The Newsletter of St. Mark`s Episcopal Church, Glen Ellyn January


The Newsletter of St. Mark`s Episcopal Church, Glen Ellyn January
The Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Glen Ellyn
January 2012
In this issue
Rector’s Message
Children’s Events
Spanish Language Ministry
Women’s Events
Ways to be Involved
Youth Update
Important Dates
More information on any of these
events can be found in this issue or at
Preschool registration beings
Education for all resumes
Lanzillo Eagle Court of Honor
Men’s group
KNOW group
Mexico Mission planning
Youth to PADS
Blues Night set up
Men’s Group
Feed My Starving Children
Blues Night
February Save the Date!
Cake auction
Annual meeting
Ash Wednesday
Late Nite Catechism
From our Rector
January 2012
Focus on Outreach
The Walk-in Ministry
It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that Glen Ellyn and the surrounding
communities are among the wealthiest in the country. Almost everyone has
enough food, clothing and shelter. We really live like kings, in fact, better than
the kings of our history books could have imagined – with clean running water,
hot showers, bananas and fresh fruit available year-around, and cheap
medicines like Ibuprofen that relieve headache and joint pain in as little as ten
minutes. Of course, we have much more than this – including high-ranking
schools and an incredible park district. Now that this standard of living has
become normal, it is easy to take it for granted. But even in Glen Ellyn, this
good life does not reach everyone, or it has moved or is moving out of reach.
Imagine that for any number of reasons you are not able come up with enough
money to pay your water, gas or electric bill. What would you do? Where would you
go? Imagine that your family won’t or can’t help and friends are unable to lend or give
you money. With nowhere to turn, I would hope that you might consider going to a
church for help. And, in fact, that is exactly what some people do. Every week, there
are people who go to Glen Ellyn churches to ask for help with paying bills, putting gas
in the tank or getting a train ticket. Twenty-five years ago, the Glen Ellyn churches
realized that if they joined forces, they could do more together to help people than if
they operated individually. With this goal in mind, the Walk-in Ministry was created,
and today, 18 Glen Ellyn churches support this ecumenical outreach ministry.
The office of the Walk-in Ministry is located at First United Methodist Church on the
corner of Forest Avenue and Duane Street. It is open Monday through Friday from 10
a.m. to noon. The stated mission is “to provide a source of compassionate assistance
to individuals and families in need.” Each of the member churches refers people who
need aid to the Walk-in Ministry. No one is turned away without receiving some kind of
help, even if it is a voucher for lunch at the Patio Restaurant. In turn, each member
church provides volunteers to staff the office, funds for assistance and a
representative to serve on the governing board. The representative from St. Mark’s is
Bob Bernero.
St. Mark’s has supported the Walk-in Ministry since its inception in 1984. At a
minimum, a portion of the St. Mark’s annual outreach budget ($1,250 in 2011) goes to
fund its operations. Last year, the “Run for Walk-in” challenge resulted in an additional
$1,100 contribution. This month, on Saturday, January 28, St. Mark’s will host a
“Blues Night” to raise funds for the Walk-in Ministry. Ticket prices are only $30 and
include dinner and authentic blues music. Our goal is to raise over $4,000.
The Walk-in Ministry is St. Mark’s “focus” outreach partner this year. I hope that you
will help our outreach to those in need in our community by going to the Blues Night
event, by volunteering at their office, or simply by finding out more about the needs
that are often out of sight in our community. Brochures about the Walk-in Ministry are
located in the narthex at St. Mark’s.
The heart and soul of the Gospel is helping others. This is the work of the Walk-in
Ministry, and St. Mark’s stands ready to continue is long-standing commitment to this
Yours in Christ – George+
Page 2
Adult Formation
Every Sunday
Life long learning! Justice,
Bible and spiritual issues. For
more information, contact the
Adult Formation coordinator
Myrna Grant,
Resuming on
January 8, 2012
Adult formation at
9:15, 10:15 a.m.
Sunday school at 10:15 a.m.
Nursery care
8:00 a.m. –noon
Need up-to-date
All are welcome to the
Tuesday Bible Study at 9
a.m. in the library. We meet
for an hour, and in January
we are studying 2
Corinthians. Questions?
The Rev. George Smith,
Resolutions for 2012:
worship with the family, make
sure the kids are in Sunday
school, speak to the people
in the pew in front of you,
thank a clergyperson, donate
food or blood, smile at an
unfriendly salesclerk, pray,
love, hope.
January 2012
Keeping God’s
People Safe
Spanish Language
The Rev. Victor H. Conrado,
Associate Rector for Spanish-language Ministries
Our fourth Eucharistic celebration is up and running
here in St. Mark’s.
We have been blessed with a great attendance from
our brothers and sisters of the Latino community
during the different events we have planned here to
welcome them. Events such as Our Lady of
Guadalupe’s Novena, the Rosary and the Posadas
have helped us share what we believe as a parish
family, as well as enrich us with the traditions and
popular religiosity of many people who want to be
part of our family.
This could have not been possible without the active
support of members of St. Mark’s Bridge Group, as
well as the presence and welcoming spirit of St.
Mark’s members during the different services and
events we organized. When talking to some of our
newcomers, they appreciated the fact that there
were people from the parish with a smile and open
arms. Thanks for helping us put into practice the
gospel of hospitality in our parish community.
This important moment in our parish welcomed
members of others parishes in our deanery and from
neighboring Latino Episcopal congregations. We
want to thank them for their communion with us in
this important moment.
“The Diocese of Chicago is committed to doing everything
in its power to maintain a safe and supportive atmosphere
for the children who are members of its congregations,
attend its programs, or participate in its ministries.
To foster a secure environment, we have developed
Keeping God’s People Safe, a two-level workshop training
program that sensitizes all of those who work with children
in our church to the dangers of child sexual abuse and
teaches them to recognize and prevent situations in which
abuse might occur.” [from the Episcopal Diocese of
Chicago website]
St. Mark's will be hosting Keeping God's People Safe
Training with a tentative dates of either Saturday,
February 4 or 11, to be conducted by the Rev. Debra
Bullock. Two levels of training are being offered: Level I:
Protecting God's People and Level II: Leading God's
People. The Level I training is required by the diocese
for anyone who works with children or youth; the Level
II training is required for all church staff, Eucharistic
ministers, program leaders, wardens and vestry
members. Training is expected to be repeated after no
more than five years.
Level I runs from 9 am to 12 noon, and Level II is from 1
p.m. to 3:30 p.m.. For those attending both parts of the
training, please plan on bringing your lunch; beverages and
dessert will be provided. There is no charge for this
training. If you're interested in attending, please RSVP by
calling St. Mark's office at 630-858-1020 or emailing to Or, you may contact
the Rev. Elizabeth Molitors at 630-828-1020, x226 or
We are moving forward with the desire to offer a
space for our Spanish-speaking members to feel at
home and with the chance to put in practice their
faith. We will offer the following, starting this month:
On Saturday, January 14, we will begin offering a
prayer of the Rosary and a Eucharist celebration
starting at 9:30 a.m. and will continue every
St. Mark's Co-ed Softball Team
Are you an adult interested in joining a 30+ softball
league? Ten games would be played, Sunday night
from May to July. We need 14+ people. The cost
would be $44 for Wheaton residents and $64 for nonWheaton residents. I'd be happy to do this in Glen
Ellyn if more people sign up from Glen Ellyn. (Once
more than 14 people join, the cost per person goes
down) Contact Steve Gross at or 630-868-3326.
Starting Thursday, January 19, at 6:00 p.m. we will
offer a Bible study and prayer group.
We invite all to participate in these different moments
of prayers as we continue to welcome our Spanishspeaking members into our parish community.
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January 2012
On the Liturgy…
1. The Lord is Come! The celebration of The Nativity of
our Lord Jesus Christ, or Christmas, has been observed
in the Church every year since ancient times, at least
from the 300’s A.D. Surprisingly, there have been times
and places where Christians didn’t celebrate this
holiday, such as during the brief reign of the
Commonwealth in England, 1649-1660, as well as in
Puritan New England, when it was a crime to celebrate
Christmas at all! Although the date of Christ’s birth is not
recorded in the Gospels, December 25 was selected for
the celebration of the Nativity, on the date of the Roman
festival of the Birth of the Unconquerable Sun and the
winter solstice, which now was given new meaning by
the fact of the birth of God’s only Son.
The word “Christmas” was used in the twelfth century as
a contraction of “Christ’s Mass.” This feast has always
been a favorite of Anglicans, as well as other Christians,
because it celebrates the great doctrine of the
Incarnation, the coming of the eternal Son of God into
our humanity. This season of Christmas, also called
Christmastide, continues until Epiphany, January 6.
2. The Church Year celebrates seven Feasts of our
Lord, special holy days commemorating principal events
in Christ's earthly life, such as his Presentation in the
Temple and his Transfiguration (see the Book of
Common Prayer, p. 16). The first of these is January 1,
the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.
The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus falls on the eighth
day after the Nativity; this would be the day that Mary's
baby was taken to receive circumcision, the sign of the
Jewish covenant, and was given his name. Unlike many
parents, Mary and Joseph did not have to puzzle to
come up with an appropriate name for their new baby,
since the angel had already told Joseph that the baby
would be named Jesus (Hebrew: Yeshua, which means
Savior or Deliverer) because he would "save his people
from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).
Early Christian preaching proclaimed that this name is
packed with meaning; it shows that while he was the
Son of God, Jesus was also a flesh and blood human
being who died a human death and whom God raised to
be our Savior (Acts 2:32, 4:12). With those who have
preceded us in the faith of the Church, let us rejoice in
the Savior at whose Name "every knee shall bow."
Touchingly, the Church Year surrounds the infant Jesus
with his first martyrs. December 28 celebrates the Holy
Innocents, the male children under two years of age in
Bethlehem that Herod ordered murdered in an attempt to
eliminate the threat of a newborn king. The Church has
always honored these young martyrs, whom St. Augustine
called “buds, killed by the frost of persecution the moment
they showed themselves.”
3. Epiphany begins January 6 and will last until Ash
Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The name comes
from the Greek word epiphaneia, meaning "manifestation,"
the theme of Epiphany is the manifestation of Christ.
Pivotal events in this manifestation are in his manifestation
to his first Gentile believers (the Wise Men, or Magi), and
his manifestation as God, in baptism in the river Jordan and
his first miracle at Cana. Epiphany originated in the Eastern
church (today known as Orthodox) and later in the Western
church, to which we belong. Along with Christmas and
Easter, it is one of the three most important and most
ancient festival days of the Church.
Who were the Magi? They were scholars and pilgrims who
came from the East and followed a star to visit the young
King of the Jews. In Eastern churches, it is believed that
there were twelve Magi, while in the West the number is set
at three, corresponding to the three gifts of gold and
frankincense and myrrh (Matt. 2:11). Tradition has held that
they were kings, in fulfillment of Ps. 72:11, "May all kings
fall down before him." They are known as Balthasar,
Melchior, and Gaspar; the kings of Arabia, Persia, and
India, respectively. Relics supposed to be of these kings
were transferred from Constantinople, to Milan, and then to
Cologne in the twelfth century.
—David Fletcher,
The Year of Mark
Mark 1:1 The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God.
We are reading from the
Gospel of Mark, for most of
2012. It takes only about two
hours to read the whole book
in one sitting! Make it a New
Year’s Resolution you can
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January 2012
Preschool Registration Details: Priority registration for returning families, St. Mark's parishioners and current PDO
families, will be from January 1 to 15. Our open registration will begin January 16. We offer a morning (9:15-11:30 a.m.)
and afternoon (12:45-3:00 p.m.) mixed age class for three and four-year olds. For more information and an application,
please visit our website: www.
Can you Make a
Joyful Noise?
Feed My Starving
On Saturday, January 28, the adults and
children (grade 3 and up) of St. Mark’s have
an opportunity to help feed the world by
working a shift at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) in Aurora, a non-profit
organization that ships shelf-stable meals to malnourished children in 70 countries. St.
Mark’s children and adults will work in teams to hand-pack meals that will be shipped
to areas of the world affected by drought, famine and natural disasters.
Space is limited, so sign up soon on the display in the narthex. A ratio of one adult for
every four children is required. Our work group will gather at St. Mark’s at 10 a.m. on
January 28 and travel together to Aurora (a 30-45 minute drive) for an 11am-1pm
shift, returning to St. Mark’s by 2 p.m. Questions? Please contact the Rev. Elizabeth
Molitors at 630-858-1020, x226 or
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Do you sing or play a
musical instrument? Share
your gifts with the
congregation at St Mark’s!
Contact Marsha Webster at
musicassociate@stmarks We want to
hear from you!
January 2012
Children’s News
Questions? Contact Jill Bednas at, 630-858-1020 ext 227.
Pictures from St. Nicholas Luncheon 2011
With many thanks to the good saint and his many helpers !
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Our Christmas Pageant 2011
A very big Thank You to Judy Jackson, Melissa Creech, Virginia Vagt, Karen Doran and all
the volunteers who worked so hard to make this year's pageant so great!
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January 2012
Youth Update
Questions? Contact the Rev. Elizabeth Molitors at 630-858-1020 x226 or
Confirmation Date Set
Thank YOU!
Many thanks to parent leader Cindy Glavin and
her team of youth volunteers (Lauren Glavin,
Emily Sexauer, Erin Delany, Sarah Delany,
Cooper Clynch) who spent their Saturday morning
on December 3rd working at the Peoples’
Resource Food Pantry. The PRC has expressed
their gratitude for St. Mark’s continued support of
their efforts in serving the people of DuPage
The Office of the Bishop has set a date for our 2012 deanerywide Confirmation, Saturday, May 19, at St. Andrew’s,
Downer’s Grove. Confirmands will meet with the bishop at
10 a.m., prior to the service which begins at 11 a.m. The
following day, Sunday, May 20, is Confirmand Recognition
Sunday, where the just-confirmed youth will attend all three
morning worship services, filling the various liturgical roles
(readers, acolytes, ushers, etc.) and offering their reflections on
Confirmation during the sermon time.
Attention 7/8 grade youth, parents and mentors. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, February 5, 12
noon-1:30 p.m. We will be gathering at St. Mark’s for a youth/mentor/parent lunch event and program.
Questions? Please contact the Rev. Elizabeth Molitors ( or 630-858-1020 x226).
Serving at PADS
St. Mark's middle school youth group - YLF
(Youth Living Faith) - will meet in January
and February on the following dates: January
22, February 12 and February 22, from 3:305 p.m. The group is open to all St. Mark's
middle school youth, 6th through 8th grade,
and any friends you want to bring along. Our
time is a combination of service, group games
and connecting the words of our faith with how
we live that faith the rest of the week.
We have four spots available for youth (grades 712) to serve dinner at PADS at the First
Congregational Church on Sunday, January
22, from 6-8 p.m. We also need one adult
chaperone for the evening. If you’re interested,
please contact Rev. Elizabeth Molitors (
or 630-858-1020 x226).
Reminder: No Sunday School on
January 1 (New Years’ Day)
Welcome the new year in worship as a
family and make it a new year’s habit
in 2012!
Reminders about YLF will also be posted on
the St. Mark's Middle School Youth Facebook
group. For questions, contact the Rev.
Elizabeth Molitors at
or 630-858-1020 x226.
Mexico Mission 2012
Organizational Meeting January 22,11:30 a.m.
2012 tentative trip dates: June 17 to 22, 2012
Page 7
January 2012
2012 Giving Campaign Progress Report
Pledges - 97% of goal
Goal - 210
to date - 204
last year - 160
Dollars - 88% of goal
Cathedral Shelter
Christmas Baskets
by the Numbers
Results for 2011
Thanks to all of you who sponsored,
shopped, wrapped, packed, loaded,
donated money for a family, or prayed for
the success of this year’s Cathedral Shelter
Christmas Basket program at St. Mark’s.
We had more participants than ever before
(65 St. Mark’s families and individuals, plus
the Daughters of the King and the Glenbard
West JKB club through Kirsten Ward) and
were able to serve more families than ever
before: 70 families (including seniors)
representing 198 children and adults.
Boxes started arriving at church during the
week prior to our pick-up date of Saturday,
December 10. When the truck arrived, more
than two dozen St. Mark’s volunteers
moved 170 (phew!) boxes from the library
onto the truck.
Goal - $565,000
to date - $499,000 last year - $450,000
Thank you to everyone who has turned in a
pledge card. If you haven’t turned in yours
please do so as soon as possible. Additional
blank pledge cards are in the Narthex.
Thank you again for whatever form your
participation took. You have certainly made
Christmas brighter and more comfortable
for scores of people in need.
To learn more about Cathedral Shelter of
Chicago, one of St. Mark’s core outreach
organizations, and their mission, please
visit their website at
Ginnie Judd (
Annual Meeting
St. Mark's Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012 immediately following the
10:30 a.m. service. Nominations from the parish will be received through and including January 28,
2012. Nominations require signatures from 20 parishioners who are members in good standing and
an acceptance in writing from the nominee. Nominations should be submitted to the Rector or the
Senior or Junior Wardens, Fiona Miller or Scott Bednas.
Page 8
January 2012
It‘s the sweetest time of the year!
Men of St. Mark‘s: ages 8 to 80 (and
beyond) are invited to bake cakes for
the Fourth Annual Men‘s Cake
Auction. This year we'll spice things
up by holding the sale on SUNDAY,
FEBRUARY 12 during the Annual Parish Meeting. Come
prepared to bid on the confections and take home a
winner! A bake sale will also take place. All proceeds
support the 2012 St. Mark‘s Mexico Mission Trip.
For details, please contact Horacio Chavez at 630-9325525 (, or Victor
Conrado at 630-858-1020.
The Glen Ellyn Children’s Resource Center, which
provides after-school tutoring and literacy programs for
low-income, refugee or immigrant students, is hosting
its Fourth Annual Spellapallooza fundraiser on Friday,
March 2, 7:30 p.m. in the Glenbard West auditorium.
three-person teams– youths and adults collaborating
together – from area schools, non-profit organizations
and churches compete against one another in a lively
spelling bee.
If you’re interested in helping to organize a St. Mark’s
team – and cheering section! – please contact the
Rev. Elizabeth Molitors at 630-858-1020, x226 or
Got Talent?
(or just want to view some amazing talent?)
Saturday, March 10, 7:00 p.m. Mahon Hall
5-minute acts; fourth graders to adults, $10 registration per act
Proceeds benefit St. Mark‘s Preschool
Contact Kim Reed or Cindy Flynn
Thank you!
Thanks to you, People’s Resource Center served a record number of families in 2011. Because of your generous support:
7,771 families received nutritious food from our food pantry
1,206 adults registered for computer classes and 739 received free, refurbished computers
134 people found jobs with guidance from PRC job mentors
1,776 households selected gently used clothing for their families
752 families were commected to additional social services
623 adults enrolled in literacy training in a classroom or with a tutor
212 adults and 596 children developed self-esteem and creativity through PRC art programs
300 families received financial assistance to regain housing stability
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January 2012
daytime fellowship for parents of young children
fellowship for women of all ages
Nurturers of the Very Active (NOVA), our Thursday
morning group, offers activities and discussion topics
geared to parents of small children (primarily infant up
to kindergarten). We’ll meet through January until the
start of Move Your Whole Self and then resume in
April and May. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Lanzillo
Women-to-Women (W2W) is the umbrella group for all
our Women’s Ministries. It is a fellowship for all women of
St. Mark’s and has fostered rich intergenerational
relationships, helping all of us experience St. Mark’s as a
parish “family.” Whether you are a visitor, a newcomer,
or a longstanding parishioner, we hope you will get
involved! Contact Caroline McApline,
January 12: Story Time at the GEPL (has been
moved up from March 22). We’ll meet at the Glen
Ellyn Public Library beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the
Children’s Area and begin story time at 10:00, once
everyone gathers. Covered beverages welcome! This
fun morning for the kids is hosted by St. Mark’s Pastor
Associate the Rev. Dr. Robin Currie, the Childhood
Literacy Librarian for GEPL.
January 19: Meeting in the Parish Library (topic to
be announced) from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m., with childcare
January 26: Playtime in the Nursery. We’ll move up
to Mahon Hall if we need more space. Come meet
other moms and kids for refreshment and playtime
from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. As always, feel free to come
and leave as your schedule requires.
“Move Your Whole Self:
Body, Mind and Spirit”
Thursday Mornings
9:30 -10:45 a.m.
February 3 – March 15
Babysitting offered
Instead of yoga this year, we are
offering a “taste” of other physical
disciplines to allow us to grow as a
whole person in body, mind and
spirit. Classes will include:
centering prayer, Pilates, running
and more!
Any questions about this program, contact Reeny
Linstrom at
MOMS is an eight-week journey and is open to any woman
who plays the role of “mom.” This may include mothers,
stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, day-care
providers, teachers, or any other similar positions. Through
MOMS, women are encouraged to reflect on themselves
and on the roles they hold in life. They take time to look at
their strengths, weaknesses, ministries, feelings, and
friendships, and how God’s grace plays a role in all aspects
of their lives. They are encouraged to seek out areas in
their life for personal growth and to view their vocation as
the sacred gift God made it.
We are currently holding Monday evening sessions
beginning January 16 through March 12, 2012 ,from 7:00
to 9:00 p.m. Questions? Please contact Sarah Adler at or 630-858-5886.
Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He
restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for
his name's sake. Y ea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod
and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
for ever.
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January 2012
Looking for a new look?
evening fellowship for mothers
Ladies, mark your calendars for the first ever Women 2
Women New-to-You Swap!
After Hours for Moms (AH) is an evening gathering
offering topics of interest to women in the child-rearing
years. We get together on occasional Wednesday
evenings in the parish library to hear a speaker, have a
discussion, and enjoy refreshments and fellowship.
Our topics are geared toward mothers in the
childrearing years, but all women are welcome.
This is an event where you
can bring your gently used
purses, wallets, scarves and
jewelry for others to admire
and take home, while you
pick up some ‘new to you’
trinkets. You will receive
one ticket for every item you
bring, which you can then
‘spend’ on the items that the
others have brought. This will be an environmentally
friendly, financially sound way to update your wardrobe
while being able to enjoy the fellowship of the women of
St. Mark’s. All leftover items will be donated to charity.
Join us Wednesday, January 18 at
7:00 p.m. in the parish library for
Birth Order Revelations. All women
are welcome to this fun and spirited
program hosted by After Hours.
Psychologist Dr. Maniacci delivers
with great wit an examination on how
sibling relationships influence
personality development. Come
laugh, explore and investigate why it is all your
siblings’ fault. Questions? Contact Martha Pfefferman
We will meet in Mahon Hall on Wednesday, February
15, 2012, beginning at 7 p.m. For more information
please contact Jen Chavez at jennylouchavez or 630-932-5525.
Pray for Peace
Almighty God, kindle, we pray, in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel
for the nations of the earth, that in tranquility your dominion may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your
love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for
ever. Amen. ( from the on-line Book of Common Prayer)
Women’s Retreat
Ladies, save the date for the annual Women’s Retreat (March 16-18, 2012).
Mark your calendars for a weekend of sisterhood, spiritual growth and
rejuvenation at the annual Women’s Retreat at the Abbey Resort and Spa in
Fontana, Wisconsin. Our theme this year is “The 3 R’s: Reflect, Refresh,
We take a core program of spiritual growth and mix it with fun games,
laughter and fellowship and sprinkle with relaxation around the pool and spa.
Cost is $225/double occupancy for two nights, four meals, and spa
admission. Ask around…you’ll discover it is a time you won’t want to miss!!
Find registration forms in the narthex or online in the women’s ministries
section of our website. Registration deadline is Feb 8, 2012. Questions?
Contact Fiona Miller at
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January 2012
JANUARY 14, 11:30 a.m., MAHON HALL
This is the annual event seniors and "wannabees" look forward to! It's a good time with lots of laughs and a great way to
catch up with old friends and make new ones. Please bring the usual: hot brunch dish, fruit, vegetable side dish, or
coffee cake, and each bring a wrapped white elephant gift. Please call Audrey Halbeck at 630- 469-5330
( or Sue Mylander at 630-469-1651 (, or sign up in the narthex.
Reading in the New Year
Please join St. Mark’s book group as we discuss The Immortal Life of Henrietta
Lacks on January 22, 2012 at 3:00 p.m., location TBD. Watch the weekly bulletins
for more information. For reviews of this author and her purpose for writing, go to
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