then they continued to see each throughout high school. As a single mom, having a constant and reliable man in Guy's life has served as an anchor for him and we truly appreciate all the time and the friendship he has extended to Guy. It has always been great that Guy had a 'guy' to talk to and not just 'mom'. Being a big sister is one of the most amazing experiences I have had up to date. I cannot express enough gratitude to the big brother big sister program for this experience. I also cannot express enough gratitude to my little sister for letting me be a part of her life. Hearing that my little sister looks forward to our time together brings a smile to my face. She challenges me to be a better person and I know that we will continue to help eachother grow. Growing up with a big family and lots of brothers and sisters I never took it for granted having so many people so close to me. I always thought about how it would suck if I didn't have this support system I have. I decided to see if BBBS could find me a match. Lucky for me they found a young man with just only one sister and we hit it off right away not knowing we actually have so much in common and I see a little bit of my younger self in him. Together we will grow old and will be friends for ever! 8 PROGRAMME TRADITIONNEL GRAND FRÈRES GRANDE SŒURS 9 Joe Black Memorial Over the years, the staff at Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island have met some very lovely, caring people who took and continue to take time out of their busy lives to give friendship and support to a child in need of just that. They come to us wanting to volunteer their time to help a child. They share the good times and the maybe not so good times with that child, as this is what life brings to everyone. They usually end up becoming “part of the family” of the child they are mentoring. One such volunteer was Mr. Joe Black. Joey was matched with Corey at …age…and they still continued this incredible relationship right up until Joey’s very recent passing. Joey’s attitude was one of happiness, positivity, he had a good sense of humour… Not only did Joey mentor his Little but continued to lend support by being Santa Claus for the last two years at the annual children’s Christmas Party. The team at Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island will always hold a special place in their hearts for Joey. 10 Malheureusement la réalité veut que nous ne pouvions pas offrir à chaque enfant dans le besoin un Grand de façon constante. C'est avec ceci en tête que nous avons créé le programme xxxxxx. Ce programme est fait pour que nous puissions rester en contact avec les Petits en attente de façon à ce qu'ils se sentent importants et appréciés. Ce programme donne au personnel davantage d'occasions de connaître les enfants et nous pouvons aussi augmenter les chances d'un meilleur match. À chaque mois, il y a entre 2070 participants. MONTHLY FUN DAYS One of the unfortunate realities that we must deal with is not being able to provide every child in need with a “Big” for an extended period of time. It was with that in mind that BBBSWI created its free monthly fun days program. The program is designed to maintain contact with our “Littles” in waiting as well as our matches. It gives the BBBSWI staff more opportunities to get to know the children thus increasing the chances of optimal matches. It lets matches and children waiting to be matched get to know one other and gives a bit of a financial break to them. Each month, there’s an attendance of between 20-70 participants. I just wanted to let you know that Alexander* would like to join everyone… for the (monthly) activity. He will be dropped off as he says he has now met everyone and is fine on his own. I was so happy to hear this. We see big changes in him and are very happy about them! Thanks again! Mom of a child on the waiting list *Child’s name has been changed to protect identity 11 MENTORAT À L’ÉCOLE Les Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs de l’Ouest de l’Ile offre le programme de « Mentorat à l’école » depuis plus de 10 ans. La période de mentorat a lieu pendant les heures de classe pour une période d’une heure par semaine. Le « Mentor » encourage, soutien et motive l’enfant en faisant des activités amusantes ensemble comme du bricolage, en jouant à des jeux, en pratiquant des sports ou en fabriquant un casse-tête. Il est tellement important pour l’estime d’un enfant qu’il reçoive de l’attention individuelle et malheureusement dans les classes d’aujourd’hui ceci est de plus en plus difficile. Le Petit recevant l’attention dont il a besoin a de meilleures chances de développer une attitude favorable envers l’école. Il existe actuellement 27 jumelages et 4 enfants toujours en attente d'un mentor. * En 2012 : 42 jumelages et 5 enfants en attente CHANGE QUOTE Mère d’un mentoré *Les noms a été changé pour protéger leur identité. IN-SCHOOL MENTORING Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island has been providing an “In-school Mentoring” program to elementary school children for over 10 years. The In-school mentoring match takes place during school hours for one hour per week. The Mentor encourages, supports and motivates the child by doing fun activities together such us crafting, playing games, playing sports, or piecing a puzzle together. This special one-on-one attention that so many children need but cannot receive in today’s classrooms helps build self-esteem. The Mentee may develop greater positive feelings towards their school experience. Presently, there are 27 matches and 4 kids still waiting for a Mentor. *2012: 42 matches and 5 waiting 69% des enfants ont dit qu’ils aiment aller à l’école après avoir participé dans le programme Mentorat à l’école vs. 53% avant d’être jumelés. 69% of kids report that they like going to school after being a part of the ISM program vs. 53% prior to being matched. 96% des enfants qui ont répondu au sondage après leur expérience dans le programme ont exprimé que leur mentor les comprenait toujours ou la majorité du temps. 96% of the children who answered the post-program survey expressed that their mentor understood them always or most of the time. 12 GO LES FILLES!/GO GIRLS! - À VOS MARQUES!/GAME ON! Les Grands Frères et Grandes Soeurs de l'Ouest de l'Ile offre les programmes suivants : Go les filles! et À vos marques! aux écoles primaires de l'ouest de l'île. Les programmes, l'un pour les filles et l'autre pour les garçons sont conçus pour augmenter l'estime de soi et la confiance en soi tout en encourageant un mode de vie sain. Ces programmes ont été faits sur mesure afin de répondre aux besoins et aux circonstances de la jeunesse d'aujourd'hui. En 2013, 75 filles et garçons ont participé dans ces programmes. *En 2012 – 144 participants NO STATS – PROJECTIVE 2015-2016 COMMUNITY PROJECT Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island offers both Go Girls! and Game On! programs to elementary schools in the west island. The programs, one for girls and one for boys, are designed to increase self confidence and self esteem while promoting healthy living. The programs have been tailored to meet the needs of today’s youth and circumstance. In 2013, 75 girls and boys participated in these programs. *In 2012 - 144 participants Through BBBS my son got a in- school mentor she became his Big Sister and it has been fantastic for him. He now has a close friend and a confident. They do things together which are fun and informative and since he hungers for knowledge she has the ability to feed it. She encourages him and helps his self confidence what more could a child want .Thank you Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Dad of a former In-School Mentee and now Little Brother 13 Here are the answers from the questions from the evaluation forms given to the students that participated in the Go Girls! / Game On! programs: 14 Le processus de demande et d’évaluation Vous trouverez ci-dessous un aperçu général du processus. Le candidat pour devenir bénévole : Soumet une demande écrite Soumet une vérification de ses antécédents judiciaires et trois références Participe à une entrevue individuelle avec un membre du personnel de l'agence des Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs Selon le programme, on pourrait lui demander de participer à une évaluation de leur domicile Réussir l'orientation et la formation sur la sécurité des enfants Est informé s'il est accepté ou non S'il est accepté en tant que mentor bénévole, il doit signer une entente de confidentialité Le processus de jumelage Connaissant à ce stade le bénévole et les jeunes qui attendent d'être jumelés, le travailleur social discute d'un jumelage potentiel avec le bénévole, l'enfant ou le jeune et, selon le programme, avec la famille Le travailleur social organise une rencontre avec l'enfant ou le jeune, le mentor bénévole, et souvent le parent ou le tuteur Si tous concernés sont en accord, le jumelage peut commencer! The Application and Assessment Process The following is a general overview of the process. The volunteer applicant: Submits a written application Submits a police record check and three references Participates in a one-to-one interview with a staff member at the Big Brothers Big Sisters agency Depending on the program, may be asked to participate in an assessment of their home environment Successfully completes an orientation and child safety training Is notified of their acceptance/non-acceptance If accepted as a volunteer mentor, signs an agreement of confidentiality The Matching Process The caseworker, now familiar with the volunteer and the youth waiting to be matched, discusses a potential match with the volunteer, the child or youth, and, depending on the program, with the family The caseworker arranges for a meeting between the child or youth, the volunteer mentor, and often the parent or guardian If everyone agrees, the match can begin! 15 GFGSOI est un organisme accrédité, étant conforme aux normes éditées par l'organisme national des Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs du Canada (GFGSC). Afin d'assurer une sécurité maximale aux enfants et d'offrir d'excellents services, GFGS a mis sur pied un processus d'évaluation de ses membres il y a plus de 25 ans. Il en est résulté un nouveau programme d'évaluation national. Ce programme est géré par des vérificateurs professionnels entraînés qui doivent être certifiés par GFGSC. Un certificat d'accréditation est délivré suite à l'approbation des pratiques de l'agence dans les domaines de la sécurité des enfants, des services offerts et une excellente gestion. Cette dernière inclut un processus de consultation avec les bénévoles, les parents et les membres du conseil d'administration, l'assurance d'une bonne gestion financière et une planification stratégique. Chaque agence de l'organisation GFGSC est vérifiée aux cinq ans. Les agences sont aussi évaluées en milieu de terme comme mesure intérimaire afin de s'assurer que les standards nationaux sont maintenus. GFGSOI est active dans la communauté depuis 40 ans. L'organisme se dédie au service des enfants et des jeunes en leur offrant des mentorats de qualité avec des bénévoles. Nous sommes fiers d'avoir pu offrir nos services à 242 enfants en 2013. En réussissant l'accréditation nous démontrons à quel point de conseil d'administration, le personnel, les bénévoles ont travaillé fort afin de faire une différence dans la vie d'un enfant. "Ce programme d'accréditation est crucial dans nos efforts pour aider davantage d'enfants. Le programme donne à l'agence locale l'information et l'assurance qui confirme qu'ils font du bon travail et qu'ils font ce qu'il faut" dit Bruce MacDonald, président et gérant de GFGSC. – TO CHANGE OR REMOVE Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island is an accredited agency, having successfully met the review standards outlined by the national governing body, Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada (BBBSC). As a way to continually ensure maximum child safety and the pursuit of organizational excellence, Big Brothers Big Sisters introduced a review process for its member agencies more than 25 years ago. This has most recently evolved in the new national accreditation program. The program is conducted by professionally-trained reviewers, who must complete accreditation training given by BBBSC. The accreditation certificate is granted upon approval of agency practices in the areas of child safety, service delivery, and organizational excellence. The latter includes a consultative process with agency volunteers, parents and board members, assurance of sound fiscal management practices and agency strategic planning. Each agency within the BBBSC organization is accredited every five years. Agencies also participate in a mid-term evaluation as an interim measure to ensure adherence to national standards. Big Brothers Big Sisters West Island has been serving the community for 40 years. It is committed to serving children and youth by providing them with quality mentoring relationships with volunteers. It is with great pride that we were able to serve 242 children in 2013. Achieving accreditation is a testament of the hard work of our board of directors, staff and volunteers, who strive to make a difference in the life of a child. "This accreditation program is critical as we move forward in our efforts to reach and support more children. The program provides the local agency with the information and assurance they need to know that they are doing a good job, and that they are doing the right things," said Bruce MacDonald, president and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada. 16 Nous apprécions vos années d’engagement et d’amitié. We appreciate your years of commitment and friendship. 1-5 ANS DE SERVICE / YEARS OF SERVICE Alex Antoniazzi Amanda Paventi Amanda Rosen Amanda Savoy Amar Bhindi Andrew Grynczuk Anne-Charlotte Dumée Armen Tarverdian Birgit Neuschild Brian Amesse Caitlin Contaoe Chanelle Seemangal Chantal Massad Chelsea Seyfert Chelsea Turnbull Christopher Dobson Colin Ramsay Cory Piedalue Cristian Asenjo Damian Rivera David Morris Deanna Brading Desiree LafayetteGayle Desmond Davis Dillon Antoine Elie Camara Emilie David Emilie Lessard Emma Wallwork Eric Boucher Erin Moffat Esteban Sullivan Eva Apelian Fady Abdelhafez Gagandeep Singh Gary Cuggy Georgia Limniatis Glen Gagnon Hans Jacobsen Heather McPhaden Holly Manderson Ian Macdaonald Ivan Sapla Jason Bailey Jean-françois Corbeil Jeff Steinberg Jennifer Nehme Joanne Agustin Jonathon Naylor Jonathan Sadko Kasia Whitelaw Kaitlin Gattuso Kasra FarajiTabrizi Kayley Diamond Kevin de L’Étoile Kevin Murphy Krystal St. John Krystel Moraitis Laura Landry Lea Nsouli Leane Stewart Liezl Lee Linda Wittenberg Lise Lacroix Luca Loggia Lucia De Luca Lyndsy Evenden Mariel Desjardins Margaret Kania Megan Panopio Melissa Cammuso Melissa Russo Melyssa Demers Mike Argento Miyoko Fulleringer Neha Verma Nicolas Capaday Phillippe de Kovachich Quinnton Zorzes Patrick Osae 6-10 ANS DE SERVICE / YEARS OF SERVICE Eyal Baruch Frank Barth Greg Mulcair 17 Patrick Herron Pierre-Alexandre Lussier Ray Lemoine Rosie Arcuri Ryan Campeau Ryan Siciliano Sabrina Cataford Sabrina Levin Samantha D’Andrea Sarah Hertz Sean Hertz Sheldon Warner Stacey Pantelis Stephanie Nestor Stuart Nolan Suzanne Guth Teneille Arnott Valerie Haber Vanessa Haywood Vlad Calciu Paniers de Noël / Christmas Baskets & Les chèques du Gazette / Gazette Cheques Plusieurs de nos familles ont des difficultés financières, spécialement durant la saison des Fêtes, nous avons pris la responsabilité de demander de l'aide de la communauté et nous sommes fiers de vous faire part que toutes les familles dans nos programmes qui avaient besoin d'aide ont reçu un supplément d'aide cette année. Ce fut fait sous forme soit d'un chèque de The Gazette, un panier d'épicerie ou une aide précise d'un donateur qui a fourni de la nourriture et des cadeaux à la famille. 43 paniers ont été livrés cette année à Noël pour nos familles. Merci aux compagnies/individuels suivants : Le Gazette du Montréal, Buckman, Les Frères Magid, Recyclage Roto, Puma, FEDEX Ground, Pharmaprix, the employees of Telus, Cisco, the employees of Laurentide, UPS, CIBC, Georgia Limniatis, Patty Sasso, Ashley Murdoch, Tanya Lamarre, City of Beaconsfield. Many of our families are struggling financially, particularly during the holiday season so we took it upon ourselves to reach out to the community and appeal to the generosity that surrounds us. BBBSWI is thrilled to say that every family in our program that was in need received a little extra help this year. It was either in the form of a Gazette cheque, a substantial grocery run, or being matched with a donator that provided food and gifts for the family. Thank you to our fellow community members, your generosity was very much appreciated. 43 baskets were delivered this year at Christmas for our families. Thank you to the following: The Montreal Gazette, Magid Brothers, Roto Recycling, Puma, Fedex Ground, Telus, Cisco, Laurentide, UPS, CIBC, Georgia Limniatis, Patty Sasso, City of Beaconsfield. Hello, Yesterday I received HUGE food basket from YOU.... From the bottom of my heart _THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH for it...... This is the first time in my life I received it, but I didn't expect to be so generous... THANKs to You, and all people who contributed to it...... There is no words letting me express my gratitude... You even remembered about our dear cat Sylwester....... I had tears in my eyes for all generosity received. In the future, when I am better, I will return the favor to people in need. You can be sure for that. I would like to send ALL of you the best wishes for the coming holidays, Merry Christmas and all the best in a New Year..... You help so many single moms and kids in need and do it all with poise, pleasure........ and don't make us feel uncomfortable............ GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR JOB Lucyna The Buckman Company I am writing to thank you for the generosity that was extended to our family through your donations that we received via Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island. The Christmas basket we received helped make our holiday season brighter. We are an adoptive and foster home of several children with special needs and it really makes a huge difference to have received the basket this year. My husband unfortunately has been off work due to a serious medical problems and the generosity of people really makes a big difference. It will help over the winter months to have the extra things that were given to us. Please let your employees know that it really help to receive their generous donations during the holiday season! Thank you Elizabeth and John Christmas Basket Recipients – Their children are waiting to be matched 18 Air Canada - Voyages de Rêve / Air Canada - Dreams Take Flight Le programme Voyage de Rêve envoie des centaines d’enfants de partout au Canada à Disney World pour une journée. Organisé par les employés d’Air Canada, toutes les dépenses sont payées pour que les enfants s’envolent en Floride afin de profiter d’une pleine journée de manèges et autres attractions. Nous avons eu l’opprtunité d’envoyer 4 de nos «Petits» à Disney! The Dreams Take Flight Program sends hundreds of children throughout Canada to Disney World for the day. Organized by the Air Canada employees, all expenses are paid for kids to fly to Florida and enjoya full day of attractions. We had the opportunity to send 4 of our Littles to Disney! SportLife Day Camp This new day camp located in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue opened its doors with a generous offer that allowed us to send some of our kids to summer camp for free. This is a tremendous help to single parents as they can go to work knowing that their children are safe and having fun as well as having a big financial burden lifted off of them. Many thanks goes out to the owner Evan Horner and his incredible staff. The children had a wonderful time according to their parents. Camp Scouts Canada Scouts Canada generously gave the children in our programs the opportunity to experience their summer camp. It was a great time and the 3 kids could not have been happier. For many, they would not otherwise get the chance to go. Thank You Scouts. Fonds Michel St. Jules / Michel St. Jules Camp Fund Ce fonds, conçu à la mémoire de Michel St. Jules, a été établi pour offrir aux enfants l’occasion de participer et prendre plaisir au plein air d’un camp d’été ainsi que de rencontrer de nouveaux amis. This fund, created in memory of Michel St. Jules, was established to offer children the opportunity to participate in and enjoy the outdoor experience of summer camp as well as the chance to make new friends. École primaire St.John Fisher / St. John Fisher Elementary Community Walk Les enfants des campus Junior et Sénior marchent avec des enseignants, directeurs et parents bénévoles, tout en ayant une escorte de police. Chaque année, ils aident à amasser plusieurs milliers de dollars qui permettent l'enrichissement de nos programmes. The children from both the Junior and Senior campuses walk with teachers, principals and volunteers parents, all while having a police escort. Each year, they help raise a couple of thousand dollars that go towards enriching our programs. TENAQUIP??? WestJet West Jet, en plus de donner des billets d’avions qui sont mis en tombola, ont aussi généreusement donné plusieurs loges pour un match de baseball des Blue Jays. Les jumelages 19 récipiendaires ont saisi cette excitante opportunité de regarder un match d’un point de vue très avantageux. WestJet, aside from donating plane tickets that are raffled off, also donated a couple of loges to a Blue Jays baseball game. A few matches snatched this exciting opportunity to view the game from a very advantageous point. Beaconsfield Men’s Slo-Pitch & Les Anciens du hockey de Pointe-Claire / Pointe Claire Oldtimers Hockey GFGS fut parmi les organisations chanceuses qui ont réçu un généreux cheque de Beaconsfield Men’s Slo-Pitch ET les Anciens du Hockey de Pointe-Claire. Ils collectent des fonds chaque année et les redonnent à des organismes de l’Ouest de l’Ile. BBBS was one of the many organizations to receive a generous cheque from the members of the Beaconsfield Men’s Slo Pitch AND Pointe Claire Oldtimers Hockey. They both raise a lot of money every year and they donate to various charitable organizations in and around the West Island. Beaconsfield Oldtimers’ Hockey Association We just got three pairs of Armada hockey tickets Alouettes Merci de nous avoir donné des billets à quelques reprises pour regarder vos matchs de football. Ils sont toujours très appréciés par les enfants et bénévoles. Thank you for giving us tickets on a few occasions to watch some football games. They are always so appreciated by the children and the volunteers. VRRA movie tickets Warner Bros. Pictures: Dolphin Tale 2, Sex Tape, The Hobbit Promo Avenue: Le programme de bourses d’études Vision Jeunesse CIBC / CIBC Youthvision Le programme de bourses d’études Vision Jeunesse CIBC a vu le jour en 1998 en partenariat avec les Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs du Canada et le YMCA. Les Petit(e)s qui participent à notre programme peuvent faire une demande afin d’obtenir une bourse lorsqu’ils sont en secondaire quatre. Trente d’entre eux sont sélectionnés annuellement à travers le Canada afin de recevoir une bourse universitaire complète incluant un emploi d’été au YMCA. Notre organisme est fier et reconnaissant de compter 10 gagnants jusqu’à maintenant et nous les félicitons pour leur travail acharné et leurs efforts. The CIBC Youthvision was launched in 1998 in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and the YMCA. Littles in our program can apply for the scholarship while in grade ten 20 and then 30 are selected across Canada to receive a full University Scholarship including a summer work placement at the YMCA. Our agency is proud and grateful to have had 10 winners so far and we would like to congratulate them for their efforts and hard work. Fête de Noël annuelle de GFGS / BBBS Annual Christmas Party La fête de Noël des Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs de l’Ouest de l’Île fut très amusante autant pour les adultes que pour les enfants. gros merci du fond du cœur aux Frères Magid, Recyclage Roto, Jason Industrial, et à Buckman pour le succès de cette fête de Noël. Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island’s annual Kids Christmas Party was great fun for kids and adults alike. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to Magid Brothers, Roto Recycling, Jason Industrial, and Buckman’s for helping us provide the kids, the volunteers and the parents with some Christmas cheer. Rencontre trimestrielle / Meet & Greet En juillet 2011 les Grands Frères et Grandes Soeurs de l'Ouest de l'Ile ont commencé à recevoir les bénévoles aux 3 mois. Ceci offre une occasion aux bénévoles de se connaître, d'échanger des idées et des expériences. C'est également un moyen de rester en contact avec l'agence et son personnel. Ce sont des rencontres informelles avec nourriture, breuvages et bonnes conversations. Ce fut bien reçu et apprécié par tous. En 2014, en moyenne 15 personnes ont participé aux réunions, 8 personnes étant des bénévoles dans nos programmes. In July, 2011, BBBSWI began hosting quarterly meetings for the volunteers. This is an opportunity for the volunteers to get to know each other, exchange ideas and experiences. It is also a great means to “stay connected” to the agency and its staff members. The Meet and Greet is a casual activity with food, beverages and good conversation. It has been very well received and appreciated by all. In 2014, an average of 15 people attended these quarterly meetings, with an average of 8 being volunteers in our various programs. Old Navy – Job Shadowing Day Dreams Take Flight OSM / MSO L'Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal et le bureau national de GFGS ont fait équipe pour offrir aux mentorés la chance d'assister à un spectacle d'opéra adapté pour que les enfants puissent l'apprécier. Quelle expérience enrichissante! The Montreal Symphony Orchestra and our national office teamed up together to offer mentees 21 the chance to go to an opera event, especially tailored for children to enjoy. What an enriching experience. On Saturday, February 14th, at 4pm, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra is holding a show for kids at Place des Arts! Valentines one, include pictures Job Shadowing in Ottawa Observation d’emploi sur la colline du Parlement : Cette excellente opportunité d'apprentissage a été offert aux Petits adolescents. Un de nos Petits a profité de cette occasion pour suivre un travailleur sur la Colline du Parlement à Ottawa pour une journée et était très heureux et reconnaissant envers Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs pour lui avoir offert cette opportunité. Job Shadowing on Parliament Hill: This excellent learning opportunity was offered to teen Littles. One of our Littles took advantage of this chance to job shadow at Parliament Hill in Ottawa for the day and was extremely pleased and grateful to BBBS for being able to participate. The company Expedia Canada Corp. has generously donated a bunch of hockey tickets for over the Christmas Holidays for the World Junior Championships taking place at the Bell Centre. Here is the list of the various games with the dates and times. 22 La Marche des Parapluies de Centraide / Centraide Umbrella Walk GFGS avait participé à la Marche des Parapluies le 1 octobre, 2013. BBBS participated in Centraide’s Annual Umbrella Walk on October 1st, 2013. Partage-Action / West Island community Shares (WICS) GFGS avait participé à la Marche pour Partage-Action le 3 octobre, 2013. BBBS participated in the Walk for WICS on October 3rd, 2013. Partage-Action : Événement Rouge et Blanc / WICS : Red & White Event GFGS était présent pour offrir de l’aide à Partage-Action pour leur événement Rouge & Blanc qui était un souper et un encan silencieux de levée de fonds. BBBS was there to offer help to WICS for their Red & White Event, which was a supper and silent auction fundraiser. Partage-Action : Événement Dégustation du Vin / WICS : Wine Tasting Event 23 Aux Quilles pour les Enfants 2014 / Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2014 Notre Quillethon annuel remporta encore une fois, un franc succès! Il est toujours encourageant de constater que nos fidèles commanditaires reviennent mais aussi de rencontrer de nouveaux amis qui se joignent avec enthousiasme à cet événement festif qui constitue l’activité de financement principale de l’organisme. Avec ses cadeaux de remerciements et la chance de gagner des prix très attrayants, il est toujours agréable de vivre cette expérience avec la famille, les collègues et les amis. Nous apprécions sincèrement rencontrer tous ces gens qui comprennent et soutiennent notre mission. As one of Big Brothers Big Sisters main fundraising activities, it is always encouraging to see our regular sponsors come back but also to meet new friends that eagerly join this festive event. With thank you gifts and the chance to win some pretty nice prizes, it is great fun to share this experience with friends, family and coworkers. We truly appreciate meeting so many people who understand and support our mission. Troisième Gala Bénéfice Annuel / Third Annual Benefit Gala Le troisième gala bénéfice annuel fut un événement extraordinaire qui a permis aux GFGSOI d'honorer les compagnies qui nous soutiennent depuis longtemps. Durant le souper gastronomique préparé par les chefs du Sheraton, les invités furent divertis par les danceurs et danceuses brasiliens et DJ Alain de L.A. Party Planners. Parmi les compagnies qui furent à l'honneur il y eut Recyclage Roto. The second Annual Benefit Gala was a wonderful event providing Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island the opportunity to honor long time sponsoring companies. Guests were entertained by lovely Brazilian dancers and DJ Alain of L.A. Party Planners, while dining on a gastronomical feast prepared by Sheraton Montreal Airport chefs. Companies honored included Recyclage Roto. Déjeuner de la Saint Valentin / Valentine’s Day Breakfast Nous ne pouvons nous prononcer pour tout le monde, cependant il semble que notre déjeuner de la Saint Valentin soit une activité très populaire auprès de nos partisans. Jack Astor’s nous offre toujours un service de qualité extraordinaire! Nous apprécions énormément la gentillesse et la générosité de nos bénévoles. Merci aux Frères Magid, St-Jean Bagel et Jack Astor’s Bar & Grill pour votre soutien. We wouldn’t want to speak for everyone but it seems that our Annual Valentine’s Breakfast is a huge favorite with our supporters. Jack Astor’s always offers such decadence! We are ever so grateful for the kind and generous individuals who volunteer at this event. Thank you to Magid Brothers, St-Jean Bagel and Jack Astor’s Bar & Grill for your support. Décalade 24 Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs de l’Ouest de l’Ile tient à remercier tous les compagnies et fondations qui ont soutenu l’organisme. Merci à ceux qui nous ont offert des dons d’articles à titre de cadeaux et des dons individuels. On behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island we wish to express our gratitude to all of our Corporate/Foundation Donors, Donors of Gifts in Kind and Individual Donors. Nous sommes excessivement reconnaissants envers nos Commanditaires principaux : Centraide, Partage Action de l’Ouest de l’Ile, l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal A very special thanks goes out to our Primary Sponsors: Centraide, West Island Community Shares (WICS) and l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal Donateurs d’entreprise/fondation & Dons à titre de cadeau Corporate/Foundation Donors & Donors of Gifts in Kind Agro pur signature Aloft Alouettes Avanade Avantage. Barbie’s Restaurant Dorval Beaconsfield Men’s Slo Pitch Beau-Pel Bombardier Aerospace Location Bravo Rentals Buckman Canada Centre d’Art de Montréal Art Centre Centre de Vision Pincourt Château Vaudreuil Cisco Clinique Nueeva Clinique Vétérinaire Vaudreuil David D. Humes Insurance Agency Dagwoods Del Frisco’s Distribution Frères Magid Dominos Pizza Dr. Alvaro de la Fuente Dr. Sharlene Bogusz Inc. Easton Eatz Chez Vouz Eco-Lita trilingue Eggsquis Elegant Wishes Eric T. Webster Foundation Esposito Fedex Ground Fernandez Ink Fleuriste Carmine Florist Future Electronics Global News Gold’s Gym Golf Dorval 25 Granby Zoo Grand & Toy Griffintown Media Groupe Automobile Desmeules Il Fornetto Impact Impec Isabelle Morin Jack Astor’s Jason Industriel JKS Martial Arts School Kelly’s Pub La Maison Verte Landmark Properties L.A. Party Planners La Ronde Laurentian Lanes Laurentide Lavage de vitres, Karine Campeau L’Oréal Lori Spicer Earrings Le Surcouf L.V. Lomas Ltd. Merck Frosst Employees’ Charity Trust Fund Mobilia Mon Village Restaurant and Pub Notaire Jennifer McCarthy Panalpina Parc Safari Pearl White Solutions Pointe Claire Old Timers Hockey Pot de vin Pro-Staging Puma Quality Suites Pointe-Claire Quick X Quintiles Recochem Recyclage Roto RÉNO GMD Robert Donnelly Consultant Aéronautique Inc. Royal Bank of Canada Scentsy Baskets Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel Siemens Standard Life St-Jean Bagel St. John Fisher Elementary Stokes Saveurs Sublime Flavors Sunlife Financial Telus Communications Terra Mare The Bar B Barn The Keg The Sweet Side Cupcakery Thorndale Elementary Tim Horton’s Toilettage Poochmobile Top Marketing Ubisoft Canada Inc. Une Pierre Deux Coups UPS Via Rail Vignoble Rivière du Chêne Ville de Beaconsfield Ville de Kirkland Ville de Pierrefonds Ville de Pointe-Claire Vintage Road Racing Association Vitres.net Warnaco Warner Brothers Films Wendy’s Driving School West Jet West Spa W Hotel Yannick Fromagerie Yolande James SAB Nelligan Yves Rocher Merci aux personnes et compagnies reliées aux média pour leurs support à promouvoir notre agence : Thank you to the media-related people and companies for helping us promote our agency CHOM FM (Terry Dimonte and Heather B.) 94.7 Hits FM Noah Leon photographer/videographer Breakfast TV MATV Global (Jessica Laventure) LA Party Planners Merci à nos organisateurs partenaires d’événements / Thank you to our Third Party Events organizers. Beaconsfield Men’s Slo-Pitch League – Tournois de baseball / Baseball Tournament DD Humes Insurance Agency – Tournois de golf familale / Family Golf Tournament Pointe Claire Old Timer’s Hockey – Hockey Tournament Dans l’éventualité où votre compagnie aurait participé à un des évènements énumérés cités plus haut ou qu’un don aurait été fait aux GFGS de l’Ouest de l’Ile mais que le nom n’apparait pas dans ce document, veuillez nous en excuser. In the event that your company participated in one of these events or made a contribution of some sort to Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island but that your name did not appear in this document, please accept our apologies. 26 27 Vos contributions aux Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs de l’Ouest de l’Ile aideront à: Recruter des Grands Frères et des Grandes Sœurs; Payer les frais reliés au processus de sécurité (vérification des antécédents judiciaires) et à la couverture d’assurance pour les bénévoles; Offrir la formation du programme de sécurité aux Petits, à leurs parents ainsi qu’aux Grands; Assurer la qualité de la formation continue offerte aux conseillers(ères); 28 Effectuer les entrevues et les évaluations à domicile dans un délai minimal; Réduire le temps d’attente pour la formation d’un jumelage; Offrir des activités de groupes à l’intention des Petits qui sont en attente d’être Voici des façons de contribuer à la mission de l'organisme: Commanditer un évènement; par le biais de financement ou avec des produits En faisant un don ou en finançant l’activité d’un Petit à la mémoire d’un être aimé Faire un don de cadeaux; prix pour un tirage, un encan ou à titre de prix de présence Donner des livres neufs, de nouveaux jouets, des chèques cadeaux pour des restaurants ou magasins, des billets de spectacle Organiser un évènement en partenariat Nous encourager lors d’un prochain évènement; acheter un billet, faire une enchère à l’encan, déjeuner avec nous à l’occasion de la Saint-Valentin Dites nous de quelle façon vous aimeriez contribuer; une collecte de bouteilles, vente de pâtisseries, service de graphisme ou d’impression, aider lors du prochain évènement… Si vous connaissez une compagnie ou si votre milieu de travail souhaite obtenir des informations à propos des Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs de l’Ouest de l’Ile, veuillez communiquer avec nous et il nous fera plaisir de vous informer sur ce que nous faisons et sur ce vous pouvez faire! Your contributions to Big Brothers Big Sisters will help to: Recruit Big Brother and Big Sister Volunteers; Cover the cost of the reference checks, background checks, and insurance for our Bigs; Provide Child Safety training to the Littles, their Parents and the Bigs; Ensure that our caseworkers receive up-to-date training and seminars; Perform interviews and home assessments in a timely fashion; Reduce the waiting time for matches to take place; 29 Offer group activities for those Littles who are still waiting; Create fun holiday memories. Here are some of the ways that you can contribute: If you know of a company that might like to get on board or if your place of work would like more information about Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Island, please let us know and it would truly be our pleasure to explain what we do and what you can do! Sponsoring an event; funding or products By making a monetary donation or sponsoring a child’s activity in Memory of a loved one Donating gifts in kind; prizes to be raffled, auctioned or given away during an event Donating new books, new toys, gift certificates for restaurants or stores, tickets to events Host a Third Party Event Supporting the cause at the next event; buy a ticket, make a bid, have breakfast with us next Valentine’s Tell us how you would like to help; bottle drive, bake sale, design and printing services, volunteer at an event… 30 265 Avenue Dorval, Suite 202 Dorval, Qc H9S 3H5 Téléphone: 514-538-6100 Télécopier: 514-538-4625 www.bbbsofwi.org 31