March 5, 2016 - Loma Linda University Church
Church at Study RANDALL AMPHITHEATER Congregational Singing 10:30 A.M. Tammy Hayton, SM’91; Bruce Hayton, SM’84; Art Giebel, SM’91 He Lives No. 251 Prayer, Welcome, and Introductions Paul Chung, SM ‘91 Opening Hymn Musical Selection In Return Corinne Atiga, vocal; David Siahaan, keyboard Special Feature God’s Achilles Heel (Sunshine Kim) Prayer for the Offering Arlyn Drew SM ’91 Duane Baldwin, SM ‘91 Offering Sabbath School Expense (Place mission offering in envelope.) Offertory Go Light Your World Kendall Littell, vocal; Laurel Guthrie, keyboard Tuesday, March 8 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 9 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Sabbath, March 12 9:00 a.m. & 11:45 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Experiencing God Bible Study, Fellowship Hall Mom’s Network, Room 102 Open Prayer Circle, “The Great Hope,” Room 102 Prayer Meeting, “The Ten Commandments – and now for the rest of the story, part 2,” Paul Damazo, Room 111 Chris Rice Sigfried Roeske Sunset Today - 5:49 p.m. March 5, 2016 Sunset Next Week - 5:55 p.m. Welcome to our guests who are attending the Alumni Postgraduate Convention of the School of Medicine here at Loma Linda University! We are delighted you have chosen to join us in worship today! He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Dorothy & Gerald Wareham, SM ‘85, piano duet Superintendent: Bev & Ed Krick, SM ‘61 Keyboard: Laurel Guthrie, SM ’16 Producers: Elsie Chan & Michael Weismeyer However, they prefer to keep Jesus their own little secret. When confronted with questions of faith, they remain silent. When called to speak a word of witness, they demur. When it’s necessary to stand and deliver, they sit in silence. Sigfried Roeske arr. Dorothy Matar-Wareham Relive Ministry Young Adult Ministry of Seventh-day Adventists “The Verdict of a Midnight Visitor,” Randy Roberts, Sanctuary Relive Worship, “I Have Decided,” Randy Roberts, Sanctuary LLUC Sabbath School, “Peter on the Great Controversy,” Ginger Ketting Weller, Randall Amphitheater We are currently in a sermon series titled Verdict. Our theme is the cross of Christ. More specifically, we are encountering the fact that the cross demands a verdict. The truth is, I am convinced that there are people around us and among us who follow Jesus, but who do so from a distance. They believe that Jesus was sent from God. They accept his mission to save the world. They understand their need of a Savior. In fact, they go so far as to accept him as their personal Savior. Closing Prayer LomaLinda niversityChurch Sermon Introduction Paul and the Rebellion Lesson Postlude Cece Winans Calendar Tyler Stewart Sabbath service, 10:25 a.m., LLUC Sanctuary It’s not that they’re doing anything wrong, is it? After all, they believe. They pray. They read Scripture. They attend church. They are part of the body of Christ. It’s just that, when it counts, they would rather not own their faith. And then comes Calvary. And then comes Good Friday. And then comes the cross. And it is then that they discover a simple, searing truth: the cross demands a verdict. Today, is that someone you? Randy Roberts, Senior Pastor LLUC services are aired live on the church website at and are also aired live and broadcast on Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) via the Internet at, Time Warner Cable channel 17 in Loma Linda, Verizon FiOS Cable channel 31 in Loma Linda and Redlands, Roku (under BrightStarTV), and Glorystar satellite (which carries LLBN, 3ABN, Hope Channel, and other Christian networks). For more information, please visit, or call (866) 552-6881. Rebroadcast Schedule of University Church Programs on LLBN Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (SS) 8:00 p.m. (V) 4:00 a.m., (W) 11:00 a.m. (SS) 12:00 a.m. (W) 3:00 a.m., (V) 8:00 p.m. (SS) 4:00 a.m. (V) 12:00 a.m., (W) 7:00 p.m. (SS-Sabbath School; V-Vespers; W-Worship) Questions or Comments: • Online at: DVD copies of LLUC worship services are available for purchase online at Church Office Hours: Mon.–Thur., 8:00am – 5:00pm ; Fri., 8:00am – noon. Closed Tues., 8:30 – 9:30am This is a weekly bulletin 11125 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • (909) 558-4570 growing disciples Church at WorshipMarch 5 SACTUARY 9:00 & 11:45 a.m Vespers SACTUARY4:30 p.m Out of respect for worshippers around you, please silence all electronic devices. Antonin Dvorak Doug Mace Roger Hadley, SM ‘74 Call to Worship Psalm 95 Sanctuary Choir Ariel Quintana Songs of Praise All Glory, Laud, and Honor Crown Him with Many Crowns Jesus Paid It All Randy Speyer Prayer The center floral arrangement is presented by the Alumni Association, School of Medicine, LLU, in honor of the 84th Annual Postgraduate Convention, the golden anniversary class of 1966, and the silver anniversary class of 1991. University Church Campers will camp at Guajome Regional Park (Oceanside) on March 11-13. Ramon and Nikki Gonzalez will present a special program. Bring your tent or camper or just come for the day. Call Joan Summers (909) 796-6075 for information and reservations before March 7. David Blue, SM ‘911 Arnold Peterson, SM ‘663 Prayer Response O How He Loves You and Me Sanctuary Choir Tithes and Offerings Local Church Budget Kurt Kaiser Be Thou My Vision Sanctuary Orchestra arr. Dan Goeller Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra Anthem Loma Linda Academy family volunteer night on Saturday March 12 begins with Vespers at 6:00 p.m. Service projects, which follow from 6:30-8:30 p.m., include filling hygiene packs, tying fleece blankets, creating pet toys, packing soup mix, wrapping birthday gifts, donating hair to Locks of Love, and other projects to help those in need in our community. Bring the whole family to this free event. Follow signs to the specific on-campus location. Fun foods will be available for sale. For more information, go to (Loose offerings go to church budget.) Offertory Mack Wilberg Meditation Scripture Reading Matthew 27:57–61, TNIV (Pew Bible, page 1486) Sermon Closing Prayer Postlude Earl Hackett, SM ‘661 Janice Hackett, SM ‘661 Bonnie Chi-Lum, SM ‘913 The Old Rugged Cross Hymn of Meditation The Verdict of the Secret Disciple Verdict series, Part 2 Final-Marche from Suite No. 2 (Please maintain reverence during the postlude.) Community Life No. 159 (verses 1 & 2) Healthy People in Healthy Communities Conference will be held March 8 & 9 at the LLU Drayson Center. The 2016 HPHCC is a concerted effort to connect and engage with people to embark on innovative pathways for improving the population’s health, enhance overall well-being, and foster greater equity in our society. We will explore making health a shared value and strengthening integration of health services and systems. Visit our website at Randy Roberts Randy Roberts Leon Böellmann3 Adrian Dumitrescu, conductor, sanctuary orchestra Kimo Smith, organist Karis Boling & Gilbert Hernandez, producers Ariel Quintana, conductor, sanctuary choir 1 First Service 3 Third Service WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Doug Mace, pastor for middle school ministries, LLUC David Blue, pediatric and neonatal anesthesiologist, St. Joseph, MI Arnold Peterson, OB/GYN, physician, practicing in Portland, OR Earl C. Hackett, retired, Central American missionary, ER physician, Cookeville, TN Janice K. Hackett, retired, Central American missionary, Cookeville, TN Bonnie Chi-Lum, associate professor, preventive medicine, LLUSM Roger Hadley, Dean of LLUSM There is no hospitality dinner today. Offering today: Local church budget. Next week: Local church budget. All loose and undesignated offerings are applied to church budget. You may give online by visiting Video Announcements Prelude In Nature’s Realm Sanctuary Orchestra Pastoral Welcome Church Life FEB 27 THE VERDICT OF A MADDENED MOB MAR 5 THE VERDICT OF A SECRET DISCIPLE MAR 12 THE VERDICT OF A MIDNIGHT VISITOR MAR 19 THE VERDICT OF A CASUAL ACCOMPLICE MAR 25 ( GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE ) THE VERDICT OF A DYING CRIMINAL MAR 26 ( EASTER SABBATH CELEBRATION ) THE VERDICT OF THE EMPTY TOMB LLU Medical Auxiliary Annual Homecoming brunch will be Sunday, March 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Linda Hall. Nicole Johnson, author, performer, and speaker with Women of Faith, will be the featured speaker. Silent auction, music by the Key Tones, food, and fellowship await you. Call or visit (909) 558-4639 or Ham Radio Club meets Sunday, March 13, 7 p.m., Room 111. Quilters will meet Sunday, March 13, and Monday, March 14, in Fellowship Hall West, 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Bring a potluck dish and enjoy the beauty of quiltmaking for babies needing to be wrapped in a touch of Jesus’ love. No experience is necessary, just willing hands and heart. Kenya Mission Trip: This summer, June 22 - July 4, we will be going on another exciting trip to the Mara to help build a brand-new secondary school and provide medical and dental care for the Maasai community. As always, we will end our trip with a two-day safari in the incredible Maasai Mara preserve. For more information, please visit or call the church office at 909-558-4570, ext 47091. Does Adventism inspire young Adventists? That’s the question a diverse panel of engaged young Adventists will grapple with next Sabbath at 3 p.m. on March 12 in the Damazo Amphitheater, sponsored by the Humanities Program, School of Religion. A qualified charitable distribution from your IRA can be a convenient way to support LLUC. Now that Congress has made the QCD permanent, call Betsy Matthews at the church office to see if you are eligible. Calimesa Community Concerts presents a sacred concert by Pro Deo. Enjoy the rich harmonies of Pro Deo’s young voices and instrumentalists on Saturday, March 19, at 6 p.m. For more information, call the concert line (909) 795-4960. Friends of Canada meet today at 5 p.m. in the Student Pavilion. Come and enjoy the fellowship. For more information call Bill Soloniuk (951) 235-7560. Please help the University of the Southern Caribbean in Trinidad/ Tobago start a band and orchestra program by making a tax-deductible donation of a used instrument. Please visit for details. To donate, contact Kerron Hislop at (909) 212-9586 or
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