2016 Summer Sailing Program - Pewaukee Lake Sailing School


2016 Summer Sailing Program - Pewaukee Lake Sailing School
Pewaukee Lake Sailing School
2016 Summer
Sailing Program
Dates: June 13-August 4
Pewaukee Lake Sailing School
At Pewaukee Yacht Club
N22 W28204 Edgewater Road
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Welcome back to Summer 2016 at PLSS!
Mark your Calendar…Important Dates!
May 30, 5pm: Deadline to RSVP for the Summer Program Kick-Off Night
June 3, 6pm: Cheeseburger in Paradise/Kick-Off Night at PYC
June 13: First Day of PLSS Summer Sailing Program, Clothing Pick-Up, Class Pictures in
PLSS shirts
June 27: Family Fun Night – Fun races right off the dock, B.Y.O. BBQ After with Gutter-boat
Races and Volleyball*
July 4: No classes in observance of the 4th of July Holiday
August 2: Last Day to RSVP for Summer Sailing Awards Banquet, 5pm.
August 4: Last Day of Summer Sailing
August 9: Summer Sailing Awards Banquet
*No Classes on Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
PLSS Sailing Director: Katie Tinder, SAILPLSS@gmail.com, 262-894-4055
PLSS Summer Program Class
Age: 5-6 Year Olds • Cost: $210
Day/Time: Fridays, 9am-Noon
June 17-July 29
The Kinderpram Class at PLSS is targeted at teaching young
sailors the following: Familiarity and Discipline around the
sailing school and the lake, Personal Safety, Sailing and
Seamanship Skills (Power-boating, Wind, Knot tying, Rigging
and Parts of the Boat, Docking and Securing a boat, and Caring
for the environment), and most of all…Fun!
Beginning O ptis
Age: 7-12 Year Olds • Cost: $360/session
Day/Time: M-Th, AM: 9am-Noon PM: 1-4pm
Session I: June 13-June 30
Session II: July 5-21*
The Beginning Opti Program at PLSS will teach your sailor
everything they need to know about navigating their opti around
Pewaukee Lake on their own, including the following: Familiarity
around the sailing school and the lake, Personal Safety, Knots,
Rigging, Capsizing, How to read Wind Direction, Different Points of
Sail, Avoiding Collisions, and very basic rules of sailing and racing.
Adult Sailing
Age: 19+ • Cost: $120
Day/Time: T/Th, 5:30-8pm
Session I: June 28-July 7*
Session II: July 12-21
Session III: July 26-August 4
This Class is targeted to teaching adults
how to sail in a safe and comfortable
environment. Students will be sailing in
Flying Scots, provided by PLSS. Sailors
will learn the basic skills of personal safety,
knots, rigging, skippering, and crewing as a
team, learning about different points of sail,
and avoiding collisions. Limit of 6 adults per session.
PLSS Sailing Director: Katie Tinder, SAILPLSS@gmail.com, 262-894-4055
Intermediate Optis (Green Fleet)
Age: 8-12 Year Olds • Cost: $360 per session or $600 for Full Summer
Day/Time: M-Th, 9am-Noon Fridays, Lake Country Optis for an additional fee
Session 1: June 13-June 30
Session 2: July 5-21*
The Intermediate Opti Program at PLSS is geared toward that sailor who is excited to learn more about
the sport and to take their knowledge to the next level. In addition to a review of all of the objectives listed
in Beginning Optis, Intermediate Optis will get a more in depth look at Racing: specifically rules, signal
flags, tactics and courses. They will also be introduced to more intermediate boat handling techniques in
order to prepare them for racing. We encourage all participants in this class to provide their own
boat/equipment. Limited boats available for this class for an additional fee.
Advanced Racing
Age: 8-13 Year Olds • Cost: $595
Day/Time: M-Th, 9am-Noon, Fridays, Lake Country Optis for an additional fee
June 13-August 4*
The Advanced Racing Opti class is about developing our young sailors into better racers. Sailors will
have short, fun daily workouts that get our sailors in tip-top shape for a physically demanding sport.
Sailors will start to learn drills that help their boat handling and rules knowledge develop even further.
Sailors are encouraged to attend local and regional events, including Friday afternoon “Lake Country
Optis” which will travel throughout the area, The 2016 ILYA Opti Championship at Clear Lake, and the
red, white and blue chip on Lac Labelle.
PLSS Sailing Director: Katie Tinder, SAILPLSS@gmail.com, 262-894-4055
Beginning X-Boats
Age: 12-16 • Cost: $595
Day/Time: M-Th, 1pm-4pm
June 13-August 4*
The Beginning X-Boat Class is targeted to sailors
who are interested in learning to sail a two-person
boat. Sailors will be learning basic boat handling
techniques, as well as all of the skills they will
need to start competing in various levels of local
and regional regattas. Sailors will gain a better
understandingof the Racing Rules of Sailing in this
course. Sailors need to provide their own boats
and equipment.
X-Boat Racing
Age: 12-16 • Cost: $595
Day/Time: M-Th, 1pm-4pm
June 13-August 4*
This X-Boat Class will Review and introduce
all of the aspects needed to be a successful
racer. A more in-depth look at the Racing Rules
of Sailing along with tactics and boat handling
will be taught to X-Boat racers. Sailors need to
provide their own boats and equipment.
Participation in all ILYA events is encouraged,
as well as all Local and Regional Regattas.
Beginning C420
Age: 12-18 • Cost: $240
Day/Time: M-Th, 9am-12pm
3 sessions
Session 1: June 13-23
Session 2: June 27-July 7
Session 3: July 11-21
Full Summer: $600
The Beginning C420 Program is targeted to
teenagers interested in getting out on the
water and learning about sailing in a social
and fun atmosphere. Sailors will learn the
basic skills of personal safety, knots, rigging,
capsizing, skippering and crewing as a team,
learning about different points of sail, and
avoiding collisions. Sailed in the PLSS
owned fleet of 2-person C420’s, all boat
charters are included in the cost of class.
PLSS Sailing Director: Katie Tinder, SAILPLSS@gmail.com, 262-894-4055