February 7, 2015 - Loma Linda University Church


February 7, 2015 - Loma Linda University Church
ChurCh at WorShip
9:00 and 11:45 a.m
Out of respect to worshipers around you, please silence all electronic devices
Video Announcements
Vivaldi Concerto for Two Horns and Strings
Sanctuary Orchestra
Pastoral Welcome
Alumni Welcome
Antonio Vivaldi
Shawna Campbell
Ronald Dailey
Praise to the Lord #1
How Majestic Is Your Name
His Glorious Name
Songs of Praise
Marvin Ponder
Viviane Haber, SD ’851
Michael Boyko, SD ’75A, SPH ’753
May The Words of Our Mouths
Kimo Smith
Prayer Response
Tithes and Offerings
Church Budget
The Great Gate of Kiev
Sanctuary Orchestra
M. P. Mussorgsky
Cameryn Baker
Yan Chen
Hymn of Glory
Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra
Garrett Speyer3
Miguel Mendez3
Antonio Bossi
Scripture Reading
Hymn of Response
2 Kings 22:11–14, TNIV
(Pew Bible, page 580)
How Firm a Foundation
Closing Prayer
Sunset Today - 5:25 p.m.
of Seventh-day Adventists
February 7, 2015
Sunset Next Week - 5:32 p.m.
Sermon Notes
Huldah. My guess is that you may not have heard her name before. It’s easy to
miss her story. In fact, a friend shared a book with me, a book entitled, Legendary
Women of the Bible … and the Lessons They Still Teach Us. Huldah’s story is not
included. Many others are: Vashti, Esther, Abigail, Naomi, Zipporah, Martha, Mary,
Joanna, and many more, but no Huldah.
And, on the other hand, consider the men whose names we think of when we think
of biblical prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Elijah, Elisha, and the list could go on.
Randy Roberts
Randy Roberts
Sabbath, February 14
9:00 & 11:45 a.m. Miriam: In the Leadership Circle, Part 3 — Unsung Heroes, Randy Roberts, Sanctuary
10:25 a.m.
Re:Live Worship, Part 2: I’m Over Me, Roy Ice, Sanctuary
10:30 a.m.
LLUC Sabbath School, Dealing With Fights, Miguel Mendez, Randall Amphitheater
4:30 p.m.
Vespers, “Where’s the Plan?,” Steven Mosley, Sanctuary
What can Huldah teach us about God and who it is that God chooses to use? And
what answer does Huldah provide to the question, In the Bible, what did women
Join me as we seek to find out!
Randy Roberts
Senior Pastor
Allegro giocoso
Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns1
March-Final from Suite No. 2
Léon Boëllmann3
(Please maintain reverence during the Postlude)
Adrien Dumitrescu, conductor, Sanctuary Orchestra
Ariel Quintana, conductor, Sanctuary Choir
Bryan Hartnell and Walter Moore, producers
Wednesday, February 11
6:00 p.m.
Open Prayer Circle, Room 104
7:00 p.m.
Prayer Meeting, Praying for Revival, Flavia Jorge, Room 111
But typically—missing from both lists—is the name Huldah. She just gets overlooked. And yet, in 2 Kings 22—where her story is told—she is clearly a prophet of
renown. After all, when the king tells his advisers to go and inquire of the Lord on
his behalf, where do they go? They go to Huldah the prophet.
No. 509
(verses 1 and 2)
Tuesday, February 10
6:30 p.m.
Experiencing God Bible Study, Genesis 12, 13, Abram’s Call and Journey to Egypt; Lot Separates; Fellowship Hall
Craig Kinzer, SD ’85
Coralie Dinger, SD ’901
Cheryl Eller, SD ’80, SPH ’003
Judy Strutz, SD ’853
Huldah: Prophet to the King
Part 2: Unsung Heroes
First Service
Kimo Smith, organist
Gerald Wareham, first service postlude
Third Service
Ronald Dailey is dean, School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University
Viviane Haber is a dentist in Glendora and an assistant professor, restorative dentistry,
School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University
Michael Boyko is a dentist in Riverside
Craig Kinzer is a dentist in Jackson
Coralie Dinger is a dental hygienist in Highland
Cheryl Eller is a dental hygienist, currently a stay-at-home mom in Redlands
Judy Strutz is a dentist in San Bernardino and associate professor, restorative dentistry,
School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University
LLUC services are aired live on the church
website at www.lluc.org and are also
aired live and broadcast on Loma Linda
Broadcasting Network (LLBN) via the Internet
at www.llbn.tv, Time Warner Cable channel
17 in Loma Linda, Verizon FiOS Cable
channel 31 in Loma Linda and Redlands,
Roku (under BrightStarTV), and Glorystar
satellite (which carries LLBN, 3ABN, Hope
Channel, and other Christian networks). For
more information, please visit www.llbn.tv, or
call (866) 552-6881.
Rebroadcast Schedule
of University Church
Programs on LLBN
(SS) 8:00 p.m.
Monday (V) 4:00 a.m., (W) 11:00 a.m.
(SS) 12:00 a.m.
Wednesday (W) 3:00 a.m., (V) 8:00 p.m.
(SS) 4:00 a.m.
(V) 12:00 a.m., (W) 7:00 p.m.
(SS-Sabbath School; V-Vespers; W-Worship)
Questions or Comments: comments@lluc.org • Online at: http://www.lluc.org
DVD copies of LLUC worship services are available
for purchase online at www.llucstore.com
Church Office Hours: Mon.–Thur., 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.–noon.
Offices are closed for staff worship on Tuesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
This is a weekly bulletin
Cover photo by Michael Scofield
11125 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • (909) 558-4570
Church at Study
10:30 a.m.
Re:Live Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Congregational Singing
Silvino Briceño, Melissa Briceño
Andrew Browne, Amanda Johnston
Opening Hymn
To God Be the Glory
No. 341
Prayer, Welcome, and Introductions
Musical Selection
Fellowship, 10:00 a.m., Room 101
Sabbath service, 10:25 a.m., LLUC Sanctuary
Robert Meckstroth, SD ’65
The Prayer
Carole Bayer Sager/David Foster
Silvino Briceño, Melissa Briceño, vocal
Special Feature
Blessing Center
Prayer for the Offering
Robert Meckstroth, SD ’65
Sabbath School Expense
(place mission offering in envelope)
Paula Stefanovich
Silvino Briceño, Melissa Briceño, Andrew Browne, Amanda Johnston, vocal
What You Get Is Not What You See
Closing Prayer
Robert Skoretz
Robert Skoretz
Go in Joy
C. Meckstroth
Superintendent: Robert Meckstroth, SD ’65
Keyboard: Jed de la Paz, SD ’15; Carol Meckstroth
TODAY: Roy Ice — Part 1: I’m Over Me
February 14: Roy Ice — Part 2: I’m Over Me
February 21: Roy Ice — Part 3: I’m Over Me
SANCTUARY 4:30 p.m.
LLU School of Nursing
Freshman Dedication
Children’s Ministry Resource Library
Pastoral Host: Marvin Ponder; Organist: Donna Samson
Prelude in C Major
J. S. Bach
Laura Naranjo
Spiritual VP, Junior Class
Becky Bossert, PhD, RN
Volunteers Needed!
SABBATHS, 2X A MONTH, 9:30am TO 12pm
Special Music
Amanda Cook
Kristin Geniebla, Christina Rico, Sarah Puma, vocal; Lana Litvan, piano
Introduction of the Speaker
Arleen Castro
President, Junior Class
The Nurse Generation
Gwen Wysocki, RN, MN
Interim Executive Diredtor
and Manager of Academic Relations
Lighting of the Candles
Michelle Ballou, MS, CNS, RN
Briana Maynor, MSN/Ed., RN
Faculty Sponsors, Junior Class
Presentation of Class
Dee Hart, DrPH, RN, CPNP
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program
International Pledge of Nursing
Junior Class
Alumni Presentation
Zelne Zamora, DNP, RN
President, Alumni Association
Special Music
It Is Well
arr. Dan Galbraith
Lindsay Kim, Kandavin Thorng, vocal; Lana Litvan, piano;
Chloe Temple, guitar; Crystal Wongchalermthan, cajon
Consecration Prayer and Benediction
Marian LLaguno, MS, RN
Contact Donna at LLUCLendingLibrary@gmail.com
We welcome a new member, Ileana Balint, as
of her baptism on January 31. She is retired,
the mother of two daughters, and grandmother
to four granchildren.
Elizabeth Szedeli was baptized on January 31,
and we welcome her into the LLUC family. She is
retired, the mother of one son, and grandmother to
three grandchildren.
Cameryn Baker is a tenth grader at Loma Linda
Academy. She is the daughter of Leree Marshall
and Gary Baker. We welcome her into the LLUC
family at her baptism today.
We are happy to have Yan Chen join the LLUC
family as she is baptized today. She is a fourthyear doctoral student in biochemistry, Loma Linda
Church Life
There is no hospitality dinner today.
Offering Today: Church Budget.
Next Week: LLUC Media Ministry.
All loose and undesignated offerings are
applied to church budget. You may give
online by visiting http://www.lluc.org.
Center floral arrangement is given
in honor of the LLU School of Nursing’s
109th nursing dedication to be held in
the sanctuary today at 4:30 p.m.
North floral arrangement is given in
honor of June Hibbard’s 80th birthday
by her family.
Lobby-North floral arrangement is
given in memory of Paul Franz Bork by
his wife of 63 years and the family.
Lobby-South floral arrangement is
given in memory of Paul Franz Bork
by the Dispatch Service, Loma Linda
University Medical Center.
We regret to announce the following
Kathryn “Timi” Taylor, January 9.
She is survived by her daughter, Gail
Rice. The service will be February 14,
4:00 p.m., La Sierra University Church.
Robert Eugene Moncrieff, January
27. He is survived by his sons, Melvin,
Scott; two grandchildren, and two
great-grandchildren. The service will
be February 7, 3:30 p.m., Brian Bull
Pathology Building, 1911 Park Ave.,
Mary Ruth (Polly) Testerman,
January 28. She is survived by her sons,
John, James; daughters, Judith Nicholas,
Carol Leonhardt; eight grandchildren,
and seven great-grandchildren. The
service was held February 6.
Community Life
Loma Linda Amateur Radio Club
meets the second Sunday of each month.
The next meeting is February 8, Room
111, at 7:00 p.m., LLUC. Anyone with an
interest in Ham Radio is welcome. For
information, visit www.lluarc.org.
The Little White House is holding a
Bridal Boutique for students. Share the joy
of your wedding day by donating wedding
dresses or other bridal-party clothing by
February 13. To donate, call (909) 5584639 or (909) 747-7620.
Community 50-Plus: All singles are
invited to a Valentine’s Party, February 14,
7:00 p.m, LLUC Fellowship Hall. Please
bring a dish to share and table games.
For information call Donna at (909) 5289269.
Quilters meet February 15 and 16,
9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
West. Join in making items for SACHS
Clinic and NICU. Share in a potluck both
days. For information, call Jody Rogers at
(909) 799-6941.
Holy Land Tour: Photos taken on
the recent Holy Land tour will be shown
February 18, 7:30 p.m. in the LLUC
sanctuary. Larry Geraty, will be the
UReach is a local chapter of Trips for
Kids. This ministry takes our kids on bike
rides with kids from the local community,
kids who don’t otherwise have bikes. If
you have a bike you would like to donate,
please drop it off at Re:Live Thrift. For
more inforamtion, call (909) 796-8357
UREACH: If you are still searching for
a New Year’s resolution, get involved!
Drivers are needed for the transit program
(providing transportation for local senior
citizens) and Meals on Wheels (delivering
meals to local senior citizens). For
detailed information, call Simone at (909)
796-8357 or visit volunteer@ureachlluc.
Estate planning is easy to put off
in our lives because we have until the
very end to get it done. Although it’s
easy to procrastinate, completing the
estate planning process brings a sense
of accomplishment and great peace of
mind. For more information, contact
Betsy Matthews at the church office,
(909) 558-4570, ext. 47091.
The Weniger Society 2015 annual
meeting will be February 21, 4:00 p.m.,
LLUC Sanctuary. Honorees are: Bert B.
Haloviak, Bert B. Beach, and William
G. Johnsson, also the featured speaker
whose topic is Recapturing the Dream:
Adventists and the Future. All are
Walla Walla University homecoming
theme is Welcome Home. Reconnect
with old friends and meet president
John McVay at the following events: a
potluck lunch, February 21 at Redlands
Adventist Church; complimentary young
alumni dinner, February 21, 7:00 p.m.,
at The Old Spaghetti Factory, Redlands;
complimentary alumni dinner, February
22, 5:00 p.m., at The Old Spaghetti
Factory, Riverside. To RSVP, call (800)
377-2586 or visit alumni@wallawalla.edu
by February 18.