April 30, 2016 - Loma Linda University Church
April 30, 2016 - Loma Linda University Church
Church at Study RANDALL AMPHITHEATER 10:30 a.m. Congregational Singing Rick Garcia Sweet Hour of Prayer Opening Hymn No. 478 Prayer, Welcome, and Introductions Musical Selection My Sanctuary Reggie and Ladye Love Smith Special Feature Drawing the Circle Prayer for the Offering Offering Sabbath School Expense (Place mission offering in envelope.) Offertory Lesson Closing Prayer God Gave the Song Jeff Wood Deborah Banks Tuesday, May 3 6:30 p.m. Experiencing God Bible Study, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, May 4 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Open Prayer Circle, “Praise, Petitions and Prayer,” Room 102 Prayer Meeting, Room 111 Church board meeting, Fellowship Hall Sabbath, May 7 9:00 a.m. & 11:45 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 10:30 a.m. “That Other God (Part 1): Unemployed God,” Roy Ice, Sanctuary Relive Worship, “Pentecost,” Tyler Stewart, Sanctuary LLUC Sabbath School, “Resting in Christ,” Calvin Thomsen, Randall Amphitheater Sunset Today - 7:32 p.m. LomaLinda niversityChurch of Seventh-day Adventists April 30, 2016 Sunset Next Week - 7:38 p.m. Nick Vence William J. & Gloria Gaither Sermon Introduction We are delighted to welcome Kendra Haloviak Valentine as we journey together through Reggie and Ladye Love Smith the songs and prayers of Revelation. This Sabbath is the result of much thought, Roy Ice The Contemplative Prayer Debate Postlude Melissa Garcia Calendar Superintendent: Rick and Melissa Garcia Keyboard: Stephanie Looi Producer: David Colwell Roy Ice planning, work, and especially prayer. It is our hope that today’s program affords an opportunity for us to learn, listen, study, fellowship, and of course, pray. As we gather to proclaim, “Worthy is the Lamb,” we trust that our time together will provide the tools to inspire you to make a difference for Jesus. Even now, as our worship service begins, know that we are praying for you. May God continue to richly bless you. Sincerely, Miguel Mendez Pastor for Spiritual Development Relive Ministry Young Adult Ministry www.reliveministry.com Randy Roberts Sabbath service, 10:25 a.m., LLUC Sanctuary Together In Prayer If you have ever wondered why, how, or when to intercede in prayer for the church, this is for you. Jesus invites us to do so. The Prayer Place is the place. Join us Sabbath mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., or from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We are located by the courtyard in room 102. LLUC services are aired live on the church website at www.lluc.org and are also aired live and broadcast on Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) via the Internet at www.llbn.tv, Time Warner Cable channel 17 in Loma Linda, Verizon FiOS Cable channel 31 in Loma Linda and Redlands, Roku (under BrightStarTV), and Glorystar satellite (which carries LLBN, 3ABN, Hope Channel, and other Christian networks). For more information, please visit www.llbn.tv, or call (866) 552-6881. Rebroadcast Schedule of University Church Programs on LLBN Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (SS) 8:00 p.m. (V) 4:00 a.m., (W) 11:00 a.m. (SS) 12:00 a.m. (W) 3:00 a.m., (V) 8:00 p.m. (SS) 4:00 a.m. (V) 12:00 a.m., (W) 7:00 p.m. (SS-Sabbath School; V-Vespers; W-Worship) Questions or Comments: comments@lluc.org • Online at: www.lluc.org DVD copies of LLUC worship services are available for purchase online at www.llucstore.com Church Office Hours: Mon.–Thur., 8:00am – 5:00pm ; Fri., 8:00am – noon. Closed Tues., 8:30 – 9:30am This is a weekly bulletin 11125 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • (909) 558-4570 growing disciples Church at WorshipApril 30 SANCTUARY Church Life 9:00 and 11:45 a.m There is no hospitality dinner today. Offering today: Generational ministries. Next week: UReach. All loose and undesignated offerings are applied to church budget. Give online at www.lluc.org. Out of respect to worshippers around you, please silence all electronic devices. Video Announcements Worthy Is the Lamb Prelude Darlene Zschech Pastoral Welcome Miguel Mendez Songs of Worship All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name Crown Him with Many Crowns Praise Team Prayer Tithes and Offerings Generational Ministries (Loose offerings go to church budget.) Great Is Thy Faithfulness Offertory Reggie and Ladye Love Smith Child Dedication Karlie Mousally William M. Runyan We regret to announce Elder Carl B. Watts, 96, died Sunday evening, April 17, 2016. He is survived by daughter Kit Watts, son and wife Howard and Sandi Watts, grandchildren Kandice and Travis Watts, nephews and nieces. Randy Roberts3 Church Board will meet Wednesday, May 4, at 7:00 p.m in the Fellowship Hall. Patrick Johnson Used cartridge re-cycling is no longer handled by the church as a fund raiser: therefore, no more used cartridges will be accepted at the church. The Praying Imagination Kendra Haloviak Valentine Congregational Response Revelation 4, 5 NRSV VBS: Laughing, playing, creating, listening, and so much more are experienced at VBS! Be watching for details to come and help; online pre-registration begins shortly. (See insert.) Above All Michael W. Smith Reggie and Ladye Love Smith Closing Prayer Postlude Oliver Holden George J. Elvey I Have Fixed My Mind David Huntsinger Reggie Smith Musical Feature Sermon Song of Response We regret to announce the death of Melvin L. Tompkins, April 18. He is survived by his son Randy, (wife Judy), daughter Claudia Armstrong; brother Richard Tompkins and sister Maxine Vixie. He was a long-time member of LLUC prior to his move east to live with family. Services will be held in Georgia. Agnus Dei Michael W. Smith Praise Team Call to Worship Community Life Newbold College alumni and friends: Join us for dinner and a meeting with John Baildam on Saturday, May 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Loma Linda Academy Heritage Room. RSVP with the number in your party to wedgwood3@aol.com. Kendra Haloviak Valentine Victory in Jesus (Please maintain reverence during the postlude.) David S. Penner and Kirk Campbell, producers Praise Team: Reggie and Ladye Love Smith, Jordan and Gilda Roddy 1 First Service Eugene M. Bartlett3 Greg Batla, pianist 3 Third Service WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Miguel Mendez, pastor for spiritual development ministries, LLUC Patrick Johnson, graduate student, H.M.S. Richards School of Divinity, La Sierra University, prayer team member Reggie and Ladye Love Smith, music ministry, Nashville, TN Gilda and Jordan Roddy, pastor for pastoral care LLUC, and children’s ministry elder, LLUC Kendra Haloviak Valentine, professor of New Testament studies, H.M.S. Richards School of Divinity, La Sierra University Greg Batla, marketing specialist at Quiet Hour Ministries, host of TV series, Missions Today, also the producer of ReLive Readers: Bernard Brandstater, Gary Carpenter, Marilynn Carpenter, Marcos Giraudo, and Schaloom Giraudo Child Dedication Karlie Mousally is the daughter of Edward and Nora Mousally. Edward is a graduate of LLU School of Dentistry, and Nora is a graduate of LLU School of Medicine. Karlie has two brothers: Carlton, age seven, and Braxton, age four; both dedicated by Pastor Roberts. The family lives in Laguna Beach. LLU Medical Auxiliary presents “Music & Art in the Park,” on Sunday, May 1 at 5 p.m. at the Pavilion of Prospect Park in Redlands. The event includes a guitar concert, an art sale, dinner, and live & silent auctions. All are welcome! Proceeds benefit Scholarship Fund for LLU medical students. Register and purchase tickets at llumedaux.org or call (909)558-4639. The Loma Linda Cultural Arts Association invites the community to two art displays, part of the Loma Linda University Fine Arts Festival, at the Drayson Center and the Loma Linda Civic Center, April 14–May 24. For more information, call (909)796-7041. Kenya Mission Trip: This summer, June 22–July 3, LLUC is sponsoring another trip to the Mara to help build a brand-new secondary school and provide medical and dental care for the Maasai community. As always, the trip ends with an two-day safari in the Maasai Mara preserve. For more information or to sign up, please go to www.lluc.org or call the church office at (909)558-4570, ext. 4709. Pathfinders Yard Sale and Car Wash: Come shop for treasures while the Pathfinders wash your car on Sunday, May 1, from 7:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at the LLA academy parking lot. It benefits “WE BUILD,” the LLUC church building program. Members can drop off all “Yard Sale” donations Saturday night after sundown at the parking lot so the pathfinders can prepare items for the sale. Cherub and Junior Choir Registration starts May 2. Space is limited, so register soon at the church office with the music secretary either in person for cash or check, or by phone for credit card payments. Cherub Choir admits 1st–4th graders; Junior Choir admits 5th–8th graders. Members of LLUC families only, please. The Leon Hulse family wishes to express their appreciation for the love and support received during their time of loss. LLU Nutrition & Dietetics students will present health information on diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, along with food demonstrations on Thursdays at 4 p.m. in The Station on 24891 Redlands Blvd. Can Darwin’s theory of evolution provide a coherent and compelling foundation for moral reasoning? Ronald E. Osborn, an Andrew W. Mellon fellow at Wellesley College, explores some challenging implications of Darwin’s theory and strictly naturalistic accounts of human behavior for ideas about moral goodness. His lecture highlighting aspects of his forthcoming book, Humanism and the Death of God: Searching for the Good After Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche (Oxford University Press), is scheduled for May 7, 2016, 3:00–5:00 p.m., Centennial Complex, Damazo Amphitheater. Sponsored by the School of Religion.
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