Chamber Chair Launches Workforce Initiatives
Chamber Chair Launches Workforce Initiatives
The Chamber February/March 2012 The effective voice of business promoting growth & prosperity. Chamber Chair Launches Workforce Initiatives “Our pool of workers is shrinking and not expected to stabilize until 2025. By 2018 70% of jobs in Minnesota will be held by individuals with some education beyond high school. The fastest growing segment of our population is on the short end of the state’s unacceptable achievement gap,” this according to the Minnesota Chamber Education and Workforce Policy Development Committee. These alarming statistics along with the slow economic growth heighten concerns for meeting the workforce needs of business in the future. Chamber Board Chair Dr. Mike Richie of Richie Eye Clinic wants to step up efforts in the area of Workforce. He posed the challenge “What can we do to make Faribault a place that our kids want to come back to after college?” The Workforce Committee meets the fourth Wednesday each month at the Chamber of Commerce at 9:00 am. This group will develop strategies to meet those goals. Some strategies already in place include the annual CareerFest and the Manufacturing Tours. “What can we do to make Faribault a place that our kids want to come back to after college?” On March 8th CareerFest will take place for the 6th time in partnership with South Central College Faribault Campus. Over 400 students are surveyed to determine their focus for education and careers. Local area professionals are invited in to present to the students about their professions. Made in Faribault a Salute to Manufacturing took place October 27. Area students were invited to tour three area manufacturers. Students enjoyed learning about manufacturing careers. The Chamber Our goal this year is to focus on work plans to offer tours again in force issues; with the long range goal Mercury Minnesota was one of three local manufacturing partnership with South Central of helping employers access a more companies that provided a public tour of its facility during “Made in Faribault-A Salute to Manufacturing” last October. College in the fall of 2012. These are qualified and better trained great opportunities to help students work force. In addition to our existing understand what employers are looking for. Not just programs, we will look at increasing job-shadowing, career through education but in interpersonal skill sets. mentorships and college internships as a way to attract and retain our young people, boosting every aspect of our There are many ways that we can help to shape the future of economy. our workforce. Please contact the Chamber of Commerce for information about how you can get involved in workforce issues this year. What’s Inside: 530 Wilson Avenue Faribault, MN 55021 P: 507-334-4381 F: 507-334-1003 Faribault Business Expo slated for April 26 Cash Flow Seminar Where is the Fari “Bo” Bear? New Main Street Coordinator Business Award Nominations Business Day at the Capitol Biz Buzz paGe 2 Board of Directors Executive Committee: Advocacy/Workforce efforts Provide Membership Value What does it mean to MRG Tool and Die to be a member of our Faribault Chamber of Commerce? What value do we as a Manufacturing Solutions company get from our investment and Rod Gramse involvement? These are MRG Tool & Die often the questions that get asked either of ourselves or from others as we consider our annual memberships, the sponsorships for events, and decisions to participate in events or not to. We first became members to support the Faribault community through membership of the Faribault Chamber; to promote the Faribault community to each other, throughout the state and beyond. A stronger community is a better place to live and will provide a better business environment. Today our membership still provides that value. Today the value really comes from the Workforce Development and the Legislative/ Advocacy work the Chamber has been part of. MRG does not rely on people walking into our doors and buying items or services they need on a regular basis. We do rely greatly on our community for team members with the skills necessary to provide the manufacturing solutions our customers expect from us. Chamber events like CareerFest (for the area High School Juniors) , the Manufacturing Tours that are organized, the connections to the area schools, and the effort to increase opportunities for job shadowing and internships over 2012; all for the purpose of providing opportunities for our community to see the career options available including manufacturing careers. Manufacturing careers are NOT going away. They are changing. They are requiring different skills. They may move to different communities, but they always will be in need and in demand. All the advances in Health Care, Transportation, Energy, Recreation, Agriculture, Food, clothing, housing, etc.. all require and depend upon Manufacturing. Many businesses and particularly Manufacturing will be (or is being) limited in their ability to grow due to the availability of a skilled and talented workforce. This is an issue for our community and our Nation. For businesses to be successful they must have a community that can support them. A community that is engaged and involved in always improving itself is a community that is growing. The Faribault Chamber is a strong Advocate for area businesses by actively promoting the engagement and involvement in making Faribault a stronger community. These active members were determined to become more informed about the 2012 legislative session. They attended the annual Minnesota Chamber Legislative Session Priorities which featured briefings on the top 2012 legislative business issues by MN Chamber policy staff, a reception which included all members of the 2012 legislature. Members of the Faribault Chamber met with Senator Mike Parry at a Chamber Session Priorities event. Rep. Patti Fritz was not able to attend and meet with the group. Governor Mark Dayton provided the opening address and Legislative leadership (majority and minority party panelists) shared their views on the major issues facing Minnesota businesses and the economy. Dr. Michael Richie Richie Eye Clinic Chair Gordy Adamek Vice Chair Mercury Minnesota Matt Carlander Treasurer State Bank of Faribault Gene Buhr 1st United Bank Past Chair Directors Joe Cullinan Hy-Vee Food Store Shelli Frana Frana Construction & Property Management Rod Gramse MRG Tool & Die Kim Halvorson Halvorson Farms Dan Hedge Pantheon Computer Systems Paula Mathews The Phone Station Ann Meillier Brushwork Signs Tami Schluter Historic Hutchinson House Paul Swenson Paul Swenson Photography Travis Temke Boston’s Gourmet Pizza Randy Vergin Jennie-O Turkey Store Deb White Paddington Seed & Feed Get Connected with: • CommerCial • industrial •residential •Farm 1-800-658-7002 1-507-334-9546 paGe 3 They Are Waiting to Come See You! Faribault Area Business EXPO Thursday, April 26, 2012 Faribault Ice Arena Over 60 Exhibitors! 2pm - 7pm 2011 was the most successful Expo Ever - Don’t miss out in 2012! Reserve your spot at the Expo early. Contract brochures will be mailed out in February and will also available on the Chamber web site but you can get a jump start on reserving your booth by calling the Chamber NOW for the... 2012 Faribault Area Business EXPO. Community Showcase Allows organizations to display at the Expo for just $75 thanks to the sponsorship from the Faribault Foundation. Make this the Best EXPO yet for your Business! Attend this FREE seminar on: Exhibiting Excellence On Thursday, February 23 make plans to attend a 1-hour seminar on Exhibiting Excellence in the Chamber conference room, FREE to all businesses registered for the Expo. Mike Mraz held this seminar in 2011 and was so well received we are bringing him back for 2012! Designed to help the exhibiter set expectations, have proper booth behavior and offer tools for taking full advantage of the Expo. This FREE seminar is presented by Mike Mraz who for the past 15 years has served as a National spokes-person for Skyline Exhibits. Please sign up on the Chamber web site to attend or call the Chamber office. Steele-Waseca S teele-Waseca Cooperative Cooperative Electric Electric Steele-Waseca Cooperative Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric Electric is is pleased pleased tto o be be a part part of of tthe he EExpansions xpansions o ver the the last last 2 1 years years for for Met-Con Met-Con C ompanies,Tru-Vue, over 21 Companies,Tru-Vue, IIFP, FP, N Northern orthern TTool ool and and Equipment, Equipment, River River ValleyTruck, ValleyTruck, SSAGE AGE EElectrochromics, lectrochromics, FFaribault aribault Energy Energy P Park, ark, Willow W illow C Creek reek C Concrete, oncrete, A ALDI, LDI, R Renneberg enneberg Hardwoods, Hardwoods, IInc., nc., and Malt-O-Meal. Malt-O-Meal. and 2411 W 2411 West est Bridge Bridge Street Street Owatonna, Owatonna, M MN N 55060 55060 507.451.7340 507.451.7340 t 800.526.3514 800.526.3514 t Your Y our T Touchstone ouchstone E Energy nergy P Partner artner paGe 4 Time to Stop asking Yourself: What’s in it for me? You might be asking yourself, what’s in it for me? Chamber membership offers many tools to help your business. One great opportunity is posting hot deals, events and job postings on the Chamber website. New in 2012 all hot deals, events, and job postings are now synced with the Chamber Facebook pages and the Chamber mobile webpage. This tool saves you valuable time that you can use to be at the service of your customers. Every time you post through your Chamber web presence you are getting triple the value with just one step. If you aren’t using these great tools or you are a little lost, we are more than happy to help you. Don’t leave this great free marketing tool on the table! You are invited to come to a “What’s In It For Me” seminar at the Chamber on Tuesday, March 20 at 7:30am & 5:00pm. Want to get started right now? Contact Jillian at the Chamber office at and she can sit down with you at your place of business and easily guide you through just what’s in it for you and your business! Chamber Seminars are a great resource for you and your business, they are not only FREE but they provide sensational information you can use right away. Register for these upcoming seminars on the Chamber Website: Feb 21 Cash Flow (There is a cost for this seminar, see details on next page of this newsletter (page 8). Find out how to get in free by calling the Chamber office! Feb 23 Exhibiting Excellence April 17 Security May 15 Employment Law Sept. 18 Controlling Cost Sponsored by: Please check the Chamber website calendar as additional seminars may be announced during the year. Member Testimonials “The Cheese Cave has found that it is very beneficial to be a member of the Faribault Chamber of Commerce & Tourism. The Chamber has worked diligently to bring in tour buses and other traffic to show them what we have to offer at the store and also to learn about the award winning cheese that we make right here in Faribault. The Chamber shows people the gems that we have in Faribault.” • • • • • Sales Service Installation Telephone Systems Paging Systems Voice & Data Cabling Security Cameras (507) 334-3735 Serving all of southern MN since 1984. 24 NE 2nd Street, Faribault, MN 55021 Heidi Husbyn The Cheese Cave 306 NW 1st avenue Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 332-2259 paGe 5 Can Your Small Business Cash Flow Your Business’s Future? Provided through a partnership with the Small Business Development Center, and the Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is sponsoring a training session on “Can Your Small Business Cash Flow Your Business’s Future”. This workshop will provide participants with information on how to identify your current cash flow and how to project your future cash flow of your business. This workshop will be instructed by Rick Indrelie, a SBDC Consultant and a certified Economic Development Finance Professional. Mr. Indrelie has over 20 years of experience in the accounting and finance field. Topics Covered in this Workshop are: Ways to increase your company’s cash flow. How does your inventory level affect your cash flow? Should you pay cash for a new piece of equipment or get a loan? Can you afford to add a new product line or expand your existing business? | DATE: Tuesday February 21, 2012 | TIME: 1:30 – 4:00 PM | | COST: $39.00 Chamber Members | | $59.00 for Non- Members | LOCATION: Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce – 530 Wilson Ave – Faribault MN 55021 REGISTER: Complete the attached registration form and send along with payment to Chamber Office or call (507) 334-4381 (Pre-registration and payment is required.) Take the Challenge! ServiceMaster by Ayotte (877) 945-0993 Disaster Commercial Janitorial Residential Restoration Would you like to feel your best, knowing you have support to get you through all the way to your 84 day goal? Contact: Rita Wadekampar (651) 210-1857 Business Day at the Capitol March 14 Minnesota Business Day at the Capitol provides all sizes and types of business people the opportunity to see the Legislature in action and to influence public policy decisions. Over 800 business leaders gather for a day of education and lobbying at the Capitol. Local business people make the trip to the capitol and learn more about the legislative process, while gaining greater understanding of the business priorities. Arrangements are made to meet with area legislators on the local concerns. All members are invited to participate. Registration information will be available via the chambers weekly e-newsletter and on the Chamber website. 8FµSFSFEF¾OJOHTFSWJDF 8 FFµSFSFEF F¾OJOHTFSWJDF 4UFQJOUPBOFXLJOEPGCBOLEFTJHOFEUP 4UFQJOUPBOFXLJOEPGCBOLEFTJHOFEUPNBLF NBLF NPOFZNBOBHFNFOUFBTJFS NPOFZNBOBHFNFOUFBTJFS -FBSONPSFBCPVUIPXXFµSFSFEF¾OJOHTFSWJDF -FBSONPSFBCPVUIPXXFµSFSFEF¾OJOHT TFSWJDF 7JTJUPVSXFCTJUFBUSFMJBODFCBOLNODPN /8UI4U]'BSJCBVMU./] /8UI4U]'BSJCBVMU./] paGe 6 NEW MEMBERS Goldstar Amusements Owners: Mike Featherston & Jim Hermel 515 Fowler Street Faribault, MN (507) 209-1940 Gold Star Manufacturing and Gold Star Mobile Staging specializes in manufacturing amusement rides and portable stages. Gold Star is excited to announce a new amusement ride coming soon! KLiK Photography Owner: Krystle Foley 200 Western Avenue (Faribo West Mall) Faribault, MN (507) 210-7087 KLiK offers photography at a price you can afford. Whether its weddings, graduations, family, little ones or a photo booth rental, KLiK will make it a snap for you. Fredrickson Outdoor Advertising Owner: Mike Cashin Owner: Duane Fredrickson 726 6th Avenue NW Faribault, MN (507) 334-8733 Cashin's Disposal offers full service commercial & residential rubbish. A family owned and operated business right here in Faribault. 6905 290th Street W. Northfield, MN (612) 616-8133 Serving Faribault and the surrounding communities in southeast Minnesota. Fredrickson Outdoor Advertising has a wide reach in southeastern Minnesota to fit your needs. Faribault Economic Development Authority 208 NW 1st avenue • phone: (507) 334–0100 • Historic Renovation • Supports new & expanding commercial and industrial business • Promotes economic development in Faribault CONTACT: Peter Waldock Kim Clausen Faribault|Mankato Cashin’s Disposal 507.331.1500 GROUP One firm - start to finish ™ TRUSTED REGIONAL EXPERIENCE "3$)*5&$54 &/(*/&&34 1-"//&34 -"/%4637&:034 4$*&/5*454 paGe 7 NEW MEMBERS Aflac - Tiffany Thompson Edward G. Bastyr Independent Agent Individual Member: Edward Bastyr Lesueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-8050 Haute Tanning Owner: Laura Brady 300 Western Avenue #102 Faribault, MN Over 50 Million people worldwide have (507) 214-3071 chosen Aflac Supplemental insurance because of their commitment to Faribault just got Haute’r! Haute Tanning is providing customers with the more than just tanning. It is your spa style confidence that comes from knowing tanning salon that offers level three pressure they have assistance in being prepared beds, red light therapy, mystic (spray) for whatever life may bring. tanning, and many other great services. 315 3rd Ave. NE Lonsdale, MN (507) 744-2952 Edward Bastyr is a new individual member of the Faribault Chamber of Commerce & Tourism and is excited to meet the Chamber members and support the Faribault Business Area. Annual Gala This Saturday! February 4 American Legion 6pm There is still time to get your tickets, contact the Chamber at 334-4381 Come and Enjoy Local Favorites: Outtakes Come for just the Outtakes show after 9pm for just $5 Entertainment Sponsor: Bob Overby 32 4th Street NW Faribault, MN 507-334-7542 ! I.T.'s better here Computer and Network Management for your business 507-331-2212 $ "&% "&# LOcAiaNls! Spe # " !%# $% ((( %$ ' !& # ! " # paGe 8 From the President How do you like my new photo? Maybe it just happens to me! I am ready for the day and feeling good. A last glance at the mirror and what I see is well – me – raring to go! But later a photo catches me and when I see it I think – wow, stand up straighter, my hair looks so grey, why did I wear that? A photo catches the split second that’s true, but not the context, not the mood of the room, not the moments leading up to or following the click of the camera. It is true of so many things. We have an image in our minds of what something is or isn’t and even when faced with the whole picture we don’t easily get that image out of our head. Kymn Anderson Have you taken in the whole picture of the Chamber? Do you want to learn more about the context, the Chamber President goals and the plans behind the image and within the bullet points? Don’t be stuck on a picture of Business After Hours. Although very important to businesses looking for referrals and contacts, not all businesses need that networking benefit. Is your image of the Chamber focused on promotions? Although essential for the businesses in that retail category, not all members count on the Chamber for promotions or shop local activities. Is your picture of the Chamber all about tourism? It is a very important part of our work, but no more important than working with our manufacturers, or ag-businesses or providing seminars for our small business members. Do you think the Chamber is focused only on new business development? Well there is a lot of work done in that area, but it is not more important than meeting the expectations of our existing businesses and helping them accomplish their goals. The Chamber is a photo album, not a snap shot. Take in the whole story. The Chamber offers many different benefits, for different types of businesses, different sizes of businesses and different interests of business people. Look through the album, find an area that fits your business. Don’t miss out on the variety of benefits available to you, because you are stuck on one picture. e g a E ng Lead Connect your business with other businesses. Get involved with activities and events that will help your business grow. Direct the work of the Chamber through committee’s and project leadership. Show others the way to engage and benefit from participating. Inspire Succeed Motivate and encourage others to reach the level of success you enjoy. Share your story, support emerging entrepreneurs. Be part of something significant and encompassing that aids local businesses and benefits our entire community prosper. Residential and Commercial Cleaning 1920 Grant Street NW Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 334-2085 Comprehensive Vision Care Complete Optical Comprehensive Center Hearing exams State-of-the-art Appointments Michael G. Richie, MD hearing aids to suit 507-332-9900 all types of hearing Bruce V. Gustafson, OD Optical loss and lifestyles Murray H. Hanson, OD 507-332-9800 507-332-9900 Misty J. purfeerst, OD David e. Malmanger, OD • Comprehensive Skin Care • anti-aging • BOTOX/Restylane • Skin Rejuvenation Services 507-209-6229 All located at Crossroads Prof. Building 1575 20th Street NW - Faribault paGe 9 Royal Ross is the new Coordinator for the Faribault Main Street program. Royal moved to Faribault in 1990 and opened the Subway restaurant at the intersection of Highways 60 and 21. He then went on to teach Small Business Management for South Central College, owned his own business in Owatonna and was President of the Owatonna Business Partnership which worked very closely Royal Ross with the Owatonna Main Street Program. Royal and his family lives right here in Main Street Coordinator Faribault and are proud to call it home. The Faribault Main Street Program is a community based effort to revitalize Faribault’s Central Business District and the Coordinator is responsible for creating and managing programs and projects that meet the objectives of the Faribault Main Street Program. Overall, the primary goal is to enhance downtown Faribault and make it more attractive to business owners, building owners, and consumers. The programs and projects are organized by four key principles: • Organization: building cooperation among the many groups involved in Main Street and coordinating volunteers •Economic Restructuring: strengthening the existing and further expanding the economic base •Promotion: marketing the District’s assets and assisting with promotions and special events •Design: enhancing the physical appearance of the district, including buildings, infill and streetscape Where is Fari-Bo Bear Hangin’ out in Faribault? Fari-Bo-Bear has been out and about to boost the traditionally slower January sales. After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, the I Get It in Faribault Committee has been working to keep people shopping local by taking photos of the Faribault Daily News’ “Bo Bear” around town. The photos are posted on Facebook. People who “like” I Get It in Faribault on Facebook are able to comment and guess on his location. Many local businesses have been featured over the last month. All who commented or guesses are entered into a drawing for a $100.00 chamber check and the Bo Bear sponsored by The Faribault Daily News. Watch for more fun with I GET IT in Faribault Contact Jillian (507) 334-4381 if you would like to be a part of the I Get It in Faribault committee. Healthcare for the whole family 200 State Avenue · Faribault, MN 55021-6345 Bo Bear went to get his fur cut at the JC Penney Salon (left) and also went to visit Jake Cook and Brent Peroutka at Comprehensive Wealth Solutions (above) to get some financial information paGe 10 Member News Chamber Ambassadors Kathy Hendrickson is the new Director of Deaconess Tower. David Legault - Chair KOWZ/KRUE Radio Jim Barta is now with Remax Experts. Joan Bartz Hy-Vee Food Store Roxie Bauernfeind Reliance Bank Dan Pumper Farm Bureau Insurance Agent was recognized by the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation as a member of their builders club. Dan signed 71 new members this year. Hoisington Family Chiropractic held a food drive called “Pack the Pantry for the Hungry” where patients helped to bring in over 200 pounds of food that was donated to St. Vincent De Paul. Rachel Vandenboom is the new Office Manager for Edina Reality in Faribault and Northfield. Brent Peroutka has joined Jake Cook at Comprehensive Wealth Solutions. I & S Group has merged with Kuehl & Payer based in Iowa. The merged company employees over 100 professionals and will still operate as I & S Group. Faribault Foods was recognized by the Energy City Commission for efforts to reduce energy cost. Faribault Bonnie Cervenka State Bank of Faribault Amie Chambers Clear View Window Cleaning foods was awarded the Energy City High-Five award by the city of Elk River. Mayo Clinic Health Systems welcomes Optometrist Dr. Inez Reyna O.D. specializes in: Complete eye exams for children and adults, glasses and contact lenses prescriptions, diagnose, manage eye conditions and diseases. WINGS (Women In Northfield Giving Support) and Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), Tami Enfield of Northfield is starting Brand Yourself LLC. It provides businesses with marketing strategies for both print and online media outlets. Chamber content pages: 128 per day average Member On-line Directory Hits: 99,389 Business searches: 72,524 Member page views: 206,776 Chamber Event views: 33,444 ts: Hot Deal views: 15,484 i H age te P i s Job listing views: 5,213 b 1 We 1 0 Web generated info requests: r2 mbe a h 250 C Jake Cook, Comprehensive Wealth Solutions Tami Enfield Servicemaster by Ayotte Shelli Frana, Frana Construction & Property Maintenance Kathy Hendrickson St. Lucas Care Center Sarah Hopwood Valley Staffing Barton Jackson American Family Insurance Michelle LaCroix Acupuncture & Pain Management Clinic Gary Lazarz State Bank of Faribault Shirlee Madow Individual Member Chris Paro Bauer Restoration Brent Peroutka Comprehensive Wealth Solutions Paul Quant District One Hospital Dan Pumper Farm Bureau Insurance Amy Williamson Sterling House of Faribault ,7¶67$;7,0( DCS DC SCHLUTER LTD TAX & ACCOUNTING 507-334-6789 Dan Ohme - Liz Faulstick 415 Central Avenue Faribault, MN 55021 (507)332-2245 15760 Acorn Trail Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 332-2266 paGe 11 Business Awards Nominate a Deserving Business! (Even your own!) Thursday, May 10, 2012 - Faribault Elks East Wing 11:30am - 1pm Recognition will be given based on achievement in one or more of these three areas: Business Impact • exhibits growth, sound management practices, and ethical business practices • is innovative in it’s product or service area • demonstrated job creation and commitment to workforce in Faribault area Community Impact • encourages and provides opportunities for employees to contribute to the community • provides community leadership and is involved in community activities Personal Impact • provides family friendly work environment providing benefits, along with concern and commitment to employees and their families • provides a supportive work environment with on-going training and education of employees • promotes diversity in the workplace Recipients of the 2011 Chamber Business Awards: L to R Tami Schluter - Volunteer of the Year Tony Langerud Insurance Agency - Small Business of the Year The Coffee Shop (Jodie Chappuis) - New Business Spotlight Faribault Ace Hardware (Joe & Kathryn Donahue) 2011 Business of the Year All members are invited to nominate their own business or any chamber member business deserving of this special recognition. Awards are given each year to one business in each of these categories: Business of the Year (more than 5 employees) Small Business of the Year (five or fewer employees) New Business Spotlight (in business for less than three years) Nomination forms and list of past winners are available on the Chamber website: or by calling the Chamber office. c b i . s o u t h c e n t Memory r a l . e d uCare Faribault Transportation Company Kathy Hendrickson, Dire (507) 331-8619 Assisted Living Apartm Aimee Mallette, Direc Faribault Campus (507) 331-2748 507.332.5800 1225 Third Street SW Assisted Living Memory Apartments Care (507)331-2748 (507)331-8619 507-334-5121 2500 14th Street N.E. Faribault 2500 14th Street N.E. Faribault, MN 55021 A division of South Central College paGe 12 pRSRT STD US pOSTaGe paID FaRIBaULT, MN peRMIT 29 530 Wilson Avenue Faribault, MN Chamber Meetings for February (All meetings at the Chamber Office, unless noted) February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 1:30 pm 12 noon 7:30 am 6 pm February 7 February 9 7:30 am 8 am February 13 February 14 February 16 February 17 February 20 February 22 February 23 February 27 February 28 Noon 12:15 3:30 pm 8 am Noon 9 am 5 pm 6 pm 12:15 pm Mural Society Agri-Business Business Advocates Annual Membership Gala @ American Legion HR Peer Group Faribault’s Future @River Valley Church Ambassadors Toastmasters Board of Directors Faribault’s Future Committee Special Events Workforce Development Y-Pro Happy Hour @ Boston’s Executive Dialogues Toastmasters 7:30–9:00 am February 1 Med City Mobility Celebrating 1 year of offering stair lifts-come for the demo! March 7 Bio-Wood Come and see our new facilities! Chamber Meetings for March March 1 March 2 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 12 March 13 March 14 12 noon 7:30 am 7:30 am 1:30 pm 9 am 12 noon 12:15 pm 8 am March 15 March 16 March 16 March 26 March 28 March 30 3:30 pm 7:30 am 8 am 6 pm 9 am 7:30 am Agri-Business Business Advocates HR Peer Group Mural Society CareerFest @SCC Ambassadors Toastmasters Faribault’s Future Class @ Business Day at the Capitol Board of Directors Business Advocates Faribault’s Future Committee Executive Dialogues Workforce Development Business Advocates 5:00–7:00 pm February 16 Milestone Senior Living Come to see our facilities and the services we offer. March 16 ServiceMaster by Ayotte @ Legacy Golf Hear about how we can make your business and your home ServiceMaster Clean BECAUSE THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE YOUR BUSINESS. An energy assessment can identify ways to increase your efficiency and point you to money-saving rebates. Call 1-800-481-4700 or visit ® © 2011 XCEL ENERGY INC.
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