Untitled - Madras-Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce


Untitled - Madras-Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
Madras - Jefferson County
Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors
Laura Crocker
Chachka Group
Kathy Duman, Realtor
Yarrow Living
Vice President
Star Todd
Madras Computers
Royce Embanks
Studio on 5th
Patrick Boyle, Agent
PayneWest Insurance
John Hatfield~Commissioner
Jefferson County
New Chamber Website
We are excited to invite our members to visit the redesigned Chamber of
Commerce website at www.madraschamber.com. The Chamber Board
has been working to update the website for some time and we are
pleased to announce that the new website is finally ready.
The goal of the new website design is to provide community members
and visitors alike easily accessible information about what is happening in
Jefferson County. We have organized the site to highlight both community and Chamber
events in an easy to view layout. We also have more room to provide details on the events
and activities in the county.
Another important aspect of the redesigned website is we have better incorporated the
Chamber’s new logo, which is featured on signage outside the Chamber offices. I think the
new layout and color scheme present a more cohesive and professional appearance for the
Chamber of Commerce.
We have also had the opportunity to incorporate our region’s tourism branding of “River
Canyon Country” into the website. River Canyon Country is an effort that began two years
ago to boost the regions tourism economy. Sponsored by Travel Oregon, the studio brought
together representatives from Madras, Warm Springs, Crooked River Ranch, Terrebonne,
Prineville and beyond. Projects continue and prominent events, such as the arrival of Cycle
Oregon this month, will further get the word out that Jefferson County has much to offer our
Please check out the new website and feel free to offer feedback on the redesign. Also, join
me in welcoming approximately 2,000 cyclists participating in Cycle Oregon this month.
Don’t forget the Annual Chamber Banquet is Thursday, September 18. Call the Chamber
office at 541-475-2350 for the details!
Tom Brown~Council Member
City of Madras
Patrick Hanenkrat
Public Works
City of Metolius
Aurolyn Stwyer
Red Skye Trading Post & Pawn
Warm Springs
Chamber of Commerce
Office Staff
Executive Director
Joe Krenowicz
Executive Assistant
Helen Houts
Less than a year ago, the Chamber entertained the conversation with Cycle Oregon regarding
hosting the layover for THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN 2014 RIDE. Here we are less than two weeks
away, when 2200 cyclists, along with support vendors, food contractors and related guests arrive at
Juniper Hills Park on Wednesday Sept 10th.
The cyclists will be arriving that afternoon after climbing the hill out of Lake Simtustus, as many call it
a chain breaker section or if it were me, a leg breaker section. And prior to Lake Simtustus, the
previous 67 miles ride originates at Tygh Valley and the route takes them to Simnasho to Kah-Nee-Ta and into Warm
Springs prior to crossing the Pelton Lake Dam.
On Thursday after their Wednesday evening dinner and music entertainment, they will have options to take a short
day trip to Smith Rocks via Metolius and Culver, or stay at Juniper Hills to rest up prior to their departure Friday to
Maupin/Tygh Valley or take up various itineraries planned in the Madras and surrounding areas.
We will have a planned transportation route for their convenience to experience our Art Galleries, restaurants, Fiesta
Latina & Saturday Market at Sahalee Park, visit the Erickson Air Collection, tour the Jefferson County Historical
Homestead at the Fairgrounds, and utilize the Madras Aquatic Center. Identifying just a few of many things to do, to
see and experience during their lay over day.
Why do we do this as a community? To showcase our area for longer future vacations, encourage possible relocation
of businesses and to put the thought that Living where you Work and Play is dog gone great in Jefferson County. We
have a Quality of Life, which is a priority for us that many can and will be envious of us. All in the interest of
enhancing our economic vitality and stability.
So as a business that will be impacted by the Cycle Oregon guests, keep your game up as you always do on a daily
basis for the locals and extend a welcoming hand to our two wheel visitors. To all others, a wave, a smile, and an
acknowledging nod, that we share daily within our community interactions, will only ratify that there is something
special, living in rural Jefferson County.
“Chamber’s Wandering Mystery Camera Clip”…
See last month’s Clip on Page 8 in Member Spotlight.
The “Wandering Mystery Camera Clip” will be a picture of part of a member’s business, or a place, which will be
located in Jefferson County somewhere. We may or may not, give a hint each time, as to the place where the business
is located.
Our purpose is that you are more aware of what and where our member’s
businesses are located. When you look at the photo in the newsletter and
recognize the place of business, call us with the name and location of the
business featured.
The first 10 caller’s names will be put in a pot & the winner will be drawn
from those names for the free business card ad in next month’s Newsletter.
We will announce the winner in our Weekly Email News!
Our “Wandering Mystery Camera Clip” this month is a business in Madras
that is a healthy place and fun too .……..hmmm????
Jefferson County Library Community Film Center
LIBRARY FILM CENTER ~ No Films in July & August
Friday, September 5th ~ SCREEN ON THE GREEN
Movie ~ “FROZEN”
Dress in favorite costume for Frozen!
Sahalee Park at 7th & B Street, Madras, Oregon
All Films are FREE!
Refreshments available at all films!
“100 Years in Jefferson County”
2014 Annual Awards Banquet
Madras ~ J.C. Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, September 18th ~ 6:00pm
We need sponsors for this event! The levels of Sponsorships are….
Presenting ~ $1,000 / Title ~ $500 / Corporate ~ $250 / Table ~ $100
We would love to put your business name up on the wall
& on tables as a sponsor for the event!
Make your reservations early for this, as there is limited seating!
Give us a phone call, or email, & help make the event successful!
541.475.2350 or Office@MadrasChamber.com
As our growing season winds down, now is the perfect time to revel in our
growing successes. Gardeners throughout Central Oregon are invited to meet
at Madras Saturday Market in Sahalee Park to enter samples of their harvest
at a free “Grow & Show” event Saturday, September 13th. Entries will be
accepted starting at 9:30am, judging starts at 11 am. A tomato tasting begins
at 12 noon, followed by a Gardener’s Roundtable discussion at 1pm The event
will be held in the park under the shade trees.
For entry forms and info, contact the Madras Garden Depot at
541 475-2068 or ifo@madrasgarden.com
Budget Inn
Central Electric Co-op (1992)
Jay Patel, Owner
Redmond, OR 541.548.2144
Madras, OR 541.475.3831
Papa Murphy’s Pizza (2009)
Sonny’s Motel
(2005) Cheryl & Jeff Long, Owners
Jay Patel, Owner
Madras, OR
Madras, OR 541.475.7217
Alpha Omicron Chapter (2012)
Cascade Ridge Apartments (7-14)
Margo Tathwell
Virginia Runge
Daphne & Tim Wuest, Owners
Individual Membership
Madras, OR
366 SW “M” Street
Pape Machinery (9-2014) Madras, OR
Madras, OR 97741
Mike Poston, Mgr.
Bottomline Bookkeeping (2006)
Willow Canyon Properties Mgmt.
2347 SW Hwy 97
Bosh Properties, Ltd. (1992) Mitzi Shepherd, Owner
P: 541.475.8000
PO Box 28
John & Brenda Curnutt
Madras, OR
E:donna@willowcanyonproperties.com Madras, OR 97741
Madras, OR 541.475.3105
P: 541.798.5660 / 475.6116
S&L Farms
Madras Garden Depot (8-2014) E: mposton@papemachinery.com Carson Oil Company (2005) Harold & Nancy Siegenhagen
Karen McCarthy/Marilyn Clark
www.agriculture.papemachinery.com Dustin Corwin, Mgr.
Madras, OR
1665 N. Hwy 26
Prineville, OR 541.447.6581
PO Box 272
Wolfe Trucking & Equipment
Madras, OR 97741
Midland Realty
Services, Inc.
P: 541.475.2068
Sharon Brackett, Owner
Chris Wolfe, Owner
E: info@madrasgarden.com
Madras, OR 541.475.6161 Madras, OR
W: www.madrasgarden.com
John Perkins Construction & Home
494 NE Miller Street
Madras, OR 97741
P: 541.815.6607
E: j.perkins4@me.com
Western Title and Escrow
Nicole McConnell-Steuart
212 SW 4th Street, Ste.306
Madras, OR 97741
P: 541.460.5105
E: nicoles@westerntitle.com
W: www.westerntitle.com
Helping You Paralegal Services
Janet McCasland
Madras, OR
Bryant, Lovlien & Jarvis, PC
Bob Lovlien, Owner
Bend, OR
Congratulations to Dave Carlson with D’s Lock
& Keys, LLC for the lucky draw of the Mystery
Camera Clip in the August Newsletter. Good
Luck to you in your quest of finding the Mystery
Clip in this month’s issue on Page 2.
The summer is fast coming to a close, as far
as outdoor events and for some folks the travel
season. School is starting across the country, so
that puts an end to a lot of vacation time for
families. However, it begins the sports programs
and the family participation in activities that
are involved with sports.
The Chamber is still involved in events
throughout the year, with the networking events,
Coffee Cuppers and Business After Hours, as
well as the Annual Awards Banquet on the 18th
of this month. This is a great event for
meeting and networking with a lot of our
members and a good time to have a fun evening.
Make sure you make your reservations early,
as seating is limited. The dinner will be catered
by Joe Davis at Black Bear Diner, with the ladies
from Alpha Omicron Sorority taking care of the
table service. This year we will be entertained by
the Centennial Players with skits depicting the
history of our County.
Another very fun event that is happening this
month is the City of Metolius’ Spike and Rail
Day. Starting with a Walk/Run and Parade in the
morning and followed with lots of activities and
music the rest of the day. Bring the whole family
and spend the day!
We invite you to visit the Chamber’s website calendar
for events in Jefferson County that you, your family and
friends may want to take in and
enjoy. Better yet, stop
by the Chamber and we will be glad to assist you from our
wall of event brochures and flyers. Thank you!
Office: (541) 323-4900
Jefferson County Arts Association and
Jefferson County Safe Routes to School Program
Contact: Maura Schwartz
Phone: 541.325.1064
e-mail: schwartzbeer@gmail.com
Sharon Miller
Bikes For Sale – $25 Fund Raiser
Not your ordinary bicycles for sale. These bikes are wonderful, colorful, metal bicycle silhouettes, perfect as a
wind vane for your garden, business or other special place.
The bicycles were designed by Studio on 5th artist Sharon Miller as wind vanes or garden ornaments. The stem is
not attached for easy shipping and storage. Central Oregon Artists for Hope coordinated the metal work with Deer
Ridge Correctional Institute. The bicycles were hand painted by the first two organizations. The bikes will be for
sale for $25 for one and $45 for two. All proceeds go to support two non-profit organizations in Jefferson County,
The Jefferson Co. Arts Association and Jefferson Co. Safe Routes to School program.
You can purchase the bikes at Studio on 5th, 220 SW 5th Street, Madras, at Art Adventure Gallery, 185 SW 5th,
Madras, or at the Cycle Oregon camp in Juniper Hills Park on September 10 and 11. Look for the Madras/
Jefferson Co. Chamber of Commerce community booth.
Jefferson Co. Arts Association – operates the Art Adventure Gallery on 5th Street in Madras. The Art Adventure
Gallery was created to capture the breadth and character of local works and bring them to residents and visitors of
Central Oregon. It is a cooperative effort of the artists involved and the Madras community. It is staffed and
managed by volunteers. The Jefferson County Arts Association acts as a forum where all forms of art are fostered
and creative and intellectual achievements are celebrated. It offers three annual art scholarships to youth
continuing in art.
Jefferson Co. Safe Routes to School Program teaches bicycle and pedestrian safety to elementary school
students. The goal is to promote safe routes for students to walk and ride bicycles to school and beyond. It is a
federally funded program, but locally it must find its own
funds for helmets, bicycle parts and repairs.
PO Box 770 - 274 SW 4th Street
Madras, OR 97741
P: 541.475.2350
E: office@madraschamber.com
Published by:
Chamber Office Staff
Sept. 4
Art Adventure Gallery Artist’s Reception—185 SE 5th Street in Madras—5:30-7:00pm
Sept. 5
Coffee Cuppers hosted by Keith Mfg.& ChachKa Group, at 401 NW Adler St., Madras-8am
Sept. 5
‘Screen on the Green’ presents “FROZEN” at Sahalee Park. Entertainment starts at 7:30pm
Sept. 6,13,20 Madras Saturday Market-Sahalee Park-7th & B Streets in Madras
Sept. 6
MAC Dash - Madras Aquatic Center - Madras
Sept. 6
Art Adventure Gallery’s Fundraiser Dinner at Museum at WS - Call: 541.475.7701
Sept. 9,10
Jefferson County Schools Begin! Watch out for children!
Sept. 10-12 Cycle Oregon 2014 in Madras at Juniper Hills Ball Parks. Say Welcome to the Cyclists!
Sept. 12
Coffee Cuppers hosted by Living Hope Christian Center at 25 NE “A” St. in Madras,8am
Sept. 13
Metolius’ Spike and Rail Celebration & #9 Centennial Skits & Presentation in City Park
Sept. 12,13 Fall Wool Gathering 2014 in Shaniko, OR—All Day!
Sept. 16
Madras-J.C. Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting - Chamber Conference Room - 12:00pm
Sept. 16
Girl’s Night Out-Fireside Room at First Baptist Church, 85 NE A Street. 6:00pm - Madras
Sept. 18
No After Hours Networking Event this month! See you at the Awards Banquet!
Sept. 18
2014 Chamber Awards Banquet ~ “100 YEARS IN JEFFERSON COUNTY” at
The Inn at Cross Keys, 66 NW Cedar St. in Madras-6pm
Sept. 19
Coffee Cuppers hosted by Double Press Mfg. at 515 MW Cherry Lane, Madras-8am
Sept. 23
First Day of Autumn!
Sept. 26
Coffee Cuppers hosted by JC Health Dept. at 715 SW 4th Street in Madras at 8am
Sept. 27
M.O.C.A. Pancake Breakfast at Metolius Depot - 8-10am

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