Nazareth news - Nazareth Catholic Community


Nazareth news - Nazareth Catholic Community
R-12 College Edition Week 5, Term 3
15 August, 2012
From Co - Principals, Pauline Murphy and Dr Neil McGoran
PO Box 28, Findon
South Australia 5023
Nazareth R-7 Campus
176 Crittenden Road, Findon 5023
T: 8406 5000 F: 8406 5101
Nazareth 8-12 Campus
1 Hartley Road, Flinders Park 5025
T: 8406 5000 F: 8406 5301
Uniform Shop
260 Grange Road,
Flinders Park SA 5025
8351 7486
Tues and Thurs 8.30 am-4.30pm
and 6pm on last Thursday of the
Primary: 8406 5105
Secondary: 8406 5305
Student Services
Primary: 8406 5110
Secondary: 8406 5310
Learning Conversations
This week, the very important learning conversations were held on the Secondary
Campus. These conversations provided a valuable opportunity for students, families and
staff to review the learning so far, and/or to outline the work that is still to come.
As always, the conversations were a good way of maintaining open lines of
communication between the home and school, and of ensuring that we are all (parents,
teachers and students) on the same page in regards to the each student’s academic,
emotional and social situation and the steps that we will each take to enable continued
In particular, this year’s learning conversations focused on our 5 Habits of Excellence:
Work Completion
Involvement in the Nazareth Community
As you know, these five Habits combine to form the key actions that support a focus
on excellence.
Indeed, as we strive to model and ensure a culture of excellence at Nazareth, it is
timely that we remind ourselves of the underlying rationale for making such an
explicit focus on these five factors. It is because:
We understand and promote “excellence” to be a habit and not an act;
• According to research both at this school and beyond, students who are most
successful at school (academically, civically and personally) and ideally prepared for
life beyond the school, regularly demonstrate these habits, while those who are most
‘at risk’ – either in reality or potentially – do not demonstrate some or all of these
habits; and
• A culture of excellence requires a consistent commitment from all in the community (students, families, and staff) to the habits that create or shape excellence.
Improving achievement at school
With this clear rationale in place, the learning conversations provided an ideal
opportunity review each student’s progress in relation to these 5 Habits and, where
necessary, to identify and implement a range of strategies designed to increase
academic achievement.
The easiest and most significant action that any student or family could take to
improve academic achievement is to increase their child’s attendance rate at school.
Indeed, there is ample proof to support this view.
The Department of Education and Training undertook an analysis of factors that
may be associated with student achievement, based on the results of the 2010
Year 7 cohort on the literacy and numeracy tests. The study incorporated data
on socioeconomic status, students changing schools and student attendance. The
analysis indicated that ‘every day counts’ in relation to student learning outcomes as
determined by the Year 3, Year 5 and 7 testing program results.
The study found that:
there is a linear relationship between attendance and achievement, and between
mobility and achievement (higher attendance and lower mobility were both associated
with higher achievement)
the relationship between attendance and achievement were stronger than the
relationship between mobility and achievement
substantial proportions of the socioeconomic - achievement relationship can be
explained by student mobility and attendance
So, what can we make of all of this? The overwhelming view in the research literature,
and indeed from our own school based data, is that the more time a child spends at
school, the better he or she is likely to do. Therefore, as far as academic achievement
goes, every day counts!
Nazareth news
This year as part of the Quiz Night, we will be holding a silent auction. Are you
a business owner or can you donate something? We are seeking donations
of one-off items/goods or services to be included in the silent auction or
alternatively items that can be used in a basket or hamper as prizes on the
night, such as:
• cheeses, crackers, wine or groceries
• baby items, children’s books, games and toys
• candles/interior decorating items
• stationery items
• chocolates, confectionery, dried fruits, tea, coffee and biscuits
• toiletries
Nothing is too small or too big! Items may be left at the Primary/Secondary Student Services Office or ECC Office as
soon as possible, but by no later than Monday 20 August.
We are most grateful for your generosity and thank you all in anticipation for supporting our Quiz Night Fundraiser.
We thank the following sponsors who have provided goods or services to our Nazareth Outreach Work so far. Each
week we will be recognising them, so be sure to support those who support us!
Adelaide Bite Baseball
Adelaide Crows
Adelaide Shores
Adelaide Strikers
Adelaide Zoo
Alarm Logic
Ambrosia Cafe & Giftware
Atlantic Video
Austrahose SA
Azzurro Cakes & Gelati
Bakers Delight
Bambacas Snack Bar
Bec Dahl
Beds on the Beach
Better Health Pharmacy - Fulham
Black Lilly
Cafe Primo
CC Continental
Commonwealth Bank, Findon
D’Arenberg Wines
David Jones (Rotarian)
EFM Gym - Flinders Park
Endymion - Coffin Bay
Evelyn Grantham
Fashions & More
Foodland Supermarkets
For Something Special
Gawler River Cattle Co
Get Fresh
Greg Bartlett Jeweller
Hands for Hair
John B Field
Jungle Indoor Plant Hire
Kingston Estate Wines
Kytons Bakery
Lifetime Books
Little Chezs Pizza
Metro Fresh
Mick & Shirley Harley
Mitre 10 McLaren Vale
Mon Ami
Odeon Star Semaphore
Pacific Asia Express P/L
Pasta Factory
Photos & More
Picture This Marketing
Port Adelaide Football Club
Priceline Pharmacy, Semaphore
Prices Fresh
Remedial/Sports Massage
Richards Bakery
Roses Fashions
Sandery Family
Saunders Jewellers, Semaphore
Saville Hairdressers
Sisco Hair & Beauty
Solver Paints
South Australian Cricket
Association (SACA)
Sun n’ Shade
Thai Orchid Restaurant
The Beauty Specialist
Tutto Pasta
Unique Marketing
Vanilla Style Lounge
Vertigo Hair and Beauty
Video Ezy
Viva Fitness
West Lakes Golf Club
Nazareth news
Nazareth Community Outreach Work in Partnership with Rotary Club of West Torrens invites
you to attend a fundraiser to benefit
- THE PEOPLE OF TRILOKA VILLAGE COMMUNITY AND SCHOOL, BAUCAU, EAST TIMOR. In November 2012 a group of 9 young adults will be departing for East Timor to take part in
refurbishment of local schools, teaching and medical training. The project is being supported
WHEN Friday, 7 pm, AUGUST 31st 2012 @ Wallis MITCHAM Picture Theatre, Belair Road
Give NOW
Gift Boxes
Nazareth Catholic Community is filling boxes with care
for the families in Triloka Village, Baucau, East Timor.
You can give:
• A solar or rewindable flashlight (electricity is
very unreliable in this region)
• Pens and pencils
• Crayons, textas
• Books with large pictures and little or no
• Exercise or project books to write and draw in
• Simple games, mathematical, matching,
domino, construction, letters etc.
• Blankets (evenings can be cool in the cooler
Put the items in a box or bag. The box can be any kind
of box, you don’t need to buy one.
Cost $20 including a bag of goodies, for tickets call
0488699545 or 0438391082 thank you for your support.
Max & Joan McSorley
Primary students will bring the box to their
classroom to be collected there by the student
• Secondary students can leave their boxes at
Student Services.
Last day for donations is Friday 31 August when
they will be placed in a container and shipped to East
Nazareth, East Timor Outreach Workers
Come and buy nearnew quality items at
SALE on Monday 20
August in the Jubilee
Room, Findon Primary Campus.
All proceeds of this fundraiser will support the NOW
projects – East Timor and Bathurst Island trips in
November - December.
Monday 20 August
Jubilee Room, Findon Primary Campus
8.00-9.00am; 3.00-5.00pm
We are seeking donations of near new and quality
items of clothing, jackets, shoes, accessories
and toys. Items can be delivered to the Primary,
Secondary or Early Childhood Centre Reception
during Week 5
(13 - 17 August).
school students
Outreach Work
Book your table online at
Enquiries: Jane Fox 84065011
7:00pm for
Flinders Park Gymnasium
1 Hartley Road, Flinders Park
BYO Supper & Drinks
Nazareth news
Catholic Culture
11th Century Irish Litany of Mary (modified) Great Mary
Greatest of Women
Mother of Eternal Glory
Temple of the Living God
Light of Nazareth
Beauty of the World
Queen of Life
Mother of God .... pray for us
Holy Day of Obligation – Feast of the Assumption of Mary
This Wednesday is a very important day on the Church’s liturgical calendar - so important that we are asked
to attend mass if we can. We remember the story of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and how because of her
holiness and goodness, at the time of her death was bodily assumed into heaven.
A candlelight Mass is being held in the OLM Church this Wednesday night at 7.30pm for those wishing to
Year 2 Neighbourhood Mass
The staff and children in the Year 2 Neighbourhood warmly invite you to join them this Friday at 9.15am in
the OLM Church for their Neighbourhood Mass. In commemoration of the Feast of the Assumption their
theme will focus on Mary.
Nazareth Community Sacrament News
We offer our congratulations to all the children who were confirmed last weekend. As well as the thirtyeight children involved in the Nazareth Community Programme, many others have also celebrated their
Confirmation in their chosen parish of worship. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit may all our newly confirmed
strive to use their God given gifts and those of the Spirit to make a difference in the world.
Over the next few weekends these children will complete their Initiation into the Catholic Church by
receiving Jesus in Communion for the first time. Please keep them in your prayers.
Families involved in the Nazareth Programme will be receiving a final reminder note a few days prior to their
Clarification on Hindmarsh/Flinders Park/Findon Sacrament Flyer
The flyer advertising an Information Evening on Tuesday 4 September is for families wishing to prepare their
children for the sacraments through the Hindmarsh/Flinders Park Parish Programme. Previously, Findon
Parish was connected with several of our western parishes including Albert Park/Pennington. This year it
has amalgamated with Hindmarsh/Flinders Park, hence all correspondence will have all three parish names
connected to it. When determining where to prepare your child for sacraments we always encourage
families to consider where they feel connected to community and particularly which parish will be their
Eucharistic Community where they will attend Mass.
Information on 2013 enrolments for Nazareth Community’s Sacramental Programme will be communicated
via the newsletter in Term 4. This is offered to families of our community and those in the Findon area who
celebrate Mass in the OLM Church, Findon.
Maggie Jurek and Jon Cenko (Co-APRIMS)
Reception - Year 7 News
TERM 3 2012
Secondary Inter-school
Debating (6-10pm)
Year 2 Class Mass
Primary Book Fair Preview Day
Celebration of First Eucharist
(10.30am) OLM Church
3rd Sun Family Fun and Lunch
Primary Book Week
Book Fair (books on sale
before and after school)
Yr 11 into Yr 12 Subject
Counselling (no Yr 11 classes)
Yr 10 into Yr 11 Subject
Counselling (no Yr 10 classes)
Governing Council Mtg
Book Week Parade-dress
up as a book character or
athlete (9.15am)
Fun Moves (9.15am) CCC
10,000 Steps Challenge
Knit and Natter Craft
share group @ Findon Church
Meeting Room (1-2.30pm)
QUIZ NIGHT ( 7pm for
7.30pm) - Flinders Park
Leadership Application forms
due (Yr10/11 students)
Music Cabaret at The GOV
Baby Playgroup 10.30
Gentle Fitness 9:30-10:30
Yr 12, 2011 Reunion
Romero House Mass in Dance
Space (7pm)
P & F Meeting in Cafe (7pm)
Playgroup 9-11 CCC
Fun Moves 9:15 CCC
Knit and Natter Craft group
@ Findon Church Meeting
Rm 1-2:30pm
Primary Father’s Day Liturgy
Primary Father’s Day Stalls
R – 5 Book Week Performance
Senior Sports Presentation
East Timor Movie Fundraiser 7pm
Enrolments for Reception in 2014
Enrolment Interviews for Reception places in 2014 are currently underway.
Please forward application forms as soon as possible.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar on
8406 5012.
Resource Centre News: Book Week
This term we will be busy with some exciting Book Week activities in
the Resource Centre. We will be launching this year’s Book Week theme
“Champions Read”. You are invited to come and view the Short Listed books
from the Children’s Book Awards. Upcoming events include:
• Book Fair, Monday 20-Wednesday 22 August: The sale of books
will be before and after school. Due to the Book Fair, Library borrowing
before and after school will not be possible. Children will need to borrow
in their class borrowing time.
• Book Week Dress Up Day, Thursday 23 August: Children can dress up
as their favourite book character or athlete. Classes will be involved in a
variety of activities with their buddy class. The Book Week Parade will be
held in the Multi Purpose Hall at 9.15am. Please leave prams in the foyer
as space is limited
• R-5 Book Week Performance, Friday 31 August - “And The Winner
Is…”Just reminder, all entries for the Mayoral Make A Book Competition
and the Premier’s Reading Challenge need to be handed into the class
teacher no later than Monday 27 August.
Waste Audit
Last Wednesday, the Primary Campus was visited by KESAB representatives.
The task was to complete a waste audit with the Eco Chief students. All
classes were requested to collect their class rubbish for one day. Data collected
from the day will inform our school community on where and how we can
eliminate the amount of waste sent to landfill per week by the Findon campus.
A great initiative Eco Chiefs!
Nazareth news
Reception - Year 7 News
Volunteers Required
The Scholastic Book Club is a valuable resource which provides students the opportunity to purchase a variety
of latest edition children’s books. It does however require the generosity of volunteers to coordinate Book Club
orders once a term. If you could assist in being the representative for either the Early Years (Reception, Yrs 1 &
2), Primary Years (Yrs 3, 4 & 5) or Middle Years (Yrs 6 & 7), it would be appreciated.
Please contact Sue Mok if available.
Free Children’s Podiatry Screenings
On Saturday 18 August, the Uni SA Podiatry Clinic, based at the City East campus, is offering free children’s
screenings. To make a booking please contact the clinic on 8302 2269.
Year 6 Neighbourhood: Community Connections
This term, the Year 6 Neighbourhood has introduced an initiative called “Community Connections”. The
program allows students the opportunity to support staff in our school community between 12.00 -12:40pm,
every Monday afternoon. Each student has chosen an area or teacher whom they would like to assist and has
written an application of offer; this is also a component of their Term 3 Genre Writing. Students will engage in
valuable learning experiences and gain an insight into work force realities.
Maths Corner
Some problem solving strategies are
• Guess and Check
• Draw a picture
• Make an organised list
*Look for a Pattern
*Logical Reasoning
*Act it out/Make a model
Problem 1. (Beginners) Coin Toss - List all the possible outcomes when four coins
are tossed. Can you determine the theoretical probability of having exactly two heads and two tails?
Problem 2. (Okay) An ice cream stand has 9 different flavours. A group of children come to the stand and each
child buys a double scoop cone with 2 flavours. Everyone chooses a different combination of flavours and every
combination is chosen, how many children buy an ice cream? Come and show your teacher how you got your
*The first student who brings a solution to their teacher with an explanation of how they did it will
be in for a surprise!
Solutions to Week 4 - 1)
COB DOB BOB (and many more)
3) 42
Parents/caregivers are welcome to attend a Reception – Year 7 assembly this Friday. This is an opportunity to
celebrate your child’s learning and will commence at 2.30pm in the Multipurpose Hall.
Kind regards
Jenny DeGilio
Deputy Principal
Nazareth news
Secondary Campus News
Enrolments for Year 8 in 2014
A reminder to all parents of students seeking entry into Year 8, 2014, that interviews will commence this
term. An application form must be completed for each student, however parents of current Year 6
students at Nazareth do not need to complete an application form. If you have any queries, please do not
hesitate to contact the Registrar on 8406 5012.
2011 Australian Vocational Student Prize
The Hon Peter Garret AM MP, Minister for School Education, informed the College that Monica Lam (Year
12 student, 2011) has been awarded an Australian Vocational Student Prize for 2011.
Winners of this Award receive a certificate and $2000.
The Australian Vocational Student Prize recognises the achievements of students who
completed their senior secondary studies while undertaking a vocational education and
training in schools program or an Australian School-based Apprenticeship. This prize
promotes the benefits of vocational education and reflects the commitment of schools
to making vocational education learning a valuable experience for students.
The letter states that the support students receive from their school communities,
training providers, local employers and the opportunity to acquire vocational skills while still at school has
provided these young people with an incredible start to their careers.
Congratulations, Monica!
Alterations to Normal Classes
Please note the following changes to “normal” school hours throughout Term 3:
Monday 20 August: Year 11 into 12 Subject Counselling – No Year 11 classes
Wednesday 22 August: Year 10 into 11 Subject Counselling – No Year 10 classes
Friday 7 September: PUPIL FREE DAY
Friday 21 September: NAZ DAY – last day of Term 3 (1pm dismissal) – All buses arranged for this early
There will be Open Days this weekend at all the Adelaide Universities and TAFE (including Friday at Flinders
University) from 9am – 4.30pm (opening times may vary slightly). This is a great opportunity to find out about
courses and program, expectations and requirements for entry. Programs have been made available to all
Year 12 students, so that you are able to co-ordinate visits between Adelaide, UniSA and TAFE. Flinders Uni
program has also been made available to students. Information from all the Universities and TAFE is available
on their websites.
Please note: Information booth on studying Environmental and Geospatial Science will be available at the
Library Courtyard, along with presentations held at 10:30am (H Building, HH3-09) and 2:15pm (H Building,
H5-02 Bradley Forum).
TAFE Course: Certificate IV in Government (Court Services) is a course for those interested in working with
justice agencies, including the Courts Administration Authority. For more information go to
Teresa Cimmino and Daniel Lynch – Deputy Principals
Nazareth news
Y2/3 NCC 10.6 (66) def Grange 3.4 (22)
Y4/5 Grange 15.13 (103) def NCC 4.0 (24)
• Basketball
St. Michael’s 52 def NCC 2
U11 NCC Gold 11 def Seaton Park 4
U11 NCC Black 14 def Allenby Gardens 11
U13 Woodville 49 def NCC 20
• Netball
U11 Grange 27 def NCC Black 4
U11 NCC Gold 9 def Allenby Gardens 4
U13 Whitefriars 9 def NCC 4
• Soccer
NCC Black 4 def Star of the Sea Blue 0
Star of the Sea White 3 def NCC Gold 0
NCC Red 1 def Torrensville 0
West Beach 2 def NCC White 0
NCC Black 1 def Portside 0
St. Mary’s 9 def NCC Gold 0
St. Francis 3 def NCC 1
U12 Portside Christian 8 def NCC 1
U13 West Lakes Shore 4 def NCC 1
• 2nd Round Knock-out Cup
U10 NCC 2 def Largs Bay Blue 1
U11 NCC 5 def North Adelaide 1
• SAPSASA Knock-out Boys Soccer
Yr6/7 St. George1 def NCC 0
• SAPSASA Knock-out Girls Basketball
Yr 6/7 Results, won 2, drew 1, lost 2.
• SAPSASA Knock-out Boys Basketball
Yr 6/7 Results, won 5, lost to Blackfriars by 1 pt.
The final round of matches for the Boys’ and Girls’
Winter Sports Seasons are this weekend. Times for
Girls’ matches will be released early in the week,
and will be posted on the sports notice board for all
students to access. There is no change to any of the
venues for these matches.
All Boys’ matches still go ahead as per normal.
Good luck to all teams in what has been a great
Winter Sports Season.
Notices in Student Services
• Port Adelaide Baseball Club
Summer season come ‘n try Sunday 26 August
10.00 am start. Flyer available from Student Services.
• Western Eagles Cricket Club
Boys/ Girls U11, U13 as at 1/11/12.
Sunday games starting in September.
Contact Lianne Gore (M) 0419 189 739
Sue Porter
Sports Administrative Assistant R-12
(W) 8406 5427
Co-Curricular Sport Photos
Next Thursday 23 August, all students who have
been involved in the Co-Curricular Sports Program
this year will have their team photos taken for the
2012 yearbook. This includes teams from both the
Summer and Winter Sports Seasons. Students will be
directly issued with the photo schedule in the days
prior and are to be immaculately presented, wearing
their full College Winter Uniform.
Guidelines for this day are as follows:
1. All students are to wear their FULL College
Winter Uniform
2. NO PE uniform
3. NO Year 12 Jumpers
4. Students will be asked to remove their yellow
College jumper from beneath their blazer
prior to photos.
5. All students must adhere to the College
uniform policy, with special attention given
i. Hair tied back
ii. Boys clean shaven
iii. Make-up
iv. Jewellery
Please assist us by ensuring that your son/daughter
complies with the above.
Friday Aug 31 – Senior Sports Presentation Night
Last week, all students involved in Co-Curricular Sport
in 2012 were given consent forms for our annual
Senior Sports Presentation Night. The evening will
celebrate the achievements of all our sporting teams
for 2012, and acknowledge the efforts of all those
involved in our sporting program. This year our
guest speaker is Sheree Wingard. Sheree is an old
scholar who was part of the Adelaide Thunderbirds
Championship winning team in 2010. She also won
the SA Premier League Championship in 2011 with
the Contours Matrics Netball Club. A reminder that
all forms are due back this Friday August 17.
Yours in sport,
Anthony Farina, Secondary Sports Coordinator
Nazareth news
Secondary results
boys dug deep and hung on for a great win.
SAAS – Boys
• Basketball
Middle C
Pembroke 42 def NCC 37
Best player:
A. Davis
Goal scorers
R. Henderson 16, I. Vozzo 6.
Middle B
Pembroke 44 def NCC 23
Goal scorers
M. Iragi 6.
Middle A
Pembroke 70 def NCC 43
Best players: T. Heinrich.
K. Jackson 16, A. Salerno 14.
Open A
NCC 54 def Norwood Morialta 4
Open A
Westminster 2 def NCC 1
In a very tough and tense match Westminster piled
on the pressure in the opening 10 minutes and
it took some resolute defending and outstanding
goalkeeping to ensure that we didn’t concede an
early goal. As the boys began to find their feet they
played some excellent soccer and dominated play,
spurning a couple of good chances to take the lead.
After half time Westminster got back into the match
and both sides began to create chances. The deadlock
was broken 15 minutes into the second half as
Westminster took the lead. We again created some
excellent opportunities but failed to capitalise, and 5
minutes from time Westminster took a 2-0 lead from
the penalty spot before Pasquale Esposito scored a
late consolation goal. Overall an outstanding effort
from all the boys against a tough opposition but it
also highlighted the importance of converting goal
scoring opportunities.
Best players: A. Mazzone, P. Rosshirt, P. Neto,
B. Chao, L. Centrone
Goal scorer: P. Esposito
NCC 7.11 def Westminster 4.4
Best players: R. Duffy, B. Garland, L. Wood.
J. McCulloch 2, R. Duffy, O. Johnson,
A. Jeffree, L. Wood, M. McDonald 1.
Immanuel 10.6 (66) def NCC 8.6 (54)
Best players: L.Smith, S.Carmichael, J.Carrocci
Marryatville 23.12(151) def NCC 10.9
It was a real challenge for the boys on the weekend
as we were given the opportunity to play a school in
a higher division. The boys battled gallantly, despite
the fact that Marryatville were bigger and stronger in
many positions. As coach, it was terrific to see that no
Nazareth player dropped their heads or stopped trying
for the whole game. Sam Middleditch and Daniel
Dalese played some inspiring football in defence with
Thomas Possematto playing a key role up forward
once again. Michael Visentin was sensational in a
variety of positions and really stepped up to the
challenge. We should be very proud of the boys
again, in the way they gave it their best efforts all day
and represented us so well.
Best players:
S. Middleditch, M Visentin, V. Pinto
T. Possematto, D. Dalese, J. Sandwell
• Soccer
Glenunga 6 def NCC 1
Best players: Ryley
Goal scorers: Dion, Isaiah and Ryley
NCC 2 def Blackfriars 1
Best players: T. Connelly, CJ. Gazecimeon, A. Arok.
Goal scorers: A. Hagidimitriou 1, C. Lipman 1.
NCC 3 def Marryatville 2
Goal scorers: T. Milochis 2, A. Abraham 1.
NCC 3 def Cabra 2
Best players: J. Tassone, NJ. Caruso, J. Balice,
T. Milochis.
Goal scorers: T. Milochis 2, NJ Caruso 1.
A great game by the boys to finish off the season. We
were 3 nil ahead and they got a back within 1 but our
• Badminton
Loreto 6 def NCC 0
NCC 25 vs Mary MacKillop 3, 15
Great team effort by all.
NCC 12 def St. Michael’s 6
Best player:
L. Nitschke, T. Smith, J. Fishlock.
Marryatville 29 def NCC 19
Best players: E. Graney, C. Macro, L. Hinter,
E. Nenasheff.
NCC 24 def St. Ignatius 6
NCC 17 def Kildare 14
Mercedes 35 def NCC 21
NCC 27 def Mercedes 9
Sacred Heart 19 def NCC 15
Best players: M. Hearne.
NCC 35 def Sacred Heart 27
• Soccer
NCC 3 def Cabra 2
NCC 4 def Mercedes 0
Nazareth news
Community News
Student Wellbeing – Bianca Tattoli (Psychologist)
This term, we are focusing on parenting tips that Mark Le Messurier (Adelaide behavioural consultant and
teacher) has shared with parents of students at Nazareth, during various workshops and presentations.
Please see his website for further information.
Family meetings: a balance between control and growth
Just 10 minutes a week or fortnight can become a forum to discuss and celebrate what’s working in the
family and what might be fine-tuned. Just talking and trialing new ideas can make a big difference.
The take home message –
All of our kids are in rehearsal. That’s right; they are clumsy, learning and bound to make poor judgments
and mistakes. It’s what young learners do. Most have to ‘muck up’ from time to time in order to grow.
Over time, we begin to understand that our children need to experience good and not so good outcomes
to develop a robust set of emotional and problem solving resources. Oh, a final word on families – I‘ve
never met a perfect one! They don’t exist! The best any of us can do is to be real, to love, be consistent
and continue to review whether what we are doing is adding value to our children’s growth.
Nazareth Community Cafe Open
The Nazareth Primary School Cafe is now open and would like to welcome all family and friends of
the school community to come and sample our lovely freshly brewed coffee and daily baked treats.
Come in for a coffee, bring your friends and enjoy our wonderful Community facility. The Cafe
provides a relaxing enviroment for young and old to come together and interact. The Cafe is a great
meeting place for all.
Cafe open from 8.00am
Coffee $2.00
Daily Homemade Cakes and biscuits available 50c - $2.50
NOW eat.share.give Dinner