April 23, 2016 - Loma Linda University Church
April 23, 2016 - Loma Linda University Church
Church at Study RANDALL AMPHITHEATER 10:30 a.m. Calendar Tuesday, April 26 6:30 p.m. Experiencing God Bible Study, Fellowship Hall Congregational Singing Lance Hundley, Matthew Haus, Kabbyo Chawdhury Opening Hymn Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine! No. 462 Wednesday, April 27 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Open Prayer Circle, “Praise, Petitions and Prayer,” Room 102 Prayer Meeting, Room 111 Welcome and Introductions Sabbath, April 30 9:00 a.m. & 11:45 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 10:30 a.m. “The Praying Imagination,” Kendra Haloviak Valentine, Sanctuary ReLive Worship, “Beautifully Broken,” Randy Roberts, Sanctuary LLUC Sabbath School, “The Controversy of Contemplative Prayer,” Roy Ice, Randall Amphitheater. OD Willhite, SAHP ‘66 Prayer Howard Sulzle, SAHP ‘63 Musical Selection Thank You arr. The Katinas Lance Hundley, Matthew Haus, Kabbyo Chawdhury Special Feature PT 75th Anniversary & Missions Howard Sulzle Prayer for the Offering Ron Combs, SAHP ‘66 Offering Sabbath School Expense (Place mission offering in envelope.) He Hideth My Soul Jeandra Martin Kirkpatrick/Crosby “Get Up and Walk!” Faith and Healing Manzoor Massey Manzoor Massey Offertory Lesson Closing Prayer Postlude Superintendent: Melisa Aree Producer: Art Kroetz Relive Ministry Young Adult Ministry www.reliveministry.com Dustin Aho Sabbath service, 10:25 a.m., LLUC Sanctuary Sunset Today - 7:27 p.m. LomaLinda niversityChurch of Seventh-day Adventists April 23, 2016 Sunset Next Week - 7:32 p.m. Sermon Introduction As we have moved through this sermon series on parenting, (Lessons I Think I’ve Learned as a Parent), for me, each week has been more important than the previous one. Another way to say that would be to say that we are building toward something where the best, the most important, comes last. This is the last week. And such is the case with this week’s topic. If you asked me what the most important gift a parent could give to a child—even to an older child—my answer would likely be that of which I speak in today’s sermon. We go all the way back to Genesis, close to the dawn of the biblical story, for the biblical foundation of today’s topic. The scene is a father, a mother, and two sons. The dynamics are not healthy: the father has a favorite and the mother has a favorite. In fact, this family’s dynamics includes things like cheating and lying and stealing. . . . Well, you get the picture. _ And yet, it is in the midst of such realities that we find evidence for what may be the most powerful gift a parent can give a child. It’s not too much to say that if you’re a child, and you receive this from your parents, it will help set a positive course for your life. And if your parent(s) doesn’t /don’t give it to you, it may cause you to embark on a lifelong search for it. Join me as we consider this most important theme. Randy Roberts, Senior Pastor LLUC services are aired live on the church website at www.lluc.org and are also aired live and broadcast on Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) via the Internet at www.llbn.tv, Time Warner Cable channel 17 in Loma Linda, Verizon FiOS Cable channel 31 in Loma Linda and Redlands, Roku (under BrightStarTV), and Glorystar satellite (which carries LLBN, 3ABN, Hope Channel, and other Christian networks). For more information, please visit www.llbn.tv, or call (866) 552-6881. Rebroadcast Schedule of University Church Programs on LLBN Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (SS) 8:00 p.m. (V) 4:00 a.m., (W) 11:00 a.m. (SS) 12:00 a.m. (W) 3:00 a.m., (V) 8:00 p.m. (SS) 4:00 a.m. (V) 12:00 a.m., (W) 7:00 p.m. (SS-Sabbath School; V-Vespers; W-Worship) Questions or Comments: comments@lluc.org • Online at: www.lluc.org DVD copies of LLUC worship services are available for purchase online at www.llucstore.com Church Office Hours: Mon.–Thur., 8:00am – 5:00pm ; Fri., 8:00am – noon. Closed Tues., 8:30 – 9:30am This is a weekly bulletin 11125 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • (909) 558-4570 growing disciples Church at WorshipApril 23 SANCTUARY 9:00 and 11:45 a.m Vespers SANCTUARY 6:00 p.m. Out of respect for worshippers around you, please silence all electronic devices. All Creatures of Our God and King Flor Peeters Pastoral Welcome The Mendez Family Craig Jackson Call to Worship Gloria Sanctuary Choir Vivaldi Hymn of Praise All Creatures of Our God and King No. 2 Prayer Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart Tithes and Offerings Doug Mace The floral arrangement on the north is in memory of E. Leon Hulse, beloved husband, father, and brother, from Gladys and the family. arr. Sergio Leiva We regret to announce the death of Epifanio Catalon, April 9. He is survived by his sons Samuel and Phillip; daughter Suzette Peterson and two sisters. Services were held April 16 in Azusa. LLA Tuition Aid (Loose offerings go to church budget.) Give Thanks Anthony Leon, soprano saxophone; Sergio Leiva, piano Children’s Feature Filip Milosavljevic Child Dedication Oliver Abel Lara Randy Roberts1 Anthem Here I Am Sanctuary Choir Ariel Quintana Scripture Reading Genesis 27:25–29, TNIV (Pew Bible, page 39) Julia Hollister, SAHP ‘061 Jillian & Megan Petersen1 Rodney Roath, SAHP ‘803 Day by Day Hymn of Meditation No. 532 (verse 1) Sermon Closing Prayer The Lesson of Blessing (Part 4, Lessons I Think I’ve Learned as a Parent) Postlude Concerto in G Major Johann Ernst Prinz (Please maintain reverence during the postlude.) trans. J. S. Bach The center floral arrangement is in honor of the LLU School of Allied Health alumni weekend. arr. Fred Bock Building Minute Offertory Offering today: LLA tuition aid. Next week: generational ministries. All loose and undesignated offerings are applied to church budget. You may give online by visiting lluc.org. Catherine Oms, SAHP ‘071 Renee Lundin3 Prayer Response Ariel Quintana, conductor, sanctuary choir Bryan Hartnell and Walter Moore, producers 1 First Service WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS There is no hospitality dinner today. 55+ Seniors Fellowship Luncheon today, following 3rd service, Fellowship Hall. Bring a salad, entree, or dessert and join other seniors for good fellowship and food. Video Announcements Prelude Church Life Vacation Bible Xperience VBX Randy Roberts Randy Roberts JUNE 12-16 3 Kimo Smith, organist 3 Third Service The Mendez family includes Miguel, pastor for study and prayer ministries, LLUC; Linda, a graduate student in religion at La Sierra University; and Micah, who is four. Craig Jackson, dean, LLU School of Allied Health Professions Catherine Oms, physician assistant alumna and faculty, LLU SAHP Renee Lundin, radiation technology faculty, LLU SAHP Anthony Leon, music major in vocal performance at La Sierra University Sergio Leiva, pianist, conductor, and music producer Filip Milosavljevic, pastor for youth ministries, LLUC Julia Hollister, assistant professor, communication sciences and disorders, LLU SAHP Jillian Petersen, eleven years old, Redlands Adventist Academy Megan Petersen, nine years old, Redlands Adventist Academy Rodney Roath, clinical laboratory science alumnus and department chair, LLU SAHP 6:00 - 8:30 pm ER VOLUNTElp ! today to he sign-up to volunteer at lluc.org Child Dedication Oliver Abel Lara, is the son of Jared and Sylvia Lara. Jared is a lifelong member of LLUC and a local small business owner. Sylvia is a surgical coordinator for LLUCH Dermatology. Oliver has four older brothers, Ruben, Jared, Jesse, and Roy. We regret to announce the death of E. Leon Hulse, April 16. His services were Friday, April 22. He is survived by his wife Gladys, three daughters and sons-in-law: Nancy & Tom Falter, Karen & Delmar Wolfkill, Diane & Kevin Thompson, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Community Life The Loma Linda University School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) welcomes alumni, healthcare professionals, and friends to take part in the 20th annual Alumni Homecoming and Continuing Education Convention this weekend. Join us today, April 23, at 1:00 p.m. for lunch on the fourth floor of Centennial Complex. LLU President Richard Hart will discuss University updates followed by Dean Craig Jackson sharing School updates. The 50thanniversary gala will begin tonight at the Drayson Center at 7:30 p.m. On Sunday, continuing education opportunities will be offered; all healthcare professionals are invited to attend. For more information, visit www.alliedhealth.llu.edu. We regret to announce the death of Jan Kuzma, April 12. He is survived by his wife Kay; son Kevin; daughters Kim and Kari; brother George Kuzma; and sisters Christine Cassidy and Donna Ranzinger. Services will be held in Hawaii, April 23. Kenya Mission Trip: This summer, June 22-July 3, LLUC is sponsoring another trip to the Mara to help build a brand-new secondary school and provide medical and dental care for the Maasai community. As always, the trip ends with a two-day safari in the Maasai Mara preserve. For more information or to sign up, please go to www.lluc.org or call the church office at 909-558-4570, ext. 4709. Cherub and Junior Choir Registration starts May 2. Space is limited, so register soon at the church office with the music secretary either in person for cash or check, or by phone for credit card payments. Cherub Choir admits 1st–4th graders; Junior Choir admits 5th–8th graders. PEP (Pray, Eat, Play) Program. Pastor Roberts’ current sermon series on family emphasizes the importance of family’s spending time together. Make a commitment to dedicate one hour a week to spend with your family. Robotics Summer Camp will be held at La Sierra University from June 13–24 for participants ages nine and older. Attendees will learn robotics, analytical thinking, computer programming, and electronics through fun, hands-on activities. The camp will be held M–F 9 a.m.–12 noon at La Sierra’s Price Science Complex. For registration and fee information, visit www.RobotsForFun.com or e-mail info@ robotsforfun.com. LLU Medical Auxiliary presents “Music & Art in the Park,” Sunday, May 1 at 5 pm at the Pavilion of Prospect Park in Redlands: guitar concert, art sale, dinner and live and silent auctions. All are welcome! Proceeds benefit scholarship fund for LLU medical students. Registration and tickets are at llumedaux.org or (909)558-4639.
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