NYU Silver Hosts East China Normal University for a Research


NYU Silver Hosts East China Normal University for a Research
NYU Silver Hosts
East China Normal University
for a Research Conference
“This is not just a bridge between NYU and Shanghai, but a bridge that utilizes the assets of
the Global Network University of NYU.”
These words from New York University President John Sexton kicked off a two-day
conference between the NYU Silver School of Social Work and the East China Normal University (ECNU) School of Social Development (SSD)—a major step in the development of the
NYU-ECNU Social Work and Social Policy Research Institute.
The Institute will serve as a nexus for social work research projects and educational
programs between the two universities; will provide on-the-job trainings to social workers;
Jinhong Ding discusses the history of ECNU SSD.
and will host regular seminars, workshops, and conferences.
Over April 19 and 20, the schools learned more about each other’s academic programs and research, and built an
agenda for the Institute’s work. Five faculty members and the dean of ECNU SSD visited New York for the conference. This
was the fourth meeting for the schools, but the first in New York.
NYU will open its newest portal campus in Shanghai in fall 2013 with ECNU as its partner. China holds particular importance for the social work profession as its government has embarked on a national initiative to increase the country’s number
of social workers tenfold over the next decade.
ECNU SSD Dean Jinhong Ding explained that the profession is sill in its infancy in China. While ECNU SSD has been
around for decades, the social work program only dates back to 2009. “As far as social work is concerned, we are just on the
way of becoming and exploring.”
in this issue:
Learning to Love Research:
Chequet Ching, MSW ’12
Fulfilling a Need for PELC
Seen at Silver
The Center on
Violence and
Recovery Partners
with NYU Silver
Improving Young
Lives in Tanzania:
Chris Gates, BS ’09
Job Turnover in
Assembly Factories
Student Awards
table of contents:
NYU Silver Hosts East China Normal
University for a Research Conference
A Letter from the Dean
NYU Silver Hosts East China Normal
University for a Research Conference
Professor Wen Jun, co-director of the Research Institute with NYU Silver
The Center on Violence and Recovery
Partners with NYU Silver 4
Professor Wen-Jui Han, noted that the Chinese government views social work as
an administrative function and few in the profession have formal training. Low salaries, a lack of uniform professional standards, and a limited number of social work
Improving Young Lives in Tanzania:
Chris Gates, BS ’09 5
education programs pose challenges if the government wants to reach its goal of 3
million social workers by 2020. Jun envisions this collaboration with NYU will be an
important impetus to address these issues. “I’m still very hopeful for the future of
Learning to Love Research:
Chequet Ching, MSW ’12 6
social work in China.”
The conference’s first day addressed research with a focus on the current
context of social work in China and the United States, as well as the future direc-
Fulfilling a Need for PELC Leadership
Job Turnover in Assembly Factories
rural identity and urbanization; marriage and fertility among first-generation families under China’s one-child policy; and poverty and social economic development
in a global context.
Seen at Silver
The second day examined educational curriculum, and included a discus-
2011-12 Student Awards
Class Notes
tion of the profession. Topics examined included mentoring youth and adolescents;
sion about collaborative partnerships between the School and local agencies.
Attendees from leaders at New York local social service organizations participated
in discussions; ECNU faculty members also visited the Charles B. Wang Community
Health Center, University Settlement, and Midtown Community Court on April 18.
Faculty Awards and Honors
The schools left the conference with a commitment to focus the Institute’s
research on the areas of migration and immigration, children and families, and aging.
Faculty Publications
Upcoming Events
The Institute will employ a comparative study framework to guide research—examining issues in the United States and China or New York and Shanghai. Faculty members
from both schools will be involved in working groups to discuss future projects.
During the opening remarks of the conference, Dean Lynn Videka noted
the interdisciplinary research aspect in social sciences. “We want to be synergistic,
Written by Elizabeth Jenkins,
Associate Director of Communications
Designed by Kate Hogan, Graphic Designer
collaborative in our education programs, learn more about each other and create a
path for partnership.” NYU Silver intends to involve faculty from other NYU schools
to help ensure interdisciplinary research.
On the education side, the schools decided to establish an English-language
MSW program in Shanghai and a PhD program. China currently does not have a
Please contact Elizabeth Jenkins
social work doctoral program. The schools will also develop a train-the-trainer pro-
E-mail: elizabeth.jenkins@nyu.edu
gram to teach social work instructors, as many have never worked as social workers.
Said Han of the Silver School, “With this Institute, and with poverty and
inequality issues dear to our hearts, we are embarking on a historical collaborative
journey to bring together scholars from both universities and different disciplines
to produce research and practice evidence that can be used to shape practice and
Calling All Social
Work Alumni!
policy responses.”
Would you like to share your story
with us? Do you have news or updates
about your professional activities? We
want to hear from you!
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NYU Silver and ECNU SSD faculty on the last day of the conference.
A Letter from the Dean
Dear alumni and friends:
As we close the 2011-12 academic year, I am delighted to report on some of the
School’s progress. First, congratulations to the 621 students we graduated from our
baccalaureate, MSW, and PhD programs. This year’s convocation was truly inspiring. Dennis Walcott, chancellor of the New York City Department of Education,
served as convocation speaker.
Over the course of the year, our research infrastructure has strengthened
and our research centers—McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research and
the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health—have secured federally funded
grants, hosted events and lecture series, and produced original research and publications. Additionally, the Silver School has partnered with the NYU Center on Violence
Lynn Videka
and Recovery, a relationship you will read more about in the pages of this newsletter.
We are also building our programs with NYU-Shanghai. NYU Silver faculty have
collaborated with faculty at East China Normal University to establish the NYUECNU Social Work and Social Policy Research Institute to secure our educational
and research presence at NYU Shanghai’s campus. You can read more about this
initiative and our recent conference in the cover story of this issue.
Silver students, alumni, and faculty are changing the world in impressive
ways. In this newsletter you will read about projects in Tanzania, Guatemala, and
the Philippines. I hope you will enjoy reading about these impressive initiatives.
After a two-year strategic planning initiative, we are ready to present the
School’s plan, Looking Forward: New Directions for the Silver School of Social
Work. This will guide the School over the next five years and positions us for excellence in the vital and challenging world of social work practice, education, and
research. We will be emailing a copy of the final report to our alumni, and it will be
posted on our website, www.socialwork.nyu.edu.
Best wishes for a relaxing summer,
Lynn Videka
Dean and Professor
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The Center on Violence
and Recovery Partners
with NYU Silver
As the NYU Silver School of Social Work continues to build
its research portfolio, the School is forging a deeper relationship with the Center on Violence and Recovery (CVR),
founded by Professor Linda Mills. CVR works to advance
knowledge of the causes and consequences of violence and
trauma, and develop solutions that foster healing among
individuals, families, and communities.
“We, at the Silver School, are committed to values such
as a belief in the dignity and worth of all individuals,” said CVR
Executive Director Linda Mills, who also serves NYU as senior
vice provost for undergraduates in the Global Network University. “These beliefs are also core to what we do at CVR.”
The Center, established in 2004, develops cutting-edge
solutions to promote healing and transformation; conducts
research studies on critical issues connected to trauma and
Linda Mills speaks at the Messaging to Remember
Conference in November 2011.
restoration; and offers trainings, workshops, and lectures on
topics related to trauma and healing.
Earlier this year, the National Institute of Justice
awarded Mills and Briana Barocas, director of research at CVR,
a $275,000 grant to compare treatment approaches for domestic violence offenders. The study, in collaboration with Professor Rob Butters at the University of Utah, will examine the
effectiveness of the standard treatment to domestic violence
in the United States (Batterer Intervention) to two alternative
treatments: a restorative justice approach (Circles of Peace)
and a conjoint treatment approach (Couple Conflict Group),
for intimate partner violence cases where the victim is willing
to participate in treatment with the offender. Both alternative
approaches will be provided after the offender attends a traditional 12-week Batterer Intervention program.
This study complements a 2010 National Science Foundation-funded randomized controlled trial—currently underway in Salt Lake City—comparing arrest outcomes of offenders
after participating in one of the three treatment approaches.
Previous work by Mills and Barocas in Nogales, Arizona, has
suggested that restorative justice is a viable and safe option
for domestic violence offenders.
“Acknowledging that each couple or family has a
unique dynamic and attempting to address the root causes
of violence gives participants a sense of involvement and
investment in the treatment, and this is atypical to many of the
treatments in practice today,” explained Mills.
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
CVR addresses a range of violence and trauma—from
domestic abuse to community violence to mass atrocities.
With a grant from the Task Force on International Cooperation
on Holocaust Education, CVR is measuring the effectiveness
of different delivery modes of Holocaust and genocide information, including moving and still images, media representation, and video games. The goal is to determine which type
of information most influences young people and encourages
them to prevent future genocides. The project, titled Messaging to Remember, will contain a digital component to help
determine how the technology can enhance Holocaust and
genocide education.
“At CVR we challenge the boundaries on issues related
to trauma and violence,” said Mills. “We are dedicated to working in partnership with communities to develop and implement
interventions that encourage and help those who have experienced violence to look frankly at the dynamic of violence and
draw on resources, such as family, friends, cultural ties, and
spiritual beliefs, to heal.”
Improving Young Lives
in Tanzania
Chris Gates, BS ’09
Chris Gates’ passion for his work comes through clearly over
a broken-up call from the African bush. Gates is the executive director of The Janada Batchelor Foundation for Children (JBFC), an organization working to alleviate extreme
rural poverty.
“It’s an interesting life in general—a livelihood and a
lifestyle,” he said. “You live and work in the same place and
it’s 24/7, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
That place is the small village of Kitongo, Tanzania,
where JBFC’s 50-acre campus sits on the shores of Lake
Victoria. JBFC uses a four-pronged approach to help youth
out of poverty and develop their leadership skills. The orga-
The first building erected on JBFC’s 50-acre campus in Kitongo
nization provides housing for orphaned or abandoned girls,
offers primary and secondary education for boys and girls,
teaches rural economic development through an agriculture
and livestock program, and partners with the government to
provide access to quality healthcare.
Gates’ interest in East Africa began as a child.
When Gates turned 15, his grandmother—for whom JBFC is
named—agreed to take him on safari as long as he promised
to perform community service in Tanzania as part of their
month-long trip.
Gates volunteered at a boys’ home, and what started
out as a way to see African wildlife turned into his “aha moment.” He kept in touch with the boys’ home director and
returned to volunteer for several summers. But, Gates soon
realized the limitations of many organizations, which reach a
targeted population or have a narrow focus.
“When looking at the greater issue of poverty, I only
saw holistic care as a solution,” he explained. “I really think
you have to tackle a multitude of issues to make real, sustainable, long-term change.”
Founded by Gates when he was an undergraduate student at the NYU Silver School of Social Work, JBFC launched
with its home for girls and farm and livestock program. Once
Gates graduated and moved to Kitongo, the program grew into
its current incarnation. The campus houses 40 girls, and hosts
a school enrolling over 300 primary and secondary students.
The organization follows a self-sustainable business
model. The vegetables, rice, and beans grown on the farm
and livestock raised teach students about agriculture, bring
in revenue, and feed pupils. The organization is working to
create long-term infrastructure, such as a medical clinic, for
the local community. JBFC also employs over 40 people from
local villages.
When the primary school opened in 2010, it enrolled
250 students and had a waitlist of 600 within one week. The
school’s three buses travel 20 miles away to pick up students
for an 8:00 am school start.
“The community has been extremely responsive and
taken on the organization and everything we do,” he said. “It’s
been incredible to see and why we’ve been so successful.”
Gates has plans to build a second campus an hour
and a half away from Kitongo. Ultimately, he hopes to expand into multiple 50-acre campuses across Tanzania and
other East African countries. “We’ve been very successful in
this community, and we feel our model can adapt.”
Asked what he finds most rewarding about his work, he
answers: the transformation he sees in the children and community. In addition, no two days are the same. “There’s a uniqueness to this job and every day you do not know what is ahead
of you. It’s exciting and adventurous, and I love that aspect.”
Learn more about JBFC at www.jbfc-online.org.
Chris Gates with some of JBFC’s primary school students
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
Learning to Love
Chequet Ching, MSW ’12
In my first conversation with Dr. Robert Leibson Hawkins outside
of class, I told him simply that I was not interested in research. He
had approached me to work with him on several of his projects,
but it all seemed very vague and sitting in an office was decidedly not a part of my social work plan. I might have also mentioned
to him that writing was my own personal source of torture. It was
the second semester of my first year in the MSW program, and
I was feeling a bit dramatic. Of course, I understood the value
of research, and was curious about others’ findings. I just wasn’t
sure if it was something that I wanted to do.
Chequet Ching
It turns out that beyond his abilities as a supportive professor, Dr. Hawkins can be quite the salesman. Before I knew it,
I was writing up a literature review about middle school depres-
Carmen is hoping to use the needs assessment to determine how
sion as a predictor of high school dropout. Then, I was looking
the community members can create and utilize local resources,
into barriers to permanent housing for people transitioning out
both economically and educationally, to better serve their fami-
of shelters, and the relationship between cumulative trauma and
lies and children.
poverty. I have looked at international poverty statistics, as well
Working with Dr. Hawkins has provided me with an op-
as population and poverty data for several southern cities for Dr.
portunity that I didn’t think I would want or, even more surpris-
Hawkins’ research on reverse migration, and I am now learning
ingly, need. In addition to learning about the specifics of his
how to manage data through SPSS.
research, this work has allowed me to stay connected to a broad-
Over the last semester, we have been preparing for a
er perspective that provides context for the clinical work that fills
community health needs assessment project in the Philippines.
our coursework and field placement hours. Although I enrolled at
Dr. Hawkins has developed a curriculum for a study abroad
Silver for its clinical focus, it is often too easy to become isolated
program this summer, through which he will be traveling with a
by individual stories and presenting problems. Touching base
group of social work students to Del Carmen, a small town in the
with Dr. Hawkins’ work helps me to maintain a sense of balance,
Philippines with a poverty rate of 68 percent and an unemploy-
to stay grounded as a clinician within a social justice framework.
ment rate of nearly 50 percent. There, we will be collaborating
So, here I am. A research assistant.
with local students, community members, and government officials to develop an assessment of their current needs through
interviews and the use of photography. The Mayor’s Office of Del
Fulfilling a Need for
PELC Leadership
The NYU Silver School of Social Work has long been a leader in the
field of palliative and end-of-life care. The School offers training
across the career trajectory through the Zelda Foster Studies Program in Palliative and End-of-Life Care. A new 18-month fellowship
in social work PELC leadership—funded by The Fan Fox and Leslie
R. Samuels Foundation, Inc. and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation—provides training, mentorship, and a capstone program. The
14 Leadership Fellows have at least five years of post-master’s PELC
experience, and work in New York City hospices, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Chequet Ching graduated in May from the MSW/MA child development
dual-degree program offered with Sarah Lawrence College.
Clinical Associate Professor Susan Gerbino, who directs the Zelda
Foster Studies Program, recently sat down with the Newsletter.
Q. Why does the new fellowship focus on PELC leadership?
A. The impetus comes from those of us who are in leadership positions
and are now beginning to look towards retirement. We want to develop
a cadre of well-trained social workers to meet the increasing demand
for leaders across the health care continuum as the population ages
and we face a social work shortage in oncology and palliative care.
Q. What does the School have to offer that makes this program unique?
A. The Silver School knows how to best teach this material due to the
long history of our post-master’s certificate program. Our faculty have
lengthy careers in palliative care and teach from a relational perspective, which creates a safe learning environment. One unique aspect is
Job Turnover in
Assembly Factories
When Americans go to their favorite department stores to buy a
new piece of clothing, is any thought given to where the clothes
are made or the employee labor conditions? For some people,
factories in Central America may be far from their minds when
browsing through a rack of shirts.
Professor Liliana Goldín hopes to change that. She has
spent her career studying economic strategies indigenous Maya
populations have used to cope with little land and poverty. In a
recent paper published in Latin American Research Review, she
examines employee turnover in clothing factories in the Guatemalan Highlands and its effect on individuals and their families.
She looked at two types of turnover: involuntary, where workers
are fired or factories are closed, and voluntary, where employees
choose to stop working.
These factories—called maquilas in Guatemala—assemble
Liliana Goldín interviews a factory worker in Guatemala.
clothing for big brands like the Gap, Liz Claiborne, and Walmart,
and then export them tax free to the United States and Europe.
Young Maya women make up 60 to 70 percent of the maquila
workforce. Labor conditions are very difficult—long hours;
minimal food and water breaks; few bathrooms for hundreds of
workers with little time to use them; and intimidating bosses.
Additionally, these jobs prevent women from furthering their
Why do women take these jobs? Factory positions provide a steady paycheck and more money than agricultural jobs.
Additionally, Goldín found factory employment provides women
with a feeling of independence at home.
“One of the advantages is that for the first time, as they
bring money home, the men around these women are appreciative, and they are attributing these women with higher status by
the fact that they are making money,” she said.
Even with the benefits factory employment yields, the
harsh work takes its toll. “I originally assumed that workers had
fewer options than they actually had,” said Goldín. “However,
turnover was not found to be dictated by industry alone or helpless reactions to the forces of capital and markets. While such
dynamics are operative, I also found that turnover was a choice
by youth to take hold of their lives and to cope with the harsh
working conditions by getting a needed break.”
Goldín used a quantitative, three-wave longitudinal
survey of 450 households and open-ended interviews to document factory turnover rates over one year. The survey assessed
attitudes towards industrial and other available jobs and general
household characteristics of factory workers, including health
indicators and support networks.
Close to 80 percent of turnover was found to be related
to voluntary decisions to stop working. Explained Goldín, “Maquila workers often ceased working when they needed rest from
extended exploitation, harsh treatment, and extreme overwork.
In their own accounts and in responses to the large-scale survey,
workers told us how they used turnover to cope with a bad labor
situation.” In the end, however, these breaks are only temporary—lasting a few months—and women often return to factories
because the income is sorely needed and the work represents
some of the available best jobs.
that this program and the MSW Fellowship (for students in
Goldín noted that her research is an attempt to under-
the MSW program’s final year) include mentoring. The Leader-
stand the ways the international division of labor in global capital-
ship Fellows are matched with an experienced leader in the
ism structures the lives of people and communities in areas often
PELC field who they meet with monthly for one year to work
considered peripheral to the world economy. “I want to show how
on a capstone project and leadership goals.
consumers’ lives in developed countries are tied to some of the
Q. What type of career path do you anticipate for these fellows?
A. We see our Leadership Fellows conducting research, writing, directing and developing programs, advancing clinical
most impoverished communities of the world, and to increase
awareness of the labor dynamics and labor conditions experienced by the mostly young workers who make our clothes.”
social work scholarship, and advocating for increased access
to PELC services for older adults and vulnerable populations.
This program helps our Leadership Fellows to advance their
leadership practice in areas that best match their talents.
Goldín, L. R. (2011). Labor turnover among maquiladora workers of
Highland Guatemala: Resistance and semiproletarianization in global
capitalism. Latin American Research Review 46(3),133-156.
For questions regarding the School’s PELC programs, contact Susan Gerbino at susan.gerbino@nyu.edu. An expanded version of this Q&A can be
read online at www.socialwork.nyu.edu.
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
Seen at Silver
Alumni gathered
in the School’s
Parlor for conv
appetizers at th
ersation and
e Recent Alum
ni Happy Hour
on March 9.
ver Ball,
the 5th Annual Sil
evening away at
Students dance the
by the Grad
11 and organized
held on February
at at the
young Park ch
nnigan and So
ents John Ha
Association So
oral Student
Fall 2011 Doct
Fred Ssewamala, associate prof
essor at Columbia University
School of Social Work, speaks
at the first lecture of the McS
Spring Lecture Series on Febr
uary 2, hosted by the McSilver
Institute for Poverty Policy and
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
The Chinese Stude
nt Support Group
celebrates receiv
Outstanding Stude
ing the
nt Program Award
at the 4th Annual
Awards in April.
Student Awards
Class Notes
Congratulations to the Silver School’s talented students
and developed and implemented a group curriculum about body
and student groups who were honored this year with
awards from the School and University. Recipients of
NYU Silver awards were recognized at the School’s 4th
Annual Student Awards reception on April 18.
Silver Spirit Award, NYU Silver
Elizabeth Fritz, BS ’12
In March, Rachelle Butt, MSW ’08, returned from a 6-month stay in
Israel where she worked with at-risk youth at Crossroads Jerusalem
image for young women. She recently began a new job providing
therapy to children and adolescents in the Intensive Crisis Stabilization and Treatment Program at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn.
Judy Ciacci, MSW ’10, has launched an online coaching practice
via Skype for those suffering from issues with food and body
image. She also writes a blog reflecting on mindful eating at
Geoffrey Golia, MSW ’12
Mary Pat Draddy, MSW ’06, is an administrator at Camp Viva, a
Global Social Work Award, NYU Silver
program of Family Services of Westchester. Camp Viva is a one-
Cayce Pack, BS ’12
week HIV/AIDS camp for individuals and families living in Westchester and the Bronx.
Silver Citizenship Award, NYU Silver
Hector “Angel” Charriez, BS ’13
Something Spectacular: The True Story of a Rockette’s Battle with
Bulimia by Greta Gleissner, MSW ’10, has just been published by
Social Justice Award, NYU Silver
Regina Diouf, MSW ’12
Seal Press.
Allison Gold, MSW ’96, is admissions coordinator at Callen-Lorde Com-
Lauren Kalogridis, BS ’13
munity Health Center focusing on the LGBT population. She has a pri-
Evelyn Orellana, MSW ’12
vate practice specializing in adoption issues, couples, and depression.
Dean’s Award for Innovation in Social Work
Belinda Housenbold Seiger, PhD ’05, has relocated back to the
Practice, NYU Silver
New York area after living in Florida for over eight years. She is cur-
Ian Chorao, MSW ’13
rently the founding director of the Momentum Center for Psycho-
Sarah Fjeldstad, BS ’12
therapy and Great Potential Family Coaching.
Clara Loeffel, MSW ’12
Outstanding Student Program, NYU Silver
Chinese Student Support Group
Noah Kass, MSW ’08, works as the clinical director at the Realization Center, one of the largest substance abuse treatment centers
in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Noah is an MSNBC contributor on
The Dylan Ratigan Show and author of the “Ask Noah” column on
Diane Greenstein Memorial Fellowship, NYU Silver
Maya Doyle, PhD Candidate
Willie Maye, MSW ’92, is the administrative director of social services
for NYC Administration for Children’s Services - Division of Adminis-
Robert Moore Award for Excellence in Scholarship,
tration: Office of Personnel Services. He is the executive director of
NYU Silver
Man Up, a 10-week Rite of Passage and mentoring program designed
Jennifer Bauwens, PhD ’12
Outstanding POPS Project Award, NYU Silver
Judith Rosen, MSW ’13 – “Respect the Hustle”
to help boys 8-to 18-years old to be responsible, disciplined men.
Claudia Oberweger, MSW ’88, continues to run groups and counsel
individuals, couples, and families who are dealing with alcoholism/
addictions and other issues. She provides private supervision to
social work interns and CASAC eligible counselors. Additionally,
President’s Service Award, New York University
she participates on the Dean’s Council at the NYU Silver School of
Michael T. Embrey, BS ’12
Social Work.
Geoffrey M. Golia, MSW ’12
Dorene Ng, BS ’12
Ann Marie Petrocelli, MSW ’05, has written the book Prejudice
Evelyn J. Orellana, MSW ’12
to Pride: Moving from Homophobia to Acceptance, published by
Undergraduate Student Government Association
NASW Press.
Send class notes to ssw.alumniaffairs@nyu.edu.
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
Faculty Awards and Honors
Faculty Publications
Professor Deborah Padgett has been named to the board of
Aiello, T. (2012). What the children said: Children’s narrative accounts of 9/11 as told in psychotherapy. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare,
which recognizes outstanding social work scholars.
Aiello, T. (2012). A terrible beauty is born: Children’s narrative accounts of beauty after 9/11.
Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
Professor Deborah Padgett has been awarded the 2011-12 Dis-
Baker, A. J. L., & Festinger, T. (2011). Emotional abuse and emotional neglect subscales of
the CTQ: Associations with each other, other measures of psychological maltreatment, and
demographic variables. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(11), 2297-2302.
tinguished Teaching Award, acknowledging outstanding tenured and clinical faculty with at least 10 years of NYU service.
Associate Professor Carol Tosone was appointed to the International Advisory Board of the Brisbane Institute of StrengthsBased Practice.
Professor Shulamith Lala Straussner has been honored with
the establishment of The Straussner/Journal of Social Work
Practice in the Addictions Doctoral Dissertation Award, to
Goldín, L., & Dowdall, C. (in press). The rule of the law and the enforcement of the law: Workers’ understanding of labor rights in export processing industries of the Central Highlands of
Guatemala. Latin American Perspectives.
Goldín, L. (in press). From despair to resistance: Maya workers in the maquilas of Guatemala,
Special issue: The anthropology of work and the work of the anthropologist. Anthropology of
Work Review.
Goldín, L. (2011). Labor turnover among maquiladora workers of Highland Guatemala:
Resistance and semiproletarianization in global capitalism. Latin American Research Review,
46(3), 133-156.
Gopalan, G., Bannon, W., Dean-Assael, K., Fuss, A., Gardner, L., LaBarbera, B., McKay, M. (in
press). Multiple family groups: An engaging intervention for child welfare-involved families.
Child Welfare.
of addictions.
Rodriguez, J., Hoagwood, K., Gopalan, G., Olin, S., McKay, M., Marcus, S., Radigan, M., Chung,
M., & Legerski, J. (in press). Engagement in trauma-specfic CBT for youth post 9/11. Journal
of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
NYU Silver Professor Suzanne England and Associate Pro-
Guilamo-Ramos, V., Jaccard, J., Dittus, P., Bouris, A., Gonzalez, B., Casillas, E., & Banspach, S.
(2011). A comparative study of interventions for delaying the initiation of sexual intercourse
among Latino and black youth. Perspectives in Sexual Reproductive Health, 43(4), 247-254.
be given annually for best social work dissertation in the field
fessor of English Martha Rust have been awarded a $25,000
National Endowment of the Humanities grant to support
the development of their undergraduate course on memory
and forgetting.
The National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse awarded
Professors James Jaccard and Vincent Guilamo-Ramos a
three-year award of $3.5 million for their research on underage
drinking in Latino youth.
The New York Community Trust awarded Robert Hawkins, the
McSilver Assistant Professor in Poverty Studies, a $78,000
grant to implement a workforce development program for
low-income victims of domestic violence. The award supports
Hawkins’ work under NYU Silver’s McSilver Institute for Poverty
Policy and Research.
Guilamo-Ramos V., Jaccard J., Lushin V., Martinez, R., Gonzalez, B., & McCarthy, K. (2011). HIV
risk behavior among youth in the Dominican Republic: The role of alcohol and other drugs.
AIDS Care, 10(6), 388-395.
Bouris, A., Guilamo-Ramos, V., Jaccard, J., Ballan, M., Lesesne, C.A., & Gonzalez, B. (2011). Early adolescent romantic relationships and maternal approval among inner city Latino families.
AIDS and Behavior.
Guilamo-Ramos, V., Banu Soletti, A., Burnette, D., Sharma, S., Leavitt, S., & McCarthy, K. (in
press). Parent-adolescent communication about sex in rural India: US-India collaboration
to prevent adolescent HIV. Qualitative Health Research.
Bouris, A., Guilamo-Ramos, V., Cherry, K., Dittus, P., Michael, S., & Gloppen, K. (in press).
Parent-based interventions to prevent rapid repeat births among Latino adolescents: Considerations for advancing public health research and practice. American Journal of Public Health.
Padilla, M. B., Guilamo-Ramos, V., & Godbole, R. (2012). A syndemic analysis of alcohol use
and sexual risk behavior among tourism employees in Sosúa, Dominican Republic. Qualitative
Health Research, 22(1), 89-102.
Han, W-J., Lee, R., & Waldfogel, J. (2012). School readiness among children of immigrants
in the US: Evidence from a large national birth cohort study. Children and Youth Services
Review, 34(4), 771-782.
Esping-Andersen, G., Garfinkel, I., Han, W-J., Magnuson, K., Wagner, S., & Waldfogel, J. (2012).
Child care and school performance in Denmark and the United States. Children and Youth
Services Review, 34(3), 576-589.
Han, W-J. (2012). Bilingualism and academic achievement. Child Development, 83(1), 300-321.
Associate Professor Michelle Munson and Professor James
Jaccard have been awarded a $35,000, one-year grant from
the Ohio Department of Mental Health to develop a psychosocial intervention expressly designed to improve young adults’
intention to use and their actual use of mental health services.
Assistant Professor Darcey Merritt will attend the week-long
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect Summer
Research Institute at Cornell University in June.
The School’s Zelda Foster Studies Program in Palliative and
End-of-Life Care has received two new grants for 201213: $50,000 from the Jewish Foundation for Education of
Women and $50,000 from the 291 Foundation. The program
also received two $25,000 grants from the Lucius Littauer
Foundation for 2012.
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
Holden, G., Tuchman, E., Barker, K., Rosenberg, G., Thazin, M., Kuppens, S., & Watson, K. (in
press). A few thoughts on evidence in social work. Social Work in Health Care.
Bagner, D., Graziano, P. A., Jaccard, J., Sheinkopf, S. J., Vohr, B., & Lester, B. M. (2012). An initial
investigation of respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a moderator of treatment outcome for young
children born premature with externalizing behavior problems. Behavior Therapy, 43(1), 101-121.
Carter, R., Silverman, W., & Jaccard, J. (2011). Sex variations in youth anxiety symptoms:
Effects of pubertal development and gender role orientation. Journal of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology, 40(5), 730-741.
Lackner, J., Jaccard, J., Baum, C., Smith, A., Krasner, S., Katz, L., Firth, R., Raby, T., & Powell C.
(2011). Patient-reported outcomes for irritable bowel syndrome are associated with patients’
severity ratings of gastrointestinal symptoms and psychological factors. Clinical and Gastroenterology Hepatology, 9(11), 957-964.
Jaccard, J. (2011). Theory construction, model building, and model selection. In T. Little (Ed.)
Handbook of Quantitative Methods. New York: Oxford.
Oshri, A. Tubman, J., & Jaccard, J. (2011). Psychiatric symptom typology in a sample of youth
receiving substance abuse treatment services: Associations with self-reported child maltreatment and sexual risk behaviors. AIDS and Behavior, 15(8), 1844-1856.
Jaccard, J., & Danilowski, K. (2011). The general linear model and analysis of variance. In P.
Camic, H. Cooper, D. Long, A. Panter, & K. Shure (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods in
Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Bannon, W., Goldstein, L., Olshtain-Mann, O., McKay, M., Beharie, N., Caveleri, M., LoIacono,
M., Elwyn, L., Kalogerogiannis, K., Torres, E., Paulino, A., Lawrence, R., Rivera-Rodriguez, A.,
Miranda, A., & Ortiz, A., (in press). Family influences on time spent in situations of sexual possibility. Families in Society.
Bannon, W. M., Dean-Assel, K. M., McKay, M. M., Cavaleri, M. A., & Logan, C. A. (in press). A
measure of urban community parents’ intention to collaborate with a community-based,
youth-focused HIV prevention program. Journal of Community Psychology.
McKay, M., Gopalan, G., Franco, L., Dean-Assael, K., Chacko, A., & Jackson, J. (2011). A collaborative designed child mental health service model: Multiple family groups for urban
children with conduct difficulties. Research on Social Work Practice 21(6), 664-674.
Cavaleri, M. A., Elwyn, L., Pilgrim, A., London, K., Indyk, D., Jackson, J., & McKay, M. (2011).
Patterns of treatment use and barriers to care among hospitalized adults with HIV. Journal
of HIV/AIDS & Social Sciences, 10(4), 414-427.
Berger-Jenkins, E., McKay, M., Newcorn, J., Bannon, W., & Laraque, D. (2012). Parent medication concerns predict underutilization of mental health services for minority children
with ADHD. Clinical Pediatrics, 51(1), 65-76.
Holloway, I., Traube, D., Schrager, S., Levine, B., Alicea, S., Watson, J., Miranda, A., & McKay,
M. (2012). The effects of sexual expectancies on early sexualized behavior among urban
minority youth. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 3(1), 1-12.
Bannon, W., Beharie, N., Olshtain-Mann, O., McKay, M., Goldstein, L., Cavaleri, M., LoIacono,
M., Elwyn, L., Kalogerogiannis, L., Torres, E., Paulino, A., & Lawrence, R. (2012). Youth
substance use in a context of family homelessness. Children and Youth Services Review,
34(1), 1-7.
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). The DSM-5’s proposed new categories of sexual disorder: The
problem of false positives in sexual diagnosis. Clinical Social Work Journal.
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). Should prolonged grief be reclassified as a mental disorder in
DSM-5?: Reconsidering the empirical and conceptual arguments for proposed grief disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Wakefield, J. C., & Schmitz, M. F. (in press). Recurrence of bereavement-related depression: Evidence for the validity of the DSM-IV bereavement exclusion from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). Mapping melancholia: The continuing typological challenge for
major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Wakefield, J. C. (2012). Are you as smart as a 4th grader?: Why the prototype-similarity
approach to diagnosis is a step backward for a scientific psychiatry. World Psychiatry,
11(1), 27-28.
Wakefield, J. C., & First, M. B. (2012). Validity of the bereavement exclusion to major depression: Does the evidence support the proposed elimination of the exclusion in DSM-5?
World Psychiatry, 11(1), 3-11.
Wakefield, J. C. (2012). An adequate concept of mental disorder. Philosophy, Ethics, and
Humanities in Medicine, 7(3).
Nguyen, D. (in press). The effects of sociocultural factors on older Asian Americans’ access to care. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Wakefield, J. C., & First, M. B. (2012). Placing symptoms in context: The role of contextual criteria in reducing false positives in DSM diagnosis. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53(2), 130-139.
Nguyen, D., & Lee, R. (2012). Asian immigrants’ mental health service use: An application
of the life course perspective. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 3(1), 53-63.
Wakefield, J. C., & First, M. B. (2011). Treatment outcome for bereavement-excluded
depression: Results of the study by Corruble et al are not what they seem. (Letter). Journal
of Clinical Psychiatry, 72(8), 1155.
Nguyen, D., & Shibusawa, T. S. (in press). Gender, widowhood, and living
arrangement among non-married Chinese American elders. Ageing International.
Nguyen, D., Shibusawa, T. S., & Chen, T.C. (in press). Culturally competent mental health
care for Asian Americans. Clinical Social Work Journal.
Henwood, B. F., Padgett, D. K., & Nguyen, D. (online first, November 2011). Consumer/case
manager agreement on needs assessments within programs for homeless adults with serious mental illness. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Wakefield, J. C., Schmitz, M. F., & Baer, J. C. (2011). Relation between duration and severity
in bereavement-related depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 124(6), 487-494.
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). Is complicated/prolonged grief a disorder? Why the proposal
to add “complicated grief disorder” to the DSM-5 is conceptually and empirically unsound.
In M. Stroebe, H. Schut, J. van den Bout, & P. Boelen (Eds.), Complicated Grief: Scientific
Foundations for Health Care Professionals. Routledge.
Padgett. D. K. (2012). Qualitative and Mixed Methods in Public Health. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). Disorder as harmful dysfunction. In T. Schramme (Ed.),
Krankheitstheorie (Theories of Disease). Berlin, Germany: Suhrkamp Verlag. (To be published in German).
Stanhope, V., Tuchman, E., & Sinclair, W. (2011). The implementation of mental health
evidence based practices from the clinician, educator and researcher perspectives. Clinical
Social Work Journal, 39(4), 369–378.
Wakefield, J. C. (2011). Darwin, functional explanation, and the philosophy of psychiatry.
In P. R. Adriaens & A. De Block (Eds.), Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory (pp. 143-172). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Senreich, E.. & Straussner, S. L. A. (forthcoming, 2012). Does bachelor’s level social work
education impact students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding substance abusing clients?
Journal of Teaching in Social Work.
Senreich, E., & Straussner, S. L. A. (forthcoming, 2012). Impact of MSW education on
knowledge and attitudes regarding substance abusing clients. Journal of Social Work
Upcoming Events
Thorning, H., Shibusawa, T., Lukens, E., & Fang, L. (in press). Developing a train-the-trainer
model for social work education in Kazakhstan. International Social Work.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Tosone, C., McTighe, J., Bauwens, J., & Naturale, A. (2011). Shared traumatic stress and the
long-term impact of 9/11 on Manhattan clinicians. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(5), 546-552.
Tosone, C. (2011). The legacy of September 11: Shared trauma, therapeutic intimacy, and
professional posttraumatic growth. Traumatology, 17(3), 25-29.
Tuchman, E., Pennington, L., Kull, R., & Deshanyer, S. (in press). Menopause and HIV risk
behaviors among women in methadone treatment. Substance Use and Misuse.
Videka, L. & Goldstein, E., Guest Editors. (2012). Clinical Social Work Journal: Special Issue
on Fifty Years and the Future of Agency-based Clinical Social Work Practice. 40(2).
Videka. L. & Goldstein, E. (2012). 50 years and the future of agency-based clinical social
work practice: Introduction to the special issue. Clinical Social Work Journal. 40(2).
Anastas, J. & Videka, L. (2012). The practice doctorate in social work. Clinical Social Work
Journal. 40(2).
Videka, L. (in press, release expected June 2012). Child welfare in the United States. In
K-Q. Han, C-C. Huang, X. Zeng, & R. L. Edwards (Eds.), Comparison of Social Welfare.
Shandong, China: Shandong People’s Publishing House.
Corrigan, M. J., Videka, L., Loneck, B., Newman, L. J., & Rajendran, K. (in press). Characteristics of student assistance and prevention counseling programs in response to environmental impacts. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse.
Corrigan, M. J., Newman, L. J., Videka, L., Loneck, B., & Rajendran, K. (2011). Characteristics
of students and services in New York State student assistance and prevention counseling
programs. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 20(2), 155-165.
Japanese Translation: 2012. Horwitz, A. V., & Wakefield, J. C., The Loss of Sadness: How
Psychiatry Transformed Normal Sorrow into Depressive Disorder.
Transforming Love Relationships: The Practice of
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy
Dr. Sue Johnson, author of Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations
for a Lifetime of Love, will conduct a full-day presentation,
featuring interactive audience participation and multimedia.
Learn more at:
Registration deadline: June 15, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
NYU Alumni Day
Save the date for the NYU Silver Dean’s Luncheon, with
the 4th Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony.
Nominate inspiring alumni today:
Horwitz, A. V., & Wakefield, J. C.. (2012). All We Have to Fear: Psychiatry’s Transformation
of Natural Anxieties into Mental Disorders. New York: Oxford University.
• Distinguished Alumna/us Award:
Class of ’55 to Class of ’07
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). DSM-5: Proposed changes to depressive disorders. Current
Medical Research & Opinion.
• Outstanding Recent Alumna/us Award:
Class of ’08 to Class of ’12
Wakefield, J. C. (in press). Proposed DSM-5 changes to adjustment disorder would
pathologize normal grieving. (Letter). World Psychiatry.
NYUSilver School of Social Work Spring 2012
Deadline for nominations:
July 1, 2012
New York University
Silver School of Social Work
Ehrenkranz Center
1 Washington Square North
New York, NY 10003-6654
New York University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.
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