self study report for accreditation by naac
self study report for accreditation by naac
Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions SELF STUDY REPORT FOR ACCREDITATION BY NAAC 1 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Starex Institute of Education, Binola Distt. Gurgaon INDEX Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Content Approach Road Map Self Study Report Part I Criterion-I Curricular Aspects Criterion-II Teaching –Learning & Evaluation Criterion-III Research, Consultancy & Extension Criterion-IV Infrastructure & Learning Resources Criterion-V Student Support & Progression Criterion-VI Governance & Leadership Criterion-VII Innovative Practices Part-II Executive Summary Criterion-I Curricular Aspects Criterion-II Teaching –Learning & Evaluation Criterion-III Research, Consultancy & Extension Criterion-IV Infrastructure & Learning Resources Criterion-V Student Support & Progression Criterion-VI Governance & Leadership Criterion-VII Innovative Practices Declaration by head of the Institution Undertaking Page No. 3 4-99 4-36 8-10 11-14 15-17 18-23 24-28 29-34 35-36 37-97 37-38 39-46 47-56 57-64 65-72 73-79 80-94 95-97 98 99 2 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Starex Institute of Education, Binola, Gurgaon (Hr.) Approach Road Map Starex Institute of Education, Binola Gurgaon 3 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Profile of the Institution 1. Name and address of the institution: Starex Institute of Education, Binola, P.O. Bilaspur, Distt. Gurgaon. 2. Website URL: 3. For communication: Office Name Telephone Fax No E-Mail Address Number with STD Code 0124-2379990 Head/Principal 0124-2379994 Dr. P.S.Yadav Vice-Principal 09812522527 09812522527 Mr. Anil Yadav Self - appraisal Co-ordinator Mr. Anil Yadav Residence Name Telephone Mobile Number Number with STD Code Head/Principal 0124-2379990 9416321484 0124-2379991 09812522527 0124-2379991 09812522527 Dr. P.S.Yadav Vice-Principal Mr. Anil Yadav Self - appraisal Co-ordinator Mr. Anil Yadav 4 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Urban √ 4. Location of the Institution: Semi-urban Rural Tribal 10 Acre 5. Campus area in acres: 6. Is it a recognized minority institution? Yes √ Any other (specify and indicate) No 7. Date of establishment of the institution: Month & Year MM YYYY 12 2004 8. University/Board to which the institution is affiliated: M.D.University, Rohtak 9. Details of UGC recognition under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act. (N/A) Month & Year MM --- 2f YYYY --- Month & Year 12B YYYY --- Type of Institution a. By funding i. Government ii. Grant-in-aid iii. Constituent √ 10. MM --- iv. Self-financed 5 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions b. By Gender √ v. Any other (specify and indicate) i. Only for Men ii. Only for Women iii. Co-education By Nature i. University Dept. ii. IASE iii. Autonomous College √ c. iv. Affiliated College v. Constituent College vi. Dept. of Education of Composite College vii. CTE Viii. Any other (specify and indicate) √ 11. Does the University / State Education Act have provision for autonomy? Yes No If yes, has the institution applied for autonomy? Yes No 12. Details of Teacher Education programmes offered by the institution: Sl. Level No. Programme / Course i) Pre-primary N/A ii) Primary/ Elementary iii) Secondary/ Sr. secondary D.Ed. Entry Nature of Qualification Award Certificate Duration Medium of instruction 2 Years English /Hindi Diploma Degree Certificate 10+2 Diploma Degree Certificate Diploma Degree 6 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions iv. v. Post Graduate B.Ed. Graduation Diploma Degree 1 Year English /Hindi Certificate Other (specify) Diploma Degree (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) 13. Give details of NCTE recognition (for each programme mentioned in Q.12 above) Level Pre-primary Programme Order No. & Date Valid upto Sanctioned Intake N/A D.Ed/ETT Primary/Elementary F.NRC/NCTE/F7/HR315/6171 50 Dated:Sept.09/2006 Secondary/ Sr.secondary B.Ed. Post Graduate F.NRC/NCTE/F3/HR196/11787 100 Dated:Dec.22/2004, Other (specify) (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) 7 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions B) Criterion-wise inputs 1. 2. √ Criterion I: Curricular Aspects Does the Institution have a stated Vision Yes No Mission Yes No Values Yes No Objectives Yes No Yes a) Does the institution offer self-financed programme(s)? No If yes, 02 a) How many programmes? B.Ed.-Rs.48,235.00, D.Ed-Rs.25,800.00 3. Are there programmes with semester system D.Ed.Semester System and B.Ed. Annual System 4. Is the institution representing/participating in the curriculum development/ revision processes of the regulatory bodies? √ b) Fee charged per programme Yes No If yes, how many faculties are on the various curriculum development/vision committees/boards of universities/regulating authority? 01 5. Number of methods/elective options (programme wise) D.Ed. NIL B.Ed. 01 Any other (specify and indicate) N/A 8 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Are there Programmes offered in modular form Yes N/A Number 8. Are there Programmes where assessment of teachers by the students has been introduced Yes No Number N/A Are there Programmes with faculty exchange/visiting faculty Yes 9. No Number N/A √ √ √ √ √ 7. No Is there any mechanism to obtain feedback on the curricular aspects from the Yes No Academic peers Yes No Alumni Yes No Students Yes No Employers Yes No Heads of practice teaching schools √ 6. 10. How long does it take for the institution to introduce a new programme within the existing system? 8 year √ 11. Has the institution introduced any new courses in teacher education during the last three years? Yes Number No N/A 9 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Yes Number √ 12. Are there courses in which major syllabus revision was done during the last five years? No 01 curriculum? Yes No √ 13. Does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the Yes √ 14. Does the institution encourage the faculty to prepare course outlines? No 10 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Criterion II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 1. How are students selected for admission into various courses? a) Through an entrance test developed by the institution b) Common entrance test conducted by the University/Government c) Through an interview d) Entrance test and interview e) Merit at the qualifying examination f) Any other (specify and indicate) (If more than one method is followed, kindly specify the weightages) 2. Furnish the following information (for the previous academic year): a) Date of start of the academic year b) Date of last admission c) Date of closing of the academic year d) Total teaching days e) Total working days 3. Total number of students admitted Number of Programme students Reserved August 26, 2014 Nov.30, 2014 July31, 2015 180 210 Open M F Total M F Total M F Total D.Ed. 24 75 99 12 44 56 12 31 43 B.Ed. 10 89 99 06 56 62 04 33 37 4. Are there any overseas students? If yes, how many? Yes No N/A 11 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 5. What is the „unit cost‟ of teacher education programme? (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure divided by the number of students/ trainees enrolled). B.Ed a) Unit cost excluding salary component Rs.2150.00 Rs.4723.00 b) Unit cost including salary component (Please provide the unit cost for each of the programme offered by the institution as detailed at Question 12 of profile of the institution) 6. Highest and Lowest percentage of marks at the qualifying examination considered for admission during the previous academic session Open Programmes Reserved Highest Lowest Highest Lowest (%) (%) (%) (%) 81.50 50.00 75.01 46.83 B.Ed. 7. Is there a provision for assessing students‟ knowledge and skills for the programme (after admission)? Yes No √ 8. Does the institution develop its academic calendar? Yes No 9. Time allotted (in percentage) Programmes B.Ed. Theory Practice Teaching Practicum 65% 22.50% 12.50% 12 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 10. Pre-practice teaching at the institution a) Number of pre-practice teaching days 10 b) Minimum number of pre-practice teaching Lessons given by each student 20 Day s Lesson 5+5 micro 5+5 simulated 11. Practice Teaching at School a) Number of schools identified for practice teaching 0 5 b) Total number of practice teaching days 2 0 c) Minimum number of practice teaching lessons given by each student 4 0 12. How many lessons are given by the student teachers in simulation and pre-practice teaching in classroom situations? No. of Lessons In simulation No. 10(5+5) No. of Lessons Pre-practice teaching No. 10 (5+5) √ 13. Is the scheme of evaluation made known to students at the beginning of the academic session? Yes No 14. Does the institution provide for continuous evaluation? Yes No 15. Weightage (in percentage) given to internal and external evaluation Programmes Internal External B.Ed. 14% 86% 13 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 16. Examinations a) Number of sessional tests held for each paper b) Number of assignments for each paper 0 2 0 2 17.Access to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and technology. Yes No Computers Intranet Internet Software / courseware (CDs) Audio resources Video resources Teaching Aids and other related materials Any other (specify and indicate) …………. ………….. 18. Are there courses with ICT enabled teaching-learning process? Yes No Number 02 19.Does the institution offer computer science as a subject? No √ Yes If yes, is it offered as a compulsory or optional paper? Compulsory Optional 14 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension 1. Number of teachers with Ph. D and their percentage to the total faculty strength 02 2. 28.57% Does the Institution have ongoing research projects? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, provide the following details on the ongoing research projects Funding agency Amount (Rs) Duration (years) 3. Collaboration, if any N/A Number of completed research projects during last three years. N/A 5. Teachers are provided with seed money Adjustment in teaching schedule Providing secretarial support and other facilities Any other specify and indicate x Does the institution provide financial support to research scholars? Yes 6. √ √ 4. How does the institution motivate its teachers to take up research in education? (Mark for positive response and X for negative response) Teachers are given study leave No √ Number of research degrees awarded during the last 5 years. 15 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 7. a. Ph.D. 02 b. M.Phil. 01 Does the institution support student research projects (UG & PG)? Yes 8. No Details of the Publications by the faculty (Last five years) Yes No International journals Number 14 National journals – referred papers …… 02 …… ……… …… 02 …… ……… Non referred papers Academic articles in reputed magazines/news papers ……… Books Any other (specify and indicate) 9. ……… Are there awards, recognition, patents etc received by the faculty? Number N/A Yes No 10. Number of papers presented by the faculty and students (during last five years): Faculty National seminars 19 Students …. International seminars 02 …. Any other academic forum 03 …. (Refresher and orientation course) 11. What types of instructional materials have been developed by the institution? (Mark `‟ for yes and `X‟ for No.) Self-instructional materials Print materials Non-print materials (e.g. Teaching Aids/audio-visual, multimedia, etc.) Digitalized (Computer aided instructional materials) 16 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Question bank Any other (specify and indicate) √ x 12. Does the institution have a designated person for extension activities? No If yes, indicate the nature of the post. Part-time Additional charge √ Full-time √ Yes 13. Are there NSS and NCC programmes in the institution? Yes No √ 14. Are there any other outreach programmes provided by the institution? Yes No 15. Number of other curricular/co-curricular meets organized by other academic agencies/NGOs on Campus √ 02 16. Does the institution provide consultancy services? Yes No In case of paid consultancy what is the net amount generated during last three years. NIL 17. Does the institution have networking/linkage with other institutions/ organizations? Local level State level National level International level X 17 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 1. Built-up Area (in sq. mts.) 5000 square mtr. approx. 3. a) Methods lab Yes b) Psychology lab Yes c) Science Lab(s) Yes d) Education Technology lab Yes e) f) Computer lab Workshop for preparing teaching aids Yes Yes No No No No No √ √ √ √ √ √ Are the following laboratories been established as per NCTE Norms? √ √ √ √ √ √ 2. No How many Computer terminals are available with the institution? 15 desktop+ 3 Laptops 4. What is the Budget allotted for computers (purchase and maintenance) during the previous academic year? Rs.1,07,000.00 5. What is the Amount spent on maintenance of computer facilities during the previous academic year? Rs.40,000.00 6. What is the Amount spent on maintenance and upgrading of laboratory facilities during the previous academic year? Rs.37,500.00 7. What is the Budget allocated for campus expansion (building) and upkeep for the current academic session/financial year? Rs.75,000.00 18 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 8. Has the institution developed computer-aided learning packages? Yes 9. No Total number of posts sanctioned (1+7)=8 Teaching 2+2+2=06 Non-teaching 10. Total number of posts vacant Teaching 00 Non-teaching 00 11. a. Number of regular and permanent teachers Open M Lecturers 01 Reserved (Gender-wise) F M F 01 04 01 5 b. Number of temporary/ad-hoc/part-time teachers (Gender-wise) Open Reserved Lecturers c. Number of teachers from M F M F 0 0 0 0 Same state 06 Other states 01 19 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 12. Teacher student ratio (program-wise) Programme Teacher student ratio B.Ed. 1:14 13. a. Non-teaching staff Open M F b. Technical Assistants Reserved M F Permanent 01 1 02 02 Temporary 0 0 0 0 M F M F 0 0 0 0 M F M F 01 0 0 0 Permanent Temporary 14. Ratio of Teaching – non-teaching staff 1:1 15. Amount spent on the salaries of teaching faculty during the previous academic session (% of total expenditure) √ (60% expenditure of the total expenditure including salary) 16. Is there an advisory committee for the library? Yes No 17. Working hours of the Library On working days 9:00-15:30 On holidays ………….. During examinations 9:00-17:00 20 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 18. Does the library have an Open access facility Yes No 19. Total collection of the following in the library a. Books 7940 - Textbooks 6430 - Reference books 1510 b. Magazines 12 11 09 e. Journals subscribed - Indian journals - Foreign journals 02 f. Peer reviewed journals 10 g. Back volumes of journals 117 h. E-information resources - Online journals/e-journals ----40 - CDs/ DVDs - Databases ----- - Video Cassettes ------ - Audio Cassettes ------ 20. Mention the Total carpet area of the Library (in sq. mts.) 105.000 Square meter. Seating capacity of the Reading room 70 21. Status of automation of Library Yet to intimate Partially automated Fully automated 21 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 22. Which of the following services/facilities are provided in the library? Circulation Clipping Photocopying Computer and Printer Bibliographic compilation Reference Information display and notification Book Bank Internet Online access facility Inter-library borrowing X Power back up User orientation /information literacy Any other (please specify and indicate) X 23. Are students allowed to retain books for examinations? Yes No 24. Furnish information on the following Average number of books issued/returned per day 62 Maximum numbers of day‟s books are permitted to be retained By students 2 week By faculty 4 week Maximum number of books permitted for issue For students For faculty Average number of users who visited/consulted per month 04 10 2550 22 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Ratio of library books (excluding textbooks and book bank 6:1 facility)to the number of students enrolled 25. What is the percentage of library budget in relation to total budget of the institution Approx 3.50% (for current session i.e. 2014-15) Provide the number of books/ journals/ periodicals that have been added to the library during the last three years and their cost. I 2014-15 Number Total cost (in Rs.) Text book 200 61,275.00 II 2013-14 Number Total cost (in Rs.) 200 55975.00 65 III 2012-13 Number Total cost (in Rs.) 100 45 31000.00 Other books 85 Journals/ Periodicals Encyclopedia 11 5275.00 10 3580.00 09 2500.00 02 13000.00 01 6500.00 …… ……. 23 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Criterion V: Student Support and Progression 1. Programme wise “dropout rate” for the last three batches 2. Programmes 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 B.Ed. 06 09 04 01 Does the Institution have the tutor-ward/or any similar mentoring system? Yes No If yes, how many students are under the care of a mentor/tutor? NA 3. Does the institution offer Remedial instruction? Yes 4. Does the institution offer Bridge courses? Yes 5. No No Examination Results during past three years (provide year wise data) Pass Percentage Number of first class Number of distinctions Exemplary Performances (Gold Medal & University ranks) 6. 20011-12 85% UG B.Ed 2012-13 99% 2013-14 96% 74 99 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of students who have passed competitive examinations during the last three years (provide year wise data) I II III NET/TET Any other (specifies and indicates) 0 08 13 -- --- -24 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 7. Mention the number of students who have received financial aid during the past three years. Financial Aid 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Merit Scholarship ………. ………. ………. Merit-cum-means scholarship ………. ………. ………. Fee concession ………. ………. ………. Loan facilities ………. ………. ………. ………. 05 Any other specify ………. and indicate (Starex Sch.Scheme) (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) 8. Is there a Health Centre available in the campus of the institution? Yes 9. No Does the institution provide Residential accommodation for: Yes No Non-teaching staff Yes No Faculty 10. Does the institution provide Hostel facility for its students? Yes No If yes, number of students residing in hostels Men Women 11. Does the institution provide indoor and outdoor sports facilities? Sports fields Yes No Yes No Starex Institute of Education 25 Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Indoor sports facilities Gymnasium No Yes 12. Availability of rest rooms for Women Yes No 13. Availability of rest rooms for men Yes No 14. Is there transport facility available? Yes No 15. Does the Institution obtain feedback from students on their campus experience? Yes No 16. Give information on the Cultural Events (Last year data) in which the institution participated/organized. Organized Participated Yes No Number Yes No Number Inter – collegiate ---- 03 ---- 10 Inter –university ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Notional ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Any other (specify and indicate) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- (Excluding college day celebration) 26 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 17. Give details of the participation of students during the past year at the university, state, regional, national and international sports meets. Participation of students Outcome (Numbers) (Medal achievers) State --------- -------- Regional --------- -------- National --------- -------- International --------- -------- 18. Does the institution have an active Alumni Association? Yes No If yes, give the year of establishment 2010 19. Does the institution have a Student Association/Council? Yes No 20. Does the institution regularly publish a college magazine? Yes No 21. Does the institution publish its updated prospectus annually? Yes No 27 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 22. Give the details on the progression of the students to employment/further study (Give percentage) for last three years Higher studies Year2013 (in%) 30-40 Year 2014 (in%) 30-40 Year2015 (in%) 30-40 30-30 20-30 20-30 Employment (total) Teaching Majority opts for Teaching Profession Non teaching √ 23. Is there a placement cell in the institution? Yes No If yes, how many students were employed through placement cell during the past three years. B.Ed 2013 2014 2015 07 08 06 24. Does the institution provide the following guidance and counseling services to students? Yes Academic guidance and Counseling Personal Counseling Career Counseling No 28 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Criterion VI: Governance and Leadership 1. Does the institution have a functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) or any other similar body/committee Yes 2. No Frequency of meetings of Academic and Administrative Bodies: (last year) Governing Body / management 02 Staff council 04 IQAC / or any other similar body / committee 02 Internal Administrative bodies contributing to quality improvement of the institution processes. (mention only for three most important bodies) 1. Library Committee 2. Academic Committee 3. Purchasing Committee 3. 02 03 02 What are the Welfare Schemes available for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution? 4. Loan facility Yes Medical assistance Yes No No Insurance Yes No Other (specify and indicate) Yes No Number of career development programmes made available for non-teaching staff during the last three years ------ --- ----29 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 5. Furnish the following details for the past three years a. Number of teachers who have availed the Faculty Improvement Program of the UGC/NCTE or any other recognized organisation. 00 b. Number of teachers who were sponsored for professional development programmes by the institution National 03 International Nil c. Number of faculty development programmes organized by the Institution: 0 0 2 d. Number of Seminars/ workshops/symposia on curricular development, Teaching- learning, Assessment, etc. organised by the institution National Seminars + Workshop (2+1) 02 + 01 e. Research development programmes attended by the faculty 0 0 2 f. Invited/endowment lectures at the institution 0 0 4 Any other areas (specify the programme and indicate) Rally on Aids Awareness, S.S.A, U.E.E. Awareness, 0 Polio Drive Awareness. 6. 1 2 How does the institution monitor the performance of the teaching and non-teaching staff? a. Self-appraisal Yes b. Student assessment of faculty performance Yes No Yes No No Starex Institute of Education 30 Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions c. Expert assessment of faculty performance 7. d. Combination of one or more of the above Yes No e. Any other (specify and indicate) Yes No Are the faculty assigned additional administrative work? Yes No If yes, give the number of hours spent by the faculty per week 3-4 hours 8. Provide the income received under various heads of the account by the institution for previous academic session Grant-in-aid Nil Fees 48,23,500.00 Donation Nil Self-funded courses Nil Any other (specify and indicate) 9. Nil Expenditure statement (for last two years) 2013-14 48,23,500.00 2014-15 49,23,500.00 % spent on the salary of faculty 55.05 57.02 % spent on the salary of non- teaching employees 03.98 04.51 % spent on books and journals 02.09 03.02 % Spent on development activities (expansion of 04.82 05.92 Total sanctioned Budget 31 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions building) % spent on telephone electricity and water 02.01 02.60 % spent on maintenance of building, sports facilities, 07.22 07.19 04.06 05.17 07.98 06.41 % spent on travel 01.15 01.25 Any other (university Registration and Exam Fees, 09.57 11.57 47,23,500 51,52,935 hostel, residential complex and student amenities etc. % spent on maintenance of equipment, teaching aids, contingency etc. % spent on research and scholarship (seminars, conferences, faculty development programs faculty exchange, Etc.) Co-Curricular Activities, Students & Employee welfare Etc.) Total expenditure incurred 10. Specify the institutions surplus/deficit budget during the last three years? (specify the amount in the applicable boxes given below) Surplus in Rs. Deficit in Rs. 2012-13 50,000.00 ---------------------- 2013-14 1, 00,000.00 ---------------------- 2014-15 ---------------------- 02,29,435.00 11. Is there an internal financial audit mechanism? Yes No 12. Is there an external financial audit mechanism? Yes No 32 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 13.ICT/Technology supported activities/units of the institution: Administration Yes No Finance Yes No Student Records Yes No Yes No Aptitude Testing Yes No Examinations/Evaluation/ Yes No Assessment Yes No Career Counseling Any other (specify and indicate) Yes No 14. Does the institution have an efficient internal co-ordinating and monitoring mechanism? Yes No teaching staff? √ 15. Does the institution have an inbuilt mechanism to check the work efficiency of the non- Yes No 16. Are all the decisions taken by the institution during the last three years approved by a competent authority? Yes No 17. Does the institution have the freedom and the resources to appoint and pay temporary/ ad hoc / guest teaching staff Yes No 33 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 18. Is a grievance redressal mechanism in vogue in the institution? a) for teachers b) for students c) for non - teaching staff 19. Are there any ongoing legal disputes pertaining to the institution? Yes No 20. Has the institution adopted any mechanism/process for internal academic audit/quality checks? Yes No 21. Is the institution sensitised to modern managerial concepts such as strategic planning, teamwork, decision-making, computerisation and TQM?. Yes No 34 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Criterion VII: Innovative Practices 1. Does the institution has an established Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms? Yes 2. No Do students participate in the Quality Enhancement of the Institution? Yes 3. No What is the percentage of the following student categories in the institution? Category Men % Women % A SC 07 3.55 21 10.65 B ST 0 0 0 0 C OBC 13 6.59 59 29.94 D Physical 0 0 01 0.50 32 16.24 64 32.48 challenged E General category 35 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 4. What is the percentage of the staff in the following category? Category Teaching Staff % Non– Teaching Staff % A SC 02 16.66 05 50.00 B ST 0 0 0 0 C OBC 04 33.33 03 30.00 D Physical 0 0 0 0 06 50.00 02 20.00 0 0 0 0 challenged E General category G Any other (specify) 5. What is the percentage incremental academic growth of the students for the last two batches? Category At Admission On completion of the course 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 SC 13.70% 12.50% 13.70% 12.37% ST 0 0 0 0 OBC 35.07% 36.50% 34.01% 35.70% Physically challenged General Category 01.00% 0.50% 01.00% 0.50% 50.23% 50.50% 48.72% 48.98% 36 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STAREX INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Binola, N.H.-8 Distt. Gurgaon Haryana is situated on the National Highway No-8 at 45 milestone from Delhi. This college of Education was started in July 2005 with intake of 100 B.Ed seats. D.Ed course with 50 seats was added to the college in the year 2007. The Location of the college is about 30 km. away from Gurgaon towards Jaipur and about 15Km. from Dharuhera towards Delhi, in rural area of Haryana. The college has got very specious campus of about more than 80 acres of land it has got huge and very specious Building with all playgrounds, Residential accommodation for staff. The college has got its demonstration school in the campus it self namely “Starex International School” with approximately 1100students from Nursery to Sr. Secondary class. The College and School both are governed by a registered body namely “STAREX EDUCATION SOCIETY” Binola Distt. Guragaon under the Chairmanship of Honorable S. Mohinder Singh. The college is one of the most prestigious college of Education in the state of Haryna. This college caters to the needs of all categories of the student‟s i.e. rural, urban, male, female from all states of the country. Admission to the both course i.e. B.Ed and D.Ed are done by an admission committee constituted by the Haryana Govt. through centralize counseling for which application are called online through wide publicity. Admission in both the courses is normally done in the month of July and August every year. B.Ed course is of one academic year duration and D.Ed is two year academic duration with four semesters. The eligibility requirement for B.Ed course is any graduate with 50%marks (for General/OBC category) and 45%marks (for SC/ST category) and for D.Ed 10+2 with 50% marks (for General/OBC category) and 47%marks (for SC/ST category). The course fee for B.Ed is Rs.48, 235/- and for D.Ed it is Rs. 25,800/- per year. The recruitment of the staff is done by a duly constituted selection committee of the M.D. University Rohtak and SCERT Gurgaon. The college affiliated to M.D. University Rohtak for B. Ed course and to the Board of School Education Haryana /SCERT Gurgaon for D.Ed course. STRENGTHS OF THE INSTITUTION: The institution maintains equilibrium between theory and practice content and methodology we have a strong bonding with practicing schools enjoying a symbiotic assertion with each other in multifarious activities and feedback mechanism. One of the hallmarks of the institution is bridging the gap with the rural solution community though its outreach activities like awareness programmes and open sport tournaments. We are in the constant process of making building blocks of cognition, innovation, instruction and inspiration though efforts and endeavors for producing exemplary teaching fraternity. 37 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions The institution, despite being situated in a rural setting possesses sufficient infrastructure with all amenities , well equipped spacious classroom and resource rooms, big auditorium, labs/cubicles for staff, , water cooler with purifiers, computerized library, ICT and computer lab , beautiful green campus ambience big playground etc. For achieving goals and objectives, the institution has proper organizational structure headed by the governing body of Management. For making the system of academics and administration effective, resources are made readily available by the Management and emphasis is laid on strategic planning, system analysis, managerial skills, team work and proper delegation of power. Internal audit mechanism works effectively by involving the bursar, Accountant, principal, General Secretary and the President. Our college is well established and enjoys good reputation in Haryana. The students from NCR and other neighboring cities are very keen to join our college though it is in a remote and rural location, it has excellent connecting being located on the NH-8. WEAKNESSES AND THREATS OF THE INSTITUTION: The college faces lots of difficulties in getting good facility and non teaching staff despite our repeated advertisement in different news paper we receive very few application of properly qualified and experienced person. Candidates who are gets selected by a duly constituted selection committee, some time declined joining the service in this college because of one or the other reason. The course fee for the both the courses are not reasonably high because of that college faces difficulty in paying good salary to the staff as per the latest pay scales as the college do not get any kind of financial assistance/aids from govt. or any other body. Because of large number of College of Education in the state, some time colleges do not get sufficient no. of candidates for admission. In such situations students who are admitted to course fail to attend classes regularly. Because of that we face difficulty in maintaing reasonable quality of teacher education. OPPORTUNITIES OF THE INSTITUTION: The institution leave no stone unturned to provide best of facilities to our students and the faculty. We avail and utilize college fund for students Welfare and upgrading college infrastructure. 38 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITERION WISE ANALYSIS CRITERION -1 CURRICULAR ASPECT 1.1 CURRICULAR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 1.1.1 State the objectives of the institution and the major considerations addressed by them? (Intellectual, Academic, Training, Access to the Disadvantaged, Equity, Self development, Community and National Development, Issue of ecology and environment, Value Orientation, Employment, Global trends and demands, etc.) The institution strongly strive for attaining following objective for Strengthening its curricular design and development. To produce highly trained and quality teachers of bringing positive change in the society and nation at large. To use innovative teaching and strategies in order to ensure intellectual development of the teacher trainees. To use relevant audio – visual materials and ICT enables learning resource in order to provide rich academic experience. To provide efficient and effective teaching learning environment and upgraded resource rooms. To ensure best co-ordination between the institution and practicing schools. To train the pupil teachers in all the required teaching skills by bringing co- ordination between the content and methodology. To cater to the needs of disadvantage by providing supplementary teaching materials and infrastructure facilities. To motivated the pupil teachers for self learning. To undertake various community welfare and awareness projects. T provide eco-friendly ambience to the institution. To make value based teaching learning as the regular feature of the institution. To imbibe the futuristic approach in overall teaching – learning process so as to be in front of contemporary teacher training colleges. To bring about innovative paradigm shift by ensuring focus on learning strategies rather than teaching methodologies. To promote the substantial work in research and innovative practices for both faculty and students. 39 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 1.1.2 Specify the various steps in the curricular development processes. (Need assessment, development of information database pertaining to the feedback from faculty, students, alumni, employers and academic experts, and formalizing the decisions in statutory academic bodies). We identify the individual differences. Plans and provides teaching strategies as per the special education needs of the students. The faculties make available necessary teaching learning resources. Allocating time per week for tutorials to have interaction with students. The principal calls meetings at regular‟s intervals to monitor progress of curriculum and plan measures of curricular transaction. Organizing student‟s farewell and alumni meets to receive their feedback. Meeting of management and staff is a regular feature of the institution to evaluate curriculum transaction. 1.1.3 How are the global trends in teacher education reflected in the curriculum and existing courses modified to meet the emerging needs? During curriculum transaction the faculty employees latest means of educational technology. Our library provides internet access to the students and faculty in relation to latest online journals, books, articles and research publications. 1.1.4 How does the institution ensure that the curriculum bears some thrust on national issues like environment, value education and ICT? Yoga education is compulsory for all B.Ed students. For imparting value based education, following practices are the integral part of curriculum transaction:Organization of morning assembly. Short speeches on topics related to spiritual, moral and value education. Thought of the day spoken and also written on the notice boards. Extension lectures by eminent persons. Spiritual congregation. Seminar on value education. The college organizes programmes like poster making, collage, slogan writing, awareness rallies on current issues of environment, health women, values and social issues. We have a full fledged Computer Lab, ICT resource room, Language lab, ICT enabled classrooms. 40 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Students are also encouraged to prepare lesson plans by integrating ICT and taking help of internet. 1.1.5 Does the institution make use of ICT for curricular planning? If yes give details. Yes, the institution makes use of ICT for curricular planning. The faculty prepares OHP transparencies and Power Point Presentation for curricular transaction. We also plan ICT enabled lectures on contemporary topics by inviting extension lectures by experts.The institution strives to produce committed teachers. To achieve the above said objectives the institution facilitates the teacher educators with best of the resources and ideal teacher learning environment. A well qualified, experienced and competent faculty work in unison and coordination to provide an enjoyable teaching learning experience. Through innovative practices, in and two of classrooms, students are engaged in self learning. To foster creativity and imagination, the students are engaged in varied experiences and exposed to problem solving activities. The affiliating University Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak designs and develops the curriculum for B.Ed and B.S.E.H Bhiwani for D.Ed. Suggestions from our faculty are also invited by the regulatory body in order to review the curriculum by adopting the systematic process in Board of Studies meeting which includes teachers on rotation basis and bring about modifications as suggested. The curricular framework for B.Ed course is designed by the Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. The curriculum is designed so as to meet the global challenges and contemporary issued of society and nation at large. Education itself is an umbrella concept i.e. it includes various disciplines like Philosophy, Sociology, Educational Psychology, inclusive Education, Environmental Education and Educational Technology, etc. The major thrust area of the institution is the ICT skills where-inunder – trainees are enabled to use latest technology and resource in education. During teaching practice some of the lessons are delivered through Multi- Media Approach. 41 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions ACADEMIC FLEXIBILITY 1.2.1 How does the institution attempt to provide experiences to the students so that teaching becomes a reflective practice? We encourage our pupil- teachers to use varied enriching experiences and teaching learning materials to make teaching – learning a practice in reflective process. For implementing this we emphasize teaching practice in real situations using real teachings aids, Group discussions, Brain storming, Role playing, instructional games, Storytelling and Problem solving. Various strategies applied during teaching are concept formation, concept-attainment, enquiry training Heuristic approach, and Individual and Group projects. During feedback the teacher uses various evaluative techniques like Analogies, MCQ‟s and Probing questioning etc. 1.2.2 How does the institution provide for adequate flexibility and scope in the operational curriculum for providing varied learning experiences to the students both in the campus and in the field? We prelate an yearly academic calendar in the beginning of the session having flexibility in the curriculum for providing various learning experiences like educational tours and trips, exhibitions, fairs, eco-club events, intra course competitions like quiz, sports , debate, dramatics, dancing, singing etc. 1.2.3 What value added courses have been introduced by the institution during the last three years which would for example: Develop communication skills (verbal & written), ICT skills, Life skills, Community orientation, Social responsibility etc... The institution arranges for short terms courses like personality development programme (four day), ICT workshop, remedial classes for improving pronunciation in Hindi/ English communication skills , extension lectures on various Health and Hygiene, aids awareness, First aid, Legal Literacy and Spiritual lectures. To sensitize the under-trainee as volunteers for social responsibilities, they are sent for Polio Eradication programmes and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. The students are sent to nearby villages and some urban/ semi urban areas to create awareness amongst the people about health, hygiene and environment. Students also visit neighboring villages once in a year for the promotion of literacy. 42 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 1.2.4 How does the institution ensure the inclusion of the following aspects in the curriculum? (i) Interdisciplinary / Multidisciplinary The curriculum is constituted by various inter – related discipline each supplementing the other. We try to correlate different subject in view of contents – methodologies and pedagogy. For ex. Methodology of teaching Physical science with Physics and Chemistry, Life science with Botany and Zoology and Social Studies with History, Geography , Economics , Civics, Sociology and Commerce. The Pedagogies courses (Teaching subjects) are chosen by the pupil teachers make use of different strategies and techniques in different areas of the subject chosen. Hence this curriculum provides multidisciplinary experiences, flexibility and diversity in the course content and methodology. (ii) Multi skill Development To develop various teaching and personality skills of pupil teachers, they are made to get training in pre-requisite skills like – communication skills for better expression and presentation of content, questioning and evaluating skills, ICT skills for updating information and handling media for proper dissemination of knowledge. To enhance student‟s power in written expression, they are made to participate in various events like symposiums, debate, declamation, essay writing and practicing linguistic skills in language lab. The students of B.Ed are groomed in various skills of teaching before putting them in real teaching situation. (iii) Inclusive education: In the present curriculum, inclusive education has been included as a compulsory subject in B.Ed and D.Ed both. (iv) Practice Teaching:The student teaches analyses pedagogically the content in the syllabus prescribed by the Board of studies, to be taught during the practice teaching phase. Practice teaching is the most crucial aspect of Teacher Education Programme. This important aspect of B.Ed is completed in three phases: Knowledge Acquisition Phase: We provide a span of two weeks to give theoretical background of lesson Planning and all the requisite teaching skills. The Lesson plan construction is based on Glaser‟s Basic Teaching Model and Bruner‟s concept Attainment model. The instructional objectives are framed on the basis of Bloom‟s Taxnomy. The college organizes a seven day workshop on microteaching every year. Skill Acquisition Phase: - The seven day programme includes two Demonstration Lesson by the subject expert, followed by discussion/ feedback. It also includes training of the pupil teachers through (5+5) Mega Lesson in simulated conditions. 43 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Transfer Phase: - After two phases, students are prepared to teach in real classroom situation. Total time allotted for this phase is about twenty four days (20+2+2 for each subject) Supervision and Evaluation of Practice Teaching: Each lesson of every student is supervised by the teacher educator and the observation is carried out at three levels. Before the delivery of lesson each plan of every trainee is examined by the concerned teacher educator. The discussion lesson of each trainee is evaluated by the team of three teacher educators of different faculties namely science, social science and language. The marks awarded by the team is compiled and average is taken and final score along with their rank is displayed on the notice board. The first ten rankers are provides extra books from the library as an incentive with a view of creating a healthy spirit among students. Peer Feedback: 10 lessons are observed by the peer during practice teaching. (v) School Experience: Our college has collaboration with the following Seven schools for Practice Teaching:Starex International School, Binola Distt. Gurgaon (Demonstration School) Govt. Sr. Sec. School Pachgaon, Distt. Gurgaon. Jain Public Sr. Sec. School Dharuhera, Distt Rewari. Paryag High School Maheshwari Distt. Rewari. M.B.L Sr. Sec. School Bilaspur Chowk Distt. Gurgaon. (vi) Work experience: The students of B.Ed are actively involved in work experience like School/ Classroom Ambience, Interior Decoration including Drawing and Painting (ID & DP), ICT enabled project, Mid day meals, Pulse-Polio Drive, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and First Aid Project. 1.3 Feedback and Curriculum 1.3.1 How does the institution encourage feedback and communication from the Students, Alumni, Employers, Community, Academic peers and other stakeholders with reference to the curriculum? The institution encourages the feedback from student for bringing qualitative improvement for curricular transaction, instructional design, practice teaching and other co-curricular activities planned for them, other stakeholders like alumni employees and rural community are also encourage to provide feedback during the session through meetings. 44 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 1.3.2 Is there a mechanism for analysis and use of the outcome from the feedback to review and identify areas for improvement and the changes to be brought in the curriculum? If yes give details on the same. Project related to work experience is made useful and productive by receiving feedback from various stakeholders. The college brings some changes if required at its own level. The college Education Society also takes immediate actions by providing all necessary facilities whenever provide feedback from the students, teacher educators and community. The areas of improvements are also forwarded to Department of Education, M.D. University, Rohtak for modifications. 1.4 CURRICULUM UPDATE 1.4.1 Which courses have undergone a major curriculum revision during the last five years? How did these changes contribute to quality improvement and student satisfaction? (Provide details of only the major changes in the content that have been made). During last 5 years all the courses have undergone a major curricular revision. In B.Ed courses, instead of four there are five compulsory subjects since 2010-11. The newly added subject is Paper – IV: IV A (School Management and Curriculum Development) and IV B (inclusive Education). Major changes have been brought in the teaching subject, Educational Technology and projects. D.Ed Course has been thoroughly revise since 2011-12 and semester system has been introduced instead of annual examination and compulsory 180days internship in Govt. school in Hayrana. 1.4.2 What are the strategies adopted by the institution for curriculum revision and update? (need assessment, student input, feedback from practicing schools etc.) As per the need arise with the changing curriculum, we try to update the college‟s academic calendar with modified time table, enriching library with latest reference books and journals. We invite resource persons for their invaluable inputs for the concerned subjects. 45 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 1.5 BEST PRACTICES IN CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.5.1 What is the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures undertaken by the institution during the last five years in curricular aspects? We have a modern Technology Lab with latest software. We have well maintained computer lab with time appointed Computer Instructor. Our library is computerized with internet access partly. Use of Power Point Presentation for both B.Ed and D.Ed Students. Use of instructional strategies like team teaching, co-operative teaching, brain- storming and group discussion, seminars, tutorials and workshops are regular feature of curriculum transaction. 46 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITERION –II TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1 Admission Process and Student Profile 2.1.1 Give details of the admission processes and admission policy (criteria for admission, adherence to the decisions of the regulatory bodies, equity, access, transparency, etc.) of the institution? The institution adheres to the decision of the regulatory bodies i.e. Maharishi Dayanand University (Rohtak), Kurukshetra University (Kurukshetra ) and Higher Education Commission (Haryana) for B.Ed . SCERT & Haryana Government is the sole criterion for admission to D.Ed. We ensure equity transparency and fairness for the admission. 2.1.2 How are the programmes advertised? What information is provided to prospective students about the programs through the advertisement and prospectus or other similar material of the institution? Admission procedure is centralized conducted by the Maharishi Dayanand University/ Kuruksheta University/ C.D.L.University Sirsa. The advertisements regarding the admission procedure are monitored by the universities and very one has access to it. For B.Ed and D.Ed, the admission forms are available on net, forms are filled online and results are obtained online for D. Ed also 2.1.3 How does the institution monitor admission decisions to ensure that the determined admission criteria are equitably applied to all applicants? The institution forms admission committee to ensure that the determined admission criteria are equitably applied to all applicants. If any mistake is detected is informed to the university admission. 2.1.4 Specify the strategies if any, adopted by the institution to retain the diverse student population admitted to the institution. (e.g. individuals of diverse economic, cultural, religious, gender, linguistic, backgrounds and physically challenged) The institution takes pride in helping economically weaker students by providing financial support, free books and uniforms. The SC/ST cell has been constituted in order to provide stipend, scholarship and looking after other matters. 47 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 2.1.5 Is there a provision for assessing student‟s knowledge/ needs and skills before the commencement of teaching programmes? If yes give details on the same. Yes, we assess the student‟s knowledge and skills before the commencement of teaching programmes through following events: Talent Search (Song/ Dance/ Dramatics). Debate and Declamation contest. Essay writing competition (in Hindi, English and Dialect). Rangoli/ Poster and Collage making. Diagnostic evaluation is done in order to judge their reading, writing skills and knowledge of the subject. 2.2 CATERING TO DIVERSE NEEDS 2.2.1 Describe how the institution works towards creating an overall environment conducive to learning and development of the students? The institution makes efforts towards creating a healthy environment conducive to learning and development of students in the following manner: College provides best of infrastructural facilities in form of comfortable seating arrangement, well ventilated and lighted (power back up) classrooms, proximity to beautiful natural surroundings, reading room in the library and well equipped resource rooms, etc. Highly qualified and resourceful faculty. A well planned academic calendar devoting a sufficient time to academic and other cocurricular activities encouraging every student to participate in one or more activities according to their interests and capabilities. In the beginning of the session , a one day orientation programme helps the students to get acquainted to the course content, various co-curricular activities and their respective committees and cells. 2.2.2 How does the institution cater to the diverse learning needs of the students? One of our major objectives is to provide education according to individual difference and through co-operative learning. Students are provided remedial instruction during practice teaching and for terminal exams. Teacher educators identify and certify common language mistakes committed by the students. 48 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 2.2.3 What are the activities envisioned in the curriculum for student teachers to understand the role of diversity and equity in teaching learning process? Various subjects incorporated in the curriculum like Educational Psychology and ICT helps to understand student‟s behavior, the needs, interests and capabilities. We emphasize as to how the principles and other theoretical aspects can be applied comfortably in real classroom situations. The teacher educators use and motivated the students for preparing and using various projected and non-projected audio visual teaching aids (catering to all five senses). 2.2.4 How does the institution ensure that the teacher educators are knowledgeable and sensitive to cater to the diverse student needs? The administration gives full autonomy to teacher educators to attend seminars and workshops. The teacher educators are proficient in using different hardware and software available in the College. The institution and teacher educators are highly sensitive to the issues pertaining to the students. The administration and teacher educators immediately call up meeting and discuss the issues and problems faced by the students. 2.2.5 What are the various practices that help student teachers develop knowledge and skills related to diversity and inclusion and apply them effectively in classroom situations? Student teachers are subjected to various practices summed up as follows: All students in one way or the other face academic, intellectual emotional and other personal problems. In our institution teacher educators teach pupil teachers to deal with such problems and co-ordinate with counselors, parents, subject teachers and special teachers (including therapists and doctors). We provide theoretical background and its practical implications for dealing with „children With Special Needs (CWSN) and prepare pupils teachers for an inclusive Schools. 2.3 TEACHING LERNING PROCESS 2.3.1 How does the institution engage students in “active learning”? (Use of learning resources such as library, web site, focus group, individual projects, simulation, peer teaching, roleplaying, internships, practicum, etc.) The institution engages the students in active learning using learning resource. 49 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Our library has corner for „Fresh arrivals‟ of magazines, journals and newspapers. There is a facility of accessing e-books and e-journal through internet and the students are duly informed about various educational websites. B.Ed students are given direction for suggested reading and other reference materials. In D.Ed/B.Ed curriculum, the students are supposed to complete 3 projects including ICT. In D.Ed curriculum the students are engaged field work project, research project and one power point presentation in each subject. Workshops on personality development, candle making, teaching aids and computers awareness are conducted. Teacher educators provide demonstration lesson in simulated conditions by the pupil teachers. Groups are made for ICT enabled project having a „Computer Literate „as the group leader. During preparation of lesson plans and practice teaching, talented students are assigned special duties for peer tutoring. To makes pupil teacher confident, role playing is assigned to pupil teachers during classroom interaction and co-curricular activities. The pupil teachers are engaged in 20 days internship programme during practice teaching It is mandatory for pupil teachers to use teaching strategies like demonstrations, experimentations, dramatization and creating situations, etc. in order to make their teaching effective. 2.3.2 How „learning‟ is made student-centered? Give a list of the participatory learning activities adopted by the Institution and those, which contributed to self-management of knowledge, and skill development by the students? For making learning student- centered following participatory learning by the institution: Probing questions Self instructional material. Problems solving (providing latest topics) Puzzles, crosswords and Sudoku. Individual assignments. Role playing and various instructional games, etc. activities are adopted 2.3.3 What are the instructional approaches (various models of teachings used) and experiences provided for ensuring effective learning? Detail any innovative approach/method developed and/used. 50 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Although formally there is no provision for teaching lessons based on models of teaching but students are given informal training for using different models like Mastery Learning Model for developing expertise in lesson planning, Enquiry Training Model, Basic Teaching Model and Concept Attainment Model are used according to the need and situation. Use of various teaching models makes teaching – learning process effective. Our instructional approaches used are inductive – Deductive approach, situational approach, Communicative Approach and Heuristic Approach. We have tried to incorporate “Co-operative learning,” and “peer tutoring” in regular classroom teaching. 2.3.4 Does the institution have a provision for additional training in models of teaching? If yes, provide details on the models of teaching and number of lessons given by each student. Theoretical backgrounds of some teaching model are part of the B.Ed and D.Ed course. 2.3.5 Does the student teachers use micro-teaching technique for developing teaching skills? Yes, the student teacher uses micro-teaching techniques for developing teaching skills. Following skills are practiced: Skills of introducing the lesson. Skills of Questioning. Skills of Reinforcement. Skills of Stimulus Variation. Skill of illustration with example. The teacher educator demonstrates each skill and the students are required to prepare one lesson for each skill as prescribed in the syllabus of M.D University, Rohtak. 2.3.6 Detail the process of practice teaching in schools. (Lessons a student gives per day, lessons observed by the teacher educators, peers/school teachers, feedback mechanism, monitoring mechanisms of lesson plans, etc.) Teaching practice is done in five practicing neighborhood schools. One teacher educator observes about 30 lessons per day and each pupil teacher delivers 2 lessons per day (one in each teaching subject) 10 peer observations are done by each pupil teacher during whole teaching practice. School teachers are also responsible for monitoring the course. For feedback mechanism teacher educators write elaborate remarks on the lesson plans. 2 discussions lesson in each teaching subject are delivered by the pupil teacher and they are evaluated out of 100 marks. The common errors are discussed and individual problems are sorted out. 51 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Teacher educators ensure that the lesson plans are prepared using proper methodology and are grammatically correct, by checking them thoroughly before delivering of lessons. 2.3.7 Describe the process of Block Teaching / Internship of students in vogue. The pupil teachers are engaged in all the practicing schools for 20 working days during teaching practice. During these days, they are actively involved in all school activities and programmes including time- Table, School registers Cultural and sports activities. 2.3.8 Are the practice teaching sessions/plans developed in partnership, cooperatively involving the school staff and mentor teachers? Yes, B.Ed Teaching Practice sessions are very well planned in advance with the co-operation of school staff in making Time Table, Class allotment ,course – outlines and strategies to maintain discipline. The smooth planning execution and evaluation of the complete Practice Teaching programme is a joint effort of skill in teaching incharges of the college as well as of the practicing schools. Teacher Educators of the concerned teaching subjects serve as mentor teachers at every step. 2.3.9 How do you prepare the student teachers for managing the diverse learning needs of students in schools. The main objective of our institution is to train the pupil-teachers in such a way that they become competent enough to deal with students of diverse learning needs. We ensure that the pupil- teacher manage the classroom situation well by interacting with them, developing rapport and judging their socio- linguistic and academic background. As per the need of the content and for creating interest, the pupil- teachers use relevant teaching aids. The institution provides all subject related teaching aids teaching aids through resource rooms. Mentor teachers motivate the pupil teachers to make simple, useful and attractive teaching materials. 2.3.10 What are the major initiatives for encouraging student teachers to use / adopt technology in practice teaching? To provide them knowledge and skills for using technology in practice teaching, lab incharge of Educational Technology Lab and Computer Lab Conduct workshops before 52 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions the commencement of Practice teaching. The student are highly motivated to use power point presentations, over Head Projectors, Slide Projector and other lab equipments. The teacher educator also use the above mentioned teaching materials during Demonstration lessons. 2.4 TEACHER QUALITY 2.4.1 Are the practice teaching plans developed in partnership, cooperatively involving the school staff and mentor teachers? Yes, B.Ed Teaching Practice sessions are very well planned in advance with the co-operation of school staff in making Time Table, Class allotment ,course – outlines and strategies to maintain discipline. The smooth planning execution and evaluation of the complete Practice Teaching programme is a joint effort of skill in teaching incharges of the college as well as of the practicing schools. Teacher Educators of the concerned teaching subjects serve as mentor teachers at every step. 2.4.2 What is the ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching schools? Give the details on what basis the decision has been taken? For practice Teaching sessions, the five schools (both English and Hindi medium) are adopted. On the basis of medium of instruction and the number of students in the school, the allotment of student teacher is done . The ratio of the student teachers per practice teaching school varies between 15% to 25%. 2.4.3 Describe the mechanism of giving feedback to the students and how it is used for performance improvement. For improving the performance of pupil teachers, a three – tier mechanism of feedback is implemented. Observation and remarks by the mentor teachers on every lesson. Mentor teachers discuss the mistakes and provides suggestive measures while checking the lesson plans also. Peer students observation and remarks. School teachers on practice- teaching duty also observe the lessons and give useful suggestion. 53 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 2.4.4 How does the institution ensure that the student teachers are updated on the policy directions and educational needs of the schools? We ensure that the student teachers get update knowledge about policy matters such as SSA , RTE (2009) NCF (2005), evaluative techniques like CCE, admission policy, policies related to discipline etc. Students are given information regarding various policy directions by displaying them on students‟ notice board and by giving verbal information. We also ensure that the student teachers understand the educational needs of Normal children, Gifted/talented and Children With Special Needs (CWSN). We emphasize, “Every child is a Special Child”. 2.4.5 How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the school subjects and teaching methodologies? To keep pace with the recent developments in school subjects and teaching methodologies, we have regular interaction with our Demonstration school i.e. Starex International School (affiliated to CBSE), a part of Starex Education Society and other practicing schools. Through regular meeting called by the college Principal, the latest modifications in schools subjects are discussed and use of new methodologies for classroom instruction are suggested. College teachers and schools teachers exchange their views for improving teacher training. 2.4.6 What are the major initiatives of the institution for ensuring personal and professional/career development of the teaching staff of the institution (training, organizing and sponsoring professional development activities, promotional policies, etc.) For ensuring Personal and Professional development of teaching faculty, the institution motivates and permits them to attend and participate in various State / National / International seminars, workshops and in – Service training course. The Institution provides study leave for attending professional development programme and acquiring M.Phil/Ph.D degrees. The Institution has organized one National Seminars in each previous three year. A workshop was conducted for the teaching faculty on development of software for curriculum transaction. We invite two times experts for extension lectures in every academic calendar. The college faculty also visits other Institutions as “Resource Persons”. 54 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 2.4.7 Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members for good performance? Whenever our students got merit position in the University the college management has rewarded the faculty members. 2.5 EVALUATION PROCESS AND REFORMS 2.5.1 How are the barriers to student learning identified, communicated and addressed? (Conducive environment, infrastructure, access to technology, teacher quality, etc.) The Institutions provides conducive environment, infrastructural facilities and technological inputs to improve quality of teacher training. During this process there may arise some student learning Barriers and to overcome those special remedial and tutorial classes are organized and students are free to discuss their problems with the principal and faculty, in a most democratic way. 2.5.2 Provide details of various assessment /evaluation processes (internal assessment, mid term assessment, term end evaluations, external evaluation) used for assessing student learning? For B.Ed, we have comprehensive evaluation system: Two terminal examinations for theory paper. Two discussion lessons in each teaching subject. Internal assessment in each subject is 20%. External examination conducted in the end of the session by M.D.University Rohtak For D.Ed, assessment is done by semester system. Total evaluation is done externally as well as internally. 2.5.3 How are the assessment/evaluation outcomes communicated and used in improving the performance of the students and curriculum transaction? Result s of the terminals and discussion lessons are displayed on the notice board in the form of rank list, answer sheets are shown to the students and their strength/weakness are thoroughly discussed by subject teacher. Throughout the academic session student are continuously assessed for their overall behavior in academics, co-curricular activities, general conduct, discipline, 55 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions regularity (attendance), through observation and other evaluative tools. Faculty members act as judges for these co-curricular activities. 2.5.4. How is ICT used in assessment and evaluation processes? ICT is used for preparing and maintaining the academic records of the students. The data base of midterm assessment and external evaluation are stored and maintained in computer record. Annual athletic meet and sports festival we get services of their physical education instructor and other volunteers. 1.6 Best Practices in Teaching Learning and Evaluation Process. We have recently introduced and brought focus towards using learning style and strategies rather than conventional teaching styles, henceforth bring a “paradigm shift” from “teaching to learning”. We use teacher – pupil interactions and pupil-pupil interactions in day to day class room teaching. The teacher also tries to use multi-media whenever required and active participation is sought from the students. Additional information For sustenance and enhancement of quality, the institution has added more computers to the computer lab, more psychology tests have been purchased, sciences labs have been enriched with more teaching aids. Latest books and journals have been added to the library to update the knowledge. 56 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITEION –III RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1 PROMOTION OF RESEARCH 3.1.1 How does the institution motivate its teachers to take up research in education? Research is a systematized endeavor to gain new knowledge and facts. The Institution has well qualified and experience staff well acquainted with the concepts of research and researchable area. Majority of the teachers are Ph.D holders and one teacher having M.Phil holder. All the faculty members are expert in their own field of specialization. The Institution has provision of study leave pay. And during that period his /her teaching schedule is adjusted so that curriculum is not affected. We have well equipped psychology lab with number of psychology tools. The library has enriched research; reference section and new research publication are immediately purchased. 3.1.2 Does the institution encourage Action Research? Yes, the institution encourages action research as it is part of syllabus of Educational Technology with a purpose to orient and train the students in conducting action research. 3.1.3 Give details of the Conference / Seminar / Workshop attended and/organized by the faculty members in last five years. We furnish below the detail of various conferences/seminars/workshops attended by the faculty. Dr. P.S. Yadav (Principal) Dr. P.S. Yadav Principal of this college is a registered guide of M.D.University in the Deptt. of Education to guide Ph.D students. Eleven candidates have received Ph.D degrees in Education under his guidance and two more are still pursuing their Ph.D under his guidance. Attended National Level Seminar on “Value Education” organized by Deptt. of Education M.D.University Rohtak on 15 – 17th April, 1993. Attended The Third National Annual Conference held at D.A.V. College Chandigarh on 28 & 29th December, 1994 for “Indian Educational Administrators” under the auspices of the Indian colleges forum. 57 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Attended a workshop on “Objective – based Lesson Planning, Teaching & Evaluation ” organized by The Deptt. of Education M.D.University Rohtak, on 03rd & 04 th Oct.1994. Participated in short - term training course in “Managing Education For Higher Education ” sponsored by : Deptt. of Training Govt. of Haryana on 24-28th Nov. 1997. Attended an orientation programme in “Educational Planning & Management for Principals of Haryana Colleges” organized by National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration on 06-10 th January , 1997 Attended a three day seminar – cum – workshop on “Restructuring B.Ed course in Universities of Haryana “organized Kuruksheta University, Kuruksheta on 22 -24th May 2000. Participated in the workshop on “National seminar – Cum –Workshop on Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions ”organized by NAAC on 1st & 2nd May, 2002. Mr. Anil Yadav (Asstt. Prof.) Three articles Published in International Journals. 1.“A Free Lance” International level research journal of Education and Social Science. 2.“Deliberative Research” International level research journal. 3.”EDUJOURN”- An International Journal of Education on “A study of specific errors committeed by secondary school students in learning mathematics in Haryana”. Attended National Level Seminar on “Right to Education” organized by Deptt. of Education Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra on 02.04.2012. Participated two days National Seminar at Laxmi College of Education Rathiwas, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) Attended three Days National Workshop on EXCEL at IGU Meerpur Distt Rewari Participated two days National Seminar at Starex Institute of Education Binola, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) on 12-13 Feb.2015 & Presented a paper on “Inclusive Education” Participated one day National Seminar Sponsored by DGHE at RLS College of Education Sidhrawali, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) & Presented a paper on “RTE Act 2009” Dr. Satender (Asstt. Prof.) Dr. Satender has delivered lectures in 10 Seminars and Workshops organized by different National Level Institute in the country. Participated two days National Seminar at Starex Institute of Education Binola, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) on 12-13 Feb.2015 & Presented a paper on “Inclusive Education”. Sh. Sunil Kumar (Asstt. Prof.) Sh. Sunil Kumar delivered lectures in 05 Seminars and Workshops organized by different National Level Institute in the country. Participated two days National Seminar at Starex Institute of Education Binola, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) on 12-13 Feb.2015 & Presented a paper on “Inclusive Education” 58 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Dr. Aruna Pathik (Asstt. Prof.) Dr. Aruna Pathik has delivered one lecture in a NationalSeminar and Workshops organized by Pataudi College of Education, Pataudi Distt. Gurgaon and published a paper in a journal of Educational and Psychological Research “B.Ed ke vigyan aur kala ke chhatro ka unke vibhin bhodhik stro par mulayo ka adhyan”in the year 2011. Ms. Preeti Verma (Lecturer) Presented one paper in International conference on “Social Responsibility in Economic Perspective- A Global Issue”. Published one article in National Journal. Attended five National Seminar Sponsored by UGC. Attended one International Seminar at Vishakhapatnam. Participated two days National Seminar at Laxmi College of Education Rathiwas, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) Participated two days National Seminar at Starex Institute of Education Binola, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) on 12-13 Feb.2015 & Presented a paper on “Inclusive Education” Mr. Motilal Participated two days National Seminar at Laxmi College of Education Rathiwas, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) Participated two days National Seminar at Starex Institute of Education Binola, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) on 12-13 Feb.2015 & Presented a paper on “Inclusive Education” Participated one day National Seminar Sponsored by DGHE at RLS College of Education Sidhrawali, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) & Presented a paper on “RTE Act 2009” Mr. Jai Bhagwan (Librarian) Published Two articles in International journal. ”EDUJOURN”- An International Journal of education on (1) Bharat mein pustkalya vidhan (2) Bharat mein pustkalya Aandolan. Participated two days National Seminar at Laxmi College of Education Rathiwas, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) Participated two days National Seminar at Starex Institute of Education Binola, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) on 12-13 Feb.2015 & Presented a paper on “Inclusive Education” Participated one day National Seminar Sponsored by DGHE at RLS College of Education Sidhrawali, distt. Gurgaon. (Hr.) & Presented a paper on “RTE Act 2009” 59 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 3.2 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION 3.2.1 Give details of instructional and other materials developed including teaching aids and/or used by the institution for enhancing the quality of teaching during the last three years. For enhancing the quality of teaching ,following instructional materials have been developed. Power point presentations by all teachers in their respective subjects. 3.3 Consultancy 3.3 .1 Did the institution provide consultancy services in last five years? If yes, give details. Yes, the institution provides consultancy free of cost. for providing consultancy the institution has established various cell like Placement cell Women cell Alumni Association committee Members of these cells headed by incharges provide consultancy services to our B.ed and D.ed student, to experimental and neighborhood schools, other newly established colleges and local community. Each cell invites experts, for Ex.advocate, doctor, first aid expert, kumaris for inculcating value education. 3.3.2 Are faculty/staff members of the institute competent to undertake consultancy? We have a placement cell which is actively involved in recruitment of B .Ed and D.Ed students to well established schools and colleges. 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 How much revenue has been generated through consultancy in the last five years? How is the revenue generated, shared among the concerned staff member and the institution? How does the institution use the revenue generated through consultancy? As the institution is established in rural geographical location, we take pride in providing free consultancy services to our students and neighborhood community. 60 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 3.4. EXTENTION ACTIVITIES 3.4.1 How has the local community benefited from the institution? (Contribution of the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes, partnering with NGO‟s and GO‟s) We contribute to the community through extension and out reach activities like awareness rallies and door to door guidance related to Sarva-Shiksha Abhiyan, women and child health, AIDS and first aid. Sports activities like volleyball, kabaddi, cricket, tug of war and musical chair are the main features of the event. The winner is rewarded with attractive cash prizes and honor senior citizens with shawls. The local community has been benefitted by the above mentioned activities. The people have become aware of social evils and their impact on their lives. So the people of Binola and other nearby villages are getting rid off these evils, becoming health conscious and are actively involved in health related activities. 3.4.2 How has the institution benefited from the community? (Community participation in institutional development, institution-community networking, institution-school networking, etc.) We have been regularly benefited from socio-spiritual and welfare organizations like Brahmakumaris, Lions club and Nehru Yuva Kendra through there social /moral and education lectures and meditation. We have a strong Institution – school networking where in the schools provide facilities and infrastructure during practice teaching, provide feedback to our pupil teachers and inviting them in their non-formal activities likes fair, exhibitions etc. During our annual athletic meet and sport festival we get services of their phy. Education Instructor and other volunteers. People from different fields of specialization like doctors, lawyers bank managers, women activists etc. From the community are invited to deliver talks and extension lectures. 3.4.3 What are the future plans and major activities the institution would like to take up for providing community orientation to students? The institution would like to take up various plans for providing community orientation to B.Ed and D.Ed Students. Series of lectures from BrahmaKumaris. Legal literacy programme from legal advisors. 61 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Orientation of our students curricular developments and teaching materials . Orientation of about the contemporary needs and interest of the students. Extension lectures on current topic like Research proposals, ICT Health/ First Aid, inclusive Educaiton, Human Rights, RTI Act., RTE Act. etc. Women and youth related issues by Nehru Yuva Kendra and Lions Club. 3.4.4 Is there any project completed by the institution relating to the community development in the last five years? If yes, give details. For last two years our students have been completing their projects on two year Pulse Polio Drive, Universalization of Elementary Education and Environment awareness in the neighborhood community. 3.4.5 How does the institution develop social and citizenship values and skills among its students? The students are engaged throughout the session in various curricular and co-curricular activities including morning assembly regularly. Through these activities, the institution inculcates among the students social and citizenship values like punctuality , discipline , uniforms ,cleanliness and beautifying of the college premises, judicious use of electricity and water, care for private and public property. Though various sports and cultural programmes, tours and excursions the students inculcates the spirit of healthy competition, co-operation, coexistence, dutifulness, significance of participation and imbibe life skills, communication and teaching skill. 3.5 COLLABORATIONS 3.5.1 Name the national level organizations, if any, with which the institution has established linkages in the last five years. Detail the benefits resulted out of such linkages. The institution has not yet established linkage with any international organization though in future we would like to build up such linkage for the benefit of our students. 3.5.2 Name the international organizations, with which the institution has established any linkage in the last five years. Detail the benefits resulted out of such linkages. N/A 62 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 3.5.3 How did the linkages if any contribute to the following? These linkages contribute towards consultancy, extensions and publications. 3.5.4 What are the linkages of the institution with the school sector? (Institute-school-community networking) The success of our institution lies on our linkages with the school sector. It‟s a relationship of mutual benefit and professional development. On one hand the schools provide us infrastructure, human resource and material inputs during practice teaching and invite us in their non-formal activities like exhibitions, fairs and functions. On the other hands we invite them in various college activities and acquaint them with latest know how related to teachinglearning. 3.5.5 Are the faculty actively engaged in schools and with teachers and other school personnel to design, evaluate and deliver practice teaching. If yes give details. Yes, the faculty of our institution is engaged with school teachers in planning real practice teaching schedule, time table, allotment of classes and classrooms, keeping a track with the syllabus to be covered, maintaining discipline, attendance and providing feedback. 3.5.6 How does the faculty collaborate with school and other college or university faculty? Collaboration with schools has already been discussed in previous points. We actively participate and invite other college in inter-college competitions. We invite university faculty for extension lectures and we also participate in the programmes like youth festivals, workshops, seminars as organized by the university. 3.6 BEST PRACTICES IN RESEARCH CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.6.1 What are the major measures adopted by the institution to enhance the Quality of Research, Consultancy and Extension activities during the last five years? The measures adopted by the institution to enhance quality of education are the following: Encouraging the faculty to take up quality research projects and write research papers for reputed journals. 63 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions We plan to bring about collaboration with reputed national and internationals bodies for our professional growth and continue to render our extension service to community. 3.6.2 What are significant innovations / good practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension activities of the institution? We are going to release the college newsletter highlighting all the college and faculty achievements. We have already received financial assistance and the related know how in order to develop a well equipped language lab. Additional Information In the last two sessions four Extension lectures was delivered by Dr. N.K. Jangira (Former Prof. of Education NCERT, Delhi), Dr. B.R. Goel (Former Prof. of Education NCERT, Delhi), Dr. D.D.Yadav(Former Prof. of Education NCERT, Delhi), Dr. L.C. Singh (Former Prof. of Education NCERT, Delhi). Educational Tour and trip to different place i.e. Kulu Manali, Delhi, Agra and Fathepur Sikri were organized. 64 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITERION IV INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities: 4.1.1 Does the institution have the physical infrastructure as per NCTE norms? If yes, specify the facilities and the amount invested for developing the infrastructure. Enclose the master plan of the building. Yes, the institution has all the physical infrastructural facilities as per NCTE norms. The institution has adequate as spacious rooms for Principal office, Administrative office, multipurpose hall, library, staff room ,classrooms, resource rooms and labs, Girls and Boys common room separately, teacher‟s cubicles, canteen , store room, wash room , sport‟s room. The total build up area is 6466 square meter which includes college building and canteen. In last 3 years the amount invested for developing the infrastructure is Rs. 26,37,481/- (Rs. Twenty Six Lacks Thirty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Eighty One). Master plan of the college building is enclosed herewith. 4.1.2 How does the institution plan to meet the need for augmenting the infrastructure to keep pace with the academic growth? We have sufficient infrastructural facilities. We have enough funds for seeking latest facilities. Management is always ready to invest and provide necessary facilities immediately to keep pace with the latest developments and academic growth. The institution identifies the need for annual maintenance of physical infrastructure and updating labs and resource rooms. With the suggestion of management and staff, budget allocation is done thereafter. 4.1.3 List the infrastructure facilities available for co-curricular activities and extra curricular activities including games and sports. The infrastructure facilities available for co-curricular activities and extracurricular actives including games and sports are the following: Multipurpose Hall. Cultural Activity Room. Sports Room. Resource Rooms. Open Air Theatre. Badminton Court. Large playground with track for athletics, sports material for volleyball, cricket, badminton, short-put, discus throw, Javelin, Football and other indoor games. 65 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 4.1.4 Give details on the physical infrastructure shared with other programmes of the institution or other institutions of the parent society or university. Physical infrastructure is not shared with any other institution. 4.1.5 Give details on the facilities available with the institution to ensure the health and hygiene of the staff and students (rest rooms for women, wash room facilities for men and women, canteen, health center, etc.) The institution takes good care of health and hygiene of students and faculty. The institute has a big common room for girls with adequate seating arrangement. The institute has a medical room with first aid kit. It contains all required medicines and a qualified and experienced doctor visit regularly. The institute has a clean and neat canteen and mess. The institute has neat and clean wash rooms for boys and girls separately with basins and hand soaps. The staff room of the institute is neat and well maintained with a basin and sanitizing soaps 4.2 MAINTENANCE OF INFRASTRUCTURE 4.2.1 What is the budget allocation and utilization in the last five years for the maintenance of the following? Give justification for the allocation and unspent balance if any. Expenditure incurred in the last three years for the maintenance of the following is a follows: Building : Rs. 12,80,378.00 Laboratories : Rs. 70,000.00 Library : Rs. 3,90,103.00 Furniture : Rs.3,17,000.00 Equipments : Rs. 2,08,500.00 Computers : Rs. 2,91,500.00 Transport/ Vehicle : Rs. 80,000.00 66 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 4.2.2 How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is optimally utilized? All the required items/ articles are put to maximum use in academics – theory, practical‟s, work experience and in co-curricular activities. For ensuring optimum utilization of available infrastructure of the institution, we have devised machinery in the form of following committees. Each committee is headed by a responsible faculty Member with 3 to 4 members for planning, designing and operating the present resource: Estate incharges: Looks after the college assets by maintaining a stock register and carrying out stock checking regular intervals. Maintenance and Renovation committee Headed by a member of the Management, the committee finalizes the job work to be done after proper analysis of quotations. A committee to dispose off and auction the badly damaged and unusable articles/ materials. 4.2.3 How does the institution consider the environmental issues associated with the infrastructure? All the furniture, furnishing and other accessories are eco-friendly and we have sufficient human resource for maintaining optimum hygienic conditions. A garden committee is always actively involved in beautification of college campus. Two gardeners and two cleaners are there to look after the campus lawns, plantation, trees, shrubs and overall cleanliness. The institution strives to impart education to the student in an eco-green environment. 4.3 LIBRARIES AS A LEARNING RESOURCE. 4.3.1 Does the institution have a qualified librarian and sufficient technical staff to support the library (materials collection and media/computer services)? The institution has qualified librarian and one library attendant to support the library. 4.3.2 What are the library resources available to the staff and students? (Number of books-volumes and titles, journals-national and international, magazines, audio visual teaching-learning resources, software, internet access, etc.). The following resources are available to the staff and students: Number of books : 7940 Number of Titles : 1200 Number of Journals (National) : 09 Number of Journals (International) : 02 67 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Number of magazines Internet facilities are available : : 12 Yes 4.3.3 Does the institution have in place, a mechanism to systematically review the various library resources for adequate access, relevance, etc. and to make acquisition decisions. If yes, give details including the composition and functioning of library committee. Library committee plays an active role in managing the library, if library is facing some problems, the library committee organizes the meeting and solve the problems. This committee also scrutinizes the demand for new books to the purchase and forward it to the Head of the institution. 4.3.4 Is your library computerized? Yes, our library is computerized. 4.3.5 Does the institution library have Computer, Internet and Reprographic facilities? If yes, give details on the access to the staff and students and the frequency of use. Library has internet and reprographic services. As and when staff and students require these services, librarian provides them the same. 4.3.6 Does the institution make use of Inflibnet/Delnet/IUC facilities? If yes, give details. No, the institution does not make use of inflibnet/Delnet facilities. 4.3.7 Give details on the working days of the library? (Days the library is open in an academic year, hours the library remains open per day etc.) A. Working Days of Library : Monday to Saturday B. Working Hours of Library : 8 hours C. Working day of the library in an academic year: 295 days 68 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 4.3.8 How do the staff and students come to know of the new arrivals? Through Display Board with Book, Jackets, the staff and students are informed about new arrivals. 4.3.9 Does the institution‟s library have a book bank? If yes, how is the book bank facility utilized by the students? The institution has a book bank scheme. Fullest i.e. 08 book are provided to B.Ed students for full session and 12 books are provided to D.Ed student for full session. 4.4 ICT AS LEARNING RESOURCE: 4.4.1 Give details of ICT facilities available in the institution ( Computer lab, hardware, software, internet connectivity, access, audio visual, other media and materials) and how the institutions ensures the optimum use of the facility. The institution has a big computer lab having 15 desktop computers and 3 laptop with relevant software (Window 7, & XP, MS Office 2003, 2007) and internet connectivity. The ICT lab is well equipped with T.V, Episcope, slide projector, OHP, LCD projector, Flannel Board / Bulletin board, camcorder and other cameras etc. The lab also has related software for using this hardware. Other labs and resource rooms are also equipped with relevant hardware and software. All the incharges of the labs and resource rooms maintain an issue registers so that all the ICT facilities are optimally utilized by the teacher educators‟ and students for making teachinglearning process effective. 4.4.2 Is there a provision in the curriculum for imparting computer skills to all students? If yes give details on the major skills included Yes, there is provision in the curriculum for imparting computer skills to all the students as per the syllabus of M.D. University, Rohtak. There is a compulsory ICT enabled project of 50 marks in B.Ed. We inculcate ICT skills like use of MS. Office, Email and web browsing etc. 69 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 4.4.3 How and to what extent does the institution incorporate and make use of the new technologies/ICT in curriculum transactional processes? The institution incorporates an effectively used ICT for curriculum transaction during planning stage, presenting stage and evaluation stage. For this purpose, faculty prepares self instructional material, print materials, power – point slides, achievement test, etc. 4.4.4 What are major areas and initiatives for which student teachers use /adopt technology in practice teaching? (Developing lessons plans, classroom transactions, evaluation, preparation of teaching aids) The student- teachers frequently use ICT during their practice teaching for classroom transaction, evaluation and preparation of teaching aids. 4.5 OTHER FACILITIES 4.5.1 How is the instructional infrastructure optimally used? Does the institution share its facilities with others for e.g.: serve as information technology resource in education to the institution (beyond the program), to other institutions and to the community. The instructional infrastructure facilities of the institution are being used optimally. Multipurpose hall is regularly used foe daily morning assembly, for conduction orientation programmers, seminars, workshop, culture programmers, extension lectures, etc. it is well equipped with Public Address system, LCD projector and proper furniture. Classroom are well equipped with bulletin boards, relevant charts and pictures, projectors and proper furniture in order to make them resource rooms for relevant teaching subject. 4.5.2 What are the various audio-visual facilities/materials (CDs, audio and video cassettes and other materials related to the program) available with the institution? How are the student teachers encouraged to optimally use them for learning including practice teaching? The institute has various audio- visual facilities like CDs, audio and video cassettes related to science, social science and language. Student teachers are encouraged through demonstration and proper training to use optimally during their practice teaching. 70 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 4.5.3 What are the various general and methods Laboratories available with the institution? How does the institution enhance the facilities and ensure maintenance of the equipment and other facilities? The institution has following general and method laboratories: Computer Lab ICT Lab Science Lab Home Science Lab Math Lab Psychology Lab Sports Lab Cultural Activity Room Language Lab Tutorial Room The institution gives total freedom to the lab incharges to put demands in beginning of the session and purchase committee is responsible to make material available to them a the earliest. The lab incharges are responsible for maintenance of the equipment and other facilities of their respective labs. 4.5.4 Give details on the facilities like multipurpose hall, workshop, music and sports, transports etc. available with the institution. The institution has a multipurpose hall. ICT labs, Methodology labs and cultured activity room are used as workshops. For music, cultural activities room is equipped with music system and musical instruments. For indoor sports, there is sports room and for outdoor sports events like athletics etc. There is a big play ground. There is no transport but in future there is a plan for the same 4.5.5 Are the classrooms equipped for the use of latest technologies for teaching? If yes, give details. If no, indicate the institution‟s future plans to modernize the classrooms. Yes, the classrooms are well equipped (as discussed in 4.5.1) in future we wish to have internet facilities in classroom and develop the classrooms for E-learning. 71 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions BEST PRACTIVES IN INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNIG RESOURCES 4.6.1 How does the faculty seek to model and reflect on the best practice in the diversity of instruction, including the use of technology? While dealing with topics, we teacher educators believe not only in concept formation but also in concept attainment by the students. Concepts are taught by using inductive-deductive approach and talenting the concept with real life examples. 4.6.2 List innovative practices related to the use of ICT, which contributed to quality enhancement. Though we encourage teacher educators to use mean of ICT in teaching but the best practice we have been using is “judicious” use of chalk board with white as well as colored chalks to explain various topics and concepts by using simple diagrammatic representations in all subjects. Using all relevant, projected and non projected learning aids. ICT enabled teaching – learning has been already discusses earlier. 4.6.3 What innovations/best practices in „Infrastructure and Learning Resources‟ are in vogue or adopted/adapted by the institution? The institution plans to have a well equipped seminar room with LCD projector and lavish seating arrangement. The institution also has a 30KV generator set to cater to full electricity back-up. Two (02) large capacity water coolers and Two RO water purifier is also installed for staff and students. As a fire safeguard, we have fire extinguishers in the college building. Additional Information The canteen has been renovated and equipped with adequate furniture. More computers have been added to computer lab and one more Xerox machine has been purchased for providing more reprographic facilities. To facilitate library work, the management has appointed one library attendant. More reference books have been purchases to enrich the library. 72 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITERION V STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1 STUDENT PROGRESSION 5.1.1 How does the institution assess the students‟ preparedness for the programme and ensure that they receive appropriate academic and professional advise through the commencement of their professional education programme (students pre-requisite knowledge and skill to advance) to completion? The teacher educators regularly interact with the students to know the opinion about teaching as profession. In the beginning of session, during one day orientation programme, we create and open forum of discussion with students and we judge their attitude, aptitude and interests towards teaching profession. From the beginning till completion of the course teacher- educators guide them to have a positive attitude towards teaching and that any one who has pre-requisite knowledge about the content and learn required skills can become an efficient teacher. 5.1.2 How does the institution ensure that the campus environment promotes motivation, satisfaction, development and performance improvement of the students? The institution ensures that the campus environment promotes motivation, satisfaction, development and performance of the students by providing best infrastructure, human resource (qualified devoted staff), teaching- learning material and beautiful and refreshing college ambience full of greenery. 5.1.3 Give gender-wise drop-out rate after admission in the last five years and list possible reasons for the drop out. Describe (if any) the mechanism adopted by the institution for controlling the drop out? Dropout rate after admission (in last 5 year) is about 0 to 5%. 5.1.4 What additional services are provided to students for enabling them to compete for the jobs and progress to higher education? How many students appeared/qualified in SLET, NET, Central/State services through competitive examination in the last two years? The records regarding the number of students appeared competitive examination is more then approximately 20% of the students qualify such exams every year. 73 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Regular guidance by teacher educators and library facilities with plenty reference material for enabling them to compete for the jobs and progress to higher education, are provided to the students. 5.1.5 What percentage of students on an average go for further studies/ choose teaching as a career? Give details for the last three years? On an average, 20% to 30% students chosen teaching as a career and 30% to 40% go for further studies. 5.1.6. Does the institution provide training and access to library and other education related electronic information, audio/ video resources, computer hardware and software related and other resources available to the student teachers after graduating from the institution? If yes give details on the same. There is no such provision for providing training and access to library and other resource material for pass out students. Yet the institution provides necessary guidance when the previous students contact us for help. They are free to consult the library materials as and when they require. 5.1.7 Does the institution provide placement services? If yes, give details on the services provided for the last two years and the number of students who have benefited. Yes, the institution provides placements services through placement cell headed by Sh. Anil Yadav (senior faculty member). Most of B.Ed and D.Ed students get placed in good schools. 5.1.8 What are the difficulties (if any) faced by placement cell? How does the institution over come these difficulties? Our placement cell is workable only in nearby areas only. Schools of nearby big cities (Rewari and Gurgaon) do not approach us for campus employment. To overcome this difficult, we track their employment vacancies and inform our students. 5.1.9 Does the institution have arrangements with practice teaching schools for placement of the student teachers? 74 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions We send our students for teaching practice every year in five schools and they (only Public School) offer jobs to all those practicing student teachers who impress them with their teaching abilities. 5.1.10 What are the resources (financial, human and ICT) provided by the institution to the placement cell? Our institution provides full supports to the placement cell in providing all resource viz: financial, human and ICT. The institution allocates funds for required stationery and postage, etc. All other faculty members and incharges co-operate for helping students in process of appointment in different institutions. STUDENT SUPPORT 5.2.1 How are the curricular (teaching- learning processes), co-curricular and extra curricular programmes planned, (developing academic calendar, communication across the institution, feedback) evaluated and revised to achieve the objectives and effective implementation of the curriculum? There are separate incharges for B.Ed and D.Ed Course, who look after their respective programmes solely. Time table related to all the courses are prepared in the beginning of he session and displayed on the student and staff notice boards. Daily morning assembly plays a vital role in announcements of modifications in time table, routine activities, attendance and seeking students‟ feedback. Academic calendar is prepared with the co-operative effort of senior staff members and is also displayed on various notice boards. For seminars, workshops, and other inter college competitions, we communicate though invitation cards and e-mails. We regularly keep in touch with other nearby colleges and HEC, MDU, UGC, NCTE and NAAC for all the requisite information. 5.2.2 How is the curricular planning done differently for physically challenged students? In reserved category, we admit physical challenged students and partially sighted students. There was no need to bring changes in curriculum planning as such but the institution provided adequate teaching material, proper seating arrangement and peer support, in case we admitted such student. 75 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 5.2.3 Does the institution have mentoring arrangements? If yes, how is it organized? All the teacher educators act as mentors during tutorial classes and as in charges of various cell and clubs. 5.2.4 What are the various provisions in the institution, which support and enhance the effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students? Provisions for effective teaching are – well equipped library and classrooms with ICT facilities. We have weekly provision of tutorial classes in our time-table. 5.2.5 Does the institution have its website‟? If yes, what is the information posted on the site and how often is it updated? Yes, the institution has it own website, with information about college, Management, faculty and courses offered, Etc. Whenever there is some change or modification we update our website. 5.2.6 Does the institution have a remedial programme for academically low achievers? If yes, give details. The institution has a remedial programme for academic low achievers in the form of group learning and individual guidance through tutorials and other extra classes. 5.2.7 What specific teaching strategies are adopted for teaching a) Advanced learners and (b) Slow Learners For advance learners, we adopt the following teaching strategies. Involvement in seminars, power point presentation, peer tutoring and assigning them extra responsibilities according to their capabilities. For slow learners, we arrange for their peer tutoring , tutorial classes and remedial teaching . For catering to the various needs of individual differences of students, the teacher give them assignment and organize trips and excursions. 76 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 5.2.8 What are the various guidance and counseling services available to the students? Give details. We have created a guidance cell in the institution which provides free guidance to the students in the problems related to subject‟s selection. The trainees are also giving guidance and counseling in problems related to study habits and other personal issues. 5.2.9 What is the grievance redressal mechanism adopted by the institution for students? What are the major grievances redressed in last two years? There is a grievance redressal cell headed by a senior teacher and other members. The students can bring their grievances to their notice either verbally or in written. The college has a complaint/suggestion box which is used by students. It is regularly checked and solutions are found are if there is any problem. No serious grievances are pointed out for last two years. 5.2.10 How is the progress of the candidates at different stages of programs monitored and advised? The progress of candidate is monitored through class test, two terminal exams and in competitive co-curricular activities. 5.2.11 How does the institution ensure the students‟ competency to begin practice teaching (Prepractice preparation details) and what is the follow-up support in the field (practice teaching) provided to the students during practice teaching in schools? Students develop competency for real teaching practice by undergoing four major processes. Theoretical background of lesson planning. Theoretical background of microteaching and necessary teaching skills. Demonstration lesson by teacher educator in simulation and in real situation. Practice teaching in simulation. Every teacher educator act as a mentor to a group of pupil teachers who observes each and every lesson and provides verbal and written feedback during practice teaching in simulation and in real situation. Peer students and school teachers also play an important role in providing feedback during practice teaching in real situation. 77 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 5.3 STUDENTS ACTIVITIES 5.3.1 Does the institution have an Alumni Association? Yes, we have an alumni association in the college. Alumni meet was organized first time during 2011-12. To invite alumni, we advertise in newspaper and post invites on the Website. 5.3.2 How does the institution encourage students to participate in extra curricular activities including sports and games? Give details on the achievements of students during the last two years. The institution encourages the students to actively participate in co-curricular events, inter/ intracollege and youth festivals. The students are also encouraged for participating in sports and games activities. We identify talent in various activities like dance, dramatics, fancy dress, song, declamation, essay writing, slogan writing, and painting. Collage making, poster making and preparation of teaching aids, Etc., the participants are adjudged and duly rewarded with prizes and certificates. We also organize annual athletic meet, give prize to winner and select best boy and best girl athlete. The major recent achievement is that one of or students of 2011-12(Abha, Roll No. 1) won first prize in “My dream Teaching Aid” in EDU-FEST or organized by M.D.University , Rohtak. 5.3.3 How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material. List the major publications/materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session. We encourage students write articles on different topics. They submitted these articles to the academic college committee. Out of these articles very good article selected and put on the notice board for the information of all students. 5.3.4 Does the institution have a student council or any similar body? Give details on – constitution, major activities and funding The institution does not have a student council and student body. 5.3.5 Give details of the various bodies and their activities (academic and administrative), which have student representation on it. 78 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions We call students for their represents on the college academic committee and college cultural activities committee. 5.3.6 Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and from employers to improve the preparation of the programme and the growth and development of the institution? To seek the feedback from its graduates, we organize a farewell party and ask them to share their experience during their stay at the college. They also give verbal and verbal and written suggestions for growth and development of the institution. The institution gets feedback from its alumni when they come to college informally and formally in alumni meet and other functions. Our next step is to hold a meeting of the faculty members, Principal and Chairperson of the managing body. The main agenda of the meeting is the review of the previous sessions‟ academic result, students‟ feedback and way further. 5.4 BEST PRACTICES IN STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION Institution makes plenty efforts in „Student Support and Progression. Additional books from library are given to the students holding top 10 positions in terminal examinations and discussion lessons. Scholarships for SC/ST through Government. The management identifies economically weaker students and provides them woolen during winters. The institution provides financial aid for educational tours and excursions. Additional information: - (N/A) 79 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITERION VI GOVERNANCE AND LEARDERSHIP 6.1 INSTITUTIONAL VISION AND LEADERSHIP 6.1.1 What are the institutions‟s stated purpose, vision, mission and values? How are they made known to the various stakeholders? Starex Institute of Education was established in 2005. Purpose The main purpose of this institution is to cater to the needs of the students of „Rural Belt‟ and provide „Quality teacher education‟. Vision „Shaping the destiny of India through Quality Teacher having Dedication, Determinatin, diligence and Dutifulness‟. Mission Marching on the track of Teaching mission. Be a torchbearer by providing quality Teacher Education. Inculcating values of Nobility, Humanity , unity, Equality and Adaptablity. Providing educational opportunities to rural youth and serving the community. Values To inculcate a positive perofessianl attitude towards teaching among the pupil teachers. To produce role models for the society and nation at large. To prepare citizens having commitment towards their profession with values of Discipline, Punctuality, Perserverance and Honesty. To develop in the pupil teachers the spirit of a continuous learner to keep burning the candle of learning. These are made known to the various stakeholders through the college website, displayed on the main displayed on the main display board and during students‟ orientation. 6.1.2 Does the mission include the institution‟s goals and objectives in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, the school sector, education institution‟s traditions and value orientations? Yes, the institution‟s mission includes goals and objectives related to social cause, serving the student community, prepare them for school and adhere to values and traditions. 6.1.3 80 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Enumerate the top management‟s commitment, leadership role and involvement for effective and efficient transaction of teaching and learning processes (functioning and composition of various committees and board of management, BOG, etc.) Starex Education Society, the managing body of the institution is fully committed to the cause of Teacher Education. The chairmen S. Mohinder Singh believes in developing a good rapport between the Management act as a true leader and ensures the effective and efficient transaction of teaching learning process by delegating powers at various levels and creating various committees. 6.1.4 How does the management and head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff of the institution? The chairman, with the help of Principal creates various committees for the smooth functioning of the college activities. The incharges and members of these committee are informed and notified about their roles and functions. 6.1.5 How does the management/head of the institution ensure that valid information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the management to review the activities of the institution? The incharges of various committees have to provides feedback of the work done personally to the Head and Chairperson form time to time. The chairperson/Head of the institution calls the meetings of the committees review the activities and give suggestions. 6.1.6 How does the institution identify and address the barriers (if any) in achieving the vision/mission and goals? The Chairperson/ Head of the institution frequently receive feedback from the teaching and non-teaching staff, students and the community. Strengths of the staff are highlighted but the weaknesses / hurdles in achieving the goals and mission of the institution are taken seriously and all possible efforts are made to remove the obstacles. 6.1.7 How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? 81 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions For organizing any activity (academic or co-curricular), the Management is actively involved in planning and try to fulfill all the requirements related to that and ensure that each and every staff members gives his/her best. The Management grants permission for attending various programmes for professional growth of the faculty. The Chairperson/ Head of the institution formerly acknowledge and appreciates every commendable work. The Management ever says „No‟ to any facility or leave requirement of faculty if it is according to the University/ UGC/HEC norms. 6.1.8 Describe the leadership role of the head of the institution in governance and management of the curriculum, administration, allocation and utilization of resources for the preparation of students. The Head of the institution has a very crucial role to play in smooth functioning of the institution. The Head is personally involved in all the college activities and looks after general administration. He ensures that all the infrastructural facilities and material resource are used optimally by the staff as well as the students. He provides leadership role in the following activities: Cultural Programmes. Sports / Games activities Organising seminars /workshops/ extension lectures etc. 6.2.1 ORGANISATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS List of different committees constituted by the institution for Management of different institutional activities is as follows: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC CELL) Dr. P.S.Yadav Chairman Dr. Satender Member Mr. Anil Member Mr. Sunil Member Mrs. Preeti Verma Member FUNCTION (a) To prepare academic calendar. (b) To develop plan for implementation of this academic calendar. (c) To organize programmes and activities keeping in view the improvement of quality in education and professional growth of faculty members. (d) To have a co-ordination of the institution with NAAC Banglore. 82 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions SC/ST COMMITTEE Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik Mrs. Preeti Verma Mr. Motilal - Convener Member Member FUNCTION (a)To implement the policies and programs related to appointments, promotions and admission etc. of SC/ST candidates. (b) To guide the students about the scholarship scheme given by the Govt. CULTURAL COMMITTEE Ms. Kavita Devi Convener Ms. Preeti Verma Member Ms. Priyanka Member FUNCTION 1 To organize co-curricular activities involving maximum number of students throughout the session. 1. To prepare students and send them to different other institutions to participate in different Co-curricular activities. 2. To organise Starex Institute of Education Annual Day and other functions. LIBRARY COMMITTEE Sh. Sunil Dr. Satyender Sh. Anil Yadav - Convener Member Member FUNCTIONS (a).To enrich the faculty and students in terms of latest knowledge and skill. (b.)To arrange the latest book, Journals and periodicals. (c)To get feedback from faculty and students for the improvement of Library. RESEARCH/SEMINAR COMMITTEE Sh. Anil Yadav Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik Sh. Sunil Kumar - Convener Member Member FUNCTIONS (a) To organise national seminars involving maximum number of college. (b) To organise conferences and workshops on relevant topics. (c) To invite eminent educationists for extensive lectures. 83 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions DISCIPILINE/REDRESSAL COMMITTEE Sh. Anil Yadav Sh. Jai Bhagwan Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik - Convener Member Member Function (a) To maintain discipline in the collage. (b) Make students aware about the colleges‟ code of conduct and rules. (c) Top stop ragging in the college campus. SPORTS COMMITTEE Sh. Sunil Kumar Sh. Motilal Ms. Preeti Verma - Convener Member Member Function (a) To organize sprots activities in the institution involving maximum number of students. (b) To organize Starex College of Education Sport Festival. (c) To organize Annual Athletic Meet of B.Ed and D.Ed. students. CULTURAL AND CO- CORRICULAR COMMITTEE Ms. Kavita Devi Sh. Jaibhagwan Ms. Priyanka - Convener Member Member Function (a) To organise tours to worth seeing places. (b) To organise tools and excursion of places of historical and educational importance. (c) To encourage students to prepare a written record of the experiences after the visit. (d) To organise cultural activities on different events. NAAC COMMITTEE Sh. Anil Yadav Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik Dr. Satyender - Convener Member Member Function (a) To organize the meeting of NAAC advisory committee. (b) To discuss about the improvement in quality of college Education. ALUMNI COMMITTEE Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik Sh. Anil Yadav Dr. Satyender - Convener Member Member 84 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Function (a) To update the list of staff and students alumni. (b) To call the alumni for different meeting in the college. ACADEMIC ACTVITIES COMMITTEE Ms. Preeti Verma Sh. Sunil Kumar Sh. Jai Bhagwan - Convener Member Member Function (a) To prepare academic calendar. (b) To prepare Time – Table for different classes. (c) To prepare record of academic growth of students of different classes. EAXAMINATION COMMITTEE Ms. Preeti Verma Ms. Aruna Pathik Sh. Anil Yadav - Convener Member Member Function (a) To prepare schedule for house examinations in the session (b) To keep academic record of all students. (c)To look after for proper conduct of annual practical examinations. SKILL IN TEACHING COMMITTEE Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik Sh. Sunil Kumar Ms.Priyanka - Convener Member Member Function (a) To identify different secondary schools for practice teaching. (b) To identify different students for practice teaching in these schools. (c)To depute faculty members for supervision for practice teaching in these schools. WOMAN CELL Dr. (Ms) Aruna Pathik Ms. Preeti Verma Sh. Jai Bhagwan - Convener Member Member Function (a) To prepare a detailed plan for strengthening and encouraging the women participation in different college activities. 85 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions (b) To identify women leader among staff members and students for raising the women interest in the college. (c)To organise different social and cultural meets to strengthen the women related issues. PLACEMENT/LEGAL CELL Sh. Anil Yadav Sh. Jai Bhagwan Sh. Satyender - Convener Member Member Function (a) To advertise the establishment of such cell in our institution through print and other media. (b) To call different school management in the college for recruiting the good teachers for their school. (c)To guide our students (pupil teachers) regarding availability of different jobs in the neighboring schools. PURCHASING COMMITTEE Mr. Satender Mr. Anil Yadav Mr. Motilal - Convener Member Member Function (a) To recognition of the required material in the Institution. (b) To collect the price and information regarding the required material from different places. (c) To purchase the different items and maintain the record. 86 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 6.2.2 STAREX EDUCATION SOCIETY Governing of Starex Education Society Starex Institution of Education Binola, NH-8 (Gurgaon) Staff Principal Teaching Faculty Starex International School Student Ministeril Staff B.Ed Affiliated to M.D.U. Rohtak D.Ed Affiliated to B.S.E.H. Bhiwani Staff Principal Student Teaching Staff Nursery to 10+2 87 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 6.2.3 To what extent is the administration decentralized? Give the structure and details of its functioning. Most of the curricular and co-curricular work is done by different committees. They are fully authorized to work independently. The Management has delegated powers to the respective incharges/ conveners to plan and execute work successfully with the help of suggestions for other faculty, Principal and Management. To ensure that the responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff, the Head of the institution circulates different notices and notifications of committees and incharges. These are signed and noted by the staff members. 6.2.4 How does the institution collaborate with other sections/departments and school personnel to improve and plan the quality of educational provisions? The institution has two courses D.Ed and B.Ed in which students actively participate in collaboration in all co-curricular activities. B.Ed class has two sections . All the academic and co-curricular competitions are organized intersection wise. We involve school personnel for computer work, feedback in practice teaching and have collaboration in various cultural activities. Different departments of institution like Science , Social Science, Language and ICT work in co-ordination for improving and enriching the teaching learning environment 6.2.5 Does the institution use the various data and information obtained from the feedback in decision-making and performance improvement? If yes, give details. The institution takes feedback from practicing schools, passing out students, alumni and visitors. In the very beginning of the new session, Principal discuss these feedbacks with the faculty members for decision making and performance improvement. 6.2.6 What are the institution‟s initiatives in promoting co-operation, sharing of knowledge, innovations and empowerment of the faculty? (Skill sharing across departments‟ creating/providing conducive environment). For promoting and sharing of knowledge, every D.Ed student takes guidance not only form his/her guide but also from the subject expert, language expert, ICT expert, Research methodology and Statistics expert, Measurement and Evaluation expert, etc. while preparing Dissertation and field Work. 88 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions In B.Ed during practice teaching we make use of interdisciplinary approach while disseminating content cum methodology. For empowering faculty, they are encouraged to attend seminars, workshops and programmes for their processional growth by giving hem duty leave. Whenever any faculty member makes a request for some resources/ reference material, the institution provides them at earliest. All the faculty members work in cohesion and unison as a team and work diligently to provide an overall conducive teaching – learning environment. 6.3 STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOPMENT 6.3.1 Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect align and integrate data and information on academic and administrative aspects of the institution? The various committees of institution as mentioned above, collect, align and integrate data and information on academic and administrative aspects though maintaining stock registers, committee registers, event diary and filling system. 6.3.2 How does the institution allocate resources (human and financial) for accomplishment and sustaining the changes resulting from the action plans? The human resource allocation is done with the combined effort of the administration and staff on the basis of their interests, capabilities and aptitude. Financial resources are allocated on the basis of need, priority and urgency through the approval of the management. 6.3.3 How are the resources needed (human and financial) to support the implementation of the mission and goals, planned and obtained? To support the implementation of the mission and goals, all the committees and cells send requisition to the principal for allocation of Human and Financial resources. Regarding financial requirement, the Principal forwards it to the concerned incharges who prepare and outline and applies for the advance for implementation. 6.3.4 Describe the procedure of developing academic plan. How are the practice teaching schoolteachers, faculty and administrators involved in the planning process? The academic calendar is planned in the beginning of the session by the concerned committee headed by the Principal. Real practice teaching time table is planned with the help of the 89 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Principal and teachers of all practicing schools, skills in teaching incharge and teachers of the institution. 6.3.5 How are the objectives communicated and deployed at all levels to employee‟s contribution for institutional development? assure individual The objectives of the institution are communicated through orientation programme, Display on bulletin boards and it is inbuilt in.Each and every academic and co-curricular programme where the participation of each and every employees is sought. 6.3.6 How and with what frequency are the vision, mission and implementation plans monitored, evaluated and revised? Institutions‟ vision, mission and various plans are monitored, evaluated and revised atleast every month through meetings called by the Management, Principal and incharges of the concerned committees /cells. So we ensure that the college‟s vision and mission are achieved through full co-ordination between the Management, Principal and staff, with proper delegation of authority. 6.3.7 How does the institution plan and deploy the new technology? The innovative practice emerging as a result of new technology are incorporated in our teaching learning process. The college QAC,IQAC and academic committee recommends and ensure that the new technology is accepted and implemented. Related reference material, books, journals, manuals and software are made available at the earliest. 6.4 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 6.4.1 How do you identify the faculty development needs and career progression of the staff? The Management encourages the teaching faculty to upgrade their qualification, attend in-service programme/ course like orientation and refresher courses, seminars and workshops. The teaching and non-teaching faculty are granted permission to attend training programmes for ICT upgradation. To adapt to new technological advancements experts are also invited Study leaves are also sanctioned for higher studies. 90 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 6.4.2 What are the mechanisms in place for performance assessment (teaching, research, service) of faculty and staff? (Self–appraisal method, comprehensive evaluations by students and peers). Does the institution use the evaluations to improve teaching, research and service of the faculty and other staff? The faculty of the college fills Annual Confidential Report (ACR) related to the student‟s result, individual ,adapting new practices and contributions in other activities. The Principal and the Management evaluates it keeping in mind the general behavior of the faculty and students feedback. There is provision to demonstrate ACR if it is below average. 6.4.3 What are the welfare measures for the staff and faculty? The institution follows all the directions of Haryana Government completely for the welfare of the staff. All the teaching staff member are provided leaves as per State Government rules. The staff members are provided facilities of GPF and personal benefits. The teaching staff members are also given study leave for attending in service programmes. The female teaching faculty is entitled for 6 months maternity leave and 10 medical (earned) leave for every staff. The class IV employees are given incentives during various festivals and complete uniform every year. 6.4.4 Has the institution conducted any staff development programme for skill up-gradation and training of the teaching and non-teaching staff? If yes, give details. The institute has conducted an ICT workshop for staff last year. 6.4.5 What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution to recruit and retain diverse faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications, knowledge and skills (Recruitment policy, salary structure, service conditions) and how does the institution align these with the requirements of the statutory and regulatory bodies (NCTE, UGC, University etc. )? Our institution totally follows the norms of NCTE /UGC/State Government and M.D. University, Rohtak. 91 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Staff recruitment policy is a per the HEC/NCTE/MDU norms though proper procedure – post sanction, advertisement in two National Newspaper (Hindi and English), forming Selection committee and conducting interviews. Recruitment is done on merit basis. The salary structure and service conditions of the regular employees are as per NCTE/MDU/UGC norms. 6.4.6 What are the criteria for employing part-time/Adhoc faculty? How are the part-time/Adhoc faculty different from the regular faculty? (E.g. salary structure, workload, specialisations). We recruit Adhoc faculty as per requirement of the institution of the institution and their workload and specialization is at par with the regular employees. The salary of Adhoc employees is on consolidated basis. They are appointed through proper selection committee and are approved by the MDU/HEC. 6.4.7 What are the policies, resources and practices of the institution that support and ensure the professional development of the faculty? The Management supports the faculty to attend seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. by giving them duty leave. The Management also provides study leave to faculty members pursuing M.Phils and Ph.D. it supports faculty for joining State, National and International professional associations. Few of the faculty members are the life time members of such associations. 6.4.8 What are the physical facilities provided to faculty? All the staff members have cubicles/ labs to carry out their work effectively. These are fully furnished, equipped with resource material and are well maintained. 6.4.9 What are the major mechanisms in place for faculty and other stakeholders to seek information and/or make complaints? The information regarding administrative, academic, co-curricular and disciplinary activities is disseminated to the staff and students through order book and notice boards. The information from NCTE, UGC, NAAC, HEC, M.D.U. and other source in the form of circulars is conveyed to the teachers by circulating and notifying to each and every one. The Management, Principal and staff freely discuss the complaints (if any). 6.4.10 92 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Detail on the workload policies and practices that encourage faculty to be engaged in a wide range of professional and administrative activities including teaching, research, assessment, mentoring, working with schools and community engagement. Apart from teaching which is the main responsibility, proportionate time is allocated to other activities. 6.4.11 Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members? The staff is rewarded by the Management when our students secure top position in University. 6.5 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE MOBILIZATION 6.5.1 Does the institution get financial support from the government? If yes, mention the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no, give details of the source of revenue and income generated No 6.5.2 What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations? Since last 3 years we have not received any donation. 6.5.3 Is the operational budget of the institution adequate to cover the day-to-day expenses? If no, how is the deficit met? We plan the budge in the beginning of every financial year, keeping in view the income of our institution, so that it is adequate to cover the day-to-day expenses. In case of deficit budget we meet our expenses from the surplus of preceding years. 6.5.4 What are the budgetary resources to fulfill the missions and offer quality programs? (Budget allocations over the past five years, depicted through income expenditure statements, future planning, resources allocated during the current year, and excess/deficit) The source of our income is fees from the admitted students, bank interest, etc. The budget allocation over the last five years are attached along with year final Accounts. 93 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 6.5.5 Are the accounts audited regularly? Yes, the accounts are audited regularly. Internal Audit mechanism involves the Bursar, Principal, General Secretary and President of Governing Body. The college has hired one Chartered Accountant. The Accounts are also audited by M.D. University, Rohtak and State Government audit department. There are no major pending and objections raised by auditors. 6.5.6 Has the institution computerized its finance management systems? Yes, the institution has computerized finance Management system. All the records of account books are maintained by using Tally (Accounting software). All the account books like Ledgers, Trail Balance, Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet are maintained in tally and the final statements are kept in hard copy also. 6.6 BEST PRACTICES IN GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP The Management makes best possible efforts to achieve our mission and objectives. For smooth functioning and making teaching – learning process effective and democratic, institution practice total decentralization and delegation of power. We have an efficient MIS for ensuring co-ordination among administration and staff, timely resource mobilization and financial Management. Additional information The Management is planning to establish a well furnished and equipped conference room for organizing various in – service programmes. 94 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions CRITERION VII INNOVATIVE PRACTICES 7.1 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM Has the institution established Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If yes, give its year of establishment, composition and major activities undertaken. N/A, 7.2 INCLUSIVE PRACTICES 7.2.1 How does the institution sensitise teachers to issues of inclusion and the focus given to these in the national policies and the school curriculum. For sensitizing teacher-educators to issues of inclusion, the institution encourages them to participate in National Seminars / conference related to inclusive Education. Our two teacher educators participated (as a Resource Persons) in a National Seminar in 2011 and two teacher educators participated again in a National Seminar in 2012 on the topic related to “Paradigm Shift: From Segregation to inclusion and its future prospects in India”. This was followed by transcending the knowledge to the fellow faculty members. The staff members are abreast with the latest teaching strategies and teaching for inclusion, i.e. collaborative teaching, team – teaching, peer tutoring, co-operative learning and Models of inclusion. 7.2.2 What is the provision in the academic plan for students to learn about inclusion and exceptionalities as well as gender differences and their impact on learning. The modified curriculum came into practice in 2010 which includes „Inclusive Education‟ as a compulsory subject in B.Ed curriculum. “Inclusive Education” is a compulsory subject in D.Ed. 7.2.3 Detail on the various activities envisioned in the curriculum to create learning environments that foster positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation. Activities like community outreach projects (SSA, UEE, Polio Awareness, First Aid Rallies, Aids Awarness, Save Girls Child, Voter Awareness Rally, and Environment Awareness Programmes etc.), tree plantation, national Communal Harmony week, Red Cross day, Slogan/Poster/Collage making on social issues etc. has been organized in order to foster positive social interaction, activities based learning and self motivation. 95 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 7.2.4 How does the institution ensure that student teachers develop proficiency for working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities? The teacher educators plan various activities by making groups and to work and to work with team spirit and co-operation is emphasized, irrespective of their caste, culture, religion, socioeconomic background and their exceptionalities. 7.2.5 How does the institution address to the special needs of the physically challenged and differently-abled students enrolled in the institution? Though the seats are reserved for physically challenged but no student with severe exceptionality/disability has joined the college so far. If such a student gets enrolled here in future, we are prepared to cater to the special needs of that student. 7.2.6 How does the institution handle and respond to gender sensitive issues (activities of women cell and other similar bodies dealing with gender sensitive issues)? Ours is a co-educational institution and we are against any gender bias but the issues related to women have been frequently touched. Through „Women Cell‟ activities. Women Cell incharges change in rotation and they attend various workshops related to gender sensitization. Our students participate in activities like debate and declamation, role play, fancy dress, etc. related to women empowerment. 7.3 STAKEHOLDERS RELATIONSHIPS 7.3.1 How does the institution ensure the access to the information on organizational performance ( Academic and Administrative) to the stakeholders? The Principal of the institution presents the progress report of the organizational performance in the meeting of Governing body. All the information of the organizational performance is displayed on notice boards and regularly updated on websites. Information is also disseminated through announcements during morning assembly. 96 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 7.3.2 How does the institution share and use the information/data on success and failures of various processes, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of students and stakeholders for bringing qualitative improvement? Information related to attendance, punctuality, academic progress (result), various disciplinary issues are regularly conveyed to the parents through letters, telephonic communication and E-mailing these means is also used to inform students for concerned matters. 7.3.3 What are the feedback mechanisms in vogue to collect, collate and data from students, professional community, Alumni and other stakeholders on program quality? How does the institution use the information for quality improvement? For feedback mechanism from guests and visitors we have a visitor‟s diary. Students are free to views their feedback and suggestions verbally and in written form before leaving the institution. Alumni and passing out students provide us feedback through alumni meet and farewell party etc. The performance of pupil teachers is being conveyed to us by the Principal and school teachers of the practicing schools. The institution whole heartedly welcome feedback from the students and stakeholders and the same is discussed in beginning of new session through a meeting of faculty, Principal and the Management. The approval for implementation of suggestion is sought from the Management. 97 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions DECLARATION BY THE HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION I hereby certify that all the data furnished in the Self- Study Report (SSR) of our college, are true to the best of my knowledge. The SSR is preparing with strenuous efforts of the NAAC Committee and all the concerned Teaching and Non- Teaching employees of the institution. Counter signed by (Chairman) (S. Mohinder Singh) (Principal) (Dr. P.S. YADAV) Seal Date: Place: Binola (Gurgaon) Date:25.04.2015 98 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions Undertaking This is to certify that Starex Institute of Education, Binola, Gurgaon (Hr.) fulfils all norms. Stipulated by the affiliating University and / or Regulatory Council/ Body such as NCTE, AICTE, MCI, DCI, BCI, Etc, and The affiliation and recognition [if applicable] is valid as on date. In case the affiliation/ recognition is conditional, then a detailed enclosure with regards to compliance of conditions by the institution will be sent. It is noted that NAAC‟s accreditation, if granted, shall stand cancelled automatically, once the institution loses its University affiliation or Recognition by the Regulatory Council, as the case may be. In case the undertaking submitted by the institution is found to be false then the accreditation given by NAAC is liable is to be withdrawn The undertaking give to NAAC is also displayed on our institutions website. Counter Signed by (S. Mohinder Singh) (Dr. P.S. YADAV) Date: - 14-08-2014 Place: Binola (Gurgaon) Note for implementation: For those institutions where visits are already scheduled, this undertaking is to be submitted during the visit to the co-ordinator along with eh enclosure, if any. For those institutions where visit are yet to be schedule but SSR are with NAAC, the undertaking has to be submitted prior to the finalization of the visit. For those institutions which are yet to submit SSRs, the undertaking has to be submitted along with SSR/SAR/RAR. 99 Starex Institute of Education Manual for Self Study Report of Teacher Education Institutions 100 Starex Institute of Education