International Congress on eLearning (ICE) 2015 InterContinental
International Congress on eLearning (ICE) 2015 InterContinental
Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) International Congress on eLearning (ICE) 2015 InterContinental Manila, City of Makati, Philippines 16-18 September 2015 CALL FOR PAPERS IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for Abstract Submission July 15, 2015 Notification of Paper Acceptance August 15, 2015 Deadline for Full Paper Submission August 31, 2015 Deadline for Early Bird Registration August 30, 2015 Submission of Presentation Materials September 5, 2015 Deadline of Registration for Paper Presenters August 30, 2015 September 16, 2015 Pre-Congress Workshop Main Congress September 17-18, 2015 About the Congress The Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) has been the country’s leading organization in promoting the development of eLearning competencies through education, training and collaboration among various stakeholders in government, industry and academe. The International Congress on eLearning (ICE) 2015 of PeLS is a premier academic forum which aims to gather eLearning practitioners, educators, trainors, researchers, media specialists, instructional designers, university school administrators, policy makers, industry partners and students across the country to present and exchange new advances and research results in various aspects of eLearning as well as discuss the encountered challenges and practical adopted solutions for a successful eLearning program implementation. About the Theme and Objectives The Global eLearning ecosystem consists of the stakeholders (learners, teachers, developers and designers), the eLearning industry, service, content and technology providers, the government, the local and international organizations who are collaboratively working to uplift education in the 21st century way. Global eLearning is expected to continue on its path of fast and significant growth and is not showing any signs of slowing down. According to Docebo's eLearning Market Trends and Forecast for 2014-2016 report, Asia posted the highest growth rate in terms of aggregated eLearning market share at 17.3 percent compared to the worldwide e-learning market at 7.6 percent. This trend is expected to rise in the region in the light of the ASEAN integration. The Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) has been the country’s leading organization in promoting the development of eLearning competencies in the government, academe and industry for the last decade. Capitalizing on the foreseen fast growth in the eLearning industry as a result of the ASEAN integration and globalization, PeLS is organizing the 2nd International Congress on eLearning for 2015 with the theme: “ASEAN and the Global eLearning Ecosystem: Growing in Pedagogy, Advancing in Technology and Responding to Challenges”. Leveraging our extensive international eLearning network, ICE 2015 once again aims to be a forum for international exchange of research, innovation, experiences and best practices in eLearning. Specifically, the Congress aims to: 1. advance the discourse on eLearning in the light of the developments in the ASEAN and other regions in the world; 2. continue the discovery of eLearning models, methods and solutions that will address digital divide in education and related areas; 3. promote harmony of diversity and strengthen cooperation and understanding at the regional and international settings; and 4. explore issues, anticipate challenges and design solutions in the spirit of cooperation, collaboration and intelligent exchanges. Relevant topics for this year's Congress include but not limited to the following areas: New developments in pedagogy (or learning models) and content technology eLearning designs for diversity and multi-cultural environments Developments in mobile teaching and learning and digital game-based learning National, regional and international reforms in eLearning and the use of technology in education: instruction, research and extension services Expansion of internationalization and Race to world-class education ASEAN Integration in Education (internationalization of degrees, mobility and accreditation) Essentials of certifications and accreditations Social media teaching and learning and beyond Advances in blended learning technologies Advanced or real-time multimedia learning and practices The non-formal DIY virtual communities and MOOCs Open Educational Resources (OER) eLearning for Special Populations (special needs students, students with disabilities, English-language learners, gifted and talented students) eLearning and HomeSchooling eLearning application in special topics such as STEM education, sustainability, agriculture and rural development, biotechnology, gender, environment, disaster risk reduction, climate change, local knowledge, peace education, microfinance, medical science and health informatics Congress Structure The conference programme includes pre-conference workshops, plenary and keynote speeches, round-table-discussions (RTD), individual papers, posters and speedgeek Plenary Sessions These sessions feature key eLearning experts, practitioners and innovative decision makers from education, business, and government sectors showcasing their eLearning initiatives in a national scope. Concurrent / Parallel Sessions These sessions focus on the theme of the conference where leading practitioners present best practices, experiences and findings. Some of these sessions feature case studies and researches from their institutions, organizations and corporations. Some sessions may take the form of demonstrations of innovative services and products, best practice showcases, vendor presentation and additional networking events created for interaction of elearning practitioners with common interest. Pre-Conference Workshops A series of short-term workshops designed to enable participants to further improve their eLearning technology practice. These skill-based workshops in variety of topics allow participants to readily apply gained skills back to their workplace. Open Mic Session Open Mic is a session wherein delegates can participate by raising an inquiry or volunteering a response to the question. A delegate can seek an advice on a research issue, tell the audience the current project she or he is working on or share recent relevant eLearning experiences. The aim of this session is to give delegates who are not delivering a presentation an opportunity, in a brief 3minutes, to tell about their current eLearning engagements, be it in research or practice. The session also intends to provide a networking opportunity and delegates may find colleagues with the same interests. Speedgeek Named after the speed dating concept, SpeedGeeking offers a fully immersive, invigorating and hilarious approach to meeting people and learning about the cool projects, software tools and crazy ideas that they have been working on. At a SpeedGeek, one group of participants sets up at stations around a room to give 3-5 minute presentations while the rest of the group migrates in a circle around the room to hear these high-speed raps. The result is an obscene amount of fun, all tied up with a good dose of learning about how technology is being used for social change. Program (Tentaive/Draft) September 16, 2013: Pre-Congress Workshops (Limited slots only) Asia Pacific College, Makati City 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:0-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-4:00 Registration Opening Ceremonies Networking Sponsors Time Lunch/Networking Break Out Workshop Workshop A Workshop B Workshop C Closing Program 4:00-4:30 September 17, 2015: Day 1, Main Congress Bahia Room, The InterContinental Manila, Makati City, Philippines AM Session 8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremonies 9:00-9:45 Keynote Speaker 1: OPEN DISTANCE LEARNING IN TERTIARY EDUCATION - Rep. Roman Romulo (Lone District, Pasig City), Chair, House Committee on Higher Education 9:45-10:30 Plenary Speaker 1: Technology-Aided Education in ASEAN: Insights from the Philippines-Australia Partnership - Bill Tweddell, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:30 Break Plenary Speaker 2: Mr Ralf Panse (SEAMEO INNOTECH/GIZ) 11:30-1:00 Lunch / Networking PM Session 1:00-1:30 Speed Geeking 1:30-3:30 Parallel Session 3:30-3:45 Break 3:45-4:30 Open Mic 4:00-5:00 Poster Presentations /Exhibits 5:00-7:00 Welcome Dinner and eLearning Awards September 18, 2015: Day 2, Main Congress Bahia Room, The InterContinental Manila, Makati City, Philippines 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:45 9:45-10:30 10:30:11:45 Opening Ceremonies Keynote 2: (DOLE) Plenary 3: Dr. Maribel Sese (UPLB) Plenary 4: "Technological, Legal and Mindset Toolbox of the New Empowered Learner" - Atty. Michael Vernon "Berne" Guerrero, Project Lead, Creative Commons Philippines 12:00-1:00 Lunch / Exhibit Area 1:00-1:45 Plenary 5: Asian Development Bank (ADB) in support to Education Reforms in ASEAN – Norman LaRoque, Principal Education Specialist, ADB 1:45-2:30 2:30-2:45 2:45-3:30 3:30-4:30 SpeedGeeking 2 Break Oral Paper Presentations Closing and Awarding Ceremony Call for Papers Various stakeholders in the eLearning practice from educators in basic to higher education, nonformal training, and industry, trainers, researchers, media specialists, instructional designers, school administrators, policy makers, industry partners and students are encouraged to participate in this conference by submitting and presenting papers in this conference. These papers may be in the form of empirical research, case studies, or frameworks for decision-making regarding the application of information and communication technologies for education and training. Papers can be presented in any of these parallel sessions: • Paper Presentation: This is best suited for completed research and scholarly work. Individual paper presentations are organized around a theme. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to discuss his/her work and five minutes for Q&A. • Poster Presentation: This is ideally intended for current research projects or works in progress more suited to visual displays. Presenters will be assigned an area within the conference venue where they can set up their posters and time to discuss and entertain questions. Papers can be submitted on the relevant topics listed below. Topics may include but are not limited to: New Areas New developments in pedagogy (or learning models) and content technology eLearning designs for diversity and multi-cultural environments Developments in mobile teaching and learning and digital game-based learning National, regional and international reforms in eLearning and the use of technology in education: instruction, research and extension services Expansion of internationalization and Race to world-class education ASEAN Integration in Education (internationalization of degrees, mobility and accreditation) Essentials of certifications and accreditations Social media teaching and learning and beyond Advances in blended learning technologies Advanced or real-time multimedia learning and practices The non-formal DIY virtual communities and MOOCs Open Educational Resources (OER) eLearning for Special Populations (special needs students, students with disabilities, English-language learners, gifted and talented students) eLearning and HomeSchooling eLearning application in special topics such as STEM education, sustainability, agriculture and rural development, biotechnology, gender, environment, disaster risk reduction, climate change, local knowledge, peace education, microfinance, Medical Science and Health Informatics Common Areas eLearning Standards - policies, eLearning administration, eLearning quality, Basic Education and K-12, eLearning outcomes/proficiencies, evaluation, intellectual property rights (IPR), copyleft and creative commons eLearning Structure - eLearning network, Learning Management System, inter-agency collaboration eLearning Processes - instructional design, module development, ODLE, technology diffusion, learning delivery models, gamification eLearning Products - content, applications, learning objects, eLearning innovations, eLearning tools Abstract Submission All abstract proposals must indicate the type of paper the proponent(s) is submitting: a full research paper, a work-in-progress research paper, a case study, a concept or theoretical paper, a project showcase, a best practice or white paper. The abstract must stipulate the following: a. objectives of the study; b. research design; c. results, benefits or lessons learnt, and novelty of the paper (what is new that is being contributed to the field of eLearning). Do not include cited materials in the abstract. Do not forget to indicate the title of the paper, full name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation and email address of the corresponding author. The abstract must have a maximum of 250 words. Ensure that you are submitting your own work or a co-authored work. In case of two or more authors, please underline the name of the presenter. Please include 5 keywords at the bottom of the abstract. This Conference will be utilizing the EasyChair Conference System for abstract and paper submission and review. Abstracts should be submitted in EasyChair not later than July 15, 2015. Authors of accepted papers will be notified not later than August 15, 2015. Only papers of authors who register by August 30, 2015 will be included in the program and proceedings. Here are the details of our EasyChair Conference account: Conference Name/Acronym: International Congress on eLearning 2015 / ICE2015 Easychair Email: Submission Page: How to submit your abstract? (for authors) *Authors have to register to Easychair. If they have registered before, they can proceed to the following steps. 1. Login to {Name of conference} submission page provided by EC. 2. Click on "New Submission" link on top of the screen. 3. Submission form appears, fill in with your abstract and related information. - You can fill "N/A" on the text box that is irrelevant to you (such as "Fax"). - At least one author and five keywords are required. - If your abstract is plain-text, fill in the abstract text box, and also click on "Abstract only" in the Paper upload - If your abstract contains formulae that cannot be displayed as plain text (or you want it to be well-formatted, etc.), please write some note in the the Abstract (at least two lines), and upload your true abstract in the Paper upload box. 4. Click on "Submit Paper" button. 5. Submitted abstract can be modified later by loging-in and click on "My submissions". The menu on the right will assist you with submission modification. Publication The proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on eLearning will be compiled electronically in the conference proceedings under ISSN No. 2094-5485 and qualified papers will be invited for publication at PeLS Online Journal (ISSN 2094-781x). PeLS Awards The Philippine eLearning Society will once again give awards to deserving individuals and institutions to recognize their contribution to eLearning. Criteria and will be posted in our website. The awards includes: • Awards for Institutional Partners of the Philippine eLearning Society • Congress Best Paper, Best Poster and Best Presenter Call for Membership If you are unable join the PeLS International Congress for eLearning this year, individuals may apply for membership. Membership to PELS is open to professionals who share a common interest in the design, development, delivery and management of eLearning and practice these skills for the improvement of academic, corporate or government institutions. Membership Fees: PhP 750.00 Individual Members PhP 3500.00 Institutional Partners Call for Trade Exhibits The convention is an excellent opportunity for commercial organizations to exhibit their products and or showcase their services. PELS invites computer suppliers, distributors, service providers for both academe and industry to exhibit their products, learning materials, or provide product demonstration. A specified exhibit area will be provided for the exhibitors and sponsors of the conference. Congress Registration Fees Regular Fees International Participants Local Participants Pre-Congress Workshop Congress (includes the three- day event) US$ 50 US$ 250 PhP 1,000 (if attending the Pre- PhP 6,500 Conference ONLY) Early Bird Registration (until August 30, 2015) Congress International Participants US$ 200 Local Participants PHP 6,000 Registration fee is inclusive of congress kit, meals for two days (lunch and AM and PM snacks), and certificate. Delegates will also be given an electronic copy of all conference proceedings and the PeLS online journal. Registration is only confirmed if payment is received and acknowledged by the Philippine eLearning Society Secretariat. Registrants are considered “early bird” if payments are made and received by the Secretariat on or before August 30, 2015. Professional registrants of the PELS International Congress on eLearning 2015 automatically become Individual members of the Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) for one year. Members are given access to the all PeLS resources. To register, please visit the conference website at Mode of Payment Bank Deposit or Wire Transfer: Philippine eLearning Society, Inc. BPI Savings Account# 4303-0910-98 Cash and Carry Branch, Makati City * Foreign delegates are required to pay via bank deposit or wire transfer. Cash/Cheque (On Site for local delegates) For those paying via bank deposit, please email a scanned copy of the deposit slip to Contact Us For further inquiries, kindly accomplish our contact form or reach us through any of these contact details. PeLS-ICE2015 Congress Secretariat Ms. Lovely Reyes Mobile: (+63927) 611-PeLS (7357) / (+63919) 262-5040 Telefax: (+632) 571-2532 Email: Website: PeLS-ICE2015 Congress Chair Prof. Anthea Mariano Mobile: (+63917) 849-2409 / (+63923) 286-3023 Email: PeLS-ICE2015 Congress Co-Chairs Dr. Dave Marcial Mobile: (+63922) 821-8854 Email: Mr. Robbie Macalde Mobile: (+63917) 254-6724 Email: