03-02-16 V4N02 - The Stampede news
03-02-16 V4N02 - The Stampede news
TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 “The Spirit of the Range... Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WEEKLY NEWS 1 The Freedom of a People” $1,000 CASH REWARD JEW SUPREMACIST VETERANS IN SHERIDAN COUNTY Don’t think for one minute that Jewish power is not in full force in Sheridan County, Nebraska. It is politically correct for the Jews and their veterans to desecrate my ranch sign, but if I were to scribble graffiti on their synagogue, I would be immediately labeled a White supremacist and prosecuted for a federal hate crime. Now, THEY have the distinction of being Jew Supremacists, and I have the distinction of being a historian, which Jew Power is attempting to suppress. It is all right for the Jews to exercise their first Amendment right in degrading my political beliefs, but I am not suppose to exercise my first Amendment right by exhibiting our “holy” sign – the Swastika Ranch. This incident proves that the Jews and their veteran peons do not have the guts to look the All American weight lifting and wrestling champion in the eye. I would not want these scaredy-cat Jew loving veterans fighting in a fox hole with or for me. Rudy Butch Stanko $1,000 CASH REWARD for information leading to the arrest and conviction of each perpetrator(s) and any person acting in concert with the perpetrator(s), for the hate crime on or about February 27, 2016 at the corner of W. Third St. and N. Sheridan St. in Gordon, Nebraska. Call 308-282-0155 for confidential claim code. THERE IS NOTHING SO FEARFUL AS IGNORANCE IN ACTION -- Goethe DATED MATERIAL POSTAL CUSTOMER ECR-WSS 69361 Scottsbluff, NE Permit #17 PAID U.S. POSTAGE PRSRT STD DATED MATERIAL TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WEEKLY NEWS The Real Heroes in Life are taken for Granted A prudent man once s ai d “ Li f e i s n ' t f a i r. However, I can be.” What I find reprehensible in today's a berrant a nd repulsive society is the tremendous amount of effort exerted by the oligarchy's social engineers to manipulate hence control the minds of the American citizens. As citizens, we are overwhelmed by a continuous barrage of these min d-co ntrol tec hniques by m eans of advertisements, music, and the movie industry; all of which inculcates its insidious agenda. It conveys to us, repeatedly, that the heroes to be extolled in America are military soldiers and football players. It has gotten so ridiculous, these days, that if a military veteran returns from a foreign war and is not missing body parts, then that soldier is given little to no recognition. It is now in vogue to be a crippled veteran posing for pictures in magazines and to have them plastered all over Facebook. These soldiers must be missing chunks of flesh and must have a sundry of lurid tattoos of which express their deep emotional pain. Yes, folks, this is the satanic world hence freak show created by the social engineers who dominateAmerica. Regardless, of this untenable nonsense, let's examine who the actual and factual heroes are who are taken for granted. They are as follows: the emergency medical technician that saved your loved one's life; the fire fighter that pulled your loved one out of the burning house; the bone doctor that reconstructed your loved one's broken bones after the horrible car accident; the linemen who risked life and limb to keep your electricity on when it was below zero during a blizzard; the school teacher that inspired your child to achieve excellence; the mother who made the sacrifice of staying home to raise her children; Butch Stanko, owner, author, and journalist of the Stampede News paper for placing the truth before the eyes of concerned citizens; Jim Lambley, owner and announcer of KSDZ Radio and journalist Lory Storm for doing likewise, and last and most important the ministers of the Gospel who guide us in the pathway of the Lord. This is to name a few. People need to wake up and see the appalling fraud being forced upon them. There is no excuse, these days, for being uninformed. For the first time in history, we have full disclosure. Even some of the most classified information once hidden is now available via the internet. It takes little effort to unveil the truth, because many valiant people have made a lot of sacrifices to make this indispensable information available to us. JosephApplegarth Chadron, Nebraska AMERICAN LEGION NOW SHOWS ITS TRUE COLORS? Flag of USA The Stampede www.TheStampedeNews.com A newspaper dedicated to: Your Business Your Town Your State Your Nation Publisher: Rudy “Butch” Stanko 216 N. Main Street P.O. Box 333 Gordon, NE 69343 Subscription rates $20 for six months; $30 per year Email news tips, letters to editor comments, questions, and news and advertising inquiries to: E@TheStampedeNews.com or CommonLawRudy1@gmail.com Call 308-282-0155 or 308-360-2127 2 Flag of RUSSIA How do you know the true mission of an organization? Simple. Just look at what it does instead of what it says. For example, The American Legion (founded in France, but acknowledged by the U.S. Government, 36 USCA 21701 et seq.) is a federally chartered corporation. WHAT IT SAYS. According to The American Legion’s constitution, some of its purposes are 1. to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States ofAmerica; 2. to maintain law and order; 3. to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percentAmericanism; 4. to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; 5. to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; 6. to make right the master of might; 7.to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, 1. The Constitution prohibits the government to get involved with freedom and democracy [Note: not republic principles. It’s time for freedom of speech or press. Freedom of press does not mean you can say anything you want so long as it agrees with the authorities. It’s purpose is them to review the Pledge ofAllegiance.]. to protect unpopular dissenting opinion. WHAT IT DOES 2. Enlisting the support of the police as an adjunct to suppressing free When Joseph Applegarth expressed his opinion in a recent speech is not a proper call. Threatening a person with official force is not Stampede article, the Commander of The American Legion, Bill the American way (see #3).. Dowling Post 12, Darrel Marshall, became so enraged his color vision 3. Americanism means respecting the rights guaranteed by the became severely affected, and all he could see was red. Allegedly Constitution. It does not mean threatening a person with force because a desperate to cure his affliction, he contacted the Chadron Police to few drops of ink were placed on paper. Voltaire in France (The American prepare them to come to his aid should his affliction continue in any Legion’s home country) wrote, “I detest what you write, but I would give future presence of Mr. Applegarth. In his letter to Mr. Applegarth he my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.”, wrote, “Our House Committee has met and determined the American 4. In this situation, Chadron Post 12 abandoned its post and failed its Legion will not use any of your services on any of our property in the obligation to the community, state and nation. future. In addition, you are barred from coming on the American 5. Chadron Post 12 invoked its own autocracy against a member of Legion property.Any violation will result in the local authorities will be the masses, so much so that it attempted to besmirch the reputation among notifiedand we intend to press charges against you for trespassing.” He the Chadron police.. sent a copy of his letter to the Chadron Police. 6. How does threatening official application of force against an So, how does the official action of Chadron Post 12 fit with what it individual “make right the master of might”? says are its purposes? 7. Is The Chadron Post 12 safeguarding and transmitting “the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy” to the posterity? Ween Calves On The question here is, if Chadron Post 12 supports the red, white, and blue, then which red, white and blue? Freedom loving America, or “the 20% Protein Natural High Attitude autocracy of both the classes and the masses” as in Russia? The Chadron Post 12 letter andApplegarth’s reply may be seen on the Western Alfalfa PELLETS web site, www.TheStampedeNews.com/. Judge for yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With minerals and vitamins added DEFINITIONS Autocracy: dictatorship, tyranny Bulk truck loads for $280 ton or for Democracy: Mob rule. Sovereignty is in the group, not the individual. Individual has no rights, only has privileges granted by thegroup. 50% of the price of cake Republic: Each individual is sovereign. Group decisions are advisory only. Individual has all natural rights and is not beholden to the group. call Butch 308-360-2127 or Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, Terry 308-360-2109 indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WEEKLY NEWS APPLEGARTH & STANKO VS. DARRELL A. MARSHALL ET AL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DAWES COUNTY, NEBRASKA JosephApplegarth , Rudy Butch Stanko, Plaintiffs, vs. DarrellA. Marshall; American Legion Bill Dowling Post 12, aka, American Legion; Defendants 1X through 5x, once discovery is completed; Defendants. C O M P LA I N T WITH APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT INJUNCTIVE RELIEF and REQUEST FOR 7TH AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL COMMON LAW[1] JURY TO DECIDE THE FACTS AND DAMAGES Comes now Joseph Applegarth and Rudy Butch Stanko in the above entitled court of record complain of defendants DarrellA. Marshall and American Legion Bill Dowling Post 12 (hereinafter Legion) This application for equitable temporary and permanent Injunctive Relief supported by a declaration with an ORDER to the Defendants to cease and desist the discrimination (in violation of equal protection under the law) of the Plaintiffs by barring the Plaintiffs from entering the American Legion’s public recreation areas for exercising their first amendment right of speech in public newspapers. Further, Plaintiff Applegarth request Injunctive Relief to stay the ban the defendants have implemented on using the Plaintiff Applegarth’s services for exercising his first amendment right of speech. JURISDICTIONAL STATEMENT Temporary and permanent injunctive relief is attached through RSN 25-1063, 1064 and 1064.02. Action for civil rights violation is pursuant to NRS 20148. Action for federal statutory civil rights 42 USC 1983. PARTIES Plaintiff Joseph Applegarth, 415 Lake Street, Chadron, Nebraska. Plaintiff Rudy Butch Stanko, Box 171, Rt. 1, Gordon Nebraska. Defendant Darrell A. Marshall, 932 Chadron Ave., Chadron, Nebraska. Defendant American Legion Bill Dowling Post 12, also known as American Legion Club, 123 Bordeaux, Chadron, Nebraska. It is a federally chartered corporation in accordance with 36 USCA21701 et seq. FACTS On January 27, 2016, plaintiff Rudy Butch Stanko authored an article in the Stampede newspaper titled “What Freedom Has the Veteran Preserved?” Subsequently plaintiff Joseph Applegarth wrote a letter to the editor stating that the article by Rudy Butch Stanko “is an excellent article,” Applegarth further stated: “the military is nothing less than a cult composed of ‘mind-controlled dupes’ that joined the military for selfish, hence greedy purposes to procure free college, job preferences, and a lifelong medicalinsurance plan via the government.” Applegarth welcomed the suggestion that his speech in the letter be printed in the next issue of The Stampede. On February 17, 2016, Plaintiff Applegarth’s letter to the editor was published in The Stampede. On February 19, 2016, Defendant Darrell A. Marshall sent a letter to Plaintiff Applegarth barring Applegarth “from coming onAmerican Legion property.” The barring ofApplegarth was in response to the letter printed in the Stampede. This letter also stated the Defendants were going to stop using the services of Applegarth because of his speech in the letter to the editor In other words, it was a discriminatory action against Applegarth because of Applegarth's personal belief. Defendant Darrell A. Marshall signed the letter. The letterhead was documented as being written under the authority of defendant American Legion Bill Dowling Post 12, and its internal House Committee. The letter implied author Rudy Butch Stanko was also banned from coming on the property of the defendant American Legion for his political beliefs. Defendant Marshall admitted Plaintiffs had freedom of speech, except when speaking about veterans. Defendant Marshall sent this letter to Chadron Police Department stating: if Joseph Applegarth appeared on American Legion property either defendant Marshall or defendant American Legion would attempt to have Plaintiff Applegarth arrested for trespassing. Defendants' intent was to libel the plaintiffs' reputations with the Chadron Police Department. Plaintiff Rudy Butch Stanko is also considered a trespasser because of his speech. CAUSE OF ACTION The defendants violated the Plaintiffs Constitutional and civil rights pursuant to NRS 20- 148 by the following: A) Barring the defendants from the American Legion for exercising their First amendment right of speech. B) Firing Plaintiff Applegarth for exercising his First amendment right of speech. C) Violating the federal civil rights codes 42 USC § 1983, et al., and federal Criminal Code 18 USC 242 and 243 for exercising their first amendment right of speech. D) Fifth and 14th Amendment rights not to be “deprived of any liberty” (liberty interest) without due process of law with an arbitrary, prejudicial, and capricious decision to fire Plaintiff Applegarth for his speech. E) Creating a liability in contacting the police to libel and arrest the Plaintiffs for exercising their constitutional and statutory rights of speech. REQUESTED RELIEF INJUNCTIVE RELIEF and RESTRAINING ORDER WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs request the Court to GRANT the following equitable relief by an issue of a temporary and permanent Injunction ORDERING the defendants to: Prohibit the defendants from barring the Plaintiffs from the public facilities of the American Legion for exercising their FirstAmendment right of speech; Prohibit the defendants from firing the Plaintiff Applegarth for exercising his First Amendment right of speech; If a preliminary injunction/restraining ORDER is not awarded, irreparable harm will be caused to the Plaintiff for violation of his constitutional rights. A temporary injunction/restraining ORDER would not “substantially harm” the defendants, except if a preliminary injunction/restraining ORDER is not issued, it would substantially harm the Plaintiff. And, awarding the request to the Plaintiff is in the public interest, so the public would know that the veterans did in fact preserve our First Amendment right of freedom of speech. WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Plaintiff requests the defendants be cited to appear and answer as required by law. The Plaintiff requests a jury to judge the facts and actual monetary damages, the physical damages, and punitive award against each individual defendant for each civil right violation, including and not limited to: Great humiliation, embarrassment, and mental suffering, pain, distress and anguish in the past; 38. Great humiliation, embarrassment, and mental suffering, pain, distress and anguish in the future; 38. Reimbursement of the cost and time expended by the Plaintiff for actions unlawfully provoked by the defendants; Contingency enhancement premium of one third to one half of the award because of the high risk of litigation of civil rights grievances. Total amount of award is requested to be not more than $1,000,000. WHEREFORE, the defendants have acted shamefully and with a willful and reckless disregard for the contractual agreements and the Plaintiff’s civil rights. Accordingly, punitive damages should be awarded against the defendants to encourage them to uphold their contractual agreements and the Constitution of the United States. Courts have held punitive damages play an important role in furthering the stability of the Constitution. Awarding punitive damages directly advances the public interest in preventing repeated civil right violations, and provide the only significant remedy available where civil rights are maliciously violated, but the victim can prove only marginal compensatory injuries. CONCLUSION “The Court must consider four factors in determining whether to grant a motion for preliminary injunction: (1) whether the Plaintiff has demonstrated that there is substantial likelihood that he will prevail on the merits of his claim; (2) Whether the Plaintiff has shown that he would be irreparably harmed if injunctive relief is not awarded in confirming the contract for membership granted in Nebraska; (3) whether the issuance of injunctive relief would ‘substantially harm’ other parties; and (4) whether awarding the relief is in the public interest. Wash. Metro Area Transit Comm’n v Holiday Tours, Inc., 559 F.2d 841, 843 (D.C. Cir. 1977); Al-Fayed v CIA, 254 F.3d 300, 303 (D.C. Cir. 2001). These factors should be balanced against one another and ‘if the arguments for one factor are particularly strong, and injunction may issue even if the argument in other areas are rather weak.’ City Fed Fin. Corp v Office of Thrift Supervision, 58 F.3d 738, 747 (D.C. Cir. 1995). Thus, injunctive relief may be warranted ‘where there is a particularly strong likelihood of success on the merits even if there is a relatively slight showing of irreparable injury.’ id. However, a party seeking injunctive relief must ‘demonstrate at least some injury . . . since the basis for injunctive relief has always been irreparable harm.” Jasperson v Federal Bureau of Prisons, 460 F.Supp.2d 76, 88 (D.Cal., 2006), quoting Sampson v Murray, 415 US 61, 88, 94 S Ct 937, 39 L Ed 2d 166 (1974). The Plaintiffs have shown the Court the present actions by the defendants in violating the Plaintiffs’ Constitutional and statutory civil rights by barring the Plaintiffs for their speech is causing irreparable harm. The issuance of an injunction would protect the Plaintiffs’ Constitutional and civil rights and would not “substantially harm” the defendants. The awarding of relief is in the public interest to inform the citizens of Dawes County that the members of the American Legion still support to preserving of the Constitutional right of free speech. Respectfully filed, _____________________________ Joseph Applegarth, 415 Lake Street, Chadron, Nebraska. _____________________________ Rudy Butch Stanko, Box 171, Rt. 1, Gordon Nebraska. TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WEEKLY NEWS KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! 4 LAW NOTES Can you complete these statements? Court of record is.... Nisi prius court is.... Superior court is.... Inferior court is.... Democracy is.... Republic is.... Natural rights are.... Civil rights are.... Difference between people and citizen is.... Plaintiff can fine judge for contempt of court when .... 26 USC 7806 “no presumption of legislative intent” means.... ENFORCE YOUR LIBERTY! Find the answers at www.1215.org -- click on START How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump by Roger Stone and Ed Martin1 Mar 20162880 “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” – Eric Hoffer Despite a growing string of victories in the Republican primaries ,the DC-Wall Street cabal that has dominated the GOP since 1988 has no intention of letting the billionaire real estate mogul be nominated. None other than Karl Rove has insisted the stop-Trump effort is not too late and can succeed. A new superPAC has dumped $10 million dollars into blistering negative TV ads against Trump in the last three days. The Koch brothers and their associates deny funding the effort but they denials are questionable at best. The New York Times reported Sunday that the Rubio and Kasich campaigns are now openly planning on a ‘brokered convention” to stop Trump in the back rooms in Cleveland. The New York Daily News reported that Barbara Bush has vowed revenge against Trump for ending the “low energy” campaign of her son Jeb, the anointed one and that the Bush clan is all-in in the effort to stop Trump. The News reported that Jeb may transfer the $25 to $30 million in SuperPAC funds he has left to an anti-Trump effort The power-brokers short term game is clear; stall Trump just short of the magic number of delegates needed to be nominated on the first ballot with the knowledge that many delegates bound on the first ballot by Trump primary and caucus victories would be unbound on a second ballot. Much in the way the RNC stacked the galleries with anti-Trump partisans in the last two debates, anti-Trump quislings are be planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump on subsequent ballots. If Cruz prevails in Texas and Kasich can hold Ohio the insiders game of “keep away “could get some legs. The cabal of billionaires who are bankrolling Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 79% have served notice on the young Senator that he must win his home state of Florida on March 15 or get the hook. Mitt Romney, who passed up the 2016 race because he deemed Jeb Bush unstoppable (!) is suited up to enter late primaries in California, New Jersey and elsewhere in the hopes that the party would turn to him on a second ballot. This explains why Romney has suddenly emerged as a twitter critic of Trump’s chiding him for not releasing his tax returns in the middle of an IRS audit and not renouncing the support of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke fast enough. The Republican nomination process was already rigged: the campaigns of the four early states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada) have been traditionally controlled by high paid consultants and party leaders who convince candidates to spend hundreds of millions on media, staff and early state “necessities.” The big money needed has to come from somewhere–namely from special interests who demand loyalty on key issues: government handouts/bailouts, open borders, and especially big government. The demands of early big money usually clear the field of anyone unacceptable to the Republican Racketeers: when Newt or Santorum didn’t play along in 2012, they were swamped under by big money. In 2016, Trump doesn’t need the racketeers money because he has the Republican grassroots, but the racketeers have one last play: fix the Rules of the Conventions. For example, do you know how many delegates Trump must get to be nominated for president today? Zero. Cruz, Rubio, and all the rest? Also zero. Why? Because the Rule that allows them to be nominated (Rule 40) requires “permanently seated delegates” for nomination. But that won’t happen until the Credentials Committee meets at the convention! Then there is rule 40-B.Please note that Rule 40 as it is currently written expires on the day before the convention when the Rules Committee meets to make up the new Rules of the Convention and for the Republican Party for the next 4 years. Rule 40-B currently requires a nominee to have “the “majority of the permanently seated delegates from at least 8 Continued on page 5 TRUMP TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 US Marshals arrest for delinquent Student Loans in Texas so far But Constitution says debtor prisons are outlawed. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/02/us -marshals-forcibly-collecting-student-debt.html Here's what the U.S. government says about the student loan you may have been tardy about paying back: "If your loan is placed with a collection agency, you will be responsible for costs incurred to get payment. The holder of your loan can take other actions to collect as well." Those "other actions" involve withholding your tax refund or, in some cases, garnishing your wages. And, this week in Texas, they began to involve federal agents in combat gear bursting into debtors' houses and arresting them. In 2003, U.S. marshals were arresting people in the Twin Cities who had not paid their student loans as part of the so-called “Operation Anaconda Squeeze.” But as with any case in the U.S., where debtors' prisons have been outlawed since 1833, those arrests came from contempt-ofcourt warrants issued after summonses had been ignored; that does not appear to have happened here. Particularly since the financial crisis of the 2000s, debt imprisonment has grown, and a judge can issue a contempt warrant if he or she feels that a debtor is "willfully" not paying a loan. TRUMP continued from page 4 states.” Romney lawyer Ben Ginsberg was able to change Rule 40 from “plurality of the delegates from at least 5 states” to the current rule. The potential for skullduggery is clear. Even if Trump runs the tables in the primaries winning a plurality in virtually every state the rule can be tailored by a controlled Rules Committee to prevent a Trump nomination. Rule 40-B used to require a majority in six states but when Congressman Ron Paul met that goal it was quickly changed to eight states. Under control of the insiders the number of states required can be amended to any number to block Trump. Also, the goal of the extended nomination process will be to make it so either no one gets to eight states (or what ever number the establishment changes it to) Then, under the guise of letting “the voters be heard”, the Rules committee will make a more lax Rule 40. H tt p : / / w w w. br e it ba r t. co m /b ig government/2016/03/01/how-the-gop-insidersplan-to-steal-the-nod-from-trump/ Wednesday, March 2, 2016 (Side Note: Apple already gave FBI the cloud data from the phone!) Courtroom disaster! Feds botch case against Apple https://thehornnews.com/courtroom-disaster-fbibotches-case-against-apple/ The FBI may have lost its opportunity to force Apple to help it break into the phones of suspected terrorists and other criminals. Afederal judge ruled Monday that the U.S. Justice Department cannot use a 227year-old law to compel Apple to provide the FBI with access to locked iPhone data, dealing a blow to the government in its battle to gain access to one of the San Bernardino terrorist’s locked smart phone. The ruling, by U.S. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein, applied narrowly to one Brooklyn drug case, but it gives support to the company’s position in its fight against a California judge’s order that it create specialized software to help the FBI hack into iPhones. Orenstein belittled some government arguments, saying attorneys were stretching an old law “to produce impermissibly absurd results.” He rejected government claims Apple was only concerned with public relations. He said he found no limit on how far the government would go to require a person or company to violate the most deeply-rooted values. And he said claims that Apple must assist the government because it reaped the benefits of being an American company “reflects poorly on a government that exists in part to safeguard the freedom of its citizens.” Both cases hinge partly on whether a law written long before the computer age, the 1789 All Writs Act, could be used to compel Apple to cooperate with efforts to retrieve data from encrypted phones. “Ultimately, the question to be answered in this matter, and in others like it across the country, is not whether the government should be able to force Apple to help it unlock a specific device; it is instead whether the All Writs Act resolves that issue and many others like it yet to come,” Orenstein wrote. “I conclude that it does not.” Apple’s opposition to the government’s tactics has evoked a national debate over digital privacy rights and national security. On Thursday, the Cupertino, California-based company formally objected to the California order, accusing the federal government of seeking “dangerous power” through the courts and of trampling on the company’s constitutional rights. The separate California case involves an WEEKLY NEWS 3 iPhone 5C owned by San Bernardino County and used by terrorist Syed Farook. He and his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people during a Dec. 2 attack that was at least partly inspired by the Islamic State group. The couple died later in a gun battle with police. Orenstein, ruling with an eye to the California case, referenced it multiple times in a 50-page ruling and noted that the government request there was far more “intrusive.” The New York case features a government request far less onerous for Apple and its cellphone technology; the extraction technique exists for that older operating system and it’s been used before some 70 times before to assist investigators. Since late 2014, that physical extraction technique hasn’t existed on newer iPhones. In California, U.S. Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym ordered investigators to create specialized software to help the FBI bypass security protocols on the encrypted phone so investigators can test random passcode combinations in rapid sequence to access its data. The court ruling comes one day before a Tuesday congressional hearing that will include testimony from FBI Director James Comey and Apple General Counsel Bruce Sewell on encryption and “balancing Americans’ security and privacy.” Orenstein said he was offering no opinion on whether in the instance of this case or others, “the government’s legitimate interest in ensuring that no door is too strong to resist lawful entry should prevail against the equally legitimate societal interests arrayed against it here.” He noted Congress has not adopted legislation that would achieve the result sought by the government and said it must be discussed by “legislators who are equipped to consider the technological and cultural realities of a world their predecessors could not begin to conceive.” Apple has declined to cooperate in a dozen more instances in four states involving government requests to aid criminal probes by retrieving data from individual iPhones. TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 READERS WRITE Dear Stampede: I am writing in support of your article about veterans. My father was a World War 2 veteran of the Navy. For most of his life he was proud of his service in the military until he came to the realization that his service had nothing to due with preserving freedom for Americans. Instead it had everything to with preserving the jewish international bankers control of our nation. Instead of keeping America free it enslaved us. Once my father realized this he made several attempts at talking with fellow veterans by going down to the local VFW where to his dismay found a bunch of drunks who didn't care about anything but themselves. My father was a Montana cowboy his whole life and was even inducted into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame shortly after his death. It made him sick to see Obama reelected to office. He never thought he would live to see a nigger president. He went to his grave wondering what kind of future his grand kids would have. Sincerely, JohnAbarr -----------------------------------------------------02-24-16 10:11 Hey Rudy I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading the Stampede. Attached is a letter to the Editor. I would however recommend you keep the paper version of your paper. Doing so may cost more but it will help grow your readership because its a lot easier for someone to pass on a copy to a friend rather than telling them to go to the web site.Anyway keep up the good work. JohnAbarr -----------------------------------------------------02-24-16 10:11pm The local refusal to honestly consider the effect the u.s. Military exerts on citizen liberty is revealing and defining. It means we are way past derelict in our duty to monitor and evaluate our military. Where might this unquestioned goose stepping lead? Imagine a pimple-faced idealistic volunteer being sent on Jade Helm maneuvers. (I challenge all the patriot dupes to explain the liberty preservation purpose of Jade Helm.) Hopefully a few of the Jade Helm warriors considered the purpose and role of those maneuvers, but at that point, it’s quite late for our pimple-facedvolunteer to be considering the relationship between the U.S. Military and citizen liberty. Furthermore, how can a patriotic American dodge and cower from these considerations? Well...that was a rhetorical question.) Don’t call yourself a patriot if you cower from seeking the truth. Brad Shultz Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WEEKLY NEWS 6 APPLEGARTH RESPONDS TO AMERICAN LEGION Obama’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel says, “Never let a good tragedy go to waste,” WHICH IS THE REAL SWASTIKA? TheStampedeNews.com Vol 4 No 2 The one on the left is the original. The one on the right is the WWII symbol after rotating the original by 45 degrees.The swastika is the world’s oldest complex symbol which has been demonized by the Jews. The oldest found swastika is around 8500 years old. The word “swastika” comes from India. Traditionally the swastika has been used all over the world on every continent and has almost universally meant good fortune, life, light or other good things. The below article is copied from ReclaimTheSwastika.com Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WEEKLY NEWS 7 Swastika, Ontario was named in the first decade of the 20th century, when the swastika symbol meant little to Canadians outside of "good luck." Prospectors named the Swastika Gold Mine in 1907, and another nearby mine was named the Lucky Cross Mine. The town was incorporated in 1908. Then the rise of Hitler’s war against the Jewish World Bank caused the word "swastika" to fall out of favor quickly with the masses. In 1935, the government of Ontario decided the name of Swastika should be changed, just as Berlin, Ontario had changed it sname to Kitchener during World War I. The residents of Swastika took offense to the name change, and resisted the new name of Winston. The town removed the Winston sign and replaced it with the original name Swastika. Source: mentalfloss.com/article/48761/origins-8-strangest-place-names-canada The swastika has held a place of great importance in India and Asia for thousands of years, and is widely used by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. The swastika is to be seen everywhere across the Indian sub-continent: sculptured into temples both ancient and modern, decorating buildings, houses, shops, painted onto public buses, in taxis even decorating the dashboards of the threewheeler motor rickshaws. Many religious and spiritual books display the symbol. It may well be the most prevalent symbol one will see in India. However, the swastika is not limited to India and Asia. Evidence suggests that the swastika was in use in many other cultures too. For example: The ancient city of Troy, in the northwest of present-day Turkey The Iron Age Koban culture of the Caucasus in Asia minor On prehistoric Vinca artefacts from SouthEastern Europe Amongst the ancient Hittites who lived in the area of present day Syria In Ein Gedi, near Israel's Dead Sea In the Tang Dynasty of China In the 13th Century Amiens Cathedral in France In ancient Greek architectural designs On Native American Indian artefacts including those of the Navajo and Hopi On pre-Christian Anglo-Saxon and Druidic artefacts The swastika was also used widely in the preNazi twentieth century: Dust-covers of books by Rudyard Kipling and other authors Boy Scouts' badges in Britain from 1911 to 1922 Bank notes printed by the 1917 Russian Provisional Government Emblem of the British National War Savings Committee Planes of the Finnish Air force and Army from 1918 until 1944 LatvianAir Force, 1918 until 1934 The Icelandic Steamship Company, Eimskip, from 1914 The Theosophical Society, founded in New York in 1875 In testimony before House of Representatives' Committee, Investigation of Nazi and Other Propaganda . 1935, he said, “You know very well that it (The American Legion) is nothing but a strike-breaking outfit used by capital for that purpose, and that is the reason we have all those big clubhouses and that is the reason I pulled out of it. They have been using the dumb soldiers to break strikes. “Do you think it could be hard to buy the American Legion for un-American activities? You know, the average veteran thinks the Legion is a patriotic organization to perpetuate the memories of the last war, an organization to promote peace, to take care of the wounded and to keep green the graves of those who gave their lives. “But is The American Legion that? No sir not while it is controlled by the bankers. For years the bankers, by buying big club houses for various have tried to make a strikebreaking organization of the Legion. The groups--the so-called Royal Family of the Legion--which have picked its officers for years, aren't interested in patriotism, in peace, in wounded veterans, in those who gave their lives... “No, they are interested only in using the veterans, through their officers.” The Edmonton Swastikas, a Canadian womens' ice hockey team, c.1916. #1 GENERAL OF THE MARINES, SMEDLEY BUTLER, TESTIFIED ABOUT THE AMERICAN LEGION Photo from www.flickr.com/photos/fell/43552490/ TheStampedeNews.com Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Vol 4 No 2 WEEKLY NEWS 8 WILL PICK UP FROM YOUR FIELD CALL BUTCH STANKO 308-360-2127 Future editions of the Stampede Will be published only on the Internet at TheStampedeNews.com Commercial Advertising salesman wanted Apply at The Stampede 308-282-0155 “Who Really Controls Beef Prices? Those who have reason to want to know who really controls the Beef prices, have no option but to read The Score (hardback book with 389 pages) Rudy Stanko should know: he and his family were slaughtering 6000 cows a week.