Your Quick Reference to Billing, Referrals, and e
Your Quick Reference to Billing, Referrals, and e
Your Quick Reference to Billing, Referrals, and e-Connectivity 10/2007 All content current as of September 2007 unless otherwise indicated. Independence Blue Cross offers products directly, through its subsidiaries Keystone Health Plan East and QCC insurance Company, and with Highmark Blue Shield — independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Billing — Transactions Table of Contents Overview ................................................................................................................................. TR-4 Referrals and Authorization ..................................................................................................... TR-5 PCP Referrals to Participating Providers............................................................................... TR-5 PCP Referral Guidelines by Product ..................................................................................... TR-6 Authorizations .................................................................................................................... TR-8 Electronic Resources ............................................................................................................... TR-9 NaviNet® .......................................................................................................................... TR-9 Provider Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System ................................................................ TR-10 Procedure and Diagnosis Codes ........................................................................................... TR-15 Five-Digit Procedure Code Billing Requirement ................................................................. TR-15 Unlisted Procedures or Services .......................................................................................... TR-15 Pricing Procedure for Unlisted or NOC Services ................................................................. TR-16 Report Diagnosis Codes to the Highest Degree of Specificity .................................................. TR-16 Procedure and Diagnosis Code Update Release Schedules ..................................................... TR-17 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes Change for Routine Gynecological Exams ................................ TR-17 Policy on the Use of Procedure and Diagnosis Codes ............................................................ TR-18 Copayments .......................................................................................................................... TR-20 Copayment Notification Requirement ................................................................................ TR-20 No Copayments or Coinsurance for Dual-Eligible Members (Keystone 65 Complete) ............. TR-20 Copayment Grids by Product ............................................................................................. TR-21 Claim Submission Requirements ........................................................................................... TR-26 Clean Claim Submission ................................................................................................... TR-26 Clean Claim Requirements ................................................................................................ TR-26 Submission of Claim Adjustments ...................................................................................... TR-27 Place of Service Codes ....................................................................................................... TR-28 National Provider Identifier (NPI)......................................................................................... TR-29 IBC’s Contingency Plan .................................................................................................... TR-29 10/2007 TR-2 Billing — Transactions Paper Claims ......................................................................................................................... TR-30 CMS-1500 Form ............................................................................................................. TR-30 The CMS-1500 (08/05) Form and NPI ............................................................................ TR-30 Key Fields for the CMS-1500 (08/05) Form ...................................................................... TR-31 Claim Preprocessing .......................................................................................................... TR-31 Claims Submission Addresses ............................................................................................. TR-32 Electronic Claims Requirements............................................................................................ TR-33 Statement of Remittance (SOR) Enhancements ................................................................... TR-33 Online SOR ..................................................................................................................... TR-33 Clearinghouse Options for Electronic Claims Submission ..................................................... TR-33 HIPAA Compliance Testing and Conversion Instructions..................................................... TR-34 Claim Preprocessing .......................................................................................................... TR-34 Fee Schedule Inquiry ............................................................................................................. TR-36 Physician Claim Inquiry ........................................................................................................ TR-37 Physician Initial Claim Review Process .............................................................................. TR-37 Physician Claim Inquiry Form .......................................................................................... TR-38 Addendum A......................................................................................................................... TR-39 Addendum B ......................................................................................................................... TR-64 Addendum C ........................................................................................................................ TR-66 10/2007 TR-3 Billing — Transactions Overview The October 2007 issue of Transactions: Your Quick Reference to Billing, Referrals, and e-Connectivity (Transactions) is designed to keep you and your office staff up to date on how to do business with us by informing you of billing and Referral requirements and processing changes. Transactions includes information on submitting clean claims, submitting proper codes used for accurate disbursement, and NPI information and requirements. Additionally, Transactions contains important information about electronic transaction channels, including clearinghouse options for electronic claims submission and NaviNet®*, our secure provider portal, which accelerates processing and payment. Transactions has been designed as the Billing section of the Provider Manual for Participating Professional Providers (Provider Manual), to be used as a quick reference by anyone in your office who handles billing-related matters. *NaviNet is a registered trademark of NaviMedix, Inc. 10/2007 TR-4 Billing — Transactions Referrals and Authorization Referrals are required for HMO and POS Members utilizing their in-network (referred) benefits. One of the important functions Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) perform is coordinating the care an HMO Member receives from a specialist. By coordinating Referrals, PCPs help to make the process of patient care appropriate and continuous. Specialists must understand how to retrieve and verify Referrals and Member eligibility information. For PCPs, all Referrals should be submitted through NaviNet® or our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Specialists and facilities must receive PCP Referrals through NaviNet or the IVR system. The IVR system for Referrals can be used from 5 a.m. until 10 p.m., 7 days a week by calling 1-866-681-7370. Submitting Referrals in a timely manner helps to prevent claim denials for “no Referral.” Because Referrals submitted through NaviNet and the IVR system are electronic, you are not required to mail hard copies of Referrals to us. Paper Referrals are no longer accepted for HMO/POS claims processing. All paper Referrals submitted will be returned to the issuing provider. For specialists, NaviNet or the IVR system should be checked to ensure that a Referral was received for a Member before services are rendered. Specialists should no longer accept paper Referrals. A fax of an electronically submitted Referral may be obtained by the specialist’s office via NaviNet or the IVR system. While Covered Services should not be provided without the proper accompanying Referral, we occasionally receive requests from providers for permission to resubmit a Referral or provide corrected information to a Referral already submitted. In such instances, you no longer need to contact us with this request. If you need to amend information or resubmit a Referral, you may do so by submitting a new Referral via NaviNet or the IVR system. These systems will accept Referrals up to 90 days prior to the current date. Once a valid Referral has been received, you may request a claim review. PCP Referrals to Participating Providers Member Eligibility All Participating Providers are required to verify Member eligibility through NaviNet® or the IVR system. Issuing Referrals to Participating Providers • Services obtained without a Referral, when one is required under the Member’s benefits, will not be covered by IBC. • Services performed by non-Participating Providers require Preapproval. PCPs can locate Participating Providers through our website,, and through NaviNet. • Referrals are valid for 90 days from date of issue. 10/2007 TR-5 Billing — Transactions • PCPs no longer need to enter the number of visits for follow-up care. The provider to which the Member is being referred will determine the number of visits medically appropriate for the Member during the 90-day period for which the Referral is valid. In addition, if the PCP selects the “evaluate and provide follow-up care as needed” box, the Member is authorized to be seen by the specialist in an office or hospital setting. • Referrals for facility/hospital admissions/surgical procedures: The PCP issues one Referral to the specialist for hospital care; a separate Referral to the hospital is not required for hospital admissions. • Radiology Quality Initiative for HMO/POS Members: Ordering physicians/PCPs must issue a Referral for all radiology services, including those that require Preauthorization. Radiology sites must confirm this authorization prior to performing services. • Providers should call the Care Management and Coordination Department at 215-241-2100 or 1-800-227-3116 to obtain Preapproval for required services. • Admitting physicians are responsible for obtaining Preapproval at least five days prior to a scheduled admission and notifying the facility of the Preapproval number. The hospital must contact IBC prior to the admission to verify eligibility and the Preapproval number. All pre-admission testing and hospital-based physician services (e.g., anesthesia) will be covered under the hospital Preapproval. • For PCPs in the five-county service area (Philadelphia, Delaware, Bucks, Chester, and Montgomery counties), Members must be referred to capitated providers for podiatry, physical therapy, and radiology services (except for Members covered under New Jersey plans). Members must also be referred to capitated providers for laboratory services using requisition forms supplied by the lab provider (except for Members covered under New Jersey plans). Please see the Specialty Programs and Laboratory Services section of this manual for more information. PCP Referral Guidelines by Product Keystone Health Plan East — HMO • Members must select a PCP from the Keystone network. • Referrals are required. Products include: • Keystone HMO • Keystone HMO Flex Copay Series • Keystone HMO Flex Deductible Series • CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) • adultBasic 10/2007 TR-6 Billing — Transactions Keystone POS • Members must select a PCP from the Keystone network. • Referrals are required for Members to receive the highest level of benefits. Products include: • Keystone POS • Keystone POS Flex Copay Series Keystone — Direct POS • Members must select a PCP from the Keystone network. • Referrals are required only for the following services: – Podiatry* – Routine radiology* – Physical therapy* – Spinal manipulations* – Occupational therapy* – Laboratory* — PCPs and specialists should continue to use the Lab requisition form Members receive the highest level of benefits when they obtain Referrals for the services noted above. For all other services, no Referrals are required. Products include: • Keystone — Direct POS Flex Copay Series • Keystone — Direct POS Flex Deductible Series *For capitated services, PCPs should refer Members to their designated sites. These services are capitated for PCPs in the five-county area for these business lines. Keystone 65 — Medicare Advantage HMO • Members must select a PCP from the Keystone 65 network. • Referrals are required. The following products are not HMO products and do not require the Member to select a PCP and do not require Referrals. However, Members receive the highest level of benefits when they seek care from providers who participate in the IBC network. • Traditional (Indemnity) • Personal Choice® ® • Personal Choice Flex Copay Series • Personal Choice 65SM ® • Personal Choice Deductible Series • Security 65 ® • 65 Special • Personal Choice HSA-qualified High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) • Special Care • Comprehensive Major Medical (CMM)/CompSelect® 10/2007 TR-7 Billing — Transactions Certain services require Preapproval. IBC will not consider services for payment without the necessary Preapproval. Authorizations Prior Authorization Criteria and Forms for Pharmacy-Related Services Participating Providers, are required to use either NaviNet® or the FutureScripts® IVR system to obtain prior authorization for pharmacy-related services for all Members. For a complete list of pharmacy-related services that need prior authorization, please see the Pharmacy section of this manual. The FutureScripts IVR system can also be used to: • have prior authorization forms faxed directly to your office; • request a one-time 96-hour urgent fill; • check the status of a prior authorization request; • check the status of a direct-ship or Flex Series injectable request. In addition, FutureScripts can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-678-7012. 10/2007 TR-8 Billing — Transactions Electronic Resources NaviNet® New technology is enabling today’s medical professionals to reduce time and costs associated with the growing demands of health care administration. NaviNet, the HIPAA-compliant Web-based connectivity solution offered by NaviMedix®, Inc., will increase efficiency and productivity in your office. With NaviNet access, you can connect with our back-end systems to streamline many of your daily administrative tasks, thereby eliminating unnecessary telephone inquiries and plan transactions. NaviNet benefits providers in many ways, including: • Member Eligibility Search: After performing a Patient Search within the Referral Submission feature, click on “View” to verify the Member’s Eligibility Details (including PCP name, PCP effective date, and PCP-capitated site data) before proceeding to the Referral Request Form for completion. This enhancement increases efficiency by eliminating your need to check eligibility details separately using the Eligibility and Benefits feature. Also use the Referral Inquiry feature to retrieve all NaviNet Referrals. • Online Referrals: Specialists and facilities can receive Referrals from PCPs via their office fax machine or via the NaviNet online Referral inquiry function. Because Referrals submitted through NaviNet are electronic, you are not required to mail hard copies of NaviNet Referrals to us. • Auto-Fax Feature: Upon submission of Referrals, PCPs and OB/GYNs have the option to use the NaviNet auto-fax feature to send the Referral directly to the specialist and/or facility via fax. If preferred, PCPs and OB/GYNs can supply patients with a printed copy of the NaviNet Referral for presentation to specialists and facilities. Specialists and facilities are required to accept the NaviNet Referral form as a valid Referral, regardless of the method used for delivery. • Required Information: If required information is omitted from the Referral, NaviNet will prompt inclusion of any required information that is missing. Inclusion of information in optional fields is recommended but not required to complete the Referral submission. Investors in NaviMedix®, include an affiliate of IBC, which has a minority ownership interest in NaviMedix, Inc. NaviNet Resources For information on NaviNet® registration or questions, call the eBusiness Provider Hotline at 215-640-7410 or complete our Online Inquiry Form at Technical Assistance for existing NaviNet® users: Call NaviMedix®, Inc. at 1-888-482-8057 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., EST, Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., EST, Saturday. 10/2007 TR-9 Billing — Transactions For assistance with testing and conversion to the HIPAA-compliant claims transaction 837: Call the NaviMedix, Inc. HIPAA Conversion Team at 1-866-877-6284. You may also contact the IBC eBusiness Help Desk at 215-241-2305 or e-mail them at Provider Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System You can use the IVR system, our speech-enabled, automated phone service, to retrieve Member information and generate Referrals. To facilitate use of this new system, please refer to the following pages for detailed information. Provider IVR Menu Options Once the call is connected, you will be prompted to make a selection from the IVR transaction menu. You must select a transaction before entering your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID. The IVR transaction menu is as follows: 1. Member Eligibility/Benefits 2. Claims Status 3. Referral Submission 4. OB/GYN Referral Submission 5. Encounter Submission 6. Referral Inquiry 7. Authorization Status Inquiry The IVR System Transactions: Step-by-Step Instructions Voice prompts are provided throughout the call. Your responses may be spoken or entered through your telephone keypad. When entering a code containing letters (e.g., HCPCS code), your response must be spoken. Use the word “dot” for the decimal point. When entering a code with no letters, your response may be spoken or entered via the telephone keypad using the star (*) key for the decimal point. Press the pound (#) key to return to the Main Menu. Note: The IVR system does not support behavioral health information. For information regarding Behavioral Health, call Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. at 1-800-688-1911. 10/2007 TR-10 Billing — Transactions Menu Option 1 — Member Eligibility/Benefits Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 1 or say “Member Eligibility” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID Step 4: (Optional) Enter fax number to receive information via fax Step 5: Enter valid Member ID (numeric only) Step 6: Select Member Step 7: To receive all Member eligibility information, say “all” or press the star (*) key. You can also say “copay” for copay information only. Menu Option 2 — Claims Status Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 2 or say “Claims Status” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID Step 4: (Optional) Enter fax number to receive information via fax Step 5: Enter valid Member ID (numeric only) Step 6: Enter the date of service Step 7: Select claim for detailed information Menu Option 3 — Referral Submission (available for HMO/POS PCPs only) Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 3 or say “Referrals” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID Step 4: Enter valid Member ID (numeric only) Step 5: Enter the service being requested • Please speak from the available options: – Allergy work up – Fracture care – Bony impacted tooth – Dialysis – Rehab (PT/OT/Hand) – Evaluate/provide required follow-up inpatient/outpatient care for up to 90 days Step 6: Enter the group provider ID where the Referral is being submitted Step 7: Enter the Referral start date 10/2007 TR-11 Billing — Transactions Step 8: (Optional) “Would you like to fax the Referral to the specialist’s office?” Step 9: (Optional) “Enter the diagnosis code(s). Otherwise, please hold to receive the Referral submission number.” Note: You can press the star (*) key to correct a selection. Menu Option 4 — OB/GYN Referral Submission (available for HMO/POS PCPs only) Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 4 or say “OB/GYN” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID Step 4: Enter valid Member ID (numeric only) Step 5: Enter the group provider ID where the Referral is being submitted Step 6: Enter the service to be performed • Please speak from the available options: – Perinatal care – Biophysical profile – Endocrinology care – Doppler flow study – Ultrasound: General – Fetal echocardiography (normal pregnancy) – Ultrasound: Targeted – Amniocentesis (high-risk pregnancy) – Ultrasound: vaginal probe – Chorionic sampling (CVS) – Genetic lab studies – PUBS – Genetic counseling – RhoGAM® – Glucose tolerance test – Pelvic ultrasound – Non-stress test – Abdominal x-ray – Contraction stress test – IVP Step 7: Enter the Referral start date – Dexascan – Hysterosalpingogram – Fertility consult – Genetics consult – GI consult – GYN oncologic consult – Surgical consult – Urologic consult – Uro-gynecologic consult Step 8: (Optional) “Would you like to fax the Referral to the specialist’s office?” Step 9: (Optional) “Enter the diagnosis code(s). Otherwise, please hold to receive the Referral submission number.” Note: You can press the star (*) key to correct a selection. Menu Option 5 — Encounter Submission (available for HMO/POS PCPs only) Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 5 or say “Encounters” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID 10/2007 TR-12 Billing — Transactions Step 4: Enter valid Member ID (numeric only) Step 5: Enter the date of service Step 6: Enter the service code Step 7: Enter the diagnosis code Step 8: Enter the place of service Note: You can press the star (*) key to correct a selection. Menu Option 6 — Referral Inquiry Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 6 or say “Inquiry” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit group provider ID and the last four digits of your tax ID Step 4: Enter valid search • Referral number • Member ID (numeric only) and Referral start and end date Step 5: “Is the requestor of the Referral asking about a Referral that was sent or received?” (say “Sent” or “Received”) Step 6: (Optional) Enter fax number to receive information via fax Note: You can press the star (*) key to correct a selection. Menu Option 7 — Authorization Status Inquiry Step 1: Call 1-866-681-7370 Step 2: Select the corresponding menu option number 7 or say “Authorization” Step 3: Log in using your NPI or 10-digit provider or group provider ID Step 4: Enter the last four digits of your tax ID (numeric only) Step 5: Enter valid Member ID number (numeric only) Step 6: IVR will read back the Member ID number. To validate the Member ID, please respond by pressing 1 for “Yes” (or by saying “Yes”) or 2 for “No” (or by saying “No”) Step 7: IVR will read back the Member name and birth date Step 8: To validate the Member name and birth date, please respond by pressing 1 for “Yes” (or by saying “Yes”) or 2 for “No” (or by saying “No”) Step 9: After the disclaimer is read, the most recent authorization request will be read by the IVR Step 10: (Optional) “If you would like to hear this information repeated, press 1.” Step 11: (Optional) “If any of the information for this authorization needs to be changed or updated, press 2.” 10/2007 TR-13 Billing — Transactions Step 12: (Optional) IVR will state: “Would you like to hear further authorization information for this Member?” • Please respond by pressing 1 for “Yes” (or by saying “Yes”) or 2 for “No” (or by saying “No”) – If “Yes,” IVR will ask you for a specific date of service or date range. Enter or speak the date of service or date range when prompted. For example, to enter April 2, 2007, you would enter 0-4-0-2-2-0-0-7. To speak the date of service or date range, you can speak either “April two, two-thousand-seven,” or “four, two, zero-seven.” If a large number of authorizations are retrieved as a result of your date input(s), you may be asked to further narrow your search with a reference number or a procedure code. – If “No,” IVR will ask you if you would like to hear authorization information for another Member. Please respond by pressing 1 for “Yes” (or by saying “Yes”) or 2 for “No” (or by saying “No”). 10/2007 TR-14 Billing — Transactions Procedure and Diagnosis Codes Five-Digit Procedure Code Billing Requirement Procedures must be billed using the five-digit numeric CPT®* codes from the physician’s CPT manual. Attachments or written descriptions of the service(s) being performed will not be considered a proper billing procedure. Supporting documentation in the Member’s medical report must clearly support the procedures, services, and supplies coded on the health insurance form. Note: Some CPT® codes may be included in global fees to facilities and therefore are not eligible for separate reimbursement. You may bill the facility in those instances. Unlisted Procedures or Services Some services or procedures performed by health care professionals are not found in the CPT coding system. They may be new procedures that have not yet been assigned a CPT code, or they may simply be a variation of a procedure that precludes using the existing CPT code. Each section of the CPT coding system includes codes for reporting these unlisted procedures. Unlisted procedure codes should not be used unless a more specific code is not available. If a specific CPT code is not located, check for HCPCS codes that may be reportable. Because unlisted procedure codes are subject to manual medical review, processing may take longer than usual. All unlisted/not otherwise classified (NOC) codes must be submitted with the appropriate narrative description of the actual services rendered on the CMS-1500 claim form in order to be processed. For claims that are electronically submitted, please refer to your HIPAA 837 Companion Guide. You can connect to the Guide at our website, For paper-submitted claims, additional information regarding the narrative description of the specific services provided should be submitted in the shaded area extending from field 24A through 24G, directly above the NOC/unlisted procedure code on the CMS-1500 claim form. If a description is not provided, the entire claim will be rejected with a message to resubmit with a narrative description. For electronically submitted 837P claims, the NOC descriptions should be populated in the 2400 loop and NTE segment using the Additional Information Qualifier “ADD.” * CPT® (Current Procedural Terminology) is a copyright of the American Medical Association (AMA). All Rights Reserved. No fee schedules, basic units, relative values, or related listings are included in CPT. The AMA assumes no liability for the data contained herein. Applicable FARS/DFARS restrictions apply to government use. CPT® is a trademark of the AMA. 10/2007 TR-15 Billing — Transactions Pricing Procedure for Unlisted or NOC Services This pricing and processing procedure for unlisted or NOC covered services is used for all products covered under your provider agreement. 1. We maintain a database of historical pricing decisions for similar services previously reviewed and priced by IBC. If available, an appropriate fee in this database may be used to price the current claim. 2. If the database does not have pricing for the current claim, then the claim is reviewed by us for a pricing decision. We may request that the provider submit additional information to facilitate pricing the claim. The additional information requested may include, but is not limited to, an operative report, a letter of Medical Necessity, an office note, and/or an actual manufacturer’s invoice. Providers should submit additional information only if specifically requested to do so by IBC. Upon being recommended for payment and processing, claims are priced using our standard pricing methodology, which is designed to consider new procedures, and are processed in accordance with applicable claim payment policies and exclusions and limitations in benefit contracts. 3. Providers who disagree with a specific unlisted/NOC service pricing determination should follow the normal appeals process described in the Appeals section of this manual. Providers are reminded to always use the most appropriate codes when submitting claims. Claims submitted as NOC codes when a valid CPT® or HCPCS code exists may be denied. Report Diagnosis Codes to the Highest Degree of Specificity We require that all practitioners report diagnosis codes to the highest degree of specificity, according to the most current ICD-9-CM Coding Manual. This requirement applies to all claims and encounters. It reflects: 1. The need for better diagnostic information for quality and medical management. 2. The decision to make our coding policy more consistent the other major carriers and with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) ICD-9-CM coding guidelines. 3. The decision by CMS to determine Medicare Advantage premiums based on the severity of illness of enrolled Members. Supporting documentation in the patient’s medical record must clearly support the procedures, services, and supplies coded on the health insurance form. The following are guidelines for diagnosis coding: • Most ICD-9-CM codes require the fourth or fifth digits. There are only about 100 valid three-digit codes. • Most ICD-9-CM coding manuals include a color-coded system to designate diagnosis codes that require additional digits beyond the basic three digits. Please refer to your ICD-9-CM Coding Manual for specific instructions regarding the fourth or fifth digit. 10/2007 TR-16 Billing — Transactions • Always include the fourth or fifth digit when indicated in the ICD-9-CM Coding Manual. • Always report with the highest level of specificity possible for an individual patient. Exceptions: The following providers are not required to report ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes to the highest degree of specificity: home health agencies, independent laboratories, independent physiological laboratories, general dentists, orthodontists, endodontists, pedodontists, pharmacies, durable medical equipment suppliers, ambulance services, orthotic and prosthetic suppliers, and home infusion providers. Procedure and Diagnosis Code Update Release Schedules Providers are required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Transactions and Code Sets Rules to use only the CPT®, HCPCS, and/or ICD-9 codes that are valid at the time a service is provided. National entities, including American Medical Association, CMS, and the Department of Health and Human Services release scheduled updates to CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-9 procedure/diagnosis codes, respectively. We monitor those schedules and react according to the following timeline (Note: Timeline reflects schedule of entity and, therefore, may be subject to change): • CPT® procedure codes: Biannual release of codes with effective dates of January 1 and July 1. • HCPCS procedure codes: Quarterly release of codes with effective dates of January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. • ICD-9 procedure/diagnosis codes: Biannual release of codes with effective dates of April 1 and October 1. We no longer allow a 90-day grace period on deleted procedure and diagnosis codes. Therefore, the provider must submit only the CPT, HCPCS, and/or ICD-9 codes that are valid at the time that a service is provided. ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes Change for Routine Gynecological Exams OB/GYNs and capitated PCPs billing above capitation for routine gynecological exams should report diagnosis code V72.31 with the applicable preventive evaluation and management CPT codes 99384-99387 and 99394-99397 or the HCPCS codes S0610 and S0612 for reimbursement consideration. Do not bill both a preventive CPT and an annual gynecological exam HCPCS code for the same date of service. Only one will be paid. Problem visits may be billed along with a preventive service code for same date of service, if appropriate. Routine gynecological exams reported with ICD-9-CM code V72.32 for the CPT codes 99384-99387 and 99394-99397 are no longer eligible for additional payment outside the standard 10/2007 TR-17 Billing — Transactions capitation amount. HCPCS codes S0610 and S0612 may still be reported with ICD-9-CM code V72.32 when appropriate. For reference, the diagnosis code narratives are as follows: • V72.31: Routine gynecological examination. • V72.32: Encounter for Papanicolaou cervical smear to confirm findings of a recent normal smear following initial abnormal smear. Remember: We require all practitioners to report diagnosis codes to the highest degree of specificity, according to the ICD-9-CM Coding Manual. If you have questions, please call Provider Services or your Network Coordinator. Policy on the Use of Procedure and Diagnosis Codes Radiologic Guidance of a Procedure We revised the reimbursement methodologies applied to claims processing of radiologic guidance and/or supervision and interpretation of a procedure. • Radiologic guidance and/or supervision and interpretation is performed by either the same professional provider who performs the surgical procedure or a different professional provider. • Radiologic guidance and/or supervision and interpretation of a procedure that is performed in conjunction with a covered procedure is eligible for separate reimbursement consideration by IBC. When the same provider performs and reports both the radiologic and the diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, both procedures are eligible for reimbursement consideration to the provider. However, all of the following requirements must be met: • Both the radiologic guidance and/or supervision and interpretation service and the procedure for which it is performed must be covered for the radiologic guidance and/or supervision and interpretation to be eligible for separate reimbursement consideration. • Documentation in the medical record must reflect the radiologic guidance and/or supervision and interpretation procedure(s) performed by the physician. The medical record must be available to us upon request. Providers should not submit medical records to us unless otherwise requested. More information regarding our policy on Radiologic Guidance of a Procedure can be viewed online at Interrupted Maternity Care Should you provide prenatal visits alone to any IBC Member, please bill those services as follows: • If you provided a total of fewer than 4 visits – First visit: Bill 99205 (new patient) or 99215 (established patient) – 2nd and 3rd visits: Most 2nd and 3rd visits typically only require a level 3 office visit. 10/2007 TR-18 Billing — Transactions Exclusively billing these visits at higher levels than Medically Necessary is not an appropriate billing practice and is subject to post-payment review. • If you provided a total of 4 – 6 visits, bill only 59425 • If you provided a total of 7 or more visits, bill only 59426 10/2007 TR-19 Billing — Transactions Copayments Copayment Notification Requirement A provider must notify a Member if the office provides the opportunity for the Member to receive services and be billed from more than one entity. For example, the office must inform the Member that he or she will be charged a copayment for the physician service and a copayment for the ancillary service, such as radiology. If two services are billed on the same date of service, two copayments may be required. No Copayments or Coinsurance for Dual-Eligible Members (Keystone 65 Complete) In §1902(n) of the Social Security Act, dual-eligible Beneficiaries are excluded from cost-sharing. If a provider does not currently participate with Medicaid, dual-eligible Keystone 65 Complete Members are not responsible for cost-sharing and these Members may not be billed for copays, deductibles, or coinsurance. If providers do participate with Medicaid, they can bill Medicaid for any applicable reimbursement/payment. To ensure that providers are able to identify these Members, the Members should be asked to show their Keystone 65 Complete ID card and Medical Assistance Access identification cards. If the Member’s Keystone 65 Complete ID card does show cost-sharing and the Member does not have a Medical Assistance Access card, copayment or coinsurance may be billed to the Member. 10/2007 TR-20 Billing — Transactions Copayment Grids by Product For copayment information, please refer to the following grids. HMO/PPO Copayment Policy Summary (Non-Flex Benefits) HMO Products Keystone Health Plan East, Keystone POS, Keystone 65, Keystone 65 Direct POS, Keystone Choice (In-Network Services) PPO Products Personal Choice® Personal Choice 65SM (In-Network Services) Primary Care Office Visits Subject to primary care office visit copayment Subject to primary care office visit copayment Subject to specialist office visit copayment Subject to specialist office visit copayment Subject to specialist copayment Subject to restorative services copayment Subject to specialist copayment Subject to therapy copayment At time of office visit Copayment applies to office visit, not the immunization Copayment applies to office visit, not the immunization Provided without physician office visit (administered by a nurse, technician) No copayment No copayment No copayment No copayment General Practice, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics Specialist Visits Spinal Manipulation** Copayment applies per visit and not per individual service that is provided during a single visit Therapy Services** Physical, Speech, Occupational, Lymphedema, Orthoptic/Pleoptic, Outpatient Cardiac Rehab; (For HMO, copayment does not apply to Outpatient Cardiac Rehab); one copayment per date of service Immunizations Mammogram Routine and Diagnostic **For Keystone HMO/POS, most plan designs will not take a copayment for this procedure. Please refer to the Member’s individual benefits for verification. For PPO products, these services are referred to as Restorative Services. 10/2007 TR-21 Billing — Transactions HMO Products Keystone Health Plan East, Keystone POS, Keystone 65, Keystone 65 Direct POS, Keystone Choice (In-Network Services) PPO Products Personal Choice® Personal Choice 65SM (In-Network Services) Outpatient Lab/Pathology At time of physician office visit Copayment applies to office visit, not outpatient lab/pathology Copayment applies to office visit, not outpatient lab/pathology Outpatient Facility and Lab No copayment No copayment OB/GYN & Midwife Routine GYN Visits Non-Routine GYN Visit and 1st Obstetrical Visit Product Copay Type Product Copay Type Keystone HMO/POS Non-Flex specialist Personal Choice Non-Flex no copayment Keystone 65 no copayment for one Pap test and one pelvic exam every year Keystone HMO/POS Non-Flex specialist Personal Choice Non-Flex specialist Keystone 65 specialist Personal Choice 65 specialist no copayment Personal Choice for one Pap test 65 and one pelvic exam every year Office-based Surgery Copayment applies to the office visit, not the surgery Copayment applies to the office visit, not the surgery Not subject to office visit copayment within the postoperative period determined by CMS Not subject to office visit copayment within the postoperative period determined by CMS At time of physician office visit Copayment applies to the office visit, not the allergy injections Copayment applies to the office visit, not the allergy injections Provided without physician office visit (administered by a nurse, technician) No copayment No copayment Post-Surgical Office Visits Allergy Injection 10/2007 TR-22 Billing — Transactions HMO Products Keystone Health Plan East, Keystone POS, Keystone 65, Keystone 65 Direct POS, Keystone Choice (In-Network Services) PPO Products Personal Choice® Personal Choice 65SM (In-Network Services) Standard Injectables Administered by physician at time of office visit Provided without physician office visit (administered by a nurse, technician, etc.) Copayment applies to the office visit, not the injectable. Copayment applies to the office visit, not the injectable Keystone 65 Injectables — refer to Member’s benefits for applicable copayment Personal Choice 65 Injectables — refer to Member’s benefits for applicable copayment No copayment No copayment Note: When the copayment is greater than the allowable amount, only the allowable amount should be collected from the Member. In the event the copayment is collected and the practice subsequently determines the allowed amount is less than the copayment, the difference between the allowable amount and the copayment for the service must be refunded to the Member. The listing of copayments in this document is representative of standard benefits only. Please verify the Member’s specific benefit package to determine all applicable copayments. This information does not apply to Personal Choice HSA-qualified HighDeductible Health Plan. HMO/PPO Copayment Policy Summary (Flex Benefits) HMO Products Keystone HMO, Keystone POS, Keystone Direct POS, (In-Network Services) PPO Products Personal Choice PPO (In-Network Services) Office Visits General Practice, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and OB/GYNs Subject to primary care office visit copayment Subject to primary care office visit copayment Subject to specialist office visit copayment Subject to specialist office visit copayment Subject to specialist copayment Subject to specialist copayment Specialist Visits Spinal Manipulation Copayment applies per visit and not per service that is provided during a single visit 10/2007 TR-23 Billing — Transactions HMO Products Keystone HMO, Keystone POS, Keystone Direct POS, (In-Network Services) PPO Products Personal Choice PPO (In-Network Services) Therapy Services Physical, Speech, Occupational, Lymphedema, Orthoptic/Pleoptic, Outpatient Cardiac Rehab Subject to specialist copayment Subject to therapy copayment One copayment per date of service One copayment per date of service Immunizations At time of office visit Copayment applies to office visit, not the immunization Copayment applies to office visit, not the immunization Provided without physician office visit (administered by a nurse, technician) No copayment No copayment No copayment No copayment At time of physician office visit Copayment applies to office visit, not outpatient lab/pathology Copayment applies to office visit, not outpatient lab/pathology Outpatient Facility and Lab No copayment No copayment Routine GYN Visits Subject to primary care copayment Subject to primary care copayment Non-Routine GYN Visit and 1st Obstetrical Visit Subject to primary care copayment Subject to primary care copayment Subsequent Obstetrical Visits No copayment No copayment Copayment applies to the office visit, not the surgery Copayment applies to the office visit, not the surgery Not subject to office visit copayment within the postoperative period determined by CMS Not subject to office visit copayment within the postoperative period determined by CMS Mammogram Routine and Diagnostic Outpatient Lab/Pathology OB/GYN visits Office-based Surgery Post-Surgical Office Visits 10/2007 TR-24 Billing — Transactions HMO Products Keystone HMO, Keystone POS, Keystone Direct POS, (In-Network Services) PPO Products Personal Choice PPO (In-Network Services) Allergy Injection At time of physician office visit Copayment applies to the office visit, not the allergy injections Copayment applies to the office visit, not the allergy injections Provided without physician office visit (administered by a nurse, technician) No copayment No copayment Copayment applies to the office visit, not the injectable. Copayment applies to the office visit, not the injectable Keystone 65 Injectables — refer to Member’s benefits for applicable copayment Personal Choice 65 Injectables — refer to Member’s benefits for applicable copayment Provided without physician office visit (administered by a nurse, technician, etc.) No copayment No copayment Biotech/Specialty Injectables Biotech/Specialty injectable copayment applies Biotech/Specialty injectable copayment applies Subject to office visit copayment Subject to office visit copayment Routine radiology copay applies Routine radiology copay applies Standard Injectables Administered by physician at time of office visit Office-based or Self-Administered Routine Radiology/X-Ray/ Diagnostic Services One copayment per date of Outpatient department of a hospital or freestanding radiology service per product when multiple services are billed site One copayment per date of service per product when multiple services are billed Office setting No copayment No copayment Emergency Room No copayment No copayment Complex Radiology Services Complex radiology copay applies Complex radiology copay applies MRI/MRA, CT/CTA and PET Scans Outpatient department of a hospital or freestanding radiology site Emergency Room 10/2007 No copayment No copayment TR-25 Billing — Transactions Claim Submission Requirements Clean Claim Submission A Clean Claim is one that does not require further information for processing. Incomplete and inaccurate claims will be returned as non-Clean Claims. Returned claims are not necessarily a denial of benefits, but arise from our need for accurate and complete information. Additionally, claims that do not have adequate information to identify the billing provider can neither be processed nor returned. Clean Claims (both electronic and paper-submitted) must meet the following conditions: • The service is a Covered Service by IBC Member’s group contract. • The claim is submitted with all information requested by us on a claim form, or in other instructions distributed to the provider. • The person to whom the service was provided was covered by us on the date of service. • We do not reasonably believe the claim was submitted fraudulently. • The claim does not require special treatment. Special treatment means unusual claim processing required to determine whether the service is covered. Clean Claim Requirements The following information must appear correctly for a claim to be considered clean: • Group provider ID number*/NPI • Rendering provider ID number/NPI • Federal Tax ID number • Billing address • Member’s ID number (including applicable prefix and suffix) • Member’s name *Be sure the group provider ID number is associated with the Group Federal Tax ID number on file at IBC. Providers may obtain this information via NaviNet® by using the Provider Change Form transaction to view current information on file at IBC. Member ID Numbers on ID Cards As you may know, various states enacted laws to limit the use of a Member’s Social Security Number (SSN) on ID cards and other materials. As a result of this legislative trend and to better protect Member identity and privacy, we developed a unique Member ID for external communications to Members, including all Member ID cards. Please use the Member ID number when processing Member information. The Member ID number consists of a 3-position alpha prefix, an 8-position ID number, and a 2-position suffix that defines a 10/2007 TR-26 Billing — Transactions member of the family unit. Traditional and CompSelect®/Comprehensive Major Medical (CMM) Members have a 3-position alpha prefix and an 8-position ID number only. To facilitate claims processing, please include the alpha prefix along with the complete Member ID number as it appears on the Member’s ID card for all local and out-of-area claims. Previously, the alpha prefix was required only on out-of-area claims. For HMO and POS, the lab indicator (for example, “A,” “H,” “L,” “M,” “N,” “T,” or “Q”) located on the front of HMO and POS ID cards should not be included in the Member’s ID number. IBC rejects claims not billed with the complete Member ID. For timely and accurate claim payment, the full Member ID must be billed as it appears on the ID card. Provider ID Number Requirement The rendering provider ID number must be recorded on all claims. This is a required data element in conjunction with HIPAA compliance and other requirements. HMO, POS, and PPO claims submitted without the ID number of the physician or other professional provider performing the procedure or service are being rejected and returned as non-Clean Claims and must be resubmitted with the necessary information. Submission of Claim Adjustments When submitting adjustment requests electronically to your Network Coordinator or our Adjustment department using Microsoft® Excel or Access files, etc., please submit the following fields: IBC Claim ID Number Performing Provider Name Member ID Modifier Date of Service From Modifier Date of Service To Modifier Procedure/Service Code Revenue Code Patient Last Name Units Billed Patient First Name Charged (billed) Amount Patient Insured ID Number Allowed Amount Vendor (billing) Provider Number Payment Amount Vendor (billing) Provider Name Expected Amount Performing Provider Number By submitting your adjustment requests with the fields listed above, we will be able to improve the turn around time and maintain a higher level of service while processing the claim. 10/2007 TR-27 Billing — Transactions Place of Service Codes Participating Providers are required to use the most up-to-date Place of Service codes on professional claims to specify the entity where service(s) were rendered. The most frequently submitted Place of Service codes are listed below. Always consult with your vendor or practice management system contact to discuss payer specific changes to your system. Place of Service Code 10/2007 Place of Service Name 11 Office 12 Home 21 Inpatient 22 Outpatient 23 Emergency Room — Hospital 24 Ambulatory Surgical Center 31 Skilled Nursing Facility 32 Nursing Facility 41 Ambulance — Land 42 Ambulance — Air or Water 65 End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Facility 81 Independent Lab TR-28 Billing — Transactions National Provider Identifier (NPI) IBC’s Contingency Plan In response to concerns over the health care industry’s state of readiness for the May 23, 2007, National Provider Identifier (NPI) compliance date, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that through May 23, 2008, it will not impose penalties on covered entities that deploy contingency plans to facilitate NPI compliance of their trading partners. CMS is encouraging health plans to assess the readiness of their provider communities and determine the need to implement contingency plans to maintain the processing of payments, while continuing to work toward compliance. Dual Use Claims Submission Currently, IBC has the ability to accept claims with an NPI as the primary identifier if the provider has registered their NPI with us. However, providers must register their NPI with IBC prior to submitting NPI-only claims. NPI-only claims will reject if the provider has not registered their NPI with us. To avoid any potential business disruption for those providers who have not registered their NPI with IBC, we have recommended a dual use strategy for claims submissions. The dual use strategy allows providers to submit all electronic and paper claims with NPIs and 10-digit legacy provider identifiers (IBC-assigned IDs providers use to identify themselves as an IBC participating health care provider). We will continue this dual use strategy until further notice while continuing our provider outreach and testing efforts. If providers have registered their NPI with IBC or submitted an NPI with a CMS certification, they may submit claims with their previously registered NPI or may continue to submit claims with their NPI and 10-digit legacy identifier, consistent with our dual use strategy, until further notice. Our dual use strategy is intended to ensure that IBC is NPI compliant, but in a manner that maintains operations, recognizes providers’ varying states of readiness, and avoids unnecessary disruption in their cash flow. Further information regarding NPI and how to bill using NPIs can be found throughout Transactions and the Provider Manual for Participating Professional Providers. 10/2007 TR-29 Billing — Transactions Paper Claims CMS-1500 Form We currently utilize optical character recognition technology in processing claims; therefore, for those claims that are paper-billed, please remember to use the standard red CMS-1500 form to ensure accurate and timely processing. The following instructions explain how to facilitate automated processing. 1. Please type clearly in specified areas only. Change ribbons often or use a laser printer. Do not use red ink. 2. Do not use bold, italic, or other non-standard fonts. 3. Make sure the claim forms are complete and accurate. Extraneous writing on the form such as “This is a second submission” will cause delays. 4. Do not use carbon copy forms because of the red transformation in the carbon. 5. Non-standard forms, such as black-and-white, dot matrix, handwritten, or laser-printed forms will cause processing delays. The National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) has released a revised 1500 Claim Form, which is commonly referred to as the CMS-1500. The revised CMS-1500 (08/05) replaces the current CMS-1500 (12/90). We are currently accepting both 1500 claim forms. We will notify providers when they must discontinue using CMS-1500 (12/90). CMS-1500 (12/90) Form: This form does not accommodate use of the NPI; therefore, we suggest using the revised CMS-1500 (08/05) form to support IBC’s Dual Use Claim Submission strategy. CMS-1500 (08/05) Form: Providers may report NPIs on the CMS-1500 (08/05) form if the NPIs have been registered with IBC. NPI-only claims will reject if the provider has not registered the NPI with IBC. To avoid any potential business disruption for those providers who have not yet registered their NPIs with IBC, we have recommended a dual use strategy for claims submissions. For more information on Dual Use Claims Submission refer to page TR-29. The CMS-1500 (08/05) Form and NPI Revisions to the 1500 Claim Form include several fields that accommodate the use of your NPI. A sample CMS-1500 (08/05) claim form has been included as Addendum B. Though the CMS-1500 (08/05) claim form accommodates NPI, you may continue to report 10-digit legacy provider identifiers in the appropriate shaded areas of the form (17a, 24J, 32b, and 33b) until otherwise notified. A 10-digit provider identifier must be preceded by a two-character qualifier ID. This qualifier ID is the same as the qualifier ID used when billing electronically. If you do not currently bill electronically, please use the following ID: 1B. 10/2007 TR-30 Billing — Transactions Key Fields for the CMS-1500 (08/05) Form Since the introduction of the revised CMS-1500 (08/05), we have received a significant number of claims with incorrect information entered in key fields. The revised CMS-1500 (08/05) cannot be completed in the same manner as its predecessor, CMS-1500 (12/90), as many fields have been moved or changed. In addition, several new fields have been added to the CMS-1500 (08/05) to accommodate NPI. CMS-1500 (08/05) submissions populated with incorrect or incomplete information entered in key fields may be rejected or returned to the provider. The following key fields must be entered correctly on the CMS-1500 (08/05) to ensure timely and accurate claims processing. Highlighted fields are NPI-specific. 17a Enter referring provider’s two-character qualifier ID (1B) in the first segment, and referring provider’s legacy provider ID in the second segment. 17b Enter referring provider’s NPI. 19 Enter ZZ qualifier ID and billing provider’s primary taxonomy code. 24I (shaded) Enter rendering provider’s two-character qualifier ID (1B). 24J (shaded) Enter rendering provider’s legacy provider ID. 24J (unshaded) Enter rendering provider’s NPI. 32a Enter service facility NPI. 32b Enter service facility two-character qualifier ID (1B) and legacy provider ID. 33a Enter billing provider NPI. 33b Enter billing provider two-character qualifier ID (1B) and legacy provider ID. Please contact your Network Coordinator if you have any questions about completing the CMS-1500 (08/05) form and refer to the illustration in Addendum C for additional information. Claim Preprocessing Please see the additional information in Addendum A about the claims preprocessing enhancements worksheet on ways to remedy rejected claims. 10/2007 TR-31 Billing — Transactions Claims Submission Addresses Keystone Health Plan East – PA Provider Claims (Five-County) Professional P.O. Box 898815 Camp Hill, PA 17089-8815 Personal Choice® Claims P.O. Box 890016 Camp Hill, PA 17089-0016 PA Provider Claims – Lehigh, Lancaster, Northampton, and Berks Counties Independence Blue Cross P.O. Box 69303 Harrisburg, PA 17106-9303 Professional Claims Inquiry P.O. Box 7930 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7930 Comprehensive Major Medical P.O. Box 890029 Camp Hill, PA 17089-0029 Magellan HMO/POS Claims Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. P.O. Box 1958 Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Magellan Caring Foundations Claims Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. P.O. Box 2185 Maryland Heights, MO 63043 10/2007 TR-32 Billing — Transactions Electronic Claims Requirements Statement of Remittance (SOR) Enhancements The paper SOR has been improved for adjusted claims, claims retraction, and credit balances. Some of these revisions will affect the Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). When a claim is reversed and repaid, the adjusted claim number will now appear on the statement below the claim number originally used to pay the claim. The adjusted claim number will also appear in the ERA. The ERA will show the original claim number in the CLP 07 and the adjusted claim number in REF 02 within the 2100 Loop. Please share this information with your billing staff and your software vendor. If you have any questions, please contact your Network Coordinator or Provider Services. Online SOR You can use the NaviNet® SOR Inquiry transaction to view all the remittances issued to providers in your group. SOR information can be viewed for a 13-month rolling calendar. Online SORs have several advantages: You can search for specific SORs (by patient account number, statement date, or statement number), obtain greater detail within individual remittances, and easily obtain each claim’s summary and line-level detail. Your office’s security officer can set the permission on NaviNet® by using the User Permissions Manager Transaction. You can notify us that your office wants to view SORs online through NaviNet SOR Registration. Once your registration has been processed, you will be able to review reports from that date forward. Processing takes approximately five business days. The SOR data will be available to view for a period of 13 months. Clearinghouse Options for Electronic Claims Submission Your software vendor may be contractually obligated to use a specific third-party clearinghouse vendor for electronic submissions. That clearinghouse can assist you with testing to ensure that your electronic claim submissions are seamless. Many clearinghouse options are available. The following clearinghouses can all be used for electronic submissions in 837P: • Datastream • Quadramed • SSI • NDC 10/2007 TR-33 Billing — Transactions • Seimens (HDX) • Web MD (Emdeon) • McKesson Most claim management systems are designed to work with your existing Practice Management System. HIPAA Compliance Testing and Conversion Instructions For assistance with testing and conversion to the HIPAA-compliant claims transaction 837, please contact the NaviMedix®, Inc. HIPAA Conversion Team at 1-866-877-6284. You can also contact the IBC eBusiness Help Desk at 215-241-2305 or email at For providers who submit electronic claims through Highmark: If you have not yet converted to the HIPAA-compliant 837 claims transaction, before being able to test for conversion you must complete a new enrollment application at Many clearinghouse vendors are also available to assist you with testing to ensure that your electronic claim submissions are seamless. These include, but are not limited to, those on the list above. Claim Preprocessing Claim preprocessing is an initiative that allows NaviMedix®, Inc. to validate claim data that is critical for claim processing and payment, prior to IBC receiving the claim. We incorporated the HIPAA-compliant 837P transactions into the existing Claim Preprocessing System (CPPS) for Keystone Health Plan East (KHPE) HMO, KHPE POS, Keystone 65, Personal Choice®, and Personal Choice 65SM claims. The benefits of claim preprocessing: • Increased accuracy of claim processing and payment. • Avoidance of payment delays due to missing or inaccurate data. • Error reports that, when appropriate, provide data needed for error correction. Types of claims preprocessed: • All electronically submitted KHPE HMO, KHPE POS, Keystone 65, Personal Choice® and Personal Choice 65SM claims in the ANSI X-12 HIPAA-compliant 4010A1 or 3051 format with a 95056 or 54704 NAIC code. • All KHPE HMO and POS claims billed via 1500 claim forms. If you are having problems with claims rejecting, please read carefully the section below labeled “Electronic Claim Submitters,”. This information will help you to submit claims successfully. 10/2007 TR-34 Billing — Transactions Claims Preprocessor Enhancements Addendum A, on pages TR-39 – TR-63, includes a worksheet highlighting rules that will be applied to claims and comments on how to remedy rejected claims. This worksheet will help you determine why a claim was rejected and provide a basis for resubmitting a clean claim. This worksheet may be updated to reflect new error codes and claim resolution instructions. It is intended to provide guidance on current billing submission errors we have encountered. When referencing the worksheet found in Addendum A, please keep in mind the following: Column A contains current error rejections. Column B contains the CPPS error code and the general description of why the claim was rejected for both paper and electronic claim submissions. Column C contains the error description reported on the Unsolicited 277 (U277) in data element STC12 for electronic claim and the rejected claim report for paper claim submissions. Column D contains U277 HIPAA Status and HIPAA Category codes for electronic claim submissions only. Column E contains the claim resolution instructions for 837P Loop/Data elements for electronic claim submissions only. Column F contains the claim resolution instructions for error resolutions for electronic claim submissions. Please note: • Providers should continue to submit claims according to our guidelines. • Provider claims will continue to be validated against the existing business rules. Electronic Claim Submitters If you submit claims electronically, you will continue to receive the U277 for notification of both rejected and accepted claims. The error description on the U277 will aid you in correcting and resending files to ensure an expedited remittance. In the worksheet, please pay special attention to the columns that refer to electronic submissions: A, B, C, D, E, and F. You can also refer to or contact your Network Coordinator for more information. Please see Addendum A, the Claims Preprocessing Claims Edits Worksheet, on page TR-39. 10/2007 TR-35 Billing — Transactions Fee Schedule Inquiry Fee schedule rates are available to all Participating Professional Providers, via a Fee Schedule Inquiry Tool accessible through the NaviNet® portal. The fee schedule allowed amounts will reflect your specific contract rates for your written contractual agreement with IBC. This information provides you with online access to information about allowed amounts for contractual procedures prior to claim and benefit adjudication, and therefore does not provide the actual payment a provider may receive for a specific submitted claim. The Fee Schedule Inquiry Tool does not include rates for capitated services or special contracting agreements. All professional provider offices that have access to the NaviNet portal will have access to this transaction through our Plan Central screens. Online instructions for use of this transaction are available through NaviNet. 10/2007 TR-36 Billing — Transactions Physician Claim Inquiry Physician Initial Claim Review Process The Physician Claim Review process will consider HMO, POS, and PPO claims payment issues concerning the application and correction of coding, claims logic, and other general issues related to claims processing norms. To initiate the Physician Claim Review process, call Provider Services or complete a Physician Claim Inquiry Form and send to: Professional Claims Inquiry P.O. Box 7930 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7930 Whether you call or complete a Physician Claim Inquiry Form, be sure to clearly identify the claims issue and be prepared to provide any supporting documentation that will help explain your position. If you are completing a Provider Claim Inquiry Form, please include the SOR. Physician Claim Inquiry forms are available via 10/2007 TR-37 Billing — Transactions Reference#: Date Submitted: Pages Attached: / / PHYSICIAN CLAIM INQUIRY FORM Check here for inquiry type: Amount of Payment Questioned Rejection Questioned Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your request is handled promptly and accurately. Please mail completed form, Statement of Remittance, and supporting documentation to: E L IBC Claims Inquiry P.O. Box 7930 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7930 Member’s Plan: Personal Choice® PPO KS65/PC65 P M Practice Name Other: Provider Number Name of Contact Person Street Address City KHPE HMO State A S Member Name Member ID Claim Number Date of Service Zip Telephone Number ( ) Patient’s Name Check Number Date of Check or Explanation Place of Service Detailed Inquiry Reason: If you have any questions, please contact Provider Services. Thank You. HMO: 1-800-227-3119 PPO: 1-800-332-2566 Hours M-F 8AM - 5:30PM IBC maintains processes to address and resolve provider inquiries and provider complaints related to the adjustment of claims. If you would like us to investigate the way IBC has processed a particular claim, please complete this form and send it to us, along with the statement of remittance and any supporting documentation to the address listed above. We will investigate your claims-related issue, process any required adjustments, or send you a written resolution letter detailing the processing of the claim. If you are dissatisfied with the results of our investigation you may file a provider appeal. Instructions for filing an appeal will be provided in the resolution letter. You may also access our appeals process by following the instructions for appealing a claims determination posted on IBC’s website, Independence Blue Cross offers products directly, through its subsidiaries Keystone Health Plan East and QCC Insurance Company, and with Highmark Blue Shield — independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. RETURN WITH REMITTANCE 10/2007 R ALL TRADES IED PRINTING UNION LABEL COUNCIL 13 SCRANTON TR-38 Billing — Transactions — Addendum A Addendum A Claims Preprocessing Edits Claims Resolution Document 10/2007 TR-39 10/2007 P0001b P0002a P0002b Missing/Invalid HCPCS Modifier Code Missing/Invalid HCPCS Modifier Code 3134 3134 P0001a 3001 Missing/Invalid Procedure Code Missing/Invalid Procedure Code 3001 Description CPPS Error Code Modifier Code Validation Modifier Code Validation Procedure Code Validation Procedure Code Validation General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections A3 A3 A3 P0002a Modifier code ___ on service line ___ is invalid. Please correct and resubmit. P0002b Modifier code ___ on service line ___ is invalid for date of service provided. Please correct and resubmit. A3 122 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 A3 453 453 454 454 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0001b Procedure code ___ on service line ___ is invalid for date of service provided. Please correct and resubmit. P0001a Procedure code ___ on service line ___ is invalid. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions The procedure code modifier submitted on the claim was invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid procedure code modifier. The procedure code modifier submitted on the claim was not effective for the service line date on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid procedure code modifier that is within the effective and termination date of the procedure code modifier. 2400.SV101-3, SV101-4, SV101-5, or SV101-6 and date billed in 2400. DTP03 when DTP01 = 472 (Service Line Date) if DTP02 = RD8 (Range of Dates) use first 8 bytes must fall between the modifier code effective and termination dates. The procedure code submitted on the claim was not effective for the service line date on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid procedure code that is within the effective and termination date of the procedure code. 2400.SV101-2 and date billed in 2400.DTP03 when DTP01 = 472 (Service Line Date) if DTP02 = RD8 (Range of Dates) use first 8 bytes must fall between the procedure code effective and termination dates. 2400.SV101-3, SV101-4, SV101-5, or SV101-6 The procedure code submitted on the claim was invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid procedure code. Error Resolutions F 2400.SV101-2 837P Loop/Data Element E Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-40 10/2007 P0004a P0004b Missing/Invalid Diagnosis code Missing/Invalid Diagnosis code N/A 3008 3008 N/A A3 A3 A3 P0004a Diagnosis code ___ is missing or invalid. Please correct and resubmit. P0004b Diagnosis code ___ is missing or invalid ___ for date of service provided. Please correct and resubmit. P0005 Charges ___ on service line ___ exceeds $99,999.99. Please correct and resubmit. Diagnosis Code Validation Service Line Charges Validation Diagnosis Code Validation Procedure/Modifier Code Validation A3 A3 A3 A3 178 255 255 453 Claims Resolution Document 122 122 122 122 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 A3 Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0003 Modifier ___ on service line ___ is not valid when billed with procedure code ___; valid modifiers for this procedure are___. Please correct and resubmit. General Description C New Error Descriptions 2400.SV102 The service line charge exceeds $99,999.99. The provider must resubmit the claim and split the charges into 2 service lines. The diagnosis code submitted on the claim was not effective for the service line date on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid diagnosis code that is within the effective and termination date of the diagnosis code. 2300. HI01-2 when HI01-1 = BK and 2300. HI02-2 – HI08-2 when HI02-1 – HI08-1 = BF and use earliest date billed in 2400. DTP03 when DTP01 = 472 (Service Line Date) if DTP02 = RD8 (Range of Dates) use first 8 bytes must fall between the diagnosis code effective and termination dates. The procedure code modifier submitted on the claim can not be billed with the procedure code. The provider must resubmit the claim with a procedure code modifier that is valid with the procedure code submitted on the claim. Error Resolutions F The diagnosis code submitted on the claim was invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid diagnosis code. Addendum A 2300. HI01-2 when HI01-1 = BK and 2300. HI02-2 – HI08-2 when HI02-1 – HI08-1 = BF 2400.SV101-2 and SV101-3, SV101-4, SV101-5, or SV101-6 837P Loop/Data Element E Claim Resolution Instructions Claims Preprocessing Edits P0005 P0003 N/A N/A Description CPPS Error Code B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-41 10/2007 Billing Provider Tax ID Validation Billing Provider Number must be 10 digits Billing Provider Number must be 10 digits Billing Provider Number must be 10 digits P5{DC} P0007 P5{DC} Billing Provider Tax ID Number Required P0006 P12 Description P0007b P0007a P0006 CPPS Error Code P0007b The billing provider ID ___ you submitted is not valid. Please correct and resubmit a valid billing provider ID. Billing Provider Number must be 10 digits Billing Provider Number not valid format P0006 The billing provider tax ID ___ you submitted is not on file. Please correct and resubmit a valid billing provider tax ID. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0007a The billing provider ID ___ you submitted is not a 10 digit number. Please correct and resubmit with your 10 digit billing provider ID. Billing Provider Tax ID Validation General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections Secondary Status U277 Elements A3 A3 A3 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 153 153 128 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Primary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 = 1A or 1B 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 = 1A or 1B 2010AA.NM109 when 2010AA.NM108 equals 24 or 34 or 2010AA.REF02 when 2010AA.REF01 equals EI or SY 837P Loop/Data Element E The billing provider ID submitted on the claim was not the valid format. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid provider ID. This edit is applicable only to Personal Choice and PC65. The billing provider ID submitted on the claim was not equal to 10 digits. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number. This edit is only applicable to Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims. The billing provider tax ID number submitted on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim using a valid tax ID number. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-42 10/2007 Billing Provider Number Invalid Billing Provider Number Validation Rendering Provider Number required Rendering Provider Number required P0008 C2{DC} P0009 N/A P6{DC} N/A Description P0009 P0008b P0008a CPPS Error Code Rendering Provider Number Required Billing Provider Number Validation Billing Provider Number Validation General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections P0009 Rendering provider ID _____ on service line _____ is required and was not received. Please correct and resubmit. P0008b Billing provider ID _____ you submitted is not valid. Either the number submitted is not on file or the three-digit office location suffix is incorrect. Please correct and resubmit. P0008a Billing provider NPI _____ you submitted is not valid. Either the number submitted is not on file or the three-digit office location suffix is incorrect. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Secondary Status U277 Elements A3 A3 A3 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 153 153 562 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Primary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details 2310B.REF or 2420A.REF segment must exist 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 = 1A or 1B 2010AA.NM109 when 2010AA.NM108 equals XX 837P Loop/Data Element E The rendering provider ID was not submitted on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number for Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims or the PBS number for PA PPO. We will also accept the 10-digit corporate ID on PA PPO. The billing provider NPI submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number for Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims or the PBS number for PA PPO. We will also accept the 10-digit corporate ID on PA PPO. The billing provider NPI submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number for Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims or the PBS number for PA PPO. We will also accept the 10 digit corporate ID on PA PPO. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-43 10/2007 N/A Rendering Provider Number must be 10 digits P7{DC} N/A Rendering Provider Number must be 10 digits Rendering Provider Number must be 10 digits P0010 P7{DC} Description P0011 P0010b P0010a CPPS Error Code A3 A3 P0010b Rendering provider ID ___ not valid format. Please correct and resubmit a valid individual provider ID. P0011a Rendering provider NPI _____ you submitted is not on file. Please correct and resubmit a valid rendering provider ID. Rendering Provider Number not valid format Rendering Provider Number Validation A3 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 153 153 153 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0010a Rendering provider ID ___ you submitted is not a 10 digit number. Please correct and resubmit with your 10 digit rendering provider ID. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Individual Provider Number must be 10 digits General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2310B or 2420A NM109 when NM108 equals XX 2310B.REF02 or 2420A. REF02 when REF01 = 1B 2310B.REF02 or 2420A. REF02 when REF01 = 1B 837P Loop/Data Element E The rendering provider ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number for Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims or the PBS number for PA PPO. We will also accept the 10-digit corporate ID on PA PPO claims. The rendering provider submitted on the claim was not the valid format. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid provider ID. This edit is only applicable to PA PPO. The rendering provider ID submitted on the claim was not equal to 10 digits. The provider must resubmit with claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number for Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims or the PBS number for PA PPO. We will also accept the 10-digit corporate ID on PA PPO. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-44 10/2007 Rendering Provider Number Validation Tax ID does not match Billing Provider Number Billing Provider Number/Tax ID Validation Billing Provider Number/ Rendering Provider Number Combo Validation F04{DC} P0012 P0013 Rendering Provider Number Invalid P0011 P8{DC} Description P0013 P0012 P0011 CPPS Error Code P0012 Billing Provider Number _______ - Tax ID _______ combination is NOT valid. Please correct and resubmit. P0013 Billing Provider Number _____ Rendering Provider Number _____ on service line ____is NOT valid. Please correct and resubmit. Billing Provider Number/Rendering Provider Number Combo Validation P0011b Rendering provider ID _____ you submitted is not on file. Please correct and resubmit a valid rendering provider ID. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Billing Provider Number/Tax ID Validation Rendering Provider Number Validation General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections Secondary Status U277 Elements A3 A3 A3 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 153 153 153 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Primary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Rendering Provider Number - 2310B.REF02 or 2420A.REF02 when REF01 = 1B Billing Provider Number - 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 = 1A or 1B Tax ID - 2010AA.NM109 when 2010AA.NM108 equal 24 or 34 or 2010AA. REF02 when 2010AA. REF01 equals EI or SY Billing Provider Number - 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 =1A or 1B 2310B.REF02 or 2420A. REF02 when REF01 = 1B 837P Loop/Data Element E The rendering provider ID does not match the billing provider ID submitted on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim using an individual provider number that matches the billing provider number. The rendering provider ID does not match the billing provider tax ID submitted on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim using a billing provider ID that matches the tax ID. The rendering provider ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number for Keystone and Ancillary Facility claims or the PBS number for PA PPO. We will also accept the 10-digit corporate ID on PA PPO claims. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-45 10/2007 U1{DC} N/A Invalid USI number was submitted N/A Description P0014b P0014a CPPS Error Code P0014b:EE01 The Universal identification number submitted was not valid. Please submit the full 13 character ID as it appears on the patient’s card, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or other special characters. Invalid Alpha Prefix Universal Subscriber Identification Number Not Found Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0014a:EE00 The first 3 characters in the member ID number submitted were invalid. Please submit the ID number as it appears on the patient’s identification card, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or other special characters. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections Secondary Status U277 Elements R1 R1 21 21 XO XO 97 97 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Primary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 837P Loop/Data Element E The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The plan prefix submitted with the member ID was invalid. The provider should resubmit the claim with the appropriate member ID. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-46 10/2007 P0014c P0014d P0014e No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. 4R{DC} 4R{DC} 4R{DC} Description CPPS Error Code Member Not Found based on Member ID Active Coverage Not Found for Date(s) of Service Invalid Contract for NAIC General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections E0 R1 R1 P0014d:EE03 Based on the member ID number submitted, the patient does not have active coverage during the specified date(s) of service. P0014e:EE04 Based on the member ID submitted, the patient was not found. Please resubmit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or any special characters. 21 21 116 XO XO N/A 97 97 N/A STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0014c:EE02 Based on the member ID number submitted, the patient does not subscribe to a product under the company you submitted the claim to. Please resubmit with a valid Member ID for the company specified. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 and 2400. DTP03 when DTP01 = 472 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 and 2010BB.NM109 837P Loop/Data Element E The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid on the date of service submitted on the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. Note: If the provider/vendor is submitting the claims through Emdeon, the provider/vendor should use the Emdeon payer codes. Emdeon will convert the payer codes to our NAIC codes. • 95056 – KEYSTONE • 54704 – PA PPO The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid based on the NAIC code submitted. Please resubmit the claim with the appropriate NAIC code based on the member’s coverage. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-47 10/2007 P0014f P0014g P0014h No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. 4R{DC} 4R{DC} 4R{DC} Description CPPS Error Code R1 R1 P0014g:EE06 Based on the member ID and the patient Gender submitted, the patient was not found. Please resubmit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s ID card and the correct patient gender. P0014h:EK00 The format of the patient’s IBC/Keystone member ID is invalid. Please resubmit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or special characters. Member Not Found based on Member ID and Gender Invalid IBC/ Keystone Patient ID Submitted Member Not Found based on Member ID and Date of Birth 21 21 21 XO XO XO 97 97 97 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements R1 Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0014f:EE05 Based on the member ID and the patient Date of Birth submitted, the patient was not found. Please resubmit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s ID card and the correct patient date of birth. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 and 2010BA.DMG03 or 2010CA.DMG03 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 and 2010BA.DMG02 or 2010CA.DMG02 837P Loop/Data Element E The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid based on the gender of the patient. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid based on the patient’s date of birth. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-48 10/2007 P0014i P0014j P0014k Invalid USI number was submitted No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. U1{DC} 4R{DC} 4R{DC} Description CPPS Error Code R1 R1 R1 P0014j:EK02 The IBC/Keystone ID number submitted was not valid. Please submit the ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or any other special characters. P0014k:EK03 The IBC/Keystone ID number submitted was not valid. Please submit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or any other special characters. Invalid IBC/ Keystone Patient Identification Number Format Submitted Invalid IBC/ Keystone Patient Identification Number Format Submitted 21 21 21 XO XO XO 97 97 97 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0014i:EK01 The Universal IBC/Keystone ID submitted was invalid. Please submit full 13 character ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or special characters. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Invalid IBC/Keystone Universal Patient Identification Number Format Submitted General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 837P Loop/Data Element E The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID as it appears on the card. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-49 10/2007 P0014l P0014m P0014u No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. 4R{DC} 4R{DC} 4R{DC} Description CPPS Error Code R1 E0 R1 P0014m:EK06 The Patient identification number submitted is not on file at Independence Blue Cross. Please resubmit with a valid IBC/Keystone Member ID or contact your submitter or clearinghouse to correctly submit the claim. P0014u:EK05 The IBC/Keystone Member ID submitted was not valid. Please submit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or any other special characters. IBC/Keystone Patient Identification Number Submitted not an IBC/KHPE member Invalid IBC/Keystone SSN Patient Identification Number Format Submitted 21 116 21 XO XO 97 97 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0014l:EK04 The IBC/Keystone Patient SSN submitted was not valid. Please submit the full ID as it appears on the patient’s card, including alpha and numeric characters, without spaces, hyphens, dashes, or any other special characters. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Invalid IBC/Keystone SSN Patient Identification Number Format Submitted General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 837P Loop/Data Element E The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member ID submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID. The member SSN submitted on the claim was not valid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid member ID as it appears on the card. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-50 10/2007 P0015 P0016b Missing/Invalid NAIC (2010, NM109) Missing Adjustment Data (2300, NTE01) 4R{DC} 3102 3114 P0014ac No record of eligibility based on submitted member ID and/or patient’s date of birth. Description CPPS Error Code Missing Adjustment Note Description Payer NAIC Code Validation Based on the Member ID, the claim should be submitted to Highmark General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections A3 A3 P0016b When CLM05-3 is populated with 6, 7 or 8 indicating an adjustment request, the claim note segment is required. Please correct and resubmit. R1 122 122 21 N/A A3 XO N/A 153 97 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0015 The payer code ___ you submitted is missing or invalid. Please correct and resubmit. P0014ac: EE07 Based on the submitted Member ID, the claim should be processed at Highmark. Please resubmit the claim to Highmark for processing. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions 2300.NTE 2010BC.NM109 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 837P Loop/Data Element E The claim note is required when CLM05-3 equals 6, 7, or 8 because this indicates an adjustment request. The provider must resubmit the claim with the claim note. NTE01 must equal ADD and NTE01 must provide details explaining why the claim must be adjusted. Note: If the provider/vendor is submitting the claims through Emdeon, the provider/vendor should use the Emdeon payer codes. Emdeon will convert the payer codes to our NAIC codes. • 95056 – KEYSTONE • 54704 – PA PPO The NAIC code submitted on the claim is not valid for IBC. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate NAIC code that is applicable to the LOB submitted on the claim. The submitted member ID suggests that the claim should be processed at Highmark. Please resubmit the claim to Highmark. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-51 10/2007 P0017 P0018 P0019 P0020 Missing/Invalid Claim Filing Indicator Missing/Invalid Place of Service Missing/Invalid Place of Service Missing/Invalid Claim Frequency Type Code 3219 3007 3007 3006 Description CPPS Error Code A3 A3 A3 P0018 The place of service ___ on service line ___ is missing or invalid. Please correct and resubmit the claim. P0019 The facility type code ___ is missing or invalid. Please correct and resubmit. P0020 The claim frequency type code ___ is missing or invalid. Please correct and resubmit. Place of Service Code Validation Facility Type Code Validation Claim Frequency Code Validation Claim Filing Indicator Validation 122 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 N/A 535 249 249 N/A STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements A3 Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0017 Claim Filing Indicator ___ is invalid. Valid claim filing indicators are BL and CI. Please correct and resubmit. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2300.CLM05-3 2300.CLM05-1 2400.SV105 2000B.SBR09 837P Loop/Data Element E The claim frequency type code on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid claim frequency type code. The facility type code on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid place of service code. The facility type code is the same as the place of service code. The place of service code on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid place of service code. The appropriate indicator is BL for IBC or Keystone claims. The claim filing indicator on the claim is not valid when submitting an IBC claim. The provider must submit the appropriate indicator. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-52 10/2007 P0022 P0023a P0023b Data is required in Box 32 to process the claim Submitted number in Box 32 is not 10-digit Corporate ID C3{DC} G1{DC} P0021 Multiple units not appropriate with modifier 50 Unit count required 3242 U5{DC} Description CPPS Error Code A3 A3 P0023a The service facility name, address and provider ID is required to process the claim. Please correct and resubmit. P0023b The service facility provider ID ___ you submitted is not 10 digit number. Please correct and resubmit with your 10 digit service facility provider ID. Global Radiology and Laboratory Service Facility - Missing Facility Information Global Radiology and Laboratory Service Facility - Invalid Facility Number A3 A3 122 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 A3 153 153 476 476 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0022 Multiple units ___ not allowed with this modifier ___. Please correct and resubmit. P0021 Unit field is null or zero ___ for service line ___. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Procedure Code Modifier units validation Unit Field Validation General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2310D.REF02 2310D 2400.SV101-3, SV101-4, SV101-5 or SV101-6 equal “50” and 2400.SV104 is greater than “1” The service facility provider ID submitted on the claim was not equal to 10 digits. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid 10-digit corporate ID number. The provider did not submit the service facility name, address, or provider ID. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate information. The provider submitted an invalid unit count with the submission of modifier “50.” The only allowable unit count is “1.” Provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate values. 2400.SV104 Error Resolutions F The unit(s) submitted on the service line is invalid; zero is not an allowable value. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid unit count. 837P Loop/Data Element E Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-53 10/2007 P0023c P0023e P0024a Submitted facility number in Box 32 is not valid Submitted number in Box 32 is not valid provider number for reported services Submitted facility number in Box 32 is not valid G3{DC} G2{DC} C3{DC} Description CPPS Error Code P0023c The service facility provider ID ___ is invalid. Please correct and resubmit. P0023e The service facility provider ID ___ is not valid for reported services. Please correct and resubmit. P0024a The service facility name, address and provider ID is required to process the claim. Please correct and resubmit. Global Radiology and Laboratory Service Facility - Facility invalid for reported services RAP Service Facility & Unidentified Provider - Missing Facility information Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Global Radiology and Laboratory Service Facility - Invalid Facility Number General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections Secondary Status U277 Elements A3 A3 A3 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 153 153 153 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Primary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details 2310D/REF02 2310D.REF02 2310D.REF02 837P Loop/Data Element E The provider did not submit the service facility name, address, or provider ID. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate information. The service facility provider ID submitted on the claim was invalid for services submitted. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate service facility provider ID. The service facility provider ID submitted on the claim was invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate service facility provider ID. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-54 10/2007 P0024b P0025 P0026a Data is required in Box 32 to process the claim Missing/Invalid Billing Provider Secondary Reference Number (2010AA, REF segment) Missing/Invalid Billing Provider Secondary Reference Qualifier (2010AA, REF01) C3{DC} 3235 N/A Description CPPS Error Code Invalid Billing Provider Number Qualifier Missing Billing Provider Secondary Identification Number RAP Service Facility & Unidentified Provider - Invalid Facility Number General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections A3 A3 A3 P0025 The billing provider secondary reference number is missing. Please correct and resubmit. P0026a Billing Provider Tax ID _____ is required and was not received. Please correct and resubmit. 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 128 153 153 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0024b The service facility provider ID ___ is invalid. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions 2010AA.REF01 does not equal EI or SY 2010.REF 2310D 837P Loop/Data Element E EI - Employer’s Identification Number SY - Social Security Number The provider submitted a qualifier that is not recognized by IBC as being a billing provider Tax ID number. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate qualifier. The provider did not submit the billing provider secondary reference segment. The billing provider secondary reference segment should contain the provider’s IBC billing provider number. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate information. The service facility provider ID submitted on the claim was invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate service facility provider ID. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-55 10/2007 3243 SD{DC} 3236 P0026b P0027 P0029 Missing/Invalid Billing Provider Secondary Reference Qualifier (2010AA, REF01) Diagnosis code not to the highest specificity level Claim sent to IBC in error, Please submit claim to Keystone Mercy Health Plan Description CPPS Error Code A3 A3 P0027a The diagnosis code ___ not billed at highest level of specificity. Please correct and resubmit. P0029 Claim sent to IBC in error, please submit claim directly to Keystone Mercy. Diagnosis code not billed at highest level of specificity Submit claim to Keystone Mercy Health Plan A3 28 122 122 N/A A3 A3 N/A 255 153 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0026b The Billing Provider secondary reference qualifier is invalid. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Invalid Billing Provider Number Qualifier General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2010BA.NM109 or 2010CA.NM109 and AMT when AMT01 = F5 2300. HI01-2 when HI01-1 = BK and 2300. HI02-2 – HI08-2 when HI02-1 – HI08-1 = BF 2010AA.REF01 does not equal 1A or 1B 837P Loop/Data Element E The Keystone Mercy Health Plan OOA claims must be submitted to IBC as secondary, and prior payments from the prior carrier must exist on the claim. The diagnosis code submitted on the claim was not at the highest level of specificity. There is a diagnosis code that is more specific. The provider must resubmit the claim with a valid diagnosis code. 1A = IBC/Keystone 1B = IBC/Keystone The provider submitted a qualifier that is not recognized by IBC. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate qualifier. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-56 10/2007 Invalid Date Invalid Date 3241 P0032b P0032a P0031 Not eligible for processing. Resubmit to Local Plan NC{DC} 3241 P0030 Not eligible for processing. Resubmit to Local Plan. NC{DC} Description CPPS Error Code A3 A3 A3 A3 P0031 Claim is not eligible for processing. Please resubmit to local plan via the BlueCard program. P0032a The subscriber date of birth ___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. P0032b The patient date of birth ___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. Non-Contiguous Professional Claim Edit Invalid Subscriber Date of Birth Invalid Patient Date of Birth 122 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 A3 510 510 153 153 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements Non-Contiguous Ancillary Edit Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0030 Claim is not eligible for processing. Please resubmit to local plan via the BlueCard program. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2010CA.DMG02 2010BA.DMG02 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 = 1A or 1B 2010AA.REF02 when REF01 = 1A or 1B 837P Loop/Data Element E The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The billing provider number submitted on the claim is a member of another Blue Cross plan. The provider must resubmit the claim to their local Blue Cross plan via the BlueCard claim process. The billing provider number submitted on the claim is a member of another Blue Cross plan. The provider must resubmit the claim to their local Blue Cross plan via the BlueCard claim process. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-57 10/2007 Invalid Date Invalid Date Invalid Date 3241 3241 Invalid Date 3241 3241 Description P0032f P0032e P0032d P0032c CPPS Error Code A3 A3 A3 P0032d The similar illness/ symptom onset date___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. P0032e The disability begin date___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. P0032f The admission date___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. Invalid Similar Illness Date Invalid Disability Begin Date Invalid Admission Date A3 122 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 A3 510 510 510 510 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements Invalid Onset of Current Illness Date Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0032c The initial onset of current illness/symptom date___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2300.DTP03 when DTP01 = 435 2300.DTP03 when DTP01 = 360 (repeats 5 times) 2300.DTP03 when DTP01 = 438 (repeats 10 times) 2300.DTP03 when DTP01 = 431 837P Loop/Data Element E The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-58 10/2007 Invalid Date Invalid Date Invalid Date 3241 3241 3241 Description P0032i P0032h P0032g CPPS Error Code A3 A3 A3 P0032h The other insured date of birth___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. P0032i The date of service___ on service line ___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. Invalid Other Insured Date of Birth Invalid Service Line Date 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 510 510 510 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements Invalid Discharge Date Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0032g The discharge date___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2400.DTP03 when DTP01 = 472 2320.DMG02 (repeats up to 10 times) 2300.DTP03 when DTP01 = 096 837P Loop/Data Element E The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-59 10/2007 P0032j P0033a P0033b Invalid Date Rendering and Billing Prov #’s must be the same Place of Service not valid for Billing Provider P11{DC} P10{DC} 3241 Description CPPS Error Code A3 A3 P0033a Billing and individual provider IDs must be the same on ancillary claims. Please correct and resubmit. P0033b The place of service ___ you submitted is invalid for an ancillary claim. Please correct and resubmit. Billing and Individual provider ID must be the same on Ancillary claims Invalid Place of Service for Ancillary claim A3 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 249 153 510 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements Invalid Disability End Date Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions P0032j The disability end date___ is either after the file creation date or prior to 1900. Please correct and resubmit. General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2400.SV105 or 2300. CLM05-1 and 2010AA. REF or 2420A.REF when REF01 = 1A or 1B 2010AA.REF or 2420A. REF when REF01 = 1A or 1B 2300.DTP03 when DTP01 = 361 (repeats 5 times) 837P Loop/Data Element E 12 - HI (Home Infusion) 12 - DM (Durable Medical Equip) 12 - NU (Private Duty Nursing) 41 - AU (Ambulance) 42 - AU (Ambulance) Place of Service - Ancillary Provider Type The place of service on the claim is not valid for the ancillary provider type submitted on the claim. The provider must submit a valid place of service that is applicable for the ancillary provider. The individual provider number on the claim is not the same as the billing provider number. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate individual provider number. The provider submitted an invalid date. The date is either after the GS04 (file creation date) or the year was on or before 1900. The provider must resubmit the claim using the appropriate date. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-60 10/2007 3106 3105 3104 Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320, AMT02 Payer Amount Paid) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320 or 2430 CAS03) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320 or 2430 CAS02) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320 or 2430 CAS01), NDC code not present P13{DC} 3103 Procedure not valid for Billing Provider P14{DC} Description P0034b P0034a P0033d P0033c CPPS Error Code Missing OPL paid amount P0034b When SBR09 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary), the other payer liability amount is required. Please correct and resubmit. P0034a When SBR09 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary), the other payer liability adjustment information is required. Please correct and resubmit. A3 A3 A3 P0033d The NDC code is required for Home Infusion claim. Please correct and resubmit. NDC code required for Ancillary claim Missing OPL adjustment information A3 122 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 A3 171 171 218 507 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P0033c The procedure code ___ on service line ___ is not valid for billing provider. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Procedure code not valid for Billing Provider on Ancillary claim General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2320.AMT02 when AMT01 =D 2320.CAS or 2430.CAS 2410.LIN03 2400.SV101-2 and 2010AA.REF or 2420A. REF when REF01 = 1A or 1B 837P Loop/Data Element E The “Payer Amount Paid” information is required when SBR01 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary). These indicators denote that another payer paid the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate data. The claim was submitted without the required data elements that are needed to adjudicate an Other Party Liability (OPL) claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate data. The claim was submitted without the NDC code for a home infusion provider. If the procedure code begins with a “B” and if procedure codes J7190 - J7195 or J7198 - J7199 are submitted on the claim, the NDC code is required. The procedure code on the claim is not valid for the billing provider type submitted on the claim. The provider must submit a valid procedure code that is applicable for the ancillary provider. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-61 10/2007 3112 3111 3110 3109 3108 3107 3117 _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320A, NM109) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320A, NM108) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320A, NM104) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320A, NM103) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320A, NM102) _Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320A, NM101) Missing Other Payers Liability Data (2320, AMT02 Patient Responsibility Amount) Description P0034d P0034c CPPS Error Code Missing OPL entity name or organization information Missing OPL patient responsibility amount General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections P0034d When SBR09 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary), the other payer name is required. Please correct and resubmit. P0034c When SBR09 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary), the other payer liability patient responsibility amount is required. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Secondary Status U277 Elements A3 A3 122 122 A3 A3 171 171 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Primary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details 2320.NM1 2320.AMT02 when AMT01 = F2 837P Loop/Data Element E The “Other Payers Information” is required when SBR01 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary). These indicators denote that another payer paid the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate data. The “Patient Responsibility Amount” is required when SBR01 is “S” (Secondary) or “T” (Tertiary). These indicators denote that another payer paid the claim. The provider must resubmit the claim with the appropriate data. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-62 10/2007 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Description P0035c P0035b P0035a CPPS Error Code A3 A3 A3 P00035b The Rendering Provider NPI ______ you submitted failed check digit validation. Please correct and resubmit. P00035c The Service Facility NPI _____ you submitted failed check digit validation. Please correct and resubmit. Invalid NPI Check Digit Validation Invalid NPI Check Digit Validation 122 122 122 A3 A3 A3 562 562 562 STC01-1 STC01-2 STC10-1 STC10-2 Secondary Status U277 Elements D U277 Details Primary Status U277 Elements P00035a The Billing Provider NPI ______ you submitted failed check digit validation. Please correct and resubmit. Description Reported on the • U277 - STC12 • Rejected Claim Report C New Error Descriptions Invalid NPI Check Digit Validation General Description B A Error Code New Pre-processor Rejections Current Error Rejections 2010AA.NM109 when 2010AA.NM108 equal XX 2010AA.NM109 when 2010AA.NM108 equal XX 2010AA.NM109 when 2010AA.NM108 equal XX 837P Loop/Data Element E The service facility NPI submitted on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim using a valid service facility NPI. The rendering provider NPI submitted on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim using a valid rendering provider NPI. The billing provider NPI submitted on the claim is invalid. The provider must resubmit the claim using a valid billing provider NPI. Error Resolutions F Claim Resolution Instructions Billing — Transactions — Addendum A TR-63 Billing — Transactions — Addendum B Addendum B CMS-1500 (08/05) Claim Form 10/2007 TR-64 Billing — Transactions — Addendum B CMS-1500 (08/05) ABC1234567800 Doe, John B. 03 20 Doe, John B. 71 1234 Main Street 1234 Main Street Philadelphia Philadelphia PA 19111 610 555-5555 15974 72431 21 PA 19111 610 555-5555 Doe, Mary 10 Member I.D. Number (No Suffix for CompSelect®/ Comprehensive Major Medical [CMM]) 03 20 71 Watch Repair, Inc. 70 self-employed Personal Choice HMO, Inc. Referring Provider’s Current Provider ID Referring Provider’s two-character qualifier ID 10 28 06 1B 0123456789 999999999 Josephine Smith, M.D. ZZ207LP2900X ZZ qualifier ID and Billing Provider’s Primary Taxonomy Code 11 01 06 11 04 06 Referring Provider’s NPI 401 251 8 123456789 11 02 06 11 02 06 21 11 03 06 11 03 06 21 6 99205 6 20600 25 Referral/Preauthorization Number 1 $50 00 1 2 $250 00 1 1B 1234567000 8888888888 Two-character qualifier ID of the Rendering Provider Modifier (if applicable) Provider’s Federal Tax ID # (Billing Entity) Service Facility NPI 22-1234567 ���������������������� 11/5/06 Service Facility two-character qualifier and Current Provider ID number ABC Hospital 123 Street Anytown, PA 19003 0000001234 $100 Billing Provider NPI 1B1234567002 Green items are required by Independence Blue Cross and its affiliates for payment. Blue items are required for payment when applicable to the patient’s condition/situation. Black items are optional. 10/2007 00 215 555-5555 Billing Provider ABC Medical Group two-character qualifier ID and 8 North American Street current provider Anytown, PA 19003 identification number 2222222222 1B1234567001 Indicates new field and/or requirement. Indicates field required for processing. TR-65 Billing — Transactions — Addendum C Addendum C CMS-1500 (08/05) Key Fields 10/2007 TR-66 CMS 1500 (08/05) Billing — Transactions — Addendum C ABC1234567800 Doe, John B. 03 20 Doe, John B. 71 1234 Main Street 1234 Main Street Key Fields Must be Entered Correctly on CMS-1500 (08/05) to Avoid Claim Philadelphia PA Philadelphia PA Returns or Rejections 19111 Doe, Mary 19 21 610 555-5555 15974 17b 17a 72431 10 19111 610 555-5555 03 20 71 24J Watch Repair, Inc. 24I shaded Personal Choice shaded 70 self-employed 24J unshaded HMO, Inc. Referring Provider’s Current Provider ID Referring Provider’s two-character qualifier ID 10 28 06 1B 0123456789 999999999 Josephine Smith, M.D. ZZ207LP2900X ZZ qualifier ID and Billing Provider’s Primary Taxonomy Code 11 01 06 11 04 06 Referring Provider’s NPI 401 251 8 123456789 11 02 06 11 02 06 21 11 03 06 11 03 06 21 6 99205 6 20600 Service Facility NPI 22-1234567 ���������������������� 11/5/06 25 Service Facility two-character qualifier and Current Provider ID number ABC Hospital 123 Street Anytown, PA 19003 0000001234 10/2007 32b $50 00 1 2 $250 00 1 $100 Billing Provider NPI 1B1234567002 Green items are required by Independence Blue Cross and its affiliates for payment. Blue items are required for payment when applicable to the patient’s condition/situation. Black items are optional. 32a 1 1B 1234567000 8888888888 Two-character qualifier ID of the Rendering Provider 00 215 555-5555 Billing Provider ABC Medical Group two-character qualifier ID and 8 North American Street current provider Anytown, PA 19003 identification number 2222222222 1B1234567001 Indicates new field and/or requirement. 33a 33b TR-67