Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems
Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems
PROJECT FOR THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF THE MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYSTEMS (MBRS) Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems MBRS / SAM Results of Synoptic Monitoring from 2004 and 2005 VOLUME I December 2006 García-Salgado M., T. Camarena L., G. Gold B., M. Vasquez, G. Galland, G. Nava M., G. Alarcón D. y V. Ceja M. Project Coordinating Unit Coastal Resources Multi-Complex Building Princess Margaret Drive P.O. Box 93 Belize City Belize Tel: (501) 223-3895; 223-4561 Fax: (501) 223-4513 E-mail: Website: PROJECT FOR THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF THE MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYSTEMS (MBRS) Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Results of Synoptic Monitoring from 2004 and 2005 VOLUME I December 2006 García-Salgado M., T. Camarena L., G. Gold B., M. Vasquez, G. Galland, G. Nava M., G. Alarcón D. y V. Ceja M. Project Coordinating Unit Coastal Resources Multi-Complex Building Princess Margaret Drive P.O. Box 93 Belize City Belize Tel: (501) 223-3895; 223-4561 Fax: (501) 223-4513 E-mail: Website: MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System PROJECT FOR THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF THE MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYSTEM (MBRS) Belize – Guatemala – Honduras – Mexico Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Results of Synoptic Monitoring from 2004 and 2005 Volume 1 García Salgado M.A., T. Camarena L., M. Vasquez, G. Gold B., G. Galland, G. Nava M., G. Alarcón D., and V. Ceja M. Synoptic Monitoring Program 2004 and 2005 Project Coordinating Unit December-2006 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System CONTENT PRESENTATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................1 2. MBRS SYNOPTIC MONITORING PROGRAM....................................................................................................3 2.1 Objectives of the Synoptic Monitoring Program....................................................................................................3 2.2 Selection of the locations and monitoring sites .....................................................................................................3 3. CORAL REEFS ...........................................................................................................................................................5 3.1 BENTHIC COVER IN THE MBRS..................................................................................................................................7 3.1.1 Scleractinian Coral Cover ...................................................................................................................................7 3.1.2 Algal cover .....................................................................................................................................................17 3.1.3 Gorgonian Cover................................................................................................................................................25 3.1.4 Sponge cover ......................................................................................................................................................29 3.1.5 Encrusting Coralline Algae...............................................................................................................................33 3.1.6 Millepora ............................................................................................................................................................36 REEF HABITATS ................................................................................................................................................................36 3.1.7 Live components of the reef...............................................................................................................................40 3.1.8 Ratio of Main Live Components to Algae .........................................................................................................42 3.2 CONDITION OF CORAL COLONIES IN THE MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYSTEMS ..........................................47 3.2.1 Species richness of scleractinian corals ............................................................................................................47 3.2.2 Diameter of coral colonies.................................................................................................................................50 3.2.3 Coral Colony Height ..........................................................................................................................................55 3.2.4 Average height of coral colonies by location ....................................................................................................57 3.2.5 Mortality of scleractinian coral colonies...........................................................................................................59 3.2.6 Diseases of the Coral Colonies ..........................................................................................................................64 3.2.7 Bleaching of Scleractinian Coral Colonies.......................................................................................................65 3.3.1 TOTAL FISH DENSITY IN THE MBRS REGION .......................................................................................................66 Total density of adult fish in each location ................................................................................................................68 Map of adult fish density in the reef...........................................................................................................................70 3.3.2 ADULT FISH DENSITY BY FAMILY ...........................................................................................................................72 Average density of fish families by habitat ................................................................................................................72 Density of fish families by location ............................................................................................................................75 3.3.3 SIZE STRUCTURE OF ADULT FISHES .......................................................................................................................76 Reef Habitats...............................................................................................................................................................77 Fish sizes for the locations in the MBRS ...................................................................................................................79 3.3.4 ADULT FISH BIOMASS .............................................................................................................................................81 Reef Habitat ................................................................................................................................................................83 Biomass by location ....................................................................................................................................................84 Map of Herbivorous and Carnivorous Fish Biomass................................................................................................85 3.3.5 DENSITY OF RECRUITS ............................................................................................................................................88 Reef Habitats...............................................................................................................................................................90 Recruits by Location ...................................................................................................................................................91 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 4 SEAGRASS......................................................................................................................................................................95 4.1. TYPES OF SEAGRASS .................................................................................................................................................95 4.2. IMPORTANCE OF SEAGRASS. ....................................................................................................................................96 4.3. THREATS TO SEAGRASS............................................................................................................................................96 5 MANGROVES...............................................................................................................................................................102 5.1 MANGROVE BIOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................102 5.2 IMPORTANCE OF MANGROVES ................................................................................................................................102 5.3 THREATS TO MANGROVES ......................................................................................................................................102 5.4 CURRENT SITUATION ..............................................................................................................................................103 6 MARINE POLLUTION ...............................................................................................................................................111 6.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS ....................................................................................................................................112 6.2 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................................113 6.3 FISH..........................................................................................................................................................................115 6.4 SEDIMENTS...............................................................................................................................................................121 7 WATER QUALITY ......................................................................................................................................................129 7.1 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................129 7.2 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................................131 8 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS.........................................................................................................................134 9 RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................................................................................................................................143 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................146 ANNEXES.........................................................................................................................................................................150 ANNEX I. Indicators of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System ....................................................150 ANNEX II. Fish species studied under the Synoptic Monitoring Program...........................................................155 III Report on the Reef Monitoring Program. Cozumel Reefs National Park 2004-2005 ........................................156 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED Cholinesterase Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment Autoridad para el Manejo Sustentable de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Lago de Izabal y Rio Dulce Analysis of Variance ANOVA Amigos de Sian Ka’an, Mexico ASK Belize Fisheries Department, Belize BFD Bay Islands Conservation Foundation, Honduras BICA CARICOMP Caribbean Coastal and Marine Productivity Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente and Desarrollo CCAD Cuerpos de Conservación Omoa, Honduras CCO Centro de Estudios del Mar and Acuacultura, Guatemala CEMA Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes CESCCO CINVESTAV Centro de Investigación and de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Mexico CONANP Comisión Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, Guatemala CONAP Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute, Belize CZMA/I Diameter at Breast Height DBH Dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroetane DDD Dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroetilene DDE Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroetane DDT Dirección de Biodiversidad, Honduras DiBio El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal, Mexico ECOSUR Environmental Protection Agency EPA Flora and Fauna Protected Area F.F. P.A. FUNDAECO Fundación para el Desarrollo and la Conservación, Guatemala Fundación Mario Dary FUNDARY Global Positioning System GPS Green Reef, Belize GR Hexachlorociclohexane HCH Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Belize HCMR Total Hydrocarbons HCs Leaf Area Ratio LAR Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Belize MAFC Ministerio de Ambiente and Recursos Naturales, Guatemala MARN Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Project MBRS Main Live Components MLC Marine Protected Area MPA Most Probable Number MPN National Park N. P. Non-Governmental Organization NGO Amonium NH4 National Meteorological Service, Belize NMS AChE AGRRA AMASURLI MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System NMX-AA-042 Norma Mexicana para el Análisis de Agua No. 042 Nitrite NO2 Nitrate NO3 NOAA OCC PA PAHs PCBs PCQM PCU PEL PO4 National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, USA Oficina de Cambio Climático, SERNA, Honduras Protected Area Policyclyc Aromatic Hydrocarbons Polychlorinated Biphenyls Point-Centered Quarter Method for Mangroves Project Coordinating Unit Probable Effect Levels Orthophosphate REIS RGR SEMARNAT SERNA SICA SLA SM-AM SMP SS SWCMR TASTE TEL TIDE TS UB UCM UGAMPC UNAH UNIPESCA UQROO USAC WB WCS YSI Regional Environmental Information System Relative Growth Rate Secretaría de Medio Ambiente and Recursos Naturales, Mexico Secretaría de Recursos Naturales, Honduras Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana Specific Leaf Area Ratio Secretaría de Marina – Armada de Mexico Synoptic Monitoring Program Strategic Site Southwater Caye Marine Reserve, Belize Toledo Association for Sustainable Tourism and Empowerment, Belize Threshold Effects Level Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, Belize Transboundary Site University of Belize, Belize Unresolved Complex Mixture Unidad de Gestión Ambiental Municipalidad de Puerto Cortés, Honduras Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Unidad de Manejo de la Pesca and Acuicultura, Guatemala Universidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala World Bank Wildlife Conservation Society Yellow Springs Instruments MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System PRESENTATION The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems (MBRS) comprise an extensive network of complex ecosystems, with a high biological diversity. It extends from the northern Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, through Belize and Guatemala, to the Bay Islands in Honduras. A large human population from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds benefit from the marine and coastal resources through different activities related to fishing, tourism and coastal development. These activities are continually expanding in the region, generating increased levels of pressure on the reef ecosystems, coastal lagoons, seagrass beds, mangrove forests, rivers, estuaries and wetlands in general. Due to the importance of the coral reefs and related coastal ecosystems in the region, it is necessary to evaluate the status of the health of these systems in order to improve the management of marine and coastal resources along the MBRS. The MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program (SMP) was designed to provide and apply a series of standardized monitoring methods in the region. The information obtained is intended to identify any changes in the status of the marine and coastal components of the MBRS. It is important that monitoring is continued, on a regular basis, as some of the answers needed for management require information in the short, medium and long-term. Due to the changes that occur in the coastal ecosystems, either as a result of natural events or anthropogenic influences, it is necessary to have a baseline of information, against which comparisons can be made over time. The information generated during the SMP is being entered and managed in a regional database, the Regional Environmental Information System (REIS). Based on the first data gathered for each site in the years 2004 and 2005, a baseline analysis was conducted and is presented here. As part of the compilation of the report, two technical consultations were conducted to discuss data analysis. The first consultation was held in Chetumal, Mexico in November 2005, with more than 20 regional scientists in attendance. The second consultation was held in Belize City, in April 2006 and was attended by personnel from the protected areas and regional agencies. Topics covered during these meetings included: coral reef ecology, reef fishes, mangrove forests, seagrasses, marine pollution and water quality. The description of the marine communities helps to identify the current conditions and the conservation status of each area. Such studies form a basis for designing management actions by providing elements for judgment and criteria for the adequate management of the resources in the region. Furthermore, they serve to identify and select high priority sites for conservation, or sites that are subject to over exploitation by tourism or fisheries, which work against the natural processes and the delicate equilibrium of the marine and coastal ecosystems. This document entitled “Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems” is an information tool that should foster improved resource management and environmentally and economically sustainable interactions between the natural resources and people of the MBRS region. MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System MBRS Regional Director Noel Jacobs MBRS National Coordinators Mexico. David Gutiérrez, Oscar Alvarez, Alfredo Arellano Guillermo Belize. Vincent Gillette, Beverly Wade Guatemala. Carlos Baldetti, Emma L. Díaz, Alba Nidya Pérez H. Honduras. José A. Fuentes, Sixto Aguilar, Elda Maldonado, Oscar Pinto, Juan P. Suazo. National Monitoring Coordinators during the different stages. Mexico. Miguel García, Roberto Landa, Gabriela Nava, José Juan Domínguez Belize., Isaías Majil, James Azueta Guatemala. Antonio Salaverría, Lucía Gutiérrez Honduras. Oscar Torres, David Jaén Reviewers Spanish version Héctor Reyes Bonilla. Pedro Ramírez. Juan Jacobo Schmitter Soto José Juan Domínguez MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all the people and institutions that participated on a daily basis in the actions for management and conservation of the MBRS marine coastal resources . Those who conducted training courses for the Synoptic Monitoring program include, Patricia Almada-Villela, Gerardo Gold, Victor Ceja, Peter Sale, Arturo Zaldívar, Eden García, Faustino Chi, Roberto Ibarra, Susana Patiño, Alejandro Arrivillaga, Nadia Bood, Miguel Angel García. We wish to recognize all those who have made the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program a reality. This baseline report is an achievement benefiting the conservation of our natural resources. To all the people in the MBRS… THANK YOU!!!!! We also thank all the institutions that have supported the project: The Global Environment Facility, the World Bank, Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD), and SUMMIT Foundation. Participating Institutions: Mexico Belize Amigos de Manatí Amigos de Sian Ka'an Centro Ecológico Akumal CINVESTAV CONANP Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve Caye Caulker Marine Reserve Coastal Zone Management Department of the Environment Fisheries Department ECOSUR Friends of Nature P.N. Arrecifes de Cozumel. Glovers Reef Marine Reserve P.N. I. Mujeres, Cancún, Nizuc. R.B. Sian Ka'an R.B. Banco Chinchorro P.N.. Arrecifes de Xcalak SM – AM Univ. de Quintana Roo F.F.P.A. Yum Balam Guatemala Honduras CEMA / USAC CONAP FUNDAECO FUNDARY UNIPESCA. Univ. del Valle de Guatemala Punta de Manabique BICA - Utila Cuerpos de Conservación Omoa CESCCO DIBIO/SERNA Fundación Cayos Cochinos Green Reef Rio Sarstun Proyecto Cuenca del Rio Tulian Hol Chan Marine Reserve Peace Corps Port Honduras Marine Reserve Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve South Water Caye Marine Reserve TASTE TIDE MARN AMASURLI SERNA Universidad Católica UNAH Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Municipalidad de Puerto Cortés Municipalidad de Roatán MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Participating Personnel. Mexico Belize Guatemala Honduras Adriana G. Tun Adriana Zavala Albert Franquesa Ann Snook Arturo Zaldívar Axayacalt Molina Daniela Alonzo Adrián Vernon Alex Jones Alicia Eck Amador Pott Auriola Samos Carlos Ramírez Carren Williams Christine García Daniel Arjona Debbie Wang Dennis Garbutt Eden García Elgar Badillo Eugene Ariola Faustino Chi Gianna Gómez Gina Young Godwin Humes, Jr. Guillermo Paz Hampton Gamboa Isani Chan Jevon Hulse Jocelyn Finch Joseph Villafranco Juan Chub Kirah Forman Kyle Koho Leonardo Castro Leonel Requena Linda García Lisa Carne Lyndon Rodney Marlon Williams Maxine Monsanto Miguel Alamilla Nadia Bood Nerissa Baeza Neville Smith Nicole Auil Nidia Ramírez Olga Lucía Gallegos Rennick Jackson Roberto Carballo Roger Arana Saul Vallecillo Seleem Chan Servando Valle Shayne Pech Sheila Walsh Tammy Summers Víctor Alegría Robert Landolfi Ana Beatriz Rivas Ana Giró Angela Mojica Antonio Salaverría Fredy Aguilar Hugo Hidalgo Liseth Pérez Luís F. Fernández María José González María Rene Alvarez Max Ortiz Baldetty Romeo Leiva Wendy D. Carrera Ximena Galán Adoni Cubas Alejandro Gallo Alicia Medina Amilcar López Anabel Izaguirre Antonio Woods Axcel Sandoval Calina Zepeda Carlos Cerrato David Jaén Fanny Gómez Fidel López Francisco García Gillian Osorio Gustavo Cabrera Italo Bonilla Jennifer Myton Karen Escobar Lidia Medina Mauricio Casildo Michelle Fernández Oscar Torres Pamela de León Ramón Salvado Roselly Vallecillo Saulo Romero Tesla Irias Dolly Espindola Eulalia Chan Fabian A. Rodríguez Z. Felipe Fonseca Fredy A. Firerol Gabriela Nava Gabriela Rodríguez Gilberto Acosta Héctor Hernández Javier González Jesús Sánchez Jorge Domínguez José C. Salgado José F. Reyes José Juan Domínguez Juan Pablo Rodas Karen Arana Laura Carrillo Laura Chanona Leticia Alpuche Lucy Gallagher Miroslava López Norka Fortuny Olga Lingard Paulina Ku Prócoro Hernández Rafael Roldán Raquel Hernández Raúl A. Medina Raúl Ucan Roberto H. Landa Roberto Ibarra Rosa María Loreto Sheryl Shea Víctor Ceja Wady Hadad Wilma Díaz Yazmín Paredes MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 1. INTRODUCTION The MBRS region extends from the northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, continuing southwards along the coasts of Belize and Guatemala down to the Bay Islands in Honduras. It is the second largest barrier reef in the world, approximately 1,000 km long (Map 1). The MBRS contributes to the stabilization and protection of the coastal landscapes, maintains coastal water quality and serves as a feeding and nursery habitat for marine mammals, reptiles, fish and invertebrates, many of which have great commercial importance. The objective of the Project for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System is to improve the protection of the vulnerable and unique marine ecosystems that comprise the MBRS and to support the countries of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras in reinforcing and coordinating national policies, regulations, and institutional agreements for the conservation and sustainable use of this global public resource. The Project is part of a long-term plan to ensure the integrity and continuous productivity of the Reef System. The MBRS Project initiative is being actively promoted by donors and partners in the region and in the context of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor Program. The MBRS is under increasing pressure from several anthropogenic sources, including: coastal tourism development, pollution from point and nonpoint sources, excessive agricultural runoff, coastal aquaculture, pesticides, domestic waste, sedimentation on the reef, over-fishing, increase in tourism activities, use of ships (fuel spills, anchors and groundings) and other inappropriate uses of the resources. Furthermore, it is subject to natural phenomena, including episodes of warmer temperatures, flooding, bleaching, disease, storms and hurricanes. Human activities may be compounding the impacts of these phenomena and place additional pressure on these ecosystems, resulting in their inability to recover from natural events as quickly as they might have under natural normal conditions. It becomes more important, therefore, to have baseline information to detect any changes in the ecosystems and to determine the direction, magnitude and cause of the changes as a prelude to formulating potential solutions. There are several studies (Lang, 2003; ICRI, 2002) on coral reefs in the region that have a similar objective of determining the status of coral reefs. The questions this initiative aims to answer are: What is the current state of reef conservation in the MBRS region? Are the reefs and related ecosystems deteriorating? And are current resource management actions effective in conserving the reefs? The MBRS Project has established the Synoptic Monitoring Program as a methodology to monitor the change in the status of the marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to improving the management of these natural resources. With this objective in mind, the Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program was created, using aspects of different existing protocols. This manual was the basis for the establishment of standardized methods of marine and coastal monitoring for the region. In addition, it has 1 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System served as the basis for training of personnel from participating agencies since 2003. In 2004, data collection was initiated in most of the MBRS sites, and these data, along with data collected in the year 2005, form the baseline. Permanent monitoring is carried out at least once a year for all sites. Map 1. - Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. 2 MBRS Technical Document No.18 2. Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System MBRS SYNOPTIC MONITORING PROGRAM 2.1 Objectives of the Synoptic Monitoring Program The MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program (SMP) is a long-term regional effort that involves the countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico with the objective of compiling data and information about the health of the coral reefs and associated ecosystems as well as key species in the Mesoamerican Region to provide a solid scientific base of information for its short, medium and long-term management. The Project manages the Regional Environmental Information System (REIS), a regional database where monitoring information is stored. The information recorded in the field is added to the database via the MBRS Project website. The REIS is a fundamental component of the SMP. 2.2 Selection of the locations and monitoring sites For the purpose of the SMP, the monitoring areas were classified in LOCATIONS. Each LOCATION has one or more ECOSYSTEMS, which in turn have one or more HABITATS in which selected SITES for monitoring are located. A LOCATION may have ~10-100 km2 of area, while a SITE (on a scale of ~0.2 km2) is the level where data are collected and samples taken. These sites are easily accessible from a vessel or from land. Size, type, and diversity of ecosystems and habitats vary greatly throughout the MBRS region. The monitoring locations currently identified for the SMP were selected by the members of the SMP Technical Working Group in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in 2001. After locations were established, specific monitoring sites were selected, based on the zoning of the Marine Protected Area (MPA), the areas of use versus non-use, and fishing grounds which were of particular interest to the MPA managers. There are some monitoring sites outside of the MPAs that are considered strategic due to the activities occurring near them or for their connectivity to the reef. This is the case for the mangrove forests of coastal Honduras (near Cayos Cochinos) and the sites identified for pollution analysis, including coastal lagoons, river mouths, port developments, shrimp farms, etc. Wherever a location contains a reef system, it has been subdivided into three habitats, which are represented by a typical reef-zoning scheme (Figure 1). The Back Reef is located in the lagoon before the reef crest. The Shallow Fore-reef is located on the sea side of the reef crest with approximate depths between 5 and 10 meters, and the Deep Fore-reef is located further out towards open sea. Monitoring in the Deep Fore-reef is conducted at depths from approximately 13 to 20 meters. 3 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figure 1. - Reef Profile Monitoring sites are located in each of these habitats. If the extension and/or number of reefs (i.e. fringing, patches or barriers) are limited, it may be that one or more of the previously defined habitats are not present. The depths defined in the monitoring manual may vary depending on the region. In the case of the marine pollution and water quality components, which required a network of sites along the MBRS, some other factors were taken into account to define the layout of sites. These sites were chosen because they: a) are representative of the area; b) contain a high biological diversity, in terms of species and ecosystems; c) receive input of critical levels of contaminants from urban and/or industrial areas; and/or d) are shared by two or more countries, therefore requiring international cooperation for their prolonged management. 4 MBRS Technical Document No.18 3. Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System CORAL REEFS Coral reefs are one of the most biologically important ecosystems, possessing the highest biodiversity in the ocean. These massive structures are built entirely by tiny living organisms. The construction and development of the reefs is made possible by the relationship between the corals and their symbiotic algae. Coral reefs originally emerged more than 200 million years ago, and some types of corals that live today first evolved 150 million years ago. To date, 100,000 species have been named and described out of an estimated total of between 500,000 and 2 million that live on or in reefs (Spalding et al, 2001). Corals are sessile, polyp-forming animals, from Phylum Cnidaria, that utilize available calcium carbonate to form rigid skeletons and live in large colonies. There are more than seventy species of stony corals (Class Anthozoa) in the Caribbean, whose skeletons form complex coral structures which are called reefs. Other Cnidarians that are associated with these reefs are soft corals (Subclass Alcyonaria), some zoantharians (Subclass Zoantharia) and Millepora or “fire corals” (Class Hydrozoa). Branching, boulder-forming and encrusting species compete for space on the reef. The reef structure is made from giant amalgamations of these colonies, along with loose fragments and calcareous sands, originating from natural breakdown of coral and other calcareous structures. These rocky structures and their complementary algae, sponges, and other sessile organisms constitute reefs (Goenaqa, 1986). Coral polyps are heterotrophic and feed with tentacles, which are used to capture zooplankton that swim freely in the water column. The most adaptive characteristic of these polyps, however, is that they have unicellular algae, known as zooxanthellae, living as endosymbionts inside their tissues. This symbiosis involves an exchange of food for safety, as the photosynthetic algae provide nutrients for the polyps while being able to live within the coral skeleton without being digested. Coral reefs sustain high levels of primary productivity even in the nutrient-poor waters of the tropics (Goenaqa, 1986). Coral reefs grow in environments with warm temperatures (>21ºC), full salinity, low turbidity, good wave action, and a low possibility of prolonged emersion. The numerous microhabitats that are formed along the reef provide habitat and shelter to a great number of organisms, including sponges, worms, mollusks, crustaceans, sea urchins, sea stars, holothurians and fishes. This complex community of organisms is intimately intertwined as a result of a long evolutionary history. (Goenaqa, 1986). Coral reefs provide many important environmental services, such as coastal protection, animal and plant habitat, breeding sites, and feeding and refuge areas. Economically, coral reefs are utilized by both the tourism and fishing industries. In some areas, this interest leads to significant coastal development. Because of these uses by people and the ecological importance of reefs, they require special attention from scientists and resource managers to prevent their degradation. 5 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System There is a constant interconnectedness and mutual dependency between the reef and its complementary seagrass beds and mangrove forests. The flow of energy and species between these areas, as well as several other biological, physicochemical, and geological interactions, create one complete system that should be carefully managed to ensure proper conservation and sustainable use of resources. Species composition, live tissue cover, colony size, mortality, disease and bleaching are examined at a spatial scale throughout the MBRS to give a regional picture of the state of conservation of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems. 6 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.1 Benthic Cover in the MBRS 3.1.1 Scleractinian Coral Cover Stony scleractinian and hydrozoan corals utilize calcium carbonate to create the threedimensional backbone of coral reefs. It is necessary to know the status of these species when determining which direction to take in successful management. Without these species, reefs can not recover from natural and anthropogenic disasters (Lang, 2003). The percentage of hard coral cover is the parameter that is most frequently used by protected areas managers to estimate the health of the reef. (Hill, 2004) The MBRS region has an average of 23.47% live coral cover (median 21.01%) with a standard error of 1.50% (Figure 2). These values fall within a range that is generally considered to be healthy (Map 2). The standard error is included because it is the statistical measure that indicates the degree of uncertainty with which an estimation obtained in a sample approaches the true value of the population. The highest percentage of cover (49.95%) was observed in South Water Caye (Belize) on the deep fore-reef. The lowest cover (2.29%) was observed on the shallow fore-reef in Gladden Spit (Belize). The mean coral cover reported by Kramer (2003) for the Wider Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and Brazil is 26%, differing by only 2.53% from this work. Figure 2 shows average live coral cover for each site, and the green line represents the mean cover for the MBRS region as a whole. 52.3% percent of the MBRS sites have values that are equal to or higher than the mean, indicating good or optimal conditions. Sites with coral cover values under 20% need to be reanalyzed to include other healthy parameters such as sponges, Millepora and gorgonians. The coral cover displayed in Figure 2 is divided into three different colors, each representing one of the reef habitats. The sites are also grouped by location and by country. 7 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Scleractinian Coral Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 60 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Cover (%) 40 23.47 20 Caye Glover's South W. Caulker Reef C. México Belize Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 F01 D01 D02 B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 2. – Mean (+/- standard error) percentages of live coral cover, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. 8 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Coral Reef Habitats Taking into account the differences that exist in the environmental and hydrological conditions and the differences in light penetration due to depth, sites were grouped into three coral reef habitats: back-reef, shallow fore-reef and deep fore-reef. Table 1 and Figure 3 show similar values for the mean percentages of coral cover in the different habitats, but the median values seem to show a tendency of increase in cover from the back-reef out towards the deeper zones. The maximum value of live coral cover (49.95%) was recorded in the deep fore-reef while the minimum cover (2.29%) occurred in the shallow fore-reef. All three habitats have means that indicate healthiness. Table 1. - Live coral cover by habitat. Habitat Mean Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef 24.64 22.09 24.60 Median 20.63 21.23 23.67 Standard Deviation 13.59 10.19 12.41 Standard Error 3.04 2.40 2.59 Minimum Maximum 7.97 2.29 3.33 48.83 34.99 49.95 Scleractinian Coral Cover MBRS Habitats 30 Good Condition > 20% Cover (%) 20 10 0 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Habitat Figure 3. – Mean (+/- standard error) coral cover by habitat. The above analysis narrows the results ecologically (by habitat). The following section narrows these same findings, geographically, by looking at individual locations and sites. 9 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Monitoring Locations Of the 13 coral monitoring locations along the MBRS, coral cover in seven locations seems to be in good to optimal condition (>20%). These locations are Cozumel, Banco Chinchorro, Caye Caulker, Glover’s Reef, South Water Caye, Sapodilla Cayes, Punta de Manabique and Cayos Cochinos (Table 2). Most of these locations show good reef development. However, the reef at Punta de Manabique grows in small patches similar to those that exist on a typical back-reef. Punta de Manabique exhibits different characteristics than the other locations, such as high sedimentation, increased fresh water contribution and high levels of pollution. The most abundant colonies in this location are those that are resistant to sedimentation (genera Siderastrea, Mycetophyllia, Montastraea and Agaricia). Reef cover is reduced in this location, and areas of low diversity may exist inside the reef patches. Table 2. - Live coral cover by MBRS location Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Standard Deviation 7.15 9.55 9.62 Standard Error 2.92 3.38 3.93 Median Standard Deviation 18.67 11.97 44.58 20.72 18.98 12.92 44.00 17.83 44.25 11.12 28.95 Mean 27.37 26.61 18.85 Median Minimum Maximum 15.98 13.33 7.97 34.03 40.24 35.65 Standard Error Minimum Maximum 4.63 2.92 3.09 8.85 2.07 1.46 1.55 5.11 13.65 7.85 41.50 13.67 25.75 14.18 48.83 30.65 45.60 12.92 5.87 5.69 2.62 1.71 34.67 2.29 49.95 19.17 24.66 7.62 4.40 24.44 37.74 29.77 25.84 15.66 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Median Standard Deviation Standard Error Minimum Maximum 26.05 15.57 26.05 15.55 0.31 4.51 0.22 2.60 25.83 11.07 26.27 20.09 24.88 24.53 6.14 2.75 17.14 32.33 Mean The values calculated for the reefs of Xcalak, Bacalar Chico and Utila indicate an “alert” status. Hol Chan and Gladden Spit were found to be in ”poor” condition, and further 10 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System management practices should be explored for these locations. Fortunately, no locations were in “critical” condition at the time of this first report. Due to the variation in the number of sites monitored at each location, there is no guarantee that the values presented in this report are entirely representative of all of the locations, but it does provide a baseline for later comparisons within the locations studied and across time. Monitoring Sites As previously mentioned, the representative unit in the monitoring program is the site, and these sites have been selected based on their ecological importance to the MBRS. In the case of coral reefs, all the sites are within MPAs. Each site represents a section of the reef, or in some cases, a reef structure. These sites are located in zones of both use and non-use. The mean cover for each site has been graphed with its standard error. During future studies, this baseline information will be compared, both temporally and spatially within each of the locations, in an attempt to quantify any trends of change that occur on the reef. Figure 4 shows the monitoring sites in Mexico, grouped by location, and each color represents the habitat where it is located. 65% of the sites are in good condition with a value of live coral cover equal to or greater than 20%. The sites located near Cozumel have been classified as shallow fore-reef because they developed on the insular platform, even though there is no reef crest. Banco Chinchorro and Arrecife de Xcalak show well-defined habitat structure. Coral Cover México 60 Back-reef 55 Shallow Fore-reef Good Condition > 20% Deep Fore-reef 50 45 Cover (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 Cozumel F05 F06 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 B01 Banco Chinchorro México Sites Figure 4. – Mean (+/- standard error) live coral cover at monitoring sites in Mexico. 11 F01 F02 F03 Xcalak D01 D02 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System It is important to note that during 2005 Hurricanes Emily and Wilma hit the Yucatan Peninsula (in August and November, respectively). Both directly impacted the MPAs off the northern coast of Quintana Roo. Amongst the affected locations was the Cozumel Reef National Park, a location monitored as part of the SMP. The values reported in this report for Cozumel are from 2004. The monitoring results for Cozumel from 2005, that include the monitoring conducted after the hurricanes, can be found in the report “Report of the effects of hurricanes Emily and Wilma on the coral reefs of the West coast of the Cozumel Reef National Park” (Alvarez-Filip and Nava-Martínez, 2005) at the following website: Using the SMP data, the Cozumel Reef National Park included in its report “Report of the Monitoring Program of the Cozumel Reef National Park 2004-2005” the results of the monitoring during those seasons, as well as the results of the monitoring conducted after hurricanes Emily and Wilma (Annex III). This report shows the differences in the observed values of benthic cover before and after the hurricanes. Monitoring in Belize was conducted mostly on back-reefs and shallow fore-reefs. 30% of the sites in Belize have a live coral cover equal to or greater than 20% (good to optimal conditions). (Figures 5a and 5b) Coral Cover Belize (1) 60 Back-reef 55 Shallow Fore-reef Good Condition > 20% Deep Fore-reef 50 45 Cover (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico D03 B01 B02 D01 D02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 Caye Caulker Belize Sites Figure 5a. - Mean (+/- standard error) live coral cover at monitoring sites in Belize. 12 D02 B01 D01 D02 Glover's Reef MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Coral Cover Belize (2) 60 Back-reef 55 Shallow Fore-reef Good Condition > 20% Deep Fore-reef 50 45 Cover (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 Gladden Spit B01 B02 D01 Sapodilla Caye Sites Figure 5b. - Mean (+/- standard error) live coral cover at monitoring sites in Belize. In the case of Guatemala (Figure 6), there are only two monitoring sites, at Punta de Manabique, and they are located in an area of high sedimentation and river discharge, where the reef forms only in patches. The average cover is above 20%. The location of these reef patches, near the Rio Dulce and Rio Motagua river mouths, is important, as they may be the first reefs to be impacted by anthropogenic activities, such as sedimentation, nutrient loading (agricultural fertilizers, sewage), harmful chemicals (pesticides, industrial waste), and solid waste (trash, discarded matter). The patchy nature of the reefs in Guatemala made 30m transects nearly impossible, so “U” shaped transects were placed over a patch to properly survey the corals. Sediment-resistant species (Montastraea cavernosa, Siderastrea sidereal, Agaricia spp.) were the most common in this area. 13 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Coral Cover Guatemala/Honduras 60 Back-reef 55 Shallow Fore-reef Good Condition > 20% Deep Fore-reef 50 45 Cover (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 B01 B02 P. Manab. F01 D01 D02 F01 Utila F02 D01 D01 D01 Cayos Cochinos Guat. Honduras Sites Figure 6. – Mean (+/- standard error) live coral cover at monitoring sites in Guatemala and Honduras There are two monitoring locations in Honduras, Utila and Cayos Cochinos. Turtle Harbor is located on Utila Island. The reef here has developed on an insular platform, four to five meters deep, that drops off to form a vertical wall. Coral colonies tend to grow in plate-like structures along this drop-off. A mean cover of 15.57% is observed at this location. Only one site, located on the shallow fore-reef, has coral cover in an acceptable range (Figure 6). In Cayos Cochinos, four our of 5 sites are in good condition. The reef structures are very similar to those at Utila. They are located on an insular platform, at an average depth of five meters, culminating in a steep (but not vertical) slope. This location is influenced by several rivers that flow into the sea nearby. 14 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Coral Cover Map of the reef Coral cover is divided into five categories based on ecological status. These categories have been determined based on their relevance to management. Stony coral cover should be analyzed along with cover of sponges, gorgonians and Millepora to provide a general picture of reef health (Map 2). Conditions: ¾ Critical, from 1.00% to 10.00%. – Sites in this category show signs of reef deterioration. The sites in this category should be analyzed carefully, since they have very low coral cover. Action: Factors leading to deterioration of the reef need to be identified in order to propose restoration actions, to develop a more efficient management plan and to assess the feasibility of closing the site to all types of activities. ¾ Poor, from 10.01% to 15.00%. - This category represents sites that may be subject to significant stresses or external pressures that could endanger the stability of the system and lead to rapid deterioration. Action: Factors causing this deterioration need to be determined to propose restoration actions and to develop a more efficient management plan. ¾ Alert, from 15.01% to 20.00%. Reefs in this category, as well as local human uses, need to be monitored to determine what management measures should be applied to prevent a decline in live coral cover. Action: Stress-causing factors need to be determined, and efficient management practices need to be proposed, in an attempt to prevent deterioration. ¾ Good, from 20.01 to 30.00%. Coral cover is not a significant management issue at these sites. Action: Continue monitoring to detect possible changes and propose preventative actions to avoid deterioration. ¾ Optimal, 30.01% or more. These sites exhibit optimal conditions. Once again, because the reef is an assembly of diverse organisms where inter- and intraspecific relationships are important, live coral cover needs to be analyzed along with the other live components of the benthic reef system to provide a more complete picture of a site’s status. The patterns observed on scleractinian coral cover along the region are the result of the first monitoring only, and they are reported as a baseline for future comparisons with data obtained during subsequent monitoring. 15 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 2. - Scleractinian Coral Cover observed in the MBRS region 16 MBRS Technical Document No.18 3.1.2 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Algal cover After stony corals, algae are the most prevalent component of the reef benthic community and in some locations, cover more area than the corals themselves. Macroalgae (green, red, brown) form part of the bottom trophic level of the reef food web. Algal cover varies with depth, season, and natural nutrient fluctuations, but sudden, significant changes in algal cover are often an indicator of anthropogenic influences, including nutrient pollution (fertilizers, sewage) and decreases in numbers of herbivores (overfishing, climate change, food web alteration) (Rogers, 2001). Increased algal cover reduces the available substrate for coral recruitment, so it is an important parameter to measure when surveying reef status. Filamentous algae, macroalgae (Dictyota, Lobophora, Halimeda), and blue-green algae are combined for this measure. The baseline algal cover is 35.38% for the region (median of 34.83%), with a standard deviation of 15.13 and a standard error of 1.88%. The minimum recorded value is 11.90% and the maximum is 77.26%. The regional levels indicate a condition of “alert” for algal cover. The mean macroalgal cover reported by Kramer (2003) for the entire region of the Wider Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and Brazil is 23 %. Therefore, an additional 12% of the benthic community is composed of algae in the MBRS region when compared to the rest of the tropical Western Atlantic, contributing to the “alert” status. The north to south variation of algal cover in the MBRS region is presented in Figure 7. In some cases, the standard error is not given because those sites were grouped into one long transect as a result of incorrect data entry. Unfortunately in these circumstances, the degree of uncertainty is lost. Reef Habitats Coral and algal cover are two of the main benthic components on the reef. The relationship between them may give us an indication of the health of our reef systems. Table 3 shows the algal cover for each of the MBRS habitats. Table 3 – Mean algal cover by habitat in the MBRS. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 27.98 36.20 35.39 Median 26.00 40.19 40.26 17 Standard Deviation 12.49 13.09 17.30 Standard Error 2.79 3.09 3.61 Minimum Maximum 12.17 11.90 1.67 55.10 56.79 61.55 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Algal Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 100 Back-reef 90 Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef 80 Cover (%) 70 60 50 40 35.3 30 20 10 Caye Glover's South W. Caulker Reef C. México Belize Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 F01 D01 D02 B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 7. – Mean (+/- standard error) algal cover, by site, from North to South in the MBRS Region. The green line represents the regional mean. 18 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Based on the classifications shown on Map 3, the back-reef represents the habitat that is in the best condition. The high algal cover found on the fore-reef habitats puts them in the “alert” or “poor” categories. (Figure 8) Algal Cover MBRS Habitats 50 Good Condition < 30% 40 Cover (%) 30 20 10 0 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Habitat Figure 8. - Mean (+/- standard error) algal cover by habitat in the MBRS. The green line represents the regional mean. Algal cover by location Table 4 shows the algal cover for each location. Similar to coral cover, a variation in the number of sites that are currently monitored in each location prohibits assurance that the values reported here are completely representative of an entire location, but baseline values can be given (for later reference) and comparisons can be made at the site level. Any differences between mean and median algal cover in Table 4 are caused by the influence that extreme values (high or low) have on the mean but not the median. Table 4. - Percentage of algal cover for the MBRS locations. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mean 32.72 23.03 41.20 Median 29.14 18.20 45.58 19 Standard Deviation 10.12 12.27 16.16 Standard Error 4.13 4.34 6.60 Minimum Maximum 22.37 11.90 12.58 47.85 44.31 56.79 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean 39.28 67.32 19.42 30.06 26.07 39.85 19.62 Median 38.28 66.15 17.84 27.17 25.25 43.72 18.31 Standard Deviation 10.46 8.19 6.65 6.35 6.51 11.76 4.15 Standard Error 4.68 4.10 3.33 3.66 2.91 3.55 2.39 Minimum Maximum 26.75 59.73 13.17 25.67 19.53 16.88 16.28 55.10 77.26 28.83 37.33 36.56 55.00 24.26 Minimum Maximum 23.36 42.68 32.87 28.38 54.38 48.74 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Mean 25.87 48.11 42.95 Median 25.87 47.28 44.96 Standard Deviation 3.55 5.89 6.54 Standard Error 2.51 3.40 2.92 Banco Chinchorro, Caye Caulker, Glover’s Reef, South Water Caye, Sapodilla Cayes and Punta de Manabique are all in good or optimal condition. The sites in a condition of “alert” are Cozumel, Bacalar Chico and Gladden Spit. The rest of the sites show conditions from “poor” to ”critical.” Monitoring sites Figures 9, 10a, 10b and 11 show algal cover at the monitoring sites for the four countries. The green line indicates the maximum acceptable value of 30% cover. Each color represents one of the reef habitats. Monitoring season should be considered when comparing sites (especially during seasonal coral recruitment), and it is also important to take into account the location of the sites or MPAs, as it might not be appropriate to compare sites near coastal influences with those that are offshore. Figure 9 shows algal cover for sites in Mexico. 55% of the sites are in good condition (cover equal to or less than 30%). Banco Chinchorro has the most sites in good condition, followed by Cozumel and Xcalak. 20 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Algal Cover México 80 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef 70 Deep Fore-reef Good Conditionn < 30% 60 Cover (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 B01 B02 Cozumel F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 B01 Banco Chinchorro F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Xcalak México Sites Figure 9. – Mean (+/- standard error) algal cover by site, in Mexico In Belize, 40% of the sites show a good condition (Figures 10a and 10b). The rest of the sites show conditions from “alert” to “critical” (Map 3). Hol Chan, Gladden Spit, and Bacalar Chico are the locations with problem sites (greater than 30% cover), and Caye Caulker and Sapodilla Cayes have sites with lower algal cover. Algal Cover Belize (1) 80 Good Condition < 30% 70 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef 60 Deep Fore-reef Cover (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico D03 B01 B02 D01 D02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 Caye Caulker Belize Sites Figure 10a. – Mean (+/- standard error) algal cover by site in Belize (1) 21 D02 B01 D01 D02 Glover's Reef MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Algal Cover Belize (2) 80 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef 70 Deep Fore-reef Good Condition < 30% 60 Cover (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 Gladden Spit B02 D01 Sapodilla Caye Sites Figure 10b. – Mean (+/- standard error) algal cover by site in Belize (2). Both sites at Punta de Manabique in Guatemala have low algal cover. The same sedimentation and high turbidity that is harmful to corals might be keeping algal growth down by lowering light penetration (Figure 11). All eight sites located in Honduras exhibit values above 30% algal cover, which places them in the “alert,” “poor” or “critical” categories. When averaged by location, both Utila and Cayos Cochinos show an “alert” status (Figure 11). Algal Cover Guatemala/Honduras 80 Back-reef Good Condition < 30% 70 Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef 60 Cover (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 B01 B02 P. Manab. F01 D01 D02 F01 Utila F02 D01 D01 Cayos Cochinos Guat. Honduras Sites Figure 11. – Mean (+/- standard error) algal cover by site in Guatemala and Honduras. 22 D01 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map of algae cover in the reef The algal cover is divided into five categories based on management implications (Map 3). Algal cover needs to be considered along with coral, sponge, gorgonian and Millepora cover to provide a complete picture of reef health. Conditions: ¾ Optimal, from 1.00% to 20%. This range of algal cover is considered optimal. Herbivore density should be surveyed for these sites. ¾ Good, from 20.01 to 30.00%. This range of algal cover is considered good. Populations of herbivorous fishes should be surveyed and protected to keep algal growth low. Action: Possible stress agents need to be determined in order to propose preventive management actions and avoid deterioration. ¾ Alert, from 30.01% to 40.00%. Algal cover, and possible sources of stress (herbivorous fish density, pollution, nutrient loading), need additional monitoring. Action: Possible stress agents need to be determined in order to propose preventive management actions and avoid deterioration. ¾ Poor, from 40.01% to 50.00%. - This category includes sites that may be subjected to increased levels of stress or external pressures that may threaten the system’s stability and lead to rapid deterioration. Action: Stress agents causing deterioration must be determined in order to propose mitigating actions and a more efficient management plan. ¾ Critical, 50.00% or more – This category includes sites that show signs of reef deterioration. The sites with algal cover in this range must be monitored more closely. Action: Stress agents causing deterioration must be determined in order to propose restoration actions. These sites will also require more efficient management, and the feasibility of closing the site to all types of activities must be considered. This information must be analyzed along with other reef components, especially herbivorous fish density and live coral cover. These results establish the baseline that will allow for future comparisons with data obtained in subsequent monitoring, to determine temporal changes in algal cover. 23 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 3. - Algal cover observed in the MBRS region 24 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Live coral cover and algal cover are the two most important components of the benthic reef community. Other sessile organisms do play a role in reef ecology and are reported below, but at this time, the remaining benthic components are not divided into management categories (e.g. “alert,” “critical,” etc.) but are only compared by habitat, location, and site. 3.1.3 Gorgonian Cover Soft corals, or gorgonians, are represented in the reef as a secondary group, as they are not reef builders. However, they are found in most of the reef habitats and dominate some areas. Their densities may be important for some sites. Gorgonians do not have a permanent skeletal structure; the body shape is maintained through hydrostatic pressure. In certain sites soft corals may be a good indicator of the structure of the sea landscape, along with scleractinian corals. These organisms offer protection to fishes and serve as food to some gastropods of the genus Cyphoma. Within the MBRS, gorgonian cover oscillates between 0.49% and 22.41%, with an average of 8.76% (median of 8.33%), a standard deviation of 5.67 and a standard error of 0.70%. In Figure 12, the average cover for gorgonians can be observed for each of the monitoring sites. The green line indicates the average cover for the entire region. Gorgonian Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 30 Cover (%) 20 10 8.7 Caye Glover's South W. Caulker Reef C. México Belize Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 F01 D01 D02 B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 12. – Mean(+/- standard error) gorgonian cover, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. The green line indicates the regional mean. 25 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Reef Habitats Table 5 shows the mean gorgonian cover for each of the reef habitats. The deep fore-reef shows the highest values. Table 5. - Percentage of gorgonian cover by habitat in the MBRS. Habitat Mean Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef 7.58 7.47 12.14 Standard Deviation 5.09 6.59 5.43 Median 6.84 4.60 10.46 Standard Error 1.14 1.55 1.13 Minimum Maximum 0.52 0.63 4.85 18.57 19.72 25.42 Gorgonian Cover MBRS Habitats Cover (%) 12 8 4 0 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Habitat Figure 13. - Mean (+/- standard error) gorgonian cover by reef habitat. Table 6 shows the average gorgonian cover by location. Cozumel, Hol Chan, Caye Caulker, Gladden Spit and Punta de Manabique are below the regional average. Table 6. – Percentage of gorgonian cover by location in the MBRS. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak 3.69 3.25 Standard Deviation 2.76 11.53 11.30 12.07 11.40 6.39 5.21 Mean Median 26 Standard Error 1.13 2.26 2.13 Minimum Maximum 0.83 8.31 2.64 3.69 19.72 16.53 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Belize MPA 8.20 3.43 6.88 13.57 8.36 3.43 6.67 13.22 Standard Deviation 5.16 2.67 3.18 3.93 8.60 6.81 9.53 8.42 6.50 7.27 2.05 5.18 4.48 Mean Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Median Standard Error 2.31 1.33 1.59 2.27 0.92 1.56 2.58 Minimum Maximum 2.39 0.49 3.50 9.83 16.22 6.37 10.67 17.67 6.93 0.63 6.64 12.00 18.57 14.69 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Mean Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Median 0.68 13.97 14.91 0.68 15.61 14.29 Standard Deviation 0.22 6.53 5.08 Standard Error 0.16 3.77 2.27 Minimum Maximum 0.52 6.78 8.40 0.83 19.53 22.41 As mentioned before, this is a group that may be important due to its density in some sites, given that its presence/absence helps to define the reef landscape. Map of Gorgonian cover in the reef The average gorgonian cover, by site, is divided into three categories. The categories define the soft coral status in the region (Map 4). ¾ From 0.49% to 6.00%. ¾ From 6.01% to 11.00%. ¾ 11.01% or higher. These categories are based only upon gorgonian cover, and this information is important when included in the analysis of sites that may have low scleractinian coral cover (Section 3.1.7). These results reflect the status of the sites and locations at the moment of this baseline. The information presented can be compared with the results of subsequent monitoring to determine any change over time. 27 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 4. - Gorgonian cover observed in the MBRS region 28 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.1.4 Sponge cover Like gorgonians, sponges are an important reef component. Most are not reef builders, but they are found on all reefs and dominate some areas. At some sites, sponges, along with scleractinian corals and gorgonians, help to define reef structure. Sponge cover for the MBRS oscillates between 0.00% and 17.64 %, with an average of 4.65% (median 2.84%), a standard deviation of 4.48 and a standard error of 0.56% (Figure 14). The green line in the figure indicates the regional average. Sponge Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Cover (%) 20 10 4.6 Caye Glover's South W. Caulker Reef C. México Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Belize Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 F01 D01 D02 B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 14. – Mean (+/- standard error) sponge cover, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The green line indicates the regional mean. Reef Habitats Table 7 gives the average sponge cover for each of the habitats. The shallow fore-reef has the highest sponge cover (Figure 15). Table 7. - Percentage of sponge cover by habitat. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 3.05 7.16 4.50 Median 2.17 6.33 3.00 29 Standard Deviation 3.63 5.18 4.07 Standard Error 0.81 1.22 0.85 Minimum Maximum 0.00 0.57 0.63 15.51 17.64 17.49 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Sponge Cover MBRS Habitats 10 8 Cover (%) 6 4 2 0 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Habitat Figure 15. – Mean (+/- standard error) sponge cover by habitat. Table 8 gives the average sponge cover by location. Cozumel, Banco Chinchorro, Glover’s Reef, Punta de Manabique and Utila are the areas with highest cover. Table 8. – Percentage of sponge cover by location. Mexico MPA 10.82 10.20 Standard Deviation 3.36 6.69 2.56 4.23 1.96 5.66 1.91 2.00 0.78 Standard Error 0.96 0.83 0.55 2.51 Mean Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Median Standard Error 1.37 Minimum Maximum 6.51 15.15 2.18 1.33 17.64 6.41 Minimum Maximum 0.68 0.17 1.00 1.33 5.87 3.61 3.50 9.17 Belize MPA 3.12 1.15 2.63 6.33 2.84 0.42 3.00 8.50 Standard Deviation 2.14 1.65 1.11 4.34 4.47 1.74 1.80 5.05 0.63 2.17 2.09 2.16 0.65 0.94 0.65 0.38 2.17 0.00 1.05 6.74 6.25 2.18 Median Standard Deviation Standard Error Minimum Maximum Mean Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Cayes Median Guatemala/Honduras MPA Mean Punta de 12.22 12.22 4.65 3.29 Manabique 7.49 4.40 8.87 5.12 Utila Cayos Cochinos 5.01 4.51 3.31 1.48 This information is analyzed with the other benthic parameters in section 3.1.7. 30 8.93 0.57 15.51 17.49 1.68 10.20 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map of sponge cover The average sponge cover, by site, is divided into three categories. The categories define the sponge status in the region (Map 5). ¾ From 0% to 5.00%. ¾ From 5.01% to 10.00%. ¾ 10.01% or higher. These categories are based only on sponge cover, and these data are intended to be the baseline for future comparisons. This information is important when included in the analysis of sites with low scleractinian cover. 31 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 5. - Sponge cover observed in the MBRS region 32 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.1.5 Encrusting Coralline Algae Encrusting coralline algae are an important benthic component on the reef as they cement together loose coral fragments and other rubble into hard, smooth substrate that is ideal for coral recruitment. Color ranges from dark pink or purple to grey, and these algae cover large areas of some reefs in the region. Encrusting coralline algae cover in the MBRS region ranges from 0.00% to 17.76%. The mean cover is 3.40% (median=2.13%) with a standard deviation of 4.41 and a standard error of 0.55% (Figure 16). Encrusting Coralline Algae Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 20 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Cover (%) 15 10 5 3.4 Caye Glover's South W. Caulker Reef C. México Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Belize Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 F01 D01 D02 B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 16. – Mean encrusting coralline algae cover, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. Reef Habitats Table 9 gives the average encrusting coralline algae cover for each of the reef habitats. Highest numbers are reported for the deep fore-reef. Table 9. – Percent cover of encrusting coralline algae by habitat. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 2.39 2.68 5.05 Median 1.33 1.43 3.38 33 Standard Deviation 2.86 4.09 5.75 Standard Error 0.66 0.99 1.23 Minimum Maximum 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 15.21 17.76 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 10 gives the average cover of encrusting coralline algae by location. Cozumel, Banco Chinchorro, South Water Caye, Sapodilla Cayes, Punta de Manabique, Utila and Cayos Cochinos show values under the regional average. Table 10. – Percent cover of encrusting coralline algae by location. Mexico MPA Mean 0.54 0.58 2.63 Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Median 0.21 0.42 2.70 Standard Deviation 0.92 0.59 1.25 Standard Error 0.38 0.21 0.51 Standard Deviation 2.10 6.76 2.71 8.41 1.22 4.90 0.60 Standard Error 0.94 3.38 1.36 4.86 0.55 1.48 0.34 Standard Deviation 0.65 2.55 1.16 Standard Error 0.46 1.47 0.52 Minimum Maximum 0.00 0.00 0.42 2.37 1.43 4.09 Minimum Maximum 0.67 2.50 3.33 2.17 0.00 0.00 0.17 6.34 17.76 9.00 17.50 2.33 15.21 1.33 Minimum Maximum 1.69 0.29 1.05 2.61 5.23 3.55 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean 3.58 10.55 6.88 11.83 0.89 3.85 0.83 Median 3.66 10.97 7.59 15.83 0.00 2.11 0.99 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Mean Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos 2.15 2.40 2.61 Median 2.15 1.68 3.36 Encrusting coralline algae cover varies greatly throughout the region. deviation and standard error exceed the mean at some sites. In fact, standard Map of encrusting coralline algae The cover averages, by site, were grouped into three categories for encrusting coralline algae cover (Map 6). ¾ From 0% to 5.00%. ¾ From 5.01% to 10.00%. ¾ 10.01% or higher. These cover categories are based only on the cover for encrusting coralline algae. This information is important when considered as part of the analysis of the entire benthic community (section 3.1.7). 34 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 6. - Cover of coralline algae observed in the MBRS region 35 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.1.6 Millepora Millepora cover in the MBRS region ranges from 0.00% to 10.83%. The mean cover is 1.86% (median=1.19%) with a standard deviation of 2.05 and a standard error of 0.25% (Figure 17). Millepora Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 12 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Cover (%) 8 4 1.8 Caye Glover's Caulker Reef México Belize Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 Gladden Spit F01 D01 D02 South W. C. B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 17. – Mean Millepora cover, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. Reef Habitats Table 11 reports the average Millepora cover for each of the reef habitats. Both the deep fore-reef and the back-reef have higher cover than the shallow fore-reef (Figure 18). Table 11. - Percent cover of Millepora by habitat. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 2.18 1.40 2.09 Median 0.95 0.63 1.34 36 Standard Deviation 2.36 2.48 1.50 Standard Error 0.53 0.58 0.31 Minimum Maximum 0.00 0.00 0.31 7.69 10.83 4.73 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Millepora Cover MBRS Habitats 2.5 2.0 Cover (%) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Habitat Figure 18. – Mean Millepora cover by habitat in the MBRS. Table 12 shows the average cover of Millepora by location. Table 12. – Percent cover of Millepora by location. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak 0.38 0.30 Standard Deviation 0.28 0.60 0.94 0.63 0.63 0.42 0.92 0.15 0.38 Standard Error 0.72 0.32 0.24 0.80 1.17 0.95 0.69 Mean Median Standard Error 0.11 Minimum Maximum 0.15 0.90 0.00 0.00 1.11 2.48 Minimum Maximum 0.34 0.17 3.17 1.19 4.01 1.50 4.33 3.67 1.50 0.00 0.84 7.69 10.83 3.15 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye 1.98 0.80 3.71 2.06 1.34 0.77 3.67 1.33 Standard Deviation 1.60 0.65 0.48 1.39 4.30 2.94 2.16 4.73 2.24 2.49 2.63 3.14 1.19 Mean Median Mean Median Guatemala/Hondura MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos 0.00 1.17 2.02 0.00 1.26 1.68 Standard Deviation 0.00 0.31 2.01 37 Standard Error 0.00 0.18 0.90 Minimum Maximum 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 1.43 4.64 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map of Millepora cover The cover averages, by site, were grouped into three categories (Map 7). ¾ From 0% to 2.00%. ¾ From 2.01% to 5.00%. ¾ 5.01% or higher. These cover categories are based only on Millepora cover. This information is important when included in the complete analysis of the benthic community for each site (Section 3.1.7). 38 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 7. - Millepora cover observed in the MBRS region 39 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.1.7 Live components of the reef This section includes an analysis of the entire benthic reef community (hard corals, algae, gorgonians, sponges, encrusting coralline algae and Millepora). When grouping all of these components together, the reefs of the MBRS range from 39.61% to 99.20% live cover. The mean cover is 77.52% (median=78.34%) with a standard deviation of 13.87 and a standard error of 1.72%. Reef Habitats Back-reef The mean live cover for the back-reefs of the region is 67.71% (median=65.51%) with a standard deviation of 14.51 and a standard error of 3.24% (Figure 19). Cover on the backreef ranges from 39.61% to 94.33%. Live Components Back-reef 100 80 Cover (%) 67 60 40 20 0 B01 B02 Banco Chinchorro B01 Xcalak B01 B02 B01 B02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B01 B02 South W.C B03 B04 B05 B06 Gladden Spit México B06 B01 B02 Sapodilla Caye. Belize B01 B02 Punta Manabique Guatemala Sites Coral Algae Gorgonians Sponges Coralline Algae Millepora Figure 19. – Mean live benthic cover, by site, for the back-reef in the MBRS region. The green line indicates the regional mean. 40 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Shallow fore-reef On the shallow fore-reefs of the region, the live total live cover ranges from 60.03% to 94.11% (Figure 20). The mean cover for this habitat is 76.86% (median=77.75%) with a standard deviation of 9.10 and a standard error of 2.14%. Live Components Shallow Fore-reef 100 80 Cover (%) 76 60 40 20 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F01 Cozumel F02 F03 F04 B. Chinchorro F01 F02 Xcalak F03 F02 F01 F02 Gladden Spit F01 Utila C. Cochinos México Belize F01 Honduras Sites Coral Algae Gorgonians Sponges Coralline Algae Millepora Figure 20. - Mean live benthic cover, by site, for the shallow fore-reef in the MBRS region. The green line indicates the regional mean. 41 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Deep fore-reef The mean live component coverage for the deep fore-reefs of the region is 83.54% (median=84.05%) with a standard deviation of 11.20 and a standard error of 2.34% (Figure 21). Cover in this habitat ranges from 58.03% to 99.20%. Live Components Deep Fore-reef 100 83 Cover (%) 80 60 40 20 0 D01 D02 D01 D02 D02 D01 D03 B. Chinchorro D01 D02 D01 B. Chico México D02 D01 D02 D01 D02 D01 D02 D01 Glover Reef South W.C. Gladden S.Sapodilla C. Belize D01 D02 Utila D01 D01 D01 C. Cochinos Honduras Sites Coral Algae Gorgonians Sponges Coralline Algae Millepora Figure 21. - Mean live benthic cover, by site, for the deep fore-reef in the MBRS region. The green line indicates the regional mean. Scleractinian corals and algae are the components with the highest coverage throughout the MBRS region (Figures 19, 20,21). Two back-reef sites have total coverage less than 40%, while other sites in all three habitats have coverage around 60% or higher. 3.1.8 Ratio of Main Live Components to Algae This section compares the main live components (MLC=stony corals, gorgonians, sponges, encrusting coralline algae, and Millepora) to algae in order to develop a baseline that can be used by later studies to determine any trends in change to the benthic reef community (Figure 22). The mean ratio of MLC to algae in the MBRS region is 1.19, meaning that typical reefs in this region are not overrun with algae (Figure 23). A value of one indicates a reef with equal cover of MLC and algae. Values above one represent reefs that have higher MLC cover than algal cover, while values below one indicate areas that have higher algal cover 42 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Main Live Components Cover vs. Algal Cover Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 80 Main Live Components Cover Mean Algal Cover Mean Cover (%) 60 42 40 35 20 Caye Glover's Caulker Reef México Belize Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 Gladden Spit F01 D01 D02 South W. C. B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 22. – Mean MLC and algal cover, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. The green line indicates the average regional algal cover, and the blue line represents the average regional MLC cover. 43 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Main Live Components : Algae Ratio Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 5.0 Back-reef Live Components : Algae Ratio Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.19 1.0 Caye Glover's Caulker Reef México Belize Sapodilla P. Utila Caye Manab. Guat. F01 F02 D01 D01 D01 Gladden Spit F01 D01 D02 South W. C. B01 B02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 D02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 B02 D01 D02 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0.0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 23. – Mean ratio of MLC cover to algal cover, by site, North to South, in the MBRS Region. The green line represents the regional average. 44 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Reef Habitats Average MLC and algal cover, by habitat, is reported in Table 13. The deep fore-reef has the highest value for MLC coverage, but algal cover is also high in this habitat. The highest MLC:algae ration is found on the back-reefs of the region. Table 13. – MLC:algae ratios by habitat. Habitat Mean (coverage) Live Algae Components 39.85 40.80 48.37 Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Ratio MLC:Algae 27.98 36.20 35.39 1.42 1.13 1.37 A comparison of MLC and algal cover can be seen in Figure 24. The regional mean is 1.19. Main Live Components : Algae Ratio Meoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 60 50 Cover (%) 40 Ratio 1.42 Ratio 1.13 Ratio 1.37 30 20 10 0 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Habitat Figure 24. – MLC:algae ratio, by habitat, for the MBRS region. 45 Deep Fore-reef MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Proportion of the Main Live Components/Algae by Location For the purpose of this analysis, all sites were grouped by location; the average cover for the main live components, algal cover and the MLC:algae ratios are given for each of the locations in Table 14. Table 14. – Ratio of MLC to algae, by location in the MBRS region. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mean (cover) Ratio Live Components Algae MLC:algae 42.80 46.01 36.28 32.72 23.03 41.20 1.31 2.00 0.88 Live Components Algae MLC:algae 35.55 27.90 64.67 54.52 62.50 26.47 43.27 39.28 67.32 19.42 30.06 26.07 39.85 19.62 0.91 0.41 3.33 1.81 2.40 0.66 2.21 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean (cover) Ratio Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Mean (cover) Live Components Algae 41.10 40.60 49.44 25.87 48.11 42.95 Ratio MLC:algae 1.59 0.84 1.15 As mentioned above, when the MLC:algae ratio is lower than one, algal cover is higher than MLC cover. Under these circumstances, the reef is probably under some kind of stress, allowing algae to out compete the other components for space. Xcalak, Bacalar Chico, Hol Chan, Gladden Spit and Utila have MLC:algae ratios that are less than one. Cayos Cochinos has a ratio that is between one and the regional mean value of 1.19. The rest of the locations are above the regional mean. 46 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2 Condition of Coral Colonies in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems This section details the condition of the reef-building stony corals in the MBRS region. A baseline health status is vital to ensure that resource managers can identify any negative trends in the state of the reef. 3.2.1 Species richness of scleractinian corals The species richness (number of species identified) is the simplest parameter analyzed in this chapter. The mean number of species observed for the MBRS region is 11 (median=11) with a standard error of 0.56 species (Figure 25). Species richness in the region ranged from 7 (Punta de Manabique) to 23 (Xcalak). Identification of the species is completed in-situ along transects (i.e. no intensive search for species is conducted), so values might reflect lower species richness than that which actually occurs at the site, if rare species are not located on a transect. The methodology applied by the SMP does not require a roving search for all species of stony coral, so this parameter is limited as an indicator of reef health. Map 8 displays the species richness observed for each site. 47 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Species Richness Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 25 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef No. Species 20 15 10 5 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 F01 F02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover´s Reef South W.C Gladden Spit México Belize Sites Figure 25. - Species richness, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. 48 Sapodilla P. C. Manb. Guat. Utila F01 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak F01 D02 D01 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 B01 B02 F02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 BO D01 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 8. - Numbers of scleractinian coral species observed in the MBRS region. 49 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2.2 Diameter of coral colonies Coral colony diameter might be a good indicator of reef stability because areas with less disturbance typically have larger colonies than areas that have to continuously rebuild due to high stress conditions. Maximum diameter was measured and recorded for each coral along a transect. For the purpose of this study, all colonies were analyzed together, regardless of species. Later studies should include individual analyses of colony size, by species or by genus (specifically Acropora, Montastraea, and Diploria). The mean maximum diameter for the MBRS region is 33.52cm (median=29.03) with a standard deviation of 13.91 and a standard error of 1.84cm. Region wide, mean maximum diameters ranged from 16.88cm to 71.10cm (Figure 26). Kramer (2003) reports a mean maximum diameter 71cm for the Wider Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, and Brazil; however, only colonies equal to or larger than 25 cm are used in that report. For this study, all colonies (at least 40) on each transect are measured, regardless of size. This explains the significant difference between the Kramer data and these. Reef Habitats Table 15 reports the average maximum diameter for the coral colonies at each reef habitat. The highest mean is found on the back-reef. Table 15. - Average diameter (cm) of coral colonies by habitat. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean Median 39.44 30.12 29.59 37.30 28.71 25.19 50 Standard Deviation 17.19 6.61 11.85 Standard Error 3.66 1.77 2.59 Minimum Maximum 16.88 22.62 17.59 71.10 42.03 62.81 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Mean Maximum Diameter of Coral Colonies Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 100 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Diameter (cm) 80 60 40 33 20 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 F01 F02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover´s Reef South W.C Gladden Spit México Belize Sapodilla P. C. Manb. Guat. F01 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak F01 D02 D01 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 B01 B02 F02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 BO2 D01 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 26. – Mean (+/- standard error) maximum diameter of coral colonies, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. 51 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Mean Maximum Diameter of Coral Colonies MBRS Habitats 50 Diameter (cm) 40 30 20 10 0 Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Habitat Figure 27. – Mean maximum diameter of coral colonies by habitat. Average diameter of coral colonies by location Table 16 shows the average maximum diameter of the coral colonies by location. The results given here include all colonies, regardless of species or size. Some locations have different numbers of sites, so these results may not be totally representative of a location when compared to another. Table 16. - Average diameter (cm) of coral colonies at MBRS locations. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mean 32.00 33.26 30.50 Median 29.35 27.86 30.22 Standard Deviation 7.24 12.97 6.66 Standard Error 2.96 5.80 2.72 Standard Deviation 20.44 12.14 13.66 7.24 4.67 11.82 6.17 Standard Error 9.14 6.07 6.83 1.81 2.34 3.94 3.56 Minimum Maximum 23.68 20.48 22.16 41.42 48.27 39.35 Minimum Maximum 19.51 21.15 40.18 21.08 16.88 17.59 51.60 70.41 46.60 71.10 38.32 26.90 49.89 62.81 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean 35.93 32.13 57.37 30.90 20.66 27.98 58.69 Median 27.62 30.38 59.10 32.10 19.43 22.62 61.66 52 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Mean 31.57 25.40 29.21 Median 31.57 25.19 29.21 Standard Deviation 7.59 3.92 3.26 Standard Error 5.37 2.26 3.26 Minimum Maximum 26.20 21.59 26.90 36.93 29.43 31.52 Most locations have an average diameter larger than 20 cm. It is important to mention that the diameter of the colonies depends on the species and the habitat where they are located. Some species have small sizes in general, or different types of growth depending on the zone where they develop. Map of average diameter of coral colonies on the reef The average maximum diameters, by site, were grouped into three categories (Map 9). ¾ From 1 to 20.00 cm. ¾ From 20.01 to 35.00 cm. ¾ 35.01 cm or larger. A separate analysis that includes only the major reef-building species is necessary to determine their average size. Patterns observed in these data are the result of the first monitoring and are represented here, only as a baseline, which can be used for comparison during future surveys. 53 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 9. - Average diameter of scleractinian coral colonies observed in the MBRS region 54 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2.3 Coral Colony Height In addition to maximum diameter, maximum height helps to determine which reefs are under physical stress (requiring regrowth) and which areas have healthy, large colonies, serving as the backbone of the reef. Maximum height is only appropriate for branching and boulder-forming species. Encrusting and plate-forming species grow out rather than up and therefore never reach comparable heights. However, as with diameter, all colonies, regardless of species or size, are included in this analysis. It therefore becomes necessary to perform an analysis by location and habitat so that resource managers can take into account species composition, in these areas, when interpreting results. In high use areas, height may serve as a good indicator of the impact of tourism on the reef. These locations have a high density of visitors, who are often inexperienced snorkelers or divers, and unintentional contact between these people and the corals can lead to fragmentation (i.e. lower maximum heights). Colony fragmentation may lead to less fit corals, as energy expenditure rises to regenerate broken pieces. In cases of considerable damage, total death can occur. These colonies might then be replaced by algae or rapid growth coral species that are not necessarily major reef-builders. The mean maximum height for the reefs in the MBRS region is 20.93cm (median=19.46cm) with a standard deviation of 9.56 and a standard error of 1.27cm. Maximum mean heights range from 7.0cm to 47.22cm (Figure 28). Reef Habitats Table 17 reports the average maximum heights for each reef habitat. The back-reef has the highest values. Table 17. - Average maximum height of coral colonies by habitat. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 25.86 19.74 16.55 Median 21.97 19.52 15.10 Standard Deviation 11.36 4.66 7.64 Standard Error 2.42 1.25 1.67 Minimum Maximum 11.07 11.10 7.00 47.22 31.03 36.54 The values on the deep fore-reef are lower than those at the other habitats. This is due to the fact that most species grow in a plate-like form in deeper waters and in areas with a slope or wall, and as stated earlier, plate-forming colonies do not reach any significant height. 55 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Mean Maximum Height of Coral Colonies Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 60 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Height (cm) 40 20 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 F01 F02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover´s Reef South W.C Gladden Spit México Belize Sapodilla P. C. Manb. Guat. F01 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak F01 D02 D01 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 B01 B02 F02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 BO2 D01 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 28. – Mean (+/- standard error) maximum height of coral colonies, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. 56 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2.4 Average height of coral colonies by location Table 18 reports the average maximum heights of coral colonies for each location. These results include all colonies, regardless of species or size. The data may not be representative of each entire location due to the fact that different numbers of sites are monitored in each location, but they give a snapshot of the conservation status in each area. Table 18. - Average height of coral colonies, by location, in the MBRS. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mean 21.03 24.71 18.21 Median 20.54 24.07 18.58 Standard Deviation 2.59 9.82 2.44 Standard Error 1.06 4.39 1.00 Minimum Maximum 17.68 15.07 13.78 24.27 39.20 20.77 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean Median 21.34 18.39 35.20 14.47 15.06 22.87 35.13 15.76 17.66 36.06 14.75 15.15 20.55 30.89 Mean Median Standard Deviation 14.87 8.04 8.83 6.48 2.16 7.66 9.58 Standard Error 6.65 4.02 4.41 1.62 1.08 2.55 5.53 Standard Deviation 2.67 4.83 4.15 Standard Error 1.89 2.79 2.93 Minimum Maximum 10.87 11.09 23.60 7.98 12.33 16.34 28.40 47.22 27.15 45.06 20.42 17.61 39.53 46.10 Minimum Maximum 11.07 7.00 11.10 14.84 15.43 16.96 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos 12.95 9.85 14.03 12.95 7.14 14.03 Map of average height of coral colonies on the reef The average heights of the colonies, by site, were grouped into three categories (Map 10). ¾ From 1 to 15.00 cm. ¾ From 15.01 to 30.00 cm. ¾ 30.01 cm or larger. Patterns of coral colony height in these data are the result of the first monitoring and are represented as a baseline that is intended to be used as a comparison in future studies. Like maximum diameter in the previous section, maximum height should be analyzed for important individual, reef-building species such as Acropora palmate, Montastraea cavernosa, M. annularis, and Diploria spp. 57 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 10. - Average height of scleractinian coral colonies observed in the MBRS region 58 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2.5 Mortality of scleractinian coral colonies Mortality is one of the primary indicators of reef health. This section considers colonies that show any mortality, old or recent. The results are reported as a percentage of colonies that show some mortality. On average, 40.13% (median=37.5%) of coral colonies in the MBRS region show some form of partial mortality with a standard deviation of 28.62 and a standard error of 3.79%. The percentage of colonies exhibiting mortality ranges from 0% to 98% (Figure 29). Reef Habitats Table 19 reports the average rate of mortality for each reef habitat. Table 19. - Average mortality of coral colonies by habitat. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 44.85 39.74 35.45 Median 41.73 39.91 28.57 Standard Deviation 30.32 26.72 28.56 Standard Error 6.46 7.14 6.23 Minimum Maximum 0.69 0.25 0.00 98.00 80.56 97.30 The highest mortality rates are observed on the back-reef, and the lowest rates occur on the shallow fore-reef. 59 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Percentage of Colonies with Mortality Mesoamerican Barrer Reef Systems 100 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Colonies (%) 80 60 40 20 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 F01 F02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover´s Reef South W.C Gladden Spit México Belize Sites Figure 29. – Mean mortality rates, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The red line indicates the regional mean. 60 Sapodilla P. C. Manb. Guat. F01 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak F01 D02 D01 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 B01 B02 F02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 BO2 D01 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Average mortality of coral colonies by location Table 20 shows the average rate of mortality for coral colonies by location. Table 20. – Average mortality rate by location in the MBRS. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mean (%) 60.13 52.13 41.33 Median 68.69 47.06 44.23 Standard Deviation 20.50 11.07 12.64 Standard Error 8.37 4.95 5.16 Minimum Maximum 29.90 40.63 21.62 80.56 66.67 55.77 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover’s Reef South Water Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean (%) 61.89 0.69 54.37 39.02 32.53 29.64 94.39 Median 74.47 0.70 58.00 34.75 32.65 27.03 97.30 Standard Deviation 39.61 0.10 22.20 13.18 4.56 21.20 5.54 Standard Error 17.71 0.05 11.10 3.29 2.28 7.07 3.20 Standard Deviation 4.49 0.14 8.98 Standard Error 3.18 0.08 6.35 Minimum Maximum 0.50 0.58 28.00 28.57 26.83 3.45 88.00 98.00 0.81 73.47 58.00 38.00 63.16 97.87 Minimum Maximum 6.98 0.00 9.52 13.33 0.25 22.22 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Mean (%) 10.16 0.09 15.87 Median 10.16 0.02 15.87 Cozumel, Banco Chinchorro, Xcalak, Bacalar Chico, Caye Caulker, and Sapodilla Cayes have mortality rates higher than the regional average. These results should be compared with respect to coral cover. Reefs with less cover tend to have lower mortality than crowded reefs, so a lower rate mortality is expected at the sites/locations that have low cover. 61 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map of coral mortality on the reef The mean mortality rates, by site, were grouped into five categories. ¾ From 0% to 15.00%. ¾ From 15.01% to 35.00%. ¾ From 35.01% to 55.00%. ¾ From 55.01% to 80.00. ¾ 80.01% or higher. Patterns observed in this analysis are the result of the first monitoring and are reported as a baseline, to be used for comparison during future studies. Coral mortality is caused by several factors, both natural and anthropogenic, including storms, predation, eutrophication, collisions, pollution, bleaching, and ship groundings, among others. It is important to determine the causes of coral mortality in the region in order to make recommendations for management. 62 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 11. - Percentage of coral colonies with mortality observed in the MBRS region 63 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2.6 Diseases of the Coral Colonies On average, 0.37% (median=0.00%) of the coral colonies on the reefs of the MBRS region are infected with a disease (standard deviation=1.49 and standard error=0.20%). The prevalence of coral diseases ranges from 0.00% to 10.00% throughout the region (Figure 30). Most likely, these low numbers are not representative of the disease status along the reef. It is quite possible that the surveyors do not have sufficient knowledge in coral diseases, so more in-depth training is necessary. the MBRS is shown on Figure 30. Under normal, relaxed conditions, corals should be able to successfully fight off disease, so instances of infection are probably secondary to some other natural or anthropogenic stress. Percentage of Colonies with Disease Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 12 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef 10 Deep Fore-reef Colonies (%) 8 6 4 2 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 F01 F02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover´s Reef South W.C Gladden Spit México Belize Sapodilla P. C. Manb. Guat. F01 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Xcalak F01 D02 D01 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 B01 B02 F02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 BO2 D01 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 30. - Mean disease rate in coral colonies, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. 64 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.2.7 Bleaching of Scleractinian Coral Colonies As a possible indicator of climate change, coral bleaching is a phenomenon that concerns both the scientific and management communities, worldwide. Bleaching occurs when coral polyps expel their symbiotic zooxanthellae and occurs during times of stress, including warming of tropical waters. On average, 2.47% (median=0.13%) of the colonies in the MBRS region show some degree of bleaching (standard deviation=6.54 and standard error=0.87%). Bleaching rates range from 0.00% to 38.00%, region wide (Figure 31). As stated above, bleaching events typically occur during heightened sea temperatures, so monitoring for this parameter should be completed during hotter months. Bleaching events can only be detected a few weeks, during which corals either recover or die. For this reason, low bleaching levels might be a factor of the monitoring seasons (i.e. surveyors are only reporting mortality). Percentage of Colonies with Bleaching Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 40 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef Deep Fore-reef Colonies (%) 30 20 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 F01 F02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover´s Reef South W.C Gladden Spit México Belize Sapodilla P. C. Manb. Guat. F01 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 Xcalak F01 D02 D01 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 B01 F01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 BO2 D01 B01 B02 F02 D01 D02 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 10 Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 31. - Mean bleaching rate of coral colonies, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. 65 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.3 REEF FISHES When monitoring the coral reefs of the MBRS region, it is important to not only consider the reef building corals and other benthic components, but also the complementing fish communities. These species make up an important taxonomic group economically, socially, and ecologically. Within the SMP, the reef fishes are probably the most heavily exploited, directly utilized resource that is measured, and the main threats to these species are overfishing by humans, destruction of their habitat (including mangrove forests and seagrass beds), and pollution of coastal watersheds. Several species are targeted for their commercial value, and the livelihoods of many men and women depend on their sustainable harvest or use for tourism. In addition, the taking of reef fishes has, historically, been an important part of several of the cultures that exist in this region. Reef fishes are those that depend directly on the reefs for food and protection. Some species of reef fishes feed on macroalgae (herbivores), some feed on other fishes and invertebrates (carnivores) and others feed on coral polyps (coralivores). In addition, reef fishes that travel back and forth between the reef and other ecosystems (seagrass beds, mangrove forests) to feed or spawn often provide the reef with an important source of nutrients, through their waste. This additional inflow of nutrients from fish waste is vital to productivity (Roger, 2001). A total of 9,374 individuals were counted during 563 transects conducted for fish surveys during this monitoring period. Annex II lists the species of adult fish considered for this analysis. Fish density, family composition, size structure, recruit density, herbivore biomass, and carnivore biomass is analyzed. 3.3.1 Total Fish Density in the MBRS region On average, MBRS sites have a fish density of 34.68 ind./100m2 (median=29.00 ind./100m2) with a standard deviation of 21.81 and a standard error of 2.84 ind./100m2. Values ranged from 5 to 110.56 ind./100m2 throughout the region (Figure 32). These values are less than those reported by Kramer (2003) for the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, and Brazil region (mean=48 ind./100m2). 66 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Adult Fish Density Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 140 Back-reef Shallow Fore-reef 120 Deep Fore-reef Density (ind/100m2) 100 80 60 40 34.68 20 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan México South W.C Belize Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila C. Manabi. Guate. F01 F02 D01 F01 D01 D01 B01 B02 B01 B02 D01 Glover's Reef B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 Caye Caulker B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 B01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 32. – Mean (+/- standard error) adult fish density, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. 67 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 21 reports the reef fish density for each habitat. Highest values are seen on the shallow fore-reef (Figure 33). Adult Fish Density MBRS Habitats 50 40 Ind/100m2 34.68 30 20 10 0 Arrecife Posterior Arrecife Frontal Somero Arrecife Frontal Profundo Habitat Figure 33. – Mean (+/- standard error) adult fish density, by habitat in the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. Table 21. - Average adult fish density (ind./100 m2) by reef habitats. Habitat Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Mean 29.07 43.07 33.56 Median 21.25 33.00 27.92 Standard Deviation 19.53 21.50 18.46 Standard Error 4.26 5.21 4.23 Minimum Maximum 6.67 18.75 5.00 74.38 77.78 65.22 Total density of adult fish in each location Cozumel (Mexico) and Hol Chan (Belize) had the highest fish densities for the region. The lowest values were observed in Caye Caulker (Belize) and Gladden Spit (Belize). 68 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Adult Fish Density MBRS Locations 70 60 Ind/100m2 50 40 34.68 30 20 10 México Belize Guatemala Cayos Cochinos Utila Punta Manabique Sapodilla Caye Gladen Spit South Water Caye Glover's Reef Caye Caulker Hol Chan Bacalar Chico Xcalak Banco Chinchorro Cozumel 0 Honduras Sites Figure 34. – Mean (+/- standard error) adult fish density, by location, in the MBRS region. The green line represents the regional mean. Table 22 reports density values for each of the surveyed locations. Table 22. - Average density (ind./100m2) of adult fishes by location. Mexico MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mean 58.75 38.48 31.93 Median 57.50 36.40 29.00 Standard Deviation 34.10 13.22 12.24 Standard Error 13.92 5.40 5.47 Standard Deviation 13.81 8.47 4.45 20.58 14.29 8.78 9.71 Standard Error 6.18 4.24 2.22 10.29 7.15 2.78 5.61 Standard Deviation 9.27 27.97 30.00 Standard Error 6.56 16.15 17.32 Minimum Maximum 19.17 23.75 18.13 110.56 61.88 50.00 Minimum Maximum 32.72 45.42 11.05 27.92 13.33 5.00 17.33 65.22 64.38 20.72 74.38 47.08 32.50 35.33 Minimum Maximum 13.97 21.25 18.75 27.08 71.47 71.67 Belize MPA Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover's Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Mean 43.93 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 24.22 Median 38.82 60.84 14.04 42.29 23.65 15.21 20.00 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Mean 20.53 39.24 37.04 Median 20.53 25.00 20.71 69 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map of adult fish density in the reef The average adult fish densities, by site, were grouped into three categories (Map 12): ¾ From 1.00 to 25.00 ind./100 m2. ¾ From 25.01 to 45.00 ind./100 m2. ¾ 45.01 ind./100 m2 or more Patterns observed for adult reef fish density along the MBRS region are the result of the first monitoring and are reported here as a baseline, to be used for comparison during future studies. 70 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 2 Map 12. - Adult fish density (ind./100m ) observed at MBRS sites. 71 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.3.2 Adult fish density by family The most abundant families of fishes, counted during this study, are Acanthuridae, Haemulidae, Lutjanidae and Scaridae (Figure 36). These results match those reported in Kramer (2003) for the Wider Caribbean. He reports that Acanthuridae, Haemulidae, and Lutjanidae are the three most common families found during their surveying. Of the families that are counted (see Appendix II), surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) and parrotfishes (Scaridae) together make up approximately 50% of the total calculated abundance. The grunts (Haemulidae) represent 18%, and snappers (Lutjanidae) represent another 10% of the total counted fishes. Snappers are especially common on the backreefs of the region. Numbers of both herbivorous (Acanthuridae, Scaridae) and piscivorous (Serranidae, Sphyraenidae, Carangidae) species are highest on deep fore-reef sites in Bacalar Chico, Banco Chinchorro and Cayos Cochinos. Lowest values are observed at Gladden Spit, Xcalak, and South Water Caye. Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) and Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae), which feed on coral polyps and sponges, were observed in greatest density, in Cayos Cochinos, the Sapodilla Cayes, and Banco Chinchorro. Triggerfishes (Balistidae), were most abundant in the Sapodilla Cayes, and Microspathodon chrysurus (Pomacentridae) was the most common species at Banco Chinchorro and Xcalak. Average density of fish families by habitat Back-reef densities (by family) of adult reef fishes are comparable to those reported by Kramer (2003) for shallow (<5m) sites across the Wider Caribbean (Figure 36). Both Haemulidae and Acanthuridae have the same percentage as that reported by Kramer (2003). Scaridae has a value of 18%, versus 31% in Kramer (2003), and Lutjanidae has a value of 13%, versus 9% in Kramer (2003) (Figure 35). Adult Fish Density by Family Back-reef Scaridae 18% Serranidae 1% Acanthuridae 30% Pomacentridae 2% Pomacanthidae 3% Balistidae 1% Carangidae 3% Lutjanidae 13% Chaetodontidae 7% Haemulidae 22% Figure 35. – Average adult fish densities, by family, for back-reef sites in the MBRS. 72 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Adult Fish Density by Family Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 100 Acanthuridae Balistidae Carangidae Chaetodontidae Haemulidae Lutjanidae Pomacanthidae Pomacentridae Scaridae Serranidae 60 40 20 México Belize Gladden Spit B01 B02 Sapodilla P. C Manb. Guate. F01 F02 D01 South W.C B01 BO2 D01 Glover's Reef B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 Caye Caulker F01 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 B01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 Banco Chinchorro B01 B02 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 Inds/100m2 80 Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 36 – Average adult fish density, by family, in the MBRS Region. Data are displayed, by site, from North to South. 73 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figures 37 and 38 display the percentage of fish densities, by family, for the fore-reef habitats. Acanthuridae makes up the largest percentage of counted individuals for both habitats, followed by Scaridae, Haemulidae, and Lutjanidae on the shallow-fore reef and Haemulidae, Scaridae, and Lutjanidae on the deep fore-reef. Adult Fish Denstiy by Family Shallow Fore-reef Serranidae 3% Acanthuridae 25% Scaridae 20% Pomacentridae 4% Balistidae 4% F Pomacanthidae 4% Carangidae 2% Chaetodontidae 6% Lutjanidae 12% Haemulidae 20% Figure 37. – Average adult fish density, by family, for shallow fore-reef sites in the MBRS. Adult Fish Density by Family Deep Fore-reef Serranidae 4% Acanthuridae 28% Scaridae 20% Pomacentridae 4% Balistidae 6% Pomacanthidae 4% Carangidae 3% Chaetodontidae 4% Lutjanidae 11% Haemulidae 16% Figure 38. – Average adult fish density, by family, for deep fore-reef sites in the MBRS. 74 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 23 reports the average density for adult fish, by family, for each habitat. Table 23. – Average adult fish density (Ind./100 m2) by family by habitat. Habitat Acant Balist Carang Chaetod 8.06 8.15 8.67 0.32 1.16 2.01 0.81 0.66 1.05 1.93 1.90 1.48 Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Family Haemul Lutjan 6.00 6.76 4.98 Pomaca Pomacent Scarid Serran 0.80 1.18 1.33 0.57 2.77 1.41 4.81 6.33 6.11 0.33 1.18 1.32 3.38 3.93 3.49 Most families had a region wide distribution, and all families were seen in all three habitats. Families Serranidae (groupers), Carangidae (jacks), Balistidae (triggerfishes), and Scaridae were all most abundant on the fore-reef. Density of fish families by location Figure 39 shows adult fish density, by family, at each of the locations in the MBRS region. At almost all locations, Acanthuridae, Haemulidae, and Lutjanidae were the most common families. Serranid groupers were most common in Cayos Cochinos (Honduras), Hol Chan and Bacalar Chico (Belize), and Banco Chinchorro (Mexico); these species were rare or absent in Gladden Spit and South Water Caye (Belize) and Punta de Manabique (Guatemala). Table 24 reports the densities of adult fish by family for each location. Adult Fish Density by Family MBRS Locations 70 60 Acanthuridae Balistidae Carangidae Chaetodontidae Haemulidae Lutjanidae Pomacanthidae Pomacentridae Scaridae Serranidae Inds/100m2 50 40 30 20 10 México Belize Guatemala Sites Figure 39. – Average adult fish density, by family, for each location in the MBRS region. 75 Cayos Cochinos Utila Punta Manabique Sapodilla Caye Gladden Spit South Water C. Glover's Reef Caye Caulker Hol Chan Bacalar Chico Xcalak Banco Chinchorro Cozumel 0 Honduras MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 24. - Values of adult fish density (ind./100 m2) by family in the MBRS locations. Mexico Location Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Family Haemul Lutjan 13.68 5.81 Acant 4.00 Balist 1.20 Carang 0.00 Chaetod 0.62 7.67 0.46 0.61 3.62 2.07 7.06 0.42 0.22 0.61 6.28 Pomaca 1.14 Pomacent 0.00 Scarid 3.82 Serran 0.88 3.40 1.10 4.28 9.19 1.96 2.93 0.87 1.38 11.30 0.41 Belize Location Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover's Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Family Haemul Lutjan Acant Balist Carang Chaetod Pomaca Pomacent Scarid 14.39 14.53 1.68 2.45 1.47 3.96 1.02 2.03 10.40 9.84 2.96 0.24 0.91 0.80 20.21 1.67 0.00 8.59 0.47 6.79 3.33 Serran 3.56 5.99 0.85 0.63 1.46 0.00 5.43 13.07 1.75 1.88 3.63 0.58 0.88 0.77 2.14 0.68 3.33 7.71 5.05 0.21 0.00 3.28 0.78 0.26 1.51 5.68 4.11 0.42 0.83 4.53 0.26 0.29 0.29 1.42 1.13 2.67 0.46 0.04 2.25 0.00 4.44 1.11 2.00 3.22 0.89 2.67 0.67 5.11 0.78 Family Haemul Lutjan Guatemala/Honduras Location Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Acant Balist Carang Chaetod Pomaca Pomacent Scarid Serran 2.19 0.00 0.00 2.08 9.38 2.40 2.60 0.00 1.46 0.00 6.11 3.10 1.67 1.51 5.28 8.10 3.65 0.71 7.38 0.91 8.73 0.56 0.71 3.73 1.90 0.71 1.67 6.83 6.35 2.14 The information reported here establishes the baseline to be used as a comparison tool during future studies. 3.3.3 Size structure of adult fishes Overfishing often drives the average size of a species down because larger individuals are more valuable and therefore taken out of the population (Trexler and Travis, 2000). For this reason, size structure becomes an indicator of fishing pressure and has been examined during this study. This work analyzes the size structure of the reef fish community as a whole (regardless of species). Most individuals counted during this study fall into three size categories, 6-10cm, 11-20cm, and 21-30cm (Figure 41). Smaller numbers of smaller and larger individuals were observed. 76 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Reef Habitats When comparing fish size, with respect to reef habitat, it becomes apparent that greater numbers of large fishes are seen on the fore-reef than on the back reef; however, these numbers are still quite low when compared to the other size categories (Figure 40). Fish Size Structure MBRS Habitats 3500 >40 cm 31-40 cm 21-30 cm 11-20 cm 6-10 cm 0-5 cm 3000 Frequency 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Arrecife Posterior Arrecife Frontal Somero Habitat Figure 40. – Adult fish size, by habitat, in the MBRS region. 77 Arrecife Frontal Profundo MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Fish Size Structure Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 450 400 >40 cm 31-40 cm 21-30 cm 11-20 cm 6-10 cm 0-5 cm 350 Frequency 300 250 200 150 100 50 Gladden Spit México Belize Sites Figure 41. – Adult fish sizes, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. 78 F01 F02 D01 South W.C. F02 D01 D01 Glover's Reef B01 B02 Caye Caulker B01 BO2 D01 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 Hol Chan B01 B02 D01 D02 Bacalar Chico B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 Xcalak B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 D01 Banco Chinchorro B01 F02 F03 D01 D02 Cozumel B01 F02 F03 F04 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 0 Sapodilla Punta Utila Cayos Caye Manab. Cochinos Guate. Honduras MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 25 shows the number of individuals counted in each size category, by habitat. Table 25. – Size frequency (by habitat) for adult fishes in the MBRS region. Sizes Back-reef 0-5 cm 6-10 cm 11-20 cm 21-30 cm 31-40 cm >40 cm Habitat Shallow fore-reef 207 868 1,152 265 28 31 Deep fore-reef 62 642 1,469 803 143 33 n 171 1,081 1,380 412 68 17 440 2,591 4,001 1,480 239 81 Fish sizes for the locations in the MBRS At most locations, 11-20cm is the category with the most number of individuals counted (Figure 42). 6-10cm and 21-30cm also have high frequencies. Fish Size Structure MBRS Locations 1400 >40 cm 1200 31-40 cm 1000 11-20 cm 21-30 cm Frequency 6-10 cm 800 0-5 cm 600 400 200 México Belize Guatemala Cayos. Cochinos Utila Punta Manabique Sapodilla Caye Gladden Spit South Water Caye Glover's Reef Caye. Caulker Hol Chan Bacalar Chico Xcalk Banco Chinchorro Cozumel 0 Honduras Sites Figure 42. – Adult fish sizes by location in the MBRS region Larger size individuals (>20cm) are vitally important to the reef ecosystem, as they are the most fecund and therefore most reproductively successful individuals of their species. Therefore, high numbers of the larger size categories are an indicator of a healthy reef fish community. Cozumel, Banco Chinchorro, Bacalar Chico, Hol Chan, Utila and Cayos Cochinos are the locations with higher numbers of large individuals (Table 26). 79 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 26. – Size frequency (by location) of adult fishes in the MBRS region. Location 0-5 Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover's Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos 6-10 Size Categories (cm) 11-20 21-30 31-40 >40 n 0 38 3 50 41 5 114 38 58 81 9 363 148 356 400 62 364 207 118 73 367 307 461 491 475 157 373 222 124 57 586 123 95 93 167 31 34 45 61 7 125 10 7 22 15 1 5 3 3 0 40 2 0 17 13 2 7 2 0 0 1127 843 714 1029 1111 258 897 517 364 218 0 23 63 39 6 1 132 0 8 51 212 188 122 199 104 42 62 10 13 490 521 Monitoring in this area needs to continue, on a consistent basis, over an extended period of time, in order to follow any trends in average fish size on the reef. In addition, analyses of individual species should be conducted to learn the status of ecologically and commercially important species. 80 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.3.4 Adult fish biomass The average herbivore biomass for the MBRS region is 2,056 g/100m2 (median=1,549 g/100m2) with a standard deviation of 2,237 and a standard error of 289 g/100m2. Throughout the region, values range from 0 to 10,465 g/100m2 (Figure 43). The estimate of biomass of individual fish is calculated using an equation from Marks and Klomp (in Lang 2003), W=aLb, where W is the weight (grams), L is the length (cm), and a and b are constants estimated from a linear regression. Primary carnivorous species (Serranid groupers, Lutjanid snappers and Sphyraena barracuda) average 940 g/100m2 (median=536 g/100m2) with a standard deviation of 1,297 and a standard error of 167 g/100m2 (Figure 43). Values range from 0 to 7,155 g/100m2. 81 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Adult Fish Biomass Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 10000 Herbivore Biomass Carnivore Biomass Biomass (g/100m2) 8000 6000 4000 2,056 2000 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 B01 F01 F02 F03 F04 D01 B01 F02 F03 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 D03 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 F01 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 D02 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 F01 F02 D01 D02 B01 B02 D01 B01 B02 F01 D01 D02 F01 F02 D01 940 Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker México South Water C Belize Gover's Reef Gladden Spit Sapodilla P. Utila Cayos C Manab Cochinos Guate Honduras Sites Figure 43. – Mean adult fish biomass, by site, North to South, for the MBRS region. The blue line represents the regional mean for herbivore biomass, and the maroon line represents the regional mean for carnivore biomass. 82 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Reef Habitat On average, herbivore biomass is higher than carnivore biomass in all three reef habitats (Figure 44). Overall, the highest numbers for both herbivore and carnivore biomass were observed on the shallow fore-reef, and the lowest numbers for both were observed on the back-reef. Adult Fish Biomass MBRS Habitats 3500 Herbivore Biomass Carnivore Biomass 3000 2 Biomass (g/100m ( 2500 2,056 2000 1500 1000 940 500 0 Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Habitat Figure 44. – Mean adult fish biomass, by habitat. The blue line represents the regional mean for herbivores and the maroon line represents the regional mean for carnivores. Biomass is calculated using the estimated lengths of individuals reported in the previous section. Therefore, there might be some degree of variability based on observer skill and experience. Table 27 reports the values for biomass in each reef habitat. Table 27. – Adult Fish biomass values by habitat in the MBRS Back-reef Herbivorous Biomass Carnivorous Biomass Mean Median 1066 595 822 307 Mean Median 3230 1274 1907 600 Mean Median 1830 920 1711 752 Standard Deviation 759 710 Standard Error 162 151 Standard Deviation 3131 1824 Standard Error 700 408 Standard Deviation 1508 985 Standard Error 337 220 Minimum. Maximum. 32 0 2517 2568 Minimum. Maximum. 0 0 10465 7155 Minimum. Maximum. 54 0 5948 4404 Shallow fore-reef Herbivorous Biomass Carnivorous Biomass Deep fore-reef Herbivorous Biomass Carnivorous Biomass 83 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Biomass by location Table 28 shows the biomass distribution by location (Figure 45). Adult Fish Biomass MBRS Locations 6000 5000 Herbivore Biomass Biomasa Carnívoros Biomass g/100m 2 4000 3000 2056 2000 940 1000 0 Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan México Caye Caulker South Water Caye Glover's Reef Belize Gladden Spit Sapodilla Cayes Punta Manabique Guatemala Utila Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 45. – Mean adult fish biomass by location in the MBRS region. The blue line represents the regional mean for herbivores, and the maroon line represents the regional mean for carnivores. Table 28. – Mean adult fish biomass values by location, in the MBRS region. Mexico Location Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Herbivorous Biomass Carnivorous Biomass 5374 1557 2080 1767 1054 382 Herbivorous Biomass Carnivorous Biomass 1963 1937 1023 1077 1075 745 247 1178 1571 492 436 907 342 73 Belize Location Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker South Water Caye Glover's Reef Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Guatemala/Honduras Location Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos Herbivorous Biomass Carnivorous Biomass 672 4558 5624 176 3849 667 84 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map of Herbivorous and Carnivorous Fish Biomass The averages for biomass were grouped into three categories (Maps 13 and 14). Map of herbivorous fishes From 1.00 to 1250.00 g/100 m2 From 1250.01 to 4650.00 g/100 m2 4650.01 g/100 m2 and higher Map of Carnivorous Fish Biomass From 1.00 to 860.00 g/100 m2 From 860.01.01 to 2500.00 g/100 m2 2500.01 g/100 m2 and higher 85 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 13. – Distribution of herbivorous fish biomass in the MBRS. 86 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 14. - Distribution of Carnivorous fish biomass in the MBRS. 87 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3.3.5 Density of recruits Recruitment refers to the addition of juveniles from the water column into the established adult population. The MBRS monitoring manual details the sizes that distinguish an individual as a recruit and require it to be counted for this survey. Several ecologically important, indicator species (listed below) have been included in the recruit monitoring in order to determine number of individuals making it to the reef. These numbers can be compared to numbers of individuals making it to adulthood. Many habitat preferences start with recruitment, and there are several studies that have tried to ascertain the degree to which the habitat influences the post-recruitment processes. The response to the habitat may be the cause of spatial variation in recruitment (Tolimieri, 1998). Also, recruitment rates vary widely in space and time, as well as between species. These variations may play an important role in the identification of areas that act as sources of larval distribution (Almada-Villela, et al., 2003) and even influence the distribution, composition and abundance of the adult population (Doherty & Fowler, 1994). Effects on social organization (Aldenhoven, 1986), changes in the structure of the community and connectivity patterns (Jones, 2001) are other important reasons to study recruitment. Thus, observing changes in recruitment rates may indicate which populations have a greater possibility of resisting fishing activities and which are more susceptible to alterations in the reef fish community. Figure 46 displays the average densities of fish recruits in the MBRS region. Densities vary widely amongst sites and species. A more in-depth analysis by species would be a useful future study. 88 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Recruit Fish Density Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Gramma loreto Halichoeres pictus Stegastes leucostictus Scarus taeniopterus Chaetodon capistratus Halichoeres maculipina Stegastes dorsopunicans Scarus iserti Chaetodon striatus Holichoeres garnoti Stegastes diencaeus Stegastes variabilis Sparisoma viride Acanthurus coeruleus Halichoeres bivittatus Chromis cyanea Stegastes planifrons Sparisomoa aurofrenatum Acanthurus bahianus Bodianus rufus Thalassoma bifasciatum Stegastes partitus Sparisoma atomarium 200 Ind/100m 2 150 100 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker South Water Caye México Belize Gover's Reef Gladden Spit F01 B01 D01 B01 B02 D01 F02 B01 F01 D02 B05 D01 B04 B02 B01 D02 D01 B02 B01 D02 B02 D01 B01 D02 B02 D01 B01 D02 B02 D01 B01 D02 D01 B02 B01 F03 D02 D01 F04 B01 F03 F02 0 D01 50 Sapodilla P. Cayos Caye ManabCochinos GuateHonduras Sites Figure 46. – Mean recruit densities, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. All species are included to display relative abundance in the reef fish community. 89 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Reef Habitats Figure 47 shows the relative density of recruits in each of the reef habitats. The highest overall recruitment, as well as recruit diversity, is found in the deep fore-reef. More than 80% of the predetermined species list are found on deep fore-reef sites. Species with highest densities on these habitats, included Stegastes partitus, Chromis cyanea and Thalassoma bifasciatum. Within Pomacentridae, species in genus Chromis are more common on the fore-reef because they are planktivores, and these habitats have higher abundances of their prey. Genus Stegastes (also in Pomacentridae) prefers the reef crest the back-reef due to the availability of shelter and spawning sites that these species prefer. On the back-reef, the species with highest densities are Thalassoma bifasciatum, Halichoeres bivittatus, Stegastes partitus and Scarus iserti. Most abundant species on the shallow fore-reef include Chromis cyanea, Halichoeres garnoti and Gramma loreto. Recruit Fish Density MBRS Habitats 100 90 80 Acanthurus bahianus Gramma loreto Halichoeres maculipina Stegastes diencaeus Stegastes planifrons Sparisoma atomarium Acanthurus coeruleus Bodianus rufus Halichoeres pictus Stegastes dorsopunicans Stegastes variabilis Sparisomoa aurofrenatum Chaetodon striatus Halichoeres bivittatus Thalassoma bifasciatum Stegastes leucostictus Scarus iserti Sparisoma viride Chaetodon capistratus Holichoeres garnoti Chromis cyanea Stegastes partitus Scarus taeniopterus 2 Density (ind/100m ( 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Back-reef Shallow fore-reef Deep fore-reef Habitat Figure 47. – Mean recruit densities, by habitat, in the MBRS region. Table 29 gives the average recruit density for the surveyed species in the MBRS region. 90 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 29. - Recruit density (ind./100m2), by habitat. Reef Habitats Species Acanthurus bahianus Acanthurus coeruleus Chaetodon striatus Chaetodon capistratus Gramma loreto Bodianus rufus Halichoeres bivittatus Holichoeres garnoti Halichoeres maculipina Halichoeres pictus Thalassoma bifasciatum Chromis cyanea Stegastes diencaeus Stegastes dorsopunicans Stegastes leucostictus Stegastes partitus Stegastes planifrons Stegastes variabilis Scarus iserti Scarus taeniopterus Sparisoma atomarium Sparisomoa aurofrenatum Sparisoma viride Back-reef Standard Mean Error 1.91 2.86 0.47 0.99 0.35 0.05 7.26 2.74 1.91 0.59 11.90 1.30 2.19 2.52 3.05 6.12 1.77 2.00 8.37 3.28 0.00 1.30 3.28 0.53 0.74 0.20 0.55 0.20 0.05 2.83 0.70 0.75 0.44 2.61 0.42 0.82 0.77 0.84 2.37 0.49 0.60 1.85 1.31 0.00 0.63 0.44 Shallow fore-reef Standard Average Error 0.63 1.04 0.00 0.14 8.75 0.00 0.00 12.99 0.00 0.07 6.18 22.08 0.28 1.18 0.76 2.29 0.28 0.00 2.78 0.56 0.00 0.76 1.04 0.36 0.65 0.00 0.13 5.57 0.00 0.00 5.19 0.00 0.06 2.38 10.28 0.25 0.70 0.56 0.47 0.19 0.00 0.69 0.51 0.00 0.44 0.62 Deep fore-reef Standard Average Error 0.81 1.00 0.34 0.61 3.11 0.61 2.01 6.54 0.69 0.32 11.99 12.55 0.56 0.71 0.59 12.52 1.30 1.52 7.55 2.82 0.02 2.23 1.15 0.27 0.46 0.16 0.22 1.34 0.31 0.89 1.97 0.35 0.19 2.27 3.25 0.17 0.30 0.36 4.36 0.51 0.66 1.70 1.29 0.02 0.91 0.32 Recruits by Location Figure 48 displays the distribution of the fish recruit density in the different MBRS locations. The highest densities of recruit fishes were observed at Bacalar Chico, Hol Chan and Glover’s Reef in Belize and Banco Chinchorro in Mexico (Figure 48). Chromis cyanea is the most common species observed in Banco Chinchorro; Halichoeres bivittatus is the most common species in Hol Chan; Scarus iserti and Thalassoma bifasciatum are the most identified species in Bacalar; and Stegastes partitus was most common in Glover’s Reef. 91 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Recruit Fish Density MBRS Locations 160 140 Acanthurus bahianus Gramma loreto Halichoeres maculipina Stegastes diencaeus Stegastes planifrons Sparisoma atomarium Chaetodon striatus Halichoeres bivittatus Thalassoma bifasciatum Stegastes leucostictus Scarus iserti Sparisoma viride Acanthurus coeruleus Bodianus rufus Halichoeres pictus Stegastes dorsopunicans Stegastes variabilis Sparisomoa aurofrenatum Chaetodon capistratus Holichoeres garnoti Chromis cyanea Stegastes partitus Scarus taeniopterus Ind/100m 2 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Southwater México Glover's Reef Belize Gladden Spit Sapodilla Cayes Punta Manabique Cayos Cochinos Guatemala Honduras Sites Figure 48. – Mean recruit densities, by location, in the MBRS region. Table 30 shows the average recruit density, by species and location, in the MBRS region. 92 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 30. – Mean recruit density (ind./100m2), by location, in the MBRS region. Species Acanthurus bahianus Acanthurus coeruleus Chaetodon striatus Chaetodon capistratus Gramma loreto Bodianus rufus Halichoeres bivittatus Holichoeres garnoti Halichoeres maculipina Halichoeres pictus Thalassoma bifasciatum Chromis cyanea Stegastes diencaeus Stegastes dorsopunicans Stegastes leucostictus Stegastes partitus Stegastes planifrons Stegastes variabilis Scarus iserti Scarus taeniopterus Sparisoma atomarium Sparisomoa aurofrenatum Sparisoma viride Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 15.63 0.00 0.00 20.21 0.00 0.21 5.21 33.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.02 0.21 0.00 1.98 0.83 0.00 1.15 0.31 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 1.67 0.21 0.10 1.25 0.00 0.10 3.85 3.33 0.52 0.00 0.00 1.35 0.42 0.00 3.23 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.56 3.44 4.12 0.31 0.42 0.57 0.42 15.16 9.72 1.67 0.00 15.52 4.58 2.13 3.75 6.00 8.08 0.55 3.30 8.07 9.06 0.00 3.35 2.38 Locations of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Hol Caye South Glover's Gladden Sapodilla Chan Caulker Water C. Reef Spit Caye 3.23 6.25 1.04 0.63 1.15 0.52 17.50 7.40 0.42 0.00 22.81 5.00 3.75 2.81 2.40 17.50 0.21 2.40 16.25 3.13 0.00 9.06 3.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.00 1.46 0.31 0.00 0.00 1.35 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.83 0.63 0.00 1.77 0.63 0.00 0.00 1.35 93 1.35 0.10 0.31 0.94 0.42 0.21 0.21 5.73 0.63 0.63 16.25 11.46 0.73 0.63 1.46 5.00 3.23 4.48 3.65 6.98 0.00 1.15 0.73 1.77 2.50 1.25 3.54 5.83 0.10 0.73 1.77 1.67 2.08 13.96 18.02 4.58 0.63 3.02 36.88 1.04 0.00 11.46 1.67 0.00 0.21 1.88 1.25 1.98 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 4.79 1.61 0.47 14.06 6.04 0.10 3.02 1.77 4.74 1.77 0.00 7.86 1.15 0.00 0.10 2.45 0.28 1.00 0.00 1.56 0.28 0.00 2.33 3.94 4.56 0.00 4.94 2.22 0.00 2.22 0.00 0.44 4.83 5.39 12.50 2.22 0.00 0.00 5.00 Punta de Manabique Cayos Cochinos 0.00 0.00 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 6.04 0.00 63.13 0.00 0.42 0.21 0.42 0.42 0.00 1.67 2.08 0.63 0.21 0.00 0.42 0.63 0.63 0.00 1.04 2.71 2.92 0.00 0.21 0.42 0.00 0.42 1.67 1.04 0.00 0.00 1.46 0.00 1.88 4.79 2.50 2.50 1.25 1.25 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 15. - Recruit fish density observed at the MBRS sites. 94 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 4 SEAGRASS Seagrasses are flowering plants that live in tropical and sub-tropical coastal waters worldwide. They are the primary food source for marine turtles and manatees and provide habitat for fishes and many marine invertebrates, some of which are commercially important (e.g. lobsters and conch). In addition, seagrasses absorb nutrients flowing from coastal sources and stabilize the sediments, which helps keep the water clear. Out of approximately 59 species of seagrasses living worldwide in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical waters (Short et al., 2005), only seven live in the MBRS region. Seagrasses are found on muddy bottoms of estuaries, shallow sandy areas close to the coast, reef lagoons and around sand banks. In addition, seagrasses may also grow in deeper sandy areas with clear waters. Seagrasses can reproduce sexually as well as asexually. During sexual reproduction, plants produce flowers, and pollen is transferred from the male flower to the ovaries in the female flower. Most seagrasses are sexually dimorphic meaning each individual only produces flowers of one sex, so there are male and female plants as well as flowers. The seeds produced can remain inactive in large “seed banks” for several months. During asexual, or vegetative, reproduction, new plants emerge without flowering or creation of seeds. The grasses grow horizontally, through rhizomes that sprout new plants. This allows the formation of large seagrass beds from only a few plants and serves as a recovery mechanism when trauma reduces numbers of individual plants. Seagrasses have a large range in the MBRS region. However, distribution and density may vary with the seasons. Typically, seagrass beds are more densely populated during months with clear, long days and high temperatures (April to June). 4.1. Types of Seagrass The seven species of seagrasses observed in the MBRS region are commonly identified by the shape and vascular patterns of their leaves and the way that the leaves connect to the rhizomes. The dominant species in the region is turtle grass, Thalassia testudinum, although large areas of manatee grass, Syringodium filiforme, are also found. The other species in the region are Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima and three species of Halophila, H. decipiens, H. englemanni and H. baillonis. 95 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figure 49. Seagrass anatomy (Modified from the Guide to the Seagrasses of the USA, 2001). 4.2. Importance of Seagrass. Seagrass beds are considered to be amongst the most productive ecosystems in the world (Odum, 1957; McRoy & McMillan, 1977; Zieman & Wetzel, 1980; Frankovich & Fourqurean, 1997). As stated above, they stabilize coastal sediments and capture and recycle nutrients, in addition to providing nourishment and shelter to many organisms. Several species of fishes and marine invertebrates use seagrass beds as spawning grounds. In addition they serve as feeding sites for dozens of marine bird species and reduce wave energy (coastal protection). 4.3. Threats to Seagrass. Coastal development, agro-chemical pollution, and sewage are threatening seagrasses worldwide. Increased sedimentation, from agriculture and construction, can suffocate seagrasses, and the subsequent high turbidity levels can reduce light levels to dangerously low levels. In general, growing populations in coastal areas of the MBRS are placing seagrass beds in danger. In areas with increasing populations, rivers and estuaries need to be carefully managed to maintain segrass habitat and the economic and ecological services that seagrasses subsequently provide. Many seagrass beds are found near large coastal cities and ports where coastal developments, dredging and marina/jetty construction threaten them. There are many conservation tactics that are used to protect seagrasses during coastal development, including fine mesh sediment traps. If applied properly, these tactics can successfully minimize damage. Clearly, seagrass is an important part of the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring, and the four countries have received support in materials and equipment. To date, data has been collected at 33 sites, in seven locations in the region, and these data are stored in the Regional Environmental Information System (REIS). 4.4. Current Situation Biomass, productivity, density, leaf area index, community composition and other related ecological parameters were monitored during 2004 and 2005. Biomass values ranged from 96 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 3 to 1,596 g/m2 due to the fact that samples were taken in different environments. These data are comparable to other monitoring efforts, including CARICOMP (Linton & Fisher, 2004). Seagrass Biomass Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Banco Chinchorro Bahia de Chetumal Xcalak Mˇxico Port Honduras R’o Sarst n Belize Punta Manabique Guatemala 04 03 02 01 02 01 02 01 03 02 01 04 03 02 01 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 05 04 03 02 01 0 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 50. Mean (+/- standard error) seagrass biomass, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. Table 31. Seagrass biomass by location in the MBRS region. Biomass (g/m2) MPA B. Chinchorro Chetumal Bay Xcalak Port Honduras Rio Sarstun Punta Manabique Cayos Cochinos Mean 1,039.98 71.44 1,344.99 965.19 705.47 464.97 425.73 Median Standard Deviation 1,074.31 25.98 1,514.35 924.05 666.34 361.26 431.71 385.87 88.50 387.88 522.71 322.04 424.60 145.68 97 Standard Error 86.28 14.17 100.15 213.39 113.86 141.53 51.51 Minimal 291.31 0.00 301.24 426.06 109.64 43.58 191.19 Maximum 1,781.65 273.22 1,717.19 2,000.44 1,300.33 1,150.13 618.27 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Above Ground vs. Below Ground Biomass of Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 35.00 Thalassia ABG (g) [Thalassia] BGB (g) [Thalassia] 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 Banco Chinchorro Bahia de Chetumal Xcalak Mˇxico Port Honduras Belize R’o Sarst n Punta Manabique Guatemala 04 03 02 01 02 01 02 01 03 02 01 04 03 02 01 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 05 04 03 02 0.00 01 5.00 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 51. Above ground to below ground ratio of segrass biomass, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. Table 32 Above ground (photosynthetic) to below ground (subterraneous) ratio by location. Below ground (g) Above ground Above ground:Below MPA [Thalassia] (g) [Thalassia] ground Ratio 14.64 3.62 0.25 B. Chinchorro 0.53 0.63 1.18 Chetumal Bay 18.03 3.27 0.18 Xcalak 11.63 5.98 0.51 Port Honduras 6.54 6.33 0.97 Rio Sarstun 4.57 3.17 0.69 Punta Manabique 5.43 7.65 1.41 Cayos Cochinos At most sites, the below ground biomass (roots + rhizomes) is greater than the above ground biomass (shoots + leaves). This suggest healthy seagrass beds, as more roots are available for nutrient uptake and more rhizomes are available for storage of starch. These ratios also imply that the monitoring sites are not suffering from eutrophication and that the water is clear. Large root/rhizome networks give seagrass beds extra stability during hurricanes or other storms and increase asexual reproduction, a competitive advantage over rapid growing macroalgae typical of eutrophied sites. 98 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 16. - Seagrass biomass observed at the MBRS sites 99 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Seagrass Biomass Coastal and Reef Sites 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Port Honduras R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Mˇxico Punta Manabique 04 03 02 01 02 01 02 01 03 02 01 04 03 02 01 05 04 03 02 0 01 200 Cayos Cochinos Honduras Sites Figure 52. Mean (+/- standard error) seagrass biomass at the marine and coastal sites in the MBRS region. Seagrass Biomass Chetumal Bay 300 250 200 150 100 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 0 01 50 Bahia de Chetumal Mˇxico Sites Figure 53. Mean (+/- standard error) seagrass biomass in Chetumal Bay, with semi-estuarine conditions. Data for the Chetumal Bay has been displayed separately (Figure 53) because of a significant difference in environmental conditions that could lead to incorrect comparisons between sites/locations. 100 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System The variation between above ground to below ground ratios in Corozal Bay versus the other sites may be due to eutrophication in that area (Figure 55). Eutrophied areas, such as Canal Nizuc (Pedro Ramírez García, com. per.) have inverted ratios. Large, wide leaves obtain nutrients from the water column, and individuals do not invest in roots or rhizomes (only 10-20% below ground matter). This inversion makes the seagrass beds, along with benthic, epibenthic, and even subterraneous fauna, more susceptible to storm damage. Above Ground vs. Below Ground Biomass for Coastal and Reef Sites 35.00 Thalassia ABG (g) [Thalassia] BGB (g) [Thalassia] 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Port Honduras Mˇxico R’o Sarst n Belize Punta Manabique 04 03 02 01 02 01 02 01 03 02 01 04 03 02 01 05 04 03 02 0.00 01 5.00 Cayos Cochinos Guatemala Honduras Sites Figure 54. Above ground to below ground ratios of seagrass biomass for marine and coastal sites in the MBRS region. In the Chetumal Bay, the bottom is largely sandstone, and the semi-estuarine conditions in this location lead to lower biomass. Above Ground vs. Below Ground Biomass for Chetumal Bay 4.50 Thalassia ABG (g) [Thalassia] BGB (g) [Thalassia] 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Bahia de Chetumal Mˇxico Sites Figure 55. Above ground to below ground ratios of seagrass biomass in the Chetumal Bay. 101 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 0.00 01 0.50 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 5 MANGROVES 5.1 Mangrove Biology Mangrove ecosystems constitute the dominant coastal vegetation in tropical and subtropical regions. In the four countries of the MBRS, mangroves have enormous economic, cultural and ecological value. Mangroves forests include several salt-resistant species that can successfully grow along the boundary between land and marine environments, on continental as well as island coasts. Mangroves have aerial roots that are specially adapted for growing in oxygen poor, water infused systems. In addition, mangrove roots and leaves have evolved mechanisms of salt excretion that allow these species to live where no other species of trees can survive. There are four species of mangroves living in the forests of the Caribbean. These include the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), the white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa), the black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and to a lesser degree, the buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). 5.2 Importance of Mangroves The ecological importance of mangroves is well documented, but their economic value is consistently underestimated. Legal protection for mangroves is weak and often moving in the wrong direction. Mangrove forests throughout the MBRS region are deteriorating, as a result of anthropogenic activities. (Talbot-Wilkinson, 2001). Mangroves are essential to healthy coastal ecosystems. The nutrients in the leaves and branches that constantly fall into the water, sustain an incredible amount of life, by supporting a large detritus community and (after decomposition) serving as the primary driving force for planktonic or epiphytic algal food chains. Commercial fisheries, worldwide, are dependant on healthy mangroves. As many as two thirds of all marine fish species rely on mangrove forests for some part of their life cycle. In addition, birds and several terrestrial species use these areas for feeding, and even freshwater fish species utilize the protection that the mangrove root systems provide. Most importantly, mangrove forests are the breeding and nursery grounds for numerous reef species of ecological and economic importance, and species such as shrimp could not survive without this ecosystem. Mangroves provide other ecological services, including protection of coastlines from erosion and storm/hurricane surges. Also, mangroves filter out excess sediment and nutrients from river systems, protecting seagrass beds and coral reefs from sedimentation and eutrophication. In a sense, mangroves help to buffer these important ecosystems from human activity in coastal watersheds, such as agriculture, development, and industry. 5.3 Threats to Mangroves A lack of understanding, regarding mangrove ecology has led to the destruction of more than 50% of forests worldwide (Talbot-Wilkinson, 2001). As stated above, mangroves 102 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System provide innumerable services, including protection of coastlines, filtering of river discharge, and protection of juvenile fishes and invertebrates. Therefore, mangrove forest demolition could have catastrophic results. Several human activities, both economic and social, lead to destruction of mangrove forests. These activities include: • • • • • • Excessive drainage. Changes in water flow (channeling/canalization). Deforestation. Erosion and sedimentation associated with poor practices in soil conservation. Land reclamation and construction. Irresponsible garbage disposal 5.4 Current Situation The four countries of the MBRS region have received support through both training and supply of materials and equipment. To date, data has been collected at 18 sites in 10 locations, and these data are stored in the REIS database. Complete and consistent data sets, however, are only available for seven locations: Bacalar Chico (Belize), Rio Sarstun and Punta Manabique (Guatemala), Omoa-Baracoa and Nueva Armenia (Honduras) and Banco Chinchorro and Arrecife de Xcalak (Mexico). Data should be more consistent as the project continues. Table 33. Average mangrove density, by location. Density (trees/hectare) MPA Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Rio Sarstun Punta de Manabique Omoa-Baracoa Nueva Armenia/Cayos Cochinos Mean Median Standard Deviation Standard Error Minimum Maximum 3100 8380 1400 700 3300 8400 1400 n/a 1268 1932 400 n/a 517 864 283 n/a 1500 5700 1000 n/a 5000 11700 1800 n/a 4500 940 4600 1000 698 524 403 234 3600 300 4600 1800 1140 800 578 259 600 2200 103 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System While the highest mangrove density is seen at Arrecife de Xcalak, and the lowest it observed at Rio Sarstun (Figure 56), it is necessary to use all of the parameters together when analyzing the state of the mangrove communities in the MBRS region. Mangrove Density Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Project 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mˇxico Bacalar Chico R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Omoa Baracoa Nueva Armenia Honduras Sites Figure 56. Mean (+/- standard error) mangrove density, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. 104 02 01 02 01 02 01 04 02 02 01 02 0 01 2000 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 17. – Mangrove density observed at MBRS sites 105 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 34. Average mangrove height, by location. Height (m) Standard MPA Mean Median Deviation Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Rio Sarstun Punta de Manabique Omoa-Baracoa Nueva Armenia/Cayos Cochinos Standard Error Minimal Maximum 5.91 5.92 6.27 9.86 6.00 5.50 6.82 9.00 1.62 2.08 1.79 2.36 0.12 0.10 0.34 0.89 2.00 2.00 1.10 7.00 10.00 12.00 9.00 14.00 7.21 6.77 7.00 5.00 2.57 5.20 0.22 0.76 2.00 1.40 15.00 16.00 11.69 6.29 9.56 1.31 0.91 29.60 Table 34 displays the average heights at each of the locations in the MBRS region. The tallest trees are observed at Omoa-Baracoa and Nueva Armenia on coastal Honduras (Figure 57). Average Height of Mangroves Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Project 25 20 15 10 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mˇxico Bacalar Chico R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Omoa Baracoa 02 01 02 01 02 01 04 02 02 01 02 0 01 5 Nueva Armenia Honduras Sites Figure 57. – Mean (+/- standard error) mangrove height, by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region. 106 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 35. Average diameter at breast height (dbh), by location in the MBRS region. Diameter at Breast Height (cm) MPA Mean Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Rio Sarstun Punta de Manabique Omoa-Baracoa Nueva Armenia/Cayos Cochinos Median Standard Deviation Standard Error Minimal Maximum 7.73 5.02 7.81 16.45 9.27 12.86 6.78 4.55 8.59 13.77 8.91 4.14 3.95 1.99 3.00 10.13 3.62 14.64 0.29 0.10 0.57 3.83 0.31 2.14 2.55 2.45 1.59 0.75 2.39 1.59 23.49 17.63 12.73 30.56 19.58 58.89 18.48 14.96 13.54 1.79 0.32 54.11 Table 35 displays the diameters at breast height (dbh) from the locations in the MBRS region. The largest trees are observed at Nueva Armenia and Rio Sarstun (Figure 58). Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of Mangroves Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 35 30 25 20 15 10 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mˇxico Bacalar Chico R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Figure 58. Mean (+/- standard error) dbh, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. 02 01 Omoa Baracoa Sites 107 02 01 02 01 04 02 02 01 02 0 01 5 Nueva Armenia Honduras MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 36. Average mangrove basal areas by location in the MBRS region. Basal Area (m2/ha) Standard Standard MPA Mean Median Deviation Error Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Rio Sarstun Punta de Manabique Omoa-Baracoa Nueva Armenia/Cayos Cochinos Minimal Maximum 18.35 19.17 7.71 20.52 17.53 20.51 7.71 n/a 3.64 4.22 2.03 n/a 1.49 1.89 1.43 n/a 14.65 12.68 5.68 n/a 25.10 25.01 9.73 n/a 35.01 28.05 36.00 32.72 1.45 21.29 0.84 9.52 32.96 2.57 36.08 61.09 46.99 50.09 21.31 9.53 14.06 79.25 Mangrove Basal Area Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mˇxico Bacalar Chico R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Omoa Baracoa Nueva Armenia Honduras Sites Figure 59. Mean (+/- standard error) basal area, by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. 108 02 01 02 01 02 01 04 02 02 01 02 0 01 10 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 37. Average mangrove biomass using protocol found in Golley et al., which calculates biomass using diameter and density. Mean Standard Standard MPA Median Minimal Maximum 2 g/m Deviation Error 81.27 80.12 21.03 8.58 50.22 113.50 Banco Chinchorro 142.63 147.98 30.01 13.42 96.83 188.93 Xcalak 37.07 37.07 11.28 7.97 25.79 48.34 Bacalar Chico 39.04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Rio Sarstun Punta de Manabique Omoa-Baracoa Nueva Armenia/Cayos Cochinos 141.45 40.99 142.24 38.90 8.65 17.10 4.99 7.65 130.48 22.98 151.63 69.82 71.40 64.96 25.03 11.19 35.23 105.22 Mangrove Biomass Calculated using Golley Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems et al (1962) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mˇxico Bacalar Chico R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Omoa Baracoa 02 01 02 01 02 01 04 02 02 01 02 0 01 20 Nueva Armenia Honduras Sites Figure 60. Mean (+/- standard error) mangrove biomass (using method in Golley et al.), by site, from North to South, in the MBRS region 109 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 38. Average mangrove biomass using protocol found in Cintron and Shaeffer-Novelli, which calculates biomass using diameter and height. Biomass (Cintron and Shaeffer-Novelli) Mean Standard Standard MPA Median Minimal Maximum g/m2 Deviation Error 75.84 71.41 21.07 8.60 55.39 116.61 Banco Chinchorro 91.26 94.85 31.71 14.18 46.48 125.60 Xcalak 34.62 34.62 7.67 5.42 26.95 42.29 Bacalar Chico 97.98 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Rio Sarstun Punta de 133.25 116.44 27.04 15.61 111.91 171.40 Manabique 147.12 163.28 112.85 50.47 10.35 324.15 Omoa-Baracoa Nueva Armenia/Cayos Cochinos 348.81 446.24 220.91 98.79 64.35 634.84 Mangrove Biomass Calculated using Cintron and Shaeffer Novelli(1984) Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems 600 500 400 300 200 Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Mˇxico Bacalar Chico R’o Sarst n Belize Guatemala Omoa Baracoa 02 01 02 01 02 01 04 02 02 01 02 0 01 100 Nueva Armenia Honduras Sites Figure 61. Mean (+/- standard error) mangrove biomass (using protocol in Cintron and Shaeffer-Novelli), by site, North to South, in the MBRS region. Mature, non-harvested mangrove forests have larger trees (height, dbh) than areas that are regrowing because of deforestation, storm damage, or pollution. Figures 56, 57, and 58 give a more complete picture of mangrove forest condition for the region when studied together. Areas with high density, are not always healthier (trees might be very small), and forests with large trees might have unhealthy, low densities. It is necessary to look at all of these parameters when analyzing mangrove status. In forests growing in non-carbonated, alluvial soils, there is a close relationship between tree size and age, while the relationship in those forests growing in carbonated soils is not as strong. On a regional scale, forests seemingly range in maturation level from young (5.8m tall) to old (19.8m tall). 110 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 6 MARINE POLLUTION A Synoptic Monitoring Program was implemented as part of the MBRS Project’s activities in the region. To this end, a manual of methods was developed to guide the collection, preservation and analysis of samples, and the calculation of results (Almada-Villela et al., 2003). In the section on marine pollution, the manual calls for the analysis of hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in sediments and fishes. The white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) (Figure 62) was selected as a bioindicator organism. The manual specifies the analysis of the following parameters: cholinesterase activities in muscles and PAHs metabolites in bile. The white grunt is also being used in the Florida Keys (Downs et al., in press). A Regional Environmental Information System, a web-based database, was implemented to allow the public, users, managers, etc. to have access to the information obtained through the Synoptic Monitoring Program. Figure 62. Bioindicator organism selected for the Synoptic Monitoring of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri). Despite the relatively small amount of published works on this subject in the MBRS region, pollution has been identified, as one of the most significant threats to the health of the coral reef and related ecosystems (Dulin et al., 1999; Arrivillaga y García, 2004). This report shows the results of the first pollution monitoring in which sediments and fish were analyzed throughout the entire MBRS region. 111 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 6.1 Materials and Methods The first monitoring in the MBRS region was conducted in June 2005. Sediment and white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) samples were collected from 17 MBRS sites. The concentrations of the different fractions of petrohydrocarbons, such as aliphatic hydrocarbons, unresolved complex mixture (UCM), policyclyc aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total hydrocarbons (HCs); and organochlorine pesticides (including polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs) were analyzed in the sediment samples and in the liver of the grunts. In addition, cholinesterase activity was measured in the liver, muscles and brain of the fishes, as well as the concentrations of PAHs metabolite in bile. All the analyses were implemented according to the detailed procedures in the Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program (Almada-Villela et al., 2003). Since the current analytical technology allows the analysis of dozens of individual pollutants, the results for the organochlorine pesticides, PCBs and hydrocarbons are presented in groups of chemical families; however, the annexes include tables with the complete results. The 18 types of PCBs that NOAA uses were analyzed, in addition to three that are used as indicators: PCBs 8, 18, 28, 29, 44,52, 66, 87, 101, 110, 118, 128, 138, 153, 170, 180, 187, 195, 200, 206 and 209. The pesticides analyzed are: 1,2,4,5- Tetrachloro benzene, 1, 2, 3, 4- Tetrachloro benzene, Pentachlorobenzene, Hexachlorobenzene, Pentachloroanisol, α-, β-, γ- and δ-Hexachlorocyclohexane, Heptachloro, Heptachloro epoxy, α- and γ-Chlordane, cis-Nonachlor, trans-Nonachlor, Aldrin, Endrin, Dieldrin, Mirex, Endosulfan II, o,p’-DDT, p,p’DDT, o,p’-DDD, p,p’-DDD, o,p’-DDE and p,p’-DDE. The PAHs analyzed are: Naphthalene, 1 Methyl-Naphthalene, 2 Methyl-Naphthalene, 2, 6-Dimethyl-Naphthalene, 1, 5-DimethylNaphthalene, 2, 3-Dimethyl-Naphthalene, 1, 2, 4-Trimethyl-Naphthalene, 1, 3, 5-TrimethylNaphthalene, Acenaphtene, Acenaphtilene, Fluorene, Phenantrene, Anthracene, 1 MethylPhenantrene, 2 Methyl-Phenantrene, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Benz(a)anthracene, Crysene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo(e)Pyrene, and Perylene; and the metabolites of the PAHs are: OHPyrene, Benzo (a) Pyrene, OH-Naphthalene and Phenantrene. These metabolites may be grouped as Pyrene, Naphthalene, Phenantrene, and Benzo(a)pyrene. 112 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 6.2 Results Table 39 shows monitoring stations as well as the names of the sites and their coordinates to facilitate their location. These sites are shown on Map 18. Table 39. Sample collection sites for the first pollution monitoring in the MBRS. Site 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c 6a 6b 6c 7a 7b 7c 8a 8b 8c 9a 9b 9c 10a 10b 10c 11a 11b 11c 12a 12b 12c 13a 13b 13c 14a 14b 14c 15a 15b 15c 16a 16b 16c 17a 17b 17c Location Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos La Ceiba La Ceiba La Ceiba Rio Chamelecon Rio Chamelecon Rio Chamelecon Barra del río Ulúa Barra del río Ulúa Barra del río Ulúa Canal Quilimaco Canal Quilimaco Canal Quilimaco Omoa Omoa Omoa Bahía de Sto. Tomas Bahía de Sto. Tomas Bahía de Sto. Tomas Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Rio Sarstun Rio Sarstun Rio Sarstun Rio Dulce Rio Dulce Rio Dulce Placencia Lagoon Placencia Lagoon Placencia Lagoon Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Houlover Creek Houlover Creek Houlover Creek Belize River Belize River Belize River Chetumal Bay Chetumal Bay Chetumal Bay Bacalar Chico Bacalar Chico Bacalar Chico Xcalak Xcalak Xcalak Country Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Belize Mexico Mexico Mexico Belize Belize Belize Mexico Mexico Mexico Latitude 15 57 24.9 15 57 33.5 15 57 27.6 15 48 11.1 15 48 11.1 15 48 11.1 15 54 09.1 15 54 09.1 15 54 09.1 15 54 39.5 15 54 39.5 15 54 39.5 15 50 33.8 15 50 33.8 15 50 33.8 15 47 00.8 15 47 00.8 15 47 00.8 15 43 35.4 15 43 35.4 15 43 35.4 15 57 50.0 15 57 50.0 15 57 50.0 15 53 50.4 15 53 50.4 15 53 50.4 15 48 56.4 15 48 59.1 15 49 03.3 16 31 59.6 16 32 04.2 16 32 05.7 17 43 13.5 17 43 13.5 17 43 13.5 17 2926.0 17 29 23.4 17 29 18.8 17 32 04.0 17 32 04.0 17 32 01.8 18 16 15.2 18 16 12.8 18 16 12.8 18 10 01.7 18 10 01.0 18 10 01.1 18 13 55.5 18 13 55.5 18 13 55.5 113 Longitude 86 29 15.7 86 29 07.4 86 28 46.2 86 46 11.1 86 46 11.1 86 46 11.1 87 47 22.8 87 47 22.8 87 47 22.8 87 44 37.8 87 44 37.8 87 44 37.8 87 57 14.6 87 57 14.6 87 57 14.6 88 02 34.9 88 02 34.9 88 02 34.9 88 36 21.4 88 36 21.4 88 36 21.4 88 33 16.4 88 33 16.4 88 33 16.4 88 54 58.9 88 54 58.9 88 54 58.9 88 45 14.7 88 45 11.9 88 45 09.8 88 22 33.3 88 22 37.6 88 22 32.4 88 00 37.5 88 00 37.5 88 00 37.5 88 11 06.0 88 11 16.7 88 11 05.1 88 14 12.8 88 14 12.8 88 14 08.1 87 53 10.3 87 53 12.4 87 53 12.4 87 53 08.9 87 53 13.4 87 53 13.8 87 50 07.7 87 50 07.7 87 50 07.7 Ecosystem Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 18. Stations where samples of sediments and fish were collected (June, 2005). 114 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 6.3 Fish. Table 40 shows the concentrations of PAHs metabolites in the bile of the grunts collected for this monitoring. Table 40. PAHs metabolite concentrations in bile in the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri). Pyrenes (µg/mL) Naphthalenes (µg/mL) Phenantrenes (µg/mL) Benzo(a)Pyrenes (µg/mL) Cayos Cochinos 0.090 43.579 63.308 0.288 Cayos Cochinos 0.172 12.962 60.215 0.211 Cayos Cochinos 0.155 22.691 134.061 0.208 Cayos Cochinos 0.093 20.688 38.603 0.236 Cayos Cochinos 0.113 41.004 60.864 0.303 Punta de Manabique 0.066 52.593 28.943 0.236 Punta de Manabique 0.192 120.695 36.315 1.231 Punta de Manabique 0.039 49.875 60.482 0.169 Punta de Manabique 0.138 49.016 78.505 0.336 Caye Caulker 0.130 36.283 51.967 0.279 Caye Caulker 0.115 43.579 84.118 0.305 Caye Caulker 0.049 37.571 35.205 0.105 Site Caye Caulker 0.083 48.444 30.432 0.146 Xcalak 0.175 50.590 65.713 0.415 Xcalak 0.317 58.745 71.105 0.646 Figure 63 shows the median concentration of naphthalenes and phenantrenes, and Figure 64 those for pyrenes and benzo(a)pyrenes (June, 2005). 140 Concentrations of Naphthalenes and Phenanthrenes in the Gall Bladders of Haemulon plumieri Naphthalenes Phenanthrenes 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Cayos Cochinos Punta Manabique Caye Caulker Xcalak Sites Figure 63. Median concentrations of naphthalenes and phenantrenes in bile of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) in different sites in the MBRS region (June, 2005). 115 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System The highest median concentrations of naphthalenes were found in Punta de Manabique, and the lowest in Cayos Cochinos. The differences observed are significant in the case of naphthalenes (ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis, H3,15=10.9; P=0.013) but not for phenantrenes (H3,15=2.65; P=0.45). No significant differences were found between the median for pyrenes (H3,15=4.82; P=0.19) or for benzo(a)pyrenes (H3,15=4.84; P=0.18). This means that the concentrations do not differ between monitoring sites. Concentrations of Pyrenes y Benzo(a)Pyrenes in the Gall Bladders of Haemulon plumieri 1.4 Pyrenes Benzo(a)Pyrenes 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Cayos Cochinos Punta Manabique Caye Caulker Xcalak Sites Figure 64. Median concentration of pyrenes and benzo(a) pyrenes in the bile of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) in different sites in the MBRS region (June, 2005). The concentrations of naphthalenes and phenantrenes are much higher than those of the pyrenes and benzo(a) pyrenes (see the vertical scale on Figures 63 and 64). This may be due to a bioaccumulation and/or a metabolism differential of the PAHs for these fishes. It is not possible to determine the causes conclusively based on the information available to date for this species. Table 41 shows the concentrations of hydrocarbons and organochlorine components (pesticides and PCBs) in the liver of the white grunt. Due to the great quantity of individual components that are analyzed through high-resolution gas chromatography, this Table shows results summarized by chemical groups. In the annexes to this report we show the complete tables, with all the individual components analyzed. 116 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 41. Concentrations of hydrocarbons, and organochlorine pesticides (including PCBs) in the liver of the White Grunt (Haemulon plumieri) collected in the MBRS region. Aliphatic (µg/g) UCM (µg/g) PAHs (µg/g) HCs (µg/g) 1234TC B (ng/g) HCHs (ng/g) Chlordane (ng/g) DDTs (ng/g) Pesticides (ng/g) PCBs (ng/g) Cayos Cochinos ND 8.020 7.607 15.627 4.874 2.186 ND 3.773 10.833 41.663 Cayos Cochinos 11.767 27.621 35.989 75.376 18.483 23.029 2.235 1.536 45.284 142.033 Cayos Cochinos 1.414 15.163 51.858 68.435 60.003 22.793 1.831 19.463 104.091 163.199 Cayos Cochinos 9.687 78.866 60.670 149.223 5.437 23.142 21.117 13.147 62.852 145.838 Cayos Cochinos ND ND 27.846 27.846 ND 11.169 ND 0.693 11.862 53.440 Punta de Manabique ND ND 17.547 17.547 ND 7.411 ND 17.996 25.408 49.078 Punta de Manabique ND ND 11.053 11.053 23.786 28.522 ND 13.106 65.414 104.752 Punta de Manabique ND ND 6.171 6.171 ND 2.518 ND 24.244 26.762 40.828 Punta de Manabique 35.824 289.825 44.458 370.106 ND 5.297 ND 75.101 80.397 50.518 Punta de Manabique ND ND 12.640 12.640 ND 1.998 2.282 11.291 15.571 39.867 Caye Caulker ND ND 30.526 30.526 17.799 14.719 ND 12.928 45.446 97.294 Caye Caulker 13.881 ND 21.309 35.190 9.575 0.000 ND 20.221 29.795 13.056 Caye Caulker 58.081 96.987 119.864 274.931 24.813 28.379 2.003 90.544 145.739 106.317 Caye Caulker 31.423 48.475 27.408 107.306 17.935 4.311 ND 11.235 33.481 80.905 Caye Caulker 77.513 166.984 18.496 262.993 9.042 ND ND 40.557 53.857 141.503 Xcalak 294.572 696.337 191.801 1182.710 109.511 ND ND ND 109.511 72.221 Xcalak 79.555 121.770 84.921 286.247 48.203 ND 8.940 29.645 86.788 173.378 Xcalak 195.371 339.129 238.798 773.298 68.772 ND ND ND 68.772 192.907 Xcalak 271.400 423.393 171.249 866.043 37.822 ND ND ND 37.822 146.728 Site ND = Not detected 117 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figure 65 shows the median concentrations of hydrocarbons and Figure 66 the median concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in the livers of white grunts in the MBRS. Concentrations of Hydrocarbons in the Livers of Haemulon plumieri 800 700 Aliphatics UCM PAHs 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Cayos Cochinos Punta Manabique Caye Caulker Xcalak Sites Figure 65. Median concentrations of the different hydrocarbon fractions analyzed in the livers of the white grunts (Haemulon plumieri) collected at different locations in the MBRS region. The greatest concentrations of hydrocarbon fractions were found in Xcalak, Mexico and the smallest in Punta de Manabique, Guatemala. A non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA was conducted for aliphatic hydrocarbons (H3,19=12.13 P=0.0069), UCM (H3,19=9.04; P=0.02) and PAHs (H3,19=10.61; P=0.01), which showed significant differences respectively. Concentrations of Organochloride Pesticides in the Livers of Haemulon plumieri 250 200 1234TCB HCHs Chlordanes DDTs PCBs 150 100 50 0 Cayos Cochinos Punta Manabique Caye Caulker Xcalak Sites Figure 66. Median concentrations of organochlorine pesticides, including PCBs, in the livers of the white grunts (Haemulon plumieri) in different sites of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. 118 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System The concentrations of PCBs were the largest of all the organochlorine components. As for pesticides, the pattern found is different in each site. Thus, in Cayos Cochinos the hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) prevail, while in Punta de Manabique and Caye Caulker DDTs are the most abundant and tetrachlorobenzene is the predominant one in Xcalak. This seems to indicate different patterns of pesticide use in the sites monitored. Table 42 shows the results of cholinesterase activity in the different tissues of the white grunt. Figure 67 shows the median activity for these enzymes, by monitoring site. Table 42. Cholinesterase activity in different tissues of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri). Site AChE Muscle (nmol/min/mg prot) AChE Brain (nmol/min/mg prot) AChE Liver (nmol/min/mg prot) Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Xcalak Xcalak Xcalak Xcalak 60.917 85.594 70.76 126.365 102.652 50.73 139.606 137.379 113.278 136.409 143.303 133.171 104.258 169.512 70.168 175.27 84.388 153.406 170.507 185.328 165.266 185.471 264.386 210.603 101.07 444.81 312.847 250.498 259.275 192.254 255.714 318.553 214.681 128.856 133.26 105.701 125.576 149.09 377.634 715.245 490.343 537.889 537.829 766.686 642.232 597.798 751.504 715.204 819.16 603.17 857.48 664.564 798.893 1009.585 835.44 460.723 1377.237 119 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Cholinasterase Activity in Tissues of Haemulon plumieri 1600 1400 AChE Muscle AChE Brain AChE Liver 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Cayos Cochinos Punta Manabique Caye Caulker Xcalak Sites Figure 67. Median activity of cholinesterase in liver, muscle and brain of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) in different sites within the MBRS region. The least cholinesterase activity in the muscle of fish was found in Cayos Cochinos, which may indicate that there are more organophosphorous or carbamic pesticides in this site; however, this result is not statistically significant (H3,19=5.45; P=0.14). In the brain, the least activity was found in Xcalak, although this result is also not significant (H3,19=6.38; P=0.095). The highest cholinesterase activity was found in the liver of the fish, with the smallest values found at Cayos Cochinos. These differences were not statistically significant (H3,19=6.96; P=0.073). It is necessary to understand better the response of the grunts to the presence of anticholinergic pollutants, and in particular, to organophosphorous and carbamic pesticides, to be able to adequately interpret the results obtained. Bioassays are currently being done in order to better determine this species’ biochemical and physiological response. 120 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 6.4 Sediments Table 43 shows the results obtained for the different hydrocarbon fractions in sediments. Table 43. Concentrations of hydrocarbon fractions in sediments collected at various monitoring sites in the MBRS region. Sample 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c 6a 6b 6c 7a 7b 7c 8a 8b 8c 9a 9b 9c 10a 10b 10c 11a 11b 11c 12a 12b 12c 13a 13b 13c 14a 14b 14c 15a 15b 15c 16a 16b 16c 17a 17b 17c Site Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos La Ceiba La Ceiba La Ceiba Rio Chamelecon Rio Chamelecon Rio Chamelecon Barra del río Ulúa Barra del río Ulúa Barra del río Ulúa Canal de Quilimaco Canal de Quilimaco Canal de Quilimaco Omoa Omoa Omoa Bahía de Sto. Tomas Bahía de Sto. Tomas Bahía de Sto. Tomas Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Rio Sarstun Rio Sarstun Rio Sarstun Rio Dulce Rio Dulce Rio Dulce Placencia Lagoon Placencia Lagoon Placencia Lagoon Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Houlover Creek Houlover Creek Houlover Creek Belize River Belize River Belize River Chetumal Bay Chetumal Bay Chetumal Bay Bacalar Chico Bacalar Chico Bacalar Chico Xkalak Xkalak Xkalak Aliphatic (µg/g) UCM (µg/g) PAHsBPM (µg/g) PAHsAPM (µg/g) PAHs (µg/g) Total -HCs (µg/g) ND 0.06 0.106 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.048 ND ND ND 0.058 ND ND ND 0.333 0.014 ND 0.013 0.082 0.038 0.377 0.404 0.274 0.296 ND ND 0.235 0.598 1.424 0.451 0.074 ND 1.239 1.237 0.977 0.166 0.765 0.345 1.077 1.206 0.312 1.339 1.241 5.248 0.699 0.855 0.876 0.12 1.257 1.408 0.366 ND 0.478 0.348 0.739 0.196 0.301 0.054 0.578 3.179 5.32 5.779 0.784 ND 0.503 49.559 28.548 27.193 1.034 ND 0.609 4.743 4.261 4.708 5.699 0.72 3.711 2.081 3.911 3.762 0.384 ND ND 22.391 8.601 14.128 19.727 5.821 4.632 7.478 5.764 3.308 4.924 14.302 13.174 1.729 1.952 2.312 0.25 0.53 0.51 ND 0.27 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.02 0.46 0.02 0.11 0.27 ND 0.07 0.08 0.03 ND ND 0.33 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.05 ND ND ND ND 0.01 ND ND 0.16 0.13 ND 0.01 0.01 ND ND ND 0.05 ND ND 0.05 0.05 0.35 ND ND 0.33 0.49 0.32 0.03 0.27 0.03 0.07 0.1 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.14 0.78 0.17 0.26 0.31 0.05 0.95 0.38 0.66 0.17 0.02 0.21 0.54 1.23 0.73 1.2 0.11 0.88 0.61 0.88 0.88 ND 0.04 0.41 0.72 0.3 0.34 0.91 0.64 0.78 1.21 1.55 1.21 0.25 0.71 1.27 0.57 0.03 0.04 0.57 1.02 0.83 0.03 0.54 0.03 0.07 0.1 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.17 1.25 0.18 0.37 0.58 0.05 1.02 0.45 0.68 0.17 0.02 0.53 0.65 1.36 0.88 1.26 0.11 0.88 0.61 0.88 0.88 ND 0.04 0.57 0.85 0.3 0.35 0.92 0.64 0.78 1.21 1.6 1.21 0.25 0.75 1.31 0.91 0.03 0.04 0.69 2.34 2.34 0.4 0.54 0.51 0.41 0.84 0.23 0.35 0.18 0.6 3.35 6.57 6.02 1.16 0.58 0.55 50.92 29.02 27.88 1.22 0.11 1.18 5.77 6.02 5.86 7.25 0.83 4.59 2.93 5.39 6.07 0.84 0.11 0.57 24.48 10.14 15.45 20.81 7.23 5.76 9.77 8.57 4.83 6.51 16.29 19.74 3.34 2.84 3.23 ND = Not detected 121 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figure 68 shows the median concentrations of total hydrocarbons and the fractions of the PAHs, which are more toxic, for each monitoring site. Concentrations of PAHs and Hidrocarburos in Sediments 35 PAHs HCs 30 25 20 15 10 5 lak Xk a rC hic o ma l ca la Ba de Ch e tu lov er Cr ee k Be Ha u B. lice r R’o el .d oo n eC au lke Pt o Ca y Pl a ce nc ia La g Du lce n R’o Ca bo ars t R’o S did o Es co n Om oa R’o im ac o Ul a C. de Qu il Ce iba Ch am ale c— n La C. Co ch in os 0 Sites Figure 68. Median concentrations of total hydrocarbons and PAHs in sediments. The highest concentrations of hydrocarbons were obtained in Rio Escondido (Guatemala) and, in the northern part of the study area, in the Belize River and the region around the transboundary area of Chetumal Bay (New River, Corozal, Chetumal and Xcalak) in Belize and Mexico. These differences between the median concentrations were found to be statistically significant through a Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance (H16,51=44.08; P=0.0002). The concentrations of PAHs appear more homogeneous, with little variation among the sites; however, a Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA indicates significant differences among the sites (H16,51=30.4; P=0.016). Figure 69 shows the median concentrations by country of the total hydrocarbons and PAHs. The highest concentrations of total hydrocarbons were found in Guatemala and Belize, which is statistically significant (H3,51=15.7; P=0.0013). The concentrations of PAHs did not have significant differences amongst the countries in the MBRS (H3,51=6.7; P=0.08). 122 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Concentrations of PAHs and Hidrocarburos in Sediments (by country) 10 PAHs HCs 8 6 4 2 0 Mexico Belize Guatemala Honduras Sitios Figure 69. Median concentrations by country for total hydrocarbons and PAHs in sediments. Figure 70 shows that, in general, the concentration of PAHs with high molecular weight predominates over the PAHs with low molecular weight, which indicates that they are derived from a pyrogenic source (through organic material combustion) and not from petroleum. This result is highly significant (H1, 102=38.7; P=0.0000). Exceptions are Cayos Cochinos, La Ceiba and Xcalak where PAHs with low molecular weight clearly predominate, which indicates that they come from petroleum. Concentrations of PAHs in Sediments 1.8 Low Molecular Weight High Molecular Weight 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Sites 123 Xk ala k hic o rC Ba ca la Ca ye Ca ulk Pu er ert od el R’o Be lice Ha ulo ve rC ree Ba k h’a de Ch etu ma l La go on Du lce R’o Pla c en cia tn ars R’o S Ca bo o Es co nd id Om oa R’o ac o im uil Ul a Ca na ld eQ — n La Ce iba Ch am ale c Ca yo s Co ch in os 0 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figure 70. Policyclyc aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments, grouped by molecular weight. Table 44 shows results of the concentrations of organochlorine pesticides, including PCBs, in sediments. Table 44. Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides, grouped by chemical family. Sample 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c 6a 6b 6c 7a 7b 7c 8a 8b 8c 9a 9b 9c 10a 10b 10c 11a 11b 11c 12a 12b 12c 13a 13b 13c 14a 14b 14c 15A 15B 15c 16a 16b 16C 17a 17B 17C Site Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos Cayos Cochinos La Ceiba La Ceiba La Ceiba Rio Chamelecon Rio Chamelecon Rio Chamelecon Barra del río Ulúa Barra del río Ulúa Barra del río Ulúa Canal de Quilimaco Canal de Quilimaco Canal de Quilimaco Omoa Omoa Omoa Bahía de Sto. Tomas Bahía de Sto. Tomas Bahía de Sto. Tomas Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Punta de Manabique Rio Sarstun Rio Sarstun Rio Sarstun Rio Dulce Rio Dulce Rio Dulce Placencia Lagoon Placencia Lagoon Placencia Lagoon Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Caye Caulker Haulover Creek Haulover Creek Haulover Creek Belize River Belize River Belize River Chetumal Bay Chetumal Bay Chetumal Bay Bacalar Chico Bacalar Chico Bacalar Chico Xcalak Xcalak Xcalak Chlorobenzene (ng/g) HCHs (ng/g) Drines (ng/g) DDTs (ng/g) Chlordane (ng/g) Total Pesticide (ng/g) PCBs (ng/g) 0.671 2.201 0.931 0.395 0.103 0.599 1.163 1.586 0.435 1.626 0.583 1.211 0.061 2.152 1.754 0.813 0.359 ND 3.613 2.118 1.635 2.948 0.771 1.554 3.182 3.202 3.584 3.553 2.968 2.699 0.363 2.418 2.167 5.215 1.748 0.404 0.608 0.113 0.158 3.125 3.311 0.659 11.838 13.148 ND ND 4.924 18.653 0.021 1.108 1.802 0.021 0.119 ND 0.25 0.027 0.652 0.688 14.518 0.341 0.191 ND 0.546 0.206 0.219 ND ND 0.132 ND 2.663 0.543 0.178 0.872 0.536 0.095 0.559 0.624 6.392 0.905 0.588 0.464 0.295 1.369 1.204 0.488 0.487 0.125 1.06 0.037 0.429 0.455 0.317 1.146 0.712 0.479 0.552 ND 1.675 1.8 2.675 0.402 4.753 2.403 2.029 1.019 0.049 1.363 0.258 0.113 0.172 0.384 ND 0.149 0.062 0.721 3.243 ND ND 1.489 0.169 1.612 0.552 0.056 1.613 1.899 1.81 0.286 0.932 0.207 1.584 0.535 1.015 0.37 0.372 0.535 ND 0.741 1.438 0.258 0.055 ND 0.076 ND ND ND 0.421 0.244 ND 0.491 3.577 ND ND ND 0.128 ND 0.366 0.11 0.315 0.236 0.229 0.378 0.182 0.54 0.288 0.274 0.169 0.502 0.517 0.045 0.072 0.168 ND 3.534 0.639 0.516 0.171 0.347 0.529 0.696 0.538 0.459 0.387 0.994 0.582 0.669 0.661 0.019 0.151 0.366 6.204 0.168 2.8 1.042 4.205 1.905 2.541 11.209 0.413 ND 0.189 6.127 0.226 18.588 11.19 0.15 ND 0.141 0.014 ND 0.321 0.286 0.145 0.344 0.089 0.04 0.032 0.164 ND 0.04 ND ND 0.376 ND 0.24 1.04 0.128 0.024 ND 0.4 0.169 0.383 0.307 0.147 0.201 0.206 0.012 0.09 0.12 0.199 ND 0.131 0.618 0.122 0.203 0.256 0.163 4.285 3.609 0.141 ND 0.144 1.118 0.186 1.384 1.023 3.372 4.349 2.458 0.818 1.808 2.336 2.785 17.046 1.699 2.549 1.234 2.138 1.338 6.132 2.318 0.858 2.069 0.714 8.16 7.318 4.156 6.114 3.422 3.807 5.284 5.623 11.283 6.953 4.725 5.49 1.924 5.125 5.255 5.886 3.36 2.334 8.474 1.305 3.907 5.152 8.209 4.278 19.577 29.969 1.778 ND 7.705 31.701 3.108 21.483 19.26 1.55 1.857 1.541 ND 1.265 0.133 ND ND ND ND ND 1.376 0.081 2.638 2.682 2.738 2.733 1.038 ND 0.598 0.536 ND 0.031 1.555 0.463 0.391 0.052 ND 0.274 0.064 0.321 0.891 ND ND ND 1.003 0.977 0.317 0.741 1.064 1.42 0.014 1.884 2.004 3.483 ND 2.535 0.667 0.786 0.051 0.677 ND = Not detected 124 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Figure 71 shows median concentrations by site for organochlorine pesticides and PCBs grouped by chemical family. Concentrations of Organochloride Pesticides and PCBs in Sediments 25 PCBs Chlordanes DDTs Drines HCHs Clorobenzenes 20 15 10 5 la k Xk a e C Pt au o. lk er de lR ’o Be lic H e au lo ve rC re B. ek de C he tu m al Ba ca la rC hi co La go on C ay D ul ce n Sa rs t R ’o Pl ac . R ’o R ’o C ab o on di do Es c O m oa ac o U la ui lim Q C .d e C ei ba C ha m al ec — n La C .C oc h in os 0 Sites Figure 71. Median concentrations by site for organochlorine pesticides and PCBs Concentrations of Organochloride Pesticides and PCBs in Sediments 4 3.5 3 Clorobenzenes HCHs Drines DDTs Chlordanes PCBs 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 C. Cochinos La Ceiba Chamalec—n Ul a C. de Quilimaco Omoa R’o Escondido Cabo R’o Sarst n Sites Figure 72a. Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs grouped by chemical family, by monitoring site. 125 R’o Dulce MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Concentrations of Organochloride Pesticides and PCBs in Sediments 14 12 10 Chlorobenzenes HCHs Drines DDTs Chlordanes PCBs 8 6 4 2 0 Placencia Lagoon Caye Caulker Puerto del R’o Belice Haulover Creek Bah’a de Chetumal Bacalar Chico Xkalak Sitios Figure 72b. Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs grouped by chemical family, by monitoring site. As in the case of PAHs, the highest concentrations of pesticides were found in the northern part of the study area, in the Belize River, Corozal, Chetumal Bay and Xcalak. In particular, the high concentration of DDTs is to be noted in sediments in Xcalak, as well as the high concentrations of chlorobenzenes in Corozal and Chetumal. In particular, the concentrations of total hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), and total chlordanes exceeded the probable effect levels (PEL) in some stations (PEL, Buchanan 1999). If the concentrations of a pollutant exceed the PEL, there is a high probability that the sample is toxic to marine fauna. These levels were exceeded for HCHs in the stations located at the mouth of Chetumal Bay, the mouth of Haulover Creek, in the Placencia Lagoon and in almost all the monitoring stations in the Gulf of Honduras (Map 19). The PEL was exceeded in the case of chlordanes at the mouth of Chetumal Bay (Map 20). The results for sediments coincide with those of cholinesterase activity, since the highest levels of inhibition were found precisely in Xcalak, at the mouth of the Bay. 126 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 19. Monitoring stations where PEL (red dots) and TEL (yellow dots) levels of hexachlorocyclohexanes in sediments were exceeded. Green dots indicate those stations where there is the least probability of finding a toxic Effect 127 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Map 20. Monitoring sites showing the levels of chlordanes in sediments with respect to PEL and TEL. Green dots indicate those stations where there is a low probability of finding a toxic effect. 128 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 7 WATER QUALITY 7.1 Description Poor water quality is an excellent early indicator of possible threats to the MBRS ecosystems. Therefore, it is essential to include water quality as one of the primary parameters monitored by the SMP. The coastal waters of the MBRS provide many valuable resources to the people of the region. However, constant use (e.g. coastal development, agriculture, aquaculture) and growing populations are placing pressure on these areas and polluting the water quality. Agricultural activities in coastal watersheds increase sedimentation, eutrophication, and organochloride pollution in the river, estuarine, and marine ecosystems. Bananas, citrus, African palm, and sugarcane are vital sources of income and major exports for the countries of the MBRS region, so sustainable practices need to be developed and implemented in order to ensure continued agriculture without risking other coastal resources. Coastal development is another industry that is economically important but often environmentally devastating. Sewage and waste discharge, dredging, and sand or limestone mining have negative effects on the coastal water quality. Direct marine activity (ports, shipyards, tourism, cruise ships) degrade water quality through fuel spills, pollution of ballast water, bilge cleaning, and solid waste disposal. The cruise ship industry is a significant source of water pollution. Daily waste created by a typical cruise ship is as follows ( • • • • • 540 m3 of gray water (from washrooms, showers, and laundries). 113 m3 of black water (sewage). 13.5 m3 of oily water from bilge. 50 liters of hazardous materials, such as perchloroetilene from dry cleaners, photographic development liquids, paint, solvents, etc. 7 tons of solid waste (garbage). Ballast water is another issue with cruise ships. Up to 1,000m3 is taken into the ship’s hull and used to balance the ship on the high seas. Often times, this water become polluted or contaminated with diseases that damage systems when the water is discharged. Also, foreign species can be transported from one port or one tourist destination to another via this water ( Lastly, aquaculture poses a threat to coastal water quality through activities that lead to eutrophication, new diseases, and possible invasive species (Arriola, 2003). To date, water quality monitoring has not been completed on a regular basis. Currently, we only have a small set of data which was collected by the Mexican Navy, with support from the MBRS Project and some scattered data that were collected at seagrass and mangrove monitoring sites. 129 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System In 2003, the MBRS project acquired nine multi-parametric sondes and distributed them throughout the region. General characteristics and recipients are shown below (Table 45). Table 45. Multi-parametric sondes used in the MBRS region. DATE OF PURCHASE 28 March 2003 29 May 2003 22 July 2003 22 July 2003 4 September 2003 4 September 2003 4 September 2003 4 September 2003 31 May 2005 BRAND YSI YSI Water Quality Monitoring Kit HORIBA 2012139 Water Quality Monitoring Kit HORIBA 2012139 YSI YSI YSI YSI YSI RECIPIENT Chetumal, Mexico Cancun, Mexico Guatemala City Guatemala City Cayos Cochinos, Honduras. Puerto Cortés, Honduras. Belize City, Belize. Punta Gorda, Belize. DiBio, Honduras. Because of the cost associated with water quality monitoring, it was necessary to provide the four countries with all the appropriate equipment to collect data. Unfortunately, this equipment has not been utilized on a regular basis, and technical problems are frequent. In addition to equipment issues, very few labs in the region are capable of analyzing water samples to evaluate nutrient levels. An agreement has been established with El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Unidad Chetumal in Chetumal, Mexico (specifically the Institutional Chemistry Lab) (ECOSUR) where samples from Mexico and Belize can be processed. The Laboratorio de la Unidad de Gestión Ambiental in Puerto Cortés, Honduras can process the samples from Honduras, and possibly Guatemala. The results obtained by the Secretaría de Marina in Mexico in 2005 are shown below. During 2005, eight water quality monitoring campaigns were conducted in the locations established by the MBRS Monitoring Network, in Chetumal Bay and along the Mayan Coast (February, March, May, June, July, August, September and November). Nutrient levels were higher in Chetumal Bay than along the Mayan Coast; highest levels were observed at the Rio Hondo river mouth. Orthophosphates were similar across the monitored area, and surveyors measured fecal coliform in the Rio Hondo river mouth from June to September. The field methodology proposed by the SMP manual (2003) was followed. Surface water samples were taken in each location (five replicas per location). The pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured in situ by means of a multi-parametric sonde YSI-300. Water samples were collected in one-liter plastic bottles and were stored on ice (approximately 4 - 6° Celsius) for approximately 4 to 6 hours. Nutrient analyses were conducted in the ECOSUR lab. Bacteriological analysis were conducted in the portable laboratory located in the Chetumal Naval Sector. Nutrient concentration was determined according to the methods established by Parson et al., (1984) for saltwater, using a spectrophotometer (Milton Roy Spectronic 21). Fecal and total coliform were estimated using the multiple fermentation tube method (NMX-AA-042). 130 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 7.2 Results Temperature. Temperatures between 29 and 35 degrees Celsius were registered in the monitored locations. The maximum values occurred near the wharf in Mahahual. Station Location Salinity. The lowest salinity was observed at the Rio Hondo 1 Laguna Guerrero river mouth (<6ppt) during August and September (the rainy 2 Punta Calentura season). In Laguna Guerrero, the salinity varied between 15 3 Rio Hondo and 20 ppt; in Punta Calentura, between 20 and 30 ppt. 4 Mahahual 5 Xcalak Dissolved Oxygen. DO levels ranged from less than 3 mg/L 6 Canal de Zaragoza to 6 mg/L. Nitrites (NO2). In the Chetumal Bay, nitrite levels stayed around 0.004 mg/L during most of the year. Highest levels were seen at the Rio Hondo river mouth. Along the Mayan Coast, levels stayed right around 0.005 mg/L. During the month of March, levels were higher than both in the Bay and along the Coast. Nitrates (NO3). In Laguna Guerrero, Punta Calentura, Mahahual, Xcalak and Canal de Zaragoza the concentration of nitrates varied around 0.1 mg/L, with the exception of February 2005, when higher values were observed (0.30mg/L). For most of the year, the values in the Rio Hondo river mouth varied between 0.3 and 0.55 mg/L. Only during September 2005 were values under 0.1 mg/l observed. Map 21. Monitoring stations for water quality. 131 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Ammonium (NH4). The levels of ammonium in Chetumal Bay ranged between 0.1 and 0.15 mg/L. Levels were slightly higher in the Rio Hondo river mouth, reaching 0.18 mg/L. Along the Mayan Coast ammonium levels stayed around 0.05 mg/L. Orthophosphates (PO4). The levels of orthophosphates in Chetumal Bay varied between 0.01 and 0.03 mg/L, except during September when there was a spike in orthophosphate levels (0.08 mg/L). In the marine locations (Mahahual and Canal de Zaragoza), the levels fluctuated from 0.005 to 0.030 mg/L, reaching a maximum in August, after hurricanes Emily and Stan brought extra rain. 132 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Rio Hondo Nutrients Data Rio Hondo Physical Data 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 15 10 5 0 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Feb-05 pH Mar-05 Apr-05 Salinity (ppt) May-05 Jun-05 Temp. (0C) Jul-05 Phosphates (uM) Ammonia (uM) Nitrites (uM) Nitrates (uM) DO (mg/L) Xcalak Physical Data Xcalak Nutrients Data 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mar-05 Jun-05 pH Jul-05 Salinity (ppt) Aug-05 Temp. (0C) Sep-05 DO (mg/L) Apr-05 Phosphates (uM) Nitrites (uM) May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Ammonia (uM) Nitrates (uM) Fecal Coliform. Fecal coliform was measured only in the Rio Hondo river mouth. There was a huge spike in these data in June (average of 20.0 nmp/100ml), which coincides with the start of the rainy season. Rio Hondo Fecal Coliform 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Fecal Coliform (nmp/100mL) 133 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 8 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The average value for a series of parameters recorded along the MBRS region is presented here in this first baseline report of the status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems. These values represent the baseline, against which data obtained in future monitoring exercises will be compared. Six parameters are surveyed for benthic cover under this monitoring program. Of these, live components accounted for 67% of the total area monitored. The benthic components with the greatest coverage were hard corals and algae, together comprising an average of 58%. The rest of the benthic cover is comprised of rock, sand and Thalassia. The parameters of the principal live reef components were grouped to define a single indicator, as follows: Benthic cover: Various benthic components are grouped in this indicator. These include live coral, algae, gorgonians, sponges, coralline algae and Millepora. In this indicator, high algal cover is inversely related to reef health, whereas for all other parameters a high cover represents a favorable condition. All coral species are included in the coral cover parameter. Coral colonies exhibit different growth patterns, depending on the species and the reef zone in which they occur. This analysis shows that a typical reef in the MBRS region should have colonies measuring 33 cm (± a std. dev. of 13) in diameter. This average applies for all colonies of all species. In general, mature undamaged reefs have larger colonies than reefs that have been impacted by either natural events or anthropogenic activities. Mean colony height for the MBRS region is approximately 21 cm (± a std. dev. of 9.5). This parameter includes all colonies, regardless of growth type (e.g. branching, boulder-forming, plate-like, encrusting). Encrusting and plate-like species rarely exceed five centimeters in height, and therefore bring down the mean. This parameter could be a good indicator of the impact of tourism on the reef because branching corals, such as Acropora spp., are easily broken by inexperienced divers and snorkellers. A change in their average height could therefore signal a negative impact from tourist activities. The percentage of colonies that show some type of mortality is also monitored. The parameter addressing overall colony condition is defined as: Condition of the colonies: colony diameter, colony height and presence of mortality are grouped in this indicator,. Higher values for diameter and height indicate good reef condition whereas the percentage of colonies with mortality is inversely related to reef health. To determine the relationship between the main live components (MLC) of the reef and the algae, the following indicator is defined: 134 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System MLC : Algae Ratio: For this indicator, the values of live coral, gorgonians, sponges, coralline algae and Millepora cover were added together and divided by algal cover. The three indicators defined above include most of the parameters recorded under the SMP in relation to the benthic composition of the reef. Three parameters related to reef fish community structure were selected due to their importance within the reef and associated ecosystems: Fish density: this indicator represents the density of adult fish. The mean for the MBRS region is 34 ind./100m2 with a standard deviation of 21. Herbivorous species should be in an equilibrium with both carnivorous species and algal cover. One of the main limiting factors on coral reef growth is hard substrate, necessary for coral recruitment. Herbivores clear away macroalgae, leaving spaces where coral can successfully settle, so their density is an important indicator of reef status. This indicator also gives clues to areas which might be affected by unsustainable fishing levels, especially regarding species of commercial importance. Carnivorous fish populations, including species of economic importance (groupers, barracudas, snappers), are extremely low on most reefs monitored. High demand, and the associated fishing pressure, probably explains this dearth of large predators. Another useful element when determining reef health is recruit fish density. Presence of large numbers of recruits implies a healthy adult fish population that is spawning on the reef or nearby in seagrass beds and mangrove forests. Surgeonfishes and parrotfishes are the most observed species at the MBRS monitoring sites. Reefs with low recruitment rates require further study, in order to pinpoint possible causes. Fish recruits: this indicator includes the density of recruit fishes. Finally, in order for healthy fish populations to exist on the reef, successful spawning must occur. Larger individuals produce more offspring and are more reproductively fit, so reef sites with a large population of bigger individuals are probably less susceptible to fishing pressure. Therefore, another indicator of reef health is as follows: Fish sizes: This indicator involves the size structure of the reef fish community, but it should be analyzed carefully in an attempt to control for any surveyor biases (from a lack of experience or proper training). Anthropogenic pollution is an important part of the SMP. A pollution indicator has been defined as: HCH Pollution (hexachlorocyclohexanes): One way to evaluate whether or not pollutant levels found in sediments are hazardous is to compare them to the Probable 135 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Effects Level (PEL) published by the EPA (Buchman, 1999). The PEL is defined as the concentration of a pollutant at which adverse effects are expected to occur. Most pollution monitoring sites north of the Motagua River are above the PEL index for concentrations of HCH. The indicators defined here are similar to those proposed by the Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative. Some differences do occur, including the grouping of main live components into one indicator to be compared with algal cover. Also, the grouping of larger colonies (diameter and height) as favorable and the consideration of colonies with mortality as a unfavorable are differences. All other indicators are similar, or the same as, those in the Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative. Table 46 compares the MBRS locations with respect to the indicators described above. Green represents an area in good condition, yellow indicates an area under possible stress, and red color represents an area in critical condition. These discussion are based on results obtained during the first monitoring session at each site (from 2004 or 2005). This baseline is intended to be used for comparison during future studies in the region, in order to identify any negative or positive trends in reef health. Table 46. MBRS locations and ecological indicators used to obtain reef status. MPA Benthic cover Condition of the colonies MLC:Algae Ratio Fish recruits No data available Cozumel B. Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover's Reef South Water Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye P. Manabique Fish sizes Pollution PEL- HCH No data available No data available No data available No data available No data available No data available No data available Utila C. Cochinos Legend Fish density No data available Good condition Shows stress Critical condition Annex I, shows the analysis of each of the indicators. It is important to ascertain which indicators and which locations require the most attention and are the most likely to be affected by successful conservation. Also, some stressful 136 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System conditions could be caused by a combination of interdependent factors, such as coral cover, algal cover, and herbivore density. Algal cover may increase during warmer parts of the year and decrease during cooler months. For this reason, it is necessary to continue monitoring at least twice a year with the purpose of determining any algal cycles that might occur. Colony condition seems to be closely linked to coral cover and colony size. Sites with low coverage and small colonies typically have more colonies with some level of mortality. Each indicator represents a parameter or group of parameters that, when taken together, provide us with a panorama of the state of the reef at the MBRS locations. The following is a summary of each location: Cozumel: The two hurricanes that ravaged Cozumel’s reefs during the 2005 season considerably reduced live coral cover and many of the other groups making up the MLC indicator. These stresses also have taken their toll on colony condition. An outreach program needs to be designed that successfully educates tour operators and tourists on the importance of maintaining current levels of live coral cover and bare rock (for successful coral recruitment). Banco Chinchorro: The condition of the colonies must be monitored closely, to determine the cause of the high percentage of colonies with mortality. As for fish, fishing activity should be analyzed in order to explain the absence of large individuals of some fish species. Xcalak: Each site needs to be analyzed in detail because of stressed or critical conditions for all indicators. A meeting of protected area managers and biologists to discuss management practices and identify the sources of stress is suggested. Bacalar Chico: While the fish community seems to be in relatively good health, a detailed analysis of the benthic community is suggested because of current levels of stress. Hol Chan: Causes of low coral cover and high algal cover need to be identified for this location. Eutrophication is a possible stress factor. Caye Caulker: Critical conditions in the fish community can probably be explained by the heavy fishing pressure found in this location. However, a more detailed analysis of fishing activity should be conducted and compared to the fish status. Also, monitoring in local seagrass beds and mangrove forests needs to be initiated. Glover’s Reef: A study of local activity might discover the causes of small coral colonies and high mortality found in this location. South Water Caye: Fishing activity needs to be studied more closely in this area. Also, coral colony size is low. 137 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Gladden Spit: The benthic community in this location is under stress (or worse). Agents leading to this condition, along with possible remedies, should be identified. In addition, fishing pressure seems to have led to low density and small sizes of adult fishes. Sapodilla Cayes: Fishing activities must be analyzed in this transboundary area to determine the agents causing the low density and small sizes of adult fishes. Punta de Manabique: Fishing activities must be analyzed in this transboundary area to determine the agents causing the low density and small sizes of adult fishes. Utila: Tourist activities are a likely cause of the stressed or critical status of the benthic community. Cayos Cochinos: Causes of the stressed conditions in the benthic community need to be identified. Seagrass Long-term monitoring programs on seagrasses are needed to measure the impact of anthropogenic activities, climate change, and natural phenomena, such as tropical storms and hurricanes. The SMP currently focuses on protected areas in the region, but expansion outside these areas is needed. The general public, NGOs, scientists and government officials must work together in order to protect the valuable seagrass beds in the MBRS region. Information on the biology and ecology of seagrasses, including detailed maps of their distribution and abundance, is still scarce; therefore, scientific research and the current monitoring initiatives in the four MBRS countries must be continued to fill the information gaps. Natural resource managers can use this knowledge to evaluate any stresses on seagrasses, their potential for natural recovery, and options to mitigate negative impacts. There are new, modern parameters that are used to compare different seagrass communities, such as: LAR (Leaf Area Ratio) and SLA (Specific Leaf Ratio). These two ratios approximate RGR (Relative Growth Rate) over time. Remote sensing is another technology that could make a significant contribution to the monitoring program, since it would facilitate the measurement of loss of seagrass. Such information is vital to management and decision-making. The Relationship between Above Ground and Below Ground Biomass: Segrass beds with high below ground biomass can generally have a better structural response to natural and anthropogenic stresses (including storms and eutrophication). Large root masses help to obtain nutrients, rhizomes allow for storage of starches. 138 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Mangroves Similar to the situation with seagrasses, long-term monitoring of mangroves concentrates on protected areas and aims to measure the impact of anthropogenic and natural stresses (including climate change) to the mangrove ecosystem. Monitoring in heavily impacted areas, including ports and aquaculture facilities could give a more complete picture of mangrove status. The general public, NGOs, scientists and government officials must work together in order to protect the valuable mangrove forests in the MBRS region. Information on the biology and ecology of mangroves, including detailed maps of their distribution and abundance, is still incomplete; therefore, scientific research and the current monitoring initiatives in the four MBRS countries must be continued to fill the information gaps. Natural resource managers can use this knowledge to evaluate any stresses on mangroves, their potential for natural recovery, and options to mitigate negative impacts. As with seagrasses, remote sensing offers an excellent opportunity to monitor losses (or potential gains) in mangrove cover. This information is extremely useful for decision making and resource management. The main indicators used for mangroves are: Density, Height and DBH: Mangrove forests with older, larger trees are generally healthier and can withstand environmental stresses (including storms, pollution, deforestation) more successfully than young, small forests. Pollution A way to evaluate if the concentrations of pollutants found in sediments are harmful is to compare them to the Probable Effects Level (PEL) of the EPA (Buchman, 1999). The PEL is defined as the concentration of a pollutant in sediments, above which adverse effects are frequently found in fauna. On the other hand, the TEL (Threshold Effects Level) is the concentration below which harmful effects are not frequently found in fauna. Concentration values above the PEL were only found for hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and chlordanes. In the case of the HCHs, the PEL was exceeded in 25% on the sediment samples analyzed, and only in one sample in the case of the chlordanes. The sites: Placencia Lagoon Corozal Bay Xcalak Belize Belize Mexico Results for the above sites are particularly worrisome, since two out of three replicas exceeded the PEL for the HCHs, which indicates a high probability that this pesticide is affecting the fauna. 139 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System In the case of Rio Chamelecon, Rio Sarstun, Rio Dulce, Belize River and Chetumal Bay, at least two of the three replicas analyzed had HCH concentrations between the TEL and the PEL; therefore, there is some risk of finding harmful effects. Table 47 compares the average concentrations of PAHs found in sediments in the SMP study, grouped by country, with the concentrations published for several coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the values considered as “high” and “critical” by NOAA for the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gold-Bouchot, 2004). The concentrations of PAHs in the MBRS in this study are relatively low, compared to the concentrations found in the coastal ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico, and are under the concentrations considered as high or critical by NOAA, contrary to the findings on pesticides, particularly Lindane (and HCH). Table 48 compares the concentrations of PAHs metabolites in the bile of the white grunt collected during this study, with the concentrations of these compounds obtained in catfish (Ariopsis assimilis) in Chetumal Bay, while Table 49 compares the concentrations of pollutants in the liver of these fishes. Table 47. Average concentrations of total PAHs, as well as high and low molecular weight PAHs, found in the MBRS countries compared to those found in the coastal lagoons and bays of the Gulf of Mexico. Lagoon/Bay Chetumal Sian Ka’an Salada Llano Mandinga Mancha Pueblo Viejo Tamiahua Tampamachoco Mecoacán Carmen Machona Honduras Guatemala Belize Mexico Average MBRS “High” USA Critical PAHs (µg/g) BPM* (µg/g) APM§ (µg/g) 2.34 1.16 6.65 5 5.68 6.73 3.81 3.42 4.48 0.95 1.31 1.85 0.33 0.67 0.61 0.84 0.55 2.4 35 0.27 0.55 0.21 0.31 0.8 0.39 1.12 0.88 1.21 N. R. N. R. N. R. 0.14 0.08 0.03 0.07 0.08 2.17 0.8 6.44 4.69 4.88 6.34 2.08 2.54 3.27 N. R. N. R. N. R. 0.2 0.59 0.58 0.77 0.47 Reference Noreña-Barroso et al., 1998. Gold-Bouchot et al., 1999. Vázquez-Botello et al., 2001. Vázquez-Botello et al., 2001. Vázquez-Botello et al., 2001. Vázquez-Botello et al., 2001. Vázquez-Botello et al., 1998. Vázquez-Botello et al., 1998. Vázquez-Botello et al., 1998. Gold-Bouchot et al., 1997. Gold-Bouchot et al., 1997. Gold-Bouchot et al., 1997. SMP-MBRS SMP-MBRS SMP-MBRS SMP-MBRS SMP-MBRS O’Connor, 1990 Long and Morgan, 1990 *BPM = PAHs of low molecular weight; §APM = PAHs of high molecular weight; ¶N. R. = Not reported. 140 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table 48. Average concentrations of PAHs metabolites in the bile of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) compared to the average obtained for the Mayan Catfish (Ariopsis assimilis) in Chetumal Bay (Noreña-Barroso et al., 1998). Naphthalenes (µg/mL) Phenantrene (µg/mL) Pyrenes (µg/mL) Benzo(a)pyrenes (µg/mL) Chetumal Bay 12.83 26.82 0.37 0.35 Cayos Cochinos 28.19 71.41 0.13 0.25 Punta de Manabique 68.05 51.06 0.11 0.49 Caye Caulker 41.47 50.43 0.09 0.21 Xcalak 54.67 68.41 0.25 0.53 Average MBRS 45.89 59.99 0.13 0.34 Site Chetumal Bay is considered a polluted site, and when comparing the concentrations of PAHs metabolites in bile we found that the concentrations of naphthalenes and phenantrenes (low molecular weight PAHs characteristic of petroleum hydrocarbons) were found in higher concentrations in the MBRS countries than in Chetumal Bay. The concentrations of pyrenes are higher in Chetumal Bay, but those of benzo(a)pyrenes are higher in Puerto Barrios and Xcalak than in Chetumal Bay. This is cause for concern, since it has been reported that hepatic tumors have been found in the Mayan Catfish (Ariopsis assimilis) of the Bay(Noreña-Barroso et al., 2004). Even taking into consideration that they are different species, if the white grunt in the MBRS have higher concentrations of metabolites, it is probable that they are also experiencing problems due to the presence of these pollutants. Table 49. Median concentrations of pollutants in the liver of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) compared to the median obtained in the Florida Keys and for the Mayan Catfish (Ariopsis assimilis) in Chetumal Bay. Site Alina's Reef§ Molasses§ White Banks§ Chetumal Bay* Cayos Cochinos Punta de Manabique Caye Caulker Xcalak Average MBRS PAHs (µg/g) DDTs (ng/g) Chlordanes (ng/g) HCHs (ng/g) Pesticide (ng/g) PCBs (ng/g) N. R. N. R. N. R. 77.6 33.9 128.6 28.3 28.27 24.1 42.5 5.1 26.2 1.3 8.4 0.7 7.81 119 229.4 74.2 143.65 N. R. N. R. N. R. 83.84 35.99 3.77 1.83 22.79 45.28 142 12.64 18 N. D. 5.3 26.76 49.08 27.41 181.53 20.22 N. D. N. D. N. D. 4.31 N. D. 45.45 77.78 97.29 160.1 13.11 N. D. 4.31 45.45 97.29 30.53 § *Noreña-Barroso et al., 2004. Downs et al., in press. N. R. = Not Reported. N. D. = Not Detected. The concentrations of pollutants in the liver of the grunts in the Florida Keys are reported in ng/g based on lipids, so they are not directly comparable with the results of this study. 141 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Nevertheless they are included as they are the only results available in scientific literature. If the contents of lipids range from 20 to 30%, then the concentrations found in the Florida Keys must be divided by a factor between three and five, to make it comparable. Even taking this into account, the concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in the Florida Keys are similar or even smaller than those found in the MBRS monitoring sites, with the exception of the results for chlordanes. Table 49 shows that in some cases, the median concentrations of pollutants exceed those of the catfish in Chetumal Bay. The PAHs in grunts in Xcalak are higher than in Chetumal Bay. The same occurs with the HCHs in Cayos Cochinos and the PCBs in all the MBRS sites, except for Puerto Barrios. Again, this is cause for concern, since it has been reported that hepatic tumors have been found in the Mayan Catfish (Ariopsis assimilis) in the Chetumal Bay (Noreña-Barroso et al., 2004). Even taking into account that they are different species, if the white grunt in the MBRS have higher concentrations of pollutants, it is probable that they are also experiencing problems due to the presence of these pollutants. It has recently been reported that the corals in the Florida Keys show signs of stress due to exposure to chemical pollutants (Downs et al., 2005b). The fact that persistent pollutants, such as organochlorine pesticides and PAHs, were found in high concentrations in this study compared to those found in the other sites which are considered impacted, makes us suppose that the coral reefs in the MBRS are at risk due to the presence of these pollutants. In order to determine the possible impact produced by pollutants, it is necessary to include damage indicators, such as histopathological analyses of fish and corals and toxicity analyses of sediments, as has been done in Chetumal Bay (Zapata-Perez et al., 2000). Additionally, cellular diagnostic tools (Downs et al., 2005a and b) or the techniques included in the RAMP protocol (Rapid Assessment of Marine Pollution; Galloway et al., 2002) could be included. These additional analyses would give a more complete view of the situation and facilitate the diagnosis of the possible direct causes of stress. Twenty five percent (25%) of the sediment samples exceeded NOAA’s Probable Effects Level (PEL) for Lindane (γ-HCH); therefore, harmful effects to the fauna due to the presence of this pesticide may be expected. The concentrations of PAHs metabolites and of some pollutants in the selected indicator organism (Haemulon plumieri) exceeded the concentrations of the same pollutants found in the Mayan Catfish (Ariopsis assimilis) in Chetumal Bay, a site considered to be impacted by pollution, and they are similar to those obtained for the grunt in the Florida Keys. With the information available at this moment, it is not possible to determine the sources of the pollutants found, or their potential dispersion throughout the MBRS. It is also important to consider the probable transport of the pollutants by wind (Alegría et al., 2000) and not only by marine currents. It is necessary to expand the monitoring network, to include, for example, sites north of Chetumal Bay, and to add monitoring sites in Banco Chinchorro, Sian Ka'an, Cozumel and Cancun. Since no samples were collected from these sites in this study, the Mexican part of the MBRS was under-represented. 142 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System The highest level of nitrogenated nutrients was recorded in the interior of the Chetumal Bay. The highest levels of nitrates, nitrites and ammonium, were recorded for the Rio Hondo. From there, these nutrients are transported to Chetumal Bay. The input of phosphates and coliforms appears to be related to surface runoff, resulting from the rains caused by meteorological phenomena occurring during August and September. 9 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results offered and the corresponding discussion, we offer recommendations for management of the MBRS resources and for the improvement and strengthening of the Synoptic Monitoring Program. For Management: 1. For each locations previous information, wherever it exists, should be compared with the information presented herein, to identify any current tendencies. A comparison over time may reveal positive or negative trends. Also, there may be a case where a particular location was always below or above the regional average and this historical information would help to interpret current results. 2. Identify the specific anthropogenic activities that directly or indirectly affect the ecosystems., These may include, for example, the sources of nutrients that cause eutrophication and consequently an increase in the growth of macroalgae, mismanagement of tourism sites, over-fishing in the reef zones, spillage of pollutants, etc. 3. Evaluate whether the conditions found in a particular location are due to natural disasters and/or climatic events. 4. Consider which management actions may be implemented to improve the conditions of a site, based on that site’s particular characteristics, history, threats and the specific human uses practiced there. 5. Focus conservation efforts and resources by prioritizing the sites that show stress, also taking into account the feasibility and the potential for successful conservation. 6. Improve environmental education delivered to the general public, focusing specifically on the importance of preserving the reefs, mangroves and seagrass, which are breeding sites for many species and protect the coast from erosion, storms and hurricanes. This information must be emphasized in educational activities targeting hotel operators, tour operators and the tourists themselves. 7. Preserve sand dunes on beaches. 8. Use the information provided in this baseline study to educate all sectors of the public about the current state of coral reefs and associated coastal ecosystems and inform them of the threats found. 143 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 9. The results shown for pollution and water quality clearly establish the need to analyze their terrestrial sources, as a first step towards managing these threats to the marine and coastal ecosystems at their point of origin. 10. It is necessary to increase financing at a local, regional and national level to improve conservation activities targeting these ecosystems. Specifically, it is necessary to increase support personnel for monitoring in the marine protected areas and to increase their salaries to reduce the high turnover rate of field staff. 11. Develop a regional campaign to educate recreational users, including tour operators, tourists, etc. on the impact of human activities in the reef. This must include guidelines for best practices in snorkeling and SCUBA diving. For Monitoring: 1. Better mechanisms must be implemented to achieve a true sense of ownership of the Synoptic Monitoring Program by all parties involved, especially protected area managers and decision-makers, to ensure the continuation of this monitoring in the long-term. 2. It is necessary to update and improve the Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program, using specific experiences acquired during fieldwork, and based on available human resources and materials, as well as the most recent and functional technologies. 3. It is necessary to establish a training calendar encompassing a variety of subjects related to monitoring, so that the personnel in the four countries may update their knowledge and new personnel may be trained. This will ensure that a cadre of qualified monitors is always maintained, despite the high turnover of field staff. 4. At least one extra day for data entry must be included in the monitoring schedule for all types of surveys to ensure the accurate and timely entry of data into the REIS. 5. The REIS is being enhanced to include a series of reports that will allow users to produce basic statistical analyses on the data entered, thereby making the information immediately useful to users and managers alike. 6. Actively promote seagrass, mangrove and water quality monitoring to increase the quantity and quality of the data. 7. Make every effort to avoid the duplication of monitoring efforts in the region. 8. Make training and/or supervision a permanent part of the monitoring program. 9. Strengthen and improve the monitoring program and make every effort to ensure its continuation recognizing that the usefulness of the information increases over time, and that long-term monitoring offers the possibility of conducting temporal analyses. 144 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System 10. A great variation in the estimation of fish size has been observed, which may suggest a bias on the part the persons collecting the data. The detailed analysis of the information obtained indicated that a higher level of training is required for the estimation of sizes in the sub-aquatic environment where objects appear a third larger than they are. 11. Although there is a fair amount of data on corals, there is little information on coral bleaching and diseases. This suggests that this type of information is not being recorded. This may be because the data collectors cannot identify these phenomena. In the case of bleaching, it may be that the monitoring takes place after the event has passed, in which case the phenomenon is only recorded as recent death without identifying the cause as bleaching. More training on the identification of coral bleaching and diseases is therefore recommended. 12. Bleaching events should be monitored, especially in response to reports by the support agencies in the SMP network. Furthermore, we suggest that the national monitoring coordinators subscribe to NOAA’s “Satellite Bleaching Alert E-mail List” to keep up to date on the possibility of bleaching events and thus be able to follow up with a rapid response monitoring. 13. In compliance with the Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program, the necessary capacity/resources should be made available to conduct a rapid response monitoring to evaluate damage when a catastrophic event (such as a hurricane, oil spillage or ship grounding) occurs, soon after impact. 14. It is necessary to critically analyze mangrove and seagrass monitoring methods to determine which are the most appropriate and feasible for improving the management of these ecosystems. 15. A critical analysis of the structure of the water quality monitoring program is needed, to determine the most appropriate and feasible options for successful implementation. It is necessary to ensure long-term financing for pollution and water quality monitoring, since the equipment, labor and purchase of chemical reagents needed for the analysis of samples is very costly. A viable option to alleviate the high costs, at least in respect to labor, would be to ensure the support of organizations that have the institutional capability to continue the analysis of water, tissue and sediment samples in the future. 145 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System REFERENCES Aldenhoven, J. M. 1986. Different reproductive strategies in a sex-changing coral reef fish Centropyge bicolor (Pomacanthidae). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37:353–360. Alegria, H. A., Bidleman, T. F. and Shaw, T. J., 2000. Organochlorine pesticides in ambient air of Belize, Central America. Environmental Science and Technology 34(10): 1953-1958. Almada-Villela PC, Sale PF, Gold-Bouchot G and Kjerfve B. 2003. Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program. Selected Methods for Monitoring Physical and Biological Parameters for Use in the Mesoamerican Region. 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Journal of Experimental marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 230 (1) 55-71. Trexler JC and Travis J., 2000. Can marine protected areas restore and conserve stock attributes of fisheries?. Bulletin of Marine Science, 66(3): 853-873. U.S. NOAA Coastal Services Center. 2001 - Guide to the Seagrasses of the Unites States of America (Including U.S. Territories in the Caribbean). Vazquez Botello A, Calva LG and Ponce Velez G. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments from Coastal Lagoons of Veracruz State, Gulf of Mexico. 2001. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 67: 889-897. Veron, J.E.N. 2000. Corals of the world. Stafford-Smith, M. (ed). Australian Institute of Marine Science. Volumen I. 463 p. Zapata-Pérez, O., R. Simá-Alvarez, E. Noreña-Barroso, J. Guemes, G. Gold-Bouchot, A. Ortega and A. Albores-Medina. 2000. Toxicity of sediments from Bahia de Chetumal, Mexico, as assessed by hepatic EROD induction and histology in Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Marine Environmental Research 50(1-5): 385-391. 149 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System ANNEXES ANNEX I. Indicators of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System This Annex contains tables showing a detailed breakdown of the various parameters which comprise the reef status indicators presented in Chapter 8 of the main text, entitled Discussions and Conclusions. Table A.1 shows the analysis of the benthic cover indicator. The main benthic components are coral cover and algal cover. Secondary components are sponges, gorgonians, coralline algae and Millepora. Each of the benthic components is categorized, where each category represents a range of values relating to reef status. For coral cover, the categories range from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). For algal cover, the categories are reversed with 1 assigned to the highest algal cover and 5 to the lowest. The remainder of the benthic components are categorized from one to three since they are considered secondary components of the reef landscape. Table A.2 shows a detailed breakdown of the coral colony condition indicator which combines diameter, height and percentage of colonies with mortality. Diameter and height are categorized from one (lowest) to three (highest), and inversely, in the case of mortality, from one (highest) to five (lowest). Table A.3 gives the breakdown of the adult fish density indicator. In this analysis, the MBRS regional mean is used as the reference value. Table A.4 gives the breakdown of the fish recruitment indicator. For the fish size indicator, the analysis done is very similar to the previous ones relating to fish, so a detailed breakdown is not shown here. 150 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table A.1. – Breakdown of the benthic cover indicator. Benthic cover México coral Ran.(5) AMP Prom. Cozumel 27.37 B. Chinchorro 26.61 Xcalak 18.85 4 4 3 algas Prom. 32.72 23.03 41.20 Ran.(5) 3 4 2 Gorgonáceos Ran.(3) Prom. 3.69 11.53 11.30 1 3 3 Esponjas Prom. 10.82 6.69 2.56 Ran.(3) Acoralinas Ran.(3) 3 2 1 Prom. 0.54 0.58 2.63 1 1 1 Milleporas Ran.(3) Prom. 0.38 0.60 0.94 1 1 1 Total 2.17 2.50 1.83 Belice coral Ran.(5) AMP Prom. Bacalar Chico 18.67 Hol Chan 11.97 Caye Caulker 44.58 Glover's Reef 20.72 South Water 44.25 Gladden Spit 11.12 Sapodilla Caye 28.95 3 2 5 3 5 2 4 algas Prom. 39.28 67.32 19.42 30.06 26.07 39.85 19.62 Ran.(5) 3 1 5 3 4 3 5 Gorgonáceos Ran.(3) Prom. 8.20 3.43 6.88 13.57 8.60 6.81 9.53 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 Esponjas Prom. 3.12 1.15 2.63 6.33 4.47 1.74 1.80 Ran.(3) Acoralinas Ran.(3) 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Prom. 3.58 10.55 6.88 11.83 0.89 3.85 0.83 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 Milleporas Ran.(3) Prom. 1.98 0.80 3.71 2.06 4.30 2.94 2.16 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Promedio Total 1.83 1.50 2.83 2.67 2.67 1.83 2.50 Guatemala/Honduras coral AMP Prom. P. Manabique 26.05 Utila 15.57 C. Cochinos 24.88 Ran.(5) 4 2 3 algas Prom. 25.87 48.11 42.95 Ran.(5) 4 2 2 Gorgonáceos Ran.(3) Prom. 0.68 13.97 14.91 1 3 3 Esponjas Prom. 12.22 7.49 5.01 151 Ran.(3) Acoralinas Ran.(3) 3 2 2 Prom. 2.15 2.40 2.61 1 1 1 Milleporas Ran.(3) Prom. 0.00 1.17 2.02 1 1 2 Promedio 2.33 1.83 2.17 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table A.2. – Breakdown of the coral colony condition indicator. Coral Colony Condition Mexico Diameter MPA Category ( 1- 3 ) Mean Mean 32.00 33.26 30.50 2 2 2 Diameter Category ( 1- 3 ) Cozumel B. Chinchorro Xcalak Category ( 1- 3 ) Height Mortality Category ( 1- 5 ) Mean 21.03 24.71 18.21 Mean Total 2 2 2 60.13 52.13 41.33 2 3 3 Category ( 1- 3 ) Mortality Category ( 1- 5 ) 2.00 2.33 2.33 Belize MPA Mean Mean 35.93 32.13 57.37 30.90 20.66 27.98 58.69 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 Diameter Category ( 1- 3 ) Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover Reef South Wather Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Height Mean 21.34 18.39 35.20 14.47 15.06 22.87 35.13 Mean Total 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 61.89 0.69 54.37 39.02 32.53 29.64 94.39 2 5 3 3 4 4 1 Category ( 1- 3 ) Mortality Category ( 1- 5 ) 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.33 2.33 2.33 Guatemala/Honduras MPA P. Manabique Utila C. Cochinos Mean 31.57 25.40 29.21 Height Mean 2 1 1 Mean 12.95 9.85 14.03 152 1 1 1 10.16 0.09 15.87 Mean Total 5 5 5 2.67 2.33 2.33 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table A.3. - Breakdown of the adult fish density indicator. Adult fish density compared to the regional mean 35 ind/100m2 P Mexico Mean (35.30) MPA Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak -10% (31.77) -20% (28.78) P -30% (25.18) -40% (21.59) -50% (17.99) Mean 58.75 38.48 Mean 58.75 38.48 Mean 58.75 38.48 Mean 58.75 38.48 Mean 58.75 38.48 Mean 58.75 38.48 31.93 31.93 31.93 31.93 31.93 31.93 Belize MPA Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye Caulker Glover's Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit 46.74 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 46.74 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 46.74 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 46.74 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 46.74 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 46.74 57.87 14.96 46.72 26.93 15.50 Sapodilla Caye 24.22 24.22 24.22 24.22 24.22 24.22 Guatemala/Honduras MPA Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Punta de Manabique Utila 20.53 39.24 20.53 39.24 20.53 39.24 20.53 39.24 20.53 39.24 20.53 39.24 Cayos Cochinos 37.04 37.04 37.04 37.04 37.04 49.14 Above the regional mean and up to 10% below Up to 50% below the regional mean Less than 50% of the regional mean 153 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Table A.4. - Breakdown of the fish recruitment indicator. Mean density of fish recruits per site Mean Location Cozumel Banco Chinchorro Xcalak Bacalar Chico Hol Chan Caye. Caulker Glover's Reef South Water Caye Gladden Spit Sapodilla Caye Punta de Manabique Utila Cayos Cochinos -10% -20% -30% -40% -50% Density Density Density Density Density Density No data available 82.92 18.54 102.59 126.88 10.94 66.25 114.58 54.69 53.72 77.29 No data available 27.29 No data available 82.92 18.54 102.59 126.88 10.94 66.25 114.58 54.69 53.72 77.29 No data available 27.29 No data available 82.92 18.54 102.59 126.88 10.94 66.25 114.58 54.69 53.72 77.29 No data available 27.29 No data available 82.92 18.54 102.59 126.88 10.94 66.25 114.58 54.69 53.72 77.29 No data available 27.29 No data available 82.92 18.54 102.59 126.88 10.94 66.25 114.58 54.69 53.72 77.29 No data available 27.29 No data available 82.92 18.54 102.59 126.88 10.94 66.25 114.58 54.69 53.72 77.29 No data available 27.29 Above the regional mean and up to 10% below Up to 50% below the regional mean Less than 50% of the regional mean 154 MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System ANNEX II. Fish species studied under the Synoptic Monitoring Program A subset of adult fish species of have been selected for study under the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program. These are listed in the following table. Table A. 5. -Species surveyed in the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program. ACANTHURIDAE A. bahianus A. chirurgus A. coeruleus CHAETODONTIDAE C. capistratus C. ocellatus C. stiatus C. sedentarius C. aculeatus LUTJANIDAE L. campechanus L. analis L. cyanopterus L. griseus L. jocu L. mahogani L. synagris O. chrysurus L. apodus HAEMULIDAE H. flavolineatum H. sciurus H. chrysargyreum H. plumieri H. carbonarium H. aurolineatum H. melanurum H. striatum H. macrostomum H. parra A. virginicus A. surinamensis H. album POMACANTHIDAE H. ciliaris H. bermudensis P. paru P. arcuatus H. tricolor BALISTIDAE/ MONACANTHIDAE B. vetula C. sufflamen M. niger A. scriptus C. pullus C. macrocerus SCARIDAE S. viride S. aurofrenatum S. chrysopterum S. rubripinne S. atomarium S. taeniopterus S. vetula S. croicensis S. guacamaia S. coelestinus S. coeruleus 155 SERRANIDAE E. adscensionis E. guttatus E. morio E. striatus iE. tajara C. cruentata C. fulvus M. bonaci M. tigris M. interstitialis M. venenosa LABRIDAE B. rufus L. maximus CARANGIDAE C. ruber POMACENTRIDAE M. chrysurus SPHYRAENIDAE S. barracuda MBRS Technical Document No.18 Baseline of the Status of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System III Report on the Reef Monitoring Program. Cozumel Reefs National Park 2004-2005 156 Department of Monitoring and Academic Linkage Reef Monitoring Program Report Cozumel Reefs National Park 2004-2005 Gabriela G. Nava Martínez, Lorenzo Álvarez Filip and Roberto Hernández Landa Cozumel, Quintana Roo. March 22, 2006 Introduction. Coral reefs are amongst the most important ecosystems in nature due to their great biological diversity and productivity (Veron, 2000). In Mexico, the largest coral development is located in the Atlantic Ocean (Carricart-Ganivet and Horta-Puga, 1993) along the Caribbean coast; it extends almost continuously from Contoy Island to the southern border of the state of Quintana Roo, as a complex reef system of approximately 400 Km long, which, in conjunction with the reefs in Belize, Guatemala and Honduras form the second largest reef complex in the world, known as the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS, Arias-Gonzalez, 1998). Cozumel Island is located within this System, where one of the main reefs in the country develops. As a result of its great biological diversity and importance is one of the main national and international diving sites, leading Cozumel Island to rapid growth in tourism, especially in recent years, by increasing infrastructure, visitors, and above all, the intensive use of its natural resources. For this reason, in 1996, the reef area located in front of the western coast of the island was declared a National Marine Park with the purpose of protecting the biodiversity of the communities in the reef ecosystem. Since then, some efforts have been made to implementing a monitoring program to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection and changes in the communities. In 1997, Amigos de Sian Kaan carried out a characterization of the reefs; in 2000, CINVESTAV (Arias-Gonzalez, 2000) conducted monitoring on seven reefs; and the National Park (Lánz-Landázuri et al, 2002) carried out a characterization of the reefs during 2002. In order to establish a program that could be carried out long-term, during 2004 the monitoring program of the Cozumel Reefs National Park (CRNP) started, following the guidelines of the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring (Almada-Villela et al., 2003) that is developed jointly by the governments of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras. 1 The objective of this long-term monitoring program is to produce information that allows the evaluation on the changes of the reef communities through time. For this reason, the following indicators were considered: • Percentage cover of the different components of the biotic substratum (hard coral, soft coral, sponges, algae, other sessile organisms) and abiotic (sand, rock). • Structure of the coral community, considering coral species, density of the colonies, mortality, maximum diameter, percentage of bleaching, diseases and other damage. • Structure of the fish community, considering families of commercial interest and characteristic of the reef community, size distribution as well as the proportion of herbivorous and carnivorous. This report includes the results for 2004 and 2005, establishing the sites and main methods that will be used in later years for the monitoring of reef communities within the National Park. 2 METHODS Six reefs were selected within the polygon of the CRNP to be monitored, considering the areas of use where they are located: restricted, intensive and low intensity use (Fig. 1). Within each zone, reefs less than 15 m deep that had the largest number of visitors, especially divers, were selected; this was determined based on the information obtained in previous years by the personnel of this National Protected Area (1999-2003). Six perpendicular transects were placed along the coastline, following the growth of the reef development. The reefs selected were (Table 1): Paraiso, Chankanaab, Yucab, Paso del Cedral, Palancar, Dalila and Colombia. The monitoring campaigns were carried out during March, April and October 2004. The following year, the first monitoring period was during April-May, however, due to the impact of the hurricanes that year, an evaluation was carried out 3 weeks after hurricane Emily (August 2005), the second campaign was performed approximately 15 days after hurricane Wilma, during November 2005. Table 1. Geographic coordinates (WGS84) of the monitoring sites. Area of Use Reef Geographic coordinates Intensive Paraiso 20º 28’ 09.4” N 86º 58’ 58.9” W Chankanaab 20º 26’ 25.8” N 87º 00’ 08.4” W Yucab 20º 25’ 14.2” N 87º 01’ 02.9” W Paso del Cedral 20º 22’ 26.0” N 87º 01’ 44.2” W Dalila 20º 20’ 55.6” N 87ª 01’ 42.6” W Colombia 20º 19’ 30.1” N 87º 01’ 37.9” W Low Intensity Restricted Use 3 Figure 1. Location of the monitoring sites. 4 The methods used in the monitoring program are based in the protocol established for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program (Almada-Villela et al, 2003), which considers the following methods: Cover of the components of the substratum The method of point intercept is used, it consists on swimming along the transect line (30 m) registering every 25 cm the type of substratum just below that point. Due to the events that occurred during 2005 (hurricanes Emily y Wilma), the results on the changes in cover were previously analyzed by the Monitoring Department of the Park in the document: “Report on the effects of hurricanes Emily and Wilma on the reefs of the West coast of the Cozumel Reefs National Park” (Alvarez-Filip and Nava-Martínez, 2005), and therefore they are not included in this document. Coral community The number of live colonies in the first 10 m of each of the 6 transects was counted. Each one was identified up to species. The forms carinata and undata were tallied as forms of the Agaricia agaricites species, as well as the forms faveolata and franksi of the Montastrea annularis species. At least 50 coral colonies were measured in each site, considering the maximum diameter. The percentage of recent mortality, old mortality, bleaching (pale, partly bleached or bleached) and percentage of diseases (black-band disease, white-band disease, white plague) was estimated. The percentage for other ailments (tunicate overgrowth, ascidians, sponges, poliquets, algae, sediment on the colony) was registered in May 2005. The differences between each campaign and years of monitoring as well as within monitoring sites were evaluated. Fish community The method for adult fish consisted of performing a visual census, along linear transects 30m long by 2m wide, counting the individuals of each species found within the transect. The species registered equaled those proposed in the monitoring manual based on the AGRRA protocol (Table 2). The differences in abundance and density (ind/100m2) within the reefs, monitoring campaigns and amongst the two years of monitoring (2004 and 2005) were evaluated. 5 Table 2. Adult fish species registered during monitoring. Common Name Surgeonfish Butterflyfish Angelfish Grunts Snapper Family Acanthuridae Acanthurus Acanthurus Acanthurus Chaetodontidae Chaetodon Chaetodon Chaetodon Chaetodon Chaetodon Pomacantidae Holacanthus Holacanthus Pomacanthus Pomacanthus Holacanthus Centropyge Centropyge Haemulidae Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Haemulon Anisostremus Anisostremus Haemulon Lutjanidae Lutjanus Lutjanus Lutjanus Lutjanus Lutjanus Lutjanus Lutjanus Common Name Parrotfish bahianus chirurgus coeruleus capistratus ocellatus stiatus sedentarius aculeatus ciliaris bermudensis paru arcuatus tricolor argi aurantonotus flavolineatum sciurus chrysargyreum plumieri carbonarium aurolineatum melanurum striatum macrostomum parra virginicus surinamensis album campechanus analis cyanopterus griseus jocu mahogani synagris Grouper Family Scaridae Sparisoma Sparisoma Sparisoma Sparisoma Sparisoma Sparisoma Sparisoma Sccarus Scarus Scarus Scarus Scarus Serranidae Epinephelus Epinephelus Epinephelus Epinephelus Epinephelus Epinephelus Cepholopholis Cepholopholis Mycteroperca Mycteroperca Mycteroperca Mycteroperca Mycteroperca Mycteroperca adscensionis guttatus morio striatus itajara mystacinus cruentatus fulvus bonaci phenax tigris interstitialis venenosa microlepis Balistes Canthidermis Mellichtys Aluterrus Cantherhines Cantherhines vetula sufflamen niger scriptus pullus macrocerus Bodianuis Caranx Lachnolaimus Microspathodon rufus ruber maximus chrysurus viridae aurofrenatum chrysopterum rubripinne atomarium radians taeniopterus vetula croisencis guacamaia coelestinus coeruleus Triggerfish Other Common Fish 6 RESULTS Coralline community A total of 916 colonies were measured during the two campaigns in 2004, and 1072 colonies in the three evaluations performed in 2005, including a total of 26 species (Table 3). Of these, only seven species provided more than 80% of the abundance in each of the monitoring surveys (Fig. 2). Agaricia agaricites was the most abundant species in the two years, followed by Porites porites and Agaricia tenuifolia. During the year 2005, these species were still dominant, although after the impact of Emily, the two latter species showed damage from the hurricane, finding broken structures in most colonies; however, after hurricane Wilma, their abundance was reduced to less than 5%. Table 3. Hard coral species registered during the monitoring period 2004-2005 Genre/ Species Agaricia Agaricia Agaricia Agaricia sp agaricites humilis lamarcki Agaricia Colpophylia Dendrogyra Diploria Diploria Diploria Eusmilia Favia Isophylastrea Isophyllia Leptoseris Madracis Meandrina Montastrea Montastrea Mycetophyllia Mycetophyllia Porites Porites Siderastrea Siderastrea Stephanocoenia tenuifolia natans cylindrus labrinthiformis sp strigosa fastigiata fragum rigida sinuosa cucullata decactis meandrites annularis cavernosa lamarckiana sp astreoides porites radians siderea michelinii Common name (Spanish) Coral Lechuga Coral Lechuga Coral Lechuga (bajo relieve) Coral de hojas de estrellas blancas Coral Lechuga (hojas delgadas) Coral cerebro Coral pilar Coral cerebro Coral cerebro Coral cerebro (simétrico) Coral de flor Coral pelota de golf Coral estrella rugoso Coral Cactus sinuoso Coral Lechuga Coral estrella de diez rayos Coral mazo Coral de estrella Gran Coral de estrella Coral Cactus Coral Cactus Coral de dedo Coral estrella Common name (English) Lettuce coral Lettuce coral Low relief lettuce coral Whitestar sheet coral Thin leaves lettuce coral Boulder Brain coral Pillar coral Grooved brain coral Brain coral Symmetrical brain coral Smooth flower coral Golfball coral Rouge Star coral Sinuous Cactus coral Sunray lettuce coral Ten ray star coral Maze coral Boulder star coral Great star coral Ridged cactus coral Cactus coral Mustard Hill Coral Finger coral Lesser starlet coral Massive starlet coral Blushing star coral 7 The distribution of species amongst the sites was consistent during the two years. Yucab and Cedral showed high density of the dominant species, Porites porites and Agaricia tenuifolia, although very low on the massive coral colonies such as Montastrea annularis. In contrast, Chankanaab did not register colonies of Agaricia tenuifolia and on Paraiso the abundance was almost naught on Porites porites, while the colonies of Montastrea annularis showed the highest density in these sites after Agaricia agaricites. Subsequent to Wilma, there was a change in the species composition. The colonies of Agaricia agaricites were still abundant in all the reefs, while the previously dominant Porites porites and Agaricia tenuifolia were removed from the reef crest almost in their entirety. The species that resisted the impact were mainly those that develop massive and sub-massive colonies firmly adhered to the substratum, such as Siderastrea siderea, Montastrea cavernosa and Porites astreoides. No differences were observed (F=0.12, p=0.7) in the density of the colonies between the two surveys during 2004. However, there were significant differences (F=5.06, p=0.04) from September to May 2005, observing a slight reduction. No differences in the density were observed since this last monitoring until Emily, given that the still broken colonies showed live tissue and remained in place, but after Wilma, all these colonies were completely removed from the reef structures (Table 4). 8 September 2004 March 2004 Others 11% Others 16% Mann 6% Aaga 26% Aaga 29% Mcav 6% Mann 8% Ssid 6% Mcav 6% Ssid 6% Past 9% Aten 9% Ppor 19% Past 10% Ppor 24% Emily 2005 May 2005 Others 17% Aten 9% Others 13% Aaga 25% Mann 5% Aaga 35% Mcav 10% Mann 9% Ssid 8% Ppor 12% Mcav 7% Ssid 9% Past 12% Past 10% Aten 9% Aten 7% Ppor 12% Wilma 2005 Others 16% Aaga 38% Mann 6% Mcav 8% Ssid 15% Past 11% Ppor Aten5% 1% Figure 2. Composition of dominant species in each monitoring campaign. 9 Table 4. Density of the colonies (Ind/m2) in the monitored sites in each campaign. Reef Paraiso Chancanaab Yucab Paso del Cedral Dalila Mar-04 1.1 1 1.6 1.2 1.4 Sep-04 1.00 1.20 1.31 1.23 1.61 May-05 0.9 1.02 1.05 1.17 0.85 Emily 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.05 1.17 Wilma 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.9 Size. The mean size (based on the maximum diameter of the colony) did not significantly vary in the two years. The larger colonies of dominant species were mostly observed on the reef sites of Paso del Cedral, Dalila and Yucab. 10 The larger sizes of the massive colonies such as Montastrea annularis were registered in Chankanaab, Paraiso and Colombia. Colonies of Agaricia agaricites were distributed in the class of 10 to 20cm, while the other dominant species were distributed between this and the class of 20 to 30 cm. Montastrea annularis, Montastrea cavernosa, Siderastrea siderea and Porites astreoides had the majority of the colonies distributed within the classes of 10 to 20 and 20 to 30 cm (Fig. 3). Siderastrea siderea Agaricia agaricites Size distribution (cm) Size distribution (cm) >100 90-100 80 a 90 90-100 90-100 >100 80 a 90 >100 70 a 80 60 a 70 50 a 60 >100 90-100 80 a 90 70 a 80 60 a 70 50 a 60 0 40 a 50 5 30 a 40 10 20 a 30 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 15 10 a 20 Montastrea annularis 20 40 a 50 80 a 90 Agaricia tenuifolia 30 a 40 70 a 80 Size distribution (cm) Size distribution (cm) 20 a 30 60 a 70 >100 90-100 80 a 90 70 a 80 60 a 70 50 a 60 40 a 50 30 a 40 20 a 30 0 50 a 60 10 40 a 50 20 30 a 40 30 20 a 30 50 40 30 20 10 0 40 10 a 20 Montastrea cavernosa 50 10 a 20 70 a 80 Size distribution (cm) Porites porites 10 a 20 60 a 70 10 a 20 >100 90-100 80 a 90 70 a 80 60 a 70 50 a 60 40 a 50 30 a 40 20 a 30 10 a 20 0 50 a 60 100 40 a 50 200 30 a 40 300 20 a 30 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 Size distribution (cm) Figure 3. Size distribution in the dominant species of corals. 11 2004 40 35 30 25 March 20 September 15 10 5 90 to 100 80 to 90 70 to 80 60 to 70 50 to 60 40 to 50 30 to 40 20 to 30 10 to 20 0 to 10 0 Old mortality percentage 2005 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 May 90 to 100 80 to 90 70 to 80 60 to 70 50 to 60 40 to 50 30 to 40 20 to 30 10 to 20 0 to 10 Emily Wilma Old mortality percentage Figure 4. Number of colonies with old mortality Mortality Recent mortality (% of dead tissue) was relatively low during 2004, averaging 2.45% and showing no differences between campaigns (H=1.25, p=0.26). In addition, there were no significant increases observed from September 2004 to May 2005 (H=0.23, p=0.63). Only some differences between sites were observed during these periods (H=15.47, p=0.008), Paraiso and Chankanaab were the sites with the lowest percentage (1%) of recent death, while Yucab and Colombia registered the highest 12 percentages (12% y 6%). There was a significant increase after the hurricanes (H=9.86, p=0.007), with mortality up to 24% after Wilma, but showing the same differences between sites (Fig. 4). Old mortality (% of dead tissue) remained at 13% during 2004, showing no differences between campaigns. Chankanaab had especially high values for this parameter, unlike the rest of the sites (30%). An increase was observed from September to May, registering a mean of 22% (H=16.59, p=0.002) up to 40% in Chankanaab. In most cases, old mortality significantly increased again for all the reefs after hurricane Wilma, averaging almost 32%. Bleaching, diseases and other ailments Very few colonies with bleaching were detected during March; however, during the monitoring in September a significant increase was registered (F=39.44, p=0.000) in all the reefs. During the monitoring in May (almost June), another increase in the number of colonies with bleaching was observed. A significant decrease was observed after Wilma, since the number of colonies in existence was also reduced (Table 5). Table 5. Percentage of bleached colonies by reef in each campaign. March Sept May Emily Wilma Paraiso 3.4 6.7 7.4 7.3 0.1 Chankanaab 1.3 5.6 8.2 7.3 0.1 Yucab 0.23 5.1 7.9 9.1 Cedral 0.3 5.4 10 11.1 0.08 Dalila 0.4 4.1 9.8 7.1 Colombia 0 4.8 7.7 5.7 0.24 The percentage of old colonies with diseases was low (< 2%) and the most frequent diseases were white plague, black-band and yellow blotch. Chankanaab reef showed a high percentage of colonies with algae and sponge overgrowth up to the moment of the hurricanes. Yucab and Dalila also showed colonies with tunicate and ascidia overgrowth. Colombia and Paraiso were the reefs that registered a higher number of colonies covered by sediment. 13 Emily Colombia Dalila Dalila P.Cedral P.Cedral Sites Colombia Yucab Yucab Chancana'ab Chancana'ab Paraiso Paraiso 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 10 20 30 40 Percentage of colonies Percentage of colonies wilma % colonies with sediment Colombia Dalila Sites Sites May % broken colonies P.Cedral % colonies with tunicates and ascidians Yucab Chancana'ab % de colonies with algae Paraiso % colonies with spongees 0 2 4 6 8 10 Percentage of colonies . Figure 5. Percentage of colonies with overgrowth of sponges, tunicates and ascidians, broken colonies and affected by sediment. 14 50 Fish community During the first campaign in 2004, there were no differences between the means by reef (p<0.005; Table 6). The families showed some differences in the composition and distribution within each reef (Fig. 6). In Paraiso, grunts (Haemulidae) were dominant, since they represented 66% of the reef’s abundance, with a density of 33.33inds/100m2, another abundant family in the reef was the parrotfishes (Scaridae) with 4.83 inds/100m2 and surgeonfishes with 3.33 inds/100 m2. In Chankanaab and Paso del Cedral, the dominant families were snappers (Lutjanidae) and grunts (Haemulidae); these two families alone covered 72% and 60% respectively, of the abundance within these reefs (Fig. 6). In Dalila, Yucab and Colombia, grunts, snappers and surgeonfishes also had the highest abundance values but without showing significant differences with the rest of the families. All the families in the census were found in almost all the reefs, with the exception of Chankanaab, where no individuals of the family butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) and angelfish (Pomacanthidae) were found; density averaged 0.63 inds/100m2 in the rest of the reefs. The density for groupers (Serranidae) was low in all the reefs, with a media of 0.44 inds/100m2, but it was significantly lower in Colombia and Dalila (0.17 inds/100m2). In general, triggerfish (Balistidae) had an abundance of 1.19 inds/100m2 and parrotfish (Scaridae) of 3.82 inds/100m2. Table 6. Density of individuals /100 m2 (mean +- standard deviation) by reef from March to October 2004 Reef Paraiso Chankanaab Yucab Paso del Cedral Dalila Colombia March 83,06 39,17 44,44 72,78 35,56 38,06 SD 51,34 17,12 8,86 56,08 20,46 11,13 October 72,50 110,56 42,50 76,94 30,83 19,17 SD 41,13 81,13 31,88 48,71 9,17 10,26 15 Paraiso Paso del cedral OTHERS OTHERS OTHER COMMON FISH OTHER COMMON FISH BALISTIDOS BALISTIDOS SERRANIDAE SERRANIDAE SCARIDAE SCARIDAE LUTJANIDAE LUTJANIDAE HAEMULIDAE HAEMULIDAE POMACANTHIDAE POMACANTHIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE 0,00 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 50,00 Dalila Chankanaab OTHERS OTHERS OTHER COMMON FISH OTHER COMMON FISH BALISTIDOS BALISTIDOS SERRANIDAE SERRANIDAE SCARIDAE SCARIDAE LUTJANIDAE LUTJANIDAE HAEMULIDAE HAEMULIDAE POMACANTHIDAE POMACANTHIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 0,00 50,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 Colombia Yucab OTHERS OTHERS OTHER COMMON FISH OTHER COMMON FISH BALISTIDOS BALISTIDOS SERRANIDAE SERRANIDAE SCARIDAE SCARIDAE LUTJANIDAE LUTJANIDAE HAEMULIDAE HAEMULIDAE POMACANTHIDAE POMACANTHIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 0,00 10,00 20,00 Figure 6. Density of individuals by reef /100 m2 (median +- standard error) within the families in the March 2004 census. A difference in abundance on the Chankanaab reef was registered during the second campaign (p=0.008), given that the grunts (Haemulidae) and snappers (Lutjanidae) almost tripled their abundance (26.67 and 26.50 inds/100m2) and a significant reduction was registered (p=0.008) in the Colombia reef of almost 50% abundance, in all probability due to the reduction of individuals of the surgeon and grunt families (Acanthuridae and Haemulidae). 16 Table 7. Density of individuals /100 m2 (mean +- standard deviation) by reef during May, after the hurricanes Emily and Wilma in 2005. Paraiso Chankanaab Yucab Paso del Cedral Dalila Colombia May 69,79 102,08 31,04 58,33 36,04 32,71 SD 88,04 89,18 12,15 48,82 12,34 12,53 Emily 36,25 54,38 55,21 139,58 50,42 52,92 SD 23,58 33,08 36,85 84,64 20,35 29,66 Wilma 92,92 134,58 39,17 81,46 36,88 48,96 SD 53,29 71,49 13,42 48,29 9,49 21,84 In general, during 2004, the reefs on Paraiso (46.67 inds/m2), Paso del Cedral (44.92 inds/100m2) and Chankanaab (44.92 inds/100m2) showed the highest density averages, while the Colombia reef (17.17 inds/100m2) had the lowest values (Table 6). According to the tests between monitoring campaigns (March-October), the parameters of abundance, density and richness did not show significant differences in 5 of the 6 reefs monitored, changes were only significant in the Colombia reef (T=3.05, p=0.012). No significant differences in the community (Table 7) were observed from May to Emily during 2005 (Figure 7). The changes were more evident in the monitorings performed after Emily and Wilma, mainly in the reefs of Paraiso (T=-3.24, p=0.005) and Chankanaab (T=2.42, p=0.03). Table 8. Density (mean +- standard deviation) by monitored reef. Reef Paraiso Chankanaab Yucab Paso del Cedral Dalila Colombia 2004 Mean 77,78 74,86 43,47 74,86 33,19 28,61 SD 7,46 50,48 1,37 2,95 3,34 13,36 2005 Mean 66,32 97,01 41,81 93,13 41,11 44,86 SD 28,49 40,34 12,30 41,86 8,07 10,71 The abundance of grunts in Paraiso after Emily had a significant reduction, to 5.88 inds/100m2 from the 34 inds/100m2 reported during 2004, while Paso del Cedral significantly increased to 52.13 inds/100m2 (F=3.69, p=0.007). Parrotfishes (Scaridae) became dominant in the rest of the reefs, with an average density of 6.11 inds/100m2. 17 Chankana Parais Others Others Other common fish Other common fish Balistidae Balistidae Serranidae Serranidae Scaridae Scaridae Lutjanidae Lutjanidae Haemulidae Haemulidae Pomacanthidae Pomacanthidae Chaetodontidae Chaetodontidae Acanthuridae Acanthuridae 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 0,00 50,00 10,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 Ind/100m Ind/100m Paso del ced Yuca Others Others Other common fish Other common fish Balistidae Balistidae Serranidae Serranidae Scaridae Scaridae Lutjanidae Lutjanidae Haemulidae Haemulidae Pomacanthidae Pomacanthidae Chaetodontidae Chaetodontidae Acanthuridae 0,00 20,00 Acanthuridae 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 0,00 10,00 Ind/100 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 Ind/100m Colomb Dalil Others Others Other common fish Other common fish Balistidae Balistidae Serranidae Serranidae Scaridae Scaridae Lutjanidae Lutjanidae Haemulidae Haemulidae Pomacanthidae Pomacanthidae Chaetodontidae Chaetodontidae Acanthuridae Acanthuridae 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 Ind/100m 40,00 50,00 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 Ind/100m 18 50,00 Figure 7. Density of individuals /100 m2 (mean +- standard error) by reef of the families in the November 2005 census (after Wilma). Chankanaab registered a significant increase in density during May 2005 (F=2.99, p=0.02); also showed a slight but not significant decrease in the evaluation after hurricane Emily, until November 2005 after hurricane Wilma (Fig. 8), where it significantly increased to 134 inds/100m2 (F=5.94, p=0.0003). In Colombia, a significant increase in the abundance of the registered values was observed, as opposed to the values registered during 2004 (F=11.58, p=0.0001). Paso del Cedral, Dalila and Yucab did not show significant variations between monitoring. Colombia Dalila Paso del Cedral Yucab Chankanaab Paraiso 0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 120,00 140,00 160,00 marz-04 octu-04 Colombia Dalila Paso del Cedral Yucab Chankanaab Paraiso 0 50 100 mayo-05 emily 150 200 wilma Figure 8. Density of individuals/100m2 (mean +- standard deviation) by reef and by monitoring season, during 2004 (graph above) and 2005 (graph below). 19 During 2005 (Table 7), the reefs that averaged the highest abundance were Chankanaab (58.21 inds/100m2), Paso del Cedral (55.88 inds/100m2) and Paraiso (39.79 inds/100 m2), while the lowest was registered in the Yucab reef (25.08 inds/100m2). DISCUSSION Coralline community The reefs in Cozumel were dominated, until Wilma, by small and fragile species (Agaricia agaricites, Porites porites, Agaricia tenuifolia). Most of these species are corals that reproduce all year long and settle rapidly (99% of the larvae settle before two weeks), which made them abundant in the system (Edinger & Risk 1995). Precisely after the impact of the hurricanes, the greatest impact was to these species. The reefs that used to show a high density of this type of corals were, in consequence, the most affected (i.e. Yucab). The species that were not removed were the main reef builders, Montastrea annularis, Montastrea cavernosa and Siderastrea siderea, which provide the highest percentage of calcium carbonate to the substratum. These species reproduce only once a year during the full moon in the summer (Edinger & Risk 1995), hence, the change in the structure of the community could produce changes in the diversity of the system, in such a way that the species that provide more structure to the reef may reproduce and settle in “clean” substratum, without competition from the rapid-growth and dispersion species, which may be favorable for reef development. The average size for Montastrea annularis was 39 cm, fairly smaller than the 70 cm reported for this species in the Caribbean (Kramer, 2003). The colonies registered were relatively small, compared to other reefs in the Caribbean; this may be due to the differences in reef development and depth in the region. The colonies in Chankanaab showed high competition with algae until before the hurricanes. This algal growth had been previously reported, evidenced by the growth of cyanophyte algae due to an increase of nutrients in the area, however, hurricane Wilma performed a cleaning of the substratum, removing all these algae that affected coral development and leaving the reef algae-free. In the same manner, the Dalila and Colombia reefs showed a higher number of colonies with sediment during May, which was also reduced in November after Wilma. During the summer 2005, the effects of bleaching were evident in the reefs in Cozumel. Although in observations after the monitoring, a recovery in some of the colonies that were slowly going back to 20 their normal coloration pattern was observed. However, the competition with other organisms such as algae and sponge registered high values in all the reefs, which could affect their complete recovery. The average of recent and old mortality registered in 2004 and May 2005 was in close proximity to the one reported for the reefs in the Caribbean (Kramer, 2003). The mortality data may indicate how long the reefs remain in their recent state, before moving into the old state, finally turning into substratum or fragments without actually recovering live tissue (Kramer et al., 2003). Sedimentation, bioerosion, algae or the overgrowth of other organisms may influence this transformation, which varies spatially and temporally in such a way that when an increase in the proportion of old death after a season with a high recent mortality and other afflictions (for example: increased bleaching during the assessments in September and May) may indicate the possibility that the colonies are declining instead of recovering, registering an increase in old mortality six months later. Fish community The mean density registered for the two years of monitoring (2004, 33 inds/100m2 and 2005, 38 inds/100m2) was found to be below the one reported for the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean of 48 inds/100m2 (Kramer, 2003). However, the mean between years did not vary significantly; on the contrary, a slight increase was observed after hurricane Wilma in November 2005 (Table 8). A higher abundance and richness of commercially important species has been reported in many marine protected areas (McClanahan and Arthur, 2001); in contrast, in unprotected areas where fishing pressure exists, the abundance of piscivorous of great size has been reduced (families Serranidae, Lutjanidae and Carangidae) as well as obligated coralivorous fishes (Chaetodontidae, Russ and Alcalá, 1989). In this instance, herbivorous (surgeonfishs and parrotfish) and carnivorous (grunts, snappers and triggerfish) showed an increase in density between the years, although this was not significant. Generally, the mean for herbivorous is less than the mean reported for this region (Kramer, 2003) de 31 inds/100m2, while that of carnivorous (20.36 inds/100m2) was almost triple the mean reported for this Caribbean region (6 inds/100 m2, Kramer, 2003) after hurricane Wilma in 2005. The density values found for these years in Cozumel were similar to those reported for reef sites considered to be under impact level (Kramer 2003) in the south of the Caribbean and Brazil. 21 During previous monitoring surveys (Arias-Gonzalez, and Lanz-Landázuri et al, 2002), surgeonfishs and parrotfish showed a higher density than the one reported in 2004. However, during 2005, after the hurricanes, an increase in the abundance of these families was observed, since these fishes started feeding on the algae that grew in the reef substratum just after the disturbance. The means for carnivorous (Serranidae, Lutjanidae and Haemulidae) also averaged higher densities than the ones reported during previous monitoring. Some studies have shown temporary increases in the abundance and diversity of fishes as a result of the protection of the area (Roberts, 1995, McClanahan and Kaunda-Arara, 1996). A significant difference was observed from the year 2002 to 2005 in the fish community in Cozumel, probably due to the effect of the hurricanes (Emily and Wilma), on the physical structure of the reef, since the distribution of families in the reefs was similar, with grunts showing a variation in their density. However, the composition, richness and abundance of the fish community have remained stable. During the monitoring conducted in 2000 and 2002, the reefs reported as having the largest abundance were Paso del Cedral, Chankannab, Yucab, Santa Rosa and San Francisco, while Paraiso was reported as having the lowest densities, possibly due to the construction of the international pier Puerta Maya that had recently been completed near this reef (Arias-Gonzalez, 2000). During 2004 and 2005, out of all the reefs monitored, Chankanaab and Paso del Cedral were the ones where the largest abundance was reported; and during these years, Paraiso reef was the one that showed the higher densities, which may indicate a slight recovery for this group of organisms. In contrast, during 2002, Yucab was the reef that showed the highest densities, while at the end of 2005, it was the one, along with Dalila, that showed the lowest values. The effects of the hurricanes on this reef were much greater regarding the loss of live element cover (Alvarez-Filip y Nava-Martinez, 2005) and structural complexity in the substratum, which may be responsible for the generalized decrease of carnivorous such as snappers and grunts, since the decrease in structural heterogeneity in the substratum reduces the abundance of benthic invertebrates that these fishes feed on, while the loss of live coral coverage may significantly reduce the density of obligated coralivorous such as butterflyfish (Bell & Galzin,1984, and Williams 1986). On the other hand, the response of the fish community to these disturbances also meant an increase in the density of herbivorous (parrotfish and surgeons) that had been reduced during 2004, which may be considered as part of the cycle for the recovery of the natural components since herbivorous help maintain the equilibrium in the recovery of corals and algae on the reef substratum. The fish 22 community that existed before the hurricanes allowed an immediate response from the ecosystem and is could be expected that the processes that occur from this point onwards are the necessary ones to maintain the high diversity and good condition of the reefs in the National Park. The protection of an area and the time of protection have proven to be the main factors in the prediction of abundance and number of species (McClanahan and Arthur, 2001). With the decree of the National Park in 1996, the restrictions to fishing and the monitoring and management actions implemented have allowed the important communities in the dynamics of the reef ecosystem to remain through time. The information obtained in the course of the monitoring indicated stability in the community until before the hurricanes, for this reason, the increase in carnivorous fish and the response of the species to the disturbances registered during this period may be indicating a positive response to the protection enforced in the National Park; however, due to the events that occurred at the end of 2005 and the drastic changes reported in the communities and reef structure per se, it is necessary to give continuity to the monitoring work for at least ten years (McClanahan y Arthur, 2001) and evaluate neighboring unprotected sites to significantly prove the effects of protection and management. 23 REFERENCES Almada-Villela PC, Sale PF, Gold-Bouchot G and Kjerfve B. (2003). Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Program. Selected Methods for Monitoring Physical and Biological Parameters for Use in the Mesoamerican Region. Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Ecosystems Project (MBRS). 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