March 28, 2015 - Loma Linda University Church
March 28, 2015 - Loma Linda University Church
ChurCh at WorShip SANCTUARY 9:00 and 11:45 a.m Out of respect to worshipers around you, please silence all electronic devices Video Announcements All Glory, Laud, and Honor Prelude Craig Phillips Pastoral Welcome Tyler Stewart O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing arr. D. Matar-Wareham Heralds of Hope Call to Worship All Glory, Laud, and Honor Hymn of Praise Prayer Prayer Response Tithes and Offerings Shirley Ponder We Shall Walk Through the Valley in Peace arr. Wayne Hooper Church Budget Standin’ in the Need of Prayer Heralds of Hope; Heinz Linser, baritone Offertory Children’s Feature arr. Paul Sjolund Burt and Caleb Clark Child Dedication Anthem No. 230 Fern Sylvia Primitiva Valdivia Randy Roberts3 O Lord Most Holy arr. D. Matar-Wareham Heralds of Hope; Ben Gardner, trumpet; Lauren Joy Wareham, cello Meditation Scripture Reading 2 Corinthians 8:16–21, TNIV Richard and Teri Blum-Johnston Hymn of Preparation I Need Thee, Precious Jesus No. 484 Sermon Knowing Where It’s Going Part 3— When You Give . . . Randy Roberts, Dustin Aho (Pew Bible, page 1725) (congregation remains seated) (verses 1 and 2) Closing Prayer Randy Roberts Festive Trumpet Tune Festal Finale Postlude David German1 Henry Coleman3 (Please maintain reverence during the Postlude) Gerald Wareham, conductor, Heralds of Hope David S. Penner and Kirk Campbell, producers 1 First Service WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Kimo Smith, organist Ken Rudolf, first service postlude Dorothy Matar-Wareham, pianist 3 Third Service Richard Blum-Johnston is a physical therapist and a LLUC Elder Teri Blum-Johnston is a client service manager, Loma Linda University Health Systems, and a LLUC Elder Calendar Tuesday, March 31 6:30 p.m. Experiencing God Bible Study, Genesis 18–19, Visitors, Cities Destroyed, Miguel Mendez, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, April 1 6:00 p.m. Open Prayer Circle, Room 104 7:00 p.m. Church Board Meeting, Room 124 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Room 111 of Seventh-day Adventists March 28, 2015 Friday, April 3 7:00 p.m. Easter Jesus of Nazareth: A Memorial Service, Randy Roberts, Ordinance of Service, Sanctuary Sabbath, April 4 9:00 & 11:45 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Easter Jesus of Nazareth: An Interrupted Celebration, Randy Roberts, Lord’s Supper, Sanctuary Re:Live Worship, The Resurrection In Me, Tyler Stewart, Sanctuary LLUC Sabbath School, The Coming of Jesus, Randall Amphitheater Vespers, LLUC Sanctuary Brass, Sanctuary Sunset Today - 7:07 p.m. LomaLinda niversityChurch Sunset Next Week - 7:12 p.m. Sermon Notes One of the most meaningful compliments the recipient of a gift can give to the giver of the gift is to use the gift! So wearing the dress, playing with the baseball glove, reading the book, or using the gift certificate is a way of saying thank you. What I draw from this is people want to know their gift was meaningful, valuable, and useful. I believe the same is true when it comes to money we put in the offering plate at church. Most of us want to know what happens to our offering—that it was meaningful, valuable, and useful. Yet, here is what is surprising: most of us don’t know very much about what happens to our church offering. When Paul was collecting his offering for the needy saints in Jerusalem, he wrote about it to his Corinthian friends. He told them, “We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of others” (2 Cor. 8:20–21, TNIV). In other words, Paul wanted clarity and candor regarding how the offering was handled and, one would assume, about the fact it reached its intended destination. Today, we consider how the same realities apply on our local level. Randy Roberts Senior Pastor LLUC services are aired live on the church website at and are also aired live and broadcast on Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) via the Internet at, Time Warner Cable channel 17 in Loma Linda, Verizon FiOS Cable channel 31 in Loma Linda and Redlands, Roku (under BrightStarTV), and Glorystar satellite (which carries LLBN, 3ABN, Hope Channel, and other Christian networks). For more information, please visit, or call (866) 552-6881. Rebroadcast Schedule of University Church Programs on LLBN Sunday (SS) 8:00 p.m. Monday (V) 4:00 a.m., (W) 11:00 a.m. Tuesday (SS) 12:00 a.m. Wednesday (W) 3:00 a.m., (V) 8:00 p.m. Thursday (SS) 4:00 a.m. Friday (V) 12:00 a.m., (W) 7:00 p.m. (SS-Sabbath School; V-Vespers; W-Worship) Questions or Comments: • Online at: DVD copies of LLUC worship services are available for purchase online at Church Office Hours: Mon.–Thur., 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.–noon. Offices are closed for staff worship on Tuesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. This is a weekly bulletin Cover photo by Don Finch 11125 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • (909) 558-4570 growing disciples Church at Study RANDALL AMPHITHEATER 10:30 a.m. Re:Live Ministry Young Adult Ministry Congregational Singing Emerald Waworoendeng-Leung and Friends Opening Hymn I’d Rather Have Jesus No. 327 Prayer, Welcome, and Introductions We regret to announce the death of B. Scott Wareham, February 16. He is survived by his life partner, Retha Lowery; brothers, Martin, Robert, John; sister, Julie Yegge; and parents, Ellsworth and Barbara. A celebration of his life will be March 29, 1:00 p.m., LLUC sanctuary. fear of missing out anxiety that an exciting or sufferer of FOMO” Easter Family Picnic will be held at Hulda Crooks Park on April 4 at 1:30 p.m. Come eat, play, and hike with other families from the church! Bring your own lunch and join Children’s Ministry. __________ William Chunestudy Men’s Chorus William Chunestudy, conductor; Jennifer Murrell, accompanist Featuring David Anthony Johnson, orator Introduction and Prayer We Shall Overcome We Shall Overcome David Anthony Johnson Good News, Chariots a-Comin’ We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder Hold out Your Light His Eye Is on the Sparrow Ernie Gonzales, tenor I Have a Dream David Anthony Johnson Deep River Ezekiel Saw the Wheel Steal Away Ride the Chariot William Chunestudy, tenor A Hymn Sing, sponsored by Senior Ministries, will be held today at 2:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall East. Come and enjoy singing your favorites from the hymnal. Church Board will meet April 1, 7:00 p.m., in Room 124. TODAY: Roy Ice — Part 4: FOMO SANCTUARY 5:00 p.m. Let Freedom Sing! “I realized I was a lifelong interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere. Closing Prayer Miguel Mendez Superintendent: Diana Villanueva Keyboard: Raelen DelAmen 55+ Senior Ministries Fellowship Offering Today: Church Budget. Next Week: Church Budget. All loose and undesignated offerings are applied to church budget. You may give online by visiting Diana Villanueva Offertory The Prayer/Lead Us, Lord Carole Bayer Sager/ Gian Villanueva, Keziah Villanueva, vocal David Foster Lesson Women and Wine Miguel Mendez Church Life Luncheon today in Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish and join other seniors for lunch. Fellowship, 10:00 a.m., Room 101 Sabbath service, 10:25 a.m., LLUC Sanctuary Musical Selection Salvation Medley arr. Melody Bober Gian Villanueva, Keziah Villanueva, keyboard Special Feature The Real Missionary Alison May Geslani Prayer for the Offering Dale Chong Offering Sabbath School Expense (place mission offering in envelope) Vespers _ Community Life A memorial service for Frank A. Knittel (September 30, 1927 – February 18, 2015) will be web streamed today at 3:00 p.m. EDT, http:// In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Worthy Student Fund, Southern Adventist University. APRIL 3 & 4, 2015 Marvin Ponder Traditional Martin Luther King, Jr. arr. Wayne Hooper arr. Wayne Hooper arr. Paul Sjolund arr. Tom Fettke Martin Luther King, Jr. Marvin Ponder arr. Moses Hogan The Drum Major Instinct David Anthony Johnson Martin Luther King, Jr. If I Can Help Somebody My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord Amazing Grace Dan Murrell, french horn I’ve Been To the Mountaintop arr. David L. Brunner arr. Moses Hogan arr. Tim Fisher Martin Luther King, Jr. Precious Lord The Battle Hymn of the Republic Thomas Dorsey arr. Peter Wilhousky Benediction Marvin Ponder A Vision for Your Child’s Education: Nationally-known expert Carole Joy Seid presents her seminar “A Literature-based Approach to Education” on April 12, 12:30– 7:30 p.m., LLUC Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be provided. Discount for registration before March 31. To register, visit www.carolejoyseid. com. For information, call Eric and Ayme Frykman at (909) 794-8667. UReach: You can help build a house for a family in Ensenada, Mexico. Join this unique mission opportunity as we assemble the house on March 29, 8:00 a.m. at Loma Linda Academy. The house will be moved to its final destination in Mexico, April 10–12. For information, visit handsofmercy, e-mail missions@ureachlluc. com, or call David Ryan Harris at (909) 7968357. Know Him Productions presents an Easter drama, Peter. He left his boat and followed. Watch the story unfold as he is called by Jesus to leave his career to become a fisher of men. Free performances are April 2 and 4, 7:00 Redlands Adventist Church. For information, call (909) 793-6337. *FEE/COUPLE friday SABBATH Jesus of Nazareth: A Memorial Service (7:00pm - Includes Ordinance of Service) Jesus of Nazareth: An Interrupted Celebration (9, 10:25, 11:45am - Includes celebration of the Lord’s Supper) arr. Tim Fisher arr. Tim Fisher arr. Wayne Hooper arr. William Henry Smith Offering Offertory Give Me Jesus Dan Murrell, french horn Oh My Son, an operatic tableau by Adventist composer Marcos Galvany, is an entirely different sort of opera. It tells the greatest story of our faith: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This concert, presented by La Sierra University music department and LLUC Sanctuary Choir, will be performed April 11, 7:00 p.m., LLUC Sanctuary. For tickets, visit and click on the “Oh My Son” concert banner. APRIL 17, 18 FREE EVENT Pre-register at Prayer Conference Featuring Dennis Smith REGISTER AT LLUC.ORG 4/10 - 5/8, FRIDAYS, 7-9 p m RANDY SPEYER, PH.D., LMFT Child Dedication Fern Sylvia Primitiva Valdivia is brought to be dedicated by her family which includes her parents Vincent and Victoria, her sisters Lauren and Charlotte, and her brother Atticus. Vincent is a nurse in pediatrics and Victoria is a nurse in the emergency department at Loma Linda University Medical Center.
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