Madras-Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
Madras-Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER NEWS—APRIL 2015 Madras - Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Kathy Duman, President Eagle Crest Properties ~ Yarrow Living Realtor Aurolyn Stwyer,Vice President Red Skye Trading Post, WS Star Todd, Treasurer Madras Computers Royce Embanks Studio on 5th, Madras 2 Spring is here! However, it doesn’t seem like we had winter with all the warm days keeping us teased that spring was here. With the warm weather, the lawns seem to perk up and need mowing. The daffodils are blooming and flower beds are screaming clean me up. Most of us are out there on these warm spring days in our yards making them ready for the summer months so that we can hit the lake or take a bike ride or maybe just walking on many of the trails around Jefferson County. However, there are the less fortunate that may be house bound or not physically able to get out in their yards and do that much needed yard work. Here is where I hope we are all able to take an afternoon and volunteer our time to helping those less fortunate have a beautiful yard that they may enjoy as well. May you all have a Happy Spring!!!! Laura Crocker ChachKa Group, Madras Patrick Boyle PayneWest Insurance, Madras Carol Tollefson Director OSU COARC, Madras Mike Ahern, Commissioner Jefferson County Pat Hanenkrat, Director City of Metolius Jim Leach, Council Member City of Madras Office Staff Joe Krenowicz Executive Director Helen Houts Administrative Assistant 2 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL2015 3 Independent Small Businesses are the core of our local economy that includes our retail sector, the agriculture industry surrounding our communities and the large employers in the industrial sites. Nationally, 99% of these Small Businesses employ less than 500 people accounting for 52% of all the U.S. workers. The 2015 Oregon Legislation is in full session, which the Madras~JC Chamber is participating with the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce in monitoring activities that can impact Small Business negatively and positively. At this time, nothing has come to the floors of the Senate or House that will be a positive. To the seriousness of many anti-business bills, a coalition of twenty Oregon industry, agricultural and small business advocates released a list of the “2015 Job Killer Bills” calling attention to the cumulative impact that the proposals will have on Oregon’s job climate and economic recovery. The Chamber has actively voiced concerns and has taken positions on a half a dozen of many bills that pose serious implications to businesses in recovery mode coming out of the greatest recession let alone for their continuing financial health. If you would like to have the impact summary and put on our list of the ongoing status of the “2015 Job Killer Bills” call Helen or myself with your request. If you’re so inclined, your assistance on input, advocacy of positions and have contacts that can advocate to the seriousness of many legislative bills, it can only be to the benefit to all. Give me a call at 541.475.2350 or email me at A small group has been meeting at the Metolius train depot with the desire to organize the North end of the Depot and eventually display the railroad artifacts during different events. Currently the group is looking for those that have knowledge of train memorabilia, or just have an interest in the railroad history and want to be involved. If interested, please call Tryna Muilenburg at 541.325.2269 or Bob Bozarth at 541.977.1446. The date for the next meeting will be Tuesday, April 7th at 5:00pm. Train and Railroad buffs are welcome! “Chamber’s Wandering Mystery Camera Clip”… See last month’s Clip on Page 9 in Member Spotlight. Congratulations to Martti Rahi with PayneWest Insurance for the lucky draw of the Mystery Camera Clip in the March Newsletter. Good Luck to you in your quest of finding the Mystery Clip in this month’s issue. The “Wandering Mystery Camera Clip” will be a picture of part of a member’s business, or a place, which will be located in Jefferson County somewhere. We may or may not, give a hint each time, where the business or place is located. Our purpose is that you are more aware of what and where our member businesses are located. When you look at the photo in the newsletter and recognize the place of business, call us with the name and location of the business or place featured. GOOD LUCK! The first 10 caller’s names will be put in a pot & the winner will be drawn from those names for the free business card ad in next month’s Newsletter. We will announce the winner in our Weekly Email News! 3 Our “Wandering Mystery Camera Clip” business’ staff this month are always ready to show off their inventory to you…...hmmm???? CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 4 Office: (541) 323-4900 Jefferson County Library Film Center Friday, April 3rd 7:30pm Friday, April 10th 7:30pm Friday, April 17th 7:30pm Friday, April 24th 7:30pm “Elsa and Fred” PG13 - 2014 remake with Stars: Shirley MacLaine & Christopher Plummer “Monsieur Lazhar” PG13 - Canadian Film Nominated Best Foreign Film 2012 “No Film” - Community Read Events “Calvary” R - Set in Ireland All Films are FREE! Refreshments available at all films! 134 SE “E” Street ~ Madras, Oregon ~ 541.475.3351 ~ Rodriguez Annex 4 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 5 5 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 TS&S Ford Madras Matt Thomas, Owner Ricky Suganuma, Manager 1733 SW Hwy 97 Madras, OR 97741 541.475.7204 Car Dealership & Service Shop Madras Tire Factory Angela Keeton, Contact 755 SW Hwy 97 Madras, OR 97741 541.475.6663 Tires & Repairs Best Buy Signs & Trophys (2008) Darby & Gary Campbell, Owners Madras, OR 541.923.1978 W.S. Community Action Team Chris Watkins, Exec. Dir. (2012) W.S., OR 541.553.3148 Indian Head Casino (2012) Harold Baugus, Gen. Mgr. W.S., OR 541.460.7777 Ron & Joan McDonald (2009) Individual Membership Madras, OR Wilbur Ellis (2008) John MacKenzie, Mgr. Madras, OR 541.475.9474 Eagle Bakery (2009) Rob & Faye Birky, Owners Madras, OR 541.475.4593 Lake Simtustus (2008) Carl & Debi Johnson Madras, OR 541.475.1085 Miracle Ear (2014) Hearing Health Care Bend, OR 541.330.5503 6 Hooker Creek Companies, Inc. (2006) Bend, OR 541.389.0981 American Red Cross (2010) Jen Collins Bend, OR 541.749.4196 SkansKa USA Building, Inc. Julie Hyder (2013) Bend, OR 541.504.9525 High Desert Automotive Supply, Inc., NAPA Auto (2007) Aspen Court Assisted Living William Titan, Mgr. Concepts, LLC (2009) Madras, OR 541.475.7274 Madras, OR 541.475.6425 Bullet Rental & Sales, Inc. Ken Black, Mgr. (2001) Bend BroadBand (2010) Madras, OR 541.325.5544 Baja Broadcasting TDS Bend, OR 541.382.5551 NW Farm Credit Services Jessica Hanna (2008) Redmond, OR 541.504.3500 Madras Computers (2011) Star & Casey Todd, Owners Madras, OR 541.475.3123 Madras Speedway,Inc (2013) Debi Arnold, Mgr. Madras, OR 541.389.7518 JC Youth Organization, dba Kid’s Club (2008) Madras, OR 541.475.7028 Madras Gospel Mission (2010) Madras, OR 541.475.2064 Ashley Manor, LLC (2014) Madras, OR 541.475.7635 Obsidian Seed Co. (2009) Sean Vibbert, Owner Madras, OR 541.475.7309 Bottomline Bookkeeping(2006) Mitzi Shepherd, Owner Madras, OR 541.815.6936 Geno’s Italian Grill (2006) Gene & Debbie Burke Madras, OR 541.475.6048 3 Peaks CrossFit (2013) Marissa & Claude Smith Madras, OR 541.475.7500 Pacific Office Automation Doug Judish (2008) Bend, OR 541.388.1276 The Madras Round-Up (2006) Andee Simmons, Owner Madras, OR 541.475.6868 Sweet Virginia’s B&B (2006) Tryna Muilenburg, Owner Metolius, OR 541.546.3031 Sweet Virginia’s B&B (2006) Tryna Muilenburg, Owner Metolius, OR 541.546.3031 6 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 7 7 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 8 8 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 99 Metolius Spike & Rail Celebrates Railroad Heritage From it’s earliest days, the City of Metolius has been influenced by the railroad and it’s heritage. In 1911 the railroad had made it’s way to Metolius and the train depot and a roundhouse were built at that time. The train depot’s interior provided living quarters for a telegrapher, separate waiting rooms for men and women, a freight room and warm room for baggage. Within six years of the depot’s installation, the City of Metolius was bustling with a population of 1,700 residents. In the 1920’s, with the railway extending to the south, most of the depot operations were moved to Bend and the Metolius depot saw less activity until it completely closed in the late 1970’s. For many years, the City of Metolius hosted the annual Spike and Rail event celebrating their railroad heritage. The past celebrations included a kids pageant (crowning a king and queen), a parade, games and a dunk tank at the park, music in the park, an auction of items ranging from home-cooked pies to a semi-truck load of logs and a beef cooked in an underground pit. After an absence of nearly twenty years, the Spike and Rail event was resurrected during Metolius’ Centennial celebration in 2011 and has been celebrated every year thereafter on the second Saturday of September. Though the celebration has changed some, the railroad pride is still strong. Recently, the celebration has included a raffle, a parade of old cars and kids on bikes, 5K walk/run, family bike ride, games and dunk tank at the park, beer garden, hamburgers and hotdogs, music and the Crooked River Ranch kid train. While gearing up for the next Spike and Rail event, which is scheduled for September 12, 2015, the City Council and City Staff are currently investigating the possibility of having a model train club set up in the train depot during the Spike and Rail event. 9 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 10 10 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 11 April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness month. Esophageal Cancer: Esophageal cancer can occur anywhere along the lining of the esophagus. It’s relatively uncommon in the United Sates, and the rates of esophageal cancer have been fairly stable in this country for many years. Symptoms of esophageal cancer generally do not appear until the disease is advanced. As the tumor grows, the most common symptom is difficulty swallowing. Cancer of the esophagus can also cause chest pain or burning and frequent choking on food. Because of these problems, weight loss is common. Signs of more advanced cancer include pain while swallowing, hoarseness, hiccups, pneumonia, and high calcium levels. Cancer of the esophagus usually is diagnosed at a late stage and therefore has a poor outlook for survival. This kind of cancer can be reduced by stopping- OR NEVER STARTING- tobacco use and by moderating alcohol use. Screening endoscopy for people at high risk for this cancer can help increase early detection rates. For more information, feel free to contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS -2345 or or by contacting Lauren Olander, American Cancer Society, Community Manager, at or 541-728-4378. 11 CHAMBER NEWS— APRIL 2015 PO Box 770 - 274 SW 4th Street Madras, OR 97741 P: 541.475.2350 E: Published by: Chamber Office Staff 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26
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